The Prize

By ken blackwood

Published on Jul 11, 2004


LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address:

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.

*** Continued from Part 1***


Julie and Kathy untied the boat, and Mandy and I played captain driving it out of the inlet. Julie and Kathy took the food into the galley and made us breakfast. They brought it up to us while we watched the fish finder.

Kathy screamed, "Holy shit! Look at the size of that one. Mandy, you found your fish." We looked at it and Mandy said, "That can't be right. Lets stop anyway and have some coffee." We dropped anchor and threw in a couple of heavy duty wire lines with huge hooks. We were in the deepest part of the lake, and the sonar showed it as 750 feet. We fished with one line almost on the bottom, and the others about 200 feet down, where the fish finder spotted what I thought was an underground tree, or a sunken boat.

We were jerking around, smoking a cigarette, and having coffee, when one of the reels started spinning fast. It was the deep one that we had it in one of the anchored chairs on the deck. Mandy climbed into the chair and the fish pulled the heavy wire and spun the reel at incredible speed. Mandy snapped the reel into a more tight position and the line still pulled out. She snapped it again and the wire got taught. Then the boat started moving backwards slowly. We all had our mouths open. Mandy hit the button to start the electric motor to wind in some of the wire and it pulled the boat instead of pulling the fish. We were on our 56 foot Chris Craft that sleeps twelve. This was a big boat.

Mandy pushed the button again and the line reeled in. The fish was swimming towards us, and Mandy reeled it in fast until it was taught again. I said, "How much line is still out?" She looked at the gauge and said, "About 300 feet." The fish was pulling the boat slowly, almost around in a circle. Julie raised the anchor and we were pulled slowly about a quarter mile. We all were laughing about Mandy's sea monster she hooked. She was so excited, she wouldn't let anyone touch the reel. She kept laughing and saying, "I'm doing this one all by myself. Get away from my chair."

While Mandy was fighting this swimming log, or whatever, Julie had got a bite, and it was also pretty big. She had it on a regular deep sea fishing pole and was fighting the fish. Kathy strapped her into a chair also and we just watch Mandy and Julie fighting the fish.

Kathy got us some coffee and we each lit a cigarette. We sat next to them, and Kathy said, "Jen, when they both fall in a get eaten by the monster in the lake, how do you want to split up the house and stuff?"

Mandy laughed so hard she almost let go of the button holding the line in. She said, "Sweetheart, I need help. Help!" I sat with her and we tried so hard to tire the fish out. This thing was huge. The line went slack and we knew it was swimming towards us. We all watched this thing jump out of the water no more than 50 feet from the back of the boat. Mandy had her eyes wide open and said, "Mother fucker! Look at that!" This was the grand daddy of all catfish. It had to be 10 feet long and about 4 feet wide near the head. We worked this fish for 3 hours and it finally got tired. It also pulled the boat almost 2 miles.

Julie's fish also got tired and we were all too exhausted to bring them into the boat. Mandy said, "We bought that new power winch with the big hooks for the fish. Lets try it. If it looks like it's going to snap, we'll stop. Julie, lets get yours on first, because mine is going to stay on the wench until we get back home."

We all went on the back platform and hooked the fish through the gills. Mandy used the wench and this was easy. Julie had about a 250 pound catfish and we dropped it on the deck. Hooking Mandy's was not so easy. This fish was very much still alive and not very happy. We reeled it in so that it was against the rear of the boat and then used 4 huge hooks. We used the wench and this fish was flopping from side to side trying to get loose. We thought it would break the wench, but it didn't. Mandy hoisted it up to the top level and just left it there, as the fish stopped moving.

Mandy was jumping up and down and kissing and hugging me. She said, "I want to go to the marina first. I need a witness for this one. Sweetheart, I think I deserve a special treat for this one. Lets go into our private parlor."

We went into the front cabin and Mandy took off all her cloths, and then took of mine. She sat by the headboard and lit a cigarette, taking a deep drag and holding in the smoke. Then she bent her knees almost up to her chest and spread her legs wide open. She said to me, "Desert time baby." I took a drag of Mandy's cigarette and handed it back to her, as I lay down between her legs. I put my face to her pussy and licked, as I watched her. My tongue was going all the way in her pussy, as I watched her take a drag of the cigarette and then hold my head to her crotch with her other hand. Mandy moaned softly, "Sweetheart, that feels so good. Lick me just like that. Oh yeah, now do my clit a little bit. Oooooo, that feels so nice."

I watched Mandy take another drag of her cigarette and then I lifted my head and she gave me a drag also. She pushed my head back down before I even blew out the smoke, and I licked her into one huge orgasm in about 15 minutes. I swallowed all of her juices as she moaned, "Swallow it honey. Oh wow, I love when you do that."

Mandy and I kissed and then she had me sit on her face. I didn't last 2 minutes before I flooded her mouth. Mandy kept sucking and licking me and I came again in minutes. She swallowed all of it so slowly. I was on fire. I got off of her and we kissed and caressed each other while Julie drove the boat to the marina. We were just about to cum again, when Kathy came in and said, "Five minutes." She watched us rub each other's clits as fast as we could. We both moaned and jerked in an orgasm and kissed each other. Kathy smiled and said, "Just like us. Get dressed, we're here."

We got dressed, and walked up on deck. There was a crowd of people looking at the fish. Mandy yelled, "Hi Jessie! Anyone have a camera? I got the big one today." Jessie, the manager of the marina, came running over with a camera. He took over 20 pictures of us with the fish. Then he used the wench to unload it, measure it and weighted it. He said, "At least we know the wench works. 1,863 pounds and 12 feet 7 inches long. This has got to be a record. Mandy, you want to have it stuffed and mounted, or I could call the caterer to cook it and freeze it for you?" Mandy said, "Cook it all different styles; Cajon, Lemon, batter, he knows what we like. This one too, that's on the deck." They looked at the other fish that was big, but small by comparison. Jessie said, "Where did you catch it?" We told him and he said, "700 feet? No shit! Hey guys, I know where we're going out today."

We stayed and had a beer with everyone and then got back on the boat to go home. Mandy's cell phone rang and we heard, "Hi Mom", "Yeah we can be there in about an hour or so.", "See you then." Mandy said, "SEC phone call. We can always use the secret we know if they waffle on us." I laughed and said, "I new there was a reason I love you so much. It's that devious mind of yours." Mandy kissed me and said, "Me? You were the one that found out about it."

Julie and Kathy had no idea what we were talking about, and we figured we have to tell then when we got to the office. We all were on the bridge as Julie drove and watched the fish finder and saw another huge one. We all looked at each other and Mandy said, "We'll do it again on Sunday. That one has Jen's name on it. I can see it on the fish finder."

Julie just shook her head and steered towards our dock. We tied the boat up, cleaned up, dressed, and headed to the office in my Rolls.

We went into Margi's office and Ken stuck his head in and said, "Back so soon? We bet that it would be at least a week before you begged for your jobs back." Margi had a piece of paper crumpled up and she threw it at him. Ken ducted and said, "She is getting better at this. Hey, I have Jeff here to record Judy's band. By the way, she found out who you are and she is still laughing about it. Jeff is finishing up today and I asked him to stay for the weekend. How about we record your new act tomorrow? Please? Come on Mandy. These songs are great. You're being a tease." We all smiled and I said, "11 AM in our studio."

We explained to Margi what we knew about the head of the SEC and the other top officials and Mandy wrote out a bullet point script to be used on the call. Margi just kept saying, "No fucking way! They couldn't have." Mandy said, "If they waffle at all, use these notes."

Margi made the call as scheduled, and made the plan sound so good for everyone. She really was just like Mandy. We listened on the speakerphone and they we making excuses. Mandy motion for Margi to press mute and Margi said, "Can you hold on one second" and pressed mute. We could still hear them talking and they were not going to approve it. Mandy said, "Use it. These are the decision makers. They're jerking our chain."

Margi pressed mute again and said, "I really hope you can see this in our favor. We have been really good corporate citizens, and I have definitely been lax in my oath as an officer of the court to report crimes that I have knowledge of like Tristar, Omnidyne, and Federal-One. I would hate to get an urge to confess on a guilt trip. You know what I'm talking about?" There was dead silence for over 20 seconds and Margi said, "Does Gary Tripe ring any bells?"

They immediately agreed to everything and Margi said, "Thanks. I knew you'd agree with me that this was the best for our company and our shareholders. Thanks everyone." Margi hung up and screamed "Holy Shit! They really did it. Insider trading. The fucking stock market police are crooked. What a piss!" We all smiled and nodded our heads.

We had a few minutes before the board meeting to make everything official, and all had a cigarette. I took out one of the few instant photos they took this morning and laid it on Margi's desk. She had her mouth open looking at it. She said, "You didn't catch this, did you?" Mandy said, "All me mom. Jen had to help me pull it in. Look at the size and weight on the chalk board sign in the picture." She said, "I want to pass this around at the meeting. No one will believe it."

We had the board meeting and went through everything including the complete restructuring we talked about 2 months ago. Then we wrote a press release and prepared a speech for the press conference. Margi sent around our picture and everyone was getting pissed off. Ken said, "First fucking day in partial retirement and they land the fish of a lifetime. When can I leave?" Margi hit him with a crumpled up piece of paper and everyone was hysterical. Ken said, "She is getting faster."

We had the press conference in our auditorium and all walked in to the front tables. The press and television coverage was there, including all of our stations. Mandy took the podium first and said, "We wanted you to hear these announcements from us, before you heard rumors that weren't true, and started to speculate. Everything we are about to announce is good. We are not closing anything, laying anyone off, or going to battle with another company, country, or religion."

Everyone laughed and Mandy said, "We made a major company reorganization that will better reposition the company for growth and add value to our stock and for our shareholders. To start, let me introduce the new Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Office of JPSS. Margi Stevens." Everyone in the audience looked puzzled and Margi said, "Mandy is not going anywhere for a long time. You'll understand as I go through the changes. To start with, we spit every business unit into it's own complete company that is now wholly owned by JPSS. The stock will remain the same, and the dividends will be paid as a roll up from each subsidiary. They may actually go up. So for example, the Entertainment business is now JPSS Entertainment and the CEO of that is Ken Blackwood, who was a division President. He will have his own senior staff, just like he has now, but also have his own board. Each of these divisions, which are now companies, are large enough to be on the fortune 100 list by themselves. We needed to give them more room to grow. As part of the overall strategy, Mandy, Doctor Jen Edwards, Doctor Kathy Davidson, and Julie Davidson, will sit on all of these boards and the board for the corporate JPSS holding company. They have the magic that made this happen and grew the company. Now they are going to coach and teach all of us to do the same thing."

Margi went on to explain the entire company and then got into the kids. She said, "We believe that the kids are our future. Especially, ones like Doctors Christiana Edwards and Allison Davison. I'm proud to say I happen to be the grandmother of one of them also. All of you recognize the names from when they discovered the Forever drug, and got their PhDs when they were fifteen. Each one of those is a monumental accomplishment. Forever is probably the most significant discovery we will see in a thousand years, unless these two stay challenged and keep on working. What you don't know is that their IQs are almost off the chart, both over 235. We have put that to the test and they have re-engineered parts of our business. They increased production in one plant by 28 percent, without adding equipment or people, and deceased cost. They put together a plan to restructure our retail operations, and then counseled the executives on making it happen. They both love a puzzle to solve. The harder the puzzle, the more they like it. We have some pretty tough puzzles here at JPSS. Mandy, Jen, Kathy, and Julie have made incredible personal sacrifices for this company and this one is at the top of the list. Jointly they have given over 8 billion dollars worth of stock in their names, that's billion with a `B', to Chris and Allison. They wanted them to be part of the board meeting process and this guarantees them each a seat, and a significant ownership role. It also saves the company about 16 billion dollars in buying back some of the stock, which we were obligated to do. Understanding that they are still kids, Mandy and Jen will have custody rights over Chris's stock and veto power. The same is true for Julie and Kathy with Allison. We really wanted them to share in our ideas, help solve our problems, and make the next scientific breakthrough with us at JPSS."

Margi took a breather and said, "As you all know, this company was started in the music business, and many of us had the fortune to be part of it. Mandy and Julie were a big part of it, and mostly the reasons for our success. They have a passion for music, and so does Jen, and Kathy. This new role, gives them the opportunity to go back to doing what they love to do, and still help guide and shape the company. Plus I heard them play in a studio last night, and I can guarantee that we will make hundreds of millions on their new songs. It's a hobby that is their passion. Just like the kids. You've all seen them play in the band Always and Forever. They call it their hobby. We call it 400 million so far this year."

Everyone laughed and Margi said, "Let me open it up to questions for any of us." There were a ton of questions and someone asked, "What happened to the Brass Ring?" Mandy said, "Like most rock bands, they just decided they had enough and retired." We all tried not to laugh.

Everyone wanted to know when our CD was going to be released and Ken said, "Maybe as soon as Monday. It depends on production this weekend." We wanted to shoot him as he smiled at us and then said, "This CD is unbelievable. There are 14 hits on it. I'm going to be like Babe Ruth and point to the bleachers on this one. I bet the first CD from `Changes' will outsell any other CD to date. Plus there will be at least one Grammy. Remember you heard it here."

Margi ended the press conference and we went home. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "I am so happy honey." We kissed and I said, "Partially retired is still better than what we had." Mandy started to laugh and said, "We'll at least we won't get bored." The kids came running to the kitchen and Chris said, "We watched you on TV. That was so cool. Can we really invent anything we want? We have so many neat ideas. Want to see them?" I said, "Sure. Lets see what you have."

They ran to get their notebooks and we looked at 30 pages, with one incredible idea after another. One per page, with drawings and methods for making it happen. We all couldn't believe it. I said, "We can't do them all at once. Group them into areas by our lines of business and then we'll focus on the top ones for each area. You two don't have to do all the work, you can teach other people how to make it happen for you. Have you told anyone about these yet?" Allison said, "No. We just jotted these down in our spare time and thought they would be interesting to figure out." I said, "Keep them to yourself for now, and we'll apply for a patent if you make it work."

They talked about cell disintegration and reconstruction for use in teleportation, methods of accelerating matter past the speed of light, and engineering requirements for teleportation and extended space travel, alternative fuels that would run in a gas engine, and one great idea after the other. The big difference between them, and the millions of other people who dream about these things, is that they had probably half of the problems almost solved. We all just smiled, as I called Margi and Max. They laughed so hard when I read them the actual notes and formulas. These were all so far beyond what we understood.

We showed the girls the picture of Mandy's fish and Chris said, "That's why they were here today. The caterer filled up two of the freezers downstairs. We had him leave out some for dinner, so we heated it up. Want some?"

Chris took if off the stove and uncovered it. It smelled great. We all had some of Mandy's catfish. She didn't stop smiling the whole time we ate it. We told the kids about the recording session tomorrow and they were more excited about it than we were. They wanted to watch.

We all had some wine and a cigarette. Mandy took a deep drag and held in the smoke, as she looked me in the eyes. The she whispered into my ear, "We rushed ourselves on the boat. I want it nice and slow tonight until we drive each other crazy." Mandy kissed me with a sloppy kiss and then I sat on her lap. She smiled at me and said, "Sweetheart, I love your boobs. God, do I love the way your nipples stick out when your headlights are on. Did I do that?" I kissed her and whispered in her, "You know you did that to me. They same way that I'm making you wet right now and don't try to lie to me about it. I can see it on your face."

Mandy kissed me and touched my nipple sticking out of my blouse. We watched the kids working on their notebook in the other room and Mandy said to Kathy, "We're going to bed. We'll see you two in the morning."

Mandy and I went upstairs, undressed and got into bed. I lit a cigarette and we were lying on our sides facing each other, sharing the cigarette. Mandy took a deep drag, and another, and then held in the smoke. She blew it our slowing through her nose as I said, "Do you really think that our music will be that big?" Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a drag, as she said, "I'll bet you a quarter that Ken releases 4 songs this week in North America, and a different 4 in Europe. Three weeks later he'll release each four, in the other continent. I'll also bet that in two months we have 8 out of the top ten in the charts. Bet?" I smiled and said, "That's a bet" and then took another drag of the cigarette. Mandy put it in her lips and took a drag, and then put it out in the ashtray.

Mandy was softly rubbing one of my nipples and it felt so good. I put my arms around her and we kissed so sensually. We kissed and caressed each other for hours. I kissed Mandy all over and then kissed her pussy. She said, "Give me a French kiss there. Come on. Use your tongue just like we normally kiss." I kissed her pussy like I was kissing her mouth. Mandy moaned and said, "Oh Jen, that feels good. Sweetheart, do it again." I kissed her pussy again and then we lay on our sides, kissing each other's pussy. We really got into it and ate each other for almost as hour and both had three orgasms.

We sat up and kissed, and Mandy reached for Oscar. She smiled at me and said, "Time to fuck our brains out. I'm so horny." We did just that. We did it with Oscar in every position we could think of. We even tried some new ones, including me scissoring Mandy, and also she sitting on me with her back to my chest. That one was wild.

At 2 AM we got into our favorite position on our sides, with Oscar in us both, and were slowly grinding our pussies together. We kissed and slowly fucked until we both orgasmed, and then fell asleep with our pussies touching, and our faces touching. It was so erotic.

We woke up every thirty minutes or so, when one of us moved and caused the other to moan in pleasure. Each time we rubbed our pussies together more and kissed, and then drifted back to sleep. At 9 AM we rubbed our pussies together and fucked like there was no tomorrow. I came three times, and Mandy came four, as we kissed and held each other.


We were dragged out of bed by Julie, Kathy, and the kids; all laughing at us. Mandy and I showered and dressed, and then ate some cold bacon and eggs. Oh was this horrible. We did get some hot coffee, but it was like mud. We sat and had a cigarette as Ken, Jamie, Gary, Kathy, Jeff, and two techs went into our studio. Ken ran into the kitchen and said, "What are you retired? Lets Go!"

Julie and Kathy took our hands and almost dragged us to the studio. The kids made us a fresh pot of coffee and Chris said, "It'll be 5 minutes Mom. Keep your eyes open."

Mandy knew Jeff from years ago and they hugged and traded stories for a few minutes. Then it was all business. He was a true pro at this. He had a layout sheet and wanted to know everything about each song we were going to do. This took about 20 minutes and we had some decent coffee and were now wide awake. We all lit a cigarette, as the techs got sound levels, and cleaned the decks. Jeff said, "Let's get a tune down and check it out."

We all took our instruments and tuned electronically. Jeff took some sound levels and had the techs move mics and acoustic panels and then he was ready. We heard in our headsets, "Wait for the cue. Changes. Fly so high. Take 1. Rolling", as Jeff pointed to Kathy.

Kathy started the tune and we rocked it, but it sounded so weird through the headphones. We ended the song and waited a few seconds and heard Jeff say in the headphones, "That's a rap." We all went to the couches to listen to the trial mix. Jeff was playing around for a few minutes and said, "What do you think?" as he pressed play.

We all listened. I thought it sounded great. Mandy was smiling the whole time. The song ended and Jeff said, "It's keeper. Ken, any thoughts?" Ken smiled so wide and said, "My thoughts are of lots of cash. Just do 20 more of those." Everyone laughed and Gary said, "Who wrote that one?" I said, "Me and Mandy."

We went back into the studio and just played one song after the other. We recorded the first fourteen tunes that Ken heard, and then did six more that we originally wrote for the Brass Ring, but never recorded them because the style didn't fit. They definitely fit now. There was only one song that we had to overdub on, and that was because Julie knocked over a cup of coffee and we could hear the cup crash on the floor through Julie's vocal mic. So she got to redo her one section of the harmony part.

I was time for lunch so the kids had made us all sandwiches. We ate as we listened to Jeff do the real mixes for each tune. We listened to each one five or six times, until he had it sounding better than anything we ever recorded before. Jeff was a true professional.

When he was finished he said, "Now the real test. I burned a CD. Lets listen to the whole thing front to back." We all had notepads to take notes and Jeff pressed pay. Mandy and I couldn't help but smile. This CD was the best I'd ever heard. Ken made a few notes as we went through it, but we couldn't find a thing that should be changed. It finished playing and Ken said, "We have only one problem, and it's a great problem to have. Mandy, we all know that it's so hard to pick the single releases. We hope that each band may have one that we can get on the charts. You have the exact opposite problem. There is one only song, that I don't think we should release." Jamie stopped him and said, "Which one?" Ken said, "Third from the end called `It's all about love'." Jamie said, "What are you fucking deaf? I think that should be a motion picture tune. It's great." Ken said, "Exactly. That's why we can't release it. I'm not deaf. They fixed that with the vitamin."

Ken said, "All kidding aside, there isn't a bad tune, or even an average tune on this CD. I want to release 4 or 5 in North America this week, 4 or 5 in Europe, and another 4 or 5 in Australia, using all different tunes. Then we'll rotate after a few weeks of chart time." Ken hugged all of us. Chris and Allison were jumping up and down and kissing daddy goodbye.

The next two months were such a change for us, but we really did love it. Each of the companies had a board meeting once every two weeks, and Margi had a corporate one, once a month. The first week after we had the press conference the stock went crazy again and Margi did another split. We dumped one percent, and made back all the money the board owed us. They were all happy, but incredibly jealous.

Chris and Allison started 19 projects with the different lines of business. We told each project team that the girls were only to be used for advice and technical problem solving. They seem to be getting about one call a day, and they both looked forward to it. The kids also decided to keep one of the hard problems for them to solve. It was the alternative fuel to gasoline.

The company paid for two used cars for them to experiment on; two 3 year old Chevy Corvettes. Chris and Allison designed very tiny solar eyes, as they called them, that were almost hidden from view on one of the cars. The only two eyes that were noticeable looked like headlight washer nozzles. They used these to collect light. Chris explained it to us by saying, "Capacitors store an electrical charge. We invented a tiny capacitor that can store all of the power from any source of light. We figure that the car would run for about 4 weeks without any light source at all. We are using an electric motor in this car that has the equivalent of 230 horsepower. Not real good, but it works. The other car is going to have the system we just finished designing that uses the same engine that's already in it, with water as the starting point for fuel. We think that one is a lot more practical." We all just starred in disbelief listening to them talk.

We had plenty of time to enjoy ourselves, and that is exactly what we did. We did have a very close call, that all of the drugs in the world couldn't have prevented. Our disease was called stupidity. We decided to take a skiing trip to the alps, and at this time of year it's called Spring Skiing conditions. Mandy insisted on all six of us skiing the hardest trail on the second day. I should have stopped her after I translated the French trail name into English, as Blood and Death Trail. It was on the backside of one of the mountains and the only way to get there was by helicopter. No chair lifts on this stuff. On the way up we looked at the mountain and all were scared shitless. This was straight down, with tons of rock ledges. We should have known better when we had to wait an hour to go up, as they were using dynamite to stop avalanches.

The pilot that dropped us off didn't speak a word of English. We assumed he said, "You stupid fucking morons", or something like that. The first part of the trail was hard, but not impossible. We planned each run and then stopped to plan again. We got to one spot and were absolutely stuck. We had a 40 foot cliff to go over, and no way to walk around it. It was mostly rocks, and it was literally straight down. We were all getting nervous. Mandy said to me, "Why did I get us into this fucking mess. Plus the kids are here. They can't handle this. Let's call for a chopper." Mandy was calling for help when Chris said, "Mom, don't be such a chicken", and skied straight off the cliff. We all panicked and watched her fly in the air and then land about 150 feet down the hill. She stopped just before the next steep grade. Allison went right after her and landed the same way. They were both waving us down so we did it. My heart must have got stuck in my throat as I flew in the air. I had that falling feeling for what seemed like two minutes, as I flew over the cliff.

We all made it and were looking up at what we just did. We hear a sound like thunder, and watched the cliff we just jumped over, being covered in an avalanche of snow. We would have been buried or thrown off the cliff. Either way we would have been killed. We quickly skied our way down to the bottom and decided to stick to the other side of the mountain. The kids wanted to do it again and Mandy threw snowballs at each of them until they changed their minds.

In the band we have just been goofing around and writing more material. We play our first gig as `Changes' tonight and we are all so excited. We all flew into LA and are staying at a hotel.

Ken brought in a professional chorographer to work with us and we now have such a funny act on stage. It took us hours of repeating things so we won't laugh as we did it. We wouldn't let Ken see it yet. The entire first 3 rows of the concert are for JPSS top managers. The kid's band, Always and Forever, is playing ahead of us, and there is a new group that is opening the show. Ken had one of our networks covering our part of the concert on a live feed.

I did loose the quarter bet with Mandy. We now have 9 songs in the top 10 chart for the US and Britain. The sales of our CD have been record breaking. Ken won't let us give any of the music away for free. He said, "Why? You don't have too. Let the other bands give it away for free. We all will make more money this way."

It's 3 in the afternoon and Mandy and I are standing in the hotel room putting on our makeup. This was only the second time I've seen her nervous. The first time was skiing the alps. I said, "You've done this a million times. Why the jitters?" Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and said, "Ken gave us such a build up. What if we aren't that good on stage? This acting thing we put together is something totally new to us. What if it flops?" I said, "Who gives a fuck. We're retired. You need some sexual tension relived honey."

I put my arms around Mandy and we kissed. Then I unsnapped her jeans and unsnapped mine. We each put one arm around each other, and I put my other hand into Mandy's jeans and under her panties. I touched her clit and started to rub it. She had her hand in my pants doing the same thing. We held each other close and rubbed each other's clit fast. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Make me cum baby. Just a little more. Ooooo. Oh yeah, that's it. Keep going."

We rubbed each other as fast as we could and both orgasmed while we were kissing. I moved my hand to Mandy's pussy and pushed two fingers into her and then moved them around. I pulled them out and sucked each finger. She did the same thing to me, and licked her fingers also. We kissed and then finished getting ready, just as Julie came into the room and said, "Lets go. We have a sound check to do still."

We got ready and took our limo to the arena. The other bands had already finished their sound check and we went right on stage. Mandy was talking to the techs about something she wanted to change and then we did our sound check. It sounded good in here.

We went backstage and had pizza and beer with the kid's band, and the first group that we were playing with. It was Judy's band from San Antonio. We hugged them and Judy smiled at us as she explained how embarrassed she was when Ken told her who we were. Mandy said, "We're musicians just like you. All the other stuff was fun for a while, but this is the real us."

Ken came backstage and I whispered into this ear, "Don't panic when we go on. The pause is part of the act. It should be funny." He said, "The choreographer told me the whole thing. I can't wait to see this. We saved you the four end seats on the front row, if you want to watch the show before you go on."

We all went out and sat in the front seats to watch. Judy's band was pretty good. Then the kids came on and we loved their style. They were so into it also. The crowd loved them and we went back stage to get ready as they did an encore. Mandy said to all of us, "Ready to either get booed off the stage or be a big hit. Lets do it."

The lights were almost out on the stage and we got into our positions, except we were facing the back of the stage, not the front. The MC did his thing and the fireworks went off, as the spots came on us. We just stood facing a curtain that we had the techs put up on the rear of the stage. We waited about 10 seconds and the audience was puzzled as we heard talking. Mandy said to me in the mic, "Jen, when do we go on? The curtain's still down." The audience was starting to laugh and I said, "I don't know. Weren't we suppose to get some kind of cue?" Julie said, "It still looks dark out there. Maybe the powers off." Mandy shuffled sideways over to me and pinched my ass and I said, "Ouch. What if someone sees us?" Kathy said, "The curtain's closed. Chill out!" Mandy did it again the place was roaring with laughter. We did this for about 2 minutes and then Kathy turned around to face front and said, "Uh Oh!" Then we all sang a line from an old David Bowie song in harmony, as we turned around, "Turn and see the Chan--ges." Kathy gave us a rim shot and we played the current number one hit record in the States. The place went wild. We got a standing ovation in the middle of the song. Mandy and I did some really wild guitar stuff together and we ended the tune. The screams from the crowd were almost deafening. We all smiled at each other.

Mandy said, "Thank you so much. Hey Jen, where're you going? Hey, you can't go down there!" We all had on wireless stuff so I was walking off the stage and looking with my hand over my eyes into the stage spot lights, and said, "Mandy, you lied to me! There is way more than a hundred people here." The place holds over 43,000 and it was sold out. I said, "I bet there's at least 400 hundred. I'm going to count all of them." I started walking up the isle and Mandy was screaming, "Damn it Jen. Get your ass back here." I waved to her and we started the song with me playing in the isle. I found a ledge and walked over it and then stood on the arms of a chair, right over some gorgeous guy. I sang and played as he held my feet so I didn't slide off. I was dancing like a stripper and when I played a solo I bent my knees so my pussy was only inches from his face. This guy loved it and I saw the hardon in his pants.

The crowd was all cheering and I moved my feet to get down. I turned my mic off and said in his ear, "Thanks for being a good sport. I see you liked the show." I kissed his check and he blushed. Then I turned my mic back on and played the song, as I walked back to the stage.

We ended the song and I said, "500 hundred. I counted all of them. You lied to me Mandy, so I wouldn't get scared. Thanks." The whole show was like this and we had a blast. We got four standing ovations and screaming and cheering and we were only through the first 8 tunes.

We did one song different than the recording tonight. We wanted to get the audience to sing along and it really worked. They screamed back at us so loud our ears hurt. Then we did our only slow song, and we did it with the first two verses acapella. This sounded so outrageous when the music came in loud, I actually got chills down my spine and I could tell by looking at Mandy it happened to her also. We smiled at each other and just kept going.

We all changed instruments a few times during the show. Julie played drums and Kathy played organ. I played bass and Mandy played lead guitar on a couple of tunes.

We wanted to play all night, but we only had one tune to do and then an encore if they screamed enough. We played the last song with such emotion and drive. The entire ground floor of the audience was standing on and dancing. We ended the song and Mandy said, "You've been a great audience and we loved playing here. Goodnight everyone." We bowed and waved and walked off the stage. The audience went crazy screaming for more.

We waited about five minutes and there was a chant of our name, "Chan-ges! Chan-ges! Chan-ges! Chan-ges!" We walked back on stage and I said into the mic, "You want to hear more?" and put my hand to my ear. The screams were deafening. Mandy said into her mic, "We are going to do something special for a final song. I'd like to introduce some very special friends of ours and have them come on stage. Ken, Kathy, Jamie, Gary, Melissa, Jody, Janice, and Karen, come on up here. In case you don't recognize them, this is the rest of the original band Sage, and the band Little Willie." The audience screamed and everyone was standing.

Mandy said, "We`d like to do an old Little Willie tune." Mandy moved her headset mic from her mouth and yelled to us, "Hard times, Ken you play guitar and sing it. They'll love it. Gary, play the drums, and Jamie play bass. Kathy you get on the Hammond."

We played the Little Willie tune and all sang the harmony parts. It sounded unreal. Ken still had the magic, and there was no doubt about it that night. The audience went absolutely wild, as we played that last song. Ken, Mandy, and me traded off lightening fast blues guitar style licks, one after another. He was still really good. At the end of the song Ken yelled over to us, "Main Street" which was one of our hits that we didn't play tonight. Gary did the intro on the drums straight from the other tune and we played it. There wasn't a sole sitting in the entire place. When we ended this song, the screaming was as loud as I've ever heard it. My ears were ringing.

We stayed onstage for about a minute and thanked everyone again. People were throwing roses at us, as Mandy just smiled and laughed at me. Then we left the stage, walked backstage, and hugged. Mandy and I jumped up and down with Kathy and Julie. We were like little kids. The kids and Judy's band all hugged us and couldn't stop telling us how outrageous the show was.

The whole JPSS crew came back stage and they hugged all of us. Margi popped a bottle of Champaign and had a group pour everyone a glass from about 20 open bottles. Margi said, "Mandy is back doing what she loves to do. I don't think there is any question now about how this company was built. Here's to your `Changes', and to you Mandy, from one proud mother. And to Jen, Julie, and Kathy. You were all amazing." We all drank a toast and then the partying started.

The TV cameras came back stage and we all were interviewed. Ken watched the interviews and was smiling from ear to ear. He walked up to us and said, "Thanks for getting us on stage. We forgot how much fun it that really is, and why we are in this business. I can't believe people still remember us." Mandy said, "You were a legend, and still are to lots of people. Look at my mother. She thought you were a God when she first met you." Ken laughed and said, "Yeah, that was a piss."

Mandy, me, Julie, and Kathy were having a blast, and also getting blasted on the wine. After the arena was empty we went back out onto the stage, as the techs were clearing out the final cases of equipment. They all congratulated us on the show and we just stood on the stage in the positions we played in tonight. Julie started singing one of the songs and we all sang it together, taking swigs from the bottles of wine we were each holding.

The techs said goodnight to us and the place was now empty. Mandy was really bombed and I wasn't much better, as we sat on the far side of the stage. Julie and Kathy were laughing hysterically, as Kathy was sitting on Julie's legs and wouldn't let her get up.

Mandy lit a cigarette and put her arms on my shoulders. She said, "Now we are rock and roll stars again. This feels fucking great!" You here me up there! It feels great!" Julie was laughing again and I said, "Mandy, when you pinched my ass the second time, I almost started to laugh." Mandy was giggling and said, "I was going to surprise you and pinch your nipples. That would have made tonight's news."

Mandy pinched my nipples real softly and then unbuttoned my shirt. I unbuttoned hers also and we rolled together so our breasts touched. Mandy said, "Sweetheart, pinch both of our nipples together and rub then." I put my hands on my nipples and got my fingers on hers also, as they touched. I squeezed and Mandy moaned into my ear. She kissed me and then took a deep drag of her cigarette. Before she blew out the smoke she kissed me again, and blew the smoke out through her nose. Mandy unsnapped both of our jeans and put her hand in her pants, on her clit. She took a drag of her cigarette and then put it in my lips. She kissed me before I could blow out the smoke and we really kissed. I broke the kiss and she inhaled the smoke I blew out and then blew it out her nose also. She said to me, "That makes me so fucking hot. Do it again honey, while I get myself off."

We both took a drag of her cigarette and then kissed again, as Mandy rubbed her clit and I pinched our nipples. We did our smoke game again 4 times. Mandy tossed the cigarette on the stage floor and put her hand in my jeans. I stopped squeezing our nipples and put me hand in her jeans. We lay on our sides on the stage in the arena and rubbed each other into one huge orgasm. We both jerked and moaned as we kissed. We lay back on the stage relaxing, as Julie and Kathy gave us a standing ovation. Kathy said, "Lets go, the limo is still waiting." We got up and staggered to the door with our bottles of wine, as Mandy said, "I always wanted us to do that on stage. Jen, I am so fucked up."


The next 6 months were great. Our band was a hit beyond our wildest dreams and we had a blast. We've played 8 concerts so far and we now have 4 different opening skits. Each one is a piss. We are all taking acting lessons with someone who comes to the castle one night a week and it's really helping. The audiences love some of the shit we pull. The real funny part is that it's just us acting normal. Mandy did pinch my boobs one night and the place went wild. I started laughing and then we all did. We called her the nipple monster all night on stage.

We wrote 10 new tunes, and Ken is walking around with a hard on every time we play a gig. He knows the sales will sky rocket, and they have. We got three Grammie nominations and I gave Mandy another quarter.

The FDA really surprised us when they allowed several of our drugs to be sold over the counter. The Pharma-Daily vitamin is now in almost every store along with the original SexMed, the Pharma-Forever drug, and several others. The AMA is furious, but the reasoning behind it was that there have been no substantiated claims against the drugs at all, and they have been proven safe. Now the news is predicting a rash of unemployed physicians.

Hospitals have undergone a change. Most of the beds established for sick patients have been converted to plastic surgery, obstetrics, infant infirmaries, neonatal, and pediatrics. There has been a rash of births as people that were too old for having children, are now staring new families again. On top of that, the mortality rate in the US is almost down to zero, expect for severe accidents. Congress was taking about some more stupid laws to prevent overpopulation. The new President stopped it and asked us to study the problem. Chris and Allison had a ton of ideas and we had three of them funded. Chris's teleportation project is now being funded by NASA as a means of long range space exploration and travel, a partially underground city of the future is being designed for the desert outside of Las Vegas as a prototype, and two natural resource programs are being started. The first too convert seawater into a fresh water drinking supply and the second is to use our cloning drug to increase the supply of animals for food.

