The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jul 4, 2003


The Professor and Sean, Part 4

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love.

The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

"We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive."


The Professor and Sean - Part 4


Showered and dressed in some clean shorts and t-shirts, we moved to the kitchen. Sean was handsome in his new clothes. He kept smiling that smile.

"So, baby, you want to order in, or shall we try to make something?" I asked Sean.

"We can order in, if you want. I'm easy to please."

I was laughing, "No way, stud, it takes a lot out of me to please you. And what do we do if the delivery guy is a sexy hunk?"

Sean was suddenly serious. I knew something was the matter, but I didn't know whether to ask or not. I decided I had better ask. Our relationship could rest on whatever was bothering him.

"Sean, baby, something's the matter. Did I say something?"

"No, it's not that. It's just. Well, I just wouldn't want to have sex with anyone else, just you. Am I stupid or something. I thought that you felt the same way."

"Sean, that's exactly how I feel. I was just trying to be funny. I really didn't mean anything by that. I would never have sex with anyone else. I would only do it if we both wanted to do it and we did it together."

"Well, maybe I would if we both did it together. But all I want for sometime to come is you. You're all that I need."

"Sean, I told you earlier that you are all that I can take care of, all that I can please. All that I want, and all that I need."

Sean came to me and took me in his arms. He gave me that gentle kiss that always melted my heart.

I held him tightly and returned his kiss.

"I want Chinese." said a smiling Sean. "I don't dare say I want Italian, not with those hot Italian delivery studs." He was laughing, and so was I.

"Chinese it is."

While waiting for the delivery, we sat in the kitchen and talked about tomorrow. It would be a more difficult day for me than for Sean. I had made up my mind that Sean was too important to me not to let Cathy know about what was going on. If it meant she didn't still want me to be a staff member in the English Department, then so be it. There were other colleges, and I would not leave Sean or have him think he had to leave me to save my career. I would wash dishes in a diner before I would let him go. I had decided that Sean was going to be my career. So I told him what I intended to do. He was immediately concerned.

"Ryan, please don't put your position here in jeopardy, not for me. Look, you are an intelligent and accomplished teacher. I could never ask you to give that all up for me. I just couldn't."

"Sean, I'm doing what I want to do. You have nothing to do with it, at least not in terms of what I have decided to do. But in another sense you have everything to do with it. You are the most important thing in my life, and I don't intend to give you up. And, baby, I don't want you to ever leave me because you are concerned about my job. The only thing that I could accept, even though it would break my heart, is if you no longer loved me and you wanted to leave."

There were tears in Sean's eyes. He looked at me with the most loving look. "I would only leave you if I died. I love you too much to even think of any other reason."

The doorbell rang before we got any more emotional about our love for each other. I went to the door and had the delivery boy come into the townhouse. He handed me the bag of food on which was stapled the check. The total was $24.50. I gave him $30.00. He smiled at me and waved at Sean. He was a beautiful, young Chinese man. He was taller than you would expect, his hair was cold black. His outfit was so tight you would imagine that he melted into it. His basket was of ample size.

"Don't you work at Walgreens?" he asked Sean. "I think I've seen you there."

"Yeh, I work there part time. Are you a student at State?" Sean asked.

"No, I am a graduate of State. I'm 27. Young looking, but experienced. My family owns the restaurant. I am filling in for the regular delivery boy." he told us.

"And you," he said to me, "Don't you work at the college?"

Here it comes, shit, our cover is gone. "As a matter of fact, I do work there. I am a Professor; my specialty is Shakespeare. I don't remember you in any of my classes, but then I have only been there six years."

"No, graduated the year before you came, I guess. But I may have seen you at some college activity. I don't remember."

I had to explain Sean. How would I do that. I thought to myself, here goes.

"Sean is a student at State and is renting my spare bedroom. We spent the afternoon moving him in and getting his room set up for him. The room hasn't been used for a while, so I needed to get some stuff. It's pretty well done now. So we are having our favorite food tonight. Sean is a scholarship student, and I was able to offer him the room for less than college housing, so it's beneficial to both of us. It helps me with the mortgage and taxes and it saves Sean some money on housing."

"That's great. You are kind to do that for him. By the way, my name is Ken Chow. I hope you will use our restaurant again. I have to go, good night to both of you." And he left.

Sean was giggling and said amidst giggles, "What's the matter, Doc, you didn't tell him you were fucking the shit out of me and that I was returning the favor." Now we were both laughing.

