The Professor

By Phaedrus Fantasies

Published on Dec 12, 2000



The following fictional story is written soley for your pleasure. Direct any ideas, comments or correspondence to:


Enrollment ----------

He would become your favorite professor in college.

Tom Varian was his name and you had eagerly enrolled in his class because of the course study and your interest in astronomy. This would give you access to larger and stronger telescopes with which to search the night sky. What you couldn't possibly have known when you signed up was that the greatest search that would be made was within yourself.

As a child, you were given your first telescope and as you grew so did they, increasing in strength and size. You would always stared in wonder at the images they brought you of the distant planets and stars, but a certain disappointment would always exist because the telescopes were really too small to capture and enlarge distant bodies enough to satisfy your interest.

Your days of disappointment would soon be ending and your imagination was about to take flight in ways unanticipated when you arrived at the registration hall bright and early that day, first in line to enroll in Astronomy 101, taught by Mr. Varian.

The Professor quickly recognized your keen interest and apptitude and always managed to include you in his lectures or displays sometime during each class session. Even though a relatively large class, you had the feeling he "directed" his lectures to you through strong eye contact and probing questions that you always jumped to answer. More so than any other class, you were always pleased when the professor beamed back that satisfied and approving smile following your response and unknowingly at first, you found yourself seeking that stroke of approval. Coming to understand that you enjoyed pleasing him almost as much as answering the question correctly.

A bond was forming and you pursued it.

Often wandering up to the front of the room to ask questions or speak casually with him after class. Innocuous discussions at first, rehashing or laughing about something from the day's discussions, but over time, those meetings grew friendlier and took off in a different, more personal direction.

He was a disarming man, handsome and well built with the broad shoulders and trim waist of an athletic body that stirred something within you having nothing to do with celestial bodies! Many times your eye would trail down his body after he'd turned to write or make some point on the board and you often fantasized of his naked smoothness...bringing your cock to stiff attention each time!

Although just past your teens, you were unusually sexually mature and had recognized and accepted your lust for men. It was impossible to deny your reaction to the thick protruding cocks and smooth asses of naked men. The pearls of precum which would always form on your cock were telling...the day you started tasting it, your fate was sealed!

Good looking and well liked yourself, you had no problem securing and satisfying women. Their moans of delight, shaking and shuddering orgasms and the jets of cum you poured into them were honest expressions of passion.

But you also wanted also needed cock.

There was something profoundly simple and honest about a hardon. A passionate display of both strength and weakness as it swelled uncontrollably...stretching to expose more and more sensitive skin to be tormented until it would explode! "Mmmmmm...someday," you'd thought. You'd feel the power of a cock in your mouth and your tongue would swirl hungrily around its head until it surrendered what you wanted! For years now you had entertained such visions and you had very comfortably came to grips with your desire to satisfy it.

You'd gone to his office late one afternoon...

"Can I come in?" you asked, popping your head in the door...

"Please do" he smiles warmly, directing you to a chair...

"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Varian, but I'm having a problem"...

"No, your not disturbing me in the least, grab a chair. How can I help...?"

"Well, it's about what we'd talked about on Tuesday, this last chapter on the gravitational forces of black holes" you speak slowly, quietly slipping your sandals off...

Your eyes locked with his as you slowly stand...

"I'm not quite grasping the section on negative particle fields..." you continue while slowly walking around his desk, peeling off your Tshirt as he watches you keenly. His chair slowly turns to face you...

"....that are generated from ion separation..." your shorts slide to the floor and standing before him in nothing more than white panty briefs, you stop before him displaying your sizable bulge...

Eyeing your body closely, he spreads his legs and after what seems like an eternity, breaks the silence.."Hmmmm I see your problem, but the solution isn't as difficult as you may think..."

"Please help me then..." you whisper, losing your voice...

"Mmmmmm I'm glad you've come to me..." he says leaning forward, his hand slips between your legs and squeezing your balls...

"Ohhhhhh..." you moan, almost shooting because of the sweet sensations he is causing as he works you through the soft material...

