The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Sep 24, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 46

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love.

The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


The Professor and Sean - Part 46

(Ryan narrates)

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly as I finished my correcting papers and Sean was intensely in reading the latest Harry Potter book. Before I knew it, it was now almost time for dinner. I didn't feel like cooking, but I wanted to do what Sean wished. I hated to interrupt him, as it was a pleasure looking at him; intent on his reading. I watched him for quite a while until he sensed something, and looked up from the book and smiled at me,

"What's so interesting?" he asked.




"And what's so interesting about me?"

"Do you want a list?"

"Maybe. Is it complimentary?"

"How could it be anything else?" I asked him.

"Just wondering," he replied as he slipped down further into the leather chair, one bare foot under him and the other hanging off the end of the chair. He had tilted his head a little against his hand. He smiled. I melted.

"It will be a very long list. Perhaps there is some other way I might show you why you are so interesting. Would you like that?" I asked, knowing that I was grinning like a fool. He didn't reply, but stretched out his body on the chair, his crotch pushed up toward me. He reached down and pulled his shirt over his head exposing his luscious chest. My cock began a quick and immediate rise to full stiffness.

I stared at him intently and quickly removed my shirt. He gazed at me, his smile widening.

"This wouldn't be sexual, would it?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I was hoping it would be. Not interested?" I asked.

The only answer was that he loosened his belt, undid his fly, and pushed his jeans and underwear down to his ankles. He shook his feet and kicked the clothing away. He then lay back in the chair and spread his legs wide, exposing his gorgeous cock and balls. I was so horny now that I wanted to attack him, but I controlled my desire with more restraint than I ever imagined I had. I thought to myself, 'This is just sex, no love here. I am hot and so is he.'

"See anything you like?" he asked tauntingly.


"You have anything to offer?" he asked, smiling seductively at me.

I removed my sneakers and socks, then my trousers and briefs and stood naked and erect before him.

"This is about it," I parried.

"Acceptable." came the lunge.

"Is that all you have to offer?" I queried.

"No, there's more. Here, check this out," he told me as he turned and knelt on the chair pushing his ass toward me, his legs splayed widely. I could see his rosebud winking at me. I was mesmerized. He reached back and began to use his middle finger on his hot hole. He was moaning.

I choked out, "Nice."

"Do you know what to do with it, stud?" my sexy guy asked.

"I certainly do. Are you hungry for the taste of cock first, or are you anxious for my cock deep in you?"

He laughed. His head was now low on the chair seat, his ass rasied up; both hands moving suggestively over his ass cheeks with an occasional finger playing with his hole. In a very horny voice, he told me,

"Look, stud, I just want you to eat my ass and fuck me hard. Can you do that, or do I need to find a really hot guy who knows what to do with a beautiful hole like mine?".

I didn't respond with words, but knelt on the floor behind him. My face and lips and tongue were in his ass making love to his hole before he could say anything else. He was moaning with appreciation.

"Oh, stud, you certainly know how to eat ass, dude. Come on get me ready for that big cock of yours. I want it all, fucker. I want it deep and long. Can you do it for me?" he taunted.

His dirty talk was turning me on. As I ate his ass, I reached around him and started to jerk his cock. Then I moved off his hole and pulled his cock back between his legs. I sucked on it and licked his balls as I began to finger fuck his hole. He was pushing back against my finger.

"That's it, you hot fuckmaster. Do it to me, make me beg for that huge cock of yours. I want you to fuck me, stud. Come on, climb aboard. I'm open, come on, shove it in me, no condoms either, just your cock and my ass, and I want to feel you fill me with your hot cum. I want..."

I roughly shoved my cock into his hole, surprising him, but not silencing him.

"Oh, you wanna play rough. Go for it big guy."

I did 'go for it', pounding hard and deep into his ass. He was pushing against me, getting all he could of my hard cock. I pulled out of him, flipped him over, pushed his legs back and wide, and entered him abruptly again. As I fucked him hard, I leaned down and kissed him. He had grabbed me in his arms, holding me to him as we kissed wildly and sensually. He was sucking on my tongue so hard that I imagined he might suck all of me into him. His eyes flashed with sexual energy, his cock hard and dripping precum.

When we stopped kissing, his mouth was immediately on one of my nipples sucking it, licking it, biting it. He tweaked the other between his fingers as I fucked him up the ass and stroked his massive cock.

"Harder," he commanded. I complied.

