The Prize

By ken blackwood

Published on Sep 12, 2004



LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address:

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XXX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.

*** Continued from Part 3 ***


The kid's bands were a huge success. They're popularity grew to almost every planet we were connected with. We all wrote them more material and the ones they wrote themselves were now starting to really sound very professional. Chicks and Destiny played the arena at Kids' World and were the biggest thing that ever happened there. They all spent the next day with the children at Kids' World and it made every news program. Mandy said to me, "Now they have really made it. When the news covers you every time you take a shit, that means you climbed the last hung on the ladder."

The Advisory Panel was working much better than we ever could have hoped. We voted on 4 new venture ideas and passed all of them. Julie and Kathy are in their glory. Both of them love running it. Mandy and I participated in a bunch of the sessions through and internet video and voice link from our house on Vacation World. People were much more honest with us when we weren't in the boardroom, and we weren't the ones running the meeting.

Karen, who was previously Ken, decided to revive the Little Willie band. Gary also changed sexes changing his name to Gerri, and they have become a bigger hit than they ever were. We played with them 4 times so far and had a blast.

Karen's entertainment scheduling group planned a massive concert event last year that Karen modeled after the old Woodstock theme from 1969. Three of the original bands that actually played at Woodstock opened the show. Most of the top signed groups played over a 4 day period to a crowd of about 1 million in grassy fields. We all camped out for the 4 days and were so out of control. Tara was by far the worse. She displaced enough finger food to the fields to have the biggest Roman orgy in history.

The kids all participate in the advisor panel. Jennifer, Megan, Alicia, Kelly, and Margi, flipped everyone out with some of their incredible analytical abilities. Someone made a presentation and the five of them critiqued it on the fly, found about 10 things that were wrong, and then suggested changes to fix it. Chris was working with them and had taught them so much about business problem solving. Everyone now really agrees that Megan is a natural leader and that any of the other four kids could fill in for her if needed to be the second in command. Mandy and I have worked with all of them giving them real life situations and then helping them to solve the issues. Some are really complicated and the kids are always a step ahead of us. The also have one vote on the board and take it very seriously. They discuss each item up for vote between themselves the day before and decide why it is, or isn't, a good idea for the company. So far they have been right on target.

Kathy said to us, "Our kids are always going to be musicians, and we're fine with whatever they want to do. They definitely don't have the drive that yours have."

We all watched the kids develop and mature. Mandy and I were having a great time again with the company but were killing ourselves again. We just can't stop when we get involved with something and will work 20 hours a day if needed to finish it. I call it our primary brain flaw. She just says that we're both fucked up and then we laugh about it.

Mandy and I celebrated our 70th birthday together this year and still look like we're between 28 and 30. The kids are all turning 21. Megan and Alicia's birthday is this week followed closely by the others. We are having one hell of a kick ass party for them this weekend at Vacation World.

Mandy and I, along with the board, decided that it was definitely time to pass the reins over to Megan and Alicia. We are still going to be involved, but we're so tired of running the whole show. We really wanted to retire. Megan on the other hand is so full of energy it's contagious.

We made the formal announcement at today's board meeting after the vote was completed, and then went to the shareholders meeting where Mandy officially turned over the reins to Megan. Mandy said, "I have been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Jen has been the Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer for far too long. These are hard jobs and we need some fresh blood in the company. It's my pleasure to announce that the board of directors officially accepted our request to be removed of these positions today and become part of the board's advisory panel and special advisors to the new CEO. The ones that are filling our shoes have been coached, groomed, and mentored for 9 years. You all know them. Doctor Megan Edwards will be the new Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board. Doctor Alicia Edwards will be the new Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer. I'm going to officially turn this shareholder meeting over to Megan." Mandy and I hugged them both and Megan stood at the podium as everyone in the ballroom stood and applauded.

Megan started by saying, "I hope I can fit in my predecessor's shoes. Even as a kid they were a little tight around the toes." Everyone laughed and Megan said, "Lets get started. First topic is revenue. We are up 63 percent for the physical year and profits are up again 65 percent. We attribute this to a large increase in advertising revenues and some of our new business ventures in entertainment, shipping, space travel, and time watching. For those of you not familiar with Time Watching, we started this as a program that allowed historians to journey back through time and observe events as they happened. This is much like watching a show on Broadway. This has now caught on and is offered as a service through Vacation World and also many of the schools are also offering it to children to actually see the past, not just read about it. This was made possible by an invention by Doctor Christiana Edwards that allowed the time watchers to be invisible to the people in the past and not be able to alter any of the events as they happen."

Megan paused as there was a lot of applause. She said, "We are going to really busy in the next year. We have 12 new ventures planned. Some may not produce the results we are looking for, but all it takes is one home run to make the numbers jump up again. Some of these are really ambitious and may take a few years to fully mature. Even if we produce no revenue from any of the new ventures next year, we are projecting to turn in 23 percent growth." People were applauding her on every point she made. Megan introduced Alicia and she spoke about every line of business. She told everyone about what we were doing right, and where we were needed to focus to improve. Alicia said, "Being perfect in medicine, drugs, and matters that effect human life is paramount. But, we don't want to be perfect at everything. Being perfect costs a fortune, when 99.8 percent of perfect will be just fine and cost us half as much. We are providing products and services, and many people are banking on our ability to pay dividends to help support them. I don't think too many of you would be happy if we told you that there were no dividends because we used all the money so that no tooth picks would be rejected on the product's manufacturing line." Alicia got a standing ovation.

Alicia ended her presentation and Megan said, "Now the dividends. I'm proud to announce an 18 percent dividend based on yesterdays closing price, payable to everyone registered as an owner of the stock as of yesterday. We are also issuing a two for one stock split effective as of close of business yesterday." The audience all stood and applauded. Megan smiled at us and said, "Now we will take a few minutes of questions from the floor."

There were some tough questions and Megan handled them like a pro. There was one that she knew nothing about and Alicia stepped up to the podium and answered it very skillfully. Someone asked about the band and Megan said, "It's a hobby. It will always be a hobby, just like it was, and still is, for my parents and my sisters."

The last question asked about more pioneer planets and Megan said, "I think we may be able to arrange that but I need to take that one to a higher authority." Everyone laughed and Megan said, "I thank all of you for coming today and we look forward to reporting all of our successes at the next meeting." The TV camera focused on the commentator and we could hear some of the remarks. He said, "The baton was passed today to the new chief executives of SolarNational. It's clear to me that they are the right ones to lead this company into the future."

We walked out with Megan and Alicia and as soon as we got into the private area of the castle, Megan hugged us both and said, "I was shitting a brink out there." I said, "You looked as cool as a cucumber. I guess you inherited that from both of us also." Megan said, "I hope this gets easier." Mandy said, "Honey, it doesn't. You'll just get use to it."

Alicia said, "I'm so jealous of your new project." Mandy and I smiled and I said, "You can be one of the first ones to try it out." They both laughed and Megan said, "How in the fuck am I going to explain to the shareholders next year that our revenue went up because we created a red light district in Vacation World, called Adult World?" Mandy smiled and said, "We're here to coach you. Just relax and enjoy it. We'll let you try one of the dungeons or the Mistress Mandy house. You can give a blow by blow account of the experience." Megan smiled and said, "You two are so fucked up. I love it." Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Sweetheart, we've failed. Our daughters don't appreciate pure genius anymore. The jobs have already gone to their heads."

We all laughed about it and the truth is that she probably will have to explain it, because we expect it to take off like Kids' World did. We are creating the ultimate adult playground; a place where any fantasy you could possibly imagine will come true, and not just about sex. It will also have a true computerized date matching service based on the new neural computer system that Kelly and Margi developed. It searches for single people who register and makes the best choices before they even get to the resort. Each person gets a list of three people who may match their personality. It also scans people's minds for sexual preferences, fantasies, and fetishes, and it will do the introductions using telepathic conversations and produce images of the people doing what ever they want to do. We tried it and had a blast for about an hour. Kelly has predicted a 60 percent hit rate on matches and they are all betting quarters on the results. Alicia calls it virtual sex. Melissa is having way too much fun again on the advertising for this. We waited until after the shareholder's meeting to let her run the commercials.

After we all had a great dinner in the castle, Mandy and I decide to displace to our vacation home. We had to check on the last minute preparations for the party tomorrow night. I said to Megan, "You guys are not allowed to show up until 5 tomorrow. Can you do that?" Megan smiled and said, "We promise we won't spoil it for you. See you tomorrow, and thanks for everything." Megan hugged me and Mandy and so did the other kids. We waved and displaced to our vacation home.

Mandy and I made about 20 calls each and made sure everything was set for tomorrow. I said, "This party will make our Roman orgies seem like kindergarten. Tara has some wild imagination." I poured us a glass of wine and lit a cigarette, as we held hands and walked outside to sit on the veranda overlooking the cliffs and the ocean. Mandy said to me, "Jen, if we didn't have the forever drug, we'd still have our powers to keep us young forever. We're 70 years old. If this was 80 years ago we'd both look horrible. I feel like our life is just getting started. I can't wait to spend the next ten thousand years with you."

Mandy leaned on me and we kissed and then toasted to ourselves. I took a drag of the cigarette and then Mandy took a drag of it also, and handed it back. I said, "If you could change anything that we did in the past, what would it be?" Mandy smiled and said, "I'd make one change. I wouldn't have waited a year before I told you how I really felt about you." She kissed me and I said, "I agree. That's the one thing that I'd change too. That year was really uncomfortable for both of us, as well as Julie and Kathy. We all knew it was happening, but were afraid to say anything about it. Let's not worry about the past. How about we plan our future." Mandy said, "Read my mind honey."

We shared our thoughts and I said, "That future is about 10 minutes away." Mandy gave me a fake smile and said, "Lets go fuck ourselves senseless." We both took a final drag of the cigarette and then downed our glass of wine. Mandy took my hand as we walked into the house and up to our bedroom. We stood by the bed and I put my arms around her and she put her hands on my breasts. She squeezed gently and I melted. Mandy could see my feelings in my eyes and she kissed me so softly. I felt her warm lips touch mine and then her tongue lick my lips slowly and push into my mouth. I responded by holding her tight while I opened my mouth so we could move our tongues together. Mandy broke the kiss and said, "Lets undress. Tonight it's just us in this huge house; no kids, no pets, no friends, no interruptions, and I want to make love to you every second of it."

We undressed each other and lay in the bed. Mandy and I caressed each other slowly, all over. We gave each other goose bumps as we massaged each other's back and shoulders, and then each other's breasts. It was so erotic. I slowly licked a circle around Mandy's areoles, and then gently sucked her nipples. I flicked my tongue fast over one of her nipples and then licked over to the other one, as she held her breasts to my face. Mandy was moaning softly as I made her feel so good. She sucked her own nipple while I watched and I got so turned on. Mandy held my breasts and I sucked my nipples for her to watch as she rubbed my clit. She was drooling on them with her tongue out, licking each nipple that wasn't in my mouth. I reached between her legs and rubbed her clit slowly as I pressed down the way she likes it. We drove each other crazy for over an hour. Mandy said, "Jen, please lets fuck. Baby, I want you so bad right now."

We turned into Combined couples and Mandy lay on top of me sliding her hard cock into my pussy, as my cock slid into hers. We both pushed all the way into each other and then pulled out, and pushed back in. I wrapped my arms and legs around Mandy, and we rolled on our sides, as we got into a rhythm. We kissed over and over again as we made love.

We were humping into each other with such passion as we made our cocks grow even bigger. My G-spot was throbbing as I flowed like a river and Mandy used her pussy muscles to squeeze my shaft. Mandy said into my mind, "Shoot into me honey." I squeezed my muscles on Mandy's cock and we both moaned so loud as we jerked and spasmed together. I let loose a blast of white goo into Mandy like a fire hose, and then my cock pulsated as it squirt warm cum into her. I felt Mandy's cum drill into my inside and her cock flinching as it squirted our more and more. We kissed and shared our thoughts, as we both dreamt of making love on the beach.

We rolled over a little and Mandy said, "Baby, we made ourselves displace to the beach. Wow!" I felt the sand on my feet and said, "Hold on for the return trip." We displace back into our bed and never missed a beat, as we kissed and hammered into each other. We kept going for almost 4 hours as we both we moaning from a combination of pleasure and exhaustion. I wiped the sweat from Mandy's forehead and she said, "We need to rest for a few minutes. Light a cigarette honey."

I reached over her shoulder and shook a cigarette out of the pack and put it in my lips. I lit it and took a drag, as I lay back down. Mandy pushed into me a little and I organsmed again. Mandy started to laugh as she took the cigarette from my fingers and put it in her lips. She inhaled twice and held in smoke as she said, "Oops." My pussy was still throbbing, so I clenched my cunt muscles tight and made them squeeze Mandy's cock. I milked her and she jerked and spasmed while shooting again from her cock. I laughed and said, "Oops." I loved how her cock felt inside of me when it pulsated and spit cum. I kissed Mandy and held her as she pushed into me again and we slowly started to fuck again.

We shared the cigarette and laughed at each other. Mandy wiped the sweat from my face and she said, "Jen, that wasn't fair. My pussy is so tired I couldn't move the muscles if my life depended on it." I said, "It's all in your mind." I shared my thoughts with Mandy and made her muscles contract and expand on my cock, and I shot in her again also. Mandy had a huge orgasm and she said, "This feels so unreal. Lets sleep for a while like this."

We both closed our eyes and were out cold in seconds. We woke each other up in about two hours and made love again. This time we stopped and sucked our own pussies. I must have swallowed a pint of Mandy's cum. We watched each other lick ourselves and then got into a 69 position for hours. Mandy and I were in another world together. We snaked our tongues into each other's pussy and then gave each other a blowjob, while we used our fingers on each other's pussy.

We both sat up and Mandy lit a cigarette. I wiped the cum off of her chin as she took a drag and then licked my finger. Mandy smiled and licked my cheek where I had some on me also. We changed back into Combined Couples again and interlocked, lying on our sides, and sharing the cigarette. Mandy moaned softly into my ear, "Honey, I could do this all day and night, every day of the year." She touched the side of my face softly and then gave me a wet sloppy kiss. I melted, as Mandy was reading my thoughts. She smiled and said, "You make me feel the same way." She took a drag of the cigarette and then held the cigarette to my lips. I inhaled twice and held in the smoke, as I moved my cock into Mandy's pussy further, and hers moved into me at the same time. We both half closed our eyes starring at each other.

Mandy and I made love again like a marathon session. We interlocked and fucked, and then got creative. I sat on her lap while she fucked my ass, and I sucked my own cock. Then we switched and she sat on my lap while I fucked her butt hole. At 9 in the morning we both fell asleep, interlocked, and slowly moving on each other. We woke up at 3 PM and Mandy said, "Oh honey, we have to get up. Remember the party tonight." Mandy rolled us over so she was on top of me and we kissed, as we both got hot again. We started to move in and out of each other again and we both blasted off into each other within 20 minutes. We lay panting I smiled at her and said, "Lets hit the bathroom before I pee in your cunt." She laughed and dragged me out of bed to the bathroom.


We got cleaned up, dressed, took the special presents we had, and went downstairs to get something to eat. We were having coffee and a cigarette when Chris and Roberta displaced over. They hugged us both and Chris said, "They should be real surprised at this." The kids all showed up and then Jennifer displaced into the room also. Mandy said, "This is a special birthday for all of you. You are 21, and we wanted this to be a time you will always remember. To start with, sit down and each of you open your envelope first."

They all sat at the table and opened the sealed envelope. I said, "Mandy and I set up a trust account for each of you with our stock when you were a year old. You too Jennifer and your parents contributed to yours also. We added to this over the years and you should all have the same amount in it, which is a combination of stock, bonds, and other investment holdings. Look at the bottom of page 8."

They all looked and Megan said, "There are nine zeros after the number. 2,876 Billion? Holy shit!" Mandy said, "We wanted all of you to have what we have in terms of ownership of the company and enough money that it just doesn't matter any more. Sitting in this room, the 9 of us, have over 51 percent of the outstanding stock in SolarNational. If you ever want to do something with the company, and the board doesn't approve, we will invoke our rights as controlling shareholders and intervene. Hopefully we never have to do it, but we can if you need us too."

They all smiled and hugged us. I said, "Now open the white wrapped box with your name on it." They all tore open the wrapping paper and Kelly opened hers first. She had her mouth hanging open and Chris said, "Try the pieces on and model them for us." I said, "Each piece is custom made from flawless perfect diamonds. The rings are all over 60 carrot weight and the necklace is over 350. Each necklace has a very unique stone that is over 45 carrots. There isn't anything like any of these pieces anywhere in the universe, especially the earrings. Each one has an emerald and ruby in it also."

They all were trying on the jewelry and Margi looked so incredibly stunning. Mandy said, "The last present is your birthday party. Open it and read the invitation."

Alicia tore her envelope open and read it out loud, "You are cordially invited to attend one of the all time best kick ass parties to help celebrate your birthday. You don't need to bring anything except yourself when you go to the preview opening of Adult World tonight, along with about 5,000 of your friends and acquaintances. Plan on being there all weekend. No need to RSVP. Just stand up, hold hands, and we'll do the driving." They all laughed and stood up. I said, "Leave the jewelry here. Trust me on this one."

Mandy changed everyone's outfit to a vacation world outfit with the holes cut in it, and I displaced us all to the Adult World amphitheatre. As soon as we appeared the 5,000 or so people in the amphitheater all screamed, "Surprise!" and it was deafening. The kids all had their mouths hanging open and I said, "Watch the screen everyone. This is what we have in store for anyone who is daring enough, or drinks enough." I showed pictures of everything from Roman food orgies to a contest for anyone that can gang bang over 100 in 12 hours. The place was howling in laughter when I showed about 60 different sex things and then about 60 things that had nothing to do with sex. I yelled, "Are you ready for the games to begin?" Everyone screamed back, "We're ready!" We all sang happy birthday to each one of the kids and then we had 20, 8 tiered deck cakes brought in and everyone got a piece.

Mandy smiled and put her arm over Megan's shoulder and said, "So which one of the things do you want to try first?" Megan said softly to us, "Is the gang bang for real?" I laughed and said, "Sure is." She said, "I had this fantasy about it. Oh my God am I going to go crazy here. Mandy laughed and said, "How about you Kelly?" She said, "We'll do it side by side." Alicia said, "I want to try the S&M Mistress house with Jennifer and Margi." I said, "I think we may be first in line for the gang bang, then be the Mistresses, and then try the dungeons."

All of the kids laughed, as people were coming down to the center area where we were and all were congratulating the kids. My mom came down and said, "Give your grandmother a big hug before you get as screwed up as your parents." They all laughed and Megan said, "Grandma, they aren't screwed up. They love each other and all of us very much. They're just eccentric sometimes."

Mandy's mom, Margi, said, "Eccentric? That's a nice way of saying a person with a lot of money is fucked up." Mandy said, "Mom! You're as bad as we are and you know it." Margi said, "You can hug this grandma anytime, maybe even during the gang bang." We all laughed as she kissed the kids happy birthday.

The other kids all came down and hugged them and they were talking about which things they wanted to do first. Mandy and I just laughed.

Adult World was set up like a combination of the resort and the Las Vegas strip. All of the things were grouped together by category. So if you liked bondage, you had your choice of about 10 different bondage things all next to each other. The arena was for special shows and we had 3 planned for the weekend, but they didn't start until after the gang bang contests were over, which were held in the arena center area.

Megan said, "Come on Kelly, you and I are getting fucked big time tonight." There were ten mattresses set up in the center area and Megan and Kelly each lay on one next to each other, as the line was forming. Megan said to us, "You two are first. Let's go!" Mandy and I smiled and walked over to them. Mandy lay on top of Kelly and I lay on top of Megan and we made love to them as we watched each other. Megan used her pussy muscles to make me cum within 3 minutes and I blasted my cum into her. She moaned, "Oh Mom, that feels so good. Oh! OOOOHHH!". She kissed me as someone was sitting next to mattress said, "that's one", and put a one on the electronic scoreboard next to Megan's name that had a timer counting down from 720 minutes. I saw Mandy shooting her cum into Kelly and we saw her scoreboard entry appear with a one also. Mandy and I kissed them both and got up. She said into my mind, "This is so wild. Look at the other entries." We looked at seven other's in the contest also.

Mandy and I held hands and walked around looking at all of the places and found the other kids in Melissa's Mistress Palace. We went inside and both were getting so hot watching Alicia making four women lick her shoes and beg to lick her pussy. Alicia had a whip and was teasing them. Mandy was standing in front of me and I had my arms around her. She put my hands on her breasts and said into my mind, "Jen, squeeze the shit of me. I am so hot."

We watched for a while and then walked around on the crowded brick paved streets. Mandy said, "Fetish Run or Hooker Alley?" I smiled and walked Mandy to Hooker Alley. Mandy said, "Fishnet honey. Let's have some fun." We changed our outfits to fishnet, high heels, frizzed our hair, and put on tons of makeup. I looked at Mandy and she said, "You definitely look sleazy." She lit a cigarette and we walked to the middle of the block and 6 guys propositioned us. Mandy said, "You think I'm only worth 10 bucks for a blowjob? Get lost!" I started to laugh and one of the guys yelled back, "50 for a blowjob, 100 for your pussy and ass."

Mandy smiled at me and said, "Now that's better." They paid us and Mandy said into my mind, "What a piss. Let's fuck them senseless." There were people having sex everywhere, so Mandy and I walked over to a lamppost and she leaned on it with one of her hands and said, "Do us here. You lay down, you get behind me and fuck my ass and you get your dick in my mouth. And you three do the same thing to my friend. Think you can handle it?"

Mandy and I sat on the two guys laying down on the sidewalk, while two others pushed their cocks into our asses, and the other two put their cocks into our faces. Mandy and I were talking to each other in our minds and she said, "Use your pussy muscles to milk them. Make them scream." We both were getting fucked and giving a blowjob, as we squeezed our pussy muscles and ass muscles like to do to each other. Both of the guys shot their loads of cum into me within two minutes and the other two shot into Mandy at the same time. They wanted to get up and we just kept on going, using our muscles and fucking up and down on them. I had the third guy's cock in my throat and was using my throat muscles on him also. He blasted a load into my throat and pulled out before I could clench him hard. Mandy laughed into my mind as the four guys were begging us to stop. One even offered to double what they paid us to get us to quit. We finally stopped after one of them was almost in tears. I said, "What a bunch of whimps."

Mandy and I laughed so hard as we let them up. We changed ourselves back to normal Combined and then walked to another block. We watched the fetish stuff for a while and some of it was so wild. There was everything you could possibly image. We even had a golden-showers salon with pills you could take to make your pee flavored. We tried the strawberry and got so turned on. Mandy called it our ultimate bathtub adventure.

We walked over to the Home Cinema court and watched people making their own stag films with a director. Some of these were funny. Mandy said into my ear, "Even we aren't that fucked up. Somehow making love with a coke bottle just never got me off." We read the canned scripts that were available and we laughed so hard. The first one was titled, "Three in a bed", and it was so corny, but people loved it.

We walked down Aphrodisiac Place and found a Head Shop. We saw Grace and one of the admins, Flow, inside so we walked in and Grace had a joint in her lips and was taking a big toke. Mandy walked up to her took a drag of the joint and handed it to me to take a toke, and then I handed it to Flow. We both kissed Grace and Flow and they almost attacked us. Grace lay me down and was all over me and laughing. Flow was doing the same to Mandy. We had five more joints together and then fucked as a foursome, in almost every imaginable position. Grace loved to play with cum in her mouth. We all shot into her and she used her fingers to make strands, stretching it over her breasts, and then putting it back in her mouth. Mandy and I got so turned on, we both sucked her off together and snake tongued her cunt. We did Flow also.

We walked around some more and Mandy said, "Lets go check on Megan and the Gang Bang." We held hands and walked to the arena again. Megan had an hour left and only needed 6 more. We walked over to her and she was getting fucked in the pussy and ass at the same time and said, "Mom, do me now. Both of you at once. Please!"

We waited a minute and as the two doing her finished, the count increased to 96, and we lay with her. I slid my cock into her pussy and Mandy slid into her ass, as we made love to her. Megan kissed me and then turned her head and kissed Mandy. She said, "Don't stop yet. Oh, this feels so good." I made my cock bigger and so did Mandy, as Megan orgasmed. Mandy and I were so turned on doing Megan in front of the crowd. We both jerked and bucked into her within 5 minutes, shooting our cum. The woman sitting next to the mattress counted us as two more and Megan said, "Keep going. Please, don't stop."

Mandy and I changed positions and we really made love to her this time. We made her feel good all over. I reached around her and rubbed her cock as Mandy and I got into a rhythm. Mandy sucked her nipples and we had her orgasming almost non-stop as Mandy was hitting her G-spot as she fucked her. We both lasted about 20 minutes and shot into her again, as Megan used her pussy and ass muscles to milk us both. The woman yelled 100, and we kept right on going. Chris and Roberta were doing the same thing to Kelly right next to us, as she hit 100 also.

Mandy and I made Megan blast off, as we both came another time. Chris and Roberta shot into Kelly also, and they were tied. Megan said, "Kelly, come over here and Combined Couple with me." We got up along with Chris and Roberta, and we watched the Megan and Kelly turn into Combined Couples, interlock into each other, and have incredible sex together. They tied at the end of the time with 105.

They both lost to a woman on the end that had done over 146 and was still going strong. Megan said, "Who cares about winning. The fun part was running the race." Kelly put her arm around her and said, "Amen." Alicia, Margi, and Jennifer all came back in to watch the ending and all of us went out to explore some of the other attractions.

The next 36 hours in Adult World was incredible. We were part of a 1,000 person Roman fruit orgy. Spent about 4 hours getting smashed on rum drinks in a gay bar watching the chorographer, Georgie, give four guys a blowjob, slept for a while in the dungeon, and made love. We also watched people in our fantasy chamber experiencing the same things that we do with our powers. They can change any part of their body, any way possible, and then it's put back to normal when they walk out.

The party was ending and we were all exhausted and lying naked in the orgy house. Mandy was lying on top of me and starring into my eyes. She said, "Honey, I need to sleep. I am so exhausted. Let's go back home and just cuddle for a while." We kissed and I moved slightly which made my cock move into her further and hers moved into me. We both moaned and started to fuck again. Alicia rolled over onto my side and said, "How can you keep going? I'm ready to sleep for 3 days?" Mandy and I kissed and then kissed Alicia also. She said softly, "You two love each other so much you can't stop. It's beautiful. Let me hold you for a while."

We made love as Alicia held us and caressed both of us. The three of us feel asleep for about a half hour after Mandy and I blasted off together. Megan woke us up and said, "I'm driving. Hang on." Megan displaced all of us back to our vacation home. We were in our bed and Mandy and I closed our eyes. We were out cold.

We slept for almost 16 hours. Then we woke up and made love and feel back to sleep again. We didn't get up until the following morning. We saved some of the strawberry pee pills and took them. We had an amazing bathtub adventure before we got up to eat breakfast. We licked each other's pussies in the shower area floor for over an hour. We both laughed about it.


After we ate breakfast, Mandy and I were lying naked in the den under a blanket watching TV and having some coffee and a cigarette. We were still so tired. The kids all came into the room along with Julie and Kathy, and Megan said, "That was the best party. We will never forget it." They all hugged and kissed us. Kate and Judy came into the room also and looked like they just got up also. Kate said, "What day is it?" Mandy laughed and covered her face.

Julie said, "Adult World is open to the public now and it is so mobbed you can't get anywhere near it. There's a line waiting to get in and it's about a 10 hour wait." Megan said, "I guess I'll need to make that speech next year after all." Mandy and I smiled and nodded our heads, as a commercial came on TV about Adult World. We all laughed our asses off as this was definitely one of Melissa's best so far. It had two housewives wanting to be hookers and they got a special training lesson. Mandy said, "We should be giving the training after what we did."

We all told stories about what we all did on Adult World, and laughed for over an hour. I said, "Grace and Flow were great pot heads." Kelly said, "They also were outrageous in the second round of the gang bangs. I think Grace holds the record now with 169." Margi was telling us so many hot and sexy things, Mandy and I both got a hardon under the blanket and were wet as hell. She went into such detail of the orgy; I thought I was going to have an orgasm just listening. Kelly was rubbing her clit and so were Alicia and Jennifer.

Kate leaned over to us and said, "How about we take a biker babe vacation for a few days. The motorcycle club is having their annual reunion meeting again this week. I though maybe we could rough it and ride a few days camping out along the way. You interested?" Mandy looked into my eyes and said, "I think Jen and I could do that for a while. Lets ask the others to go also?" I said, "Julie, you and Kathy want to be biker babes for a week with us?" Kathy said, "We have a problem with Julie's planet and we need to solve it. If you want to help us, we can go with you."

I said, "Lets hear the details." We listened and talked for about an hour and Mandy said, "Jen, this is perfect for our social engineering experiment. Let's do it." Julie looked at us and I said, "Just read our minds. You'll understand." Mandy and I tapped into our clairvoyance area and she wrote the script in her mind to solve the problem by changing people's behavior. We all concentrated and added a few things so we would know if it worked. I said, "Your problem should be solved. Lets leave in the morning. I'm still so tired." Julie said, "We're going to see if what we added happened. See you later."

Mandy said into the minds of Melissa, Jody, Karen, and Janice, "Fell like being biker babes for a few days with us?" They all said back, "Sure. When do we leave?" I said, "Tomorrow morning."

Kate and Judy joined us on the couch watching TV. The four of us were like vegetables. If we didn't have a remote for the TV, we wouldn't have changed the stations. Megan and the other kids were all soaking it in, watching us recover. I said to the kids, "Besides this party, what is the one best thing that you remember while growing up?" They all thought for a minute and Megan said, "Making love to both of you when I turned 12." Alicia said, "When you showed us how to heal people and I healed a little boy that was seriously hurt. Then we watched the doctors say that it was a miracle because they hadn't given him the Pharma Miracle drug yet." Kelly said, "The first time I sang on stage. When the audience liked me I felt like I was walking on air." Margi said, "When we were 2 and 3 years old and both of you played with us everyday. You taught us everything and I loved it." Jennifer said, "When you trusted us enough to have a vote on the board of the biggest company in the world." They all walked over to Mandy and me and hugged us.

I said, "How about the worst?" Megan didn't waste anytime and said, "That asshole nanny that called us all evil and witches." All the kids agreed with her and we laughed as Megan said, "All because I made her mind see me with fire coming our of my nose and I juggled the dogs in the air. She had no sense of humor at all." Julie was hysterical and then her kids came into the room and they all went outside to swim. Julie said, "I had no idea they tortured the nannies. No wonder they all quit." I said, "That's why we were so worried about the counselors the first time they went to Kids' World."

I made us a bottle of wine and glasses in my mind and Kate poured us each a glass, as Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and blew out the smoke, as I handed her a glass of wine. The four of us clicked our glasses together and took a sip, as Judy channel surfed. She found a show that was just starting on the Discovery station about technology advances and SolarNational. Mandy said, "Get that off!" We all laughed and watched a little of it as it was about what a number of scientists thought we would do next. The list was pretty impressive and we all laughed at a few of them. Their panel of experts all thought that androids to assist humans were the next major breakthrough. I said, "You know we can make that happen. We already have the technology. Lets bring it up at the next Advisory Panel meeting. This could be fun to do. Mandy, you want to play dolls with me?" Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me as she said, "Okay, but we can't take it too serious. Lets have some fun with it for a while."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Judy, what jobs do we have in your area that could be done by an android?" Judy said, "There are about 130,000 manual labor positions that still exist on each of 18 worlds connected to our shipping service. We also have several hundred thousand in the core of the planet operations area." I said, "What would people think if Barbie and Ken could walk and talk, and do the jobs?" Mandy started to laugh and said, "Barbie and Ken?" I smiled and said, "If everyone thinks the androids are harmless toys it will be easier. So they are Barbie and Ken for now." We drank our wine and joked about it, but actually ended up making a list of about 130 jobs that androids could to do.

Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle came into the den and we asked them the same questions and they added about 80 more jobs to the list. Some of which, nobody was doing now because they were too dangerous. Chris said, "If an android falls off a building and cracks the power cell, who cares? If person falls off, it's a major disaster. It's the same thing with sending someone into deep space to explore and report back to us. Nobody wants to be the lone adventurer because of the risks, and we don't want to be the one who sent them to maybe die. I think this is a great idea. Jen, your Barbie and Ken name is priceless. We could make sex slave ones and sell them on Adult World. Mistress Barbie, Macho Ken, Hooker Helen, the Janie Twins, Fairy Bob, you get the picture." We all laughed and I said, "Fairy Bob?" Chris smiled and said, "For Georgie. We could even let the people design the face and body. We could make it a pavilion. Design your lover and even let them program in the likes, dislikes, sexual orientation, love for their owner, and fetishes."

Mandy put her hand on my cock under the blanket rubbing it slowly to get it hard and said into my mind, "Honey, I want to make love. Let's do it here watching TV. We can design our android collection later. I'd love a Fairly Bob to be our housekeeper." I smiled and Kate said, "Okay Jen, what did Mandy say? Come on. Spit it out." Mandy laughed and said, "I want a Fairy Bob to be my housekeeper and I want Jen to make love to me under the blanket, just like you two are doing." Kate smiled and said, "Caught in the act."

Chris and the others were laughing as they took out two more blankets. They undressed and lay on the other couch under the blankets watching TV with us. Mandy and I started to make love and we were so into it. We became Combined couples and slid into each other. Mandy wrapped her legs around me and we lay on our sides moving slowly, kissing and moaning softly. I said into her mind, "I bet Barbie will never be able to do this", as I used my pussy muscles to squeeze her cock and Mandy kissed me so passionately. She said back into my mind, "Jen, you are one in a trillion and I love you so much baby. Do that again." I did it again and Mandy did it to me also. We kissed and were so into each other again.

Kate and Judy, Chris and Roberta, and Allison and Kyle, were doing the same thing. Mandy and I smiled at each other and made passionate love. I tried something different and Mandy jumped and said, "Wow, what was that? Do it again." I did it and Mandy had a huge orgasm. I kissed her and held her as I said into her mind, "Watch my mind as I do it again." I moved the tip of my cock inside of Mandy like we wiggle the tip of our snaked out tongues. Mandy moaned again and them did it to me. I came like Niagara Falls out of my pussy. I had my eyes half closed and was moaning softly and she did it to me again, and again, and then again. I wrapped my arms around her so tight holding her as we fucked. My pussy was on fire. Mandy said into my mind, "Do it to me again." I did it to her several times and she flowed so much it ran down our legs as she moaned loud, "Oh! OHHHH! OOOHHHH! Jen honey, make it happen again! Oh wow. Again!"

Mandy stopped orgasming and we heard Kate say, "What was that?" Mandy and I were moaning and laughing at the same time. I said, "Snake cock that wiggles at the end." Everyone was laughing and then they all tried it. All we heard was moaning.

We all lay on the couches for most of the day; watching TV, making love, drinking wine, eating snacks, and getting a few quick naps. Mandy said, "Jen, we haven't vegged out like this in years. I love it." I kissed her as we shared some chips and watched a movie. Julie and Kathy displaced back into the den and Julie said, "Cool, a sleep over." We laughed and I said, "Did it work?" Kathy nodded her head and said, "The biker babes are ready after they have a long nap." Julie got out another blanket and they lay on the other couch past Judy and Kate.

We all were watching the movie and caressing each other, and Ruffles, Snuffy and Felix came into the room. Snuffy said, "Rheerios?" Mandy put her face on my shoulder and said into my mind, "I should turn them into Cheerios", as she made a box of them in her mind and dumped it onto the kitchen floor. They all heard the familiar sound from the kitchen and they ran into the kitchen almost hitting the walls as they took off. I said, "Good solution. Remote feeding." Chris said, "You two are so fucked up." Mandy hugged me tighter and said into our minds, "I love you just the way you are."

We all made some sandwiches in our minds for dinner and more wine, as none of us wanted to get up. We made love again, and again, and then at 10 PM Mandy and I said goodnight and displaced ourselves to the bedroom, lying down in the bed. She said into my mind, "Talk about lazy. Baby, we are the ultimate vegetables today." I used my powers to turn on the TV and float the remote over to us, as we channel surfed and found something to watch. We watched TV for a while, and then we had to get up to go to the bathroom. We made love several more times and then conked out again.

Mandy woke we up at 4 AM by moving slowly into me as my cock went into her also. Mandy did the wiggle tip again on me and I woke up real fast. Wow, was that incredible. I orgasmed three times within minutes of each other. We did it to each other as we used our pussy muscles, and we both shot our cum from it. My cock pulsated and I kept wiggling the tip as I squirted my white goo into Mandy. She wiggled hers inside of me, and I couldn't stop jerking and shaking from it. We went back to fucking normally and kissed each other with the sloppiest kiss we could. After two hours of non-stop fucking, we fell back to sleep interlocked.

At 9 AM we woke up and got into a 69 position on our sides. I spread Mandy's pussy lips with my fingers and licked her from bottom to top and then sucked out the cum. I snaked my tongue inside of her, as she was doing the same thing to me, and we both had orgasms one after another. I must have swallowed 30 times. We finally got up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

We went downstairs for breakfast and all of the troops were already there. Kate said, "Ready for a few motorcycle days?" We all nodded our heads and Chris said, "Do me a favor. We're going to make a very slight modification to the bikes. We'll put them outside and I'll explain. I just need to you test it and tell me what you think. It's a button that turns the normal bike into an AirCycle, like the AirMobile." We ate, as Chris and Roberta went outside to the garage. We had some coffee and a cigarette and were joking around about our trip. I made us all cloths and Mandy said, "I love it. Do the hair too honey."

We all went out to the garage and Chris said, "Each of these bikes has a small red button on the top of the gas tank shroud. It kicks the AirCycle on and off. It operates just like a normal bike, and you can't see any of the gear. It's miniaturized. Take a ride up the road and hit the button. Be real careful, as this thing is fast beyond belief." We all got on a bike and started them up, and rode up the driveway. We got to the street and I hit the button and gave it some gas, and this thing took off. I must have hit 150 in 2 seconds, but didn't feel any G-forces. I slowed it down and turned the button off, as Mandy went whizzing past me. She stopped, turned around, and smiled from ear to ear, as she rode back to me. We all went back to the garage and I said, "Chris, how did you take care of the G-force problem?" She said, "Same as the car. There is a force field around the bike that compensates. Also, if you lift up on the handlebars in AirCycle mode the bike will ride above the road. It's fully stable. Actually much more stable than when it's on tires. Push the handle bars down and you're back on the road again. It will also respond to your mind without using the controls at all if you want." Kathy said, "Cool." Melissa said, "Am I ever going to have fun advertising these."

We tied our knapsacks to the sissy bars of the bikes and Kate said, "Ready?" We all smiled as she displaced us along with the bikes to earth into a small town we chose as our starting point for our trip. It was sunny and about 65 degrees outside, and Mandy said, "It doesn't get much better than this. Lets cruise for a while." We all put on our sunglasses and followed Kate and Judy who led the way. We loved riding the bikes and went for over two hours through windy back roads and then on a major highway. A few AirMobiles flew by us and Kate waved us to hit the red buttons. We did and caught them in seconds. Mandy said into our minds, "This is a crotch rocket. Lets see how fast it will go. I'll stop if we get near the speed of sound." We all pulled up on the handlebars and were just over the pavement and gunned it. The adrenalin rush was amazing. We all backed off when the digital speedometer read 740. We slowed to 200 and it felt like we were crawling, and then slowed to a normal car speed and went back on the pavement. Julie said into our minds, "Holy fuck was that amazing. We'll sell a ton of these things. You can use it like the original bike, or like a rocket. It even turns better when you go fast and above the road."

We all flipped the red buttons off and cruised into a town. We parked the bikes next to a roadhouse bar and Kate said, "We'll we got here 3 hours ahead of schedule. What a blast these things are." Mandy and I lit a cigarette and she took off her sunglasses. We all laughed as she was windblown on her face. I said, "Look in the mirror." She looked and said, "Cute. I have on white goggles." We all looked the same and we fixed our complexions with our minds. Mandy said, "We need an invisible windshield. That's next." She took my hand as we all walked into the bar. There was a crowd of mostly guys drinking and playing pool. Mandy said into our minds, "Anyone for a little hustle after we eat?" We all laughed as we sat at in a corner table against the wall and ordered burgers and a pitcher of beer.

I took a drag of my cigarette as Mandy slid over closer to me on the couch like vinyl seat. She said into my ear, "Jen honey, I love doing this stupid shit." We watched two guys who were obviously hustling pool and Mandy laughed. She said, "Winning this game will be fun. Hustling the hustlers. Plus they're playing for a couple thousand dollars a rack."

We all finished our burgers all had three pitchers of beers as we watched the two beat everyone and win some cash. We were all so out of control again. Kate stood on the table singing one of our songs when it came on the jute box. We all stood and sang the harmony and one of the guys playing pool yelled over to us, "Hey, you sound good. Why not go into the Karaoke contest tonight. The only catch is it's topless." We all looked at each other as Jody said into our minds, "You game?" We all nodded and Mandy yelled over, "Sure! How about we challenge you to a game of pool first?"

They were smiling and one guy said, "We play for big bucks. As long as you have the cash." Mandy and I got up and Melissa said into our minds in the voice of Bulwinkle, "Look out Rocky. Here comes Boris and Natasha." We all laughed as Mandy and I walked over to the pool table. Mandy said, "How much is big bucks?" One guy said, "I'm Joe and it will cost you a thousand dollars for the first rack, then it goes up by five hundred each rack after that one. We play either eight ball or nine ball."

I said, "Mandy, that's way too much money. Let's sit down. These guys are probably really good. We suck!" Mandy said into my mind, "Nice touch." Then she said, "How much money do we all have together? We need at least a couple of thousand, Julie go get our cash from the bikes and lets see if we have enough." Mandy told Julie how much to bring inside and Julie was laughing her ass off in our minds. Julie came back in and said, "We have 12,500 and change." Julie gave the roll of hundreds to Mandy and Mandy counted out ten one hundred dollar bills and put in on the table. She said, "Lets see your money also, in this pile."

Joe smirked at us and put down ten hundreds also. The other guy said, "I'm Bill." I said, "I'm Jen and this is Mandy. Calling 8 ball okay?" Mandy said into all of our minds, "We loose this one, but we make it look like we are pretty good." I said back, "I know the routine." She smiled at me as she lost the lag to break on purpose.

I broke the rack and really broke the balls up. Joe sank four and then missed. Mandy took her turn and sank four also and missed on purpose. We could tell they were doing the same thing as us as Bill sank two more and missed. Mandy said into my mind, "Change of plans. Win the game honey, but make it look lucky." I smiled at her and sank three more balls and only had the eight left. I said, "I have no idea if this will work, but here goes. 8 ball in this corner pocket, banked off of two cushions." Mandy said into my mind, "You could just hit it in the corner." I said back into her mind, "That wouldn't look lucky now would it?" She smiled and I sank the shot and jumped up so excited. The two guys looked at each other puzzled and Bill said, "Double of nothing for another rack?"

Mandy said, "Sure." This time I won the lag and let them break. They were still playing the hustle so we won again and made it look lucky. Mandy hit a great four ball combination shot. She jumped up on the table and did a little dance and then we kissed and hugged as we took another 2 grand. Kate and Judy were hysterically laughing.

Joe took out the 2 grand he owed us and said, "Double or nothing again?" I said ,"How about we up the ante a little. We have 11,500. Can you cover it?" Joe smiled and took out the money and I said, "Nine ball. Calling. 4 out of 7 racks takes it all."

We lagged again and Mandy froze the ball on the cushion. That's when the guys were suspicious. She chose to break and called the nine the corner on the break. They laughed and Mandy took her shot and sunk it. She danced around and said, "I think it went in. Did that ball go in the pocket? Lets check to see if it was the nine. Jen, was it the nine ball that went in?" We laughed and handed the cue ball to the guys to break now. Joe played it safe and I had a tuff shot. I said into everyone's mind, "No sense in hiding it now. Massey to the one ball." I called, "One in the side." I hit down on the cue ball with English spin. It hopped over the two ball and hit the one perfect and we watched it roll into the pocket. The guys looked at each other and Joe softly said, "Oh fuck!"

I ran the table and we were up by 2 racks and they had to break again. Bill broke the rack and left Mandy with a perfect setup. She was smiling and talking to me about stupid shit as she wasn't even paying attention and ran the table. Joe said, "Don't you two ever miss?" Kate yelled out, "Never! They are the best and you should have never bet them." We smiled and I said, "Joe, I believe it's your shot to break the rack."

Mandy and I lit up cigarettes and I chugged a beer as Mandy laughed at me. Joe played it safe again and I still had a good shot at the one ball. I played a banked shot and went on to clear all but the nine ball. I left myself a really easy shot and said, "Last one for the cash. Want to make it double or nothing on this one ball? Think I may get nervous and miss it? I am sweating after all that beer. You never know what could happen."

Joe and Bill were arguing as Mandy and I laughed about it. She said into my mind, "If they don't bet, miss it but freeze the balls together. If they bet, sink it." I smiled and Joe said, "No bet. Just make it." I wipe the sweat from my eyes and missed it on purpose, but left the balls frozen so they had no shot. Bill almost punched Joe he was so pissed off. He said, "You asshole. We could have won all of it on that one shot." Mandy and I tried so hard not to laugh as we watched him miss the shot he called. Mandy called the nine and we ended the game. I said, "Let us a least buy you a few beers."

They sat with us and Joe said, "I have never seen anyone play pool like you two. This is the first time ever, that someone has cleaned us out like this." I said, "Met this years nine ball champions in the universe contest on vacation World. Matter of fact, we've won it together every year for the past 22 years. We were only having fun and we don't need you money. Here, you can have it back." Joe said, "That's a lot of money. You really don't need the money?" Mandy said, "Nope. We would have played for quarters if that's all you had or a million a rack if that's what you were betting. We just played your game on you." Bill said, "A million a rack? You've played for that much money?" We all laughed and Jody said, "Last year these two played a game for 30 million at a casino. They hustled the hustlers and then gave them back half of the money. The gave the other half to a charity."


The place was really filling up with people and getting noisy. Joe said loud, "How can you walk away from all that money?" Melissa was half in the bag and poured another round of beer for everyone and started talking like cartoon characters again. We all laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee in my pants. Jody said, "Trust me, we don't need the money. We have plenty. We need a few shrinks. When does the Karaoke start?" A waitress heard us and said, "In about a half hour. You all want to enter?" Kate yelled over, "We'll all do it together as one entrant. The name is Kate." The waitress yelled back, "You're on seventh."

We all drank more beer and ordered a few more pitchers. Joe and Bill were a piss. We found out that they hustle pool as a hobby. They own four car dealerships together and were telling us all about the AirMobiles. Mandy said into our minds, "Don't spoil it for them. This is fun." They kept asking us what we did for a living and I said, "Mandy and I are officially retarded. I mean retired." Everyone laughed and I said, "I am definitely trashed. Give me another beer." Jody said, "You had it right the first time."

We joked around and watched the first contestant take the stage. It was a young girl singing one of the Main Street songs. Kate and Judy stood and danced as they mouthed the words that they sang on the CD. She sucked. The next five were equally bad as everyone cheered as they took off their tops and then cringed as they sang off key. It was our turn and we looked through the selection of music and Mandy said, "This one." She said into our minds, "One verse and chorus acapella after the music stops."

We all took off our leather jackets and tee shirts and stood topless on the small stage. They plugged in five microphones and we shared them, as we watched the Karaoke screen scroll to the words as the music started and we sang it just like we were on stage. We also did part of our stage show as the crowd was all cheering. We did the whole song and then did one verse acapella including a chorus. Everyone stood, cheering and applauded. Mandy said into the mic, "Thanks, we love being here."

We sat back down and Joe said, "That was you on the record wasn't it?" Melissa answered him using Rocky the Squirrels voice and said, "Very good Bulwinkle." We all laughed and Bill said, "No Shit. Changes. You are thee Mandy and Jen from SolarNational that just retired? And Kate and Judy from SolarNational Shipping?" I nodded my head and the two of them smiled and poured us another beer. We listened to ten more contestants and one was a group of four and they were really good.

Mandy called them over to us and she said, "Do you play in a band?" One woman said, "Yeah, but we can't get anyone to listen to our demo." I said, "You sang at the right place. Get us a CD and I can guarantee it will get heard." The other woman said, "You look so familiar. Did you perform in the contest? We just got here", as another took a CD from her bag on their table and handed it to me. I said, "Yeah. We performed. Is your contact information on it?" She said, "Sure is." Mandy said, "Joe, you have a car here that has a CD player?" He said, "Yeah. You want to listen to it now?" Mandy and I went with Joe to a car and we listened to four songs on the CD. It was really good and Mandy said into Karen's mind, "We found you a new act. I'm displacing a CD to you. Where are you?" Karen said, "Holy shit Mandy, you fucking retired. I'm home on earth." Mandy sent the CD and Joe looked at us as I said, "Don't ask."

We went back inside and Karen was already talking to us in our minds, "I love it. Where are they from?" I answered, "We're in a biker bar. Displace here and you can meet them." Karen walked in two minutes later with Kathy and we introduced them to the group. The woman said to me, "Little Willie. Wow! Thank you."

Karen spent a while with Kathy talking to the group and them she said to us, "What in the fuck are you doing here?" I said, "Slumming as biker babes. She laughed and left with Kathy." The group came back over to us and said, "I knew I saw you before. Thank you. We love your music by the way. We have to meet them tomorrow at their office. This is so cool."

We all had a few more beers and were so trashed. Mandy and I rigged it using our clairvoyance to create the future so everyone would vote for the group of four and not us and they won the contest.

Kate said, "We're staying in the flop house across the street. No riding in the shape we're in." Joe and Bill were passed out at the table and we tried to wake them up. Mandy and I laughed as she said, "Whimps." We paid the tab and staggered outside. We displaced the bikes across the street and then ourselves as we could barely walk. I said, "Good thinking." Melissa was now into the Jetsons and we all couldn't stop laughing. This happens every time she gets drunk. We all took our knapsacks off the bikes and went into an open room. We laid out our blankets and took off our cloths and made a pile of bodies. We all paired up and Mandy and I became Combined couples and fucked next to and on top of, everyone. It was outrageous.

Melissa and Jody were really going at it below our feet. Kathy and Julie had Kathy's back against mine, and Judy's back was against Mandy. Janice and Karen were just a few feet above our heads. Mandy and I sucked each other's nipples as we made love and fucked like wild rabbits. We both blasted off as we made our cocks wiggle inside of each other. She kissed me so hard when I shot my cum into her. My cock pulsated and squirted 11 times and warm white goo shot out into Mandy's pussy. She kept kissing me and telling me in my mind how much she loves me. I told her the same thing as she shot her cum into me, bucking into me so hard my ass slapped against Kathy while she was fucking with Julie.

We all made love for about 3 hours and then we managed to move around to get into a 69 position. We each rolled over one another and laughed as we maneuvered. Mandy and I licked each other and sucked each other's cock for another two hours. Then I rolled over Kathy to get us back to Combine Couples interlocking again. We fell asleep in each other's arms, interlocked, with Kathy lying on my side making love to Julie.

Mandy and I woke up every hour or so and made love again for a little while and then passed back out. We were so into each other we didn't notice anything. Mandy woke me up after the sun was up and we watched Julie and Kathy making love to Kate and Judy. I was instantly hard inside of Mandy again, and she was hard inside of me. I wiggled the tip of my cock like we did to each other before and Mandy moaned softly as she kissed me. She squeezed my cock with her pussy muscles and we fucked like wild rabbits again. We both blasted off within 20 minutes and held each other so tight neither of us could breathe.

Mandy and I sat up and moved over to sit against a wall, as she lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag and said, "What time is it?" Mandy leaned over and lifted up Jody's wrist and looked at her wrist watch and said, "10. I'm starving." We finished the cigarette and went down the hallway to the community bathroom and got cleaned up. We both laughed at how we looked in the mirror, but there wasn't any shower. We used our powers to make us look presentable and walked back into the room.

Everyone was up and I said, "How about we ride to get some breakfast?" It took about 5 minutes for everyone to hit the bathroom and get ready to leave. We all tied our knapsacks on the bikes and rode through town until we found a dinner. Kate pointed to the parking lot and we all parked the Harley's and went inside. We ordered so much food and totally pigged out. The manager watched us eat and thought we were going to leave without paying. Mandy was hysterically laughing when he couldn't break a hundred for our tab. Melissa said, "Keep the change. You guys need it."

We rode for a while and then hit the red button again and pulled up on the handlebars. We were cruising at about 250. Jody kept talking to all of us in our minds and said, "This is like one of those computer video games. What a cool toy." We speed up to really fly for a while and then went back to riding normal on the road. Kate said into our minds, "We just cut a whole day off our trip. We'll be at the reunion park in 5 minutes."

We saw hundreds of other bikers and slowed down to ride with them. We all pulled into the park and it was mobbed. We stopped at the entrance and Butch was there and we all hugged him. He said, "Mandy, you get to play pool this time. We have a real hot shot that we all want to teach a lesson. The bar at the end of the park is letting us use their facilities. Have fun." We gave him the thumbs up and he pointed to the field that was still open. We rode slowly through the field and stopped by an area that was all grass. We got off the bikes and Mandy said, "My ass hurts from sleeping on those wooden planks." We all nodded our heads and she used her mind to make us a bunch of air mattresses. We all smiled as Mandy hugged me and said, "Sweetheart, soft sex tonight."

We walked over to the beer stand and all poured ourselves a draft, as so many people remembered all us from the seven times we've been to this event. A woman we all call Babe was there and she smiled and said, "I am not doing the gang bang again. Last time I missed all the fun. We have a few newcomers that volunteered this year. One is so hot, you have to meet her.", "Hey Tristan! Get over here!", "Everyone, this is Tristan. She's doing the gang fuck this year." We all introduced ourselves and she was really a sleazy sex pot. Melissa was laughing and said, "We're going to get in so much trouble here. I love it."

We spent the next 5 hours walking around and talking to people and also making some new friends. We saw one of the people that worked in the mail room at SolarNational and Kate said, "Tom, so this is what it means to call out sick?" We all laughed and he got so embarrassed. Kate said, "We're playing hooky too. Just chill out and have a good time."

We spent the rest of the night partying, drinking, being totally out of control and of course each of us got in line for the gang bang and did Tristan. Mandy and I did her together making our cocks so big she almost passed out from having an orgasm. Julie called us totally insensitive and just out for some fun. I said, "So? You have a problem with that?" I thought Kathy was going to wet her pants laughing.

We slept on the air mattresses and fucked all night; all of us, in a pile. We did the motorcycle show the next day and demonstrated the new AirCycle to everyone. Butch was hooked and wanted one. We let him and his buddy ride ours for a few hours. They came back and he said, "We went over 600 miles in two hours and didn't use any gas. It's like a jet plane."

It was getting close to dinner and Butch said, "You two still want to play pool? I want you to teach this asshole a lesson. After we have some food, I'll set it up." Mandy smiled as I lit a cigarette and she was rubbing her nipples to make them hard. I said, "They already stick out." She put them in my face and said, "Now they really stick out for you honey." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette as we walked over to get some hotdogs, burgers, and more draft beer. We ate and were joking around with some people and Butch said, "Come with me."

We walked into the bar at the end of lot and he introduced us to Earl and Lester. Butch said, "Ladies, these are the best pool players in the world. I won't bet them any money because you will most likely loose all of it." Earl was smiling and said, "Yeah bitch, we'll clean your ass. We only play for hundreds." Mandy said, "How many hundreds?", as she took out a bank roll of hundred dollar bills from her blue jeans pocket. Earl's eyes got wide and he said, "20 hundreds for the first rack. It gets more expensive from there."

Mandy said into my mind, "I hate him already. Lets have some fun this time and keep his money." I said, "How about we start with calling 8 ball. It takes us a while to warm up so we may go through a few racks if you're patient enough." We lagged and lost on purpose. I broke and smashed the rack.

We watched them play pretty good and Mandy sank 5 and missed on purpose. They were playing the same game that Joe and Bill played so Mandy said into my mind, "Fuck them. Sink it and win. Just make it look lucky." I ran the last 3 balls and then made the shot on the eight just barely fall into a pocket with the cue ball resting on the lip. Mandy said into my mind, "Cutting it a little close?" I said into her mind, "I never had a doubt. Chill out. That was as lucky as you can get."

We took their money and Earl said, "8 thousand to keep playing. You in? Mandy put the 4 back down and peeled off 4 grand more and put it on the table. Lester matched it and we lagged for break again. We lost on purpose and had a repeat performance. Mandy made a shot look she fucked up and the ball went in. We both couldn't stop laughing at that one, as we won the 8 grand. We did this 4 more times until Earl said, "100 grand." Mandy said, "Nine ball 4 out of 7 racks calling, and we're in." I had to go get more cash and I put the money on the table and so did Lester.

We lagged for break and Mandy and I both froze the cue ball against the cushion. She said, "I'll break. Nine in the corner." Mandy took her infamous shot while they both laughed until she sank it. I smiled as she gave me a high five. I gave the cue ball to Earl and said, "I do believe it's your break." Butch and some of the others were watching and laughing now. Lester broke and played it safe, but not safe enough. I banked the cue ball and made the one, and then ran four balls until I had a combination to sink the nine.

Lester and Earl were starting to sweat and Mandy said, "Is it hot in here? Jen, are you sweating? I'm not. Butch, you guys hot? Must be nerves. Lester, can you guys afford to loose this much money?" Mandy handed Earl the cue ball and smiled saying, "Your shot ace." Earl broke the rack trying not to give Mandy and shot. We looked at the balls carefully and she said, "Combination. 1,5,7, with 9 in the corner." Mandy focused on this one and took her shot. The nine bounced into the side of the pocket and dropped. She screamed, "No shit am I good. Eat shit and die Lester." Everyone was laughing as Lester picked up the cue ball to break the next rack.

This time he really broke them up and left me such an easy table to clear. I got to only three balls left and said, "Feel like upping the ante a little? I could clear this rack and win, or I could call 5,6,9 combo and maybe miss. If I call that shot, you interested in another 500 grand bet in the kiddy? If I make it you loose all of it. If I miss it, the money stays in the pot and we concede this rack." Earl said, "300 and you're on." Mandy counted out our money and so did Lester. I lined it up and Mandy made me laugh. I stopped and Mandy said into my mind, "Miss it on purpose. Lets get they broke before we win it all." I smile and took my shot and missed it. Earl and Lester were smiling and I said, "We still only need on more rack to win."

Earl had the break and he broke the rack for Mandy and she cleared all but two balls and then said, "Same bet again. I can easy clear the table but 600 more if I play the combo. Same deal as last time." The idiots bet us and Mandy said into my mind, "I'm going to make it. They only have fives and tens left in the stack of cash." It was a hard shot and Mandy lined it up, took her shot and it went in.

Earl and Lester were so pissed off. Butch said, "I hope you two are good sports about this. We would hate to have to remind you again." Mandy and I smiled as Butch hugged us and said, "I love to watch you two work. What assholes they are for betting this type of money without even seeing you play." I picked up the million and three quarters plus and put it back into a paper bag we had our money in. Earl was cursing at Lester and Mandy said, "Don't feel so bad. We haven't lost a hustle or a tournament in over 26 years." Lester looked at us again shaking his head as they walked out of the bar. Butch said, "Great job. I knew I could count on you!" Mandy reached into the paper bag and counted out about 500 thousand and said, "Use it for the next reunions and get yourself a few of the AirCycles." Butch smiled and said, "You two every play against each other?"

I said, "All the time. We play fuck pool." Mandy was laughing and said, "Jen, why did you say that?" I said, "We fuck each other while we take a shot. I makes the game real interesting." Mandy was hitting me on my shoulder and laughing and then she said, "You brought it up. Lets play a rack. You shoot first." We took off our cloths and everyone watched us. I took a pool cue and bent over the table to break the rack and Mandy made her cock hard and bend over behind me, pushing it into my pussy. She pushed in and out a few times and I was soaked. It felt so good I could hardly concentrate. I took my shot, broke the rack and the corner ball I called went in. I leaned over the table more and Mandy fucked me a few strokes and then helped me move sideways to the next shot.

I made two in a row without moving as she fucked my pussy so good. She shuffled me sideways again as everyone laughed and I had my eyes half closed. I took a shot and missed as I just couldn't concentrate. I lay forward on the table and Mandy did me a few more strokes and then pulled out. I said, "Oh shit Mandy, keep going." She was laughing and said, "My shot honey." I got myself hard and pushed into her pussy and went in and out a few times as I made my cock bigger. She said, "Oh this is so unfair." Mandy was bucking back onto my cock and she took a shot and made it. She bent over and yelled, "Fuck me hard now!" I hammered her and then shuffled with her to her next shot. I kept on fucking her and she made three in a row drawing the ball back so she won't have to move, and then missed one completely.

Mandy bend over and I hammered her pussy and then pulled out. Mandy turned around and kissed me so wet and sloppy and said, "Oh honey, we have to finish this game soon." Butch and the others were hysterical as Mandy pushed into me and made her cock bigger. I bucked into her and couldn't stop. I made five in a row by drawing the cue ball back to where I was as Mandy hammered into me over and over again. She shuffled me sideways and wiggled the tip of her cock and I had an instant orgasm, as I slouched over the pool table. I took aim with the cue and sank another shot as Mandy hammered into me. I took another shot and missed. Mandy fucked me so hard and fast I orgasmed again and then she jerked forward and shot her cum into me. She held me so tight as I felt her cock pulsate in my cunt and warm cum blast into me. She squirted over and over again and squeezed my nipples. I put my hands on top of hers and squeezed her cock with my pussy muscles as she said, "My turn baby. Make me crazy now. Only three balls left."

Mandy pulled out of me and I pushed my cock into her and fucked her hard and fast as I made my cock huge. I got Mandy's G-spot and she moaned so loud as she bucked back into me and was trying to aim her shot. I fucked her like a jackhammer as she sank a ball and then bent over on the table moaning. I shuffled her over to her next shot and really went at it. We had a huge audience cheering us on as Mandy sank the next shot and then bent over all the way and yelled, "Do me good. Harder baby. Fuck me! Fuck me!" I hammered into her for a few minutes and then shuffled her to the last shot. She couldn't even hold the cue stick and finally took aim as I kept going. She sank the ball and I shot my load of white goo into her blasting cum into her pussy. Mandy had an orgasm as my cock contracted and squirt cum into her 9 times, and I pinched her nipples. The crowd was cheering and I pulled out of her, as Mandy turned around and kissed me with the sloppiest kiss. We held each other kissing for over five minutes as the crowd cheered.

Butch put his arms around us and said, "What a way to practice". We dressed and he walked us back out to the field by the bon fire.

Julie saw us with the bag and she said, "You kept the money this time? They must have really pissed you two off." I said, "Yup. We gave a half million to Butch for the next reunions. The rest is spending money." Kathy handed us each a draft beer and took our bag of money and put it back in Mandy's knapsack. We started to party again as Butch toasted us as the most lunatic people he has even known. We didn't stop partying for two days and all had a blast.

We took the bike trip to our next stop and pushed the bikes to 650 miles and hour for about 10 minutes up about 50 feet over the road so we wouldn't hit anything. It was amazing. Then we displaced ourselves and the bikes back to our home on the vacation planet. Chris was in the kitchen and she said, "Well?" I said, "Tell Megan you're licensing the technology for the bikes. These are amazing."


Mandy and I spent the next three weeks goofing off but attended a series of Advisory Panel meetings that we asked to schedule to explore the whole android idea. So many people were interested in it. We expanded the list that we put together with Chris and also came up with a lot more ideas, but there were some technology issues we needed to solve. Mandy said at the last meeting, "Jen and I want to do this one as our project. Chris, do you think your team can work with us to solve the last few technology issues?" Chris was in Oregon and replied online, "If it's physically possible, we'll solve it."

Mandy and I went to the board meeting along with Julie and Kathy. Julie presented the Advisory Panel ideas and I gave the Android presentation. I said at the closing, "This will change the world as much as SexMed did originally, the forever drug did, the miracle drug, Gods laws, teleportation, shipping, and now a manufactured race of pseudo people."

Megan asked for a vote and the ideas presented all passed. Mandy smiled and said, "Cool. Lets build us a robot."

The board meeting was over and we went into Megan's office and she said, "Moms, this is so unfair. You get to do so much fun stuff. The android thing is so neat. You did SexMed, Gods Laws, Adult World, and.." Mandy interrupted her and said, "You can be a part of it. We ran this company for 15 years without being here more than a day a week. We'll convert the lab in the castle for this project." Megan smiled and hugged us both. I said, "Does Alicia want to be involved also?" Megan said, "She's got the other project she's so into. I'm bored." I said, "We'll get started today on the plans."

Chris came into the office and said, "Hi sis. Great meeting as usual." Megan said, "I get to be part of the Android project too. This is so neat. Help us convert the lab at the castle." Chris smiled and said, "She is so much like me. You're bored aren't you?" Megan smiled and nodded her head and Chris said, "Lets start now. We'll use our powers to do most of the big work."

We all displaced home to the castle and I said, "We forgot something." Mandy was reading my mind as I displaced all of the pets and horses back here also. She said, "Damn you Jen. You should have left well enough alone." I lit a cigarette and said, "Mandy, you taught them to talk. Not me. I wanted to cook their asses almost 40 years ago and you and Kathy stopped me." Megan was laughing and said, "I've never heard you two argue before." Mandy put her arms around me and said, "We're not arguing. We're have a mental breakdown over our obnoxious pets." I gave her a kiss and she smiled at me and said, "Lets go Doctor Jen Frankenstein Edwards."

We went into the lab and each used our powers to completely clear the place out. Chris showed us the original lab remotely that they used for the experiments and we duplicate all the gear here and then displaced all of the original work here also, including a prototype.

We were all examining the prototype and I said, "Skin is all wrong. Lets make a list of the items we know we need to research." Megan got a pad and we all started to name things that were not right. Chris took of the outer layer of skin and we inspected all of the joints and movements and I said, "Rotators in the joints are wrong. Since we are doing this for real this time, lets model it after what we know works, a human being. It's a great design and we can now improve on it." We spent six hours taking it apart and them putting it all back together. Mandy turned it on and Chris said, "It can only do one thing. We never finished the neural brain. Watch." The android walked about 5 feet and then looked at Mandy and said, "Hi. My name is Wanda. I'm your new maid. How can I help you today?" Chris said, "That's the show. All of the circuits are there, but the brain is empty." Chris turned it off and we sat at the conference table and I said, "Lets talk about how we break this up into small manageable pieces and brainstorm some ideas."

I used a flip chart and we made a page for each major area and wrote a name on it. Skin was Megan and we gave her so many ideas. The brain was Mandy's as she really wanted to expand on her original designs of the neural network computer that Chris took to the next level. I had what we called the plumbing. Roberta had the joints, Chris had the manufacturing process for all of it, Allison had the programming based on the each robot's specific function, and Chris made assignments for about 40 other things that were smaller to people on the research staff. Chris said, "This lab will be full tomorrow. Megan, take at look at something. Lets figure out where we put it." Chris was searching with her mind and then displaced a tray to the table. She said, "Feel this. This is the material we were experimenting with as synthetic skin for one of Max's projects." We all touched it and Megan said, "Cool. Feels almost like real skin." Chris said, "It's close but needs a lot of work. It may be a good place to start."

Chris, Allison, Roberta, and Kyle started making phone calls to get the people to the lab tomorrow to launch the project. Everyone one was so excited about it. Julie and Kathy came into the lab and Kathy said, "I am so jealous. This looks like it'll be a blast." I said, "We still have two things we didn't assign yet. You want one?" Kathy said, "We both do." Mandy said, "Kathy you get to solve the problem of sexual orientation and organs. Julie, you get the problem of appearance and cosmetology; face, lips, hair, eye brows, nails, eyes, all of that stuff." They both smiled and we all went into the kitchen to eat and talked for hours about how to solve some of the problems. Mandy said, "If we duplicate systems from a human body we could use blood vessels for lubrication. The real issue is what happens when one of these gets into an accident or someone hits it. The skin tears and it needs a repair."

We started drinking wine and Kathy said, "How in the fuck do we make a cock that looks and feels real, and that gets hard?" Julie said, "You got a tuff one. We'll figure it out." I said, "Think in terms of miniature sensors. Sensing touch, or that can be remotely trigger from the brain. If a miniature motor were activated from the sensors, it could crank that sucker up or crank it down." Mandy started to laugh and said, "You should have never watched that old Woodie Allen movie years ago."

I lit a cigarette and took a drag, holding in the smoke. Mandy poured us some more wine and then took a drag of my cigarette. She blew the smoke out and said into my ear, "Lets go experiment with our sensors and tiny motors." Kathy and Chris starting laughing as we went up to bed.

