The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jul 2, 2003


The Professor and Sean, Part 3

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love.

The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

"We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive"


The Professor and Sean - Part 3


We were home in a few short minutes. We both took an armful of clothes and headed for the townhouse. We were jabbering about nothing in particular, just happy stuff. I opened the door and Sean and I headed to his room where we dumped his clothes on the bed. I turned to leave, but I was stopped by a smiling Sean. He swept his clothes onto the floor and pulled me to the bed.

"I am going to begin paying back my debt. So just be quiet and take it. Now let's get naked, and quickly. In seconds, we were naked and on the bed in a passionate embrace. Sean rolled me on to my back and got atop me. He looked at me his eyes full of lust and love. He kissed me deeply and for a long time. Both of our cocks were already hard and ready. "Ry, your eyes are so beautiful.

I want you, Ry, I want you."

I smiled up at him, and said softly to him, "Lover, take me."

Sean kissed me tenderly and then applied pressure to my lips and I let him into my mouth where his tongue played havoc with my emotions. I wanted him in me, filling me with his love tool, emptying his youthful cum deep in my guts. I wanted him so much. He was kissing my face all over, then he licked his way down my chest to my nipples where he stopped momentarily to pay homage, but he went quickly to my crotch, bypassing my cock. He licked my ball sack and took each of them separately into his mouth and sucked on them. Then he moved to my taint and licked it. He breathed deeply of my scent; he was groaning almost as loudly as I was.

He spoke just one word: "Please!" I knew what he wanted and I pulled my legs back and held them to my chest. Sean moved closer to my ass and I felt his deep breathing as he took in all of my male scent. His groaning made me hotter than I thought I could ever get. And then, my god, he was licking my ass trench.

"Sean, baby, yes, yes, eat my ass. Oh, baby, do it."

He continued to lick my ass crack and then he had his lips around my rosebud and he was sucking and tonguing my hole. I was moaning and flaying my arms about. And then he slipped a finger in beside his tongue and pushed it into my tunnel. I was in a sexual heaven. I couldn't take it any longer.

"Lover, please fuck me. I want you in me. Fuck me hard, pay me back all at once. My god, Sean, I want you in me so much. Please?"

I felt Sean spit into my hole; he took some precum from my dripping cock and worked it into my hole, then I knew he was lubing his cock with his precum.

I begged him, "Let me suck it, Sean, let me get it slippery for you." He leaned over me and I took his blood engorged cock into my mouth and I sucked it with passion and lust.

"If you don't stop, lover, I'll come right now." I let his cock out of my mouth, but I moaned as I did.

Before I could get too upset, I felt Sean push his cock against my anus. He pushed slowly but steadily and the head of his cock slid into me. He stopped and waited for me to adjust, but I wanted him in me, so I reached up, my legs now resting on his shoulders and I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me as far as I could. When I felt his pubic hair on my ass, I knew he was in me to the hilt. I was sighing and groaning. "Ry, you are so hot and moist. I want to stay right here just like this. I am content."

"Sean, baby, fuck me. And make it hard. Take control. Make me yours, please, Sean, fuck me."

"Baby, baby, baby," Sean was almost shouting as he began to pound my tight ass. "Ry, lover, am I hurting you?"

"Nooooo, just fuck me, Sean. Just fuck me."

And he did, with fury that was almost anger. I was suddenly there, my balls tingled and then my cock was shooting hot cum onto both of us. Sean's mouth was planted on mine and he was sucking on my tongue, as he felt my ass tighten on his cock and he spewed his seed deep into my ass. He let my legs down, and settled himself on top of me. He lay there trying to catch his breath. He was kissing and licking my neck.

"Sean, that was magnificent. I am so happy that if I died right now, I would have known complete happiness, and I would know my lover had made me whole. Baby, I love you so much."

Sean bit my neck a little and then I felt him sucking on my neck and I knew I would have an enormous hicky, but I didn't stop him. In his own way he was marking me as his. He lifted himself up from me, looked into my eyes, and smiled that smile that he was beginning to realize I couldn't do anything about but want him again.