..."Ahhhhhh yesssss..." he continues, "this will be quite a pleasure" and lowering the front of the briefs, your rod jumps to him. Your breathing stops entirely as his head lowers to taste you...

Your cock explodes streams of cum...

In the "distance" you hear a voice..."Perhaps someone else can answer that for us?" Silence...again the voice..."would you like to help us on this one?" Suddenly you realize that the Professor is staring at you ... "Errrr, I'm sorry Mr. Varian, I wasn't paying close enough attention, my mind had wandered. Sorry." Oddly you think, he smiles at you. Coming fully back to reality, you realize your shorts are full of cum! Drenched from the passion of your fantasy!! "That's alright, we all do that from time to time" the Professor says with a wry expression and continues the lecture by calling on another student.

After class, you make your way to the mens room to clean up and upon exiting the stall are quite surprised to find Mr. Varian standing in the middle of the room. "You seemed a bit distracted today in class" he says "problems?" The room is empty save for the two of you.

"No, no, you quickly respond, "I've just been a bit tired and my mind was wandering, it wont happen again, I'm sorry"

"Really? hmmmm, that's too bad" he continues, "then I suppose its not everyday that you rub your crotch and cream in your pants because of a tired and wandering mind...thats too bad!" he says with a laugh turning to look you straight in the eyes. "It also makes it very difficult for me to lecture!"

Embarrassed, you'd already turned bright red and your confusion is evident as your mind races to consider the situation. Saved by your maturity, you sense the opening he is offering and decide to trust your instincts. "Well..." you whisper, "not every professor can have that effect on me..."

A brief silent moment follows...broken when you both laugh and his hand reaches out and rubs your shoulder softly.

A bridge has been crossed and he has met you on the other side.

"Well, then I guess I owe you an apology now don't I?" he says with a laugh, "but dont feel badly...I know exactly where your coming from!" A finger reaches out and strokes your cheek as he continues softly..."Listen, I'll be having some friends over this weekend for a pool party, how about you come by and we'll see what we can do to train and focus that wandering mind of yours"

"I'll be there..." you reply confidently and you put your hand on the top of his to seal your agreement. He offers back a broad, accepting smile and he strokes the side of your face.

A Private Lesson ----------------

You couldn't keep your cock down! It refused to stay out of your hand as the excitement of the upcoming weekend stayed on your mind. Your fantasy of draining a mans cock, drinking down his essence would soon be a reality and those visions kept you pumping your shaft and massaging your balls for the remainder of the week.

Finally Saturday arrived and you were standing in the doorway of his home, the the sound of the bell ringing in your ears.

You were slightly surprised when Mr. Varian opened the door clad in a bathrobe. "Well, well, look who's finally shown up" he smiles "glad you made it." He looked great, his smooth skin shone and his dark hair glistened. A clear, bright smile highlighted the kissable mouth you'd thought of so much in the last days...

"I hope you had no difficulty in finding the house" he says as you cross the threshold and enter the what appeared to be a large and comfortable home. "No problem whatsoever, your directions were fine Mr. Varian."

"Good, I'm was getting concerned that I'd sent you off in the wrong direction" he says while closing the door. Turning to you, he steps close and plants a soft kiss on your mouth after saying "and please, please call me Tom...."

Your natural and easy reaction amazes you. Although this is your first "intimate" contact with another man, you've longed and thought of it too often to be surprised. You offer back a forceful yet gently probing tongue, grasping and opening the front of his robe to let your hand slide down his smooth, tight body. "Mmmmmm..." you're moaning, your passion growing... He pulls away from you and with a smile teasingly jokes while turning and walking away "I think we should be a bit more sociable, and get you ready to meet the other guests" Your cock is rock solid and throbbing hard as you follow behind him through the house.