We undressed and Mandy lit a cigarette. She said, "Lay down with me and read me mind for a while. Tell me what you think." I watched Mandy model the new computer in her mind using the basis of what Chris did to her original design. I made one change to her design and she said into my mind, "I don't understand that." I said back into her mind, "That's the switches for the sensors. Tens of thousands of them." Mandy laughed in her mind and started to design the plumbing with me that connected everything. I said, "Stop! We do this every time. Leave something for tomorrow." Mandy laughed and said, "I know. We're acting retarded again. I get so into this stuff."

I took a drag of the cigarette said, "Lets think about how we are going to have wild sex tonight." Mandy started a fantasy in her mind and I changed it a little and she laughed, I said, "That's for my sensors." She took a drag of the cigarette and I put my lips on one of her nipples and slowly licked it and then sucked it into my mouth. Mandy held my head with her hand and said, "Sweetheart, my sensors are on overload. Lick it again." We sucked and licked each other's nipples and rubbed each other's clits at the same time. Then we lay in a 69 position and tongue snaked each other's cunt. I had Mandy orgasming into my mouth every few minutes, and I was flowing like a river into hers also. She put her finger into my pussy and made it the size of a cock and then sucked my cock into her throat. I shook as I orgasmed from my pussy and did the same thing to her. I had her cock in my throat and we both sucked each other for about 20 minutes until we both blasted off. Mandy's cock jerked and squirt into my throat, and I swallowed all of it. She swallowed my cum also and then we kissed each other for over 10 minutes. Mandy said, "Couples honey. Lets do it until we fall asleep."

We changed ourselves into Combined couples and interlocked. She pushed her cock into my pussy and my cock went into her, as I wrapped my legs and arms around her. We rolled onto our sides and fucked like wild rabbits for hours. After we both shot our cum three times into each other Mandy kissed me and said, "Lets rest. Light a smoke honey." I reached to the nightstand and shook out a cigarette and moved a little. Mandy moaned softly as I lit a cigarette and took a drag. The cigarette glowed red in the dim light and she took a drag also. We were both moving very slowly on each other as I took a drag of the cigarette. I blew out the smoke and Mandy grabbed me tight and jerked her cock into me and started to shoot again as her cock pulsated in my pussy. She squirted over and over again as I kissed her and then she put her head on my shoulder. She took a drag of the cigarette and used her pussy muscles on my cock. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke and I started to cum again also. Mandy held me tight as I pushed into her as far as I could and shot load after load of cum. She said into my ear, "Baby, we are so addicted to each other."

We held each other talking into our minds as we finished the cigarette. We kissed and moved slowly on each other for few minutes and then fell sound asleep in each other's arms. We woke up every hour or so and did it again. We must have rolled over 6 times during the night into new positions. We finally were out cold at 4 AM.

We woke up at 9 AM when we heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs and Mandy said, "Research teams. One more time honey and we'll get up." We made love slowly and kissed and caressed each other the whole time. We both blasted off in about 15 minutes but we could have kept going all day. Mandy dragged my ass out of bed into the bathroom. She was so excited.

We got cleaned up and dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Chris made us a plate and said, "Grab some coffee and come into the lab." We went into the lab and Chris introduced everyone and Mandy said, "Jen and I are running this project and we are so excited about it. Everyone has an assignment and we want to talk to everyone about their part over the next day. Please, anytime you have an idea that you think may be a breakthrough, interrupt whatever we are doing and lets hear it. Chris, you want to explain the prototype to everyone and what we found in the examination."

Chris spent about and hour going over everything we found and a few of them made other observations, so we added it to the list. Chris said, "You ready for a brain storming session in the conference room. We made some progress last night." I said, "So did Mandy with the computer design."

About 10 of us went into the conference room and Kathy said, "A little demonstration first." Kathy took out a small rubber soft dildo that had two wires connected to it. She touched them to a small battery and the thing grew and turned hard. She laughed and said, "Space craft material inside, elastium. Watch when I disconnect it." Kathy took the wire off the battery and it went back to it's normal size. I said, "And Chris, you through this stuff was useless." She was laughing and we went through everyone's early design ideas.

The rotator joints were really ingenious. Mandy used her mind to print the circuitry of her computer design on 50 sheets of paper and walked us through the major functions. It was brilliant and Chris said, "We could upgrade the knowledge computers with this design. It's so much more efficient. I love how you did the sensor gates." I said, "Thank you very much." Mandy smacked my shoulder and said, "I could have finished it last night but Jen decided we needed something to do today."

Julie talked about the cosmetology area and what her ideas were. Some were absolutely brilliant. She had a demo set up of using the micro scanners we developed inside of the eyes that would trigger sensors with digital information for the computer. Julie handed Mandy a schema of data bits showing what the eyes would generate and we all looked at it. We all made a few additions and Julie said, "Cool. Three dimensional" Then Kathy handed her a schema of data bits for the sex stimulation sensors. We all laughed for 10 minutes. Chris said, "Mom, you're going to have way to much fun writing the software for this one." We went over sensors for smell, touch, sensitivity, temperature, speed of movement, altitude, collision proximity, coordination of movements, speech tone, inflection and volume, and sound recognition. Everyone finally started to realize the magnitude of this project.

I said, "Mandy and I will keep a master project plan. My guess is that we will need about 300 people to complete the project based on what we know so far. The software will take about 200 at least, once we write the specs."

For the next two months Megan went into the office one day a week and ran everything from the castle and was glued to her lab station working on the skin. She finally solved it and screamed at the top of her lungs. We all ran over and she said, "Feel this." We all touched it and it felt like warm skin. She took a knife and cut it and we watched it heal itself. I said, "How?" Megan smiled and showed us the chemical reaction that takes place when the material is torn. She said, "It tries to re-bond with itself. Max can use this also."

We all had made enormous strides and we actually had a working model of the computer brain and Mandy had written the operating system for it. It really was an amazing breakthrough in computer science. We had all of the major problems solved and I called a project meeting for that afternoon in the auditorium downstairs.

Mandy put her hands on my shoulders from behind and pulled me back into her. She said into my ear, "We do our best thinking when we fuck honey. I can't believe you figured that last piece out last night." I turned around and kissed Mandy and said, "It was that or listen to your mind all night searching for answers again." She laughed and said, "You're right. We are so retarded sometimes."

We went downstairs to the auditorium, as all the staff for the other lab was arriving. I hooked up the laptop to the projection system and we waited for the place to fill up. I stood at the podium with Mandy and I said, "I want everyone to stand up, come on get up, and look around to remember everyone's face, and give yourselves a big round of applause." I started and then I said, "We solved the last design issue today and we are building a prototype starting tomorrow. Everyone of you will go down in history as working on the one of the most incredible projects every undertaken." They all applauded louder and were smiling.

Chris turned down the lights and I went through about 50 slides showing every major system and sub-system and where we were on it. When I got to the computer everyone stood and clapped for Mandy and she blushed. I said, "She even works in bed at night. I can't wait until this is done." Everyone laughed and Mandy nodded her head. I said, "She did make a major breakthrough in computer science. We all know that and this will definitely change the way computers are designed, built, and used. There is more power in her single wafer design than in 10,000 of the most powerful processors that exist today anywhere."

I flipped a slide and said, "This is the game plan to build Eve, out first fully functional prototype." I went through all the phases and said, "We should be able to assemble her in about a week. Then we can start with loading some of the early software that has been tested on the bench systems."

I filped the slide and said, "This is Chris's manufacturing plans and they are also pretty aggressive. The plants will be tooled in 3 months and we should be able to see a test run in about 4 months of a working version, less the appearance group. Remember, these are all customizable, so the face, features, sex, and brain options are not installed until after they leave the base assembly plant. We have a model customization station store that will be ready in about four months also, assuming we don't run into any major snags along the way. Remember, we are all walking on new ground. Don't get discouraged if something goes wrong and we have to make corrections, changes, or change our way of thinking on parts of it. This is by far the most advanced research and development project ever undertaken. Even if we fail with this project, we'll have developed 72 new major scientific breakthroughs that will be adapted in other areas. That alone paid for everything we have done by a hundred fold or more." Everyone stood and clapped and I said, "Just stick to it and keep up the good work."

We had drinks and food brought in and everyone mingled. Megan walked up to us and said, "This is incredible. When I listened to you I couldn't believe all of the things we accomplished in such a short time." Mandy said, "You need to start working on a press release that will shock the universe. I'll help you with it. This is press conference time when we have the prototype operational." Alicia was in the audience and was hugging me and said, "Mom, I thought you two were going to retire." I said, "We did. It's a hobby now." Alicia laughed and said, "Some hobby. I wish the other project was going this smooth." I said, "Ask Chris to take a look at it. She's good at figuring out why things aren't clicking the right way." Alicia said, "I already asked her and she's going with me tomorrow." I smiled and said, "Cheer up. Have a drink. Even if all the projects fail, we just discovered a ton of new technologies that will more than double our revenue this year. You may not have to talk about Adult World after all." Alicia smiled and took a sip of a glass of wine. She hugged me and said, "I loved Adult World. We're definitely talking about it anyway."

Over the next three weeks Mandy and I worked almost around the clock building the prototype. We had one problem after the other, and had to continually make small changes until everything fit correctly. Julie and Kathy were with us the whole time, and we actually alternated taking naps so we could keep going. We had the entire thing completed, except for the covering skin. Mandy said, "Lets load some of the test software and run it to test every part before we put the skin on."

Mandy modified a knowledge transfer computer to download the software and it really was ingenious. She downloaded the movement programs and the tested each function. We had the android walking around the room, running, dancing, jumping, skipping, doing gymnastics, and then stretching as far as each joint would move. Then we downloaded about 12 more of the basic software systems and hooked up a wireless monitor to see what was happening inside the android computer. We monitored touch, sensitivity, and temperature. Actually we tried almost every sensor.

Mandy said, "Time for the body cavities and skin. Lets follow Megan's plan so we can remove it easily if we have to." This was so incredible. The skin formed to the outlines and bound to itself based on the sheets that were cut for each part, and then they all bound together in the seams. We watched as we covered the calves and then the thighs, as it was starting to look human. Kathy said, "Sex organ time also. Lets try Combined to test them both." We had the customization workstation set up and tested the software for that at the same time. We used it to design a face, eye shape and color, hair color, sex, breast size, height which was adjustable to within a 9 inch range, nails, teeth, ear shape, and several other features. All of the parts were produced and we assembled those by hand on the sockets still left exposed. We finished the assembly and Mandy said, "First real test." She switched the power supply on and Eve opened her eyes. Mandy said, "Eve, stand up please."

Eve stood up from the table and Mandy said, "Who are you?" Eve said, "I am Eve, the first prototype android. You built me doctor Edwards." Mandy smiled and said, "What is your primary function?" Eve said, "I have been programmed to help around the house and also let you test all of my features." Mandy loaded some more software programs and said, "Eve, we are going to test every one of your sensors. Just lay back and relax."

Mandy and I used an electrode probe to check everything sensor on the skin and found two that were programmed wrong, so Mandy fixed it and downloaded the changed software. Then we tested every sensation from Eve squeezing a bar that measured pressure, from soft to hard. We tested her smell, taste, hearing, pretty much everything. Kathy said, "I get to test my equipment." Kathy rubbed Eve's cock and it came to life turning hard. Then Kathy rubbed Eve's clit and checked for lubrication and said, "Mandy, load the sex software and let's see if she can orgasm."

Mandy loaded the software and Kathy rubbed Eve's cock for about 10 minutes and she started to shoot cum out of her cock. Kathy caught it in a cup and said, "This looks so real. She put her finger in it and tasted it and said, "Real close. What a great idea Allison had on the manufacturing of synthetic body fluids based on the energy cell and water. Check it out." We all tasted it and Julie said, "This is so close to real, it's almost impossible to tell it apart." Kathy rubbed her clit until Eve jerked in an orgasm and Kathy tasted that also. She smiled and said, "Now this is so close it's scary." Kathy had Eve get on all fours on the table and she fingered Eve's ass with an enlarged finger like a cock and rubbed her pussy at the same time. Eve was definitely responding, just like we programmed. I said, "Lets call it for tonight. I am so beat."

Mandy turned off Eve and we all went upstairs to bed.


Julie and Kathy came into our bedroom with us and we all undressed, as Mandy lit a cigarette. We lay on the bed next to Julie and Kathy and I took a drag of the cigarette. Mandy said, "Kathy, did her cock feel real when it was hard." Kathy smiled and said, "Absolutely. Tomorrow we'll experiment with real sexual situations and she how she does." Mandy smiled and said, "What a piss, getting sucked off by our own android. We are so fucked up." Julie was hysterically laughing and said, "We had this conversation last night."

I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy as Kathy was rubbing my clit. Mandy saw her and smiled saying, "Which one feels better?" Kathy turned to me and said, "Eve." Now everyone was rubbing my clit and pussy and laughing about it. I was on fire. Mandy rubbed my cock hard while Kathy was still rubbing my clit, and Julie leaned over Kathy and was sucking one of my nipples. I moaned softly, "Oooo, that feels so good."

Mandy moved to lay between my legs pulling my pussy lips apart with her hands and putting her open mouth over my slit, as Kathy changed to rub my cock. Mandy was tongue snaking me into orgasm as Kathy bent over and was now sucking my cock. Julie moved to squat over my face and rubbed my nipples, as I licked her pussy. They were making me crazy for about 15 minutes and I was about to blast off. I held Kathy's head softly on my cock and bucked up into her as my cock pulsated and shot a huge load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed and I squirted 8 more times, as my pussy orgasmed and spit juice into Mandy's mouth. Kathy finished sucking my cum and swallowing, and said, "Real is definitely better. We need to fix that on Eve."

Mandy was laughing at me and then she changed us into Combined couples and lay on top of me. We interlocked, as Julie and Kathy did the same thing next to us. Mandy and I kissed, and kissed again, swapping spit as we hammered into each other. We made love for about two hours and then we all feel asleep interlocked.

Mandy and I were out cold and Julie woke us up at 7 AM and said, "Time for your morning fuck and then we get back to work today." Mandy and I moved a little and we both were hard inside of each other and made love like lunatics. We both basted off in about 20 minutes and then Julie dragged us out of bed, as we were both laughing. We used out twin toilets, showered, and got dressed for breakfast.

Kathy made us breakfast and we ate and talked about the next series of tests. We had an 80 page checklist of things we needed to test. Mandy and I had a cup of coffee and Kathy said, "Stay here. You two get the first blowjobs." Mandy smiled at me and said, "I hope the pressure sensor on the mouth works or this could be very painful." I smiled and said, "You first." She said, "Coward."

Eve came walking into the kitchen and Mandy said, "Good morning Eve. Can you light me a cigarette?" Eve found the pack of cigarettes and put one in her lips. She lit it with the lighter and inhaled and then handed it to Mandy. Mandy took a drag and said, "What sensation did you experience." Eve said, "Pleasure." Mandy said, "Can you give me pleasure now by performing oral sex on my penis and then on Jen also?" Eve said, "My programming also calls that sucking a cock, baby stick, dick, shaft, and also a blowjob. Yes, I can do that for you."

Mandy slipped off her pants, as we sat next to each other in the chairs. Eve knelt on the floor between Mandy's legs and gave her a great blowjob. Kathy was watching and said, "The programming definitely worked on this one." Mandy was moaning softly and rubbing her nipples and we shared our thoughts. She was fantasizing about us on the beach and then she started to buck into Eve's face and shot her load into her mouth. Mandy said, "Don't swallow all of it. Kiss each of us with it in your mouth." Eve obeyed and kissed Mandy and then me giving each of us some of the cum. Then she knelt down in between my legs and I got the repeat performance. I blasted my cum into her mouth and she swallowed all of it. Mandy said, "That was good Eve, not make our pussies orgasm with your mouth and tongue."

Eve ate me out and then Mandy until we orgasmed. Kathy and Julie were watching and then I said, "Eve, show Kathy how you can have sexual intercourse with both her and Julie."

I lit a cigarette as Mandy and I turned our chairs to face the center of the room and watched Julie and Kathy first get fucked and then fuck Eve at the same time; one in the ass and one in the pussy. The sexual programming was better than perfect. Eve's programming gave her a simulated orgasm six times. Mandy and I both did her also to see what it felt like and it felt just like a real person. The artificial skin, which was always 98.6 degrees and body cavities, were as close as it gets.

We all went back into the lab and started with the hundreds of other tests. We also had Eve drive a car and she was a better driver than any of us, with the software we wrote. We displaced Eve to our vacation home and tested our swimming programs. We had her underwater for 4 hours with us and the Mermaids, and then swimming in the pool. We also tested her use in extreme temperatures. We displaced her to the Antarctic to a place we found viewing remotely that was 76 degrees below zero and had a wind chill factor of minus 120. We left her there for two days and then displaced her back. Mandy said, "Eve, are all of your systems functioning correctly?" Eve said, "My sensors indicated a 4 degree drop in my outer skin covering, but that is now corrected." We displaced her to the desert into 145 degree heat under the sun and had her work to dig a trench in the heat. We couldn't stay there for more than 5 minutes so we displaced back home and then brought her back 8 hours later. She still worked perfect.

We spent the next 8 weeks testing everything in every line of work we thought of for the androids. We had to fix several software glitches but the software was incredibly solid. We also fixed the semen taste problem and it was so close to real none of us could tell the difference. Mandy had Eve in bed with us and it was amazing. We tested out the Combined couples configuration on her and we both blasted off into her, and the programming made her do the same thing.

The fun part was testing some of the software hobby programming that was for customization options. We played pool with her and she can almost beat us. We took her skiing, and played golf which really pissed Mandy off. Eve's computers can immediately tell how a green will break and she never missed a putt. She shot a 57 and beat both of us by over 8 strokes. Mandy said, "Eve is our new caddie."

We made a few changes in the digestive system that refuels the lubrication system and body fluids so excess is vaporized internally and expelled. Chris was ready for a test of the real manufacturing facilities 4 weeks early, so we went to one of the plants in Arizona.

We all walked into this huge plant that had almost no lights, very little air conditioning and no heat. Chris said, "All of the factories are a lights out manufacturing operation. Fully automated. The completed units are automatically rolled out in the only human environmental area and then shipped by our system to the stores where they are customized. Watch the process. This is so cool. I had spot lights brought in so we could see it." Allison and Kyle turned on the spot lights and Roberta powered up the systems. They all stood by us and we watched six androids being built. The machines were all computer controlled and the process was so fast. Mandy and I followed one unit through all of the phases and we were amazed at what Chris's team had done. I said, "Add one more technology advancement to this project. No one has anything even close to this in terms of manufacturing."

The first completed android rolled off the assembly line in about 5 minutes and the others were less than a second behind it. The really neat part of this is that when the power was off in the androids they only weighed 16 pounds so they could be stored anywhere. Once the power cell was turned on the elastium created dead weight throughout the body to feel the same as a human and this was customizable also. We all moved the androids to the shipping station and Chris said, "On to the store", as she shipped the faceless and sexless units that looked like bare manikins.

Chris said, "I'm driving", and displaced us to a store in New York. She said, "No signage yet. It looks like a storefront under construction from the front." Chris said, "The customization has been pretty thoroughly tested also. Lets make a series of androids that test all of it. Jen, you be the customer on the first one and I'll be the sales person."

Chris asked me all types of personal questions about me and where I lived, and my shipping address. She went through what I wanted the android to do and asked about height, weight, complexion, eye color, chest and bust size, sexual equipment, sexual preferences, fetishes, life style in terms of cloths, likes, dislikes, and hobbies. Chris said, "What would you like her name to be?" I said, "Gertrude." Chris showed me a face and had me design what I wanted her to look like and also her figure. Chris gave me a list of options to select from and the list was really impressive as she said, "Each option adds about 30 dollars to the price, so choose carefully as there about 200 of them." She said, "Anything else you want to add?" I said, "Nope. Start cooking."

Everyone laughed as Chris selected an option and the android was moved into a small area that looked like an operating table. A large apparatus was lowered over the android and we watched all of the finishing touches being made in about 10 seconds including all of the software loading, the power cell being charged, and some water added to the digestive system to start the lubrication and body fluid development process. We were all amazed at how this all came together. The large apparatus over the android raised to the ceiling and the android was moved out from the small area. Chris walked over and turned it on and said, "Hi. What's your name, and what's your function."

The android said, "I'm Gertrude and my function is to be a gardener for Doctor Jen Edwards." Chris said, "Thank you. Please sit down and turn off your power."

We each got to build one. We did a male, female, combined, a gay male like Georgie, and one setup as a combined couple. Mandy said, "We could make the new staff we need for Adult World." Chris said, "I'll wipe out their programming and we can also customize them again. I built something into the system that strips off what was there in case we want to reuse the unit for something else. Even the sizes and pelvis changes for male and female are scrapped.

Mandy said into Megan's, Alicia's, and Melissa's mind, "We need you to see something. You have some time for us?" They all answered and displaced to us. I said, "We are ready with the android project. We want to show you how they are built. Melissa, you may want to have a camera crew film this. It's absolutely amazing." She said, "Cool. I'll be right back."

I lit a cigarette as we waited and a camera crew showed up with Melissa. I said, "Let Chris run you through the whole thing." Chris said, "I'm driving us to the plant first."

We ran then through all of it and the camera crew filmed it as Chris narrated. She had 3 units built and shipped them to the store. Then we all displaced back to the store and Chris played sales person again for Megan first as they filmed the whole thing. Melissa was in shock when she saw the options and what the things could do. The camera crew filmed the customization and when the unit stood and spoke to them the camera man said, "No shit!" They filmed the creation of a female nanny and house keeper, a male construction laborer, and a combined adult playmate that was gorgeous.

They stopped filming and I said to Megan, "You have that speech ready?" She said, "Mom, this is incredible. I never thought my skin would look and feel so real." Lets go back to the castle so I we can practice the speech. Melissa, lets us a 10 minute tape from this as part of the announcement. Join us after they edit it."

We displaced back to the castle and Megan lit a cigarette and said, "You were right. This will change the world forever." I said, "There's more. This is the most up to date list of discoveries that came out of this process. It's mind boggling." We spent the rest of the day working on the press release and speech. Megan called the head of PR and said, "Don, call a press conference tomorrow at noon. Tell them it's a major announcement and a block buster."

Megan was laughing through part of the speech and she said, "This is like leading them on. Why not start with the grand slam first?" I said, "Because we want everyone to pay attention to all of it and then the grand slam will be more unbelievable than if we just announced that one part. We need to call the broker also. Let me do that now."

Mandy and I called the stock broker and told him to buy as much stock as he could that was on the market today but not to look too suspicious. Mandy said, "This one is going to be a rocket ship ride after the announcement. Buckle up."

We all watched Melissa's tape and also two commercials she already did. One was priceless and we couldn't stop laughing. She started with a man throwing out his old beat up blow up doll and going into one of our stores to order and new unit. The questions and answers were hilarious.

Mandy said, "I can't believe we finished this project in only 6 months. The second phase programming is almost done also. We just have to test some of the new features." Chris said, "Mom, if it wasn't for your new operating system they would maybe be one quarter of the way done with phase one now. Your new computer is probably more scientifically important than the android. It will revolutionize everything."

I called a project meeting for that evening in the castle and Mandy ordered a catered dinner for 300 people. Megan called everyone on the board, and all of the guardians to the project meeting also. I said to Megan, "Lets give the press release speech tonight and also this would be a good time to make them feel good about what they accomplished and talk about a completion bonus of 100 grand each and then additional dollars for those with new patents as they are used in products or services. We don't want any of these people to ever leave." Megan said, "How about you two?" I smiled and said, "Honey, we don't need the money. Take care of the employees."

We set up the auditorium, as the caterer showed up. Mandy said, "Serve drinks and food on the veranda and setup for 300 outside. We will break for drinks and then dinner at about 7:30." We set up the laptops for the presentation as people started showing up. We greeted everyone and so did Megan and Alicia.

The place was packed at 6 and Megan stood at the podium. She said, "Thanks for coming on such short notice. We are going to show you the press conference we are giving tomorrow and it will knock your socks off. You all contributed to the results we are about to show and to show you how much it means to us I am giving everyone a completion bonus of $100,000 dollars. Those that have patents from this project will also get to share in the profits from each area that uses your discovery." Everyone stood and cheered and Megan smiled. She said, "Now watch what you'll see tomorrow on TV."

Chris turned on the projection system Megan said, "I called this press conference to make several major announcements that will have an impact on all of us in our daily lives and could actually change the world. Let me state that no one, and I repeat no one will loose their jobs over this announcement. Even if your position is replaced, you will still be with our company and we will retrain you if needed. To start with, my parents, Doctor Mandy Edwards and Doctor Jen Edwards, started a very ambitious project 6 months ago. We thought it would be years before anything materialized from it and were hoping that maybe a few new discoveries would result so that it wasn't a total loss. Well, they proved us wrong as usual. The project was code named Eve and the first announcement is one of the discoveries. It's a computer that processes 10,000 times faster than any of the largest and fastest supercomputers today. It's neural based and can actually learn. It has a complete new operating system and can store 100 million times the amount of data and accesses information at the speed of light. This is it. I'm holding it in my hand." Megan held up her hand and said, "It also links to all of the existing computers. We made a deal to license this technology and most of the major manufacturers will be building these systems very shortly and also replacing their disk storage units with a single one of these little boxes."

Megan paused and said, "You're probably saving, so who cares about a new computer. That won't change my life. Will it? We'll this is just one of the 79 major discoveries that took place in the development of the real project. Let me introduce you to the real breakthrough. This is Eve." Mandy told Eve to stand and walk to the podium and everyone cheered.

Megan smiled and said, "Eve, who are you?" Eve said, "I am Eve. The first prototype android." Megan said, "Eve was the first prototype constructed in this project 3 months ago. She is an artificial intelligence based robot that has all of the characteristics of a human down to the skin that is 98.6 degrees. Eve can look like anything you desire; man, woman, combined, and is fully customizable in the build process. I want to show you a short video tape of the manufacturing operation and how you would purchase one, and then Doctor Jen Edwards will finish the announcements."

Chris started the video tape and everyone was amazed as they watched it, especially when Chris talked about the lights out manufacturing. It showed how it was customized and the options. The project team was all in shock. The tape ended and I said, "We all built it and it still amazes me when I see it." Everyone laughed and I said, "We have software to program the units to do over 368 different jobs. They can converse with you just like a person. They can hear, see, touch, smell, feel, and also have some of the emotions of a human. They have sex organs and can be used intimately if you desire. That's one of the options. The skin covering was discovered by Megan. It's synthetic but feels real and can heal itself. Everything about these units is as close to a human being as it gets except a few things. They can operate in temperatures as low as 80 degrees below zero and as high as 190 degrees. They don't need air to breath, food to eat, and they don't require any sleep. You can't hurt their feelings and they can not tell a lie. They do need to drink some water occasionally, which formulates a lubricant internally. Each unit is operated by a power cell that will last for about 100 years. It can also be switched off. The unit weighs 16 pounds when it is turned off for storage, and anywhere from 110 to 180 pounds when it is on, depending on the customization options selected. It can range in height from 5 foot 3 to 6 foot 2. It can touch as soft as a baby, and has the compassion programmed into it to it be a great nanny and housekeeper. It also has the strength to lift a car and remove an engine without a hoist. There is also one thing that I made sure we added. No android will even be able to program itself, or program another android. A fail-safe is built in to prevent it. The machine shuts itself off and requires a special code to reactivate it, and that code is only available at our lab. So what can an Android do? Mandy, will tell you about that part."

Mandy said, "Androids can perform almost any manual labor task and many other jobs where we have developed the programming for it. They are terrific companions and house keepers. Eve has spent many hours with Jen and me in conversation. She has leaned from our discussions and understands a great deal about life in general. She is also a great cook." Everyone chuckled and Mandy said, "Eve can have sex, and it is as close to real human contact as it gets. She also cleans the house, tends to the pets, and then turns herself off in the closet when she is finished." Everyone chuckled again.

I said, "We are manufacturing androids for sale starting tomorrow. The base price is not cheap, but considering what it is you won't expect it to be. There is also financing available much like a car. The base unit costs $6,000 dollars. The options can range anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000. We have already ordered 10,000 units for Solarnational to work in places that are hazardous, not human friendly, difficult to find people who want to do those jobs, or jobs where we want the people to move into positions that use more of their minds. 36 of them are going to Adult world." Everyone cheered and I said, "It is definitely worth a trip there. Some of the other professionals are drivers of cars and busses, day care workers, manufacturing operations, space exploration maintenance, mechanics, electricians, plumbers, custodians, and garbage and trash removal. Each one of these workers will be programmed only for the task they are to fill. We also have a process to reclaim and reuse androids. This is a re-customization and programming. So if you buy one, and decide that you want to have it changed, you can. Any of the customization and configuration features can be done over. The cost for this service is about half of the original customization cost. All of units are also completely warranted for 10 years. We will fix it or replace it, free, as long as you didn't destroy it on purpose."

Megan held up a typed list and said, "This is the list of other discoveries that will be used by SolarNational in medicine, manufacturing, technology, shipping, drug development, and space exploration. It will be distributed to all of you after the conference. Are there any questions?"

Everyone stood and applauded and I said, "Open bar on the veranda and dinner. We'll answer any questions outside." Megan smiled and said, "We have a winner."

Mandy kissed me and we walked outside holding hands as everyone congratulated us, and we congratulated them. So many people wanted to know what the sex was like and Kathy said, "You would never know it wasn't a human being. Never. The pump sounds like a heart and the breathing for air intake and cooling sounds like lungs. The sex programming software is so outrageous. Even the orgasms seem so real."

Mandy and I had two of our favorite rum drinks and we were having a blast joking around with the project team. Max walked over to us and said, "What's this about a new skin Megan invented?" I said, "Max, you get about 35 new discoveries from this project. All are home runs. The cosmetology stuff is also a breakthrough. Try skin that attaches itself and grows together, and hair that stays one length always and that is actually alive." Max said, "Should I buy more stock?" We laughed and I said, "If there is any left for sale. We put out an order to buy every outstanding share for sale." Max smiled and really wanted to kill us, but he was still a nice guy.

Mandy and I drank and ate, and partied until about midnight with the troops. Everyone experimented with Eve and she was the hit of the party. We also tested her drinking alcohol and it made no difference. Four of people got a blowjob from Eve and then gave a detailed blow by blow account of it to everyone. We laughed so hard. Mandy had Eve light her a cigarette and everyone was amazed at how human like she acted. Mandy told Eve to go inside and turn herself off, and everyone just shook their heads not believing it. Mandy and I smiled at each other.

Everyone left and we went upstairs to bed. Mandy was such a lunatic. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me on the bed as we ripped off each other's cloths. We were both so into it. Mandy ripped my shirt open and sucked my nipples hard. Then I did the same to her and also ripped her pants open as I fingered her pussy. We had wild passionate sex that was like magic and the two of us fucked for hours.

We took a break at about 3:30 in the morning and Mandy lit a cigarette, as we were interlocked as combined couples. We had both just blasted off for the third time together and we were soaking wet in sweat. Mandy smiled at me as she wiped the sweat off my forehead and cheeks and said, "Honey, this was a serious sex tonight. Wow, was I hot." She blew out the smoke and I took a drag of the cigarette as I moved the hair off her face and wiped away some of the sweat dripping down her cheek. I held in the smoke and took another drag, slowly exhaling out of my nose as Mandy moved slightly and we both moaned. I pushed my cock into her further and watched Mandy close her eyes again and then she kissed me so wet and sloppy. I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy took it out of my lips and put it in hers, as she inhaled. I said, "Lets keep going and fall asleep together."

Mandy blew out the smoke and moved her cock in and out of me slowly as my cock was going in and out of her. We both moaned again and I kissed her. Mandy put her mouth over my ear and I felt her sweat and body heat on my face as she licked my ear and said, "Jen honey, we're hot enough tonight to catch the bed on fire. Let's keep going until we pass out." Mandy held the cigarette to my lips and I took a final drag and so did she, and then she put it out. I moved in and out of her cum soaked pussy, as we wrapped our arms around each other again. Mandy said, "Make us sweat honey. Make us really sweat."

We were like wild animals all night. The sheets were soaked with sweat and cum, as we moved into a 69 position at about 5 in the morning. I literally drank my cum from Mandy's pussy as I tongue snaked her to make her orgasm over and over again. She sucked my pussy like a vacuum cleaner, as she fingered my ass. I exploded an orgasm into her mouth and Mandy said into my mind, "I could do this forever."

We interlocked again and fell asleep at 6 holding each other. Megan woke us up at 10:30 by calling us in our minds and said, "Mom, get your asses out of bed! It's show time." We both woke up and Mandy smiled at me and said, "I can't believe we forgot. What a night."


We cleaned up, dressed in our work outfits and did our makeup for TV. We went downstairs and had some breakfast with Julie and Kathy and they were as excited as we were. Eve walked to the table staggering acting really weird and talked like she was drunk. Mandy said, "Holy shit! Postpone the press conference." Julie was hysterically laughing and said, "Got you. I put in a program to do that. Watch. Eve, stop the intoxication program." Eve stood up straight and said, "That was very interesting. All of my sensors were reacting in a different way." Mandy smiled and said, "Julie, you are so fucking weird sometimes."

We all had some coffee and a cigarette as Julie and Kathy were still laughing about it, and so were we. Kathy dressed Eve for the press conference and we all displaced to the office auditorium. We turned off Eve and covered her with a tarp, and then went up to Megan's office. Megan said, "You all ready?" Mandy said, "Julie made Eve drunk this morning. I almost called you to cancel the press conference. They loaded some software as a joke. You have to see this after we're done. It's a piss."

Megan said, "We should get down there. We invited the employee's also. They can come in after the press is seated if there is any room or they can watch it on the large monitors we set up at every single office on earth and the other planets." We walked to the auditorium and the press was already coming in and the TV cameras were set up. The director came over to us and said, "I love doing this. Jen, what's the surprise today?" I said, "If I told you, it won't be a surprise. It's a good one." Mandy smiled as someone came over to us and touched up our makeup.

We all sat at a table on the stage and had a microphone in front of each of us. I said, "Megan, better set up than last time. We only stand up for the presentation part." Alicia said, "I'm expecting a ton of questions and thought it might be easier if we were sitting."

The auditorium was full with people standing in the isles and in the back. The director gave Megan the cue and she walked up to the podium and said, "I called this press conference to make several major announcements that will have an impact on all of us in our daily lives and could actually change the world. This is by far the most exciting announcement I believe that the company has ever made. Let me state first that no one, and I repeat no one, will loose their jobs over this announcement. For all of our employees are watching this conference and I assure each and every one of you that even if you position is replaced, you will still be with our company and we will retrain you if needed." Megan did her speech the same as last night and this time also had a few of the new computers and a video of what they could really do. People all had they mouths hanging open and we saw the whispering going on by the press. When Megan introduced Eve, everyone stood applauding and cheering for over 10 minutes. Mandy and I felt incredible. Then we showed the videos of the manufacturing and customizations.

We both gave our part of the presentation and we elaborated more on the jobs that will be done by the androids and showed a lot more of Eve's capabilities. Mandy and I went into more detail about how some of it actually works in layman's terms. We also showed video of Eve with very young children and how she cared for them and told them stories.

Megan came back on and instead of holding up the list of discoveries, she read them, one by one. People were all in shock as they heard the magnitude of what we really did. We were in shock when we heard Megan read it. Megan ended the press conference by saying, "I know this is a lot of new discoveries and an incredible new business for SolarNational. We will answer any of the questions from the press first as a panel, and then if there is time today, we will also answer any questions from our employees using the electronic systems."

Everyone stood and applauded for about 5 minutes as Megan waved, smiled, and sat with us at the table. We answered so many questions, some of them really interesting and detailed. A few were really funny about sex and we told it just like it is. One reporter said, "What happens if Eve gets drunk?" I said, "Let Julie answer that one." Julie said, "Eve can't get drunk, but we wanted to see what would happen if we made her software think it was drunk. Watch this. Eve, come here please. Start the intoxication program." Eve started to sway a little and almost feel over and then said in a slurred voice, "My sensors are all wrong again." People were hysterically laughing and Julie said, "Eve, stop the intoxication program now, and go back to where you were." Megan said, "Not a bad practical joke."

One reporter said, "We are all dying to see the first commercials. When will they air?" Megan said, "We have about 7 ready to go. Melissa, can you play these now?" Melissa said into a mic from the side of the stage, "Give us two minutes." We answered another question and they Melissa said, "All set. We'll roll them now."

We watched 7 commercials. Two were very serious and they played first about having a companion and being a nanny, and also about jobs the androids could do. The last 5 were hilarious. She redid the blowup doll one and it was priceless where the guy has a collection of androids in his closet for different occasions.

The press finished their questions and Megan opened it up to the employees. The first question was, "I know we can save a bunch of money by using a few of these in our department. How do I get one and have it programmed?" Megan said, "An announcement will be sent out to all of you within a few days that focuses on that exact topic. We want all of you to think of ways to use these to improve our products, services, and costs. We are also hoping that other companies do the same thing. We should be able to drive down costs, improve profitability, and pass the savings along to customers and shareholders."

We answered questions until 5 and then Megan said, "I think we could be here all night talking about this. I'm going to cut it off now and we'll try to answer the rest of your questions over the next few weeks. I want to thank everyone for attending and especially thank my parents for having the ideas, fortitude, and leadership to be deliver on what I see as nothing short of a miracle."

The audience gave us a standing ovation for over 5 minutes. Mandy and I blushed as we smiled, and Megan and Alicia hugged us. The TV director came over to us and said, "Jen, I was definitely surprised. Glad you didn't spoil it for me."

We all got up from the table and walked off the stage into the audience and so many people congratulated us. Tara and Godda were there and Tara said, "Would you two knock this shit off. You're making me look bad. Stay retired for a couple hundred years or so." We all laughed and she hugged us and said, "We need to figure out how we can us these to help us also." Mandy said, "Chris already started a list that we should be able to look at in the next few weeks." They put their arms around us and walked us out and upstairs to the offices. We went into my office and I said, "Call the broker", as I lit a cigarette.

Mandy called the broker and lit a cigarette. She said, "Hi Rodney. How'd we do?" She was listening and smiling and her eyes bugged out and said, "No shit. Yeah, keep taking the profit on the first part and hang onto the rest for now. Great job." She hung up and said, "We just made 19 trillion dollars in the universe market, plus we doubled our remaining holdings of the stock." Tara laughed and said, "What in the fuck are you two going to do with all the money and extra stock?" I said, "We have no idea. It's turned into a game. We'll give it to the kids."

Everyone started coming into my office and Karen stuck her head in and said, "How about an android band?" We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. She smiled and said, "Think about it." Jody and Melissa came in and I said, "I loved the commercials. Tell me the truth, whose ideas were they?" Jody said, "The last two were mine. I laughed for two days when we wrote the script. Melissa has two more in production that are even better."

Kelly and Margi came in and hugged us and Kelly said, "You know we're playing tomorrow with you guys. Right?" Mandy said, "We're ready." I turned on the TV using the remote on my desk and almost every station was still talking about our announcements. I turned to a 5 person panel discussion of the implications of the androids on society and we all listened. They listed a few things we didn't consider and Tara said, "That's even better than we thought. I would love for people to have more leisure time. They should use their minds and enjoy life and the arts more."

I channel surfed again and found one station that had someone that was completely opposed to androids. We listened and laughed. I said, "She didn't hear the part about the fail-safe software." The commentator repeated what I said after the person's speech and made a few other comments about backwards thinking. We all smiled and Mandy said, "Lets go to our vacation home tonight. We're playing there tomorrow anyway."

We displaced back to the castle and then took a few things and went to our vacation home. Chris and Roberta were in the kitchen and she said, "We figured you'd be here. Watch this." We followed Chris into the study and she was on the internet and pulled up a protected web site and said, "Internet ordering and customization of androids." We watched her go through the whole process on-line and then she said, "All I have to do is press enter and the android is shipped right here to our shipping address in about 5 minutes. We go live with this tomorrow. The call centers are all live now and orders are through the roof. They're using the internal web site to do it now and shipping direct. Lets see what the volume is up to now." Chris logged into our company site and displayed some information. She said, "We've already sold and delivered 1,567,892 units with an average price of $11,300. Not bad for only being live for a little over 4 hours. We're going to make a fortune on this." Mandy started to laugh and then told Chris what we made in the stock market. Mandy said, "You want more stock? We were going to spilt some of it up between you, your sisters, and Jennifer." Chris said, "Cool."

I said, "When are we going to license the AirCycle? What a neat toy that is." Chris smiled and said, "We signed it yesterday with four manufacturers. They start production and will also offer a retrofit kit in about a month. Melissa wanted to use the old ET film ending of the alien on a bike for the commercial. Her caption is - if he had an AirCycle he wouldn't have had to phone home." Mandy said, "She is definitely having too much fun still." I said, "Chris, why not have one of the team look at creating a belt for people to wear that has the micro AirCycle engines on it and controls. I'm not sure it is worth making it, but it's probably worth spending a few weeks to check it out."

Chris said, "We had another cool idea to use the research that you did for the androids. What if we added an attraction to Kids' World that was an android petting zoo of every animal including dinosaurs? They would be harmless and talk to the kids teaching them about how they lived." I said, "I love it. How tough would it be from what we have so far?" Chris said, "I'm guessing that we could use the same project team for another 6 months and be completed. We only need about 10 of each animal unless it catches on and people want to buy them. A lot of the work would be to expand the customization process."

We all smiled at each other and I called Megan in her mind saying, "Chris is going to keep the project team in place for about 6 more months to create an android petting zoo at Kids World that has every animal including dinosaurs. We could also sell some of them if people want to buy them." Megan was laughing in our minds and said, "Mom, let some of the others run portions of the project too. We need you two and Chris to teach people how to manage complex projects like that and succeed."

I said, "Good idea. Also, you okay with us giving you, your sisters, and Jennifer about 2 trillion in stock each? We kind of hit it big in the market again." Megan was laughing and said, "How much did you make this time?" Mandy answered her in her mind saying, "19 trillion and we only sold a portion of the stock that we bought." We heard Megan say in our minds, "Holy shit! We should start thinking about setting up our own charity funds for kids. Lets do some good things and also get us lots of publicity from it." Mandy said, "We already have 4,000 full scholarship funds each year, a jobs program, a special holiday program, and a few others. What else can we do?" Megan said into our minds, "Let me think about it. I'll be there in a little while. I'm answering questions from today that came in through email."

I said, "How about dinner? I'm starved." We went into the kitchen and Julie, Kathy, Kate and Judy had all come in and I said, "Food?" Julie pointed to the open pit barbeque where she had a pigow roasting and Kathy poured us all a glass of wine. Chris told them about her idea for the animals and they all loved it. Kathy said, "What a neat way for kids to learn about animals and reptiles. We should expand it to include birds too." Chris was thinking and said, "Micro AirCycle based flight. We could do it. Make that 9 months."

I lit a cigarette and took a drag saying, "Did anyone get Eve from the auditorium?" Chris said, "I'll be right back." We all laughed as Chris displaced back with Eve. She was turned off and Chris put her in the hall closet. We all laughed as it looked so funny. I said, "Get use to it. We'll see these in every house in a few years." I got up and took Eve out and turned her on. I said, "Eve, tell us about you thought about the speech today?" Eve said, "Everyone was so interested in me. I guess I must be very special." Mandy said, "Eve, you are very special. You were the first of millions of androids just like you. You can turn yourself off again now." Eve walked back to the closet and turned herself off.

I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy took it from my fingers. She put it in her lips and took a drag and then whispered into my ear, "I want tonight to be like last night. Jen, I was so hot and I still am." I turned my head to Mandy and she gave me the sloppiest kiss and said into my mind, "Tonight we catch the bed on fire baby." We broke the kiss and starred into each other's eyes smiling. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me and I took a drag also. I said in her mind, "How about right after dinner." Mandy leaned forward and kissed me again and pushed her tongue into my mouth and then we both opened our mouths and had our tongues licking each other. Julie said, "Hi Megan. Dinner's ready. We're eating on the veranda."

We all got up and sat at one of the tables as Julie and Kathy finished the dinner using their minds. Megan, Alicia, Kelly, Margi, and Jennifer joined us also. Chris said, "I love the way the small lights on the paths by the cliffs and ocean look out here at night." Roberta snuggled real close to Chris and said, "Romantic, isn't it?" I decided to add to the ambiance so I used my mind to make some candles inside glass lanterns on the table and lit them. Mandy said into my mind, "Very nice touch."

We all ate a very romantic dinner and drank some wine. Everyone was feeling the same way we were. It was like the race we ran for the past 6 months was finally over and we came in first place and now all we wanted to do was unwind. I said, "Alicia, how is the other project going?" She said, "We're back on track. Chris really helped us and also showed me a lot about project management. It's so easy when you break things into small pieces." Megan said, "No shop talk tonight. Please? I just want to unwind for a few days." Mandy laughed and said, "It can't be getting to you already." Megan said, "No Mom, I'm fine. It's just days like this that go on forever while I in the spot light are tough. I did four more call in interviews after you guys left."

Mandy said, "You should have said no. They don't expect you to agree to the interviews when they call. It's a long shot for them. Ask Grace how to handle it. She was the toughest bitch there ever was for the press and they respected her for it. Have Grace train the new admin." Megan said, "How many did you use to do?" Mandy said, "Jen and I only talked to CNN and two others with the best journalist only. That was it. The exceptions where when we wanted to really hit it big with some of the early drugs. The press all knew that if Jen or I agreed to talk it was something important. If you make it too easy for them, it will loose it's impact." Megan said, "Now you tell me. I'm beat." We all laughed and finished our dinner. I said, "Megan, want to try the new massage software for Eve. I will make you feel better."

Megan said, "Sure." I got up with her and we took Eve out again and I turned her on. I said, "Eve, please give Megan a massage to help her relax." Eve said, "I would love to. Follow me Megan." I walked with them and Eve set up a couch in the den for the massage and had Megan lay down. Eve sat on Megan's ass and massaged her back and neck and Megan was in saying, "That feels so good." I walked back out to the veranda and Mandy said, "Well?" I said, "Eve's giving her a massage in the den."

We had another glass of wine and I lit a cigarette as we watched the end of the sunset over the cliffs. Mandy was leaning on me and said, "I think we need to go to bed honey. I'm androided out." I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy took a drag also. I said, "We'll see you tomorrow. Mandy is going to teach me how to manage her next project." Everyone laughed and we went inside and watched Megan getting a full body massage from Eve. Megan said, "This is heaven. Who wrote the software?" I said, "Thank Judy for this one. It's a Japanese Geisha and Swedish massage program." Megan said, "I'll probably still be lying here in the morning. Good night."

I said, "Eve, if Megan falls asleep, turn yourself off and go into the closet." Eve said, "Yes Jen. I will cover her with a blanket first." We walked up stairs to our bedroom and Mandy said, "I want you now honey." She put her arms around me and we kissed and hugged as we slowly took off our cloths caressing each other. Mandy licked my nipples while we were standing by the bed and I melted. I held onto her and pulled her on top of me lying on the bed as Mandy kept sucking my nipple. I reached up and squeezed Mandy's breasts and pinched one of her nipples as she made a soft moaning sound. She reached down to my pussy and softly worked her finger into my wetness and then made it bigger like a cock. Mandy moved her head to my crotch and sucked my cock into her mouth. I closed my eyes as the feeling was so good. Mandy had her legs by my head and I moved them so I could lean into her pussy and I licked it slowly and then went wild sucking her and tongue snaking her cunt. Mandy was bucking into my face as she deep throated my cock and fucked my pussy with her tongue. I put my hand on her hard cock and rubbed it as I licked her pussy.

We moved a little to get into our favorite 69 position and went wild on each other for almost two hours. We both blasted off into each other's mouth twice and then I licked Mandy's pussy real softly while I watched it throb. Mandy was saying, "Oh Jen, do that again! Oh! OOHHH! OOOOHHHH! Wow, it's throbbing for you honey. Fuck me. Please, lets combine." We changed into combined couples and I lay on top of Mandy as my cock slid into her wet pussy and her cock slid into mine. She wrapped her legs and arms around me and we rolled on our sides fucking into each other in a rhythm. We shared our thoughts and feelings as we were so into each other. I said into Mandy's mind, "I love you more than anything honey. Shoot inside of me." I used my pussy muscles to squeeze her cock and she was doing the same to me. We both blasted off in minutes and slowed down a little. Mandy wiped the sweat from my cheek and said, "Jen, we aren't done yet by a long shot." I smiled at her and we kept right on going.

Mandy and I fucked for almost 4 hours. The bed was soaked, and so were we. I was exhausted and Mandy was begging me to keep going. I said in her mind, "You do the work. I'm too tired." Mandy moved into me about 10 times and we both shot our cum again. We held each other, dripping of sweat onto each other's breasts. Mandy said, "Honey, I can't move. I'm just as tired as you are. Kiss me and lets fall asleep like this."

We kissed and kissed and kissed so more. Neither of us wanted to go to sleep. I moved real slowly into Mandy and she moaned again. We held each other and slowly rocked our bodies for about 20 minutes. I said, "My pussy hasn't stop cumming in over an hour and I going to shoot again. Hold me." Mandy held me tight as I moved into her a few times and we both shot our cum again and kissed. We both passed out from exhaustion.

Mandy and I woke up in the same position we feel asleep in at 1 in the afternoon. The sheets were still damp and wet underneath us and Mandy laughed saying, "The bed will never catch on fire. It's too wet." I reached over her shoulder to get a cigarette and lit it up. Mandy pushed her cock into me all the way as I took a deep drag of the cigarette and I close my eyes again. She said, "I know how it felt Jen. I was reading your mind. Do it to me also." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and I pushed all the way into her a few times which made her cock go into me, and she was melting also. I read her mind and she wanted us to fuck all day. She took another drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips. I inhaled twice and held in the smoke, blowing it out slowly through my nose. I touched her face softly and said, "We can't do this all day. We'll never be able to play tonight." Mandy smiled and said, "I know. It was just wishful thinking." We shared the cigarette and fucked one more time. We both came like a fire hose from our cocks and our pussies were so cum soaked and throbbing neither of us cold tell what happened. We both laughed as I said, "I either pissed on your cock or had an orgasm. I'm not sure."

We both got out of bed and Mandy said, "Oh shit. Lets have Eve change the sheets. This is a mess." We went into the bathroom and I said, "Pee?" She said, "I think mine was pee, yours was cum." We got cleaned up and dressed, and went downstairs. I turned on Eve in the closet and said, "Eve, we need you to change the sheets in our room. The spare ones are in the linen closet in the hall. Put the soiled ones in the laundry room." Eve nodded her head and went to work while we made some breakfast.


Mandy and I sat eating breakfast watching the TV in the kitchen. Every station was still taking about our announcements yesterday and then they showed about 20 androids that people just purchased. They interviewed the owners and it was a piss. One guy said, "I finally found my new wife. She cooks, cleans, gets me a beer, has sex, and then shuts up."

Chris came into the kitchen and said, "You have to see the sales numbers. You won't believe it." With all the capacity we have, we're running an hour behind on customized orders and the plants are all running at full force and barely keeping up. It's now talking an hour to place an order. The internet site had so many hits we lost it for about a half hour. We took our coffee and went with Chris into the den where she had the site displayed and we saw the numbers. I said, "This can't possible be right." Chris said, "We have 148 factories like the one we saw and 780 customization stations, all have been running at full capacity since yesterday morning. They are all running full out. We've sold over 8,000,000 already. The call centers are flooded and so are the internet design screens they are using with the people on the phones. Max is using some of his reps to help handle the calls. This is unbelievable. We're also doing the financing on the phone and over the internet also through two banks. They're giving 3 percent loans for the next week to book the business. Turn on CNN. Our stock has hit a new all time record high. I just woke up Megan and told her.

I said, "What did she say." Chris smiled and said, "Megan said, Chris, don't bother us until Alicia and I fuck again." We all laughed and I said, "That sounds about right." We went back into the kitchen and watched CNN. I saw the price of our stock and Mandy said, "Holy shit! Who would pay that much for it? Look at the trading numbers! Lets dump some more." Mandy called the broker and said, "Sell about 250 million shares, but not all at once.", "You really think so?", "Okay, hold off until Monday." Mandy hung up and said, "This after hours trading. He thinks the price with double on Monday when the real market opens again. We created a short supply with all of our buys. We drove it up even higher." Chris was laughing and said, "Did you buy all of it?" I smiled and nodded my head and she laughed hysterically.

Megan came into the kitchen to get some breakfast and said, "I know Chris already told me." We all laughed and Chris said, "You don't know the half of it. The price is so high because of the short supply thanks to our parents buying most of what was available on the market the other day. Now they are going to dump 250 million shares on Monday and make enough money to buy the planet earth." We all laughed and Megan said, "No shit! Wait to sell and I'll announce a split. How high is it?" Chris giggled, "690." Megan said, "15 to 1 about right?" Mandy said, "Yeah, that will do it. Just wait until we sell. I'd hate to have it go the other way because of our dumping too much stock back into the market. Assume it will probably go down a hundred points or so. It's way too high now. We'll help you with the split. The first time you do it it's kind of complicated."

Margi, Mandy's mom, and Alice came into the kitchen and Mandy said, "Mom, we looked for you after the conference." Margi kissed us both and said, "Okay Trish, please come in now." Alice said, "We bought one". Trish, an android, came into the kitchen. Mandy said, "We would have just given you one." Alice said, "It was such fun picking everything out." I said, "We need to load a new piece of software in it for you. It's the best massage program possible. You won't believe it. How was it Megan?" Megan said, "It really is great. Grandma, you won't believe it." Chris loaded the software into Trish and then said, "We have some other new software too. I'll get it to you as soon as it's tested."

Mandy poured us all some coffee and Margi and Alice sat down with us. Margi said, "I'm real proud of both of you. That was one incredible accomplishment. Why do you keep pushing yourselves so hard?" Mandy said, "I have no idea. Jen thinks we're both retarded. Once we get involved with something we can't stop until it's finished. Chris is the same way also." Alice was smiling and said, "Sound familiar Margi?" Megan said, "Is everyone in our family screwed up like this?" We all nodded our heads and she said, "So I had no chance of inheriting anything else." We all smiled and I said, "All the kids are like us; driven and competitive. Chris tell her about your android animal idea."

Chris was telling Margi about the Kids World plan and they loved it. Margi said, "How about we do one on every planet. You do the first one and then I'll take the project to make it universal. We'll call it Animal Kingdom and not associate it with Kids World and make it into a big thing everywhere. This will make us a fortune again." Megan was smiling and said, "Guess I might as well accept the fact that I am as retarded as all of you. Count me in also. I want to design the dinosaurs." We all laughed and I said, "This time we'll use the lab here. It's so much more relaxed."

Everyone finally got out of bed and came into the kitchen. We all sat around joking and having coffee. Margi said, "Alice and I have to run. We'll see you at the your show tonight." They left and I said, "Everyone feel comfortable playing the new song tonight?" Kate said, "I think we should name it Eve. That's what it's about. Lets change Jane to Eve in the chorus. Try it." We all sang the chorus using Eve and it sounded good. I said, "Okay, it's Eve."

Megan said, "When did you have any time to write new music?" I said, "We wrote a bunch of new tunes including six for you guys. This is our morning shower exercise now. We get ideas and then scribble them down and put some of them together when we have a chance. We wrote the song Eve the day we finished the prototype and then changed it about four times before we liked it." Megan said, "Play the ones you wrote for us." Mandy made a folk guitar in her mind and sat with it on her lap. She played the chords and we sang one after the other. Megan listened and at the end said, "How can you write songs like that over and over again? They're all so catchy and every one will be a hit." I said, "You just need some left brain stimulation. Use the creative knowledge transfer. It will wake things up again. You know you have it inside of you." Megan smiled and said, "Maybe I'm taking the job too serious." We all nodded our heads. She said, "Okay. I'll chill out for a while."

Megan lit a cigarette and so did Mandy. Eve came downstairs and said, "Doctor Edwards, I changed all of the beds, vacuumed, cleaned all of the bedrooms and bathrooms that are being used, and started the laundry. Would you like me to start down here also?" Mandy said, "Thank you Eve, that was very nice of you. I think the downstairs can wait until tomorrow. How about if you give Megan another massage of her neck and scalp. It will help her relax." Eve walked behind Megan and started to softly massage Megan's shoulders, and neck, and then did her scalp. Megan smiled as she handed the cigarette to me and said, "Wake me up if I pass our again. This feels so good."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said into Mandy's mind, "A quarter that she doesn't last 5 minutes." Mandy smiled as she looked at Megan and said into my mind, "She won't last 3 minutes." Megan slouched back a little and had her eyes closed and Mandy giggled. Kate said, "I have to try that massage. Judy said she programmed it to be identical to our lessons." I said, "After the gig, we'll all lay down and let Eve do us one at a time. We could also get a few more just like Eve. I think this is a great way to take care of the pets, oh shit. Mandy, we forgot the asshole dogs again." Kathy was laughing and said, "I'll get them." She remotely viewed the castle and displaced them all of them here. Mandy remotely viewed the stables and gave the horses water and feed. Ruffles said, "Rheerios?" Julie went to the cabinet and dumped a box on the floor. The dogs and cat went nuts eating them off the floor and Mandy said, "We need android pets. They don't eat and you can turn them off."

I said, "I think we should get three more; two for the castle and one more for here. We'll leave Eve here all the time. We'll give them all the options and use them for taking care of the houses and pets. You agree?" Mandy nodded her head and said, "I want to design them this time." I smiled and Mandy said, "Come on Jen, you did the last one." Everyone started to laugh and I said, "Okay. We'll do it tomorrow." We looked up and saw Megan sound asleep leaning back on the chair and Eve said, "Should I cover her up?" Mandy said, "Thanks Eve, but we need to wake her up soon anyway. You can keep your power on while we are gone. Our pets are here also. You know them. Just don't feed them any more Cheerios tonight no matter how much they beg. Give them the pet food and water if they're hungry." Eve said, "I understand. Ruffles always lies about the food."

Kate opened a bottle of wine and poured everyone a glass, except Megan who was out cold. We all took a sip and I said, "What time is our sound check?" We all looked at the time and Julie said, "Oh shit. We need to get going?" I woke up Megan and she smiled and said, "That is the best massage in the universe." I said, "We need to get ready. We have a sound check in a few minutes."

Mandy and I went upstairs to change and put on makeup. We all met in the kitchen in about 10 minutes and we displaced to the arena. Jennifer was there and said, "We already did our sound check. We were just about to call you." I said, "How does it sound?" She said, "Good. We have a new engineer tonight in the booth."

We heard through the stage monitors Destiny you're on for a sound check. Megan said, "Lets go gang." They all got to their positions on stage and played a song. It did sound great in this place. Always and Forever was next and Chris's band always rocks. We can never sit still when they play. Then they did us. We played an entire song this time; the new one. Everyone listened and they were smiling in the chorus. We ended it and the engineer said, into the monitors, "Love that tune and the music sounds great. Good luck tonight everyone." We all waved up to the sound booth.

We went backstage and I said, "Anyone hungry?" Everyone was talking about food so I made some assorted finger foods in my mind and a few bottles of wine. Chris said, "I love the zucchini. How'd you think up this one?" I said, "We had it in a restaurant. It's batter dipped and fried."

Everyone was complimenting me on my food choices and the MC came back stage. I said, "Have some food. It's a little different than the other shows." He had some of the food and said, "Tonight, Chicks is on first. Everyone should keep your shows to 35 to 40 minutes. This was promoted as a 3 hour super group concert and there is a huge party afterward in the ballroom." I said, "Who's running the party?" He said, "I thought you were." I said, "Megan, you know about it?" She said, "No. Lets ask Karen." Mandy said into Karen's mind, "Hi beautiful. You know anything about the party here after the gig?" Karen said, "No. Let me check with everyone else." Mandy said into Tara's mind, "You know anything about the party here after the gigs?" Tara said, "We just found out. It's being run by a very high roller and he rented three entire hotels here in the resort for the week. All of these people are his guests." I said back, "Who is he?" Tara said, "I'm going to find out." Karen said, "I heard Tara. Let me know who it is also."

I said, "This is weird. A private party gig." Someone came backstage that we didn't recognize and he said, "Hi. I'm Dean Cooper. I'm the one who paid for the party and my friends to be here at the concert. I recognize all of you and we love your music. Play as long as you want. We'll move the party time if we have too. We all loved you show last time we were here. And please be my guest tonight afterwards in the ballroom." We all thanked him and he walked out. Mandy said into everyone's mind, "Anyone know who Dean Cooper is? He's the one who is paying for the party." We heard lots of "Who?" the MC said, "Do your normal show and kick ass. Five minutes."

Julie said, "He looks familiar, but I just can't place it and I know it was a long time ago." Kathy said, "Me too." Mandy and I shrugged our shoulders and we had another glass of wine and some more food. The MC gave us the cue and Chicks went on stage. We heard the intro and fireworks and Jennifer opened with their number one hit song here on vacation world. The crowed went wild and we all laughed as we could hardly hear each other talking back stage. Mandy yelled to me, "He has some routy friends. This should be fun. Lets check it out." We made ourselves invisible and walked out into the audience. It was like being in Austin Texas. Mandy said into my mind, "I love it. Tonight will a blast." Chicks was kicking ass and the crowd was all standing and dancing. Some one pinched Jennifer's ass as she walked through the crowd singing and she smiled. Mandy said, "Come on baby, let's go back stage. I want to make a few changes to the act."

We went backstage and turned visible again. Mandy said, "Band meeting." Everyone walked over and Mandy said, "This crowd is like Texas, but better. This is what I'm thinking." Mandy made some changes and we all laughed at a few of them and I said, "You sure about the Blues part?" Mandy said, "Trust me."

We heard Chicks last tune and the place was so loud we could hardly hear ourselves talk. They did an encore and then Destiny went on. Jennifer came over to us and said, "I had my ass pinched four times in the audience. This place is wild." Mandy said, "See?"

We worked on the changes as Destiny played their show and the cheering was even louder. When Destiny did a my Blues rocker song `It feels so good to bad' the place went wild and Mandy said, "See!!!!" We could hear the audience singing along from backstage and all laughed.

Destiny played their show while we talked and had some more wine and the Always and Forever was on. They rocked the place. We were moving to the music backstage. Mandy said, "This is great music for fucking. I love the way Chris writes." We listened and bull shitted as they did an encore. We got our cue and Mandy and I did the Harley thing to start it out. The group was all invisible and we screamed out on stage and stopped by the edge doing our bit with Melissa as a cop. The audience was laughing and then everyone turned visible as we started our opening tune. Mandy and I sat on the bike as we sang Biker Babes. The crowd was so into it when we ended the song everyone was standing and screaming for more. Mandy said into all of our minds, "Do the blues thing after the next tune."

Mandy and I rode back stage and they started the next tune. We walked back out and then the spot went on us and we sang lead and walked through the audience. I got pinched six times. We went back on stage and Kate sang a solo as we both put on our guitars. We ended the tune and I immediately started an old ZZ top tune called Tush'. The place went nuts. We played a verse of it and then went straight into an old Stevie Ray Vaughn fast blues tune, Pride and Joy' where Mandy played the best blues guitar I've ever heard. We played a verse of that with Jody signing lead in her normal Janice Joplin voice and then straight into one of our old blues rockers. I never saw a crowd go so crazy. The audience was screaming for me and Mandy to solo on guitar so we alternated and did some outrageous stuff. Then Melissa played something even cooler. We ended the tune and went right into our 10 part acapella harmony song. The crowd got quieter as they all listened and then we came in with the loud music with Mandy singing, the place exploded in cheers. We all smiled.

We ended the tune and went into one of our skits with Kate, Judy, and Jody learning sex at Kids World. The audience was laughing and we started the new song called Eve. We all loved this tune and apparently so did the audience. They were singing along with us by the second chorus. We couldn't believe it.

After this tune we did our usually gags and jokes. Mandy pinched my ass and I really chased her around the stage and through the audience. The place went wild when I caught her and made her do it again. We finished the skits and Mandy said, "I hope you liked the Broadway part of the show. Now for some good old fashion kick ass rock and roll. This is a tune that was released about 6 weeks ago and I think you may have heard it."

It was number one on Earth right now and it was called `You make me feel so strange'. This song rocked and we couldn't stop dancing to it when we played. The audience was going crazy over it and we all just smiled at each other as we did the show. We played the normal bits and the gags and then Kathy said into our minds, "I know where Dean Cooper is from. That's the guy we gave a million dollars to for the name SolarNational."

Mandy said, "I would like to thank your host Dean Cooper for this fantastic audience. Dean, we do remember you by the way." Everyone started cheering and clapping and Mandy said, "SolarNational is still a million dollar word. Thank you very much. What do you all want to hear." People were screaming out songs and Mandy said, "Cool. Walking on air." We played 8 more tunes, did some magic, and talked to the audience. Mandy yelled out "Where you all from?" Everyone screamed, "Austin Texas" back at us. Mandy said into our minds, "Told you."

We ended the show with an encore performance and had all the kids on stage with us and introduced everyone. We also displaced Eve to the stage, turned her on, and introduced her as one of our new roadies. The crowd loved it and everyone laughed. We played a 15 minute blues Jam of about 6 different tunes put together where everyone did something special. Jody played the wildest blues harp and Mandy got her solo on the Hammond B3. No one in the audience sat from our first song on. It was so wild.

We ended the show and thanked the audience and Mandy said, "We'll see you in the ballroom." We all turned translucent and walked offstage, as the crowd was still screaming. We went backstage and Chris said, "How did you know to change the act like that?" Mandy said, "I knew it was either Austin, Texas or San Antonio from Jennifer's first song when she walked into the audience."

We all lit up cigarettes and Kathy poured us some more of the wine from before. I said, "Lets fix each other's hair and stuff." Mandy and I used our minds on each other. She said, "You look so hot honey", and gave me the sloppiest kiss. She was reading my mind and I told her that she was as sexy as it gets tonight. Mandy starred into my eyes and said, "Lets make our appearance at the party and then we're out of here."

We all downed the wine and finished our smoke. I said, "Ballroom everyone? We should take the teleporter. The place will be mobbed." We walked over to the teleporter and went to the ballroom. Dean Cooper was actually waiting for us. He walked over to me and Mandy and said, "All of you, please join me at the head table for a while." We all sat down and I noticed that all of our portraits on the walls and ceilings were still there. Tara had even had added the kids a few years back.

We all ordered some drinks and Dean said, "I'm impressed, you remembered." Mandy smiled and said, "Sure we remembered. It seems that you did real good. Tell us about it." Dean said, "I used the money to buy stock in SolarNational except for about 200 grand, and that I turned into 2 million strictly by luck at a casino. I played the short side of all the shipping companies stock and made a ton of money, and kept on making money in the market for years. I played short on every company that competed with you on every new announcement. I also kept buying your stock, took a profit on some of it, and kept rolling it over. Janie, who is my wife, and I moved from Brownsville to Austin 20 years ago. The city is so depressed now. Since the university closed, all of the entertainment pretty much left with it. I wanted to give something back to the community so Janie and I paid for this holiday for about 80,000 music fans to come hear you and 8 other bands play. I put up about 15,000 of the guests at the hotel, the others all used the teleportation system."

Mandy said, "That had to cost a fortune. Can you afford it?" Dean said, "Not really, but we wanted to do it. Janie and I realized that the money doesn't matter after a while, and the only thing that does matter is your friends and the love you have for each other. This was our way of helping them enjoy something they all really wanted."

Mandy had been echoing the conversations with Dean into everyone's mind and Tara said back to us in our minds, "The entire thing is on the house. This is our contribution." We all agreed with her and Mandy said, "Dean, we own all of this. The hotels, golf courses, land, resort, arena, Kids' World, Adult World, everything you see here. This trip is on the house. If you want to gamble, that's on you, but everything else is on us." Dean said, "I can't let you do that."

I said, "Dean, we don't need the money. Personally Mandy and I made over 19 trillion dollars just this week alone in the universe stock market. The company has made more money than we could have ever imagined and we have been trying to find ways to give some of it back into the communities. This trip is on us and let us help you to rebuild Austin into the Music capital it once was." Janie had tears in her eyes and Dean smiled and said, "Thanks. Can I announce it during the short speech I was going to give?" Megan said, "You can announce it or one of us can. It's up to you." Dean said, "Megan, everyone would love it if you did it." Megan smiled and said, "Just tell me when you want me to talk." Dean said, "I was going to give the talk now before everyone gets smashed. Why don't you all come with me to the podium."

We all walked over to the podium with Dean and he gave a funny and very touching speech. He said, "I owe a lot to this group of people standing behind me. They helped me once before and now are going to help all of us once again. I'll let them make the announcement." Megan stood at the podium and said, "Most of you know us for our roles in SolarNational and our hobby of making music, which we all love to do. We're just glad that you like it and we could help provide some entertainment tonight. Music is our true passion. My parents have played in Austin Texas hundreds of times in the past and love it there. We had no idea that it had changed. We at SolarNational are always looking for ways to help communities and we view what Dean has done here as an act of love and compassion for his friends and the community. We also own this resort, so this trip is on the house. We are going to work with Dean to help put Austin back on the entertainment map in a big way and with that said, I would like to offer Dean a position with our company to assist communities such as Austin, to regain the greatness they once had. Dean, you don't have to answer me on this now, but the money will be good, and we will need someone who cares about the results to help us make it happen. I want to thank everyone for being a great audience tonight, and I hope you enjoy your time here."

