The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Jul 16, 2003


The Professor and Sean, Part 12

by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love.

The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


The Professor and Sean, Part 12


Our life fell into a pleasant routine. Living with Rog and Greg helped bcause meals were always at the same time. Both Sean and I had loads of school work to do, so even though we shared the same space, we often worked for long periods of time without speaking. Then one of us would get up from his desk and walk to the other and give a hug or a kiss. There were times when we were able to cool off from this little preliminary love play and go on with our work. But often, probably most of the time, we ended up in bed making love. Sean healed rapidly and finally showed no signs of the attack. His psychological self healed much slower. He was not paranoid, but he was suspicious of strangers around campus and around Rog and Greg's home. We went to the mall, but it soon occured to us that we never left each other. We were a pair because we loved each other and because we wanted to protect each other from harm.

I had asked Rog a number of times about the townhouse, but he simply put me off, telling me that things were progressing and that the time wasn't right for me to see it yet. He guaranteed that it would be ready before Sean's birthday. I had my doubts, but I promised that neither Sean nor I would attempt to see the townhouse; in fact, I gave Sean and my keys to Rog. Sean had settled in nicely at Rog's, but I was anxious to be at home alone with the man I loved. For Sean there were other issues, the principle one dealing with his fear of his old study and his concern that he might fall to pieces when the surroundings brought back the awful memories. We didn't discuss it often as it always set Sean back a week or so in his mental struggle to put the attack behind him.

The first day we returned to campus had been a unique day. I had told Sean about all that had happened to me. He told me about the reception in Dr. Milne's class and he let me read the essay he had read to his class. I was totally overcome by the perception and maturity he demonstrated. He was pleased with his day as he did not meet anyone who threatened or teased him. His time in the music department has been wonderful with all his classmates and the staff greeting him with applause and continual welcomes.

That night when we were in bed and had finished our love making which had been intense and fulfulling for both of us. I had snuggled up to Sean's back after my good night kiss, I was aware that Sean wasn't falling asleep in his usual manner. I kissed the back of his neck and ran my hands along his back and thigh. He groaned his appreciation and my cock was beginning to get hard again.

"Ry, there's something I need to tell you. I really don't know how to say it, so I guess I just will have to tell you." Sean said in a very quiet almost shaky voice.

I felt as if my heart exploded into my throat. What was so important that he was having trouble telling me? I feared he might want out of our relationship, but I couldn't come up with a single reason for that. I decided to just wait, to give him room and time to say what he had to say. He turned and faced me, kissing me gently and taking me into his arms.

"Something strange happened to me today. I have to tell you because I love you. Jerrod Williamson told me today that he had the hots for me when he met me the first day here on campus. He said he still had the hots for me. And he told me how lucky I was to have someone to love me. It freaked me out, Ry. I didn't even answer him. And, Ry, he was hugging me and I know he kissed my neck, and this is what I have to tell you, lover, I didn't do anything. It felt good and I let him do it. Then I was quilty and I still am because it was really cheating on you. I don't want ever to cheat on you, Ry. It would kill me if you cheated on me, and I hope that you would not like it either. I am so sorry, Ry. Can you forgive me?"

"Baby, baby. Relax. So a sexy jock told you he had the hots for you. That's a mighty nice compliment. Think about how much courage it took for him to tell you that. He must really like you, baby. And that's okay."

I looked into Sean's beautiful blue eyes and could see peace returning to them. I went on.

"Other guys are going to hit on you, Sean. How you handle it is something I can't predict. I'm pretty sure you will not succumb to it. Yet someday that may be too difficult and you will weaken and have sex. That doesn't mean you love me less, it means you enjoy sex. Don't worry about it until it becomes real."

Sean was beginning to smile that smile. And as I had been talking to him his hands had been playing with my pecs and he was teasing my nipples. I was having a difficult time concentrating.

"As for Jerrod kissing your neck," I said, "why are you ashamed that you enjoyed it? We enjoy it when we kiss each other's neck. You didn't have sex with Jerrod; you let him kiss your neck. Forget it, baby. Just continue to love me as I love you. That's all you need to worry about right now."

Sean's mouth was on my right nipple, sucking, licking, biting. That was it!

I lifted his head and kissed him hard, shoving my tongue deeply into his mouth. He began to suck on my tongue so hard that I thought he would rip it out of me. I was once again erect. I wanted him again. I tossed away the bed covers and attacked his naked body. I licked and sucked every crease in his body. I sucked his cock deep into my throat. I licked his big beautiful balls, moving to his 'taint' where I licked and then into his ass crack where I could inhale his young man scent, then to his hot hole which I sucked and licked and relaxed finally getting my tongue deep into him. He was groaning and moaning and stroking as much of my body as he could get to.

This was my show, my time. I loved his ass so much. He would take me this time with just saliva and precum. I pushed his legs back and he accommodated me by holding them behind his knees and pulling them to his chest. I moved into position and with one enormous thrust, I shoved my steel hard cock deep into his guts. He only whimpered.

"Oh, Ry, lover. Fuck me, Ry. Oh, God, I love you so much. I need you, Ry. I want you with me always. I never want any other man but you to love. Oh, Ry, fuck me hard, I want you to take control of me, to make me yours. Please, Ry. Please."