"Deeper," he continued. I tried.

He moved causing us to roll onto the floor where I found him sitting on my cock, looking down at me with total lust in his eyes. He was riding my cock hard and deep. I reached up and started to give him nipple pleasure.

"Oh, yes, you fucking hot dude. I want every inch of you. Come on, fill me."

"Look, you two-bit whore, you could take a telephone pole up that ass of yours and you wouldn't be satisfied." At that moment, I broke our little sexual role-playing and fantasy, and we both laughed a little.

"Oh, Ry, I am gonna come, please, please, fill me. I want you in me. Please." Just as he finished speaking his cock began to spurt out long gobs of white cum, landing on both of us. His ass ring tightened around my cock as he spewed more cum. I reached my peak and began to shoot loads of cum into my lover's ass. We both continued our climax and then lay there on the floor, slowly coming down from our sexual high.

"Fuck that was hot," he told me.

"I'll second that," I told him.

Wrapped together as one, we slowly fell asleep.

Dinner could wait.

------------------------------------- (Ryan Continues)

About an hour later, Sean moved in my arms. I kissed his curly hair on the top of his head and stroked his thigh. He murmured something unintelligible, turned his body and faced me. He opened one eye and slowly produced a sleepy, but satisfied smile.

"Hi, Baby, did you enjoy the nap?" I asked.

He stretched and clasped me to his warm inviting body. He kissed me quickly on the lips and answered me.

"Actually, I liked the workout more than I did the nap. It was awesome, Ry. It was, I guess, just raw sex. I liked it for a change. It stimulated me and I don't think I ever wanted you any more than I did then. I was so hot. You were wonderful, Hon," he told me.

I rolled onto my back and he followed, lying on top of me. He raised himself on his elbows and stared down at me. I smiled up at him and pushed a wisp of hair off his forehead. He was everything I could ever have dreamed about, wished for, thought I would never have.

"I love you, Baby," I told him.

"Ditto," came his reply. Then he leaned down and kissed me on the lips and licked them with his tongue. I felt an urging in my penis. He looked at me again with bright sparkling eyes and asked,

"Did you enjoy the sex we had earlier as much as I did?"

"I did. We need to have just lust-filled sex occasionally. It is fun and hot," I told him.

"Yeah, it certainly was. I wouldn't mind doing it once in a while. You know, Ry, you were an animal," he said with a laugh.

"And you, Baby, were a slutboy. I loved it," was my retort.

He rolled off from me, and lifted my arm, and began to lick my armpit; driving me nearly crazy.

"Stop it!" I commanded.

Laughing, he replied, "Now, Hon, let's not get cranky. It's just your little slutboy trying to get you up for some kinky action."

By this time I was laughing freely and we were rolling about on the floor, each of us trying to get the other in a desired position so that we could tickle. Finally I sat atop Sean, and held his arms down. He was mine. I began to rub my ass against his erect cock. He was groaning. I moved up his body and sat on his upper chest, my hard cock jumping in front of him. He moved his head up and forward licking my cock head.

"Enough," I cried out. "Enough! I'm hungry and I want something to eat. No, not your cock even though that sounds delicious, but a real meal. I'll take care of the other another time. What would you like for dinner?"


"Seriously, Baby. Anything special?"

"I feel like Chinese."

"Great, that means I don't have to cook. Also, let's go out to dinner and not order in. I want to treat you to dinner. Does that sound okay?" I asked him kissing him gently on the lips.

"Sounds great, Lover," he said as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I lay on the floor contemplating my good fortune in having found Sean. Then I realized the shower was running. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. After opening the glass doors, I was in the shower and in the arms of my man. Our shower was affectionate, but we didn't let it get too sexual. We both knew that would come later in our marriage bed. After we toweled each other dry, we dressed quickly in casual, but nice clothes. Grabbing our overcoats, we headed out of the townhouse, but only after arming the alarm. We walked hand in hand to the Rover. I kissed him as if we were about to be parted for a long time; Sean walked to the driver's side as I slid into the passenger seat. Once in the Rover he reminded me to use the seat belt as he attached his. He started the engine and we left the parking lot. It was a very brisk late December night.

"So, Master, where to?" he asked.

"Let's go to "The Lotus Flower". I know it's a respectable half-hour drive from here, but I want to go to a nice place. Sound good to you?

