The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Apr 11, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 38 by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me discuss the the story. It is encouraging to hear from you. I try to answer all of you, but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

Thanks again to all my faithful readers; there's more story to come in "The Professor and Sean".

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling, it is the result of the intelligent and careful editing I have received from Bill and Wayne These two competent guys are my beta readers and editors. I thank them here publicly. As Sean would say, "They are awesome!"

The Professor and Sean, Part 38

(Clint narrates.)

Eric was holding my hand tightly as he led the way to the hot tub. As soon as we stepped outside the sliding door and the chill of the early December night hit us, we sprinted to the tub and hurriedly got in the water. I leaned back onto one of the seats with Eric moving to me and lying on me, He kissied me tenderly. I was taken by this beautiful man and I sensed that he really cared for me. I knew that I could let down my guard and feeling, and perhaps show love.

Tonight would not be an anonymous quickie. I knew that wasn't what Eric wanted, and I realized that that wasn't what I wanted either. From this moment on, no one would find me patrolling for cock in the basement men's room at Genther Hall. I knew that it would take time to convince Eric that I wanted him as my lover and partner. I didn't want, nor need, the cruising and anonymous sex, which had been an important part of my life. I had found someone to love; I only hoped that he would love me.

Eric moved against me, pushing his growing erection into my crotch. He stroked my face slowly and with complete gentleness. His frequent kisses were soft on my lips and didn't demand or expect anything. It was very quiet there, with only the sound of the water gurgling in the tub. I had been stroking Eric's back, running my hands down to his firm butt, occasionally letting my finger trace his inviting crack. He broke the silence when he said,

"I could stay here like this forever, Clint. I'm completely happy in your arms, kissing you, feeling your hands on my body. I'm sorry, I know that I shouldn't burden you with this, but I have to tell you. I am sure that I'm falling in love with you. I know I can't expect you to feel the same about me. It will hurt when you tell me that this is just a one-night stand. I deserve that, Clint, because I have carried this much further than I should have. After all, I asked you over here for group sex, and here we are alone, just lying here caressing each other when you could be having exciting sex with the other guys, and..."

"Listen to me, Eric," I said interrupting him. "I have what I want. I have you, and I think I am falling in love with you. I didn't think it could happen this quickly and completely to me, but it has." I then kissed him with passion and pushed my tongue into his mouth.

I finally broke the kiss, and rolled him onto his back. I laid on top of him, rubbing my engorged penis against his abs. He was sighing deeply. He opened his legs and my cock slid between them, brushing his balls. I enjoyed the feeling, but I was more aware that Eric had begun to grab my ass cheeks, kneading them as he bore his tongue into my mouth and as I sucked hard on it.

"Please, Clint, let's go to bed. I want to make love. Please?" he pleaded.

I lifted him into my arms, stepped out of the tub, and hurried into the living room. Grabbing towels, we quickly dried off and hurried to the bed. Without speaking, I began to kiss Eric's body from head to toe, not missing a place. He was moaning and thrashing slightly on the bed. I slowly took his erect cock into mouth, using my tongue to give him as much pleasure as I could. As I sucked him, I played with his enormous balls, pulling on them, lifting them, and massaging them as my saliva dripped down from his shaft and began to bathe his nuts. I couldn't believe how sexually excited I was becoming, and I realized that there was only one thing that would make me feel I had a lover. I pulled off his beautiful cock, moved up to face him, and spoke softly to him,

"Eric, please prove to me that you are my man, my lover. I want you in me, please. Please fuck me. Now, please."

"But Clint..."

"No talk, Eric, please, do me."

"Okay. I'm not too experienced at this, so I hope you don't expect too much. I'll do my best," he told me.

"Look, Eric, I'm a virgin in this department. You will be the first guy to ever fuck me. Don't worry about it, because we are falling in love with each other; we'll make it through," I whispered in his ear as he kissed it and licked it with my tongue.

"But, Lover, what if I hurt you. I don't want to hurt you."