Looking past and over his shoulder, you can see into the backyard where groups of men lounge around a pool in the back yard. All are in various stages of undress, some entirely naked as they talk and joke with each other. "Looks like a nice party going on..." your saying as you come upon an open bedroom door. Slowing to look in, your captured at the sight of a silver haired man, bound in some fashion and seated naked on the floor while two young boys take turns assaulting his considerable manhood with kisses and licks. Peering into the room further, you see that you aren't the only audience. A pair of men are leaning against the back wall, their bathrobes open, they are stroking each others inflamed cocks. "I've walked into a dream!" you think as you continue down the hallway to catch up with Mr. Varian.

Finally reaching a back bedroom, Mr. Varian is removing a bathrobe from a closet as he says without looking "Why don't you undress for me..." With little hesitation, you strip off each layer of clothing for him. Any doubt of your reasoning for being here was long lost and in a few moments you are completely naked and proudly displaying yourself for him.

"Oh yes..." the Professor says as he walks slowly around you checking you out. Stopping and standing in front of you, your eyes trail down his sleek body and stare at the bulge in his thong bathing suit. "You will be a big hit at the party..." he says as he grasps your balls and with a gentle and delicious squeeze, leads you towards the bed against the wall, "but as Lord of the Manor, I will have you first" Seating himself on the edge of the bed, he continues tormenting your sac. Precum is already flowing from your throbbing cock and you surrender it to him entirely when his warm tongue slowly wraps around your dickhead!

"Ohhhhhhh please..." you murmur as you surrender your manhood to him. Your eyes close entirely as the need in your soul is finally released! Squeezing your balls, he deliberately and slowly swallows your pole. He knows this is your first true blow job and his mouth action slowly and lovingly stretches out the torturous pleasure! "MMMMMM.. suck me Tom...I'm yours..." You've got hot rushes and goose bumps all over your body as Tom's control of you enrages your passion! Eyes closed completely, you stoke and hold his head softly for support. "Ohhhhh... yess.... yesss...." you whisper softly as your raging hardon disappears over and over again into his soft, warm mouth.

Stopping for a moment, he takes lubricant from a nightstand and prepares his fingers. You spread your legs slightly for him, your shaft tightening like steel in anticipation of what's to come. His palm slides down between your buttcheeks and a finger is gently but firmly pushed up into you bringing out hot jets of cum with just a couple of pumps! "AHHHHHHH YES, YES, YES...!" you moan. Head spinning, you are releasing more and more of yourself to him with each loving stroke up your ass. Your dickhead is tingling hot and your knees are buckling with each ruthless suck and swirl of his tongue!! "OHHHHHH PLEASE....." your begging as your cock jumps and pumps in his mouth!! "Dont stop...PLEASE!"

But he has other plans for you..."I don't intend to.." he says as he releases your still oozing and twitching cock from his mouth and lays you on your back on the bed. Watching in dazed pleasure, you see him strip off his thong and expose a thick and beautiful 8 or 9" hardon. He plays with you by slowly, deliberately and passionately jerking himself off while lubricating his shaft until it's a glistening red pole, throbbing for you! Getting on the bed, he takes a kneeling position in front of you, "I want you to see and remember your first true fuck..." and lifting your legs up and over his shoulders he slides forwards and slowly but forcefully slides into you! "AHHHHHHHH..." your back arcs at the pain and pleasure of the first cock to enter your virgin ass. Slowly he begins pumping you. "Ohhhh, so sweet.." he says as he works your ass, "such a sweet bitch you are..." Never in your wildest fantasies did you ever think it would be this good! The vision of this beautiful man leaning over you, pumping his love into you, his breath hot on your chest, his cock growing stronger and harder with each stroke!

Stroking his chest, you feel his cock twitching within you each time you pinch and twist his nipples. Both of you are lost to wild fantasy and passion, driven by a primal need for the love of another man. Nothing can mistake your needs or the absolute pleasure of satisfying them. "Ahhh..." he moans, his cock tightening as stiff as possible, drops of sweat fall from his chin and mix with your own on your stomach. Then finally he releases and you feel his warmth filling your ass. "Yesssss..." you tell him as his rod spits out cum in powerful convulsions. "Give it..." You raise your butt to accept each and every drop and your hole is grasping and draining his shaft completely. "Let me have it all..." you're saying as he continues to empty a huge load into you before collapsing on the bed beside you.