Sean was a careful and fine driver and before we knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. The parking lot was nearly full, but he was able to find a spot only a couple of cars from the front door. We exited the Rover and walked together to the restaurant. The host happily showed us to a fine table, removed from the traffic and noise of the room, in a quiet private place. It had been worth the ten-dollar tip.

He left us with a smile, telling us if anything was not to our liking to ask for him immediately. His name was Lee Sunn.

"He seemed exceptionally attentive to us? You have any idea why?" Sean asked.

"Well, it may have been your sexy good looks, or the ten-dollar bill I handed him. I think it was your great looks," I said.

"Oh, yes, and elephants fly. It's amazing what a ten spot can do in the busy restaurant business.

Thanks for thinking of it, Hon. I love this table," he said with a sigh as he reached out and took my hand in his. He smiled at me and as usual, I was totally his. The damn thing was that he knew it, too. But he looked so serious in every other way that I knew it wasn't sex he wanted to talk about.

"Something on your mind, Baby. You look serious. Tell your loving husband what the problem is and I will try to fix it for you. Nothing you can tell me will make me love you any less, so relax." I watched as he fidgeted in his seat, his beautiful eyes penetrating into my soul.

He reached across the table and took my one hand into both of his. He was gently stroking my hand as he talked.

"Well, it's just that I had thought, that is, if it's okay with you, that we might, or perhaps we should, if you are in the mood, and if we have time, it might prove the time to do it...and"

"If you don't get it out of your mouth soon, it will be New Year's Eve. Now tell me, for heaven's sake."

Sean took a deep breath, leaned in close to me, and said in a very firm and assertive voice,

"We should go to confession tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes. So is there a problem?"

"I didn't know how you would respond to the suggestion, that's all," he stammered to me.

"Why would there be a problem, Sean? I told you I would do it and I am going to do it. Now relax, forget about that, and let's enjoy the evening and dinner. We did both of those things.

Our night in the marriage bed was 'awesome', as my lover would say. It was great, and we both made passionate love to each other. It was glorious. After we were finished, but before we fell asleep, it became very quiet in the room. As I was stroking his back, I asked,

"Are you praying?"

"Yes, I am. Have you said your prayers yet?"

"Just about to begin," I replied.

"That's great. You are such a perfect person, Ry. You amaze me all the time. I'm so lucky."

"Quiet! I'm praying. I'm praying about you. I love you." I kissed him gently on the forehead, and finished my prayers. His regular breathing told me he had fallen asleep. I looked at him in the low light of the bedroom and thought to myself that God could model His angels after him. I put my arm around him and pulled him to me. He moaned quietly in affirmation of our love. I closed my eyes, and soon I was asleep, too.

------------------------------------- (Ryan continues)

When we awoke it was not an early hour; in fact, it was almost eleven. Sean just kept hugging me as he pressed his hard erection into the side of my leg. He had reached over and was leisurely jacking my hard prick.

"What a pleasant way to wake up. Come here, Baby, and kiss me good morning," I announced realizing that it was not the smart thing to say. Sean was immediately on top of me, his tongue nearly in my throat. He was humping me, our two cocks rubbing against each other. I was very horny and within a few strokes I felt my balls pulled up against my body and I knew I was going to cum. I didn't tell Sean. I just let him enjoy himself. I couldn't hold out any longer and I grasped him tightly to me and began to shoot. Almost at the same moment, I could feel his cock spasm and could feel his hot cum mixing with mine on my chest. He was gasping for air, as was I.

"Wow! That didn't take long. Thanks for putting up with me. I know that I am some sort of sex machine, Ry, but I just have to get off."

"Don't apologize, Baby. You're a young guy and your needs are great, but don't think I can't keep up with you. You didn't do anything that I didn't enjoy. Anyway, we're married, so this is perfectly legal sex."

"Yeah, it's great isn't it. I can have you anytime I want, and unless you have a headache, or your old body is too tired, or something like that, I can make you squirm. Boy, is that fun," he said laughing lightly.

Sean rolled away from me and began to get out of bed. I grabbed his foot and pulled him back to me. I got on top of him, and sat on his chest. He smiled up at me. I kissed him tenderly.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing, just wanted to kiss you again."

"Let's get in the shower, big boy, and see what happens," he said as he chuckled.

I just sat there smiling at him and kissed him again. I stroked his face with the back of my hand and then ran my fingers around his nipple. Then I leaned in and licked and sucked on his now erect nipple. Sitting back up, I smiled broadly at him.

