The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jul 19, 2003


The Professor and Sean, Part 13

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love.

The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


The Professor and Sean, Part 13


We hadn't even got into the bedroom when Sean stopped me.

"Did you see his body. And man I wonder what his cock is like when he's hard. You liked what you saw, didn't you, Ry. Well, truthfully, so did I."

"I have to admit I wouldn't have minded if he had joined us in bed tonight. But really, don't you think this should be just for us, baby. I want you all to myself. This is our new home. Baby, I am always hot for you. I want you now. Let me undress you, Sean. I want to lick you from head to foot. And, baby, we'll be able to see our action in the ceiling mirrors. HOT!" I said.

"I love to have you undress me, Ry, but can we just shed these clothes and get naked in bed so you can fuck me. I want you in me, Ry. I need you in me. Please."

I started to shuck my clothes quickly, they went flying everywhere as did Sean's. In moments we stood naked, both with huge hardons facing each other. I walked to Sean, kissed him passionately and picked him up in my arms, and like a groom carrying his bride to the honeymoon bed, I carried Sean to our bed. He nuzzled my neck as I carried him to the bed. I was kissing his face. I laid him gently on his back on the bed and covered him with my body, kissing him deeply. My hands were all over him and his were busy on my body. I reached for the special light switch and turned it, the main lights went out, but gentle pinkish light came from somewhere and barely lighted the bed.

Sean was smiling.

"You, know something, lover. You have a beautiful ass. I could lay here just looking up in the mirror at it. Hmmm, it is so tasty looking."

I rolled on to my back and looked up. There we were, two young men, erect and smiling. As I looked at Sean, naked and beautiful, I was filled with an unaccountable desire. Sean was rubbing his nipples with one hand and playing with his erect cock with the other.

"This is better, just watch and feel." I told him.

I moved over him and began my customary licking and kissing of every inch of this beautiful body. I licked his armpits until they were wet with my saliva. I sucked and licked his nipples and bit on them until he was writhing on the bed.

"Stop, no don't stop. Oh, god, you are so wonderful as my lover. Ry, I love you. Take me, Ry. I want to be yours. I want to feel you deep in me. Ry, I want you to cum in my ass. Please fill me with you love juice. I want it so bad. Ry, don't tease me anymore, I need you, lover, I need you."

I was at his cock now and I licked it and took it into my mouth and worked my tongue around it. I took a deep breath, swallowed and took his gorgeous eight inches into my throat. He pushed against me, trying to push more of his cock into me. I had it all, but he wanted more. I let it plop out of my mouth and I started on his large egg-sized smooth balls. I love to lick them, and then I took one and then the other into my mouth and swirled them around. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and took both balls into my mouth. I closed my lips and sucked a little as my tongue played with the underside of his balls.

He was moaning and groaning rather loudly. I didn't care. This was my man and I wanted him. I pushed back on this legs, and Sean knew I was getting to what I wanted and what he wanted even more. He hooked his arms behind his knees and and pulled his legs way back. I buried my face in his ass trench. I was in sexual heaven. I licked and inhaled and gloried at the scent and sensation. I got to his rosebud and sucked hard on it, opening it enough to start to get my tongue into him. He relaxed more. He opened more. I entered him more with my tongue. He was begging for my cock.

I reached to the night stand and good old Rog hadn't forgotten the lube. I lubed up my middle finger and started to push it into Sean's hot love tunnel. He was sighing now, just whispering how wonderful it felt and how he wanted my cock in him. I got two fingers into him and he was opening quickly and without much work on my part, the three fingers glided in and out without difficulty. I sat back on my hunches and lubed up my hard cock. Sean watched me carefully.

"Ry, I love you so much. I want you in me. Please make it last as long as you can. I would love hours of you in me. Lover, Ry, take me. I want to be yours."

I knelt between his legs pointed my cock at his anus and pushed. I slipped in without effort. Sean was pushing back against me being certain that he was filled with every inch of my cock.

"Oh, yes, Ry. It feels so wonderful. I want you in me for a long time. Fuck me slow and easy until I want you to pound my ass. I will tell you, lover"

It was then that I realized that Jerrod was standing by the bed naked and erect. His cock was very large, maybe a little over 9 inches. He looked at both of us, not knowing what to do. Sean looked at me and I nodded. He reached out his hand and pulled Jerrod on to the bed.

Jerrod moved so that he could start sucking on Sean's hard cock, and Sean took Jerrod's cock into his mouth. I had the pleasure of fucking my lover and seeing these two hot men suck each other. It was stimulating. We continued the three-way for a long time, each of us enjoying the pleasure we were giving and that we were receiving.

