The Problem

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Aug 5, 2024



The Problem By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I am Maxwell Jones. I am the heir to a fortune. My dad makes and installs windmills. The windmills are expensive, but worth the money, but the installation is the main selling point. There has never been a problem with an installation.

My older brother will take over the firm. I am the only underachiever in the family. I am clever, personable and have a great sense of humor, so I get along with all. I am perfectly happy with my portion of the firm profits. I am not involved in the company at all.

I am gay, and while I sometimes have poor taste in me, I now have a keeper, Billings. Billings is older than me and has impeccable good taste in men. He is also funny, intelligent and preceptive. I soon discovered that he had everything I lacked.

He lacks one thing, his left leg. It was blown off by a bomb in Pakistan. No one ever understood how that happened. In fact, it was never mentioned.

I tended to find handsome, mindless men who eventually turn out to be after my money. Once Billings came on board, he found handsome, mindless men with impressive trust funds. In general, they were pleasant and mindless. All were actively gay, and most were inventive. Billings knew that variety is the spice of life. I have one unusual physical quirk. I am close to being double jointed.

While I have next to no imagination, my friends make up for that lack. Billings can get me disentangled if necessary. From time to time his impressive cock adds to the sexual event. One of my friends described it as monumental. Billings cock provided excitement, and sometimes did more than that.

My best friend, Duddy Roberts, was not as adventurous as me. Billings likes him. He said that at least Duddy wasn't a complete idiot. That was high praise indeed. He was a childhood friend. After I had an interlude with a problematic man resulting in a broken arm, Duddy came to see me and rekindled our friendship and met Billings.

My problematic man moved to a central American country. Duddy made up for the loss. While I have a warm spot for exotics, Duddy was just a nice guy. Since I had last seen him, his cock seemed to have grown and he discovered he was a top. We discovered anal sex did not involve my broken arm.

Billings was short a leg. Duddy also discovered that the missing leg allowed his cock to make a deeper penetration into ass. Duddy was even handed and soon Billings' cock soon enlarged Duddy's ass. Billings also had explosive orgasms. That transformed Duddy's anal experience.

Duddy mother was a incredibly pretentious woman. She approved of me. I was wealthy. Having Billings cock up Duddy's ass would have appalled her. That excited him greatly. Fresh from the cock sperm excited Duddy, especially if it came from a "peasant" cock. Billings and I knew that Duddy discovered that there was a world of difference between a servant and a well-hung servant.

After I recovered from the broken arm, Duddy got me to help with a project of his, restoring the abandoned campus of the Central College or Women. Built at the turn of the last century. It had been replaced by a large campus on the edge of town.

For most locals it was just those old building near the river. My cousin Alice loved it. Alice was pretty, intelligent and really disliked being told no. As a child she liked Duddy and she still did. It was in good shape given the poor maintenance. Unexpectedly his family and my family were supportive. It might be expensive, but it would divert Duddy's attention for a long time. The structures were fine, but the spectacular decoration had seen better days.

While Duddy and my family were old and respected, they were coasting on their aging reputations. Alice and two distinguished members of the clans were trying to do something good. That was news. Alice was what used to be called a knockout. Covered in dust and cobwebs taking measurements worked well in television reports and photos in the newspaper. The corporate publicity people were good. Anything other than retirement dinners for old employees was good for them,

Billings found some older skilled craftsman, Jim and Homer. They both worked and trained men in the old crafts. Some were construction workers, others were unemployed art students. It provided work for sculptors. This turned out to attract gay men like flies. Jim and Homer happened to be gay. They would have men work on a single decorative work, show it to the newspaper and television station and get publicity.

That was good for the project, but when your picture shows up in the paper in anything that the police blotter, it is real good for the construction workers. Duddy had these framed and gave the to the guys. These ended up in their parent's house.

Duddy became friendly with Jim and Homer. He had no problem with Duddy's sexual interests and had no problem introducing there cocks to his ass. The coupling was successful. Duddy acquired a taste for Daddy cocks. Some of the men were older, but a number of the art students discovered restoring architectural ornament was satisfying work, especially when associated with a good salary.

I was embarrassed to discover that a few of the skilled stone masons and sculpture students sexual tastes matched my own. This makes me sound like an effete, out of tough upper-class fool. I soon realized that I was indeed an upper class fool.

Luckily it turned out that being a well-hung fool was good, and my inability to say no, was also helped. Luckily being willing to suck or be fucked by anyone was good. I was willing to be shared, and multiple loads from welcome in my mouth or ass.

I soon knew several men well. Duddy had a party at his house. He lived in what had been the family hunting camp. While the property was still wooded, it was too near the city to allow hunting. It was a rustic work by a good architect and was more of a mansion than a camp. Duddy and Billings invited the guests.

I knew Billing's tastes and I assumed sex was involved. The guests included a mixture of construction workers and sculptors working the stonework at the it was a hot summer day. The men wore shirts on the job. Shirts provided some protection from stone projectiles.

