The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jan 22, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 35

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love. The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me discuss the the story. It is encouraging to hear from you. I try to answer all of you, but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

Thanks again to all my faithful readers; there's more story to come in "The Professor and Sean".

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling, it is the result of the intelligent and careful editing I have received from Bill and Wayne These two competent guys are my beta readers and editors. I thank them here publicly. As Sean would say, "They are awesome!"

The Professor and Sean, Part 35

Both of us tossed and turned most of the night. The sofa just didn't substitute for our bed. It did give us a chance to kiss and hug and fall asleep again, but the night seemed to go on forever.

Sean was really uncomfortable and he was all over me, his legs and arms trying to find a comfortable position. Although I love to have him close to me, in fact wrapped around me, it usually doesn't last for the entire night.

When the first light of morning began to show in the eastern windows, I was happy. I glanced at the clock only to discover that it was just a little after six. I rolled over to Sean and snuggled against his back, my penis finding it's favorite place in his ass crack. He pushed back against me, and rubbed his ass against my prick. I was instantly hard. From the sound of his breathing, I decided he was asleep. I moved away from him and started to get out of bed to go to the bathroom and take my shower. There would be three others who had to cleanup; today was a regular day at State, so we all had to be at various places at various times.

Sean had other ideas, though. He grabbed me around the waist as I was about to get up and pulled me back onto the bed. He had moved so that he could climb aboard me, and leaning down, kissed me with a hard, tongue-filled kiss.

"Just where do you think you're going, Hon? Don't you owe me something? Give me your hand. Now feel this. You can't leave me like this," he told me, smiling at me with that smile.

"Since you are on top, Baby, make love to me. I'm in the mood to be topped. Interested?" I said.

In a short moment he was making passionate love to me, and as we moved from one high point to another, our groaning became louder. Finally he reached his climax and the sounds of sexual pleasure filled the air. We were kissing wildly after he had finished his ejaculation.

"Thank you, Baby, that really woke me up. You know what? I didn't mind the sofa bed at all. Seemed comfortable to me as the hot bottom, and you, Lover, didn't have to deal with it as I was your horny mattress. Was I comfortable?" I asked.

"Ha. Ha. You didn't act like a mattress. You were too animated, too engaged in our intercourse. But I loved the feel of your hunky body under mine. Hmm, I love you, Ry."

"Thanks, Baby, and you know the feeling is mutual, but I still want to tell you. I love you, Sean. Now let's get moving because Jer and Kev will need to use the shower. Let's take it together so that we can move things along quickly. Then we can get some breakfast going."

"You think that's a good idea, our taking a shower together? We might get frisky and then who knows how long we would linger," he said with a laugh.

"I don't think I will get frisky just yet. Maybe we can make it through the shower without any spontaneous sex. We need to do that, Baby, as we have guests to take care of, and we both have early morning responsibilities at State. So, for just a moment, let's mix it up here a little more, and then we can be off to the shower."

"Ry, you didn't cum, did you?"

"No, but that's no problem. I enjoy you in me, and I love it when you empty your hot cum into my gut. I am fine."

Before I could say or do anything, Sean was on top of me, his face between my legs, my cock, hardening rapidly in his mouth. He cupped my balls and was running a finger back and forth in my ass crack. It took only moments before I groaned and filled his mouth with my morning treat.

"Now, let's take our shower; I know now that I won't get frisky. Thank you for loving me, Baby; you know how to make me happy. I want one of your Kelly kisses."

Sean moved to me and planted a powerful kiss on me; I could taste myself on his lips and especially when my tongue found its way into his mouth. We held each other for a long minute, then moved away, smiled, got out of bed, and started to the bathroom. When we reached the bedroom, we tried to be as quiet as possible. There was some morning light in the room even though the draperies had been pulled. Sean grabbed my hand and squeezed it as we looked at the bed and found Jer and Kev wrapped in each other's arms. It certainly looked as if they had made peace. We went quietly into the bathroom, shut the door and turned on the lights.

"Come on, Hon. Let's take our shower together. I'll be good."

"I bet you'll be good. If you get too frisky, I'll turn on the cold water. That will take care of your yearnings," I told him with a laugh.