"Now, Ry, lover, fuck me hard. I want us all to come together. Jerrod, I know you are almost there. So let's cum together. Fuck me, Ry. Pound my ass til I scream. Fill me with your hot cum."

As I increased my speed and Sean spoke it was obvious that Jerrod was really sucking on Sean's cock. Sean was enjoying cock in both his holes. What a way to break in the new bed. I was close and I was pounding Sean'a ass so that I rubbed his prostate with each down thrust. He was breathing hard as was Jerrod. I was sweating. I glanced up at the ceiling and the picture of the three of us enjoying sex was something that really turned me on and Sean paid for it as I banged his ass until his anus was purple. Jerrod was moaning and groaning as was Sean. As they both had a mouthful it was up to me to orchestrate the finish.

"Okay, gonna cum any second."

I pushed my cock with all my strength into Sean's hot, inviting ass and started to shoot as his ass ring tightened on my cock. He was shooting a mighty load of cum into Jerrod's mouth and Jerrod delivered an even bigger load into Sean's mouth. After our orgasms, we just lay there trying to regain our strength. Jerrod was the first to speak.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. It's just I heard you two enjoying yourself and I tried to jerk off, but I wanted to see you two make love. I wanted to be part of it. Thank you for letting me be with you. I'll go back to my bed in the living room. Again, I'm so sorry. Shit, I always fuck things up."

Sean got up on his elbows and asked Jerrod, "Didn't you enjoy that?"

"Of course I enjoyed it. But I shouldn't have interfered in your private sex life. It was wrong."

In my best professorial voice I said, "Look Jerrod, if you enjoyed it and you were invited by us to join us, relax. If you want to sleep with us tonight, you may. Just stop making excuses about spoiling our sex. I think you should know that we enjoyed you joining us."

"Right!" said Sean. "And anyway, Jerrod, now that you are in our bed, I want you to know that I am going to have your virgin ass. And then Ry is going to fuck you while I fuck him. After that, well, Jerrod, I think both of us wouldn't mind sitting on that cock of yours. Man, it's a beauty."

"I can't believe this is happening to me. But you guys love each other. I must be in the way. I don't want to spoil that."

"Again, Jerrod, Sean and I love each other to the exclusion of everyone else. But this is sex. And we like sex. Do you like sex or not?"

"Yeh, I like sex. No, I love sex. Especially with you two. I have been hot for Sean's body since the first day I met him. Maybe I shouldn't have said that."

"Why not, I told Ry that about you a long time ago. Just because I didn't have sex with you then, didn't mean that I didn't find you hot and inviting. But I was in a committed relationship. Ry and I do not have sex with anyone else unless we have it together. So you see, we agreed earlier when you were standing by the bed to invite you here. Now come here to me and kiss me big guy. I think my lover has some plans to get your virgin ass ready for me. It will be his and your extra birthday present to me."

Jerrod fell on Sean and began to kiss him with abandon. I lifted him gently so that his ass was in the air more. It was a great ass, but not like Sean's. Sean had the perfect ass. But right now I was just horny. I spread his cheeks and started licking his ass crack. He was really getting into it, pushing back against my mouth. His scent was good, but again I wanted Sean's scent. I found his rosebud and licked and sucked it. He was writhing on top of Sean. Sean pulled away from the kiss and spoke.

'Relax, Jerrod, enjoy what Ry is doing. He's getting your open so I can fuck you, Jer. Do you want me to fuck you, or would your rather not do that. Tell us, we will understand. There are other things we can do for mutual pleasure."

"Oh, God, no. I want you to fuck me Sean. That's all I have dreamt about for weeks, please, please don't tell me that you don't want me."

"Of course I want you. Now kiss me Jerrod and give me tongue to suck on. Ry, how's it going?"

I had to pull my face out of Jerrod's ass to reply.

"Gonna do the finger bit right now. He should be ready in minutes."

I lubed up my middle finger and put a gob of lube on Jerrod's little pink hole. He squeezed his ass cheeks in response. I slowly slipped my finger into his love chute. He tensed a little, then relaxed. I moved my finger around until I found his love button. When I stroked it, he almost flew off the bed.

"Oh, man, that feels so fuckin good." said Jerrod.

"What's coming is better, baby." I said.