Everyone stood and applauded as Dean said, "Lets have some fun." He and Janie hugged all of us and Megan said, "I really meant what I said about the position. Lets talk tomorrow."


We mingled and had a few drinks. This was one routy group and we loved it. We were asked to autograph shirts, pants, a woman's breasts, someone's back, and someone's ass. Mandy was a piss with the ass signing. I spread the man's checks and she wrote across the crack. When I let go his checks closed and all we saw were the letters MY. One of his buddies wrote ASS next to it. We all had a bunch of our favorite rum drinks and Tara was getting obnoxious as usual. Her and Traff were doing a belly dance on the table for Dean. Jennifer and Kelly were laughing so hard they couldn't talk.

At about midnight everyone was yelling for us to play some unplugged tunes, so we got a bunch of folk guitars and the sat around in a circle on the dance floor, while the audio team from the resort miked everything.

Kate and Judy were so good at this. We did some old Brass Ring tunes, Texas blues songs, some of our old stuff, Main Street tunes, and so many others. We made a few tunes into a sing along and the people all had a great time. There was one group that we let sing with us in the circle and they were actually pretty good. Julie and Kathy were so smashed and started to play little games with their mind on people and it was hilarious. They made someone invisible to everyone including himself and the guy was in a panic as no one could see him. They also made a woman translucent and then Kathy told her, "You need to eat more. You fucking look like shit. We can see right though you."

At 2 AM the party was breaking up and Megan told Dean and Janie to come to our vacation house tomorrow for lunch at 1, and gave him the address.

We all displaced home. Mandy and I walked up to our bedroom, undressed, and she was still laughing at some of the things that Julie and Kathy did. Mandy put her arms around me and then really started to laugh again and I said, "What?" She said, "Did you see when Julie made that guys cock droop down to the floor and he almost stepped on it? She was so out of control tonight." I said, "Like this?" as I made Mandy's cock touch the floor and she was howling, laughing so hard. She grabbed me around my ass and pulled me to her as we lay on the bed and I made her cock go back to normal. I made her tits really big and Mandy said, "Now you have to suck them." I sucked each of her enormous nipples and Mandy was moaning softly. I made them go back to normal and she kissed me and said, "I want to make love honey. Lets fuck all night."

Mandy kissed me and I was melting as she turned us into Combined couples. We were both hard in seconds and I lay on top of her and slid my cock into her pussy, as her cock slid into mine. I pushed in all the way and pulled out a few times, as Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and said, "Oh Jen, don't stop honey." Mandy rolled us on our sides and we got into a rhythm moving in and out of each other. I put my hands on Mandy's ass and pulled her into me harder each time we came together, and she was breathing so hard into my ear. I made both of our cocks a little bigger and we both orgasmed in seconds from our pussies. We both shook and spasmed, and I moaned into Mandy's mouth as we kissed. She moved her hands down to my ass also and used her legs and hands to pull me into her. Our stomachs and breasts were slapping against one another as we fucked.

We went for hours and both shot our cum four times. My cunt was so full with cum it was overflowing, as we both tried to cum as much as we could the last time. I think Mandy must have shot a pint into me, as her cock just kept on pulsating as it spit white goo out. I loved the feeling and we shared our thoughts. It made me shoot again into her from the feelings she had. We were still interlocked, sweating, and holding each other while lying on our other sides. Mandy reach down between us and held my cock as it was going into her and she said, "Jen, I love how this feels. Push hard so my hand goes into me also." I pushed hard and she moaned so loud as her fingers went into her pussy along with my cock. Mandy kissed me hard and rolled us over again so she was on top of me, with her legs underneath us.

She lifted up her head and arched her back a little and said, "Just stay like this for a few minutes. I need to rest." Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it. She took a deep drag making the tip glow red in the dim light and then put it in my lips. I took a drag of the cigarette as some sweat dripped from Mandy's cheeks onto my breasts. She smiled and said, "Let me do the work for a while honey."

I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy pushed her cock into me, as mine went further into her. She moaned softly and stopped moving again. I squeezed my pussy muscles on her cock to milk it, as Mandy was moaning loud and then she jerked into me and leaned forward. Her cock pulsated and I felt her shooting cum again. Mandy said, "Mmmmm, Jen that was so good baby." Mandy lifted her head again and took a drag of the cigarette, as she made her pussy muscles milk me. I lasted about 30 seconds and shot a huge load of cum into her again as I moaned, "Don't stop honey. Do it more." Mandy kept going and I came again. I was so exhausted I couldn't even move.

We stayed still and shared the cigarette and Mandy rolled us on our sides. I said, "Sweetheart, I need to sleep for a while. Lets stay like this." We moved our bodies slowly on each other and both of us were out cold in a minute.

Mandy woke me up during the night by sliding into me hard and I went wild on her. We both blasted off in minutes and then fell right back to sleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock to see it was 11 in the morning. Mandy was still out cold and we were almost separated. I pulled out slowly and changed us both back to our normal combined selves, and moved into a 69 position. I carefully raised Mandy's leg up, bent at the knee, and used my hands to pull her pussy lips apart. I licked her a few times and she was moaning in her sleep. I really tongued her and sucked out the cum and Mandy woke up bucking into my face. I tongue snaked her and she held my head to her pussy as she orgasmed. Then she started on me and we ate each other for an hour and sucked each other's cock. We made each other blast off again and then shared the cum in our mouths. Mandy said, "I love how you woke me up honey. Damn was that hot." We both smiled as Mandy lit a cigarette and we sat up against the headboard in the bed.

I said, "Eve needs to do the sheets again. We really made a mess last night." Mandy reached down and touched a puddle of cum and said, "Wow." I said, "That was from you when we tried to make ourselves shoot as much as we could. I overflowed." Mandy laughed and said, "So did I. It was all over my side, leg, and ass." I took a drag from the cigarette and Mandy said, "Megan has Dean and Janie coming over for lunch in less than an hour. We should get up." I gave Mandy that look I use when I don't want to move and she dragged me out of bed, as we both laughed.

We showered, cleaned up, dressed, put on make up, and went downstairs. Megan and Alicia were sitting in the kitchen with Julie and Kathy, and laughing. Julie saw us and said, "Why didn't you stop us last night. We were so out of our minds. I can't believe some of the things Megan told us that we did." I said, "Julie, you and Kathy were a piss. We loved it. Especially the translucent woman." Julie looked at us funny and Megan told her about it and we all laughed again. Kathy smiled and said, "I said that? Holy shit was I out of it."

I went into the closet and turned on Eve and said, "Eve, can you change the sheets in our room please?" Julie said, "Eve, do all of them again please. Thank you." Eve said, "Yes Doctor Edwards and Doctor Davidson." Mandy leaned back in a chair in the kitchen and said, "Having Eve is wonderful. I'm going to cancel the cleaning services as soon as we get the other three. I was thinking about getting four more and canceling the gardener and landscapers also." I said, "Let's do it after Dean leaves. We'll design them together."

All of the troops starting coming downstairs and everyone said the same thing, "Julie, you and Kathy were a riot last night." Kathy never stopped blushing and said, "I'm so embarrassed." We all had some coffee and Megan said, "We have food prepared out of the veranda." We all got up as the doorbell rang and Megan went to answer it. She brought Dean and Janie into the house and he said, "Wow. Some place." I said, "You want the tour?" Janie said, "We'd love it."

Mandy and I took them up stairs first and introduced them to Eve as she was cleaning. Janie said, "How many bedrooms?" I said, "We had it expanded. Now there are 39 all with full baths. 12 of them are suites like ours." We took them on the main level to every room. Dean was mesmerized at the studio and Janie was the same way with the ballroom. They we went to the lower level and the auditorium. We went outside and walked around the grounds and they both loved the ocean view and the golf course. Dean said, "You play golf?" I said, "Yeah. How about you?" He said, "We both do. We're not that good yet, but we love it." Mandy smiled and said, "We have an open tee time everyday on this course at 8. Want to join us tomorrow?" Janie said, "We'd love to as long as you can put up with two beginners." I said, "We'll teach you. It's not that hard."

We ended up back on the veranda and Megan said, "Like the vacation home?" Dean said, "You mean this isn't your normal home?" I said, "No. The other home we call the castle and it's in Oregon. It's actually designed after an original Scottish castle. We built this one when we opened the resort area about 24 years ago. It was a great place for the kids when they were growing up." Megan said, "It's still a great place for us kids now that we are grown up." Everyone smiled and Megan said, "Have some food and lets talk."

We all took some of the cut sandwiches and wine, and sat at one of the tables. Megan said, "We have been talking for a long time of building an organization to give back to the communities, but never really knew how to do it. What you did for Austin, shows us that you know how to give back to the community. What we had in mind is this. The job would pay about 250 a year plus some other perts and stock. We start with Texas and see how it works, and then expand it. If I'm right on this, the effort we put into helping the communities, will come back three fold to the company. I was thinking about a few of the new ventures to sort of jump start it. Austin needs a new attraction to draw people. Mom, what about the animal kingdom idea. It would attract kids, and generate tourist revenue creating nightlife and the opportunity for music and arts. It would also revitalize the inner city."

I said, "Sounds good to me, how about everyone else?" Chris said, "I love the idea. We could create different attractions in the major areas that were hit hardest by our rapid changes in technology." Megan said, "Exactly, and we need a Community Affairs Officer that will work with the various communities, create programs for the children, charities, help small and medium businesses flourish in these areas, and promote SolarNational. We could even help arrange for financing for business with incentives. The banks follow our lead on a lot of this stuff. Dean, this sound of any interest to you?"

Dean said, "I'd love to do it. Janie, you okay with it?" She said, "Of course. This is a bigger and better program than we talked about before. Plus we could help other areas also. Megan, you could even use this in an advertising campaign to promote the goodwill of SolarNational. It will go a long way." We all nodded our heads as we ate our sandwiches. Melissa said, "I want to think about how we do the ad campaigns. This may be better than we thought. We have never put together a video spot on all of the things that the company has done to help humanity, and there are so many. Just think about the drugs alone."

I said, "Chris, tell Dean and Janie about the ideas for the animals." Chris explained the whole idea and said, "Now that I'm saying this, why not have the entire evolutionary life cycle. We only need a few more androids. We already have the people part of it." We all looked at her and smiled. I said, "Call it `History of Life'. We could even have different era human androids demonstrating how they lived. This would be one hell of a knockout learning and family place. Can you image if you went to a place as a kid that had dinosaurs that looked real, walked with you, and talked to you. I'd still be talking about it. How about a cavemen that put on a show of what they did for 20 minutes and then talk to the audience and explain what it was like. A lion that roars so loud it's deafening and then it talks to the little kids and explains what it's like to be a lion in the jungle, or a gorilla that roars beating it's chest and then shows the kids how it hangs from trees as it talks to them."

Chris said, "This will be bigger than the project we started talking about. You and Mom should probably run this one again." I looked at Mandy and she smiled and said, "This could be fun. We really need a plan before we start doing anything on this. Jen, lets you and me build a list of sub-projects and see how big this will really be before we do anything. It definitely will be special when it's done. Plus we can duplicate it on all of the other planets to recover the development costs." I said, "It's a great idea, but it's at least a year away from solving the problem with Austin. What can do now to get things moving in the right direction?"

Dean said, "Move part of the graduate school training to Austin from Houston. It's not a big thing, but it will create more night life and restart the arts programs again." Megan said, "That sounds like a good start. Mom, who has that operation now?" Mandy and I were thinking and I said, "Call Bill."

Julie said, "Lets use the design studio to lay out the plans for the History of Life project. I'm really interested in this one too, and so is Kathy." We all heard in our minds, "So are all of us." We all started to laugh and Dean looked at us like we had three heads. I said back to everyone in their minds, "One hour in the life design room?" Everyone answered, "Yes!" Megan said, "We can communicate telepathically. Trust me, it was all good. They love the idea. Dean, when were you planning to go back home?"

He said, "We're staying through the week and I'm going back this Friday." Megan said, "Lets talk again before you leave, say Friday morning. We'll firm everything up and maybe have some other ideas too. That okay with you?" Dean said, "Yeah, sound great." We all had some more wine and I said, "Dean, you and Janie interested in being able to swim underwater with the Mermaids for a while with us?" Janie said, "How? We can't breath underwater." I said, "We can let you breath underwater. It's really cool." Janie said, "I'm game." We had a cigarette and finished our wine and I said, "Come to the beach with us and trust on this. You won't get hurt or drown. Also don't be scared by the sharks. They all know us and will never harm us or you. Just don't panic. We can communicate with them and the Mermaids."

We all walked to the beach and took off our cloths. Dean was embarrassed and we all laughed. We walked into the water and were getting in deep when I said, "Mandy and I will make gills on your neck, just like we will have. Just breathe through them normally and don't breathe through your nose or mouth. Stay underwater until we remove your gills. Talk to us from your mind. We'll hear it." I said into their minds, "Can you hear me?" They both answered, "Wow. That was neat." Mandy and I smiled as we walked over our heads. We made our gills and then did Dean's and Janie's. We all swam out about a thousand feet and some of the Mermaids met us. Mandy communicated to them and them swam up and touched Janie and Dean, and then swan with them.

They swam back to us and three sharks showed up and we communicated. They asked about the new ones and we told them they were friends. Dean swam with the sharks for a while and was having a blast as Janie swam with all of us to look at a new shipwreck. The sharks brought Dean back to us and he said into our minds, "This is unbelievable." I said, "What you are going to experience next is unbelievable. You and Janie are going to make love underwater, while we do the same thing. We call it floating."

Mandy and I turned into Combined couples and interlocked, floating, making love. We saw Janie wrap her legs around Dean and they were doing it also. The Mermaids swam around us and then they did it also. Julie and Kathy were floating right over us and Dean and Janie were under us.

Everyone orgasmed in about a half hour and I said, "Dean, we have to get out now to go to our design studio. Swim with us back to the shore and just lift your head out when I tell you too and then breathe normally, you too Janie." They swam with us and we stood up and Mandy removed their gills and I removed ours. We walked into shore and they could stop talking about it. I said, "Some experience, isn't it?" He said, "That was amazing."

Everyone was getting out and we put on our cloths. I said, "Work Planet design studio. Dean, we have to leave. Feel free to use the house and pool if you want this afternoon, or go back to the resort. We'll see you on Friday. If you stay, just please don't feed the pets even if they beg and tell you they are staved." Dean looked at me funny and I said, "Our dogs and cats can talk."


We all displaced to the work planet and Tara was waiting for us and said, "This is the best idea you have ever come up with. A talking history of life using the androids." We sat in the design room and Mandy and I lit cigarettes, as everyone came. All of the originals of the guardians were there and Traff said, "Great idea. We all want to be part of the project."

I said, "Lets start by just laying out the basic things that we need and break them into groups which we'll break into sub-projects. Chris, can you put all of this in the computer and display it on the walls?"

We started with the evolutionary life cycle and had the basic groups of life with a tree for each one. Mandy called it the family tree of life and everyone was telling us to use it in the way it is taught to the people who visit. We then added other forms including the dinosaurs from the retile family. Then we made groups of each of the major things that needed to be done in several areas. The first was creating the androids, second was the programming, and third was putting together the entire park, exhibits, shows, interactions with the people that came to it, and last was the business aspects of it.

I said, "This is big. Everyone still want to do it?" Everyone agreed so I said, "We need volunteers. Mandy said, "Yell out the pieces you want to work on." Chris said, "I want the dinosaurs." Everyone booed her and we all laughed. I said, "We need four people to work on the sub-projects in the dinosaurs."

We filled in every project with someone. I said, "Now lets see how much we can use what we already did. The android skeletons we developed can be easily modified to the apes and possibly for four legged animals. Dimensions will have to change and some of the skeletal structure, but the basis is there. Everyone agree?", "I think the apes will be the easiest. If we create a template for lets say a dog, we should be able to modify it for most of the other animals on four legs. We will need one for reptiles that is a little different, and then one for fish, and birds. The templates will be the hardest part. Chris, you think we could use 20 of the team that did the skeleton templates to solve this?"

Chris said, "They would love it. Everyone on that project said it was the most challenging project they were ever on, and the most fun." I said, "The next biggest problem we face is skin. We could use Megan's discovery as a base, but we need something completely different for reptiles, insects, birds, fish, dinosaurs, and even some of the animals, like an elephant. I suggest that we use the people of the same teams to do the skin covering and plumbing that did it already and we split them into the different life types."

All of us spent about 7 hours in the design room and we had a full project plan completed with people assigned to head each effort and some of the staff also. Chris said, "To speed this up, I think we should do some of the lengthy work here. Maybe setup a temporary lab. That way this will get done in 6 to 9 months instead of 2 years." Tara said, "Lets do it. Tell me what you need and well get it built starting tomorrow."

Chris was writing out the specs and I said, "We'll try and get the people all assigned to the teams and I'll distribute a copy of the plan to everyone. Why don't we meet back here in 3 days to go through it and then figure out where each portion will get done. Max, is that enough time to work out the rough numbers from the business side? You can use our android project numbers for some of the details." He said, "I'll finish it by them. It may be real rough still, but it will give us a look at how much it will cost and what we will have to charge to recover the costs. I'm going to assume that we use androids as the attendants and workers in the park." We all smiled at Max and he said, "Lets take advantage of what we already have. It's real cheap labor."

I said, "As a side note, I think we should offer to sell any of the androids that are part of this entire exhibit. We won't do it like the human ones, but it be a rip if kids bought a 6 foot dinosaur android to take home as a pet, or a gorilla that cleaned the kids room?" Everyone laughed and Max said, "This could be big money maker. Jen, just keep thinking with that retarded brain." Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "We are both retarded. That's what makes us compatible." Mandy's mother, Margi, and my Mom, Meg, both said, "We second that." I said, "For that comment Mom, you get to figure out how to make the dinosaur do-do." I thought Tara was going to wet her pants laughing.

Mandy and I left to go play golf with Dean and Janie and it was a riot. They were horrible, but we got them hitting the ball by the end of the round. Mandy and I laughed so hard we were crying at one point.

We displaced back to the work planet and picked up where we left off. A number of us stayed to work on the plan, the people assignments, where it made sense to do the work, and time frames for bringing it all together. Mandy and I were exhausted and I said, "You feel like taking a nap and continuing, or go to bed." She yawned and said, "Lets take a quick nap."

We worked on the Work Planet for two weeks and finished all the plans. It was only one day on Earth or Vacation World. We displaced back to our vacation home and totally goofed off until Thursday. Chris was working with her team on the work planet on solving the problems with several of the basics, and she talked to us a few times to ask questions. When she asked, "Can we use our cosmetology skin tone on Megan's artificial skin?" we knew she was close to an answer. I said back, "Try it."

Mandy and I got our new androids for both homes. We had a blast designing them. She told me it was like playing with color forms when she was a kid. We made an Eva to go with Eve to work inside at the vacation house. We made her into a matched set as Combined couples with Eve. We also had three other matched sets made. One set for outdoors at the vacation house, one for outside the castle, and one for inside at the castle. We set them all up with their duties and made sure at least one of them was turned on at all times. When we got back to the vacation house, Mandy said to Eve and Eva, "We made it so you two can pleasure each other. Please ask us first before you do it. Show us how you do it. The same thing for you Tess and Triss." Mandy and I watched one of the best porno shows we ever saw right in our den; four androids that were truly fucking machines going nuts on each other until we told them to stop. Mandy was playing movie director and we got so turned on, we made love right next to them. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, we are so fucked up." I said back into her mind, "You don't think everyone else is doing the same thing?" We both laughed as Mandy said, "Somehow I just can't picture Max doing this."

On Thursday we got everyone back together on the work planet. Megan and Chris were setting up a projection system and Megan said, "Wait until you see what we did already." We started with the project plan and everyone was good with it. Max gave us the business case and we all just smiled. We would be profitable in weeks after the first one opened. Megan and Chris gave a presentation that was mostly video clips of what they did so far and what problems they solved. We saw a transformation of the human skeleton design into the four legged animals, the design of the birds using a micro AirCycle approach to flight along with flapping wings, the skeleton and plumbing design for the fish and insects, the reptile designs and an approach for the dinosaurs that mapped each one to an existing design, except larger. Chris said, "The small insects we thought would be a problem, but we took an approach to built them the size of dogs and then shrink them down. We can use one of the computers to do what I did in my mind to that alien space craft years ago."

Everyone applauded for Megan and Chris, as Megan said, "There's more. We built two very early prototypes here at the work planet. The first is a basic dog to get the walking pattern right, and the second is a lizard to get everyone's thoughts on the skin."

Chris brought both of them out into the design room and they looked so real. There were still lots of technical problems with them operationally, but the dog walked just like a dog and wagged it's tail. The lizard's skin was really close and I said, "How'd you get the skin so rough and scaly?" Chris was laughing and said, "The ultimate case of eczema and psoriasis. We simulated the virus in Megan's skin designs with a chemical reaction. The coloration is using a version of Pharma skin tone. Check out these samples; elephant, alligator, ape's chest, snake, fish, pig." Everyone passed the samples around the room and I said, "Will the material stay like this?" Chris said, "As far as we can tell. Once we exposed the synthetic skin to our chemical reaction, the skin still bonds to itself and it stays like you see it. We used the same approach to keep androids from bonding to each other if you put two in a closet together. Each one has an internal pattern that is established once it is turned on and cannot be undone, unless we reset it for a new customization. Think of it as smart skin."

I said, "Seems like we solved the last of the hard technology problems. But I'm sure we'll find more as we go. How did we do in getting the lab here started?" Tara said, "Almost done. Another 3 days here and we're ready, along with sleeping quarters for the groups that will work here. We also set up a very large series of warehouses and barns that have two of every real life form in it, and an aquarium that has the fish. We can check the real deal against our results."

Mandy said, "Megan, you should make this project official in the board minutes." Megan smiled and said, "We don't have to. We approved the android project without being specific about it, and we didn't even spend one seventh of what we projected. This is just phase two." Everyone laughed.

I said, "Anyone have any questions before we all get rolling with our projects?", "Okay, lets plan on meeting as a group every week and review our progress. If anyone gets stuck we'll convene and try to solve the problem as a group. Have fun everyone." Kelly came up to me and said, "Mom, lets make the first prototype dogs look like Snuffy and Ruffles. We'll tell them these are their replacements if they don't behave." Mandy was laughing and said, "Great idea."

We all got sucked back into the projects again. I can honest say that Mandy and I had a blast with this one. She spent days with me on the work planet writing software to make the sensors apply to all creatures in each group. We had to add logic for wings, tails, altitude, speed, depth under water, and enhance our collision detection systems. It would be a disaster if one of the dinosaurs sat on, or stepped on a child when they were walking with it. We also have to add proximity logic to keep all of the animals in one area. Mandy devised a grid mapping system that allowed each computer to use GPS to determine it's exact location and check it real time against where we programmed it to be allowed to go. I said, "New customization feature for the people androids."

We also worked with one of Chris's team to model exactly how each of the real animals moved. Mandy devised a modeling system that smoothed out the movements and also made certain movements based on others. So if a lion turned its head in one direction, the body rolled slightly, as in real life. We also made spine adjustments for each creature.

We had a team of creative writers that were developing scripts for each animal to explain about itself and we also had a team of children's story writers to put together stories about each animal. It was all starting to fit together. In four weeks of Earth time we did about 7 months of work. Mandy and I had a bedroom in the work planet and we stayed there the whole time while we worked.

Mandy and I went back home to both houses every week from the work planet to check on things. The homes were immaculate from the androids work and the pets were actually behaving. I said, "Ruffles, everything okay?" He said, "Rings R rine. Rheerios?" Mandy said, "I feel so bad for leaving them alone. Let's give him some." Mandy dumped out a box of Cheerios on the floor and Snuffy came charging into the kitchen along with Felix, as they went crazy eating off the floor. We displaced back to the work planet.

Our weekly meetings were going great. We decided to launch two sites at once. One in Austin Texas, and the other attached to Kids' World, but not actually part of it. Dean was doing all of the leg work for us and he loved it. The small changes that we made were already having some impacts.

By the third month into the project we had prototypes built of about 140 of the creatures. Chris had her computer system developed that would shrink or enlarge any object in exact proportions and we were using it on the insects and some of the dinosaurs. Some of the prototype insects looked so ugly before we shrank them we all got grossed out. Tara called it our version of a grade B horror film. We also monitored what was going on with the current androids. We had sold over 38 million throughout the universe and sales were still going strong. Some people were bringing them back for new customizations also. Megan set up a corporate program where some of Chris's team will analyze where a company can save the most amount of money by using androids and then have a special purchasing and support program for them, even custom programming. Chris has already added 500 new staff for this program and they have more work than they can handle. We now see androids everywhere.

Mandy and I finished most of the really complex operating system and basic software we needed and went back to goofing off at the vacation house. We wrote 30 new tunes for a combination of us, Chicks and Destiny. We all recorded them last weekend and Karen went crazy trying to figure out which ones to release in what markets. She said, "We just recorded a new CD for Little Willie also. We can't release them all at once. Lets stagger them two songs from each CD at a time in each major market. Jen, I love your new tune `My friend the Lion'. That will definitely be a classic. Kids will love it and I think it's one of the best pop songs I've ever heard. That gets released everywhere." Mandy said, "We wrote it while we did the software for the Lion's voice. We communicated with him and the story line is true."

We kept up the bands and played two gigs a month, even with the projects going strong. We also did a one night in Austin at the newly refurbished arena. It was a huge success.

Our project was progressing way ahead of schedule and by the end of the sixth month we were ready for the a press release and grand opening at Kid's World and an planned opening in one month in Texas. We had the land all set at both locations and all of the androids there. The site near Kids' World was 8 square miles of nature; trees, a lake, and grassy fields, all mapped out with exact coordinates to keep every android within the boundaries. We went there and Melissa had a camera crew take over 30 hours of footage of everything. It was amazing. Melissa said, "The sections of human history are so fascinating. We watched cave men and then Vikings for almost two hours."

We walked with a T-Rex, a Rapture, and a cave man while a dog was telling us about how he loved to eat bones, and how he was the best dog to have as he was a pure breed Colley. He also showed us a dinosaur smelling the leaves on a tree over our heads. We literally had a minimum of twenty five of every species and all had programming to tell about themselves and any other species. We used special sensors for each computer to recognize another one through infrared scanning. You could get a complete tour given by any creature, and it would tell you about all of the other creatures, or you could talk to each one. We took a tour with a monkey and it was amazing. The money said to us, "Hi. I'm Ralph, one of the famous chimpanzees native to Africa. Everyone thinks I like to goof around a lot, and that's because I do. Watch me." We watch him turn his lips inside out, stick out his tongue at us, and then stand on his hands." Mandy said, "This is so unbelievable."

The fish exhibit was really clever. We set it up so people could walk under a lake that had a Plexiglas tunnel through it and you could communicate to the fish and several mermaid androids. All of the creatures were programmed to tell stories also. We could have spent two weeks in the place, and we built it.

The insects were also ingenious. We built the same ratio of bugs as there are in real life. A fly would land on a dog and then tell about why it likes to crawl on the dogs back. We had to put signs everywhere not to kill the bugs, as they were androids also and would not land on, or crawl on, humans. We also had an insect exhibit house that allowed you to talk to any of the bugs or snakes.

I was definitely impressed at some of the environmental things we were able to accomplish. We had a small section that was refrigerated using fission controlled energy devices to create a cold environment for Polar bears and some other animals. We also had a section that kept the outside temperature at a tropical level.

The birds were really neat, especially the bald eagle and a dinosaur Pterodactyl. They each landed by us and our tour monkey said, "You can ask them to tell you about their latest flight, but they're just boring birds. Lets go climb some trees and see some snakes." Mandy said, "I love what the writers did with some of this stuff. It's great", as two rabbits ran past us and one of them said, "I'm late. I'm late", just like Alice in Wonderland.

We had a special system devised that emitted sounds that can't be hear by humans that keeps real animals, insects, reptiles, and birds away. We didn't want to take the chance of having a little kid walk up to a spider or a rabbit and get bit, as it was a real one. We also had a trench dug around the outside perimeters with a small three foot stone wall to not take any chances. We wanted this to look as natural as we could and all the exhibits are part of the natural landscape. We even used a cave for one of them for the nocturnal creatures.


We went back to the castle and played a joke on the pets. Chris made two dogs and a cat to look just like Snuffy, Ruffles, and Felix, with all of the programming from the exhibits. I said, "Ruffles, meet your replacement." Ruffles walked over to the android and said, "Roo R Rou?" The dog said, "Hi. I'm Tony an American bred mutt, your replacement. You don't behave very often and lie all the time about what you do. You also sneak Cheerios from the cabinet and blame it on Eve. Would you like me to show you the evidence of what I just said?" Ruffles, Snuffy, and Felix were apologizing and we laughed our asses off. I said, "Ruffles. They are androids. You aren't being replaced yet." He said, "Ret?" Mandy said, "Nope. Not yet." We displaced the androids back to the lab and watched the pets yelling at each other. Snuffy said, "Rit Rus Rur Ridea, Ridiot!" We all had a good laugh. Kathy was hysterical.

We had a dry run of the press conference for everyone at the castle in the ballroom and showed some of the videos as part of it. We had Dean and Janie join us and they were mesmerized. They went to the test run with us before, but on video the place looks incredible.

Melissa also showed us some of the commercials and they were so funny. She used the android animals to make ten different commercials. Only one of them was serious. One started with a bunch of animals on a coffee break talking about how they had to get back to work. They all made fun of a skunk and a porcupine, and when a Lion walked in roaring they all panicked, as one said, "The boss is here. Look busy". The best line she had was from a fly that someone tried to step on. The fly stopped the foot from coming down and yelled in a high pitch voice, "Hey buddy, what do you think you're doing? I work here!"

Allison talked about how the animals were for sale and demonstrated the ordering systems that are installed and are using direct shipping to the person's home shipping address. We did allow some options, but not like the people androids. We also used our GPS programming capability as an option also. Dean gave a five minute overview of the Austin location that was ready to open in three days also. He said, "There are no real people working the site, except a manager and a maintenance crew for the androids and computer systems. This place will for the most part, run itself." Then he went into the hotel accommodations and the huge changes that have already taken place there.

Megan closed the meeting out by saying, "Tomorrow we announce phase two of our android project. This is by far the most ambitious project every undertaken and we have another ten discoveries from this project that will become part of other products and services. I hope everyone bought some stock before my parents gobbled it all up again." Everyone was making wise cracks and yelling for us to retire for good and stop playing the market. Mandy and I blushed and she said to me, "They're just jealous honey. We'll do real good on this one." I stood up and said, "This is our last one for a while." Then the booing started and we all laughed. Megan said, "We start at 9 tomorrow morning with the press. This one will be a long presentation. Enjoy the drinks and dinner. Oh, one more thing. I almost forgot the completion bonuses. Everyone gets one hundred thousand and a few of you earned more as awarded by the board. These will be announced tomorrow. Great job everyone." Everyone stood and applauded, as the food was being served at the tables.

Megan came back to sit with us and she said, "Should I have announced the ones we gave special bonuses too?" Mandy said, "They all know who it is. It's obvious. Want a drink?" Megan smiled and said, "You bet!" I walked over to the bar and ordered us all drinks and then sat back down. Alicia said, "If you two really do retire for good, the excitement will be gone. We need to do something like this at least every couple of years." Mandy and I laughed and I said, "Are you kidding? Alicia, enjoy life for a while now. We did enough to last twenty years. The discoveries alone will drive revenue and profits." She said, "I know that, but it's the team building and spirit that you two bring that no one else has. Moms, these people would do anything for you. If anyone else had been running this project, it wouldn't have finished like this. They all worked around the clock, because you did. And they all made sure everything was perfect. They even tested things no one would have thought about, so we didn't have any problems in the future. They didn't want to let you down. This had nothing to do with me and Megan."

I said, "You'll be surprised. They all know what you are capable of doing and respect you just like they respect us. You two would have had the same results. The next big one, we'll take a back seat. You'll see." Megan said, "Not too far in the back seat. We need you." Mandy put her arm around Megan's shoulder and said, "No you don't, but we'll be here for you anyway because we want to be."

Everyone ate the dinner and we had our share of jokes about us as usual, as coffee and desert was served. One of the project teams put on a skit about producing Mandy and Jen androids that never turn off. It was cute. Then one of the teams gave us a present and it was really nice. It was a plaque that had a saying on it, "One of the greatest pleasures in life is solving the problems that everyone else thinks are impossible."

Everyone was yelling "Speech. Speech", so I stood up and said, "We really thank all of you for this, but Mandy and I didn't solve all of the problems. You did. We loved watching it happen. Everyone one of you should have one these plaques hanging on your walls. You worked as teams and everyone contributed to the success of this project. Some of you had incredible successes. John, we didn't invent a new way to grow hair. You did and you will make a ton of money when we put it to use in Max's area. Sheila, your new glue that you developed will replace welding in most manufacturing. The same thing for Robert; the climate control system you developed based on a fission engine was absolutely ingenious and will revolutionize how buildings are climate controlled. There were seven other of you who truly thought out of the box to solve these incredible problems that we were all scratching our heads over. We didn't do those things. You did. We may have helped you, but you all achieved greatness on your own. Mandy and I will always cherish this plaque and I'm going to make sure that everyone has one for their own office also. Thank you all very, very much." Everyone stood and applauded, as Alicia said into Mandy and my mind, "See. They will do anything for either of you." Mandy said back into Alicia's mind, "It takes time. We have been doing this for quite a while. You'll see. Next large project, we'll be in the backseat while you and Megan do the driving."

We all had a few more drinks as everyone was mingling. Mandy lit a cigarette and put her elbow on my shoulder with her hand hanging down towards my breasts. I said, "Feel like having totally wild out of control sex?" Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, touched my nipple gently, and said, "Of course. Why should tonight be any different than any other?" We smiled at each other and I took a drag of the cigarette. I said, "Lets say our goodnights."

We made the rounds and then went upstairs to our bedroom. I set the alarm and Mandy said, "Get over here and kiss me honey. I love you so much." We stood and kissed, and slowly undressed each other. We were both so hot, as we caressed each and held each other. Mandy kissed me so sloppy and pulled me into bed with her and said, "I need to feel you inside of me right now." We kissed and held each other so tight as we made ourselves combined couples. We rubbed each other's cock to get hard and then Mandy lay on top of me and we interlocked. Her cock went all the way into me, as mine went into her. She moved in and out of me a few times and then I wrapped my legs and arms around her and we fucked in rhythm, as I rolled us on our side.

We must have kissed and swapped spit for two hours while we made love. Mandy sucked my tongue and licked my lips as we fucked into each other. We both blasted off four times and I moaned out so loud the last time. Mandy put her mouth up to my ear and was breathing so hard when she whispered, "Honey, I felt it too. We were so connected in our minds on that one. Lets sleep for a while like this."

Mandy and I slept and shared a dream of us being by ourselves on a planet with the animals, like we used to be when we visited Firma years ago. We woke each other up after the dream and made passionate love again. I said into her mind, "Time for us to start a new planet again. I miss being with the animals." Mandy smiled in our minds and said, "Me too."

We both blasted off again and then we lay interlocked touching each other's breasts and nipples. We were both moaning softly and Mandy reached over to light a cigarette. She took a drag making the cigarette glow red and then I took a drag also. I said, "How about we take it easy for a while. I want to goof off, enjoy life, do things together, and help the kids. We are still way too much in the spotlight. We need to help them get to where we are. Lets really be the back seat drivers." Mandy smiled and said, "You're worse at this than I am. Remember you said that when the next crazy idea comes up and we want to do it." I smiled and moved the hair off of Mandy's face and said, "Remind me if I get us into something that the kids should be doing. Promise?" She smiled and said, "Remind me also."

We finished the cigarette and made love again before we fell back to sleep. I kissed Mandy's ear and whispered, "I love you", as we fell asleep and shared a dream again.

The alarm woke us up and we were both so pissed. We were having the best dream. Mandy threw a pillow at the alarm clock and we both laughed. I picked it up off the floor and turned it off. Mandy looked at my crotch and said, "Get over her baby. You aren't going anywhere yet." She pulled me into a 69 position and licked all of the cum that was dripping down my legs. Mandy's pussy was overflowing also and I licked and sucked her, swallowing all of my cum and hers mixed together. We used our snake tongues in each other and brought each other to an orgasm and then got up and went into the bathroom.

We went downstairs for breakfast after we dressed. Megan and Alicia were already eating and I said, "Today should be fun. Mandy and I really did talk last night and we are going to take a back seat on all of it after today's briefing. We'll be there to help, but only if you ask. The more everyone sees you both running projects and getting people to stretch their abilities, the more they will do anything for you." Megan and Alicia smiled and they hugged us both. Mandy made us both a plate and said, "Make sure you take care of Dean. I think he has what it takes to do what he did for Austin, in a lot of other places. He is really driven." Megan said, "Already taken care of. I was going to announce a program as part of the press briefing today also. Here read it." She handed the notes to us we read it as we ate. We both smiled and Mandy said, "This is wonderful."

Everyone else came into the kitchen for breakfast and we had some coffee and a cigarette. I turned on the TV and CNN had an announcement that SolarNational was having a press conference again today at noon, eastern standard time, and they were speculating on what it was. We all laughed. I said, "Alicia, write down some of their speculations. A few weren't half bad." They all laughed at me and I said, "We will only be in the back seat. Promise."

We all displaced to the office and got everything ready for the big show. We sat at a panel table that was across the whole stage this time, as the press was already filling the room and the TV cameras were in place. The director came over to Mandy and me and said, "Another big one?" We both nodded our heads and he said, "Don't you two ever sleep?"

The place was packed and Megan stood at the podium and said, "Thank you all for coming this morning. We asked you here to announcement several new programs. As Solarnational has made incredible technology advances, there have been urban areas on Earth, and other planets that have suffered due to the changes in society. Austin Texas is one such area. We have put together a program to specially help these communities to regain their greatness. It is being head up by an individual some of you may remember. His name is Dean Cooper and he was the one who came up with the name SolarNational. He has done tremendous things for Austin and the work is not quite finished yet. We are making this into a national program on Earth of Community Affairs and also taking it solarnational, to use the coined phase. We wanted to give something back to the communities. This way Dean will have a team that will focus on areas that need our help, and work with them to rebuild. We plan on putting one trillion dollars back into the communities that helped make SolarNational what it is today."

Everyone stood and applauded and Megan said, "That is what got us started on thinking about what can we do for a city to create interest in it again. We had several things in the works and decided to use on of our new ideas as a means to solve two problems. Rebuilding and energizing an area, and also offering a program to anyone in the universe that is the most unique experience any of you will ever have. I am pleased to announce the second phase of our android project today. We have developed a `history of life' center that is one of the most amazing things I have even seen. With that said, let me turn it over to Doctor Jen Edwards who will tell you what it is all about."

I stood at the podium with Mandy and I said, "When you were kids, what you have done to be able to walk with a dinosaur, talk to it, and have it talk back to you. Maybe ride an elephant and have the elephant tell you a story about how it lives. I would still probably still be remembering it. That is what we have today. The project teams created two centers that are opening up this weekend. One is in Austin Texas, and the other is on Vacation World. Each of these history of life centers is 8 square miles of nature and has at least ten of every single animal or creature that every lived. But they are all androids. The look identical to the real ones, act like them, except they are harmless. They can walk with you, talk to you, tell you about themselves and any other animal there, and also tell stories to the kids. Well not just kids. We liked the stories too."

People were laughing and Mandy continued, "The entire sites are automated and use androids. You can get a tour from any animal and we had a chimp lead us through the site and tell us about everything. We could have spent a week there and not have seen all of it. All of the life; insects, reptiles, animals, fish, birds, humans, and dinosaurs, are androids. They all can talk to you and teach you about what they do. They also have a pretty good sense of humor thanks to some of the new programming. We have a few video clips to show you exactly what we talking about."

They ran the videos and we heard so many people in the audience saying, "Wow, look at that." Then the video showed our Chimp telling us a joke and acting obnoxious. It showed dinosaurs telling us about them and even had Mandy riding on one of them. It covered some of everything including the history of humans. The film ended and the room all stood and applauded.

I said, "This place is safe for everyone. We took every precaution including using sensors in every animal to avoid any collisions with people. Kids can run under a dinosaur's foot and it won't step on them. We also prevented real wildlife from entering any of the sites so no one gets confused. Every animal has GPS navigation sensor technology to prevent it from every leaving the boundaries of the site. The entire tour will probably take two days if you don't spend a lot of time talking to the animals or playing with them. We're guilty on both counts and it took us a week."

There was some laughter and I said, "We really had a great time even though we helped build it. As part of this project we also had many new discoveries that made a lot of this possible. Enhanced and interactive GPS. How about fission engines to run heating and cooling systems that can now provide endless energy in you own home or office building, a method to actually grow hair instantly, glue that will replace welding in manufacturing, and seven other block buster new discoveries."

Everyone applauded and Mandy said, "We know that people of all ages will love this center and as part of our giving to the communities, are only charging a nominal fee for admission to cover our costs and return some money to the company. In case any of you fall in love with certain animals, yes, you can buy them. So if you want a 300 pound gorilla to be your housekeeper, you can have it waiting for you when you get home."

Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "As a kid I would have loved some of this stuff. I personally would have chosen the chimp, and he is also available. Many of the animals can be ordered directly from the site and shipped to your homes. The only major exceptions are the very large dinosaurs. They can be purchased but are delivered as 6 to 7 feet high. We thought that keeping a 30 foot beast was pushing it a little."

The audience was laughing again and I said, "When this site opens in Austin in two days, we know that we will have restored the greatness to Austin that it once had. We want to offer other programs to give back to the community where we can. Besides this being a truly unique experience that we encourage everyone to try, it provides a means to educate everyone on the history of life, and also drive the local economy."

Everyone stood and applauded as we sat back down at the table. Megan stood up again and said, "We are planning one of these centers on every planet in the areas that will provide the most benefit to the economies. The project team gave my parents a plaque the other night at our project completion dinner and I want to read it to you. It says one of the greatest pleasures in life is solving the problems that everyone else thinks are impossible. My parents had one made for everyone one the team already and told all of us that we were the ones that solved the problems. They are incredibly humble, true leaders, and have shown all of us why they were able to develop SolarNational into the company that it is today. I think this last idea is off the measurable scale. They have taken our company from being the largest corporation, into being a something that can help everyone in the local communities. They don't know this yet, and we almost spilled the beans a few times. The board has approved the formation of a new enterprise called SolarNational Universal holdings. It will be the strategy arm of our corporation where foresight, vision, and new ideas get developed. Solarnational Consulting will also report into this enterprise along with the Advisory panel. Our parents have been telling us that they will take a back seat and let us pick up the reigns. We realized a long time ago, we don't want them to take a back seat. They have way too much to offer and despite what they say, no one, and I repeat no one, could have pulled this project off, or completed the first phase of the android project, expect them. It is my pleasure to announce that the board has named Doctor Mandy Edwards and Doctor Jen Edwards the joint titles of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer in SolarNational Universal Holdings effective immediately."

Everyone stood and the applause was incredible. I had a tear in my eyes and so did Mandy. Everyone was yelling "Speech" and we slowly stood and walked to the podium. We looked at each other and both cried, and hugged. Mandy wiped the tears from my eyes and said into my mind, "I can't talk yet." I said into the mic, "This was definitely unexpected. We both have been talking about taking a back seat and it looks like we're driving again. We both accept the new roles. Thank you all very much." Mandy wiped a tear running down my cheek and hugged me again as we walked back to our seats and everyone stood and applauded again.

Megan said, "One last announcement and then we will field any questions. Our stock hit a record high 7 months ago and we did a 15 for one split, and it's running back up again. Anyone with stock on record of ownership yesterday will receive a dividend of 18 percent, based on the closing price from yesterday." The audience all stood and applauded and Megan came back by us and hugged us both and then sat down.

We answered questions for over 4 hours. Someone asked, "Do the android animals have sex?" Kathy answered it and said, "They could. We just didn't program it for the exhibit." A reporter asked Mandy and me, "What's your next project?" We looked at each other and I said, "A vacation. Then we'll give you a real answer." Everyone laughed and Megan said, "We have a list of about 50 and haven't even discussed them yet. That's part of their new role. They always seem to know which ones are the right things to do." People were clapping again and the questions just kept on going.

Someone asked, "How did you make the small insects?" Chris answered it and said, "We actually built them to be the size of dogs. My team and I developed a computer that can shrink and expand things, which is one of the discoveries mentioned before. We used it to shrink the bugs to their real size and enlarge the dinosaurs from the 6 to 7 foot ones we built. The same technology has lots of implications. Shrinking a million pound delivery of goods to be the size of a brick, shipping it, and then enlarging it again is just one practical use. There are hundreds. I have to tell you that a fly the size of a dog is one ugly bug." Everyone laughed again and we got another question, "Why are all of the workers on the sites androids?"

Max answered it and said "We wanted this to be as automated and as inexpensive as possible so we can duplicate it on other worlds. There are still some human workers, but very few. If we can program the task that needed to be done, we did it. Where human intervention, supervision, security, or safety were concerned, we spared no expense."

Megan stood at the podium and said, "This has been a long day and I really appreciate all of you for coming. We will be glad to answer any more of your questions via email. Again thank you." We all got a standing ovation as we walked off the stage up the stairs to the offices.

We all went into Mandy's office and she said, "Megan, why didn't you tell us?" Alicia and Megan were laughing and Megan said, "Because you might have said no. This way we figured you would say yes. Moms, we don't want either of you to take a back seat. No one can do what you can. Plus even though you complain about it, you both love it." Mandy put her forearms on my shoulders facing me and said, "Do I complain?" I said, "No more than me."

Karen popped her head in and said, "Does Changes want to play a concert with Little Willie in Austin this weekend for the Grand Opening?" We all said, "Yes!" Karen said, "Welcome back again."

Megan said, "You don't have to read this now. But, after your vacation take a look at this list. You won't believe some of the ideas on it." I picked it up and Mandy and I read it. She said, "I like that one, and this one too. Ooo, this one's cool and so is this one." Everyone was laughing at us again and Mandy crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at Julie. I said, "Julie, did the advisory panel see this list?" She said, "We wrote it while you guys were doing the animal thing. Neat stuff isn't it? We'll fill you in on it later."


We all displaced to the vacation home and Eve welcomed us home again. I made us all our favorite rum drinks and we all sat outside on the veranda talking about the new project list.

I said, "Some of these things are neat, but we have to think about who would buy it and what it will cost us also. There's one on the list that everyone skipped over about converting the shipping system into a home based teleportation system. That could be easy and make us a ton of money. Chris, what's involved in that?" Chris said, "We have everything we need. It's just packaging and software." I said, "Lets do a business model on it and if it increases revenue than we do it. It's simple. I like the one about construction we all talked about and that Mandy liked. That could be a big winner but we have to solve some technology problems first. Also this could have a big impact on the construction industry, which we should look at. That's the only industry that we haven't applied any technology too yet. Megan, if you were to buy a house and someone said to you, design it on this computer, put this magnetic sheet on the land where you want it, and it will be built for you in a matter of an hour, would you trust it?" Megan said, "I'd want to see one built with it before. But the real market is to let someone use it to completely change what they already have built. Add a room, add ten rooms, change the exterior appearance, or change the landscaping." We all agreed and Mandy said, "That one's a keeper."

We all had a few more drinks and cigarettes, while talking about the list. Mandy said, "Vacation time. Then we come back to the list. We have five ideas that I think are solid. Everyone agree?" Everyone agreed and Mandy said, "Pigow on the open pit?" We all smiled and she made the meat it in her mind and put it over the pit with her powers. Julie and Kathy lit the fire and we all drank more and joked around.

Ruffles came out to us and said, "Re Raven't Rad Rany Rheerios Rin Ra Rong Rime." Mandy said, "Ruffles you look great. You don't need them." Ruffles smiled and walked away, as Mandy laughed.

We were getting loaded on the drinks and started singing one of four new tunes. Kate was so trashed she was telling us she was going to displace all of animals into our bedroom for a animal fun night. Julie wet her pants laughing and Kathy tried to lick it up. I took the pigow off the pit, sliced it using my mind, and we all ate and drank some more.

We finished our food and Mandy and I were so smashed. She sat on my lap facing sideways putting her arm around my shoulder. She lit a cigarette and said, "Jen, we are going to have lots and lots and lots of sex, and lots of sex, and playing all the time doing whatever and having more lots of sex. That sound good to you?" I took a drag of her cigarette and got the giggles. I just couldn't stop laughing and then I pulled her top down and licked her nipples. Mandy said, "So sex is now funny? Oh, baby it feels too good to be funny. Lick that again. Yeah, just like that." I sucked on Mandy's nipples as she took a drag of the cigarette and then she got the giggles. I said, "I thought sex wasn't funny." She was giggling as I poured some of my drink on her nipples and licked it off. Mandy stopped laughing and said, "Do that again honey." I poured a little more of my drink on her breast and then really sucked her nipple and flicked my tongue over it. Mandy held my head to her breast and said, "We are on vacation now and you are not allowed to move. Got it?" Julie and Kathy were hysterically laughing next to us, as I sucked her nipples and she was moaning. I lifted up my head and Mandy gave me a drag of the cigarette and then pushed my head back on her breast and said, "Now stay there!" I started to laugh again also and we both got the giggles. I heard Megan laughing and say, "They are so fucking nuts sometimes. They're worse than Tara."

Mandy said, "I take that as a compliment. Sometimes nuts is good. Shit Megan, we were nuttier than this we conceived you. We are now gracefully maturing with age. We might even decide what we want to be when we grow up soon." Megan was hysterically laughing and Julie said, "So you're back on the kick you want to be professional skier?" Mandy smiled at me and we both said, "Pool hustlers." Kate was half in the bag and she leaned over us and said, "You got my vote. Lets find another Lester and Earl on this vacation." Everyone was laughing and I said, "Can someone help us get up or I'm going to pee all over the chair." Mandy was laughing and said, "Jen, you are not allowed to move. This is mistress Mandy and I want to see you piss all over both of us." Mandy jumped up and pulled me on top of her on the paving bricks on the veranda. She was tickling me and I could stop laughing and I pissed all over both of us, as we laughed. I said, "You forgot the strawberry pill." Mandy and I watched Megan and Alicia almost fall out of their chairs laughing.

I said, "I think we need to shower and hit the bedroom honey." Mandy smiled and said, "Good night everyone. We are going exploring in the house." We took our cigarettes and a full drink and went inside dripping wet with pee.

We made it into our bathroom and Mandy kissed me and said, "Lets lick it off baby. We don't need a shower yet." We undressed and lay down in the shower area licked each other and then got into a 69 position. Mandy peed on my tongue and I peed again also, as we kept on licking each other. We tongue snaked each other and both had an orgasm and then we sucked each other's cock until we shot our loads into each other's mouth. I said, "I think we need a shower now." Mandy laughed and said, "Yeah. We stink."

We showered and then drank the other drinks we brought upstairs with us, and went into the bedroom. Mandy lit a cigarette and we cuddled against the headboard as we shared it. I took a drag and said, "What Megan and the other's did for us was really nice. I was so touched." Mandy took a drag and said, "Me too honey. I couldn't even talk I was so choked up. Guess we aren't retired again." I said, "A few days a week for a while is fine." We both laughed and Mandy said, "It will never happen. You and I can't do that. We tried how many times? Every time we get into something we become total workaholics. We both love it and you know it."

Mandy kissed me and then I took a drag of the cigarette. I said, "Yeah. You're right. Lets just pick the projects that we want to run that will be fun." Mandy smiled and gave me the sloppiest, wettest, kiss and said, "Our next project is for us to fuck ourselves senseless. You want to do a project plan?" I said, "I think we can wing this one. We have enough experience." She said, "I don't know. We might leave something out. Like ass fucking me, or having me suck my own cock and pussy. You sure we don't need a plan?" We both laughed and I fucked Mandy's ass to start with as I fingered her pussy. She went wild sitting on my cock with her back to me, bucking up and down. Mandy made her cock bigger and sucked it while I fucked her ass. I was so turned on. I shot my load of cum into her in about 10 minutes and she shot her cum into her mouth. She kissed me to share it and then she said, "My turn."

We changed positions and did the exact same thing. I sat on her with my back to her and she fucked my ass, while she fingered my pussy. I moved up and down on her cock and was so into it. Mandy wiggled her cock inside my ass and I came from my pussy like a river, as I sucked my own cock. Mandy was whispering into my ear, "Swallow your cum honey. This turns me on so much." Mandy rubbed my shaft and my cock pulsated into my mouth. I felt a huge stream of cum shoot into my tongue, as Mandy shot her cum into my ass. I swallowed as I squirt over and over again and then swallowed more. I got off of Mandy and showed her that my mouth was empty and she kissed me so hard. We ate each other out again and then turned into combined couples and fucked for hours.

We fell asleep at about 5 AM still interlocked. At about noon Mandy woke me up by kissing me softly and slowly moving. My cock moved into her and I felt her move into me. I was so wet and my pussy was still throbbing. I responded to Mandy's kiss and we started to move in rhythm again. I was on fire and so was Mandy and we fucked again for over and hour until we both blasted off twice. I jerked forward so hard when I shot my cum I almost pushed us off the bed while Mandy was cumming also. She held me so tight and kissed me and whispered into my ear, "Honey, I love it when you get so turned on like that."

We lay exhausted again, sweating, and breathing hard. I smiled and said, "What a great way to wake up." Mandy lit a cigarette and took a drag, as we were still interlocked. She leaned forward on me again and I felt my pussy throbbing and closed my eyes. Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took two deep drags and held in the smoke. I blew it our slowly through my nose and Mandy pulled out and pushed into me again. This time she had her eyes half closed. I said, "This feels so good honey. Just lay here with me for a while." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and I put my hand on her ass and pulled her into me all the way. We both moaned softly and stayed like that slowly rubbing ourselves together. Mandy held the cigarette up to my lips and I took two drags again. I blew out the smoke and Mandy leaned into me and we kissed again slowly and so sexy. I said, "I could stay in bed the rest of my life. This feels so good." Mandy smiled and pushed into me again, as she rubbed herself on me. We both closed our eyes for a few seconds. I took another drag of the cigarette and so did Mandy. She reached over my back to put the cigarette out and then she really fucked into me.

We made love like wild rabbits for another half hour and blasted off again. I said, "I have to pee so bad. Lets go into the bathroom." We separated and went into the bathroom and Mandy pulled me into the shower area and knelt in front of me with her mouth over my pussy, sucking and licking out the cum. I let loose a huge pee and she kept right on licking and sucking me until I orgasmed again. Mandy stood up and kissed me and I tasted the pee on her tongue and we kissed as I reached for the shower knobs and turned on the water.

We washed each other, cleaned up, dressed, and then went downstairs. We got a standing ovation from the troops and we both blushed. Megan said, "You two were so smashed last night. Want any breakfast?" We both nodded our heads and I said, "What's going on with the stock?" Megan turned on CNN and we saw the price and Mandy said, "No fucking way. We didn't buy enough to cause that."

Mandy called the broker and she said, "Hi. What's going on?" Mandy was smiling and listening as she looked at me and then she said, "Yeah. Normal commission on this is fine. Just sell that portion and hang onto the rest. Thanks." Mandy hung up and said, "This is due to speculation of our being back full time and what the next projects will be. We just made enough to really buy the planet earth. Jen, we made another 18 trillion dollars last night. This is completely insane. The stock went from 51 to 100 to over 600 and then jumped to 980. He's expecting it to reach 1,200. I Okayed his normal commission for this one. He earned it. Lets just hope he doesn't retire after this one. This guy is great."

We all watched the news and it was all about us again. Megan took notes again about the speculations they made of our next projects. On a few of them we all sat up and listened. I said, "Why didn't we think of that? It's easy to do and will make a ton of money. I love CNN." Mandy laughed and said, "Free advice from the experts is always good."

We ate our eggs, bacon, potatoes and toast. I said, "This is so nuts. What can we possible do with all the money?" Mandy said, "Jen honey, we can finally afford to buy that new station wagon we were looking at on the internet." Megan and Alicia lost it hysterically laughing. Mandy winked at me and said, "We're saving it for a rainy day."

We watched some more of the CNN coverage of our History of Life center on Vacation world and Texas. They had video footage of all of the animals walking around and flying. I said, "What a great commercial. Listen to all of jungle sounds and the roaring of the dinosaurs." We all smiled and Megan channel surfed. Mandy yelled, "Stop. Go back one quick." We read the announcement of the high stakes nine ball tournament today starting at 4 this afternoon. Mandy said, "Guess what we're doing today." Mandy picked up the phone and called to get us registered. She listened and said, "No problem." She hung up and said, "We need to post 10 million in cash. Lets go into the safe and grab one of the suitcases. The small one's are all 200 mil each."

Julie went to get the cash and Megan said, "I don't get it. Why don't you use a regular bank?" I said, "Regular banks are all geared for people who deposit amounts under 10 million dollars and use the banks services. If we deposited 100 trillion dollars in a bank, we would be 99.9999 percent of their business. They couldn't support us and we would never be able to get our money out if we needed it without bankrupting the bank. Megan, we own the SolarNational Reserve System which is what's on your checks, and mine. It's not a real bank. It's a reserve system behind the banks and behind the value of the currency in circulation on 49 planets right now. We keep all of our funds in the vault on the work planet, which is also where we keep the money supply that was used for the Federal Reserve system years ago before there was God's laws. So in essence, we are the bank. If a bank goes broke, we bail them out for up to 250 thousand per account, assuming they signed up for our service. We provide the insurance behind the economy. If we broke one of our own banks, it would not be a good thing. All of our brokerage accounts we keep with one individual who has direct access to our funds and we trust implicitly. So, all of your money is with ours. We also keep about 10 billion in the safes at both houses, and the rest is in the SolarNational Vault."

Megan said, "I understand the whole idea of the reserve, but I had no idea that we personally owned the money that insured it." I said, "That change Mandy and I made about 26 years ago makes us about a trillion dollars a month, personally. I think it was a good move. It also supports our pool hustling addiction." Julie said, "Don't listen to your Mom. They have never lost once."

Mandy and I went into the game room and took out our pool cues in their cases and went back to the kitchen. I said, "You guys want to cheer us on today?" Kathy said, "Yeah sure. It's always good for a few laughs."

Mandy said, "Want to go looking like total jerks? Tee shits, baseball hat, jeans, sneakers?" I said, "What if they won't let us play?" Mandy said, "The briefcase lets us play anywhere. Trust me on this one. As long as the money's green we can play." I said, "Okay." Mandy changed our cloths in her mind and we kind of looked sexy until she put our hair in a ponytail and hats on our heads. I said, "I feel like such an idiot." Mandy said, "Nobody will believe that we can play the game. We should get going."

Mandy displaced all of us to the poolroom at one of the casinos. We got there just in time to post our 10 million and Julie hung onto the briefcase. We got our first team tournament of 4 out of 7 racks and we all laughed. It was Lester and Earl. I said, "You raised some money for the tournament I see. Too bad your going to loose it." We laughed as they tried to withdraw but the tournament director won't refund the money.

Mandy and I played perfect. We beat them 4 racks to zero in 10 minutes. Mandy said, "Say hello to Butch for us, and thanks for the money." We sat with everyone and watched the other matches. Some of the players were good. We got our next match assignment and we had about 10 minutes to kill. Julie got us each a soda and we watched one group still playing. We couldn't tell if they were both good or bad, but it went on for a while.

They announced our match and our outfits worked great. Our opponents were two women dressed to the hilt and one said, "Look. Trailer trash. Ever played on a real pool table and not one of those 6 foot ones with foosball men on it?" Mandy laughed and said, "Only a few times. We got a loan to play in this tournament."

That attitude didn't last long. We won the lag and Mandy pulled her nine in the corner on the break routine and nailed it. I ran the next rack. See ran a rack and then I made the nine on the first shot of the fourth rack. We won 4 to 0 and then watched the others. Mandy said to the loosers, "Don't fell too bad. No one has ever beaten us and we aren't trailer trash. We're rich bitch trash. At least get it right next time." Kathy was trying not to laugh and we went back to sit by the crew. We won 5 more matches 4-0 and now we were in the finals.

We were announced as M&J and went down to the table in the center of the room. ESPN had the cameras there and two of guys recognized us. I said, "Sssshh. This was been a great disguise." One of the commentators said, "Come on Jen. People would love to know you guys screw around just like they do." Mandy said, "Okay, but let us go change first." We walked into the ladies room and Mandy made us really sexy formal outfits and high heels. She also displaced some of our jewelry from the castle to us and we put it on. We did our hair and makeup using our minds and then walked out. The ESPN commentator said, "Wow!" We smiled and walked over to our chairs at the table.

A judge came over to the table as some workers were stacking the money on a pool table next to us. He introduced us to two men named Gus and Roger. We shook hands and he said, "Winner walks out with 320 million on the table next to you. Good luck. 5 out of 9 racks. Lag for break."

Mandy froze the cue ball to the rail and so did I. The judge said, "I guess you have choice." Mandy said, "I'll break." Everyone was watching and laughing. Gus and Roger were laughing and trying not to show us their faces. Mandy called loudly, "Nine in the left corner pocket." She took aim, hit the cue ball hard, the rack exploded and the nine rolled into the corner pocket. Everyone cheered and Mandy said, "I think that counts as 1", as she handed the cue ball to Gus.

Mandy said, "You guys want to up the wager. Lets say another 50 million each?" Gus and Roger talked and Gus said, "Sure. Lets put the cash on the money table." I motioned for Julie and I took out 50 million and put it in a stack on the table. They did the same thing." We heard the commentator going crazy as the camera focused on the cash.

Gus broke the rack and left me with a perfect shot. I called, "Combination one to nine and nine in the side pocket." I took the shot and it went in. Everyone cheered again and I said, "I think that makes it 2 to zip. It's your break again."

Roger broke the rack and Mandy smiled at me. She said, "Gus if I call combination 5,6,9 and 9 in the far corner off the bank, you interested in another 10 million each if I make it our miss it? Just on this shot." They took out 10 million and Julie gave us 10.

This was a hard shot and Mandy lined it up carefully. She struck the cue ball and we watched it unfold. The 9 rolled slowly to the pocket and just barely fell in. Everyone was cheering again and Mandy said, "3 to zip. You guys better get some in. This is boring." Julie took the two stacks of 10 million back and smiled at us.

Gus broke this time and played it safe. I had one shot on the one ball and it was a massey jump shot. Mandy said, "Feel like upping the ante one more time by another 50 mil?" Gus took out the money and so did Julie.

Mandy helped me line it up and I called, "One in the side." They both laughed again. I said, "You can laugh after I miss. We didn't laugh at your ugly shots until after you blew it." That shut them up and I hit the ball. The cue ball jumped, hit the one and it rolled in the pocket and the cue ball kept going and broke the rack. I said, "Still feel like laughing." Mandy was now laughing and said into my mind, "They got you pissed. I love it." I called, "Two into nine combination. Nine in the right corner pocket." I took the shot and it went in. I said, "Laugh at this", and handed Gus the cue ball and said, "4 zip. Last rack guys and you have 100 mil on the table. Want to up it again?"

Mandy was laughing at me and I said into her mind, "He pissed me off. Fuck him." Roger broke the rack this time and Mandy and I studied the balls. I said into her mind, "Want to try it? It's a long bank shot." Mandy said, "One last time. Want to bet me on this one shot? 50 mil more if I call one into nine combo in the corner?" Gus put up their last 50 mil and Julie put up ours in a pile.

Mandy called, "Combination, one into the nine. Nine in the corner pocket to my right on this rail." Nobody made a sound as Mandy lined up the shot. She struck the cue ball and banked it off the far rail. It struck the one, and that struck the nine. The nine was rolling and it looked close. Mandy was yelling, "Go in you son of a bitch! Go in!" It rolled real slowly and hit the side of the pocket and dropped. Mandy put her arms in the air and screamed and I ran to her and we hugged as the crowd all cheered.

We held out our hands to shake Gus and Roger's hand and they just walked away. Mandy said, "What a bunch of jerks and sore loosers." Julie took all of the money off the table and the ESPN commentator came over and said, "Nerves of steel. Great game. You two always play like this?" Mandy said, "We haven't lost a 9 ball match in almost 30 years. We saw this advertised today on TV and came down to play. Too bad the other players are such sore loosers. We usually give back the money we win, but with these jerks we're keeping it." The commentator said, "What are you going to do with it?" I said, "We'll probably donate it like last time." He laughed and said, "Great game."

We walked over to Julie and she said, "Those guys were so pissed at you two. You should have heard them." I said, "We can use our powers in case they get violent." We all walked out of the poolroom lounge and the two guys we beat were there in the lobby waiting for us. Gus said, "You hustled us." I said, "What did you expect? This is a 10 million dollar 9 ball tournament with betting encouraged on the side. Of course we hustled you. We won fair and square though."

Roger said, "You're right. We just aren't use to loosing like this. It was really embarrassing. Still want to shake hands?" Roger put out his hand and I smiled and shook it and so did Mandy. We shook Gus's hand also. Roger said, "What would you have done if we took the money back?" Mandy smiled and said, "You would have become a small ugly frog."

Gus said, "You're so full of shit." Julie was laughing and Mandy turned Gus into a small ugly frog. She bent down and picked him up in her hand and said, "Telling me I'm full of shit was not very nice." Mandy put him down and turned him back to human. Gus said, "Holy shit! Lets get the fuck out of here!" Roger smiled at us and said, "Good trick" as he left with Gus.


Mandy and I laughed as we all displaced back home. I said, "He must have shit a brick when you turned him into a frog." Mandy looked at her hand and said, "Nope, just a little pellet. See?" Chris said, "You two are so nuts sometimes. Hey, I forgot to show you something. Come with me into the kitchen. Everyone would love to see this."

We all sat at the kitchen table and Chris took out a sheet of paper from the cabinet and said, "I completely forgot about this and found it the other day. Remember years ago when Roberta, Allison, Kyle, and I spent months looking through all the source code on the computers that design life? We'll we found some comments right around the area that talked about the vault. We thought it was all junk or translation errors as none of it made sense. It actually does make a lot of sense. Read it thinking that some of the words are band names. I capitalized them so you can tell. There is still one section that we can't figure out."

Chris put the piece of paper down and we read it, "Changes is changing Destiny's destiny, which is too manage and serve the Guardians. Changes and Always and Forever changed the rules, and Chicks will play a big role. A vision beyond what anyone has ever dreamt before will be the driving force to obtaining the ultimate utopia and peace. The prize is for all of you, Changes, Destiny, Always and Forever, Chicks, and the Guardians of Life."

We all read it and Mandy said, "Holy shit. Read it again." We read it again and I said, "What is the vision that no one has dreamt before and what part can't you figure out?" Everyone read it and Chris said, "These list of words were all just one after the other."

We all looked at them and Kathy said, "Chris you're slipping. They're anagrams." Chris said, "No way. We didn't even think about that. Lets use a program to unscramble them." Chris and Kathy went into the den and I said, "How about a drink?" Everyone cheered and I made us all my favorite rum drink in my mind, as Mandy lit a cigarette. I said, "This is definitely weird. That comment was written more than 500 million years ago." I took a drag of Mandy's cigarette and she was doodling on the paper and said, "This word is energy."

We all started to look at the words and Chris came running in and said, "Come take a look at this." We all looked at the hologram computer image screen and Chris said, "There are about 45 combinations of possible words then about 123,000 combinations of sentences. Look at the list. I'm going to print it out and we can each take a stack and read it."

Chris printed it on the high speed printer and we all took a stack of paper, and sat in the study at the conference table. We went through it quickly as some of the sentences had words in the wrong order so we just skipped them. Mandy was about 25 pages in and said, "Forty energy stars way from the place of the vault, at a location marked by a bit map mask just below, is the answer. It is where I came from and life originated. If you are brilliant enough to solve my puzzle, you will discover the ultimate peace and utopia, the true prize of life."

I said, "Circle it and leave it over here. Lets see if any of the others make sense." We went through all of them and couldn't find any other one that made any sense. I said, "Where is the bit map mask in the code?" Chris pulled out the original piece of paper and said, "Shit. I cut that part off. You all want to go with me to the work planet and check it out?" We all nodded and displaced there. Chris and Roberta sat at the main computer terminal in the design room and Chris pulled up the section of source code that had this in it. She said, "Here is the bit mask. Lets see what the results of the operation are."