"You know, Dr. Taylor, you're one hell of a fuck." We both were laughing. "Don't move," he warned me. He left the room and returned in a moment with a wet washcloth and a towel.

"Now, you can use these after I take care of a few things." He lay down between my legs and pushed them back. I felt him place his lips around my hole and he started sucking out his load of cum and my ass juices. It made my bruised love hole feel better. He moved up and kissed me sharing his cum and my ass juices with me. He moved down again and took my cock into his mouth and sucked and licked every drop of my cum out of it and then licked up my body taking all the cum into his mouth. He sat up and smiled at me and smacked his lips.

"Hmmm, you taste so good, Ry. I think I'll keep you on my menu. "Here," he tossed the wash cloth and towel to me. "Use these to clean me off, would you?"

"You've got to be kidding." I rolled him on to his back, and took his cock into my mouth and licked and sucked every drop of his cum that was left along with my ass juices. Then I licked my way up his body, sucking up all of my cum that had landed on him.

"There, that should do it." I started to tickle him, and we both lost it. Just like two school boys playing a fun game. I finally stopped and leaned into him and kissed him tenderly.

"Thanks for that, Sean," I said, "it was wonderful. Let's get the stuff out of the car so that we can have something to eat, and then, who knows, maybe you could make another payment on your debt."

"I'm almost ready to send you another payment right now. And as I sat back I felt his very hard cock against my ass crack.

I laughed, telling him, "Remember, I'm an old man. It takes me at least five minutes to get it up again. You, my wonderful lover, have a perpetual hardon. Now, let's get this room set up. I kissed him again and moved off the bed. He followed me. He stopped and turned me around to look at him. His eyes fixed on mine and they searched to my soul.

"Are you as happy as I am?" he asked.

"You can bet your ass on that, lover."

It didn't take us much time to get the stuff from the car. I delighted in watching Sean hang his new clothes. He laughed at some of the underwear I had selected for him. He kept coming over to me and kissing me and thanking me. Finally, I told him,

"Sean, if you don't stop that, we'll never get to have whatever meal we want to call it. Now be a good boy and let's finish up."

"Okay," he answered somewhat smugly, "Too bad, though, I was almost ready to give you another payment. But you obviously don't want it, so as the guys always say, 'Fuck you!'"

"That's it, lover," I yelled. I grabbed him and got him on the floor. I was ripping his clothes off; he was after mine, our shoes and sneakers went flying, he ripped off my underwear and I did the same for him. We were laughing and breathing hard. Finally we were naked and in a hot embrace. My hands were all over Sean, and he was finding his way around my body, too.

"Now, wise ass, we'll see who's gonna get fucked." And I kissed him hard my tongue pushing its way into his mouth. I broke the kiss and said to him, "No foreplay this time, lover. I want your hot ass."

"Sure, lot's of talk, but no action." Sean laughingly said.

"We'll see about that, lover." I replied as I moved down to his cock and took it into my mouth and down into my throat. He was groaning. I sucked him for a few minutes, savoring every drop of his precum, the clear wonderful elixir of his youth. I wanted him so badly, but then I remembered that I had hurt him once in my unbridled passion, so I took my time. I let his cock pop out of my mouth, and he groaned, a soft "No."

"Sean, pull your legs back, please. I want to make love to your ass, baby. I want to fuck you. But, I promise, I will be careful and I won't hurt you."

"Oh, shit, Ry, I want you in me. I can take it. Just go slow. Forget all the other stuff - just fuck me, please I want you in me. Please."

For some unknown reason I had put a tube of KY in Sean's study, just in case, I guess. I could easily reach it. I got it and put a huge gob on his rosebud and slathered some on to my rock hard cock. I fingered him for just a moment and found that he was relaxed and waiting for me to enter him. I looked into his beautiful eyes. My god, I wanted to eat him alive. I have never wanted anyone so much. He smiled at me and said to me.

