The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on May 22, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 40 by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me to discuss the the story. It is encouraging to hear from you. I try to answer all of you, but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

Thanks again to all my faithful readers; there's more story to come in "The Professor and Sean".

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling, is the result of the intelligent and careful editing I have received from Wayne This competent guy is my beta reader and editor. I thank him here publicly. As Sean would say, "You're awesome!"

The Professor and Sean, Part 40

(Ry narrates)

After breakfast, Dan and Craig insisted on cleaning up the kitchen and breakfast dishes. They suggested that we go ahead and take our showers and then we could begin talking about our plans, etc. We agreed and left them working diligently at their tasks.

When we walked into in the bedroom, Sean got a pair of clean underwear from his dresser, took off all his clothes, and stood naked before me. His cock was semi-hard. He smiled at me and asked me if I was going to take my shower alone, or would I like to shower with him. Before he could finish, I was naked and hard. I grabbed a pair of underwear and hurried into the bathroom.

Sean's beautiful body was so tempting that I knew already that I had to have him. He stood in the shower with all the showerheads cascading water onto him. He motioned to me to join him and I was immediately in the shower holding him tightly to my chest. As I kissed his gently, I began to lick his face. He pulled away from me, smiled and asked,

"You will obey me, Lover, if I ask, or tell you something?"

"Yes," I replied very softly as I caressed his hard body.

"Fuck me,,,,"

I soaped up my hands working the slippery suds onto my cock and then in Sean's ass crack. Soon I was fingering his hot tight ass with my middle finger. Sean was moaning and pushing back against my finger. Then I slipped two fingers into him, and he sighed as he leaned against the shower wall, his ass raised. As I pushed three fingers into him, I touched his prostate and he groaned, and begged me to fuck him.

"Please, Hon, put it in me, deep in me. I want you to fuck me, I want all of that magnificent cock deep in my rectum. Please."

I rubbed the head of my cock on his pink anus, and then began to push slowly against his hot hole.

He gasped, making me aware that I needed to go slowly. I increased the pressure against his hole and this allowed the head of my cock to move past his ass ring. I felt Sean's body tense, so I stopped.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just give me a minute." I waited and I felt him relax. I kissed his back and nibbled on his neck as I reached around him and began to jerk his hard cock.

"Okay, Ry, shove that beauty into me. I want it all in one fast plunge. Do it."

I shoved my cock forward and was surprised that it went into him so easily. My balls were against his ass. I was fully into him. I waited, and as I did, I reached around and began to work his nipples.

"Ry, fuck me hard. Do it. I need it. Make me cum, Hon."

I pounded into him, pulling out and pushing back into his dark, warm asshole. He sighed and pushed back on my cock getting all of me into him. I knew I was brushing his prostate with each in stroke. I was really pounding him and I could feel my balls tingling and my body responding to my building climax.

"Oh, Hon, I'm going to cum...oh, yes!"

Suddenly Sean was cumming, shooting spurt after spurt of hot boy/man cum onto the shower wall. As he shot out his seed, his ass muscle tightened around my penis and I started to cum, filling his ass with spurt after spurt of my hot cream. Our breathing and heartbeats were at the apex of our climax and then they slowly returned to normal. I gently pulled my cock out of his ass as he groaned. My now softening prick popped out. Sean turned and kissed me deeply.

"Thank you, Hon, you made me cum without touching myself. I love that. I love you. Tonight I am going to return the favor and give you the pleasure you just gave me."

We finished our shower quickly after that, got out and toweled each other dry, kissing frequently.

I was getting hard again and laughed as I felt his cock hardening also. Without thinking I was on my knees with his cock in my mouth and I began to suck him. His hands were moving through my wet hair and I was so horny. He pulled his cock away from me, sighed, and whispered,

"I want to save this for tonight. I want to have a full, hot load for you, my sexy lover."

I could say nothing more than, "Okay!"

We dressed and started to leave the room, but he stopped and took me into his arms. He kissed me softly, and told me,

"I want you so much right now that my balls hurt and I am hard as steel, but Ry, I want to save all this sexual energy for tonight."

"I understand, Baby. I just hope I can hold out that long."

We both laughed and walked toward the living room.