I was almost out of control with what I know now was lust. I pounded Sean's ass with abandon. I was so hot for him. I don't think I ever wanted him more than I did at that moment. I wanted him to know that he was mine. I wanted him to know that I would protect him, would love him, would fuck him senseless. And I continued to bang his ass, very hard and very deep. Sean was pulling me to him with his legs and arms rying to get my cock deeper into him. He wanted this. He demanded this. I had to show him that I could do this for him. I was getting close and Sean's moaning and crying were loud and there was babble that went with it,

Suddenly, Sean began to writh and shake on the bed and his cock was jumping and spurting long threads of cum some as high as his face and hair. As he came, his ass muscles played havoc with my cock and I shot deep into him what seemed to me to be an enormous load of hot manjuice. I was totally out of it; physically I was exhausted; emotionally I was drained, sexually I had reached a new level of giving pleasure and receiving pleasure. I had collasped on Sean's body.

"Awesome, Ry, awesome. I know now all I need to know about our relationship. My god, Ry, you are one powerful lover. I am so happy right now, so fulfilled. God, Ry, I could eat you up." Sean said breathlessly.

"That, baby, is why I don't worry if Jerrod kisses you neck." I said laughing. Sean was laughing now, too. I knew the Jerrod stuff wasn't over, but I knew I need not worry about Sean. He was mine!

--------------------- Sean's birthday was fast approaching. I felt helpless. No one would tell me anything. Mom and Dad, still here, were as bad as everyone else. Always an excuse not to talk about the townhouse. I was getting a little pissed off. I know Rog could tell. Greg just smiled at me and told me to take it easy. Everything would be fine. "Sure," I told myself, "everything will be fine, sometime next year."

Finally, three days before Sean's birthday, Rog told me he and Greg would take Sean and me to the townhouse after dinner that night. It seemed like a very long dinner to Sean and me. Finally dinner was over and we went out to the parking lot. We piled into Rog's van and took off to the townhouse. Sean and I sat in the back. I could tell that Sean was uneasy and I comforted him with small kisses and gentle hugs. I think he sensed that, I too, was uneasy. What would it be like? Would Sean be able to handle it all? We arrived at the townhouse.

"I'm going to stay in the van while Greg goes in and turns on lights. Then when he gets back, he'll give you the keys. We want you two to go in by yourself and have sometime to adjust to it. We'll give you a half an hour, then we will come to see you. Okay?" said Rog.

"Yeh, okay. You got to know Rog, that I am scared shitless about this whole thing and so is Sean.

If we scream, come running, please."

"Sure, sure. Here's Greg."

"Hey, dudes, here are the keys to your townhouse. Talk a look around." Greg said with a huge smile.

"Thanks!" was all that would come out of us.

I took Sean's hand and we walked slowly to the door of the townhouse. A beautiful new, solid hardwood door which had carved work and had been finished with a dark fruitwood stain greeted us. There was a `Welcome' mat, a brass knocker, a brass door bell. It was beautiful.

"My god, Sean, look what they did. Just look at what they did."

"Ry, it doesn't seem like the same place, does it? Ry, I still am a little concerned about going inside."

"Don't worry, baby, I am here with you. I won't let anything happen to you. If you need to let our some bent-up emotions, let them out. I may have a few of my own. Are you ready?"

"Yeh, I guess so. Ry, hold my hand tightly. Don't let go."

I slowly unlocked the door. I pushed it open. Sean and I stared into the entry. It wasn't our entry. It was too beautiful, too perfect. We walked in on the plush carpet, copies of paintings that I had always loved hung on the entry wall. A lovely antique chair and table graced one wall.

Over it was a gorgeous gold framed mirror. Even the light on the ceiling was new and added to the total feeling of the entry.

We moved cautiously into the living room. We were blown away. It was a magazine room. Everything belonged, everything added. More paintings that I loved. Comfortable furniture that begged to be sat in. Tables, cushions, flowers, lamps all had been selected with great care. I was breathless.

"Sean, what do you think?" I asked.

"I don't know, Ry. It's so fuckin beautiful! Look, Ry, look at where the other windows were. They changed something."

It was then that I noticed that the entire wall had been relplaced with a wall of windows, the center section of which was now a wonderful bow window. Drapes could be closed over the entire wall. And the view was toward the hills and moutains of New England. We stumbled to the kitchen.

We just stopped in our tracks and gawked. Everything was new, everything was stainless steel, new ceramic tile floor, new Corian counter tops, new cabinets. I was floored. I sat for a moment on a stool to get my breath. Sean stood beside me holding my hand. I brought it my lips and kissed it. He looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes. What came next would be difficult.

We started toward the bedroom area of the townhouse, but something was different. The hall had been shortened. We hesitated for a long time outside the area which at one time had been Sean's study.

"Do you want to go in, Sean?" I asked.

"I have to, Ryan. I just have to get rid of these fears. If I can't then those fuckin bastards have won. And I won't ever let that happen. You are with me to support me, lover. Let's see what's in here." We opened the door.


