The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Apr 29, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 38 by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me discuss the the story. It is encouraging to hear from you. I try to answer all of you, but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

Thanks again to all my faithful readers; there's more story to come in "The Professor and Sean".

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling, is the result of the intelligent and careful editing I have received from Wayne This competent guy is my beta reader and editor. I thank him here publicly. As Sean would say, "You're awesome!"

The Professor and Sean, Part 39

(Ry narrates)

We left Dan and Craig in the living room. As we exited, I quietly turned off the lights; now the only illumination was the moonlight streaming through the windows. Sean pulled me closer to him and the warmth of his body felt so promising. I was nearly overcome emotionally as we walked to our bedroom and I thought about how fortunate I was to have this man, my lover, my partner, to whom I had promised my love and faithfulness for as long as we lived. I guess that I had not recently considered the significance of those promises. I halted and drew Sean into my arms. The moonlight bathed us in its bluish light, and I knew there were tears in my eyes. At first I didn't want him to see them, but I knew he was not one to miss my tears.

Sean whispered softly into my ear as I held him tightly in my arms, "Why are you crying, Ry? Is it something that I did? Please let me help, you, Hon. Each day I love you more each day."

I pulled him even tighter into my arms; not wanting him to be able to move away from me as his closeness gave me strength and hope for the future. I knew I had to tell him, and it was when I was trying to come up with an answer that I suddenly realized that part of what I was experiencing was about what my life would be like without him. That was the imagined fear and the deep sense of loss I was experiencing. I knew I couldn't tell him that.

I sighed deeply and told him, "I guess it's just that when I think about our union, our promises to each other, and how our love for each is so intense it produces joy, that it makes me emotional. That's all."

Sean had his head on my shoulder; his breath on my ear was working its magic on my penis, causing it to harden. That wasn't what I wanted at this moment. I just wanted my lover in my arms, feeling our bodies together, and the intertwining of our limbs as an expression of our total love for each other. I kissed Sean on his forehead, my tears dropping onto his lovely cheek.

"Hon, I have times when I get very emotional, too, Sean said. When I am alone here, and I think about how I would be able to go on without you in my life, if you were not here with me, I weep. I thought about it for a long time once and I concluded that I was being selfish, that I was only worried about myself. I hadn't really considered what would keep you from me. Ry, when I realized that only death would keep you away from me, I wept with uncontrollable sobbing. I was unable to get a hold of myself for a long time. I am yours, Hon, until the day I die. Please don't ever stop loving me. I think if you stopped loving me I would wither away and die. Kiss me, please."

Without another word, I picked Sean up into my arms and carried him to our bed. I placed him carefully on the bed and gently removed his shirt and shorts. He lay there, his beautiful body resplendent in the moonlight. I quickly pulled off my shirt and shorts, and slowly lay upon my lover. I leaned in and kissed him open mouthed, our tongues dueling. I was rubbing my cock up against his, and we were both moaning.

"I just want to hold you, to kiss you, to have you here. The warmth of your beautiful body gives me a feeling of security. Babe, I need you just to be quiet and love me with your body; not in sexual union, but simply sharing yourself with me, perhaps spiritually. I don't know how to explain this. I want you close and near me, but I don't want sex, at least not right now. I'm sorry because you may want to have sex right now, but Love, I just want you close," I told him.

Sean lifted his head from my shoulder. He looked at me with those stunning eyes, and my resolve was shattered. He kissed my lips lightly, smiled that smile at me and told me,

"I am happy just being with you. Hugging you, kissing you, feeling your body against mine, these things, too, are lovemaking for me. I really would like to have you make love to me, but I can wait. We have a lifetime ahead of us. Tonight we can just hold each other, being at peace with ourselves and our desires," he said as he moved into the center of the bed, held out his arms and invited me into them.

I moved quickly into his arms, kissing him gently, but with intense emotion. He turned his back to me, and I spooned him, my semi-erect penis finding a comfortable resting-place in Sean's ass crack. I reached around and took his cock into my hand, slowly stroking it as it grew in size. I could tell from my lover's breathing that he was asleep. I kissed the back of his neck, kept my hand on his cock, and slowly began to fall ing asleep, too.

The moonlight had diminished as the moon made its way across the heavens. There could not be anything any better than this. 'I am so lucky. I am so blessed,' I whispered softly, almost incoherently, as I was almost asleep,

"Thank you, God, for Sean. He is my life."