-------------------------- (Sean narrates)

The morning passed quickly. There were so many things I had to discuss with Dan, many of them needed to be explained to me: a Last Will which would place things into a Revocable Trust, a General Durable Power of Attorney, a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a Living Will or Declaration, and whatever bills of sale I would need to get property into the trust.

I was overwhelmed, but I listened carefully and took notes so that I could ask Ry later what he would do. I knew he would want me to do what I wanted, but I needed his opinion. After all, he was my partner, my lover, my husband. He would hesitate, but after some lovemaking, he would tell me what he thought.

"Dan, you do understand that everything is to go first to Ryan, then to any other heirs, children I hope, and all the charities and other things I will discuss with you after I see the documents."

"Now, Sean, is there anything else you want to talk about?" asked Dan.

"Yes, first, I want to setup a chair at State, named for Ryan, to be for visiting Shakespeare experts. I think I would like it to be called The Ryan Taylor Chair in Shakespeare. I gave you a check for one million dollars. I want you to take $150,000.00 to establish the chair. Please be sure that you contact President Williams at State and Cathy Sorenson, the English Department Chairperson. Be sure that everyone understands that Ryan is not to know about this. I want it to be announced at Graduation ceremonies in May. I want you also to also make all the arrangements for his parents to be there and for my Aunt Emily to be there. I will give you a list of other people that I want to invite to the ceremony, but each of them needs to know that Ryan can't be told anything about it.

"Do you have any idea how wonderful a thing it is that you are doing? Ryan will be speechless. You are quite a man. I am proud to know you. Anything else?" Dan asked.

"Yes. I want you to hire a top-notch architect to design the changes in the cabin. Ry and I will send you our wish list and some of the ideas we already have. Then the architect can take it from there. We want him to recommend a builder and other craftsmen. We have a preference for a designer; she is at the college. If it's possible, we would like things finished by June 1st. I know that means extra money, but that's how I really would like it. Check things out and let me know. Dan, I want you to really take charge of this for us. You love the cabin as much as we do, so I can count on you to take a personal interest in it," I said.

"I am honored that you would give me such a huge responsibility. But I do love the cabin, and I wouldn't let anything happen to it that wouldn't add to its charm. Thank you for believing in me," Dan replied with emotion in his voice.

"There's one more important thing, Dan. I want you to give this assignment to Craig, but I expect you to supervise him so that we can move quickly on this. I want some information as soon as possible on adopting children or having a child with Ry's semen, or mine, with an egg donor and a surrogate mother. This is very important to me, perhaps more than it is to Ry, but he wants kids around, too. I know that I can count on you to take care of this for us," I told him.

Dan looked at me with affection, took my hand in his, and confided in me,

"Sean, I can tell how important this is to you. But I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't tell you that there might be some serious setbacks. We will be able to work them out, but it may take time.

"Adoption is usually easier if you're willing to adopt an older child or brothers, sisters, or a brother and sister. You and Ryan need to discuss this issue, too. In truth, Sean, the other option will be more difficult to investigate and to get you the answers you and Ryan want.

"It's obvious to me that you both would prefer that your respective genes be a part of the children you raise. I can understand that, and Craig can, too. You see, we will be married in a short while and we want children, too. For us it will be even more difficult because of our racial difference.

"And finally, Sean, I need to say this to you and I hope that you will think about it very carefully. When you have a child, your life with Ryan will change. Neither of you will be the central person in your lives because your children will suddenly become the focus. The freedom you now enjoy with Ryan, lovemaking, travel, friends, all will change. What you two are considering is a very important thing. It is life changing. Be sure that you both want this and that you are ready to make the necessary sacrifices.

"I hope that none of what I have just said to you is too upseting. I didn't do it for that reason. I love both of you, and I don't want anything to change the beautiful relationship that you have. If I have offended you, I apologize, but I won't change a word," he said with a firmness that surprised me.

There was a long silence. I had much to consider; much to be concerned about. I knew that Ryan and I would be discussing this very important decision for months to come. I was a little disconcerted by what Dan had said to me, and yet I admired him for his courage and straightforward advice. It wasn't difficult to see that he really did care for Ryan and me. That made the things that he said that I really didn't want to hear, become more palpable.