Max released several new drugs, including our SexMed-Cloning. This was really wild. It used the technology that Chris and Allison isolated, and cloned your sex organs. I was the first to try it in the group, and I turned into an opposite and then took it. I had two cocks for 8 hours. I fucked Mandy in the pussy and the ass for hours. They we figured out how I could fit both cocks in her pussy. She screamed but wouldn't let me stop. She took one of the cloning pills and had two pussies, one for each of my cocks. We were both were so out of control that night.

One of the drugs that has had the most radical change on society is Pharma- Skintone. Max released this 4 months ago and it simply changes the pigment in the skin to any of 36 shades and is permanent, or until you take another one with a different tone. It works overnight when you sleep and feels like tingling, but doesn't hurt. Racism has almost completely disappeared and the left wing and right wing organizations have also vanished almost overnight. We took the drug and changed our skin two shades darker, so it looks like we have a summer tan all year round. I think it's really sexy. This is offered as an over the counter cosmetology drug in every drug store.

Max's plastic surgery units have opened a new business that allows a patient to have their face completely reshaped on a temporary basis, to see if they like it. This of course is done without any removal tissue or bone. A patient can try out the new look, and then return for the more permanent version, which is cleaned up with surgical changes also.

One thing that is happening is that you very rarely see anyone that is over the age of 35, except in the UK. Commercials in London promote the mature British look, and many people are using the drugs to appear to be about 45. In the rest of the world, 35 seems to be the upper limit.

The sex drugs have really changed the way people think about their sexuality. The terms gay, homosexual, and lesbian, have pretty much disappeared. People just say, she likes it with opposites, or he's just into opposites. The SexMed combined and cloning drugs have really kicked up the new erotic kinky industries. Everything from double hung male underpants to quad bras. The commercials are a riot. We all say that Melissa is having way too much fun.

There is also a new fad of sex clubs, now called SexMed clubs. These are from the heritage of the clubs from the 1970s but are unreal. Anything goes, anywhere. We went to one to watch for about and hour and couldn't believe it. The adult film porn industry has also changed, and is shrinking. People are more happy taking the drugs and being participants, than watching from the sidelines. We watched a porno movie that was made about 5 years ago and got so bored we turned it off within 10 minutes.

Chris and Allison got their experimental fuel car running, and Margi is talking with several of the car manufacturers and the major oil companies. They all want to buy it. The car companies want to built it, and the oil companies want to burn it. The idea the girls came up with was so ingenious. The fuel is water, but the car doesn't run on steam. It electronically injects a chemical tablet into the pressurized water and it forms an octane level like gas to ignite in the cylinders. The water cools the reaction and is burned up before it exits. There are no signs of steam and the car sounds the same. It also has more power and burns almost completely clean. The chemical tablets will cost about 5 dollars for enough to drive 500 miles. Chris converted our old Ferrari in an hour and we all think it's faster. Margi said to us, "The oil companies are not getting it, unless they want us to buy them out. Then we'll sit on the car for 5 years, dump the companies, and then release the car. Either way they're fucked."

The ex-President is on our board and has already been responsible for over 6 billion in new revenue. He loves it and is making a fortune. He also showed us a special set of files he has kept over the years. We read some of them and our eyes were stuck wide open along with our mouths. He had dirt on every elected official and some of the appointed ones as well, including the supreme court judges. There was everything from cheating on college exams to child pornography. He said to Margi, "Only use if you have too. They'll definitely know where it came from."

Melissa has done magic with the advertising world, and especially our networks. She has sold all of the commercial airtime, months in advance for every major event. She sold ad time on our last televised concert for over a million dollars a 30 second spot. She got 2 million for each 30 second spot for the Superbowl which will be aired next month. The audience is expected to be much larger, now that the players can't wear any padding.

Baseball is pretty much done, and several of the stadiums are up for sale. We bought 6 of them for pennies on the dollar and turned them into permanent concert arenas. We recovered our costs after the second show at each place. The ones that the local cities leased to the baseball team owners are way too expensive. We told New York they can keep the stadiums and turn them into parks.

The professional golf associations finally saw the light and merged. There is now one professional golf association, the PGA. Any sex, or combination of sexes, can play. Some of the tournaments are kind of funny.

We had the entire basement of the castle under the last addition fully finished and also had the elevator made to go to the basement level also. Now we can walk about 500 feet from the dock, down a slope and into the elevator to go up to the bedrooms. Talk about lazy. The dogs figured out how to use it now and we hear it running all night sometimes. Mandy keeps saying to me, "Why in the fuck did we give them the Forever shot?"

Mandy brought back the town tradition of free concerts in our theater. We hosted the first one last Sunday at 4 in the afternoon with three of Ken's newly signed acts. We also did one tune at the end, as Ken was bugging us to hear one of our new shower songs. Julie whispered to us after we played the song, "He definitely has a hard on. Look."

We had Christmas in the castle yesterday and it was like a zoo again. The kids seem to get more things every year from everybody, but they still worship the horses that Ken gave them last year. They ride at least 4 times a week, and we go with them when we can.

Mandy and I bought a few things together, and also made each other promises this year for Christmas. We both promised to never go back to work full time, to have sex whenever the other wanted it, which was easy to do, and to talk about everything, never keeping a secret. Then we got carried away and promised each other everything under the sun. We both laughed when Mandy said, "I promise to name the first planet we explore together after you."

This year Chris wanted a Hummer-I, so we bought her one. She has been driving it around the grounds and through the fields, off roading all afternoon. It started to snow pretty hard, so they came back in about an hour ago, and went back outside to walk the horses. The four of us have been lounging all day in our tee shirts and sweat pants. It felt great doing absolutely nothing for a change.

We have been watching it snow, while we bet on a murder mystery movie on TV. Mandy won a quarter from each of us on this one and was more excited than at our last gig. She was jumping on me while I sat on the couch and then gave me a great kiss. Julie and Kathy were lying on the floor channel surfing and laughing at us.

Chris and Allison came back in and Chris was walking stiff legged. I said, "You fall off?" She said, "Nope. I was being stupid. I rode bare back in the snow and had to grip onto the horse real tight so I wouldn't fall off because the snow was making him real slippery. I have muscle cramps in my legs and ass." Kathy said, "Chris, didn't we give you the vitamin shot?" Chris said, "No, I don't think so. We got all the other ones, except the forever one."

Kathy went into the lab and came back with two syringes. Allison and Chris hated the shots. She started with Allison and then we had Chris lie across our laps and pull down her pants. Her ass checks were as hard as a rock from the muscle cramps. Mandy and I massaged one to loosen it up and then Kathy gave her the injection. Kathy threw out the syringes and went back to lying down with Julie and Allison, as Chris stayed still and said, "This fucking hurts."

I lit a cigarette and took a drag, as Mandy and I massaged Chris's ass to stop the cramping. The vitamin was starting to work and she was relaxing. Chris took my cigarette and put it in her lips taking a deep drag. She blew out the smoke and said, "Mom, that feels so good. Do my thighs also."

Mandy pulled Chris's pants all the way off, and rubbed her thighs. Each time Mandy massaged the inside of Chris's thighs, Chris moaned softly. Chris took another drag of my cigarette and put her hands on my legs under her head, with her bare bottom on Mandy's lap.

Mandy said, "Give me a puff baby." I put the cigarette in her lips and she inhaled, and then did it again. She held in the smoke and leaned toward me and whispered into my ear very softly, "Chris's pussy is soaking wet from me rubbing her thighs. I'm going to tease her."

Mandy went back to rubbing Chris's thighs, as Chris took a drag of my cigarette, and lay with her head on my lap facing me. Mandy was massaging the inside of Chris's legs and was right up to her pussy. Mandy smiled at me, as we watched Chris's eyes half close and listened to her moan softly. Mandy kept on going and also rubbed her ass cheeks with the other hand, running her hand over Chris's crack a few times. I took a drag of the cigarette and put my hand on Chris's back and massaged her shoulders at the same time.

Mandy was making Chris crazy by rubbing all the way up to the very edge of her pussy and then stopping. Mandy winked at me and said, "Okay Chris, up you go." Chris looked at both of us and smiled. She said softly, "That felt so good. Mind if a cuddle on the couch next to you."

Chris crawled off of us and stood up. She gabbed a blanket we had behind the couch, and sat right to me on the couch. She covered herself and then took off her shirt under the blanket also, as Mandy and I moved close together. Mandy kissed me and put her hand on my nipple and touched it softly, rubbing it. Chris was watching us and we both saw her move her hand to rub her clit under the blanket. Mandy was making me feel great. She kept winking at me, smiling, and then kissing me, as we watched Chris lean against me on the other side and rub herself into paradise with her eyes closed.

Mandy put her hand under my tee shirt and was really making me feel good, as we heard Chris moan loud and then jerk. Her arm was going faster and then stopped. She sat up leaning on me and put her hand on my other nipple under my shirt. I put my hands over both of their hands, and pressed them close to me. Mandy kissed me so sexy and said, "Don't get too carried away, remember you promised me we'd make cookies this afternoon. Let's get up honey." I started to sit up and Chris pinched my nipple and smiled at me. Mandy laughed and dragged me by the hand into the kitchen. We made 6 trays of cookies and then cooked dinner.

We all ate in the den watching another movie. We were amazed that the murder story was about someone using a SexMed as a disguise to commit the crime. This time Kathy won the quarters.

Mandy put her arms around me and whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, how about we do something wild tonight? Lets both that a clone pill." I said, "We're going to bed. We'll see you in morning."

Mandy took my hand and we went upstairs with two pills from a prescription bottle in the kitchen. We looked outside onto the veranda through the glass french doors in our bedroom and it was really snowing hard. We turned on the gas fireplace and then undressed. We lay on the bed and Mandy out a pill in my mouth and she put one in hers, and we were out cold.

We woke up a few minutes later and I had two pussies, so did Mandy. This was so weird. We lay on our sides in a 69 position and I licked her front pussy and then the back one. She did the same thing to me. I rubbed her clit on the front one, and licked and sucked the one in the back. Mandy was moaning softly as she was doing the exact same thing to me. This felt unbelievable.

We licked, sucked and rubbed each other for about 20 minutes and then Mandy moaned loudly into my pussy, as she jerked twice and bucked her pussy into my mouth. She came from both at once and I sucked it all of her cum juices and swallowed, and then licked the other one also. I felt an orgasm starting and I couldn't tell what was happening, it was so intense. I felt my cunt twinge and then twinge again. Me knees went weak as I pushed my pussy into Mandy's mouth so hard. She sucked and rubbed me with blinding speed, as I let loose. I shook all over as I moaned, "OH! OH GOD!! OOOOOHHHHH! OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! It's happening at the same time! OOOH! Suck me honey! OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Swallow it!"

I flooded Mandy's face as she sucked one pussy and then the other. She moved from our 69 position and kissed me with a mouthful of my juices. Mandy took out a second Oscar before we lay down, and she reached for both of them on the nightstand. I lay on my back and Mandy put them both in me. She closed my legs slightly and then sat straddling me, and we rubbed our pussies together. I was cumming again already, as Mandy wrapped her arms and legs around me and we rolled over on our sides.

The feeling was incredible as we fucked using Oscar and rubbed our pussies together. We each had an orgasm every few minutes, and then occasionally had one from both cunts at the same time. I lost complete control of myself several times, where I was so dizzy I almost blacked out. We were in a whole different world together, as we fucked for hours, and then ate each other out, drinking our cum.

Mandy moved to lay next to me again and we kissed and then laughed as I realized that we both had 4 boobs also, one set over the other. I sucked one of her nipples and she sucked one of mine. The sensations weren't as good as in our nipples as normal, but our pussies were a whole different story.

Mandy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. She blew out the smoke and put the cigarette in my lips. I took a deep inhale, and then another one, holding in the smoke. She kissed me before I could blow it out and I said, "Smoke Games?" She didn't answer me and just kept on kissing me. We shared the cigarette and rubbed each other's pussies. I put my hand inside of her top pussy and found her G-spot. Mandy went wild. I put my other hand in her other pussy and found that G-spot also. Mandy was screaming, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! OOOOOOOHHHHH! YES! YYYYYEEEESSSS! Jen, make me come! Make me cum! Oh Shit, is this fucking great! Rub me harder! Harder! That's it. That's it ! OOOOOOOHHHHH! OH! OH! OOOHHHHH!" Mandy was bouncing on the bed into my hands. I was making her crazy.

I finally stopped and Mandy was exhausted. She smiled at me and then put both of her hands in my pussies and hit my G-spots. I went wild. I must have jumped a foot off the bed when I started to orgasm, and didn't stop for about 15 minutes. I was moaning so loud and Mandy kept smiling while she said, "Now you know what you just did to me. Enjoy it honey."

We licked each other in a 69 position again and then went back to using two Oscars. We fucked ourselves senseless until 5 in the morning, and then passed out. We woke up as normal again and cuddled sitting up against the headboard. I lit a cigarette and Mandy said, "Let's see what it's doing outside." We walked over to the french doors and Mandy turned on the outside lights. I had my arms around her from behind as she took a drag of the cigarette. We watched the snow in almost a complete white out. Mandy turned to kiss me and we went back to bed. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "How about snowmobiles tomorrow?" Mandy said, "As long as we don't get too nuts like last time. Lets stay off the lake. I don't give a shit what Julie wants to do. I'm not going swimming through the ice again." We both laughed as we remembered how stupid it was. I said, "Lets drive them into town." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke. She took another deep drag and kissed me blowing the smoke out through her nose.

We shared the cigarette and made love as normal. No more explosion style orgasms, just lots and lots of sensual and passionate love. I whispered into Mandy's ear as we were caressing each other, "Sweetheart, I promise to love you for the next ten thousand years." Mandy kissed me so passionately and then whispered to me, "I know you will. Baby, you know how I feel about you. I could never feel this way about anyone else. We were meant to spend eternity together." Mandy and I kissed and caressed each other for hours. We fell asleep cuddling at 8 in the morning.


We both woke up around noon, and it we couldn't see anything outside, as a snowdrift had completely covered our french door in the bedroom door. We both ran to the windows on the other side of the room and watched it snow. It wasn't a blizzard because there weren't any high winds, but this was a big storm. We showered and sang our tune of the week, after we peed under the water.

Dressing today was blue jeans, boots and a flannel shirt. We called these our Alaska outfits. We went downstairs for breakfast and everyone was eating. Allison said, "Scrambled eggs, peppers, bacon, potatoes, and toast. It's on the stove in the covered tray." We pigged out.

I said, "We're going to take the snowmobiles into town. Anyone want to come along?" Everyone wanted to go. Mandy said, "Julie, you turn toward the lake and you're on your own." We all laughed and Julie blushed so red. She said, "I'm so sorry about that. I really did think it was frozen." Mandy said, "The only thing frozen was my ass, for about 2 days." Chris and Allison were eating it up.

We had some coffee and a cigarette, and dressed for the trip. We all had goggles, helmets, and a two way radio headsets, so we could talk to each other while we were driving. We went into the back storage area attached to the garage and Chris started the snowmobiles and pulled them out. We checked them for gas, and then we each got on one and took off.

We had a blast. These things will only got to about 60 miles and hour at full throttle, but it feels like you're flying. We took the road for a while and then the scenic route through the fields and dirt roads that were snow covered. It took us a good hour to get to the town with all the screwing around we did. Nothing was plowed yet, so we stopped by the general store and went in, which was the only store open.

George and Martha, the store owners, told us they were still there from last night, and couldn't get their car out. They were an elderly couple who refused to take the forever drug. We just didn't get it, but we didn't try to push it. We made them a deal that after we shopped for what we needed, we'd drive them home on the snowmobiles.

Mandy had a list and we filled up a cart. I threw a bunch of stuff into the cart and everyone laughed. I said, "Desert?" Mandy said, "Jen, how much whipped cream can we possible eat?" I said, "We need some extra so we can roll around in it, on the plastic tarp that I got." Allison actually blushed and I said, "See. She knows what I'm talking about." Allison looked so guilty and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Julie was hysterical, as Chris just smiled.

We checked out and put the bags from the store into the plastic bags we brought, that could tie onto the sides of the snowmobile and not get dragged or rub the tread. George sat behind me and Martha sat behind Mandy as we took them home. We went real slow as they were so nervous. Julie said into the headset to us, "There is a car buried over there. I'm going to check it out." All of them speed up passing us and we already off the snowmobiles when we got to them. They were uncovering a car that had two people inside freezing to death. Mandy took out her cell phone and handed it to me. I took off my helmet and called 911, as Kathy took their vitals. She said to me, "Tell them to hurry. We have no way to get them warm. The car's out of gas, and they are both frost bitten and hypothermic." I talked to the dispatcher and she said, "Oh shit. The ambulance can't get out of the garage. Can two of you take them to the hospital?"

Julie and Kathy put the two people behind them on the snowmobiles and took off as fast as they could for the hospital. We dropped off George and Martha, and speed over to the hospital also.

We walked into the ER and our friend Paul, the ER resident, greeted us. He was giving the couple our Pharma-Miracle drug and had them under blankets. He said, "They weren't dead, but damn close. Good thing you came along when you did. Another hour or two and it would have been all over."

We sat down and talked for a while with Paul. He said, "I haven't treated an illness in over 6 months. We still get the accidents, but no one is getting sick. I think your vitamin also builds up resistance. Even the local hypochondriacs that use to come in almost everyday whining about something haven't been here. Need any help at JPSS or Pharma? This is so boring."

That's when we realized just how much of an impact our drugs had. Mandy said, "Call Max. This is his number." She wrote it down and said, "We'll let him know about you. I'm sure there's something you may like." Paul thanked us and we got dressed for the adventure home.

We had a blast driving back. We went through fields and up hills, and probably traveled over 60 miles. I said into the headsets, "We should head back. I'm running out of gas." We made it back to the castle just as it was getting dark, with less than a gallon of gas left in each of the tanks. It was still snowing hard.

We went into the house with the groceries and all of us felt great. We took off the heavy cloths and Allison started a fire in the kitchen fireplace. Kathy made some hot chocolate, as we all sat and relaxed. I lit a cigarette and Mandy pulled my suspenders and snapped them. I said, "Hey, those are my boobs under that." Mandy smiled and said, "I love those. We need to get me a pair also." I said, "You have pair. We got these in the Alps. Remember?" Kathy said, "She ripped them when we all fell on the rocks. We had to throw Mandy's pair out." I held Mandy and said, "Feel like flying to Austria to go shopping?" She smiled and said, "Next week."

Julie turned on the small TV in the kitchen and put on the weather. I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy. She was playing with my suspenders again and I said, "One more snap and I become the nipple monster." She rubbed my nipples and kissed them to make them feel better. Wow, did it make them feel better. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and gave it back to me, as we watched the weather on TV.

We all said the same thing, "Every year at the same time." We were in for another whopper of a snowstorm. According to the weather, we already had 37 inches of new snow on the ground, and they were estimating we would end up with somewhere between 55 and 65 inches. I said, "I guess we have enough time to record the new songs if we want to do it ourselves. Maybe Jody and Janice will come over to help. They have snowmobiles."

Mandy called Jody and said, "You guys going stir crazy yet?" Jody said, "What do you need?" I said, "Jody, did I ever tell you how gorgeous you are?" She started to laugh and yelled, "I'm not buying anything! They will all shoot me! Jen, you know what it took to sell that fucking boat." Mandy said, "How about you and Janice come over here tomorrow on the snow mobiles and help us record?" We heard Jody talk to everyone and they all yelled back into the phone, "We'll be there tomorrow." We talked for a few minutes and then hung up.

Chris and Allison went into the studio to work on a song they were writing. Julie and Kathy started to cook and we poured some wine. Mandy was still playing with my suspenders, except now she was using her hand to cover my nipples. I was getting so wet and my headlights were definitely on. Mandy was giggling at me and then gave we a wet sloppy kiss. I put my arms around her and kissed her for over 10 minutes while we danced with our tongues. Mandy held me close and kissed my neck and ear whispering, "I want to make love honey." We kissed again and were getting into it, as Chris and Allison came into the kitchen with their folk guitars. Chris said, "We want all of you to listen to this song. We can't do it with our band because it just isn't our style, but we think you may want to use it."

Chris and Allison played the song for us and we all listened. I loved it. We all looked at each other and nodded our heads. Kathy said, "Write down the words and the chords. We'll try it." Chris pulled out a piece of paper that already had the music and words on it.

Mandy and I took their guitars and played the chords to get the feel of the song. We made a few changes and tried it a few more times. Chris and Allison were watching us and didn't really understand what we were doing. Then we discussed arrangement of the vocals. Julie and Kathy stood behind us so we could all read the music on the paper. We did a chorus to try it several different ways, and then did a verse. Mandy said, "Ready for a run through? Count us out Kathy."

Kathy gave us our cue and we played it. It was their song, but done our way. We loved it. Mandy said, "This is a definite hit. You sure you guys don't want to record it?" Chris said, "We could never do it like that. How did you change it?" We finally stumped the geniuses. Kathy said, "You two must be slow." Chris said, "I know we deserved that comment, but we don't understand how you did that. Can you teach us?"

We explained our formula for how we develop a song to meet our style. Then we did the same thing for their style of music. They were right. The song just didn't fit. I said, "We still have two Brass Ring tunes we never recorded that don't fit our style. Maybe they would fit Always and Forever." I got the music from the studio and we taught Chris and Allison how to adapt the music to their style. One of them sounded great and I said, "Even swap."

Chris and Allison ran back to the studio to work on an arrangement. We laughed and Mandy said, "This is one hell of a great tune. That was an unfair swap." I said, "Lets write them some real winners like the tunes we have. You know we can do it."

Julie went to the studio and came back with a folk guitar and a few sheets of paper. She said, "Kathy and I wrote this one for the Brass Ring, but we never even played it for you. I love it, but it's not us at all." We listened to it and I said, "Now it's unfair on their side. That's a number one. Lets change it for them." We wrote the arrangements, but left plenty of room for them to change it. Julie turned off the oven and took out the food, and we all went to the studio.

We listened to Chris and Allison making subtle changes to the song, and it did sound good. I said, "We have another one for your band. I think this one is a hit." We played it and they listened. We knew by the expression on their faces it was a hit. Chris and Allison we asking to learn it before we even started the third verse. Mandy said, "After we eat dinner."

We sat and ate chicken, as Chris and Allison were learning the vocal parts with a mouthful of food. This was really funny, but we all tried not to laugh. By the end of dinner, they knew the song and took off for the studio before we had coffee. We had our coffee and cigarette, and then went to the studio to listen to them play the song. It sounded good. Mandy and I smothered Julie and Kathy in kisses, as they blushed.

Kathy said, "Did anyone see the dogs?" We all thought to ourselves, not again. Chris and Allison went running around the house looking for them and they called to us from the far wing and said, "They're swimming in the pool." We all walked into the indoor swimming pool room and watched the dogs pushing each other, and the cat into the water. Chris and Allison took off their cloths and dove in, and we jointed them. Then we got out and pushed the dogs in and played with them for a while. The water was 94 degrees, and felt great.

We stayed in the water until our toes were like ruffles skin. We all got out and dried off and Mandy said, "Chris, push the stop lever on the elevator. The dogs will use it to go out back, and in the snow they'll freeze to death. Lets make sure they can get out by the side of the garage." We all dressed and the dogs followed us to the side of the garage. We shoveled around their door and they went out. They were back inside in less than a minute with ice all over them.

Ruffles looked so guilty with his tail between his legs. Kathy said, "Ruffles, which bed did you piss on now?" Ruffles lay down and crawled under a table. Kathy said, "Oh Shit. Check the bedrooms." We all went upstairs and it wasn't ours. It was Julie's and Kathy's. Kathy was pissed. Mandy said, "It could have been worse. You could have been sleeping in it when he did it." Julie was laughing and Kathy was ready to kill Ruffles. Julie said, "Chill out. We'll camp out with the neighbors tonight." That made Kathy smile.

We all went into our room and I turned on the gas fireplace. Then we all undressed and got into the bed. Chris and Allison watched us and we saw them talking. Julie said, "I can only imagine what they're planning now."

Mandy lit a cigarette and hit the TV remote button. She channel surfed for the weather and we saw the snow fall amounts. Mandy turned it off and said, "We're going to have a few days inside." She took another drag of her cigarette and then put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled and then sucked in again, holding in the smoke. I blew it out of my nose slowly and Mandy kissed my cheek. She said, "Jen, I am so horny." I took another drag as Mandy reached for the nightstand and put Oscar in my pussy. It felt so good. She closed my legs slightly and then sat straddling me. I took another drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and Mandy took a drag also. She kissed me and rubbed her pussy against mine. Julie and Kathy were kissing and watching us fuck.

Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a deep drag and then she kissed me before I could blow out the smoke. She was so hot tonight. Mandy leaned forward and sucked my nipples and then kissed me again. She took a drag of her cigarette, and gave me a final drag before she put it out. We kissed and rolled over on our sides. My pussy was moving against hers so hard we heard our skin slapping together.

We watched Julie and Kathy eat each out in a 69 position and I was so hot. Mandy and I fucked for over two hours like that. We both orgasmed so many times, our pussies were dripping on our legs. Mandy was rolling her tongue all through my mouth. I loved when she did this and then I did it back to her. She moaned so loud when I sucked her tongue, and she had another orgasm. We hugged each other fucking, and breathing so heavy into each other's ear. Mandy whispered to me, "Eat my cum baby, while I eat yours."

We got into a 69 position on our sides and we licked and sucked each other's pussy. I used my hands to spread Mandy's slit apart and then rubbed her clit with I licked. She sprayed my mouth when she orgasmed, moaning into my pussy. I swallowed as fast as I could.

Julie and Kathy lay next to us and Kathy licked Mandy's pussy with me, and Julie licked mine with Mandy. Then we got into a four way 69 chain. I sucked Julie into paradise, and Kathy did the same thing to me. Then we changed positions three times.

We all lay in a pile on top of each other and Julie said, "Can anyone reach the pack of cigarettes?" No one wanted to move. Mandy used her foot and grabbed the cigarettes with her toes and then the lighter and dropped them by Julie's head. We all laughed.

We all moved apart and Mandy cuddled with me. Julie lit a cigarette and then handed the pack to me, and I lit one also. Mandy whispered into my ear, "After we finish our cigarette lets take a SexMed clone. I put two pills on my dresser. I want to eat you out the same time Kathy does. Jen, you are going to flip."

Julie heard us and was laughing. She said, "We were going to do the same thing. It's really wild isn't it?" We all smiled. We finished our cigarettes and I said, "Half a pill. It's late." We cut the two pills in half and each took a half. We were out in seconds.

We all woke up together and Mandy said, "Come here Kathy, you get to make Jen go crazy with me." Mandy lay on top of me and licked my top pussy and Kathy licked the bottom one. I licked Mandy's top pussy and Julie licked her bottom one. I orgasmed in an explosion. So did Mandy. Then we changed positions 8 different times. We made every one of us go crazy in an orgasm from both at once. Mandy and I used 2 Oscars again and as much I like it normal, this is absolutely unreal. We had orgasm after orgasm, each one was so strong, we went limp. Julie screamed so loud, Chris and Allison came running in.

They watched and laughed at us. Then they climbed into bed with us. We watched them both lick Kathy and then Julie, while Mandy and I were somewhere on a different planet.

We went for so long, we were so tired we could barely move. Chris and Allison pulled us apart. Allison lay between Mandy's legs and Chris was between mine, as they swallowed all of our juices. Mandy and I kissed and lay together with our eyes half closed. The girls kissed us and went back to their room. We feel asleep cuddling.

We all woke up about 10 AM and took a shower. Kathy was still bitching about the dog and Mandy told her that she wet our bed last night also. That shut her up. They went into their room to change the sheets and we got dressed. We all met in the kitchen for breakfast.

The kids had already cooked for us and we ate like pigs again.


We were sitting in the kitchen having coffee and a cigarette. Mandy called Jody and they were on their way over in a few minutes. She also called Ken and told him we were going to record if they wanted to drive their snowmobiles across the field to come over and listen.

In twenty minutes the whole crowd was there. All of the kids came also. Jody said, "They want to record also. We'll do their new tunes after we finish yours. I spent a lot of time with Jeff, and I think you're going to like how this sounds."

Ken poured everyone coffee and said, "I got to hear the new tunes. Just tell me they're good. Say, Ken, their fucking great." I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Ken, they really suck. We need help on these." Mandy was hysterical from watching Ken's face. She said, "Got you."

We all goofed around and then went into the studio. We tried the new song Chris and Allison wrote for us to warm up and Chris clapped for us. I said, "First time though on that one. Chris and Allison wrote it for us, and we wrote two for them." Ken smiled and said, "Just keep doing that."

Jody got all the levels and we did one song and then listened to it on a trial mix. We recorded all 14 new tunes, one after the other. They always sound like crap when you record, so we really wanted to hear the mixes. Jody played with the settings for a long time and then said, "Okay. These are going to knock your socks off." She pressed play and we all listened. Damn did it sound good. The recording was even better than Jeff did, and the songs sounded great. We listened to all of them and then Jody did a final mix very carefully and made masters. She burned a trial CD and we listened to all of it again. It even sounded better. Ken said, "Jody, why in the hell don't you do this for the company? That's even better than Jeff." She smiled and said, "Lets talk about it later. I've thinking about it."

We took a break and made a late lunch. Then we started with the kids new material. They warmed up and learned the new tunes we wrote for them. Ken made a few changes to one part and he said, "Mandy, you guys have any other throw away tunes we could use to make 30 million dollars?"

We sat on the couches and listened as we drank beer after beer. By the last tune, we had trouble keeping quite. Kathy had her one her hands over my mouth and the other over Mandy's. When they finished recording the last song, Julie let out a scream. Everyone jumped and looked at her and she said, "I just had to do that. Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut that long?" Jody smiled and tossed us all another can a beer.

The kids new CD sounded terrific. We listened to it and kept on downing the beers. Mandy and I were seriously buzzed. Julie and Kathy were even worse. Chris looked at the four of us and laughed so hard. She said, "Allison and I will make some sandwiches. `Changes' is trashed. Everyone looked at us and started to laugh. Ken helped me and Mandy walk into the living room and couldn't stop laughing. We were leaning on each other, and on him. Mandy fell backwards into the couch and I sat on her lap with my arm around her neck. Jamie counted the beer cans and said, "They drank 12 cans each. No wonder they're so fucked up."

Mandy slurred out, "We're not fucked up. We're connected. Isn't that right sweetheart? When I eat hot Mexican food what do you do Jen?" I smiled at Mandy and said, "I burp and fart for you." Everyone was laughing at us, except Julie who agreed. Ken said, "Mandy, what do you do when Jen farts?" Mandy smiled and slurred again, "I stop licking her ass, until the smell is gone. But she does the same for me. Isn't that right sweetheart?"

I thought Chris and Allison were going to piss in their pants. Julie was worse than either of us and said, "Hey, stop making fun of my bestest friends. Kathy does the same for me. She even licks me after I pee when I drink too much. Isn't that right baby?" Kathy nodded her head and smiled, as tears were rolling down Ken's face from laughing. Jody shook her head and tossed us all another beer.

Mandy and I changed positions so she was now sitting on my lap. We both had on flannel shirts with no bra and Mandy whispered to me, "I want a better view." She giggled and opened the top four buttons on my shirt and made it so she could see my nipples. Then she said, "Now that's much better." I lit a cigarette and took a drag and Mandy put it in her lips. I unbuttoned the top four buttons of her shirt also and opened it up a little. She blew out the smoke giggling and said, "My high beams are on honey. You did that to me." We kissed in a sloppy kiss and everyone was really laughing at us now.

Chris said, "It's snowing way to hard to drive the snowmobiles back at night. Why don't you all stay over?" Ken and Gary were still laughing and Gary said, "I won't care if it was the middle of the summer, I won't miss this show for all the money on the world."

Mandy wasn't even listening to them and put her hand inside of my shirt and started massaging my breasts and nipples. I was in heaven and kissed her again. Mandy said, "Suck my titty baby", as she opened her shirt more and pushed my head into her breast. I sucked her nipple as Mandy keep pinching my nipples. I was so wet.

Julie and Kathy slid next to us on the couch and were watching us with their heads maybe a foot away. Kathy slurred, "Looks like someone is having fun honey. I think you need to apologize to my boobies again like you did this morning." I stopped sucking Mandy and giggled out, "Kathy, what in the fuck are you talking about?" Julie said, "We got so carried away getting dressed and I let Kathy wear my suspenders, and then I snapped them on her. She screamed. I felt so bad and kissed her boobies all over and said I was sorry. Just like this." Julie was kissing Kathy's breasts, as Kathy held each one to Julie's lips. Mandy and I watched and were both so hot. I went back to licking Mandy's nipples and she rubbed mine.

Everyone watched our little show, but we were so trashed we didn't care. Chris brought in sandwiches and Jody tossed us each another beer. I said to Mandy, "You want to eat?" Mandy, Julie, and Kathy all said at once, "Fuck no!" We all drank more beer and then really got out of control.

Kathy yelled out, "Play the kids new CD. I want to hear track 3 again." Gary put it in the stereo and Kathy stood and did a strip tease in time to the music. Julie joined her after the first verse, and then they had us doing it too. We heard Gary said, "Great song for the go-go bars. This ones a single also."

After we had all our cloths off, Jamie, Chris, and Allison helped us walk upstairs. Jody gave us four beers for the road. We all crashed onto our bed, lying looking up at the ceiling and laughing. I lit a cigarette and Mandy crawled over to me and took a drag. She giggled and said, "Lets fuck!" We finished our smoke, and fucked; all four of us, for hours. Mandy rode my lap with Oscar pretending she was on one of the horses. Kathy was telling her to pretend we were jumping fences also. Julie lay in the bed next to me while the two of them rode us and jumped every minute or so. I remember laughing nonstop until I orgasmed.

Mandy and I ate each other's pussy and then passed out. I slept with my head on her thigh, and she had her face on my clit. We both woke up several times during the night and licked each other to another orgasm again, and then fell right to sleep in the same position. At 8 AM we both woke up and had to pee so bad. We ran into the bathroom and Mandy said, "Bathtub adventure honey." We lay in the stone tub in a 69 position and peed on each other's tongue. We licked each other to another orgasm and then took a shower, kissing and caressing each other, as we washed. We were still a little drunk.

We dried off and went into the bedroom, as Julie and Kathy left to go into their bathroom. Mandy said, "Have fun." Kathy said, "Always and forever." We got dressed and looked outside at the snow falling. It let up a little, but we weren't going anywhere soon. We went downstairs to make everyone breakfast, to find everyone up and eating. We got a standing ovation and Mandy and I bushed every shade of purple and red. Gary said, "Wonderful show. We all think you should work it into the act."

Mandy and I were almost hiding our faces, as we remembered some of the things we did. We made a plate of breakfast and sat down to eat. Chris poured us both a huge mug of coffee, as Mandy said, "Chris, just don't say a word." She smiled and kissed us both on the cheek. I said, "Chris, can you and Allison go check the dogs can still get outside. We'll help shovel it after we eat." Chris and Allison went to check and came back while we were eating. Allison said, "Good thing we stopped the elevator. They were all sleeping it in. We cleaned it up already. We have to shovel the side for them again." Ken said, "We got it. You two must have one hell of a headache." Kathy was walking into the kitchen with Julie and heard Ken. She said, "One of the benefits of the Vitamin. No hangovers."