Sean adjusted the water temperature and stepped into the shower. I followed him, and without really meaning to do it, I took him into my arms and we stood there under the streaming warm water locked in a sensual embrace, oblivious to the rest of our environment. I kissed him with great passion, hoping that he would know that it was a message of my love for him. He sighed deeply and returned my kiss. I pulled away from him and asked him for the soap.

"I'm going to wash your back; well, let's just say I am going to wash you, Baby."


Starting with his neck, I washed down his back, following the backbone until it met the crack of his beautiful ass. I stopped there, teasing him a little with the one finger that I let wander just a little way into his ass crack.

"Oh, Ry, please, please take me. I want you now," he pleaded.

I began to run my soapy hands on his ass mounds and then up and down his ass crack. My middle finger found his hot hole and I worked it in and out cleaning him carefully. He was sighing as he leaned against the shower wall that enabled him to push his butt out toward me. I went further down his legs, covering them with suds. I turned him so that the shower rinsed off the soap. I immediately began to wash his chest and underarms. I spent ample time working his nipples. His eyes were closed and his hands were on my shoulders grasping me tightly. I made short work of his abs and moved to his pubes, cock and balls. I invested a great deal of time here, caressing and stroking them. His cock was huge and hard.

I knelt and soaped his legs. Then I turned him again so that the soap would be rinsed from his front. It was then that I spread his ass cheeks and plunged my face into it. I licked his ass crack, finding his hot hole winking at me. I licked around the hole and then put my tongue into it, pushing in as far as I could. Sean was moaning loudly. I removed my tongue and slipped in a soap-covered finger which I worked around until I found the magic button. He was quivering, almost shaking, with anticipation. Two fingers next and then three fingers tightly held together.

Finally I stood, soaped my very hard cock, and pushed it deeply into my lover's hot asshole. It went in without resistance. My urge was so unbridled that I fucked him hard and deep, and was shortly filling him with my hot cum. Neither of us heard anything except our own groaning and private remarks to each other. We were startled to reality by the applause.

There stood Jer and Kev, both naked, both erect, applauding us with vigor and good humor. Whatever their intent, we were embarrassed. This was supposed to be a private moment between two lovers; now we felt as if we were actors in a cheap gay flick. It was mortifying. Sean was hanging on to me, his head now buried in my chest, red-faced and very angry. I whispered in his ear,

"Baby, relax. I'll get you a towel. Don't say anything, please. Let me do the talking."

I reached out for the towels, and thankfully, Jer handed them to me so that I wouldn't have to get out of the stall naked. He was smiling, but I was aware that he was concerned about our reaction to the applause.

Kevin finally spoke, "Jeez, Ry, the last thing we wanted to do was to embarrass you two. We love you for your thoughtfulness and caring, but we didn't display much in that last little episode. We should have simply left. Sean, please, please forgive Jer and me. You, too, Ry."

Jer moved to Sean, placed his hand on Sean's still wet shoulder and said, "We were assholes. Forgive us? Please?"

I went to Sean and put my arm around him, holding him tightly to me. He still was tense and his body felt it. I held my breath waiting for him to speak. Finally he looked directly at the two and told them,

"Look, guys, you really pissed me off. You intruded on a very personal and special moment. We were making love, for heaven's sake. You two were not invited; I will be able to forgive you when I get over my anger. Right now, Ry and I are going to get dressed and make breakfast. If you want, you two can join us, but you will have to hurry since we have to leave for State." After finishing his little speech, Sean moved away from me and into the bedroom. Jer and Kevin stood there looking like two bad boys who were about to be punished by their parents. I wanted to laugh, but instead, I added,

"Look, guys, Sean is really upset, but he'll get over it. Believe me he mellows quickly. He'll forgive you by the time you get to the kitchen for breakfast. Now get going. See you in a few minutes."

"Ryan, I am so sorry, so sorry. Bring the older, I should have known better. It really isn't Jer's problem; it's mine. I thought it would be funny. I failed to consider that it was a private moment for you two. I can't believe that I was so stupid."

"Me, too, Ry. Sean's my best friend and I feel as if I betrayed him. Please tell him how sorry I am. Thanks."

I left the two of them standing naked in the bathroom.

Peace was quickly made when Kevin and Jer arrived in the kitchen for breakfast. My hot lover had cooled down and was ready to forgive. After many thanks for helping them get back together, Kevin and Jer left for their home. Sean and I picked up the kitchen and left for State.