I finally fell asleep with the most important thing in my life held tightly in my arms. -------------------------------------------------

(Sean narrates)

I awoke suddenly from a dream that was frightening and mysterious. I was alone in the dream. There was a lake and a dark forest and I was weeping. I was distraught about something, but I couldn't discover what. I felt like I was being restrained. I struggled to escape, but it was futile. Then I heard Ry, calling to me, telling me to wait, to be careful, not to do it. But whatever I was supposed to do, I didn't do because the darkness overcame me and everything disappeared and I was alone again. I screamed for Ryan. I needed him. Where was he? Why didn't he answer my pleas for help? Then I awakened. Ry was lying beside me asleep. I was shaking and my heart was pounding. I realized that I was sitting upright in the bed. I had to wake Ry. I had to. I needed him. He was lying on his side, facing away from me.

I took his shoulder and rolled him to his back. Without thinking, I moved on top of him, kissing him with total abandon. His arms were now around me as he was awake. He ran his hands up and down my back and he grasped my ass cheeks and massaged them, finally running a finger up and down my crack. As he continued to feel my body, our cocks got hard. I stopped kissing him only long enough to tell him that I needed him to make love to me. I needed him in me. He rolled me to my back, and with tenderness and love did just what I asked of him. As he filled me with his seed, my soul was released from the horror of the dream, and I was at peace.

After making love, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

------------------------------------- (Ry narrates)

I awoke slowly as the sunlight crept into the bedroom, bringing in warmth and light. Sean was sleeping peacefully, his body turned toward me. I raised myself on my elbow and enjoyed looking at him. As the sunlight hit his head it shown brilliantly, reflecting off his blonde hair, turning it to sparkling gold. His beard was a little heavier than usual but I was amazed at his beauty and his sexiness. I kissed him gently on the forehead, and then I brushed my lips against his. He stirred and stretched, opening his eyes slowly until his crystal blue eyes sparkled and his award-winning smile grew on his face.

"I love waking up like this, Hon. Come here and kiss me "Good morning'. You are so beautiful, so enticing, I could eat you up. Hmm, I want to eat you right now, Hon. Come to me, kiss me, I want you," he told me with a giggle. I couldn't contain my wonderful feeling and I burst into laughter as he giggled. Soon he was laughing, too.

It made sense to me; this was joy. Lovers greeting each other at the dawn of a new day, was a pure expression of timeless love. I was soon on Sean, kissing his ears, tonguing them, moving to his eyes, his lips. I licked his chin and took it into my mouth, working it with my tongue. Sean was hugging me with surprising strength, his fingernails digging into my naked back. There was some pain, but strangely, I was sexually stimulated by the intensity of his response to my lovemaking.

I wanted Sean so badly. I wanted him in me, filling me with his youthful essence. I kissed him again, gently this time, and I begged him,

"Baby, please, make love to me. I need you now so much. I want you so much. Please, Baby, take me."

Without a word Sean rolled me to my back, reached for the lube, and pushed on my legs, which I then held back. He quickly lubed my twitching anus, and unceremoniously shoved his solid eight inches into me without stopping. Once he was deep into me, he kissed me again, and told me,

"Ry, you have no idea how wonderful it feels to be deep inside you. I want this to be something special; I want you to have complete ecstasy; I want you to cum without you or I touching your cock. Let me make it happen, Hon."

With that he began a slow rhythmic in-and-out fucking of my hole. I was pulling him as deeply into me as I could. I had grasped his ass and was pulling him as I pushed back onto his fuckpole trying to impale myself. He increased his speed and he pounded into me, each time rubbing my love button. I was approaching a climax and I tried to tell him, but he had covered my mouth with his and he was sucking on my tongue as he pummeled my ass. I couldn't hold out any longer and my cock twitched and erupted, and I shot spurt after spurt of my hot man juice all over both of us. Instantaneously, Sean was beginning to stiffen, and his cock was swelling in my hole. I grabbed his balls, which were tight against his body, and with a monumental groan, he poured shot after shot of his essence into me. Our hearts were beating so forcefully that you could practically hear them. He broke our kiss and told me simply,

"I love you, Ry. I love you more than I can say."