Ken and Gary still went with Chris and Allison, and cleared a small path for the dogs. They came back while we were having our coffee and a cigarette. Ken said, "Its over my head. This is way more than last year. Lets get the snowmobiles out and go home across the field. We should be okay, as the bottom 3 feet is really packed. Jody, you guys want to try it, or wait?" Jody said, "We'll try it. How about you Robert? You guys want to stay or come home?" The kids were talking and Allison said, "They're staying. We want to play in the studio."

We all went into the storage area off the garage, which is where everyone left the snowmobiles. Chris used the gasoline siphon to fill containers from one of the cars, and then we put the gas into the snowmobiles. Ken opened the storage area garage door and the snow was head high. We shoveled a ramp going up the snow and they drove the snowmobiles out, one at a time. They all waved and we watched them almost disappear in the snow across the theater parking area and into the field towards their house. We shut the storage garage door and went back inside the house to the kitchen. Mandy turned on the TV and found the weather station. We all had our mouths open as we watched news photos of the major highways with cars buried all over them. It was a state of emergency in the entire state and they didn't expect the snow to stop until maybe late tomorrow.

Mandy saw a note on the counter and read it out loud, "Made a pitcher of Bloody Mary. It's on the bar. Thought you may need it. Ken." Mandy clicked off the TV and Julie smiled, as we walked into the game room. We saw the pitcher on the bar and all stood in front of the bar, as Kathy poured us each a glass with ice. We clicked glasses and took a sip, and Julie clicked on the TV over the bar. Mandy lit a cigarette and we all leaned on the bar and watched the rest of the news about the storm.

I was watching Mandy's reflection in the mirror behind the bar, take a deep drag of her cigarette and blow out a stream of smoke. I took a sip of my drink and set it down, as we all looked up at the TV. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mandy this morning. There was something about how sleazy we all looked, and I know she felt it also. I moved to stand behind her and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her ear and neck on one side, and then did the other, as I watched her face in the mirror. She was smiling and took another drag of her cigarette. I moved my hands to cover her breasts on her flannel shirt, and Mandy said softly, "Unbutton it baby." I looked in the mirror to unbutton her shirt and put my hands on her breasts while I kissed her neck. She moaned softly, "That's better."

I softly pinched Mandy's nipples and whispered into her ear, "How about we have a SexMed vacation for the next two days. We can't go anywhere." I watched Mandy smile again in the mirror at me, and make a kiss on her lips. She saw me smile back, as I reached one arm down to her jeans. I unsnapped them, and Mandy helped me put my hand in her panties. I found her clit and softly pushed on it, and rubbed slowly. Mandy moaned softly and moved her pussy slowly. Julie and Kathy were watching the TV news, and us in the mirror. Julie moved over closer to me and Kathy moved around the other side of Mandy. Julie put her hand on my back and started to kiss my neck. Kathy was kissing Mandy's neck, as I rubbed her clit and held her beast in my hand.

Julie said, "Kathy and I thought you two would like to join us for some SexMed fun today." I watched Mandy's eyes half close in the mirror, as she moaned softly, "We'd love too. Jen honey, rub faster baby." I rubbed Mandy's clit faster, as Kathy kissed her, and Julie kissed me. We all were touching each other, and I was so hot. Mandy was moaning loud and then jerked back into me. I watched her eyes close completely in the mirror and then she moved her pussy in a small circle on my hand. She moaned, "mmmmmm, that felt so good", and turned around. Mandy gave me the sloppiest kiss and said, "Julie, go tell Allison we'll be upstairs today." Mandy kissed me again, as she unbuttoned my shirt. She opened my shirt and put her hands on my breasts, massaging them, and rubbing my nipples. I watched my own face in the mirror, as I was getting so turned on.

Kathy clicked the remote for the TV off, and put her arms around both of us. She kissed me and then Mandy, as Mandy was making me tingle all over. Julie came back into the game room and put her arms around us from the other side, and said, "Besides laughing at us, Allison said they'd bring us up some food later. Lets go get medicated." Mandy sucked each of my nipples and then smiled at me. She took my hand, as we walked into the kitchen to get the drugs out of the cabinet. My pussy was throbbing. Julie grabbed all the bottles and we went upstairs to our bedroom.

We all undressed and Mandy said, "How about if Jen and I start being clones, and you two take the SexMed, and then the clone being opposites. Lets say 3 hours worth. Then we'll switch."

Everyone agreed, and Julie and Kathy popped a pill and were out cold. I lit a cigarette, as Mandy and I sat on the bed next to Julie and Kathy lying down unconscious. I took a deep drag, and then another, holding in the smoke. Mandy leaned on me and said, "We need to take care of that pussy of yours that's about to explode. I can tell baby. You get that look on your face that tells me everything." I smiled at her, as she kissed me and started to rub my clit. I took a drag of my cigarette and then held it to Mandy's lips. She inhaled twice and held in the smoke, as she pushed and rub on my clit. I put out the cigarette and then wrapped my arms around Mandy kissing her, as she did her magic with me. I moved my hand to Mandy's clit and we rubbed each other together. Mandy was breathing into my ear and whispered, "Faster baby. Make me blast off again with you."

We rubbed each other for about 10 minutes and we both had an orgasm. My body jerked up into Mandy's hand, and then she moved to a 69 position. We lay on sides and I used my hands to spread Mandy's pussy lips apart, and she did the same thing to me. I put my tongue into her slit, and we licked and sucked each other into paradise. Mandy said, "Sweetheart, kiss my pussy again. Oh yeah, just like that. Oooooo, that feels so good. French kiss it again. Oh, Jen honey, that feels unreal. I'll show you."

Mandy did it to me, and I went off the wall bucking my pussy into her face as I orgasmed again. Mandy exploded in an orgasm into my lips seconds later. We both sucked out our juices and swallowed. We kept going until Julie and Kathy woke up, and then we all took a clone pill.

Julie fucked my two pussies with her two cocks, while Mandy lay next to me and had Kathy do her the same way. We all howled in orgasms, one after the other for over two hours. Then Mandy and I sucked off Julie and Kathy together drinking a mouthful of cum. Kathy had both of her cocks shoot at the same time into my mouth. I shared the cum with Mandy and we played with it. I spit it on her Kathy's chest, and Mandy sucked it back into her mouth. Then she spit it on Julie's male chest, and I licked it back up. It was so erotic.

We all passed out when the cloning drug wore off, and then Mandy and I took a SexMed and were out cold next to Julie and Kathy.

We did this all day. At about 6 PM Allison and Chris brought in some dinner to us, and they both just stood and laughed. We all looked like hell. My hair was matted down, and so was Mandy's. The kids left the room smiling and we ate our dinner watching the weather and news. I was getting serious, as the news kept flashing phone numbers on the screen for people that were running out of food or needed emergency assistance.

We ate our dinner and had a smoke, leaning against the headboard. I took a drag of my cigarette, as Julie said, "She males or clones?" Somehow that just sounded so funny after watching the disaster on TV. We all started to laugh and Kathy said, "Combined, then clones. Save the best for last."

Mandy moved on her side to face me and took a drag of my cigarette. She blew out the smoke putting the cigarette in my lips and then placing her hand on my breast. I inhaled, and then inhaled again, holding in the smoke. I blew out the smoke in a stream into the air, as Mandy whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you, and then you are going to do the same thing to me." Mandy kissed me and finished our cigarette, watching more of the news coverage. We all had our mouths hanging open when they showed LA getting a half inch of snow. Julie clicked off the TV remote and we all popped a combined pill, and passed out.

Mandy and I woke up and touched each other's soft cocks. We were both hard in seconds and moved into a 69 position on our sides. I sucked her shaft into my throat and she did the same to me. We were both fucking each other's face and getting so into it. Mandy had her arms around my ass pulling me deeper into her mouth, and it felt great. I felt Mandy jerk forward, and buck into my mouth. Her cock pulsated and then blasted a squirt of cum into my throat. I swallowed and sucked, as she squirted 9 more times into my mouth. My knees went weak, as I shot my load of cum into Mandy's mouth. She sucked me and rubbed my shaft, as I squirt over and over again my white goo on her tongue. We both kept swallowing, and then she lay between my legs and sucked me hard again.

Mandy sat straddling my cock, rocking back and forth, and then up and down. She leaned forward, as I rubbed the cock in front of her pussy. Mandy had her eyes half closed and was moaning, "Make me cum again honey. Oh, yeah, keep doing that." We kept going for almost a half hour and then I erupted into Mandy again, shooting the cum from my cock. I rubbed Mandy' hard shaft as fast as I could, and she orgasmed from her pussy when I shot my load into her, and then shot white globs of cum onto my hand and my stomach. Mandy rolled off of me and we lay on our sides watching Julie fuck Kathy.

Julie and Kathy saw us relaxing, and they stopped. They crawled over to us and Julie lay between Kathy's legs, and Kathy lay between my legs. Mandy and I kissed, as Julie and Kathy licked us into another orgasm, and the fucked us again. We all passed out before we finished making love and woke back up as normals, on top of each other.

Julie put a clone pill in each of our months and within seconds we were out cold again. We woke up and the four of us made love; licking, Oscar fucking, and sucking, 8 pussies and 16 nipples, for about 3 hours. We all collapsed from exhaustion, and passed out again.


Mandy and I woke up cuddling with each other about 4 AM. We were normal again, and I whispered into her ear, "Sweetheart, no more SexMed. I just want us to be together, and make love the way we are." Mandy placed her warm lips on mine and slowly pushed her tongue into my mouth. She moved it around and then I pushed my tongue in her mouth, as she sucked on it gently. Mandy put her face to my ear and whispered, "I was about to tell you the same thing. Kiss me and hold me."

We looked around and noticed that Julie and Kathy weren't in the bed. I was lying on my back and Mandy turned on her side to face me and leaned over me. She put her open lips on one of my nipples, as I could feel her saliva wetting it. She squeezed my nipple in her lips and then sucked gently, flicking her tongue over it. I moaned softly and Mandy lifted her head smiling and said, "Light me a smoke honey."

I lit a cigarette and took a drag and then put the cigarette in Mandy's lips. She inhaled twice and held in the smoke, and then said to me, "Sweetheart, when you and Kathy came here years ago after solving the puzzle in our book, and I told you about the prize, did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine what we have together now?" I took another drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke, handing the cigarette back to Mandy and said, "You wanted this prize as much as I did. We are both hopeless romantics and in our hearts knew we hadn't found what we were looking for; the someone to truly be in love with for the rest of lives. The prize was your fishing hook and we took the bait. Mandy, I knew from the first week after meeting you, I was falling in love with you, and I knew you had the same feelings for me. I've never been happier in all of my life."

Mandy smile at me and then kissed me. She said, "Me too honey. Me too. If you knew how I felt, and you are right by the way, why didn't you say anything? We went for almost two years without really telling each other how we felt." I said, "For the same reason you didn't. You've known Julie since you were kids, the same for me a Kathy. I'll always feel something special for her, just like you will also have that special friendship for Julie. I wanted to make sure that what we felt for each other wasn't just some passing romance." We heard some rustling under the bed and Mandy said, "The fucking dog is in here again. Ruffles if you piss on the bed, your dead! You here me?"

Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and I took a drag also. Mandy said, "Now where were we? Oh yeah, you were telling me how much you loved me." We both giggled and I said, "I do love you, more than anything in my life and I'd do anything for you. You know that and I know you feel the same way, so put your lips back on my nipple again and make me tingle all over honey."

We heard giggling under the bed and then saw Julie and Kathy's heads on the end of the bed looking at us. We both blushed, as they smiled at us. Julie said, "We had the same conversation about a month ago. We knew it also in about two weeks. Amazing isn't it?" Mandy said, "What were you doing on the floor?"

Kathy said, "Whenever you two take a SexMed and then sleep past the pass out period, you snore like chain saws in harmony. You both must be fucking deaf. We slept under the bed with a pillow over our heads." I said to Mandy, "Do I snore?" She was smiling and said, "I didn't hear it. Did you hear me?" I said, "Nope."

We both took another drag of the cigarette and Julie said to Kathy, "We have one SexMed combined pill left, want to spilt it with me?" Kathy said, "Of Course honey, if I get to fuck you first." Mandy was laughing and trying not be heard. She took a drag of our cigarette and I said, "We're staying normal and have some serious love making to do. Mandy needs to lick my nipples again. You made me so hot sweetheart." I took a drag of our cigarette and then put it out. Mandy put her lips on my nipple again and slowly squeezed it in her lips and flicked her tongue over it. I held her head with my hands to my breast, and melted.

Mandy and I made passionate love together, kissing and caressing each other for over an hour and then rubbing our pussies together using Oscar. We fell back to sleep with our arms and legs wrapped around each other, and our faces touching.

Chris and Allison woke us all up at 9 when they brought in breakfast. We all sat up and lit cigarettes. I said to Kathy, "Were we making chain saw music in our sleep again?" Julie smiled and said, "Nope, but we were. We woke each other up."

I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Chris, still snowing?" She opened the sheer curtains on a window and we watched it snow. Mandy clicked on the TV remote and found the news. It was the same as last night, except the snowfall amounts were higher. Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke out, as she found the weather channel. We all watched for a few minutes and Mandy said, "Chris, are Jasmine, Robert, Chad, and Kyle, still here?" Chris said, "Yeah, they can't get out yet. We kind of also tried a few things yesterday. Chad, Robert, and Kyle, want to stay opposites on a permanent basis. They each took a red pill and the hormones. You should hear how good the band sounds like that. Plus, they really like being girls."

We all laughed and I said, "Did they call their mother's yet?" Allison said, "Yeah. They're not real happy with any of us right now. Can you talk to them this morning? Please?" Mandy said, "We'll call after breakfast. Can all of you shovel a path for the dogs again?" Chris said, "We just did. Ruffles was sitting with his legs crossed until we finished. That dog is such a moron head case. He walked outside and then came back in and pissed on my foot again." We all laughed and Kathy was ready to kill the dog again. I said, "Can we hear the band after we get dressed?" Chris smiled and said, "We'd like that."

We ate our breakfast and watched the news on TV. Mandy called Jody and we could hear Jody screaming into the phone. Mandy held the phone about a foot from her ear making a scrumpled nose face. Mandy whispered to me, "I don't think Jody is too happy about this at all." Melissa got on the other end of the phone and Mandy talked to her for about 10 minutes. She said, "We just found out a few minutes ago. We're going to hear them play in the band with the change and I'll call you back. Tell Jody to chill out! It's not the end of the world. What if they wanted to be clone quads or something really weird."

Mandy hung up and I said, "Clone Quads? What's that?" She said, "It was on the news when we were standing in at the bar in the game room two days ago. You take two clone pills and it gives you four of everything. Four pussies and four sets of tits, or for a guy 4 dicks and 16 nipples." I said, "I think I was preoccupied making you moan and groan." Mandy said, "No, before we got started. I have no clue what was on after that." Julie was listening to us and giggling shaking her head.

We all got up, showered, and dressed. We did a quick change of the sheets, since the cleaning company hasn't been here in 5 days now, and then went downstairs. I called the snow removal company and they told us we were one of the first on their list as soon as they could get out. Chris came into the kitchen and took my hand and Mandy's, and walked us into the studio. Julie and Kathy were still giggling about Mandy and my private conversations.

Chris said, "Meet Roberta, previously Robert, meet Desiree who was Chad, and Kyle who decide to keep her name the same. What do you think?" I said, "You look great! Let's hear the music." They really did look so cute. Kyle was drop dead gorgeous. They all got on the stage in the live room and tuned up. Allison said, "It's different. Ready?" Kyle cued them and they played the same songs we just heard them record. The music was the same, but the vocals were phenomenal. The harmony was so crisp and tight, it never sounded this good. The whole style changed somewhat, and we loved it. They played six songs and Mandy said, "Come sit over here."

They all sat on the couch and Mandy said, "We love it. You guys sound better than ever. You really should re-record the vocal tracks on the new CD." Mandy picked up the phone and called Ken and told him. He was hysterically laughing and said, "I'll hold off on releasing the CD."

Then I called Jody. I said, "Hi honey. You are the most beautiful thing on the planet, and I'm not selling anything." I had her on speaker and Jody said, "Okay Jen, what's the deal today?" I said, "We just heard Always and Forever play with the subtle changes they made. Jody it's fantastic. The sound is completely different, and I want you to re-record the vocal tracks for them. Since they want to stay this way for a while, let's help them make some extra money. They may even make enough to buy your speedboat you've been trying to sell for God knows how long." Jody started to laugh and said, "If I can get the snowmobile out, I`ll come over. Shovel a ramp into the storage area for me."

Before I hung up the kids ran to the storage area to shovel out a ramp. Mandy was laughing and lit a cigarette. We walked to the storage area through the garage and the snow was over the top of the garage doorframe in the storage area. It had to be between 7 and 8 feet deep. The kids worked for over a half hour and made a ramp about 30 feet long to get down into the storage area. Then they took one of the snowmobiles up the ramp and to the stables. Chris and Allison shoveled around the top part of one of the doors that opens in half and then they crawled into the stable. They were back in 20 minutes and Chris said, "The horses are fine. It's 70 degrees in there and they have plenty of food and water. I left the radio on for them again and changed the station. They really like the jazz station."

We heard several snowmobiles and they came down the ramp. Jody and Janice were on one, and Melissa and Karen were on the other. Jody got off the snowmobile and said, "Where is my monster. I'm going to kill him." Chris smiled and said, "You mean you're going to kill her. Aunt Jody, meet Roberta." Jody had her mouth hanging open and said, "Robert? Holly shit, you're beautiful!" The others were equally stunned by Desiree and Kyle.

We all went into the house and I made two pots of coffee. We took it into the studio and Jody went to work on the vocals. We had to stop the first recording because Jody and Janice were crying when then heard the singing and made noises that were on the disk. She redid it again and then went though all the tunes. This CD was a masterpiece. We all sat and listened to it from beginning to end. It was flawless and sounded so unique. Jody said, "We have some time to kill. Play the first CD songs again and I'll re-record them completely. You changed some of them anyway."

We spend the entire day in the studio working with the kid's music. Mandy and I made lunch for everyone and got carried away in the kitchen. We rubbed each other's clit again until we had an orgasm and then kissed for over a twenty minutes. We got a round of applause when we brought in the sandwiches. Julie and Kathy were hysterically laughing and Kathy said, "Mandy, you have you shirt buttoned on the wrong button holes. You look lopsided." We both looked at it and blushed, smiling at each other. I said, "We were in a hurry."

They finished re-recording the other CD and it sounded so different, and much better. Mandy and I walked to the Veranda doors and turned on the outside lights. We could see through a one inch gap at the top of the glass and it had stopped snowing. We all walked to the front door to see how bad it really was. I opened the door and we walked out under the covered entrance and looked into a wall of snow. I said, "They won't be here to clear us out for a while. It could take days to just plow the roads."

We all went back inside and made some dinner. Mandy heated up some of the frozen catfish the caterer cooked for everyone. It tasted great. Jody and the crew left to go home and she was back on speaking terms with Roberta. Chris and Allison sat with us in the kitchen. Chris lit a cigarette and said, "Thanks mom. I thought Aunt Jody was going to shoot Roberta." Mandy said, "Don't thank me, thank Jen. She sweet talked Jody like usual. Isn't that right honey?" I said, "She falls for it every time."

We spent the next two days having a blast waiting for the snow removal company to get to us. We took the snowmobiles out a couple of times and had to drain almost all of the gas out of two of the cars to refill them. Julie, Kathy, Mandy, and I managed to spend over ten thousand dollars on the QVC Home Shopping Network. It was so addicting. God only knows what we are going to do with all the garbage we ordered.

The snow removal company started clearing out the snow at 7 in the morning, and didn't finish until after 3 in the afternoon. They made a mountain of snow that we figured would probably take until June to melt. They shoveled around every door, and cut stairs into the snow to walk up in an emergency. We tried the ones on the back yard and it looked to weird. We couldn't tell where the ground ended and the dock and water started. It looked like one white blanket for miles. We decided that no one was going out back.

After the driveway was cleared we asked the guys doing the plowing what roads were open. The foreman said, "Interstate is cleared now. Take Pond Run to get there." Mandy said to us, "You want to ski on 8 feet of fresh powder?" She didn't need an answer. We called the closest ski resort and got a couple of rooms. They told us they had to shovel under the chair lifts, as the snow was too deep.

We packed for a few days, loaded the Hummer, and took off. Driving was amazing. It looked like the roads had 8 foot walls on the sides. The state used huge snow blowers to clear off the main roads. The towns had to dig out with plows and bulldozers. We even passed an 18-wheeler truck that was almost completely buried. We found one gas station that was open so we filled the car, even though it was only half empty. Mandy and I changed, so that she was driving now. We had to go slow as it was so hard to see around corners. It was like we were driving through a tunnel.

We got to the resort at 8 at night and it was almost empty. The clerk said, "Almost everyone left the first day it snowed, and no one could get here to check in for the next week. We have so much food and booze. It's on the house tonight. Plus we have a band playing that couldn't leave, so they have been using our lounge for their practice. They're pretty good."

We had a bellhop take all of things to the room and we went into the restaurant. They had a menu that was unreal. We all had a lobster tail and filet mignon, as we looked through the ski trail maps. Mandy said, "Look they even have a helicopter lift for the back face. Want to.." Before she even finished her sentence we all screamed, "No!" Mandy said, "You guys are no fun any more. Come on. One trip up on the chopper." I said, "Lets talk to the pilot first. There has to be an avalanche warning with all this new snow." The waiter came over to the table and I said, "Is the back face open?" He smiled and said, "Not likely. The chopper almost got crushed yesterday when they landed with a group below the summit. The noise of the engine and blades started an avalanche." Mandy said, "Okay, okay, we'll wait another day." The waiter looked at us like we were retarded, as we ordered two drinks each.

Kathy made a toast to private conversations and we all smiled. Chris and Allison had no clue what we were talking about. The band was getting ready to play and we all turned our chairs to watch. They were horrible. We all drank our two drinks and ordered two more each to deaden our ears. After four drinks we were getting routy as usual and the restaurant was getting packed. Julie stood up between songs and yelled, "You guys suck big time!" The lead singer had a few choice remarks for us too and then we got into a pissing contest of who sucks more. Mandy and I laughed so hard we almost peed in our jeans. Someone in the band yelled at us, "You think you can play any better. Get you bitchy asses down here a we'll laugh at you." The audience was screaming for us to play not knowing anything about us.

Julie said, "Come on! Come on! Don't make me play solo", as she was shaking her ass and boobs like a stripper. We laughed, as Julie dragged each of us off our chairs and then pushed us to the stage, including Chris and Allison. The people in the audience were clapping and screaming. The band's equipment was such shit and they only had 3 mics. We moved things around and Mandy said, "Okay gang, lets do a real show. No skit to start, just blow them away. Kathy, start us with Fly Away. Chris, you and Allison sing the harmony parts."

Kathy gave us our cue and we rocked. The audience was all standing and clapping and when we finished the first song and we got the cheers as usual. I said into the mic, "So how did the drunk bitches do?" The audience all cheered and clapped, and Julie said, "We can't hear you!" The screaming got louder and we did our normal show except Mandy said before the next song, "Not bad for a couple of drunken bitches. This is my daughter Chris and Julie's daughter Allison, you might recognize them from Always and Forever." The audience cheered again and then Mandy said, "And I'm Mandy, that's Jen, we have Julie on bass, and Kathy on the drums. You might have seen us in `Changes'." Everyone stood and cheered and we did our show, except we added five of the new tunes we wrote. We also let Chris and Allison play all the instruments as we changed off.

We all had about four more drinks on stage and were definitely on a roll telling jokes and doing our usual pranks. Mandy pinched my nipple again and this time it hurt. I smacked her ass and she laughed so hard she almost dropped the guitar.

Mandy invited the house band up to play with us and we jammed for about an hour playing cover songs that they knew, and some blues tunes. They really weren't bad musicians, they just played horrible songs, didn't sound good together, and the equipment was junk. Julie was half blasted and said when we were all done, "You still suck. That blues stuff we did together was really good. No one wants hear Leroy Brown. That's lounge lizard shit." They all laughed at us and agreed.

We sat at our table with the band having a few more drinks and they were so funny. They only started playing together this week, because they got snowed in. The equipment wasn't theirs and it belonged to the last group that left it here before the storm. Two of the musicians were already in a band that was signed to a development deal by Ken, and the other three were in a band that was supposed to audition next week for Jody. One of then said, "Was it really that bad?" Julie fell off her chair, but held on to her drink without spilling a drop and we all went hysterical. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. They were all telling Julie she sucked now.

We got mobbed for autographs and then headed up to our rooms. Mandy and I said goodnight and went into our bedroom. We undressed and were still giggling about Julie. She was so smashed. We could hear her still singing to Kathy and Kathy was laughing at her.

Mandy put a cigarette in her lips and lit it, taking a deep drag. She said, "You still suck!" We both started to laugh again. I took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke out into the air. I gave the cigarette back to Mandy and she inhaled twice and held in the smoke. We were leaning against each other against the headboard on the bed and I said, "You really gave me a purple nurple. That fucking hurt! Now it needs some loving, just be gentle."

Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to me. She put her lips very gently over my nipple that she pinched, and wet it with her saliva. Then she gently sucked it and flicked her tongue over it, as I held her head to my breast. I was melting inside, as I reached for Mandy's clit and slowly rubbed her button and pussy. I leaned closer to Mandy and we caressed each other all over. She licked and sucked my nipple for over 20 minutes telling me how sorry she was. I made her do it again and she laughed at me, but did it anyway. I was on fire.

We kissed and then got into a 69 position on our sides and I spread Mandy's pussy lips apart with my hands and pushed my tongue into her slit. I licked from the bottom to the top and then back down again. I sucked her entire pussy into my mouth and used my tongue on it, as Mandy was doing the exact same thing to me. We both orgasmed into each other's mouth and I swallowed her think juices, and then we took Oscar out of our suitcase. We fucked for hours rubbing our pussies together and kissing. I sucked Mandy's nipples the way she did me and she went wild.

We fell asleep at 4 AM after we both came so hard we were exhausted.


Chris and Allison came into wake us up at 7 AM and we were already awake just cuddling with each other. Chris asked us for our breakfast order, and then left the room. Mandy held her breast on her hand to my lips and said, "I know this is a mistake, because we are not going to want to get out of bed. But Sweetheart, I am so horny again." I opened my lips slightly and put then gently on Mandy's nipple. I wet it with some of my saliva and then licked around the aureole. I put my lips back over her nipple and sucked gently, flicking my tongue over it. I used my other hand to gently caress Mandy's other breast and she was breathing hard into my ear. She licked my ear and whispered to me, "I need to make love again so bad baby." Mandy lifted my head off of her breast and kissed me. She lay down by my feet, as I moved into a 69 position, and we licked each other into until we both had an orgasm. I kept her thick juices in my mouth and moved to Mandy's face. I put my lips on hers, pushed in my tongue along with all the pussy juices in my mouth. Mandy moaned into my mouth, as we swished our tongues together, kissing and swallowing.

We got up to shower and dress, just as Chris yelled, "Breakfast is here." We sang our shower song of the week, and then dried off. We got dressed and went out to the common room between the bedrooms for breakfast. Everyone was excited about skiing again as we talked about the last trip. Chris and Allison were becoming ski addicts, just like us. Everyone wanted me to show them how to ski real deep powder so we had mini lesson next to table. I made everyone lean backwards to where they fell backwards onto my arms, and said, "That's how you stay up in deep powder. If you lean forward you do a nose dive into the snow."

We finished breakfast and had some coffee and a cigarette. We got our cloths together and went downstairs to pick up our skis. They had a cloths shop and I said to Mandy, "See something you wanted in the window." Mandy dragged me in smiling and we bought her another pair of suspenders, just like mine. While no one was looking, I put my hand on her breasts and snapped the suspenders on it. She was so embarrassed that someone would see us. Then she held my hand where it was and snapped it herself, and kissed me. We went out to get our skis and lift tickets.

Kathy and Julie were reading the trail map as we looked up the mountain. It was one white blanket. I said, "Lets just go to the top and ski down. We'll find our way back." We took the chair lift to the very top summit and we looked for an ungroomed trail. The powder was up to our waist and it took everyone some getting use to leaning backwards that far, but after about a minute or two they all caught on. We went down the steepest trail there was and all left perfect marks in the snow. It was so tiring skiing like this though. We made three runs and were all panting. Mandy said, "Let's take a rest at the summit and then take one of the packed trails. I need a rest." We all agreed.

We got to the top and took off our skis and sat on a ridge of snow that was hard. Mandy handed out cigarettes and we all lit up. Mandy took a deep drag and the smoke was blowing in the wind. She said, "That was so cool. If the snow wasn't that deep I would have fallen over backwards." I said, "If we ski a packed trail, remember to lean forward again, or you will fall over."

We were having our cigarettes and the ski patrol came over to us. One the women said, "You okay?" I said, "Just resting. They can't take the deep power." She laughed and said, "Neither can I. Was that you guys that skied down the Needles Eye?" Mandy said, "Yup. My legs are telling me all about it right now. I'm dying." The other guy in the ski patrol said, "How did you make those perfect lines in the snow?" Julie said, "Jen, it's lesson time again!"

I had then lean back on the skis and we did the same thing. Mandy and I caught them as the started to fall and then held them up, as I said, "Lean to this position and your skis will be up so you can short hop. It's hard as hell on your legs." They said, "Do it one more time with us."

We put on our skis and did it one more time. The ski patrol fell two times and we all laughed. We helped them up and then we fell. We were so tired. Everyone was exhausted and I said, "Five miles of doing that is really tough." The woman in the ski patrol said, "It's marked wrong. It's 6.8 miles." We all took off our skis and walked with shaky legs into the lodge.

The ski patrol joined us for some hot chocolate and we introduced ourselves. They were Christy and Eric. Eric said, "How did you learn to ski in this stuff." Mandy said, "Alps. We almost killed ourselves taking a helicopter to the back face when they had an avalanche. The snow is great through. Untouched and unpacked." They started asking about what we do and Mandy said, "We're mostly retired, but we still play music once in awhile." Christy said, "We heard there was some famous rock back here last night that was drunk and played in the resort hotel. Everyone said they were great." Julie started to laugh and said, "I'm so sorry I got us into that, but I was so smashed." We all said to Julie together, "You really suck!"

Christy and Eric had no clue what we were talking about and Julie confessed all her sins. Now they really thought we were crazy. I said, "What is the hardest groomed trail?" Eric said, "We're going down it as soon as I can feel my thighs again. Come with us. It's pretty challenging." We all had a few cigarettes and finished our drinks, as our legs stopped shaking. We got bundled up again and went back to the get on our skis.

Eric took us in the ski patrol line for a different chair lift. This was straight up in one spot. Challenging was an understatement.

We got off the lift and it was so windy on this peak. Eric screamed to us, "Follow my line. I'm going to stop before the real steep part." We followed him and he was a good skier, so was Christy. Chris and Allison skied wider and took a few jumps off moguls and we could see Eric laughing. We all stopped by the steep part, and it was almost straight down for about 250 feet. The wind was less here so he only had to talk loud and said, "Traverse or you'll loose control. See you at the bottom." Chris and Allison took off first and then started in a tuck position and then traversed at blinding speed, like on the NASTAR course. Mandy and I followed doing the same thing. We stayed in the tuck until we were half way down and then traversed like we were racing. We made it to the bottom in under a minute and waited about two minutes for Julie, Kathy, Eric and Christy.

They skied over to us and Eric said, "Are you out of you minds? You had to going over 100 miles and hour down that trail." I said, "Under. We got clocked at 100 in the last NASTAR race we were in. That felt more like 90." Christy said, "How'd you do?" Mandy said, "Jen and I tied for first place, down to the thousandth of a second on two runs. Julie and Kathy came in second and third, and Chris and Kathy were fourth and fifth. All of our times were only off by a hundredth of a second of each other."

Eric said, "Feel like taking another run? We have the downhill trail open with the timer's on it. We were going to see what we could turn in." We all went over to a different chair lift that was closed. They opened it for Eric and we went up. He was yelling the course layout to us in the next chair, as we looked down to see our turns. We got off the lift and he said, "Make sure you ski through the sensors at the bottom to reset it, unless you fall and get hurt. Your time will be displayed on the board on the hill. The record here is a 93.01"

We all took one run down that was not real fast just to get familiar with the course and they went back up to run it fast. Mandy went first and she was flying. I waited until she was down about 30 seconds and then took off. I had a great start and this trail was really fast. I had a hard time getting my skis positioned for the next turn. I took the entire bottom section in the tuck. I crossed the sensor finish line and looked at the clock. Mandy and I were one thousandths of a second apart. I had a 92.454 and she had a 92.453. We waited for everyone and looked at the times. Eric said, "You all really fucking suck!" Julie fell off her skis laughing. We all broke the record, except for Eric. He had a "93.1"

We spent the entire day skiing with them mostly on easy trails. Our legs felt like mush. We did get a chance to help him and Christy with an injured skier. They didn't want us to touch the person and Kathy said, "We really are doctors. He has a compound fracture of the femur and also a possible broken hand. We need to treat him now." Kathy and I used an inflatable splint and a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. We skied down with them as they brought the stretch down with the skis. We went into the first aid shack and an ambulance was there waiting. Kathy wrote on a piece of paper the dosage of the Pharma- Vitamin and Pharma-Miracle and said, "Give this to the attending when you get there. Also loosen the tourniquet every couple of minutes."

It was getting late so we went into the lodge to get something to drink. Eric and Christy were now asking a lot of questions like, "What are doctors doing playing in a rock band?" I said, "We retired from our real jobs and play rock and roll as a hobby. That's what we love to do. Meet the x-CEO of JPSS and Pharma, the x-President of JPSS Entertainment; the inventor of the oncology and miracle drugs, the kid geniuses that discovered Pharma-Forever, and you can call me Ms. Vitamin and SexMed. We're still on the board, but it only takes a few days a month. We just goof off and have fun." Eric started to laugh and said, "You invented SexMed. Now I know you really are nuts." Christy smacked him on the arm and said, "You didn't think it was so crazy last like lover."

Mandy smiled at me and said, "Jen has a wonderfully imaginative and perverted mind that's just like mine."

Christy remembered seeing Chris and Allison's pictures on the news about the Forever drug and started asking them questions. Chris and Allison went on for over a half hour about some of their projects. When Chris explained the details of the formulas she was working on for the teleportation of matter project, Eric and Christy had a glazed look over their face. I said to Chris, "You lost them about 10 minutes ago. Slow down." Allison said, "We disintegrate it, beam it up just like on Star Trek, and then put it back together again. It's almost working. We got half a mouse through it last week. We just don't know what happened to his other half yet. We'll figure it out. It was kind of cool. He had a head, tail, arms and legs, just not much in between. Kind of like an instant diet." They understood that, and both made a yuck face.

We talked about our bands and they were really into this. They both wanted to know what it was like to be on stage in a huge arena. I said, "Just like being on stage in front of a few hundred people. You can't see that far because of the lights. We just have fun on stage. People seem to like our music and the shows, so it's a great part time job."

Another person wearing the ski patrol uniform came over to Eric and said, "All set for the race tomorrow? A bunch of the finalists from the regional haven't checked in yet. We tried to call them but the phones are still out from the storm. Eric smiled and said to us, "Can we put in substitutes that have already qualified on the course today?" The other ski patrol member said, "It depends. What were the times?" Eric told him our times and the guy smiled and said, "They can definitely enter the finals. Give me their names." Eric said, "Shout them out!" We went around the table and gave him our names. He immediately said, "Changes. I loved your show in Seattle. Race check-in is at 9. You get 3 runs. Best time takes the championship. This is the best of the best from all over the country. There are 50 skiers competing." We were looking at each other and Mandy said to me, "What dumb fucking luck we have. Lit me a cigarette sweetheart. We need to buy some racing gear for tomorrow."

Eric told us about the ski shop in the resort that opens at 7 in the morning and then the conversation turned back to SexMed. They had all types of questions about making it permanent. Chris and Allison were smiling. I said, "It's never really permanent. You can always undo it. Permanent just means that you stay that way until you take another pill." We all knew Eric was the one interested, by his questions. Chris said, "You liked it a lot didn't you?"