I lifted a spring roll from the container, offering it to Sean with this wise-ass remark. "Here suck on this for a change."

Sean was laughing so hard that tears were running down his face, and so was I.

"Well," laughed Sean, "it's bigger than the last thing I sucked on."

That was it, I grabbed Sean and pulled him to the floor. The spring roll went flying across the kitchen. I had Sean on his back on the floor, and I sat on his chest.

"You want me to tickle you `til you piss yourself, or are you going to suck my cock - just to make sure you remember how big my cock is, well, which will it be?" I was laughing hard, too.

Sean was finally able to stop laughing long enough to tell me what he thought of the situation.

"Let's eat Chinese, first. Then I will eat Taylor, which I know is better and more fully packed with the kind of protein I really want. OK?"

"OK, wise guy. But you are going to pay mightily for this in bed tonight."

"I hope so," said a smiling Sean. I couldn't help myself, I kissed Sean hard and gave him some tongue. I was getting hard, and just a touch of Sean's crotch assured me that he was hard.

"Sean, I want you again, baby. But, we have to stop for just a couple of minutes to eat something beside each other. We have to maintain our strength if we are going to be able to carry on the way we have today." I got up and moved from Sean. He just lay there on his back. He smiled up at me.

"Couldn't we just do a quickie?" he asked and smiled.

"No, I'm going to put out the food. I'm going to eat and I am going to be stronger and sexier than you tonight in bed. Then you'll wish that you had filled up on hot Chinese food."

Sean scrambled up from the floor. He hugged me and said, "But don't you see you get me hard all the time, and I want you all the time. I'll have to be careful; because if I see you on campus, I'll probably jump your bones." he laughed.

Finally we started to eat. Sean was quickly into eating and I was happy that I had ordered so much food. I was hungry, too, and before long all that was left were just a few remnants of Chinese food.

""Help me clean up, Sean, and then we can decide what to do." As we cleaning the kitchen and putting away stuff, Sean kept hugging me and kissing my neck and blowing in my ear. I was hot and ready for action again.

"Sean, what are you trying to do, have me throw you to the floor and fuck you right here."

"Not a bad idea." he said in a little humorous way.

"You have to wait, honey, I want you in our bed tonight. You have to wait."

We finished up, put out the lights and went into the bedroom. I pulled down the covers. Sean just stood there watching me.

"I like what I see, but I would like to see more." Sean said.

I pulled off my t-shirt and dropped my shorts and stood naked before my lover.

"I like what I see, too. But there's more I would like to see." I replied.

Sean pulled off his t-shirt and that beautiful chest and those large nipples stared at me. Then he dropped his shorts and his cock was at full attention. He was so beautiful.

"Let's go to bed, my lover, my friend, my protector, my partner." Sean said to me.

I set the alarm for morning. We climbed into bed. I doused the light. We were in each others arms in a moment. We began to kiss gently, telling each other of our love. This was a time for gentle love, a time when we could enjoy each other. Sean moved into the 69 position, and we were quickly taking each others cocks deep into our throats. We gently sucked each other as our hands wandered over each others bodies. After a long time, we both shot our loads of hot cum into our mouths. Sean moved back up and kissed me and we shared our cum with our lover.

"Thank you for loving me, Ry." Sean whispered.

"And thank you for loving me, Sean." I whispered back.

It had been a busy, exciting day and we were both exhausted. Sean spooned up behind me and kissed my neck. I could feel his semi hard cock pressing against my ass. What more could I have imagined or wanted. I was very happy. I knew that Sean was happy, too. He put has arm around me; I took his hand and kissed it.

And we fell asleep.


Long before the alarm went off, I was awake. I raised myself on my elbow, and looked at Sean. He seemed to be sleeping quietly. I had the usual morning piss hardon. It was wedged into Sean's ass cheek. I moved slowly away from him, turned off the alarm and quietly went to the kitchen. I put on a pot of coffee. I walked back into the bedroom and was about to go into the bathroom, when I heard that sexy morning voice.

"Did you think you could get away from me, Ry?" an amused Sean asked.

"Never, baby. Just had to start the coffee and I have to take a wicked piss. Want to join me?"

"Hmmmm, I am so comfortable. How about you come over here and give me a good morning kiss?"

I walked over to the bed and leaned over to kiss Sean. I knew it was a mistake the moment I saw that smile. He grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. He pulled my face to his and kissed with passion. I returned his kiss.

"I want you, Ry. Do we have time to make love?"