"Don't worry, Baby, you just proved your love for me. I want you to know that without you I would be nothing. You have brought meaning and joy into my life. I love you above all others, my darling. I will always love you as I do now, but with more intensity and maturity as long as I live," I told him as I tried to contain my sobs, which were an expression of my emotional state and a manifestation of my joy. Sean just held me tightly, kissing my ear, and whispering over and over to me,

"I love you. I love you. I love you..."

---------------------------------------- (Ry narrates)

Lying in bed wrapped in each other's arms we felt the intensity and stability of our love. That was sufficient for us and we lay there for fifteen minutes enjoying the moment. I realized that we had to get moving shortly as we had much to accomplish this day. As I kissed my lover gently, I whispered to him,

"Baby, let's get going. I need to piss, and I think we should start breakfast so that Dan and Craig can use the bathroom first. After breakfast, we can take our showers. What do you think?"

"No, I just want to stay here with you. I need some more kisses, some more loving," Sean sighed and then giggled.

"But, Baby, we have some important things to do. I think..."

Sean was on me, kissing me with open mouth and tongue and I was instantly erect again. Twisting his body, he was suddenly over me, his cock brushing my face. That invitation was all that I needed and we were soon in a hot 69, which ended in a shortly time as we drank each other's cum as our breakfast appetizer.

Laughing lightly, he said, "Okay, Hon, now we can get going. That protein shake will take care of me for the moment."

I had an urge so strong that I couldn't contain it, and I was suddenly on my lover, kissing him from head to foot; licking his muscular and well- defined body. His groaning and moaning only stimulated me more.

"Baby, I want you so much, all the time. I feel like a dirty old man. You just take my breath away. I could just eat you. Do you realize what you do to me?" I asked.

Moving his hands over my back and butt, he was moaning, and thrashing a little as I took his cock into my mouth and licked and sucked it until it began to harden. Sean spoke between moans with requests for me to suck him dry. Soon, he was pulling my head down on his cock, in a way fucking my mouth, and with a cry he filled me with his hot boy spunk. I realized that I had also cum as I enjoyed my lover again.

"Thank you, Lover. I could stay here the rest of the weekend, with just you and our love. Let's..."

"No let's or buts; we have to get up and get moving. Did you know that I shot off when you came in my mouth? It's all over my chest and..."

"Don't move! I want that protein." Sean wiggled around and began to lick the cum from my body, enjoying it almost as much as I was enjoying it. Finally he licked the remains of the cum from my balls, sighed, and moved up to kiss me.

"Now," he said, "we can get up and get going."

Soon we were quietly padding down the hall toward the kitchen. We could hear something that sounded like intense moaning coming from the living room.

"Should we wait?" asked Sean.

"No, I don't think they will even know we are passing through."

"What if they see us?

"We'll say, 'Good Morning, get showered and join us for breakfast in twenty minutes.' If they are asleep, well, I guess, we start breakfast and the wonderful aroma from our cooking will wake them up."

We moved quietly down the hall.

(Sean narrates)

I had my arm around Ry's waist and he had his arm draped around my shoulders. I feltwarm and protected by him. I said nothing since I knew he would get emotional about it. I just gave him a kiss as we made our way down the hall. My mind was on a multitude of items that I wanted to discuss with Dan about the cabin and our desire for children.

I also knew I wanted to speak with him about an idea for a gift I wanted to give Ry at Christmas. If Dan thought it was feasible, it would mean some intense work for him since I wanted to give the present to Ry at our private Christmas before we headed to Florida for our stay with Mom and Dad Taylor.

As we passed through the living room, it was obvious that Dan and Craig were in the midst of early morning lovemaking. We quietly passed them. Ry squeezed my hand tightly as we made our way to the kitchen. They were not aware of us.

As strange as it may seem, I hadn't really thought about the inheritance that would come to me next fall on my birthday. I knew I wanted to discuss it with Ry before deciding anything. I had a germ of an idea, but it would have to wait until I had time to discuss it carefully with Ry.

When we reached the kitchen, the very first thing that Ry asked me was,

"Is anything the matter, Baby. You seem pensive and miles away. I didn't interrupt your thoughts, because I sensed that they were important."

"I'm embarrassed, Hon. I just realized that I hadn't spoken to you for a while. I have been thinking about some of the things that I want to be sure to discuss with Dan. You know all the things we have talked about; a Will, and stuff. I want to make sure that Dan understands exactly what I want to happen to my inheritance if I should die first. I ..."