"I really didn't want to hear some of the things you said, but I understand that you need to be blunt and sincere with the information you give to us. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to put yourself in a precarious situation. We will take all your advice seriously and will consider it carefully. I want you to know, Dan, that we may not agree with you, but we respect you for giving us your best advice. I want to thank you right now for what you just told me," I said.

Dan was blushing and he stammered, "I wish all my clients were as attentive and willing to consider my advice. It is I who should thank you for your continuing faith in me."

It was then that Ryan came into the room, followed by Craig. He smiled at me and I needed him to hug me right then. I got up and walked over to him and whispered to him to hug me. He not only hugged me, but he kissed me softly and with great affection.

"Thanks," I told him after our kiss. "You are my wonderful partner and lover."

"How did everything go in here?" asked Craig with a wide smile.

"No problems. We got a great deal done. Now you and I have a huge amount of legal work to do in the next few weeks," Dan said.

"I think that Craig and I covered all the things that were on my mind. I want them to be taken care of as soon as possible. I made it clear to Craig that I was to be billed for any services which were done specifically for me." Ry said.

I was really pissed by that comment and I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. Ry realized suddenly that I was upset because he could see the tears in my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the cheek, and told Dan,

"Sean wants to pay for everything that you guys do for us, but I think I should pick up the tab for the work Craig does for me, helping me with my will and trusts and other legal matters that apply only to me. Anything that is done for us together we should share the responsibilty together. Does that seem reasonable to you two?"

"You are about to get a lawyer's answer to that question, Ryan. This is a situation which you two need to discuss and must come to some agreement about. Actually, there is no need for either of you to pay us anything, since as Sean's attorney for his parent's trust, we get paid from the income from investments. As a friend, let me say this. Any legal work we do for you both is paid in advance and there is no charge to you. Your overwhelming kindness to us, to our firm, can never be repaid. Let's leave it this way: Sean's trust fund will take care of any extraordinary expenses. That's final," Dan said.

"I concur, definitely. Yes. Positively," said Craig with a laugh.

Ryan sat there speechless. I was sitting next to him after we had moved to the sofa while Dan was talking. I looked at him, smiled, kissed him and then pushed him down on his back and covered him my his hot body.

"Any more trouble from you, sweetie, and I will have to fuck some sense into you." I said with a laugh.

"Sure, promises, but no action," he replied with a laugh.

"I guessed that's all settled," Craig told us between the ruckus laughter. The laughter quickly lessened the tension in the room. I kissed Ryan with a lot of tongue and I felt his penis getting hard as was mine, and I had to do something, so I said,

"Ryan Taylor, as punishment for making me angry, you have to take us all out to lunch, and McDonalds will not do. I know. Dan has good taste so we'll let him pick the place. How's that sound, guys?" I asked.

"Great with me," said a highly amused Craig.

Laughing, Dan said, "Ditto."

"We'll go freshen up," said Dan as he and Craig left us alone on the sofa as they went to the bedroom. I was still on top of Ry, and I began to rub my hardening penis against his.

"God, please, Sean, stop. I want you so much right this minute that I could scream. I love you, Baby. I'm sorry that I made you angry, but you have to understand, I want to pay my way, too."

I put my lips over his and shoved my tongue deep into his mouth. We were both moaning and he was really massaging my ass. I wanted him to fuck me so bad I thought I would go crazy, but I held back, and after I broke our cock-raising kiss, I told him,

"Not yet, Hon. That comes later, and I want you fully loaded. So come on, let's get moving," I told him as I moved off his hot body.

"Baby, you are going to pay for this. I almost creamed my jeans. You're so hot, Babe. Tonight we'll even the score."

"Sure," I said, "again promises, promises."

Dan and Craig reappeared in the living room.

"So, you guys ready?" asked Craig.

"We certainly are. Let's go," I said.

We walked out of the townhouse and waited for Ry to lock up.

It was a reasonably nice day out. You could feel Christmas in the air. That's when I was suddenly struck by the nearness of the holiday. I had no gift for my lover. Worse, I had no idea what to give him.

'Shit,' I thought, 'I am going to have to talk to Mom and Dad.'

We were soon in the Rover and were headed toward Cafe Madeleine for lunch.