"I always have time to make love to you, Sean. What would you like this beautiful morning?" I asked.

Sean didn't miss a beat, "I want you in me to fill me for my day away from you." he said.

I moved to his spread legs and reached for the KY. There would be no time for preliminaries. Lubing his rosebud quickly, I cover my engorged cock with KY.

"Hurry, I want you so much." said the beautiful guy under me.

He pulled back his legs and held them in place. I moved closer to his ass. I rubbed my cockhead on his anus and he groaned and asked me to fuck him deep and hard. I pushed hard and popped into his ass. I slowly entered him until I was fully in. Then I quickly stroked in and out of his hot hole. We were both very horny. Within a few minutes, we both were shooting. I collapsed on Sean.

Our breathing and heart rates had to be gotten under control.

"I love you, Sean, more than I can tell you. My God, you are so beautiful, so sexy. But we have to get to the college. I have some very important things to take care of there."

"Ok, let's shower, have a bite to eat and get going." he said.

We both stopped at the toilet and now that our cocks were soft, we both pissed full streams. We had a quick shower, no fooling around this morning. That would come tonight.

"I am going to wear some of my new duds, Ry. I want to look like someone worthy of you."

"Sean, you are worthy of me no matter what you wear. Even if you were naked, I would tell everyone who would listen that you were mine."

"Get dressed, Ry, or I will want to have sex with you again."

Sean looked great in some of the clothes we had picked out at the mall. I was in my usual uniform: shirt, tie, jacket and slacks. We were about to eat our breakfast, when Sean walked over to me.

"Look, Doctor Taylor, I want to kiss you now that you are the teacher and I am the student. I want to know what it feels like to kiss the professor." He started by kissing me gently, but he increased the pressure on my lips and I opened them and his tongue was in my mouth and I was in his. He started to stroke my crotch and I was after his cock, too.

"It feels pretty wonderful, Dr. Taylor. I could go for you in a big way." he was laughing.

"I know one thing, student Sean: you are one hot hunk. I want to see you here after class. I need to use my pointer so that you will learn how to take care of my needs." I said laughing.

We quickly ate our light breakfast. I made a mental note that Sean needed a heartier breakfast. That would be the norm in the morning. We both gathered up our books. Sean came and gave me a quick kiss.

'I should probably walk to campus, don't you think?" asked Sean.

"Get you ass down in my car. You are not walking to campus, not if we both leave here at the same time in the morning. Are you ashamed of me. Is that why you don't want to ride to class with me."

Sean answered with anger in his voice, "Don't you understand? I don't want to do anything that will injure your career."

"Listen to me, Sean, this is your professor speaking. I can take care of myself. I don't care what anyone says. I love you and I want you with me as much as possible every day. So cut that shit. Give me a another big, a juicy kiss, and let's get going."

And he did, and we did.

---------------------------------------- The drive to campus was quick. Sean kept his hand on my thigh and smiled that smile at me.

Sean kept singing, or trying to sing, that Fleetwoord Mac standard, You Make Loving Fun

Sweet wonderful you,

You make me happy with the things you do,

Oh, can it be so,

This feeling follows me wherever I go.

I was flattered by this choice, but not by his voice. He stopped and laughed a little.

"You'd think that for someone who plays the piano, that I would be able to carry a tune. I hope you like my other assets, Ry."

"You can sing all you want, Sean, providing I can enjoy all your other assets." I told him.

I turned into the Faculty Parking "C". I found a place and asked Sean if this was okay. Before we got out of the car, I handed him a key to the townhouse. I could tell that he was touched by my faith in him.

"Ry, I am honored that you would give me a key to your home."

I interrupted him, "Sean it is our home. Just remember that."

"Thanks. This is why you are so easy to love." and he leaned in and kissed me quickly on the lips. "That's for trusting me."

We got out of the car; he went his way, and I headed toward Cathy Sorenson's office. This was going to be very difficult, but I knew what I wanted and that was Sean. All the rest would be easy.

I had arrived almost two hours before my first class. I had wanted to be able to take care of some things and I didn't want Sean to know that I left early so that I could drive him to campus.

Cathy's outer office was open. Cindy her pleasant, efficient secretary greeted me.

"Good morning, Dr. Taylor. What can I do for you?"

"I wondered if Dr. Sorenson was busy or if she could see me. It's very important, and I would not like to wait too long to talk with her about it."