Eric blushed and said, "Yeah, I did. So did Christy." I said, "Make sure you take the synthetic hormones also. Your doctor will know which ones to give you."

We all had another beer and a cigarette, as it was dark outside. Eric took Christy's cell phone and walked over to the other side of the room and made a call. Mandy squeezed my thigh and winked at me. Eric came back and whispered something in Christy's ear. Christy said, "We'll see you tomorrow. Erica may need to buy some new racing cloths also."

They left and we stayed to finish our drinks and cigarettes. Mandy said, "Chris can you go lock up the skis and boots for tonight?" Allison and Chris went outside to lock up the skis and then came back in a lock up our boots. We all put on our slippers and my feet felt they were going to have an orgasm. I moaned when I put them on and Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Definitely perverted. I love the way you moan honey, especially when it's in my ear and we're lying down."

We stood up and our legs were like rubber bands. Julie called us the traveling Gumby dolls. We all looked like retards, as we walked through the enclosed glass hallway to the hotel. Mandy and I had our arms around each other's back, as we tried to keep each other up. I said, "Message and Hot bath?" She said, "Sounds great, lets see if they have a masseuse in the hotel."

We went to our room and called the front desk. We all got an appointment, two at once, and then right after one another. We changed into sweats and tee shirts, and went to the health club. Mandy and I went first and it felt great. We both fell asleep when they massaged our backs. It took a half hour and we went upstairs to take a bath, as Julie and Kathy we on next.

We got into our room, took off our cloths, and went into the bathroom. Mandy lit a cigarette, as I turned on the water in the tub. We shared the cigarette waiting for the tub to fill up, sitting on the edge of the tub. Mandy turned off the water and we got in. I sat in between Mandy's legs leaning back on her and she had her arms around me. I said, "Mmmmmmm. This feels good." Mandy giggled and said, "Sure does. How does this feel?" She cupped my breasts with her hands and held them gently, and then massaged them. She used one of her hands to rub one of my nipples and I said, "Mmmmmmm. Now this feels really good." Mandy kept massaging my breasts and then put her hand in my crotch and rubbed my clit. I was moaning softly and leaned my head back on Mandy's shoulder. She kissed me neck and rubbed me for about 10 minutes until I jerked and bucked, orgasming from her rubbing my button. I rolled over slightly and put my lips on Mandy's, as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. She kissed me with such a passion, as she kept rubbing my clit. I came a second time within a minute, and then we changed positions.

Mandy sat between my legs and I did the same thing to her, except I started with kissing her nipples, one at a time, and then cupping her breasts. I made her moan so loud when she had an orgasm, and then a second one. Mandy was lying back with her head on my shoulder and breathing heavy. I kissed her neck and then she moved her mouth to mine and we explored each other's mouths with our tongues. I said, "Lets eat dinner and then we can start where we left off honey." We got out of the tub and dried off, putting on our sweats. We ordered room service dinner for everyone and went into the common room and turned on the TV.

Julie and Kathy were just getting in when we ordered dinner, and Kathy said, "Just leave ours covered. We need a serious hot bath. I can't believe how long it's taking the vitamin to heal our muscles. We must have pulled the crap out of them today."

Mandy turned on the TV and channel surfed to find the news. We sat on the couch and watched the massive cleanup from the storm until our dinner arrived. We kept four plates covered and ate while we watched TV. The death toll was unbelievable. They were finding people frozen in cars on the highways, when the snow blowers and plows hit the cars. This had to be a local station as they had a blurb about the race tomorrow. We both smiled, as Mandy said, "Local small town crap. Just like home."

We finished our sandwich and drank some more of our wine as we had a cigarette. I put my arm around Mandy and said, "I'm still really horny honey. How about we go to bed?" Mandy took a drag of her cigarette and held in the smoke. She smiled at me and said, "So am I." We got up and went into the bedroom and took off our cloths. We lay on the bed and I said, "I'm going to win tomorrow. How about for a quarter who ever finishes highest on the board?" Mandy said, "You're on."

I bent my knees and pulled my legs up almost to my chin, and then spread them wide open. I said, "Tuck position." Mandy watched me and moved between my legs lying down. She didn't say a word as she used her hands to spread my pussy lips even wider and put her face in my crotch. I felt her tongue slowly go into my slit and then move around a little. Then she licked me from the bottom all the way to the top. I moaned softly, "That feels so good baby. Do it again." Mandy licked me again and rubbed my clit with her fingers at the same time. I was moaning loudly and rocking my pussy on her face, as she licked and sucked my pussy, while rubbing my clit. Mandy was making me crazy and I said, "Don't stop. Not yet. Oh honey, I'm almost there."

Mandy rubbed my clit as fast as she could and licked me. I jerked and spasmed as I sprayed my thick pussy juice into her mouth. Mandy moaned, "mmmmmmm", as she licked it and swallowed, and kept on rubbing my clit slowly. I had my hand on her head and Mandy pulled her head up and I said, "Please don't stop baby. I need it so bad." Mandy had a string of my pussy juice running from her lips to my cunt and I lost it. I pushed her head back on me and she sucked me into another orgasm while rubbing my clit. Then she put her hand into my pussy and found my G-spot. I was bouncing into her arm, as I was on a nonstop orgasm. I moaned loud, "Sweetheart, kept going. Fuck me. Fuck my cunt. Oh, I want you so much." Mandy stopped fucking my pussy with her hand and slowed down. She reached her other hand to the nightstand and opened her pocket book and took out a prescription bottle and handed it to me. She said, "Break me off half a tab. You need to be fucked bad, and I'm just the she male to do it honey."

I broke off half a pill and Mandy moved so that she was lying down but her hand was still in my pussy. She said, "Have a smoke and relax for about 5 minutes. Then we'll get really crazy." Mandy was still moving her hand in my pussy and I was in heaven, as she took the pill and passed out. I put a cigarette in my lips and lit it, and moved my pussy on her hand, as I rubbed my clit. I took four or five drags of the cigarette and my pussy was on fire. I rubbed my clit to where I was orgasming again. I jerked on Mandy's limp hand and watched juices drip all over it. I took a drag of the cigarette and felt Mandy's hand move again. She started to fuck my pussy with her hand and I was so out of control. Mandy moved to knell in front of my legs. She moved her hand and pushed her hard cock in me about 2 inches. She took a drag of my cigarette and held it in, and then took another drag. She blew out the smoke and put out the cigarette and said, "You were very naughty while I was asleep Jen. My hand is dripping wet."

I wanted her in me so bad, I wrapped my legs around her ass and pulled her forward. Mandy smiled at me, as her cock went all the way inside of my pussy. She wrapped her arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around her, as she fucked the living shit out of me for almost an hour. I came four times and was a raving lunatic. Mandy and I kissed so hard, I think I bit her lip.

Mandy was moving her cock in and out of me in a rhythm to me moving my pussy on her. She whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, I'm going to cum soon. Take it in your mouth and share it with me." Mandy got off of me and lay next to me in the bed. I knelt over her and started to rub her clit with my fingers, as I sucked her cock into my mouth. Mandy was ready to explode, so I slowed down my licking of her cock, and rubbed her clit the way I know she gets off really fast. I slowly sucked her cock and listened to Mandy moan, "I'm almost there in my pussy too baby." I rubbed her clit faster and then sucked her cock, as I rubbed her shaft with my other hand. Mandy was moaning so loud and then exploded. She jerked up into my face and shot a blast of cum into my mouth. I could feel her pussy muscles twinging and then the wetness was all over my hand. Her cock pulsated into my mouth, as I sucked on it. She squirted one warm shot of cum after another onto my tongue. I sucked her cock into my mouth all the way, as she squirted 7 more times. I moved my face to hers and Mandy pulled me to her and put her open lips over mine. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, as I opened my mouth and let the cum drip into her mouth and on her tongue. Mandy kissed me as we swished the cum in our mouths and swallowed.

I knelt over Mandy again and sucked her cock hard. Then I sat straddling her, putting her shaft into my pussy. Mandy said, "Jen, that feels so good baby. Lean forward so I can lick your boobies." I leaned forward so Mandy could lick my nipples, and she made me so crazy again. We fucked for almost another hour. Mandy came in me and was hard again, and I had two more orgasms. I was sitting on Mandy again, fucking her, when she passed out. I felt her cock shrink and then watched it disappear. I got off of her and rolled her on her side facing me. I put my thigh under her head, as a pillow, and then bent one of her knees and put it in the air, spreading her pussy. I did the same with my leg and licked her pussy.

I was licking and sucking Mandy as she woke up with her mouth inches from my slit. I heard her moan and say, "Honey, you were so naughty again. I need to make you crazy." I felt Mandy's lips touch my pussy, as she spread my lips apart. Then she did me just like before, as I did the same thing to her. We ate each sucking and swallowing our juices and cum until our mouths were getting tired.

Mandy lifted her head and started to laugh. She said, "Thank God we don't have to ski with my mouth tomorrow." We lay next to each and kissed a few times, and then Mandy lit a cigarette. I said, "Thanks. That was great." She kissed me and said, "There's still half a pill in there." We both giggled and shared the cigarette. I put my hand in Mandy's pussy, just like she did to me, and started to fuck her pussy. She was really getting into it and I popped the half a pill.

I woke up to Mandy fucking my hand, just like I did to her. We made love nonstop for another two hours. She drove me crazy and made me cum from my cock and pussy at the same time also. I think I passed out for about 5 seconds it was so intense. We were both laughing about it afterwards.

When the pill wore off of me, Mandy did the exact same thing to me, that I did to her. I woke up to a mouthful of her pussy and sucked her into one huge orgasm. We took a cigarette break at 3:30 in the morning and then fell asleep cuddling with each other.

Mandy and I both woke up at 6:15 and I reached over and turned off the alarm clock. She said, "Ready to pay me a quarter today?" I didn't say a word. I lay back on the bed and got into the tuck position again and spread my legs. Mandy smiled and said, "Oh shit Jen, I can't resist this. You fucking know it." Mandy licked me and then I stopped her and got into a 69 position with her, until we both orgasmed again. I had a mouthful of her thick cum and juices, and kissed her. She sucked my tongue so hard I felt like it was being sucked out of my mouth. We hugged each other and then went into the bathroom.


We showered, dressed and then woke everyone up. I said, "We need to shop for cloths and stuff. Lets have breakfast downstairs." Mandy said, "I'm wearing my suspenders anyway. I love the way these look." I said, "That's at least a thousandths of a second in wind resistance. May be more. You can wear anything you want. It's your quarter." Mandy shook her head and took off the suspenders. I said, "We don't have to win, you just have to beat me."

We waited for everyone to get dressed and then went down to the ski shop. We got everything. Aerodynamic race helmets, silk underwear and then a tight fitting aerodynamic top layer. We dressed in the ski shop and Chris took our cloths up to the room, as Mandy and I went out to get all the skis and have then hot waxed and get the edges sharpened.

We met in the restaurant and ordered breakfast. Mandy lit a cigarette as the waitress brought us coffee. We waved to Christy and she walked over with who we figured must be Erica. I said, "Erica?" She said, "Yup. It's me. I need to get some cloths. These are Christy's." Mandy said, "So how was it?"

Christy smiled, and we knew how it was. We've seen that smile a hundred times before. We all just grinned, as they went into the ski shop. We ate like pigs as usual and then had some coffee and a cigarette. Chris and Allison took our slippers and went to get our boots out of our lockers. We all put on our ski boots and then relaxed on the chairs, finishing our cigarettes and coffee.

We went into the ski shop and picked up our skis and Mandy said, "We have time for a quick warm up run. Lets go up the short chair lift." We bought our lift tickets and went outside. I was nice out today. No wind at all. We wore our helmets and goggles to get use to them and took a quick run down a double diamond trail. The skis were so much faster with the wax. We couldn't believe how fast we were going. I said, "Get that quarter ready." Mandy tried pinching my nipple with her mittens and my tight fitting top layer and she couldn't even find it. Julie and Kathy were laughing at us.

We were on our skis by the lodge and took them off, just as they made the announcement for all participants in the today's event to meet by the ski school area. Christy and Erica were there next to us and we listened to all the rules. We all got one practice run, without timing. We just had to wait until the starter told us to leave the gate. We got our numbers to wear and I got 1 and Mandy got 2. I said, "That's a good finishing order." She smacked my ass with her ski pole, as Erica shook her head.

We all went up the chair lift and were in a line behind the starting gate. We went down in number order, so I was first. I waited for the starter and really pushed it. These skis were like butter on a hot prying pan. I know I had to be at least a whole second faster than yesterday. Mandy said the same thing. So did Julie, Kathy, Chris, and Allison.

We all went back up the lift, and then waited, as we watched people moving to stand on the side of the trial to watch all the way down the slope. They had course marshals and safety workers all over the place and then I got the sign to enter the starting gate. I tightened my helmet strap and put on my goggles. Got my ski poles in position and the starter said, "Whenever you're ready, just go." I rocked twice and then pushed off as hard as I could. I was flying. I thought I was going to fast to even make the first turn, but did it in a tuck and then really was moving. I got airborne over the first hump and managed to stay down. I could hear people cheering as I zoomed by them, but I couldn't look at them. This took all my concentration to keep from falling. This was without a doubt the fastest I've even gone on skis. I went the entire bottom of the course in the tuck position and had trouble stopping after I crossed the finish line. I took off my goggles and helmet and looked up at the board. I smiled from ear to ear when the numbers came up, and the crowd all cheered. I ran a 90.996.

I waited for Mandy and watched her really moving also. She also didn't stop and actually hit the end fence when she was still moving a little sideways. She skated on her skis over to me and took off her helmet and goggles and said, "Wow! Was that fast!" We watched the board and I beat her by a thousandth of a second, 90.997. We hugged and went back up the lift together. We watched Julie's run from the chair lift and she was moving also. Kathy was next when we got off the lift. There was huge crowd at the top of the mountain and we took off our skis and sat on a couple of logs they had set up for the racers to rest. Mandy took out her cigarettes from her pocket and lit us a cigarette to share. I said, "That bulge in pants from the cigarettes will cost you a quarter." She said, "Then you put them in you pants next run. Lets see."

They had an electronic board at the top of the mountain also and we watched the times of the skiers flash on and then saw the top ten positions. I was still in first place followed by Mandy. Julie and Kathy were real close, only two and three thousands of second. Chris and Allison had a lousy run, both caught and edge and just skied the rest of the way down. Christy did a 92.334 and Erica did a 92.124. Everyone else was over 93. It took a while for everyone to make a run and then I was up again, with the cigarettes in my pocket. Now they were announcing us as we entered the starting gate. I decided to go all out on this run. I was determined to win that quarter, as I heard Mandy saying, "Do an 89 honey."

I pushed off and this time skated to build up speed. I was moving even faster in the first turn and almost caught an edge. I was flying. I got airborne again and this time I stayed up for what seemed like a minute. I had to have covered over 75 feet in the air. My skis hit the ground and I tucked into a turn and then was flying down the mountain. I crossed the finish line and couldn't stop in time. I almost panicked as I smacked the rubber fence hard, but bounced back on my ass. A couple of people came running over to me to help me up, as I looked at the board. I took off my helmet and goggles and screamed when I saw an 89.998"

I watched Mandy doing the same thing that I was. She was moving even aster than me and I knew she wasn't going to stop either. She jumped sideways to dig in her edges and slammed into the fence just like me, and bounced back on her ass also. I went over to help her up and she looked up from the ground and said, "Wow!" She took off her goggles and helmet and we watched her score, 89.997. She was screaming and hugging me.

We took the lift back up again and sat on our log. I lit a cigarette and gave the pack back to Mandy. I said, "Lets just leave them here on the last run. That way it will be fair." We looked at the leader board and we were way ahead of everyone. The closest one was Julie with a 90.999.

We watched so many nasty accidents on the course. Everyone was trying to beat us and pushing way too hard. We knew the secret to speed was to be relaxed and stay low. Everyone else was so tense, it just slowed them down and got some of them hurt. They had to take six skiers down the hill in stretchers after our second run. Chris and Allison both had a great run. They were now with 2 thousands of a second off us. They skied over to us after they got off the chair lift and Chris said, "How did you stop at the bottom? I almost killed someone. I saw that fence and turned sideways towards the other trail and it was mobbed with people." I said, "The fence is rubber. It will bounce you onto your ass. We both hit it pretty hard. By the way, good run."

We waited for a long time and then it was my turn again. I said, "This is for all the money. Get your quarter ready." Mandy was behind me in the starting gate and she said, "88 baby. Push it and relax." I rocked back a forth a few times and then got off to a great start skating to the first gate. I changed my line a little and didn't loose any time on the first few turns. I was fucking moving. It felt fast in the slow part of the course. I took each turn as tight to the gates as I could and then got to the hump. I went over it in the tuck position this time and I flew all the way to where I needed to turn. My skis hit the ground and I leaned on my edges and just barely made it. I knew I was moving way to fast to stop at the bottom, ever with the rubber fence. I crossed the finished line in the tuck position and jumped sideways leaning back digging in the edges of the skis. I made a hug spray of snow and slammed in the fence. This time I fell over it forward and onto a bail of hay. This scared the shit out of me. I had to walk around the crowd to get back to the snow and watched the board. I thought the quarter was mine. I had an 89.995."

I watched Mandy come flying down and she was moving just as fast as I was. She jumped to stop and slammed into the fence and it bounced her up in the air forward. She flipped over and landed on her back on the hay. I could she the look on her face, and it scared the crap out of her also. I had my skis off and I ran over to her and said, "You still in one piece?" She smiled and said, "Get that quarter out honey. I was moving." We walked over to see the broad and I couldn't believe it. We tied at 89.995.

A course Marshal said to us, "Great runs. You can wait down here now." We stood and watched everyone come in. The only ones that had trouble stopping were Julie, Kathy, Chris, and Allison. Everyone else's times got slower, instead of faster. We robbed Kathy of her cigarettes when she was lying on the ground, and lit one up. She was laughing at us as we helped her up. Julie and Kathy both tied our previous times and were only two thousandths of a second behind us. Chris and Allison were only 2 thousandths of a second behind them. The next skier was a good second and half behind.

We watched all the skiers and then watched someone that would have beat us. He was flying, but fell at the bottom. He slid all the way down the course and across the finish line and into the fence. He was going way to fast. His time when he fell was a second faster than us at that point.

Christy and Erica finished and it looked like they took seventh and eighth place, behind us. Christy said, "You were right about relaxing. What a difference it made."

A course marshal stood on a platform on the other side of the slope with a microphone and made a bunch of announcements. Then he called out the top ten positions and the times. Last to first. The crowd went crazy with applauds when then said Allison's time with an 89.999. Each one was louder and then they got to us as we walked to the podium. It was kind of neat to get the American Armature downhill medal gold metal. We found out that three of the skiers were on the Olympic team.

The press mobbed us, taking pictures, and asking questions. Mandy answered one question, "Yes, we are all in the band `Changes'. Buy our new album. It's great and it should be out this week." One reported shouted back, "It's already out and you have 4 tunes in the top ten again. Kind of like the results of this race." We all blushed and answered more questions. Someone wanted to know if we had any plans to try out for the Olympics. Mandy was the JPSS CEO again for this answer and said, "We don't try out for anything. If they want us, they know where to find us. This is just one of our hobbies and we want to keep it that way. We had fun and just happened to get lucky."

The crowd started to leave as we walked off the podium. It was starting to get dark and I said, "Stay tonight for News year Eve, or head back home?" Everyone said, "Home!" Erica and Christy gave us all a hug and we gave them our phone number. Within an hour we were packed, checked out of the resort, and on our way back home.

The drive was easy this time. The highways were completely clear, except for the tall mountains of snow on the sides. We stopped at a fast food drive through and made it home in an hour and a half. We pulled into the garage and the kids ran to the stables to check on the horses. We brought our cloths into the house and the dogs wouldn't leave us alone. We gave them more food and water again, even though they still had plenty.

I checked the voice mail and we had a couple of messages so I put it on speaker and we all listened. One was from Max and he wanted us to call him on his cell phone as soon as we got the message, so I called him. We heard on the speaker, "We are doing a press conference in Washington. It's the one we planned for next month. The President wanted to move it up. It starts in about five minutes. Turn on one of the stations they'll all have it on. Tell the kids this is their project."

Mandy ran out to the stable and the kids came running inside. We turned on the TV in the den and all sat and watched as the President of the United States gave an address. He said, "Good evening my fellow Americans. It gives me great pleasure to make this announcement on New Years Eve, to close out a very prosperous year. With the growing concern about our dwindling oil supply, the outrageous prices everyone is paying at the gas pumps, and the increasing cost of each barrel of Middle Eastern oil by OPEC, our good fortunes of health and increased life spans were being over shadowed by a potential national crisis. I am proud to announce tonight that we have solved the gasoline energy crises finally, and will not be needing any more of foreign oil for our cars our trucks. We funded the formation of a consortium, comprised of all the major oil companies and car and truck manufactures. JPSS corporation has been at the center of this and chairs it. I'm going to let Margi Stevens the CEO of JPSS, announce the good news."

Margi stepped up to podium and said, "We have developed a way to run gasoline engines on a mixture of water, and a high energy catalyst that also keeps the water from boiling or freezing. It burns completely clean, is safe for the engine, prolongs engine life, and is extremely economical to use. We also developed a synthetic lubricant that replaces the oil in the engine. We are licensing our technology to any car manufacturer that wants it. The fuel that makes this possible is in the form of small capsules that are computer injected and mixed with the water. One capsule will last about 500 miles for the average car. We have licensed the technology to manufacture and distribute the capsules to the oil companies and expect it all to be ready within 6 months. We also have developed a conversion kit for older vehicles and the cost to covert your gas guzzlers will be about 400 dollars, which is one hundred percent tax deductible, and the government has several programs to make it more affordable for those on limited means. Every automobile dealer in America will offer this service, and every gas station will sell the fuel, and also pump free water. We expect the price of a capsule to be under 8 dollars. We also have developed a regulated body that will monitor the price of each of these. All of the consortium members know that by price gouging, they loose their license to this technology. This will ensure that this country has cheap reliable energy for transportation. We also have developed the same technology for diesel powered trucks and busses, as well as farm equipment. The conversion costs for commercial vehicles will be slightly higher, but it will still pay for itself very quickly. Any questions?"

Mandy said, "Her speech was better than the one we discussed in the last board meeting." A reporter asked Margi who invented this technology and she said, "The same two wonderful talented people that discovered the Pharma- Forever drug. Doctor Christiana Edwards and Doctor Allison Davidson." Chris and Allison were almost doing back flips in the den. We hugged them both. We watched for over and hour as they asked incredible questions. Margi laughed on a few of the questions and said, "For that one you'll have to ask the inventers. That's way over my head. They couldn't be here today because of the snowstorm we had in the North West. I'm sure they would love to answer your questions after the new year. Just tell them to talk slow. They think everyone has an IQ of 246." You could here the reporters laughing and Allison and Chris blushed. I said, "That was the best compliment you could have ever gotten. Plus you are terrific skiers, really good musicians, and great people. Blow them away when they grill you. That's part of the fun."

Chris stood in front of Mandy and me, and said, "Mom, can I we have Roberta and Kyle sleep over for New Years eve?" Mandy smiled at me and said, "Sure. Want me to call Jody?" Chris nodded and Mandy picked up the phone and dialed Jody's number. We heard, "Hi Melissa, Chris and Allison wanted Roberta and Kyle to sleep over fro New Years eve. You guys okay with that?", "No, we're beat. We just got back from a ski trip and are exhausted. We did take first place in the downhill.", "It was on TV? What station?", "No Shit. We thought it was some local thing. Wow, wait until I tell Jen.", "Okay, I tell them. Say happy new year to everyone." Mandy hung up and said, "Chris, they're on their way over. Sweetheart, we were on ESPN today. That was the national event. I didn't see a single camera."

Mandy lit a cigarette and sat on my lap. She took a deep drag and blew out the smoke, and then put her lips on mine. She slowly opened them up wider as I pushed my tongue into her mouth and then she pushed her tongue into my mouth. Mandy pulled her mouth back and said, "Happy New Years baby. Let's have some champaign and watch the countdown on TV. Julie, you and Kathy want to join us for a New Years toast?"

They both smiled and Mandy handed me her cigarette and went to the bar in the game room to get a chilled bottle of champaign from the refrigerator. She came back with four glasses and the bottle, and I popped the cork. Kyle and Roberta were hugging Chris and Allison. I whispered to Mandy, "I wonder if this had anything to do with their transformation." Mandy smiled and said, "The spider just caught the fly again."

Julie said, "Allison, if you want some champaign, get four more glasses." Kathy turned on the station that had the countdown and we had 5 minutes, as I poured everyone a glass of bubbly. I raised my glass and said, "Here's to the next year. Just one of the next several thousand we'll get to see together thanks to Chris and Allison. We have health, we have wealth, and we have happiness. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the face of the earth, and I can't imagine spending the next ten thousand years with anyone else. Cheers." We all clicked glass and sipped the champaign, and then Mandy and I really kissed. She said, "That was so beautiful honey."

We watched the countdown, as Chris and Allison were counting with the TV. The crowd on the TV was singing, "For old acquaintance, be forgot.." and Mandy gave me the most passionate kiss. We wrapped our arms around each other and closed our eyes. Mandy had a tear in her eye and so did I. She quivered a little and said, "Baby, I love you more than anything in the whole world and want to do this with you for the next ten thousand years." We kissed again, as we watched Julie and Kathy hugging.

Mandy smiled at me and pointed to the end of the room. We watched Chris and Roberta really getting into it, and Allison and Kyle doing the same thing. We both grinned and took a sip of the champaign, and then said goodnight to everyone as we went upstairs to bed. Julie waved to us and pointed to the kids. We all smiled.

We went up to our room and felt so good to be back home again. We undressed and Mandy put her arms around me. She said, "How about you show me that tuck position again?" We both giggled and I lay on the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest, and then spread my legs as wide as I could. Mandy lay between my legs and said, "You are fast honey." We both smiled as she used her hands to spread my pussy lips and then put her face into my slit. I felt her tongue pushing into me slowly and then wiggling, and I moaned softly, "Mmmmmm. That feels good honey."

Mandy looked at me while she was licking my pussy and watched my eyes half close. Then she rubbed my clit while she licked and sucked me into a huge orgasm. I was moaning so loud, "Lick it! Lick it! Oh, I going to cum! Oh! Oh! Oh! OOOOOHHHHHH! OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Mmmmmmm. Suck my juices sweetheart. Don't stop yet, please." I heard Mandy slurping at my cum and juices. She pulled her mouth off of me and moved up to kiss me. She touched her warm wet lips to mine and I could taste my cum already, and smell it. I opened my mouth wide and she kissed me, spitting my cum into my mouth and then dancing her tongue around with mine, as we both swallowed. Mandy hugged me and whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, we are going to do this all night, but first we need to give Oscar a good workout. I want to rub our pussies together."

Mandy reached for Oscar and put him inside of my pussy and closed my legs slightly. Then she sat straddling me, with the other end of Oscar in her pussy. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and we rolled over on our sides. Mandy and I moved our pussies together, rubbing them on each other and fucking with Oscar. We came like tidal waves, over and over again.

We made love until 7 AM and then fell asleep cuddling.


Mandy woke me up about 2 in the afternoon, and then we stayed in the bed the entire day. We got up to get something to eat, and then watched a movie and had great sex. Chris brought us up dinner and we watched another movie and then drove each other wild again. We didn't get out of bed until 9 the next morning.

We showered and dressed, and felt great. Julie and Kathy were eating breakfast and Julie smiled at us saying, "That was one hell of long night's sleep. Have fun?" Mandy blushed and put her arm on my shoulder. I nodded my head and said, "Yup. How about you?" Kathy said, "Don't let Julie jerk your chain. We didn't get out of bed either." Mandy and I each made a plate of the bacon, eggs, and potatoes that was on the stove, and poured some juice and coffee. She turned on the TV to the headline news and sat down to eat.

We couldn't believe what we were watching. The country was on a red terror alert, the UN was in an emergency session, and we watched video footage of most of the US Navy aircraft carriers and battleships in the Persian Gulf. We listened to the commentators and finally figured out what happened yesterday and last night. The oil producing nations didn't like the press release and had threatened to sabotage the US water supplies in the US, and launch a nuclear missile at Washington, if the plans to replace the supply of oil weren't stopped at once. They also shut down sale of all oil.

We all took our breakfast and coffee and went into the den to watch it on the wide screen. Kathy said, "Jen, you remember when we shut down the government DOD project. We actually succeeded in developing the drug that they wanted us to develop. The only catch was that it was permanent. What if they used it now? This threat would be over in minutes."

Mandy called Margi and put her on speaker. Kathy explained the whole thing that we had developed and that we still had the formulas. I said, "We'll call Max to see if we have the ability to produce it quickly. Can you have our buddy the x-president call the white house and see if they are interested?" We called Max and explained what we needed. He had six people conferenced in and we could pull it off in about a day. Mandy called Margi back and told her we could do it. She said, "Stay on the line. Grace is putting me through to the President now."

We listened to the whole conversation and he said, "I don't give a shit what the long term effects are. If this stops these lunatics, we'll use it. How soon can it be ready?" Kathy said, "About 36 hours for it to be a gas. We could have a liquid ready in 20 to 24 hours." We listened to him talking to his chief of staff and several Generals and an Admiral. He said, "Gas. We'll dust the area they have the nuclear weapons first. We know where everything is because we fucking built it. Margi, keep me posted every hour or so on their progress. We're taking several other measures also, just in case. Good luck."

Margi kept us on the line and Kathy said, "We need the jet to take us to the underground lab facility that Max built. Just in case there's an accident, we don't want this gas escaping into the air here." Margi said, "Get to airport, I'll tell Max and he'll arrange for everything."

We all ran upstairs and packed a bag. I grabbed all of our old research notebooks and told the kids what was going on. We were all pretty nervous and I said, "Kathy, I hoped we would never have to use this stuff. This really sucks. Wait until they use the standard gas masks to find out they don't work against it. The partials are way too small." Kathy smiled and said, "I'd love to see their faces, those son of a bitches. That also means that we need Max to get the angstrom measurements to get the right screening for the gas masks for our troops."

We drove the hummer to the airport and a jet was waiting for us. The pilot said, "Mandy, glad to have you all back? I kind of guessed this isn't a pleasure trip based on what's going on. You want fast?" Mandy said, "Real fast." The pilot took off like a fighter jet. What a rush. We all smiled at each other as we left our stomachs were somewhere on the tarmac. We made it to the desert airstrip in Nevada in 40 minutes. There was a car waiting and it took us to the site. Max was waiting for us with a team of about 15 people. He introduced everyone and I said, "Kathy, it's your show. You did the last tests on the gas. John, if you remember any of this jump right in. We are going to be working from our old lab notes."

We all went down to the labs. Mandy and Julie wanted to come in with us, so we made them wear the same protective suits as us, kind of like space suits. I said, "This isn't a joke. Don't rip the suits! If our drug spills or leaks in this area, it could kill you. Be very careful! Move slowly and watch everything. I can't stress this enough."

I think I scared the crap out of Mandy and Julie, as they moved back to the edge of the wall and just stood and watched. Kathy, John, and I read the notes and had the assistants prepare everything. We couldn't remember exactly which of the six batches was the right one, so we made all six, and then tested each one on lab rats injected with adrenalin in a special containment area. The forth one was the right batch. The rats went from almost killing each other in a cage to rolling on their backs and playing with a small ball together. Mandy said into the mic in her suit, "How cute. A Happy gas for rats." Kathy was laughing and said, "Yeah, except it lasts forever. Thank God the gas itself only stays active for about 20 minutes, then it becomes harmless. Mandy, want a sniff?" Mandy was laughing and said back to Kathy, "Only if they nuke Washington. Then we'll all need a big sniff."

We knew exactly what had to be made now, so we all unsuited and went into a conference room. Max was on the phone with Margi every fifteen minutes and then was patched through to the President and several Generals. We all devised a plan to produce enough gas stored in oxygen tanks to do the first strike in under another 24 hours. Most of the time was getting it to the Persian Gulf. We made sure they knew about all of the risks, and there were plenty of them. The President ordered an evaluation of Washington DC and the surrounding 60 mile area, just to be safe. He also ordered and immediate evacuation of all US and NATO personal from the Middle Eastern countries. It was really interesting listening to the President call each of the major world leaders and tell them what we were doing. Only one objected, and that was France. The President said, "It's happening with or without you. I didn't call to get your permission. I called to tell you to get your citizens the hell out of there."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette, as John got us all a cup of coffee. He said, "Just like the old project. I never imaged we would ever make this stuff for real. You realize that if a jet flew over New York City at about a thousand feet and just one little bit of the gas from one of the canisters escaped, it could affect over half of the people in Manhattan. This is scary stuff. The gas is heavy enough that it will sink and spread, but the particles are small enough to go almost anywhere."

Max said, "We don't need you guys here now. The rest is up to the team in the room. Why don't you take the jet back home and watch everything on CNN. I'll keep you on an open line so we can talk if we need to." I said, "Sounds good to me." We finished our coffee and cigarette, listening to the conversations on the speakerphone. One of the Generals was getting loud about the evacuation so Mandy asked him if he wanted a sniff of our happy gas. The President was laughing and said, "Can you make about 4 aerosol cans for me when this is all over?" Mandy said, "We were thinking the same thing."

We all got on the jet and headed back home. We got the fighter pilot take off again, and lost our stomachs. We were all sitting on one of the couches in the jet and Kathy poured us all a shot of JD and said, "Here's to a very happy group of terrorists." We downed the shots and I lit a cigarette. Mandy sat close to me and took two deep drags of the cigarette, holding in the smoke. She leaned on my shoulder and slowly put her lips on mine while opening her mouth. She pushed her tongue into between my lips, as she blew the smoke out her nose and then I pushed my tongue into her mouth, as we kissed for over a minute. Mandy pulled her face back and took another drag of the cigarette, and then I took a deep drag also. We blew out the smoke and she unbuttoned the top four buttons on my blouse. She put her hand inside of my blouse and felt my bare breasts. It felt really good.

I took another drag of the cigarette, as Mandy slowly massaged my breast, and then rubbed my nipple between her fingers. She put her mouth to my ear and whispered to me, "Sweetheart, if this gas works, I promise to eat your pussy for 8 hours straight." I took another drag of the cigarette and then put it in Mandy's lips. I whispered back to her, "How about we do it to each other all night? That feels so good, pinch them also."

Mandy pinched my nipple and I was moaning softly. She opened my blouse a little more and put her lips on my nipple and wet it. Then she flicked her tongue over it and sucked gently. I held her head to my beast, as Julie and Kathy watched us. Mandy licked, sucked, and massaged my nipples until the plane landed. I was so wet. Mandy buttoned up my blouse and I wanted her to make love to me now. Kathy was laughing at us, as they got up to get off the jet.

Mandy drove us home in the Hummer and the kids were glued to the TV watching the news. We told them what was going to happen and Chris said, "Cool. Lets watch it on CNN. This is better than a Sci-Fi movie." She was right.

Mandy called Margi for any developments, and they left our line connected to a conference bridge so we could hear anything that was happening. We put our phone on mute.

It was really interesting listening to the CNN commentators speculating about what was being planned, and us actually being part of the plan. One of them almost guessed it right, and the others all called it ridiculous. Kathy said, "This is definitely stranger than truth."

Chris and Roberta made us all some dinner, as we listened to Max give an update to everyone on the line. They had forty oxygen tanks filed, double sealed, shrink wrapped, and packed in air tight containers that were on route to the Gulf by military jets. A General said they o had several hundred gas masks converted for this gas. They were more than 8 hours ahead of schedule.