"You know," I told him, "I thought it was important to show you that I was ready if I had wanted to be. Let's promise that we will simply take a shower, no fooling around. Promise?"

"No, I won't promise that. If I want you, then I am going to reach for you, Hon. That's the way I want it to be, always and forever. Sorry if that bothers you, because I don't want to be troublesome, but I love you so much. Well, I just love you," he said and I noticed his eyes glistening with moisture.

"Sean, I'm sorry. I was just fooling around, being a monumental asshole. Forgive me, you and I can make love anytime either of us wants to. I will never push you away, or reject you, or tell you I am too tired, or whatever other shit I can't even think of. Come on, Baby, to the shower.

We took a long, leisurely shower, enjoying our bodies, but never getting into real sex. We dried off and dressed and went into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. While I was getting eggs and toast and bacon ready, he went to the mailbox and picked up the mail. I had finished brewing a pot of coffee when he returned.

We sat near each other and began to go through the mail. There were a number of holiday cards from our friends and family. Sean held up a large manila envelope and waved it at me.

"It's from Dan. It's addressed to both of us. Why don't you open it, Hon. It makes me a little nervous. Please."

I took the envelope from him, and using the letter opener, I opened the end. I pulled out a number of papers. The top one was a letter from Dan and Craig. I read the it aloud,

"Dear Sean and Ryan,

"Hope that this letter finds you happy and resting up during your break from school. We decided not to call you, as we wanted you to be surprised (and hopefully pleased) when you see what's enclosed.

"Craig has made some progress on the child thing, but as yet we don't have anything to tell you.

"But the important thing in the envelope are the drawings from the architect showing her ideas for rennovation of the cabin. She and I have spent hours there and I have given her a great deal of information about you two and some of your desires as you had told them to me. I know that you will have many things to add, or probably to change, and that is okay.

"The architect would like your comments as soon as possible so that construction can begin. She wants to have it finished so that you can enjoy it in June. She already has all the crafts and construction teams lined up, so it's really up to you two.

"I hope you like them as much as I do. I think that she has outdone himself. She's an amazing person. Her name is Ellen Grassmere and she represents one of the most notable groups in NYC.

"Look over the drawings and be in touch.

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you from Craig and me.



Sean was in my lap in a second, hugging me and telling me to hurry so we could look at the drawings. When we saw the first sheet, which was a rendering of the finished cabin, we both gasped. It wasn't a cabin anymore. It was a home with such great design that it took our breath away. As we looked through the following drawings, we became more and more excited.

In some places the cabin was three stories. There was a covered swimming pool and Jucuzzi. The master bedroom was enormous and had an amazing bathroom. There was a guest wing with five suites.

On the master bedroom side there were four bedroom with baths for children. There were also three rooms off the kitchen for the staff. It was overwhelming.

And windows, they were everywhere, including three stories of glass to a pointed roof on the side facing the lake. Here is where our bedroom suite was. Our suite included a bathroom of ample size, a huge shower with loads of showerheads, a Jucuzzi-tub that looked out over the lake. In the same area was the all-season pool and Jucuzzi. A short distance away was the game room, library, and study.

And the kitchen took our breath away. It was huge with acres of counter space, an island, a well-defined and large eating area - enough space for a large family. Directly off the kitchen, through a butler's pantry, was the formal dining room. Ellen had written on the dining room - "Must be large enough to seat 16 comfortably and more if necessary, but must be able to be cozy enough for two." There was a four-car garage, a laundry room, and finally, a breathtaking family room with high ceilings and walls of glass. We just sat there in a daze.

Sean finally asked, "What did she forget?"

I laughed, "Just the stable for the horses and a boathouse."

"Look," Sean said, "see what's written here." In the margin of the last page were these notes.

Guys, here are some things that need your attention.

^' at least two drilled artesian wells

^' a water softening system (in the mechanical room)

^' a special system for purifying water (same location as above.)

^' a significantly improved septic system, or if possible

a connection to the town water and sewer (price this out)

^' an improved dock and boathouse

^' check about horses and stables

^' concerns about landscaping

^' driveway design

^' heating and air-conditioning systems

"Please add here any concerns you have. If you wish you may mark on the drawings for placement of doors, windows, etc. At this point anything can be changed, even after framing is up. Think about it. Ellen."

"Wow!" That gal is something else. Sean, these drawings are wonderful. You look just a little unhappy, Baby. What's the matter? Tell me, please," I asked.