The day was busy and boringly uneventful. Actually, I laughed when I had that thought. Just a normal day should be a wonderful thing, and by the time we were on our way home, we were both enjoying the normalcy of the day and more importantly, our lives together.

Before we knew it we were at Rog and Greg's for Thursday dinner. They were wonderful and had a terrific dinner planned. Both Rog and Greg are fine cooks, so everything about the dinner was extraordinary. We finished planning for Florida, with only the flight arrangements to be made. I didn't mind doing that, knowing, of course, that Sean would insist on paying the tab. Sean also learned that he was to play Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 with the orchestra. Roger recommended that for encore he play Chopin's Polonaise No.6 in A flat major, Op. 53, the "Heroic" Roger also recommended that he play the Étude No. 3 n E major, Op. 10, No. 3. by Chopin as an additional encore, if needed. Sean seemed buoyed by the choices and he promised to have them well prepared. Rog assured him that he would be encouraging him and helping him in any way he could.

The night had been wonderful. But how could it have been otherwise when you spend time with best friends, enjoying good food and even better company. The only result is enjoyment. After some warm goodnights, we left and drove back to the townhouse. That night we slept in each other's arms, gently making our love known.

Tomorrow was Friday and the week was ending, Dan would be here late Friday night. That would be a momentous meeting, I was sure. Sean had definite ideas about some things, not all of which he had discussed with me. I wondered why, but decided that it was his life, his inheritance and he could do with what he wished.

----------------------------------------------- We had a good day at State on Friday. When Sean stopped by my office to pick me up to go home, I was in a particularly happy mood. He seemed elated, too.

"You seem really happy, Hon. What's the occasion?" he asked me.

"The week is done, we are together, we are heading home, and I am with the guy I love. What more could I ask?"

"Same here, Ry, same here. Let's get out of here and hit the road for home and love making."

I just pulled him to me and kissed him as a reply. We hurried to the Rover and in a short time we were home. There was some mail, with one especially official letter from the court. It was a request for Sean and me to be interviewed by the District Attorney as soon as possible as the trial of the Bronsons was on the docket for the first week in January. We were to call and make an appointment. Sean's face paled as he read the letter.

"I thought this was over. I don't want to testify in the courtroom. I want to forget it all, Ry.

I don't want to have to remember it, to deal with the horror again. I refuse," he said firmly and with assurance.

"This isn't a request to testify in court, Baby. It's just asking us to discuss the matter with the District Attorney. Don't jump to conclusions. Let's wait until we meet with him before we decide what he wants. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a hug and a kiss, please. I need some loving right now."

That was easy, as I wanted to kiss him anyway. He came into my arms and I hugged him gently, kissed him with my most gentle kiss, and whispered in his ear,

"I love you, Sean. No one is going to hurt you again, understand? I am here to care for you, to protect you, to love you forever. Please don't forget that, Baby."

He returned my kiss and told me, "I know you love me, and I am safe in your arms. You make me happy, Hon."

We went into the kitchen together, almost as if we were permanently attached, to get something for a snack. Sean kept hugging me, kissing me on my neck, my cheek. He removed my tie and threw it into the living room. With my collar open, he was able to kiss the upper part of my chest. Eventually he decided to kiss my ear, to blow into it, driving me crazy.

"I'll never be able to get us anything to eat, Baby. You are driving me crazy and I am as hot as a volcano. You know how to turn me on, Sean. Ohhhh, yesss! You are such a wonderful lover, don't stop," I pleaded with him as he continued to kiss my ears and his hands found my erect penis, which he began to stroke through my dress trousers.

"Hmm, Ry, you taste so good. Let me take off your shirt, please, Hon," he begged.


My shirt was stripped from my body, and Sean's lips were on my nipples, kissing and licking them. Then he bit on one, and then the other. That was it!

"You come with me, right now!"

I took his hand and pulled him to the bedroom where I quickly removed his clothes and what was left of mine. Naked and together, we fell on the bed. Moments later we were wrapped in each other's arms, our bodies melding into one another. I don't remember who did top or bottom; I only remember feeling contented, fulfilled and happy. From his sighs and groans, I concluded that Sean was equally as fulfilled.