The release of your bottled up needs and hungers, the affirmation of your need for sex with men as well as the physical exertions of the lovemaking have drained you completely. You trail off to a brief, sweet sleep. Your bliss is deepened by Tom, who kisses and embraces you warmly, before dozing off himself.

The party and other guests can wait. A more poignant and private celebration is taking place.

A Public Outcoming ------------------

Completely refreshed and revived by quick showers, both you and Tom donned your bathrobes and joined the others outside by the pool. Set in a large backyard bordered by a high privacy fence, the expansive pool is surrounded by many good looking men and boys to whom Tom introduces you while walking you around pointing out the food and bar areas.

You have a new "sense" of yourself when greeting the others.

Something...undefined...truly unknown at this point, joins you with these strangers, whom you accept as friends at the first handshake. Friendly and knowing eye contact is made with each and you recognize a feeling within yourself of joining, acceptance and interest.

Their eyes contain a good level of interest as well...

In surveying the area, you recognize others teachers, student-aids, workers from the Campus Pub, a member of the football team and others from Campus you recall "seeing" but never meeting.

Drinks are flowing freely and the level of friendly laughter and joking speaks of a party going well. As you stand outside a small group, you watch as a naked man takes laps in the pool. His tight butt captures your attention as it slides from side to side across the water's surface and you imagine his sexual power.

"Nice, isn't he?" a gentleman next to you offers, breaking your concentration.

"Mmmmmm...." you nod back, eyes staying on the swimmer.

"The women get all the attention, but there's a lot to be said about a well kept male body." Pointing to the swimmer he continues, "I wouldn't mind keeping that one for myself sometime" and laughing quietly, he extends a hand "I'm Carl...pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure..." you offer back while accepting his firm handshake.

"Your first party isn't it?" he says in a smooth voice.

"Yes it is...and I'm just a little blown away frankly..."

"Oh, I'm sure you will be!" he jokes quickly and you both laugh. "Now, take that gent over there..." he says, gesturing to a young man lying on the edge of the pool. "He certainly knows what it takes to please his lover..." The man pointed out has a great body which is liberally being rubbed down with oil by another. The "edges" of his muscular physique are being highlighted by the oil and although not showing any outward sign, the shiny shaft pointing skyward is evidence of his obvious enjoyment. "Not the largest of men certainly" Carl continued, "but definitely one you would want to take home to Momma."

"Ha!" you laughed. You were having a great time! Relieved of any tension by Tom's loving assault, the drinks, relaxed and friendly atmosphere were very much to your liking. "I think I'd take him to my home first though" you surprise yourself by joking.

"You've got that right!" Carl shoots back. "Let me get you a new drink..." and with that he takes your glass and heads off for the bar.

You decide it's time to make your "grand" entrance to the party and new lifestyle. Boldly but with complete confidence, you drop your bathrobe on a lounge chair and give your new friends their first appreciation of your beauty as you walk the length of the pool. Feeling eyes and hands running over you, your cock swells to your delight. You "stack up" nicely with the others here and aren't feeling particularly shy about letting them see for themselves. Reaching the other end, you delay longer than necessary at the pool's edge before diving in and feeling the cool waters flow over your smooth skin, around your balls and through your crack.

Your body is tingling from the freshness of the water and your soul is truly content and happy. A broad smile crosses your face as you surface, the reasoning for it lost on the others, but you feel at one with yourself and are enjoying the moment immensely.

Treading water at the center of the pool, you notice a tanned and hairy chested man watching you from where he sits on the pools edge at the shallow end. He's wearing dark sunglasses and is leaning back somewhat with his legs hanging in the water while a boy sits beside him stroking his thick but still limp cock.

Never in real life have you seen such free and easy love and you cant believe your good fortune!