Ry interrupted, "Please, Sean, I don't want to hear about your dying. Understand me, please, Baby. I know that we both are going to die someday, but right now I want to concentrate on living."

"I do understand and I hate having to talk about this stuff, but it has to be done, especially since I have such a large inheritance coming. I know how you feel about the money. You think it's mine, and I realize that it is. But, Ry, if anything should happen to me, I want to make sure that you inherit everything with as little taken away in taxes as possible, that means the money, the cabin and the house. And if we have children in the future, I want to make sure that they will be taken care of in the way you have taken care of me."

"Baby, I just love you. Don't worry about any children we might have. I would take care of them because I would know how much you loved them," he told me as he hugged me and gave me a gentle kiss. I sighed deeply and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ry, I have to ask you something."


"How much do you want Craig to do for us?" I asked quietly as I pulled the coffee maker out onto the counter top.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Baby," he said as he brought the coffee to me so that I could brew the pot of coffee.

As I poured the 12 cups of water in the coffee maker, I said to him, "I'm a little embarrassed, but after the way he behaved last night, I'm not sure I want him dealing with my legal stuff."

Ry had been measuring the coffee into the brewer, but he stopped and looked at me, burrowed his brow, told me,

"Sean, I don't think what happened last night has anything to do with Craig's capabilities as an attorney. I plan to talk with him today to determine, as much as I can, his skills. I think he can be trusted with our legal matters, but not with our bedroom matters."

I laughed quietly, "Wow, I guess that puts me in the place where I belong. But, Hon, there is one thing I want to say, and it's this: I don't ever want to go through what we did last night. I just want you. Is that okay with you?"

"My beautiful, loving, Sean, that's all I ever wanted; you. Let's decide now that we will be each other's lover for all of our lives. Okay?

I think my passionate kiss made it clear to Ry that I agreed. Our kiss lingered, with Ry stroking my body, massaging my butt. My erection pushed against his, and we were lost again, as only two people deeply in love can be, somewhere between a deep sexual desire and a calming spiritual togetherness. I knew at that moment that the promise to each other had been sealed in a way that only God Himself could approve. I sensed in the deepest recesses of my soul that God did approve.

We were now a couple spiritually and in a way that no ceremony could, or did, make us. Our embrace was broken by Craig's soft, welcoming voice.

"Hey, guys, good morning. Sorry to interrupt you two, but is it all right if Dan and I take a shower?" he asked.

Ry was quick to respond, "Sure, loads of towels in the linen closet, and if you need shampoo or anything like that, check the bathroom. There should be basketfuls of that stuff. And tell Dan that we serve breakfast in about twenty minutes, so that means no shower fun."

"Washy quickie, no dickie," I chided.

Craig laughed as did Ry, and started to leave the kitchen area. Dan stuck his head in and said to me,

"I heard that business of 'wash quickie, no dickie' and I just want to add: 'just wash back but not crack;' and finally, 'you may grab prick, but no suck dick.'"

There was general laughter. Ry was hugging me and laughing. I knew he had something he wanted to add, so I said to him,

"Hon, do you have any pearls of wisdom you want to add?"

"I sure do. 'Because it is crass, don't eat his ass. Just feel and grope,band also hope he drops the soap. If he does and bends way over, just stare and wish you were on a bed of clover. Extend your hand and feel his ass, just kiss it once, and move in close, now finger it and grab his dick, but do it quick, and beat it hard to make it shoot its morning wad,'" he pontificated.

Craig said, amidst raucous laughter, "If the poetry gets any worse, I'll get sick. By the way, Dan has a beautiful ass which I have had the pleasure of enjoying this morning."

As they were leaving, I told them, "Yeah, we saw you going at it like animals. Enjoy yourselves."

Ry was busy getting things out of the refrigerator, when he noticed me just standing there watching him. He smiled at me and I returned his smile with my "cutesy" smile.

"Don't do that, Baby, or we won't have breakfast for a while. And why are you staring at me?" he he questioned as he moved toward me.

"I love looking at you, Ry. It makes me feel good all over. You are my one and only lover, and being close to you, looking at you, whatever, gives me pleasure. Can you understand that?" I asked.