"Those, eyes, Ry, your beautiful eyes. I love you. Kiss me, and fuck me, now."

I leaned forward and put my lips on his and as I did, I pushed my cock against his hole and my cockhead slipped in without a problem. Sean was sighing and begging me not to stop. I pushed forward and my cock slid deep into Sean's ass. I felt so wonderful, I didn't want to ever have to leave. This was the man I loved, the man I wanted to be with forever, to love unconditionally, to make mine, and to be loved by him. I had never felt so happy, so wanted in my life.

Emotion was building in me, and I said in a whisper to Sean, "Baby, I love you so much. I have never been happier in my life. Being in you like this makes me understand what the difference is between love and sex. I am making love to you, Sean." There was a long silence and I waited for Sean's reply.

He gave me a shit-eating grin, and said, "Well, Ry, you have loaded the gun, you have pulled back the hammer, now shoot, lover. Your words were beautiful and true, but, Ry, I want you to pound my ass with your great cock until we both cum. Show me you love me that much, cause I need you in me and I need some movement. Fuck me, please." And I did.

After we both had cum, I kept my cock in him. He kept squeezing my cock with his ass muscles. And before I knew it I was hard as a rock again. I heard a gentle laugh from Sean.

"What's so funny, Sean?"

"I was just thinking, Ry. Your cock doesn't seem to know that you are the old man you profess to be. It thinks it is young and ready for action. So what will it be? You gonna waste that hardon, or what?"

I didn't answer him. I started to pump his hole as hard as I could. His hole and chute were warm and smooth from my cum and I slid in and out without much effort. Sean had taken hold of my ass and was pulling me in as deeply as possible each time I pushed back into him. This went on for a long time, maybe 10 minutes. All the time Sean was groaning and moaning, and babbling about how wonderful it was to make a payment on his debt. I kept kissing him and tweaking his nipples. I didn't touch his cock, and I told him to leave it alone. I had to prove to myself that we could both cum together, that I could cause it. I was close and I was making more noise than Sean. I found myself using really dirty talk.

"Yeh, baby, take my fuckin cock up your tight ass. Yeh, you like it don't you. You want my cock up you sweet hole all the time. Well, feel it up there, feel it rubbing on your love button. Don't you dare cum until I tell you, little slut. Remember who's on top."

Sean was now shouting, "Fuck me, professor. Show me how you use that mantool of yours. Shove it in, come on, baby fuck my hot boy-man pussy. Take me with you to ecstasy. Oh, yes, professor, fuck my tight hot ass. Make me cum. Fill me with your hot professorial cum.

I was really oblivious to all the words Sean was saying. I only knew that it made me hot, and made me want him even more. Finally, I could feel myself close, but before I could say a word, Sean's cock was shooting long strings of hot cum that landed in puddles on his chest and one on his forehead. As his ass clenched on my cock, I had the most enormous ejaculation that I had ever had, I shot, spurt after spurt into Sean's wonderful ass. I collapsed on him, breathing hard.

He spoke, "Ry, I think that was the best fuck we've had. Can u get it up and do it again?" He was laughing just a little.

"Look," I said, "can I be serious for a moment?"

"Sure," he murmured, "I'm sorry for the levity. Because I meant what I said. That was the greatest. Now I will shut up."

"Sean, I never want you to feel you have to shut up, unless I tell you to." I said through laughter. "All I wanted to say to you was exactly the same thing. It was, well, to use one of your favorite words, awesome. And another thing, if you keep working those ass muscles, I will be hard again and who knows what might happen."

Now Sean was laughing, "Caught!" he howled.

I quickly warned him not to move. I went down to his ass, and as he pulled back his legs again, I found my way to his hole and sucked the lips of his tight anus into my mouth. I sucked until I had taken all my cum and his ass juices and swallowed them, leaving just a little for him. I climbed back up, kissed him and let him enjoy the essence of our love making. Then I cleaned him off, kissed him, and got off him. I got up, reached for his hand to help him up. But instead he pulled me back down into his arms and kissed me with such abandon, that he took my breath away.