Cindy pushed the intercom button, she said, "Dr. Sorenson, Dr. Taylor is here and he would like to talk with you. He says it's very important. Yes, of course. I'll tell him. She says to go right in."

I thanked Cindy as I walked to the inner office door where I politely knocked.

"Come on in, Ryan." came that full, friendly female voice.

I opened the door and walked into Cathy's office. It was decorated with taste. Cathy got up and moved to the front of her desk. She extended her hand.

"So, Ryan, what's so important? Not any family difficulties, I hope. Sit down, sit down."

"Cathy, could we not sit on different sides of the desk. What I have to tell you is very personal and I want to tell it first to you as a friend. You can put on your chairperson's hat when you think that is appropriate. I will just feel better talking to you as a friend to begin with."

"Ryan, you know that I am first and foremost your friend. For someone who has something serious to tell you, you look inordinately happy. Your whole demeanor is one of happiness, no, actually joy. But I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Go ahead, Ryan."

"Cathy, I am in love, head over heels in love. I have never been so happy, so fulfilled in my life. And I don't want to loose the object of my affection."

"Wonderful, wonderful. I am so happy for you. Wonderful."

"But there is a problem. I don't quite know how to tell you this. It is very personal."

"Ryan, does it have to do with your sexual preference?"

I know I blushed immediately. I tried to speak, but no words would come out. I just stammered.

"Ryan, I am an old bird; I realized long ago that you were gay. You are discrete and you have never done anything to make any of the staff or students suspect. But I knew. So, is that it?"

"Well, Cathy, that is part of it. But the more important part of it is who my partner is."

"Would it be that handsome young man I saw sitting in your car this morning. You didn't see me, but I saw you."

"Yes, that's him. I love him very much. He's a freshman here at State. He's 19, intelligent and talented. He's quite a pianist. Anyway, he is living with me. I don't intend to change that. I want you to know that I would give up my position here rather than give up Sean. I love him that much. He doesn't want me to lose my position here, but I told him the truth, that it was my decision not his. I want him with me. Can you understand?"

"This is your friend speaking. I am so happy for you. When any two human beings love each other, that is fine with me. I would never interfere. Now this is your chairperson speaking. You know that it may present some difficulties, especially if certain members of the staff get wind of it. I can't protect you from gossip, and what about your partner? Is he ready for what might be terrible student reaction. And one other thing, Ryan, be very careful if he ever takes one of your courses. You must be completely objective. Other than that, I want to wish both of you nothing but happiness."

"Cathy, thank you. You have an understanding of the situation. If I get tenure, you can count on me staying here for a long time."

"Terrific! Now is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Actually, there is. Could you help me get back the young man's money? He's already paid $2400. for room and board. Now he will live with me off campus. He's a scholarship student and is needy. He has had a very difficult life; he lost his parents when he was six and was raised by an Aunt and Uncle who in many ways mistreated him. I know it's a lot to ask of you, but he really could use the money for other things. He doesn't have to pay me anything. I just want him with me. He is so special, so caring, so loving. You would like him; I know you would."

"Well, if I can't get the funds back, I had better give up my position. Of course I can. I need your partner's name, which dorm he was staying in, and I think that will take care of it."

"His name is Sean Kelly. He was living in the Scholarship Dorm. I really would like to have you meet him sometime. Maybe you could come over for dinner some night."

"That would be wonderful. Would you mind if I brought Janet? She's my partner. Don't look so surprised, you have suspected it for a long time. Yes, dear, Ryan, I am gay."

"Really, Cathy, I didn't know. I just wondered why you didn't attend many of the faculty functions with a man. You always came alone. Why didn't you bring Janet?" "Frankly, Ryan, Janet didn't want to come. She finds most of the college functions tedious. And she's right. I hate them, too, but I have to be there. You have a choice, Ryan."

"I don't think I would ever ask Sean to come with me to one of those faculty functions. No way. Would I be missed, Cathy?"

"I think for the remainder of this year, until you get tenure, it would probably be a good idea to attend some of them. And I think if Sean would like to attend one with you, bring him along. Everyone will probably know about your living arrangement soon anyway. You know how the college gossip chain works. Are you worried about Sean getting demeaned by some of the bigots on campus?"

"Yes, we talked about it. He seems pretty confident that he can handle it. He said after what he has been through growing up, even physical abuse, he could manage. I doubt that we have any gay bashers on campus. At least I hope there aren't any."