We lay together on the bed, his head on my chest, my arms around him. Neither of us spoke. My hands wandered over his wonderfully smooth and muscled body. I reminded myself of my unbelievable good fortune to have found Sean.

"Love ya," I told him.

"Back at ya!"

After getting out of bed, we dressed quickly in casual clothes, shorts and T-shirts. We were able to accomplish the task of preparing a snack without any other spontaneous sex. There were loads of kisses and hugs and some great feels, but we stayed on task. With our snacks finally ready, we sat side-by-side and ate.

Our conversation turned to Dan and Craig who were to arrive later. We would take them to Cafe Ranaldi. We would play the rest by ear. I know I was slightly nervous, some of it a result of expectation, some of it by curiosity about Craig. I finally asked Sean,

"Are you nervous about Dan and Craig coming here tonight?"

"No, not really. I don't have any sexual problems. We will do what we do. I am nervous about the will and stuff and doing it right. That's what scares me."

"Well, Baby, we will soon know, won't we?"

After finishing our snack, we lingered in the living room, Sean was doing his piano exercises, and then he moved to some serious practice while I worked on lessons for the coming week. It seemed so right to be doing this, and I became aware that it was a routine which was to becoming a part of our lives. That was what our lives were to be: ordinary, every day, happy. I became aware that he had stopped playing, so I looked up from my work to see Sean looking at me with a huge smile on my face.

"What's so amusing? Am I funny to look at? What?" I asked.

"I just like looking at you, watching your face change as you think about different things. Sometimes I see just joy and happiness, and then I see a serious flash. When that happens, I always feel that you are considering something about the two of us, and although it makes you happy, it also touches your soul, and your response is that serious flash. It's at that moment that I want to hug you and kiss you. I want you to know how much I love you and want to be with you until the end of our days. But, I don't. I just enjoy your moments of reverie."

Getting up from the sofa, I walked to Sean at the piano. I took his hand and pulled him to his feet. I looked into those beautiful blue eyes and smiled and told him,

"You are so correct, Lover. I was lost in thought about how our lives were really ordinary now and how I liked that. When we are together here doing what we love to do, I don't see how we could be any happier," I told him with a soft kiss.

"I know what would make it better for me, Hon. Can you guess?"

"I sure can. You would love two or three little guys, or gals, running about making unbelievable noise, sometimes banging on the piano, pulling my books away from me, climbing all over us, laughing and being happy. That would complete the picture for you, wouldn't it? I wish I could give you a child through our lovemaking, but I can't. I am sorry to disappoint you, Baby," I said as the last part of my comment strangely caught in my throat and I was filled with emotion.

He looked at me as if I had struck him in the face. I knew immediately that I had been a fool and that I had upset him, perhaps damaged him emotionally. We stood there silently, still holding on to each other. I noticed the tears sliding down his face and I wanted to die, I wanted to hide myself from him until he could forgive me, but it was too late. I pulled him to me, and hugged him as strongly as I could, whispering in his ear,

"Forgive me, Sean. Please forgive me. I have hurt you and I never intended to hurt you. Not once have you ever indicated anything like I just said. You are happy with adoption, or surrogacy, and so am I. I just want you to be as happy as it is possible for me to make you."

"When I took my vow at the ceremony, I knew that we could not conceive children, that our only recourse would be adoption. Then you told me about surrogacy and it was so exciting to think that our seed could help make a baby. But, Ry, I never expected you to make a child with me. I knew we couldn't do that. However much I want to have a couple of kids around, I want you to know this: you are my life and you are all that I need to know happiness."

Then he kissed me, and I found myself crying softly, clutching him to me like a drowning man might hold on to a life jacket. He stroked my back and kissed my head, telling me a multitude of times that he loved me. Finally I found my voice.

"Sean Kelly, you have become the core of my existence, without you, I am nothing. You are my life, dear man; you fulfill me; you give me happiness; your love sustains me. I love you more than I have the ability to tell you. I promise to never again say or do anything as stupid as I just did. Am I forgiven?"

He just kissed me deeply. I knew I was forgiven.