We watched the debates in the UN and it was getting ugly. The Middle Eastern countries all left the session in a heated argument. The UN then passed a resolution to use force if needed, to end this conflict. Mandy said, "That's a first."

We listened on the conference line to Margi give an update. She said, "All of the consortium members are willing to work around the clock, seven days a week to accelerate the schedules for the new fuel and engine conversions. We could be fully ready in 6 to 7 weeks if we need to. That's 8 weeks ahead of when we will run out of our supply of oil in the States. It may add a little to the costs. Should I tell them to do it?" The President said, "Do it. Just don't announce it yet. Lets make an announcement after this is over. I don't want someone with their finger on the trigger to get wind of this yet." Margi said, "I'll let the consortium members know."

This was getting really interesting. Melissa, Jody, Janice, Karen, and the other kids came over to listen and watch with us. We filled them all in on what they missed and it really was like watching a multi-media science fiction movie. Margi called us on my cell phone and she was so nervous. Mandy talked to her and said, "Mom, you did great. It will be over in about 7 hours. We're going to look like the company that saved the world. Get ready for another stock split."

Allison made us all popcorn, and Julie served everyone some drinks. We watched the massive evacuations underway and also fighting in the streets in the Middle East. Kathy said, "That's going to stop too. They won't have anything left to put on the news in about three days." Melissa said, "Don't say that! That's ad revenue." Everyone laughed, as we knew she was right.

Allison brought in one of the small portable satellite TVs that we used for the boat in the summer. She found a few foreign stations and we watched one from London carrying the story. It was completely different. They were only slightly concerned. Then we found a Washington DC station and it was absolute turmoil watching the evacuation. We watched that and CNN, listening to the conference bridge as they made progress.

We heard on the conference line the President say, "Doctor Davidson and Edwards, are you still on the call?" I pushed the mute button off and said, "Yes, were here." He said, "If we fly at 1,500 feet at close to Mach I, how long would the gas take to work, and how far on either side of the plane would be affected?" Kathy said, "We did the calculations earlier, but you have to understand this is a best guess. We never tried this before. At 700 miles per hour and 1,500 feet the gas would be affective for 15 miles on either side of the jet. It would take anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds to work. If people are underground, it will take longer for the gas to penetrate. It's only active for 20 minutes, so whatever it does, after 20 minutes, it's finished." The President said, "How about at 1,000 feet?" I looked at the chart we made and said, "Subtract about 4 miles in either direction and the time it takes to work will be about 2 to 5 seconds. If you use a higher altitude, the time will increase and so will the covered area."

We heard the President talking to an Admiral saying, "Ten jets at one thousand feet on these targets, the rest at fifteen thousand spread out." I put the phone back on mute and we heard the Commander of the fleet in the Gulf being patched in. He said, "We're all set to go. The cargo is loaded and ready in 44 aircraft sir. All are set with remote switches and the planes and weapons hot. I repeat weapons hot for the second pass if we need it. Give the order sir."

There was dead silence on the phone for about a minute as we were glued to the phone. Then the President said, "Launch the aircraft Bob. Just pray this works and we don't need the second pass."

We listened to the Commander give the orders and then watched CNN. We heard a commentator yelling, "We're launched an attack", as the long distance cameras showed some of the jets flying at incredible speeds low to the ground, and others climbing up. We could hear anti-aircraft fire and the watched one of the planes make evasive maneuvers. The Commander said on the line, "Should we return fire?" The President said, "Not until after we make the first pass. Patch the radio transmissions on the line with us. Let me hear the pilots."

This was so unbelievable watching this unfold and being part of it. We heard the wing commander giving orders to unload the cargo as they reported speeds of over Mach I. The CNN cameras were loosing the planes and the commentators were all speculating. We listened to the pilots for about 10 minutes and then the wing commander reported a successful mission. They were heading back to the aircraft carriers.

The CNN commentators were really puzzled. One said, "This was just a stupid show of American force, like it will help anything." We all laughed. We could hear the President laughing also, as he must have been watching CNN also. He said on the conference line, "I hope that was the last time we have to show our force like this. Just keep you fingers crossed."

The long range cameras on CNN were showing the streets and the fighting had all stopped. The camera crews were showing pictures of gardens and one of the news correspondents was smiling and laughing as she gave a report from one the cities. I pressed mute off and said, "The news teams were affected. Watch CNN. That's what they will all be like." We could hear everyone with CNN on in the background and then the wise cracks started. Everyone on the call was laughing; partly from the stress, but mostly because it was really funny. A soldier had his arm around some woman and was helping her across a street, others were sitting on the grass and smiling about something, and all were waving at the news crew, which never happens there. CNN showed over 20 different camera locations and all were the same. The commentators came back on and one said, "What could they have possibly done with those planes. We didn't see anything."

The President waited until all of the gas would be inactive and then ordered the land troops to go in from over 40 locations. He stressed, "No force, unless you are fired upon." CNN covered the whole thing. The President said, "This is the best intelligence there is. We're watching the results real time."

After about 20 minutes it was obvious that the drug worked, and he ordered all the planes to stand down and the red alert was put back to yellow. He said, "I think it's time for a press briefing. I want to do it over the conference line so you all will be involved. There will be a lot of questions about this drug, so be prepared. Good work and thanks. We all owe you for this one."

I whispered into Mandy's ear, "All night honey. You up for it?" She gave me the most passionate kiss and then whispered into my ear, "As soon as the press conference ends, I'm all yours."

The President was put through onto the networks and we all listened on the conference bridge line. He told them everything including how Margi was able to accelerate the new energy source and how me and Kathy used a DOD funded experimental drug. He answered questions and then a few came to us. I answered one, "Think of this as a permanent way of stopping aggressive behavior. Other than affecting that one behavioral area, it has no other long term effects. I think everyone will see a new attitude about peace in the Middle East." The press conference was ending after about an hour and Mandy was rubbing my back and kissing me neck. The President thanked everyone and we hung up.

I lit a cigarette and Mandy gave me the sloppiest kiss. She dragged me by the arm upstairs to bed. We undressed and sat against the headboard sharing the cigarette, talking about what just happened. Mandy put the cigarette in her lips and took a drag. She held in the smoke and said, "Doctor Jen Edwards, for someone who is slow, you are brilliant." We both laughed and then kissed. I took a drag of the cigarette, as we caressed each other. Mandy said, "Since it's 11 AM, this is going to be a very long night."

We finished the cigarette and then lay in a 69 position on our sides. I spread Mandy's pussy lips apart with my hands and licked her real slowly. She was kissing my clit and licking it, and we were both moaning softly. I started to kiss and lick Mandy's clit. We did that to each other for about 20 minutes until we both had an orgasm. Then we licked up each other's cum and juices. I moved to kiss her with a mouthful and we swallowed together.

We went back into our 69 position and ate each other for hours. We were cumming every ten minutes or so, and each time we kissed sharing what was in our mouths. I was on fire and so was Mandy. We got to the point we were fucking each other with our hands while we licked and sucked. I licked her clit, as I fisted her, and she found my G-spot and literally drank my cum. At 7 in the evening we decide to use Oscar and rub our pussies together fucking.

Mandy put Oscar in her and slightly closed her legs. I sat on her and had Oscar in my pussy, as I leaned forward and moved my pussy real slow. Mandy put her arms around my neck and smiled at me saying, "Sweetheart, this feels so good. Just stay like this for a while." I reached for a cigarette and put it in my lips, and lit it. I took a deep drag and then Mandy took it and put it in her lips. She inhale deep twice and held in the smoke. She slowly blew out the smoke moaning softly, as I moved my pussy on hers. Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and said softly, "Baby, I could stay like this forever."

I took a drag of the cigarette and then leaned forward licking one of Mandy's nipples. She held her breast for me up to my mouth and I sucked her nipple and flicked my tongue over it. Mandy was moaning loud, "Oh Jen honey, this is heaven. Kiss me." I kissed Mandy and she hugged me so tight. I sat back on her and we finished our cigarette.

I leaned forward again wrapping my arms and legs around Mandy. She wrapped her arms around me and I rolled us on our side. We went wild on each other. Mandy had her lips glued to mine for over an hour, as we fucked with Oscar. I came so many times I lost count. Mandy and I licked and sucked each other's tongues and had our mouths wide open. Then we spit saliva in each other's mouth. I got so turned on I was on fire.

At 10 at night we got back into our 69 position and ate each other senseless. I had my mouth open as wide as I could, sucking Mandy's pussy into it and licking it. I must have swallowed a cup full of her cum and juices. She made me flow like a river and I heard her making slurping sounds, as she sucked and licked me. We went for a long time and then we both had a huge orgasm at the same time. Mandy lifted her head and said, "Share it with me honey." I licked and sucked her thick cum and juices into my mouth and then we moved to kiss. We wrapped our arms around each other and opened our mouths with our lips locked. We swished the cum in our mouths for over 15 minutes and then swallowed. We couldn't stop kissing. Each time one of us would move our face away, the other would pulled us back together. We finally lay on our sides hugging and I said, "Sweetheart, I love you more than you could ever know." Mandy ran her hand through my hair and gave me the softest kiss and then said, "Me too."

Mandy rolled on top of me and had her face next to mine. She arched her back a little and reached for a cigarette. She put it in her lips and I lit it for her, as she took a deep drag. She said, "How about some food. I'm starved." Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and got off of me. We got up and put on our bathrobes and went downstairs to get some food.

Everyone was in the den and Kathy said, "Get in here. There is a worldwide celebration going on. You won't believe this." We walked in and watched for about 2 minutes and Mandy said, "We're starved and we're having our own party." We went back into the kitchen as everyone laughed at us. Mandy kissed me and said, "Ignore them honey. They're jealous."

We smiled at each other and looked through the refrigerator. I said, "We never did have breakfast. Lets make that. It's quicker. Then we can pick up where we left off."

In a half hour we had cooked breakfast, eaten all of it, and we back in bed. We made love all night, except for the two hours we actually fell asleep. We brought a bottle of juice up to the bedroom with us and needed it. We both got dehydrated and were dizzy we came so much.


In the next fifteen months Mandy and I became as close as two human beings can possibly be. The experience with the DOD gas made us both realize that even with the Forever drug, we didn't want to miss a single thing each and every day, and wanted to share everything with each other. Mandy and I use the SexMed-Combined drug sometimes and we don't take it together. We both love to get our pussy fucked by each other. We also both really like it when we can orgasm from both parts at the same time. We call it blasting off, and it is unreal. Kathy and Julie are the same way.

The Middle East celebration lasted almost a week. Max produced the drug in its liquid form and it is now being used as a court ordered punishment for aggressive criminals. Almost every foreign country bought it in bulk. It also became a great treatment for type-I personality disorders that caused high blood pressure. Margi dropped our Middle East ban on JPSS products and services, and the stock did spilt again, this time five for one. We have no idea how much money we now have, and actually don't care.

The new fuel was brought to market along with the conversion for cars, trucks and busses. Oil usage dropped by almost half within the first month. Usage now is below five percent of where it was. We had all our cars converted and filling up with the fuel is interesting. A robot arm clicks into where the gas tank filler cap is located and it all happens without you seeing anything. The cars perform better also. The Porsche and Ferrari really scream now. Acceleration is like lightning.

We can't keep up with all the new projects that Chris and Allison are starting. They are both amazing. They come up with the ideas and about three quarters of the solution. Then Max puts together a top notch team to work on each area. They have over 20 major things going, each of which could end up being bigger than the new fuel. Surprisingly, it hasn't changed them a bit. They still spend just as much time goofing off and playing in the band.

The Teleportation project had a successful test six months ago and has now been used over 500 times successfully, including over 150 trips by volunteers. This one will really change the world. We all started planning sessions with the President about what to do with air travel and the airlines, as it will become obsolete in the next ten years. We are starting with a hub of centers around the globe in 90 major cities, where the teleportation centers will be located. We haven't announced it yet, and will probably do it next month in a major press event held by the government. Margi is working a deal with the airlines to operate the new centers, before we do anything.

Chris and Roberta are getting really serious about each other. We know that they both are using the SexMed combined drug, just like we do. This is the first time we ever heard Chris tell someone I love you, other than Mandy and me. Jody said the same thing about Roberta. Allison and Kyle are also an item. We're just not sure yet how serious it is yet.

Max presented a chart that was amazing at the last board meeting. It had each drug, the numbers sold, and then charted it by percent of population in each area. Over 70 percent of the adult population takes Forever. Eighty six percent of those over 30 take it. Eighty five percent of the population takes the vitamin on a regular basis. Over Sixty seven percent of the adult population in the US have taken SexMed. Forty percent use it regularly. We really did change the world.

We put the boat back in the water for the season two months ago. It was early, but we wanted to do some cold water fishing. Mandy keeps dreaming about catching another catfish the size of a small whale. Somehow her description of the fish keeps growing each time we talk about it. I told her yesterday that pretty soon it will be bigger than the boat. She pinched my nipples and it really hurt, so I made her kiss them for hours.

Tomorrow is Mandy's birthday. She made me promise not to do anything for her, so I lied about it. I think she knew I was lying, but pretended to go along with it. Everyone helped me arrange for a surprise party at the castle. We have over 800 people coming including two bands playing. The party is on Saturday afternoon and I'm taking her shopping in the morning and then the surprise happens when we get back home. I'm trying so hard not to spoil the surprise but she keeps asking me questions about her birthday, and I keep making up answers. I really am a horrible liar.

It's Friday evening and we just finished dinner with Allison, Kyle, Chris, Roberta, Julie, and Kathy. Kathy cooked a great leg of lamb, and we all pigged out. We were all having a glass of wine and a cigarette, and I raised my glass and said, "A toast to Mandy." Everyone raised their glass and I said, "Tomorrow you turn 40 and look like you're 25. You're as gorgeous as they come, and I love you with all of my heart. You made me promise not to do anything special for your birthday, so we get to be special to each other."

We all clicked glasses and drank and then Mandy got up and sat on my lap and gave me a great kiss. She whispered into my ear, "Jen sweetheart, I want to fuck you right now! Lets go upstairs or I'll do it right here." Mandy smiled at me and then gave everyone a fake smile and said, "Jen's tired and needs to lay down for a while. I'm going to join her." They all laughed, as we walked upstairs to bed.

Mandy got me in the bedroom and put her arms around my neck. She slowly put her warm lips on mine and we kissed in a passionate embrace exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. She said, "That was beautiful honey. Love me all night and then we'll go for my birthday shopping in the morning. I love you so much."

We undressed and lay in bed. Mandy and I took turns licking and sucking each other's breasts and caressing each other all over. I rubbed her clit, while I sucked her nipples and she had an orgasm in under a minute. Mandy kissed me and then said into my ear as I sucked her nipple, "I told you I was hot. Keep going honey, I really need you tonight." She had her hands on my head running them through my hair, as I kept rubbing her clit. Mandy was breathing heavy again and jerked, and shook, as she had a second orgasm. I stopped sucking her nipple put her in my favorite tuck position. I lay between her legs and ate all of her cum and juices. Mandy orgasmed a third time in my mouth within a few minutes and I kept on going, licking and sucking her pussy. I had a mouthful of her juices and Mandy said, "Don't; swallow baby. Kiss me."

I moved on my knees and kissed Mandy lying on top of her. That drove us both wild. We got into a 69 position and ate each other for over an hour and then used Oscar. Mandy and I fucked, rubbing our pussies together for over 3 hours using Oscar. We rolled over at least 6 times in different positions and came so many times I lost count. Mandy was like a facet tonight.

We took a break and were lying on our sides facing each other having a cigarette. I took a drag and Mandy put the cigarette in her lips. I reached for her pussy and was feeling her wetness, as she moaned. We lay our heads on the pillow only inches away from each other and she blew out the smoke, and put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled twice and held in the smoke, as Mandy kissed me. She sucked the smoke out of my mouth as I exhaled and then blew it out of her nose. We both took another drag of the cigarette and I said, "That gets you off doesn't it?" She looked me in the eyes with her lips only inches from mine and said, "Does it ever." We both took another drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and Mandy kissed me again. She sucked the smoke out of my mouth again and had an orgasm. I smile at her and she said, "I know I'm fucked up. Do it again with me." We did it again and I said, "How about I take a half a SexMed combined?" She kissed me and said, "I'd love for you to fuck my cunt sweetheart, then I could make you blast off."

We kept the script bottle right next to the bed and I took out half a pill. I swallowed and it and was out cold. I woke up to Mandy sitting on my cock, as I was getting hard. My shaft went right into her, as she leaned forward.

Mandy sat straddling me, with my cock in her pussy, rocking back and forth, and up and down for almost an hour. I was getting ready to cum and I said, "I'm almost there honey." Mandy got off of me and knelt by my side. She sucked my cock into her throat and throbbed my clit as fast as she could. My pussy was burning with heat as I felt it twinge. I knew it was happening. I said, "I'm going to shoot and cum together. Now! Suck me now! Oh! Oh! OOOOOOHHHH! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Uhhh! Oooooo." I jerked my cock up into her mouth and shot my load of cum. I went weak in the knees, as my cock squirted 11 more times and my pussy orgasmed. I blasted off and moan so loud, "Swallow it! Swallow my cum!"

Mandy was deep throating my cock still and swallowed all of my cum, as she kept rubbing my pussy, and then put her hand in my pussy. I was bucking into her hand as she sucked my cock back to being hard again. Mandy kept sucking me and fisted in my pussy. I orgasmed again, as I fucked her face with my shaft. Mandy stopped and lay on the bed next to me. She said, "Fuck me hard Jen. Fuck me as hard and fast as you can. Please honey, fuck this 40 year old cunt until she begs you to stop." Mandy smiled at me as I lay on her. I put my cock into her pussy and went all the way in and out as hard and as fast as I could.

Mandy was going wild kissing me all over my neck and on my breasts. She sucked my nipple, as I hammered her and she was moaning, "Don't stop. Please don't cum yet. It feels so good." I kept on going and we fucked like this for almost an hour until I got so tired I could hardly move. Mandy rolled me over and sat on my cock again. She did all the work now. I sucked her nipples as she was leaning forward and she was having one orgasm after the other. I could feel her pussy muscles moving while we made love. I couldn't hold out any longer and jerked up into Mandy hard and shot my first load of cum into her pussy. She gasped and held me tight as my cock pulsated again and I squirt warm cum into her over and over again. Mandy kissed me so hard and then whispered into my ear, "Just stay like this for minute honey and then we'll 69. I know you are going to pass out any minute."

Mandy rolled her pussy around on my soft cock and then we lay in a 69 position on our sides. I sucked all of my cum out of her pussy and swallowed it. I was licking her, as she was licking me, and I passed out cold.

I woke up to Mandy licking my pussy and my mouth being inches away from Mandy's clit. We ate each other senseless and then took a cigarette break. I still had a mouthful of her juices and cum and I waited for Mandy to take a deep drag of her cigarette. She held in the smoke and I kissed her, pushing the cum into her mouth. She swallowed and then I sucked the smoke out of her mouth and she had another orgasm. She hugged me so tight.

We shared the cigarette and then cuddled together. We fell asleep at 4 AM with our legs wrapped around each other.

We woke up to the entire crew in our bedroom at 8 AM singing happy birthday. Mandy had a smile on her face from ear to ear. Then she cried on my shoulder and said, "I'm fucking 40. This sucks?" I said, "No it doesn't. I turned 40 last year, remember? With Pharma-Forever we could be doing this when we are both 12,347 years old. Now that will suck!" Mandy started to laugh and said, "Get the fuck up and make me breakfast! It's my birthday!" Everyone laughed at us and we went into the bathroom. Mandy gave me the sexiest kiss and said, "Baby, how about two forty year olds pee together in the bathtub today?"

We lay in a 69 position and peed on each other's tongue. Then we ate each other until we had an orgasm. We stood up and kissed, as I turned on the shower. Mandy sucked my tongue into her mouth before we broke the kiss. She said smiling, "Jen, I'm getting so fucking weird as I get older. This turns me on more now than ever." We laughed and then sang our shower song and washed each other. I gave her clit forty strokes and she begging me to kept going. So I did until she came again on my hand.

We dried off and I convinced Mandy to get dressed nice today for our shopping spree. We both spent a while on make up and I did her eyes. She loved that. She kissed me over and over again and I loved every minute of it.

We both looked hot and went downstairs. Julie served us breakfast with a big 40 on the eggs in cake icing. Mandy blushed and then laughed at us. We ate our breakfast and had some coffee with a cigarette. I said, "The jeweler is expecting us in a half hour honey. We have an appointment for a private showing." We went to the garage and I said, "You want to drive like a maniac or should we take the Rolls?" She said, "Rolls today."

I drove the Rolls Royce and we went to the Jewelers. I drove pretty slow and as we talked and then we got to the store. We talked to the owner for a while and then he brought us into a back room and showed us a fantastic collection of necklaces, rings, and earrings. Mandy feel in love with one full set and I said, "Happy Birthday honey. We'll take it. Can you size it for her while we wait?" Mandy had a radiant glow on her, as she smiled at me. She kissed me four times in a row and she whispered into my ear, "I can't believe how much we spent on this, but I love it. Thank you sweetheart. Now we can go home and make love again." I kissed her and said, "We have more shopping to do first. Then we can go home and make love."

We waited for about an hour as the Jeweler fit every piece to Mandy. She looked great in it. The ring contained 16 carrot weight of perfect diamonds. The necklace was 90 carrot weight and each earring was 6. She had them all on and I said, "Today you're wearing them all. Lets go to the next stop."

We drove about a half hour to a custom cloths designer that I already called with Mandy's exact size and mine. I gave her a list of things that I through she'd like and we were getting a private showing also. This was fun, as she had models walk down a runway with each outfit on. We both like three of them, so we tried them on. I said, "You look great in them. Lets do it. Which one do you want to wear for the rest of the day?" Mandy was laughing at me and I said, "I'm serious. I'm going to wear one of them also."

We both decided which ones to wear and came out of the dressing rooms with all the outfits and our cloths we came in. I paid the tab and Mandy whispered in my ear, "I am going to drive you crazy in bed honey. This is great."

We carried everything to the car and then left for our next appointment, at an upscale ladies shoe and ensemble store. This place really caters to people with money. Mandy and I loved it as they served us champaign while we looked at the shoes and pocket books.

We each tried on over 15 pairs and bought 6 each. We each got 2 new pocket books also. I said to Mandy, "So which ones do we wear today?" She was laughing again and said, "This is so nuts. Oh why not. I like the red pumps." I paid the outrageous price and we wore the new shoes and carried the rest to the car. Mandy lit up a cigarette when we got in the car and so did I. She said, "Can we go home honey? I really want to do you know what with you know who." I looked at my watch and said, "Just one more stop, then it's home. I promise."

We went to antique dealer that I called that had 12 very rare pieces in that I knew Mandy would fall in love with. Them all came from the same period as the original castle the house was modeled after. When we got to this place we walked around looking at so many things and then we saw the pieces that I picked out. I was right. Mandy loved all of them. I paid the bill and we were having them delivered this afternoon.

We went to the car and I said, "Lets get some lunch and then go home. I'm starved again." Mandy kissed me so sexy and I almost said, "Fuck it. We going home now", but I still had to kill at least another half hour. I drove to one of our favorite lunch places and we got our usual table over looking the lake. I handed the waiter a note while Mandy wasn't looking that said, "Today is Mandy's Forty today. Make a fuss." We ordered and had some wine. We were so into each other we didn't notice that all the waiters and waitresses were surrounding us and until they started to sing happy birthday. Mandy blushed every shade of red and purple with a smile from ear to ear. We had a blast and ate our favorite lunch. I gave the waiters a huge tip to split.

We were finally going back home and we pulled into the garage. Julie met us in the garage and said, "Happy Birthday Mandy!" which was a cue. We walked into the house and everyone screamed, "Surprise!" Mandy put her face on my shoulder blushing and crying. She was so happy, and I started to cry with her. We hugged each other for 5 minutes and kissed as people all came up to us. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Thank you so much honey. I love you. Now can we go to bed?" We both laughed.

The party was great and Mandy was a piss. She showed off her new jewelry and cloths, and really looked drop dead gorgeous. There was a photographer there that took pictures of everything. We even had an appearance from the President for a while with his secret service agents. Mandy gave him a spray can of deodorant and said, "We used this can so no one would know what's in it." He almost wet his pants laughing when Mandy started spraying one of the secret service agents.

Everyone was there. We even had people from Europe fly over. One of the bands was in the ballroom and started out with leading everyone with a version of happy Birthday. Mandy loved every minute of it. We did one thing special. Mandy had a friend years ago that lived in Dublin and hadn't been back to see her in over 7 years now. Her name is Maggie and we flew Maggie over to the party, but had her hide in a huge wrapped box. I walked to the box and said, "Mandy, you have to open this one now."

I held her drink and she ripped the paper, as the top flew off and Maggie stood up. The two of them hugged for almost 10 minutes and cried. Then they both hugged me. I said, "How long did they have you stuck in there?" Maggie said in heavy accent, "Darn near a half hour. I was getting all worked up in there, don't you know." Mandy and I both said, "We love your accent."

Maggie talked to us for a while and told us about what she was doing now after she stopped playing in a band and left JPSS. She said, "I just retired. Joan and me are real happy. Oh dear, she's in the closet waiting for me to come out. Better get her some air also." Maggie opened the closet and Joan stepped out and hugged Mandy also.

Mandy hugged me again and said, "Jen, this is great. How in hell did you pull this off? I had no idea." I said, "I lied a few times and almost blew it before lunch." I whispered into her ear, "I wanted to come home and go to bed, as much as you did." Mandy gave me a sexy kiss and whispered to me, "As soon as everyone leaves, we're in the sack honey."

We listened to one of the new groups play that is mostly slow music. I thought it would be nice, and it was. They're really good, too. We danced a few times and then Chris and Roberta cut in. Chris danced with Mandy and I danced with Roberta. Then we switched again. The song ended and Chris gave her mom such a great birthday hug. Margi hugged Mandy and they both cried. Margi said, "It use to really suck being forty. Now you look like you're 24 or 25. Mandy, we could be triplets. You, me, and Chris." She was right. They looked almost identical now.

The caterer was there and setting up, and also our antiques showed up. Mandy and I went to have them put each piece in the room that we wanted it. Julie and Kathy came with us and loved the new pieces also. One was a very large high back chair, that was from the mid 1200s found in one of the original castles in Scotland.

We joined the party and drank, and drank some more. We were having a blast and talked to almost everyone there. The caterer set up a buffet in the ballroom and I think I out did myself on this one. We had fourteen different types of fish including lobster and jumbo shrimp and also about 10 other meat dishes.

For the next six hours people eat, drank, danced and had a great time. Us included.

One the MCs from the concert shows went to the stage in the ballroom and said, "Can I have your attention. Mandy is 40. Holly shit, I must be ancient. I remember announcing her first concert when she was in Sage at UCLA." Mandy hugged me and said, "He sure did, and I was scared shitless." The MC continued, "Seems that she really grew up and turned into one fantastic lady. Mandy we all wish you the best on your birthday, and hope you have thousands more. Lets get that cake in here." The cake was brought in and Chris's band sang happy birthday in acapella harmony.

Mandy and I walked over to the huge layers of cake and she had to blow out the single candle on the top and cut the first piece. She needed a chair to stand up to reach it. She closed her eyes and blew out the candle. Then cut two pieces of cake. She got off the chair and kissed me. Everyone clapped and then she whispered into my ear, "Lets eat the fucking cake and go to bed honey. I'm been thinking about us making love all day." Mandy gave me a smile with a devilish grin and I nodded. The caterer started cutting the cake in pieces and put them on plates. He handed us the two we cut and everyone clapped. We fed it to each other and I said, "What did you wish for?" Mandy said, "Another ten thousand years of this. It doesn't get much better." I smiled and she said, "You know I'm right. Now open your mouth honey for a big piece of cream icing."


The dinner band started to play, as they served the cake and coffee. We danced and could have done that all night. So many people joined us dancing to the slow diner music. Gary and Jamie were next to us and they hugged us both. So did Ken and his wife Kathy. Mandy said to Ken, "I sucks getting old." He laughed and said, "Sucks is when you get up and every part of your body hurts. You look and probably feel like you're in your mid twenties, just like me now. Getting old really did suck before Chris and Allison discovered the Forever drug. Mandy, we are going to be doing this for thousands of more birthdays. So get use to it. It doesn't suck any more. It's great! I can't wait until I turn 200. What a piss."

We hugged Ken and Kathy and then danced next to them. Margi and Alice came over to us and talked for a while. Margi said, "Thanks." Mandy said, "For what mom?" She said, "For everything. For trusting me to be the CEO, for being a loving daughter, and for calming me down every time I get to be a nervous wreck. How can you stay so calm all the time?" Mandy said, "It only looks that way. I keep it all on the inside. Jen can tell you what a basket case I am sometimes. Right honey?" I said, "She's full of it. She's made of stone." Mandy and Margi laughed and Mandy smacked my ass.

People were starting to leave so were said goodnight to them on their way out. They all kissed Mandy and me, and she kept whispering in my ear, "Only a few hundred left." We went back to dancing and almost everyone left except a few. Ken came up to us and said, "We changed the world and saved the world. Hell of a new company slogan. Have fun enjoying your birthday tonight." We hugged them all again and then danced the last two songs they band played. It was only us left in the ballroom and Mandy and I stood and kissed. We put an arm around each other and walked into the other rooms. We saw Kathy in the Kitchen and I said, "I think we have an appointment upstairs to try on new cloths. See you in the morning." They laughed at us as usual, and we went upstairs to bed.

Mandy lit a cigarette as we underdressed. I held her in my arms and said, "Happy Birthday honey." Mandy gave me a sexy kiss and then took a drag of her cigarette, and then another drag, holding in the smoke. She handed it to me and I took a drag also as we lay down in bed facing each other. I ran my hand through Mandy's hair and she looked into my eyes. She said, "Jen, I'm going to get serious for a minute. Honey, what you did for me today, was the nicest thing anyone has ever done. I know lying to me to make the party a surprise was hard. I could tell you we trying to hide something, but wasn't sure what it was. Let's make each other a promise. That no matter what it is, and no matter how good the intentions are, we will always tell each other the truth. If it's a surprise party, we'll both act surprised. Deal?" I said, "Deal. Just remember this when I turn 100." She laughed and kissed me.

I took a drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke, as Mandy cuddled up to me. She took a drag and then put the cigarette out. She slowly put her lips on mine and we kissed softly over and over again, Mandy put her hand on my pussy and I almost came from her touch. I moaned, "Touch me more honey." Mandy rubbed my clit slowly and I reached down and rubbed her clit also, as she moaned just like I did. I leaned my head down and put my open lips on one of Mandy's nipples. I wet it with saliva and then sucked gently, as Mandy arched her back. I flicked my tongue over her nipple and sucked again, as Mandy rubbed my clit faster, and I rubbed hers also. I sucked her like a baby breast feeding, as I rubbed her clit. Mandy loved it and moaned softly, "Jen honey, that feels so good baby. Don't stop." I sucked her nipple, and then moved over to suck the other one. We rubbed our clits and I felt like I was going to spasm any second. I jerked my pussy into Mandy's hand orgasming, as she kept rubbing my clit. I rubbed her faster, sucking her nipple, as Mandy's breathing got heavy and she shook all over. She pushed her pussy into my fingers and flooded them, as she moaned into my ear, "Oh baby, I just came thinking about you licking me."

I lifted my head and kissed Mandy in a sloppy kiss. Then we got into a 69 position with me lying on top of her. I spread her pussy lips apart and pushed my face into her slit. I licked and sucked her slit, and made her cum four times, while she made me orgasm five times. Each time we orgasmed, we swallowed each other's thick juices. I wanted to kept doing this all night. Mandy had me get off of her and she put Oscar in her pussy and sat up with her legs spread open and I sat with my legs open facing her. We overlapped a leg on top of the each other and moved together. I put Oscar into my pussy and moved as close as I could to Mandy, until our pussies were touching. We put our arms around each other and fucked like rabbits. We bucked our pussies together and kissed for almost an hour.

We took a break and were sitting up against the headboard. Mandy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, and then put the cigarette in my lips. I sucked in, inhaling twice, and held in the smoke. I blew out the smoke saying to Mandy, "How'd you like to take a very small part of a combined pill, about one fifth. I want to try something on you and my guess you're going to flip and not even last 30 minutes. It will be the ultimate blast off." Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and smiled at me saying, "What are you planning, baby?" I said, "Lets just try it."

We finished the cigarette and Mandy cut one of the soft pills into fifths. I said, "Take the pill, and I'll be back in a minute. I'm getting some juice in case you need it." Mandy smiled and popped the pill. She was out cold and I went to the kitchen and brought up a bottle of juice. I put it on the nightstand and lay between Mandy's legs, licking her pussy while she was starting to wake up. Show moved a little and moaned softly, "That feels so good baby."

I moved and knelt next to Mandy, holding her hardening cock in my hand. I sucked it into my mouth and she was as hard as a rock. I used my hand to finger Mandy's pussy and put my hand inside of her searching for her G-spot, as Mandy was moaning loud and holding my head on her cock, as I fucked it with my face. I found Mandy's G-spot and she was cumming like a river from her pussy and then she moaned so loud, "I'm blasting off. Suck me! Suck me and swallow!"

I deep throated Mandy's cock and then sucked her shaft into my mouth, moving my head up and down, all the while rubbing her G-spot. Mandy was bucking and shaking. She moaned out, "Oh! Ohhh! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! Swallow it honey!" Mandy jerked up and shot her cum into my throat from her cock, as it pulsated in my mouth. I swallowed and she shot squirt after squirt of warm cum in my mouth, as I rubbed her G-spot. I swallowed again and Mandy was on fire. Her pussy was twinging and running like a facet, as I kept sucking her cock.

Mandy's cock didn't get soft. I sucked her again deep into my throat and kept massaging her G-spot. She was moaning loud and almost incoherent, as she bucked her cock into my mouth. I fucked her cock with my mouth, still rubbing her G-spot. In about 10 minutes Mandy shot cum into my mouth again. He cock started pulsating about a minute before she shot her fist load of cum. I deep throated her and swallowed, while messaging her G-spot nonstop. Mandy had both of her hands on my hair and was fucking into my face. I loved it, and I was driving her out of her mind.

I slowed down a little as her cock got semi-soft and then rubbed her G-spot again hard. She was like a rock and I went back to fucking her cock with my mouth. Mandy's cock was pulsating like it was shooting, but nothing was coming out for over 15 minutes. She was bouncing up off the bed into my face and holding my head with her hands. Mandy was moaning words that I couldn't even understand. Then she shot a huge load of cum into my mouth again. I felt the warm goo come out onto my tongue and I held it all in my mouth, as I rubbed her G-spot. She squirted 15 times and then I stopped rubbing. I lay between her legs with my mouth almost full, spread her pussy lips apart, and sucked in a mouthful of her thick pussy cum also.

I moved to lay next to Mandy and kissed her with my mouthful mixture of the cum from her cock and her pussy. She wrapped her arms around me and went wild swallowing, as we kissed. We lay next to each other and I said, "So how was it?" Mandy was still regaining her breath and took a drink of the juice. She said, "Sweetheart, I have never felt anything like that in my life. My cock felt like it was being rubbed from the inside when you found my G-spot. It felt like I was cumming the whole time. You get to take one of the pills next, as soon as I stop being light headed. Wow!" Mandy sat up in bed and looked at me laughing and said, "Wow! Double Wow! You have no idea what you're in for."

I lit a cigarette, as Mandy guzzled about half the bottle of juice. She said, "What made that happen like that?" I said, "I checked on some of the old notes the other day and I realized that some of the sex organs were shared in function. Your G-spot is actually also the male prostate gland, plus the nerves are connected. That's why blasting off feels like it does. This should have been more like one nonstop explosion." Mandy took a drag of my cigarette and said, "You got that right. Wow!" She smiled and leaned over to kiss me.