"Are you telling me that you don't want me, that you don't want to make love to me? Is that what you are saying, Eric? I demanded.

Eric was suddenly on me, holding my hands above my head, kissing me with such force and passion that I wondered if he might push my teeth crooked. When he came up for a breath, which we both needed, he chided me,

"I want you so much, I hurt. I want to make love to you, now, tomorrow; for as long as you will have me. I know that I love you now, there's no more thinking about it. Understand? I love you, Clint. I want you. But, I don't want to hurt you. Now, be quiet and enjoy as much of this as you can. If I screw up, and you know what I should be doing, then tell me. I want this to be the most satisfying sexual experience you have ever had in your life. Now, kiss me like you mean it."

So suddenly did the emotion hit me, that I was almost overcome. I knew now, without the slightest glimmer of doubt that I loved Eric with my whole being, that I wanted him with me, in me, loving me for as long as we would live. I had no other desire except to love him completely, to give myself to him totally, to accept all of his lovemaking as his statement to me that he loved me totally.

As I was pondering this, Eric was kissing and licking my ears, inserting his hot tongue into them as his hands worked on my nipples, pinching them, and then, after kissing and licking my eyes and face, he moved to my armpits and licked them, sending me into a sexual spin from which I slowly recovered only to find his lips and tongue doing things to my nipples that I could never have had imagined. All I could do was groan. I forced out one small, squeaky sentence,

"Oh, Baby, you do know how to make love."

"Hmm, my sexy lover, you ain't seen nut'in' yet," came his reply as we both laughed and hugged.

It was then that Eric, slid down my body, and with one movement filled his mouth and throat with my very hard cock. I almost came at that moment; it felt better than any blowjob I had ever gotten in Genther, but those were just quickies. Now my lover was letting me know how desirable I was; he wanted to be the source of complete pleasure for me. As he moved to my balls and began to lick and suck them, I reached a level of sexual pleasure I had not known before. Then it struck me, Eric is making love to me; this is more than just sex, it's lovemaking.

When Eric pushed against my legs, I knew instinctively what to do. I pulled my legs back and held them behind the knees, pulling them slightly sideways so that my ass was open to my lover. I anticipated that he would quickly shove his hard cock deep into me, but he didn't. Instead, he began to kiss my ass cheeks, and then as he spread them, he began to lick my crack, and finally he swirled his tongue around my hole, which was now opening and closing, blinking as it were, for my lover. When I felt his long hot tongue probe my hole, my body lifted off the bed in sheer sexual anticipation. I wanted him in me so much; I needed him in me now. I spoke in a raspy whisper,

"Eric, it's time. Please, make me your one and only lover." I begged.

Eric leaned forward and kissed me hard, his tongue exploring my mouth. My tongue fought back, tasting and delighting in his mouth.

"Hold on, just a moment, Baby. I need to get something. I'll be right back," he said to me.

I had intended to object, but I was so hot and ready for anything that I just relaxed and let my legs down. I stretchedmy legs out, feeling my cock with my hands and immediately knowing that I was dripping precum profusely. Eric had left the room, but returned moments later.

"Where did you go, Lover, I'm in such great need of you?" I asked him'

"I went to the other room to get some lube and condoms. Sean gave me some as soon as I asked." he said.

"What were they doing?"

"I didn't go directly into the room, but from what I heard, and the speed with which Sean came to the door, I would say that not much was going on at the moment. Clint, I don't care what was going on in that room. I only care what is going on in this room," he said as he leaned in and gave me another hot, passionate kiss.

As he kissed me, I felt him spread some cool lube on my hot hole. Still kissing me, he inserted his finger into my ass and moved it slowly around, pushing on the walls of my rectum, and feeling for my prostate. He hit it once, and my cock jumped and spilled a little more precum out on my chest.

"Clint, I am going to increase the number of fingers I have in you slowly, so that you can get used to the sensation, and then I will slowly ease my cock into you. Stop me if it hurts you; promise me that, as I don't want to hurt you. Clint, I love you."