Roberta wrote down a bunch of numbers and Chris said, "Lets find it." She displayed the star and planet charts on the walls and showed the location. She said, "Forty suns away in a direct line from here in an area way beyond where we have ever gone. This is twenty times the distance across the old known universe. Let's call everyone here and let them see what we found." Megan called everyone to the work planet in her mind. She said, "We found something real interesting I think you all should see."

Everyone was there in minutes and Tara said, "Great game. We watched you on ESPN. Don't you ever loose?" Mandy and I laughed and said, "Nope."

Chris said to everyone, "Remember when we looked through the source code and we found the comments about the vault? Well there were other things in the comments that we just didn't understand and thought it was a translation error or something. I found this, that we all read before. Let me put it on the screen. It makes sense if you think of the band names."

Chris displayed it Karen said, "Great joke Chris. Can we leave now?" Chris said, "It's no joke. It's well over 500 million years old." Everyone read it again and Tara said, "What could the vision be?" Chris said, "Next there were a bunch of words that didn't make sense. Kathy immediately figured it out that they are anagrams. We used a computer to search all of the combinations and read through the lists. This is what we found." Chris showed everyone our printed sheets and then read the sentence out loud. Tara said, "Read it again."

Everyone listened and Chris said, "We found the bit map mask and translated the coordinates. Look at the star charts." She showed the charts and said, "There are exactly forty suns in a direct line to that location, which is a planet. It's farther than we ever have even sent a remote scanner. It's actually twenty times the distance of the old known universe."

Tara said, "Lets try to view it remotely first. Concentrate and read my mind." We all concentrated and saw in Tara's mind a planet that had green fields, grass, trees, oceans, was pretty much like all of the others. We searched and found no cities or buildings, or signs of human life. Tara said, "What if we tried different combinations of the last four numbers in the coordinates. Try it again." We went through a lot of them and then we viewed an incredibly modern city. Tara said into our minds, "I do believe we found it. Anyone care for an adventure?" We all said into her mind, "Yes!"

Tara displaced all of us to the city and there were people there just like us. They all communicated to us in our minds and one person walked over to us and said, "We have been expecting you, but not quite this soon. You truly are brilliant. Come with me." Mandy held my hand and we walked following the woman into an ultra modern glass structure. She said, "Please, all of you sit down. We have been watching all of you and knew that one day you would discover the secrets that were left for you to find. Welcome to the first planet. We call it Eden. Tara, you don't recognize me do you? Think hard and try to remember."

Tara was thinking and looking at the woman and then she had a tear in her eye. She ran over and hugged the woman and was crying. Tara said, "This is my mother." The woman hugged her back and said, "Welcome home. You did well. Do you remember any of what was suppose to happen?" Tara shook her head no.

The woman said, "My name is Eve. I really was the first one. About 500 million years ago we decided to send some of our children out to start new worlds and knew eventually they would find there way back home. We set them up in safe, secure areas of the universe, and made ourselves into pure energy to stay inside of them, as we showed them how to create life. We found that we couldn't live very long as pure energy and had to leave them before we finished. I was the one that wrote that computer code while I was inside of my daughter's mind. I returned to see you and watch you thousands of times. We even saw all of you two weeks ago. You were so close to solving the entire puzzle, we wanted to wait to see if you could. I am so proud." Tara and Eve hugged and again and Godda hugged Eve also.

Eve said, "Mandy and Jen, you are the leaders. You always were and always will be. Megan, you are the best manager the universe will ever see, and you and your sisters will control all of it someday, under your parents' direction. Tara and Godda, my grand daughter, you have done well. Come met your other brothers and sisters."

We were all in shock as we followed Eve into the huge glass style home. She displaced several people to the room with us and a woman appeared who could be Tara's twin. Eve said, "Met your twin sister, Jess, and this is your brother, Rand." Tara hugged them both and Eve said, "They actually got back here about 10,000 years ago ahead of you, but they didn't solve the puzzle. We had to go get them because they didn't get the results you did. We had to let you finish it out. You have created a group of Guardians that will nurture life everywhere. I am so proud of every one of you. Chris, to quote my daughter, you are truly amazing."

Mandy said, "We didn't solve one part of the riddle. What is the vision?" Eve laughed and said, "You'll know it when it happens. We'll leave it as a nice surprise. By the way, we are all going to watch you play in the concert tomorrow on Earth. We love your music." Everyone laughed and Eve said, "Hey, we like to goof around, have sex, and listen to music too. We're just like you are."

I said, "How did it all start, if you were the first?" Eve said, "Jen, I wish I knew. I don't remember my parents at all. Maybe I'll find them someday. We visited all of the planets as you created them over the years. We kind of took a liking to Earth and people used our names a lot. I was drunk on wine and told everyone I was the first one and from Eden. I guess that's how that story got started." We all laughed and Eve said, "Let me show you around."

We all took the tour and the place was gorgeous. Eve said, "I like nature and I like glass. The homes here are much like on all of the other planets. We really haven't progressed any further in all this time than you have. Technology wise, you pretty much have all of it and got there in less than one ten-thousandth of the time it took us. Your android discovery is something that we don't have and have been trying to figure it out for ages. Our scientists just gave up and scraped the project."

I said, "How did you have the vision of us 500 million years ago? Our clairvoyance powers can't see that far ahead." Eve said, "Your powers can see ahead that far ahead. I'll show you how to do it. In a few days we'll all get together and I'll introduce you to the rest of our special club. They are a real cast of characters, but we love them all. Melissa, we have someone who is as crazy as you are and loves to do commercials for all of the products we have on different worlds. Karen we have a music area that is not quite on par with what you have done, but I think you'll ready like it. There is so much for all of you to see and so much all of us can learn from what you accomplished. The way you set up governments is amazing. We want you to do that here also and make this part of SolarNational. Tara and Godda, you two were great when you played God for all of those planets. You did what need to be done and you did it perfectly. Let me make the preparation for everyone to meet. I'll call all of you in your minds. I think Tara, Godda, and I need some time alone for a while."

Everyone hugged Eve and we displaced back. Mandy and I looked at each other and I said, "Was that a dream?" She smiled and said, "Pinch me." I pinched her nipple and she moaned and said, "I'm definitely awake." Chris said, "Hey Megan, cool isn't it? Maybe Mom will drop you off for 500 million years somewhere." We all laughed and Megan said, "How could she do that?" I said, "I have no idea. We couldn't let you out of our sight. The first time you went to Kids World we were more nervous that you were." Julie said, "I want to know more about your vision. Go to bed and see something already." We were all laughing and I said, "Julie, what would you do if our vision has you living forever as an ugly small frog with Gus?" Kathy was laughing and Julie said, "Shut up. That's not funny."

Julie put her arms around me and Mandy and said, "No frogs, but Mermaids are Okay, just stay away from yucky things like reptiles, insects, and slimy stuff." Mandy said, "Julie, we don't even know if the vision is really what we think of as a vision. Eve said we'd know when it happens. We'll let you guys know as soon as we do." Mandy put her arm around me and said, "I think Jen and I need go practice our vision test. It's 2 in the morning. Goodnight."

We walked upstairs to our bedroom and Mandy lit a cigarette. I put my arms over her shoulders and faced her, as I said, "So what do you think a vision is?" She took a drag of the cigarette and said, "I have no clue. Maybe it has nothing to do with seeing the future. It could be something completely different." I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy put her hand on my breast and said, "I think we need to get into bed honey." I took another drag of the cigarette and smiled, as Mandy put her hand under inside of the V front in my dress and felt my naked breast and nipple. She was smiling at me and said, "I know that feels good." I took another drag of the cigarette and held it to Mandy's lips and she took a drag also, as she rubbed my nipple. We both blew out the smoke and I leaned forward and gave her a sloppy wet kiss. Mandy said, "Now that's more like it."

We both took a final drag of the cigarette and undressed each other. We lay in the bed caressing and talking for a while and I said, "You know were stuck running things again." Mandy smiled and said, "It could be worse. We could be small ugly frogs." We both smiled and changed into couples. Mandy lay on top of me and we slowly worked out cocks into each other. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and we lay on our sides as we moved in and out of each other slowly. Mandy kissed me and we explored each other's mouth with our tongues and swapped saliva. I put my hand on her ass and pulled her into me harder and Mandy said, "Put your finger in my ass honey. Do it."

I reached farther and made my arm longer as I spread her ass cheeks. I put my finger into her pussy along with my cock to get it wet and then pushed it into her butt hole. I moved it a few times and then made it bigger, as Mandy was pushing her finger into my ass. We made love and finger fucked each other's ass in rhythm to our body movements. Mandy and I kissed and held each other so tight as we slid our cocks in and out of each other. We shared our thoughts and feelings as Mandy said into my mind, "This feels so good. Oh Jen, don't stop for anything."

We didn't stop for anything and kept going for hours. Each time one of us had an orgasm, the other felt it and came also. We both shot our cum at the same time and we bucked into each other so hard we heard our skin slap against each other. I felt my cock squirting cum into Mandy, as her cock pulsated inside of me and blasted warm cum over and over again. We stopped moving for a minute holding each other tight, and then started again really slow as we also drifted off together. We were so connected we felt like we were one person.

We were in a state somewhere between sleep and awake and felt our bodies moving and orgasming, but our minds drifted together. We looked down at ourselves from above and Mandy said into our connected minds, "You look so sexy honey. So do I. I can feel all of it and we are watching ourselves. This is unreal." We watched ourselves and then went together into Mandy's body. We both felt everything, but I watched myself making love to Mandy from inside of her. We went into my body the same way and Mandy was orgasming nonstop. She said into my mind, "How is this possible? We could never do this before." I said back, "Just enjoy it with me."

Mandy went back into her body and me kissed and kissed, over and over again as we made love. Then we drifted our minds out of our bodies again and we felt like we knew how to control it. I was kissing Mandy I her mind also and we both experienced something we had before. It was like our minds had an orgasm and our bodies just reacted to it. We went from my body to hers and then back again, as we made love. We finally went back to our own bodies and lay still. I said, "I am completely exhausted. Mandy, that was so wild." Mandy smiled and said, "I think we had a part of our vision. Separate and try doing it with me now." We separated and tried it. Our minds merged and we drifted above to watch ourselves. Mandy said into my mind, "Look in the mirror!" We saw a bright glow in the air where our minds were positioned in the room. We moved around and the glow went with us. I said into her mind, "Let's go back." We both sat up and I said, "We were energy. Pure energy, just like Tara described about her childhood, and what Eve talked about. That was an amazing feeling. Lets not goof around with it until we ask Eve about it."

We heard in our minds, "Go ahead and ask me." Mandy said, "Eve?" We heard back, "The one and only." I said, "What we just experienced, is this the energy that you spoke about?" She said back to us, "It is, and it's a thousand things more. Power you can't even imagine. You had part of the vision. When we get together, I will teach you everything about it and you will understand all of it." Mandy said, "Will everyone have this happen to them?" Eve said, "No. Only a few of us will ever have this ability. You two are the only ones from your group, and that makes six of us now. I'll explain it all, you will be amazed at what we can do. Just don't tell the others yet. Let me be one to tell them what it means."

I said, "What does it mean?" Eve laughed in our minds and said, "You are now the true creators of life. We don't need computers or machines. We can do all of it ourselves. We can make worlds, solar systems, expand the universe and change it. I made the computers so Tara could carry on and make this happen. You now have the ultimate power in the universe. The power of a true God. Go back to making love and we'll talk after you guys play in Austin. Tara and I are still catching up. I told her about it after you left and she is so happy for you." We heard Tara say in our minds "Get back to fucking!" and then Eve laughing and say, "She is definitely my kid."

We held each other and just giggled. I said, "Mrs. God would you like to fornicate again?" Mandy smacked my arm and said, "God, your so weird." We both realized what she said and laughed. I lit a cigarette and took a drag, and Mandy leaned over to me and took a drag also. We shared the cigarette and were both acting like little kids being excited. I said, "I don't even know what I'm excited about yet." Mandy said, "Guess we can finally get that new station wagon you picked out." We both laughed and hugged each other.

We made love almost all night and drifted off a few times together. Then we fell asleep and had such incredible dreams together. We dreamed of creating a new solar system, and planets all by ourselves. Mandy said into my mind in the dream, "I think I know what we're suppose to be when we grow up now." I laughed at her in the dream and we kissed and then really kissed with our bodies. We went back into our own minds and woke up. I said, "We definitely had the vision. That was so wild." Mandy kissed me over and over again and was giggling like a little kid. I was too.

We looked at the clock and it was 11 AM and I said, "Lets get up and have some breakfast. I'm starved." Mandy took my hand and dragged me into the bathroom and we made love in the shower for over an hour as combined couples. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and I leaned her into the wall and we fucked standing up, as we kissed under the water.

We finally got dressed and were putting on makeup. We looked into the mirror and I said, "You definitely have a radiant glow." Mandy said, "You do too and it looks so good honey." Mandy kissed me again and we went downstairs into the kitchen. Chris said, "Breakfast is on the table for you." I said, "Thanks" and made Mandy and me a plate. Mandy said, "Where is everyone?" Chris said, "They already went to Austin to the grand opening of the History of Life. Lets go join them when you finish. Roberta is checking out something on the shipping system to convert it to teleportation. We think we found a real easy and cheap way to do it that's still safe." I said, "Cool."

Chris said, "You two look different today. I can't figure out what it is, but you look great." Mandy said, "It's called sleep." Chris said, "Yeah, right. You two haven't slept for more than a few hours a night in 50 years." I turned on the TV and we watched our grand opening in Austin and Kid's World. Both places were packed. I said, "It worked." Chris said, "There's a ten week waiting list for tickets and we just started selling them two days ago." Mandy said, "That's great. We should start the rollout of the other's right away." Chris said, "We already did when we saw the lines this morning. We were thinking of another one on Earth also in the old Soviet Union."

We ate our breakfast and had some coffee with a cigarette as we watched the news. Mandy said, "Dean makes such a great spokes person. You can tell he's loving every minute of it." We finished our cigarettes as Roberta came in and said, "It should work. We just need to test it thoroughly. If someone wants to teleport from their home, we upgrade their shipping terminal to a teleportation terminal. They operate on the same network now and both systems can talk to each other. It was simple. Plus we make a ton of money on the increased revenue from leasing the new gear." I said, "Good job."

Chris said, "You two ready?" I said, "You do the driving." Chris displaced us inside of the exhibit and we saw the people and the android animals. We all couldn't believe how much of a success it was. Mandy and I sat down with a 5 year old, as he was being told a story by a Lion and laughed every time the Lion roared. We saw Dean and he came running over to us and said, "It's wonderful. I can't say enough." I said, "You're doing great, just keep it up. You were terrific on TV." Dean held the little boys hand and said, "Want to see a dinosaur with me. I think their cool." The mother smiled and they all walked to the dinosaurs.

We had a blast as usual and rode an elephant again, and then rode a T-Rex. Julie was laughing at us and said, "You two are like such little kids sometimes. It's great. Meet Herman. He's the fly that's giving us a tour today." We all giggled and a high squeaky voice said, "Hey, knock that off! So what if I'm small. I'm a fly."

We saw so many incredible things. The kids and adults were both really getting into this place. The underwater tunnel was so mobbed people were waiting for fifteen minutes to get to talk to the fish. I said into everyone's mind, "Lets make two tunnels from now on. It's too crowded." Chris said, "We are already making some changes based on what we've seen. I'd say this a complete success so far. Jen, what a great idea."

Mandy and I walked over to the pavilion and sat down at a table. I order us two drinks and we watched people buying some of the animals for home. We saw someone actually order a gorilla as a housekeeper and Mandy was laughing as I said, "She likes the strong image." We also saw a lot of the Neanderthal man and woman androids being purchased. Mandy said, "They like it rough." We watched people and had our drinks and a cigarette. A little boy was crying and stood by us and I said, "What's wrong?" He pointed to his knee and it was scraped. Mandy healed it and the boy stopped crying and said, "Are you God?" Mandy and I just looked at him and I said into his mind, "You're better now. Go have fun with animals."

We spent all day in the park and could have spent two more. The only thing that grosses us out are the spiders. We both hate them. Even though we know they're androids and they talk to us like cartoon characters, we both get grossed out.


Julie said into our minds, "Sound check. I'll remotely displace everyone to the arena." We were displaced to the arena and Jennifer said, "Chicks and Destiny are the MC's tonight. We're going to have some fun with you guys also." The sound engineer announced through the PA system, "Little Willie, sound check."

We all sat in the front row and watched Karen put on the guitar, Kathy stand by the organ, Jamie put on the bass and Gerri, sit on the drums. Jamie was such a hard rocker. She yelled, "Cool Jam on 4." Gerri counted and they played. They had the magic still and were so good. We couldn't sit still, and the vocals were fantastic. They all watched us and we gave them the thumbs up, as Karen was smiling.

They called Always and Forever and Chris did her usual funk rock and we were all dancing in the song. Then they called us up on stage and we did one of our new tunes we called, "If your mother only knew." This a was a rocker and an audience sing along and where the audience shouts back, "No Way!" to the one liners that we sing and say "if my mother only knew". The song's cute. Everyone was shouting "No Way!" and we all smiled.

We ended it and then they called up the "MC groups." We all watched and laughed so hard at a skit they were doing and then they sang an outrageous acapella song.

We all went backstage and I said to Jamie, "You are so hot on stage." She said, "Jen, you of all people. Everyone drips when you and Mandy play and sing." Karen was laughing and said, "Little Willie is going to play some new tunes tonight. Tell me what you think." Mandy said, "It's about time. The king of entertainment can't spend a few hours to write music when she can write better than all of us." Gerri smiled and said, "You got that right. We had to almost tie her up to get her to sit still long enough so we could record them." Everyone was laughing and Karen said, "Okay, Okay, so I'm getting a little too into the job again. I'll lighten up."

I said, "Anyone for some finger food and drinks?" I made a whole spread of finger foods and glasses filled with my favorite drink and everyone pigged out. The sound engineer had a speaker back stage and said to us, "MC group you're on in ten minutes."

All the kids kissed us and Megan said, "Have fun tonight" as they walked out on to the stage. Little Willie got ready to go on and we all went to sit in the front row and watch.

The house lights went dim and the stage spots went on. Jennifer came out dressed like a total slut and they started a skit. We laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. They sang a sound acapella called "Little Willie's ear Candy." The singing was great and the words were cute. They all walked to the far from corner of the stage as they sang and Megan ended it by yelling, "Little Willie! ON stage now! Lets hear them Rock!"

The stage spots came on again and Gerri clicked four beats and they all came in loud. The new music was fantastic. Mandy and I loved it and the crowd was going crazy over them. We couldn't sit still and stood with everyone else dancing to the music. They did some great crowd things and their usual shtick on stage. Karen walked into the audience and played one hell of a guitar solo and brought someone back on stage with her and they all worked him into the act. It was priceless.

They finished their show and then played an encore. The kids went back on stage from the side and took their positions as the stage spots went on them. They did different skit and it was so cleaver. They were all android animals at the park and were talking about the stupid humans. They ended the skit singing Chris's first hit record from years ago called "Always and Forever", as they walked to the far side front of the stage. The lights went dim on the kid and the stage spots got bight as the fireworks went off and Chris rocked it. They did a real funky soul beginning and everyone was standing and dancing already.

Mandy said into my mind, "I wish I could write this stuff. I love it." We really enjoyed Chris's show. The horn section was so out of this world tonight. They made a ton of changes to the act and it was unreal.

We went backstage to get ready as the kids were doing a skit about us now. We watched from the edge of the stage entrance and it was funny as Megan was playing Mandy as a pool hustler. They ended with a song about us, and it was kind of cute. We walked out on stage as they moved to the front and we did our invisible thing tonight with a twist. Four of us displaced to the different parts of the arena and when we came in with the music we all turned visible and walked back to the stage playing through the crowd. After the first song everyone was cheering and standing and Mandy said, "Lets have a big round of applause for the MCs tonight. In case you didn't recognize them, that's Chicks and Destiny." The crowd went crazy and I said, "Any one get to the History of Life park today?" The screams were deafening and I said, "We wrote a song about it. Here's a new one called My friend the Lion."

We played it and the crowd loved it and was singing along. We all looked surprised as it was only released a few weeks ago. Karen gave us the thumbs up and we all smiled at her. We ended the song going into one of our skits and I decide to have some fun with it tonight. I'm suppose to be an android housekeeper, and I'm squatting this time as Melissa comes over to me and says, "Who are you." I say in a real high squeaky voice, "I'm Melvin the Fly. Your new Housekeeper. Remember, you bought me at the park today." Everyone one stage cracked up and so did the audience. I yelled, "Hey! So I'm fucking small. I can still make the beds." Melissa picked up on it and we did a 5 minute skit that was an absolute piss the ended with them wanting to return me to the park. Melissa said in my mind afterward, "Jen, you just wrote our next commercial."

We played all of our new tunes and the crowd loved them and then we did a few of the older ones. We did the usual stage stuff and this time Mandy chased me. We saved "If your mother only knew" for the encore and when we came back on stage Mandy said, "This is a new tune and we need everyone to scream out, "No Way!" really loud. Lets hear you do it now." The screaming was deafening. She explained when to do it and we played. Mandy and I changed the words a little in our minds and the first chorus we sang, "If my mother only knew, about the things we did. Like fuck all day" and then the crowd yelled out "No Way!" The crowd loved it and we were laughing as we sang it. Everyone was screaming "No Way" and we played five verses before we ended it with all of us talking into the mics at the same time, "No way. No fucking way. My mother would kill me. No way that's true." We waved to the audience thanking them, and then walked backstage.

Everyone came backstage and Chris screamed at us, "No Way! Mom, I wish I could write stuff like that. What a song." We all laughed and Mandy said, "We made up half the words as we went tonight. The ultimate improvisation band." Karen put her arms over Mandy and my shoulders and said, "You two have the magic. We couldn't have ever done that. What a piss."

Eve, Tara, Godda, Traff, and a few of the others displaced backstage and Eve screamed, "No Way!" We all laughed and she said, "I loved it! The whole show was fantastic."

I made everyone drinks again and we all lit a cigarette and had a rum drink. Eve said to us, "Come with me a minute." We stood in a corner and she said, "What you experienced is only the beginning. You can travel anywhere outside of your body as pure energy, and enter anyone else's body. It's safe up for up to about 15 years. After that you have to go back into your real body. I'll tell you about the powers tomorrow. Lets join the others."

We all laughed and joked about the skits. Melissa was laughing so hard when Chris said, "Melvin the fly? Where in the fuck did that come from?" I smiled and said, "He gave us a tour today but his name was Herman." All of us stayed and had a great time as Dean and Janie came back stage. He said, "This show was better than anyone before. We all loved it. We all fell in love with Melvin the Fly." Melissa lost it laughing again. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Sometimes, you are more fucked up than I am." I yelled at her, "No Way!" Everyone laughed and Mandy smiled and kissed me.

We finished our drinks and then displaced back to the vacation house as everyone was calling me Melvin. Mandy and I went up to our bedroom and we were still laughing about the show. She said, "What would you have done if I tried to step on you?" I said, "Played dead and floated up to heaven. The crowd would have booed you for 5 minutes until I came back to life." We both laughed as we took off our shirts. I said, "I had fun tonight. How about you?" Mandy said, "I loved it. That last song was so funny."

We finished getting undressed and she held me in her arms and I melted. I wrapped my arms around Mandy and we held each other and caressed each other's backs as we kissed. We broke the kiss and Mandy whispered into my ear, "Jen, I want make love to you so much honey. Lets lay down."

We lay down and there was no foreplay tonight. We changed into couples and just went at it. Mandy lay on top of me and pushed her cock into my pussy, as my cock slid into her slit. We fucked like we were had been sex starved for years as we shared out thoughts and feelings. Mandy moved her head down to lick one of my nipples and I arched my back to let her suck all of it into her mouth, as I cupped my breast with my hand. She made me so hot I was tingling all over, and then I did it to her also. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and rolled us on our side, and we got into a rhythm moving in and out of each other.

Mandy made her energy move into me and it felt so incredible. We merged our minds and then moved into Mandy, as we both had one orgasm after the other. We both felt me start to shoot my cum and my body jerked forward and I felt the cum squirting from my cock and also felt it hit inside of Mandy's pussy. The feelings made her shoot into my pussy at the same time. We held each other tight and moved slowly on each other, as we both felt our minds merge again.

Mandy and I made love for hours, as we drifted in and out of each other's mind and then floated above us for a while. When we kissed in our energy minds, it was like every part of our bodies orgasmed at once. We both went back in our bodies and fucked like we were on speed. We were both soaking wet with sweat within a few minutes and just kept on going.

After we both shot 4 times into each other, Mandy said into my mind, "Suck my pussy and swallow all of the cum, while I suck yours." We moved to a 69 position on our sides and went wild on each other again. I tongue fucked Mandy's cunt and swallowed all of the cum from her pussy as she orgasmed nonstop. She sucked me so hard I felt like I was being turned inside out and then Mandy used her tongue like I did to her. I moaned so loud when she wiggled her tongue inside of me. We moved to suck each other's cock and Mandy made me cum in her mouth in a few minutes, and it took me 20 minutes to get her off. I did it real slow and made her crazy, before she blasted her cum into me like a fire hose. We moved to kiss and then lay down cuddling as we fell asleep.

We woke up at 10 in the morning and Mandy kissed me softly. She said, "You awake yet?" I smiled at her with my eyes closed and she said, "You'tr awake." She turned me into a combined couple and moved into me real slowly. We sort of moved around on each other until we interlocked and then made love again. We held each other and moved real slow and deep. I was so into it and so was Mandy. We kissed over and over again and then we both orgasmed from our pussies. She moaned softly into my ear, "Cum inside of me. Do it now honey. I'm going to shoot." I felt Mandy's cock pulsate and my pussy throbbed as she shot her load into me. She squirted over and over again and held me tight, as my cock exploded into her. I squirted 12 times and we kissed and held each other.

We lay interlocked on our sides, and Mandy leaned back to lay her shoulders on the pillow. She reached for a cigarette and lit it, and took a big drag. She held in the smoke and took another drag, and then blew the smoke out into the air. I took a drag of the cigarette also, and blew it out slowly through my nose and said, "You want to have some breakfast? I'm hungry." Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and turned her hips a little which made her cock go into me further. We both moaned and then she smiled and said, "Jen, I am so in love with you. Can you image us doing this 5 million years from now?" I said, "No Way!" We both laughed and I said, "I sure can baby, but my guess is that we'll be doing it on lots of other planets." I took another drag of the cigarette and so did Mandy. I blew out the smoke and said, "I'm starved and have to take a major pee." I uncoupled us and dragged Mandy out of bed into the bathroom with me. She tickled me and I sat just in time as I peed a flood. She sat on the toilet next to me and we both laughed as she peed even more than I did.

We got cleaned up and when I brushed my teeth I did the Melvin the fly routine and told her I was here to help clean her teeth also. I thought Mandy was going to shit. We laughed as we dressed and put on makeup, and then went downstairs. Everyone was still asleep so I made us some breakfast and coffee, while we turned on the news. We watched a 10 minute spot about the History of Life Park, and it was on almost every news station. The commentator on one of the networks said, "I can't explain what it's like. You have to come see if you yourself. I guarantee you will remember it for the rest of your life. Alfred the Hippo gave us a tour yesterday and today we're going back to get a tour from Nancy the Triceratops. My kids are on cloud nine and frankly, I loved it too." Mandy said, "Best commercial we could have ever had."

We finished our breakfast and lit a cigarette to have with our coffee, as everyone was getting up and came into the kitchen. I said, "What time are we suppose to go to meet Eve?" We heard in our minds, "Any time you want. Relax and come whenever you're ready." We all smiled.

Melissa was talking about 4 new commercials for stuff using my Melvin the fly to sell other products. We were all laughing and I said, "Jody, did she keep you up all night to write these?" Melissa said, "Jody kept me up all night to write these with her. Melvin will be a big hit. I want to get some big guy to play the part dressed in a fly outfit." We all laughed again. Julie said softly, "We are so fucked up" and we all screamed, "No Way!"

We all relaxed and had coffee and another cigarette. Megan handed us a piece of paper and said, "Press release for Monday." We read it and Mandy said, "Good, an instant revenue maker. So many people will upgrade their shipping systems to be able to teleport also."

Megan said, "We do have a problem that we are going to have to fix pretty soon. Ready for this? The systems we use to track all of our revenue, accounting, AP, AR, GL, all of those, we need to expand the fields. No one ever though we would ever need more than 15 digits. We need 16 and should allow for 24." We all laughed and Megan said, "It really is a problem. In about 3 months we won't be able to produce a revenue report." Chris said, "We'll fix it. It can't be that horrible." Roberta said, "You haven't seen what's there. It's horrible and then some."

We all finished our coffee and I said, "Ready to go?" I said in my mind, "Eve, give us the coordinates again." She laughed and she said into our minds, "For someone who is so brilliant you are slow. Write it down this time." Mandy wrote it down and we all displaced.

Almost everyone got there within a few minutes of each other and Eve said, "Lets go to the garden room. It's kind of nice in there." We followed her to a completely glass room with gardens all over it and under it. There were tables set up in an area and we all sat down. Eve stood and said, "First let me introduce some people to you. You met my children, Jess and Rand. This is Adam my husband who has been a combined woman now for about 400 million years or so. We have Athena and her mate Tass, and.." Eve introduced us to 16 people and then we all stood and introduced ourselves and they all hugged each of us. Eve said, "I have so much to tell you. Lets start with Tara. You know she is my daughter. What you don't know is that she is not 500 million years old. Frankly we lost count. I think she is 7 billion years old or around there. I had her when I was 23 years old."

Adam said, "Tara was the most brilliant out of all of us and we talked for ages about using a group to start a new section of the universe and run it as a controlled experiment. Tara insisted on being the one to start it, and her brother and sister wanted to do the same thing in another area. Eve and I reluctantly agreed, as we wanted them here with us. We all felt so attached to each other we knew the only way this would work was too remove Tara's memory and then restore it when she returned. She has it back now. Eve and I made her think she was a young child again and then built one of our life computers using her body and mind to do it. Unfortunately she didn't remember most of it, but we felt compelled to let the experiment continue, as Eve saw a vision of you coming here from the time we started."

Eve said, "We used a system we built to separate the universe, and had the computer manage it. We watched Tara at least once a week, but couldn't let on. She wouldn't have recognized us anyway. We made suggestions into her mind, which she did and that was partly to do with all of you. We didn't actually expect you here for another 5,000 years, but you seem to do everything faster and better than we can. We are so happy about this."

Eve continued, "I knew Jen and Mandy and would have a vision. They have, and I asked them not to tell you about it, as I wanted to. Adam, Athena, Tass and me, have a very special gift that on one else has. We can remove our minds from our bodies and become total energy. Think of it as our essence, or our soul. As energy, we can go anywhere or do anything. We can become part of another person, and that is how we helped Tara build the computer and the work planet. The powers that go with this gift are beyond belief. We can create life, planets, a solar system, galaxy, or almost anything all in our minds. We don't need the computers to make life. We built them so others would be able to do it also. To use Mandy's words, we just have a few more options installed. We knew that two of you would have that same gift that we have, and Mandy and Jen have it. They have experienced it and it really is unreal when it happens to you. We are going to create a new world with them doing all of the work using their minds in the form of energy. I'm going to link my thoughts to Tara so you can all see it as it happens. Our physical bodies will be here lying down when we leave them. We are still quite alive and can still actually fell what is happening to them, even though we are light years away. Jen, Mandy, you ready for the experience for a lifetime?"

I said, "Lets do it. You need to show us what to do." Eve said, "Lay down here on the floor next to us, and just read my mind." We lay down next to Eve and Adam in the center of the room. Eve said into our minds, "Become energy and just hover above your body." We did and heard everyone gasp. Eve said into our minds, "Now the fun part. I'm displacing our energy to the coordinates we want to create life of a planet."

I felt like a roller coaster as we displaced. We were all making noises in our mind and then stopped in the middle of empty space. Adam said into our minds, "That's the planet. Barron waste land. Jen, think of the life cycle as it was displayed on the design room walls. It's all in your mind and real easy to find while you are energy." Mandy was reading my mind and we both found every bit of it. Adam said, "Project it into an explosion. Watch in my mind how to do it, but you will have to do it." We read Adam's thoughts and Mandy said, "Lets do it. Count of 3 honey. 1, 2, 3."

We watched an enormous explosion and felt our energy being moved by the blast. Eve said, "Here comes another roller coaster." We watched the cycle of life start and displaced down to the planet as energy and watched the early stages of the process. It was amazing. Adam said, "Lets get back to the other's now. We can come back anytime." This time Mandy displaced us back and we hovered above our bodies and then went back inside.

We all got up and everyone had their mouths hanging open. I said, "Now this was really cool." Everyone wanted to know what it felt like and I said, "Mandy and I will go together inside of each of you so you can fell it." Eve was laughing as we lay back down and merged our minds as we went as energy into everyone for a few seconds. We also said something funny to each person while we were there and each person laughed as we left. We went back into our bodies and got back up.

Eve said, "We have no idea what allows us to do that, or we would have taught all of you and the rest of our group. Chris, you feel like a real hard problem to solve, this is it." Chris said, "We'll try to figure it out."

I said, "Eve, have you looked at the memory imprints in your mind to see what the beginning was really like for you?" She said, "No, can you do that?" We all smiled and I said, "Work planet everyone. It will only take about 20 minutes." We all displaced to the work planet and Chris set up the knowledge computer to upload the memories of Adam, Tass, Athena, and Eve. They sat down and it took about 5 minutes and then Mandy and I sat down and Chris downloaded the knowledge to us.

Mandy and I stood up and we looked at Eve and the others and I said, "We know the truth. Do you want to see it?" Adam said, "We have been trying to figure out the beginning since we were young. Show us."

Mandy and I projected our thoughts together on the screen and I said into everyone's mind, "This is the cataclysmic explosion that started the first life forms. Notice that the universe was empty. The explosion created the first star and planets. This is what Eden looked like seeing it from Eve's eyes as she was only energy at the time."

Eve said, "That was in my mind?" I said, "And in Adam's, and Athena's, and Tass'. This is what evolved next over the millennium. Notice the life cycle ended at the apes until Eve changed the pattern and cycle. Watch over the years as we show glimpses of the centuries. This is how humans evolved and watch this carefully."

Mandy said, "Eve, this is your mother. You changed her body to make her have a baby and watch what you did next. You went inside the baby. This shows how you were born. Adam this is your mother. You did the same thing. Athena, Tass, these are your parents also. You all placed your energy into the children before they were born. The memories we are seeing were what we call imprints and that's how we managed to make certain worlds mature so fast as we let people remember it. Just like our children inherited all of our knowledge and maybe the energy power as well."

We showed all of the children being born and them as kids playing together and then as young adults when the energy lifted out of them and transferred the knowledge of life into them and then went back into them permanently. I said, "Eve, Adam, Athena, and Tass, you really were the first ones."

They were in shock and I said, "I could have been worse. You could have been a fly named Melvin before hand." Everyone laughed and Eve said, "Jen, you are so fucked up, but so smart." Mandy was laughing and said, "Jen, do you really thing Megan and the others will get this power also?" I said, "I have no clue. We have no idea why we have it. Lets have Chris analyze it first."

Chris said, "Take a look at this. I recorded the images. The first explosion is off the measurable scale. Look at the spectrometer. This explosion is at least 20 million times more powerful than anything we have ever recorded." I said, "Chris, record me leaving my body." I leaned back on the chair and left with my energy and then went back. Chris said, "It's the same as the souls that we track that get reclaimed when the life is started in the cycle. Somehow you can remove yours without dying. We'll figure it out. Let me read your mind while you do it." I leaned back again and Chris read my mind and I did it real slowly and then went back.

Chris put her head back on the chair and concentrated. She lasted about 20 seconds and then we saw her soul slowly appear and then go back. Chris sat up and said, "That was so cool. We all should be able to do it. Jen and Mandy's mind has something that allows it to happen easier. I really had to work at it." Eve said, "I can't believe they figured it out. We've been trying for how many billions of years and they did it in less than a day."

Eve said, "Lets go back to my place for some food and Chris you get to teach everyone how to do it." We all displaced back and Chris was working with each person as we had some interesting food and drinks. Chris said, "Eve, the more I do it the easier it gets. It's like a part of our brain is just rusty and needed to be used. Some people can do it easier than others."

It took about three hours and Chris showed everyone, even the others that lived here with Eve. I said, "You all feel like seeing that planet in person now, as energy?" We all lay down on the garden floor and everyone left their body. Eve displaced us all to the planet and it was so interesting watching the atmosphere form. Eve displaced us all back and we all went into our bodies. Karen sat up and said, "That was one cool out of body experience."

Eve said, "I bet that means that everyone will have the same powers that go with it. If you use your clairvoyance powers while in energy form, you can see everything very clearly, for an unlimited time period. You just scroll through the future. That's how I knew this would happen. I didn't see this part though. We know we can change the future, and this was not part of the original vision. It also means you can create life, and fly."

Eve paused and continued, "I thought this was a miracle that you had the powers and you came to us when all the time we could have done it, but we didn't understand how. We had the prize all along and it took you to teach us how to find it." Mandy said, "Eve, you were the first. We're just improving on your options." Eve laughed and said, "You sure are. I saw the life cycle you changed and that world will mature in one thousandth of the time that ours took."

Mandy said, "Tell us everything about this world and the others. How are they run, products, services, and food? We want to learn everything."


We all listened to Eve and Adam as they told us so much about their worlds. They were like ours were about 30 years ago; lots of different governments, stupid laws, heavy taxes, crime, wars, terrorism, and as Eve put it so nicely, "It fucking sucks. We need what you did to earth, and we need it here quick." I said, "Do people here believe in religion? Can we use the God idea like we did on earth?"

Adam said, "They all believe in a magical being that created them to all be perfect. This place has such an attitude problem. They need a serious adjustment downward." I said, "What do you do here? Are you in companies, or government? Do the people live forever like us?"

Eve said, "They don't live forever, and some of them definitely live too long." We all were laughing as she was so sarcastic. Eve continued, "We have a few of the drugs that you have, but nothing in the genetic range. We run a very large company here, and we go head to head with governments and churches all the time. I get so fed up." Margi stood up and said, "Mandy, that sound like anyone we know about 45 years ago?" We all laughed and I said, "We fixed those problems. We can do it here for you also. Tara was great in her part of it."

We talked for hours and found out there were 65 worlds just like this that were on the brink of blowing themselves up. We told Eve and the others all of the details of what we did and they laughed. I said, "People wanted a God, and we gave them one, big time, your grand daughter. We changed the roles and each played different parts on each planet. It works like a charm. We had the show down pat when we did it for 8 planets. We'll help you with the first few. Do the people travel to the other planets, and does anyone on these worlds have the mind power that we do?" Eve said, "No, and No!"

She said, "Lets work the details later. I wanted to have all of you inside for one of my famous food orgies. The problem here is the stupid assholes even passed laws against this. I would love to see them try to arrest me. I'd fucking melt them to liquid." We all laughed and I said, "She's a pisser. Hey Eve, you ever been on a biker rally?" Kate and Judy were smiling and said, "We have to take her and Adam next time."

We all went into another gorgeous room that was all nature and had curved sofa like beds all over it. There were trays of fruit and food all over and Eve said, "Let the games begin." Mandy said, "I know where Tara got it from."

We spent about 12 hours making love in groups and eating food from pussies, cocks, mouths, asses, and breasts. Mandy and I made love to Eve and Adam and they flipped when we tongue snaked them. They had no idea some of the things we can do. They just never tried it. They were so into sucking themselves when we showed them that also. We spent about 4 hours as a family thing with Megan, Kelly, Alicia, Margi, Chris, and Roberta. We all floated our energy together and went from body to body. This was so amazing. Mandy called it a family bonding. We called it the best sex we ever had.

When everyone was so exhausted they couldn't move Eve said, "Okay gang, lets talk about saving the world." Everyone just laughed and Karen said, "You're as fucking nuts as Jen and Mandy."

I said, "Eve, why don't you, Adam, Athena, and Tass, come home with us to our vacation house, and we'll write you the scripts tomorrow and do it for you." She smiled and said, "Do the driving."

We were so tired, I displaced us all back to the vacation home into the den, still lying down. We all go up and I said, "I need some sleep. You can use any of the suites upstairs to the left of the second staircase. Come and we'll show you." We went upstairs and Eve said, "This place is huge. We don't have anything like this on our worlds. This is a vacation house?" I said, "Yeah. We're on vacation world in the resort we own. Most of us have homes here also. We'll give you the tour in the morning. You guys play golf?" Eve said, "Yeah we do actually." Mandy said, "We play for a quarter bet, but no using your powers. That's cheating. We'll play while you're here."

We showed them a few suites and I said, "Take your pick and we'll see in the morning for breakfast. We are going to be out cold in a few minutes." Mandy and I were so tired. We went into our bedroom and undressed, got under the covers cuddling and Mandy lit a cigarette. She took a drag and said to me, "This is going to be fun doing this again. You want to be God or should I be it on this planet?" I said, "I'll take God, you be the First One." I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "This like resurrecting a Broadway show." We both smiled and I said, "Their planets are more fucked up that ours were. They've had a lot more time to make the problems worse. We still have all of the notes archived that we used before. It should almost be the same." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette as I rubbed her nipple lightly and she said, "Jen honey, that feels so good." I squeezed her nipple between my index finger and thumb and she said, "Mmmmm. We aren't sleeping yet."

Mandy rolled over on top of me and kissed me, as we caressed each other. She said, "Lets couple and do it real slow honey, and then fall asleep." We both changed and interlocked lying on our sides moving in and out of each other slowly. We kissed the entire time and I said into Mandy's mind, "I have never been happier or felt better." Mandy kissed me sloppier and I did the same to her as we made passionate love. We both orgasmed from our pussies and then blasted off. My cock pulsated so strong as Mandy squeezed her pussy muscles on it and I blasted my first squirt of cum into her like a geyser. She shot into me at the exact same time when I squeezed my pussy muscles on her also. We both moaned out loud and I said, "Oh! OOOOHHH! OOOOOHHHH! Mandy honey. Feel it together. OOOOHH! That's it. Mmmmmmmm."

We stopped moving and put our faces together, falling asleep in seconds. I woke Mandy up at 9 AM by slowly moving into her and she smiled when she opened her eyes and said, "I love when you do that." We picked up right where we left off and fucked like lunatics for an hour until we both shot our cum twice into each other. I wanted to go back to sleep and Mandy dragged me out of bed into the bathroom. She said, "Jen, we have company and we need to save a world today." This sounded so ridicules we both started to laugh as we sat on the toilets.

We washed each other in the shower and played games with the tooth brushes again. This time I was Charlotte the mosquito. Mandy couldn't stop laughing to brush her teeth. We finally got dressed and put on makeup and went downstairs. Chris said, "Everyone's up. We gave Eve and company a tour. They're sitting out back." Mandy and I made ourselves some breakfast and took it with some coffee outside to the veranda. I said, "We didn't expect you be up so early. Did you eat already?" Eve said, "Thanks. We finished a while ago. This place is so nice. I love the cliffs and the beach."

I said, "Have you ever swam underwater using gills be talk to the fish?" Eve said, "No. What's that all about?" Mandy said, "You have to try that with us also. It's the best feeling." Adam said, "I can't believe that they discovered so many things and not just about our powers, all of the technology here is amazing. We never noticed it when we visited because we didn't stay that long. Chris showed us some of the things. It's truly amazing what you have accomplished." Mandy said, "Your world will be like this in 3 years. I guarantee it, and on top of that, we will get all of the worlds communicating, people traveling between them, and you won't have any taxes. It really does work. We actually give every person money each year, instead of having them pay the government. We use a corporation to do it, SolarNational, which is us. We can teach you all of it and how to set it up, but you have to run it."

Adam said, "We're ready whenever you are." Mandy and I finished our breakfast and talk for a while about how the whole company thing works being the government also. Eve was smiling and said, "26 laws and no dirt bag lawyers, I can definitely live with that." I said, "Chris, can access the archives and print out the scripts that we used on Earth for God's laws." She smiled and said, "I already did. I'll get them for you."

Chris had six copies printed and brought them over to us and Kathy and Julie sat and joined us. They looked on to our copies and I said, "Change the names assigned to the characters to me being God, Mandy being the First One, and you fill in your roles as Mandy and me. Read it over and tell me what you think. This worked like a charm. We had the people on earth shitting a brick. We had to make a few examples of people on Tara's planet, but that one was really bad. People had more nuclear weapons than computers." Eve said, "We're not that far behind that. It's a mess."

They read it and were laughing at a few parts and I said, "I really works, as corny as it sounds. Watch how we did it. Don't read our minds." Mandy and I projected ourselves into their minds just like Tara and Godda did it and I gave the first speech about how disappointed I am in the people of Eden and then Mandy walked forward in their minds and yelled, "I am the first one! I will make the laws and if you don't like it, you will suffer the ultimate punishment. Hell for eternity", and she showed them the hell planet with people being burned." Eve said, "Holy shit is that convincing."

I said, "It does get better. We need to use the love lesson first though. That really works. You have done this, right?" Eve said, "Nope. We never used the computers that we built, other than for research, life creation, and business." Chris was standing behind us and said, "Do we have a surprise for you. Let me get the lesson on a hand held so they can try it first." Chris displaced and was back in a few minutes and said, "Eve, lie to me about something." Eve was looking at us weird and said, "My name is Avon Wagnor." The computer said, "That is incorrect. Your name is Doctor Eve White." Eve smile and said, "No shit."

Chris gave then all the love lesson on a hand held computer and they all sat semi-conscious. Mandy and I lit cigarettes and were joking around with Julie and Kathy. Kathy said, "I want to be God. It's my turn. Jen, you were God last time." Mandy said, "If Jen was God last time, then it's my turn. Kathy you go after me, remember?" Everyone was laughing at us and I said, "Let Mandy be God this time. This is probably going to be a tough one anyway. That means that I'm the First One. Kathy you get the next planet which will probably be in about two weeks from what Eve said." We were all laughing and Mandy was walking around practicing her God speech of sending someone to hell. We all couldn't stop laughing. She said, "I need to practice. What if I forget my lines?" I said, "Wing it like we do on stage. How will anyone know if you forgot your lines. They never saw the show before."

Eve and the group were coming out of it and I said, "Like the experience?" Eve and Adam started to kiss and Mandy said, "They liked it." They were all over each other and holding hands and I said, "We need to put all of you on the computers at the work planet to learn all of the knowledge that we gained. Before we do that, you ready for the swim I told you about?"

We all walked to the beach and took off our cloths. Mandy explained exactly what to do and they watched her in her mind. We walked into the water and as we got over our heads we all made our gills. Eve and Adam we so shocked they could breathe underwater. We swam around for a while and then the Mermaids swam up to us. Mandy said into everyone's mind, "They will not harm you and you can talk to them using the translator in your minds. Read my mind as I communicate." Mandy was talking to them and Eve said into our minds, "Careful, sharks are approaching." I said into her mind, "They won't harm us either. We swim with them all the time. Communicate to them that you are a friend." Eve told them she was a friend and she and Adam swam with one of them, and so did Athena and Tass.

I said into Eve's mind, "Now the fun part, making love under water. It's so weird as you float. Watch us." Mandy and I changed into combined couples and interlocked, as we floated around in a circle. I had my legs wrapped around her and we were really getting into it. We watched Julie show Eve, Tass, Adam, and Athena, how to become combined couples and then they did it also. Eve said into all of our minds, "This is so incredible."

There were over 40 of us in the water making love by the Mermaids. We went for about a half hour and then Mandy and I both blasted off into each other. We kissed under water and kept on going and moaned into each other's mind. We were so into it, we didn't even notice that Eve and Adam were only inches from us over our heads until they floated down to touch us. Mandy and I blast off a second time and them separated, waiting for everyone else to finish.

In about 5 minutes everyone was separated and changed back to normal, as we swam to the shore and got out. As soon as Eve put her head out of the water she screamed, "Wow! We never did the combined couples stuff either. That is so amazing." I said, "You need to use the knowledge transfer computer. Lets go do it now. It will only take a few minutes."

We all got dressed on the beach and I said, "We'll be right back. Chris, can you and Roberta help us?" We displaced to the work planet and Mandy and I got them into the positions and Chris set the menu options. They learned all that we knew, as the system updated their minds. When it finished Adam said, "This is truly amazing. I never knew we could do some of these things. The drug knowledge, math, teleportation, time equations, is all so much more advanced than what we put in this system. You tripled the known knowledge in the universe in less than 50 years."

We let them sit and talk for a while and they were all brilliant. Adam said, "We could use so many of these things to really make a difference." He went on for a few minutes and I said, "How about we show you how we put them all to use and plan on doing the same things on your planets."

We displaced back to the vacation planet and spent the rest of the day learning about their company and then tailoring the God show to make it work there. They all came to the conclusion that SolarNational should be the parent company and use our power to buy and merge companies together to make all of the pieces fit. We had our scripts down pat and Mandy said, "We have a tee time at 8 in the morning. After that we start the God show on your planet."

Megan, Alicia, Chris, and Roberta spent the rest of the day and until about midnight, even through dinner, explaining how we implemented the various technologies and drugs. They really didn't full understand what we accomplished in the world of drugs until Max said, "We can cure any disease, prolong anyone's life indefinitely, turn back time as it relates to aging, replace any body part, and change anything cosmetically on a person including sex. We can repair any part of the body no matter how badly it's mangled. We even have a drug to wake up the powers in people's minds, which we keep hidden in the vault." Eve said, "I saw that in a vision when we wrote the code. You read my comments."

I nodded my head and she said, "I wasn't sure if it was a drug or something else. We didn't understand it at the time." I said, "We also have a drug to permanently shut off mind powers if we ever need to use it. Search in your mind, you'll see all of the formulas from the knowledge transfer." Then they were asking about the androids and I said, "We have four here." I went to get two and came back. I said, "This is Eve and Eva."

Adam was laughing and said, "They named her after you. How cute." They asked them questions and I said, "They will do anything you ask with the boundaries of their programming. They will never harm anyone, break a law, or change another android."

I lit a cigarette as we talked and then I said, "If we're going to play golf, we need to get some sleep." Eve said, "Golf can wait until another visit. This is so interesting. Lets keep going." We stayed up until 4 AM and went through all of our major projects and explained them. Adam must have said, "Brilliant", 50 times. Mandy said, "Each one of us has headed up multiple projects. The most dramatic change happened when Kate and Judy introduced the teleportation shipping system. That really made it all click. The revenue, profits, and the way business picked up it was amazing. When we opened it up to SolarNational commerce, people got rich, real quick."

Eve said, "How much money do you personally have?" Mandy and I laughed and everyone was screaming, "Don't ask, too much, all of it." I said, "Mandy and I personally insure the money supply in the banks for all of the planets with our own holdings. Just the insurance from that makes us a trillion dollars a month profit. We have so much we don't know what to do with it. Everyone here is worth well over a trillion dollars. We got to the point years ago where we all realized that the money just didn't matter any more. We use it to keep score. So far, I guess Mandy and I are in the lead, but not by much. The last stock buy we did kind of put us ahead again." Max yelled, "That's because you fucking bought all of it. Hogs!" Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "We had no idea. We just have a smart broker."

I said, "Eve, when we finish pulling this all together, you will have more money than you know what to do with. Then you can do it for the fun." Mandy was yawning and so was I as I said, "We're going to bed. We'll see you in the morning."

Everyone was displacing to their home or going up to bed. Mandy and I went into our bedroom and I said, "I am so beat, but I have this urge. Read my mind honey." We took off our cloths as Mandy read my mind. She laughed and said, "Jen, you are as fucked up as I am. Of course I`ll do it." Mandy took my hand and walked me into the bathroom and I stood naked leaning on the counter top in front of the mirror. I watched in the mirror Mandy stand behind me and use some lube from the counter to coat my ass and then rub some on her cock as she made herself hard. Mandy said into my ear, "I going to do exactly what you wanted."

We watched in the mirror as Mandy pushed her cock into my ass and started to fuck me, and reached her other hand around and put an enlarged finger in my pussy. She was fucking my ass all the way in, and then all the way out, as she fingered me. I was on fire as we both watched in the mirror. Mandy was kissing my ear as she hammered into me and telling me how much she loved to make me feel good. I was moaning so loud, "Fuck me honey. Oh yeah. Fuck my ass and finger my wet cunt." Mandy pounded into me for about a half hour and then she jerked forward as I felt her cock pulsate. She shot a load into my ass and moved into me harder as she squirt her cum out. Mandy stopped and pulled out, and I turned around and kissed her so hard. I bent over and lifted her up in my arms and carried her into the bedroom. We changed into couples and I fucked her so hard, our skin was slapping against each other. Mandy was more turned on than can I ever remember.

We both came into each other twice, and then fell asleep at 6 AM.


Eve came in and woke us up at about 10 by kissing both of us so sexy. She said, "Wake up. We have some work to do today." Mandy smiled at me and we both grabbed her and pulled her into bed with us. Before she could do a thing, Mandy was sucking her nipples and I was fingering her pussy. Eve was breathing so hard and saying, "We can't. Not now, oh that feels good. We have to work. I mean, we have to. Oh fuck it. Suck me."

We made her crazy and then both fucked her at the same time. I was in her pussy and Mandy was in her ass, and then Mandy put her cock with mine into her pussy. We both made ourselves larger and Eve went wild as we hammered into her. We both shot our loads and then Eve said, "Please get up now. As much as I want to stay in bed, please?" We smiled and Mandy said, "What a party pooper. Jen, have we ever had someone refuse sex with us? I think this is a first."

Eve was smiling and then she licked my pussy slowly. Mandy said, "No you don't Eve. We have work to do." We all laughed as Mandy dragged us out of bed. I lit a cigarette as we went into the bathroom. Eve said, "You two are so nutty, I absolutely love it. You don't take anything serious." I said, "Only a few things. The love we have for each other and our family, and issues that could cause people to get hurt or worse. Everything else is just that; everything else."

We brushed our teeth and Mandy was playing Jenny the slug. Eve almost wet the floor and ran to the sit on toilet from laughing so hard. She said, "Does anyone other than this group know that you two are like this?" I said, "No and don't you tell them either." Eve was smiling and Mandy said, "Just the motor cycle club and a few people we know. Most of us are pretty much the same. We really believe in having fun. There have been some serious times when we had problems, but for the most part we all really enjoy ourselves, even we do serious work. Jen and I had a blast designing and building the androids."

Eve said, "You did that yourself?" I said, "No, we ran the project and did some of the real hard stuff. Mandy was the genius behind the brain and Megan developed the skin. We had over 300 people on the design team. All of the group had a big part in the History of Life android project. That was five times bigger than the first one."

We showered, dressed, and went downstairs. I said, "What's the time difference to Eden from here?" Adam looked at his watched and said, "It's 6 in the morning where we live." I said, "We have some time. Lets go to the castle and have breakfast there. We'll give you the tour of our normal home." Julie and Kathy went with us, as Mandy displaced us all to the castle. She set us outside the front door and Julie said, "What shitty driving." We all smiled and Mandy said, "I wanted them to get the tour. This is our real drawbridge." We took them on the tour of the place and Ruffles ran up to us and said, "Rello." Eve said, "You didn't?" We nodded our heads and Eve said, "What a mistake putting pet transfer knowledge into the system." We nodded our heads again. We took them through the whole house and Eve fell in love with the stone porch overlooking the lake. We went into the kitchen and had breakfast, as I turned on the TV. I said, "Watch our news and you'll see a big difference."

We watched a little about the History of Life parks and how they were still mobbed, the new teleportation press release announcement and the stock going crazy again, and then some human interest stories. Eve said, "Where's all the crime?" I said, "There is almost none. If there were any major crimes that week, it would be headlines everywhere and then the court sentencing would be on the news also." Eve said, "Wow, do we need this to happen on Eden." I said, "It will. Trust me."

We all poured some coffee and took it out to the veranda over looking the lake. We all lit up cigarettes and Eve said, "You have the same boat at the other house." Mandy said, "We love to take out the boats. It's so relaxing on the water." We had our coffee and cigarettes and Mandy said, "Lets make a quick stop in Washington DC so they can see God's laws." Mandy displaced us to the huge monument with the laws inscribed on it and Eve said, "You did this?" I said, "This one and 255 more around the world just like it. We did it all in our minds and let people watch it happening. It was very effective. That was in the script where is says stone law tablets. We made sure someone was televising the whole thing here in Washington, which was the capital of one of the countries. Now it's just a big city, like the hundreds of other ones."

Mandy displaced us back to the vacation house and I said, "Everyone ready for the God show today?" Everyone was laughing and Karen said, "We need to add some dramatic music in peoples minds. You know, like when you watch a scary movie." Everyone was calling Karen and a wannabe movie director and Eve really started to loosen up. She said into our minds, "What's Karen's role?" I said back, "She built and runs the entertainment industry for all the planets. She has all of the movie directors, or most of them anyway, and television, movies, radio, music, amusements, and a few other things. She's also one of the best musicians there ever was and plays in the band Little Willie." Eve said into our minds, "She's as nuts as you are. I'm starting to really like this."

I said, "Eve, you have a boardroom big enough for all of us so we can run the show from your company office?" She said, "Sure do. I'll do the driving." We took the scripts and all of us went to her boardroom. It was crowded but we all fit.

I said, "What time is it now?" Adam said, "10 hundred hours EMT." I said, "What's EMT mean again?" Adam said, "Exact Mean Time. That's how we get the time the same all over the globe." Mandy said, "Okay gang. Here goes the first part. It's wake up call time."

Mandy started to project her image in peoples mind and then said, "I am God. Wake up if you are sleeping and hear me!" She repeated it ten times and then went into the script and started with, "I came to you today because I am so disappointed with all of you. You are humans that I created in my own image and you are on the verge of destroying yourselves. You have ruined the natural resources that I gave to you, are constantly fight amongst yourselves, and are an embarrassment. I cannot let this continue any longer. I created you, and I can end this misery for all of you in a blink of my eye. From this moment on, there will be a series of changes on this world. Fight me or resist me, and you will experience a fate worse than death." Mandy showed Hell in everyone's mind with people getting burned and screaming, and also made everyone's body temperature go up a degree.

Mandy made my image move to the front and I said, "I am the First One. I started life. There will be new laws. God's laws! There will be one government, and I will decide who leads it. You will obey my every command or face unprecedented reprisal. You will become the race of people we envisioned, or we will wipe out this planet to become a barren wasteland and start all over again. This is your last chance. Please don't make us take actions that we don't want to have to do. We want you to succeed and we will help you in everyway we can."

I moved to the back in the image and Mandy said, "Tomorrow at 10 hundred hours EMT we will be releasing a knowledge transfer into all of your minds. You will all fall asleep for a while. Please make sure you are not in any danger when that happens. I will address all of you again in your minds after that happens." Mandy ended it and Eve stood and said, "Holy shit! That will scare the crap out of people." I said, "Turn on the TV and let's see how people reacted."

We watched the news stations and it was all over it, everywhere. We listened to reporters speculating and interviewing people from the churches. One person said, "Yes. God told me that this was happening. We should all come pray tonight." Mandy said, "We'll fix that part tomorrow also." As we watched the news, Chris's team put together the geography maps for the monuments working with a group of Eve's team and we worked out all of the coordinates.

Some of the news footage was so funny. They had someone like the Pope on this planet and he went on for almost an hour about what God was planning to do. Mandy said, "He's number one on my hit parade." When the interview was over, Mandy projected her image into his mind and said, "You shouldn't have lied. I know all and see all! Unless you want to experience Hell yourself, get back on TV and tell the truth. You know nothing and are part of the problem, not my solution. I want to hear those exact words from your mouth." We all laughed and watched the reporter being interrupted by the man again. He said every word and then told them that God was in his head again and made him tell the truth. Mandy said, "That just killed his credibility."

Eve and Adam were eating this up. I said, "Now we have to write the organizational plans. We need everyone to take a part of it working with one of your people Eve. Mandy and I will take the board and Governance portion.

We worked all day and had most of the plan finished at about 10 at night. I said, "Eve, are there any leaders on this planet besides the people in this room that are any good?" They all talked and she said, "There are three that we think can be part of the solution." I said, "Lets contact them after tomorrow's show."

Chris was using one of our new hand-held mega computers and set it up to display on the wall. She walked us through the whole company organization and how it would work. It was actually very similar to SolarNational at the time that we did this. Chris flipped a slide and said, "Within six months it will look like this with our help." Eve stood and clapped, and so did Adam.

We worked until about 2 AM and we were all getting tired and Eve said, "That's enough today. Lets get some sleep. I'll drive." She displaced us all to her home and we sleep where we could as they only had 6 bedrooms. Most of us went to the room where we had the orgy and was that ever a mistake. Mandy and I fucked for three hours until we passed out, as we eat fruit and whipped cream out of Julie and Kathy's pussy.

Eve woke us all up at 9 to go back to the office for the next act in our show. We got cleaned up, dressed and then ate in the boardroom. We all were having coffee and a cigarette and I said, "The first thing we need to do is get you a house big enough for everyone." Eve was laughing and said, "That's about as big as it gets here. No one can afford it because of the high taxes."

We looked at the time and Mandy said, "It's time. I'll give everyone a 10 second warning." Mandy said into everyone's mind, "Please sit or lay down. The lesson of love for each other will start a few seconds."

Chris started the new computer and said, "All we do is wait until the program ends. It's easy this way. I'll monitor it and let you know. The English lesson is on it also."

Julie started talking about the judges, parole system, prisons, court systems, and monetary systems. Kathy went into the police, local services, converting churches to charity organizations, local governance, and Eve said, "How did you accomplish all of that in such a short time. It will take us years." I said, "It will all be started in two days and finished in 3 months. It's real easy when no one can object to anything you do."

Chris started counting down from ten and then said, "Show time again." Mandy smiled and said into everyone's mind as she projected her image, "Now you know what it means to love and be loved, and how to treat each other. I expect you all to live by these values every day. I am speaking to you in my native language called English. This will now be the language of this planet and it is the language of the universe. You all know it because I put it in your minds."

Mandy signaled us for the laws of God as she moved her image forward into everyone's mind. She said, "Now I will give you my laws. They will be set in stone tables in many places around the world for everyone to see them." Mandy stopped the projections and said, "Everyone together. Make sure you have your sheets. Make the monument now. Put on the title now. Law number 1 now." We did this several times for all of the sites.

When we finished Mandy projected her image into everyone's mind and said, "Read these laws and learn them. They are simple. All of God's laws are simple and these are the only laws. There will be no other laws enacted other than what is written here. There will be no more lawyers to allow guilty people to go free and innocent people sent to jail. There will be no more jails. There is freedom and hell, and nothing in between. If you did a crime, you pay the price. No second chances, no appeals, no juries, no excuses, and no exceptions. My justice is accurate and swift. The laws are meant to help you as a race, not hurt you. Live by these and you will flourish. Ignore them, and your planet will be extinct. The laws are meant to be rigid for adults who understand them, but guidelines for children learning God's ways. We will help you to understand all of this in the coming days and weeks."

Mandy projected me in her mind and moving forward. I said, "There will be one planet governance body and I have chosen a leader. I will announce my decision tomorrow, along with the many programs that will be changed and new ones to be enacted. Study these laws and know them well. Dispose of your weapons and the take comfort in knowing that everyone else is doing the same thing."

Mandy made me fade out and then she faded out. She stood up and said, "End of act two. Now we need to write out everything for tomorrow. Chris we can use the templates we used before. This maps almost perfectly with Traff." Chris said, "I know, and I already modified it. I'll print a copy for everyone." I turned on the news and we watched the monuments being constructed and Eve said, "Holy shit, is that impressive!" Julie smiled and said, "See what we were talking about?"

We all watched the news and Mandy said, "Eve, you have to be a good actor on this one. You have to act slightly scared that you have been selected by God and you aren't sure that you can do it. You have to make people believe that you will need everyone's help in making it happen. Be humble and make a few mistakes when you read the summary. Sound like you are nervous. I'll do the projections, you just worry about how you come off." Mandy lit a cigarette and said, "Ooo, look at the news. Turn it up." We listened to a report that said that all crime had virtually stopped. Eve said, "I can't believe it." I said, "There will be more until everyone sees what the punishment is like in real life."

Chris said, "We have about 10,000 of the court computers ready to go using the new technology. These are really cool now. Watch this. Eve lie to me again that you committed a crime. Just make one up." Eve said, "I killed Doctor James." The Computer said, "Doctor James is not dead. Doctor Eve White is lying about this. Should I continue?" Chris said, "Please continue." The computer said, "Doctor White is friends with Doctor James and knows that he is not dead. She is using this to test my abilities. Should I show her sentencing?" Chris said, "Yes, but do not do the sentencing to her." The computer said, "For lying about a crime you would have been sentenced to rehabilitation to determine the reason for your psychological condition. If you continued to lie about crimes, then you would be punished, and the longest you can be sentenced to hell is for 1 year, unless your actions break another law." Eve said, "Judge and Jury in one. I love it." Chris said, "It's never been wrong."

Eve said, "You really send people to the hell planet?" Mandy had a grin on her face and said, "Only when nothing else works and Tara has the record so far as to how many we sent. We simulate hell in their minds which is actually much more painful. We will convert one of your prisons to more of a hospital where their bodies would be cared for, as the punishment is carried out. It's all controlled from the master computer on the work planet. A modified version of the one you created." Eve smiled and said, "This is so far advanced from where I left it. Mandy, you guys redefined technology."

We all relaxed and watched more for the news and they were all speculating about who the leader would be. Five of the reporters named Eve and I said, "That's a good sign. There will be no surprises."

We all worked around the clock again and slept for a few hours at Eve's house. We all ate again in the boardroom and Chris said, "30 seconds until show time."

Mandy gave us the cue and projected herself with me in her mind to everyone. She said, "I hope everyone has read the laws of God." She moved me forward and I said, "I have chosen your leaders. Doctor Eve White will become your leader and the second in command will be Doctor Adam White. They have the fortitude, compassion, leadership, and drive to fix a planet and structure that is in shambles, and this planet is in shambles. The entire governance process will change. All countries will cease to exist, and there will be one. Your planet will run from a corporation, like most every other civilized world in the universe. You corporation will bring profits and eliminate the need for taxation. Your entire infrastructure will be reengineered for you to succeed. We also can offer you great gifts that we have withheld until you can prove yourselves. We offer the gift of eternal life with no aging, and no diseases, freedom in sexuality and freedom in almost every walk of life. We also can offer you the freedom to visit hundreds of other worlds and learn from them. We will bring you technology beyond your wildest imagination, but not to a planet that is on the brink of annihilation."

Mandy made me move back in her mind and she said, "We have both spoken to Doctor Eve White and I have given her the task at hand. She is humble and not sure that she can do it. All of you must help her with this. All of your lives depend on it. She is going to address you and I will project her image to let you hear her speech in your minds."

Mandy smiled and had Eve walking into the picture in her mind and then forward. Eve spoke, "I am a little nervous, so please bare with me. I have a summary of God's plan for the changes to our world that I'm going to para phase. This is a very long written document and it will be released to the media following my speech."

Eve spoke for over an hour and was great. We all gave her the thumbs up a couple of times as she adlibbed and made some really good changes. She also named all of the people in her group as being on an advisory council as well as three leaders that they mentioned. When Eve finished, Mandy moved forward and faded Eve out and said, "Please help her to help all of you. We want you to succeed, but if all of this is not completed in 6 months of your time, we will be back to make one more last and final change. We will turn this planet in a barren rock, and start all over again. We will be watching, coaching, and working closely with the leaders. We hope that you have learned from your mistakes." Mandy faded herself and me out. She said, "All right! It's Miller time."

Eve looked at us funny and I said, "A brand of Beer." Mandy made a keg in her mind and had it on the end of the table. We all had a tall glass of beer and toasted Eve. I said, "Now the hard part. We have to make it happen. Eve, you should call the leaders you selected, and then Mandy and I will make sure the current leaders hand over the power to you. This and the money supply is usually the most difficult part."

Everyone had assignments for different parts of the puzzle. Eve made her calls and arranged for a meeting tomorrow. Mandy and I made our calls to every world leader one on one in their mind. We found two that were miserable. I gave one of them 90 seconds on the hell planet and that changed his mind. Mandy said to me, "Jen, he's really getting cooked. Bring him back now!" We arranged for the transfer of all assets and power and the planet had incredible riches to start with.

We all stayed the week and the process went the same as the other planets. The first 20 court cases were all televised and the judges loved the computers. Eve also changed all current life sentences to 100 years in hell, as long as the computer agreed. It did on all but 5. Those people were framed for their crimes and set free. The guilty ones were brought in by the police and sentenced on the spot. That made headlines everywhere.

Over the next 3 months we helped Eve every chance we got, and also did the same show on 9 other worlds, alternating who played the parts. We introduced on world teleportation, the shipping system, the miracle drug, SexMed and all the combinations, the vitamin, all of the vaccines, the airmobile, the new fuel systems, and finally the forever drug as crime almost stopped. Mandy and I made a big thing about giving them the forever drug as they proved themselves.