He whispered in my ear, "Ry, I want you to know you have made me happier than I ever thought I would be. Please don't stop loving me, ever."

"I won't stop loving you, unless, we don't get this room straightened."

That was the end of that passionate coupling. We set to work on the room and in an hour or so all was in place. Being a more technologically aware guy than me, Sean had no trouble with the stereo and CD. Naked as jailbirds, we finished the work.

I looked a Sean and said, "I guess we should take a shower, don't you?"

"Ry, don't think I am a weirdo or something. But please, let's not shower until after we make love again. I hope for 4 or 5 times, now that I know how much stamina you have. I love your scent. Does that make me a pervert?"

"Sean, I am happy that you asked. I love your scent, too. And I am sure with my stamina, I could make love to you, maybe, let's see, it's early and after a good meal, maybe 8 or 10 times." We both broke out laughing.

"Hey," I said to Sean, "I would love to see you in one of your new bikinis or thongs. Just for me. Please. And while you get ready, I have to run down to the car. I left some papers and I need to get them."

"You are such a hot lover, Ry, maybe I'll model all my new undies. Just maybe.'

I pulled on my old sweaty clothes and dashed to the car to get the computer. I was happy that I had called Comp USA from the mall. I told them what I wanted and I begged them to gift wrap it. They said they didn't do that. But I begged. So they relented and when I picked it up, it was wrapped beautifully. I hurried back to the townhouse.

I sat in the living room and hid the package on the side of the sofa. I called out to Sean, "Hey, I'm back, and I'm waiting. Let the show begin. When Sean walked into the living room, I just lost my breath. He was wearing a jet black thong that made every part of his body more beautiful.

I just stared, open mouthed.

"Well, what do you think, Master? Calling Ryan, come in, Ryan! Hey, babe, what's the matter?"

I took a deep breath and asked him in a low sexy husky voice, "Do you have any idea how absolutely beautiful and sexy you are? Do you know what you just did to me?"

"I don't know, but I hope it was what I planned, baby." said Sean with that killer smile of his. "Come here." Sean walked sexily toward me. "Feel!" Sean ran his hand over my crotch. He smiled widely.

"Just what I was hoping for, Ry. Hard as a rock. And who says you're an old duffer." Now he was laughing. I pulled him in my lap.

"I should fuck you right now. But I am going to make you wait. There's something else I want to do first." I told Sean.

I reached and got the package. "This, my wonderful lover, is for you. I wish I could give you the mountains or the sea or anything in the world that would make you happy. This is my small attempt to show you how much I love you."

He looked at me in a quizzical way, and asked, "What do you mean, Ry? You already got me all the clothes and stuff. That shows how much you love me. I don't want anything else."

"Open it, now! and did you notice, that's my professor's voice." I ordered him. He sat in my lap and leaned down and kissed me gently.

"You're going to spoil me." and he slowly ripped the wrap off the box. When he saw the printing on the box: Apple's 17" Powerbook, he just exploded into sobs. I didn't know what to do. I took him into my arms.

"Sean, please, what's the matter? Don't you like it? Please, please let me help you. What did I do? I'm so sorry, baby. I'll take it back. Forget it. Shit, what a jerk I am."

"No, no, no, no, don't you understand: no one, no one in my whole life has every done anything this wonderful for me. Of course, I love it. It's so beautiful, But I can't keep it. It's much too expensive. Oh, god, Ry, I love you so much already, you don't have to do this."

"Please quiet down, baby. That's just the point, I don't have to do it. I want to do it. I did it because I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to have just a few things that you never had growing up. Don't you understand that giving this to you makes me happy. Makes me feel loved." I had tears now.