"Just wait until I get my cock into you, Jerrod. You'll really feel good. I can't wait. Ry, when I fuck Jerrod, I want you in me fucking me, okay, lover." said Sean

"Okay, Sean. I have two in him and I am about to add a third. He's pretty loose for a virgin." I moved my three fingers around touching his love button each time.

"Sean, I can't wait any longer. Fuck me, cum in my ass. I want it all." begged a frantic Jerrod.

I moved out of the way. Sean rolled Jerrod on to his back and crawled between his legs. Sean pushed his legs back. I showed Jerrod how to hold them so that Sean could get entry into him. Jerrod looked at Sean with wonder and a little fear. Sean leaned in and kissed him. I began to massage Sean's ass cheeks, running my finger in his ass crack. He was groaning approval. Sean lubed his big 8 inch cock. He placed the cockhead against Jerrod's, virgin boy pussy.

"If I hurt you, Jerrod, tell me and we will stop. Understand. It may hurt a little. It will help if as I push into your ass, you push down like you were to take a dump. That helps a lot. Ry had to teach me that. Okay. Relax. I'm gonna suck on your nipples and play with you cock for a bit. Hopefully you won't feel me when I get into your ass."

I saw Sean push his cock against Jerrod's hole. There was only a little resisitence, and then slowly Jerrod's ass sucked all of Sean's prick deep into him. Jerrod was moaning and pulling Sean down to kiss him. Sean raised his ass a little and I shoved my hard cock deep into him He sighed. We worked together for a while until we had the rhythm right. He would push into Jerrod's ass, and as he came back out, he would push onto my hard cock. It was going like clockwork. It was really hot, and I knew that Sean must be especially happy because he was fucking a hot guy and was being fucked by his lover. This went on for a few minutes and then Sean spoke.

"Let' change places, Ry. You fuck Jerrod for a while and I want to fuck you. Okay."

We quickly changed positions. I slipped right into Jerrod's ass and he looked at me and pulled me to him and kissed me hard and deep. He was a horny little virgin. Or was he?

Sean was in me before I knew what was happening. Our rhythm was quickly set and I was enjoying the sandwich very much. I fucked Jerrod for some time and Sean was enjoying every moment of his time in me. But I knew things were going to happen soon, and I knew that Jerrod wanted Sean to fill his ass with hot cum. Frankly that is just what I wanted to do to Sean. So with a few words we switched again. Sean really began to pound Jerrod's ass, and I went at it in Sean's hot ass until we both started yelling and we shot our hot loads of cum deep into a hot ass. I was exhausted. Jerrod was screaming about how wonderful it was, how hot it was, how hot we were, and then,

"Sean, I didn't cum. I want to cum, Sean." said a disappointed Jerrod.

"Put your legs down, Jerrod. Sean instructed. "Now I'm gonna lube up that enormous cock of yours.

Like this, what a beauty. Now Jerrod, I am going to squart over you prick. Ry is going to help get your cock placed so that it can enter my ass. Then I am gonna sit on your cock and fuck myself until you shoot you hot juice deep in me."

"Sean, are you really gonna do that? This is so much more than I had ever hoped for. Yeh, I want to fuck you Sean." said Jerrod.

I helped Sean get in place and I supported him so that he wouldn't go too fast. Jerrod has a really big cock. It would probably take some time. Sean lowered himself and slowly took Jerrod's cock head into his love tunnel. He grimaced a little but he didn't stop, he quickly lowered himself on Jerrod's hard cock until he was sitting on Jerrod. With my help he began to ride up and down on Jerrod's cock. Then he told Jerrod to roll them over so that Sean would be on his back. Jerrod followed his instructions carefully.

Now on his back, Sean was taking Jerrod's cock deep into his ass. He told Jerrod to fuck him hard to make him cum. Sean told me to fuck Jerrod, so I got on board again and fucked Jerrod hard as he did a first class fucking of my lover. It was all over too soon. We shot loads of cum. We were all sweaty and covered with cum, especially Sean who had shot all over himself. Jerrod and I make quick work of that by licking all the cum off Sean. Then we lay there on the bed, 3 of us side by side.

"Let's hit the shower, guys. We smell like cum, sweat and ass. I love all three, but I need a rest from them right now. And besides, I have to take a wicked piss." I said.

We soaped each other up, taking turns pleasuring each other. Finally we rinsed off and getting out of the shower we toweled off. We went back to the bedroom. Sean was the first in bed. I got on his backside so that my cock was comfortably pushing against his ass. I kissed him gently. He spooned up to Jerrod's back and ass, getting his cock strategically placed so that he could enjoy Jerrod's ass. Sean kissed Jerrod's neck. He reached over and took Jerrod's cock into his hand. I pushed the button and the lights dimmed to black. We fell into a deep sleep. Tomorrow was not a school day. We could sleep late. After our lovemaking tonight. We needed rest!!