What we saw was a large area that had been made from our old bedroom and Sean's study area. The walls were lined with bookcases which were filled with books and some of the things I had collected in my travels that had been saved. There were two study areas, both with new computers.

There was a light brown leather love seat. The floors were wood and had exquisite Persian-like rugs. A large dark brown leather chair with a matching ottoman was near the window. Beside it were an enormous globe and a tall brass floor lamp. All the lamps in the study area were brass. Dark oak file cabinets were placed by each study area. The desk tops were covered with everything a desk should need. A shared printer and scanner were on a small desk to the left of the two study areas. Each desk had a phone.

"Ry, this isn't the same place. I am totally comfortable here. Oh, Ry, who did this? Can we afford this, Ry?"

"I don't know, Sean. But I suspect that Rog and Greg had a hand in it. I bet Mom and Dad were deeply involved, too. But it took many more than that. And I don't know if we can afford it or not. But let's not worry about that. Let's take a look at our favorite place, our bedroom."

There was no apparent separation between the two areas. Sean saw a switch that didn't seem to have anything to do with the lights. He turned it. From somewhere, out of the walls, I guess, came a wall, even including a door, that moved into place. I was too dumbfounded to speak. Sean hit the switch again, and the wall disappeared. I just kept shaking my head. This couldn't be, it just couldn't be. Then I heard Sean.

"Ry, you have to see this. You won't believe it. It is awesome."

There along the what had been a plain wall was another wall of windows looking out over the small city. At night it would be a winner. There was a kingsized bed, covered in a dark maroon and green pasley print. The bed was mammoth, It had four large imposing bedposts. When I looked up at the ceiling I was stunned. The ceiling over the bed was mirrored. "Who's idea was that," I wondered. There was a fireplace with two leather masculine-looking chairs on either side of it. I assumed it was some sort of gas fireplace, but time would reveal all that. The curtains on the wall of windows matched the bedspread and the toss pillows were of green and maroon velvet. The walls were a creamy white and the pictures selected for the room added a real sense of culture.

Sean had wandered back into the study area. I heard a muffled cry. I rushed into the area to find Sean looking at a wall covered with photographs. He was staring at one in particular and his hand was to his mouth trying to cover an escaping cry. I went up behind him and put my arms around him. The picture he was looking at was of a youngish man and woman, smiling and happy. The woman was holding a infant. I guessed what it was, but I wondered how it got there.

"Sean," I asked quietly, "is that your mom and dad and you?" No words came from him. He shook his head yes, and turned toward me and put his face in my chest and sobbed. I found tears running down my face, too. I just held him tightly and waited. He finally got composed.

"How did they get that? That was in a scrapbood I left at Aunt Emily's. I'm all right now, Ry. Look, there's a picture of a little guy in a baseball suit. It's you, Ry. And look, that scrawny guy with the well worn pants is me. How did they do this. And look, Ry. Look at all the candids of us? Some are as recent as at the hospital. Oh, Ry, look, those are some taken on campus the first day we went back. Wow, Ry, look, that one is of me in Dr. Milnes' class. And there's you in your class giving a lecture. There's one of your Mom and Dad. Hey, look, this is Aunt Emily. This is one of a bunch of us the first day here. Sue took that one. This is wonderful, Ry. This is wonderful. You know what, Ry. This makes you and me seem like a family. Wow! I don't think anything else here can match this."

We wandered back into the bedroom area. It was then I noticed two large walk-in closets. A small plague on the door told who's it was. I opened the one with Ryan on it. I switched on the light.

No, it couldn't be. The closet was filled with new clothes, suits, shirts, trousers, shorts, shoes, everything. This was Mom's doing. I found Sean standing in his closet, just standing looking. He would reach out and feel something, and then retract his hand in disbelief that it was real. He turned, looked at me and threw himself into my arms. We hugged for a long time. Then I kissed him with one of our special kisses. I could feel his hardon rubbing against mine. This was not the time. I pulled away from him.

"Let's save this for our first night here, baby. I want that night to be very special."

"Okay, Ry, but you might as well know that I would like to do it right now, on the floor in this closet. So there!" he was laughing.

"Come on. Let's check out the bathroom."

A pocket door opened into the bathroom. We walked into the bathroom and stopped short. Everywhere you looked was gleaming tile and Corian counter. A huge totally glassed-in shower stall with brass fittings and a number of outlets for water (it reminded me of Rog and Greg's and I couldn't wait to try it.) Two sinks, walls of mirrors, closets of towels, a bidet, and for those who prefer a large tub with power jets for a massage bath. The colors were muted and beautiful. I just hugged Sean. We didn't speak. We just stood there in awe.

It was then that we came back to reality. Something was ringing. It was the doorbell.

"Why don't we answer the door together, Sean?"

We walked back through the study area, through the living room and into the entry. There was a peek hole which I pointed out to Sean. He looked through it.

"Just wonderful friends!"

We opened the door and there standing and smiling like four Cheshire cats stood my Mom and Dad, Rog and Greg. There followed a lot of hugging and tears and kissing and more hugging and more tears until everyone was settled. We moved into our new living room. It was then I noticed, there was no piano! Questions flew at the four conspirators, but answers were few. Essentially we were told that all would be revealed on the first day we could occuply our new home. That day would be on Sean's birthday.