"Eric, I am a man, a Native American. I have suffered many things, but this will not be one of them. I want this. Understand me; you are my lover, my happiness. I want this connection with you. Just do it, and don't worry. Uh, uh, Eric, I love you, too."

As I said that to him, he was pushing two fingers into my hot anus. It took no time at all for him to rub my love button, and I relaxed and let my love channel open for him. Soon he had three fingers deep in me, and I was gasping, wanting him in me; I wanted him to make hot love to me.

"Oh, God!" I groaned, "Please, I need you. Please, Eric, make love to me now."

As I was saying this, I felt Eric rub his cock head against my hot opening. Then he pushed and it hurt like hell. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him with an open mouth, sucking on his tongue as my way of urging him deeper into me. I think he understood my message, because he continued to push into me, inch by inch. Now that I was getting used to the full feeling, I realized I wanted more. So holding my legs back without my hands on my knees, I reached around him and grabbed his beautiful ass, As I pushed back, impaling myself on his cock, I pulled him forward, and he was into my hot rectum up to his balls, which were resting on my ass.

"Oh, fuck!" he said. "You are so wonderful, so hot. I can't describe how this feels to me. Are you okay?"

"Hmmm, I am wonderful! You were made to fuck me, Eric. Please fuck me, fill me with your hot man juice. Make me shoot, Baby. Please."

Eric began to set up a rhythm; first slowly pulling almost entirely out of me and then slowly pushing back in, brushing my prostate and sending feelings too magnificent to describe. He increased his speed and so the rubbing of my prostate increased, too. I began to push my ass back against his cock, hoping to get more of him into me. I was becoming loud and active, demanding that he fuck me harder, longer, deeper. Finally, to keep me quiet, he kissed me hard on the mouth, and that was all it took. I felt my cock swelling and jumping of its own accord, and I was floating somewhere, all the nerve endings of my body were responding together like all the members of a large orchestra playing music in coordination with each other and reaching a crescendo; then I shot a load of cum larger and further than I ever thought possible.

I heard Eric moaning and then he was talking gibberish, except that he kept calling me his hot lover, and then his body rocked and I felt his cock increase in size, filling me completely. Then with a spasm of his body, he began to fill me with his hot cum; spurt after spurt, maybe six or seven. He collapsed onto me as I relaxed and my legs fell to the bed. The room was quiet except for our breathing, which was slowly returning to normal. Our racing hearts regained some sort of normalcy from their previous pounding. I had wrapped my arms tightly around Eric, holding him to my sticky chest; our two spent cocks against each other. His head was lying on my shoulder and I could feel his breath. He raised himself on his arms and leaned in and kissed me gently on my lips. He smiled, and his eyes were brilliant and filled with love. I returned his smile.

"That was something I never expected, but I always wanted to feel that way. Sex had always been just a way to get off. This was more than that. Eric, you made love to me, and I tried to return your love. I wanted it to be as wonderful for you as it was for me," I told him.

He laughed lightly as he looked down at me. His smile was so inviting, so sexy, that I found myself responding, my penis beginning to grow again.

"It was just as wonderful for me as it was for you. I have never had an experience that comes anywhere near what just happened. Clint, you are so perfect, so wonderful. There's just one thing, though," he said.

"I knew I did something wrong. Did I not respond the way you wanted. What was the matter, Eric? I wanted it to be perfect."

"You silly ass, there wasn't a thing wrong. It's just that I want you to make love to me. In the same way, but only when you want to, or if you feel the need. You may not wish to make love to me. It will make me sad, but I will..."

Before he could finish, I had rolled him over and now I was on top. I began to kiss and lick him, and as he groaned more, I got even more inspired in my lovemaking.

"Please, please, Clint. Make love to me. I want you in me."