Who knew what tomorrow would bring?


I awoke late on Saturday morning. Sean was in bed with me. He started kissing me immediately. I licked down to his cock and took it into my mouth. Even now, I wanted his essence in me. He twisted around and took my cock into his warm mouth. His tongue worked magic and I was very hard.

We sucked each other with abandon and soon we were feeding each other a load of cum. Sean pulled off my cock for a monent.

"Let's piss in each other's mouth, Ry. I want to do it. Will you do it for me? Please?" asked Sean.

"Sean, I have to tell you, I really am not into Golden Showers. I usually do it only to make you happy. I am not going to do it anymore. It makes me too uncomfortable. We've tried it more than once. I hope this doesn't hurt you, baby, but I don't want to do it anymore.

Sean bean kissing me hard and deep and he was strokin my hard cock. He pulled away from me, looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled that smile and I knew I was a lost soul again. But I got a surprise.

"Ry, I don't ever want you to do anything just to please me and make me happy. If you are not comfortable with it, then we won't do it. Okay, lover. I love you too much to have you do something that makes you uncomfortable." he told me.

He started kissing my body all over and I was hard instantly. I felt his hard cock against my thigh and I knew I was a gonna. I wanted him again. I realized that I wanted him all the time. He was my love of a lifetime, how could I ever not want him. We were brought back to reality when we heard a voice.

"Got the coffee made, got cereal out and some bread for toast. It's almost 9:30." said a naked and erect Jerrod.

"Hi, Jer," said Sean, "did you sleep well? We both did."

"Hmmm, you look good enough to eat, Jerrod." I said. "Come here, our hot gay jock." I said a smiling Ryan.

"Look, guys, I want to have sex with you so much. But I really want you both to fuck me. I am even willing to have you try, both of you to fuck me at the same time. I know it's done `cause I've seen it on the net. Are you up to that?" Jerrod asked.

"Sure, we'll try, but it is probably going to hurt like hell. And, Jerrod, we could really hurt your asshole. We don't want you to bleed or anything like that. So, we'll try, but only if you promise to tell us if it hurts too much. Deal?" I asked.

"I promise." Jerrod walked over to us. He got on the bed.

"Look, you two make out while I work on Jerrod's ass. I want to open him way up. It will take some time. So be patient. And if you cum, that's okay, too, because we'll last longer when we do fuck Jerrod together. Sean put your head down here, that's it. Now Jerrod, you can put your ass toward me and Sean will be able to suck your cock and balls and play with your nipples. You can suck him the same way. Now let's do it."

I opened Jerrod's hot ass crack and shoved my face into his ass. He was moaning but I didn't know if it was from me on his ass or Sean sucking his cock. My tongue was working its way up and down his ass crack. I wanted to suck on his anus, to give him some tongue, to start to open him up. We were really getting into it when the doorbell rang.

"Fuck," I said, "Jerrod, you best get back in bed in the living room. Sean you stay here. I'll put on my robe and answer the door. Let's look smart. It might be my Mom and Dad."

Everyone did their thing. I walked slowly to the door in my barefeet, taking enough time to let my hard prick soften and hide itself among my balls. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I was speechless. There, looking like I remembered him and loved him, stood Kevin Reading, my ex lover. I didn't say anything. I just looked at him.

"Sorry to surprise you, Ryan. But I read about the terrible business and I knew I had to come and see you. I've learned a great deal since I treated you like shit. I finally came to my senses."

"Come on in, Kevin. Sorry I acted like such a dork. Not polite of me to leave you out on the door step. Come on in." Kevin came into the living room and saw Jerrod in the sofa bed.

"So, this is the much written about and much loved, Sean. I can understand why you are smitten with him, Ryan. He's beautiful." said an intrigued Kevin.

"No, this isn't Sean, this is a friend of Sean's, this is Jerrod Williamson." I said.

Jerrod was staring at Kevin like he had seen a ghost or something. He didn't move. He didn't speak. Kevin spoke in a faultering voice.

"Ah, hi Jerrod, I'm...I'm Kevin Reading, an old friend of Ryan's."

Without thinking, Jerrod clammered out of the bed and moved to Kevin. He was sporting a huge hardon. Kevin looked at his cock with admiration and desire. Jerrod extended his hand which Kevin took and shook firmly.