"Why can't we stay here now?" asked a frustrated Sean.

"Because," said a patient Rog, "things are not completed. Did you guys look out on the patio? Follow me."

We followed Rog and Mom, Dad, and Greg followed. On the back wall, to the right, french doors opened onto the patio. It was redone completely. But the center of attention was the huge hot tub. There were chairs, a round table, some chests for holding cushions, and a small upright closet for towels and accessories. The patio floor had been tiled so that water could easily be wiped up. To the far side of the patio stood the gas grill, sparking in all its polished stainless steel grandure. It was perfect. There were many ohs and ahs, but Sean finally asked the question that he most wanted to know.

"How did you get the picture of my parents and me and my Aunt Emily? Please, I have to know." asked Sean.

"You would be surprised what can be accomplished by the use of the telephone. We called your Aunt Emily, told her all about your attack. We also told her about your partner, told her why we were about redoing your home, and asked her if she had any pictures which she would like to share. At first she was hesitant, but the more she found out about you, Sean, the more willing she was to share. She sent us a number, but we picked these. They rest are in your desk in the study area. You will also find there a letter from her." said Rog.

"Thank you for telling me, Rog, I mean Dr. Fillimore. It means a great deal to me. Those pictures are just wonderful. I told Ry it made me feel like he and I were a family. Thanks everyone."

"I'm a little chocked up and very overwhelmed about what you guys have done here. It's truly remarkable. Sean and I don't know who to thank. We just stand in awe of everything and know that you four must have been the movers and planners. Hopefully we will know who else helped. We don't still know how we will be able to thank everyone. And we will repay you and everyone else for all the money you have spent on this remodeling, because that's what it is. You will just have to give us some time so that we can catch out breath and get our lives back on keel. God, we love all of you so much." I said as I started to weep. Sean grabbed me and we had a real good cry, in happiness of how wonderful people can be. This ourpouring of support washed away the hate that had provoked all the trouble. It took us a long time to get control. We had been joined by four other wonderful people in our crying session. What more could happen? Before we left, Greg showed me all about the alarm system. Sean was interested in that, too.

"Do we really have to leave? It's so beautiful. You know what is so great about this place? It is full of love; that's why I don't want to leave." said Sean. Again from the mouth of this young man who had suffered so much came a profound statement that made us all feel somewhat lacking.

In the few days before Sean's birthday, many questions would be asked, but the whole story would have to wait until then.

That night in bed at Rog and Greg's, Sean and I just held each other. He kissed me frequently and I returned his kisses. But we didn't have passionate sex. Too much had happened to both of us that evening. There had been much to think about. Many of the thoughts were of a nature that made them private. We both honored the need for some privacy of thought even though we wanted to be close to each other, to show our love for each other. Finally I head Sean's familiar breathing. I knew he was asleep. I didn't move for fear of waking him. But I did pray.

"Dear God, thank You first for Sean. He is my soulmate. I love him deeply. And dear, God, thank You for so many wonderful, caring friends and neighbors for their kindnesses most of which I will probably never know. I will try, God, to live a life worthy of You and Your Caring Heart. Take care of Sean, keep him from harm. Amen.

With that thankful prayer on my lips, I fell asleep.


The next three days were a blur of activity. Sean and I had our time together, but it was hurried as one or both of us had something else we needed to do. Only in bed could we devote our full attention to each other.

On the day before we were to move into the remodeled townhouse, we packed our few personal items, leaving out clothes and other toiletries that we would need for our last day at Rog and Greg's. For a couple of weeks before his birthday, Sean had been staying on campus every afternoon practicing. Rog always stayed with him and came home with him. Greg and I had been cooking the meals during this time. Nothing much was said about the practice except that Sean was working on some pieces that he might use in the recital.

Rog finally confided in me that the piano had been moved into the townhouse and had been tuned.

"Don't worry. It's there and everything is set for his party." a smiling Rog told me. I didn't argue.

The day of Sean's birthday arrived. I told Sean that I had arranged with Rog to put my gift to him at the townhouse. Sean accepted that explanation without question. Rog and Sean didn't stay on campus that day. They arrived home shortly after I had. To my surprise Greg showed up early, too.

"Here's the plan, guys. Greg and I are headed over to the townhouse to make certain that everything is ready. You guys can come over at 7PM. We'll be through then and you guys can have your new home to yourselves. Okay? We are on our way. Let's see it's about 6 now, have a quick bite to eat and then get to your place at 7. See ya." said Rog. He and Greg left immediately.

Sean came over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and kissed him gently on his cheek.

"You hungry, baby?" I asked.

"Yup, I am hungry for you, lover. I want you so much right now I'm having a difficult time keeping myself from throwing you on the kitchen floor and fucking you. I want you for my birthday present." said Sean in a rather serious voice.

"I promse you, Sean, that I will be totally yours tonight. Let's save it until then. Kiss me, baby. Let's have a sandwich and get our stuff loaded into the car."