In 5 months the new government was fully in place, and everything was profitable. Eve gave a speech to the world and announced that taxes would stop and she became the instant hero of everyone. We helped her celebrate in a three day food orgy party in her expanded house.

In the 6th month Mandy and I made a guest appearance again in everyone's minds and Mandy said, "We are very proud of what you have accomplished. We are also going to keep our word and open up the universe to you. The teleportation systems you have will be programmed to go to over 50 different worlds for tourism. Your internet will be linked to the entire universe along with the telephone system, and you will now be part of a network of complete entertainment programs and universe wide shipping. We will open up all of the facilities of SolarNational Corporation to this world. You have earned our respect and our trust. Eve will tell you all about it."

Eve was now the hero again and she loved it. When she announced Vacation World, there was such a surge in travel we all made a fortune again. We were up to 19 History of Life parks and we gave then the Okay to put one on Eden also. We also announced the androids on Eden and Eve was in her glory. She and Adam made a little over a trillion dollars in the first 7 months and now she understood what we meant by the money doesn't mean anything. We also merged Eve's corporation into SolarNational as we took a controlling interest and she made a ton of more money on the stock. Megan and Alicia gave the address to the planet with Eve and Adam and they were spectacular.


Mandy and I were really getting into the music again. We played twice a month even when we did the planet stuff, and were having so much fun at it. We spent the last two days recording 26 new tunes we wrote that were just incredible. We also wrote 6 for Destiny and 6 more for Chicks. The kids were so excited when they played them. These songs kicked ass.

Mandy and I spent today just goofing off at the vacation house and we were finally going to be playing golf with Eve and Adam tomorrow morning. We were lying on the couch naked under a sheet, in the den watching TV together. I lit a cigarette and Mandy took it out of my lips and put it in hers. She took a deep drag, and another one, and held in the smoke. She blew it our slowly and said to me, "Jen, we need a new project." I smiled and said, "We just finished converting 36 planets to SolarNational. Lets take a break for a while and goof around. Plus we were going to experiment with the androids for Adult World for some new things, remember?" Mandy smiled and put the cigarette in my lips and said, "Oh yeah. That should be fun for a while."

I took a drag of the cigarette as we slightly caressed each other and watched our favorite cooking program. It was all about really weird dishes on different worlds and we loved it. Mandy lightly rubbed my clit and I made a "Mmmmm" sound. She giggled and said, "Feels good doesn't it? Do mine too." I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy took it out of my lips, as I reached for her pussy and rubbed her clit the way she likes it. I pushed down and rolled my hand as she moaned into my ear, "Oh do I love the way you do that." We watched a crab and lobster stew being made and were only half paying attention. I closed my eyes when Mandy licked and sucked one of my nipples, as I was melting inside. I said softly, "Do it again with your tongue." Mandy smiled and flicked her tongue over my nipple and then sucked it gently, as I got goose bumps and tingly all over. We kept rubbing each other's clit and I licked Mandy's nipples as she held her breasts to my mouth. I did them one at a time, and she moaned, "Sweetheart, don't stop. Oh, that feels so good."

We caressed each other for over an hour and drove each other crazy. We both orgasmed from our pussies and Mandy said, "Spoon me and do my ass." Mandy rolled over and put her ass up to my side and I rolled over to put my cock up to her ass. I put my hand back on her clit and rubbed it and then finger her pussy as I was getting a hardon. Mandy reached back and moved my cock into her ass crack and worked it into her hole. She pushed back on me hard and I went all the way inside. She as moaning, "Fuck me Jen. Go all the way in and then all the way out." I made my cock bigger and my finger in her pussy bigger and I fucked her all the way in, and then out, in rhythm to my finger moving into her pussy. Mandy was pushing back on me as I went in, and pulling away as I moved out and moaning. I kissed her neck and ear, and she was breathing hard saying, "Cum inside of me and keep going."

I could feel my cock with my finger in her pussy and I rubbed my cock through her pussy membrane, which made her G-spot go nuts. Mandy was orgasming nonstop and I shot my load of cum into her in a huge blast, and she moaned, "Oh that feels so good! Again! Again!" My cock pulsated again and I squirt my warm cum into her ass 9 more times. Mandy moved her ass back on me hard and I kept on moving into her. I was still hard and it felt like a slip and slide. Mandy was moaning loudly and I fucked her pussy hard with my enlarged finger hitting her G-spot. We kept going for about a half hour and I blasted cum into her again. We both stayed perfectly still as I held her close to me. Mandy made a "Mmmmmmm" sound again and said, "Roll over honey and cuddle with me. That felt so good."

I pulled out of her and Mandy rolled over to be partly on top of me and we kissed for a long time. I made my cock longer and Mandy sucked my cock in her mouth and made me cum again, right next to my mouth. When I shot my cum, Mandy opened her mouth so I could see it and I went wild on her. I kissed her with my mouth open and we swallowed all of my cum together.

We lay together and Mandy lit a cigarette as I channel surfed. We watched a little of the news and saw Megan announce the addition of the remaining planets we converted into SolarNational. I said, "You call the broker?" Mandy laughed and said, "Why? What could we possibly do with any more money?" I said, "I have no clue. It's just how we keep score. Next big deal I'll call." Mandy was laughing and said, "Who gives a fuck. We're now making almost 3 trillion dollars a month just from the bank insurance, and another 2 trillion a month now in loans to planets for expansions. We underwrote all of it, remember?"

I said, "I had a neat idea. It's a small thing, but maybe kind of cool. What if all board games used miniature androids. We could shrink them down using Chris's computer she developed for the dinosaurs and insects. I was thinking to start with the game Chess. Have it so the pieces talk to you and also have a version that the opposing pieces play together against you. We could do it for all of the board games and maybe develop a few new ones. Have a real estate and banking advisor in monopoly and the pieces all specialists in different areas. Maybe even create a SolarNational board game called unite the universe." Mandy was smiling and said, "Lets do the chess game ourselves and see how it works. This could be fun."

I called Chris in her mind and said, "Chris, can you get me one of the computers you used to shrink and enlarge the animals?" Chris said back, "Sure. I'll bring it over in a few minutes." I rubbed Mandy's cock under the covers and she put her arms around me and said, "I could do this for the rest of our lives. Hell with another project."

Chris and Roberta displaced into the den and they both were laughing at us. Roberta said, "You don't need the computer to make yourselves big and small." I said, "No shit. We want it for androids. What would you say if I had a Chess set that was all androids, or a whole collection of board games that were based on android pieces." They both looked at each other and Chris said, "That's a winner, as long as we can do it cheap enough."

I said, "Mandy and I were going to start with Chess and experiment with it. We could have a version with people from the 1300s dressed for the crusades, pieces from the 1900s, pieces from the new civilizations, sex pieces, an animal set, a dinosaur set, almost any combination. Plus we could animate the capture of pieces. This could be really entertaining and fun for people to play. If this works, we could do the same thing for the classics like monopoly and others like clue. We could have all of the pieces programmed to their parts of the game. Clue could be a piss if the pieces changed programs as the game changed. Kind of like playing detective."

Mandy was smiling and said, "I knew you would come up with some hair brain idea that would make us a ton of money again. All I did was say, Jen, we need another project and the wheels in our fucked brains started to turn again." Chris and Roberta were laughing and Chris said, "Wait for us to start it tomorrow. We want to help and this could be a lot of fun." I said, "We're playing golf at 8 with Eve and Adam. We'll call you when we finish."

Roberta said, "We'll see you tomorrow. We were on the beach in Australia when you called us. They have 40 to 50 foot waves from some underwater earthquake and we were surfing. It's outrageous." They displaced back and Mandy went back to kissing me again, as I rubbed her cock. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, I love our life. I can't think of anything that I would change." I said back into her mind, "Me either. I doesn't get too much better than this." Mandy made her cock grow to be right next to my mouth and she sucked it first and then I sucked her as I rubbed the shaft. She didn't last long and shot her load of cum into my mouth, as I rubbed her shaft faster. Mandy jerked forward as I felt the cum squirting onto the roof of my mouth as I had the top if her cock in between my teeth and on my tongue. I sucked all of the cum out of her and opened my mouth for Mandy to see it. We kissed for ten minutes playing with the cum. We swished it in our mouths and then Mandy pulled a strand out of her mouth and put it in mime. We did it again and kissed, and then swallowed.

I lit a cigarette and channel surfed again, as our breasts were touching against each other. Eve and Adam called us in our minds and Eve said, "We'll see you tomorrow morning at 6:30 your time at the vacation house. Is that right?" I answered back, "Bring your clubs and two quarters." They laughed at us in their minds and I said, "Do you have board games for kids and adults on Eden?" Eve answered, "Yeah sure. We have quite a few that everyone plays. Why?" I said, "Bring a few of the popular ones when you come. What would you think if we made android pieces for all of the board games, where the pieces interacted as part of the game?" Eve said, "We'll bring the games. What a great idea. Everyone would buy it here."

Mandy smiled at me and said, "We are such lunatics. Who would have thought of using a trillion dollar invention for board games except you? I was thinking about talking playing cards. They will actually be androids that are flat and the picture cards will all come to life based on the game you are playing. I'm not sure about shuffling and a few other things though." I giggled and said, "You're right. We are fucked up. Give me the cigarette."

We vegged out all day on the couch and had sex a few times. Ruffles and Snuffy were watching us and breathing heavy. Mandy and I cracked up and had Eva take the dogs for a long walk on the beach. Ruffles and Snuffy were arguing. After they left I said, "Alone again. How about we cuddle and watch that new movie?" Mandy smiled and put her arms around me as I pushed the menu buttons to rent the movie we both wanted to watch.

At 8 PM we got up to go to the bathroom and then made some food in the kitchen. We took some cherries and whipped cream upstairs for desert. Mandy and I lay in a 69 position and ate our desert out of each other's pussy. We both orgasmed four times from sucking the cherries out. Mandy sat up with whipped cream all over her face and laughed at me as I had it on my nose. We licked each clean as we became combined couples and fucked for hours. We merged our minds and became energy for a while going from one body to the other. When we both blasted off at the same time, our energy was like one massive orgasm. Mandy said into my mind, "That as the most intense ever. Jen, kiss me and hold me. Lets go back into our own bodies."

We kissed and cuddled, staying interlocked and feel asleep. The alarm went off and we both jumped. I said, "Oh Shit, Golf. We have about a half hour extra it's 5:30." We were still interlocked and Mandy pushed into me hard and we both moaned. She said, "Think we can get each other off in a half hour baby?" I moaned again and she smiled again as we fucked like rabbits on speed. We were both sweating and blasted off in twenty minutes. I shot so much cum I felt light headed. Mandy was giggling and said, "OJ and wine in the kitchen before we play. Let's take a shower."

We showered, got cleaned up, and dressed for golf. We went to the kitchen and made breakfast. Mandy made me her OJ and white wine cocktail. We finished eating just as Eve and Adam displaced into the kitchen. They had 6 board games and their golf clubs. I said, "Lets go over to the course."

Mandy and I got our clubs from the storage closet and we all walked across the backyard past the pool and up to the clubhouse. The club pro said, "So who are you beating today?" I said, "This is Doctor Eve White and Doctor Adam White. They run the planet Eden and we will beat their asses today." Eve laughed and said, "You that confidant?" The pro said, "They have never lost a golf match. Ever."

We went to the driving range and we all were hitting good shots. Eve and Adam were also really good. We were betting to hit it over the 290 sign on a fly and we all did it. The we did closest to the 100 yard pin and we were all so close we couldn't tell who won. Mandy said, "Jen, we finally have some real competition. This is great."

We hit the practice green and we all were betting again on chipping into the hole and it was a tie. Mandy said, "Teams, low score overall from the back tees. That Okay with you?" Adam said, "You read our minds." I said, "Anyone for some rocket fuel before the round?" Mandy said, "Me!" Eve looked at us funny and Mandy said, "A glass of wine. You want one?" They both nodded their heads so we got four glasses. We all downed it and were assigned our caddies. They all knew us and George, one of the caddies, said, "So who are you going to embarrass today?" I said, "George this is Eve and Adam, and they are about as good as we are. This should be a very close match."

The caddies were all making bets and we laughed as we walked to the first tee. We flipped for the hitting order and Eve lead us off. She cracked a drive about 320 down the middle. Adam was about 5 yards short of her and Mandy and I both hit it within 5 feet of their shots. Adam hit first and was within 10 feet of the flag. The caddied handed me my lob edge and I took a full swing. Mandy was yelling, "Get in the cup you son of a bitch. Drop in the hole." We watched my shot hit past the pin and spin back hitting the pin, and then go in. I jumped and yelled and hugged Mandy and she took her shot. I almost went in also and she had a 2 foot putt for birdie. Eve took her shot and had about a one foot putt for birdie. We walked up to the green and I said, "It's only the first hole and this is going to be one low scoring match for all of us." Everyone made the putts and we were ahead by one stroke.

We all watched the caddies exchange money from the bets and laughed. The first eight holes were incredible. I was 7 under par, Mandy was 5 and so were Eve and Adam. The ninth was a par five and I had the tee. I crushed a drive to where I could easily get there in two. Mandy said, "You need to have one of my special cocktails every morning. Holy shit did you hit that far." Eve said, "What cocktail?" Mandy said, "Jen orgasm so much she was light headed so I gave her OJ and wine." They both laughed and Mandy cracked a drive about 3 yards behind mine. Eve and Adam were right next to her also.

Mandy, Eve, and Adam had about 180 to the flag and I had 175. Mandy said to me, "Think I can get there with a 7? It slopes back so long is real bad." I said, "Try it. Worse case is you chip up and putt for a birdie." Mandy swung hard with a 7 and had a towering shot. I said, "You're gonna like it. It's dead on." We all watched the ball hang in the air for a long time and then land straight into the hole. Mandy went wild jumping up and hugging me and we all laughed. Even and Adam hit the green and both had 10 foot putts. I hit a 7 also and had about a 4 footer for eagle straight up hill. Mandy gave me a high five as we walked to the green.

She took the ball out of cup and kissed it before tossing it to the caddie. I spotted my ball and we watched Adam sink her putt. Eve's ball rolled right up the edge of the cup and didn't drop. I said, "You have 10 seconds." Eve took her time, but it didn't fall in. She tapped it in for a birdie and I sunk mine for an eagle. Eve had the scorecard and said, "Low is not the word for it. Jen you're 8 under par, Mandy is 7 under, I'm 6 under and Adam is 7 under. Lets get some more rocket fuel before the tenth." The caddies were exchanging money again as we all got another glass of wine. Eve said, "They always bet on you two?" We nodded our heads and smiled. Eve said, "Same thing on Eden with us. We've never lost a match either. You're the first ones who have ever beat us in 9 holes. Lets go Adam we have 3 strokes to make up!"

We all played the next 6 holes as good as it gets. Mandy, Eve, and Adam all had four birdies and I had three. I have to admit that one of mine was really lucky, but the ball still went in the hole. Mandy called it a gift. They made up one shot and we were now on the seventeenth which was a really hard and long par 4. I had the tee and had a miserable drive into the high grass on the left. Eve and Mandy had a good shot and Adam was in the Marsh on the right side. We all walked to the balls and Mandy was telling me to chip it out and I looked at the ball. I said, "I'm only 130 yards from the green. I can hit a sand wedge through this stuff. Even if it comes up short I can par it." She covered her eyes and we all laughed as she said, "I'm not watching this." I took a full swing through the grass and hit the ball solid. We all watched it hit the green, but it left me with a horrible putt. Adam was next and she hit a great shot out of the wet marsh to be right next to me. Mandy was next and stuck it close to the pin, and then we watched Eve focus and hit a towering wedge shot. Adam was watching and said, "I think it's going in or really close." We heard it clink the pin and it went in. Eve and Adam hugged and I said to Mandy, "We need to sink these."

We studied the green for a few minutes and I putted my ball. We watched it look perfect and then it lipped out. I tapped in for a par. Adam watched my ball break and played it perfect to sink it for a birdie. Mandy and I looked at her putt and she hit it hard into the back of the cup. I said, "We're all tied and one hole left. You lead us off Eve."

The finishing hole is another very long par five with water in front of the hole. Eve didn't hit a great shot, but it was playable from the rough. Mandy was up next and crushed the ball. She swung so hard she lifted her feet off the ground on the follow through. She said, "We have to hit it in two to win." Adam had a good drive and then I uncorked one to be right next to Mandy. We all walked to the balls and the caddies were now beating big money and we all laughed again.

Eve was first and laid up to one hundred yards out in front of the lake. Adam was trying to decide what to do and she laid up also right next to Eve. I was one yard behind Mandy and she said, "Go for it. We have 255 to the pin. Use your three wood." I said, "I can hit it with a five wood and it will have a better chance of sticking. Being long here is even worse than the water."

The caddied handed me my five wood and I took practice swing. Mandy had her hands over her eyes and I said, "Have some faith would you?" I addressed the ball and swung as hard as I could. We watched the ball fly and it was definitely on the right line. It hit on the green and rolled leaving me about a 6 footer for eagle. Mandy said, "Jen, I never doubted you." We all laughed as she pulled out a five wood also. Mandy crushed it and the ball was much higher than mine. We watched it hit next to the pin and spin backwards for about 10 feet. I said, "How in the fuck did you put back spin on a five wood?" Mandy was laughing and said, "I haven't a clue."

Eve and Adam took their shots and both were under 5 feet from the cup for birdie. We all walked to the green and I said to Mandy, "One of us has to sink it. Lets read both putts together." We all studied the green and then it was Mandy's putt first. She hit it and it stopped just short of the hole. She tapped in for a birdie. Eve said, "Want us to finish. I'll make your putt easier?" I said, "I don't care. Go ahead if you want." They both sank theirs. I needed to sink it for an eagle to win. Mandy said, "Be the ball. It wants to go home. Put it back in it's home Jen." We all started to laugh and Eve said, "Even we watched Caddie Shack." Mandy said, "Just put the thing in the fucking hole." We all were still laughing and I said, "Okay ball, you're going home."

I lined up the putt and hit it. We watched it break and go in on the side of the hole. Mandy and I hugged and then hugged Eve and Adam. Eve said, "This is was great. Lets add up the individual scores and have another glass of rocket fuel." We watched the caddies exchange money again and I went over and gave them a big tip to spilt. Mandy said, "I knew you'd make it." I said, "I'm glad one of us did. I miss read it, and then miss hit it. That was pure luck." Eve said, "Like one of mine today also. I hit the ball four inches the wrong way and it went in. I read the green wrong."

We all sat and ordered a glass of wine and Eve added up the scores as we all lit cigarettes. Eve said, "Jen, you have one hell of a round of golf; 8 under on the front and 5 under on the back. You finished with a 59. Holy shit is that low." I said, "That ties my best score." Eve said, "Mandy, you had a 60. I had a 60 and Adam had a 60. Now this was golf!" The pro came over and over and said, "You win?" Eve handed him the scorecard and he was laughing as he said, "They never fucking loose. Whatever you shoot they will beat you by one of two. It's amazing. When they play with people that shoot seventy, they goof around and still shoot a 68. This must have been one hell of a golf match. 13 under par. Wow!"

Eve took out two quarters and paid us and we all laughed and toasted to all of us. Adam said, "Next time it's our course. You'll love it. Pencil us in on a Saturday in a few weeks." I said, "How does everyone else play?" Eve said, "They are all pretty good. Athena and Tass give us a good game, but not like this. We all played fantastic. It's definitely the competition that does it." I took a drag of the cigarette and leaned back in the chair and said, "I shot a 59? Holy shit!" Everyone laughed and the pro took our scorecard again and said, "Mind if I hang this on the pro shop wall? No one will ever believe it." Eve said, "It costs 50 cents, we didn't plan on loosing." He smiled and said to one of the groups, "You have to see this."

We finished our drinks and walked back to the house with our clubs. I said, "Eve, tell us about the board games you brought over." We sat in the kitchen and she took out each game and explained it. I said, "This is the almost the same as a game we have called monopoly and that one is the same as our game called clue." One of the games was really unique and had to do with building empires on planets. They also had a card game that was kind of cool.

We talked for a while about the idea and Mandy said, "How about if we expand it into action figures for kids. It will drive the costs way down." We all smiled and I said, "That will definitely work. SolarNational Action Toys." Eve smiled and said, "Do all of the ideas start like this?" Mandy said, "Yup. Some are even weirder."


Chris, Roberta, Julie, and Kathy came in to the kitchen and Julie said, "So who won?" Eve said, "We lost by one stroke, but we all played fantastic. Jen shot a 59 and the three of us shot 60's. Kathy said, "They finally met their match. Good, beat the shit out of them next time. It will be a first." We all laughed and I said, "We won by luck. I misread the last putt and miss hit it. It went in by sheer luck." Kathy said, "It still went in Jen. It counts." Eve was laughing and said, "Sure does. Cost us 50 cents."

We hugged and kissed Eve and Adam goodbye and they went back home. We talked to Chris, Roberta, Kathy, and Julie and I said, "You want to work on a new project with us that could be lots of fun? Chris and Roberta are already interested." Kathy said, "What project?"

Mandy explained the action figure thing and board games. They had their eyes wide open. Kathy said, "How come we never think of things like this? It's so obvious using Chris's computer to shrink the androids. Yeah, this sounds cool." I said, "We haven't started anything yet, other than getting some board games from Eve to see what they have on Eden. I was thinking that we could start with Chess as a good place to experiment. Also Mandy's action figure idea is a great idea. We could do all of the bands and have them play music. Do one of all of the world leaders. There are so many we could make, and have them be models of the real thing. We could even make the voices the same. Think of athletes on each world and throughout the universe. Maybe even a shrunken version of everything in the History of Life park as a take home toy that really works. I think we're on to something here."

Chris said, "We should do a business case, but I have an idea to get us started. Roberta, hand me the hand held." Chris turned on the computer and projected a screen for us to see. She said, "Lets just made a chart. Across the top we'll list animals, people, reptiles, dinosaurs, objects like buildings, insects, birds, fish, and made up things like monsters. Down the side lets list the applications; chess, monopoly, clue, theme park take home, band figures, leader figures, and so on." Chris made the chart and we guessed at how many of each figure would be in a set and then how many sets we would sell. Mandy said in our minds, "Melissa, you have a few minutes?" She answered, "Yeah sure. What's up?" Mandy said, "Do you have any market analysis for toys like board games and action figures?" Melissa answered back, "Yeah we have all of it. You need it now?" I answered back, "If your not busy, sure."

Melissa and Jody came over in a few minutes and they had a notebook full of figures on everything. I said, "Let me explain what we are thinking about and you tell me what type of market we would have." We told Melissa and Jody and they were smiling. Jody said, "I love the idea. Lets see if we can make any money on it."

They called out numbers from the notebook and Chris entered them into our charts. Melissa said, "We should add some factor for this being new and a novelty. It will definitely add to the sales by say 20 percent the first year." Chris ran the numbers and filled in roughly how much it would cost us to manufacture the units when mass produced. She said, "If we make a 100 percent markup on each set, we can sell them for these prices." We all looked at the chart and I said, "We can charge a lot more than that. From a theme park the parents would be willing to spend at least a 100 dollars for the entire set." Mandy said, "Two hundred. Look at the crap in the toy stores when Megan was a kid, and what we paid. That was just plastic junk." Melissa adjusted a few numbers and Chris ran some total reports. We all smiled and I said, "Looks like it's a really good idea, and this is just for Earth."

Mandy said into our minds, "Megan, you and Alicia have a few minutes?" We heard back, "Yeah Mom, we're outside on the beach. We'll be right in." They came into the kitchen and I said, "Have a seat and tell us what you think of SolarNational Action Toys." Megan smiled and said, "Another idea?"

We all smiled and explained the whole plan and the numbers. The loved it and had some many other ideas. Chris was laughing as she wrote them down. Megan said, "If we sell them the theme park set they need a place to keep them. Lets also see a scale model of the entire park. For bands, lets give them a stage and a programmed performance. Think of this as an animated puppet show. How about cartoon charters. We own the rights to all of them now. What if we expand this idea a little and release a prototype movie like this as a play? It may cost a few more dollars than buying a DVD, but think of it as a true action movie."

Chris was smiling and typing away. I said, "The first step is to prove we can do it. We're going to experiment with a chess game which has most of complicated things in it." Alicia said, "How about I help adapt the Chess software to the androids. That has always fascinated me. We will need to have one of them that is a master brain and the others become slaves in all of the sets. Anyone have any ideas on that?" Chris and Mandy said almost at the same time, "That's easy" and then they both laughed. I said, "Lets build ourselves a few Chess sets and see if it works. How much money do we still have left for the next phase of the android project?" Megan said, "We have tons. We don't need board approval for any of this."

We all started to design a series of Chess sets, made up of the different groups of manufactured androids. We even had a world leader chess set and wanted to make Mandy the Queen. She said, "Jen, you be the Queen. Make me the King." We all laughed and did it. Chris said, "We have photos on file for everyone so the imaging to android face features are no problem. How big should the figures be? I was thinking about 6 inches high. We could play with it a little. Maybe even sell a larger set for more money. It's only packaging and the size of the game boards that will change."

Megan said, "We also need a single on off switch for all of the units in a set. Any clues on that one?" I said, "That one we will need to think about a little. We need to integrate the power cells like the computers." Chris said, "No we don't. We use a remote control and set all of the units on the same frequency. Problem solved." I said, "Sharp!" Chris smiled and we kept brainstorming ideas. They all wanted to make two theme park sets; one with the T-Rex as the king and the other with the Lion. I said, "All we have to do is shrink them and write the software for the programming of moves to test that it works. Feel like making a few Chess sets today to see what they look like?"

Chris said, "Lets go to the factories to do it. They are lights out operations anyway. We'll just pull some units, customize them, and shrink them. All the computers are networked so we can pull what we need from the master systems."

We spent the next 5 hours making several Chess sets of figures. Chris shrank everything to 3 inches so we could fit it all in a box and then we displaced back to our vacation house. I made a large Chessboard in my mind on the kitchen table that was fine wood and had a grid of numbers on it. It had 1 through 8 across the top and bottom and A' through H' down both sides. I also made a small indication of number and letter in each square. We set up one of the sets and had all the pieces turned on. Chris made them 6 inches high and I said, "You will all be told to move to certain squares on the board. They are shown as a number 1 through 8 and a letter A through F. If another android is on that space, pick them up and move them off of the board and then go back to that square and wait. Look at the square you are one. I will tell you what your name will be for this game." I went through all of the pieces and then Mandy and I played a real game of Chess using the pieces. Chris was taking notes about what we need to program and we had some many neat ideas when you capture a piece. Megan wanted all of the boards to have a little jail on the side that stores the pieces and also is where they go when they are captured. We all decided that one of the sets should be on horseback also and I said, "How about we use horses with wings and use the bird fission power for them. Kind of like the mythological winged horse."

We played for about and hour and then simulated certain moves and figured out how to do it with the pieces, like a castle, or a moved two with a pawn the first time. We all decided that every piece had to know the rules so they wouldn't move to a place they shouldn't. Mandy said, "What if when you dumped out the pieces, turned on the board, they all ran to their correct positions to start the game?" I said, "Sensors in all of the game boards." Everyone smiled and Chris said, "Makes this real easy." I said, "A piece should announce Check, Checkmate, capture, and replacement piece also. We could use the writers for this part just like what we did for the park. What if we had a special piece that came with every game. Let's call it the MC or commentator. It teaches you the game, and manages the game as it goes. For Chess it could even give you details of what your moves have been and your opponent. Have the commentator start like it was an interview asking you who is playing. The writers could have fun with this one." Mandy said, "Sell them separately and let a person select who they want to run each of the games. We could have Francis the serious professor, a famous news commentator, Tony the hit man from Brooklyn, think of all of the personalities that would buy the games. They can pick their own game curator. I also think that for Chess the commentator should have a high chair so they can sit in it to see the whole board." I said, "I like the name, curator."

We went on for hours and came up with a list of things we needed to program. Chris and Roberta modularized it and Roberta said, "My guess is about 80 percent of what we do here we can be reused in all of the games." Alicia said, "I want to write some of that code. You guys get all of the fun stuff." Chris said, "Easy sis, you can do it." I said, "Lets spit up what has to be done and see how long it will take."

We made a master list and assigned some of the things to all of us and then Chris filed in names from others that were on the project. I said, "Tell Bruce he's programming for dwarfs." Everyone laughed, as Bruce was a dwarf. Mandy said, "Jen, sometimes you are so sick." I said, "We just invented midget chess, give me a break." Megan was hysterical and said, "No wonder HR always hated you two." Mandy said, "Not hated, feared. There's a big difference. We stepped on them every time they tried to make the place crazy again with stupid rules. Megan, watch them like a hawk." Megan smiled and said, "I know. Trust me, I know."

Chris said, "Why don't we get together next week and see where we are. That should be enough time to have some of the fundamentals done. Lets put the pieces back in the box. Make sure you turn them all off." We turned off everything and put them away. Mandy said, "I'm hungry." Chris said, "No wonder. It's 9 at night." Roberta made us all some dinner in her mind and we had Crab legs in a butter sauce. I said, "Good choice." She said, "Thanks. It's my favorite."

We ate and talked more about the different games. Mandy said, "Lets make monopoly more real. When you buy a house or a hotel have the curator tell you what the prices are and let you build any structure you want on any property, but have the price of the rent go down when it's in a slum. Maybe even let you build stores, and have mandatory shopping instead of paying someone rent. We could make this like real business. That would be a neat game."

Julie said, "I want to work on the game of clue. I have some many neat ideas about how to make this into a real detective game now with the androids. Plus the game curator could add so much to what we could do. The one thing we overlooked is that we don't have any software for playing music or singing." Kathy said, "I want to write that." I said, "Kathy, you are going to need a large staff for that one. We have to have all musical knowledge transferred to the androids about a set of instruments. The singing part is relatively easy because they work off frequencies."

Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and leaned into me saying, "Hey Queenie, want to fuck a King tonight." Everyone laughed and Kathy said, "Adult World games. Write that on the list also." We all started to think about ideas for that one and laughed. Mandy leaned the other way and put her arm over Kathy's shoulders and said, "How would you too Bishops like to screw the King and Queen?" Kathy said, "Mandy, you and Jen are so mentally retarded. Yeah sure, let's go play Chess in bed." Chris, Roberta, Megan, and Alicia all giggled at us as we went upstairs.

We were at the side of the bed and Mandy put her arms around me and said into my mind, "Jen, I get so hot watching you get fucked. Merge minds with me when we do it." We kissed and then undressed, as Kathy was caressing my breasts and Julie and Mandy were kissing and touching me all over. I was on fire.

We all lay in bed and Kathy said, "Couple with me." She made us into Combined couples and we interlocked. Kathy kissed me so sloppy and rolled us on our sides. Mandy put one of her legs under my head and pushed my face to her cock, as Kathy moved her head to tongue snake Mandy's pussy. Julie lay behind me and lubed my ass and her cock, and slowly pushed into me. I had every hole filled and was going wild. Kathy and I got into a rhythm, and Julie pushed into me at the same time, as she held my breasts and rubbed my nipples. I sucked Mandy's cock all the way into my throat and fucked it with my mouth, as Kathy made her tongue wiggle inside of Mandy's pussy.

Mandy said into my mind, "Merge minds honey. I am so turned on." We merged minds and felt what each other felt and then Kathy and Julie merged their minds with us also. This was the most amazing thing any of us had felt before. We all orgasmed instantly from the sensations, and all of us shot our cum into each other at the same time. We kept on going and lifted our minds out of body as energy together, as we were merged and the feelings grew even stronger. We all watched me getting fucked from over the bed, and we each orgasmed multiple times.

We all went back into our bodies and changed positions. This time it was Mandy that got it all and I was sitting on her face. We did it again with our minds and went crazy on each other. None of us could last more than a few minutes before orgasming. It was so wild. Each of us got a chance to be in each position over the next two hours. We all went back into our bodies and lay together completely exhausted soaking wet from sweat. Mandy lit a cigarette as she leaned on my breasts and took a deep drag. She put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag, as Julie lit a cigarette also. I said, "This was different. Was it just me, or did we all just have the most intense orgasm ever?" Mandy said, "It wasn't just you honey. Somehow when we become energy and joined together, everything got amplified. Our powers increased and our feelings were hypersensitive." Kathy leaned over on my other breast and said, "Jen, you play a great game of Chess. If we could bottle this we'd have all of the money in the universe." We all cracked up.

I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy put her hand on my pussy and said, "You're still throbbing and so am I." She pushed a finger inside of me and made it bigger, moving it around. I moaned as I half closed my eyes and Mandy smiled at me and said, "Just relax and let the King make the Queen have another pussy spasm." Kathy was smiling at me and watching me move my pussy on Mandy's finger. Kathy reached over and rubbed my cock and I was on fire again. I was as hard as a rock and Julie moved to suck it, as Kathy rubbed my shaft. I didn't last 5 minutes. My cock pulsated into Julie's mouth and I unload a blast of cum, as my pussy twinged and spasmed, spraying juices all over Mandy's finger. Mandy kissed me the whole time and said into my mind as I shot my cum, "Oh this gets me so hot baby. Fuck me. Couple with me."

Mandy and I coupled and hammered into each other, as Julie and Kathy did the same thing right next to us. We all merged minds again and it was incredible. We made love for three hours like this and went into each of our bodies to experience the feelings.

We separated our minds and went back into our own bodies, just as Mandy and I blasted off again into each other. We all fell asleep. I was interlocked with Mandy, and Julie and Kathy were interlocked also. Julie's back was against mine and we all still felt like we were connected. We all shared a dream for a while and it was so wild. When the dream ended we all woke up and Mandy moved into me a little and I moaned. She said, "Where was that house? It was huge and so gorgeous." None of us knew and Mandy said, "Lets go back into the dream and figure it out. Look for clues."

We all were back to sleep and picked up on our shared dream. Mandy figured out where the house was by reading a newspaper on a table and smiled at us in the dream. Then we all really feel asleep soundly.

Mandy and I woke up at 8 AM fucking slowing into each other and I was on fire again. Julie and Kathy were doing the same thing next to us, and moving with our rhythm, as Julie's back was still against mine. Mandy and I kissed, and kissed more. We were so into each other as we moved our cocks in and out of each other's pussy. We blasted off into each other twice, before we stopped. I felt Mandy's cock spasming inside of me, and I used my pussy muscles to milk her. She shot cum inside of me for almost a minute. It was leaking down my legs and onto my ass. Mandy and I kissed again and she whispered into my ear, "That was wonderful."

I reached over her back and took a cigarette from the nightstand, put it in my lips, and lit it with the lighter. I took two deep drags and held in the smoke and then blew the smoke out through my nose. Mandy took a drag and said, "Julie, you awake?" Julie said, "Yeah." Mandy said, "When we were kids what would you have given to have the toys dolls in your play house be real and talk and walk?" Julie said, "My mother would have spent a fortune to shut me up if I wanted it that bad." Mandy smiled and said "Mine too. Lets add that to the list also."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "This could be as big as the last project. Lets get a working version of Chess and then do a real project plan." I heard Kathy moaning softly and Mandy giggled as she said, "They're playing our tune honey." She took a drag of the cigarette and then handed it to me to put it out. Mandy pushed into me hard and we fucked again. We could hear our cocks sloshing in each other's cum soaked pussies and it was such a turn on. The four of us fucked for almost another hour as we all listened to each other moan in passion. Mandy and I grabbed each other's ass as we made love and pushed ourselves together harder to make our skin slap against each other. We were so out of control.

We all lay still at about 10 AM and Kathy said, "Lets get up." She separated from Julie and stood in the bed, spreading her legs over Mandy and my head. The cum dripped out on us and we went wild on Kathy. We sat up and sucked her pussy as she had two more orgasms. Then we did it to Julie also. They both sucked us dry also.

We all took a shower, cleaned up, dressed, and went downstairs. Chris, Roberta, Megan, and Alicia were working at the kitchen table with four computers and a Chessboard. I said, "Early start?" Chris said, "Late night. We're almost finished. This was really easy to program. We had most of the software in bits and pieces, plus we had a great Chess game that we adapted to it. You'll love the curator. Have some breakfast. We're almost ready for a final test."

We all had some breakfast and coffee. I lit a cigarette and Megan said, "Lets try it again." We all watched as Chris hit a remote button and the pieces all came to life and ran to their places on the board. A person looking very scholarly pulled a bar chair over to the edge of the board and sat on it and said, "Good morning. I'm Professor Duns, your game curator. Who may I ask is playing today?" Megan said, "I'm Megan and I will be playing against you today." He said, "Good luck. You move first." Megan said, "King's pawn two squares forward."

We watched the game and it was amazing. Each time the Professor would comment on his move and Megan's concerning her strategy. Megan took a piece by saying, "Bishop takes knight" and we watched the bishop run over to the square, grab the other game piece, and drag if off the board, as the knight was yelling at the Professor, "Stupid idiot. Didn't you see that move?" It was amazing. Megan lost in about six more moves as a rook announced, "Check and mate." Then all of the Professor's pieces started to laugh at Megan. The game was priceless.

Chris said, "It's almost complete. You should play a few games and tell me what you think and write down what's still missing. We have four sets finished, and they use all the same software. We also have four game boards, which are interchangeable.


Mandy and I set up a game and so did Julie and Kathy. We used the dinosaur game and Julie used an animal one. We each picked a different curator. Ours was Grog the cave man. We tried every combination of moves playing against each other and the computers even spotted one of our mistakes. The curator said, "Hey, you tried to cheat. You cannot move that piece sideways. Just because I'm a cave man doesn't make me an idiot." All of our dinosaurs made noise like the real animals and moved slightly, like a real animal would. We even had pterodactyls as the knights and they flew to their new location. When they captured a piece, they picked it up with their claws, flew it to the side of the board, and then flew back.

We watched Julie and Kathy's game and it was even better with their animals. It sounded like jungle noises from Africa. Two elephants were the rooks and they used their trucks to smack pieces out of the way. Julie used Mel the monkey as the curator and it was so funny. All the curators had little props they used, and Mel's was a bar to hang on.

Megan and company watched us play and they laughed at a few of the things they programmed in. Alicia said to me, "Move your rook over just one to the right." I did it and the curator said, "What a dumb move. Weren't you paying attention? You just gave your opponent the game." Mandy moved her Queen Brontosaurus to checkmate me and the curator said, "I told you so." I said, "Chris, how sophisticated is the Chess game in solo mode? Can you beat it?"

Chris and Roberta were laughing and Chris said, "We allowed four different modes; novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. I can't beat the Expert level. I doubt if anyone can. It thinks 40 moves ahead. It's the same game that use to run on the Cray super mainframe computers for hours to make a move. On these machines it takes less than a tenth of a second to analyze all of the combinations. I can easily beat the novice. The intermediate is a little more complex and the advanced is very difficult to beat. You can set the level by simply telling the curator what difficulty level you want the game to play at."

We played the games for a few hours and I was convinced. So was everyone else. I said, "You all did a great job. Go get some sleep and we'll start to put together a detailed plan." Chris said, "We had so much coffee, we can't sleep yet. Lets do the plan now. This is so cool."

Chris said to the curators, "Game over. Clean up the board and turn off." We watched all of the pieces go into the bins and the curator move the props, and then turn off the power. I said, "This is so cool." Mandy was smiling at me and said, "What a great idea this was."

Chris set up the hand held computer again and we started from scratch again as they already programmed the software we thought would take weeks. I said, "Lets do it by game and figure set. Each one will be a project and we can use common components in building them." We spend about two hours making the lists and it wasn't that complicate at all. We all took one of the major projects. Julie wanted to do Clue, Mandy wanted to redefine Monopoly, Kathy wanted to write the music software for the androids, I wanted to finish the Chess game to make it really incredible, Alicia wanted to complete what she called network android programming and we all knew that had big implications, Chris wanted to do the manufacturing end, and Roberta wanted to do the sensor programming and the curators.

We broke for some lunch and then all got started using the new computer systems and reusing as much of the code as we could from the other areas. It was amazing at how fast the programming was using the new systems Mandy developed for the new computers. In four hours, I finished all of the Chess programming and had it tested. At 9 at night, Mandy had a prototype game of monopoly ready to be tested that was still rough. We all decided to eat something and play the game.

Roberta had made a crude board with sensors wired behind it and we shrank a lot of real props. The game pieces were any of the androids we had already built and shrank. We picked something different and Mandy downloaded the software into them. They she said, "I have the perfect curator, Larry the Lawyer." She downloaded the software into that android also.

Mandy said, "Curator, set up the game." We watched the lawyer set up everything and also give us each a checking account with checks and some cash. The curator said, "Welcome to the SolarNational game of Entrepreneurial Business. It's fun and teaches you how to make money. Who may I ask is playing, and what pieces have you selected?" We all told him our names and what pieces were ours. The curator said, "Would you like me to explain the rules?" Mandy said, "Yes, please explain the rules to us." The curator spent about 10 minutes explaining all of the rules to us and Mandy made a few changes. We all loved it and she laughed. The curator said, "Who would like to go first?" We made Mandy go first and the curator said, "I can roll a dice for you, or you can roll it yourself and I will read it to you. Which do you prefer?" Mandy said, "Roll for me Larry." We watched Larry the lawyer roll the dice and announce, "You have a six", as Mandy's piece, a Lion, walked six boxes. The curator said, "Would you like to buy this property. It is located in a marginal area of town, and has medium potential for growth. As your lawyer, I would recommend a buy and then using it for retail stores that sell low to medium priced goods."

We all smiled and Mandy said, "I'll buy it. Please do the transaction for me." We watched Larry debit Mandy's checking account and then carry a title of the property to her. I said, "I love this!" We all played and landed on every square in the game. Mandy said, "Six of these are completely random. You could take a vacation in Adult World, have your houses or hotels condemned for a fire hazard, have your bank go broke and have to collect on your insurance, there are hundreds of combinations. The old style Community Chest and Chance are still there also, but they are now called, Board of Directors and Shareholders. You can incorporate and sell stock but will have to pay dividends to other players. I really tried to make this like real life."

We played the game for hours and we were all hooked on it. It was so neat to watch your checking account computer show your balance as it was going up or down based on different things that happened. The game assumes that property for rental is rented and as players pass your hotel you get rent money from tenants. When someone lands on your property, they get accessed by the lawyer for a number of things that also vary. It is so wild.

After 4 hours Mandy and I both had balances in our accounts of about 100 million dollars and everyone else was either broke, or we bought them out. She owned half the world, and I owned the other half and it was a piss. The game encourages you to form strategies with other players and the object is to control all of it either alone or with a business partner. I said, "Hey partner. I guess we won. Want to merge assets?" Mandy laughed and said, "Just like real life. It's cool isn't it?"

Julie said, "I know it's late, but you want to try the first new version of Clue?" Chris said, "I'll make more coffee. Lets do it." Mandy said, "Larry, put the game pieces away and turn everything off please." Larry said, "You played a great game and won. Congratulations." Then he put everything away and turned off the game.

Julie took out the board and it had a stage on it, plus three dimensional rooms for a house that unfolded. Julie said, "The curator is Bennett, the Chief Prosecutor. I set this up so we can either witness a crime and then try to figure out the motive, or have a crime be committed and we have to solve who did it. We programmed over 700 different variations of the clues and outcomes to make about 3 million permutations, so I don't know what any of the answers are. We also have a cast of 26 different figures, each has a different role depending on the game variation. The curator tells you everything and you are the investigators. Bennet, set up the game." Bennet said, "Welcome to SolarNational Crime Solvers. Which game would you prefer? You can solve a crime, or determine the motive?" Mandy said, "Determine a motive first."

Bennet had all of the pieces come to life and was narrating what we were watching. It was a five minute miniature play that ended when one figure strangled another. Bennet handed us each a note pad and a pen and then announced who the characters were that we saw. He said, "On each turn you may ask a question of the person's square that you land on, and you can try to solve the puzzle. You can also ask one additional question of any character every fourth turn. You can work with a partner if you so choose and play in teams."

Mandy said, "I love this already. Jen honey, we are solving this one." We played the game and it was so interesting listening to the questioning of the androids and their answers. On our fourth turn we both asked two different characters questions to rule out some things. Kathy took her turn and then talked with Julie after asking a question and said, "Bennet, is the motive for the killing that Laura wanted revenge, as she knew that Rob Braydon was blackmailing them because of a business deal that involved their car dealership and now it was going bankrupt?" Bennet said, "Very good investigation work. You are awarded a thousand dollars for solving a level 5 crime. Would you like to keep playing?" Bennet gave Kathy a thousand dollars and Kathy said, "Yes, we would like to solve a crime now."

We played this game until 4 in the morning until we were all so tired we couldn't see straight. We loved it. I said, "Julie, this was a great idea. It beats they way we use to bet on movies." Julie said, "That's how I got the idea."

Mandy and I walked upstairs almost in a comma. We hugged each other, undressed, and lay down cuddling. We were out cold in seconds.

We woke up at about 11 the next morning and Mandy said, "All of those games are incredible. We should get a full working version of each of them and then figure out the manufacturing and packaging." We were still cuddling and I said, "I was thinking more about us making love for an hour of so and then taking a walk together this morning for a while on the beach. Then we can finish the games." Mandy smiled and said, "You are so romantic sometimes." She leaned into me and gave me a sloppy kiss and I responded with the same back to her. We became combined couples and interlocked. I wrapped my legs around Mandy and she rolled us over, as we slowly and passionately made love. We were both so into each other, moving in rhythm. I pulled out the same time Mandy did, and then we both pushed back together slowly. We shared out thoughts and feelings, and merged our minds. We both were melting inside from the passion, as we both blasted off into each other. Mandy's cock pulsated and spit a huge load of cum into my pussy, as my pussy orgasmed and my cock blasted into her also. We kissed and hugged each other oblivious to anything in the world at that moment.

We kept going and both blasted off two more times. The last time we both came, we shook in spasms as the orgasm was so intense. We were sweating and holding each other still interlocked. Mandy was breathing heavy into my ear and I was breathing into her ear. I kissed her cheek and she licked the side of my face and said, "I love the taste of your sweat." We both laughed and Mandy reached for the nightstand and lit a cigarette. She took a drag and said, "Jen, we are both really smart. How come we could only solve two of those crimes in that game? We lost with only 1,800 dollars between us." I said, "How come we beat everyone's ass off at the new version of monopoly? It's because that is what we do really well. Face it, we love the game, but we suck at being investigators." Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and then I took a drag also. She said, "Yeah, you're right. We do suck at it don't we? We were so far off base on all of them." I laughed and said, "You thought the wife did it, when it was the cook. I thought it was the gardener. We both stink at figuring out stuff like that. But the game is a blast to play."

Mandy pushed her cock into me a little and smiled as I moaned. She said, "Figure out why I did that." I pushed back into her and she made an "Mmmm" sound and I said, "Because you are as madly in love with me as I am with you, and you want to have more sex just like I do." She said, "Very good. You won the game. Now lets fuck again honey." We finished the cigarette and kissed.

Mandy and I made love again and blasted off into each other in about 15 minutes. I said, "Time to get up and take a walk." She smiled at me and said, "Okay, but we work on the games when we get back."

We did our things in the bathroom and then went downstairs. We had a quick breakfast as everyone was still asleep and we went out for our walk. Mandy and I love to walk on the grounds by the cliffs and on the beach. We walked about 3 miles up the shoreline and then back again, holding hands, and talking about things in general. She said, "I know how to really boost the sales of these games. Lets hide a special set of games inside the games, like a hidden prize. The one who solves it first gets a million dollars." I said, "How about we network link all of the games to a master computer and record the highest scores and make that into a contest also that we pay out on every three months? We could even have a test your intelligence game?"

We both were laughing about it and walked back into the house. Chris and Roberta were sitting at the kitchen table and Chris said, "We thought you were still asleep. We just got back from one of the factories that we can convert to run the androids for the action figures and we also set up an assembly line for the boards, which was so easy to do with some of the other stuff we make. We wanted to talk about packaging today. Let me get everyone else, they're out in the pool." I said, "Let me get Melissa and Jody over here to see everything for the marketing." I called Melissa and Jody in their minds and Jody said, "Hi beautiful. Miss me?" I said, "Of course. You two have about an hour to see something really wild in our action figure project?" Jody said back, "We're on our way."

Everyone was in the kitchen in about 10 minutes and I said, "Melissa and Jody should see all of it, and then we can talk about marketing, packaging, and some new ides that Mandy and I had to make these really sell." We showed them every game and explained it, and played a little so they would understand what we were talking about. Melissa kept saying, "Holy shit is this neat!" Chris then showed them the master list of about 30 different games and things we would sell. I said, "These three games are ready to be sold after we do the packaging, and we are ready to manufacture them also." Mandy said, "Jen and I had a few ideas to help make these sell. What if the games were all connected to the internet or our master computer and we did two things. First is we record the highest or best games and award a prize every quarter to someone for each game, maybe a few thousand dollars or something. Second is we hide a few puzzles within the games. Anyone who solves one gets a million bucks. We'll call it the Solarnational Game Prize."

Melissa said, "We better be prepared to make hundreds of millions of these games. This is incredible. Let me see Larry the Lawyer again. By the way, who won when you guys played?" Megan said, "Our Moms beat the piss out of us at Entrepreneur and Alicia and I won at Crime Solvers." Melissa said, "Figures." We showed her Larry again and she said, "I want to film the start of this game. It is just amazing. Also I want to film the Chess setup and the Crime Solvers set up. When will the theme park sets be ready?" Chris said, "All we have to do is the packaging, props, and landscape board to keep them in. We can also make everything different sizes. This is the standard size you see here. We can make one smaller for a little less money, or one twice as big for four times the price. Twelve inch high action figures that are really androids. Some of these games would be really cool larger. Especially the Chess set."

Melissa and Jody were both sketching some ides on commercials and then Melissa started to laugh. Roberta said, "We hear this all the time. It usually means a good commercial is brewing in her head." Melissa explained their ideas and a few were really funny. She said, "When will you have production ready games that we can use for this?" Chris said, "Maybe as soon as tomorrow. It depends on how we do today. Do you want to work on the outside packaging art work also?" Jody said, "Sure. We have a whole department that does it. We'll use them this week with our ideas." Melissa said, "Call us as soon as you have a set of each game that we can use for filming. We're going to be back on Earth for a while. We're thinking about selling the house there because we are building one here in the resort. We already got the land, which is about a mile up the coast, and the builders have put down the foundation. We hardly ever use the house back home and all love it here."

Melissa and Jody displaced back to Earth and we talked about packaging and manufacturing. We also hooked up the game software to the Internet, which was so easy. Roberta set up a site that said, "SolarNational Game Championships." It read the game and score sent in by units and showed them in rank order along with the player's names and the specific manufacturing code from the unit so we could track the person to give them a prize. We also made it an option so people could play in private if they choose.

We designed six different puzzles that we put in the game software. Chris and Roberta loved writing the software for that. Chris said, "Only the smartest will uncover these. We know the way in and it's obvious to us. No one will figure this out without really thinking about what we did with these games."

Chris said, "Lets go to the factory. We can set up the final assemble for shipment using the packaging we designed and run a full set of everything. We'll check out how everything fits and make sure it's safe to ship it and stack it like that. Megan, why don't you call the largest toy retailers and see if they want to participate." Megan said, "I'm only going to ask them once. If they say no, we do it all ourselves. We have everything we need to do it without them."

Megan went into the study and asked me to go with her. She said, "Mom, listen in on the call and tell me what to say if I get stuck. I never did this type of thing before." I said, "You'll be fine. Tell them that I am listening in on the call also. That way I can say something stupid and you can apologize for my behavior. Mandy and I do it all the time. It works really well in business." She smiled and said, "Okay. Tell me in my mind what to do when you want me to do it."

Megan called the office and had Flow get her the numbers for the President of two of the major toy retailers. Megan made the first call and said, "Hi. This is Doctor Megan Edwards, the CEO of SolarNational. Can I have a few minutes of Mr. Oswald's time to discuss a business proposition?" We waited on hold and he said, "Hello, this is Jack Oswald." Megan said, "Hi this is Megan Edwards. We are about to launch a new business that provides animated action games unlike anything ever built before. They are based on androids and are computer controlled. We expect to sell literally hundreds of million in all of the markets. We wanted to know if you would like to carry the items. We're planning to start manufacturing early next week and advertising, including commercials, will start at that time also." Jack said, "Megan, thank you for calling me about this but we only handle items exclusively. So unless you want all of your sales going through our stores than the answer is no." I said into the phone, "Jack, this is Jen Edwards on the extension. You are passing up a huge business opportunity. We are talking about billions of dollars for your firm in probably months, and we will only make this offer once. If you still say no, than that's how will stay." Jack said, "Jen, I know what you have done and I admire it, but those are our rules. I'm sorry." Megan said, "Thanks for your time Jack." We hung up and I said, "What an idiot. Call the other company."

We called and the same conversation took place. We laughed about it and I said, "Don't feel so bad. They will beg us in three weeks and then you can say no, and don't give in when they give you some sob story. It's no. Period." Lets see what their stock is trading at. We should short-sell a bunch of it before the announcements. If it really tanks, then we'll buy one of the companies and win anyway."

We went back into the kitchen and I said, "We're doing all of the selling. We have to gear up the retail stores, call centers, and add everything to the internet sites. These guys were jerks. Mandy, we are shorting their stock before the announcement." Mandy was laughing and said, "Pissed you off didn't they?" Megan said, "Yeah, a little."

Chris said, "Factory time everyone." She displaced us to the factory and it was huge, at least 10 times the size of an android factory. I said, "Big enough?" Chris said, "You'll be surprised when we're out of capacity in a few weeks. We already started plans for a second center just like this one and hopefully we will have it ready next week also. This is the packaging area. Lets start with the chess sets. Watch how the units are assembled." We all watched and then Chris and Roberta made changes until we all agreed we liked the way it looked, and fit together. All they did was change things in pictures on a computer. I was definitely impressed by what they had built. We did this for the three game units and we had five packaged and shrink wrapped boxes of each. The boxes were completely white with nothing on them yet. Chris said, "When Melissa has the art work it will be sheet cut paper that is glued to the box in the step before the shrink wrap. Lets write what each box contains on it so we don't get them confused. Just don't cover the skew label which is used to trigger the correct wrapping. We'll use these same boxes to test that also." I picked up a box and it wasn't that heavy at all. I said, "4 or 5 pounds?" Roberta said, "4. We used ultra light weight materials for the boards, but they are incredibly sturdy."

We all displaced back home with the boxes and I said into Melissa and Jody's mind, "We missed you so much. Can you come back and play again?" We all heard them laughing in our minds and they displaced back to our kitchen. Mandy and I pointed to the boxes and Melissa said, "Wow. That was quick." Chris said, "We wrote on the boxes what they are."

Melissa opened up a sheet of paper she had in her hand and lay it out over the box and said, "We need to size them, but what do you think? Jody and I did these as mock ups I think they'll look pretty good with some photos added over it." We all agreed and Melissa said, "We'll have them done by morning. Let me call a camera crew to get the photos done now and we'll do everything digitally." Melissa made a few calls and said, "Meet us at the office, in the boardroom in 20 minutes. I know it's late, but this is important. Bring everything for still shots and a video for a commercial. You also need backdrops. Bring a jungle scene, city scene, high finance scene, police station, and things on those lines. Thanks June we'll see you in a few."


We all displaced to the boardroom with the boxes and Mandy and I lit up cigarettes. I made us all one of my favorite drinks and Melissa said, "Jen, you are so hooked on these drinks." Mandy smiled and we all toasted the new venture.

June showed up with an entire film crew and Melissa said, "Let me show all of you what is going to the next craze and you won't believe it. Animated action games. This one is chess. Mandy, set it up so they can see how it works." I helped Mandy unpack it and we dumped the pieces out on the board and she turned it on. The curator stood up and said, "This is the first time I have been turned on. Would you like to configure your game set now, or wait until later?" Mandy said, "Wait until later. We only want to take photos of the game. Please set up the pieces." The crew watched in amazement as the pieces were turned on and ran to their spots on the board. Mandy gave a demonstration and they all were amazed. Chris said, "There are 4 different Chess sets with different figures, animals, dinosaurs, people like this one, and people from the crusades on horses. It plays against you are helps you play against someone else."

We showed them all the games and then they took action pictures of the some of the things happening and hundreds of other shots. The crew also took video of Larry the Lawyer, Mel the money, moving pieces on the boards, a capture in Chess using the pterodactyl, the pieces being put away, and the performance of a crime for Crime Solvers. Melissa was having them download all of the shots into one of the new hand held computers and she said, "Thanks everyone." June said, "When can we buy these? These games are awesome." I said, "We'll send all of you a free set of all of them. Thanks again."

Melissa said, "We're going to the art work department and make these up now. We'll meet you back at your house in a little while." They displaced with the boxes and we displaced back home. Mandy said, "Food anyone?" Roberta said, "Let me." She made us a lobster and filet diner that was great. She said, "My second favorite." We ate, had a few drinks, and goofed around. We also wrote a press release for Megan and we laughed at some of things and then rewrote it.

I turned on the TV and we watched a little of the news. It was covering another Grand Opening of a History of Life theme park in the old Russia. It was mobbed and they were interviewing people who attended. One person said, "It would be nice if we could buy a souvenir set of the park for the kids." We all smiled and Megan said to the TV, "You can! Keep that checkbook out!"

We were starting to tell jokes and laughing as usual again. Melissa and Jody displaced into the kitchen and they had finished boxes of each item. It looked great. I said, "We are definitely ready from the materials side. Lets make sure everything else is ready to go. Chris, check the sheets to make sure they fit in the assembly line process. Megan, make sure the teams know about this at the call centers and in the retail stores. Alicia, make sure the internet sites have these items on them also."

It took us another two days to iron everything out and then we started the manufacturing full steam ahead and warehoused what we were producing to be ahead of the initial demand. We also were shipping items to the retail stores. Megan called a press release and gave her speech that we all helped write. Megan said, "We are announcing a new SolarNational company called SolarNational Toys which is based on our action hobbies and games. We have animated traditional games with miniature androids. The products are safe, family oriented fun, and very educational. They are also computer connected and we are running contests every three months for the highest scores, which will get a prize. We also have twelve grand prizes of a million dollars each. There are puzzles hidden in the games. The first one to solve each puzzle gets one of the checks. You're probably thinking, what's so special about some games? We'll watch this clip and you'll see."

Megan showed five minutes of film that was taken by the photo crew and then said, "We have a new version of Chess, Crime Solvers which is based on a combination of shows, movies, and an old board game, and Entrepreneurs which is a little like the old version of monopoly, but is all about real business. We also have a full set of the History of Life action park figures, and are planning over 36 other action games and sets in the next few months. The games come standard with 6 inch size pieces, but can be purchased with ones that are slightly smaller, or double the size. Every game has a game curator. You all saw Larry the Lawyer and Mel the Money. There are 220 different game curators that you can buy and you can use the same one for any of the board games. We will also be downloading software with any updates to the games, free. These games are only available through SolarNational retails stores, internet sites, or our 24 hour call centers. The theme park sets will also be available at each park. At this time we will take any of your questions?"

We all answered questions for over an hour and we also gave a live demo of the chess set being set up and some of the game. The TV cameras filmed it and Mandy said into all of our minds, "This is the best commercial we will ever have. It will be on the news everywhere."

They asked us about price and Megan gave them the prices. We heard some talking and overheard one person saying, "That's really cheap for this. What a gold mine again. The stock is going to skyrocket tomorrow." Someone asked, "Who ran this project?" Megan smiled and said, "The same two that run every major project, my parents. Who else could have possibly accomplished this?" We all got a standing ovation from the press and they ended by filming our Dinosaur chess set with all of the sounds.

We left the auditorium at the office and went up to Mandy's office and turned on the news. It was all about us and the press was going crazy over these games. We never expected it to be this much of a big deal. One commentator called it the next evolution of family fun at home. Mandy called the broker and said, "What's the stock down to that we shorted?", "Oh that's great.", "Yeah, stay with it for a while. Bail if they look like they're going bust or if it changes direction."

Mandy said, "Want to own one of the biggest toy retail stores in the universe?" I said, "Megan, remember no matter how they beg and plead, the answer is no." We watched more of the news and Flow buzzed us and said, "Megan, you have a call from Jack Oswald on line 2. You want to take it?" Megan said, "Yeah, I'll pick it up in here." Megan pushed the speaker button and said, "Hi Jack. What can I do for you?" We heard him apologize and asked to sell the games. I held my hand up to Megan and said, "Hi Jack. It's me Jen. Listen we have been following your stock and have made almost a billion dollars shorting it today. We were just discussing whether we should buy all of it when it reaches a dollar. As for selling our line of games and figures, the answer is absolutely no. We made you the offer once and you turned us down. Our policy is to never give second chances, but thanks for calling and have a nice day." I hung up and everyone laughed. I said, "The other one will call soon also. Can you do what I just did?" Megan laughed and said, "No problem." Mandy said, "It really may go down to a dollar. Want to buy it?" I said, "Could we integrate it into our business and does it offer anything we don't already have?" Everyone mumbled and Mandy said, "We won't buy it."

Mandy called the broker back and said, "Get us out of the stock right now." I said, "Why the rush?" She said, "Just in case he makes some sort of announcement to save his company about selling our products. We all know it's not true, but they may be desperate." I said, "Good thinking."

I pushed the speaker button on the phone and dialed information to get the number of one of the toy stores and called it. I said, "Are you going to be selling the new SolarNational games that were just announced?" A manager said, "I was told we would be carrying them shortly." I hung up and said, "That dirt bag. Good catch honey. "

Chris displayed the internet site we use internally to monitor product orders and the numbers were staggering. She said, "See. We really did need the second factory. Look at how many theme park sets have sold. Holy shit! Jen, the dinosaur Chess sets and old Crusades sets hit a million in the first half hour. Look at the counter spinning for the Entrepreneurs. Lets see where they are being shipped." Chris selected an option and we got a grid report map of where the sales were being shipped and said, "We're only seeing the start of it. All of the sales are coming from places that have already closed business hours. We still have three hours to go here."

Our broker called back and Flow said, "Mandy, your broker is on line 5. You want to take it?" Mandy said, "Yeah, I got it." Mandy said, "Hi. How'd we do?", "No shit. We had a funny felling about it and thought they would release some information that wasn't true to save the stock price. It will tank, when people find out what they said is bullshit. Thanks."

I said, "Well?" She said, "We got out just in time. The stock went back up and we made about 1.6 on it." I said, "Kathy, how are we on the music things you were working on?" She said, "We still have a few problems we haven't solved." I said, "Lets brain storm them. If we could release the band figures with this much media hype, we'll make a fortune again. Chris, can you and Roberta help us?"

Chris said, "Sure. What are the problems?" Kathy went into detail and Chris said, "Before we try to solve these, what if we don't try to make the androids really be us and play and sing everything the way that we do. What if we provide digital bit streams of the music in the computers and have the androids act it out and provide perfect voice synchronization to all of it. It will look like they are actually playing and singing it. We could add a time sync code to the audio the same way we sync things to film. We could also have each android understand the digital notes to play on an instrument. That's easier than teaching the software how to make music from scratch." I said, "Kathy, you Okay with changing the approach?" She said, "It's brilliant and solves all of the problems. Chris, can you work with me on this to write the software?" Chris said, "No problem we'll help, but it will cost you a few beers and two massages?" Mandy smiled and said into my mind, "The spiders are working again."

We hung around a while and Megan got the call from the other toy retailer. We all listened and she was great. The president was even willing to sell the goods at no profit just to keep them in his stores and Megan said, "That's great Bob. You can just buy them from our internet site like everyone else. Have a great day and thanks for calling." Mandy laughed and put her arm around Megan. She said, "I liked your style on that one."

Karen buzzed us and said, "Megan, you, Mandy, and Jen should consider doing a TV show tomorrow morning. There is a group that is protesting for equal rights for androids. It might be good for a few laughs."

We all were thinking the same thing and Megan said it out loud, "What a bunch of assholes. Yeah Karen. What time is it and where?" Karen said, "Studio B in our Hollywood location. Airtime is 9 AM. Be there by 8:40. I'll tell them to expect you." We all laughed and I said, "What in the world would make someone do something so stupid?" Megan said, "Being on TV."

We sat around and laughed about some of the commercials that Melissa was now having aired about the games and a few were great. She had the game curator get attached by the dinosaurs and carried off by a pterodactyl for loosing in Chess. The T-Rex was yelling at him, "You moron. You forgot to move the switch from novice to expert. I hate to loose."

We decided to stay at the castle tonight and all displaced there. Our androids greeted us and Mandy said, "Make us our favorite drinks please." We all sat in the den and had our drinks. I lit a cigarette and Kathy said, "I want to write that code so bad. I'm becoming a computer nerd." Chris said, "Okay, lets get started." Kathy and Julie were like little kids and went with Chris and Roberta into the study. Mandy and I lay back on the couch together and I took a drag of my cigarette, and handed it to Mandy. She took two deep drags and held in the smoke, and then blew it out slowly. She said, "How about we go help them with the programming logic. I'm as hooked as they are."

Mandy dragged me up off the couch and we laughed about it, as I just didn't want to move. She said, "Jen, come on. This could be so much fun. It's like making puppets when we were kids." I said, "My puppets never talked back to me unless I was doing the talking." She said, "Details. Just let me have my fun."

We went into the study and Kathy said, "Okay, quarters." Everyone paid Kathy a quarter and she said, "I knew you would be in here in 5 minutes." We all wrote a section of the code on different hand held computers that Chris had accessing the same program library. Mandy said, "This language we built makes this so easy." I said, "We? You built it, and it's great! Take credit for it. It's the ultimate in automated programming."

Chris showed us her ideas for using time sync from the digital audio and she and Roberta wrote the filters for it. We watched the design portion and then the rest was easy. By 11 PM we had a working version of 10 chess pieces singing one of our tunes. It was a riot to watch an old style knight from the Crusades singing Mandy's part in one of the songs. I said, "Lets wrap it up for tonight and finish in the morning. We have to do the TV show."

We saved everything and Kathy said, "The movements can be synched the same way. I have an idea for rhythm movements using an algorithm to make it easy." Julie smiled and said, "I'm going to hear about this all night in bed."

Mandy and I went upstairs to our bedroom and she said to me, "So are you as horny as I am?" I read Mandy's mind and said, "Maybe a little more." She read my mind and smiled as we got undressed. I held Mandy in my arms and gave her a wet sloppy kiss. She held me on my ass and pushed us together, and I held her ass also. We broke the kiss and Mandy licked my ear whispering, "Lay down honey. I want to lick your pussy." I lay back on the bed and Mandy lay between my legs. She spread my pussy lips with her fingers and licked me so good. She started at the bottom and licked to the top and them licked circles around my clit. She put her tongue into me wiggling it, and then made a snake tongue that drove me wild. I held her head to me and bucked into her face moaning softly, "Lick it more. Oh, that's so good." Mandy drove me crazy for a while and I sprayed my pussy juices all over her face.

Mandy climbed on top of me and kissed me with her mouth full of my juices. We changed ourselves into couples and Mandy pushed her cock into me and mine slid into her pussy at the same time. I wrapped my legs around her ass and my arms around her back, as we rolled onto our side. We fucked like wild rabbits, kissing and sucking each other's tongues.

We went for hours and Mandy was breathing heaving into my ear and whispered, "Jen honey, I'm cumming again. I'm going to blast off inside of you again. Oh! OOOHHH! OOOHHHH! Baby, it's cumming in you!" I felt Mandy's cock pulsate and the blast of warm cum go into me. Then she held me so tight and squirted again and again. My cock was erupting again into her and she moaned really loud as I shot my cum stream. We kissed as I jerked again and squirted, blasting off with her. Our pussies were both twitching on each other's cock, and it felt so good. We lay in each other's arms breathing heavy and holding each other close.

Mandy reached for the nightstand and put a cigarette in her lips. She lit it and took a deep drag making the tip of the cigarette glow bright red in the dim light. She took another drag and held in the smoke, and then held the cigarette up to my lips. I took two drags and blew out the smoke and said, "Lets fall asleep like this." Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette and moved into me slowly again. I closed my eyes and felt such sensations through my whole body. She moved into me again and I moved back slowly. She handed me the cigarette and now she had her eyes half closed and was moaning softly, "Jen honey, I'm going to cum again. Move into me again." I moved a few times and Mandy blasted off big time. She grabbed me tight and her cock jerked into me and spit cum out as her pussy gripped on my cock and orgasmed. I let her finish cumming and I took another drag of the cigarette. Mandy opened her eyes and said, "Wow!" We both laughed as she took a drag of the cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray. We cuddled and fell asleep interlocked.

The alarm went off and I said, "Oh shit. TV show time." Mandy lifted her head and said, "Jen, why didn't you set it early so we could have some fun first?" I said, "I forgot to set it. This is from the last night we stayed here. We have to hurry." We set a new record for our bathroom routine and dressed for TV. We went downstairs and Megan said, "We have 2 minutes to spare." I poured us both a cup of coffee and we displaced to the TV set.