"It's nothing, really," he replied.

I looked at him for a long moment, even his smile wasn't right. I didn't want to pry, but I did want to help him, so I decided I wouldn't let it go.

"Sean Kelly, you are not only my partner, lover, and husband, but you are also my best friend. Now just tell me what's the matter. You read what Ellen wrote; anything can be changed. I'm not going to let you get away with this, Baby, it's too important. So let's hear what's bothering you," I insisted.

Then I noticed a couple of tears running down his face, and my heart nearly broke. I pulled him to me, wiped the two tears from his face with the back of my middle finger, and then kissed him softy and with much emotion. He hugged me very tightly and in a tremulous voice, whispered in my ear,

"It's all gone, Hon. The place I knew and loved, where we made love early in our time together. It's gone and with it all those memories, all those things I never want to forget. My Dad and Mom's place. I don't know if I can do this. I just don't know." he said in a tremulous voice, a whisper really, into my ear. I had an enormous lump in my throat and for a split second I couldn't speak, but I immediately found the strength and turned Sean so that he was now sitting in my lap straddling me, his crotch against mine. At that moment, I had no sexual urges. Sean needed some emotional support. What was I to say? Finally, I just said softly, as I tried valiantly to control my emotions.

"We don't have to do anything, Love. We can leave it the way it is. I love it, too. But more than that, I love you, Baby. If this makes you unhappy, then let's just forget it. It's not worth the worry it might cause you," I said as I tried valiantly to control my emotions.

"I wish there was someway we could keep it, somehow tie it into the new place. I can't let it go, Hon. I just can't. And with that he kissed me on the lips with passion and love, and I returned his love, knowing that somehow we would straighten this all out. We sat there, embracing, soothing, making sure that our partner was comfortable. We stayed that way for nearly a half-hour.

"Ryan Taylor, I love you totally. Thank's for listening to me. 'You are the wind beneath my wings.' You uplift me when I am down and unhappy. I know now, Hon, what soulmate means. You, Ry, are my soulmate. Please love me forever." He placed his head on my shoulder and sighed. I stroked his beautiful blond hair. He snuggled closer and I sensed he had fallen asleep. I had some tears in my eyes, and I chose then to whisper in his ear,

"Oh, God, forgive me for doubting you. You must love me because you gave me Sean. Thank you. I love him so much, Dear God, so much. He makes me a man; he fulfills me. Please help him through this difficult decision process. He so wants to do the right thing for everyone. I want you to know, God, that he is one of your best examples of a good person, a lover of people, a helper of the needy. He has brought me back to you; please accept me and forgive me. Thank you, Dear God."

I finished my prayer, picked up my lover, and carried him to our bed. I placed him on the bed and drew a throw over him. I kissed him tenderly on the forehead, marveling again at his beauty and serenity, and I quietly tried to leave the room.

"Don't go, Hon. Come here and hold me. My mind is filled with memories of the cabin. I can hear the wind like that night on the beach. I think they want to talk to me again, Ry. I'm scared."

I was on the bed and he was in my arms. I hugged him, and cradled his head on my neck. He was trembling and I was at a loss as to what to say, but it just came out of me,

"Let them come, let them speak to you again. They love you and know that you are troubled and they know it is about the cabin. Just relax, Baby, just let it happen. He didn't respond, but I felt something akin to an electrical charge course through my body. I could feel Sean shudder."

"Mommy, Daddy, I love you. Yes, Daddy. I know. You told me that before. It's just that. I know, Mommy. Of course, I love him, more now than before. Yes. I guess you're right. I wish I could hug you." Sean giggled a little. "Oh, yes, Mommy, Ry is a great hugger. Yes, I'll do that. What? Why? Please don't, please. Yes, I understand. I love you. I always will love you. Goodbye, Mommy, Daddy." Sean's body slumped against mine, and I was frightened that he might not be all right.

"Baby, answer me! Are you okay? Please, answer me!" I was getting frantic now. I sat up and tried to feel for Sean's pulse. It was then that he stirred. I hugged him so tightly I thought I might break him, but I wanted him here safe in my arms, away from all that frightened him. I needed him close to me, for he gave me strength. He turned so that he was looking into my eyes, and spoke in a hoarse whisper.