"Okay, but it will be difficult for me to wait too long for you, lover. Let's get to bed early tonight. I have some birthday plans for us. It will take hours tonight. That's if you are up to it, Ry." giggled Sean. I just kissed him deeply and felt his hard cock. He responded with the same.

We had a couple of sandwiches and some milk. Sean kept kissing me and caressing me. I was beside myself. I wanted him so much and he knew it and he wouldn't stop. It was as if he was priming me for later tonight. Then it struck me: that is exactly what he is doing. Well, I can play the same game. So as we continued our little lunch, I went to Sean. I kissed his neck, then his ears and I licked them. I ran my hand down his back and pushed my hand inside his jeans and underwear and caressed his bare ass, slipping a finger into his ass crack when he would move a little to give me entrance. This went on throughout our little picnic. I was really getting hot, and I knew Sean was, just by the way he moved his body to give me more access to his hot, beautiful ass. Our lunch finished, Sean picked up the dishes and I put stuff away in the refrigerator. The kitchen was clean and in order. We wanted everything clean when we left. Sean and I had changed the linen on the bed so that Rog and Greg could return to their own bed that night.

We put off the lights and picked up our duffels and briefcase and started toward the door. Suddenly, I dropped everything and dove at Sean. He was surprised and dropped his stuff, too. I grabbed him and pulled him tightly to me and kissed him with a ravenous mouth and tongue. I wanted him, I wanted him now.

"Sean, baby, I want you now. I can't wait. I love you so much and I am so hot for your body. I have to have you." I started to take off my shirt and Sean did the same. The phone rang.

"Fuck the phone, Ry. No, let the phone ring, and better, fuck me, Ry. I want you in me. Please, please take me." a totally frustrated Sean almost shouted.

"I have to answer the phone, baby. It might be Rog with something important. This will give us a moment to cool down." I went to the phone and picked it up.

"Hope I didn't interrupt anything. Got an errand for you to do on your way over. Stop at Crandell's and get some milk, cereal, butter, and bread for a quick breakfast tomorrow morning. We slipped up there. Sorry, Ryan. I know it will make you a little late, but since we messed up, we'll just wait. Take your time. See ya. Hi to Sean. Bye."

"That was Rog. We have to stop at Crandell's for some milk and stuff for breakfast. Sorry for the interruption. I am in better control right now. I think I can save it til we get to bed. If I can't, I'll stop on the side of the road and fuck you there. So don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I really want to do."

"Ry, I am so horny I could fuck a chair. Man, I hope I can keep my cock in check for a little while. I have a small wet spot already. See what you do to me, lover. God, I want you. Let's get out of here before I jump your bones."

We left quickly and threw our stuff into the car. We got into the car but didn't buckle up. We were in each other's arms kissing and feeling. I had to pull away. Sean knew it was the right thing to do. We buckled up and headed for Crandell's. It was already 7:00 PM.

Crandell's was busy, so Sean went one way and I went the other. We met at the dairy case where we got the milk. We headed to the checkout counter. Sean stood directly behind me in line, moving so close to me that I could feel his semi-hard cock pushing into my ass. It was delightful. We checked out and headed toward home. Sean kept his hand on my thigh or on my crotch. I didn't know if I could make it to the townhouse. Sean was enjoying himself. He loved to make me hard and horny. He was doing it.

"Sean, I love everything you are doing, but, baby, you have to stop or I will cum in my trousers. I want to cum in you, baby. Please?"

"Ok, Ry. You know what, I am gonna cream my jeans, too. I guess it's time to stop playing. You enjoyed my semi-hard cock rubbing your ass in the checkout line, didn't you? You were really hot for it. So am I. I want to break-in that bed. Man, I hope it's strong." laughed Sean.

"I loved your action in Crandell's, but I love everything about you, my sexy, handsome lover." I told Sean.

I parked in the usual place in the parking lot. I didn't even see Rog's van. Maybe they went home. We had our keys. I had to kiss Sean before we got out of the car. He gave me lots of tongue and I sucked on it, making my cock rise again. I stopped.

"Why are we doing this in the car. We have a whole new townhouse and a bed that needs breaking in. Let's go, Sean."

We left the car with our few belongings and went to the townhouse. The outside light was on, but the townhouse was dark.

"I guess they left. That's okay with me. Now I have our home back and you all to myself, baby. Sean kiss me."

Sean kissed me deeply. I opened the door and we stepped into the entry. Suddenly there was light everywhere and cries of "Surprise!" and applause. We just stopped. Neither of us could move a step. Our home was filled with people, so many smiling applauding people. Neither of us said anything. Rog came forward, he hugged us both and then addressed everyone.

"Ryan, Sean, these are just some of the wonderful people who have helped to return your home to a liveable place. They have donated time and material, ideas, and talents. The list is long, it includes your neighbors, staff at the college, students of yours and friends of Sean, townspeople you don't even know. What happened here is a testament to the goodness of people. They all wanted only the best for you two. They all understood the terrible agony you went through. No one ever complained about the most menial job. Ryan, your Mother and Father were amazing. They organized, pushed, pleaded, begged, cajoled, and got things done when everyone thought it was impossible. Your association even modified their rules to allow for the architectual changes due chiefly to the work of Emma and George. Merchants donated materials, stores gave you guys new clothes. It was amazing and moving to see all these folks working toward a common goal and that was to show you two wonderful people that they accept you and love you. Welcome home." Thunderous applause from everyone. My Mom had tears in her eyes as did my big wonderful Dad.