------------------------------------------------------- We had finished our showers, had dressed carefully in nice casual clothes, no jeans and T-shirts for tonight. Like too old maids, we scurried about the townhouse, checking for dust, straightening and plumping pillows, lighting strategically placed candles, selecting some CD's that would be mood music, and hurried to the kitchen to get some cheese and other nibbles for our guests.

"You know, Ry, when we run around like this, we act a little like the stereotypical gay, at least as he is seen on television. It's a little funny because we are not usually this way at all. What the fuck's the matter with us tonight?"

"Just nerves. This is a big event for you. You are going to talk about your will, a trust, whatever. We want Dan to be comfortable. We are to meet a new person about whom we know little. So, all put all together, these things make us just a little edgy. It's a little like a blind date," I told him.

"Maybe that's it. But you know what I really think is going on here?"


"I think we are wondering if we will end up in bed with Dan and Craig. Do you want that, Ry?"

"No, not necessarily. But I am curious, aren't you? Would you object to some casual sex with them if we do it together?"

"I'm not sure. It could be interesting and certainly hot. We will just have to wait and see. I'm game if we are together, but I am not craving it."

"Nor I. I do think that is perhaps why we are so jittery. Much like our high school friends who are about to embark on a new course, taking them somewhere they have not been before."

"Yeah, they are so cute and so innocent. I love them both. I was just...."

The doorbell interrupted Sean.

"I'll get it, Baby. You just sit there, smile and look as sexy as you always do," I said as I went to the door and opened it.

In the entry stood Dan, as handsome as ever, smiling broadly. There was someone behind him, but I couldn't really see who it was.

"Hey, Ryan, how's it going? Where's that sexy husband of yours?"

I felt Sean behind me. "I'm right here, but I'm not the sexy one, you are talking to the sexy one. I'm the plain one!"

Dan and I were laughing. Sean joined in, but the mysterious one didn't make a sound.

"Aren't you going to invite them in, Ry? Sean asked.

"Sorry, Dan, please come on in."

Dan stepped aside, and his friend came into view. I heard an intake of breath from Sean. I hoped my jaw hadn't fallen. Dan's voice broke the silence,

"This is Craig Danvers, a close friend of mine. This is Ryan Taylor. And this cutie is Sean Kelly, the sexy one of the two," said Dan as an introduction and with a good-natured laugh.

"I'm glad to meet both of you. Dan has told me a great deal about you, and he certainly admires your devotion to each other. My observation is that you are both 'sexy' to use Dan's word if it means, attractive, healthy, in good shape men. You both fit that description."

"Come on into the living room. There's no need for us to continue this conversation in the entry.

Sometimes we forget our manners," said Sean with his warm inviting smile.

We moved into the living room, Dan and Craig sitting on the sofa while Sean and I sat in chairs in the conversation grouping. Craig Danvers was a drop-dead beautiful black man. He was at least six feet four inches tall, had smooth chocolate-colored skin, and beautiful brown eyes. His close cropped hair was black and he had the appearance of someone of mixed ancestry.

"So, Sean, do you have some ideas about your inheritance and the will and trusts? I should tell you that Craig is a trust attorney; he's one of the best in the country; Harvard undergraduate and law degree from Yale. He's been working for about five years since passing the bar. You might be interested to know that he was just hired by our firm. We feel fortunate that he agreed to join us. We are excited about him," Dan told us.

"Wow, you certainly sound like a guy who knows what he wants, Craig. Excuse me, may I call you Craig, or would you prefer Mr. Danvers?" asked a slightly embarrassed Sean.

"If you call me Mr. Danvers, I will want to leave. I hope we are all friends and can call each other by our first names. You wouldn't enjoy my calling you Mr. Kelly, would you?"

"Absolutely not, Craig. Ry and I prefer informality, don't we, Hon?"

"That we do, Baby. Craig, has Dan told you about Sean and me? I mean, did he tell you that we are both gay and married? Is that troublesome for you? Or embarrassing? We certainly don't want to offend you."

"I think not, Ryan. You see I am gay, too. And so is Dan. We live together and are a what you might call a couple."

"Wow! That's a relief, isn't it, Ry?" said Sean.

"I supposed that you two had long ago decided I was gay. And when I told you that I was bringing a friend and that we would be staying at a hotel, I guess I assumed that you would put two and two together. Did you?" Dan asked.