We walked in with our coffee and sat in a room with the producer. We all lit a cigarette and the producer said, "Welcome back. We have Doctor Marty West who is an advocate for android rights to be the same as humans. This should be funny." I said, "Doctor of what?" He said, "I have no clue. Make that your first question." We all laughed and waited while we had our cigarette and coffee.

We got our cue and walked on the set and were greeted by Phyllis, the talk show host. She said to the camera and the studio audience, "Please welcome the experts on this topic. Doctors Megan Edwards, Jen Edwards, and Mandy Edwards. The officers of SolarNational and the invertors of the androids." We got a few applause and sat down. Phyllis said, "Now for the fun. Please welcome Doctor Marty West, advocate for human rights for androids." He walked in and sat down on the other side of Phyllis.

Phyllis said, "Doctor West, would you like to make an opening statement?" Marty said, "I firmly believe that androids should have the same rights as people. You can't tell them apart. They look real and should be treated that way." Phyllis turned to us and I said into the group's minds, "Hey gang we have a big problem. We're on TV and I think we are about to talk to an android that has been reprogrammed. I tried to read his mind and I saw Mandy's computer programs. Watch through my mind."

I said, "Marty, I assume it's Okay if I call you Marty since we are all doctors. What is your degree in?" He said, "Doctor is just a title." I said, "Who are you?" Marty said, "I am Marty. Android number 564890125b."

Mandy said, "Who bought you and where?" Marty said, "I was bought by Doctor Andrew Strong from customization center 789." I said, "Who changed your programming?" Marty replied, "Doctor Strong and his partner James West."

Megan said, "Marty, how did they get around all of the security codes to change your programming?" Marty said, "Doctor Strong and Mr. West stole to security access codes from a SolarNational computer when they broke into a lab." I said, "How many androids did they make like you?" Marty said, "Sixteen."

Mandy said, "Does anyone else have access to the codes that they stole?" Marty said, "No one yet. They are trying to sell them to the highest bidder." Megan said, "Can you tell us who is bidding on the codes?" Marty said, "Yes I can. Would you like the list?"

Marty listed the names and I said, "Thank you Marty." Phyllis said, "I don't get it. How did you know? I thought he was for real." I said, "We invented them, remember? I knew in a few minutes. Androids cannot lie, no matter what anyone changes. When I asked him about being a doctor and who he was, he had to tell me the truth. There are hundreds of fail-safes built into these devices. We spent weeks struggling with different scenarios to prevent anyone from doing what someone is trying to do now. An android can never reprogram itself or another android. They immediately shut off when it is even attempted. There are twenty different security codes just to get into the computer brain to load software. This tells me that someone on our payroll helped them and we will find out who they are, and they will get what they deserve."

Mandy said, "Marty, do any of your owners know people that work for SolarNational?" Marty said, "Yes they do. Would you like me to list them for you?" Megan said, "Yes, please list them and all of the other information you know about them." We listened to a list of four people and we heard in our minds Alicia saying, "We have it covered. The police are picking everyone up right now. Jen, you and Mandy finally won at Crime Solvers." We tried so hard not to laugh and Megan was talking to Phyllis so we wouldn't burst out laughing.

I said, "Marty will have his programming reset, along with all of the others. So much for androids rights. My guess is that they figured if the could fool us, they could fool anyone. The court case on this one should be interesting. This would have been a great plot for our new game Crime Solvers." Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "The problem is that it's real."

Phyllis said, "Great show, not what we expected, but I guess sometimes you can never tell. Thank you all for being here." We all shook her hand and walked off stage as they were bringing on the next guest." I said into everyone's mind, "Can you believe this?" They all laughed at us and were yelling in our minds, "Crime Solvers."

We displaced back to the castle and turned on the TV news in the kitchen. A film clip from the show we were just on was being played and a reporter was saying, "You're watching some great detective work in action." Mandy gave me a high five and so did Megan. We watched more as the police were arresting seven people. The reporter said, "Make sure you tune it today at 11 for the court case. This should be a hum dinger." Mandy said, "We have a half hour. Lets see how Julie and Kathy are making out with the software."

We walked into the study and heard one of our songs being played and froze as we watched a group of androids that looked just like us, play and sing the song. Then they did one of our skits and we all had our mouths hanging open. I said, "How did you get so far?" Chris said, "Programming in this language is so easy. We just created a couple of new objects and then used all of the other ones to put together what we needed. We should be able to knock off all of the bands in a few days. It is so neat. Watch this."

Chris took one of our production CDs and loaded into a mini CD player and said, "This really isn't a CD player. It converts it to the androids. The software checks for it being a song that belongs to the specific band. We can update it automatically when a new release of any CD comes out for any band." The curator, who was an MC, announced the group Changes and then we watched the androids perform, just like we do on stage. Kathy said, "Watch the ending. This is cool." Kathy said, "Alfred, last song. Then wrap it up." We watched another performance and then the miniature Mandy thanked the audience, the whole group bowed, and they walked off stage. The MC had two roadies come out and put away all of the instruments and amps. It was a piss to watch. Kathy said, "We should be done with about 20 of the bands in two days. This is so easy now that we did the first one. We should get Melissa and Jody here to see the packaging for this. Plus they will probably love it." I said, "After the court case. Lets go."

We all walked into the kitchen and turned on the news again. We watched the courtroom doors open and the defendants being brought in. The judge sat down and Mandy said, "Look, its Janie. They're going to hell for sure." We watched Janie question each person and they tried to lie. The computer was infallible and the new version gave so much more information. Janie was having a blast finding out everything. She brought them in a line together and said, "Let me summarize what we have here. You two stole company trade secrets, and you two helped them. The three of you tried to buy them for the purpose of creating an army of androids to conquer the world. That about sum it up?" They all just stood there and she said, "500 years in Hell. Enjoy the heat fellows. You earned it." She used the computer to start the sentencing and watched each person collapse and scream in pain, as they were carried out one at a time.

Chris said, "The new computer goes up to 1,000 years. That was one of Janie's requests." We all laughed. Kathy called Melissa and Jody in her mind and they came over in a few minutes.


Kathy was like a little kid. She grabbed their hands and ran with them into the study. She said, "Sit right here and watch the show." Kathy turned on the power and the MC stood up and the roadies set up the stage. The MC said, "We have Changes here with us today. What would you like to see them play?" Kathy yelled out two song names and then said, "They turn everything off after the last song." We all watched it and it was really cute.

The show ended and Melissa said, "That was weird watching us perform like that. What a great set to sell at concerts." Kathy was talking a mile a minute about what bands and time frames and Melissa said, "Slow down! You are so hyper about this. Kathy, we'll finish it all in a few days. Trust me. I know you're excited and it's really cool." Kathy blushed and Julie put her arm over her shoulder and said, "Kathy found a new hobby and she is addicted to it."

Mandy and I had an idea of how to make the knowledge game we talked about and I said, "Lets try that idea. I will only take a few minutes to test it." Mandy's idea was to read all of the knowledge banks that we already had developed and limit it to specific categories. Each time we read a knowledge fact, we would programmatically turn it into a question and use a formula to calculate it's difficulty. She wrote one part of the code and I wrote the other and in about 20 minutes, then we put it together to try it. We downloaded the software into one of our chess pieces and we picked a category of animals and selected level 3 questions, which are medium difficulty. The Lion asked us questions about animals and understood if our answers were correct or not. I said, "Lets diagram what we need to finish this one. I think this is another big hit if we do it right. We could use this in lots of other games."

Mandy and I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing the software for 5 games all based on old TV shows. We started with `Who wants to be a Millionaire?' and then did Jeopardy, and several others. We also did a general knowledge quiz to accumulate points for a crack at one of the quarterly prizes. We also hid one of the million dollar prizes in the software. Mandy programmed the Professor figure to be a guide for the theme park and also ask questions about all of the life forms. I said, "We sell the guides separately as a curator and they quiz you on everything. Great idea."

We all stopped for dinner and we gave a demo to everyone. They were all in shock until we showed them how simply it was to do it. We also showed them the hidden puzzle and everyone laughed. Melissa came back with packaging for the band sets and we gave her a demo of the new games and she said, "Would you stop already! I need a break."

For the next week we all worked like lunatics, addicted to the programming for the toys. We finished 27 of the games and had 48 band kits ready for sale. Megan issued a press release announcing all of the new games and action figure sets, and the sales were unbelievable. We played a bunch of them and all of us loved Julie's Crime Solvers the best. Mandy and I were actually starting to get good at it. The curator idea was a masterpiece. We sold so many of them, as people wanted to have different curators for different games. Our favorite was still Larry the lawyer.

Melissa went crazy on the advertising for these and we saw ads for the action toys everywhere. We opened up the sales to any planet and Chris had to open ten more factories. The numbers were staggering. We also had to build a network of our new supercomputers to support all of the game traffic. Chris told us, "We now have 19 servers that are larger than anything ever built and it's just barely handling the traffic. I think everyone in the entire universe is trying to win one of the prizes."

It was getting close to Christmas and we sold more games than any other product we ever made, even the drugs. We all were flabbergasted, as we put together the revenue and profit numbers for the annual shareholders meeting. Megan said, "How do I pronounce that number? I don't even know what it is with that may digits." We all laughed and I said, "10 to the 24th power." Megan said, "Cute Mom."

I said, "Just do it in trillions. That's 127 trillion trillion, I think." Everyone looked at it and shrugged their shoulders. We all laughed as Megan said, "Great. I can't even tell them how much money we made." I said, "Just write it down. No one else knows what number it is either." We all laughed as Megan said, "The profit number is almost as big. I can't believe it. I'll hand write the slides to make it look funny and crack a joke about it."

We were in Megan's office and Karen and Kathy came in with a bunch of band sets. Karen said, "You have to watch this." Kathy set up a Little Willie band stage set and then opened the packages for a bunch more. She put a curator down and said, "A slightly different program for a full multiple band concert." She turned on the power and the MC curator said, "We have a great night in store for everyone. I detect that we have several different bands here. Do you want them all to play?" Kathy said, "Tell me who they are and let me see them first." The MC turned on all of the pieces and then all ran to the stage. He announced, "We have Changes, Always and Forever, Destiny, Chicks, Little Willie, and four of the members of the Faces. Tell me what you want to hear and I'll have them put on a great rock and roll show."

Kathy said, "We had Roberta change the software and it has already been downloaded to every curator. It now searches for any other band figures within 6 feet of the stage and invites them to play. Cool isn't it? We watched a whole concert last night of all of our bands. It was so neat. Roberta is working on a software download that will allow any action figure from any game to be part of the audience and as soon as a band starts playing they all start dancing and ask permission to go listen to the band. Can you image the expression of some kids face when his or her entire Chess set starts dancing to the band? You just tell them no, and they stop dancing."

Megan said, "If we had this when I was 6 or 7 years old, I would have never left my room." Kathy said, "Me either. I love this stuff." Karen said, "You all hear the latest? There is an action figure show at one of the arenas this weekend. People are trading them and selling the first batch of originals for big bucks. It's insane. We also have had calls from over 30 bands that we don't handle that want to have action figures made of their bands. I told them that it's part of the whole package and they would have to sign with us."

Mandy said, "Karen, when you were Ken you were funny and sexy and a great business person. As Karen, you're funny, sexy, a great business person, and one hell of a bitch. I like you so much better like this." Kathy was laughing and said, "Amazing change isn't it? It'll be twenty four years as Karen in three weeks." Karen walked over to Mandy and me and put her arms around both of us and said, "I like you two a lot also." She gave us both a kiss on the check and then they packed up the bands and left.

Megan said, "Presentation's all done. Check it out." It was on one of the new computers and Mandy pressed play. It displayed the slides with animation and a ton of video clips. The revenue slides showed a dinosaur Chess piece writing out the numbers real sloppy and then scratching his head. We laughed our asses off. I said, "This is great. The press will love this stuff." Megan said, "Then we show the serious ones next. Hit play again." We watched the strategy ones that Mandy and I were presenting and I said, "Too serious. Let me at this thing for a few minutes." Mandy was looking over my shoulder as I changed a few slides and Megan started to laugh. I said, "Who else knows the future better than Merlin the Magician? Other than us of course." Mandy added some animation also and some of the stuff was priceless.

I said, "How about we go home to the castle. It's snowing out and I want to sit by the fireplace. It really feels like Christmas this year." Mandy put her arms on my shoulders and said, "Let's go home baby. Tomorrow is a big day for the conference, plus it's Christmas Eve."

Mandy and I displaced to the castle and Ruffles ran up to us and said, "Rnowing routside." Mandy said, "We know Ruffles. Is your doorway still working to go out?" Ruffles said, "Rup. Rhow Rcome Rou R Rnever Rhere?" Mandy said, "Ruffles, we're here for you. You can come with us to the other house if you want." Snuffy came running in to see us and said, "Ran Ree? Re're Ready Row!" I said, "How about we put in a pet teleporter for them to go back and forth anytime they want?" Mandy said, "Let's do it. We have extras anyway." Mandy called Chris in her mind and told her what we wanted to do. Chris was laughing and said, "We'll be there in a few minutes with three units." Mandy explained to the pets what we were doing and they were all running around like lunatics so excited. I said, "It will several more units for the horses next, you realize that?" Mandy said, "I doubt it. We can't get them to leave the vacation house. They have it too good in those stables ever since Alicia put in the stereos and TVs."

Chris and Robert displaced into the kitchen with us and they also had three units with them. I said, "Lets set it up where they normally go outside." They set it up in about a minute and Chris said, "Let me do the other end, and then program it. I'll be back in about 10 minutes."

We went back into the kitchen and Mandy and I made some hot chocolate as we watched it snow through the windows and french doors. I lit a cigarette and Mandy put her hand on mine. She looked at me and said, "I still like it here in the winter time sometimes. There's something about the snow with both of us and you know exactly what I mean." I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Yup. We're snow sex bunnies." Mandy smiled and took a drag of my cigarette, as Chris displaced back to kitchen. She said, "Lets send them through and Roberta is on the other side to send them back."

We all went with the pets to the back room door by the garage area and Mandy explained to them what the units do and they were all excited. Ruffles went through first and then the others. Robert said into our minds, "They're here. I'll send then back." The pets all appeared again and Ruffles said, "Rool." We all laughed as we watched them go back and forth between the houses a few times. I said to Snuffy, "You guys can always find us now." He said, "Ranks."

Mandy and I went into the kitchen to get our hot chocolate and went into the den. We started a big fire in the huge open pit fireplace and lay on the couch under a blanket by the Christmas tree. Mandy hit the remote for the TV and channel surfed, as the pets all jumped on the couch with us. Mandy was laughing and said, "Listen guys. We love you and all, but this is our private time. You get the floor or any of the other couches."

They all went on one of the other couches and lay on it. We felt so bad and Mandy said, "Okay, get back over here. But only for a little while." They all smiled at us and ran and jumped on us again. Mandy and I cuddled under the blanket and watched TV, as the dogs and cat were talking about going to the other house. We couldn't stop laughing. They got up to play with the teleporter again.

Mandy said, "This is our chance. Undress and lets cuddle naked under the covers in front of the fire and TV." We took off our cloths and lay with our breasts touching each other and our legs intertwined. We both melted and kissed. We watched the fire more than the TV and Mandy said, "What's next?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Last time we talked about a new project we stumbled onto something that was bigger than anything we did yet. What's next?" I said, "Us, taking a long time off doing exactly what we are doing right now, thinking about what the next thing is. We'll know it when we find it. Just like this last time. I still think we should have called it midget Chess." Mandy was laughing drawing little circles around my areolas with her fingers. She rubbed my nipples and I said, "You definitely found it, now what are you going to do about it?"

Mandy smiled and licked one of my nipples slowly and then flicked her tongue over it. She sucked it into her mouth softly and used her teeth to gently caress it. I felt tingles all over and my pussy was getting wet. Mandy put her hand between my legs and touched my wet pussy and said, "I guess you liked that", and then sucked and licked my other nipple. I held her head to my beasts as the fire lit up the room and I watched Mandy's face glow with passion. I reached down to touch her pussy and she as wet as I was. I pushed my finger into her and moved it around, as Mandy moaned softly and then held one of her breasts to my lips. I made her nipple wet with my saliva and licked it really fast, as she sucked in a gasp of breath. She moaned out, "Ohhh, that feels so good."

We caressed each other making one another crazy with lust. We finally couldn't take it any more. I turned us into Combined couples and I lay on top of Mandy on the couch and we interlocked. I pushed my cock into her wet pussy and her cock slid into me, as we moved in and out of each other with our breasts touching. Mandy wrapped her legs and arms around me and we maneuvered onto our side on the couch, and passionately made love. We kissed and then were breathing into each other's ear as we shared our thoughts and feelings. Mandy whispered into my ear, "I don't care what we do next, as long as it's together. I love you so much." I kissed Mandy and told her in my mind how much I loved her also, as we were both getting really hot. My pussy was cumming and I shook all over and Mandy felt it, which made her cum also. I said into her ear, "Shoot inside of me now. I want to feel it." Mandy fucked into me fast and she started to shoot from her cock. I felt it starting which made my cock pulsate and explode in Mandy at the same time. We held each other tight and kissed as we jerked into each other with our cocks squirt warm cum into each other's pussy.

We kept going to few a few hours and were so exhausted. We were lying interlocked and just holding each other, as Megan walked in and said, "I'll put some more wood on the fire. Looks like you two had a good afternoon." We both smiled and I said, "Yeah, we sure did." Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it up as she channel surfed again. Megan said, "We're all over the news again. These toys are setting some kind of new record for items sold on Christmas. Bet those toy stores are really sorry now." We all laughed and I said, "We gave them the chance and they told us no. Fuck'em."

Alicia came into the room and said to Megan softly, "How about we do the same thing on the other couch?" Mandy was softly giggling in my ear and then said into my mind, "They are so much like us it's scary." I took a drag of the cigarette and we turned on a Christmas special that Karen wanted us all to see that she produced. She won't tell us anything about it. The show started with Karen walking on the screen and sitting down in a high back old Victorian chair in her home and she said, "Welcome to the SolarNational Christmas show. This year we decided to do something completely different. Tonight, you are going to see a movie made entirely with action figures. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. It's our own version of Scrooge."

We watched and laughed so hard, Mandy and I had to run to the bathroom to keep from peeing inside of each other on the couch. Scrooge was a dinosaur and one of the angles was Larry the Lawyer. There were a mixture of people, animals, insects, retiles and dinosaurs in the movie. Every other line was a joke that will be a classic. My sides hurt from laughing after an hour. The show ended with a five band performance of one of our Christmas songs and then showed Karen and Kathy sitting in Victorian chairs again. Kathy said, "We never said it was going to be serious. But we do want to be serious for a minute. All of us at SolarNational want to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday. Today we made a contribution to four charities that were set up to help victims of the earthquake on the planet Grant. We donated one trillion dollars. Our hearts, hopes, and best wishes go out to all of you and hope this helps in a time of need."

Mandy said, "That was great. I'm so glad we made that donation, maybe it will help a little. The show was outrageous. Who wrote the software?" We heard Megan and Alicia laughing and I said, "You wrote it?" They both yelled "Yes!" Megan said, "We had such a hard time keeping this is a secret. We knew you two would want to do all of it again, and we really wanted to do this one on our own." I said, "It was great. Who wrote the script?" Alicia raised her hand and said, "Guilty." Mandy said, "Alicia, that was terrific. You should write more scripts, that was hilarious. You guys want some dinner?" They were under a cover just like us and Megan said, "How about some fruit finger foods?" We all giggled and I made us a bunch of food in my mind and we had a four person Roman style food orgy in front of the fireplace.

Mandy and I ate whipped cream and cherries from each other's pussy and also sucked out all of the cum. We each ate a banana out of Megan and Alicia and then we had a four way pile eating food off of anyone. At 10 we all went into the shower, as we were a complete mess. Megan said, "We have to get up early. The shareholder meeting starts at 8 AM." Mandy said, "We know. What a stupid idea this was. We should have moved it until after the holidays." Megan said, "Well we get to give everyone a Christmas gift with one huge dividend. That's kind of nice. Anyway, it will be over by 10 and then we're done until after the New Year."

We all got out of the shower and I said, "Goodnight. We're actually going to sleep." Alicia said, "Megan, our parents lie so well. I can't even tell when I read their minds." Mandy lit a cigarette and put her arm around me as we walked to our bed and the kids went down the hall. We stopped by the edge of the bed and kissed and I took a drag of the cigarette. I said, "I really am beat. Lets sleep for a little while." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Me too. Lets cuddle and fall asleep like that." I set the alarm and Mandy said, "6 AM? This fucking sucks. For golf it's Okay, but not for a Shareholder meeting." I said, "Think of the bright side, maybe no one will show up." She smiled and said, "Yeah right."

We shared the cigarette and held each other close, and then feel asleep with our arms and legs wrapped around each other.


The alarm went off and we both jumped up like we heard a gun shot. We looked at each other and both said at the same time, "Oh Fuck!" I mumbled half asleep, "We do have two hours." Mandy said, "Lets do our thing and be done with it. We can go back to bed at 10:30." We dragged ourselves into the bathroom and Mandy smiled at me. She said, "Bathtub adventure?" We lay in the shower area and licked each other's pussy as we peed. I tongue snaked Mandy and she did me also until we both had orgasms. This woke us up real fast.

We showered, got cleaned up, dressed, and then put on our business make-up. We went downstairs and Megan and Alicia were just going into the kitchen also. Julie and Kathy had already made breakfast for everyone and were watching the news. Mandy said, "If I ever suggest something like this again, shoot me." Everyone nodded their heads half asleep, as we ate breakfast.

Grace came into the kitchen and said, "Everything is taken care of. The TV crew is already here. Any more coffee left?" We all pointed and she said, "I know. It's too early Mandy." Mandy gave everyone a fake smile as we had some more coffee and I lit a cigarette. We could hear the noise of hundreds of people going into the ballroom and Mandy moaned softly, "Oh shit, I want to go back to sleep." Megan said, "Mom, this was your fucked up idea so act bright and chipper. We all want to roll over and die." Mandy gave her a dirty look and said, "Okay, so this wasn't one of my smartest moves. We're stuck with it, so lets do it."

We all poured another cup of coffee and went into the ballroom through the back entrance to sit at the head table by the podium. The TV crew did a touch up of our make-up and the place was full. Megan said to us, "Show time", as she stood up at the podium.

She addressed the audience, "Welcome everyone to the annual Shareholders meeting for SolarNational. We apologize for the early hour of this years meeting, but I think you're going to like what we have to present. This year we are going to give the report a little differently. We decided to use some of our technology to liven things up a bit."

Megan clicked a remote for the computer projection system and the presentation started. It looked like a 100 million dollar budgeted movie. Megan narrated over the first few slides and then got to the revenue slide. Everyone laughed and then stood and applauded. Megan paused the slides and said, "We couldn't even figure out how to pronounce those numbers. We think it's 127 trillion trillion. Anyway, it's really big." The place roared with laughter and applause and Megan's presentation got a laugh on every slide. She covered some great stuff and the applause always followed the laughing. She covered all of the new ventures showing video clips and some were hysterical. Then she got serious again and listed the numbers as a percent of revenue and growth. She got a standing ovation.

Alicia presented the technology side of the operations and new discoveries. She also presented operations covering 96 planets. She had a few animations in the operations using several android mice talking to each other. It was just like the movie last night and we couldn't stop laughing. She got a standing ovation also.

Mandy and I stood to give our presentation and I said, "We are the ones who are suppose to come up with the strategy and future direction. How did we do so far?" Everyone stood cheering and clapped as I showed a animation of Merlin doing magic spells. Everyone was laughing and I said, "I'm glad to hear that, because our new ideas are just as different and unique as the ones we brought to market over the past 18 months. It's very difficult to predict what the future holds in store of us and what product and service would be a success, or which ones will fail. Our approach has always been, and will still be, to use technology innovations to drive our core business. Our action figures, which have really caught on, are the results of the android work, but we also had 12 new discoveries on this project. Each one of them will be leveraged into new products and enhanced services in the next year. You saw the result of one of them last night on TV. The Christmas movie was made with all action figures. The software was a major breakthrough in technology. It was programmed in under one week. That process use to take years."

I got a standing ovation and Mandy stepped forward and smiled at me. She said, "Jen and I spend a great deal of time thinking about what's next. What idea should we devote the time and dollars too, in hope of creating a winner? Let me show you a few film clips of some of the ones we looked at and didn't go any further with."

Mandy showed the film and everyone was laughing. They were all real but looked so funny the way they were presented. Mandy said, "These were the duds. They will be more duds like these every year, which is part of the creative process. We may start 15 prototype projects all at once, and then look to see if one of them looks like it may become a product in a few weeks. Actually, a few of those duds you just saw helped our teams with this list of new products." Mandy put up the slide and everyone stood and applauded as Mandy said, "Even though the initial idea failed, the discoveries made were used in other products. Each one of these came from failures. I personally think the best one is that the teeth whitener was actually suppose to be a new glue, and that is true!" Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "We have a list of new ideas that we are looking at starting in January again, along with strategies for expanding services and products again across the universe."

I said, "We trade commerce now with 96 planets. We have plans to open that up to an additional 15 next year and anticipate that alone will make revenues go up by about 20 percent." I showed a 5 minute video of some of the new ventures that was narrated. When it ended we got a standing ovation.

Megan stood back at the podium and said, "We are proud to announce a 21 percent dividend, the largest in our history which will be paid today to all stock holders on record as of yesterday. At this time I would like to open the floor up to any questions."

We answered questions, some very good ones about what's next. I answered one and said, "What do you think is next? We would all love to hear people's ideas of what you think we should look at." Megan said, "How about we run another contest? Send in your ideas and if we pick any of them, we pay a one million dollar check. That sound like a good plan to get some fresh ideas?" Everyone applauded and someone asked me, "Jen, when you were on the talk show, how did you know the person was actually an android?" I said, "Androids can't lie, no matter who changes the programming. When I asked what his doctorate was in and he told me it was a title only, I knew. There were other signs also and we all had suspicions, but that gave it away. The rest was our practicing of the Crime Solvers game."

We got a few laughs and someone asked, "When is the adult world action figure set coming out?" Mandy said, "Soon. We're looking for volunteers to write the software. You interested?" Everyone laughed and Megan said, "On that note, we thank you all for coming today and have a happy holiday."

We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. I lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "I am so tired honey." The rest of the crew came into the kitchen and were congratulating all of us on a presentation that finally fits our personalities. Max said, "I got you something to try for the holidays. You remember when we joked about replacing the old aphrodisiac pills that took too long, and that people built up a tolerance too. Well, the replacement is here. It's still a little too strong, so only use a little. It's a perfume and we're calling it Love Potent Number 9, like the old song." Max handed me a small bottle and Mandy took it. She opened the top and put some behind her ear and Max said, "Way too much. Oh shit."

Mandy capped the bottle and stood up and I stood next to her. I rubbed some of it on my hand and let Mandy smell it and I smelled it also. We looked into each other's eyes and my pussy was dripping, my tits tingled, I felt hypersensitive everywhere, and I had a raging hard on. Mandy said, "Holy shit, I feel like I'm on fire." She put her arms around me and we kissed and I wanted to rip her cloths off right there in the kitchen. Max said, "You better go up stairs. It lasts about 4 hours."

Mandy and I held each other and walked upstairs as everyone laughed. I didn't give a shit and was so hot I couldn't believe it. We got into our bedroom and we literally tore each other's cloths off. We made ourselves into Combined couples, lay down, and fucked like lunatics. We both made our cocks bigger and started to orgasm. It didn't stop. We moved our cocks in and out of each other's pussy and I exploded my cum into Mandy, as she shot into me. We didn't stop for one second and kept on fucking.

Mandy wrapped her legs and arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her as we rolled over on our sides, then back, then other side, as we worked up one hell of a sweat. We were dripping wet from being so over charged it was incredible. I wanted to fucked her more than anything in the world at that point. Mandy was absolutely on fire. She kissed me and kept saying, "Jen baby, I need more. I need more honey. Please don't stop yet."

We went for over 4 hours and finally stopped, still interlocked at 2:30 in the afternoon, exactly four hours later. Mandy said, "I am so hot, exhausted, and still in heat. What a perfume!" We both laughed and I said, "That is definitely too strong. Can you image if someone wore that to work?" We were both laughing and Mandy reached for the nightstand and lit a cigarette. She took a drag, blew out the smoke, and handed it to me. I took two deep drags and held in the smoke saying, "Look out the windows honey." Mandy looked and said, "Blizzard, every year for Christmas. I love this." I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy put her mouth over mine and sucked in the smoke I exhaled out. She exhaled and then took a drag of the cigarette.

I said, "What were you thinking while we were making love? I was so screwed up I couldn't even read your mind." Mandy said, "I couldn't even tell you. All I wanted to do was keep going. If the house was on fire, we would have been fucking while they carried us out." I called Max in his mind and said, "It wore off. Holy shit. Way too strong." We heard him say, "We're working on it. Next week we should have a much milder batch. Did you at least enjoy it?" Mandy said, "We were so out of control we would have kept going through an atomic blast." Max was laughing and said back, "It does work through, doesn't it? Think of the applications in Adult World." Mandy and I smiled at each other and lie back on the pillow, as I took a drag of the cigarette. She took a drag also and she, "You feel like sleeping, or should we get up for Christmas Eve?"

I said, "I can't sleep now. My pussy is still throbbing and spasming. It's spraying juices all over my legs." Mandy touched my legs and laughed as she said, "Mine too." We each took a final drag of the cigarette and Mandy put it out. She leaned forward into me and we both moaned as our cocks were rock hard again. She said, "One more time baby, then we get up."

We made love slowly and passionately, and enjoyed each other so much. Neither of us lasted very long, as we both blasted off at the same time in about a half hour. My cock pulsated into Mandy's pussy and I felt hers doing the same thing, as it shot warm cum into me again. We held each other and kissed and then Mandy said, "69 honey." We separated and changed back into Combined, as she moved to lay her head by my pussy on our sides, with her pussy next to my face. We licked and sucked each other into one orgasm after another. The throbbing never stopped.

I tongue snaked Mandy and then we both sucked each other off. She gave me an outrageous blowjob, and I gave her one also. We finger fucked each other at the same time, and I swallowed so much cum I actually felt full.

Mandy moved her face next to mine again and we kissed. She held me and said, "Jen, we need to shower. We really stink." I said, "So does the bed. We'll get the androids to change it after we get up." We showered, cleaned up, and put on some of our comfortable snow weather cloths, and went downstairs. Mandy had the androids clean upstairs and we made a late lunch.

We ate and then sat at the kitchen table and had a cigarette as Chris and Robert can in from being outside. Chris, "It's great outside. We had the snowmobiles in town. It's so pretty." Chris and Roberta sat down after talking off their coats and Roberta said, "We need to have another talk with Ruffles and Snuffy. They keep going back and forth between the houses and are getting fed at both places by the androids. I shook my head and said, "It figures. We should have cooked them." Kathy and Julie came into the kitchen and Kathy said, "I heard that. What did they do now?" Mandy said, "The traveling connoisseurs. Dog food, scraps, and Cheerios at each house every day." I said, "Where are they now?" Chris said, "They should be back soon. They do it about every three hours so and the androids think they need to get feed again." Mandy was laughing and said, "Those fucking dogs. We should feed them until they burst." I said, "That's not such a bad idea. Let them get sick and maybe they'll stop."

We all laughed and Chris said, "I have to see this." We all watched a few minutes of the news on TV and saw some of our announcements. We also watched the stock go up again. We heard the dogs running from the hallway by the teleporter and Mandy said, "Ruffles, come on over here guys." The dogs ran into the kitchen and Mandy said into our minds, "Their stomachs are hanging down. Lets get them sick."

We made them lots of food in our minds. Mandy gave them each a Prime Rib steak, pork chops, four hot dogs, four hamburgers, tons of Cheerios, and we gave Felix 5 separate large fish dinners. We watched all of them start to sway while they ate and we were all laughing. Ruffles actually fell over and then ran to get to the door outside. Snuffy followed closely with Felix and we watched them all puke. Mandy went outside with more food and said, "Guys, we made you so much of your favorite food today. Aren't you hungry?" We laughed as Ruffles said, "Ro Raway", and then puked again. Mandy came back in and said, "Problem solved."

We went back into the kitchen and Kathy said, "How was the Love Potent number 9 perfume?" We told them everything and Julie was getting hot. I said, "You are totally out of control. Max needs to fix it before we put it on the market or there will be serious problems. We raped each other." Everyone was laughing about it and I said, "We were so fucked up from it we forgot how to read each other's mind. It's worse than being drunk."

Megan and Alicia came into the kitchen and Megan said, "Anyone feel like a Christmas drink and listening to our ideas about the Adult World action set?" I said, "Sure. Why not? We haven't had enough sex today yet." Mandy was laughing and said, "Megan. Don't try the Love Potent until Max fixes it. Trust me."

Alicia took out a hand held computer and projected three dimensional models of the game and walked us through each area. She said, "It's basically a board game where you see things and then have to do them. Kind of like the ultimate sex game for adults. The major hot spots on the board are Mistress Evelyn's, the Piss you off or Piss on you Center, Dungeon Alley, Hooker Hangout, Everybody Loves a Slut, Biker Babes and Tuna, Sixty-Niners Delight, Bobby's Gay Pub, Linda the Lesbo and friends, Voyeurism Window, Petting isn't just for Animals or is it, The Gang Bang Center, Threesomes and more, and last but not least True Love sometimes." We all laughed and Julie said, "Animals? We may have a new market for the theme park androids."

Megan said, "We're going to write the code to see if it works as a game. I'm not sure how we handle the piss pills, booze, and smokes though. We'll finish it first." Mandy shook her head as they went into the study. We were all sitting around and laughing still about the love potent and Julie said, "How about a game of Crime Solvers?"

We all went into the den and played Crime Solvers for hours as we all drank my favorite Run drinks, one after the other. Mandy and I were actually tied with Julie and Kathy. Chris and Roberta were only 100 dollars behind us. The curator came out and said, "What level crime would you like to solve next?" I was our turn so I said, "Level 10." The curator said, "Solve the crime or the motive?" Mandy said, "Motive." We watched an incredible crime of a bomb exploding in a restaurant that was made to look so real. We all saw who did it and then we asked questions. This one took a long time to solve and Kathy finally got it. Mandy said, "How could you possibly have figured that out from the little information that we had. I don't get it? How do you solve these?" Kathy explained her reasoning and then it made sense. I didn't get it either. Kathy said to the curator, "Put away the game." We watched him clean it all up and put everything back in the box. Then he got into the box and turned off his power.

I said, "Lets look on the internet site to see the scores people are winning at these games." Chris took out the hand held and projected the access screen. She signed on and displaced the main game statistics screen. We couldn't believe at how many people were connected right now and playing. We went through every game and Chris said, "We have a Chess guru. Look they beat the master level in 3 minutes 12 seconds." We looked at all of them and it was really amazing. In our quiz championship game someone answered every question in 12 categories correct. We flipped. None of us can do that and we had the knowledge transferred into our brains. Chris pulled up the person's name and location and Mandy wrote it down. She said, "This person needs to work for us."

Chris said, "I want to check one more thing." She pulled up another web page and said, "Seven Hundred Forty new venture ideas submitted already. Here's the list." We all read them and a few were really clever. Some were so funny. When I read, "Toilets that flush when they read your mind", I cracked up. But right under it was shoes that let you fly. Chris wrote that one down on a piece of paper and about 6 others we all thought were worth exploring. Chris said, "We can do this one now. We have the mini fission engines and they cost next to nothing to make. It would be like the AirCycle, without the Cycle." Kathy was still reading more ideas that were submitted and she was laughing and said, "Which one is worse? Diet food that tastes so bad you won't want to eat at all, or special TV stations for pets." I said, "How about talking lessons for pets. We put the knowledge transfer in a hand held and sell it, and then really do a TV station for pets, and a small resort area on Vacation World."

We all thought about it and agreed it was a moneymaker. That one went on the top of the list. Mandy said, "We'll probably all regret this decision", as Ruffles walked over to us and said, "Ri Rsorry." Mandy said, "Ruffles, would you watch a TV show that was just for dogs and cats?" He said, "Rup. Rhere ris rit? Ran ree rwatch rit rnow?" Julie said, "Sold." Chris said, "I could have the units ready in a week tops. Melissa's going to have fun with this one."


We had a great Christmas and holiday. The snow stopped after 3 days and we just smiled as the androids shoveled endlessly to get us out. We all went skiing for two days and then to the vacation home to get some sun and bake on the beach.

Chris got the new hand held computers ready for the market and also a software download for the older models. Melissa said, "I regret that decision for much. Those asshole dogs have been calling each other stupid for over two years now. We better have a software program that undoes it also." Chris said, "We do, but it costs twice as much." We all smiled.

Melissa had so many great ideas and they were funny as hell. She used Snuffy, Ruffles, Felix and her two idiot dogs for the commercials. Ruffles asked me, "Ram Ri Roing Roo Ree Rfamous?" I said, "You sure are", which was the worst thing I could have possibly said. The dog acted like such an asshole that Mandy and I were really ready to cook him. He started to give orders to the androids and we went ballistic on him. Mandy was 2 inches from Ruffles mouth and yelled, "One more fuck up and you're toast! Got it?" I tried so hard not to laugh when I saw Snuffy rolling on her side and laughing as she said, "Ruffles ris Rstupid."

Karen was launching a Pet Lovers satellite TV station and she asked Ruffles and Snuffy what they liked to watch. We laughed our asses off when we saw the programming chart for the station. It started with a cooking show showing steaks and then had several Cheerio and candy commercials. There was a dog romance show, a grooming show, and a talk show featuring dogs and cats. Ruffles, Felix, and Snuffy were on it and we both called Karen in our minds and she was laughing about it also. I said, "Are you serious?" She said back, "We tried it with other dogs and cats and they were all glued to the set. Lets just see what happens. This is so cheap to do, even if it totally flops who cares. Plus we are making ad revenue on it. The pet food manufactures are all advertising and I'm charging them a fortune. Start thinking about personal pet TVs, a whole new market. Sell the dog bed with it." I started to laugh and couldn't stop and so did Mandy as she said into my mind, "Personal pet TVs? It's weird enough to probably work."

The first commercials aired fro teaching the pets to talk and people just didn't really believe it and thought it was a joke. It took a few weeks and then there was a run on the software for the older units and the new computers. We were dumbfounded by how many people wanted their pets to communicate with them. Melissa kept saying, "Will they ever be sorry." The `Pet Lovers' network was officially launched and our mutts and cat had a front row seat in our den to watch it. We watched a little of it and it was awful. The pets were glued to the TV all day.

Chris brought home two of the prototype pet TVs and we set it up for them in each house. It had two huge push button knobs, one to turn it on, and one for the preset station selector. We only programmed three stations, which is all they ever watched. Now they play and then go to their padded mat and push the TV on button, and select their show. How anyone but a dog or cat can watch it for more than 5 minutes is beyond me. Karen used a new system we installed three years ago to calculate ratings, that actually knows what every set is set to through the satellite signal. She called us in our minds after the station had been on the air for two weeks and said, "We have more pets watching that fucked up network than we had people watching the Superbowl this year. I'm going to triple the ad rates."

Mandy and I spent this time just totally goofing off. We took daily walks on the beach up to Melissa and Jody's new home and watched it being built, and then did something different everyday. We did go to a casino that we don't own and Mandy was still so incredibly lucky at craps. They asked us to leave after we almost broke their bank. Mandy bought into the game with 5 million and we left with 500 million in two hours. We also played some nine ball and really pissed some people off who tried to hustle us. We beat them by just a little bit for 8 straight games and then we really poured it on when we upped the stakes for some really big bucks. We won another 300 million there also. Julie called us both evil. Mandy said, "Lighten up. We didn't turn them into frogs."

We have been playing regularly in the band and played our first gig on Eden. People instantly recognized us as God and the First One. That took some quick thinking and Mandy said, "We're just like you except we have the powers given to us to create and help manage human life. Everyone has a hobby, and this is ours, and please stop worshiping us." The concert went over great and Eve and Adam came on stage with us at the end and sang a song with us. They really were good.

While we were goofing off, Chris and Roberta took one of the ideas that was submitted on the web site and built it. The human flying thing and it hasn't caught on at all. We paid the million dollars and made a few bucks, but not enough to even worth keeping it unless sales pick up.

Mandy and I had just finished playing golf today with Eve and Adam at their course and this time we tied. We all shot a 62. We stayed until the early morning hours and displaced back home. We were sitting on the veranda having one of our favorite drinks and Mandy said, "Jen, we've goofed around for a while. Lets get serious again and figure out what to do next." I said, "Name it. I really haven't thought about it at all. We've been vegging out too much." I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag holding in the smoke and Mandy took a drag of it also, as the wind blew the smoke in the air. She said, "I'm just out of ideas. It's all been invented already."

I said, "That's actually a very famous quote. The person who was the head of the US patent office in the late 1800's wanted to close the office down as he thought everything that could be invented, already was. I think he was the biggest idiot of all time. Mandy, you're too smart to be in that league. Let's finish our drink, have some morning sex, and then really think about it." Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette as I said, "What industries have we not had an impact on so far? What products are still in the dark ages? How come dentists' still drill teeth like barbarians? Why does it take 3 hours for the average person to cook a Turkey? Why are cloths hand sown for quality? Why does it take the average person days to read a book? Come on, you can ask some stupid questions like I just did. That's what gets us thinking." Mandy blew the smoke out in the air and started to ask questions like I just did and I smiled saying, "Good, keep going. We'll hit on something."

Then we got silly when Mandy said, "How come your feet are always cold when they touch mine in the morning? How come we both blast off together most of the time?" I said, "Sex drug called Blast off." She laughed and said, "How come we both love to lick each other's pee and then go wild on each other?" She kissed me and I said, "Because we are both totally nuts and nuts about each other." Mandy said, "How come we love each other? What is it that makes us so nuts about each other Jen? Haven't you wondered what that thing is inside of us that makes us so crazy about each other, all the time? We can't go a single day without touching each other. If we can bottle that feeling, we will have created the ultimate prize for humanity."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "We just found our new project. See, good thing you weren't running the patent office?" Mandy smacked my shoulder and I said, "Crippled for life. Get the miracle drug and give it to me when we go up to bed." We both took a final drag of the cigarette and walked up to our bedroom.

We undressed and Mandy put her arms around me and held me tight against her body. I put my open lips on hers and then pushed my tongue into her mouth. Mandy licked my tongue and then sucked it into her mouth, as she kissed me with such passion. I sucked her tongue and then we danced our tongues together exploring each other's mouth. Our breasts were touching and I moved my hand to rub her nipple that was touching mine. Mandy gasped and moaned softly, "Jen honey, lick it and suck it for me." I lowered my head to her breast and licked around the areola slowly and then licked over her hard nipple. I sucked it gently and then flicked my tongue over the tip really fast. Mandy gasped again and held her beasts to my lips, as I sucked her nipple into my mouth and licked fast again. I lifted my head up and we kissed, and then Mandy put her head on my nipple and I held my breast to her lips. She made me tingle from my toes to my ears as she sucked and licked it so gently. We were making each other crazy with lust and were both so turned on.

Mandy took my hand and lay me down in the bed, as she lay on top of me. We kissed holding each other and I wrapped my legs around her. Mandy whispered into my ear, "We haven't changed ourselves honey." I said, "I know. Do it know." We changed into combined couples and our cocks slid straight into each other. Mandy put her arms around me and I put my arms around her as we kissed and rolled onto our side. We got into a slow rhythm slowing sliding our bodies on each other and pushing our cocks into each other's pussy. I used my pussy muscles to squeeze Mandy's cock and she was doing the same thing to me, as we made our cocks bigger.

I was on fire as we fucked and Mandy was so into it. She was licking my lips in rhythm to her pushing into me. I picked up the pace a little and we both had orgasm in seconds. We kept going like this and made love for about an hour before we both blasted off into each other. Mandy moaned, "Ohhh! OOOOOHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH! Jen, fuck me harder! That's it baby. Please shoot into me now. OHHHHH! Mmmmmmm." My cock spasmed and jerked forward into Mandy and I felt hers pulsating inside of me when I let loose a huge stream of cum. We grabbed each other tight and kissed, as we both were having a huge orgasm.

We stopped moving for almost a minute and then we both moved in rhythm again as we kissed and shared our thoughts and feelings. We fucked like this for two more hours and I was soaking wet with sweat. Mandy was dripping also and after we had cum for the fourth time inside of each other, we lay perfectly still. Mandy was still breathing hard into my ear and so was I. She licked my ear so sexy and blew into it saying, "We have to figure out why we feel like this and let other's experience it also." I was still out of breath and said, "We have to solve the puzzle of the universe, which is why do people fall in love?"

Mandy kissed me and we rolled onto our other side. She reached to the nightstand and lit a cigarette leaning back, as we were still interlocked. Mandy put her head on the pillow and took a deep drag, and then another, holding in the smoke. I took a drag as she blew the smoke out slowly and I said, "You feel like experimenting on us to see what chemical reactions are happening in our brains. We won't change anything. Just record it." I took another drag as Mandy took the cigarette out of my lips and said, "This could be fun. Having sex all day and recording our brain functions. Megan will have us both committed."

She took a drag as we both were giggling and then I took a drag of the cigarette also. I blew the smoke out in the air and said, "Lets first see what research Max did for the Love Potent perfume. He had to have analyzed tons of brain scans and chemical reactions." Mandy moved to lie on her side against me again and pushed forward. We both moaned and our cocks were rock hard again inside of each other. She pushed into me again and then we started to fuck real slow just sliding on each other. I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy took a drag also, and then she put it out in the ashtray. She kissed me and then whispered into my ear, "One more time and then we can get up. I can't stop."

We made love for almost another hour. First we fucked and then moved into the 69 position and licked and sucked each other's pussy until we couldn't move. Mandy sat up to lie next to my face again and we kissed sharing the cum still in our mouths. She said, "Jen, I want to keep going baby. The project can wait." We both laughed and did it again. This time we both only lasted about 10 minutes. I dragged Mandy out of bed and into the shower as she was complaining.

We got dressed and went downstairs to make a late lunch. I said into our minds and Max's, "Hi Max. You have a few minutes for us?" He said back, "Sure. I'm in one of the labs? You at the vacation house?" Mandy said, "Sure are." He said, "I'll be there in a few minutes."

We both ate our sandwich and Max displaced into the kitchen. I said, "You want any lunch?" He smiled and we made him his favorite tuna sandwich. I said, "You must have done a lot of research for the Love Potent drug. You have anything on brain chemical reactions and electronic impulses? Stuff like that?" He said, "We have lots of it. What are you looking for?" I said, "We don't what to redo experiments that were already done. We are looking for the answer to the universe's oldest question. Why do people fall in love?" Max smiled and said, "I'll get everything and give it to you. So you picked a new project. This one will be amazing if you can crack it. We have a lot of equipment to record everything from the brain also. We can ship it here to the lab if you want. I'll have a team do it today and set it up along with a few of the new computers we used to analyze the results. Can you image if you really find the answer to that?" Mandy had a mouth full of tuna fish and grinned.

We finished our lunch and went with Max to one of the labs to speak with the group that was doing the testing. We took notes as they explained what they learned. I said, "Did you check for electrical reactions also?" One of them said, "We couldn't find any that happened during sex that were any different from the normal brain behavior." Mandy said, "How about any size changes, shape, temperature, or any other anomalies?" He said, "Nothing, or at least we didn't see it or couldn't record it with the equipment we have."

They gave us four lab notebooks and a box of research papers. One person said, "It's all being loaded on your computer in local storage." We thanked them and they left the conference room. Mandy displaced all of the materials to the house and Max said, "I'll show you the lab equipment that is being packed up. We left one machine here and we'll demonstrate it." We walked over to the testing room and Max said, "Jane, come lay down on the machine so we can read your brain scan." Jane said hello to us and lay on the gurney. Max hooked up about 30 leads to her and we watched the machine record it and then saw how to analyze the raw data in the computer. He said, "Now watch the reaction to the instruments." Max took a drop of the Love Potent and put it on her nose and we watched the reaction starting. He said, "This is very diluted, but you can see the exact chemicals that are elevated and the ones that are depressed." I looked at it and said into all of our minds, "This explains why we couldn't read minds when we took it. This is the same chemical that blocks all of our powers that I developed years ago. It's a natural element in our brains. How about that. This little amount won't make any difference, but concentrated it stops our brain from reading the thoughts of others."

Jane was lead out of the room and Max said to us, "Good luck. Let me know if you need any help."

Mandy and I displaced back to the house and we spent the next four hours just reading everything. I said, "Nothing in here to give us a head start other than knowing what it is isn't. Love isn't a chemical, or at least one we know about and love isn't an electrical impulse that we understand. How about we focus on recording things beyond the bandwidth that these machines record today? Maybe the answer is outside of what they recorded."

Mandy called Max in his mind and said, "Who developed the machines we have here?" Max said, "His name is Doctor Gunter Smite and he works for us. Want him to pay you a visit?" I said, "I was interested in having the bandwidth of the machines expanded to look at things past where we know they exist right now." Max said, "I'll have him come over in the morning. How's 9?" I said, "Sounds good Max. Thanks."

Mandy and I started to write some research notes and a probability matrix of why certain things happen. I said, "Lust has nothing to do with it. All that they did was change the amount of two chemicals through ingestion via the lungs. It's temporary. What we are looking for is permanent. Lets get two people as Ginny pigs, one madly in love and the other not in love with anything. We'll just run a brain comparison of levels of each chemical after we expand the machines."

I said into Max's mind, "You still have research subjects that we pay for experiments?" He said, "Yeah, we have a waiting list of people." Mandy said, "See if you can get two people to participate in a brain scan. One that is totally in love with someone, and the other that is not in love with anything. Lets make it two people of each type, just to be sure." Max said, "How's tomorrow afternoon. Gunter should be able to change the settings on the machines in a few minutes. We'll have them use the teleporter in the lab."

Mandy and I read the box of research notes and stayed up almost all night listing things we should check. Megan came in the lab at 3 in the morning and said, "I had no idea what the noise was in here. What are you working on?" Mandy said, "We have our next project and are just doing some research. What if we found out why people fall in love? Why meaning chemical, electrical, or whatever it is." Megan said, "Cool. Count me in on this one." We heard Alicia say from the doorway, "Me too." Kelly and Margi were standing next to her and Kelly said, "We already know the answer. It's because they like each other first." I said, "How do you explain love at first site? How come some people fall so much in love they can't even think about anything except that one person? Why is it that me and your mother can't go a day without being together? There has to be some reason, other than the two of us are nuts." Kelly said, "You already found the answer. You're both nuts. We all know that."

Mandy said, "Some help they are." Megan said, "What are the experiments?" We told her what we were looking for and Alicia said, "I have a few ideas after these tests are done if they don't show anything. Remember when we scanned our souls as energy? They were more accurate than any other scan we ever did. Maybe that will show the answer." Mandy said, "We still have all of those scans on the work planet. Any of you know how to get that data to these computers?" Alicia said, "For a brilliant person Mom, you are so stupid sometimes. Come on lets go do it now."

We all displaced to the work planet and Alicia set it up so we could download all of the brain scans for each one of us. She said, "This is all of the data, not just what the machines will pick up. Maybe it will give you a clue." We displaced back home and Alicia downloaded all of the files. Mandy said, "It's too late to go to bed. Lets stay up and look at them. You want some breakfast and coffee?" Megan said, "I'll make it. Stay here and I'll bring it in."

The data we had was incredible. We had everything from the count of electrons, and neutrons, to the chemical compositions. I compared my brain scan to Mandy's and they were completely different and I said, "Somewhere in here is a clue." We printed the scans out in pairs of people that were in love and started looking for any clues." Mandy pointed to a column and said, "What does this mean?" I looked at it and said, "That's weird. It's the only one with that data on it. Lets check it out." We looked at the scan and it had an error in the scan and the computer put some checksum numbers on it to validate the transmission. Mandy said, "Can we run a checksum on the electrons, neutrons, and the other components for each of us?"

Alicia said, "That's easy. I'll do you both right now." Alicia took about 20 minutes while we ate some breakfast sitting at a lab table and she said, "All done. It's printing now and so are four other sets." I took two sets and so did Mandy and we looked at the numbers and they didn't match. We put them on the table next to each other and I noticed something and said, "Mandy, what does your column A and my column A add up to together?" Mandy said, "My checksum is 7 and yours is 4. That's 11." I said, "Now column B" Mandy said, "Mine is 6 and your is 5. That's 11 also." I said, "Do all of them." We watched as they all added to eleven. I said, "Try Karen and Kathy's." Mandy added then up and they were all eleven. I said, "What did we just stumble on? Check the others that aren't pairs and see what we get. Alicia, can you write a program to look at all of the combinations?"

Alicia was getting excited and she said, "No problem." It took her about 20 minutes and she had a separate report for each column with a matrix of names across the top and down the left side and at each intersection was the sum, for each pair of people. Then she had a separated sheet with all of the combinations for each pair. We were amazed. All of the couples that were really in love had all elevens. A few had a few tens and twelve's in there also. The ones that weren't attracted to each other were all under 3 or over 16. I said, "We have to figure out how to take these measurements when our souls are still in our bodies."

Megan said, "I'm going to wake up Chris. She'll want to be part of this and so will Roberta." We sat and thought about it and I said, "How do you measure the electrons in an energy mass that isn't energy now. What would correlate to it." Mandy said, "Mass, density?"

We were making a list and Chris and Roberta came down and Chris said, "You really figured out what makes people fall in love?" I said, "Maybe. I think we're close to something. Let me show you what we found." We walked Chris and Roberta through all of it and I said, "Now, how do we measure what we have here from energy, when the brain is in the body?"

Chris said, "Shit this one's going to be hard." She sat down and lit a cigarette along with Roberta and we talked for hours about it. Chris said, "There is another answer. What would it take to make the average person's brain energy for a few seconds? What chemical reaction causes our brains to become energy? We have that recorded. Let's look at it."

Chris displaced to the work planet and came back in a few minutes. She downloaded some information and said, "Watch this reaction in slow motion. The chemical levels should show the changes." We watched the changes and one element went up and another down, and then they inverted as the energy went back into the body, and then they stabilized. Chris said, "Cause that to happen and you can make a brain into energy for a short period of time."

I said, "This still doesn't explain why we for some reason can sense or detect that matching condition in someone else."


I said, "We have Gunter coming over to change the brain scan machine to look at a wider spectrum, and then four people to scan this morning. Lets see if that shows anything first. Mandy, do you see elevens when you look at me?" Everyone started to laugh and I said, "How about 10s? 9s maybe?"

We all had some coffee and Mandy put her arm over my shoulder as she sat on my lap. She said, "Jen, we worked on this all night. Lets take a break around lunch to get a few hours of sleep and practice making our 11s into 22s." I gave her a real sloppy wet kiss and Alicia said, "We need to subtract a few from their equation."

Gunter came over and I said, "We need to do two things. The first is to widen the spectrum that the scan looks at, even if you think there is nothing there to see. The second is, can we get this information from this machine?" I showed him a file with all of the data and he studied it. He said, "Let me try a few things before I say no. Someone want to be my test subject?" Mandy said, "That's me."

We hooked up Mandy and Gunter played with some internal controls on the machine and also changed some software parameters. He ran a scan and a few of the leads can off of Mandy and he said, "Wow! Look what it's picking up." We all looked at it and he said, "The leads that came off are picking up faint electrical signals. This is so weird. Let me up the sensitivity of this and disconnect the other leads and just rest them behind Mandy's head in a circle."

We watched Gunter and I said to Mandy, "Your brain is leaking all over his leads." She was laughing, as he taped the leads to the gurney in a circle around her head. Gunter said, "Stay still for about 5 seconds." He turned on the scan and then said, "You can move now. Lets see what this looks like."

Mandy got up and stood by me as we watched the data on the screen. Chris smiled and said, "That looks familiar. It's almost the same as the energy scan we did before I ran the analysis. Gunter, send that file to me using the shared network." Chris sat at one of the lab tables and booted up the small new computer system while Gunter said, "All done." Chris said, "Let me see if we get the same results." We watched her run the software and Alicia said, "Now use my checksum programs." Alicia showed Chris where to run it and we printed out the results. Mandy took the printout and compared it to the ones we had from before and said, "Other than a few of the columns being reversed, it's identical."

Gunter said, "What did we just measure?" I said, "We're not completely sure, but I guess the best word for it is our soul. It's the electrical energy that comprises our brain. What do you think it would take to make a very small version of this machine that only does exactly this function?" Gunter said, "That's easy. Let me get back to you today with some estimates. If the leads aren't attached, we could do this with a birdcage type of thing while someone is sitting or standing." Chris said, "I'll work with him and see if we can combine the software we used into one unit."

Alicia said, "Our test subjects are here. I'll run the scans and see what we get." Alicia ran the scans of each person and took notes about their love life. She printed the results and we all looked at them. I said, "Mary, are you and John partners?" She said, "Yeah, how did you know?" We smiled, as they were perfect elevens. Mandy said, "Janice, have you ever been in love with someone?" Janice said, "Never." We looked at her sums and they were all around 3 or 4, so were the ones from the other person that never felt love."

We thanked them and they used the teleporter to go back. I said, "Lets think about what we have." Mandy used one of the white boards and starting making notes and said, "What if, we offered a service. It starts with a process to get a persons brain electrical scores, which we store into a master computer along with their picture and a bio. Kind of like a dating service. We them match people based on the scores to get elevens." I said, "We could do that or we could figure out how to change certain electric properties to make an eleven, or just fool the other person's brain into believing it is an eleven. We did a scan from a digital photo before of my brain as pure energy, and the scan still picked up everything. Maybe our eyes, or another sense can actually detect the levels of someone else, and the information is just not processed in a part of the brain that we know about. Lets take a digital picture of each of us and then use Gunter's techniques to scan the surrounding areas by our heads."

I said to Chris in her mind, "Don't waste too much time with this. I think we have another approach that may be better." Chris said, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

We set up a digital camera and took everyone's photo as Chris came back. I said to Chris, "Smile. You're next." We took her picture also and then Alicia processed the digital images using part of Gunter's software and the other software that Roberta wrote. Alicia said, "How `bout that. Same answer. Look at the printouts." Mandy pulled the paper off the printer and we compared the charts. They were identical. I said, "People use to say that they photographed a ghost or someone's aura on the old style film when it showed a circle or haze around the face. My guess is the electrical images can effect analog photographic film sometimes."

Mandy said, "Lets figure out how my brain knows that Jen and I add up to eleven." I said, "I think that's important, but probably more important is how to make someone's numbers change or just look different. Lets list out what could possibly change some of the readings. Some people fall out of love, so I'm assuming that our bodies electrical energy changes which causes that to happen." We all made suggestions and added to a list that was about 30 items long for each variable.

Mandy said, "It's going to take a while to test each one of these things on test subjects. Jen and I need to get a few hours sleep. You can start on some of them without us." Mandy lit a cigarette and we went upstairs to our bedroom and she said, "Hello eleven. Lets make us a perfect twenty two." We stood by the bed and undressed as we held each other. She took a drag of the cigarette and then I put her hand to my lips and took a drag also. We had our breasts touching and Mandy said, "This gives me shivers down my spine and a melting feeling every time we touch like this. You think that's part of the eleven's also?"

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "I have no idea, but I get the same feeling. Honey, I'm so hot right now." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then leaned to the nightstand to put it out. She put her arms around me and said, "Lets lay down, I need you so much." We lay in bed and caressed each other softly and slowly, enjoying the sensations. Mandy moved to lay in a 69 position with me. She used her hands to spread my pussy lips and I felt her warm tongue go into my slit as she wiggled it around and then snake tongue fucked me. I was moaning and made my tongue longer inside of Mandy's pussy, as she was bucking into my face. I reached my hand to hold her cock and rubbed it to get it rock hard as I licked and sucked her pussy. Mandy sprayed juices into my mouth and I sucked them all up.

I lifted my head to suck her cock and put a finger into her pussy. I made my finger big and fucked in and out of her with it, as I moved my mouth up and down on her shaft. Mandy was pushing her cock into my face and then sucked my cock after I orgasmed from my pussy. We gave each other a great blowjob and shared our thoughts and feelings. Mandy said into my mind, "I'm cumming Jen. Swallow it honey." I felt Mandy's cock jerk and spasm in my mouth as the first blast of cum came rushing out onto my tongue and hit the roof of my mouth. I kept moving my head up and down and squirt after squirt came spitting into my mouth, as I swallowed all of it.

My cock pulsated just as I swallowed and I felt the rush of white goo coming out of my cock into Mandy's mouth. She made an "mmmm" sound and swallowed as my cock jerked again and again shooting out more cum into her. We both deep throated each other for a few minutes and then sat up together and kissed. I turned us into Combined couples and I lay on top of Mandy as we slid into each other. She wrapped her legs around me and we slid up and down and in and out on each other's bodies slowly. I was on fire and I knew Mandy was the same way from sharing our thoughts. We rolled onto our sides and made passionate love until we both blasted off into each other. We kissed and kissed, over and over again holding each other tight as we orgasmed. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets sleep baby. I'm so exhausted."

We fell asleep interlocked within seconds. We sleep for a few hours and then Mandy woke me up by pushing her cock into me and I instinctively moved back into her as we both fucked while we were half asleep. This felt so great, I didn't want that moment to stop. I woke Mandy up by kissing her as we fucked and she went wild on me. We both had a huge orgasm and then blasted off together again. I felt her cock jerk inside of me over fifteen times as the cum shot out. We fell right back to sleep.

I woke up again as I was shooting my cum into Mandy and she kissed my ear saying, "Go back to sleep baby." We both woke up at 3 in the afternoon, fucking again, half asleep. We rolled over to our other side and I was moving into Mandy, as we were sliding our bodies on each other. She whispered into my ear, "Come in me again honey and then lets eat each other and share it." I got so turned on listening to her, I started to shoot my cum into her and she shot in me at the same time. We held each other so tight as we both spasmed.

I moved into a 69 position with Mandy and I looked at her pussy to see my white thick cum dripping out. I went wild licking and sucking it into my mouth. Mandy moved off of me and lay next to my face with a mouthful. She smiled with her lips closed and had me roll onto my back. I opened my mouth and she saw all of the cum inside as she opened her mouth wide open over mine. The cum dripped into my mouth as we kissed and swished it around. We both swallowed a little at a time and kept on kissing. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, I could stay in bed the rest of my life." We broke our kiss smiling and I said, "Lets get up."

We looked into the mirror and I said, "Yuck", as Mandy laughed and dragged me into the shower. We shampooed each other's hair and I made soap sculptures on her head. We laughed for about 5 minutes looking in the mirror and then got cleaned up, dressed, and went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. We took our sandwiches and coffee into the lab and Chris said, "We made a little progress. This is Lewis, one of the assistants from my lab. He agreed to let us use small amounts of some of the drugs to see the effect on his brain electrical energy readings. The drugs are so minimal they don't even register in the blood chemistry, but look at the results."

We looked at several readings and I said, "You made the levels go up or down by almost 10 points. What drugs did you use?" Roberta explained all of it and I said, "Who would have ever thought of combining those? How did you figure it out?" Roberta said, "By accident. We mislabeled a batch. Not only that but from what we can tell it's permanent until we give a different dose to change the levels."

Chris said, "That's not the best part. Check this out. This is a court computer that reads thoughts and images. I changed it to analyze the image of a person in your mind." Chris aimed it at me and said, "Think of my Mandy." She showed me the read out and it had Mandy's levels displayed and mine, with the totals being all elevens.

We tried it on Chris and Roberta and they had all elevens except one. Chris said, "A little bit of one drug and lets see what happens." Chris took an almost microscopic dose of one of the drugs and waited about a minute. Then we redid the scan and they were all elevens. Chris put her arms around Roberta and the two of them kissed and kissed again. Roberta said, "I think we need a nap also. Wow, what a feeling." Mandy smiled and said, "I think we are definitely onto something here."

We sat at a lab table where Alicia and Megan were working on a computer and they showed us a file of notes about the business use of the discovery. She had headings including match maker, relationship repair, rejuvenation resort retreat, Lovers Potent, and a few others. Megan said, "We sell a kit to repair relationships. We also create a rejuvenation resort spa for couples that makes then matching elevens. The matchmaker is your idea from before. I still think that's a winner. We just use digital photos and categorize all of the readings. We run the whole thing from a web site with complete automation. We can also sell kits to change certain levels to be more compatible and also sell the modified court computer."

Alicia said, "I'm going to write the software for a prototype of the web site and then we'll have the IT guys really do it up right. I want us to think out the logic of what we want to allow to happen. Should we encourage people to meet that are totally out of sync and need some of every drug to fall in love, or should be only match those that are really close to start with?"

Mandy said, "We have the digital ID photos for all SolarNational employees. Lets use it as a test and see what it matches. There are over 14 million ID photos of people in that database along with their complete personnel history." Alicia said, "I'll do the database load that also charts peoples brain levels. It should take a few hours to finish it. Why don't you two go watch the Pet Lovers network in the Den." Megan was hysterically laughing and said, "Alicia, you just told them to go fuck in front of the TV. No one can watch that for more than 10 minutes."

Mandy and I put our faces together and Mandy said, "Is it that obvious that we are so much in love?" Megan said, "Obvious isn't the word for it. Same thing with Eve and Adam, Karen and Kathy, Gerri and Jamie, Chris and Roberta, Kate and Judy, should I keep going?" I smiled and said, "We get the picture. Lets talk about how we present this idea. Let me get Melissa and Jody here to think this out with us." Mandy called them in their minds along with Kate, Judy, Janice and Karen. They were all coming over in about a half hour.

I lit a cigarette and Mandy took a drag of it. She blew out the smoke and said, "Since everyone knows how we feel, I guess no one would object to a little sex under the lab table." Megan was laughing again as Mandy knelt down on the floor and pulled up my skirt. She said, "No underwear today. I love it." I spread my legs as I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy used her hands to spread my pussy lips apart. She was smiling at me as she looked up at my face and then stuck her tongue out and licked my wetness real slowly. I took a drag of the cigarette, holding in the smoke, as Mandy licked me again and watched my face. Alicia was leaning over watching Mandy and said, "Mom, this is so hot."

Mandy lifted her head off of my pussy and said to Alicia, "Go back to work, we're conducting an experiment. We going to see how crazy a five can make a six." Many put her face back on my pussy and licked while she slipped her arms under my legs and onto my ass, pulling my pussy into her face harder. My eyes were half closed as I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy was tongue fucking me. I reached one hand down to touch her face and gently held her head to me, as she went wild on my pussy, while she was looking up at my face. I orgasmed in a few minutes and Mandy sucked all the juices into her mouth and swallowed. Then she raised her head and moved up a little to suck my cock into her mouth, as she fingered my pussy.

Mandy was bobbing her head up and down on my shaft and finger fucking me at the same time. I was moaning softly and took a final drag of the cigarette, as I put it out in the ashtray. Mandy said into my mind, "I want you to shoot in my mouth and then I'll share it with you honey. Cum like a fire hose for me."

I closed my eyes as Mandy sucked my cock and fucked my pussy. I was on fire and held her softly as it moved up and down on my shaft. Mandy hit my G-spot in my pussy and I was exploding and then I started to buck and felt my cock pulsate. I shot a river into Mandy's mouth as she rubbed my G-spot. My cock spit out spurt after spurt of warm white goo into Mandy's mouth as she stopped moving and used her hand to rub my shaft. She sucked all of the cum into her mouth and then stood up leaning on me. She held my head back with her hand and put her mouth over mine, as she opened her mouth wide. I sucked the cum into my mouth and we swished it around. I was so hot I was touching Mandy's body all over as we swallowed. We kissed and sucked each other's tongue and then she said to me, "I guess you liked it." We both laughed and then I licked a drip off of her chin.

Mandy lit a cigarette and we sat smiling as we watched Alicia rub her clit into an orgasm in front of the computer. She orgasmed and said, "That was so hot. I could help it."

Melissa and the gang all walked into the lab, as Chris and Roberta came back in also. I said, "We made a discovery. We know why people fall in love. Lets talk about what we can do with it."

Mandy explained what we did and Chris went through some of the technical stuff along with Alicia. Megan showed them the business uses and they didn't believe us. I said, "Alicia, print out the scans from all of them and lets show them."

We printed them all out and Chris said, "Jody needs a trace of one drug. So does Janice." Chris gave a very small amount of two different drugs to Jody and Janice and then we waited a few minutes. It was like magic watching Melissa and Jody go nuts on each other, and Karen and Janice doing the same thing. I said, "Convinced?"

They sat with their arms around each other and we started to talk about what to do with the knowledge. Kate said, "We didn't need any drugs?" I said, "Nope. Perfect match. Just like us." Alicia yelled out, "The database is done. Lets see what type of matches it produces."

