The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Nov 18, 2004


The Professor and Sean - Part 49

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

A special thank you to my editor, Wayne, whose conscientious editing contributes to the quality of the storytelling. He is a real friend, a gentlemen, and a competent man.


"We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive"

The Professor and Sean - Part 49

(Ryan narrates)

After our lovemaking in the shower, we quickly finished washing, stepped out and dried off. I stopped a couple of times to kiss Sean softly on the lips. I loved to touch his naked body, to run my hands over his nearly smooth contours. We dressed in shorts and T-shirts and stayed barefooted. I held him close again, kissing his ears and whispering to him how much I loved him. He returned the gentle kisses and finally said,

"I love you, Hon, but could we have breakfast and get to opening our gifts. I'm excited and I want you to see some of the things that I got for you."

"You're right, Baby, let's get to the kitchen and whip up something easy and quick so that we can get to the gifts. A late dinner okay with you, say around four this afternoon?"

"Sure, anytime you want will be fine with me," he said as he headed toward the kitchen with me in tow.

In short order we had scrambled eight eggs and had a plate of toast and English muffins ready to go. Large glasses of ice-cold orange juice, hot coffee and cold milk for Sean made up our quick breakfast. We sat across the counter from each other, smiling as we ate, each of us, I am sure, considering the reaction of our partner when certain of our gifts were opened. As usual, nothing had to be refrigerated because Sean ate all that remained.

"Let's get these dishes taken care of, and then, my hot lover and darling husband, we can have Christmas together. I am so excited. Are you excited, Hon?" he asked with enthusiasm.

"Of course I am, Baby. First of all, I am with you, which by itself is exciting, and then there is the excitement of opening packages and seeing the reaction we have to our gifts. I just thought of something, Baby. Should we call Mom and Dad now, before we open gifts?"

"No, not yet. We'll want to tell them about what Santa brought us, won't we?" he said.

"Right as usual. You're a wonder, Baby."

"Kiss me and give me a hug, Hon. Then it's time for Santa!"

I took my young lover into my arms and held him tenderly. I looked deeply into his beautiful blue eyes, seeing in them only love and wonder. I leaned to him and kissed him softly on his luscious, full lips, trying as best I could to transmit my total love to him. He responded by tightly hugging me and firmly kissing me . I didn't want to let him go. Again, this beautiful man, my lover, my partner, my husband had moved me emotionally and sexually. I knew that at that moment I wanted him sexually as much as I could ever remember wanting him. How was I to handle this moment. He solved it for me.

"Ry, there's something important I need to ask of you."

"Well, ask me. You know there aren't too many things that I wouldn't do for you. So ask me."

"I want you to make love to me, right now, this minute. The gifts will have to wait."

I simply took his hand and we walked to the bedroom. We stood for a while in each other's arms, enjoying our closeness, our joy, and our desire to be together as one. We both removed our shorts and T-shirts, not having to bother with underwear as neither of us was wearing any.

We moved slowly to the bed. Sean crawled to the center of the bed and lay upon his back, his legs spread, his penis erect. I just marveled at his body, so beautiful, so sexy, so inviting. He extended his arms and I moved into them, covering his body with mine, our erections rubbing together as we kissed with growing passion, each tasting the interior of the other's mouth. I made slow and emotion-filled love to my wonderful Sean. Our climaxes were thrilling and brought us still closer. After our lovemaking, we took a short nap. I was awakened by Sean who was now slowly sucking on my erect cock. I was dazzled.

I sighed deeply and told him,

"I want you in me, Baby. I want you to make love to me to fill me with your seed. I want to feel you deep in me, letting me know that we are indeed married. Please, Baby, fuck me."