The house had a pool, so shorts and wife beaters were typical. The swimming pool became a nude pool. While I had a problem making friends, it seemed that my cock had no problem at all. Later, I discovered that my ass had a skill for making friends.

Duddy is a nice guy and makes friends easily. I don't make real friends easily. Cousin Alice was a friend she was not prone to sugar coat here opinions. She said that if the word jerk hadn't been invented, it would have been invented for me. I realized that was harsh but true.

With a party of Duddy and Billing's friends I should have had trouble. Fortunately I had a secret weapon. I am a slut. My cock and ass are wide open to sex and ready to please. Most of the men in the group were not used to group sex and I was more to do anything to please them.

A Cro-Magnon throwback named Skeeter Maloy came over to me. "The guys said you are easy and like to be fucked. They say my cock is too big."

"Let me be the judge of that!" I replied. Skeeter smiled. He had several missing teeth, but I appreciated the effort. Duddy said Skeeter was an ideo-savant. Untrained, he was a superb sculptor. He could repair or reproduce whatever he saw. He also loved doing it. He was huge but did delicate work.

"Can I shoot in you?" he asked.

"I love that. Why go to the fireworks display and leave before the grand finale?" I said.

He fucked me and it was as good as I hoped. Skeeter loved it and several other men took turned in my sperm slicked ass. Duddy licked some of the sperm drooling from my ass.

I was surprised when Homer had a semen lunch for the orgasms in my ass. Being a first-rate slut improved my status with the men. At least I could do something. For many of the men anal sex was new and attractive to them.

I discovered that a visit to my ass followed by an ejaculation, improved relations on the construction site. Several of the men had problems. Several moved into my house after drunk and disorderly problems. Billings hired a cook, Randy. Randy cooked what seemed to be the dream food for rednecks. It tasted like the food the guys' mothers cooked. Randy warned me when guy was having trouble. He would suggest that I might have a "little conversation."

I would suggest that we have a private conversation in my bedroom. Booze is problematic. A cock massaging a prostate has fewer side effects. Wildman Smith was artistically talented and sexually timid. He had an impressive long cock. He was shy and seemed to think that if his cock was entirely in my ass, guys didn't know he was doing. Duddy told me Wildman had be partial to homemade drugs. He was a good worker and was especially good about hard-to-reach places.

His cock was a wonder for me. He regularly massaged hard to reach parts of my anatomy. He never bottomed. Wildman told me that he would bottom for me if I did him. I told him that was a nice offer, but the offer was all I needed. I didn't need my cock in him. All was well.

He had a special friend, Tiny Tim. He was a handsome true dwarf, and was excellent in the hard to reach places in the buildings. He had no problem with difficult locations. While he was fearless, I was officially the "Safety Officer" for the project. I kept an eye on him.

He said he would do as I asked if he could fuck me. Of course I agreed. I didn't tell him I had never refused a cock up my ass in my life. He had full sized genitals, but his cockhead was oversized. Of course, that interested me. It turned out that it more than interested me. I am a if guy and Tim love me squirming on his cock.

Cousin Alice went back to Architecture School. She needed to complete her degree. I sort of took her place. I provided the mid-morning and mid-afternoon coffee. I went to my favorite bakery for buns. They produced a specular bun that was ideal for hard working men, and great coffee. My objective was to be so good, no one went behind a trailer to smoke a cigarette. That was a total success and a hit for the bakery.

I also got the daily gossip and reported it to the supervisor and the architect in charge, Richard Thomas. Richard a good, intelligent man but not a people person. He had a bad temper and had a knack for saying the wrong thing. An early warning gave him a chance to think about the problem and resolve it. The project moved along well.

Two dormitories of the former campus had been sold earlier to a local developer. He was an old acquaintance of mine, Devoe Miller IV. Devoe was an unpleasant man who was the apple of his father's eye. My father had a more realistic view of my abilities. I realize there was no statuette waiting in Stockholm for me at an early age.

Devoe hired an architect buddy of his and a fly-by-night contracting firm. All the makings for a major screw-up were in place. Alice knew that and reported that though the family telegraph. My father played golf with Miller III. Dad said he had herd there were problems to Miller. He did not appreciate the warning. I do not know why the building inspector didn't act, but there had been rumors about him for years. It was a problematic situation. There were problems. No one expected the collapse.

When the buildings were mothballed most of h utilities disconnected. Because we live in the north, the gas heat remained so the building temperature could remain above freezing. The workers sis not know this. At nine in the morning, half of the first floor vaporized and the second and third floor collapsed. The workers in the surviving half of the building were trapped. Making the situation worse, the contractor used casual day labor picked up at the Lowes. He didn't have their names or the exact number of men.

The Fire Department was efficient and well trained. Given that having a three-story building blow up is rare, they were exceptionally good. Many of the trapped men were Spanish speaking.

Four men were killed but their deaths were simultaneous with the explosion. Some of our forklifts and even the cranes saved men. Curiously the building superintendent and the building inspector vanished.