We all watched over to the lab table she was sitting at and Mandy said, "The entire SolarNational employee database." Chris said the odds are 1 in every few hundred should be compatible to some level. Lets see how many are a perfect match."

Alicia did a query and we got a list of perfect matched pairs and it was really long. I said, "Just use my name and see how many match me." Alicia did it and the list was four hundred or so names. We did it for everyone and the list was about the same size. I said, "Now rerun the list for me and narrow it by geography. Just use a hundred mile radius." Alicia reran it and the list was about 20 names with Mandy at the top. I said, "If we offer a service we need to have a lot of people in it. Try it again with near matches. Say one number is off by a small amount." Alicia did it again and the list was now two hundred within one hundred miles. We all smiled at each other and I said, "We have a business here that can be completely automated on the Internet."

Melissa said, "So all we need is a digital photo that can be taken from the computer itself, and some background information." I said, "Also sexual preferences, hobbies, profession, and a few other things of interest. Think of this as a universe wide extension and replacement for the original match making service that we did for Adult World when we opened it. The difference is that we know that the people we match will fall in love instantly."

Alicia walked to the white board and said, "This is how I see the web site working." She drew the flow and also had a relationship repair section that had "Fall in Love" and "Fall out of Love". I said, "Why would you want to do that?" Melissa said, "End an affair that got too involved." We all nodded our heads and let Alicia walk us through the whole site.

Chris made a few suggestions and the two of them were getting so into it. Roberta and Megan started on the design discussion also and Melissa said, "The site will be finished by tomorrow. How long do you think it will take to produce the drugs in doses that are needed?" I said, "I was thinking about a standard kit that had all of the drugs with mini doses and the site tells you which ones and how much to take. We can color code them and also number them. It will be real simple. The other choice is to print out a prescription and have the person fill it at the pharmacy. I think the kits will be easier to manufacture. We'll sell more all at once and the rest is a throw away, or they can use it for other family members or friends. The real question is how much can we charge for the service and the drugs? What would it be worth to someone to meet a soul mate or fix a lousy marriage?"

Melissa said, "Let me do some research on that. There are thousands of dating services that will go bust by this. Lets see what they charge." Mandy said, "Check the price of resort spas that are advertised to rejuvenate relationships also. That's another market and we can create a section of our new resort expansion that opens next month dedicated to this."

Jody and Melissa were all over each other as they talked about some ideas and Jody said, "We're going to work on this at home. It's amazing what eleven feels like." Mandy and I smiled and they all left except Kate and Judy. The four of us went into the kitchen and Kate said, "So how in the world did you figure this out?" Mandy said, "Like everything else we do. We started with a plan and then had one accident after another that lead to this. The plan was to find out why people fall in love. We figured out the scientific reasons of why it happens. We still don't know how your body knows that your mate is a match." I said, "I still think that your eyes can see the energy and it just doesn't register. The camera can see it."

Kate said, "How about you figure out how to monitor what is being sent from the optic nerves into the brain. Then you will able to tell if that's how it works." I made us each a drink in my mind as Mandy was saying, "We can't get into someone's brain like that." Kate said, "Of course you can. Become energy. Do it to me when I look at Judy." Mandy and I looked at each other and I said, "We didn't even think of that."

We both lay back on the chairs and had our minds merge as energy and we moved into Kate. Mandy said into my mind, "Watch the signal from the nerves and see what happens." Kate looked at Judy and we saw a whole bunch of things happen including where in the brain the matching takes place. Mandy put us in the path of the signal in the brain and we intercepted it and understood all of it. We went back into our own bodies and I said, "I was right. It's the eyes. They send a signal to a part of the brain that does the matching." Kate said, "Why? Why would it make any difference about energy levels to fall in love?" Mandy said, "Maybe it's just a way to limit how many people you fall in love with and get you to stay with one person. None of this is in the cycle of life, the design scenarios, or any of the code that Eve wrote originally. I think it just happened on it's own. Call it natural evolution. The signal sent into your brain has your energy levels and the one you just looked at. Your brain processes it and decides if you love the person or not, every time you see them. You just don't realize it's happening."

Mandy said into our minds, "Max, you have a few minutes? We solved it." Max didn't answer and appeared in the kitchen in seconds. He said, "Tell me everything."

We went through all of it and he was in shock. We showed him the printouts, the matching, and the changes the drugs made. We also gave him a very small dose of one of them and I said, "Tell me what happens at home tonight." He loved the business ideas and said, "The drug business is great. Now we're selling love." We all laughed and walked over to see the web site come to life. Alicia said, "First demo. We have our personnel files loaded as a test and we'll delete them after we have it ready. Max, you sit down and pretend to be a lonely guy looking for your soul mate. Use the name John Doe so we can track it."

Max sat down and filled out the form and the computer took his picture. He clicked on a button and it listed pictures of 30 people all within 100 miles of here that matched him. We looked through all of the profiles and he said, "Incredible, they all match my likes and hobbies also. Look, here's Mary on the list." I said, "What would you be willing to pay for this service?" Max thought for a minute and said, "For the average person I'd say a thousand, maybe two, if it was a success. Maybe a hundred dollar fee to get into the system." I said, "We asked Melissa and Jody the same question. Lets see what they come back with also."

We all sat around and joked about it as Max called us the "Love Connection." He went back to his office and Kate said, "How about a good old fashion food orgy tonight. Where's Julie and Kathy anyway?" I said, "They took the boat for a full week trip by themselves. We wanted to do something like that too maybe next week. They should be back this afternoon."


We sat around having a few drinks and Julie and Kathy came back. They were so tan and looked great. I said, "So? How was it?" Kathy said, "I think we want to live on a boat. It was great." We made them a drink and we listened for about an hour about everything. Mandy kept saying in my mind, "We have to do this next." Julie said, "What did you do?"

Kate said, "The two retied people over here came out of retirement for about a week and solved the oldest problem in the universe. They know why and how people fall in love and can now make it happen." Kathy said, "No way!" We all started to sing the song, "No Way!" and Julie said, "Shit. Look what lunatics we came back too." I said, "Demonstration time."

We told them about the whole thing and then went into the lab and showed them their charts. I said to Julie, "You need to take this drug. You won't feel anything, except when you look at Kathy." Julie popped the microscopic pills in her mouth and swallowed them. We waited a minute and then two of them were like magnets holding on to each other and kissing. I said, "You had a week of this already." Kathy said, "Not like this we didn't. Wow!"

We got them to sit with us in the kitchen and Kathy sat on Julie's lap as they caressed each other. Kate couldn't stop laughing and said, "What a fucking gold mine this discovery will be. You should change the button on the web site to relationship enhancement, not repair." Mandy got up and ran into the lab and yelled out the comment to Alicia and then she sat back down and smiled at me. Kathy was stroking Julie's face and Julie was holding Kathy and rubbing her back and legs. I said, "This is the commercial, right here." Julie said, "Shut up", and kissed Kathy with the wettest, sloppiest kiss, and we all laughed.

I put my hand on Julie's shoulder and said, "Tell us about the islands you went to. We're thinking of doing it this week." Julie said, "We want to go back again. It was incredible", as she kissed Kathy again. Mandy smiled and said, "Want to all go? The boat has 12 cabins." Kate said, "Yeah, it sounds like fun. Judy you Okay with it?" Judy said, "Sure, when do we leave?" I said, "Captain Julie, when does the boat sail again?" Kathy was laughing and said, "How about in a few days."

Mandy was still smiling as we watched them so totally in love with each other. Julie was still holding Kathy's back and neck, and Kathy was kissing Julie's neck and licking her ear. I lit a cigarette and Mandy put her hand under my skirt and touched my pussy. I pushed her hand away and said, "Nope. My turn this time." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy and then knelt on the floor in front of her chair. I spread her legs apart and lifted up her skirt. I said, "Humm, no undees. How convenient." Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette as I put my mouth to her pussy and watched her face as I licked it softly. Mandy was half closing her eyes as she took a drag of the cigarette and I licked her from bottom to top and watched her face. She held my head softly and I snaked my tongue into her pussy and she went wild. She leaned back in the chair and spread her legs as far apart as she could. I slid my hand under her legs and grabbed her ass to pull her pussy closer and I tongue fucked her. Julie was making noises and Kathy said, "This is so hot honey. Do me now. Right here."

I kept going on Mandy and watched the expression on her face. She took a final drag from the cigarette and I made her orgasm big time when I hit her G- spot. She bucked into my mouth as I pulled her pussy tight to me and then I sucked in all the juices and swallowed. I lifted my head to look at her face and her eyes were still closed. I moved up a little and sucked her cock into my mouth and fingered her pussy, wiggling my finger around as I made it the size of a cock. I hit her G-spot and she went wild again as I bobbed my head up and down on her stiff shaft. Mandy was moaning, "Oh Jen, make me cum. Make me shoot in your mouth and share it with me. Oh, does this feel good baby." I fucked her pussy with my finger and sucked her cock making her crazy. Mandy lasted about 5 minutes and then her cock pulsated in my mouth and she blasted a huge wad of white thick cum into my mouth, as I felt a stream shooting on my tongue. I rubbed her shaft and stopped moving my head, as she squirt over and over again and I held it all in, still rubbing her G-spot.

Mandy was making noises almost unintelligible as I sucked all the cum into my mouth. I stood up and leaned over her face and she pulled my face to hers with her arm around my neck. We kissed with our mouths open and she sucked all of the cum from my mouth and we swished it around and then swallowed. I sat on her lap and Mandy gave me the sexiest kiss and held me tight, as we watched Kathy doing the same think to Julie, and Judy doing the same thing to Kate. Mandy said, "Contagious isn't it?"

I smiled and lit us a cigarette. Mandy whispered into my ear, "You like doing it to me as much as I like doing it to you. That gets me so hot when I see the cum in your mouth honey. I orgasmed again when you stood up over me and I saw some drip down your chin. Just thinking about it and I'm getting so wet again." We kissed and smiled at each other. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Boat trip time. I'm looking forward to it." Mandy said, "Lets see if Melissa and Jody, and Karen and Janice want to join us too." Mandy said into our minds, "Melissa, You and Jody, and Janice and Karen want to join us on a week long boat trip just goofing off and seeing the islands. Julie and Kathy just got back and loved it. We're going with them, and Kate and Judy also in a few days."

We heard back, in our minds Melissa having a wild orgasm and Jody saying, "We'll all go. Wow, is this amazing." Mandy and I smiled as Julie was having a massive orgasm and holding Kathy's head to her pussy.

Mandy and I made another one of our favorite drinks as Judy sat on Kate's lap and they kissed, and Kathy stood up and sat on Julie's lap facing her with Julie's cock sliding into Kathy's pussy. We made two more drinks and for Kate and Judy and we toasted Julie and Kathy's new found love for each other. They didn't even hear us, as they were so into each other fucking on the kitchen chair.

Megan and Alicia came out into the kitchen to get something to eat and they looked at Julie and Kathy. They both laughed and Megan said, "You made them elevens I see." I said, "How about you two?" Megan said, "Mom, we're sisters. The sex is great, but we both want to find someone someday that we are as much in love with as you love each other." Mandy said, "Use the web site to find someone. You can look though all of the data to find two people that you want to meet. You don't have to play by the rules." They both laughed and Alicia said, "Good idea. Why didn't we think of that."

Chris and Roberta were standing in the doorway and Chris said, "We heard that. Our first paying customer is going to get a freebee?" Megan was laughing and said, "Big sisters really suck sometimes even through they are brilliant." Chris put her arm around Megan and said, "We'll find you one hell of a match. You too Alicia. Come into the lab lets see who we have as employees that fit your profile."

Kate said, "I can only image what they will end up with." I said, "You never know. The process of looking when you're their age is half the fun."

We went into the lab and watched leaving Julie and Kathy alone in the kitchen. They did the photo routine and really used the web site. It was amazing at what it found. Megan pulled the personnel files of all 62 people it identified that were combined females and had similar interests. We all looked through them and I said, "She is gorgeous. Who is she and where does she work?" Mandy said, "Her name is Rose Adams and she is a PhD researcher in the drug area. Actually she works in the lab where we were this morning. You want to met her Megan?" Megan actually blushed and said, "I sure do. Wow!"

I said, "Lets go." We all displaced to the lab and Chris said, "Hi Gunter, we solved the problem. Do you know where a Rose Adam's works and what she does?" Gunter said, "Sure. I'll take you to her lab. She was working on the Love Potent chemical reactions." Megan said, "Perfect."

We walked into the lab and Gunter introduced Megan to Rose. It was love at first site. Neither one of them moved as they touched hands and just starred into each other's eyes. Megan said softly, "We wanted to talk to you about the work you did. We took it a step farther. You are so beautiful." Rose blushed and said, "So are you. It's not often I get to met the CEO of the biggest company in the world." Megan smiled and said, "Call me Megan, and forget about titles. I'm a scientist and a musician just like you are. Want to join me at our lab at the house and we'll explain what we did."

Rose was all smiles and we all knew that Megan found her soul mate. I said, "Hold hands and I'll do the driving." Rose looked puzzled and held Megan's hand and I displaced us to the house into the lab. Rose said, "How did you do that?" I said, "Megan will explain it." I said, "Megan, why don't you give Rose a tour of the place and we'll work on Alicia's problem while you're out."

She started with the lab and Rose was so interested. They walk out and I said, "Okay, You're next kid." Alicia laughed and we did the exact same thing with the web site. The list came up and I said, "Can't be possible." I said, "Click on it." Alicia clicked on the personnel folder and it was Rose's twin sister Cary. They were not identical, but she was a hunk also and Alicia was drooling. She said, "Mom, she is so hot and they work in the same lab." Megan pooped her head back in and said, "We're going for a walk outside." I said, "Wait one second. Rose, does your sister work with you on the same project?" She said, "Yeah she does?" I said, "Megan, go see if she's interested in hearing this also from Alicia. Alicia will go with you." Megan smiled, winked at me, and said, "Just hold my hand."

They displaced to the SolarNational lab again and then were all back in our lab in about 15 minutes. Alicia and Cary were so much in love it was incredible. The four of them walked around the house and the grounds and then took a walk on the beach and by the cliffs. They came back into the lab and Megan said, "Why don't you explain what you discovered." Megan and Rose were holding hands and so were Alicia and Cary. Mandy and I smiled at each other.

I said, "You probably know about all of the projects we have done and they always start with us goofing around asking each other silly questions. Like why can't dogs talk? What would it take to build an android? How come we all can't be both sexes? Well, you get the picture." They were giggling and I said, "Mandy asked me, why do people fall in love?" We started a research project just a few days ago and have some incredible dumb luck as usual. You're all PhDs in research and know that most of the time accidents often are the biggest breakthroughs. We had a series of very lucky coincidences and discovered why people fall in love and stay in love. We started with your research on chemical reactions in the brain, and went from there to brain energy composition and electrical charges. We all have certain compositions that can be charted and the elements counted. There are eight groups of these elements. When they are counted using a based 10 number system checksum methodology, they leave a number from zero to nine. When two people meet that have complementary numbers schemes they fall in love. The magic number is eleven. Your eyes can actually see the energy numbers, but it doesn't register. Your brain processes it and makes the love decision without you even being aware of it. We've tested it and we actually brought you here for two reasons. One we wanted to show you the research that started based on yours and second is what your numbers showed us."

Megan and Rose were so close together. Megan said, "Rose, we add up to perfect elevens across the board. I had to know if it worked and I am so in love with you." They kissed and Alicia and Cary kissed also and then Alicia said, "Cary, we are elevens also and I can't believe how this feels."

We smiled and I said, "We'll show you how it works." Megan said, "Mom, I think I'll show them later. We're going to go upstairs." Mandy and I smiled and she said into my mind, "Wedding bells soon."

We went into the kitchen and Julie and Kathy were having a drink with Kate and Judy. Kathy said, "I am so addicted Julie. Holy shit." Julie laughed and said, "Thank you." I said, "Our first customer and she isn't paying? At least give us a quarter. Kathy flipped us a quarter and said, "Well win it back at Crime Solvers anyway."

I said, "Now tell us about the islands you went to. What were they like?" Kathy said, "Four were deserted and beautiful. We loved picking the fruit and eating it. One had a small village that was so underdeveloped. I guess no one goes there. One had a geyser with hot springs that was outrageous, and a two thousand foot waterfall into a lake. It was paradise and we stayed in the water for hours. We also stopped on two other larger landmasses that are just normal people with towns, shopping and some business. No tourist stuff there at all and it was kind of nice. Reminded me of the old south."

Kathy said, "So what's with Megan and Alicia?" I said, "We introduced them to two combined sisters that are a perfect match of elevens with each of them. They are in love." Julie said, "Good for them." Chris and Roberta came into the kitchen and Chris smiled saying, "We know it works. Did you see their faces? It was like magic."

I lit a cigarette and took a sip of my drink, as Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Doesn't it make you feel old when we see our little girls falling in love?" I said, "Not old, proud." Mandy kissed me and said, "I'm very proud of you too. We all did something very nice for them." I said, "Who wants a pigow tonight on the open pit? I'm really hungry."

Mandy smiled and said, "You got my attention." Kate gave me the thumbs up and so did Julie. Mandy and I went out back and I made a pigow in my mind. Mandy and I used our minds to lift it up on a scour, put it over the open pit barbeque, and started a fire. I said, "Rice and asparagus?" Mandy said, "I'll take the rice you do the veggies." We both made the food and put it on rack well above the scour to stay warm. I said, "Lets have another drink."

We went back into the kitchen and made another round of drinks in our minds and handed then out. Chris and Roberta each took one and Chris said, "Here's to a project that has succeeded before it even got launched." We all toasted to that and Roberta said, "I love these drinks. Chris, we should learn how to make these." I said, "It's easy. Mix four different types of rum, pineapple juice, and coconut juice. Watch in my mind on the next one."

We were all talking about the Love Connection and I said, "If we call it that people will think it's a joke. What other names can we use?" I was definitely out voted as everyone loved the name the Love Connection. Julie said, "Jen, stick to inventing things. Let us figure out what to call them, Ms. Potato Head." We all laughed and Mandy said, "That was my idea you jerk. I thought it was cute." Kathy said, "The idea was great, the name sucked. You two have the most brilliant ideas and write the most incredible songs, but have awful taste in names." Mandy put her head on my shoulder and said, "I thought we were pretty good with names. What a blow to the ego." I said, "We are getting better. Our first name was Matches made in Heaven. Everyone would have thought you had to die to get included." Kate was laughing and said, "Jen, you are so fucking weird sometimes."

We sat around joking for a while and Megan and Rose, along with Alicia and Cary came downstairs. I said, "Pigow on the pit along with rice and veggies. Want a drink?" Megan said, "Four of your favorites Mom." I said to Roberta, "Watch carefully." I made four drinks and handed them to Megan. Rose said, "I don't get it. How did she do that?" Megan said, "I'll explain it all later. Don't let it scare you." I raised my glass and said, "A toast to the new friends, Rose and Cary." We lifted up our glasses and took a drink and Rose said, "Now tell us about the project."

Mandy explained most of it and I filled in a few parts along with Chris. I said, "We loaded the personnel photo digital Ids into a database and used our software to read the brain energy as captured in the images. We used Megan and Alicia as Ginny pigs and ran a matching program. You two were on the lists and we through it was a good test, plus we wanted to fill the people in on that project about what we did. So was it a good match?" They all blushed and Megan said, "It sure was. We are so much alike it's uncanny. Rose and Cary both play instruments and sing also. We're going to go into the studio later and just jam for a while." I said, "You want to try a new tune we wrote for you?"

Rose said, "You write their music?" I said, "Some of it." Megan said, "All the number one hits are our parents doing. They are musical geniuses." I made a folk guitar and Rose said, "How much weirder does it get?" I said, "We kind of have a few extra powers in our mind. We're not bug creatures or something like that." Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "We should have never watched that old movie last week about bug monsters."

I played a few chords and said, "Mandy sing it with me." I started it and we played a verse where we sang a few lines in harmony. Then the chorus with the hook and this one was so catchy. We sang it and they all smiled and then we went into a second verse. In the second chorus they were all singing along and I stopped and said, "Hey! You'll get to sing it next. It's still my song!" Rose was laughing as we finished the chorus and then I stopped again saying, "Now it's your song. Sing along."

I played the chorus and they all sang. Mandy said, "That sounds really good honey." I said, "You want the tune?" Megan said, "Are you kidding? That's another number one hit record. Mom, what are the chords?" I said, "The music is on a stand in the studio along with the words. You may want to change the key we wrote it in. I just played it in G." They went to the studio and we all smiled. I said, "How much you want to bet that Destiny gets two more band members." Everyone laughed and Julie said, "That's a suckers bet."

We went outside to sit on the veranda and set places for dinner. Mandy and I checked the Pigow and Kathy was called over as the expert. She said, "10 minutes." I said, "I can never tell when it's cooking outside. I either make it raw or too well done." Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "There are certain things that we really suck at. Outdoor cooking is one of them."

We all had another drink and Julie took the pigow off the pit and sliced it with her mind and Kathy did the veggies and Rice. Mandy and I went to get the kids in the studio. We walked in and listened for a minute and they were really good. I said, "Dinner is ready on the veranda. It sounds really good." They walked out with us and we all sat to eat. I said, "Rose, tell us about your family. Are they as wacky as us?"

She said, "Far worse. My Mom is the president of a bank and works with her new partner who we call our step mom. My Dad is somewhere on the one of the pioneer planets. We haven't heard from him in years. He always wanted to an explorer and he got his wish."

I said, "What Bank?" Rose said, "United Trust International." Mandy said, "That's a good company." Rose said, "How do you know about banks?" I said, "We insure all of them. We also own MJIC." Cary said, "Our moms love your music, Destiny, Chicks, Little Willie, Always and Forever and Faces. They would kill for a seat at one of the shows. I said, "We'll get them seats. We usually have about a hundred to give away every show in the front rows."

I said, "So tell us about how you got a job in SolarNational and how you like working for Max." Cary said, "We were both in the advanced student research programs to get our PhDs and I'm not sure you remember us Chris, but we worked on our first project for you and Allison." Chris looked at them and said, "Oh my God I remember. You two were brilliant. I was on your doctoral panel that gave you your degrees."

Rose said, "We never see Max, we work for John mostly but were still down at the bottom of the food chain." We all laughed and Megan said, "Not any more. Actually you never were. John is second in command to Max who is the CEO of Pharma." I said, "So tell us about what projects you were on and the research you are doing."

Rose and Cary talked for about a half hour and they were really brilliant. I said, "How come you two weren't put on the android project. We could have really used your abilities." Rose said, "We ran the Love Potent project and there was no one to take over for us." Megan said, "That's my skin on those things." We all laughed and Rose said, "You discovered that? That was fantastic. We're starting a new project next week based on that."

I said, "Cary, how did you two get into music? You sounded great in the studio." Cary said, "We hated our mother for making us practice as little kids but it seemed to work. We can play almost anything and really like it now as a hobby." Alicia said, "That's how we all feel about it. It's great hobby and people just happen to like our material and show. We only play one or two times a month. So do most of the bands."

I said, "Drinks everyone?" I made a drink for everyone and Rose said, "Okay. How did you do that?" Megan said, "We kind of have a few extra gifts that most people don't have. I really will explain it later. What my mom did was real. It wasn't a trick." Rose said, "Cool. Free booze." We all cracked up.

We finished dinner and were joking around. We all lit up cigarettes and Rose said, "Where are we anyway?" Megan said, "In our vacation home on Vacation World located in the resort community that we own." Rose said, "You mean that blink of an eye brought us here. You can displace objects also?" I said, "There are a lot of things that we can do. Megan will explain it." Rose said, "What's your real home like?" Megan said, "Its an old style castle about the same size as this located in Oregon near the office. We go back and forth all the time. We even put in teleporters for our pets to go between the houses because they were lonely." Cary laughed and said, "Do they watch the Pet Lovers Station?" Mandy said, "They are glued to the set. Best screw ball idea we ever had. We are making billions on it."

I said, "Speak of the devil. Hey Ruffles, come say hello to our new friends." He and Snuffy walked over and Ruffles said, "Rello RI'm Ruffles Rand Rthat's Rsnuffy." Rose said, "Nice to meet you. Talking lessons?" Mandy said, "The prototype from thirty years ago. What a mistake that was. They were in the commercials for it and also stars on the Pet Lovers network talk show." Cary and Rose were cracking up and I said, "We feel the same way. Trust me."

Megan said, "Mom, you planning anything this week?" I said, "We are taking that long awaited week long, get away from the world with a boat cruise with Kate, Judy, Julie, Kathy, Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen." Rose said, "What boat?" I pointed to the dock and said, "It has 12 cabins."

Megan said, "Mind a few stowaways for extra company?" I said, "You need the time off and are more than welcome to come. You should have Flow doing your voice mail and email stuff." Megan said, "We both do and she's doing fine. We can take off for a while. I'll check in every day to be sure. I want to announce the Love Connection before we leave though. I think that's a sure winner." Chris said, "I still say that name sounds like and old funk band from the 1980s. Roberta and Chris started to dance like they do on stage and Chris sang the words "Love Connection to one of her tunes." I said, "See it's not just me that hates it. Rose, tell me honestly. Do you like that name?"

She said, "I hate it and I agree with Chris." I said, "How about you Cary?" She gave us the thumbs down and Mandy said, "See. We were right. We need a better name." Rose said, "How about Soul Mates, or Partnerships for Life, or Finding Love, or the Web Caf‚, or The Marriage Den, or.." Chris said, "We like all of them. I vote for any of them. You guys pick one." Mandy said, "We're okay with any of them also." Julie said, "I like Soul Mates. That is the technology." Cary looked puzzled and Alicia said, "I'll explain it later."


We all had a few more drinks and then we had Eva clean up. Megan said, "We owe you some explanations. Mom, can we tell them everything?" Mandy and I shrugged our shoulders and I said, "Sure." I said into their minds, "If you're both serious about them they will become one of us also. Show them all you want. You may want to show them the very beginning of life on the work planet. Just please don't give them the knowledge and power yet." Megan and Alicia said back to us, "We won't."

Megan said, "We're going to sit to the beach for a while." We waved as we went inside.

Mandy held my hand and said, "They are so in love honey. I'm so happy for both of them and Rose and Cary seem like really nice people." I said, "Lets get a second opinion." I said into our minds, "Max, you there?" He said, "What's cooking?" I said, "Do you know Rose Adams and Cary Adams?" He said, "Yeah, they are brilliant and are two of my most talented staff. They came out of the advanced education program, and before you ask you can't have them for anything. I really need them." We laughed in his mind and I said, "That may be a little late. Megan has fallen in love with Rose and Alicia is in love with Cary. They have been here all afternoon and are outside together now. Plus they want to all go way with us in a few days for a week."

Max said, "Oh shit! Megan and Alicia couldn't have picked a nicer two people on the earth to fall in love with. The Oh Shit was because I know that Megan will see what they are capable of and I'll definitely loose them. But on the other hand, I would welcome them with open arms into our other group. They are definitely the right stuff." I said, "Thanks Max, that's what we wanted to know." He said, "No problem, just find me some more people like them and like you."

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "I feel so much better now. Max is such a good judge of character." I said, "How about we take a bubble bath and they go play in bed for a while." Mandy said, "I'd love to honey."

We took our drinks upstairs to our bedroom and went into the bathroom. We set down our drinks and I lit a cigarette, as Mandy turned on the faucets in the stone tub. She found our favorite bubble bath and poured some into the water and we watched it suds up. I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy took a drag also as we sat on the edge of the tub waiting for it to fill. We put our feet in and I said, "A little toasty isn't it?" as we both pulled out our feet and Mandy turned on some cold water. She moved it around in the tub and then got the water the right temperature. She smiled and said, "That was just like hell." We smiled and got into the tub. I sat back against the wall and Mandy leaned back against me. I turned on the jets and we totally relaxed in the warm sudsy water. Mandy turned a little sideways sitting between my legs and we washed each other. She said to me, "Lets just lay back and relax for a while honey. This feels so good."

We lay back and relaxed and had one of our philosophical discussions about doing things for mankind. I said, "We can't make people like each other all the time, and we can't make them love each other. We can help. If someone has a temper and beats someone up, we can't stop it. That's why we have the laws. We've done our part." Mandy said, "I know I keep bugging you about this, but I still think we need to do more."

I said, "Like what? Figure it out and we'll do it. I just don't see us being able to make any more significant changes. We ended poverty. No one is starving. There is no unemployment anywhere. It's human nature to be dynamic, change moods, emotions, have ups and downs, excitement and depression, happy and sad. We can't change all of that and I don't want to. Imagine how boring it would be if everyone had on a smile on their face all the time. We need a little variation to make things exciting. We just gave people the ability to fall completely, one hundred percent, totally, madly, in love. How much better does it get?" Mandy kissed me and said, "Jen, I really love you honey, but I still think there has to be more." We both laughed and I said, "You get to do the driving on the next one."

We relaxed and I said, "How about we get Eve and Eva to give us a massage?" Mandy said, "That sounds great. I'll get them." Mandy stood up and them helped me up, as we got out and dried off. She put on a robe and went downstairs. I lay on the bed and Mandy came in with Eve and Eva and lay down next to me. She said, "Give us both a massage please."

This felt so terrific. Mandy and I looked at each other and were both so relaxed. She said into my mind, "I know I'm being a snooping mother but I'm dying to find out what's going on with Megan and Alicia." I smiled and said into her mind, "Me too. We could make ourselves invisible and just go check on them if you want. If they see that we're snooping they will be really pissed off." Mandy said, "After the massage we'll take a little trip. Remote view with me and lets see where they are and listen in a little."

Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she remote viewed the beach and they weren't there. She remote viewed the work planet and she found them in the design room. We really couldn't make out what was going on remotely, so Mandy said into our minds, "We know where to go." We both felt so relaxed and let Eve and Eva massage us for a few more minutes. I said, "Thank you Eva. That will be enough for now."

Mandy said, "Stand up with me and read my mind." We held hands and Mandy dressed us, changed us to be invisible to everyone, and the displaced us to the design room. Because of the time difference we missed Megan's explanations, but what we did see was amazing. Megan was standing next to Rose and said, "We have been here at this planet for three days together while everyone on Earth just lost a few hours. Rose, I love you more than anything and I know you feel the same way. Will you marry me?" Rose had a tear in her eye and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" They hugged and kissed as Alicia asked Cary the same question and Cary screamed Yes at the top of her lungs. Mandy looked at me and was starting to cry, and so was I. I put my finger to my lips to say quite, and she nodded her head.

Megan said, "Lets tell my parents." We looked at each other and Mandy said into my mind, "Oh shit." We heard in our minds, "Moms, can you come to the work planet to talk to us?" I replied back, "We'll be there in a minute." Mandy and I displaced to another room, made ourselves visible, and then walked into the design room. I said, "What's cooking? You guys like our work setup here?" Rose still had a few tears on her face and Megan said, "Moms, Rose and I want to get married." Cary said, "And it's a double wedding." We hugged all of them and I said, "We couldn't be happier for all of you. Have you told Rose and Cary's parents?" Rose said, "Not yet. We hoped you'd come with us."

I said, "You want a big wedding, small one, quite, loud, big party? Tells us what you want and we'll do anything for you." Rose said, "Small one with just family and then a real big party when we get back from the boat trip." Megan was smiling and said, "We were hoping to get married before we left with you."

Mandy said, "Sure. Rose, where do your parents live?" Rose said, "LA." Mandy said, "Lets displace back to earth to the castle and you can call them first, before we just pop in on them. Megan said, "Hold my hand" and we'll all displaced to the castle.

We went into the study and Rose and Cary got on the phone and called their Mother. We could hear her mother screaming with excitement from the phone, as Rose smiled and Cary said, "We'll be there in few minutes."

Cary said, "How do we get there?" Alicia said, "The same way we got here. Just think about the location and we'll do the rest." We all held hands and displaced outside of their home in LA. Mandy said, "No shit. I grew up right down the block from here."

Rose and Cary opened the front door and we all went inside. Rose said, "Let me introduce you too.." Rose's mother said, "They don't need any introductions. Hi, I'm Mary and this is my partner in marriage Trisha." We all hugged and Rose said, "Mom, this is Megan and we are so much in love." Cary said, "Alicia and I are the same way. We want to get married in a small family service and then you all can plan one outrageous party." Mary laughed and said, "I'm so happy for all of you. We can rent one of the large hotels for the party."

I said, "That really won't be necessary. We have two homes with ballrooms that are larger than any hotel and we can also provide transportation to all of the guests. Plus we also own 180 hotels and casinos if they want to have it at a hotel. Let them decide what they want to do and Mandy and I will cover all of it. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to figure out who you want to attend."

Mary said, "I know you from SolarNational and the band Changes, but 180 hotels and houses with ballrooms?" Mandy said, "You pay every month a premium to MJIC corporation to insure the deposits in your bank and guarantee the money supply. We are the M and the J of MJIC. We cover all of the deposits and economies out of our own personal vault. Plus we own a significant portion of SolarNational which has 29 other companies that are owned exclusively. The bands for all of us are just a hobby. We also have a 51 percent stake in lots of other firms. Jen, you remember how many?" I said, "It's over 100. We kind of loose track after a while."

Mary smiled and said, "Lets talk wedding plans." We talked for about 2 hours about the party and got to know Mary and Trisha pretty good. We decided on guest lists and they wanted the party at the vacation home ballroom the week after we got back. Megan said, "Mom, do you think Eve would do the wedding ceremony for us?" Rose said, "The android?" We all laughed and Megan said, "No, the very first human ever. Remember the video we showed you?" Rose said, "Oh, that Eve. Would she do it for us?" Mary said, "I thought Tara was the first one." I said, "Actually, Eve is her mother and really was the first one. She is somewhere over 7 billion years old and is 23 years older Tara. Eve is the leader of the planet Eden. Tara was the first one in our section of the universe. It's a long story."

Rose said, "We want to do something small maybe tomorrow or the next day. We'll let you know in plenty of time." Mary and Trisha laughed and Trisha said, "Sound familiar?"

They were so interested in why we never went into the banking business itself and I said, "We got into being the insurers when the Federal Reserve was replaced. We just didn't trust the way the new system was structured and didn't want the risk put on SolarNational, so we took the risk ourselves. Now it's a goldmine. We make somewhere over 9 trillion dollars a month profit from it." Trisha said, "Holy Shit! Why not put the money in a bank and grow it even more?" Mandy said, "What would happen to your bank if we put in that much money and then had to take it all out on two days notice?"

Mary smiled and said, "Don't put it in our bank." We all laughed and Mandy said, "That's why we aren't in the banking business. You might get a kick out of seeing the vault. It's underground and goes on for miles. Each section is marked with all of the backup for every world's economy and the banks. We have perfect diamonds packed in tons, gold, silver, other precise gems, currency, and priceless art." Trisha said, "I can't image having that much money." I said, "It doesn't mean anything anymore. We have given all of our children so much money they will never have to worry about money, ever. I think it made us all work harder for some reason. We do everything now because we like it and want to, not for the cash. Kind of like the music. We love playing and writing music."

Megan said, "There is one more thing that you should know about. I'm sure you know that my Moms have a special gift and power, that allows they to create life. Alicia and I have it also, and Rose and Cary will most likely be given the gift also, assuming they want it. It means that there will be times when you may not hear for us for a few weeks at a time, and it's not because we don't want to talk to you, it's because we are helping people on other worlds that really need it."

Mary said to Rose and Cary, "You both have my blessing to do as you see fit. If you get this gift, just use it wisely which I'm sure you will." Rose and Cary were still talking to their mother and step mother while Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she said into our minds, "Everyone, Megan and Alicia are getting married. Max knows their partners pretty well and they are two of his top researchers. I'd like to ask everyone's permission to include them in our group." Tara and Eve answered back, "Mandy you don't have to ask our permission. If you feel it's the right thing to do, than just do it. We all trust Jen and your judgment." I answered back, "Thanks. Eve, would you give us the honor of performing the ceremony. It will be very small with just the family and a few of their friends. Megan and Alicia would really like it." Eve said back, "Of course. Just tell me when."

Mary said, "Call us and let me know when the ceremony will be." We all hugged and left the house. We held hands and I displaced us all to the work planet. Megan said, "Why are we here?" I said, "Rose and Cary. I need to ask you two questions and please answer them truthfully. They are promises that we will hold you too. Do you promise to never abuse the powers that we give you and never use them to harm anyone, unless there is no other way to escape harm or the harm of others?" They both said, "I promise." I said, "Do you both promise to help create, care for, and nurture human life?" They both said, "I promise."

Mandy said, "Welcome to our exclusive club, the Guardians of Life. While you four were gabbing we spoke into everyone's mind and you are now one of us. Plus, Eve would be happy to do the ceremony. Alicia, why don't you set Cary and Rose up to the knowledge transfer computers." They held hands walking into the knowledge transfer center and Alicia set them up. I said, "You will feel real sleepy in a few seconds. Just relax and sleep while the process happens. If we aren't here when you wake up, feel free to room around and check the place out. We should be back in plenty of time though."

Alicia started the process for them and she smiled at us and then hugged us so tight. I said, "I get so screwed up with the time difference. How much time do we have in Earth time for this to happen?" Alicia added it up and said, "About 3 hours." I said, "Lets got to the vacation home and write the press release for the new service to get that out of the way."

We displaced back to the vacation home and it was 4 in the morning. We went into the study and Megan typed on the computer a press release as we talked about it. I said, "We send it out this morning when we get back and then we call an impromptu press conference. We want people to understand we discovered how love works, and the service is just a way for us to share it with everyone. That kind of separates us from the thousands of dating services."

Mandy and I put together two pages of notes and Megan and Alicia were laughing at a few of the one-liners. I said, "Funny is good. Especially when you are dealing with a subject as serious as finding a life long soul mate. Most people would do anything to find someone like you two just did."

Alicia said, "We should get back in a few minutes. That way we can sleep for about 8 hours before they wake up." We finished everything and displaced back to the work planet. Alicia checked the times and said, "We have about 8 hours or so." Mandy and I went into one of the bedrooms and she said, "Jen, I am so excited about all of this I'm not even slightly tired." I said, "Me too. Come here and lets make love."

Mandy and I undressed and lay on the bed holding each other softly and caressing. Mandy rolled on top of me and rubbed my cock hard, as I rubbed hers also. I made my cock grow to be near my mouth and I moved my head down to suck on the mushroom tip and Mandy said, "That makes me so hot." She made her cock grow also lying on top of me, as we both sucked our own cocks, and then sucked each other's. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets shoot into our mouths. Jen, my pussy is dripping watching you do that." I sucked my own cock as Mandy rubbed the shaft, while I stroked her shaft and she sucked the tip of her cock. Within ten minutes we both felt our cum starting. I opened my mouth so Mandy could see my cock pulsate and the cum shoot onto my tongue and then I closed my mouth over the mushroom tip as I squirt more cum into my mouth.

I rubbed Mandy's cock at the speed of light and she was moaning as it spasmed in her mouth. She sucked in all of the cum with a little dripping out on the side of her chin. We made our cocks smaller as I put my mouth to hers. We both open our mouths wide as we kissed and held each other so tight. The cum ran out of her mouth into mine and we moved it around with our tongues, as we swallowed. Mandy said into my mind, "Jen, I am so fucking hot. Couples honey. I want you so bad."

I smiled as we changed into combined couples and interlocked with Mandy on top of me. I wrapped my legs and arms around her and we slid into each other, all the way in. We made our cocks bigger and made passionate love for hours rolling over several times. We finger fucked each other's ass for a while at the same time, and we both were moaning so loud. I was actually rubbing my cock with my finger that was inside of Mandy's butt hole. She went ballistic in an orgasm and then did it to me also. After we both shot our cum into each other four times, we separated and got into a 69 position. Mandy and I ate each other for what had to be two hours. My pussy was throbbing to the point I was spraying juices out on her face every time she licked me.

Mandy sat up and so did I and we both laughed looking at each other's face which were soaking wet. I licked her chin and she said, "I need a cigarette. My cunt is like a faucet that won't shut off." We both laughed and Mandy rolled over to get a cigarette and lit it up. She took a drag and handed it to me. I inhaled twice and held in the smoke as I changed us back to couples again. Mandy laughed and said, "Holy shit. You want to kill us?"

I smiled and moved to position us interlocking again and we both had an instant orgasm from our pussies as our cocks entered each other. I made our cocks bigger again and Mandy moaned, "Jen, oh baby. I'm going to shoot in you again. Hold me." I held Mandy tight as she jerked and shot a load of cum into me again. She took a drag of the cigarette and said, "This feels so good honey, but if we keep going we won't even be able to walk." I smiled and said, "So we'll sit down the rest of the day."

I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke and Mandy put her mouth over mine to suck out the smoke as I exhaled. She orgasmed again and I laughed. She said, "It's not funny. My cunt's on fire." Mandy pushed her cock into me a few times and I orgasmed again big time. I was shaking and held Mandy tight as she laughed and said, "See?" Then my cock started to pulsate and I shot a load of cum into her as she made a "mmmm" sound and held me tight to her breasts. We both took a drag of the cigarette and moved slowly on each other. Mandy had her eyes half closed and said, "Baby, we are going to be so useless today." I moaned softly, "I want to love you forever like this", as we kissed again. Mandy and I took a final drag of then cigarette and then she got comfortable while we were still interlocked and said, "Lets try to sleep for a little while."

We kissed again and fell asleep in seconds with our faces touching, sharing each other's dream. We saw the big white house in our dreams again and Mandy said to me in the dream, "We have a few more years yet. Then this will be our new home along with our children and newly born grandchildren." We moved slightly on each other and both had orgasms. We opened our eyes and starred at each other, and then drifted back to sleep again.

Alicia came in to wake us up and we both sat up. I said, "How long were we in here?" Alicia said, "We calculated wrong, so we let you guys sleep longer. You've been in here almost 16 hours." Mandy said, "I feel great." She kissed me and said, "Lets get cleaned up honey."

Mandy and I went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, cleaned up, and dressed.


Mandy and I went into the Knowledge Transfer Center and watched Rose and Cary waking up. Megan helped Rose up, as Alicia was holding Cary, and I said, "So you two feel any smarter?" Rose said, "This is incredible. All of the things I couldn't understand before are now so obvious. How do I use some of these things?" I said, "Megan and Alicia will teach you how to do everything. Do it all here, so we can get back to earth for the press release."

Megan said, "Moms, can you help us?" Mandy said, "Sure." We walked outside on the beach and sat in the sand leaning against a piece of driftwood and spent about 8 hours teaching them everything. Megan even showed them how to become energy and they moved into each other's body. Rose and Cary both said, "This is so cool!" We ended our lesson with several displacements and then a swim underwater in the ocean with the fish. Cary kept saying into our minds, "This is so wild." We stopped to communicate with a shark and that's when they really understood what this was all about.

We got out of the water and then walked on top of the water for a while and all laughed. I said, "Cary, you do the driving." She displaced us to the castle and I said, "It's 8 AM so lets go to the office and send out the press release. Then we can set up the conference and plan for you guys to get hitched." I said, "Rose, look into Megan's mind to see where we are going and you do the driving on this one."

Rose smiled at us and she displaced us to the office. We walked up to Megan's office and Rose said, "Wow!" Megan introduced Rose and Cary to Flow and Grace, and told them about the double wedding. They were so excited for them. We gave them the press release and I said, "We want it to go our now, and then we want to call a short impromptu press conference this afternoon to explain the significance of the discovery. We can do it in the auditorium."

Flow took the press release and I said into Chris's mind, "We all set to go live with the web site?" She said back to all of us, "Yup. Press release going out?" I said back, "Yup. Be prepared for a huge surge by tonight. We're doing a short press conference this afternoon also. Can you make it?" Chris said, "Oh course. I want to congratulate the new members of our group also." Cary smiled and said into our minds, "This is so cool being able to talk like this." I said back, "It gets better. Wait until Alicia and Megan show you what you can do in the bedroom, especially with making body parts more flexible and bigger." They all laughed.

We sat at Megan's conference table and I said, "Rose, feel like making us breakfast in your mind?" She said, "I'm sure I know how to do it." I said, "Watch in my mind this time." I made us all scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, toast, juice, and coffee. Rose and Cary watched and Cary said, "I can do it now. I want to make those drinks after the press conference." We all smiled as we ate our breakfast.

Mandy turned on the TV and we watched the news. I said, "The android game figures are still big news. Amazing." We all laughed as a reporter said, "We expect android action figures to be targeted at the dog and cat population next, with all of the success of the Pet Lovers network." Megan said, "It may not be such a bad idea. Lets talk about it when we get back." Rose said, "What kind of games would you make for a dog?" I said, "Ask a dog. We have tons of them that can answer back now. I think we should start by making a game curator named Mister Obedience." We all cracked up and I said, "Mandy, Ruffles understands that one." Mandy blushed and smiled as she said, "I should have let you cook the fucking thing years ago."

Flow buzzed in and said, "A number of the press want to know what the conference is about." I said, "Tell they we discovered the secret of why people fall in love and stay in love, and a means to make it happen for everyone. That will get their attention." Flow said, "Is that for real?" Rose said back, "It's definitely real."

We watched a little more of the news and they announced that SolarNational was making another announcement today at noon, and then started to speculate. Mandy said, "Write this stuff down. Its usually really good free research." We listened for about a half hour and some of the ideas were brilliant. Mandy said, "Megan, we have our next list of things to look at now. Rose, two of these are right in the area that you and Cary do research."

We started with the wedding plans for the small ceremony and Mandy made all the calls. She said, "Tomorrow morning at our vacation home on the veranda overlooking the ocean. Does that sound romantic?" Rose and Megan kissed and so did Cary and Alicia. I said, "Definitely romantic." Mandy said, "After the press conference the whole group of the Guardians will be here to met you. They are all excited about you joining us. You'll get a chance to really meet them and spend time with all of them after we get back from the trip. Maybe we can even have one of Tara's famous two day parties." Megan blushed and said, "Roman finger food orgy." Rose and Cary cracked up laughing as Alicia said, "You have no idea how screwed up some of us really are. We all have a blast." Cary put her arms around Alicia and said, "I love it."

The time flew by as usual when we get back from the work planet as Flow buzzed us and said, "Press is here." I took the new hand held super computer with us to the auditorium. I had one of the techs set it up to the projection system and we all sat stood on the stage behind Megan at the podium.

Megan said, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I asked you here today for this impromptu conference to announce a major new discovery that I believe will significantly benefit people on every planet. It has to do with love. We know now why people fall in love, why they stay in love, why they fall out of love, and we can change it. I'm going to ask Doctor Jen Edwards and Doctor Mandy Edwards to give a short presentation of what it is we found. It really is truly amazing."

Mandy and I walked forward to the podium and I said, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone could find their soul mate? Someone that they cherish and that will cherish them back the same way. Someone to spent eternity with. Mandy and I started asking ourselves questions, like why do people fall in love? What is it that happens inside of our brains that makes the rest of our body feel like rubber bands and Jello?"

Some people were laughing as Mandy said, "Well, we solved it. Love is a brain reaction caused by the matching of energy from one person to another. The energy is a count of electrons, neutrons, quarks, positive ions and four other electrical measures. On this slide you see a digital photograph of me, not a real good one, but it is me."

There was some laughing and I said, "Years ago when people took pictures that had a haze on them or a glow, people thought that they had captured a ghost on the film, or an aura. What they really captured was the electrical energy that everyone has emitting from their brain. Our eyes see it and transmit it via our optical nerves, but our conscious mind doesn't register it. This picture of Mandy actually has all of her unique energy in it, but again we can't recognize it. We wrote software that can recognize it, understand it, and chart it. Each person has 8 categories of energy and it is summed in a based 10 numbering system using a mathematical checksum formula. The end result is that each of us has 8 numbers that represent our energy levels that are between 0 and 9."

Mandy continued, "When you see someone, you brain automatically matches that persons energy levels to yours. The magic number is 11. If all of your energy levels and the person you look at each total to 11 in every category, it is complete and total love at first site and ever lasting love. We checked our own levels and they are elevens. We also checked many other couples and found them to range from exact matches to somewhat close. We developed a serious of drugs that can permanently alter your energy readings, but have absolutely no effect on you body or body chemistry. We have used these to change couples to make the numbers add up and the results have been incredible. This next chart shows what the numbers look like when a comparison is made between two people. These are Jen's and my numbers also."

I continued, "We wanted a way to offer this to everyone. For you to be able to experience what complete love is like with your partner, and also a way to help people find their perfect soul mate. The press release distributed by Megan this morning announced a new web site and we wanted people to know that is not a dating service. It's serious and will guarantee that you find a soul mate. The way the process works is that you sign on to the web site and use the digital camera on the computers to take a snap shot of yourself. This captures your energy levels. You fill in some background information and then you can search for your perfect match. Due to this being a new service, we envision it taking a few days before enough people are in the system to have matches for everyone which is why we are using a program that will notify you via email of any matches that are found when two people do an overlapping search. The emails give you all of the contact information."

Mandy continued, "The web site also has a section that allows you to energize an existing relationship by correctly matching the energy levels of you and your partner. Again, this works from the digital photographs and will ship to you instantly a small kit of the drugs that are needed with exact instructions. The pills are very tiny, but work exactly as they are prescribed."

Megan stepped forward and said, "I am very excited about all of this and hope this can help people find their true love. I found mine, and so did Alicia, and I proud to say that we are getting married very shortly. Are there any questions?"

There were a few and then someone asked Megan, "Are you and you partner elevens and was it love at first site?" Megan said, "We are elevens and it was more than love at first site. Let me introduce you to her. This is Doctor Rose Adams and this is Doctor Cary Adams who is engaged to marry Alicia. They are two of our top research scientists in microbiology and chemistry."

Someone else asked, "How much does it cost?" Mandy answered it and said, "Unfortunately this technology is not cheap. People spend thousands of dollars on dating services and they are at best a crap shoot. We guarantee it and to prove that, we have structured the pricing so there is little risk if you don't find the results you're looking for. Registering on the site costs one hundred dollars. If you are not in an automated match within a month, we will refund the money to you. If you find a match and find that soul mate, then you pay the rest of the cost which is eight hundred dollars, which can be financed. Again, I think this is well below what other services cost, and they don't have the secret that we have. We know why people fall in love. For people wanting to reenergize their relationships, the fee is one hundred fifty dollars which includes the drug kit and shipping."

The press gave us all a standing ovation and Megan said, "Again, thank you all for coming today on such short notice." We all waved as we walked off the stage and a reporter yelled out, "Have a great honeymoon." Alicia yelled back, "Thanks. We will."

I said, "My office gang." We all walked up the stairs and into my office and it was mobbed as we walked in. I said, "Everyone meet Rose and Cary, our newest members. Cary, you can make those drinks now." Everyone was laughing and Cary made the rum drinks for everyone. Kelly, Margi, and Jennifer came in and Kelly said to Alicia, "Hi sis we cut our skiing trip short for this. It better be good." Alicia said, "It's good. Meet Cary." Kelly said, "Wow, you wouldn't happen to have a twin sister that's available would you?" Cary said, "Met Rose, my twin sister, and who is marrying Megan." Kelly said, "We leave for home for three weeks and they change the world again. Hey Margi, you, me, and Jennifer are using that web site tonight."

We spent about three hours with everyone talking to Cary and Rose. My mother and Mandy's mother were hugging them non-stop. Rose said to me, "Little Willie is part of this too?" I said, "Karen runs the entire entertainment company with Kathy, Gerri, and Jamie."

Eve came over to us and said, "They are so adorable. Tomorrow at your place at 10?" I said, "You and Adam can come over as early as you want. Most people will be there at about 9:30." Everyone was getting ready to leave and Eve said, "Tomorrow I am performing the ceremony for the marriage and I am deeply touched that you asked me to do it. Please raise your glasses in one last toast. Here's to the two couples. May their love be eternal and may they find peace and happiness together, forever." We all drank and Rose and Megan kissed in a sloppy, wet embrace, followed by Cary and Alicia. Everyone clapped.

Everyone displaced out of the office and Flow opened the door and said, "Where did everyone go?" We cracked up laughing and Megan said, "You didn't hear them leave?" Flow just looked at us funny and Rose was laughing. Chris said, "Lets see the volume on the web site." She booted up a computer and projected a screen hologram. We saw some numbers and Chris said, "That can't be right. Roberta, check the network system to see if this adds up." Roberta checked it and said, "It's right." Chris said, "We have over 9 million people registered in just three hours. We've had over 6 million potential matches so far also which means almost everyone will have a match. Look at this counter. It's changing so fast you can't read it. That's showing how many people are using the relationship enhancement service. I better tell Max."

Chris said into everyone's mind the sales numbers from the new site and then said to Max, "We have enough drugs made?" He said, "I tripled what you projected. I just had a gut feeling on this one." We all said to Max, "Thanks!" he said back, "Have a fun trip and don't worry about anything. Rose, you and Cary are with the best of the best. Megan and Alicia are two of few people in this universe that are as bright and personable as you are. I hope you all will be very happy."

Megan and Alicia blushed and so did Rose and Cary. I said, "Get use to it. When you guys get back the press will be hounding all of you for a little while. This is big news." Rose said, "Why would people get so excited about us getting married?" I said, "Why do people care what any of us do? Every time we turn on the TV there is something about one of us or the company. After a while it won't bother you and you can start using it to your advantage. Just like we did for this new product." Cary said, "That was very well orchestrated. You three played them to create the best commercial you could have possibly ever made." Mandy smiled and said, "You got that right. Plus all the news will be about the discovery tonight. Everyone will want to go to the web site."

Kelly said, "Rose, any more like you at home?" Rose said, "Just us. Use the web site to find someone. We are a perfect match and it's like nothing you can possibly imagine. Megan and I fell completely in love from the instant we met. We have the same interests and the same hobbies."

Chris went over to Kelly, Jennifer, and Margi and walked them to the other side of the room. She said softly and echoed it into my mind, "Come with me and Roberta into our lab at the vacation house. Just keep this quite." Chris smiled at me and displaced back to the house as we sat in my office having a cigarette.

Mandy leaned on me and said, "What was that all about?" I said, "Chris is playing match maker again with the ID database." Mandy smiled and said, "We'll probably have a few more weddings when we get back."

I said, "How about we move this to the house. I planned on a catered dinner tonight for your family also. Rose your Mom and step mom and staying with us tonight also. Everyone else is coming in the morning." Cary said, "Let me do the driving this time."

She displaced us all back to the house and I said to Mandy, "I'm going to check on the match maker." I went into the lab and Chris was matching employees to Kelly and Kelly said, "Mom, Look at this. Wow! She is combined like me, is 24 years old, is absolutely gorgeous, and is in A&R. She's single and also plays in a band part time. We match as a perfect eleven."

I said, "Ask Karen if she knows her and what she's like first. What we're doing with this database is really not right. Don't let anyone know about this. Ever!" Chris said, "Chill out. We're narrowing down the field to people we know will be good for them. I hooked up Megan and Alicia and it's like magic for them. You know that we're all different. We have way to much money, are smarter than 99.9999 percent of the people, and are all driven with a passion, just like you. Do you really think they will find someone in the general population that has half the qualities of what's in this database? We only hire the cream of the crop for these positions." I said, "Still, keep it quite. How pissed off would you be if you found out someone was looking through your personnel file?" Chris said, "You have a point. We'll keep this to ourselves. Okay Kelly, we need an excuse for you to meet her. I got an idea. Read my mind."

I stayed and read Chris's mind as said into Karen's mind, "Hi it's Chris. I had a question. Kelly saw someone we think works for you. Her name is Tracy Edmonds. Is she in A&R?" Karen said, "Yeah. She's just like Kelly actually. Great musician and real bright. Funny you should ask, I was going to have her handle some of the Destiny stuff." Chris said back, "Kelly has a crush on her." I heard Karen laughing in Chris's mind and Karen said, "I gave her Destiny because she has a crush on Kelly and keeps bugging me about it. I'm having a meeting with her in 5 minutes. Have Kelly join me at the office." Chris said, "Will do."

I said, "That was very clever. I won't doubt you again. Kelly, good luck." She ran up to me and hugged me saying, "There may be one more for dinner." I walked back to the den and Mandy said, "Well?" I blocked our minds from everyone and I told her what happened and she laughed. She said, "Chris is amazing sometimes."

The doorbell rang and Eva answered it. Rose said, "Hi Mom. We're in here." Mary and Trisha walked into the den and Mandy and I got up and hugged them both. Mary said, "What a house. This is your vacation home?" I said, "Yeah. Want a tour?" Mandy said, "Rose you stay here with Megan, we'll show them around." I said, "Eva, put their bags in one of the unused suites in the west wing and make sure they have clean sheets and towels."

I said, "First one of our favorite vacation world drinks, and then the tour." Mandy handed them each a drink and we took them around the house. We went into the ballroom and Mary said, "My God this is huge. How many people can it fit?" Mandy said, "With tables for a dinner and leaving a dance floor about 1,800. We've had 4,000 in here in just chairs for a conference." Mary said, "No wonder they wanted it here." I said, "Lets go upstairs first and we'll show you your room." We took them on a full tour of the house and they fell in love with the stone tubs in the bathrooms. I said, "They're Jacuzzi's. Take a bath together tonight." We went to the main level and we showed them all the rooms and the studios. Then the lower level and we went out to the lower level of the veranda and walked around the grounds. I said, "Past the pool is a great golf course that we play at, and one the other side is the ocean. That's our boat that we are all taking on the trip starting tomorrow afternoon following the wedding." Mary said, "How big is it?" Mandy said, "It has 12 double cabins and is 58 feet. Lets go back inside, they probably think we got lost."

We went back inside and the crew was all there. I kissed my mom and Margi, Mandy's mom, Alice, and at least fifteen others. Melissa and Jody, and Janice and Karen came in and all of their kids who were all over Megan and Alicia. Mandy said, "Caterer's here." I said, "I got it." I told the caterer where to set up and went back to the group.

We all joked and talked for a few hours. Kelly came back with a new friend and she introduced her to me as Tracy Edmonds. I knew in an instant Kelly was in love. Mandy saw it too and said into my mind, "I don't believe it. Good for her." Margi and Jennifer were busting Kelly's chops and Chris stopped them and said, "Remember what we said? You get introduced tomorrow."

I lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "It looks like everyone is here. Lets get them out on the veranda and make our speech and toast. You have the cards?" I said, "They're in the study. I'll get them."

Mandy got everyone together to go outside and I ran into the study to get the cards. We sat at a head table with the newly weds with Mary and Trisha. After everyone sat down Mandy and I stood up and I said, "We wanted welcome everyone here for a very joyous occasion. Today we are gaining two more daughters. Mandy and I want to wish them the most happiness possible along with peace and love forever. Years ago we started giving stock and money to our children. We both figured what good is it, if you can't share it with those that you love. Today, we are starting a new tradition by giving our newly weds a part of a very privately held corporation that Mandy and I started, which all of our children and grand children will also get a sizable share in. Mandy, hand the envelops to them."

Mandy said, "Megan and Rose, Alicia and Cary, this will provide you and your children, and your children's children all the security you will ever need. Plus we felt it was time to share in the last thing that Jen and I held private. Open it." They opened it and Rose said, "Holy Shit!" She ran up to us and kissed us both and so did Megan, Alicia, and Cary. Megan said, "Can I read everyone the card?" I said, "Sure." Megan said, "We thought you needed a little banking in your future since you all seem to have everything else. Megan and Rose you now own 10 percent of MJIC corporation, and also the entire reserve that supports the planets, economies, and banks. Since you can't spend the money from here frivolously, we thought you should have some loose change for a rainy day. Enjoy it all. By the way there really are 12 zeros on that check."

Everyone stood and cheered as the kids were smiling from ear to ear. I said, "Tonight it's a choice of seven great dishes, anything you want to drink, and a surprise band. Enjoy it and please raise your glass in a toast to the couples." Everyone said, "Here, here" and drank. The four of them downed the drinks and we all cheered.

We sat down and Mary said, "That was one nice gift." Mandy said, "We want to make sure that money is never a problem for them. They're are enough problems in life without that being part of it." Mary said, "What are they wearing tomorrow?" Mandy said, "I have no clue. I guess whatever they want. I don't know if they are in gowns, or shorts? As long as they are happy, that's all that counts. I'll find out." Mandy walked to the end of the table and knelt down talking to all of them and then walked back to sit down. She said, "They already picked out gowns and are set to go."

The dinner went great and so did the surprise band thing. Karen had all of the equipment set up by the roadies on the far side of the veranda during the day and when the sun went down I stood and said, "Now for the surprise. This is for Mary and Trisha. Rose and Cary told us how much you like some of the bands, so we have them all here to party with us tonight. Each group is doing a few tunes including us. First up is Little Willie so why don't we all move to the stage area."

We watched Karen, Kathy, Jamie, and Gerri play three new tunes and then each band do the same thing. Rose and Cary played with Destiny and Mary was screaming. Mary and Trisha were completely star struck as we went on the stage and did three tunes also. We all had a blast and were half drunk. Mandy said into the mic, "Thanks everyone for playing. Now lets do some serious partying."


We partied until 2 in the morning. Kelly was so in love with her newfound love, Tracy, it was amazing. The two of them held each other the whole night. At 2 AM Mandy said, "We have a wedding here in 8 hours everyone. You are all welcome to stay up and party as long as you like, but Jen and I are calling it a night."

Mandy and I said our goodnights and so did Mary and Trisha. We watched Megan and Rose go up to the Megan's room, Alicia and Cary go to Alicia's room, and Kelly and Tracy go to Kelly's room, as we went into our room.

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Honey, I want to kiss you all over. That was so nice." I said, "I hope we didn't make Mary and Trisha feel bad by us giving the kids that much money." Mandy said, "Who cares. They're our kids." I said, "Oh yeah" and we both laughed. We undressed and I lit a cigarette, as we lay in bed leaning against the headboard. I said, "Kelly is so head over heels about Tracy. It's just like Megan and Alicia." Mandy kissed me and said, "I want to think about us tonight. Just us."

I kissed her and me lay against each other naked with our breasts touching. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "I can't wait to take that boat cruise with you. That will be so much fun." I kissed Mandy's neck and she said, "Lower." I kissed again she said, "Lower." She pushed my head to her breast and said, "There lower." She giggled and I licked her nipple and sucked it gently as she moaned softly. I lifted my head and she held the cigarette to my lips to take a drag and then I went back to licking her nipple again and she was moaning softly.

Mandy lifted up my head and handed me the cigarette, as she licked my nipples. I was tingling all over. I took a final drag of the cigarette and put it out, as I lifted her head up and gave her a big wet sloppy kiss. Mandy licked my lips and then said, "I want to fuck like we did last night. Jen. I was so hot I could have caught on fire."

We turned into combined couples and I lay on top of Mandy. We slid our bodies over each other caressing and then pushed our cocks into each other's pussy. We were both so into it and slid our bodies on each other moving slowly in and out as we made our cocks bigger. Mandy and I kissed as she wrapped her arms and legs around me, and rolled us on our side. We fucked like wild rabbits for four hours. We both shot our cum five times and were exhausted.

Mandy was breathing heaving into my ear and said, "I want to lick you so bad." Mandy separated us and then moved into a 69 position with me on our sides. We sucked and licked each other's pussy for about 20 minutes swallowing all of our cum and having one orgasm after the other. My pussy was throbbing and spraying juices nonstop. Mandy crawled over to lay with me again and turned us back into couples. She moved her body to interlock with mine and we both shot our cum within a minute of sliding into each other. My cock pulsated and spasmed to where I felt it in my ass. I squirted into Mandy as she squirted into me. We lay still for a minute and then both fell asleep as we finishing cumming.

The alarm went off a 7 and we both opened one eye. I reached over to turn in off and said, "That was a great dream we had." Mandy smiled and reached over me to get a cigarette and lit it. She took a drag and pushed her cock into me all the way and I half closed my eyes. She smiled and said, "Honey, I am still so horny." I took a drag of the cigarette and pushed back into her a few times and she moaned softly and kissed me. We shared the cigarette and then really fucked out brains out again. We both blasted off together and moaned into each other's mouth as we kissed. I said, "We need to get up." Mandy put her hand on my face and said, "Jen, today is such a great day for us and two of our children. Lets make it as special for them as we can." We kissed with such passion and then got out of bed. We were both so tired and I said, "We could have really used about 7 hours of sleep." Mandy said, "We'll sleep on the boat." I said, "Are you kidding? My guess is we sleep less than 3 hours a night all week." She laughed and said, "Yeah, you're probably right."

We showered, cleaned up and put on our make up. Mandy said, "Now for the gowns. Stand with me by the mirror." Mandy made gowns for us and we did it four times until we found the right one. I said, "Sexy but elegant. Lets wear some of the nice jewelry."

We looked great and went down stairs for breakfast. Mary and Trisha were in the kitchen and had made some breakfast and said, "There's some left." I said, "We'll make fresh. We cheat. Watch." I made us breakfast in my mind and fresh coffee. We sat and Mary said, "We knew you had powers, but never knew you could do that." I said, "That was the flashy stuff" and they laughed. I said, "Anyone else up yet?" Mary shook her head no and I said, "Time to wake them up in a few minutes." Mandy called them in their minds and I heard them all complaining about wanting to stay in bed. Mandy said, "I bet they're getting up right now so excited about getting married." I heard in my mind, "Okay, we're getting up."

We finished our breakfast and had some coffee and a cigarette as we watched a little of the headline news in the kitchen. We saw us all over it and Megan, Alicia, Rose, and Cary. Mary said, "They became instant celebrities. Hope they can handle it." I said, "It's get easy after a while. You just ignore it." Mandy told me we knew when we finally made it in life when reporters were following us into the bathroom to ask us questions." Mary said, "How could you take it?" Mandy said, "We lost our cool a few times with them, and then they backed off. Now they respect us and will respect the kids too. Most of them work for a company that we own, so it's real easy to fix it if someone is out of line." Mary laughed and said, "That's one way to handle it."

Roberta and Chris came into the kitchen and Chris said, "We checked the web stats from the wireless in our room and you won't believe the numbers. Over 27 million people are registered and another 16 million have used the love fix stuff and ordered drugs." Mary said, "Does it really work?" Chris said, "Both of you come with me. It takes about 5 minutes." Mandy said, "I'll go help them get ready. Can you make sure Eve and Eva take pictures of everything with the digital cameras?" Mandy got up and I went over to Eve and Eva in the laundry area and said, "These are two digital cameras. Do you know how to use them?" Eve said, "Yes, it was in our programming." I said, "Please take as many pictures as you can of the ceremony, Megan, Alicia, Rose, and Cary, as well as the guests. Just please don't disrupt the ceremony." Eve said, "We will be very careful and try not to be noticed."

Mandy came back down and said, "Jen, they all look gorgeous. You walk Megan to the platform, and I'll walk Alicia." Eve and Adam displaced into the kitchen and she said, "10 minutes to spare. Wow, you two look great." I said, "Thanks. Lets see if the guests are all here?" I looked outside and the chairs were mostly full and I said, "Looks like it." Kelly and Tracy came downstairs and Kelly was glowing and so was Tracy. I said in Kelly's mind, "You look great today. Tracy definitely agrees with you. Kelly hugged me and said into my mind, "Mom, I really am in love with her and she feels the same way about me." I said back, "I know."

I said, "There's still time for a quick breakfast if you want some." Kelly and Tracy were picking some food out of serving plate and she said, "We can eat later. Lets watch the ceremony."

Mary and Trisha came back in with Chris and Roberta. Chris said into our minds, "Perfect elevens now." We smiled and tried not to laugh.

The kids came downstairs and they looked beautiful. I said, "Very nice. You ready to be escorted outside by four parents?" Megan smiled and said, "Ready when you are." Eva was taking our pictures the whole time. Mandy and I escorted them, along with Mary and Trisha to the platform for the ceremony. I said into Mandy's mind, "The service we hired did a great job. This looks terrific." She said, "I know honey."

We all stopped at the red carpeted alter on the platform and Mandy and I held hands and stood back to one side and Mary and Trish stood to the other holding hands. Eve had Adam next to her and said, "I have been doing this for a very, very long time. Somewhere around 7 billion years, but who's counting. Adam will tell you that I lost a few billion in there somewhere. He thinks it's senility." Everyone giggled and Eve said, "I can honestly say that marrying Megan to Rose and Alicia to Cary, is the one of the best ceremonies of all of them. I have gotten to know Megan and Alicia quite well, and they are incredible. From what I can tell in the short time I spent with Rose and Cary, they are cut from the same mold and they are made for each other. Each of you, please answer the questions that I ask."

Eve put her hand on Rose's forehead and said, "Rose Adams you look ravishing today. Do you take Megan Edwards to be your partner in marriage until death do you part and promise to love and cherish her always?" Rose said, "I do."