"My Mom and Dad were just here. Did you hear them? I told them I loved them. Daddy told me I had to live my own life. He said memories are fine, but they should not determine your life. I told him I knew that. I tried to tell them about the cabin, but Mommy interrupted me and asked if I still loved you. I told her I loved you more now than before. I wanted a hug and they asked me if you were a good hugger. I told them yes, and they smiled and laughed. Then they told me something so profound that at first I didn't really understand. They told me that the cabin did not control memories. It was a place where we loved and shared. That memory wouldn't disappear just because the building was gone."

Now, there was increased emotion in his voice and I wondered what else had happened. I did not have long to wait as his voice, clothed in great sorrow, began again,

"They told me they couldn't come back again to help me. They couldn't tell me exactly why, but they insisted that I turn to you for my help. They knew how much you loved me, how much you support me. They told me that you would find the answers. I told them that I understood and that I loved them, and then, as quickly as they came, they disappeared saying they loved me, then there was just silence. Then everything went black and I heard your voice. Please, hold me tight."

"I am always here for you, Baby. Just trust me to help you if I can. That's all that I ask. Well, more important than that, is that I want you to love me always, Sean, always. We need to live our lives, Lover. We need to continue to build our own memories; those memories will sustain us, too. Your parents were right, Sean. The cabin doesn't make us remember. It's our hearts, our souls, that take us back in life to a special time and a truly special place. But the place doesn't have to be physically there, anymore than what we did or didn't do still exists, because it doesn't. But stored in our hearts and souls are those important things, which, I believe stay with us even when we are called away from this existence. If God called you back, do you think I would forget you because you were no longer here. No! I would be in anquish, I would feel deep pain and loneliness, but I wouldn't forget you, never. Do you understand?" I was filled with emotion, which spilled out of my tear-filled eyes.

"Oh, Hon, I am sorry. I do understand. I do care. I will always remember. I could never forget you, never. I don't want to think about that. Look, Ry, let's tell them to go ahead with the building. I'm okay with it. Now relax, Hon. Here, kiss me, please."

As I kissed my beloved, I began to hatch a plan that I hoped would help my partner to continue to enjoy his memories of the cabin. Holding each other, we fell asleep again, early in the day. I think the strong emotions had exhausted us.

I awoke some time later and looked at the clock. It was nearing two o'clock. I tried to move, but he would have none of it.

"Don't move, Ry. Stay with me, please. Don't leave me," he said with a voice edged in sleep.

"Sean, it's two o'clock. What time is confession?"

He sprang up and was sitting on the bed. He looked sleepy and somewhat frazzled. He kissed me quickly and said,

"I'm off for a quick shower. If you come shower with me, it will take us a little longer, but I would welcome that. Confession is at four. Now move it, Hon," he said and playfully slapped my butt. I pulled him back down, attacking him with kisses and tickles. He was delighted. What I had intended to be a playful kiss soon turned into something much more meaningful. Suddenly we were tearing at each other's clothes and were soon naked and very hard.

"Please." was all he said. I rolled him to his back, pushed back his legs and paid homage to his pink blinking anus. With some precum from his cock and the ample amount on mine, I rubbed his anus and put a finger into him and found his prostate. He whimpered.


I placed the head of my penis against his anus and pushed; sliding into him with little difficulty. His love channel was so warm and moist, that I was soon overcome by desire. I made love to him until we both were at the peak of the mountain and leaped over into a sublime ecstasy. Hovering above the coarse reality of the present, our beings pushed into another dimension, enjoying our climax simultaneously. It was a long time before our breathing and heartbeats returned to anything normal. We had been gasping for air, but that had slowly returned to normal.

Finally able to speak, Sean summed it up completely when he said,

"Awesome!" ------------------------------

St. Clement's Church was a small Catholic Church that was nearly empty during college breaks and summer recess. It was a modest church by any standard. Father Bouchard (Father Jim to the regulars). was a young priest, probably in his early thirties. He was a large man, angular, but as gentle as a butterfly. He loved people, all people. He didn't make exceptions. Sinners were welcomed in his church because he saw his vocation as being one to save these people. He didn't believe in fire and brimstone sermons or with threatening sinners with eternal damnation: that was God's job.

He used the open-room concept for confession, where he would sit facing the person and they would talk and discuss the idea of sin and how forgiveness is obtained. He realized that not all communicants would accept that, so he also heard confessions in the traditional way, but only those only after the others were finished. He had heard so many kinds of sins that he imagined there could not be anything he had not heard.