"I can't help but see that you are well endowed, Jerrod. A very impressive penis." said Kevin as he smiled at Jerrod.

For a moment Jerrod just stood there looking at Kevin and not showing any possibilty of losing his erection. Then it dawned on him what the situation was, what Kevin had said to him.

"Oh, fuck!" said an embarrassed Jerrod. He reached behind him and pulled the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself, obscuring his wonderful sexual apparatus. Kevin didn't move a muscle. Jerrod now stood perfectly still. I decided I needed to do something.

"How about a cup of coffee, Kevin. We can talk. "

Just as we about to go into the kitchen, my beauty walked in. He was wearing a pair of running shorts, cut high on the sides. His body was, as usual, magnificent. He smiled at me, came to me and kissed me deeply and lovingly. Kevin, just starred and then whistled.

"How come you have two beauties here, and I can't find any guy who wants to love me for more than twenty minutes?" he asked. I knew that Sean was interested in who the company was.

"Sean, this is, well, I am as surprised as you will be. This is Kevin Reading, my ex lover. Kevin, this is my partner, my lover, the reason I want to live. This is Sean Kelly."

Kevin extended his hand, but my good natured, happy-go-lucky, welcoming Sean just turned and left the room. I was angry at his bad manners. I needed to tell him right then.

"Excuse me, you two. I need to talk with Sean. Please forgive his rudeness, Kevin. I think he was surprised and I think he is scared that you will win me back, and he will be left alone. I know that sounds a little out of it. He knows how much I love him and that I would die before I left him. But he is young and at times insecure. We'll be back in a few minutes. Why don't you and Jerrod chat and have a cup of coffee." I hurried to our bedroom.

When I arrived in the bedroom, Sean was sitting in one of the chairs with a look of total dejection and a little hate. I was unimpressed. I pushed the button and the wall came in closing us off from the rest of the townhouse. I was very angry.

"Just what the fuck was that all about, Sean. I am really pissed at your lack of manners. I am sure that you know better than to be rude. So what the fuck's the matter with you?" I was almost shouting.

Sean stood and faced me. His eyes showed anger and hurt. He glared at me. I noticed he was almost shaking.

"What the fuck's the matter with me. Why in hell is that bastard here and what the fuck does he want. He wants you, that's what he wants. He wants to come flyng in and win you away from me. Well, by all that is holy, he isn't going to do that. I want the son-of-a-bitch out of our house.

I love you too much to have that shithead ruin everything. Oh, shit, Ryan, I'm scared, I don't want to lose you." said a close-to-tears Sean.

"Baby, baby, I won't leave you for Kevin or anyone else. I love you, Sean. I've told you this many times, and it hasn't changed. I'm a little disappointed that you don't trust me, Sean. You are not going to lose me. I am here until one of us dies. Believe me, only death will take me away from you. Come here, lover, let me hug you and kiss away your fear."

Sean moved slowly for the first few steps, but then he ran to me and threw himself into my arms. I hugged his closely and kissed him with passion and lust. We were both near tears.

"Ryan, I am so sorry. I trusted you with my life after the beating. You saved me, Ryan. Of course I trust you. I guess I don't trust Kevin. I want to like him because I know he was very important to you in your life. I promise I will be better, that I will behave in a manner that will make you proud of me. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you, Sean; I love you. Now let's get back in there and behave like the good hosts that we are. Kiss me again. Hmmmm, that always make me hot for you, but that will have to wait. Let's go."

We went back to the living room and kitchen.

"Oops, sorry, didn't mean to interrput anything. Boy, you guys are fast workers." said an amused Sean.

Like two deer caught in the headlights, the action stopped.

Jerrod told Sean and I what happened after I left the room to go talk with Sean. Jerrod went into the kitchen to get the coffee cups, the sugar, half and half, etc. He reached up on the top shelve of the cupboard to get the cups. When he did, the blanket fell from his body and he was naked with his jock ass facing a trembling Kevin.

"You have a nice body, Jerrod. A very nice body." said Kevin.

Before Jerrod could turn around, Kevin was behind him. He put his arms around Jerrod and whispered in his ear. "My, God, Jerrod, you are so beautiful. The minute I saw you something happened to me, I can't explain it. I just know that I want you, Jerrod. Will you turn around and kiss me, please?"

Jerrod turned slowly around. He looked directly into Kevin's brown eyes. He leaned into Kevin and met Kevin's lips. He was shaking, almost unable to control it.