Sean was stoking my hair as I put my face into his chest. "Oh, Ry, I didn't mean to hurt you. God, that's the last thing I would want to do. Okay, I'll keep it. I want it. I want you. Now kiss me and make it all better for me and then I'll kiss you and make it all better for you"

I pulled him tightly to me and kissed him hard on the lips, and then I relaxed my kiss and gently licked his lips with my tongue. "Did I make it better?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, oh, yes. Now my turn." Sean took my head into his hands and then he kissed me with such tenderness and such love that I thought I would loose it again, but I sucked up, and held my own. He leaned back and looked at me with his wicked smile, and asked, "Did I make it better?"

"Just feel." I laughed. He ran his hand over my hard cock.

"You really are better. You are in the shape I love to have you in, baby. Now stay here. I have something for you. I wasn't going to give it to you tonight, but now I want to."

He placed the package carefully on the floor and ran to his room. He was gone a few minutes. When he returned, He was wearing a new t-shirt and a new pair of jean shorts. He looked just beautiful. My heart skipped another beat, because I was fighting the urge to make love to him again. Then I noticed for the first time what was emblazoned on the t-shirt. In large bright red letters it said: "Ry's My Guy." It took away my breath. My eyes were tearing up. He came to me and stared at me with those beautiful eyes.

He kept it simple, "And I mean it.!" "Sean, baby, what can I say, I'm so flattered. I need a hug. Come here." He came to me and I hugged him tightly to me. I kissed his neck. "Hmmm, oh, baby you taste so good. But you know we do need to get something to eat."

Sean smiled at me and said, "All I want to eat is right here. When you kiss my neck like that I get hard immediately. Now when I am hard, all I can think of is you naked and wanted me. I want you, oh, god, Ry, I want you right now."

"What do you want for dinner?"

He just looked at me for a long time with those beautiful eyes, and then said, "I want you for dinner." He walked to me and picked me up in his arms and walked toward our bedroom.

Dinner would have to wait.


I couldn't believe the ease with which Sean had picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. As he carried me to the bedroom, I kissed his neck and nibbled his ear.

"You're going to pay for that kissing and biting." he said in his husky sexy voice.

His hand was on my ass, and he squeezed my ass cheeks, his fingers rubbing my ass crack. He was making me very hot. I wanted him anyway, but this was just intensifying my desire. When we were in the bedroom, he gently lay me on the bed and then turned on the small bed lamp. I just lay there waiting for him to make the first move. He stood by the bedside and looked down at me. His beautiful blue eyes were filled with love and desire. I was melting inside anyway and then he smiled that killer smile of his. Sean sat on the side of the bed. He said in a very quiet and almost somber voice, "Ryan, I almost feel that I am in some sort of dream. Except for my parents, and I don't really remember them, no one has ever loved me the way you do. I just don't want to do anything, ever, but especially tonight, that would make you unhappy. And if I ever hurt you, I would want to die. I want so badly to make love to you, but I am afraid that I will forget myself and that lust and desire will take over me and I will go too fast or do something stupid and hurt you. I am telling you this because although I have wanted you earlier, I have never had such desire, such longing to unite with you." And he leaned over me and gave me one of his amazingly gentle kisses. I pulled him on the bed on top of me and kissed him deeply.

I finally let him go. I looked up into those beautiful blue eyes, and told him, "Sean, just take me. I want to be yours. I want you so badly. Please, don't worry about things. I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself. Do you understand how much I want you, Sean. Please, I am ready. I want you in me."

Sean kissed me nose and then my eyes. "I want to undress you, Ry. Then I want to undress for your eyes only."

I smiled up at him. "I am yours, baby. I am yours."

Slowly, Sean lifted my t-shirt, and as he did he kissed my stomach, he licked my navel, moved to my nipples and kissed each of them; then he sucked on them with slow and deliberate care. I was almost out of my mind; then he bit them tenderly at first and then harder - I thought I would come. He tugged my shirt higher and I lifted myself off the bed as he pulled it off. Suddenly, his face was in my left pit and he was inhaling deeply,

"Ry, I love your scent. Baby, I want to lick some of your essence."