His life had not been easy. One of eight children, he was raised by a sainted mother and an alcoholic father. His desire to become a priest probably resulted from his need to escape the confusion of his home. His mother accepted his decision with a silent and peaceful acceptance of God's will. Not so his father; here his decision was met with derision. His father called him various names including queer. It was like a sword piercing his heart, but he bore the pain for the sinners of the world.

Packing for the seminary had been simple as he had little worldly goods. He felt like an early saint who had cast away all that was his so that he could concentrate on Christ. But Jim knew better. He knew that he had nothing to cast away. He left his home with one small suitcase. He wore his best clothes and left the remainder at home. Tim, one of his younger brothers, would soon grow into the well-worn clothing. With him he took a razor, a toothbrush, some clean underwear and socks, his prayer book, his rosary, and some family pictures. He knew it would be a long time before he returned to his family and their home.

His success at seminary was great. He suffered, however, from the manner in which his fellow seminarians treated him. He was easily the outsider. His life of poverty had left its marks on him. His teeth were bad, his complexion was covered the acne scars, his ears stuck out, and his body was slim, and looked a little like a skeleton covered with skin. As the years passed, his appearance improved, thanks to good food, reasonable health and dental care, and the good fathers who always treated him with love and caring. He had spent some time in Rome where he found his real calling: he would work with the poor, the homeless, the wretched of the world as his heroine Mother Theresa did. But life turned on him and that expectation was never met.

Father Jim returned to the states and was assigned his parish, St. Clement's near the college. He didn't know it then, but he would find here in this peaceful academic setting troubled souls desperately in need of his kind and holy intervention.

It was three forty-five and so he knelt and prepared for listening to the sins of his parishioners. He prayed silently to Jesus Christ; asking Him to make him worthy of the sacred duty he was to undertake, the forgiveness of sins.

My penis slipped out of him, and his legs fell to the bed. We just lay there, entwined in a lover's grasp, enjoying the closeness of each other and the magnitude of our orgasm. I didn't want the moment to pass, but I knew we had things to do.

"Baby, let's take that quick shower together, but no fooling around. That will have to wait for a later time. So move it, my lover."

"You're not much fun, but I understand," he said with his famous giggle. He moved out of the bed and into the bathroom. I followed closely behind and we were soon in the shower, washing each other, kissing gently, and enjoying the feel of each other's body. In a brief time we finished, and after rinsing, I turned off the water and we stepped out and dried each other with large absorbent towels.

In the bedroom, we both put on a pair of boxer shorts, mine white, Sean's gray. He slipped into a pair of fine gray worsted slacks and a soft blue pullover sweater. The sweater made his eyes bluer now, and I had to really concentrate on my own dressing, or I would have attacked him because he was so handsome and sexy. We weren't speaking to each other, just dressing and enjoying the presence of our lover.

I pulled on a pair of tan worsted trousers and a light green slipover sweater. I chose a pair of tan socks and then slipped my feet into a pair of loafers. I noticed Sean looking at me with love in his eyes. I smiled at him and he broke the silence,

"Ry, do you have any idea how handsome and sexy you are?" he asked as he pulled on his gray socks and then his black tie shoes.

"Look who's talking. You win the handsome contest hands down," I told him.

"Let's call it a tie, okay," he said.


"Should we get going? It's nearly three forty-five," he asked.

As we left the townhouse, I armed the alarm. We walked quickly to the Rover, thankful for our warm overcoats, which protested us from the cool December late afternoon. It was, of course, already getting dark. Winter in New England is like that. Short days of light, long nights of darkness. There was a crispness in the air and a smell that meant snow was not far away. It would be a great Christmas.

Sean drove the Rover out of the parking lot and onto the road. I sat beside him, and because I really couldn't help myself, I put my hand on his right leg, near his knee. He let our a little gasp and cautioned me,

"Oh, Ry, better be careful or we won't get to the church the afternoon."

"I know, Baby. I act like a dirty old man, don't I?"

"No, never. You are a perfect lover, Ry. Believe me. Perfect."

"Okay, I am wonderful, special, handsome, sexy, intelligent, caring. Let me think, there must be something else. Oh, oh, reality check: I am a regular guy, a teacher, and I have the most unbelievable mate who makes me look special. Actually, all the praise should go to him. Enough. Now this Confession stuff. How are we going to do it?

With a laugh, Sean said, "Quickly and accurately, I hope."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 47

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