He kissed me gently on the lips and then on the neck, and my body felt as if a gentle breeze was moving through it. It was electrifying. I melted into his arms, clinging to him, getting strength from him. My cock was hardening and suddenly the only thing I could think about was making love with Ry. He was massaging my ass cheeks and I was humping against him, feeling his erection as I knew he felt mine. His kiss became fuller and our tongues explored the inner reaches of our mouths. I was running out of breath. Ry broke our embrace, and with a gentle laugh, he said,

"Not now, Baby. Not now."

"Please." I begged.

"No, it's time for bacon and eggs. Let's keep this for later. Don't worry, I will want you just as much then as I do now, maybe more. Sean, you are so hot, so sexy. Aaahh, I just about lose it every time I touch you. Can you wait?" he whispered.

I snuggled into his arms again, putting my head on his shoulder; turning so that my lips were resting on his ear. I kissed it and licked it with my tongue. His body shuddered. I smiled to myself for being such a tease, but I wanted him to know how much I responded to him. I whispered in his ear,

"I can wait, but, Hon, you are going to pay for this big time."

He laughed. "I hope so," was all he said.

(Ry narrates)

After coming close to having sex with Sean in the kitchen, which I very much wanted, I had decided that sex would have to wait; we had so many important things to do today.

As usual our cooking went smoothly and naturallly, as we knew our responsibilities, if you can call them that. I was brewing coffee, working on grapefruit for a starter, and juicing oranges for fresh squeezed juice. Sean busied himself setting the table; this morning in our dining area.

He moved with a special grace that caused me to lose my breath as I watched him. My God, he was so beautiful, so sexy. I had to stop watching him and get on with my cooking chores. I decided to make scrambled eggs as I could cook a large amount at a time.

After Sean had finished setting the table, he began cooking the bacon and sausage. He used the microwave with great skill and when he took care of that part of the breakfast, it always came out perfectly. As he was moving from the microwave and back to the counter, he stopped behind me, hugged me and kissed the back of my neck. I almost dropped a dozen of eggs on the floor.

"Hmm, love kissing every part of your manly body, Hon. I almost lose it because of your scent. Can we forget breakfast and make love?" he asked as he kissed my neck again.


"I know, I know, but I don't have to like it," he said with a giggle.

"We may have to wait until tonight when we are alone in our bedroom."


"Not in the kitchen," I replied with a snicker.

Sean wanted no more of that, so he came to me and grabbed my crotch and soon I was erect and panting. His lips found mine and we were kissing passionately with our tongues working madly in each other's mouth. Without meaning to, I had started to stroke his cock, which was erect, and I fell to my knees and began to lick his inner thighs moving upward to his balls and than his cock. We were hot and ready for wild sex, but suddenly hearing of Dan's voice brought us back to the reality of the day. We separated quickly. Dan was telling Craig to hurry.

Dan wandered into the kitchen, and seeing both of us with what I am sure looked like guilty faces, smiled and asked,

"Did I interrupt anything?"

"No, nothing that can't wait until later. If you want to help, you could start some toast, bagels, and English muffins. Sean will take care of warming the other muffins. Do you both drink coffee, or would you rather have tea or milk or whatever?" I asked him.

"We're both coffee drinkers," Dan said.

Sean was standing near the microwave smiling at me, knowing that I was trying to adjust myself so that my hardon wouldn't show too much. I suspected Dan could see it too, but being a gentleman, he gave no indication that he was aware of it. Although it was not visible to Dan, Sean enjoyed that I could see his tented shorts, which, of course, made me stay hard.

Dan started using the toaster doing his part in preparing breakfast. Sean moved freely about the kitchen, stopping every time he passed me to kiss the back of my neck. He was having a great time, and I was almost out of my mind with desire. 'He would pay,' I told myself, 'just wait until I get him alone tonight. Oh, yes, he'll pay, and I will enjoy every moment of it.'

"So, you two lovebirds, how do you want to handle our discussion this morning? First, have you decided whether you want us to represent you? And if you do, then what?" he said.

Sean stopped microwaving the bacon and sausage. He walked over to me and put his arm around me. I turned to him and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. He smiled at me, turned to Dan, and said,

"We want you to represent us. We admire your abilities and your honesty. What happened last night, just happened. All of us are at fault. Things in the hot tub gave everyone some strong feelings and from then on everything got out of control. Eric and Clint wisely left to be by themselves. But enough of that. Let's forget it," said my wise and handsome Sean.