For Sean and me it was almost too much to take in. We both had tears running down our faces. I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I took Sean in my arms and gave him a kiss. Everyone there loved that. The Greg stepped forward.

"And now we would all like to wish Sean Kelly a Happy Birthday on this his twentieth year. Greg began to sing, "Happy Birthday to you...." Everyone joined in including me. Sean blushed and grabbed on to me for support. I smiled and kissed him again, this time with a little less control. It was well received.

When the song ended, Cathy took over. "Here are some people who want to wish you a Happy Birthday, Sean."

"Hello, Sean, my name is Thomas Galvin. I am the manager of Comp USA. I am here to present you with this coupon which will allow you to replace your Macintosh Laptop."

"My name is Kenneth Anderson. I am the manager of Radio Shack. I am here to present you with this coupon which will allow you to purchase, free of charge, any stereo system that we carry. Additonally, there is also a coupon from Cellular One which entitles you to a pair of digital phones, the best by the way, and fours years of free comprehensive service. Happy Birthday."

"My name is Everett Candlebine. I own Adam's Place. This certificate entitles you to free haircuts for the next four years."

"My name is Peter Francis. I am by profession a dentist. This certificate entitled you to free dental care for the next four years. You were a brave man."

"My name is Ellen Withers. I own "Maids on Loan." This certificate entitles you to have free weekly maid service for the next four years."

"My name is Kuma Yummi. I own State's Best Cleaners. This certificate entitles both of you to free dry cleaning for the next four years."

"You both know me," said a smiling Cathy Sorenson, Janet was by her side. This is a check for $14,000.00 dollars which has been donated by staff, students and administration at State. You may use it in anyway you please."

"I am Trevor Watson. I am the president of the Chamber of Commerce. It is my distinct pleasure to announce that the entire redoing of this townhouse was donated by a variety of stores and craftsmen. You owe nothing."

"I am Reggie Comstock or "Comstock Motors", here are the keys to two new Toyotas. One is for the Camry, the other is for the red Celica. Happy driving."

"Oh, sweet Ryan and Sean, you know us, Emma and George Whithouse, your neighbors. We are here representing all of your condo association neighbors. We are presented you with paid condo fees for the next two years."

Sean and I were holding on to each other. Supporting each other for fear that we would not be able to stand on our own. We just looked on and listened in disbelief. We were constantly wiping away tears.

"You know me, too, Sean and Ryan. I am Eugene Cassin. I am here tonight in support of two wonderful young men, but also to tell you that the staff at Granby Hospital decided that you should not have a hospital bill, so we took up a collection. Here is your paid bill. Good luck to you. By the way, Nick is here tonight, also."

Rog stepped forward. "We know guys that this is a shocker. It must be to you, because it sure as hell is to us. But there is one other gift here tonight that Ryan wants to present to Sean. So Ryan, go ahead.

I cleared my throat, and as I did I saw the crowd move apart leaving a view of the bay window. There was an additional curtain now, I was sure it was obscuring the piano. I took Sean's hand into mine, and I turned to face him. Both our faces were tear stained. I had to get through this, I had to be strong once more for Sean. I began.

"I fell in love with Sean the first moment I saw him. I didn't have to think about it. It was just a fact. He is the love of my life. Without him I would be nothing. He makes my days happy, my nights ectasy. He loves me as much as I love him." I was crying now and my voice was close to cracking. Sean had tears running down his face. We were holding both hands now. I continued on:

"I thought about his birthday gift many weeks ago before any of the horror that took place. I thought of many things, but one day I suddenly realized there was one thing that Sean should have and I had to find a way to get it for him. Rog told me about a wonderful woman, Estella Compos. He arranged a special deal with me so that I would be able to give this gift to the person I love most in the world. So, Sean, my beloved, my partner, my best friend, this is for you."

The curtain was pulled apart and there stood the Steinway Grand in all its glory, shinny, with a piano scarf across it and a lovely bouquet of flowers on it. Sean jumped into my arms and started to kiss me passionately. He was sobbing and soon so was I as I held him and kissed him back. We were oblivious to everyone in the room. In all that comotion, we escaped to our place where love rules all. The moment was ours alone. Then I heard the applause and Sean.

"Thank you, Ryan. Oh God, Ryan, you are so wonderful, so generous, I love you, Ryan Taylor. I would die for you."

Again, Rog saved the day. "There's one more gift for you two. Here's Ken Chow to present it."

"You guys are something else. How wonderful to see and know two people who love each other so completely. But I am here to present you with these certificates which entitle you to free meals at all the restaurants in town. There are enough here so that you can eat out twice a week for the next four years. You can't imagine how easy it was to get these donated. You guys are so loved in this community that it is miraculous. And finally, my Dad and I want to present you with this. It entitles you to take out as many times as you want it for the next two years. Godspeed."