My house served as first aid station and a reunification center. The house had a separate driveway, so ambulances and worried families wouldn't clog the fire engines. My mother met Billings and they immediately bonded. Several members of my family joined in and were helpful. My bakery appeared with food and their Spanish speaking employees. They translated for the police and medical people.

The debris flying in the air set more fires I became a temporary fire man. My father appeared in a hardware van with what seemed to be every fire extinguisher in town. That was a godsend especially since had come with a good part of his office staff to operate them.

By noon the situation stabilized. There was smoke rising from the ruins of the former dormitory. The number of fatalities did not rise. My house was in comparative good condition given that injured people can't control how the blood spurts and soot will settle wherever it wants.

The disaster resulted in massive lawsuits, our contractors and were uninvolved. I had to do substantial renovation to my house. The cost of my work was chicken feed to the insurance company.

Our publicity man, Nat Miller, took advantage of our crew's good response to the disaster, and I almost came to be your patriotic duty to invest in the project.

I was surprised that while I was loaded with work during the period, my interest in sex was unchanged. Actual sex was rarer, but when it happened it was more intense. I had worked with Nat but discovered Nat was turned on by soot covered working men. He lived nearby, and I showered at his house once and a while when my house was crowded. Nate was a handsome, rather elegant, smooth man. As the dirt, soot, and ash vanished down the drain. He discovered my hairy, muscular body. Until he saw me naked, he had known only elegant boys.

He later told me his togue had licked a few beads of precum before. He joined me in the shower and took all my cock and every drip of sperm I ejaculated. An hour later he discovered his life was incomplete without my cock occupying his ass. In a week or so, he also discovered that several burly construction workers had the same effect.

Nate had another attractive sexual interest. He liked to be watched and show off. He had been all oral until then. He loved to have an audience. He loved it when the excitement grew so one of the onlookers joined in a group fuck.

Two of the rescued workers had been gardeners in Mexico. They worked on my overgrown garden. In its prime, my house had been a showplace. I paid them for the work. They did more work, so I hired them. Billings discovered they were gay. He could not speak Spanish, so I do not know how he did that.

Nate was involved with the Spanish speaking men due to a program in his church, St. Elizabeth Episcopal. They had an outreach program. Nate was articulate and about as White as a man could be. He was strong on the Good Samaritan in a way that even impressed Baptists.

As gay men the Mexicans kept their sexual interests private. Julio was mostly Italian and Spanish. Carlo was mostly Indian, I assumed he was Aztec, but I just assumed all Mexican's were Aztec due to pure ignorance. I met them in the shower of Nate's house. Nate and his two guests fucked and seeded me.

While that was unexpected, it was enjoyable. Nate usually shot a good load. Carlo and Julio had balls nearly filled to overflowing. I was briefly worried my ass would be overfilled. When Julio added the last load of semen, I realized overloading was not a problem. It was even less of a problem when Nate licked the semen drooling from my ass. A week later, I also discovered that Carlo and Julio's visit to my ass was the key to opening their ass.

Things soon settled down. That may have been an illusion. After an explosion, fire and multiple deaths, a tornado or flood would seem to be settling down. There were massive lawsuits. My family always had good legal representation of an old and reputable firm.

Since the reasons for the disaster were clear, this was our lawyer's dream. The contractor tried to blame the laborers, but since many were day laborers picked up from the parking lot of the building supplier, that held no water.

Miller IV left town. Miller III gave the property to my father, who immediately gave it to our development. While I repaired my house, I decided to recreate the house's gardens. The annual garden parties were a major event in the town. Getting married in the garden was the dream of many of the women who attended the college.

While I now had a reputation as public-spirited man who was good in an emergency. My sex life had greatly improved. I maintained my privacy and some people assumed that was due to my modesty. My father said I had much to be modest about. He now said that as a joke, without bitterness.

I had changed sex life from fops and fools to construction workers and intelligent men. I felt good about that. Sandy, a blond, Big Foot type, learned to fuck in my ass. He was the foreman of a brick mason crew. He had just divorced, and my ass was available and a perfect fit.

Sandy was the first man on the job in the morning and doing the clean-up at night if necessary. A freak winter storm trapped him at the site, and I asked him to stay at my house. Sandy was in the house when it served as a first aid station. I had all but finished the repairs and restoration and the house sparkled.

After showering, Billings had made a good, simple dinner. Billings father had been a mason, and Billings knew exactly what Sandy would like. We had a few glasses of wine, talked some and went to bed. Apparently, we had just the right amount of wine. Billings was well hung, and his missing leg allowed deep anal penetration. Sandy was interested in the mechanics of Billings fucking me, and found my sperm lubricated ass a turn on. He loved it and added his own to the brew in my ass.

I fell asleep. We I woke the next morning Sandy was moaning as Billings shot off deep in his ass. Sandy shot off and I moved to suck his load. It was warm, sweet and Sandy had multiple orgasms. Sandy and Billings had become friends.

Later that day Billings asked if he was out of line with Sandy. I told him there was no problem. "Maybe I am turning into an old pervert, but plowing through your cum in Sandy's ass was a turn on. I loved it."

"I enjoyed it too," Billings said.

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