"We mentioned it once or twice, but it was never an issue. What is an issue is that you intend to stay in a hotel. Come on, Dan, we have a lovely bedroom that you and Craig can share. It's private and no one will bother you. Now let's get that clear, you two guys are staying here with us. That's final!" I said with firmness.

"Agreed!" came Sean's quick response

"But we couldn't take your bedroom from you. That wouldn't be fair. Anyway we have reservations.

Craig would kick my ass if I agreed to stay here and kick you out of your bedroom," Dan said.

"Reservations can be broken. And if you have to pay, I'll take care of the bill. I have plenty of money. So relax and just say you will stay here with us. We want you to, and we welcome you here," said my cute lover.

Craig smiled at Sean in a warm, almost suggestive way, and said, "It seems to me, Dan, that our friends want us to stay with them. I see no reason that we cannot. Do you?"

Dan smiled broadly and put his arm around Craig's shoulders, "No, I guess not."

Sean jumped from his chair, "Hurrah! Then it's settled. Now, Dan, how should we pursue this business? Do we all do it together. or do we meet with you and then with Craig, or what?" asked a curious Sean.

"It depends on who you mean by 'we'?"

"I mean Ry and me. We are going to do this together. Ry also wants to have you do some legal work for him, too. Am I right, Hon?"

"Yes, I want a new will and some other stuff. Now that we are legally a couple in Vermont, I want to make sure that everything is correct, so that, in case I should..."

"We don't have to talk about that, Ry. We all know what will eventually happen to all of us, but for the time being, let's just say we need a will and some other legal papers," cautioned my fearful lover.

"Okay, Sean, we all understand what you mean. So we won't discuss that matter except when it is really necessary, but there may be somethings that we need to know and that we will have to ask. No one wants to talk about death, but it is inevitable, and you and Ry want to be sure that everything is the way you want it to be. Okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, guys, but talk about death bothers me a little. I apologize for my timid behavior," Sean said quietly.

"No one enjoys talking about death, Sean. It's just something that intelligent people chose to deal with so that everything is the way they want it," said Dan as he put his arm around Sean's shoulders.

Sean looked at me, then smiled at Craig and Dan, moved to my side and said, "Well, we should probably get to dinner; we can discuss some things there, and then when we return here, we can continue our conversations, or play cards, or whatever. I'm getting a little hungry, how about the rest of you guys?"

I was quick to add, "Yes, I could enjoy a terrific home-cooked Italian dinner. We have just the place. So why don't we help you get your bags into the house? Dan, you can call the hotel and cancel, and then you two can freshen up and we will be off to the restaurant. Our reservation is for about twenty minutes from now. Is that enough time?"

"Plenty of time, friends. And we can manage our suitcases. Thanks for the offer of help. We'll call the hotel on our cell on the way to dinner," Craig said.

"We'll be back shortly, guys. Thanks for taking us in," Dan said as the two left the townhouse.

I looked at Sean who had a silly-ass grin on his face. I knew what was amusing him, but I decided to ask.

"What do you find so amusing, Baby?"

"Well, I guess, no I might as well come right out and say it. I think Craig wants to get into my pants. Did you sense that, Ry?"

Laughing, I said, "Of course, I noticed it, Baby. He didn't take his eyes off you for a moment. He undressed you plenty of times, and he was particularly interested in your lovely ass and that package you sport all the time."

"That may all be true, Ry, but I noticed that you were getting the once over from Dan, and Craig checked you out, too. Dan also ran his eyes over me a couple of times. And what about that shit from Dan, 'the sexy one'. It almost sounded like a proposition. This is a strange situation. So, Hon, what do we do?"

I went to him and hugged him, and then held him away from me so that I could look at him and our eyes could meet.

"We do nothing, Baby. We have each other and we don't need them. Let's play it by ear. If something happens that we like the feel of, then maybe we will participate; otherwise, we just go to sleep in each other's arms. I hear them coming, so let's shut off this conversation. Get to the piano and do some of your exercises."

"Gotcha, Hon." With that Sean went to the piano and began his finger exercises and other warm ups.

Dan and Craig came back into the townhouse. They stopped as they walked into the living room and listened to Sean for a couple of minutes.