(Dan narrates)

The meeting with Sean about his legal matters had been exhausting because I wanted to make sure that he understood all the ramifications of what I was recommending to him. When he told me about the chair, I was floored. I couldn't believe the love that was behind that. I knew that Ryan would be overwhelmed by Sean's action, and I thought, maybe a little upset. Thank God Ry is a levelheaded intelligent man. I knew that if he thought about it for just a second or two, he would be weeping trying to tell his lover how much it meant to him. I decided I would have to let the two of them deal with that.

When Sean said I was to pick the place for luncheon, I had only one thought, Cafe Madeleine. It was a glorious little French bistro where they served crepes of every kind. I knew they would fall in love with it as Craig and I had the afternoon we arrived in town. We had a quick lunch as we were starving. I was still troubled by the children assignment, though. I knew using a surrogate mother would be difficult. First to find a woman you could trust to do it the right way, some specific legal matters to be attended to before the fetus was transplanted into her womb.

Additionally, there was the problem of finding a suitable egg donor. The best bet would be if they knew and were friendly with a lesbian. Often, when two gay men want to raise children with some of their genes, lesbian friends supply the eggs. On occasion, rarely though, they also serve as surrogate mothers, having the fetus implanted into their womb after the egg is fertilized by the gay man's semen. This sometimes becomes a reciprocal matter where the gay man donates his sperm to fertilize the egg in the lesbian.

Finding that kind of situaton would be rare and difficult. There were also some really difficult legal manners. For instance, suppose the gay man's partner, who had supplied the sperm, died suddenly or was killed? Who was in the better legal position to be awarded custody of the child? Would it be the mother who donated the egg or the surrogate mother who carried the child to birth?

I could almost guarantee that it wouldn't be the gay partner, no matter in what state, even with laws new to the books about recognition of unions and gay marriages.

In the final analysis, it would be a tragic and emotional time, both for the surviving partner and for the child if he were old enough to understand what was going on. I knew deep in my heart, that I wouldn't want to consider the trauma, the life altering upheaval that would be caused in my own situation. And I hadn't even discussed the rights of grandparents. I hoped Ryan and Sean wouldn't go that route. Adoption would serve their needs so much better if what they truly wanted were children to love and cherish. I knew that Craig and I would have long heated discussions about that.

Craig was adamantly opposed to surrogate mothers. I would have to remind him that this was not about us; that we were getting the best information we could for our clients. But I knew, in my heart of hearts, that it was also really about us, too. God help us all.

My reverie was broken when I heard Sean speaking to me,

"So, if it's okay with you, Dan, I'd like to have about ten minutes of your time before you leave.

I have something else I need to discuss with you."

"No problem, Sean. And if you have any other questions or concerns, just call me. My secretary will put you through unless I am involved in a matter than cannot be interrupted," I told him.

"And Ryan, and you, too, Sean, if you have questions or concerns, or you think of things you forgot, or whatever, just call Dan or me," Craig assured us.

We pulled up in front of Cage Madeleine. It was a small intimate place. I just hoped that Ry and Sean liked it as much as Craig and I did.

Sean was the first one out of the car, and all three of us just stared at him. He was strikingly handsome; and that smile. I knew how it must melt Ry, because it certainly had an effect on me. Craig was almost drooling.

"You know, Ryan, you have one of the most beautiful men I have even seen. He is so handsome and sexy, too. After our little undesired escape last night, I know he is well endowed, as well. You my friend, are one lucky bastard," Craig said.

Ry's last comment as we piled out of the Rover was simply stated,

"You two should talk about being endowed. Man, you are both prizewinners. And you, Craig, how the hell do you keep that flagpole of yours where you want it when you are erect?" Ry said with a laugh.

"What are you guys talking about that's so funny? Sean asked with his famous giggle. "Are we going to have lunch or not? Remember, I'm a growing boy and I need lots of good food. You old guys can probably survive on one small meal a day, but a hot, horny stud like me, needs his protein any way he can get it. Although Ry has a formidable supply of the world's best protein, I still need other protein. So let's get going."

Ry grabbed him, and hugged him tightly. I was surprised, but very pleased to see Ry kiss Sean passionately. What a wonderful thing that they felt so secure about their relationship that they were not concerned about what anyone thought who moght see them expressing their affection.