And he began to lick and suck my pit - it was a glorious feeling. Then he attacked my other pit; I was squirming on the bed. I started to say something, but Sean kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I sucked on his tongue and then shoved my tongue into this mouth and he sucked on my tongue.

He spoke again, softly, "I want to take my time and enjoy every inch of you. God, you are beautiful and so sexy."

He pulled down my shorts and jock in one easy motion. I kicked them off the bed. He just looked at me.

"I can't get enough of your gorgeous body, Ry. Just looking at you naked makes me hard, really hard. Now, I am going to undress for you." He slowly lifted his "Ry is My Guy" t-shirt exposing his flat 6 pack abs and his firm pecs which are covered in soft fine blond hairs. His nipples were as beautiful now as the first time I saw them, and I wanted so much to lick them, but this wasn't my show.

He undid his jean shorts and dropped them to the floor. He stood there in that sexy black thong. He kissed me lightly as he straddled my chest and moved so that the pouch of the thong was resting on my mouth. He stroked my hair and looked intently at me. I flicked my tongue out and hit his cock head which was visible behind the sheer fabric. Sean closed his eyes and threw his head back. I pulled him forward until I could lick most of his cock through the thong. Then I reached up, grabbed the belt of the thong in my teeth and started to pull. Sean lifted his ass and I was able to release his cock from its prison. It sprang out in all its glory, and I took it into my mouth and swallowed it down my throat.

"Oh, baby, Ry, take it easy. It feels so wonderful, so sexy. Take it slow and easy so we can both enjoy it. Ry, you are such a great cocksucker. If your teaching is half that good, you must be a great teacher." He smiled at me and I laughed a little with my mouth full.

I pulled my mouth off his cock and told him, "Sean, I want you to fuck me, please."

"Not quite yet, Ry. Not quite yet."

He then kissed his way down to my cock. He didn't touch it, but went by it and lay between my legs. He kissed my balls and picked up my cock and lay there examining it. Maybe worshiping it. Then he began to lick the underside of my penis. He paid special attention to the area of the ridge of my cock head, and licked and touched his tongue to the underside of the ridge where the foreskin is attached or removed. I was moaning and begging him to suck me off, but he wouldn't. He simply moved down to my balls and sucked one and then the other into his warm moist mouth. I was babbling something, I don't know what it was. It didn't matter because Seen was licking down the inside of my thigh and then my calf and then my feet, licking the sole of my foot, and then sucking each of my toes into his mouth. I had never been so sexually stimulated in my life.

"Sean, lover, you are driving me crazy. But don't stop. You are making me so happy."

He didn't answer, but simply kissed and licked his way up my other leg to my balls which he licked and sucked again. He only pushed slightly on my legs and I knew what he wanted so I pulled my legs back and held them to my chest. Sean was inhaling my scent - rubbing his nose up and down my ass crack. Then he began to lick my ass crack and stopped at my rosebud and licked and sucked on it. I was going crazy; he started to push his tongue into my anus. I was groaning and begging him to fuck me. But he didn't. As he tongue fucked my hot hole, he reached up and stroked my cock.

I warned him, "Sean, if you don't stop, I'm gonna cum."

He pushed my legs further back and lubed my hole was some KY and pushed his middle finger into my hole, slowly, letting me get used to it. Then he moved it around until he hit my love button - my cock jumped and I sighed. Then I could feel him working to open me up some more. Two fingers were in me now, and he moved his two fingers around until he hit my love button again, this time my cock spewed out some precum and I grunted.

"Did I hurt you, Ry?"

"No, baby, it makes me feel so good. Don't stop. Please.""

So Sean went back to work, this time moving three fingers into my love chute. I relaxed as much as I could and his fingers found their way deep into me. I know I pushed my ass up against his hand. He smiled down at me.

"Are you ready, lover?" he asked me.

"Sean, if you don't fuck me right now, I won't ever fuck you again." I said and then laughed.