I raised my hand to stop the applause. I knew that Sean and I had in someway to say thank you to everyone here. I whispered in Sean's ear. He shook his head yes. I stepped forward again.

"We cannot even begin to tell you wonderful folks how much this means to us. You have saved us from what could have been a financial disaster. So many kind and thoughtful people. We can never repay you. Many who helped we may never meet, which makes us sad. I hope that you folks who are here representing others will be sure to bring to them our most sincere thank you. You have helped to put our life back in order after a terrible incident. That is your greatest contribution to us. We pray that God will reward each of you tenfold for you kindness. Now Sean wants to say something."

"I do not have the words to express our thanks, so if you do not mind, I would like to play a couple of numbers on the piano as my expression of thank you to all of you. May I first thank Professior Fillimore for helping me become a better pianist." Sean walked over to the piano with me in tow. He had not let go of my hand yet. I stood a little away from the piano, giving Sean center stage. He sat at the piano, made some adjustments and then said.

"I hope you will allow me this small moment. The first piece I want to play is for my partner, my friend, and my lover, Ryan Taylor. This was written by Chopin, and is entitled `Fantaisie-Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op.66'"

Sean sat a the piano, looked to Rog who smiled and nodded his head, and suddenly the most amazing music flowed from the piano. I saw the man I love absorbed by the music he was playing. He played beautifully, at least to me it was beautiful. And he knew it so well that he kept looking at me, smiling that wonderful, `awesome' smile of his. I was melting.

How extraoridnary that the young man I loved so dearly had such talent. I was not the only one who was mystified by his ability, the room was silent, no one even coughed.

Then I heard the melody that had been used in the 20th Century Song, 'I'm Always Chasing Rainbows' and I almost lost it. Sean's warm smile kept me steady. The music soared as did my love for Sean, and finally the piece ended. Sean lowered his head. I stood there like a fool.

Rog was shouting, "Bravo".

There was thunderous applause and everyone was standing. Finally my brain told me to go to Sean, to show him how honored I was that he would play the piece exclusively for me. He was still looking down at the keyboard. I walked to him and bent and kissed the top of this head. He looked up at me and I took his arm and pulled his to his feet. His arms were around me and we were locked in a bone-crushing embrace. My lips sort his, but first I whispered into his ear, "Thank you, lover, thank baby. I am so honored. Sean Kelly, I love you."

Before we finally broke our embrace. I whispered into Sean's ear.

"You see that older woman over there, the one sitting in the rocker. That's Estella Compos. She made it possible for me to give you the piano as a birthday gift. After she heard a tape of your playing, she wanted you to have the piano. You need to thank her Sean."

Rog had walked over to the piano. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Isn't he wonderful. He's so talented. Ryan, you must be so proud. I'm as proud of him as his father would be. Sean, you see that lady over there."

"Yeah, Ry, just told me about her. Estella Compos. She had a lot to do with Ry being able to give me the piano. I would like to play something for her as a thank you. What do you think I should play?"

"I know her favorite Chopin piece is `Etude No. 3 in E major, Op. 10, No. 3. You know that don't you? Give it a go."

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please, may I have your attention. There is someone special here tonight who made it possible for Ryan to present me with the grand piano on my birthday. I want to thank Estella Compos in a special way. Ms. Compos, I would like to play `Etude No. 3, in E major, Op. 10, No.3.' Dr. Fillimore just told me that it is one of your favorites. This is dedicated to you, Ms. Compos, as a heartfelt thank you from Ryan and me."

And Sean played the `Etude' with such passion and feeling. Again the roon was silent. Tears flowed freely from Estella Compos eyes. She made no attempt to hide the emotions that the number brought to her. When Sean finished, the applause was spontaneous and loud. Estella Compos struggled out of her chair and walked slowly to Sean. She took his hands in hers and leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She spoke to Sean, but it was quiet enough so that no one else could hear what she was saying.

Sean would tell me later that she told him he was a remarkable talent and that he had played her favorite piece. Her husband, who was an accomplished pianist, often played it for her. It was their song. She told him she knew that she had made the right decision to let `his' piano go. She asked that she might come to visit us again so that he could play other selections for her. He quickly agreed.

Sean helped Estella back to her chair. He bent down and kissed her on the cheek and thanked her again. She patted his hand, and smiled a smile of contentment. Sean walked back to the piano and started to speak again. As soon as he started to speak the room quieted down again.

"I want to play one more piece tonight. This first of all, is for Dr. Fillimore who has spent hours helping me to be a better pianist. This is to thank him for his belief in me and for being instrumental in the whole townhouse makeover. This is also for Greg who has been a giant of support through these very difficult times. Also I play this for Mom and Dad Taylor, who have loved Ryan and then me as their son. They have filled a great void in my life. Cathy, Janet, Nick, Dr. Cassin, all of you wonderful guys. Emma and George who are responsible for my being here because they helped Ryan the night of the attack. I know this isn't much of a thank you or repayment for your kindesses and support. Ryan and I can never do that. We just want you to know how much we love each of you. For us, you are all family. I am going to play 'Polonaise No. 6 in A flat major, Op. 53, `Heroic''. It comes from our heart."