I raised myself on my elbows and looked at him, hoping that the love I felt for him at that moment would show through to him. I kissed him with a brush of my lips to his. I pulled one of my arms away, using it to slowly caress his face, stopping to kiss him. Then I reached back and pulled on his leg, and he pulled his legs back and hitched them by holding his knees. I was kneeling between his legs, gazing at his perfectly formed cock, and before I could do anything else, I took it into my mouth and swallowed it down my throat. I enjoyed sucking him until he gently pushed my head back,

"If you don't stop, I'll cum right now. Please, Clint, put it in me. Fuck me, Clint," he begged.

Well, whatever else you can say about me, I am a guy that tries to fulfill requests; so with firmness, I pushed him onto his back and without further ceremony, I pressed my cock head against his pulsating anus and with one strong inward stroke, my cock was swallowed up and my balls were banging against him.

The rest is history. We made love again, as passionate, or more passionate than earlier. After we had regained our composure and were lying there next to each other, I looked with love at Eric and said,

"Tell me about yourself. I want to know everything."

------------------------------------------ (Sean narrates.)

The four of us left Eric and Clint in the living room. When I returned to the bedroom, Craig and Dan were in each other's arms, kissing quietly. They both had erections. Ry stood waiting for me by the bedside. He was erect, too, and smiling. Seeing his erection was all the stimulation I needed, and I felt my cock rising to the occasion.

Ry slowly got onto the bed causing Craig and Dan to pause momentarily and then return to their lovemaking. I got to the bed and slowly moved to my lover. He took me into his arms and pulled me to him, kissing me with passion and love. I returned his kiss.

As I did, I felt someone kissing my ass cheeks. I glanced back and saw that it was Dan. Craig was watching him, and after he kissed the cheeks, he opened them and licked my ass crack, tonguing my hot hole and fucking me a little with his tongue. He moved aside and Craig had his face in my ass eating me like he was starving. I whispered to Ry that I wanted him to make love to me, and as I was telling him that, Dan had mounted Craig and was fucking his ass like there was no tomorrow. This went on for a few minutes and then Craig was on his knees. Dan continued to plow his ass. Craig's huge cock was now pressed against my anus. In a way I wanted him to fuck me, but in another more important way, I didn't want him in me. I belong to Ry. I love Ry. I want Ry to make love to me; no one else is needed.

As I was pondering this, Craig suddenly plowed his enormous cock into me. I let out a guttural scream, begging him to stop, but it was as if he didn't hear me. I felt Ry moving from under me. Somehow he got his legs around me and had placed them on Craig's chest. He suddenly pushed, and Craig was forced back causing him to pull his cock out of me. Craig fell into Dan who fell off the bed and onto the carpeted floor.

"What's the matter, guys. I thought this is what you wanted. I just want a piece of Sean's beautiful ass, that's all," said Craig.

"Do you remember, Craig, that I told you that Sean's ass was mine and only mine. I told you to look, but you couldn't touch. That hasn't changed. We want to make love to each other. If you want to watch, fine. If you want to make love to each other while we do, fine. Or we can go into the study and use the big leather chair. But the final word is that we won't have sex with you guys, either singly or together. We like both of you, respect your knowledge, and want you to serve as our lawyers. But for now, that's all. If that isn't okay with you two, then maybe we will have to look for another law firm to represent us," Ry informed them.

Dan was standing at the edge of the bed, having gotten up from the floor. He looked stricken. He spoke in a voice filled with emotion,

"Sean, Ry, please accept my apologies. I never wanted this to happen. Well, maybe I hoped you would start something, but I never thought what just happened would ever be possible. I don't want to blame Craig, but he got me so hot, that I just did what he asked me to do. When he penetrated, you, Sean, I decided to give him more of his own medicine. He liked it, so I am glad that Ry put an end to it. I want to continue to be your lawyer, but if you feel that is impossible, I will understand."