For an answer, he pushed my legs back and I clasp them in my arms and pulled them tightly to my chest, thereby opening them and making my twitching hole available to him. He leaned in, kissing my penis and licking my balls, and then moving his tongue up my ass crack to my anus. He swirled his tongue around my hole, driving me crazy. And then he pushed his tongue into my hole. I had grabbed the sheets in both hands and was holding them so tightly that I almost lost the feeling in my fingers. He quickly lubed my hole and soon had three fingers deep in me,

"Sean, please, Baby, fuck me. I want your beautiful cock in me, soon to fill me with your cum. Please," I almost begged. Again his answer was to rub his cock head against my sphincter, and then slowly, but without stopping he pushed his entire manhood into me. I felt his balls slapping my ass, and I was suddenly overcome with lust and love and I wanted him to make me his, to become the master of this lovemaking session.

"Are you okay, Hon? I don't want to hurt you. I love you so much," he told me gently.

"Oh, Sean, my beloved, please make love to me. Be firm and deep in your lovemaking."

He laughed a little and asked, "Does that mean you want me to fuck you hard and deep?"

"Yes. That's what I want."

"Your wish is my command. And he slowly fucked me hard and deep for a long time. I could feel my passion rising from my balls and forcing its way up my shaft, soon to explode out of my cock.

"Oh, Baby, I am there, oh yes." It was then that I felt his penis swell and spasm and his hot cum began to fill my hole. My ass muscles tightened around his cock as I began to shoot my cum onto my chest and face, and on Sean also. It was a long, pleasure-giving climax, and we fell together after our passion was fulfilled and quietly began to regain normalcy.

"Wow! You were wonderful, Baby. You made me yours again. I love you Sean."

He raised himself off of my body and smiled at me. He went to the bathroom and returned with a wet cloth which, we used to clean each other of our latest loads of sperm. Suddenly, he was giggling, and said,

"Ry, you know I enjoy this lovemaking and I would normally stay in bed with you and make love all day. But, Hon, I want to open some presents. If we get bored, we can stop and fuck some more. How's that sound?"

"Perfect. Let's get some clothes on and go to the living room and begin to unwrapping gifts..

----------------------------------- (Sean narrates)

We dressed quietly, again in shorts and t-shirts. I kept going to Ry and hugging him and kissing him quickly and softly. I so loved this man. He had saved me from myself in so many ways. He loved me unconditionally, and wanted only the best for both of us. He wanted me for a life partner before he was aware of my inheritance. He had loved me through a terrible time, and it was his love, I am sure, that brought me back from the edge of death. I saw myself as a young, somewhat shallow youth who had been fortunate enough to find this wonderful man who wanted me to be his forever. I could not stop hugging and kissing him. Thankfully, he enjoyed it.

We moved to the living room and Ry made sure that all the Christmas lights were on even though they didn't have the same magic in daylight as they did at night. I looked at the enormous pile of gifts under the tree and was in absolute wonder of it all. I had never had a real Christmas in all the years with my aunt and uncle. And now, with the man I loved above all others, I saw what Christmas was supposed to be; giving of yourself to make someone else happy. I prayed silently that Ry would like his gifts, especially the books.

Ry asked, "So, who's going to be Santa?"

I responded immediately, "I think we should take turns."

"As usual, Baby, you have the best ideas. We will both be Santa. I think you should be first though, Sean, as this is your first real Christmas in many years. I'll take over when, and if, you get sick of it."

I liked that idea and told him so. I searched under the tree and found two boxes that looked about the same as they were shoebox size. One was for him the other for me. I handed his to him, and he asked,

"Do we open these together, or does the youngest go first?"

"Together," I said.

Neither of us was very careful with the wrappings which we ripped off the packages and threw to the floor. We opened the boxes almost at the same second, and we both broke out in laughter, for there were two pair of Italian loafers. We thought alike, as they were even the same color. We kissed each other passionately, almost forgetting for the moment what we were doing. Then practical Ryan said,

"I think we should get something to put the discarded wrappings into so that we don't make too much of a mess. By the way, Baby, I loved the loafers. When I bought them for you, I toyed with the idea of buying myself a pair. Glad that I didn't, and thanks."

"Ry, I almost did the same thing. I love the loafers and I almost bought myself a pair, but then I convinced myself to wait until after Christmas. Thanks, Hon; they are beautiful.