Sean started to play and for over seven minutes no one moved or spoke. He played with intensity, and deep feeling. Each person realized that he was playing this just for them. They sensed the passion, the heart in his playing was directed toward them exclusively.

I suddenly realised in a life experience what James Joyce called an `ephipany': each person's realization that this was their own. His playing was not a group thank you, it was a thank you to every individual in the room, including me.

Emma and George were holding hands. Many couples straight and gay had paried off. I was standing to the side of Sean. As he played, I found I was trembling as the poloniase worked its magic on all of us. It was for me alone, too.

There was only silence when he finished. I glanced at Rog and Greg and could see the tears in their eyes. How deeply this love of mine, this Sean, had made each of these people feel about themselves and their lovers. There were many teary eyes. There were many warm hugs and kisses. And then, as always, Rog began to applaud, and each of the individuals came from that magic place they had found as Sean played. They joined in the applause which this time was warm but not boistrous. It was a magic moment. Sean got a big hug and a special kiss from me. I couldn't speak so it was best to let him know how I felt in a way I could.

Sean and I began to meet and chat with all the folks who had showed up for the party. The whole gang from the hospital were there. Greg' friends Tom, Dan, Jeff and Paul. Jerrod and Sue were there. Pat and Cindy were there. There were staff members I had only met one time. Angela was there with other students I didn't know. Naomi Stephenson and Anne Milne were there hugging both of us. Anne was especially taken by Sean. You could see she thought the world of him. There was lots of food of all kinds. Ken Chow had been in charge of that. Lots of things to drink, but only beer for those of age and wine for the ladies. There was no hard liquor as both Sean and I didn't want it there. Everyone was having such a wonderful time.

My Mom and Dad had almost monopolized Sean. They loved him so much. It made me happy to see my folks love my partner without reservation. And even more important to me was to sense how much Sean loved them. I was a very happy man.

People began to leave in ones and twos. By some magic, everything was picked up and the townhouse was clean and in order. Rog and Greg were the next to last to leave. Jerrod hung around until there were just the three of us. Sean and I both felt a little strange as we had spoken about it quickly when we put away the last of the food, some cheese that Rog and Greg had left out.

We returned to the living room and found Jerrod looking out the windows apparently seeing something that wasn't there. I glanced at Sean and he gave me a quissical look.

"So, Jerrod, did you enjoy the evening?" I asked.

He turned and looked at the two of us standing there. I had my arm around Sean's waist and he had his arm resting on my shoulder. Jerrod looked distressed. He actually looked as if he was in pain. It was finally obvious to both of us that he was crying. Finally, it all broke out and he was sobbing so much that his body shook as if he were receiving electric shocks. We went to him and took him in our arms.

"Jerrod, man, what's the matter?" asked an incredulous Sean.

"What happened? This is supposed to be a evening of joy and happiness. Why are you so sad? Please, Jerrod, tell us. Ryan and I want to help. Please."

"Come on Jerrod, sit here between Sean and me on the sofa. Try to get your emotions in check, Jerrod. We are here to help because we are your friends." I said in my best professorial voice. Sean smiled a knowing smile at me.

Jerrod looked at us with such a sorrow-filled face the it broke our hearts.

"I just want to be loved by someone. I want to be loved like you guys love each other. I'm just a gay, virgin jock who needs some loving. And when I see you two guys so much in love so free to express it, I envy you. Actually, I am jealous of you guys. I'm sorry. I guess I had better go home. Shit, I forgot, I don't have a car. Never mind, I'll just walk."

"Look, Jerrod, you can sleep here tonight. This sofa pulls out into a bed. Sean, go get some sheets, a pillow and a blanket. I am sorry Jerrod that you are unhappy about Sean and me. But I waited 8 years to find him. It didn't happen over night. You are a handsome sexy guy. You shouldn't have any trouble finding a sexy guy to love you. Sleep on it, and in the morning we will talk some more." Suddenly I realized that my tone was professorial again.

Sean returned with the linens. We pulled out the bed and made it up. Jerrod was taking off his clothes. Sean and I both stole glances at him

He was a beauty. He was dark haired and had just enough hair on this chest, arms and legs to make him sexy. He was over six feet tall, and he had piercing blue eyes. He was tanned and clean shaven. He was wearing a pair of white briefs and from the looks of things it was covering a mighty big cock.

Jerrod was aware we were looking at him and he bent over so that we could get a good look at his gorgeous ass. It was very tempting, but I resisted and I knew Sean was working to keep his interest in check. Just as we were to leave and go to our bedroom, Jerrod shed his jockies, and his cock, 6 inches soft, hung between a remarkable pair of balls, low hangers that just begged to be sucked. He purposefully dropped his shorts, turned, bent and picked them up. His hot tight virgin hole winked at us. We both took deep breaths and said good night.

Our last act of friendship for Jerrod was to switch off the lights.

(to be continued)

I welcome comments about the story. Since a large part of the story is already written, I cannot make plot changes. Keeping messages to a reasonable length would be appreciated. You may email me at

Next: Chapter 13

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