"So not only is he sexy, Dan, he is also very talented. That's quite a package. Ry, you have terrific taste and you have yourself a wonderful partner. I consider you lucky," Craig said following me as I led them to the bedroom.

I glanced at Sean as I left the room. He had that wonderful, if silly, smirk on his face. I laughed to myself knowing that he had relished every word Craig had said about him. The fact was that every word Craig had said was true. I found myself fighting to keep a smirk from spreading across my face.

When we arrived at the bedroom, and I told them this is where they would be sleeping. There was a great deal of argument about it being our room and that they couldn't take it. I listened for a couple of minutes, and finally I told them,

"Look, this is our room to do as we wish. Both Sean and I want you guys to have the room while you are with us. That way we can get up early, start breakfast or whatever, and not disturb you two. Obviously you won't mind sleeping a little later tomorrow morning, as I am sure it will be a treat. During the work week, no one has the luxury of sleeping late."

Finally the two agreed and I left them and returned to Sean in the living room. He was still at the piano, but he was really only fooling around now; playing fragments of a number of songs, some current, some pop, some blues, some classical. He stopped when he saw me. He came to me and was in my arms in seconds. We kissed deeply, and when we separated, he winked at me, and whispered in my ear,

"I think Craig would like to shove his black cock deep into my white ass. But it won't be that easy. He doesn't understand how we feel about it all, does he?"

"Look, Sean, if you are horny and want some raw sex, then you have to tell me when you do so that I can either agree or disagree with you. I certainly will let you know if I get that hot. At the moment, I don't think I see that happening. Don't get angry, Sean, but do you want Craig to fuck you?"

"Ryan Taylor! I want only you to fuck me. I am intrigued by the whole idea of sex with a black man. I never have had that experience. Have you, Hon?"

"No, and it is interesting to think about. Dan may have some ideas about that, too. We're not sure how committed those two are. They may not be into sharing either. I really think we should let things go and see what happens."

"Cool, that's fine with me, Hon. I hope that they like Casa Ranaldi as much as we do. They didn't say anything about it when you talked about Italian food."

"Lover, you are developing into the world's biggest worry wart; for heaven sakes, you are worse than I am. Come here and sit with me on the sofa. Maybe we can make out for a few minutes before they are ready." Sean hurried to me, sat, and began to kiss my face, the ears, my neck, and then he planted a solid, tongue-filled kiss on me. It excited me, and I pushed him onto his back and rolled atop him, grinding my hardening penis against his. We were really getting into it when we were interrupted by Craig's voice.

"Excuse us, would you rather we leave and come back in a little bit. We certainly don't want to get in the way."

I sat up, and Sean followed me immediately.

"No, it's fine. We were just killing time, waiting for you two to freshen up. Are you ready? We are," I said.

Dan began to laugh lightly, "You two looked past ready. It's great to see two people who love each other the way you two do, show such unbridled affection for each other. We just feel like me might have interrupted something that would have culminated in a great deal of pleasure for both of you."

"Don't worry about it, Dan, or you, Craig. We have plenty of time to express our affection for each other. Not to worry; we are experts at making love, aren't we, Ry," Sean told them.

"I am always ready to make love with you, Baby." I said.

"Well, if everyone is ready, let's get going. I am hungry enough to eat a horse. That's such a stupid cliché. Who would want to eat a horse. I am more in the mood for some great Italian food," Sean added with a laugh.

"It sounds great to me. That is the Italian food, not the horse," said Craig with a guffaw.

"I concur, my legal eagle," advised Dan.

"I'll drive, if that's okay with you two," I said.

"Fine with us, let's go," said the smiling Greg.

Soon enough we were in the Rover, Sean and I in the front and Dan and Craig in the second seat. Both the guys had changed into some casual clothes as Sean and I were wearing. Their casual clothes spoke of elegance and taste. And they smelled great. Whatever the cologne was that they were wearing, it got your attention and was stimulating in many ways. Sean had immediately placed his hand on my thigh and was rubbing me, and moving closer and closer to my crotch. As I glanced in the rearview mirror, I saw Dan and Craig wrapped in a hot embrace. My cock hardened and I tapped Sean on the leg and moved my head backwards. He glanced up and saw the two guests making out in the back seat. He grabbed my stiff cock.

'Wow,' I thought. 'This could be a very interesting evening.'

(To be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 36

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