"Jerrod, why are you shaking. I don't want to hurt you. What did I do. I'm sorry. I took this too fast. It's just, it's just, well..." said Kevin.

With his hand firmly over Kevin's mouth, Jerrod told him. "It's just that you feel something about me that you never felt about any other guy. I feel the same way. You took my breath away, and I am shaking because your touch just makes me crazy with desire. Maybe, maybe, it's just a young gay jock who is out of his league misreading what is happening here. So if it is, Kevin, please tell me. I don't want to be the fool." said Jerrod.

Kevin was silent for a bit. He pulled Jerrod to him, and with Jerrod's head resting on his chest, he whispered to him, "I, I don't know what happened to me. I've been around, with many guys, but Jerrod, I never had anyone, and that includes Ryan who did to me what just looking at you does to me."

Jerrod sighed deeply. Kevin continued to whisper to Jerrod.

"And when I touched you, I don't know, it was like sparks went through me. And you are sexy and I want you, but it was more than that. I suddenly wanted to just love you or protect you or be with you. I know it's crazy, but Jerrod, I think I have fallen in love with you. Is that possible, or am I the fool?"

"All I know, Kevin, is that I want to be near you. I want to talk to you. I want to touch you. I want to laugh with you. I want you to take care of me, protect me. I just want to be with you.

I want to make love with you. I think that is love. Or am I the fool?"

There was no more talk. Kevin kissed Jerrod deeply and with passion. Jerrod was trying to remove Kevin's clothes when Sean and I came into the kitchen.

"Oops, sorry, didn't mean to interrput anything. Boy, you guys are fast workers." said an amused Sean.

I watched as Kevin reached down and pulled the blanket up to cover Jerrod. His arm went around Jerrod's waist. He held tightly to Jerrod. They looked at each other with a look I knew well, it said love all over it. I understood how these two strangers saw each other and fell in love. I smiled at the memory of two others who had fallen in love as quickly.

"I don't think it's that they are 'fast workers' as you put it. Sean. I think these men fell in love almost as quickly as you and I did. I for one think it is wonderful. Kevin, don't lead him on. Sean would probably wipe you out if you hurt Jerrod. So would I. We are both very fond of Jerrod. Don't hurt him, Kevin. Don't hurt him the way you hurt me." I warned him.

"Look, I came here with one purpose in mind. I came here, Ryan, to apologize to you for being such an asshole. It didn't take me long to understand that you had really loved me. I just wanted to suck and fuck as many guys as I could. You didn't want that. You wanted someone to love, to take care of, to be with. I was too stupid to love you and keep you."

I felt all eyes on me and I knew that everyone wondered what my reaction would be. I just remained quiet.

"I spent too many years pursuing the sexual numbers game. How many guys could fuck me; how manay could I suck; how many could I fuck. It got weary and boring. I acutally lost interest in sex." said Kevin.

Sean looked at me with some amount of disbelief. I was a little suspicious myself. Was this just another cute ploy?

"That's when I got interested in counseling. I wanted to keep other young guys from doing the same stupid things that I had done. So over the years I have earned my Master's and my Doctorate in Psycology and Counseling."

Jerrod now had his arm around Kevin. His face looked angelic as he gazed at Kevin. Kevin, kissed him on the forehead and continued.

"In fact, I just took a job at State. I'm the new Sexual Preferences counselor. I will work with students who have sexual identity problems or family rejection, those kinds of things. I also will work with guys who have been raped by other guys as a lark or as a punishedment for being gay. Thanks to you Ryan, getting rid of me acutally helped make a man of me."

"You're shitting me, Kevin. This is just another of your bullshit stories. Do you think that I am going to buy into this? No way, Kevin. I believed too many of your fantasies. Not this time.

I think you should get out of here. You hurt me once, you are not going to hurt a great guy like Jerrod." I blurted out. Sean put his arm around me and whispered in my ear.

"Remember, Ry, be polite. That's what you just shagged my ass about. And you were right."

"I understand, Ryan. I deserve this and much more for what I did to you. I can't change that. All I can do is what I have done: to say I am sorry and ask you to forgive me. I had to forgive myself a long time ago."

As Kevin spoke I noticed Jerrod had moved to the sofa bed and was getting dressed. I interrupted Kevin.

"Where are you going, Jerrod?" I demanded.

"Look, I love you two guys in a special way. But wherever Kevin goes, I am going. You see, Ryan and Sean, I know that I love him the way you two love each other. And I believe that he loves me in that same way. He told me he loved me and I believe him."