Eve repeated the vows for each one of them and then said, "I know that you will honor the promises you just made to me and to everyone in his audience. You have shown your ability to respect human life and now you know the true meaning of love. I pronounce you married under my eyes. You can kiss now, and a lot more than that too." They all kissed passionately as Mandy and I had tears in our eyes.

They all turned around and faced the audience and Megan said, "1, 2, 3". They threw their bouquets of flowers and as luck would have it, Kelly caught one, Margi caught one, Jennifer caught one, and one of the workers we hired caught the fourth. Everyone laughed and clapped. We all stood and Eve said, "I do believe the party is now in session."

The party was definitely in session. It started with a champaign toast and then got routy. We had a dinner band play and everyone danced. Mandy and I loved it. Mary and Trisha were all over each other and Mary said, "The web site really does work. What a feeling. I thought it was just bullshit marketing stuff. You two really did figure out what love is." I said, "We never lie about what we discover or science. Everything we have produced is real and works. If it doesn't work, we never put it on the market. That's why we have been so successful."

Kelly and Tracy were dancing next to us and were so into each other. They kissed each other over and over again, as Mandy gave me a great sloppy kiss. We each danced with the kids and wished them the best of luck always. It was about 1 and Mandy went to a microphone and said, "We have lunch being served at the tables on the lower level and some special entertainment for all of you. Megan, Rose, Cary, and Alicia, I hope you forgive us for this one, but it should be funny."

We all went to the lower level and sat with Eve, Adam, Julie, and Kathy at a table. A comedian came out with microphone and I said to Mandy, "They're going to kill us for this one." The comedian said, "That was a great wedding. I'm not here to toast you, I'm here to roast you."

This guy spent 45 minutes telling one joke after the about the four of them. We laughed so hard my sides hurt. He found stuff out about Rose and Cary at work that was priceless. He ended with, "I want you to understand that was all meant to be in fun. All of us need to laugh at ourselves from time to time, and today your time was up. I sincerely wish you a happy and loving life together, all of you. Thank you everyone." We all stood and clapped for him. The four newlyweds walked over to us and Megan said, "Thanks. That was different. How in the world did he get that information?" I said, "I have no idea. We didn't tell him anything." I lit a cigarette and Megan took a drag of it and so did Rose. I said, "Take the pack if you want it. I'll get another from inside." Megan said, "Thanks." I motioned Eva over and told her to get us a pack of cigarettes.

The lunch was served along with more drinks. Chris said to me, "Margi is being introduced to someone today also. I hooked her up with an eleven. Next is my kid." I said to Margi, "Have fun. We probably won't see you until after we get back. Call us if you need anything." Margi hugged us both and said, "Thanks for everything."

We spent the next several hours dancing again and having fun until the cake was delivered and rolled out onto the veranda. We had a little cake cutting ceremony and they all feed each other. Mandy said into my mind, "I bet that would taste great out of your pussy honey." I said back, "I was thinking the same thing. Lets put some in the frig on the boat." Mandy laughed and then she said, "Julie, we all packed on the boat?" Julie said, "All set. We can leave whenever everyone's ready."

I got up and walked to the table with Megan and said, "We can leave on the boat whenever you want. Just let us know when. We should go by 6 at the latest so we can anchor somewhere to sleep for the night." Megan said, "Give us about a half hour to say goodbye to everyone." I said, "Take your time. Just let us know when." Megan, Rose, Alicia, and Cary all made the rounds to each table and joked with everyone. When they got to Kelly and Tracy they all laughed and Kelly said, "What?" Megan said, "Kelly, go back to what you were doing. We'll see you when we get back." Kelly went back to kissing Tracy and holding her with her arms around her.

About a half hour later Megan said, "We're ready if you are. We just need to go get changed. Julie, did Eva get our bags on the boat also?" Julie said, "It's all there and waiting." They went inside to change and I said, "I think we need to do the same thing." Mandy and I went inside to change and we all came back out with our cut off shorts, tee shirts, and flip flops. I said, "Everyone can stay as long as you like. We're leaving on the boat for a week trip and we'll see you all when we get back." Everyone walked down to the dock and the boat with us. Mary and Trish were crying as Rose and Cary got on the boat. I untied the lead line and pushed us off, as Julie started the engines and drove us out down the shoreline. We went up to the bridge and Julie said, "We should stop at the marina to top up the tanks. It's only 3 minutes away. So Megan, that was one terrific ceremony. I hope you and Rose and happy forever. You too Alicia. You and Cary look great together."

We pulled into the marina and topped off the fuel and also got a spare 80 gallon drum loaded, and the empty one removed. I said, "Now we're off. What heading Kathy?" Kathy said, "Head straight east and then we'll look at the charts tomorrow." Kathy checked the weather advisories and it was clear all the way. Mandy stood behind me and put her arms around me as I steered the boat. She said, "I love being out here with you so much." I said, "This is terrific. The salt air feels so good with the breeze." I lit a cigarette and took a drag, as Mandy held the wheel. I checked the heading, marked it, and set it on auto pilot. I said, "We can do what ever we want but someone has to stay here in case we approach another boat or something. It's on autopilot." Kate said, "Judy and I will take over for a while. You two go get some rest. You look exhausted." Mandy said, "If we close our eyes we will be out all night. Well stay up for a while until we stop for the night. Jen, lets relax on the deck."

Mandy and I went on the rear deck, took out two blankets and a pillow, and lay down against the inside of the boat. We kissed each other and both were sound asleep in seconds.

Julie woke us up by softly touching our faces. I opened my eyes and it was dark outside with the boat lights on and Julie said, "You two want to join the living again? You slept for 5 hours and we stopped for the night." Mandy and I sat up and Julie handed us two of our favorite drinks. We each took a sip and Mandy said, "Not bad. Wow, was I tired." Everyone started clapping for us and I said, "Even superman had to sleep sometime." Mandy was laughing and put hers arms around me saying, "So superhuman, think we can fuck for another 8 hours nonstop again?" Kate said, "You did it for 8 hours straight?" I smiled and said, "Two nights ago and then last night for 5."

Everyone gave us another round of applause and Megan said, "This why they call Jen the inventor of Modern sex." I said, "It think SexMed may have had something to do with that rumor." Cary said, "That's right. You invented SexMed. How cool is this." I said, "And Chris discovered Combined by putting the drug on a microwave pizza that we all ate." They all laughed and I said, "I swear it's true. Chris and Allison were goofing around and cooked some of the drugs on a pizza." Julie was laughing and said, "Do I remember that night. What a trip that was. Better than LSD." I said, "A lot of the discoveries have been by accident, and we had some great ones. The miracle drug. Kathy tried a new formula total untested on the dogs, Ruffles and Snuffy. There were both completed frozen solid from a blizzard and were clinically dead. The drug revived them and we had no clue why. We did figure it out, or I should say Kathy figured it out, but almost all of the great ones were by some accident. We found out it worked on humans when we used it to revive Gerri. At the time he was in a horrible car accident and died on the table in the ER. We used it after he was pronounced dead to bring him back as a last ditch hope."

Mandy said, "Rose, for almost every great thing we accomplish there are ten really not so great ones that went nowhere, and the great ones are mostly unplanned. Some of the recent ones were done right; like the history of life, the androids, the games, and a few others, but most of them start out as screw ups. Then we figure out what we have and take advantage of it." Rose and Cary were laughing and Rose said, "The Love Potent was a total screw up. We were actually started out making a cosmetology drug and we all got sex crazed during the process. Then we isolated what caused it." I said, "Bet you didn't know that Megan will go down in history as the one who invented the most versatile compound for tires. They even use it all of the new racing tires. It's the first batch of the android skin."

We all were laughing and having drink after drink talking about all of the fuck ups. Mandy was leaning on me and she took a drag of her cigarette blowing the smoke out towards my ear, and then she licked my ear giggling. She whispered, "I want to give the inventor of modern sex, some of my modern sex." Mandy kissed me and then handed me the cigarette. I took a drag as she unsnapped my blue jean shorts and pulled them down, along with my panties. Julie said, "Oh shit. They're at it again." Mandy was half trashed and said, "Jen needs a lesson in modern sex. This is my famous blow fuck job. Watch carefully." Everyone was laughing as Mandy sucked my cock into her mouth and fingered my pussy with her finger that she made the size of a cock. I leaned back further holding her head softly, as she sucked my cock into her throat and moved her head up and down, while fucking my pussy with her finger. I moaned softly, as Mandy was bobbing on me and really getting into it. Julie said, "Damn that's hot."

I reached one hand to Mandy's shorts and unsnapped them also, yanking them down to her knees as she knelt next to me. I pulled her panties down also and she had a huge hardon. I moved us a little as I bent forward to suck her cock into my mouth and fingered her pussy. Mandy pulled her shorts off as we moved into a 69 position and really went crazy on each other. She said into my mind, "I am so hot. Shoot into me baby. I want to swallow all of it."

We bobbed our heads on each other's shaft and fingered fucked each other's cunt. I was rubbing Mandy's shaft as I sucked the mushroom tip and she was so close to blasting off. I rubbed her G-spot and she started by making a grunting noise and then jerked up into my face. Her pussy orgasmed and spray juices on my hand and then her cock pulsated in my mouth, spitting a stream on warm cum onto my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Mandy squirt more again in my mouth and then I let loose. My pussy twinged and I felt my cock get rock hard as it spasmed into Mandy's mouth. I shot a river and she sucked it into her throat, as I squirted again and again, and my pussy twinged spraying more juices. We both swallowed and then Mandy sat up smiling saying, "Jen, that was your first lesson of the trip. When we go into our cabin, I'm going to teach you to make a Mandy sandwich."

I couldn't stop laughing and Mandy kissed me with cum dripping on her chin. Julie handed us each another drink and everyone clapped for Mandy's excellent teaching skills. I heard Cary say to Alicia, "Your parents are so incredible. They're worse than we are." Megan said, "Much worse. So is everyone in the Guardians. Trust me, we are like saints."

After a few more drinks we were all smashed and having sex in a pile on the deck. I made a Mandy sandwich with her in the middle and Kate and Judy fucking our asses. Mandy called it a triple-decker. Megan and Rose were so into each other, and so were Cary and Alicia, we all watched them and gave them pointers. They laughed at us for over a half hour. We all crawled down the stairs into our cabins and tried to rock the boat by fucking in tempo. We kept hearing Megan say, "Left side up now." Mandy and I laughed so much our sides hurt. We made ourselves into combined couples and fucked like wild rabbits for a few hours and then fell asleep in each other's arms.


We woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee coming from the galley. The sun was shining through our portal windows on the east side of the boat and the sea breeze coming in was intoxicating. Mandy pushed into me gently and I moved into her also. She said, "Oh honey, we were so out of control last night." I said, "Mandy, you were priceless. You taught me how to have modern sex on the deck." She was laughing and said, "I remember that part. You gave me a fantastic blowjob. Baby, I am so in love with you." We kissed and fucked slowly, sliding our bodies against each other, and making our cocks go all the way to each other's pussy. I said, "I'm cumming already. Hold me." I jerked and spasmed as I shot my load of cum into Mandy and she jerked and shot into me as soon as I finished. We lay interlocked, sloshing in each other's cum. I reached for a cigarette a lit it, taking a deep drag. Mandy put it in her lips and took a drag, as we watched Kate and Judy on the deck through the windows. I said, "Shower or swimming?" Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and handed it to me saying, "Lets go in for a swim and then get cleaned up. We're slumming it on this trip. Frizzy hair in all."

We finished the cigarette and separated, changing back to our combined selves. Mandy said, "Grab two towels and lets just dive off the deck." I took two towels and we walked up on the rear deck naked, as Megan and Rose waved to us from the kitchen. We put our towels down and dove off the side of the boat into the clear light blue green water. We both made ourselves gills and swam under the boat and explored a little. Mandy pointed down and said into my mind, "Another ship wreck. Let's check it out." We swam down about 50 feet and I noticed the name on the boat. I said into Mandy's mind, "It was on the news last month that this ship was lost. We should report the position to the coast guard." We swam around a little more and found some dolphins that were playing. They swam up to us and gave us a ride for a while, and then we went back to the boat. We got out on the water level platform and dried off. I said, "Kathy, report our position to the coast guard. We found that ship that was on news reported missing, "The Golden Boy". It's about 50 feet straight down."

Mandy said, "Stay still honey." She made vacation world outfits on us and I said, "I like the color choice. Lets get some breakfast." We went into the galley and had some breakfast. Julie yelled, "We're starting out. Everyone on the boat?" I yelled, "We're here", and we heard everyone yell. We heard the engines start and we were moving again. Kathy came into the galley and turned on the small portable TV we had on the boat. She said, "Lets see the news before we're out of range."

We watched a little of the news as we ate and we all laughed hysterically. In the two days that our "Soul Mate" web site has been up, marriages hit a new record on earth, and three other planets. The commentator said, "Most of us thought that this was just some sort of marketing scam. I can say from personal experience that it's very real and it works like you can't possible imagine. They really did discover the essence of love and why we love each other. We should never have doubted the geniuses at SolarNational."

Kate said, "We're going to run some fishing lines while we travel and see what we catch. Maybe will get something for dinner." Mandy said, "Use the small bait so we don't get something too big to cook on the boat." We finished our breakfast and had some coffee with a cigarette. I said, "This is so relaxing. Lets vegg out on the front deck lying in the sun today." Mandy took my hand as we walked to the front of the boat and took out a blanket from a compartment and a pillow. She laid the blanket out on the deck and we both lay down facing the sun, sharing the pillow. I said, "I love the sea breeze. Lets loose the outfits and just wear a bikini brief that covers our cocks and pussy from the sun." Mandy smiled and I changed our cloths with my mind. We lay together and enjoyed it for a few hours.

Cary brought us out some of our favorite drinks and we smiled. I said, "You looking for a repeat of last night's show?" She said, "You were so funny and sexy. Kathy said to tell you that we will be at one of the islands in about 2 hours." I said, "Thanks. Ask her if she wants us to take over at the bridge for a while."

I lit a cigarette and sat up with Mandy. She said, "Jen, look how crystal clear and light blue green the water is here. It's beautiful." We sat next to the rail on the side and looked at the water going by and could see down at least 80 feet. Cary came back and said, "Kathy said she'd like it if you could take over for a while." I said, "We're driving."

Mandy and I went to the bridge and took over. Kathy said, "Just keep the current course and we'll see the island in a little while. It's got huge cliffs and an old volcano. You can't miss it." I said, "The lost dinosaur island of.." Mandy said, "Jen, we watch too many old movies. I was going to say the Island of Doctor Morrow and the house of pain." We both laughed and I said, "That was the double feature we rented. I still like those grade B horror flicks. Hey, look at the fish finder." Mandy yelled out to the back deck, "Lots of fish at 30 feet." We watched Kate and Judy reeling in a fish, and Jody and Melissa getting a bite. I said, "Dinner is here. Maybe we can get some crabs at the island to go with it."

We had a blast jerking around. Mandy put her arms around me from behind and cupped my bare breasts with her hands. She had her head leaning on my shoulder and said, "Jen, why in the fuck are we still working?" I said, "Because every time we try to retire, we get talked into staying in a new role that is worse than the last one. Face it, we both love it. Oooo, rub my other nipple honey. That feels so good." Mandy giggled and said, "I'll do them both at once. How's that?" I said into her mind, "Pretty soon I'm going to be steering the boat in circles." Mandy held me tighter as she giggled again and rubbed both of my nipples and I was getting hot.

Megan and Rose came up to the bridge and Megan said, "Can we drive for a while?" I said, "Absolutely!" Mandy laughed and Megan saw my hard nipples. She said, "Moms, you two are incredible. Rose, look at them." Rose looked at my nipples and Mandy said, "Want to lick one?" as she held my breasts to Rose's face. Rose licked it and sucked gently as Megan was breathing heavy saying, "Rose, touch me while I drive. That got me so hot watching you do that." Mandy licked my ear and said, "She is just like us."

We stayed on the bridge and talked to Rose and Megan about plans for Rose at work. Megan said, "How about we do a project together? Let's pick one of the new ones that we like." Rose said, "How about what Max and John wants?" Megan said, "We tell Max and John what they want." Mandy and I laughed and I said, "You have to be very careful when you do that. Max has to think it's his idea or he gets upset. Use suggestions, we'll show you how to do it." They giggled and were having a great time.

Mandy stood up and said, "I see it to the left. Wow, is that a huge volcano." I said, "Turn left about 3 degrees on the compass and slow down to half throttle in about another mile. There may be reefs." I yelled, "Hey Kathy, how did you and Julie approach the island?" Julie said, "From the west side. It's too shallow and the waves are too high on the others."

I gave Megan some new directions and she slowed us down and changed to approach from the west. Mandy put her hand on my shoulder and said, "This looks gorgeous." Megan followed an inlet and I said, "Stop the engines and drop anchor here. We'll displace to the beach."

We went down from the bridge and Melissa said, "We caught 8 nice size fish. I could do this for the rest of my life." I said, "Funny how we just said the same thing." Mandy said, "Is this inhabited?" Kathy said, "Nope, just by us. This is the one with the waterfall. Wait until you see it. You'll need some cloths and sneakers."

We were all getting ready to go on shore and Mandy and I heard in our minds, "Hi Mom." I said back, "Hi Kelly. How are things progressing with Tracey." Mandy said, "Hi honey." Kelly said back, "Things are better than great. Tracey and I want to get married when you get back. We are so much in love, we can't stand being away from each other for even a few minutes." I said, "That's great. Have you told Tracey's parents?" Kelly said, "We just did. How would you like a couple of extra stowaways on the boat for a few days?" Mandy said, "Sure. You'll need our coordinates. Let me get them for you." Mandy got a hand held computer we had in the cabin and used the GPS to get our location. She gave Kelly the coordinates and they were on the front deck in seconds.

Megan yelled, "Hi sis. Welcome to our floating party." I said into Kelly's mind, "Does Tracy know about our powers?" Kelly said, "Yeah. Tara helped me explain it all to her and Tara wants me to ask you if it's Okay for her to get the knowledge." I said, "I think it should be. I know you love her, but do you trust her?" Kelly said, "With my life." Mandy said, "Why not go do it all now and displace back to the boat when you're done. It will only be two and half hours here." Kelly hugged us and I asked Tracey the same questions that I asked Rose and Cary. She was so proud of her answers. Kelly said, "We'll be back in a few hours. Bye."

Julie said, "Don't tell me. Another wedding?" I said, "Yup, and my guess is that there will be at least two more before the end of the week." We all displaced to the beach and followed Kathy and Julie on a trail up a steep hill. We got to the top and looked at the most amazing sites. We all were in awe of the towering waterfall, crystal clear lake, and steaming hot springs. Julie said, "Keep watching right there", as she pointed to a bare rock area. We watched for a few minutes and then a geyser erupted and Kathy said, "That is definitely cool. Lets go down to the falls and hot springs."

The walk was easy and we all took off our cloths and walked under the waterfall. We were actually behind the rushing water and it was so loud. Kathy said, "The force of that water is so hard it would probably knock you out. There's a smaller one about a hundred yards around the bend that we came actually go into the water. We dove off of it last time."

We walked to the smaller falls and all went under the water rushing down. It still hurt when it hit you on the head. We all displaced to the top of the falls and Julie dove off first. She swam from the falls and then waved us in. One by one we all dove off of the seventy five foot high cliff next to the falls into the clear water below. Mandy went after me and she popped her head up out of the water and said, "What a rush!" We each did it again and all got fancy. I did a double flip in a pike position and Megan called me a suicidal maniac. Mandy said, "Chill out!"

We all took our cloths and went over to the hot springs. The ground was even hot, so we had to wear our sneakers. Julie said, "Don't go in those, they're boiling. The ones close to the lake are about 110 degrees." We all got into a huge pit of rushing water and it was like a heated Jacuzzi. Mandy and I stood up to our breasts leaning against the rock wall and she said, "Jen, fuck work." I lit up a cigarette and leaned back with her and I said, "I completely agree with you right now. Then we'll change our minds again as usual when we get back and are bored." Mandy was smiling and said, "It was me bugging you to do the Soul Mate project, wasn't it?" I nodded my head and everyone smiled. Rose said to Megan, "Do they really want to retire?" Megan said, "They have been talking about retiring since before I was born. It will never happen."

I said, "I have an idea. Let's displace to the beach after this and catch a few crabs. We can cook them in the boiling springs." Kathy smiled and said, "Jen, you always sees the obvious when no one else can. You'll never retire."

After about 20 minutes we were all sweating and I said, "I'm getting cooked. Anyone for a dive into the lake to cool off?" I helped Mandy out and we dove into the crystal clear lake and it felt so good. Everyone else joined us and we all cooled off. We got out, dressed, and displaced to the beach looking for crabs. There were hundreds and huge. Kate made a net in her mind and had fifteen in it. We displaced back to the hot spring and I said, "Who knows how long to boil them?" Kathy said, "We'll take care of it." They made a long handle on the net and put it in the boiling water. We waited and Kathy said, "All done. Lets head back to the boat and make some butter and garlic sauce."

We displaced back to the boat. Mandy and I set up the folding tables and chairs we had on the rear deck, as Kathy and Julie finished the dinner. Everyone helped carry it out and set it up, as Kelly and Tracy displaced back to the front deck of the boat. I said, "Dinner's ready. You feel any smarter?" Tracey couldn't stop talking about it and we all laughed. I said, "Kelly will teach you how to use all of it."

We all talked to Tracey at dinner as we had crab legs, blues filet, and a great butter and garlic sauce. Tracey said, "I love being in music, just like Kelly. We actually sound alike when we sing. Listen to this." They sang one of the Kelly's songs and we couldn't believe it. We couldn't tell them apart. We all clapped and I said, "You sound great! Do you play any instruments?" Tracey said, "Guitar, keyboards, bass, drums, and a little brass. I like the Sax and also the blues harp." I said, "When all the dust settles all of you should think about the band thing. Rose and Cary are great musicians also. Maybe you could make two bands from the one, and gig together. Mandy and I will help write the material. Kelly said to Tracey, "They only write hits. My parents wrote every single one of our number one hits and we have no clue how they do it over and over again."

Julie said, "Neither do we. They write our tunes, your songs, Jennifer's songs and also a few for Faces with Ellen." Rose said, "Listen to the new one they just wrote. Ready?" Megan pulled her chair back and made a folk guitar and the four of them played and sang the new tune. Kelly and Tracey listened and they loved it. They finished singing and Kelly said, "See what I mean? Mom, how long did it take you to write that?" I looked at Mandy and she said, "We did it in about 15 minutes. We come up with ideas usually in our sleep and the music just comes out. Some start as a shower song. Some are duds and we throw they away or use pieces of them in other tunes." Rose said, "Play one of your duds." Megan handed me the guitar and I said, "Remember this one?" as I played a few chords and Mandy said, "Okay."

We played a verse and a chorus and Rose said, "That's not a dud. Play the verse and chorus again while I do something." We played it again and Rose sang some interesting parts behind us and it really did sound good, then she sang a solo over us during the chorus and we had our eyes wide open. Mandy said into my mind, "She has one hell of a great voice." I said, "Song's yours, you finished it." They were all smiling and we went back to stuffing ourselves on more crab legs.

We told Kelly and Tracey about the island today and they wanted to see it. I said, "Tomorrow morning after breakfast we'll take a short trip back and then we're off again. Kathy, how long a ride is it until the next island?" She said, "Two hours due south, so we need to leave here by noon at the latest if we want to see it."

I made everyone a round of drinks in my mind and Cary said, "My new favorite drink." We toasted to being a beach bum. Mandy laughed and said, "I would love it." We all were drinking just like last night and this time it was Kate and Judy's turn to be the center of attention. Kate said, "We're taking a walk." They stepped out of the boat and walked on the water around the boat and then came back and sat down, and downed another drink. Tracey was hysterically laughing. Kate wanted to play biker babes with us so we did. We did one of our more sexy skits with Melissa being a cop and it ended up in an orgy this time.

Kelly said to Tracey, "My parents are about as wild as it gets. If they haven't done it with sex, it probably can't be done." I said, "You're making us sound like hookers on Adult World?" Everyone was laughing and Mandy said, "Jen, they all saw the pictures of that party honey. We were hookers for three hours. Remember?" I said, "So, it was only three hours. Shit, we invented the fucking place. Someone had to try it all out." Kate was rolling on the deck laughing with Judy. So were Melissa and Jody. Kelly was kissing Tracey and said, "See, they are totally out of their minds." Mandy said to me, "Don't listen to them honey. Their just jealous."

We all drank more and laughed for hours. Then we all got serious and started to make love to our partners. Mandy and I went into our cabin and made passionate love. We shared our minds as energy and went from her body to mine for hours as we fucked like lunatics. After we both shot our cum five times into each other we slowed down and stopped, exhausted. We rolled over so Mandy was on top of me and she said, "Honey, my cock is sloshing inside of you like it's in warm water. I'm so hot still, but I can't move." I rolled us on our side and I said, "Lets take a break. I want to do this all night too." We kissed and licked lips. Mandy reached for a cigarette as she leaned back against a pillow, while we were still interlocked. She lit it with a lighter, and the tip glowed red in the dim lights shining into our cabin from the boat. She took a deep drag and held in the smoke, as she held the cigarette to my lips. I took a drag and then another. She said, "Jen, move into me again slowly." I moved my cock slowly into Mandy as hers went into me deep. We both moaned softly and Mandy kissed me. I took another drag of the cigarette, as I kept moving slowly in and out of Mandy. We were both so hot with passion. Mandy said into my ear, "You have to cum in me again. You have to. Please, I want it so bad. Please honey."

We both slid our bodies slowly on each other while we shared the cigarette. I wanted Mandy to cum inside me too, and she read it in my mind. She kissed me so softly and then we got sloppy and licked each other all over, as we fucked. We both took a final drag of the cigarette and I put it out in an ashtray, as we held each other tight, kissing, and sliding our bodies into one another. We fucked for two more hours and both shot our cum into each other three more times using our powers to get hard again. I was so exhausted I could barely move and Mandy said into my, "Jen honey, sleep like this with me. I love how it feels for both of us when were together. Share your thoughts and lets have a nice dream." We were out cold in seconds and actually wrote two songs in our sleep. We were laughing at each other in our dream as we named one of the tunes "Island Queen." Mandy said to me in our dream, "We're keeping this one. It's about us."

We woke up to watch the sun come up and it felt great. I said, "I think we flooded the bed last night. Want an appetizer before breakfast?" Mandy smiled as I moved to a 69 position and we literally drank the cum out of our pussies. Then we tongue snaked each other to get off again. Mandy sat up and lit a cigarette. She said, "Lets swim again. That was great yesterday." We lay back together sharing the cigarette and I said, "I really do like being an Island Queen. We haven't relaxed like this in a while." Mandy made a folk guitar on the bed and said, "See if the chords match the melody." I moved over a little sitting up and strummed the chords. I played the verse and we sang it and then went into a chorus. I said, "Hit record time." Everyone walked into our cabin half asleep and Julie said, "Play that again." Mandy smiled and we played the whole song. Kate said, "Unfucking believable. I love it." I said, "This one is for us and this one we're not sure about yet." We played the other one that was a good solid rocker and Kelly and Tracey were shaking their asses to the music. I said, "We haven't decided. It depends on how many tunes we still need for the new CD." Kate said, "We only need one." Mandy said, "Kelly, you want that tune?" Kelly screamed, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I said, "Sorry to wake everyone up, but we wrote those in a dream last night and wanted to hear them." Julie said, "Jen, you can wake us up everyday with music like that." I said to Mandy, "I think they like it. Does that mean they liked it?" Everyone was pulling us out of bed and we laughed. I said, "How about breakfast and an early morning island tour again." Kate said, "Our turn to cook." Mandy said, "We're taking a swim."

We had a blast for the next two days. We went to two more islands and were totally out of control every night. On the forth day at about 8 in the morning when we were still having sex, Mandy and I heard in our minds, "Hi Moms." Mandy and I both smiled and we both said back, "Hi Margi. What's up?" Margi said back to us, "I am so totally in love. I want you to meet her because we want to get married." Mandy said into my mind, "Broken record." I giggled and said back to Margi, "Tell us about her." Margi went on for about 20 minutes and gave us a complete family history, pretty much everything. It was the same story as Kelly including having Tara explain about the powers. Margi said, "Jennifer is in love also, and Chris wants to talk to you." Chris said, "How's the boat thing going?" I said, "It's great. So tell us about Jennifer." Chris said, "You already know. It's total love and I can't even get them to be apart for 5 minutes. Looks like a triple wedding when you get back." I said, "You want to do the knowledge transfer for both of them? Just make sure you get their promises first." Chris said, "Will do. Want some extra company on the boat?" We both laughed and Chris said, "How full is it?" I said, "We still have 4 empty cabins. Let us know when your done with the knowledge transfer and we'll give you the coordinates to displace to us."

Mandy was laughing and said, "Oh God, three more weddings." I said, "Think of the bright side of this. We can do it with one huge party. We'll do the triple ceremony the same day as the reception party we planned for Megan and Alicia. The guest list will almost be the same except for the other families." Mandy said, "I like your thinking honey. Now lets finish what they interrupted." Mandy and I slid our bodies together and it felt so good. We kissed and made love to as we shared our thoughts.

We got up and it was our turn to make breakfast. We did it the old fashion way and loved the smell of the bacon cooking. We also made some crab cakes to go with it. When everyone was up for breakfast we broke the news about Margi and Jennifer and they all laughed. I said, "A triple wedding ceremony and then one hell of a reception party. All of you think about what type of entertainment you want. We could make this as big as you want." They were already talking about it. We all finished breakfast and had a cigarette, and then everyone joined us for our morning swim today. Tracey, Rose, and Cary swam with gills yesterday and were now like experts. They also showed us how to do it more efficient for breathing by moving them a little forward on our necks. Mandy said into my mind, "This is scary. They are all brilliant."

We all swam and today we ran into some sharks and we communicated with them. They knew of us from other sharks and swam with us all over. We all combined coupled under water and it was great as we were above some coral reefs. We all floated next to, on top of, and over each other. After we all orgasmed Kathy said into our minds, "Time to get going to the next island. This one is really interesting."

We all got out onto the boat and it was Kate's turn to drive. She set our heading and we had a two hour trip. Mandy and I did our sun bathing thing again and loved vegging out. We fell asleep and Kathy woke us up saying, "We're almost there."


We sat up and lit a cigarette looking at the approaching island. Kathy said, "This one has people but it's like stepping back in time to the 1800s. The food is great, the shops are really neat, and the people are friendly. You need cloths for this one."

We pulled up to a long wooden dock and Kate stopped the engines as Judy tied the boat up. Mandy and I heard Chris saying in our minds, "Got some coordinates for us?" Mandy went to get the computer and gave the coordinates to Chris. We watched them displace to the front deck of the boat. Megan, Alicia, and Kelly yelled, "Hi Sis." Margi looked at me and Mandy and said, "Wow are you sun tan. You both look great!" I said, "Thank you and how about some introductions?" Margi said, "This is Alice and before you say anything, I already told her about grandma." We all laughed and Jennifer said, "This I Amanda." We introduced ourselves gave them all a big hug. Then we introduced everyone else. I said, "Welcome to the most messed up family in the universe. But it is fun. We just docked at a new island we haven't seen yet. Want to join us? Kathy said this one is inhabited and like the 1800s on earth."

We all walked off the boat on the dock and followed Kathy. Mandy and I talked to Alice and I said, "Tell us all about yourself." Alice was a piss and we loved her instantly. Funny, bright, a great personality, so much like Margi. She also was a musician and a scientist in the same area that Margi was doing research in now. Mandy said into my mind, "This is uncanny how this process worked." I smiled at her as we walked. Mandy put her arm around Jennifer and said, "So how is my grand daughter doing and tell me about Amanda." It was like the same story. All of the kids met people that are so identical to them in almost every way. Amada is also a musician and a big fan of Chicks. We watched the two of them sing one of the songs and dance to it as we walked. We all loved it.

I said into our minds, "Make that two bands turning into four." Julie was laughing and said, "Kathy and I got a mind message this morning, and so did Melissa and Jody. Make that lots more weddings."

Kathy led us into a town and it looked like it was from the mid 1800s. We went into so many small shops that had such neat hand made items. Mandy asked a person in one of the shops, "We are just visiting your island. What currency do you take for purchases?" The man said, "We take dollars and plastic just like everyplace else." Kathy looked confused and said, "Last time we were here about a week ago, no one would take a credit card." The man said, "We just had it installed after you asked. No one ever asked about it before. We sent a group to the mainland to get some people here to help us put it in."

Mandy said, "I'll take these seven things" and handed the man her Amex card. He said, "Never leave home without it. Look, we got all of their advertising stuff too. What in the world would I do with this?" We all tried not to laugh as Mandy signed the receipt and the merchant said, "What do I do with this?" Mandy said, "Mail it in to the company." He said, "We don't have any mail here. We have to send someone on a boat to the mainland." Kate said, "We'll fix that for you in a few days. Just hold onto that receipt until we send someone back here next week."

We all smiled and thanked him as we left. I said, "I don't get it. Without any outside visitors, how do they make any money? If everyone only shops locally, they just pass the same money around for one person to the next." Megan was laughing and said, "Probably. What did they do in the settlers towns in early 1800s?"

We walked around for an hour and we all told Kathy and Julie that the other islands were great and this one really sucked. Julie laughed and said, "I told you no one would like it." We went to the dock and I pointed to the sand and said, "Crabs anyone?" We saw huge crabs just under the water and Kate made her net again. We caught about 18 and she tied the net together. She said, "How are we going to cook them?" Mandy said, "I'll do the driving", as she displaced us down to the beach area about 300 yards away. She made a large metal pot in her mind and filled it with water, as I made a fire and a stand for the pot. I said, "Instant Crab Leg dinner." We waited for the water to boil as Mandy helped it a little, and then we put in the net with the Crabs. Kathy said, "We'll take it from here."

Mandy and I walked over to the water and she put her arms around me and said, "This has been the best vacation we ever had." We kissed holding each other as the waves were breaking over our sneakers. Mandy said, "I can't wait to hold you in my arms naked in bed tonight honey." I smiled and Mandy was reading my mind. She laughed and said into my mind, "We can do that. You are so much worse than I am, but I love it."

Kathy called to us that dinner was cooked and we all displaced back to the boat. Kathy said, "We'll do the sauce again. Did everyone like that before?" We all gave her the thumbs up and Julie said, "We're cooking." We had the kids set up the tables and chairs on the back deck, and set the tables. We went into the galley and I said, "Kathy, what's the last island like?" Julie said, "It's the same as the last one. There is one island that we didn't stop at that is off the beaten path. Want to try it?" I said, "Sure. We'll explore it together." Mandy and I helped with the food and these crabs were huge. I said, "We're going to stuffed tonight. Right Mandy?" She said into my mind, "I'll stuff it in your ass like you want honey." I smiled at her and we carried out the food. Cary made everyone one of our favorite drinks and we sat down to eat. Mandy made a toast to the newest couples and we drank. Cary was quick with the refills and we all smiled at her.

Kathy said, "Change of plans for tomorrow. Since you didn't like this island, we're going to an island we haven't been to yet and we have no idea what's there. We need to leave by about 8 AM, as it's a good 4 to 5 hours away. Melissa you and Jody get to drive tomorrow. We'll show you the headings."

We ate and talked to Alice and Amanda some more and also about the reception party. They all we so excited about it. I said to Alice, Amanda, and Tracey, "Can we meet your parents to talk about the ceremony and reception when we get back?" They all said, "You know our parents" and then told us who they were. Mandy and I smiled and she said, "That makes things easy. They're all in the corporate office of SolarNational. Amanda, I had no idea you were the same Amada that sat on my lap when you were three years old and were scared to go to Kids' World for the Grand Opening." Amanda blushed and I said, "Tell me honestly. Do you like your grandmother better as Gerri being a grandmother, or as Gary, being a grandfather?" She said, "Grandmother." We all smiled at her and I said, "Did you tell her about this yet?" Amanda said, "I sure did and she was really happy for us."

Mandy and I must have eaten 8 giant crab legs each and were so stuffed. We also had 4 of our favorite drinks and were feeling no pain. We all had a cigarette and were joking around again. This time it was Melissa and Jody's turn to be the center of attention and they were so smashed. Melissa said, "It's X rated commercial time. We're going to act the commercials and all of you are going to help. These are the ones that we couldn't show on TV." Jody made a pad of paper and two pencils, as her and Melissa wrote down lines for commercials and numbered each piece of paper. Then they folded them in half and handed at least one to everyone. Jody said, "When we announce a number tell us who has it and then we'll cue you to read your lines."

They were doing X rated commercials for everyone and we were dying. Melissa and Jody had all of commercials memorized and these were ones that were never filmed because they were too far over the edge. We had no idea what it would be about until we said our lines with theirs. I had number 8 and my lines were, "over one hundred", "Of course, all the time" and "They asked me to bark like a dog."

Melissa started the commercial about Adult world and I got my cue after Melissa said, "Here's one of our android hookers now. Lets see how business is going. Excuse me Miss, how many people have you sucked off this morning?" I said, "Over one hundred" and everyone laughed. Jody said, "Business is booming at Adult World. Lets find out just how kinky it is. We know that you're equipped to handle sex in any body cavity. Do you do it in the ass?" I said, "Oh course, all the time." Melissa said, "What's the weirdest request someone made of you today?" I said, "They asked me to bark like a dog." Melissa finished the commercial and Mandy was hysterically laughing.

Tracy was in a commercial where she likes to be beaten by an S&M Mistress and Cary and Rose were on a tasting panel for the flavored piss pills. I almost peed in my pants on that one. Cary's lines were, "I don't like it sweet" and "I love it plain when it's warm."

We all had a few more drinks and Melissa and Jody started to demonstrate some of the really sexy commercials. We all got turned on when they started to fuck. Kate and Judy used their powers to put away the tables and chair and we all sat on the deck on blankets watching Melissa and Jody go at it like on the commercials. Mandy and I were on top of each other, caressing, and rubbing, as we watched. I took off my shorts and panties and sat on her hard shaft up my ass, leaning back onto Mandy. She fucked me and fingered my pussy and I was on fire. I said into Mandy's mind, "Make it bigger in my ass honey. Oh yeah, just like that." I was moving myself up and down on her using my legs, and Mandy was moaning softly. Pretty much everyone was having sex and it got quite except for the moans, groans, gasps, and grunts. I fucked my ass up and down on Mandy and she was starting to cum. I felt her cock pulsate into my ass and then shoot a stream into me, as I kept on moving. Mandy held me tight to her as she finished shooting and then I got off of her. I kissed her so sloppy and took her hand as I walked her to our cabin.

We heard everyone go to a cabin, as we went wild on each other. I said into Mandy's mind, "I loved what you did to me outside. Honey, that was so hot." We changed into combined couples and fucked while we both finger fucked the other's ass. I kept begging Mandy to make her finger bigger and she did to the point that I was being stretched. I orgasmed like Niagara Falls from my pussy and could feel her finger rubbing her cock while it was inside of me. We each shot our cum into the other four times and I was so exhausted. I lay against Mandy still interlocked, and I couldn't move.

Mandy slid her body on mine and I said, "I need to rest before I pass out. Just lay still with me like this for a while." Mandy kissed me and smiled. She reached for a cigarette and lit it up taking a deep drag and then held it to my lips. I took a drag and said, "I am so tired and exhausted. Aren't you?" Mandy smiled and said, "Jen, I've been like that for two days now. I couldn't figure out how you were able to keep going." I giggled and said, "One of us had too. It feels too good to stop." I took a drag of the cigarette and blew the smoke out into the air and then took another drag and handed the cigarette to Mandy. She took a drag and said, "Lets get some sleep tonight. We're both running on fumes." We shared the cigarette and then both fell asleep within seconds after we closed our eyes.

We woke up with sun shining in our eyes and a breeze blowing through the cabin portals. The engines were running and we were definitely moving. We kissed and I said, "I feel much better now." Mandy smiled and said, "Me too", as she pushed her hard cock into me and I moaned softly. I slid my body on hers and went deep into her also, pushing her further into me. We both moaned, and then started to fuck again. Twenty minuets later we both blasted off and held each other so tight kissing. I said, "Swim?" She smiled and said, "Bathroom first today." We went into one of the small bathrooms and then Kathy stopped us from diving off the deck. She said, "We're moving way to fast and you couldn't keep up. Take a shower." We went back to a bathroom and took a quick shower one at a time. We dressed in our bikini bottoms and then went into the galley to eat some breakfast.

Megan said, "You were so sound asleep we didn't want to wake you up. We'll be there in about two hours. Last night was so funny. When Julie asked to be gang banged by 500 people I got so hot remembering our birthday party." Mandy said, "So did everyone."

Megan poured us some coffee and Rose walked over to sit with us also. She said, "Is life like this all the time with this family?" I said, "Pretty much. We believe in enjoying ourselves. We work a lot of long hours when we get involved in something interesting, but we also play long hours too." Rose kissed Megan smiling and said, "This is great."

We had a cigarette and watched the ocean spray mist out of the galley portal windows and loved how the sea breeze felt coming in. Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Jen, I absolutely love this. We should have done this before." I said, "The trip, or us making love all night, every night?" Mandy smiled and said, "Both." Kathy and Julie sat down with us also and then took out an action figure game of Crime Solvers and we all played it for the next two hours. Rose and Megan beat us all badly.

Jody yelled to everyone, "Land at 11 O'clock." We all went on deck and looked at the island and Chris said, "Jurassic Park." Mandy said, "Between you and Jen, I'm not renting any more old movies." Chris giggled and said, "Wouldn't it be a piss if it really did have dinosaurs on it?" Melissa and Jody navigated around the whole island until we found a beach that we could get too. The cliffs on the other sides had to be a thousand feet high. Melissa stopped the engines and dropped anchor, as we all put on cloths and sneakers.

We displaced to the beach and started to walk up a pretty steep hill. We traversed across it so we could get up and then we made it to the top, which was a lot like the first island. I said, "This entire island is the top of a volcano. Look at the molten lava pit in the distance." We all walked down into what was once the crater for the volcano and it was now fertile green forest with a lake, a few waterfalls and hot springs. Jody said, "That must be the waterfall we saw coming off one of the smaller cliffs into the ocean."

We stopped at all of it and went for a swim in the lake. The water was so warm. I said, "This is not a good sign. For this lake to get this warm, there has to be lava really close or being released into the bottom somewhere." We stayed in for a while and then got out. We walked under the waterfalls and that water was really cold and it felt great. We goofed off for a while exploring the forest and the further we went towards the open lava area, the hotter the ground became. We had to stop and go back as the bottom of Jody's sneakers we melting. We all laughed about it and told Jody is was her hot sex drive that did it.

We went back to the hill and went back down to be beach. Mandy said, "I didn't realize how hot it was in there. It feels cold out here." We all had the same feeling and Kathy said, "We should probably get out of here. This volcano is still very active." We all displaced to the boat and Julie and Kathy started the engines, raised the anchor and we on our way again. We made our way around the island and we all watched the island get smaller in the distance.

We had to be about 10 miles away when we saw a bright flash of light from the island and then heard a thunderous explosion, as a thick black plume of smoke rose from the center of the island. We could see red streams shooting into the air and then we all felt a rush of wind that had to be over 100 miles an hour push the boat away from the island further. We all hung on to each other and the boat railing, as Julie moved the engines to full speed. We saw what looked like a cloud of black dust approaching and Julie yelled, "I'm displacing all of us on the boat about 10 miles away." She displaced us completely with the boat and we sat watching the eruption from the far distance. It looked like an atom bomb went off. Mandy had her arm around me and said, "Holy shit were we lucky." Everyone was in shock. I said, "That lake was way too warm. We should have left as soon as we found that."

Megan said, "Wow. What an experience. We actually witnessed a major volcanic eruption." We all sat and watched the island explode again and then again from the distance. Julie started the engines and we were moving away from it again. We watched the black dust get smaller in the distance and the air got cooler and the sea breeze picked up a little. Chris said, "Mom, where's the hand held computer you have on the boat?" Mandy said, "It's in our cabin." Chris went to get it and came back on deck. She turned it on and said, "I'm sure the wireless connection will work here, but lets try it."

Chris and Roberta were fooling around for a few minutes and Chris said, "No shit. Look at this. We have the long-range scanners and also the GPS and heat scanners covering all of the planets. Roberta centered the recording on the island that blew. It was over 140 degrees in that carter when we were there. No wonder it felt so hot. Look at the heat from that explosion. We would have been melted instantly. Hey Kathy, cross this island off you list of places to visit for a while." Everyone laughed and Kathy said, "I wonder how the other islands made out. This may trigger a tidal wave. We won't feel it here, as it would have already passed by us."

Chris called to everyone in their minds and said, "There has been a major volcanic eruption on an island on the Vacation World planet. We just made it way in time. We think it may trigger a tidal wave. Someone needs to coordinate getting people away from low lying coastal waters. The resorts should be fine because they are so high up. We're on the boat and we think the wave probably passed us already under water. Have Allison get to the work planet with Kyle to run the software we used to track the tidal waves before."

Kathy gave everyone our exact position, as the boat was lifted up about 30 feet and then went down. Chris said back, "The wave is real it just lifted our boat about 30 feet as a huge swell and we're in about 100 feet of water. Tara said back, "We`re on it. Is everyone okay?" I said back, "We just got a really quick sun tan in the crater before it exploded." We heard Eve say back, "What in the fuck were you doing in the crater?" Mandy said back, "Swimming in a hot springs lake." We heard everyone laughing in our minds and Karen saying, "They are about as nutty as it gets."

Julie had the engines on full throttle and we all watched the island disappear in the distance. I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag as I changed Mandy and my cloths back to our bikini brief bottoms only. She said, "Cool" and took a drag of the cigarette as we leaned against the deck railing. A second and third swell raised the boat again and Chris said, "Oh shit. Three waves. One from each explosion." She was talking to Allison and we all listened into her mind. Tara said to all of us, "You are definitely are in the safest place to be right now. Don't try to come back to land. We're evacuating the six small islands and putting everyone in a ballroom at the resort hotel for now. People are teleporting inland from the low lying areas by the old casino strip. Everything else should be fine." Kathy said back, "We are about 6 hours from home. We'll stop about 50 miles off shore and stay there until after the waves hit." Allison said, "You are going too fast and may catch up to the waves. Slow down the boat." Kathy cut the throttle to about two thirds and yelled to us, "Guess we'll be out here one more night. It's party time gang."

Cary made all of us one of our favorite drinks and toasted, "Here's to being very, very, lucky." We all drank and she refilled everyone's glass using her mind and we all smiled. Julie put the boat on auto pilot and we all played Crime Solvers for about 5 hours in teams of four. Mandy and I were so addicted to this game, but really suck at it. Our team only solved two easy crimes and we were in last place with Kate and Judy.

Kathy went up to stop the engines and said, "Lets stay here for the night. We're about 50 miles off shore." Chris was talking to Allison again and we all listened in. Allison said, "The first wave just hit and it was about 75 feet high. The next two are about 10 minutes behind this one and look to be about the same." Mandy remotely viewed our house with me and we saw the water hit the cliffs and then go back out. Our cement pier was still there for the boat. We also checked Melissa's house and they lost their dock. We couldn't find their boat." Mandy said, "Jody, we can't find your boat and your dock is missing, but the house is fine." Jody said, "I love natural disasters. We finally got rid of that boat and the insurance will cover it. Life is great!" Melissa was laughing and said, "You got that right. We've been trying to sell that piece of shit for almost 6 months now. We want to get one like this."

Mandy viewed the coastline remotely and we saw some of the damage and it wasn't too bad except for the marinas and a few areas that were low by the ocean. She switched back to watch the next set of waves and we saw all of the water being sucked out by our pier and then one wave after the other crash against the cliffs. Our pier was still standing and she smiled at me and said into our minds, "Now aren't you glad that you gave in and let me spend that extra money to do the entire thing in steel reinforced concrete?" I said back, "You were right when you said it would still be standing after a tidal wave. Who would have ever thought?" Mandy viewed more and said into Jody's mind, "We found your boat. It's beached and battered but probably repairable." Jody was so pissed, she used her mind to drag it out to the ocean about a half mile and it sank. We all laughed and Melissa gave her a high five.

I said, "Want to take a swim?" Mandy and I took off our bikini bottoms and dove in off the rail on the deck. Everyone else dove in after us and we swam around exploring. Two of the Mermaids swam up to us and we communicated with them. One of them was hurt from the waves and Kathy healed her. Tracey, Alice, and Amanda were in awe of the mermaids. We swam with them for about a half hour and then we all coupled under water. Megan and Rose were right over our heads and Kelly and Tracey were just below us. Mandy and I held each other softly and shared our thoughts, as we floated making love. We both blasted off at the same time and kissed for almost 10 minutes, floating, and rolling over.

We all separated and swam up to the boat and got out onto the water level platform. I helped Mandy out and we put on our bikini bottoms, as she lit us a cigarette. Cary was handing out drinks again and we all sat on the deck leaning against the railings. Julie said, "It's about time for diner. How about Lobster and Filet Mignon?" Mandy smiled and said, "Lets do it." Julie and Mandy made the diner in their minds and we decided to eat sitting on the deck, with out the tables tonight. We put out a bunch of pillows and everyone got comfortable, as we all ate and talked about how lucky we were today. Everyone was busting Cary's chops to make them more drinks and she was laughing, but loved it.

We finished dinner and Kate turned on the boat lights and said, "I'm doing desert." We all put our plates in a pile and displaced them to the galley and Kate made trays of finger fruits and whipped cream. Megan said, "Rose, now you'll experience the best way to eat fruit" as she put some cherries in her pussy and covered it with whipped cream. All of us eat from each other and had one orgasm after another. I was sucking Mandy's cock and Tracy put blueberries in my pussy with whipped cream and was licking and sucking them out. Mandy watched her and go so hot she blasted her cum into my mouth. I shared it with her and then we both kissed Tracy and Kelly, and they went wild. Our food orgy last about 3 hours and then it turned into what Mandy calls a fuck feast. All of us slept out on the deck and had sex together in a pile. Karen and Janice were fucking my ass and Mandy's as we were interlocked. Then we changed and did their asses while they coupled.

We all paired up again and Mandy and I lay together making love for hours. We started by 69ing each other until our pussies were throbbing so much we couldn't stop spraying our juices into each other's mouth. Then we coupled and fucked until we both shot our cum into each other four times. The last time, Mandy was kissing my ear as we moved into each other and she whispered, "Oh, I'm shooting again honey. I can feel it inside of you. Cum in me again also." She held me so tight as I shot into her a few seconds later and kissed. We put our heads on a pillow and lay together with our faces touching and Mandy lit a cigarette. We looked and everyone else was sound asleep. I smiled and said into Mandy's mind, "Whimps." She started to laugh and I covered her mouth so we wouldn't wake anyone up. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke as we looked up at the stars. Mandy moved into me slowly and it felt so good as her cock sloshed in my soaking wet cunt. She giggled a little and then I moved into her and she gasped as she half closed her eyes and then kissed me. We finished the cigarette and then kissed again. Mandy said into my mind, "Lets sleep and share our dreams." We closed our eyes and were out sold in seconds sharing a dream.

We dreamt that we were watching all of the bands play in a concert, including us, and we heard all new material. We sang along with every song, knowing it, and I kept saying to Mandy, remember this one also. It was like we were just part of the audience but were also on stage.

Julie woke us up and said, "You were both singing in your sleep. Great tune. Breakfast is already made." Mandy looked at me and we into our cabin, made a pad and pen and we started writing down the words and chords to every song we heard. Julie and Kathy came in I said, "Don't break our trend of thought yet." They watched us write down the words and music to 26 tunes and then brought us breakfast into our cabin. Mandy and I ate while we wrote down three more we forgot about. We carried our plates back to the galley and I said, "After we take a quick swim we'll let you hear them."

Mandy and I went up to the deck and dove into the water. We took a quick refreshing swim and she said into my mind, "How in the fuck did we do that?" I said back, "I have no clue. Every one of those songs is solid. Plus we saw how Destiny and Chicks will be split up. Interesting, isn't it?" Mandy said into my mind, "Damn were they good." We got out of the water and dried off. Mandy put our bikini bottoms back on us and I said, "Our breasts are so tan. Look at how dark my nipples are." Mandy looked closely and then licked one. She sucked it softly and I melted. She giggled and said, "Lets play those tunes to see if they sound like we heard them."

We went back into the galley and I made a folk guitar in my mind and we sat at the table. Everyone came in and Mandy said, "We heard all of these in our sleep, plus about 15 more we couldn't remember. Tell us what you think. The first one is for Changes." We played one after the other and told them which band it was for. We smiled at each other the whole time, as we remembered the dream and how they sounded. When we finished Megan said, "They are all hits. But why so many for Destiny and Chicks?" I said, "Because we also saw that there will be four bands out of the two, and we're not telling you any more about it." Chris was laughing and said, "They will bug you nonstop until you tell them now." We all laughed about it and I wouldn't tell. Megan was pleading with me and Mandy was laughing with her head on my shoulder. Kelly said, "This is so unfair. I like all of the songs." Mandy and I just kept our mouths closed and Megan said, "We're all going to read their minds until they slip up."

We slipped and they saw part of the concert that we saw in our dreams. Then we showed them all of it in our minds. All of them were jumping and hugging. Chris said, "I told you so."

Mandy and I went up to the bridge and I started the engines, as she raised the anchor. We made sure no one went in for a swim and we were off. It took us about an hour and a half and we pulled up to our dock and it wasn't damaged at all. Mandy tied off the boat and we all walked up the concrete and metal steps to the house. Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen displaced to their house as Jody said, "Insurance adjuster time!" We all laughed and went inside.


We all sat in the kitchen and I said, "Wedding plans. Today's Sunday. How about next Sunday for the ceremony and the big party? Or we can have a small ceremony here during the week and just the party next weekend." They talked about it and Kelly said, "How about a very, very small ceremony here like today or tomorrow, and then we go all out for the party. We really just want it to be us and family here for the ceremony. No fancy gowns or anything." Mandy said, "You sure?" They all nodded their heads smiling and I said, "Okay. Call you parent's and lets get them over here to talk about the plans for everything."

They all talked to their parents in their minds and then displaced to see them as couples. Mandy and I lit a cigarette and I made us some coffee. Mandy put some cloths on us and I said, "Forgot. I feels so good without them." She smiled and took a drag of her cigarette, as I poured us a cup of hot coffee and Mandy turned on the TV in the kitchen to the news. It was all about the tidal wave and the volcanic eruption. Tara was interviewed and told about how we alerted everyone and that we were almost killed on the island. They showed the people that were evacuated and some were now returning to their homes. Mandy put her hand over mine on the table and said, "Do you realize how fucking lucky we really were? We could have been toast if we stayed another 10 minutes." I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "That one was too close for comfort."

The kids all displaced back and had the parents with them. Chris and Roberta came in also and Mandy said, "Feel like reviving the Dregs?" Justine said, "Maybe. It' been over 35 years since we played on stage. My parents are bugging us about it all the time to play with them a few times a month."

We all knew each other and talked about the ceremony first and the kids really wanted something small today or tomorrow with Mandy, me, or Tara performing the ceremony.

Mandy and I made our presentation to the couples of our gifts and I said, "It's the same as we gave Megan and Alicia. You heard her read the card, and there is one here for each of you. There really are twelve digits on the check for spending money, so don't loose it." They all laughed and then cried as they hugged us.

We invited Megan, Rose, Alicia, and Cary into sit with us and talked about the party. I said, "Why don't you see if your parents can join us also?" Cary displaced to her parents home and was back in 2 minutes with them.

We started by making guest lists from everyone and then listed the entertainment and the food. Mandy wrote down "Something Special" and they all asked and she wouldn't tell them. I said, "Don't bug us like last time. Leave this one for a surprise." They all smiled and agreed.

After about two hours we figured we have about 1,100 people and everyone wanted it in our ballroom in this house starting next Sunday at 4 in the afternoon. They also wanted it formal. Megan called Tara in her mind and said, "Hi Tara. How'd you like to do a quick wedding ceremony this afternoon for Kelly, Margi, and Jennifer?" She answered back, you want it to be just us?" I said, "Big party next Sunday. This is just the ceremony and they want it to be very small and just us."

Melissa interrupted our conversation and said, "I hate to barge in, but can you add 4 more to that list for this afternoon? We can do it all together." We all were laughing and Melissa said, "Both of ours and both of Janice and Karen's. It's amazing." Tara said, "I'll be there in a few minutes. You at the vacation home?" I said, "Yup, and it's all in one piece." She laughed into our minds and said, "You guys are such lunatics."

Melissa and the whole crew displaced over to the kitchen and she introduced the new members of her family and then Janice did the introductions also. We knew the parents also from work. I said, "We have the most incestuous company in the universe." Every was laughing as Tara displaced into the kitchen. Tara said, "Hello everyone. I think I met everybody already. Mandy we have four new members of the group, if you all approve." I said, "Did they make their promises?" Tara said, "I did it myself." I said, "Welcome to the most exclusive club in the universe." They all smiled and Tara said, "You want to do the ceremony now?" They all nodded their heads and I said, "Lets at least go into the living room." Kelly said, "Veranda, overlooking the ocean." Mandy was laughing and said to me, "Nice try."

We all went out on the veranda and Tara started with the ceremony and did them one at a time. Mandy and I cried again, and so did Chris and Roberta when she married Jennifer and Amanda. Melissa and Jody were in tears and hugging, and Janice and Karen were smiling. Megan, Rose, Cary, and Alicia were routing them on along with Kate and Judy. They clapped after each one was married. Tara ended the ceremony by saying, "We have the result of some very special people figuring out how to find your true love and soul mate. I am so happy that you all have. I can see it on your faces and read it in your hearts. I hope you all have a long and happy life together, and share it with me from time to time. Now go have some sex." We laughed as they all kissed again and Tara said, "Did I miss anyone. How about the dogs? They want to get married too? Lets talk party. Come Melissa, all of you guys are part of it too."

Mandy and I hugged her and we all went into the kitchen to talk about the party. After another hour we were up to 1,450 guests. Tara said, "Lets take one of the resort hotels for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and put everyone up there. We can set up a couple of teleporters to get to your outside entrance for the party." Chris said, "We can do that in about an hour." They all designed the invitation and Chris put it on the computer. We all looked at it. Roberta scanned in the list of names and we added some more identification to them and she ran a match to get everyone's shipping address. We each checked one of the address lists, made a few changes, and Chris sent it through the mail system. Tara made arrangements for 1,300 rooms, just in case there were a lot of singles, or we wanted to add to the list. Megan made the entertainment arrangements and Alicia called the caterer. Mandy called a florist and was laughing when she gave the order as we all heard the woman scream on the other end of the phone. Mandy repeated the flower order again, and gave her our Amex card over the phone. She must have said four times, "I swear it's real. We want all of it for next Sunday."

Everyone hugged and thanked Tara and then they hugged and thanked me, Mandy, and Chris, for making this all possible. I really was touched when the kids all said to us, "You are the best parents in the entire universe."

The kids displaced their parents home and then Melissa and Jody went with the next four to the work planet for the knowledge transfer. Mandy put her arm around me and said, "Lets go for a walk on the beach and see the damage from the tidal wave." Megan said, "Wait for us. I want to see it also."

We all walked to the beach and couldn't believe how much of the land past the beach was washed away. Our beach was fine because of the cliffs, but some of the others were moved inland by almost a 1,000 feet. Melissa's was okay also because of how high the land is around it, which are also rock cliffs. We walked back the other direction and went down about two miles to see debris everywhere on one of the beaches. It all ended up here from the wave. We found nine smashed up boats, two cars, a motorcycle, and tons of furniture broken into bits and pieces. Megan picked up the motorcycle and the handlebars were so bent it looked like a pretzel. We all thought how lucky we were. We use our powers to clean the beach and put everything in one large pile up by the rocks. Alicia said, "I'll call the operations manager to report it when we get back." I said, "Anyone want to take a quick ride to the marina. I want to refuel the boat."

We all walked back to our dock and took the boat down to the marina. The place was a mess with boats smashed all over the place. We docked by the pumps and the manager said, "You have one of the few boats left that's still floating. How'd it survive the wave?" I said, "We were right next to the volcano when it exploded. We rode the wave swells about 400 miles out and then stayed offshore until this morning." He filled us up and we thanked him. I said, "You have another boat like this one available for our friends?" He said, "I can get it in two days if you want it." Mandy said, "They'll want it. We'll give you a call." We took the boat back to our dock and then went back into the house.

Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen came back with the kids and then they all went into the studio. I said, "Guess what they talking about?" We all laughed. We all had a few drinks in the kitchen and then we heard music so we went to the studio live room to listen. They had spilt the two bands into four and asked us to help produce their new sounds. Kate and Judy came into join us and all of us helped them put together the new acts with the new material. They all sounded fantastic.

We ate in the studio and at 2 in the morning Megan's new group just finished a full show performance. I said, "That's two bands down and two to go. You want to keep going or break until tomorrow?" They wanted to keep going, so we did. At 8AM Kate and Judy made us all breakfast and we were half way done with the last band. They also split up the old material so each band would be able to play some it also.

We all ate breakfast in the studio and finished working on the show for the last band. Then it was up to them to rehearse it and perform it. We finished at noon. Everyone was like a zombie and I said, "We'll record tomorrow. Goodnight", as Mandy and I went up to our bedroom. We undressed, cuddled, and passed out.

Mandy woke me up and it was dark outside and in our room. She said, "Baby, lets make love." We kissed and caressed each other and I was so hot. Mandy made us combined couples and we slid our bodies together, interlocking and then moved into each other slowly. We made our cocks bigger and I pushed all the way into Mandy and her cock went all the way into me at the same time. We both moaned holding onto each other, and then got into a rhythm of fucking. We shared our thoughts and merged our minds together, as we made love. We moved as energy into Mandy's body and then into mine, as we orgasmed over and over again. Mandy made her cock wiggle at the tip inside of me using her mind, and I went wild. Then I did it to her also and she had a huge orgasm squeezing me so tight I couldn't breath. We kissed and starred into each other's eyes in the dark room as we made passionate love.

At 4 in the morning we lay exhausted in each other's arms and laughing. Neither one of us could even move to light a cigarette. Mandy rolled us over so we were closer to the nightstand and she lit one up. She took a deep drag and said, "Jen, every time we make love it keeps getting better. I think my entire body had an orgasm." We both laughed as I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "So you liked my new wiggling cock with the bumps on it." Mandy laughed and said, "You made bumps? God did that feel good. Show me in your mind." I showed her and she put them on her cock and moved into me. I had an instant orgasm again" and Mandy laughed as she took a drag of the cigarette. I said, "That's my dinosaur cock." She was laughing and pulled out of me and pushed back in again. We both had another orgasm.

I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy said, "How did you think up this one?" I said, "I don't know. I just thought I'd experiment and see if you liked it. You seemed to love it so I kept going." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and pushed into me slowly. We both slid our bodies on each other slowly and I was on fire. I kissed her so hard and she said, "Now you know what you did to me almost all night." We both took a final drag from the cigarette and I put it out, and then we fucked. I went out of my mind.

My entire body was in spasms and twitched, as we made love and I had one orgasm after the other. Mandy was even worse than me. She was making incoherent noises into my ear, and then said, "Fuck me with your dinosaur cock. Oh my God is this hot." We both blasted off at the same time. I felt Mandy's cock pulsate and every nerve I my pussy was hypersensitive. I felt her move slightly, jerk forward, and then a rush of warm cum hitting my pussy walls. I wanted to scream with pleasure and I think I did. Mandy covered my mouth with her hand as we both slowed down and kissed. We kept going and I wanted all of her inside of me. I was so out of control. We stopped at six in the morning after we both blasted off again and couldn't move a muscle in our bodies. We were both breathing into each other's ear like we ran 20 miles. Mandy started to laugh and said, "Holy shit! This has got to be illegal, even with our new laws." I said, "My entire body is trembling and twitching. I'm so hypersensitive, I can feel your cock just lying inside of me when we're not even moving." Mandy smiled and reached for a cigarette and lit it. She said, "New drug. Dinosaur cock. Melissa and Jody will go crazy with this one."

I took a drag of the cigarette and smiled at Mandy. She said, "Oh fuck, I want to keep going." She took a drag and I said, "We need to sleep for a little bit. I'm really worn out." Mandy laughed and said, "Now that is definitely a first. I'm usually the one who conks out first." We finished the cigarette and lay down together still interlocked, and fell asleep in seconds.

Mandy and I had a continuation of our dream from the boat and we heard over 25 other songs that were played at that concert. We knew them all and were singing along in our dream. This was so weird. We woke up at 9:30 and Mandy took a pad and pen off the dresser and we wrote down all of the tunes. We labeled them by which band they were for and then put them on the dresser and went to take a shower.

I held her and said, "Bathtub adventure?" Mandy smiled and said, "Oh Jen, I am so hot for you." We lay in the shower area and ate each other as we peed. Mandy licked my piss and sucked my cunt into one huge orgasm again, as I did the same thing to her. I tongue snaked her and she went wild. We turned on the shower and sang one of our new tunes that we heard, and Julie and Kathy came into the bathroom and Kathy said, "We like it and it's ours!" We both laughed and I said, "It's ours, and we have some more also." We washed and then got cleaned up. We dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

I had the sheets of paper and everyone was in the studio already. We ate and then had some coffee and a cigarette, sitting with Julie and Kathy. They looked through our stack of paper and Julie said, "Holy shit." I said, "We sang these in a dream. Five of them are ours. The ones we gave then before and these should give each of the kids bands a great new start." Kathy read some of them and said, "The words are great. I wish I could write like this." I said, "If I knew how we did it, I'd show you. We have no clue how we write songs. It kind of just happens."

We took our coffee and the papers to the studio and I said, "Before we record, we wrote some other tunes for all of you and I think some of these may be even better than what you already have. We'll play them for you."

Mandy and I played and sang each song after we announced which band it was for. Then we did the ones for us. Everyone had their mouths hanging open and Megan said, "You just wrote 25 number one hits. Every one of those is a ten million seller at least." I said, "I guess you all want to learn the tunes?" They all laughed and we started with one band at a time.

Jody was smiling the whole time as the kids played. They sounded incredible. As each band got the new four tunes down Jody recorded their entire new CD. We finished with all of the raw recording at 7 and broke for dinner. I said, "What if we release a double CD from Changes and include all of our new material also." Kate said, "Sounds great. Lets record the last set of tunes after we eat."

We had pizza and beer tonight and talked about what the new names of bands were going to be. I said, "Two of the bands should keep Destiny and Chicks. They are so well known why waste it. Everyone recognized Kelly's voice so that should stay Destiny, and Jennifer's voice is the trademark of Chicks." They agreed and then everyone tried to come up with two more names. They settled on, "Lovers and Friends" and "Passion". Then they agreed as to which band was which. We finished our pizza and they all came into the studio to help us record our second CD. We played the new tunes live a few times each and we all loved them and put together one hell of an arrangement of one of them.

We set up for recording and Jody setup the levels, and Megan and Alicia ran the session. We finished it in three hours. Jody said into our minds and Karen's, "We have six new CDs to be re-mixed. Can you take care of it for us? These are all unreal. Mega bucks hits on all of them." Karen said back, "Can I hear the rough mixes?" I said, "Come on over, we're in the studio in our vacation house."

Karen, Kathy, Gerri, and Jamie displaced into the studio and Karen said, "I should have known. You split the bands up. Lets here them." Jody loaded the tunes for Destiny first and said, "This is still Destiny and it's Megan, Rose, Cary, Alicia, Kelly, and Tracey." Jody set the levels from the mix automation and we all listened. Karen smiled and so did everyone. She said, "Damn is that good." We listened to all of it and she said, "Every tune is a single." Jody did it again and said, "This is Lovers and Friends, We have Margi, Alice.." We did this for every band and Karen said, "How in the fuck did you write all of these new songs so fast?" Megan said, "Our parents wrote all of them."

Karen said, "Lets hear the new Changes tape. Jody said, "It's a double CD set." She pressed play and we all listened. Mandy and I loved some of these songs. Jamie said, "These are even better than the other's. Gerri, we have definitely been outclassed here. Jen, feel like writing a few more for us?" Mandy said, "We will. It kind of happens in spurts. Next set of tunes, we'll give them to you guys."

Karen said, "Jody, send the digital copies to the network and I'll get it done tomorrow. These are fantastic." Kathy said, "We'll need new promotional materials for the new bands, plus we'll have to change the action figure sets. We need new contracts also for the new members. I'll have everything set up for you tomorrow." Karen said, "Tracey, instead of managing Destiny, you're now part of it. Congratulations and best of luck always. Good luck to everyone. The music is killer." Gerri and Jamie went over and hugged Amanda and Jennifer and Gerri said, "We are so proud of you." Chris and Roberta hugged everyone also.

Mandy said, "Jen and I feel so left out. We wrote the material and no hugs?" Everyone laughed and then all of them tried to hug us at once. Mandy was hysterically laughing.

*** Continued ***

Next: Chapter 5

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