We lay next to each other and shared the cigarette. Mandy put the cigarette out, and then passed out again. I took a small piece of the pill and passed out next to her.

I woke up and Mandy was kneeling over me and sucking my cock to get it hard, rubbing my clit. It felt good as my cock was like a rock, and my pussy was dripping wet. Mandy put her hand into my pussy and found my G-spot while sucking my cock. I couldn't believe the feeling. I jerked up into her face and held her head. I was fucking her face and felt like It was already cumming. My cock and pussy were in spasms and I moaned, "I going shoot baby. Swallow! OH! OOOHH! My God is this unreal! Swallow it! OOOOOHHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH!"

I shot my blast of cum out of my cock into Mandy's throat, as she swallowed and rubbed my G-spot. My pussy was cumming like a tidal wave and it all felt connected. I felt like I was squirting in Mandy's throat for minutes and then my muscles kept contracting like I was still shooting, but nothing was coming out. I was fucking my shaft up into Mandy's mouth shaking and jerking, and then I felt the cum starting to explode out of me again. I screamed in passion, as Mandy fucked her mouth on me faster and rubbed my G-spot harder. I was getting a little dizzy and Mandy slowed down a little bit. Oh was I on fire. I wanted her to keep going for hours. I moaned, "Don't stop yet honey. OOOOOHHH, I cumming again from my pussy!"

Mandy speed up and then kept going for over 15 minutes. I was so out of control, I couldn't of even said my own name. My pussy was throbbing in a nonstop orgasm and the muscles in my cock were being contracted like I was cumming. I felt it starting again and I blasted my load into her mouth. It went on for minutes, as I squirt over and over again. Mandy stopped sucking my cock and lay between my legs and sucked my pussy cum in her mouth. I wanted her to suck hard enough to turn me inside out.

Mandy moved to lay down next to me and she kissed me with a mouthful of a mixture of my cum, just like I did to her. I sucked it all out of her mouth and hugged her as tight as I could. We kissed and swallowed for over 5 minutes. Mandy broke the kiss and then starred into my eyes. She smiled saying, "Don't even try to sit up yet. Outrageous isn't it?" I lifted up my head and I was so light headed. I said, "Wow!" Mandy started to laugh and put the bottle of juice to my lips and I guzzled the whole thing.

Mandy lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, and then another. She blew out the smoke and then handed me the cigarette. I sucked in and inhaled twice holding in the smoke. I gave her the cigarette back and said, "I couldn't stop cumming. It was nonstop. Unbelievable."

Mandy took a drag of the our cigarette and kissed me again. She said, "Sweetheart, you are going to be out cold any second. Lets cuddle when you wake up." I put my head back down and I was out cold.

I woke up to Mandy and me lying on our sides kissing. I said, "My pussy is still throbbing." Mandy smiled at me and said, "So is mine. You feel like doing something about it?" We lay in a 69 position on our sides and licked each other for over and hour. We both orgasmed over and over again; just the normal kind, not the explosions, but it was still terrific. We both swallowed more cum that night, than ever before.

Mandy moved to lie next to me, facing me again, and we kissed softly. I put my hand in her hair and was stroking it softly. She reached for a cigarette and put it in her lips and lit it. Our nightlight burnt out when she lit the cigarette, and the cigarette glowed bright red in the dark. I said, "Romantic." Mandy laughed and said, "Jen, we are about as romantic as it gets. Dark is just dark. Take a drag so I can see to get to the bathroom to turn on a light."

I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy flicked the lighter as she walked across the room. She turned on the bathroom light and closed the door almost all the way, and then walked back and got into bed. I took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy kissed me again. She sucked the smoke out of my mouth and then exhaled it. I smiled at her and she said, "I know we are so fucked up, but we both love doing this stuff. Sweetheart, the next thousand years is going to be the better than the first forty. I knew that when we first met. I was planning to live my entire life with you and grow old together. I still want to do that, just growing old is going to take a really long time."

I blew out the smoke and Mandy kissed me. I took another drag of the cigarette and then handed it to her. Mandy inhaled twice, as I said, "Want to go fishing in the morning for another small whale?" Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and lay on top of me. She lifted up her head as she blew out the smoke and said, "I would do that every day of our lives if we could. Want to bet a quarter on the biggest catch of the day?"

Mandy held the cigarette in my lips as I took a drag. I held in the smoke and she leaned over to put it out in the ashtray. She starred into my eyes and I said, "You're on. A quarter for the weight, but we weigh them at the marina." She smiled and said, "Now lets make love until the sun comes out."

We made passionate love the rest of the night. We also each took another fifth of a SexMed-Combined pill again before the sun came up and blasted each other off. When I sucked Mandy's cock this time I had it all the way into my throat when she shot her cum. She told me it was the most erotic thing we ever did. It was incredible.


Over the next four months, Mandy and I have become inseparable. I don't think there has been a period of more than 5 minutes, when we haven't been together. Everyone says that we are joined at the hip. The sex is better every day, and we never stop experimenting. We literally share everything.

The band has played three more times and we did get six Grammies. Our latest CD has broken all the records our last one set in just the first four months it was out. We still think of it as just a part time hobby, and are having way too much fun with everything else to take any of it seriously.

We are seeing so many things happen to change the world forever. The Teleportation project was announced and nine terminals became operational last month. Mandy and I took our first trip on it from LA to New York. It took less than a 10 seconds to make the trip, once we got into the chamber. It felt really weird, as your whole body tingles for a few seconds. All of the major airlines are now planning on operating the Chamber devices at every city that has an airport. The NASA project to use this technology is also in full swing. They are planning a test using a Chamber on the Space Station in two months.

One of the biggest things that we all noticed in the past several weeks is the change in attitude about events in the future. In general, people didn't really care about things that wouldn't affect them in their lifetime, like global warming. These and several other issues, have now all received the highest priority in Federal funding. The DOD is last on the list and the President talked to all of us about our ideas of what to do with the military. Chris and Allison came up with a list that was very clever and Congress is debating it in this session.

Margi has been incredible as the CEO. She put together 7 major acquisitions in the past two months. We now own 90 percent of the drug companies, 85 percent of the entertainment companies, and we bought three of the largest computer companies. We are going full stream ahead with our ideas on human computing models. We are waiting on SEC approval to combine the energy consortium companies under our umbrella also, which would be huge. The surprising thing is that no one is objecting to it, even through we are now definitely a monopoly in several industries. The President called and asked jokingly, "When are you going to buy the Federal Government? I could use a raise."

Major league baseball finally got started again, but there are only 12 teams. Salaries are low, and it's like a grass roots startup again. We went to a game last week, and thought it was great. People are now playing the game because they like it, not for the money. Over half of the players are retired old timers that are taking the Forever drug. There were even a number of women on the teams. We had a blast at the game. The neatest thing is that the players all own the teams and the league. That fixed the players union and owner problem for good.

The underground prototype city in the desert outside of Las Vegas, is opening up next week. Every apartment, house, and store, is already sold or rented. Ten more of these cities are already being constructed in areas that are otherwise uninhabitable, along with plans for a fully underground railway system using high speed monorails. The first city will eventually house up to one million people, when it is fully complete.

Chris, Allison, Kathy, and I started to do some research in the lab at home with Mandy and Julie's help. We now know why some people have what is referred to as paranormal abilities in brain functions. It's a chemical reaction that wakes up part of the brain that is dormant. We all have the abilities they are just locked away. We found it by accident when Allison was doing some tests on someone that had a reaction in a clinical trial test. The person had hallucinations, and was showing very mild telekinetic abilities. It was trigger by one of our new drugs, combined with multiple other drugs the person took. We isolated it down to four major primary components that caused the reaction when one of reagents is taken. We changed the formulation for the reagent for the production drug slightly, and are now producing the original formula in our lab on a very limited basis.

So far, we have experimented with small doses and increased them as we found them harmless. Mandy and I have been able to take a small dose and move a desk from one end of the room to the other, just by thinking about it. We also were able to read each other's minds. It was really amazing hearing her thoughts and knowing that she heard mine. Kathy and Julie had the same experience, so did Chris and Allison. We increased the dosage in an experiment last week and we were able to lift one of the cars up in the air about 10 feet and then set it back down. We decided that the world isn't quite ready for this yet, so we are keeping it a secret for now. We made enough of the drug so that we can try it and see exactly what our abilities can be. We refer to the drug as `Radar', as we don't really know what to call it, if we ever produce it. Mandy and I used a small portion last night when we made love and it was incredible. We read each other's thoughts the whole time, and talked to each other in our minds. This was the most intimate time we had ever spent together. One of the side effects of the drugs however, is that it's use is cumulative and doesn't appear to wear off, or at least not very quickly. Mandy and I could still read each other's thoughts this morning at breakfast and we loved it, but it is different.

Today is Friday and we just got home from a morning corporate board meeting. We saw a video presentation of the results of what we are calling the "Seawater project". This is one of the projects that Allison started to convert seawater into drinking water. The first treatment plant can now be built, and Margi and Max are presenting the results to the President next week. The plan is to build the plants to replenish the existing reservoirs, and create new ones in areas where there is not enough water. He assured us federal funding to do the project ourselves.

Mandy said, "How about a cruise around the lake honey and some fishing?" She put her arms around me and I just melted. I heard in her mind, "Baby, I want to make love to you on the boat and make you cum in mouth for hours." I smiled at Mandy and she knew what I heard. We both laughed and we went into the kitchen to get a few things for our day on the lake. We went out to the boat. I untied it and she started the engine and took us out of the inlet.

I put my arms around Mandy from behind as she steered. I kissed her neck and she said, "How long do you think this drug will last?" I thought, "I have no clue, but I love it." Mandy laughed and said, "Jen, this is so weird." Then she thought, "God, do I want to make love to you right now. Right out on the deck of the boat." I laughed at her and she turned around and blushed. I stopped the engines and dropped the anchor.

We walked to rear deck and I put a blanket down on the wood planks. Mandy lit a cigarette and we took off our cloths and lay down. We shared the cigarette and she got kinky with me a little. I knew what she wanted and she never really asked before. So I just did it. We didn't speak to each other at all while we made love. It was all in our minds. Mandy orgasmed more than I ever saw before. We went down into our front cabin where we had another Oscar kit and we fucked for over two hours. Mandy told me in my mind to finger her ass and let her lick it, and then to let her do it to me also. It was wild. With this drug you can't hide anything.

We took a break and I lit a cigarette. Mandy said to me, "Jen, you and I have the most perverted minds. This was incredible. Give me a drag baby." I held the cigarette to Mandy's lips and she took two big drags and inhaled. She held in the smoke and then blew it out slowly. I read her thoughts and sucked in her smoke into my mouth kissed her. Mandy was so wet it was incredible. She said, "Jen, we'll never get out of bed like this. I kept thinking of things and you kept doing them. I'm going to cum all day and night." Then she was reading my mind and licked my nipples real slowly and sucked them. I melted again and we both laughed at each other. I said, "You still want to fish?"

She smiled and took my hand and we walked back up on deck and got dressed. I drove the boat as we watched the fish finder. I said, "Trout or bass for dinner? We're not going for a whale today." Mandy put her arm over my shoulder and said, "Lets try for a bass, we haven't had that in a while." I drove the boat over to where the water wasn't as deep and we picked up tons of readings of wide mouth bass. I said, "This is the place. A quarter bet for the biggest?" Mandy thought, "Yup and then we play some more in the cabin." We both laughed again.

We sat in the back deck fishing chairs and were casting out lines using our bass lures. We both got a bite within ten minutes. Mandy pulled back first and hooked the fish, and they I hooked mine. They both were fighters and bending the poles. We reeling them in and used a net to get them in the boat. So far I was ahead. Mine was about an inch longer at about 24 inches. We each caught 3 fish, and I paid Mandy a quarter. The last one she caught was big; really big for a wide mouth bass. She was jumping up and down and then said, "Read me mind."

I did and I smiled at her. I said, "Okay." We went back to the front cabin and I opened the cabinet where we kept pills. I found a SexMed-Combined and cut off a small piece. We lay in the bed and I took it and was out cold.

I woke up and Mandy said, "You know what I want to do honey." I spit on Mandy's ass and then pushed my cock into her ass while she was leaning over the bed. Mandy was rubbing her clit and she wanted to have an orgasm and then suck me off as many times as she could and swallow all of it. I loved it, and fucked her ass good. Mandy was rubbing her clit fast and pushing her ass back on my cock as I pushed forward. She was moaning so loud and then had an orgasm in her pussy. I kept fucking her ass and she said in her mind to me, "That feels so nice honey, but please let me suck you."

I pulled out and lay down on the bed and Mandy knelt over me. She found my G- spot and sucked my cock at the same time. I basted off into her mouth in under a minute. Mandy deep throated me and I came in her throat as she swallowed. I stayed hard and she made me cum four times swallowing my cum. Then I passed out. I woke up to Mandy waking up also after taking a Combined pill. I said, "Do it to me too baby. The same way."

I leaned over the bed just like Mandy did and she fucked my ass, while I rubbed my clit. I came in about 5 minutes and then I made her blastoff in my mouth. I swallowed it and kept on going. Mandy came four times also and then passed out. I kept the last cum in my mouth and was waiting for her to wake up. I lay down next to her and as she moved, I kissed her with my mouthful of cum. Mandy and I swallowed it together and she said, "You realize we are getting a little crazy." I said, "So what?"

Mandy put her arms around me and we kissed for over a half hour. We both noticed that the drug was wearing off. I tried to read her mind and there was nothing. She said the same thing to me. I said, "You want to head back home and cook our fish or stay out here?" Mandy kissed me again and said, "Lets go make some dinner together."

Mandy took up the anchor and I started the engines. We headed back to the castle. Kathy and Julie were on the Veranda and walked to the dock as we pulled up. They tied up the boat and Julie said, "Did the Radar drug wear off of you yet?" I said, "Yeah, about an hour ago." Kathy said, "This is so weird. It wore off of us about 4 hours ago and then we realized that we can make it happen without the drug. We'll show you."

We carried the fish inside to the kitchen and put them in the counter and we went into the den. Julie said, "When it happens, you know that feeling you get in the back of your head. It's kind of like a tingling sensation?" We both said, "Yeah." Kathy said, "Concentrate on making that feeling come back."

Mandy and I did and I could hear everyone's thoughts. Mandy looked at me and said into my mind, "Holy shit." Julie and Kathy heard us and said, "Weird isn't it?" I said, "How long does it last?" Julie said, "Until you turn it off. Just concentrate on making that feeling go away." We both tried it and it worked.

I said, "Do you know what this means?" Kathy said, "That we could do it all along and that we just needed something to stimulate that part of our brain. The drug just turned it on for us. Now we can turn it on anytime we want." I said, "How about the other abilities. Have you tried to move anything?" Kathy said, "Let me try it by myself."

We all watched Kathy and we saw the table move about 5 feet. Then she moved it back and forth a few times really fast. We all laughed. I said, "You want to have some fun with this? Lets make a trip to Las Vegas, or a PGA golf tournament, or a tennis match, or.." Mandy put her hand over my mouth as they were all laughing. Julie said, "Lets see how far away it works first and how much power we really have."

We walked out back on the Veranda. I said, "Everyone turn yourself off and let me try this alone. Just watch the boat." I turned it on and concentrated. I raised the boat out of the water and then put it back down. I said, "Watch the tree on the edge of the lake at the corner of the inlet. That's probably a half mile, may be more." I tried to make the tree fall over and it did. I turned my power off and said, "Who's next."

We all did it and it was amazing. I said, "We need to make each other a promise on this. First we keep this off except when we want to use it. Who knows what a bad dream can do. Second is that we keep this to ourselves. I assume Chris and Allison probably have the same thing. We should check with them also." We all agreed.

We went into the studio where Chris and Allison were playing guitar and we explained everything to them. They tried turning it on and it worked for them too. Then they turned it off. We made them make the same promise. I said, "Kathy, take all our notes and the drugs and lets keep them locked in the safe. Do you have any idea what this could do if it got into the wrong hands. Plus I want to try a few experiments. Some people supposedly have the power to heal. Think it's connected to this also? I want to find out on a lab rat or mouse. Lets all go into the lab for a minute."

We all went into the lab and Chris told the techs that were working on her project that they could take the rest of the day off. They left and we took one of the lab mice and put it in a cage. I took a scalpel and made a small cut on the mouse and then tried to heal it with my mind. I found that nothing happened until I moved my hand by the mouse. The closer my hand got the more the effect, as the bleeding stopped and then the incision healed.

We were all stunned. I said, "It needed my hands to work. Nothing happened until I moved my hands near the mouse. All the stories that we all thought were bullshit of people healing and moving objects are probably true. Something just triggered the on off switch in their minds. Lets try another test. Everyone turn your radar off. I going to try to talk into your minds and you tell me what I said."

I concentrated and said in for everyone to hear in their mind the number 245,346 four times. Chris said, "I heard you the first time. 245,346." I said, "Everyone hear it?" Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Jen, this is weird. I not only heard the number but I heard you say, can you hear me now?"

I said, "Another test. Julie. Pick 3 simple things that Kathy knows about and tell me about them. Lie to me about at least one of them." I concentrated on reading Julies thoughts and listened to her make up the lies. I said, "The first was a lie. The second was true and the third was lie." Julie said, "That's right."

I said, "Two more tests. Tell me if you all hear me in your minds." I concentrated on just talking to Mandy and I said, "It's only for you honey." Mandy said, "I heard you." No one else did. So I said, "The next test I'm not going to tell you about it. Just bear with me. It may take a few minutes."

I said into Mandy's mind, "I going to try to cause a future event. I'm going to have Kathy tell Julie she pissed on her tooth brush." Mandy was laughing and I said in her mind, "We'll know if it works if we do something like this. Don't laugh honey."

I concentrated on picturing Kathy walk over to Julie and saying that to her and Julie being in shock. I watched with Mandy as Kathy walked over to Julie and said, "Honey, I now you're going to be made at me, but I peed on your tooth brush last night."

Mandy laughed her ass off and I said, "Julie, I made her do that. It's not real. Kathy, what did you feel that made you say that?" She laughed at me and said, "I felt so guilty about it, but it isn't true. How did you do that?" I said, "I pictured it happening in my mind. This is scary stuff. We need to be really careful what we do if the radar is on. I turning myself off."

I did and then said, "I wonder how far this actually works. What would be a harmless suggestion to give to all the people in Oregon and California that we could verify is actually from us?" We all talked about it and Chris said, "What if we make it so no one wants to watch commercial TV for a two days. Melissa has the ratings and that will pick it up." I called Melissa and asked her about it. She said, "Yeah, we get the ratings each day. If a commercial station is watched by the samples then we know about it." I said, "Have you ever had it come back with no one watched anything?" She said, "Never. They're way to many TVs connected. What's this about Jen?" I said, "Just an experiment. We're trying to understand some of the statistical sampling methods used in ratings. That's all."

Mandy said, "Good lie."

I said, "California gets no TV until Monday. Lets see if it works." I turned on my Radar and concentrated that everyone in California hates watching commercial TV until Monday, and then turned it off again. I said, "Lets see what the ratings show, or better yet, lets turn on some California stations and see what's going on."

We went into the Den and turned on the TV satellite system. Mandy put on the station guide and we walked through the stations from LA. Two were snow. We switched to CNN and saw a report that there was a problem with the broadcast of the commercial networks all over California. They all looked at me and I said, "The people that run the stations don't want to watch it either. I'll put it back."

I click my radar on and concentrated to be back the way it was. We watched a snow station and it came back on the air in under 2 minutes. I turned myself off again and I said, "This is unreal. We have to be real careful what we do with this. Lets make one more promise to each other. That we won't use it to harm anyone unless we all agree or it's an emergency."

Everyone agreed. I put my arms around Mandy and she said, "Sweetheart, this is scary stuff. We could have stopped the Middle East conflict, just by thinking about it. We didn't need the drug. If the other side had this gift, we'd be nuked. This stays a family secret." Chris said, "You got that right."

I said, "How about we cook the fish we caught for dinner for everyone?" Mandy gave me a great kiss and we all went into the kitchen. We cooked up a storm and they all wanted to know exactly what I did in my mind to make things happen. I told them and I said, "Don't try it on your own. Look what just happened when I willed that everyone hated commercial TV in California. It worked for everyone, including the people that put on the broadcasts."

Mandy and I put in the seasoning on the fish and we so into it. She tasted it and put some in my mouth saying, "Enough lemon?" I nodded my head, as we cooked the rest of it. Mandy whispered into my ear, "Read my mind for one minute." I turned on my radar and Mandy was telling me in her mind how much she loves me and how she has this anal thing that's been driving her crazy since we did it last night. She said to me in her mind, "I want us to lick each other's ass tonight baby along with our cunts." I said back to her, "That's cool. Singing off", and I turned my radar off.

We finished cooking the fish and some rice, and all had a great dinner with some white wine. I said, "Anyone for a murder mystery movie?" Everyone shook their heads no and Julie said, "We hate watching TV." I stared to panic and then they all started to laugh. Mandy put her arm around me, as Chris said, "I turned myself on and told everyone to say that no matter what you asked, the answer was no, I hate watching TV." I said, "Cute. Real cute."

We all sat around and had some wine and a few cigarettes. Mandy sat on my lap and she turned on her radar and was talking into my mind. I did the same thing to her and it was unreal. The more we used it, the more sensitive it became. I said, "We're going to bed. Lets all meet early for breakfast so we can do some more testing. I want to find out as much as we can about what we are capable of doing."

Mandy and I walked upstairs as she said into my mind, "Baby, you know what I want. You've being seeing my fantasy for over a half hour." We didn't say a word to each other, just thoughts. We undressed and I lit a cigarette and sat against the headboard. I put out my hand and spit on my thumb, and then put my hand, thumb up between my legs on the bed. Mandy smiled from ear to ear and sat on my thumb, and wiggled it into her ass. She said into my mind, "Jen honey, I wanted you to do this for so long." Mandy wiggled her ass on my hand, as I took a drag of the cigarette and then put it in Mandy's lips. I reached around with my other hand and rubbed her clit. Mandy leaned back on me and was in heaven. She took a drag of the cigarette and moaned in our minds, and out loud. I wiggled my thumb and rubbed her clit, as she went wild.

Mandy said into my mind, "Push your thumb in harder! Harder! Oh baby, that's it. Just like that. Now rub my clit faster." I rubbed her clit and Mandy orgasmed in a few minutes. I took my hand out of Mandy's ass and she sucked it and licked it. She kissed me so sexy and then said, "Sweetheart, now it's my turn to do you the same way."

I sat on Mandy's thumb, as she rubbed my clit and it felt great. I had an orgasm in about 5 minutes. She made me lick and suck her thumb and I got so into it. We made love for over 3 hours and then got so tired we turned off our radar and fell asleep.


Over the next 6 seeks the six of us spent almost every waking hour in the castle doing experiments and tests. I had Max reassign the lab techs that worked at the castle and he was so puzzled. We missed three board meetings and a corporate board meeting, and apologized to everyone. I told Margi, "This is the biggest discovery of all time, but you can't tell anyone about any of it yet. Just make up an excuse for us." We also cancelled a band gig for us and one for Chris's group, and Adel went nuts on us. Julie called her mom and said, "You'll understand in a few weeks. Trust me."

Roberta and Kyle are like part of the family, and Chris and Allison gave them each some of the drug without telling us. This was the first time I ever screamed at the kids. They knew they shouldn't have done it, but the damage was already done. We had Roberta and Kyle call Jody and Janice, and tell them they were helping us with some lab work for the next three weeks. We made them part of our experiments and tests.

The first week we discovered that our radar doesn't work while we are asleep, or at least it has no effect on anything. That took care of the worry about nightmares. We measured everything we could think of and tried so many things with our minds. The results were absolutely unbelievable.

The most amazing thing was that Mandy and I felt like we could actually share our minds. I could feel her feelings, and she could feel mine. We made love and I felt her orgasm just like it as mine. We used a SexMed Combined and I felt her cock shooting, like it was mine. When I basted Mandy off, I came as much as she did. It was unreal. We almost never turn the radar off now, unless we are around a group of people. We hear too much of what they are thinking and it gets confusing.

We decided to reveal everything to a select group of members of the board and were going to do it after this morning's early corporate board meeting. We all had breakfast at 7 and left for the office. Roberta and Kyle, stayed at the house waiting for us to get back.

We got to the office and Mandy and I walked into Margi's office and I said, "After the meeting I need you to do something." I gave Margi a list of names and said, "Ask these people to stay afterwards. Then you all need to clear your calendar for the day and come to the castle. I can't say anymore about until we get there. I guarantee you will remember this day for the rest of your lives. Trust me. I'll call John and Dawn, as they are in the lab today and invite them myself."

Margi smiled and said, "I trust you. Lets do our meeting first. Now you have we wondering what the hell you all did for the past 6 weeks."

We had our meeting and it lasted about an hour. Margi said, "Would the following people please stay in the room for a few minutes. The meeting is adjourned." Everyone else was leaving and Mandy closed the door as the last person walked out. I stood up and said, "This was my idea. Today you are going to see the amazing thing in your entire life. I can't tell you anymore yet, other than to clear your schedules and meet us at the castle in the boardroom in about an hour. Can everyone make it?"

Everyone was okay with it and I said, "Just please don't say a word about this. You may think I'm being paranoid, but you'll understand the reasons in about three hours. Everyone agree with that?" Ken said, "Did you guys invent a human computer or something?" I said, "Nope, much better."

I called John and Dawn and then we left to go home. I put all of our prep work in the conference room. We set up our laptop to the projection system, as Roberta and Kyle brought in trays of sandwiches, danish, soft drinks, and pots of coffee. Kathy brought in the medical supplies we were using for the presentations and Julie and Mandy set up props we were using. I turned on the monitoring systems we were using also. We rehearsed this twice and it was the incredible.

Everyone was coming into the house and we severed coffee and food. Margi and Alice were the last ones so I stood up at the front of the room and said, "You're probably wondering what's this lunatic up to, and why all the secrecy? Well to start with, I want everyone to make a promise. If you can't promise this, I need you to leave. I want you to swear that you will never tell another sole about what we see here today. The exceptions are Max, for you wife, and Adel for your partner, only if we all agree after this is over. The second thing you all need to promise is that you will never use this to harm anyone, unless we all agree, or it's an emergency. Do you all agree?" I went around the room and got an answer from everyone.

I said, "You are here because we trust you and are family. Roberta and Kyle and here because Chris and Allison got them in the middle of this. That was despite my screaming at them not too. But, it's too late to change it. Melissa, and Karen you may want to have your kids participate also, as it will be awkward with only two of them in this group."

I started the presentation and the first slide read, "Brian Power." I turned on my radar and said into everyone's mind, "Raise your hand if you can hear me. Raise them!" Everyone raised their hands and looked so puzzled. I said into their minds, "This is not a ventriloquist show and there is no magic today. Everything you are going to see is real. Notice my lips aren't moving." Everyone laughed and I continued by talking, "That was called telepathic communication. You could hear my thoughts and I could read your minds. Think of the something that I can't possibly know." I read everyone's thoughts and said, "Jamie, nice tattoo. Max, since when did you start smoking cigars? Alice, nice touch after a formal dinner." They all blushed and I said, "Was I right?" They nodded their heads yes.

I continued, "The computer screens on the walls are all gauges that display the measurements of different things. All have been calibrated so that green is normal range, red is real high and black is real low. The sensors are all here at the head of the table next to me. They measure, from left to right, temperature, sound, light, UV rays, infrared, radiation, electromagnetic energy, static electricity, humidity, barometric pressure, and some others that you don't need to be concerned with. I thought the best thing to do was to start with a little bit of a show. Mandy, Julie, and Kathy, stand up here with me." They came up the front of the room and I said, "Don't anyone panic. This is all real, but no one will get hurt."

We turned on our radar and Kathy gave us a cue. We did as many things as quickly as we could. I lifted the table, while Mandy made a stack of books race around the room. Kathy made it rain in the back corner of the room and Julie made it go from light to dark and back again. They we started transformations. I became Mandy, and Mandy became Ken. We changed back and became kids of about 14. Then we all changed to look like we were 80. We went back to normal and concentrated that know one could see us. We all were quite and walked to a different place in the room as everyone was in shock. We concentrated we were visible again, as I had my head next Ken. He almost shit when I said, "Hi baby."

I said, "That was a very mild demonstration. Now for the cool stuff. Anyone want 5 minutes?" They all were talking and I said, "Lets take 5 and then we'll get started." Mandy and I sat next to each other and lit a cigarette. We must of heard, "Holy shit at least 10 times." I said to Margi, "Like our magic act?" She said, "I don't get it. How? How could you possibly?" I said, "When we start, you'll get it. So will everyone else."

Mandy and I finished our cigarette and I stood up and said, "The brain is very complex and has almost unlimited power. What you saw here, and what you are going to see, is being done by us without the help of any drugs. This whole thing started when Allison was checking on a patient in a clinical trial that had hallucinations and experienced slight telekinetic abilities. We isolated the reason down to four primary drugs that he was taking combined with the new reagent we were testing. We changed the reagent so the one that caused the problem would not get to the market. We produced the original one in the lab here, and formulated the exact mixture of the other drugs that caused the patients problems. What we found is that part of everyone's brains sits behind a shut door. Some people have that door open sometimes and exhibit powers; telekinetic, telepathy, levitation, out of body viewing, healing, transformations, clairvoyance, mind reading, precognition, and so forth. That door rarely stays open. Ken, you, Kathy, Gary and Jamie have visions. Right?"

He said, "Sometimes." I said, "The door opened and then closed again. We found a way to open it a small crack through a drug, and then re-open it ourselves and close it. Any time we want to. Now let me show you some of things we can do, and you will be able to do." I changed the slide to one that read, "The mind controls pain and healing."

I said, "Chris is going to assist in this. We have all done this over 5 times so don't panic. She will not feel any pain at all. I am going to take a scalpel and stab her hand. Then removed it, and heal her." Mandy put a block of wood on the table, a towel, and then Chris's hand on top of it. I said, "Chris, you sure you're okay with this?" Chris said, "Do it. It kind of tingles when it heals."

She looked the other way and I stabbed through her hand and into the block of wood. Everyone gasped and then I pulled the scalpel out. I said, "Miracle drug or 40 stitches maybe with micro surgery. Kathy dim the lights please. Everyone watch the monitors and my hand." I concentrated and moved my hand over Chris's. The cut healed in about 2 seconds as there was a glow from my hand and the room temperature raised about 2 degrees.

I said, "Chris, wipe the blood off you hand and tell everyone how you feel." Chris wiped it off and said, "I'm fine. See?" She wiggled her hand and bent it. I said, "Did you see the monitors? My hand temperature was over 135 degrees. I produced light waves off the visible spectrum and sound waves above the top of the hearing range. We think it's about 40,000 hertz."

I went through a three hour presentation and showed fourteen demonstrations of a combination of things. Mandy and I also showed everyone that we could change ourselves completely, without a SexMed; opposite, combined, cloned, or any combination. We also could alter our physical appearance anyway we wanted to. I turned my hair green, purple, orange and then back to normal.

The best demo is when we had Mandy lay on the floor and I hooked her up to a heart monitor. She stopped the monitor in a flat line and projected herself as a translucent image of her as an angel, raising from her body laying down. Alice absolutely freaked, so we stopped it. Mandy got up and ran over to her and hugged her.

I said, "Now some heavy lifting. First we go out back." We all walked to the veranda and I said, "Mosses lead the slaves from Egypt and the Pharaohs chased them. Mosses parted the red sea and they escaped. Mosses had Radar. Watch to the right." Mandy and I made the water part and all we heard was "Holy shit!" We stopped it and the water slammed together and made a big wave. I said, "Better save the boat." So we lifted the boat up until the ropes were taught and the wave went underneath it.

I said, "See those trees about a mile from here on the far side of the inlet? Watch the one on the end." I pulled it out of the ground and made it dance around a little. Then I put it back. I said, "Lets go to the front of the house." We all went out front and I said, "Whose White Mercedes is the that?" Melissa said, "That's mine." I said into her mind, "Can I have keys? I won't hurt it."

Melissa smiled and gave me the keys. I said, "Mandy and I like red better", as I changed the color of the car. The car was wedged between three other cars. We got in and I started the engine. We put on our seat belts and I said, "You ready for this one?" Mandy was laughing and said, "None of them will ever talk to us again after this. You realize that."

I said into Mandy's mind, "God is here Mandy, and is very upset with you!" She laughed and said, "Let's go baby." We lifted the car up about 12 feet, turned it around and then made it accelerate at a blinding speed over the lake. We stopped, turned it around and then guided it back and set it back down in the same spot. We got out of the car and I changed the color back to white, as I tossed Melissa the keys.

I said, "Back to the boardroom." We all had some sandwiches and a drink and I said, "Any of you remember these things on the news?" I put up a slide and everyone was talking about a few of the things. I said, "These were our failed experiments. Melissa, you remember when I called you about the ratings for TV shows? Well, I made it so that no one in California wanted to watch TV for three days. I had to stop it when we found out it also affected the people that ran the stations." Everyone was laughing and I said, "The Las Vegas one was us. We got banned from 8 casinos, but they don't know it is really us. We were transformed each time. I won over 650 million in three days, so did Mandy. The longest golf shot in history at the Masters? That was Chris fucking around. She made the ball got over 900 yards and land on a green for a different hole. I almost wet my pants." Everyone laughed, as I went through the rest of the list.

I said, "We have only tapped into about half of what is possible. Mandy and I can actually share thoughts now and our feelings. We also can learn what each other knows though our minds. It's amazing. Plus all of our reading and comprehension skills are off the charts. I read a 400 page book in under an hour and can remember every word of every page. Max, that report you sent out for this mornings meeting. You have it with you?" He took it out of his briefcase and I said, "Open it to any page and ask any one of us what's on that page."

Max opened it and said, "Mandy, what's on page 197?" Mandy smiled and said, "It's the results from beta drug number B-YXE3. It has stats on 12 patients. There names are Bob Dimmer.." Max stopped her and said, "I'm convinced." Mandy continued including reading the proprietary notice in the small print on the bottom of the page. Ken said, "Show off."

I said, "If we make this public we could be letting out the disease that killed world. Most people couldn't handle it, plus we'd put ourselves out of business. I suggest that you we all take one pill and get the feeling in your brain. Once you have that, you can turn the power on or off anytime you want to. Just a few words of caution. First, you can't hide anything. When I read your mind, I can see everything. I can also tell immediately if you are lying. You will be able to do the same thing and may get a few surprises. Second, don't get mad when you have on your radar. You could do some real damage. Turn it off, after you use it. One of the things I didn't mention is the distance. We couldn't find a spot on earth that we couldn't affect. Mandy and I took that five day vacation and talked telepathically to Julie, Kathy, Chris, and Allison, the whole time we were away. We also used our abilities to displace ourselves, which we didn't show you. We visited Australia also. It took under a second to get there. Oh, one more magic act."

I stood up and made myself walk through the wall and then came back into the room. I said, "Now that's cool. Right out of a grad B science fiction movie." Everyone was laughing and Margi said, "If I used my radar I could know what people were thinking on the phone and tell if they were lying?" I said, "Sure could. You could also influence what their decisions are. We don't want to do things that get noticed as part of the company. Lets say we need the SEC to do something and they refuse, as usual. You use your power to convince them. Max, if you decided to make everyone in America buy the Vitamin on one day, it would be noticed. If you did it by age and geography, no one would notice a thing. The same scenario is true for almost everything we do."

I said, "Everyone agree that this should stay a JPSS family and friends secret?" Everyone said, "Yeah", "Yes", "Inside only." I said, "Max, you want your wife to be part of this?" He said, "Yes" and I said, "Anyone object?" No one did so I asked Adel also. It was the same results. The other kids would be part of it also.