Kevin and Jerrod looked at each other, and again I saw what was surely love in their eyes. Was I being a monumental prick? Kevin continued.

"I had hoped that over the years, and now that you had a wonderful partner, you could find it in your heart to forgive a horny, gay college guy who just couldn't get enough sex. But I do understand. Glad to have met you, Sean. You are lucky to have Ryan as your lover. He is a first class guy, a real man. I love him more now than I did eight years ago. Ryan, if you ever want to talk with me, my office is in Brundy Hall on the third floor, room 333."

"Wait, wait, wait. Just wait. I need a minute." I said.

Sean took the edge off the moment when he said: "He always needs time to think and cool off when he's being a complete asshole. But for me it's the making up that's worth all the rest."

Everyone was laughing, including me. Sean came and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he did something that truly amazed me, he walked over to Kevin.

"Welcome to State, Kevin. You are lucky to have Jerrod in your corner. He's a great guy and I love him a lot. As for my partner and lover over there, just forgive him. He's never this rude, and he has a wonderful sense of humor. In addtion to that he is a hot lover and a wonderful partner. And in spite of his little faults, I love him so much that I can't even express it. So just wait until he gets his act together. He'll return to the human race in a bit." said Sean and he kissed Kevin quickly on the lips. He kissed Jerrod, too, longer and with some tongue. I stood there like the asshole I had been. I walked over to Kevin.

"You, know, Kevin. I forgave you long ago, but I still love you in a remembrance that is filled with pleasure. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but then I saw Sean and I fell head over heels. I am certain that you two nutcakes are in love. Hurrah for that! Now let's cut this shit about forgiveness and that stuff. Let's have some breakfast and then christen the hot tub."

I took Kevin in my arms and kissed him hard and deep on his lips. I felt his cock harden as did mine. Sean was just smiling at us as he and Jerrod massaged each others crotch.

We all went into the sparking new kitchen. There was cereal, toast, coffee, milk and OJ. There wasn't much else to eat as Sean and I had not done any grocery shopping except the stuff we picked up at Crandell's last night. Everyone was enjoying the convesation which really concentrated on the lovely townhouse and all that our friends had done for us. Kevin was genuinely amazed at what had happened. I knew we needed some groceries so I decided to ask Sean and Jerrod to go to Crandell's and get some other things. Food was my major concern, but I had another thing that I wanted to discuss with Kevin.

"Sean, why don't you take the red Toyota and go to Crandell's and pick up some things so we can have a reasonable lunch and some man-sized steaks and potatoes and you know all the stuff we usually have, catsup, mustard, salt, pepper." I said.

"Hon," said Sean, "you gotta make a list. There's no way we two college frosh will ever remember everything. Maybe you and Kevin would do a better job. What do you think?"

"Well, I like your suggestion, but I am not sure that Kevin wants to spend his time in a grocery store."

"Fine with me, Ryan. We can talk about old times and new times. Jerrod, do you mind if I go with Ryan?" asked Kevin.

"No, it's fine with me. Sean and I will find something to do, but we won't christen the hot tub until you guys get back and can join us. Sean and I have some things we need to talk about, too. And, Ryan, I know you are not too comfortable leaving Sean here after what happened, but I am here, and we won't open that door unless we know exactly who it is. So don't worry." Jerrod said.

"Don't worry, hon, I will be fine. And if I had to be here with anyone other than you, I would choose Jerrod. So, off with you guys and bring back lots of food and drink, soda, you know, Ry. I do need a special kiss before you leave, hon."

I walked over to Sean and took him in my arms and gave him one of our special kisses. I told him quietly that I would get a large supply of condoms as who knew when we might want them. He just snickered. We were really wrapped up in it, and so we weren't really aware that Kevin was slipping some hot tongue into Jerrod's waiting mouth. When we finally broke our kiss for air, Kevin and Jerrod joined us in gasping for air. We looked at each other and started laughing. What a wonderful sound. We we off. ----------------------------- Sean narrates

After Ryan and Kevin left, Jerrod and I cleaned up the kitchen making sure that every surface was sparkling. We kept smiling at each other, but we didn't speak. Finally I suggested that we go make the bed in the master bedroom.

"Why not?" said Jerrod, "I certainly helped mess it up. I am really sorry that we didn't get to finish what we started this morning. I was hot to try that. Maybe some other time."

"Jer, are you really serious about Kevin. I mean, do you know about his history. Ryan was really screwed by him. I can forgive him, but it will be difficult for Ryan to forgive him."