"Dan, we want to put last night behind us. We need to start today on some very important legal matters," I said.

Dan smiled slightly and we could see him swallow hard. His eyes were glistening with tears, but he pulled himself together and spoke to us.

"I want you both to know that in so many ways, Craig and I don't deserve your kindness and understanding. You have just guaranteed that I have a career, and although he doesn't know your decision yet, Craig, more than I, will be relieved. I have already told him that although I might lose my job, he would lose his and I doubt that he would ever be able to find another one; at least not in New England. Thank you guys so very much. I owe you," he said in a raspy, emotion-filled voice. He moved to us and gave us a big hug.

"I will work with you, and Ry will work with Craig. Then you can discuss what we have said to you individually and then advise us about what we should change, add, whatever," Sean told Dan in his most business-like voice. I smiled slightly. No wonder I love him so deeply, so completely. He is remarkable. I had nothing to add.

"What a nice grouping you three make," said Craig as he came into the kitchen. We all looked at him, but he didn't smile. He sat on a kitchen stool and looked at the floor. He was obviously uneasy, but neither Dan nor the two of us offered any help. He looked up at us and his face was flushed with embarrassment. He stood and walked to us. This big guy, strong and beautiful, was shaking with emotion; Sean tightened his grip around my waist telling me silently that this was a serious moment.

Tears were running down Craig's face. We were all uneasy, but we waited patiently. Craig cleared his throat and in an emotionally charged voice, spoke.

"I feel so terrible about last night. I am a grown man, educated and professional. What I did last night was inexcusable. I don't know how to apologize, but I just want you to know that it was my fault and I don't want you to take it out on Dan. I love Dan very much and I don't want him hurt. He is a brilliant attorney and he should represent you. I have decided that I cannot represent you two guys. I don't deserve that honor. If I need to, I will leave Vermont and go west so that I can't hurt Dan's career. I just...

"What the fuck are you talking about?" asked an angry Dan. "I will not let you leave me. Craig, you stupid asshole, don't you understand that I love you deeply? If you leave, I would be devastated. You can't leave me, please, Babe, please I need you." With that Dan moved to Craig and took him in his arms and kissed him long and powerfully on the lips. Sean and I looked on with pleasure.

Sean whispered in my ear, "Ry, tell Craig that it's all settled, that we want them both to be our attorneys. Please stop Craig's agony."

"Look, Craig, it's all decided. We want Dan and you to represent us. Unless you both work for us, we won't hire either of you. Please, get control of yourself. Everything is fine. Last night was last night. We all fucked up, pardon the pun, and we are all responsible to some degree. Sean and I don't want to see you leave Dan. It's obvious that you two are deeply in love, so let's move on, okay?" I said.

Dan and Craig broke their embrace. Both of them had tears on their faces. Craig walked over to Sean and hugged him with love. Dan hugged me, and then we had a group hug.

Craig continuel, "I will never be able to repay you for your kindness and understanding and forgiveness. I will work for you with all my being, talent, and intelligence. I would have left before I would have hurt the person I most love in the world, but it would have killed me. You two have saved Dan and me from that terrible sadness. I understand now, more than I did originally why so many people love you two. Count Dan and me in that group of admirers. Thank you so much."

"Hey, fellows, if we don't get going on breakfast it will be time for lunch. I have a great deal I need to discuss with Dan. So let's get this show on the road," Sean said.

I hugged my wonderful lover, and said, "When my lover speaks, I obey. Let's have breakfast."

Dan and Craig smiled at the two of us, and moved to the dining table. Soon the table was laden with good food. The conversation flowed easily, but it was Sean who put the nail on the head when he told all of us, but especially me,

"I'll let you know if Ry really means it when he says that when I speak, he obeys.

Laughing as he took my hand in his, he continued,

"I have in mind some exciting things to say to my lover. I hope he obeys.

I got up from my chair, moved to him, and as I kissed his ear, I whispered,

"Baby, I promise to obey because I love you so much.

Sean smiled at me, laughed lightly, and pulled me to him and kissed me passionately.

Dan spoke softly, but with seriousness,

"Sean, Ry is already your slave."

I thought to myself, 'Yes, Dan, you're right. I love him. I need him. I want him. He is mine and I am his.'

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 40

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