"Baby, this is to show you how much I love you." Sean whispered in my ear.

I could see him lubing his beautiful cock. I pulled my legs back as far as I could to spread my ass cheeks wide. I felt Sean rub his cock head up against my hole. I wanted him in me. "Please Sean, please, no more teasing. Fuck me."

I felt Sean's cock push against my hole and he slipped easily into me. He pushed in slowly and easily.

"Ry, you are so hot. I love being in you. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, lover, I am fine. You feel so good in me. That is where you belong. That is where I want you at least once each day. Now make me cum, Sean. Fuck me hard and deep. I want it from you. Please."

Sean began to slowly fuck my ass. He took long strokes, pulling all but his cock head out of me and then pushing slowly into me until I could feel his pubes on my ass. I was groaning and asking for more. Sean increased his speed, slowly, but he was soon pounding my ass. His hips were banging against me. I had my legs on this shoulders and I began to tweak his nipples.

"Yes, Sean, fuck me, baby, make me all yours and no one else's. Give it to me, please. Make me cum, Sean. Take me."

"So, Ry, you like my big hard cock up your tight ass, do you? Well, I am gonna fuck you til we both shot our load. And don't touch you cock, baby. I want to make you cum"

With that Sean really pounded into me and hit my prostate every time, I was on fire and began to grasp his cock with my ass muscles. We were both groaning and moaning, and babbling. Our talk had gotten really dirty, but there was something about it that make it seem hot and sexy.

"Oh, fuck, you are such a hot slut. Your ass is my pussy. Man you are hot and tight."

Suddenly I was overcome with tingling in my balls and I knew I was about to cum and I started to shoot long strings of cum. It hit my face and hair and much of my chest and I kept shooting. As my ass ring closed tightly around Sean's cock, I could feel his muscles tighten and I could feel his cock increase in size and harden as it twitched in my ass and began to spurt.

"Oh, Ry, oh my god, oh baby, I....I....I....." Sean was breathing hard, in fact, gasping for air. And so was I.

My legs fell to the bed, and Sean fell on me, kissing and biting my neck and I was so into it that I bit him hard on this shoulder and pulled him to me so tightly that I think for a moment he couldn't breathe. His mouth was suddenly on mine and his tongue was deep in me, I pushed my tongue into his mouth. We broke our kiss and Sean lifted himself on to his elbows and looked down at me.

"You are the sexiest guy. That was so awesome. Did I show you how much I love you Ry," asked a smiling, beautiful Sean.

"Baby, I can't put into the right words how wonderful that was for me. You were phenomenal. I should do better, but I am at a loss for words. But I have something else for you."

I began to massage Sean's dick with my ass muscles and soon he was erect again.

"Hmmm, Ry, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Yes, Sean, I am. Stop talking and fuck me again, As hard and as deep as before. I want you in me. Please."

Sean began immediately to fuck my ass again with no preliminaries this time. He fucked me deep and hard and I was in heaven. He fucked me for longer than I thought either of us would last, and then we both came again. He pulled out of me rather quickly. And took my soft cock into his mouth. Then he moved around and his beautiful ass was over my face. I began to eat his hot hole and he was groaning as he sucked my cock. To my utter surprise I was hard again and Sean was enjoying my precum. My tongue was deep into his wonderful tight hole.

Sean let my cock out of his mouth. It was so hard it almost hurt. Shit, it did hurt. He told me, "Now it's my turn."

He moved down my body and turned around facing me. He was smiling a broad almost "shit eating grin." Holding my hard cock with his hand he positioned it up against his tight hole and slowly sat down. My cock head popped into him and then in one long movement he settled onto my prick and took it all into him. He was sitting on my pubes. He smiled that smile again.

"So, Ry, you like this.?" he asked.

"Sean, it's unbelievable. I almost wish you wouldn't move, and yet, baby, I want your hot young ass, so make me shoot up that lovely ass of yours,"

Laughing, Sean said, "You know, except for the descriptive words, you sound like a professor. And you know me, I always do what the professor tells me to do."