Sean broke away from Ry, and with a laugh, whispered to all of us, "If he doesn't stop that, I'll have to forego lunch with you two and take this sexy crazed guy back to our condo and get my protein milk shake from him." We all laughed as we entered the cafe.

We were shown to a secluded booth at the back of the cafe. The lighting was low and there was a distinctly romantic atmosphere about the place. I don't think that I had noticed it yesterday, but it was obvious today. We sat as couples across from each other. We had no sooner sat down than I felt Craig's hand on my thigh and then he was rubbing my crotch. I returned the favor. As we were looking at the menus, I became aware that Ry and Sean were involved in something, as their attention was somewhere other than with Craig and me. The waitress said she would give us a few minutes and, as soon as she left, Ryan was all over Sean, kissing him without restraint and pawing at his body. I got hard watching them, and Craig, I am sure, was erect as he felt my stiffened prick.

"You've got to stop, Hon," gasped Sean, "Please, I can't take anymore. You know what I need and want, but you can't give it to me here, so let's cool it."

Ryan was now becoming very red, creeping up his neck until his face was totally involved. He looked down at his feet, avoiding looking at us, or, it seemed to me, even looking at Sean. There was an unpleasant silence until Sean leaned over and gave Ry a lover's kiss, and told us,

"So, see what I have to put up with? Everyday. Sometimes many times a day. This horny guy, who tries to tell me he is older than I am and so he can't get it up as quickly as I do, is after my body. And I love it. He's my private stud. I love him; man, do I love him." He was laughing now, and soon Ry was laughing, but it was obvious that he still wanted Sean then and there.

The waitress saved the day, "So guys, what will it be? Got any questions?"

No one had a question so we all ordered, each of us trying a different filling and Sean begging Ry to try at least two others, which he ordered for his lover who didn't complain. We ordered wine, but Sean and Ry ordered soda. I made a mental note of that. If we ever had them over for dinner, scratch the wine and drinks because these two were not imbibers.

The conversation turned to other things: Ry and Sean's visit to Florida later during break, Sean's upcoming concert to which we would be getting tickets, Christmas and their desire to spend it alone, how their friends Roger and Greg would be going to Florida with them. Craig and I were headed to the Bahamas for Christmas.

After some delicious crepes with fresh strawberries and clotted cream, Sean insisted on paying the bill; we left and rode the short distance back to the condo. We settled down in the living room, and Ry, with a couple of kisses and well-placed feels, convinced Sean to play the piano for us.

As I remembered, Sean was extraordinary. He played some parts of the piece he would play at the concert. Then he told Ryan that he was going to play something this just for him, and he started to play that song, so familiar to me: "The Story of My Life."

The emotional impact on Ry was immediately obvious. He smiled, but as the piece went on, and Ry softly sang the words, his eyes glistened with tears and he burst out in sobs, shaking his frame vigorously. Sean came quickly to his side, his eyes filled with tears, too.

"Ry, are you okay? I'm sorry for what I just did. I shouldn't have done that. It wasn't fair. Forgive me, Hon. I am such a crap head, such a fucking idiot."

"Oh, Baby, I love you so much, so totally, that when I hear our song, I just can't keep calm about it. You didn't do anything wrong. No, what you did was beautiful and filled me with such a passionate love for you, and then, as always, I just broke up because I can't imagine my life without you in it. Don't worry, Baby, I love you. I love you," he said as he almost had control of his sobs. Sean held him in his arms and was whispering softly into his ear. Whatever it was, Ry kissed him passionately, without worrying if we considered it sexual, which it was. Craig and I didn't know where to go, so we wandered into the study.

"What did you think of that, Craig? I asked.

"Man, those two guys are so much in love, so devoted to each other that it makes you get emotional. Man, I almost lost it. Cripes, I had tears in my eyes," Craig said.

"I know. I had to get out of there or I would have lost it, too. I think that..."

Sean interrupted me by asking if I could talk with him. I looked at Craig who knew enough to excuse himself and return to the living room. I was sitting at the desk. Sean sat in the leather chair and looked at me, then he smiled.

"Sorry for our emotional outburst, but that song means so much to both of us. It brought me back from the darkness; it is our love song; it says so much of how we feel about each other. Ry loved it before he shared it with me. I cried like a baby when I first heard it and knew that my lover felt that way about me. So, please forgive me; I should not have played that with you guys here. That's a lovemaking song," he said with a sigh.