"I think you are right about that, Ryan. I do want to warn you, though, there are certain segments of the faculty who are not as enlightened as we and many of our friends are. They will probably stop talking to you, that is, if they ever did. Don't worry about it, but being forewarned can be helpful. Ryan, you are a wonderful warm, caring man. I am so happy that you have found someone to love who loves you. You deserve all the happiness in the world." Cathy stood as did I. She gave me a hug, and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks, Cathy. You have make my day."

After leaving Cathy's office, I headed to my own office. I unlocked the door and found a piece of folded paper that had been shoved under the door. It said,

"I love you, Professor Taylor. A secret admirer"

I smiled and refolded the paper and put it in my inside jacket pocket. I wanted to keep it. After all, it was the first love letter from my special person.

The day moved slowly. I kept thinking of Sean. My classes were good, but I had a funny feeling that the students were looking at me in a somewhat different way. It took Angela, one of the sharpest students in all of my classes, to let me know. She stayed after the others had left and came up to the desk.

"Dr. Taylor, you seem so much happier and so much more relaxed than I have ever seen you. Is it my imagination of is it a fact?"

"It's a fact, Angela, I am very happy and very relaxed. I didn't know it showed. Is it that obvious.?"

"Sure is, Dr. Taylor. You just about glow. Whatever has happened has make you even more wonderful as a teacher. If, I didn't know for sure, I would say you are a man in love. And whoever made you this happy must be one wonderful person."

I was amused by Angela's use of the word "person". Was she being coy?

"What do you mean: person?" I asked.

Angela smiled, "You know, Professor, I have known since the day I met you that you liked men better than women. Not that you let that preference ever affect your teaching. But I knew. So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Angela, was it that obvious? That I am gay, I mean. I never thought I gave my personal preference away. I guess the only person I fooled was myself." I said.

"Hey, Professor, I have two wonderful masculine, really with it brothers and they are both gay. And I love them to pieces. I just know when I am with a gay man. First, they are polite, they are caring, they compliment you in ways no straight guy ever does. So you see, I knew. I think it's wonderful that you have found someone. Both of my brothers did. They are both happy with with lovers. Dominic has been with Tyrone for nearly 10 years, and Angie has been with Thomas for at least 5 years. Our whole family celebrates their love. To love and be loved is what life is really about. So, are you going to tell me or do I have to do some investigation?"

"Angela, he's younger than I am. In fact, he's a student here. He lives with me and we are very much in love. But for the time being I think I should keep his name private. You will be the first to meet him - we'll have you over for dinner. Is that okay with you? And by the way, thanks for your decision not to make my sexual preference a matter of gossip. You are a sweetheart, and if I were into women, you would be at the top of my list."

"Thanks, Dr. Taylor. You can count on me. And I can see how much you love him. You want to protect him. That's top drawer. I'd love to come for dinner some night. Just let me know a day or two ahead so I can be there. You tell this young man that he had better take good care of you, and love you as much as you love him, or he'll answer to me. And I can be a real bitch!" she said as she laughed, turned and left the room.

I sat in wonderment for a while. It shows that I am in love. Cathy knew, Angela knew. I bet Cindy knew, too. Well, I don't care who knows; I love Sean and I would be happy if the whole world knew.

I checked my email and found a note from Cathy. She wanted me to drop in to see her before I left for the day. I got my stuff together and walked across campus to her office. Cindy smiled a knowing kind of smile and ushered me right in. Cathy was at her desk. She looked up and smiled.

"Have a seat. Here." She handed me an envelope.

I opened the envelope and inside was a check made payable to Sean Kelly for $2400.00.

"You don't waste any time do you? Amazing! Thanks. Cathy, I have to ask you something. Do I seem different to you today. I had a student, one of my best, approach me after class and she surprised me."

"You're happy and relaxed. Cindy mentioned it to me. I saw it immediately. I told you so this morning and more so after you told me what was going on. Yes, Ryan, you seem more alive."

"I was surprised more by what else she said to me. She said she had known I was gay from the moment she walked into my class. Two of her brothers are gay and are in long-term relationships. She blew my mind. She wanted to know who it was that I had fallen in love with. I told her he was a student here and that for the time being I would keep his name in confidence. I told her he was young and would have enough trouble once it got around that we were, how do you say it, an item."

"I can even tell you who it was, Ryan. I know only one student who is majoring in English Literature who is that perceptive. I bet it was Angela Stefanno. Am I right?" she asked.

"Absolutely!" I answered.