And so it went, through shirts and ties, suits and sport jackets, cashmere sweaters, sneakers, recordings, CD's, underwear...oh, yes, underwear. When Ry opened his package of underwear, I thought I heard an audible gasp. I smiled and almost laughed, but I held the laughter in, and asked in my most innocently sounding voice,

"What do you think of the underwear I picked out for you. I hope you like them. You know, Hon, I thought you would look magnificent in them, as the most important bulge in your body would show best. So what do you think?"

I couldn't believe it, but Ry's face had actually reddened. He looked at me and smiled, swallowed hard and told me,

"Baby, this is the sexiest underwear I have ever owned. I'm not sure that I can do them justice the way you do. I mean, hell, my body isn't like yours. I think I am getting a little flab in places, my stomach is loosening up. I guess they will look okay."

Now was my chance. I stood and smiled at him, took him by his hand and told him,

"I want you to model these for me. It will only take a minute or two. Now get into the first pair."

He reddened even more, and after only a moment's hesitation, he dropped his shorts and somewhat struggled into the first pair which was a thong in red silk. He stood before me, taking my breath away. He was absolutely a handsome, sexy hunk. I went to him and slowly caressed his shoulders and chest. I kissed him and pulled away a little and kissed both his nipples...and I watched as his cock rose against the silk pouch revealing his penis in all its size and glory.

"Look at yourself, Hon. You're so hot, so sexy. I guess that proves my theory: you are handsome and sexy in this type of underwear. If you ever want me, just walk into the room I am in wearing any of the bikinis or thongs I gave you, and I am yours. Believe me, you're hot."

"At this very moment, I am horny as hell. Let's take a little break and have a drink of something."

"Sounds good to me, Hon. Just wait here for a second." I raced to the bedroom and slipped out of my shorts and into my sexiest thong; silver and very tight fitting. I returned to the living room.

"Wow! You look so hot in that thong. If I look half as good as you, then I'm not too bad," he said.

I walked to him and pulled him to me, our hardening cocks rubbing against each other.

"See, Ry, I told you I would be yours if you were in a room in any of that underwear."

He kissed me and laughed, "As usual, you're right. But no sex yet. Let's get a drink, open some more gifts, then maybe a bit to eat for a light lunch. Okay!"

So we did that.

-------------------------------- (Ry narrates)

We had opened many of our gifts, laughing a lot at how we both found clothes for each other that we could take to Florida. Then Sean handed me a small package.

"Open, it Hon, he instructed me.

I pulled off the ribbon and gift-wrap and found a box with the name "Rolex" on it. I took a deep breath. I thought to myself, 'It can't be that; it's just the box that was used. No way.' I just sat there.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Sean Kelly, this had better be just a box you used. I..."

"Open it!" he commanded.

I lifted the cover off the box and gazed down at what was obviously an expensive case. I removed it from the box. I knew it was a watchcase. My hands were shaking as I slowly lifted the hinged cover revealing a beautiful gold Rolex watch. I tried not to, but I gasped. I looked at him and found him smiling broadly. Like a mute I couldn't speak as I was choked up by his generosity. Then his smile melted away,

"You don't like it, Ry? I can return it."

That's when I grabbed him and pulled him to me, and instead of words I began to kiss him passionately.

"Oh. Baby, this it too much. I don't deserve this. I mean, I love it. It's so beautiful. Sean, thank you so much. It's probably the most wonderful gift I have ever gotten. Baby, you are too kind to me," I told him as some tears ran down my face.

Sean was hugging me tightly, kissing my neck and ear. He softly whispered,

"Ry, it can't ever measure up to how much I love you. It's just a tiny example of my love for you. I'm so happy that you like it. Let me see it on your wrist."

I removed the watch from the exquisite box and put it on my left wrist. It was breathtaking.

"It's beautiful, one of the loveliest things I have ever seen. But, Sean, sweetheart, I can't keep this. I mean, it must have cost your thousands of dollars. Really, Baby, this is too much."

"Do you like it," he asked.

"Yes, I love it. It's beautiful."