I said, "Tomorrow's Saturday. Everyone take one of the pills now and make sure it works, and be here tomorrow at 8. We'll spend the day with you teaching you how to do everything. The first couple of hours are really frustrating, but you'll get the hang of it. Just be very careful of what you try to make happen. You could end up with your own set of front page headlines. Max, Adel, Melissa, have the others come over her now, so we can give them a pill also. By the way, the pill will not feel like anything. You won't even know it's working."

We took a break and everyone made phone calls. Max's wife was on her way over and so were the others. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Sweetheart, this is so fucking wild. Watching this was unbelievable. How'd you like my angel? I can't believe Alice flipped out like that." I smiled and said, "I loved your angel. How about we imitate the angel on the Christmas tree tonight."

Mandy said into my mind, "I want to sit on your thumb in my ass while you rub my clit. Then we can make ourselves 13 years old again. That was the hottest I ever got when we did that this week. Maybe you could turn yourself into a Combined and fuck the shit out of me like that. I can see you're getting hot honey. Read me mind." I turned on my radar and read Mandy's thoughts. She was having one hell of a fantasy with us together, and I was getting hot. I put my arm on Mandy's shoulder and she gave me a soft sloppy kiss and said into my mind, "Later baby, this is too important."

I said, "Max, Adel, Melissa, and Karen, why don't you go into the study and explain what we just went through to the new comers. We're going to be working with everyone in groups. We'll do you guys last."

Mandy and I worked with Margi and Alice. They took the pill and we all had a cigarette, while waiting for the pill to work. I turned on my radar and could look into their minds to see what was happening. This was the neatest part. I said, "A few more minutes" and I turned my radar off and said, "Everyone go into separate rooms, so we don't get confused. We'll stay here." Margi said, "Mandy, I just read your mind. Wow, that was so cool." Margi and Alice were reading each other's mind so we turned on our radar. I said into their minds, "Can you feel that tingling feeling in the back of your head? It's real soft." They both said yes and I thought to them, "All you have to do is concentrate on making that feeling come back, and the radar goes on. Concentrate on making that feeling go away, and it turns itself off. You can't try it until the drug wears off. Now Margi, concentrate and try to move that book. Just imagine the book moving where you want it to go."

Margi did it and was jumping up and down like a little kid. Alice did it also and they hugged. We had them try almost everything. Margi said, "How did you make yourself invisible?" I said, "We weren't. We just made it so you couldn't see us. We concentrated that no one in the room could see us. Try it." They did and Mandy and I laughed as we couldn't see them, and then they reappeared. Margi was thinking, "Oh is this going to be fun. We could have sex in the mall and no one will see us."

I said into her mind, "We already did that. It's a blast. We used the blanket display in Macy's." Margi and Alice both blushed and I said into their minds, "Remember, you can't hide anything."

I gave Margi and Alice a 5 page report and said, "Read this." The zipped through it and I took it away and said, "What was the last word on the third page?" Alice said, "Definitely." I said, "Margi, what was the fourth word on the second page?" She smiled and said, "practices."

We went outside into the front yard and I said, "See if you two can lift a car about a foot and then set it down slowly." They did it, and were like little kids again. Mandy loved it.

We went back inside and we taught them how to transform themselves. They had a blast with this. Margi and Alice had a fantasy about something that happened when they were about 16, and they both turned into that age. We had to stop them from fucking each other in the conference room. Mandy and I were hysterically laughing. Next we had them do the SexMed stuff, without the pills. It took Margi a couple of tries to get it complete. Next we did the lie test. We turned off our radar and she was supposed to tell if I was lying. She got 9 out of 9 correct. So did Alice.

We had them make it rain, have the sun shine, get light, dark, make it cold and then hot, change cloths, skin color, hair color, and about another 75 things.

Chris and Allison were already working with the Desiree and Jasmin, so we worked with Max and Mary, and Julie and Kathy worked with Adel and Blair.

We all finished about 8 PM. We brought everyone back into the conference room and had sandwiches. I said, "Anyone still have the drug working?" Everyone was shaking their heads and I said, "Now make it come back on by yourself. Turn on your radar."

Margi screamed, "It works! Holy Shit!" We heard almost the same thing from everyone. I said, "Turn it off and back on a few times and then leave it off."

We all finished our sandwiches and Mandy thought into my mind, "Light me a cigarette honey." I lit her a cigarette and took a drag. I blew out the smoke and handed it to her and she said, "Thanks baby. This was a blast. Max is acting like a little kid."

I stood up and said, "Everyone try turning it on and off about 30 times tonight and then we'll see you tomorrow at 8. Just please don't tell anyone about this. It's just our little secret. Oh, one more thing. Think of a name for this. Radar sounds weird, we just don't know what to call it."


Everyone left and Mandy hugged me. She said, "I want to make love to you so bad honey." Mandy lit a cigarette and we walked up stairs to our bedroom. She put her arms around me, as Mandy whispered into my ear, "Get that thumb ready honey. This time reach under me and finger me at the same time. I've been so wet the past hour thinking about it." I said into Mandy's mind, "I know. I saw it."

We both took a drag of her cigarette and undressed. I took another drag of the cigarette and then handed it to Mandy, as I put my lips slowly over one of her nipples. I wet it with my saliva and then licked it slowly. I could feel what Mandy was feeling, as our minds almost merged. I sucked and flicked my tongue over her nipple and I was getting so hot. I felt the tingling like it was happening to me. We lay on the bed against the headboard and I put my hand out in front of me again with my thumb up. Mandy sucked on it and then spit saliva all over it. She moved her ass to sit on my hand, as I worked it into her ass and past her ass ring. Mandy sat all the way down and I stretched my fingers to enter her pussy. She moaned softly and said in my mind, "Just like bowling honey. Squeeze me and reach around me with your other hand and rub my clit. Oooooo, just like that. I'm feeling so nasty tonight. I want us to eat each other's cunt for hours and then lick our asses. Rub me faster. Oh that's good. Mmmmmmm."

I rubbed Mandy's clit with one hand, while I was fucking her ass with my thumb and fingering her pussy with the other hand. I squeezed my thumb and fingers together and she moaned so loud. I could feel her thoughts and this really turned us both on. I rubbed her clit as fast as I could, as our minds connected. I felt Mandy orgasm starting and I felt like I had one also, as I rubbed her clit and wiggled my thumb in her ass. Mandy was rocking her ass on my hand, as I kept rubbing her clit. She came again and I pulled my hands out.

Mandy was reading my thoughts and said into my mind, "I like that baby. Sit up a little more and I'll stand up." Mandy got up and stood with her legs on either side of me and bent her legs slightly so her pussy was in front of my mouth. She leaned forward to hold herself up by putting one hand on the wall over the headboard of the bed, and put her other hand on the back of my head, as I pushed my tongue into her pussy. I licked and sucked her as her cum and juices flowed into my mouth. Mandy's thoughts in my mind said, "I taste good today baby. Swallow again and I'll make it feel like your licking my G-spot. Get ready for a tidal wave."

Mandy and I did this to each other all the time now and she started to cum nonstop into my mouth having one orgasm after another. I swallowed as fast as I could and felt every one of her orgasms like they were mine. Mandy moaned so loud in her mind and out loud, as I swallowed. I said in my mind, "Stereo." She stood back from my mouth and started to laugh. We both did, as she knelt in front of me. Mandy said, "I said it and heard it in my mind also. You're right. What a piss."

Mandy kissed me and tasted her cum, as we moved to lie in a 69 position licking each other's pussy. I spread her pussy lips apart and dove in with my tongue again. Mandy did the exact same thing to me and then I felt her fingering my ass. Oh, did that feel good. She had three fingers inside of my ass and was fucking me, as she licked and sucked my pussy. Mandy said into my mind, "I know this feels good honey, I can feel it also. Cum in my mouth, I want to swallow all of it." Mandy got me so hot I blasted an orgasm of juice into her mouth, which caused Mandy to cum in my mouth. We both swallowed as we told each other how much we liked the taste. We both could actually taste what each other was tasting through our minds. It was so wild.

We sucked and licked each other for over an hour and then took a break lying on our sides. I asked Mandy in her mind to light me a cigarette and she smiled as she lit one up. She took a deep drag and blew out the smoke as she lay next to me on our sides. She held the cigarette for me in her fingers and put it in my lips. I sucked in twice and inhaled, and held in the smoke, as Mandy put the cigarette in her lips. I blew out the smoke and said, "Lets let our minds merge almost as one person while we make love using Oscar."

Mandy put her hand on my face and held my gently. She stroked my face and looked into my eyes and then kissed me slowly. I felt her warm lips touch mine and then her tongue move into my mouth. I melted completely as our minds connected. I felt that kiss the way I would normally feel it, and then at the same time, as Mandy felt it. Mandy could have done anything to me and I would have let her. We kissed sensually and finished the cigarette, and then I put Oscar inside of Mandy's pussy. I rolled on top of her and sat straddling her with Oscar in my pussy. I wrapped my arms and legs around her and we rolled on our sides and fucked. We rubbed our pussies together and were so connected in our minds we had our eyes closed seeing what was in each other's mind, and feeling what the other was feeling.

We made love like that all night. At 6 in the morning we started to hear voices in our heads, as we were licking each other again. I heard Margi say in my mind, "That is so hot Jen. Mandy is thinking about swallowing you cum again." Mandy and I sat up and looked at each other. I said into my mind, "Margi, are you watching us?" We heard over 10 people laughing in our heads and then Alice said, "I think we all are. Sorry."

Mandy and I smiled at each other and took a cigarette break. I lit one and took a couple of drags and then handed it to Mandy. She took a drag and I put my arms around her, as we moved to lie on our sides. Our minds connected again and I could hear her thoughts. I said into her mind, "Suck all you want sweetheart. I love when you do that to me." Mandy handed me the cigarette and I rolled on my back, bent my knees and open my legs as wide as I could. Mandy lay between them and ate my pussy to gently.

I finished the cigarette and then held Mandy's head to my pussy as she ate me for over and hour. I came four more times as she swallowed. The last time she had a mouthful of my thickest cum and I saw it in her mind. I pulled her to me and she knew exactly what I wanted. She kissed me as we shared it and swallowed. We kissed and rolled over a few times, as the alarm went off.

Mandy reached over and turned off the alarm clock, as I said, "We did it all night honey. It only felt like a couple of hours." Mandy connected her mind with mind and I felt the love she had for me. We kissed and then got out of bed. We went into the bathroom and kissed again. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, so I sat on the toilet, while we still kissed. Mandy sat over my legs with her legs spread open and facing me, as we kissed. She said into my thoughts, "Go honey. I want to keep kissing you."

We laughed hysterically, as Mandy went to the bathroom all over the floor. She had to go, not me. We really couldn't tell the difference. Mandy was so embarrassed and I said, "We couldn't tell. We felt everything the same. Don't be embarrassed honey, I'll help you clean it up." We really had a mess to clean up and then we took a shower together. Mandy said, "I'm going to call the plumber and have twin toilets put in the upstairs bathrooms. I bet this is going to happen a lot." We both smiled and washed each other.

We went downstairs and made breakfast, as Julie and Kathy came into the kitchen. Julie was blushing and Kathy was laughing. I said, "This wouldn't have anything to do with going to the bathroom, would it?" Mandy was ready to smack me and Kathy laughed harder and said, "Julie shit on the floor. I thought I had to go and it was really her." Mandy smiled and said, "You're not alone. I'm going to have twin toilets put in." Kathy was rolling on floor hysterical. We just smiled and finished cooking breakfast.

We ate and had some coffee with a cigarette, as everyone started to show up. We spent the entire day showing everyone how to do everything we leaned. We also used our displacement trick to go to London for a few beers at one of our favorite pubs and then came back. Max said, "I wonder how that works, it's so weird. You just think about going someplace and we end up there. Have you tried to measure that yet with the instruments?" I said, "Next couple of days. I think it has something to do with another dimension. We don't move fast, actually it feels like just a little, and we end up on the other side of the world."

Margi and Alice's favorite trick was to make people think they were invisible. We knew what they were going to do tonight at the mall.

The next ten months were incredible. We all experienced what we call knowledge Osmosis. Everything that I know, that is stored in my mind and memory, Mandy now knows also. The same thing happened to for me with her mind. She actually remembers some things better than I do.

Mandy and I started a research project and she was so into it. She is also brilliant. We had a finished working version of the first neural computer, modeled after the human brain. Mandy designed it with Chris, and Kathy, Allison, Julie, and I built it. We are demonstrating it at today's board meeting. Keeping a secret was getting to be almost impossible. Mandy and I have developed a way to block our minds so that no one except the two of us can see inside. Margie and Alice figured it out also. I also submitted Mandy's design paper on the neural computer to the doctoral review board at UCLA. She was so pissed at me, but it only lasted about an hour. They awarded her a PhD last week and she was walking on air when we got home, literally.

We still love to write music and play in the band. We played seven concerts in the past ten months and used our powers as part of the skit to start the show. We did our invisible thing and everyone thought it was the greatest magic trick they ever saw. We didn't say a thing about it. When we were interviewed I said, "A good magician never reveals their secrets." Mandy said into my mind, "That was a great line. Honey, you could be a politician."

We were all eating breakfast and Allison was almost falling asleep at the table. She was up all night finishing some of the software for our demonstration today. It actually works and we couldn't believe it. Chris put her arms around Allison from behind and said, "We have an hour before we have to leave. You want to go back to bed and sleep a little, or have some sex to wake you up?" Allison was so groggy. She yawned and said, "Sex." They went to Chris's room, as we all laughed.

We finished our breakfast and then had some coffee and a cigarette, while we watched the news on TV. Something caught Mandy's eye and she turned up the volume. We heard the commentator close the story by saying, "The telephone long distant market just lost another company today. This is a tough market for these companies." Mandy said, "When we're done today, there'll be no market for them." We all smiled and knew she was right. Mandy channel surfed and we end up watching old cartoons while we finished our coffee. Chris and Allison came back downstairs and we left for the office.

The board meeting was dry as usual, livened up a little with Ken's wise cracks. Margi announced our presentation and Ken said, "Let me guess. Synthetic pot. The new wonder drug for x-hippies." I said "Nope, much better." I stood and said, "This presentation is Mandy's. Chris and her designed the product you're about to see and Kathy, Allison, Julie, and I built it. It's just a prototype, but it does works."

Mandy stood up and gave a great presentation about the history of the telephone and then about our first neural computer. She said, "It really thinks, and can read your mind. We actually figured out what chemical reaction makes it possible. We used it to create the phone of the future. Just pick up the headset and it will ask you to say or think, who you want to call. An image from your mind is displayed on the screen along with the number that it finds from multiple databases, if you don't know the number. It's also completely wireless." Who wants to try it?" Ken said, "I need to call my mom. Lets see if it works."

Ken walked up to the front of the room and thought while the phone was on his ear. It showed a short video of his mother along with the phone number. The phone dialed, and he talked to her for about a minute as we all smiled. Margi said, "Billions. Absolute Billions." Ken hung up and Mandy showed a chart about entering into the telephone and long distance market. She projected we would own the market in 8 months. She also said, "We can buy one of the big players if we want for pennies, and get over 120,000 employees to make this happen faster. They declared bankruptcy this morning. This phone will sell for 20 dollars and will cost us about two dollars to make it, plus it uses a new type of wireless system, where repeater towers are not needed. We need no infrastructure. It's all in the phone. This could be the start of JPSS Communications."

Everyone stood and clapped for Mandy. She blushed and smiled at me. Margi said, "You want to run it?" Mandy said, "Not on your life. We're retired, remember?" Margi smiled and thought in her mind, "Oh shit! Who can pull this off?" I all said back into her mind, "There are people in here that don't know about our secret. Be careful. Ask Jody, I think she wants to do it." Margi said out loud, "Jody, any interest in running this new venture?" Jody smiled and said, "Sure. This is cool." We made it official.

The meeting ended and we went home. We were all sitting into the kitchen having a cup of coffee and a cigarette, and talking about going fishing when the doorbell rang. Mandy and I got up to answer it. We opened the front door and there we four people, two men and two women, and one of them said into all of our minds, "We need to talk to you, can we come in. I know you can hear every word I just said. This is very important." Julie, Kathy, Chris and Allison came running to the front door, as they heard it also. We invited them inside.

We went into the den and sat on the couches and offered them coffee, as they introduced themselves to us. Their names were weird. Kon and Joov were the men, Rodera and Praven were the women. Kon said to us, "We are going to tell you what will seem like the wildest story you ever heard, but I can assure you it's all true, and we'll proved it to you as we go."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette and we listened. Kon said, "We are just like you, except we are a lot older. We heard you teaching the others how to use your powers, in our minds. That's why we are here. When I said older, I meant really older. We lived here on earth over 60,000 years ago. This was a thriving planet, much like it is today. There were 40 of us that worked in a group, much like your JPSS corporation. I was the leader, which you now call the chairman. We produced the same drugs that you have, and also leaned how to unleash the powers within each of us. We shared that knowledge with our group and also with 12 of the world leaders at that time. Life was great for over 20 years. We had complete peace. We made a mistake, that almost wiped out the entire human race. We decide that it was time to let the secret out, and let everyone enjoy what we had. We can't sit back and watch it all happen again. Please, don't ever do it."

Kon took a breather and we took a drag of our cigarettes. Rodera continued, "People went crazy with these new powers. Fighting started everywhere. Countries turned against each other and then the ultimate worst thing happened. We had weapons, just like you have now, and we set them off. We had a nuclear war that wiped out almost everything and everyone on the face of the planet. A few of us saw it coming and built a cryogenic containment facility in one of our underground labs. We set it to automatically make us up using a drug very similar to your Pharma-Miracle. We had it triggered to the outside temperature and radiation readings. Your scientists and archeologists are right about the first ice age that wiped out the dinosaurs, except it was caused by a meteor. It also launched the moon. What they are wrong about is that there was a second ice age. It was called nuclear winter. Read my thoughts."

We all watched what they explained in her mind. It was awful. Jon continued, "We woke up 6,000 years later to a planet that was completely different from what we left. The continents had shifted and the climates had changed. The land we once called home was now a large island in the Mediterranean Sea. Only 12 of us survived the suspended animation. We never thought it would have lasted that long, and we just didn't have enough of the drug to revive everyone. At that time we thought it would just be the 12 of us on a planet void of almost all life, for eternity. What we saw happen was a true miracle. Life started all over again. We watched the evolutionary cycle, and humans being develop. They were brutal and violent animals, which is in all of our subconscious. We managed to develop a make shift lab from what was left in our underground facility, and created enough of the drug for us to take turns being placed in suspended animation again. Some of the group had no interest in living in a world like this. Read my thoughts and see it."

We watched everything happen in Jon's mind. I said, "What did you eat?" Kon said, "You have powers that you don't know about yet. We can actually make your own food. It tastes horrible, but it keep us alive."

Rodera continued, "Things started getting interesting when mankind finally matured. We used our traveling powers, what you call displacement, to watch without being seen. By the way, it is a forth dimension and we know it extends way past just this planet, but things out there are worse than they are here. So we watched mankind kill each other in wars, and act insanely violent towards each other. We hadn't interfered before, but we felt we had to. We stated calling ourselves the Guardians, as a group to preserve the human race. Out first efforts were to get people to work together and thought that would help end the violence. It didn't. It just started slavery. The pyramids were our first project. They had no real purpose, other than to teach people about the science of moving mass and how to build structures."

Kon continued, "Our next project was to try to end slavery and give people the same code of ethics that we all lived by. We chose a person that you called Mosses. We gave him a set of tablets that had our rules on them and also gave him some of our powers. He thought I was God, just like the people that built the pyramids. We're not Gods. We never saw God or spoke to him, and we've been here a very long time. Mosses took our rules and tried in vein to make people live by them. He did free the slaves in Egypt and used some of the powers we gave him, but things really didn't improve too much."

Rodera continued, "We didn't realize how impressionable people were back then. Allison, the things you're thinking right now are all true. We do look familiar and, yes, it is a statue of me in the Greek Mythology book. We got so use to using our mind powers to do things for us, we just forgot how crazy it looked to everyone else. They thought we were Gods. People were killing for fun. We had to stop it. So I became the goddess of love. What happened was people thought we meant sex, and the effect was just the opposite of what we wanted to happen. Then we tried to rule them into stopping. It was a total failure."

Kon continued, "The island that we lived on, that was once a huge continent, was sinking into the Mediterranean Sea. We've moved over 50 times since then. What you call the middle ages were awful. The slaughtering from wars was horrific. We tried to stop it one more time. One of our group decided to become a leader for the people. But not a ruler, a teacher. You know him as Jesus. He did wonderful things in teaching our way of life, and he was crucified for it. He didn't die, just like you wouldn't either. We revived him and he is at our home now, and so excited about finding all of you. We heard in our minds what you accomplished, we had to see you and tell you everything. We want you to share in all we have learned, and let us learn from what you have accomplished. Look into my mind."

We all read Kon's mind and saw centuries of history in minutes. It was amazing at how fast the mind can work. We were all kind of stunned and then started asking questions about everything from transportation they used, space travel, communication, races, languages, science, you name it.

Joov said, "In space travel we were about the same as you are now. We visited the moon and Mars. We did get visited lots of times by another race, somewhat similar to ours. They are still coming here and studying the rebirth of the human race. We don't like them at all, as they have no compassion and think of us as lab animals. They're technology is way beyond anything that we had. The only thing we had that you haven't, is a way to counter act gravity. We used it to suspend, or float things. You are building a city underground. We built them on mountains. The center points we all on land and the extensions, floated above the ground without any anchors underneath them."

Rodera said, "Our language was similar to yours. We had more words that meant phases of other words, but it was very similar. You tend to name things, like television, instead of calling it a moving picture in a box. We did the same thing. It was way to complex to teach the people during the evolutionary process. Now we just don't see any need for it. We saved some of our books and you may find them interesting."

Mandy said, "What do you like now, that you didn't have before?" Praven said, "We love the cloths, Joov is addicted to gambling, but we keep having to change our appearances to get in the casinos. We all play sports a lot, but turn off what you call your radar. Otherwise, it's no fun at all. We also love music. All of us."

I said, "Feel like having your whole group meet all of us? I know on our side everyone will fascinated by all of this." Kon said, "That's why we're here. Everyone can travel, or should I say displace, to be here anytime." I said, "Mandy, talk to everyone in their minds, and see if they can be here this afternoon."

I lit a cigarette and Rodera said, "That's another thing I like", as she took one of my cigarettes and I lit it for her. Praven lit one up also. Mandy was talking to everyone in her mind, and I said to Praven, "Do you also change sex like we do." She started to laugh and said, "We are all total sex perverts, as you call it. We do have partners that we really are in love with, just like you do. But we really enjoyed the roman orgies, and have kind of continued in that tradition." We all laughed.

Kathy said, "Where are you living now?" Joov said, "Mexico. We have a real nice estate, much like this. Everyone leaves us alone there, as long as we keep paying off the local government. Oh, and Chris, your teleportation project is terrific. I was working on something similar before the war."


Mandy said, "Everyone will be here in about an hour. You want any lunch?" Everyone was hungry so Mandy said, "How about some of my famous catfish?"

I went with Mandy to the freezer and took out enough for everyone. We went into the kitchen and turned on the over, and then also made some rice. She put her arms around me and said, "Can you believe this?" I said, "A lot of the weird things in history kind of all make sense now. It really is amazing."

Mandy said into my mind, "Baby, kiss me and hold me." I put my arms around Mandy and held her, as she held me. She put her warm lips on mine and put her tongue into my mouth, moving it slowly, as we read each other's thoughts. We were really getting carried away and then we stopped kissing and started to laugh. I said, "Later. I'm horny also. We'll take out the boat if there's time." Mandy smiled at me and we gave each other a quick kiss. She held my breasts in her hands and said, "I want to make love to you so bad honey." Mandy pinched my nipples gently, and rubbed them, as I melted. I kissed her so hard and she said into my mind, "I want to fuck you right now, but we have guests honey."

We shared a cigarette and finished cooking. I went to get our guests and they came into the kitchen. I said, "This is part of a catfish that Mandy caught in the lake. It was over a thousand pounds. This is her pride and joy, so don't say it tastes like shit." Everyone laughed and Kon said, "I love your sense of humor." Mandy said, "Wait until he meets Ken."

We ate and Rodera said, "Jen, you and Mandy didn't have to stop because of us. We are much worse than you are when it comes to sex." Mandy smiled at me and I said, "Shall we? We have 30 minutes?"

Mandy swallowed her mouthful of fish and took my hand dragging me up to our bedroom. We took off our cloths and kissed and caressed each other, lying on the bed. We rubbed each other's clit and then got into a 69 position. I ate her pussy as she ate mine, reading each other's thoughts. We both made it feel like our G-spot and went wild. Every couple of minutes we each had a mouthful of cum and moved to kiss and swallow it together. I felt everything that I did to Mandy, as if it were being done to me. After about 30 minutes we both got up, but didn't want to. She kissed me and I lit a cigarette, as we got dressed. Mandy said in my mind, "Sweetheart, this was just the warm up session", as we went downstairs.

They all stood and clapped for us. I said, "They fit right in." Kathy and Julie were laughing, as Praven said, "60,000 years and humans are still the same. I love it."

I said, "We'll go into the theater when everyone gets here. Kon, can you project what's in your mind on a screen? I can a little, but I can't get it to focus." He said, "I think I should be able too. Why?" I said, "So everyone can see it like it's a movie. It will have a much bigger impact on everyone." He said, "Lets go try it."

Mandy and I went into the theater with Kon and Rodera. Mandy flipped the switch to lower the large white screen and I turned on the PA system. I said, "Try to project your thoughts on the screen and the sounds through the PA system." I took Kon about 2 minutes but he got it to work. He was like a little kid with it. We watched what looked like a racecar that he was driving and heard all the engine noise and wind through the PA system. He said, "This is so cool! Wow, I love it!" We all laughed and Mandy put her arm on my shoulder and said, "They are as screwed up as we are." Kon said, "Worse. Trust me, we are definitely worse. We've had 60,000 years to work on it."

Kon turned off his thought projections and we all sat and waited for everyone else. Mandy and I lit a cigarette, as she was rubbing my shoulder. I was melting again from her touch and reading her thoughts. She read my thoughts and started to laugh and then whispered into my ear, "I am so wet."

People started to straggle into the theater. There were 24 of us and 12 of them. We all introduced ourselves one at a time. Mandy stood and reintroduced Kon and he did exactly what he did to us before talking into all of our minds. He used the projection systems and it was amazing watching all of the things in the world they way it use to be years ago. He even showed us a globe map, of what the continents looked like 60,000 years ago. Each thing he talked about, we saw the images on the screen and heard the sounds, while he spoke into our minds. The world looked very similar to how it does now. The architecture of buildings was different, and automobiles were styled different, but overall it was almost the same. Airplanes were designed more like saucers with wings, but used the exact same jet systems and fuels.

We saw their underground lab, and it looked just like ours. We also saw the cryogenic devices they used. The hardest part was seeing what the earth looked like when they woke up. It was mostly frozen and barren.

We did see some great footage of the building of the pyramids, the Sphinx, and Mosses. They watched Mosses through his mind at the time it happened, and were projecting their memories for us to see. We watched the images just as Mosses saw them. Kon said, "The burning bush was Mosses' idea as a cover story for why it took him so long to learn to use his powers. He was a great guy, just real slow. We displaced him from that mountain to our home, and then put him back there so he could walk down the mountain acting like he spend 40 days in the weather. People actually fell for it." Everyone was laughing.

Watching the roman orgies was outrageous. Kon and Joov made comments about some of them and we all laughed again. Especially when they talked about Nero and several sets of twins.

The goddess of love stuff was hilarious. Rodera said, "The whole thing only lasted for a month and then we gave up. People made up so many stories that had nothing to do with what actually happened. The next thing we knew, there were hundreds of statues of us everywhere. They even had one of us with wings and a horse body." Praven said, "Rodera, the wings came from your stupid angel routine where you pretended to die and someone saw you do it." We all smiled, as Mandy said, "I did it the other day too and Alice flipped out on us."

We met Jesus, which wasn't his real name. He was such a great guy and funny as they get. He had a personality and a sense of humor just like Ken. He said to us, "I did what needed to be done. I think my departure made more of an impression than anything else I did. It was my invisible disappearing act. The marks on the shroud were a great touch. That was Praven's idea. We never thought it would turn into a religion", then he disappeared for us and reappeared on the other side of the room. Everyone was laughing.

The images of the crusades were hard to take. The violence was sickening. We did see the original castle that this one was modeled after. Joov was playing freeze frame on us from his memory. They all had a blast playing with the screen and PA system.

Then it was our turn to show them about us and our company, what we learned, how we discovered the drugs, and how we got to where we are now. They flipped when they learned that we were in the band Changes. They loved the music. We became their idols. What a turn of events.

We all had a couple of glasses of wine and then the conversation got serious. Kon stood up and said, "This was great, but the real reason we came here today is to plead with you to never let your secret out to anyone that you don't trust with all your heart. We made that mistake and it cost us our friends, our children, our home, and the almost the human race. We call our selves the Guardians, and that's because we have taken an oath to do just that. Guard against the extinction of the human race. If you hadn't used that drug on the problem in the Middle East we were going to intervene with our powers to do almost the same thing. We can not allow mankind to nuke itself again. Will you work with us?"

Everyone was talking into my mind and I stood up and said, "Absolutely. We welcome you as friends and would love to be part of your group. We have taken an oath amongst ourselves to not divulge this to anyone unless we all agree, and also not to use these powers to harm anyone unless it was an emergency, or we all agree. We welcome the chance to learn from each other." The Guardians all stood and hugged each one of us. For them it was very emotional. Mandy wiped the tears from Rodera's eyes.

I said, "Kon, why didn't you develop a drug that stopped the power from working on people? That would be the easy way out." He said, "If you can do that, we would all be in your debt forever. We couldn't figure it out." I said, "Chris, you and Allison want another puzzle to solve? Just don't try it on yourselves." They were already thinking about it.

Kon said, "How about you visit us in Mexico over the weekend and we'll show you the old books and the anti-gravity floating device. We'll also show you the powers that you haven't discovered yet. Some are pretty cool. If any of you need to contact us, just think it. We can hear you, just like you can hear us. We'll send an image of where you should displace yourself too. Everyone okay with Saturday morning?" We said in his mind yes at the same time. He laughed and said, "I hate that. Too many voices at once."

We all hugged again and said goodbye. They all displaced themselves back to their home. Margi said, "Wow! Do you have any idea what we just saw?" I said, "Sure do, and we can't tell anyone about it except the people in this room."

Everyone was leaving and Chris and Allison went into the lab to work. I said to Mandy, a quarter says they have it licked by Saturday." She smiled and said, "Your on. There is no way they can solve this in 3 days. Now lets go take out the boat honey." Mandy said into my mind, "I am so horny."

Mandy said to Julie, "We're taking out the boat. Can you stay here for a while to let the plumber in. They're putting in toilets." Kathy went hysterically laughing again, and Julie blushed. She smacked Kathy on the ass and said, "Yeah, we'll stay in. Have fun."

Mandy and I walked out on the veranda and down to the dock. I took off the ropes and she started the engine and drove us out of the inlet as I walked on the deck to get to the main cabin and took out our Oscar case and then walked to the bridge. I put my arms around Mandy and she said to me, "Lets go to that really romantic spot we found and drop anchor." I lit a cigarette and put it in Mandy's lips, as she took a deep drag. She said into my mind, "Thanks honey. Put your arms around me again." I stood behind Mandy with my arms around her, as she steered the boat. I took the cigarette out of her hand and took a drag, and then watched the smoke blow into the wind as I exhaled. I gave the cigarette back to Mandy and rested my head on her shoulder as we read each other's mind. We were thinking about so many things together. She steered the boat into a small inlet that is all rock formations and tall evergreen trees. We went into a very secluded area and anchored the boat. Mandy turned around and took my hand and walked me down to the deck. We undressed each other on the rear deck and then lay out a couple of blankets, and lay down on them.

I lit a cigarette and we lay looking up at the rock cliffs together. I said, "Can you image what Kon and that group of people went through?" Mandy rolled on her side and took a drag of the cigarette. She put her arm on my stomach and said, "I can't believe it either. I guess they just got numb about it after so long. They all have such a great attitude about life. I really like them." I said, "Me too." I took a drag of the cigarette as Mandy rolled over more on me. I loved how it felt outside on the boat, when we were naked with other. Mandy's breasts were against mine and she said into my mind, "That feels so nice honey", as she took a drag of the cigarette. She took a second drag and held the smoke in, as she slowly kissed me. We moved our mouths together and danced our tongues with each other.

Mandy put the cigarette in my lips and I took a deep drag and so did she. We both blew out the smoke and she tossed the butt in the water over the side railing. She rolled on top of me and starred into my eyes, as we read each other's thoughts. We both smiled at each other and Mandy moved around so she was laying on me with her pussy in my face and her face was in my pussy. I heard in her mind, "I love to ate you honey. Love it."

We made love to each other for hours lying on the deck of the boat. I fingered Mandy's ass and rubbed her clit, and she did the same thing to me, as we felt what each other was feeling. We went really slow and teased each other, and then made each other feel like our G-spot was being rubbed. We came like a tidal wave for over an hour and then took a break. Mandy and I lay together cuddled sharing a cigarette. We both were kissing each other's nipples and making each other feel tingly all over. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips. I took a drag, and then another one, holding in the smoke. Mandy kissed me and sucked the smoke out and then blew it out of her nose. We played our smoke games and caressed each other, getting really turned on again.

We were reading each other's thoughts and she said to me, "I'd love too baby. Oh would I love too." Mandy got up and lay next to me in a 69 position and I started by licking her ass while rubbing her clit. She went wild and was doing the same thing to me. Then we both fingered each other's ass. I had three fingers in Mandy's ass and she was begging me to put in more. I put in my whole hand and she went wild, as she put her hand in my ass also. We shared feelings and I made our asses feel like our pussies, with the same sensations. We both orgasmed non-stop, as we licked each other's pussy at the same time. I fucked her ass with my hand for over a half hour, until my hand hurt. Mandy was doing the same thing to me. I was begging her to do it harder. We were both getting exhausted and took our hands out and sat up kissing. We licked each other's hand and we both had an orgasm. I was so turned on.

Mandy and I lay on our sides kissing with our legs wrapped around each other. I reached for our Oscar case, as Mandy smiled at me and we put Oscar in our pussies and rubbed ourselves together. We had one orgasm after another until the sun was setting. We each sucked the other's cum into our mouth and then kissed. I wanted to stay here all night on the boat and Mandy just laughed at me. She said, "Sweetheart, we can fuck all night. Lets go home and eat dinner."

We got dressed and I started the engine. I steered the boat back home, as Mandy had her arms around me this time. We both shared our thoughts again. We got to our dock, tied up the boat, and went into the house.

Julie and Kathy dragged us up to see our bathrooms and we all laughed. The toilets were right next to each other, but far enough apart that two people could sit down. Julie said, "The plumber thought I was out of my mind." Kathy said, "There's food made if you're hungry. I want to check on Chris and Allison. We haven't heard a peep out of them since they went into the lab."

We all went into the lab and they were conducting an experiment, using the same methods we used to isolate the chemicals to build the neural computer. Chris said, "I think we may have solved it. We just need a volunteer to test it. It shouldn't last long, plus we can restart a person's Radar with the drug if it does last too long. Maybe someone from Kon's group wants to be the Ginny pig." I said, "Let's find out." I said from my mind, "Kon, can you hear me?"

He answered back, "Hi Jen, miss me already?" I said back to him, "Chris thinks they may have isolated the drug to stop the powers. We need a volunteer to test it. This will be a small dosage and should wear off, plus we have a drug to restart the powers, that we used to start ours. I have to warn you though, it may not work, or it may work permanently. We just don't know. See if anyone wants to be the Ginny Pig." He said back to me, "I'm the Ginny Pig. I'll be there in a few minutes." They were all listening in to my mind and Chris said, "Lets hope I didn't goof up on this one. Double check what I did."