"Craig and I are just amazed at how much in love you two guys are. We recognize that it isn't just sex; it's honest-to-God love. So no apologies are necessary. Now you wanted to ask me something? I assume that it's about the chair in honor of Ry." I said.

"Yes, and I know this is really pressuring you, but I've decided to give it to Ry as my Christmas gift to him. Can you make all the arrangements? Dan, I still don't want it announced until graduation in June. Think you can take care of it? I want something tangible to give to him something as his Christmas gift. What I mean is something that he can unwrap as as a gift. Also, I want to make sure that State doesn't make any announcement of it. Be sure that Dr. Williams and Cathy understand that," said Sean.

"That is not a problem, Sean. This will be reasonably easy for me to arrange. I'm sure that we will be able to come up with something for you to give to Ry that will remind him of this marvelous gift. You are a terrific guy. He's going to lose it, you know. This is really a wonderful and thoughtful thing that you are doing. You amaze me, Sean. I am proud to be your attorney because you demonstrate maturity and a sophistication that most people would not believe possible for a young man who is only nineteen."

"Thanks, Dan, but frankly you're embarrassing me. I just love Ry so much that I never tire of doing things for him. And I don't know how much you know about it, but when I came here to live with him, he bought me new clothes, a wonderful laptop computer, a stereo CD player, and so much more. He had only known me one day when he did these things.

"I didn't want to take any of it, but Ry helped me to understand that he took pleasure in doing things for me. He has never changed. I had nothing growing up; even the basic necessities, like new clothes, were missing. Ry changed all that. He showered me with all kinds of things because he loved me. I want to show him just how much I love him. This isn't sex, Dan; this is love. If I lived to be a hundred, I wouldn't be able to return the love that Ry has given to me," Sean said.

I looked at him, admiring his gentle kindness and his amazing love for Ryan. He blushed, realizing that I was looking at him with admiration, and frankly, some desire in my eyes. I took his hand in mine and told him,

"Sean, let me tell you something. That man out there, your lover, Ryan Taylor, loves you so deeply, I am positive that if you ever left him, he would wither away and die. You complete him, Sean; you make life happy for him; you give him joy; you fulfill all this needs, all his desires. You are the center of his life; with you he is joyous, without you he would die. I hope you know how much he loves you because I can see how much both of you love each other. You two are unique in your acceptance of each other as your only need for love. It's remarkable. I envy both of you," I told Sean softly and with a searing emotional level in my voice.

Tears were running down Sean's face. He smiled knowingly at me, and in a quavering voice, said it all,

"Ry is my angel and I hope I am his. Our love has been tested and we have survived. Thank you for what you just said. In my soul there is only one whom I love, and that is Ry. I need to go to him now; I need his embrace," he said as he left the study and walked into the living room. I followed him.

Ry looked up and saw Sean. He noticed immediately the tears on Sean's face. He rose immediately and went to him. He took him into his arms, and asked in a soft, loving whisper,

"Baby what's the matter? Don't cry. Let me help take away your sadness,"

Sean just pulled Ry to him and began to kiss him gently all over his face, he was whispering,

"Ry, these are not tears of sadness, they are tears of joy. Dan told me how fortunate I was to have you to love me unconditionally, something I already knew, but when someone else senses the depth of our love for each other, it makes my heart grow and be filled even more with our love. I want to..." and Sean could not go on.

"Baby, Baby, oh Baby," and Ryan could not go any further as he was now weeping freely. They hung to each other and kissed gently, whispering things we could not hear. Craig looked across the room at me and smiled, I hurried into his arms and found my self in tears of joy. Craig was last, but as he hugged me to his chest and kissed my face, tears rolled down his cheeks.

I thought to myself, 'I have learned a lot about real love since I met these two guys.' There was no way I could fluff it off; it was real and soul stirring. I prayed silently that Craig and I could know this kind of love.

So, we stood in the silence of the living room, embracing with sincere love, beseeching God, each in his own way, that neither time nor place would change this. We were more blessed than I could truly understand; I did know this, we were experiencing what had to be one of the miracles of living.

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 41

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