"Fine," he told me, as he handed me another gift, "now open this!" It was said with authority, so I quickly removed the wrappings and found another jewelry-type box. I opened it, and saw within what looked like an oversized ring box. I looked at Sean with bewilderment in my eyes. He smiled at me and motioned me to open the ring box. Inside I found two gold rings; both had a plain gold face on which had been engraved a capital letter R and S, interwoven by the clever engraver. I was stunned. I just stared at the rings, saying nothing.

Sean spoke quietly and with love, and told me, "I saw these and I knew we both had to have one. Let's try them on, okay?"

"Sure, Baby, whatever you want," I murmured.

The larger of the two fit me perfectly, and the one, which was just a little smaller, fit Sean perfectly. He pulled me to himself and kissed me with tenderness and love. Then he spoke,''

"I want us always to be connected as the letters of our first names are entwinded on the rings. All who know us will know that we are a committed couple."

"I don't know what to say, Sean. I think these are magnificent and they demonstrate to me how mature and thoughtful you are. But most importantly they show me how much you love me and how happy you are to be my partner for life. Thank you, Baby. I love you so much." A couple of tears were running down my cheek, but he would not have the day be anything but happy.

"Enough emotion, kiddo. I will kiss those tears away, but no more. Should we start on things for dinner, or is it too early? We can come back to opening gifts in a few minutes." I didn't argue, but simply got up and followed my love into the kitchen to begin preparation for our Christmas dinner that night.

----------------------------- (Sean narrates)

I was really apprehensive as I watched Ry open the watch. I wondered if he would be angry with me for spending so much on him. It was obvious when he finally saw the watch, that he was pleased. Then he told me he couldn't keep it, that it was too expensive. He kissed me with great passion and I asked if he liked it; he said 'yes', and I told him to put the watch on. It looked great on his wrist. Then I handed him another package, which he opened and found the rings. He was emotional about the rings, tears running down his face. I told him I would kiss those away, which I did, and then we headed into the kitchen to begin preparation for our Christmas dinner.

Our rings looked fine on our right hand ring fingers. We wouldn't remove our wedding rings, but the simplicity of the new rings didn't make us look too bejeweled even though we now had two rings.

In the kitchen, we began getting things ready for dinner. Ry worked on the standing rib roast, and I did the vegetables. We had an animated conversation about the gifts we had received. I wanted to tell Ry that the best was yet to come, but I decided that I would let the gift of the books speak for itself. I was excited about what his reaction would be. Before I knew it we had everything ready for the dinner later Christmas day. I had an overwhelming desire to rush into his arms and kiss him wildly, and engage him in my sexual fantasy of having sex again in the kitchen. This time I imagined him lying on the counter his legs back and his beautiful ass near the edge; his ass cheeks wide spread and his anus waiting for me. It took all my self-control not to mention this to him. He was putting the finishing touches to his cleanup. He eventually realized that I was staring at him, so he stopped and spoke,

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't understand what you mean by the expression 'looking at me like that'. What's that supposed to mean?"

He looked at me and smiled, walked to me, leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips, he answered,

"It's just that your eyes are filled with desire, or sexual energy or something. Is it me, or something I said, or what, that's got you so fired up?"

I laughed, "My, aren't you just so humble. What makes you think it has anything to do with you. I might just be hungry or something."

Ry backed away a couple of steps. He was laughing softly now. He stared at me with no blinks. He reached across the space between us and took my hand in both of his. He was caressing my hand as he took a deep breath and said,

"Well, my husband and lover, it just depends on what you are hungry for. There are, my beautiful young partner, many kinds of hunger. So tell me, is there anything I can offer you that will take care of your hunger?"

Without missing a beat, I responded,

"Yes, your ass."

"Oh, Baby, I will be glad to fill your need. Let's go to the bedroom and feed your hunger." I began to pull him toward the bedroom.

"No! I want to take you right here; on the counter. Just like you took me. I want to fuck your hot tight ass right here, right now. Do you want me in you, Ry?"