He began to lift himself up and then slide down my cock. He went slowly at first and then increased his speed. I reached up and played with his nipples, and reached out and gently took his balls into my hands as he fucked himself on my fuck pole. We were both close. His balls were getting tight against his body and I knew I was close. Suddenly his cock shot spurt after spurt of his young juice all over me, I opened my mouth and got as much of his sweet cum as I could and I shot my load deep into his ass.

I thought I might die I was so sexually turned on, and Sean was gasping for breath, as he fell on me, pulling my cock from his tight ass. He kissed me so deeply I thought his tongue would reach to my stomach. We lay there for quite a while silent except to kiss each other on the face and shoulders. If he made any attempt to get off from me, I prevented it because my legs were wrapped around him and my arms held him tightly to my chest.

Finally, Sean whispered in my ear, "Do you think we have had a sort of fulfilling honeymoon?"

And we were both laughing. "Sean, I love you so much, I can't even express it. I just want you to know that this experience has been so remarkable. So fulfilling. My God, Sean, you are such a wonderful lover. And you were a virgin when we started. Sean, what have I turned you into?"

"Ryan, my lover, my sweetheart, you have made me a man. I have made love to you in the same way you made love to me. It was awesome, Ry. Awesome! My, Ry, I love you so much, so much. I want to take care of you as much as I can. I want to make you happy. I..."

"Baby, you have made me happy. Now, to the practical kind of stuff - like let's take a shower, and then I am hungry, fuck am I hungry. So, it's shower and food. You like that?"

"I could take the food, but I hate to lose your scent. But I got drying cum all over me, and some of your hot seed is ready to drip out of my ass, so shower it is. Then we eat. And who knows what I will want to eat. Just think about that, Ry." Sean said while laughing and tickling me.

We jumped out of the bed, ran to the bathroom, climbed into the shower and let with warm water flow over us. Before I could get any soap on Sean, he had pulled me into his arms and was kissing me deeply as his hands played with my ass. I couldn't believe it but I was hard again, and of course, my young virgin was sporting a huge hardon. What was I to do, I returned his kiss, slipped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth and swallowed him down my throat. As he groaned he started to fuck my face. He did that for a while, and then pulled out of my mouth. He picked me up from my knees, and took his place on his knees and slowly took my hard cock into his mouth. He gagged once or twice but he quickly learned to swallow and I was suddenly in his throat. I fucked his face slowly as I looked down at him and into those eyes. I was a gonna again. But Sean had other ideas. He stopped sucking my cock.

"There, Ry," he said, "we have the pump primed. Now, let's get clean and have some grub."

I was laughing so hard I had to piss. What was I to do? "Sean, I have to piss, you made me laugh to hard."

"Well, piss, Ry. I won't melt."

"I can't piss alone. If you take a piss, so will I." I whined.

"Ok, you little pisshead. Let's do it." Sean replied.

We stood facing each other and began to piss. We were smiling at each other. His warm piss was hitting my feet and lower legs. I knew I was doing the same to him. I got a little adventurous and aimed my piss at his balls and cock.

"Wow, Ry, that's so fuckin sexy." he gasped.

And then I felt his warm piss landing on my balls and cock and I was thrilled at the whole feeling. And I aimed for his chest, but I couldn't really reach it. He did the same, but he was as unsuccessful as I had been. We had both finished pissing. He looked straight at me, his look was intense and lusty.

"I wanna do this again, Ry. I thought it was hot and sexy. Did you like it as much as I did. I really want to try it again. Do you?"

I hesitated only a millisecond. "Yeh, it was very sexy, and yes, I want to try it again. Now let's get this shower over and get some food. We still have most of the night left, my wonderful, awesome lover."

So we did. Then it would be dinner. Then it would be bedtime.

(to be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. Since a large part of the story is already written, I cannot make plot changes. Keeping messages to a reasonable length would be appreciated. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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