"Look, you two, and you, Dan, also. I'm so sorry that my desire got the best of me. I acted like a rapist, and I deserve your indignation. Please don't take Dan's assignment as your attorney away from him. I will just not become involved. We'll move into the study so that you can be alone tonight. I will leave first thing in the morning and wait for Dan so that we can drive back to Vermont together." said a contrite Craig.

"We can talk about all that in the morning," I told him. Ry agreed, and Dan and Craig left.

----------------------------------- (Eric narrates.)

We had made love two times without much recuperation. I wanted more, and I know that Clint did, too. We needed our bodies to return to some kind of normalcy. As we were resting, Clint said,

"Tell me about yourself. I want to know everything."

"I will, but first, let's leave a note for Sean and Ry. I want you to come home to my bed for the rest of the night. I want you to be mine in my bed. I want to make love to you again, and again, and again. I want you to moan, to shout, to scream if you wish. Let's get dressed and get out of here."

"Your wish is my command. Just kiss me first and let me stroke your cock a bit."

"Okay, now..." Clint had something else on his mind.

He was kissing me, feeling my cock, balls and ass. I decided to do the same for him. Suddenly, Clint switched position and we were in perfect 69 formation. As his tongue licked my cockhead, and then he started swallowing my cock, I could do nothing but follow his lead. We fell into a perfect rhythm, and as we sucked, we played with each other's balls, and finally when we were close, we each pushed our middle finger deep into each other's asses, brushing our love buttons and flooding each other's mouths with loads of hot cum.

When we regained our wits, Clint said with some almost uncontrolled giggles,

"There, now I am ready. If necessary, we can stop along the way and you can fuck me in the back seat. Or I can fuck you, or we can do both. What do you think that idea?" he asked.

"I'm for that one hundred percent."

I reached for the pad and pencil near the phone and wrote the following,


Sorry to run out on you like this, but Clint and I have some

serious talking to do. It's about falling in love and wanting

a partner and lover. Also, we are at a point where we want

our lovemaking to be private. We wish you well.

Sean, don't check out Genther and expect to see either of

us, as we do not plan to return there.

Hey, you guys, we think the world of all of you.

Love from us to you." Eric and Clint.

Clint read the note quickly, kissed me again, and began to stroke my cock again. I wanted him so badly, but I took his hand away from my crotch and told him,

"Look, let's just get dressed and out of here. I have some delicious plans for you, but not until we get to my place," I told him.

"Hmm, promise me you won't forget your delicious plans," he said with a giggle. "I want a cum-blowing plan. Let me get dressed. Some of my clothes are in the entry. Kiss me again, please," he said.

I couldn't resist his kisses, so I quietly kissed him, gave his semi-erect cock a squeeze, and dressed quickly.

We stopped and looked back at the room, wanted to remember the place and time where we first expressed our love to each other.

Then, with a smile, and a quick kiss, we left.

------------------------------------------------------------ (Dan narrates.)

I was so embarrassed by the terrible incident in the bedroom, that I couldn't wait to get out of there. Craig knew that I was totally pissed at him. Even though I have strong feelings for him, he can make me very angry. He fails to realize how his mega testosterone gets him into trouble. And frankly, he's so sexy and hot, that he gets me into trouble.

What I did in the bedroom with him and Sean and Ry was inexcusable. Those two guys are my clients, and to put it bluntly, they are wealthy clients. If I lost this account, my days at the firm would be done, especially when I had to tell my partners what precipitated the loss. And I knew that when I did tell them, Craig would be dead meat. He wouldn't even be able to speak in his own defense. I was able to tell that he suddenly realized the jeopardy in which he had placed of us.

"I really fucked up tonight, didn't I?" Craid asked.

I didn't answer him for a long time. I could see that he was uncomfortable sitting in the leather chair. He didn't look at me, but stared at the floor. If he was feeling the same as I was, then our nakedness all of a sudden seemed wrong. I really wanted to get dressed. Finally I spoke to him,

"I know that you didn't mean anything bad to happen tonight. As usual, when you are around good looking sexy men, you want to shove that monster cock of yours up somebody's hole. You just picked the wrong person tonight. I've got to get some clothes on. I don't feel comfortable being completely naked here. I feel a little as if we have outworn our welcome."