He turned, reached in the cupboard and brought out a bottle of cooking oil. Then he quickly removed his shorts and T-shirt. Now naked, he climbed on the counter, laid on his back and shimmied to the end of the counter. His ass, his beautiful ass, was now there for my pleasure. I quickly lost my clothes, knelt at the counter between his legs and pushed my face into his crack, licking and sucking and tonguing his hot hole. He began to moan his appreciation of my skills. I grabbed the bottle of oil and poured some on his quivering hole. I rubbed my hands in his crack getting my fingers oily and slippery. I fingered his hole with one finger, then two, and before I would do three, he spoke, his voice filled with urgency and desire,

"Please, Baby, fuck me. Now, please. I want you in me. I want you to fill me with your cum. I want you to fuck me hard and long. Please, Sean, I need you. Do me."

Without hesitation, I plunged my hard eight-inch cock deep into my lover's ass. He emitted a long, deep guttural groan, adding,

"Oh, Baby, yes. Fuck me, Sean. I love you so much, Baby; I want your seed to fill my guts. Please, Baby, please, fuck me harder, deeper."

With all the power in my body, I plunged deep into his guts, and I increased my speed, which enabled me to fuck him harder and deeper. I was kissing him and playing with his nips, telling him how wonderful a husband he was, how much I loved him, and how much I wanted him now and forever. I was aware that I was getting close to loosing control and cumming deep inside him, when suddenly, without either of us touching his cock, he began to shoot long ropes of white sperm, and as he did, his sphincter tightened around my cock and I started to shoot. Spurt after spurt I shot deep into the recesses of my lover's rectum. For a reason I cannot explain, as I had this remarkable climax, I felt a deep desire to weep, but I held it off and finally enjoyed the closeness and the love. My reverie was broken, when my lover, spoke.

Laughing he said, "Sean, that was so wonderful, but Baby, please I need to move, my back is killing me. This counter is very hard. And you, Baby, followed my requests exactly, pounding the living shit right out of me."

My softening cock slipped out of his hole with an audible pop, but I couldn't let him up just yet.

I leaned in and took his semi-hard cock into my mouth and cleaned it up, sucking the last remnants of his cum into my mouth to taste and enjoy. Then I licked my way to his mouth and shared his cum with him. Suddenly I remembered something that Ry really liked, so I hurriedly went to his bruised ass and licked and sucked out my cum and his ass juices and returned to share it with him. After that kiss, I helped him stand. He took me into his arms and held me softly and tenderly. We stood there like that for a few minutes.

"Did I do it right?" I asked.

"Perfect! Baby, you are awesome, as usual. There's no doubt, my hot lover, that you know how to make love, and to make me yours. Thank you, Sean. I love you! Now, why don't you take a quick shower and I'll pick up the living room. Then I'll shower and you can make the bed, then we can open more gifts."

"That's sounds great. A quick kiss, and I'm off to take a shower."

Ry kissed me softy as I stroked his naked back, my hands lightly rubbing his beautiful ass. I could feel his cock beginning to come to life again, and it was then that he, said,

"Off with you, Baby. No more sex at the moment. We have a whole vacation to make love." As I turned to leave, he gave my ass cheek a playful, loving slap. I smiled to myself knowing that he was really struggling to control his desires. Pretty good for a guy who thinks he's an old man. As far as I'm concerned, he is one hot dude.

------------------------ (Ryan narrates.)

I considered myself lucky that I was able to get Sean into the shower and out of the living room. I hurried to the bedroom, got his gifts from the back of my closet and quickly brought them to the living room, where I secreted them behind the sofa. How I would present them was still somewhat of a mystery to me, but I knew that when the moment came, I would know how to proceed. It actually took me three trips, but I could hear the shower still running, so I didn't worry about being caught.

I did take a few moments to pick up some stray gift-wrapping and ribbon, straighten some cushions, and remove a cup and a glass, and to make the room a little more presentable. I decided as a last thing, to stack our opened gifts in neat piles.

'There', I thought, 'that takes care of that. Now a quick shower and I will have the pleasure of giving my husband and lover the gifts I pray he will appreciate and enjoy.'

I headed to the bathroom with a silent prayer asking God's blessing on both of us. What change a couple of days can make.

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 51

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