The boundary already crossed, you wont deny your instincts again! Swimming towards them, you position yourself between the mans legs. Silently and without gesturing, the man slides forward and looking at him directly, you go from leg to leg, kissing, licking and biting sweetly as you slowly descend towards the center. Your heart starts pounding harder as you get a close up of his cock growing into a HUGE hardon! A fantastic rod, stretching up further and further with each pulse of blood. When done, your staring at a real man sized meal! The boy smiles at you, his pink tongue sliding over small areas of the shaft and dickhead in delight. Finally, your lips reach his crotch and your tongue extends to taste and lap at his shaved balls!

You're feeling all powerful as you kiss and lick his sac... "Mmmmmm so good" you whisper quietly and he "inches" towards you, spreading his legs the widest possible. The boy can't possibly swallow this cock, so he is stroking the thick shaft while filling his mouth with the sizeable head. You're amazed at how turned on you are by the sight of this towering inferno rising above you! Oblivious to your surroundings, you are determined to inflict maximum pleasure and extract maximum reward from this stranger. Placing your hands on the insides of his thighs, you drop down towards the water level and raising up capture and swallow his entire sac! "Ohhhhh......." is his first verbal release and he swallow a gulp of air, his body's reactions acknowledging where you are taking him. Your mouth is full of his delicious balls which you swish from side to side, your tongue running over and around them. "Mmmmmm yessss...." he moans as his breathing quickens, the sac raising tighter in your mouth. From your vantage point, you can see his deep reddish shaft extending upward and the boy's mouth working it feverishly. Your own hardon cries out for attention and you stroke it slowly under the water, torturing yourself.

Taking a moment, you look "outside" the pool and notice Carl standing some 10-15 feet away. A drink in one hand, the head of someone giving him a blow job in the other. To your right, on the side of the pool, is the well muscled and oiled hunk who now lays on his side, supporting his head in his left hand while his right strokes his small but beautiful hardon. Looking directly at you, he blows you a kiss and gives you a handsome smile. God he looks great! Your heart longs to have his tight body wrapped up close to yours, his sweet lips and mouth open and accepting your slow, deep kisses and probing tongue! You shoot him a wink before looking off in the distance, where under a shade tree in the corner of the yard, you see Tom spread wide, accepting it in the ass while swallowing the stiff member an appreciative partygoer!

Standing up and raising out of the water, you slide your tongue the length of this magnificent cock and lap at it feverishly together with the boy. Squeezing his balls, you bring out a deep moan and ready yourselves for the eruption that surely soon will follow. Lost in the passion of the moment is the realization that you're tasting your first cock - and what a cock to "break-in" on! Acting on instinct, your actions are natural and easy as you lick and slobber over this impressive hardon, pouring out your love and passion for men. This "first" cock is being lavished with the need and desire of a thousand fantasies.

Feeling its complete stiffening, you raise your mouth to the head and within a second of his balls convulsing in your hand, the first jet of cum shoots some 8 inches into the sky! "AHHHHHHHH...." the man breathes out, his pole now twitching and spewing reflexively. Both of you have your mouths at the head, laughing with delight as you fight to capture each shot! Such sweetness! Its better than you'd ever imagined and you're swishing it in your mouth, wanting to "feel" as well as taste this first load. Ruthlessly you shake and squeeze his balls, demanding they surrender everything! Collapsed backward, the man's pelvis shudders and his legs twitch as his pole and its red and sensitive dickhead are assaulted. His only reality is the loving torture his cock is enduring and his inability to end it, while you and the boy are slaves to your need for his cum. Eventually, as his dick softens and less and less is provided, the feeding frenzy turns to a search of the boys mouth and face, searching for any remnants.

A round of applause comes from many of the party goers!

Slowly, your mind traces back to reality and looking up you see smiles and raised glasses directed at you. Releasing the man's cock, you share a last, long and slow kiss with the boy before turning and diving towards the deep end of the pool where the cool, soft water embraces and holds you closely, the silence making you one with your thoughts.

Never have you felt so complete. So much at natural.

In a way, your "old self" is being cleansed away and a new person emerges from the water at the far side of the pool.

That broad smile is across your face again. The one on your heart will be there longer.

Author: Phaedrus Direct all ideas, comments & correspondence to:

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