"Sean, did you see them kissing? Did you kinda feel that maybe they would like one last fling? I did. That would leave the two of us to entertain ourselves. Are we up to that?"

"I don't know how Ryan feels. I think Kevin came here with the specific notion of having sex with Ryan. I'm sure of it. I think the only thing that stopped him was you, hunk jock that you are. He really fell for you. I think if Ry and I had stayed in the bedroom any longer, he would have fucked you on the kitchen floor." said a laughing Sean.

"Yeh, you're right. Sean, I wanted him to fuck me. I really think he's wonderful. You know how it happens; you fell for Ryan in a moment. Well, that's how it happened to me. I saw Kevin and I knew I wanted to love him and to be loved by him. There was some sexual interest, but that wasn't the most important thing. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand. I fell for Ryan that way. I really love him, but Jerrod, I also want him as my lover. When we have sex together it is not just sex. We make love. I wish you luck with Kevin."

"Sean, you didn't really answer my question. Will you let Ryan have sex with Kevin? Can we manage not to get jealous when the men we love are having sex with each other?"

"I really don't know. I won't want it to happen, but I know that it is probably the only way to have them both get rid of any remaining desire for each other. How do you feel about it?"

"I'm not crazy about it. Maybe we could all do it together. Do you think that's a possibilty." "

"Sure, four cocks, four asses, four mouths - we ought to be able to get something going. There's only one thing: maybe they want to be alone. Let's just see what happens. We will have to be able to control our dislike for the action, especially if we aren't involved. I really don't think Ryan will have sex with Kevin unless we are both involved. You know how we play that game."

"Sean, can I tell you something? It's private between you and me." asked a serious Jerrod.

"Jerrod, you can say or tell me anything. Please, tell me." I said.

"Well, Sean, no matter what happens to me and Kevin, I want you to know that I will always love you. You were willing to take me into your bed and to make love to me. That showed me that you and Ryan were kind and considerate. What I want to believe is that you had some kind of feeling for me, more than just the sex thing. Am I right?"

"Jerrod, I knew in Mrs. Milne's class that you had something going for me. Well frankly, I had a feeling for you, too. I just couldn't act on it because of the agreement I had with Ryan. But, Jerrod, if it hadn't been for that, I would have wanted to make love to you, right then. I do have a special place for you in my heart. I always will. You're right. Come here and give me a hug and a kiss, Jerrod."

Jerrod came to me and I took him into my arms and hugged him tightly to me. Then I kissed him gently on his beautiful lips, he licked my lips with his tongue and I let him enter my mouth. We French-kissed until we were both sporting bonifide erections. We knew we had to stop.

"Sean, you don't know what your touch and my god your kiss does to me. It makes me forget everything, including Kevin. What am I going to do, Sean? I love you." said an emotionally distraught Jerrod.

I just held him to me. I kissed his forehead. What was I to do? I really didn't know what to say to him. I screwed up my courage and my intellect to be sure that I didn't say the wrong thing.

"You can't imagine how wonderful it is to hear you say that you love me, Jerrod. I think you really do care a great deal for me, and that is pleasant. Jerrod, you told me earlier that you were sure that Kevin was the man you wanted in your life. I believe you. I think your love for me is based on lots of things that have happened to the two of us in the last few weeks. Jerrod stood there looking at me with wonderment or was it confusion in his eyes.

"You were there to support me in Milne's class the other day, in a way no other person in the room did. For that I am eternally thankful.

A single tear ran down Jerrod's cheek. It broke my heart.

"And your warmth and concern for me during my stay in the hospital were indeed moving. But, Jerrod, I really don't think you are in love with me. You are infatuated with me. You love Kevin. I will always hold you in a special place in my heart as I told you earlier. Let's leave it at that, dude. Okay?"

"Okay." Jerrod said softly. "Okay!" and now there was a tear running down my cheek.

I thought that I had done well at handling this delicate situation. My God, it was difficult. I wondered what Ryan would think of my of what I had said. I would tell Ryan when I had time and inclination.

I wondered if we should even bother with christening the hot tub.

Actually, I wasn't in the mood for it.

Jerrod and I went into the study and began to play computer games as we waited for Ryan and Kevin to return.

Even though I played well, I wondered what Ryan and Kevin would say to each other. All I could think of is the King of Siam's comment in the musical 'The King and I"

"Tis a puzzlement."

(to be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. Since a large part of the story is already written, I cannot make plot changes. Keeping messages to a reasonable length would be appreciated. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 14

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