"Ryan, another thing. There is a Registered Letter waiting for Sean at the Registrar's Office. He will need some identification to get it. He wasn't in his dorm, and his departure hadn't been advised, so the letter was about to be returned. Pat was talking to the Registrar about it and I overhead. So I told them, Sean was now living off campus. That wanted to know where, but I told them Sean would give them all the details. I asked to look at the letter. It was from an attorney, Peter Wentworth, Esquire. Probably, if Sean's at home when you get there, you should get him back here quickly. The Registrar closes at 5:00."

"Thanks again, Cathy. You don't know how much I value your friendship and your leadership. I see you more as my mentor than as my boss."

Cathy stood and scolded me, "Tush, tush, get out of here and get home to that special person in your life. He's a very lucky man." I left immediately. Saying "Thank you" too many times is gauche.

I hurried home. When I arrived, I couldn't tell if anyone was at home. I unlocked the door and stepped into the entry. It was silent. I guess Sean was still on campus, probably practicing his piano. Then it hit me, we should have a piano here. I decided tto take care of that in short order.

I was immediately lonely. I had never felt that way before. But that was before Sean. Well, I needed to get used to it. We were not always going to be home together. I went to the kitchen and took out a can of cola. I popped the top and headed to the bedroom to change. The door to Sean's study was closed, so I didn't interrupt him, if he was home. I started to get into some more comfortable clothes when I heard a noise. I jumped around and there stood Sean, smiling that damn wonderful smile at me.

"Want me to help?" he asked.

"That would be nice. I like it when you help me." I told him.

He moved quickly to me and took me in his arms and kissed me gently. "I missed you," he said.

"I missed you, too. And thanks for my first love letter. I will treasure it always."

He was laughing, "Love letter, from moi? It couldn't be. I just had to tell you again how much I love you."

"Look, Sean, before we get too carried away there's a letter waiting at the Registrar for you from some attorney. We need to go get it and we need to tell them where you are living. And they will want the phone number and stuff like that."

"Ryan, I don't know any attorneys. I don't understand."

"That, my sweet lover, is why we have to go get the letter."

I withheld any information about the check. I wanted to save that for later. So we left the townhouse and in short order were at the Registrar's Office. Pat, the Registrar's secretary, got up from her desk and came to the counter.

"Hi, Dr. Taylor. How may I help you?"

"Well, it's really this young man who needs your help?"

"Hello, mam, my name is Sean Kelly and I understand you have a letter here for me."

"Oh, yes. Just one moment. I will need some identification. Your student ID will do." I looked at Sean and smiled. He blew me a small hidden kiss as he returned my smile.

Moments later Pat returned with the letter. She looked at Sean's student ID and had him sign some paperwork, She handed him the letter. I noticed that his hand was shaking.

Pat continued, "And while we have you here, Sean, I need some other information. Your address and telephone number is really all I need. I assume nothing else has changed. Person to contact in an emergency is your aunt."

Sean gave Pat my street address, my townhouse number, and my telephone number. I could see recognition on Pat's face. She smiled at me, and I returned her smile.

"Mam," Sean said, I want to change that emergency thing, too. I want Dr. Ryan Taylor's name there. Is that okay?" he inquired.

I was standing near him and he reached out and squeezed my hand. I smiled at him and squeezed back. That was my okay. I know my eyes were misty, but I controlled everything.

"So, Sean, you are living at Dr. Taylor's residence."

"Yes, mam, I rent an extra bedroom from him. It's cheaper than the college and it helps him with his mortgage and stuff. And his home is much more pleasant than a dormitory."

"Well, I think that's wonderful. And Dr. Taylor, that gives you some company. I like it. That's all I need to know for the update of the records. Thank you."

We thanked Pat and left quietly. Sean still had the letter clutched in his hand. I didn't mention it. When we were in the car, I turned to Sean.

"You don't know how proud I am of you. You handled yourself with such maturity in there. Pat fell in love with you immediately. I could tell. And Sean, thanks for trusting me enough to let me be the person you want contacted if there is an emergency. I really want that responsibility. As your partner, I want to take care of you. Tomorrow, in the Dean's office, I am changing my emergency contact to you, Sean. I will let my folks know about it. You have to come home with me and meet them. They will love you as much as I love you. I want to kiss you right now and then jump your bones, but this is not the place. Let's go to our home and our bed."

"Awesome!" was all that Sean said as we sped home.

(to be continued) I welcome comments about the story. Since a large part of the story is already written, I cannot make plot changes. Keeping messages to a reasonable length would be appreciated. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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