"Yeah, I was a complete asshole tonight. You know me, Dan, when hot guys are around, I turn into an uncontrolled cock. It's one of my major failings. I think I would like to get dressed, too. We'll have to be quiet, though. Eric and Clint are in the living room where our shorts and stuff are. We will go quietly, and if we find them engaged in lovemaking, we'll just have to wait until later to recover our clothes," he said.

"Absolutely! I don't want to cause any other problems tonight. We have to have real a tough discussion tomorrow morning. Our jobs and careers hinge on the outcome. Let's go, and be quiet," I whispered.

We crept quietly down the little hall to the living room. There were lights on, but at first glance there was no one in the room. I wondered if they might be in the hot tub, but Craig had already decided to check. He opened the sliding doors and checked outside.

"No one out there. Maybe they are in the bath off the kitchen. Let's take a look," he said.

We moved quietly into the kitchen and then the bath. We found the door open and the room dark. No one was here.

"What the hell's going on here?" Craig asked.

"Don't know, but it's funny. Maybe we should inform Ry and Sean," I added, as we moved back into the living room.

As we moved past the sofa bed, I noticed a note lying on the pillow. I wondered what it said, and decided to read it. I took it off the pillow and read it aloud.

""Wow! That's a ball crusher. The evening has really turned into something different that I had anticipated," Craig said quietly.

"We'd better get this to Sean and Ry. Let's get dressed first."

It took us only a short time to get into our shorts and shirts. We headed toward the bedroom, hoping that we wouldn't interrupt their lovemaking. I knew I would have to tell Craig that we would leave immediately if they were in any compromising situation. He agreed to be reasonable.

When we got to the door and looked in, we saw both of them lying on their backs. Sean had his head on Ry's chest, and they were chatting softly.

"Excuse us. You need to read this. It's a note from Eric and Clint. I think it's important." I told them.

"Let us get dressed, and we'll meet you in the living room," Ry said.

We left immediately. In just a minute or two, Sean and Ry arrived in the living room.

"So, where's this note that we have to read?" asked Sean.

I handed the note to Ry who scanned it quickly and then gave it to Sean who read it more slowly. I couldn't tell from their reactions what they were thinking.

Sean smiled broadly and laughingly, said to us, "Well, you get a comfortable bed to sleep in tonight."

"I told you all that I thought those two were in love with each other. I think this sort of proves that. So you guys have a better place to play than on the leather chair, no matter how comfortable it is," Ry said.

"It's been a strange night for all of us. Maybe it proves that when you love someone, you really don't need group sex. I know that's exactly how Ry and I feel," added Sean.

We all started laughing, breaking the tension in the room.

"It was different," said Dan.

"You bastards," laughed Craig, "I didn't even get off. You, my hot lover, will be busy for the rest of the evening.

"Promises, promises." replied Dan.

There was more laughter, full bellied, and friendly.

"Did you hear that, Ry. I expect big things from you tonight, too," Sean giggled.

"You can bet your ass on that, Lover," Ry laughed.

"I do bet my ass on it. Now, less talk and more action," Sean said, as he pulled Ry to him and kissed him hard on the lips. I looked at the two of them, and found desire building in me to be with my lover. I hugged Craig and we kissed with intense feeling.

Sean led the way, holding Ry by the hand and taking him to the bedroom for their lovemaking. Ry turned off the lights as Craig and I climbed into bed. In the darkness, we moved to each other and immediately began to remove our few clothes.

The moonlight streamed through the open draperies, falling on our two naked bodies entangled and demonstrative of two lovers reacting to each other.

It had been a long night. What would tomorrow hold for all of us? I kissed Craig passionately and then we began the ancient expression of lovemaking between two men as we moved comfortably into the 69 position.

For us it was glorious.

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 39

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