Mandy, Allison, and I double and triple checked everything she did. It all sounded logical and should work. The tests all reacted correctly, so now we had to try it.

Kon walked into the lab and I said, "You sure you want to try this?" He said, "After 60,000 years, I have nothing to loose. Lets do it." Chris loaded a small amount of the liquid into a syringe. She prepped Kon for an injection and I gave him the shot. I said, "It will probably take a minute or two to see if there is any effect. Tell me what you are feeling."

Kon told us exactly what he felt inside and then said, "It's off. I can't hear your thoughts." I said, "Try to turn it back on again." He said, "I don't know how to turn it on and off. With us it's always on."

I said, "You had a slight tingling feeling in the back of your brain. Concentrate on making that feeling come back on." He tried and nothing. I said, "Lets wait about an hour and see what happens. Want some dinner?" He smiled and we all went into the kitchen to find a whole tray of fried chicken and potatoes.

We all made a plate of chicken and Mandy handed me a quarter. Kon told us about his relationship with Rodera and a lot about their personal lives. I said, "Try to turn yourself back on again." He concentrated and I heard in my mind, "An on off switch, Wow. We never knew it was there." I said back into his mind, "Try to turn it off by concentrating on stopping that tingling."

He was playing with his on off switch in his head and we all laughed. Kon said, "I hate to eat and run, but I have to show this to everyone. This is great. We may all want to try that drug like I did, so they can see what it feels like to have the tingling off. I'll let you know."

Kon stood up and displaced. This looks so cool when it happens. You just vanish.

Chris said, "It worked, now we need to figure out what a dosage would have to be for the permanent version and how to give it." I said, "Hold off on that. We may need to use it on 11 other people so they find their own on off switch."

We all had some wine and a cigarette. I wasn't more than 20 minutes when Kon showed up again with the whole group. We all smiled, as Chris said, "Come into the lab." Kathy gave the shots this time, as Mandy and I stayed in the kitchen and finished our cigarettes, and another glass of wine. We gave the group a tour of the castle as the drug was wearing off which took about a half hour. We got to the studio and they wanted to hear us play, so we played two tunes on the live stage. When we were done I said into Kon's mind, "You tell them how to use the on off switch."

They all looked so shocked when they realized they could turn it on and off. I said to Chris, "Label and keep that batch and lets decide what the permanent one has to be like." I said, "When you're done playing with your on off switches, lets talk about what a permanent drug should be like and how it should be administered?" They all were smiling and hugged me.

Kon said, "Lets talk about it on Saturday. I think we all need to think about it a little. This is amazing. Can I still hear you when I'm switch off if you call me?" I said, "Turn yourself off and I'll show you." I said into Kon's mind, "Can you hear me?" He smiled and hugged me again.

We watched all 12 of them vanish one after the other, displacing to their home again.


Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Come on honey. We have a date in the bedroom." She said into my mind, "How about a Combined adventure? I want to fuck your pussy and ass tonight. Then have you do the same thing to me." I smiled at her as she read my mind. Mandy took my hand and we walked up to the bedroom.

I lit a cigarette as we undressed and Mandy already had turned herself into a Combined while we walked up the stairs. SexMed is good, but using our powers in our mind to do it is unbelievable. I took a drag of the cigarette and put it in Mandy's lips. She inhaled twice and blew out the smoke, as I reached down and rubbed her cock to get it hard, and also reached my other hand to her clit to rub it. Mandy put her arms around me and moaned softly into my ear. She took another drag of the cigarette and then put it in my lips, as I took a drag. We blew out the smoke and she put the cigarette out, as we lay on the bed.

Mandy took a bottle of lube we had on the nightstand and coated my butt hole. She rubbed it in and then put it on her cock. I got on all fours on the bed and Mandy knelt behind me pushing her cock slowly into my ass. Oh did that feel good. She reached her hand around me and found my clit and rubbed it as she fucked into me. Mandy and I shared our thoughts, as she fucked me as hard and as fast as she could. I loved it. I pushed back onto her with my ass in rhythm to her strokes into me, as she rubbed my clit. Mandy fucked me like this for almost a half hour and I was cumming and moaned so loud. Mandy told me so many things in my mind and felt my orgasm. She hammered my ass with her cock and kept rubbing my clit, as I came a second time.

Mandy pulled her cock out of my ass and I lay on my back in a tuck position. I spread my legs wide open and said into Mandy's mind, "Fuck me hard sweetheart. I want it hard and fast tonight." Mandy lay on me and fucked my pussy, as I wrapped my arms and legs around her. We kissed, as she hammered me again. Mandy pulled all the way out of my pussy and then went in as deep as she could go. I was on fire. Mandy said into my mind, "I'm going to cum honey. Make me blast off." Mandy lay down next to me and I knelt over her. I sucked her cock slowly and rubbed her clit. I made sure I slowed down on her cock and rubbed her clit like lightening. I deep throated her shaft and found her G-spot and rubbed it fast. Mandy said into my mind, "I cumming now! Now! NOW! OOOOOHHH! Honey, suck me. Suck me and swallow. Ooooh here cums my first squirt of cum. OH! OH! OH! OH!" I felt Mandy's cock pulsate as she blasted her cum into my mouth. Squirt after squirt kept shooting into my mouth, as I swallowed all of it and kept rubbing her G-spot. Mandy didn't get soft and I rubbed her G-spot like mad and she started to cum again from her pussy and then her cock. I deep throated her cock and she blasted a load of cum down my throat and then another, and another. I moved my mouth back a little and fucked her cock with my face as she squirted into my mouth again and I swallowed. I kept rubbing her G-spot.

Mandy's cock went limp and I sucked it hard again, as I kept rubbing her G- spot. Within 15 minutes she was cumming again and bucking up into my face. I fucked her shaft with my mouth and held all of her cum in my mouth. I was still reading Mandy's mind with mine and she was so out of it right now. I felt her orgasms and my pussy was dripping juices down my legs. Mandy finished shooting from her cock and I moved to suck her pussy juices into my mouth. I opened my mouth a little and sucked in her thick pussy cum into my mouth. I swished it around and then lay on Mandy and kissed her. We swallowed all of it. She hugged me so tight, as we kissed and swallowed.

We lay on our sides kissing and then sat up to light a cigarette. I took a deep drag, and another, holding in the smoke. Mandy took the cigarette from my fingers and took a drag also. I blew out the smoke and she said into my mind, "That was great honey. Now I get fucked also." We finished our cigarette and I transformed.

Mandy sucked my cock to make it hard and put lube on it. She coated her ass and I rubbed it in. Then she got on all fours, and I hammered her butt hole, while I rubbed her clit. We shared our thoughts and I fucked her ass for over a half hour, as I rubbed her clit. Mandy came seven times. I said in her mind, "Time for a good pussy fucking honey. Roll over."

Mandy got into the tuck position, just I did before, and I fucked her as hard as I could. She loved it, and held me with her arms and legs. Mandy rolled us over so she was sitting on top and moving her pussy up and down, and back a forth. We made love like this for almost an hour, as I tried not to cum from my cock. Mandy was having one orgasm after another. I said into her mind, "I'm not going to last much longer. Make me blast off."

Mandy got off of me and knelt at my side. She bent over and sucked my cock into her mouth and found the G-spot in my pussy in seconds. She sucked my shaft into her throat and rubbed my G-spot as fast as she could. I exploded with cum from both at the same time. I bucked and jerked and shot my load into her throat and then squirted eight times into her mouth, as she swallowed. My pussy was like a waterfall, as Mandy kept rubbing. I came two more times within minutes of each other. The last time Mandy kept all my cum in her mouth and she sucked up some of my pussy cum also, just like I did. She kissed me and I went wild. I wrapped my arms around her and rolled us on our sides, as I kissed her so hard when we swallowed. Mandy and I lay on our sides kissing softly and holding each other, as we shared our thoughts. We told each other how much we loved each other so many times in our minds. Each time kissing more passionate than the last time. We fell asleep and shared a dream together.

The next three days Mandy and I were like love addicts. We made love five times each day, and then all night. We transformed into clones, and made each other blast off by rubbing both G-spots at the same time.

It was Saturday morning and Kon said into our minds, "Ready for an adventure? This is where you are displacing. Just concentrate." Mandy and I concentrated and in a second we were at a large estate somewhere in Mexico. He greeted us with the others, and we waited for everyone else to arrive. Within five minutes everyone was there and Kon said, "Now we'll give you the tour." The place was about the same size as the castle. The antiques and paintings they had were priceless.

I said, "Where are we in Mexico?" Rodera said, "Right on the Pacific ocean, about 200 miles south of San Diego." I said, "Is everyone getting use to the on off switch now?" They all thanked us again.

Kon showed us the old books, but they weren't books like we know them. It was an all clear plastic machine that projected a holographic image. The books were stored in it and the images were of the pages. It was neat, but we liked to read and use the computer. Kon translated two books for us. They told us these were the most advanced that they had, and we realized that we were much farther ahead of them in medicine, chemistry, and general science. I said, "We learned the things in these books in our first few years in college. We can teach you what we know."

Joov thanked us and they all wanted to learn as much as they could to stay current. I said, "How fast can you read?" Kon said, "Probably as fast as you can. 400 page book in an hour." I said, "We'll get you the books to read, probably about 20. We'll also get you some dissertation papers on the new stuff. By the way, who discovered the drug that keeps you alive forever?"

Jon said, "We didn't discover it. It was given to us by the alien race than visited us with instructions on how to produce it. So were most of the other drugs. We learned how to make them and we also leaned how to change a few of them. They also gave us the library system you saw." I said, "How did you get your powers? From a drug?" He said, "No, from a sound recording. It uses what you call hypnosis. It was developed by a doctor and he found out it worked by accident. He was one of the 40 that didn't survive."

Kon said, "Were you also given the drugs?" I said, "No, we did it the hard way. We started from scratch and invented them. All of them." They didn't believe us so I said, "Read my thoughts. You'll see the truth." They all read my thoughts, as I showed them how we did each drug, formulas, cell diagrams, the experiments, trials and the results. I also showed them the strange ones like the combined drug and cloning. The all laughed when I showed them how Chris cooked a drug on a pizza.

I said, "Where are the anti-gravity things? I want to see that." They took us to a room that had a few things floating about 4 feet high. Kon grabbed one of them and handed it to me. He said, "This is it." I looked at it and said, "Do you know how it works inside?" None of them did so I said, "Can we take this home to take it apart and figure out how to build it."

He said, "Whatever you like, it's yours. You developed the drug to stop the powers, you can have anything." Mandy and I looked at the object and them I gave it to Chris and Allison. Chris said, "Another puzzle. Cool. What does this writing say on the side?" Kon looked at it and said, "That translates roughly to "Anti gravity cold fusion engine. Move with point to increase energy. We have no idea what cold fusion is or where you point it to increase it." I said, "Do you have a pen?" Kon handed me one and I moved the energy output a hair higher. The device now floated at 7 feet. Chris said, "Can we try that library system again?" Kon said, "Sure."

We all sat and talked for a while, as Praven served us some food and juice. We heard Chris say, "Wow! Look at this! You won't believe it." We all walked over to where the library system was and there were lights on it everywhere in a fine spider web type of hair strands inside the plastic top. Chris said, "I put my hand on this hieroglyph and it turned it into English. There was a message that said, "Boot failure, so I rebooted it. It's a neural computer. Look at the menu. Tell me this isn't star wars. I already read the instructions. It has over 8,000,000 reference books in 350 categories."

We all read the menu that was displayed, as Chris selected the first entry, `Bulk Knowledge Transfer.' Chris was reading and paraphrased to us, "All I have to do is put my hand on the correct icons and then look into the hologram. It should take 10 seconds per category. It says that I need to do the mind control one first. This causes your body temperature to go up and I have to be able to stabilize it. Here goes."

The library computer glowed bright white for about 10 seconds and then Chris stood up. She had her eyes closed and then opened them saying, "Wow. You have no idea what we can do with our minds. Anyone feel like a turkey dinner?" Chris made a full streaming hot dinner appear out of nowhere on the table behind us. She said, "Taste it." Kon went over and tasted it and said, "That's good. How did you get it to taste right?" Chris said, "This will teach us everything. I'm going to transfer all the knowledge to me. Then we can do it one at a time. Each time you have to control your body temperature. It gets really hot, very fast. The first download teaches you how to do it."

We all watched Chris do one category after the other; Astrophysics, Time and Space travel, Teleportation, Energy, Astronomy, Medical Science and the Human Body, Manufacturing, Drug Development, Transportation, and so many others. She finished in about 45 minutes and said, "One more to go. It's about the history of earth and the creator." Chris finished the last one and stood up saying, "Oh my God. You have to see this. Everyone!"

We all gathered around her again and Chris said, "I have more knowledge in me that I could ever explain in a lifetime. This is a neural computer that merges with your mind. It also has a section for pets that we need to try with the dogs. It was built by humans that stopped here to set up a settlement before the very first Ice Age, before the dinosaurs. They left to go to another planet when they knew the earth was going to collide with a comet. Kon, they returned to your time and left the drugs and this machine so you could eventually discover the history of the planet. I won't spoil it for all of you, but they did talk to God. God gave them the secret of starting life, and it's in this machine. I know all of it. God was human just like us, from another galaxy and started life on earth. People used to talk to God in her mind and she talked back. They called it praying, but it had nothing to do with religion. You have to see it for yourself. It's so amazing. Oh, Kathy, you were right about the cellular decomposition time, and I was right about regeneration properties. It's all in here, and tens of thousands of things we didn't even think of. No one will ever get sick or die again. This is the knowledge of the universe and starts when the earth was formed. Jen, sit down and try it."

Chris got me started and I went though the mind control first. It was amazing. When the data merged into my mind it was like it was always there. I knew everything, and had to regulate my body temperature. I went through every category and all the information. I finished in an hour and then I had Mandy go next, as I watched her. I said, "Kon needs to go next." He touched the computer and it changed the language. Chris told him what things to do next and then he started the whole process.

Mandy and I lit a cigarette and went outside to walk by the cliffs over looking the ocean. We found a spot to sit and sat back on the rocks. We put arms around each other and Mandy said, "That kind of spoiled at lot of the fun. We know everything. I'm sure there are things we can still learn, but the discovery process is all gone. Kon could have saved the entire race if he used this. You and I both knew that from the first download, all he had to do was turn off selective people. It's a fail safe built by God. A brilliant design." I smiled and said, "So you like his design work now?" Mandy smiled and said, "Yeah. Now that I know that he is actually a she, and that she is real. I guess the Catholic Church is just a business after all, but I do like the support they provide people who need it."

I said, "I loved the sexual one. There were some new positions in there that we didn't even think about before. We need to try those." Mandy said into my mind, "I was thinking the same thing honey. You and I are going to be doing this for a very long time. How about you rub my tities a little right now. I love the sea breeze here and looking at the ocean." I put my hands on Mandy's breasts and massaged them, slowly pinching and rubbing her nipples. She moaned softly and kissed me. I felt her tongue go into my mouth and I sucked on it gently, as she held my breasts and was rubbing my nipples also. We caressed each other and made each other feel so good. I took a drag of my cigarette and blew the smoke out in the wind, and then Mandy took a deep drag, and then another one, holding in the smoke. She blew it out slowing through her nose and then kissed me again. We were reading each other's thoughts and then we both started to laugh as we kissed.

Mandy said, "What in the fuck could that teach a dog? We need to take this home and play with it with Ruffles and Snuffy." We both smiled at each other and kissed again. I said, "Lets take a walk and then go back in and see how our host reacted to it." We held hands and walked around the grounds. This place was gorgeous. Then we back into the house as Kon was just finishing and standing up. He looked at us and said, "We had the answers right here the whole time, but never knew it. I know how you created the drugs. We thought those cold fusion engines were for floating structures, what a piss. We had all the power we ever needed, but didn't know how to turn them on. I definitely want to try some of those sex things. We tried one of your SexMed pills and then the combined before. Now we can do it with our minds. Rodera will be so happy."

Rodera walked up to Kon and he sat her at the library computer and started her the same way that Chris started Kon. We all drank wine and talked for hours as each person went through the knowledge transfer process. After Margi went through it she said, "JPSS seems so unimportant now." Mandy screamed, "No it's not! It's how we introduce this technology one piece at a time. We control what happens, so we don't end up like Kon's people. We just eliminated our development costs."

I said to Mandy, "I want to try the sound section on sounds to control minds. You think we could all sing those 6 chords together in the right timing, at a concert?" She started laughing and said, "Oh shit, would that be funny. Better yet, we use it before every commercial. People would do anything to buy whatever we're selling. Wait until Melissa downloads that stuff. She'll have in our marketing in no time." I said, "Everyone is still downloading, want to try the time dimension. It works just like displacing to a location. Lets go to New York in 1910." Mandy and I stood up and held hands. She said, "You do it and I'll share our thoughts."

I used what we just learned and went back to 1910 to New York City. We were in central park and not exactly dressed for the part. Mandy used her mind to dress us in the proper attire and it was so uncomfortable. She laughed at me, as I wiggled in the tight corset. We walked to the street and then down several blocks. There were mostly horses and carriages, and a few steamer cars. Every man that walked by, tipped his hat and we laughed so hard. Mandy said into my mind, "I would fucking die here. Lets get out of here. Hold my hand and you do the driving." We displaced to 1969 in San Francisco. I changed our cloths this time to look like hippies. Mandy smiled and said, "Now this I like." We walked through the Asbury section and everyone was stoned. We heard Jimi Hendrix and Cream music playing as we walked past one head shop after another. We had two women put flower necklaces around our necks and Mandy said into my mind, "They are really fucked up here. Take us back." We held hands and I displaced us back to Kon's home. We walked inside again and I said, "Time travel is really cool. We just went back to New York in 1910 and San Francisco in 1969. You just have to be careful you don't change anything."

Kon and Rodera were hugging each other, as Kathy, Julie, and Allison were all talking about what was downloaded into their minds. I said to Kon, "How did you move the library computer here?" He said, "We just carried it. It's really light." I said, "When we finish, can we displace with it back to our house. We want to try the section for dogs and cats." Rodera smiled and said, "Sure. I want to see that too."

Chris walked over to us and said, "I found a way to speed it up. We're doing five people at a time. Another two hours and we're done. You know this thing folds up to a small brief case. There's a whole user manual. It's a lot more than just a library. It's a full computer system that uses light over optics to pass data. Much more advanced than what we have, but it's the same thing. It hate the word processor, but everything else is great." Mandy said into my mind, "The eternal skeptic and critic. You have to love it. A quarter says she figures out how to improve it." I smiled and said into Mandy's mind, "We both know she'll do it. They only question is when. I give her less than a week for a quarter." Mandy smiled and said, "She's good, but not that good. You're on."

We all had some more to drink and just relaxed, talking to Kon's friends and getting to know them. Ken came over and said, "This is scary. I know more about medicine that any of the quacks practicing in the hospitals. This could so much fun goofing on people. Hey Kathy, tomorrow lets pretend I broke my arm." We tried not to laugh, but couldn't stop. Kon and Rodera were hysterical. Ken said, "So which one of these ideas do we come out with next? I personally like the cold fusion energy. We could take over the entire market in days and give this technology to everyone. Then we can start a service to teach dogs to talk. We have to try that later on Ruffles. Can you image that beast talking back to us? Ruck Roff Ren, Ruck rou roo Ruffles." We lost it again.

Everyone finished the knowledge transfers, and Chris collapsed the entire system into a small hand held brief case. Kon said, "Show off." We smiled as Rodera said, "Lets have some dinner, wine, dancing, and sex, Roman style."

We went into a large room with couches everywhere. Kon changed all of our cloths to togas and we sat on the reclined couches and feed each other food that was on every table. Mandy was getting really into it and fed me grapes one at a time. Rodera came over and kissed us both so sexy and said, "You need to lick a nipple every time you eat a grape. It's tradition." I fed her a grape and she bent over, moved my toga and sucked my nipple. Mandy fed her a grape also and got the same treatment. Within 5 minutes the three of us were naked on a couch and kissing, licking, caressing, and sucking each other. I sat on Mandy's mouth, and Rodera ate Mandy's pussy. Then we changed and Rodera ate my pussy, as Mandy sat on my mouth. Rodera fucked all of us with bananas and we ate them. Then we each took turns doing it and sharing the food. I loved eating cherries out of Mandy's pussy.

It was one huge fuck fest for over 8 hours while we ate. All of us turned into She Male Combined, even Kon and Joov. I got fucked my two cocks in my pussy while one was in my mouth, then two in my ass, while one was in my mouth, and finally one in each hole. Mandy and I went wild on each other, as we both were getting fucked in the ass. I shot cum out of my cock 10 times, and so did Mandy. We lost count of how much we orgasmed from our pussies. Everyone knew about the G-spot and it was really funny when Kon gave everyone a signal in their minds to make each person feel like their G-spot was being rubbed. My pussy ran like a river. All we heard was moaning, howling, and screaming in orgasms.

Mandy and I were lying together on a couch having a cigarette and kissing softly. She said to me, "Sweetheart, I want to make love to just you later." I said, "Me too", as we got into a 69 position and ate each other senseless.

Kon said, "How about a little sight seeing before we call it a night, or day, or whatever time it is. Everyone get on some cloths." Before we could do anything all of our cloths were back on us. He said, "Surprise!" Ken said, "Another comedian. Hey, that's my job."

We all laughed again and Kon said, "I thought you may like to see where we lived before the nuclear winter. Be careful not to touch or change anything. Everyone hold hands and let me drive." We all held hands in a line and shared Kon's thoughts. We stopped at about 10 places and walked around. The cities were gorgeous. We couldn't image that this was all destroyed. We stopped outside of Kon's home and saw him and Rodera walking out of the house. He immediately took us to another place. Then we went back. We all said into Kon's mind at the same time, "Thanks. That was nice."

He said, "Now I understand why God didn't like praying. That is so annoying when everyone does it at once." We all smiled and said goodbye. Chris had the library computer system brief case and the energy cube. We displaced back home.


As soon as we got home, Chris and Allison set up the neural computer system in the study. We watched them get into the pets section and we read the section for Canines. Chris read the instructions and was laughing. She said, "Come her Ruffles. Come her boy. You're about to get really smart and learn how not to piss on the fucking bed. Lets start with the 500 word vocabulary."

Chris, Kathy, and Julie held Ruffles paws to the icons on the clear plastic top and Chris started the download. She did all the categories and Ruffles sat down by the computer. Then they did Snuffy. Snuffy sat next to Ruffles and we did it to Felix also. We heard Ruffles say something and we couldn't believe it. He said it again and it sounded like "Fun." Then we heard Snuffy say back to him, "Run, Run", almost like they were barking and growling. The dogs and cat took off and we followed them to the indoor pool. Ruffles said, "Run", as Snuffy pushed Felix into the water. Both dogs now really did laugh. We went hysterical.

It was 3 in the morning, so we all went to bed. Mandy and I went into our bedroom, undressed and lay against the headboard, as I lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag, and then another one, blowing the smoke out slowly. Mandy turned on her side and held me, as she put the cigarette in her lips and inhaled twice. She blew the smoke out through her nose and said into my mind, "I am so in love with you honey. Lets make love until we get up for breakfast." I took another drag of the cigarette, as Mandy and I shared our thoughts. We were both picturing us licking each other's pussy in such detail. She made it so we could actually feel it, as we thought it, and we both had an orgasm. This was so weird, we both just smiled at each other. We finished our cigarette and Mandy said into our minds, "Lets do it for real now." We lay in a 69 position and did it exactly as we thought about it. We both had a huge orgasm in under a minute and then licked and sucked each other for over and hour.

I fingered Mandy's ass and she did mine also, as we lay next to each other kissing. Then she reached for Oscar and put one end in her pussy and slightly closed her legs. We kissed as Mandy rolled on her back and I sat straddling her, with the other end in my pussy. I wrapped my arms and legs around her, and she held onto me, as we rolled on our side. We shared our thoughts and fucked until 8 in the morning nonstop. We only stopped because we were both exhausted. We took Oscar out of us and lay on our sides with our arms and legs wrapped around each other. Mandy slowly put her open lips on mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth, as we thought about eating each other again. We both had an orgasm and started to laugh.

We moved into a 69 position and sucked the thick pussy cum into our mouths and then kissed again. We came a second time and held each other tight. We got out of bed and went into the bathroom, as we could tell that one of us have to go. We just couldn't tell which one of us.

We sat on the twin toilets slightly leaning towards each other and kissed. We started to laugh again as we both went in the toilet. Mandy said, "These toilets were definitely a good idea."

We showered, dressed, put on some make-up, and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already at the table eating and Chris said, "We made a list of the things we think we should introduce through the company and present it at a the board meeting. Take a look. Just remember, not everyone on the board knows about what we have gone through."

We read the list as we ate and Mandy said, "Lets move the energy one to the top. It solves a lot of problems we already have now. Who are we going to say discovered these? They'll never believe that Chris and Allison did all of this. I said, "Let's put a name down by each one. We'll distribute it evenly. We all have the same knowledge about each one. It really doesn't matter whose name we put on it. The plans are done and we know that everything works." We gave everyone at least one project. Mandy talked to Margi in our minds and Margi said to all of us, "For Christ's sake Mandy, Alice and I are fucking now. Give us at least an hour." We all laughed and finished our breakfast.

We had a cup of coffee and lit cigarettes. Snuffy came up to the table and said, "Rheerios, Rood." We cracked up and dumped a box of Cheerios on the floor. Ruffles and Felix ran in and started to eat also. Ruffles said, "Rhankyou." We all said, "You're welcome."

Mandy turned the TV on in the kitchen to the news station. We watched the most boring stuff. I said, "I told you they would run out of things to put on. They don't know how to do anything but broadcast bad news. That should be on the list also for Ken to work on."

I lit another cigarette and inhaled twice, slowly blowing out the smoke through my nose. Mandy said, "Kathy, we used the twin toilets today. Good thing we did." Kathy started laughing again and said, "We did too. It would have been me that shit on the floor this time."

We were goofing around when Margi said into our minds, "Okay guys, we're ready. What's on you minds?" Mandy answered back, "Lets get everyone online together. We made a list of things to announce at future board meetings with people assigned. You'll see when we go through it."

Margi got everyone online and we heard Ken say back to her, "Margi, Damn it. We were just about to get into it again." We all laughed in our minds and Ken said, "Woops, we have company."

Mandy said in our minds, "We made a list of the top things we leaned from the library system that we could announce at board meetings and make it look like it was ours. We could introduce the technology slowly, so we don't have any problems. It's going to look really suspicious if Chris and Allison invent everything, so we distributed it, so everyone has at least one discovery." Mandy went through the list and Ken said, "Who in the fuck is going to believe that I could invent space travel at 100 times the speed of light. That definitely goes to Chris or Allison. I'll take the use of sound to cure the psychological illnesses." Mandy said, "Oops, we had those reversed. We just need a good story behind each one. Since Jen has the first one on energy, we'll use it as a trial to see how it goes over with the public when we make an announcement. Margi, you're going to be on TV more than the late night talk show hosts." Margi was laughing and said in her mind, "Fuck you Mandy, we all get to do it." We all laughed as we realized again we couldn't hide anything from each other.

Max said to us, "We could do several at once in different areas. Let me work on the schedule for drug and medical related announcements. We could also use our powers to give the ideas to someone that works for us and have them make the discovery. Then we can assist them and make sure it's right. John and I could use Roberta for one of them. Everyone knows she's brilliant." Margi said, "Sounds like a plan. I like it. Everyone should think about doing the same thing for a few of these items. Lets talk again after the meeting on Monday. Jen, you going to be ready to do this by tomorrow, or should we wait?" I said, "I'll let you know before we start the meeting." We all signed off. Ken was such a piss. He made the noises in our minds that we get when we hang up on a conference call. Then he said to us, "Had to make it more realistic. Bye."

Chris and Allison went into the study with the energy cube and we followed. Chris said, "I have a funny feeling we can test this through those optical ports on the side of the glass panel. It was in the user manual about triggering external peripheral devices. Lets see what we get. Allison, hand me one of our optical cables that we used for the neural computer. We just have to change the adaptors."

We had our coffee and a cigarette as we watched Allison make the cable adaptors. Chris booted up the computer and connected the cube. A hologram displayed that had all types of settings and we recognized it from the knowledge that we absorbed. Chris selected a self test and we walked the cube glow so bright we had to close our eyes for about 5 seconds. The display then read, "Power recharge complete" and had a number of 10 to the power of some 19 digit number. We all knew how to translate it and I said, "This little cube can power all of the United States and Canada."

We watched Chris play around a little and she said, "There is something really weird here. I think it's a puzzle hidden in the data encryption. Mom, it's kind of like the one you and Julie hid in the book you wrote. Take a look at this. Kathy, what do you think?"

We all looked and Chris said, "We all went through the computer knowledge download and the database segment lengths don't always match the real data that they talked about. There's a few binary bits left over every couple of million or so records. Lets see what they look like when we put them together."

Allison started to work at the sped of light using the computer. It was like she had used it all her life. We had a list of bits and then Kathy and I started to do translations. Mandy and Julie worked on positioning. It was starting to make sense, except for a few bits we didn't understand. Mandy transposed them and we all read the message in our minds. The computer flashed a bright light and a woman's voice said, "Correct. You have solved the puzzle. Now answer this question to meet the creator." A question displayed that read, "What is the meaning of life?"

We all talked about it and Mandy said, "It's the same answer that was for our puzzle that you and Kathy, and Chris and Allison solved." We all said in our minds, "All that matters is love." The computer flashed again and a woman's voice again said, "Very good. Please wait for the creator."

We sat back in the chairs and lit a cigarette. Mandy said, "They have probably been dead for centuries. Who knows how old this is." We all got some fresh coffee and watched Chris and Allison look at other stuff in the computer. They were really starting to dissect the operating system and already had a couple of ideas about how to improve it. Mandy looked at me and said into my mind. "I'll get your quarter." We both laughed.

We finished our cigarettes and were just relaxing on the couches when ten people appeared in the study. They displaced from somewhere. We were all startled and one said into our minds, "Don't panic. We are the creators. Congratulations, you solved the puzzle."

We didn't know what to say so Kathy said the same thing she said to Mandy when we solved her puzzle, "So what's the prize?" They all smiled and a woman stepped forward and said, "Everything you could possible imagine, and then some. My name is Godda and this is Traff", as another woman stepped forward with her also. Godda said, "We know exactly who you are. This is going to seem very far fetched, but it's all true. Please sit down together and we'll talk for a while."

They all sat with us on the couches and Godda said, "We are a group of ten, and have been looking for a few other people to join us. We wanted intelligence, compassion, and leadership. You all have those qualities. Let me start at the very beginning. Tara and Rog were the first of us. They selected each of us over time and we decided to work with them. I created Earth and the life here. People shortened my name from Godda to God, but we are just like you. Actually, you six are probably more intelligent than any of us. You did things without our help that took us thousands of years to accomplish. We knew you would be the next ones. Mandy it was no accident that you and Ken had a baby. Same for you Julie, with Gary. Call it selective breeding if you will, but we knew that your children would be brilliant. Jen, you and Kathy solved Mandy's puzzle that Traff and I suggested in their mind that they created. We knew then, that you all were destined to be part of this. When you unlocked the secrets of your minds, we had Kon find you. We hoped that they would have solved the puzzle, but it just wasn't in the cards. The knowledge you learned from the library system is only a small amount of what we know. Please come with us and we'll teach you the secrets of the universe. In earth time you will be back in about an hour, so you can leave everything where it is. It will actually be a few weeks for us together. Interested?"

We all smiled and Godda said, "It's okay if you drink, smoke, have sex, or whatever. We are probably even worse than you are. Mandy lit a cigarette and said, "Tell us about how earth started." Traff said, "We'll do better than that. We'll let you watch it."

I said, "Who made the first one of you? There had to be a beginning somewhere." Tara said, "We never met the ones that gave us life. They did give us the secrets to make it happen somewhere else, which is what we have done for millions of years now. They also gave us the ability to instantly translate any language in our minds. So we can speak to anyone, anywhere. We can even talk to pets, which drives us crazy sometimes. Kathy, your on off switch was brilliant. We are all are using it now."

Kathy was laughing and said, "This sounds so unbelievable. In the past week we leaned that everything we thought was true about our history, was just people like us." Godda said, "We're sorry to ruin your fantasy of an all mighty being, but it's just us. We do have a lot more mind power than you do, and you'll learn how to use that also. It has always been inside of you the whole time. You just need the knowledge to use it."

I took a drag of Mandy's cigarette and I said, "We'll pack a few things and we'll go with you." They all hugged us and we went upstairs to pack a bag.

We came down and all held hands. Godda said, "Ready? This will seem like a very long displacement. It takes about a minute. Just breath normally." We displaced and it did take a long time. I felt like we were actually moving this time. We appeared in a place that looked just like earth. We were in a garden and followed them into a modern looking large home. Godda said, "First you get the tour." It took about an hour and we all laughed when the bathrooms had two toilets. Godda said, "You guessed right on that one." It wasn't much different than what we had except the technology was way beyond what we had. Everything was neural computerized and read your thoughts. Tara said, "We are definitely getting way too lazy. Even the elevator works on thought."

They brought us into a computer lab and Godda said, "This is our knowledge center. Why don't each of you sit at one of the stations and you'll understand all of it. We finally fixed the problem of overheating your body, so you don't need to control your body temperature. Plus, it all happens while you sleep. When you place your hand on the icon, you're going to feel drowsy. Just close your eyes."

We all sat down and put our hands on the icons on the glass top, and fell asleep. I have no idea how long I was asleep but I saw everything in my sleep. I saw how the earth was formed, and how Godda started the cycle of life. We also saw some of their experiments that didn't work. The dinosaurs were one of them, and a large meteor fixed that with an ice age. They were so upset that every time they tried to accelerate the evolutionary process, something went wrong. We also saw another race of human like beings that were smaller and gray colored. Another failure that created a race of people that travels to other planets and has no compassion. Then I leaned the real secrets behinds starting life and how energy from life forms that expire are recaptured and reused. They called it the soul. Every topic from the previous downloads was expanded by a factor of three. The best one was about emotions and love.

When I woke up I looked at Mandy and we got up and kissed and hugged. We both had tears in our eyes. We felt more love for each other now than every before. Godda said, "Now you understand. The others will awake any minute. Lets have some food, you slept for almost 12 days of time here."

Mandy lit a cigarette and I took a drag. Godda said, "You may like one of these. Try it." She handed me a cigarette and I lit it. I took a deep drag and it was like pot. She smiled and said, "Takes the edge off." She lit one also and we talked about some of the things we leaned. Mandy and I couldn't take our hands off of each other. Godda laughed and said, "I was the same way for months after I went through this. Now you know what true love really is. Wait until you have sex, its unreal. You are going to howl like a dog." We laughed and then Mandy and I kissed holding each other. Mandy said into my mind, "Baby, I don't care about anything other than making love to you right now."

We watched everyone wake up and Julie and Kathy were the same way as us. Chris and Allison were very upset. Chris wanted Roberta to be with her always and Allison was the same way about Kyle. They were both crying hysterically. Godda took their hands and said, "We'll be back with two more. It will only be a minute or two." Traff joined them and then displaced back to earth. I took a drag of the special cigarette and Mandy smoked it also. We were both getting stoned as hell. Julie and Kathy lit one of them up also, as the others came into the room with us. We all joked around. They were just like us, and definitely worse. They were projecting things on the a large screen from their minds of other worlds they started and the life there. We saw some of the most outrageous sex you can imagine.

Tara said, "We each take on two to three projects. Earth was a project. Some of them go really well, and others are complete failures. We've had three now that have nuked themselves into extinction. When Chris and Allison return we'll tell you what we had in mind next. Our job, in short, is to preserve the human race. Kon and the others have no idea who we are. We pretended to be from earth when we gave them the devices and drugs. They overheard us talking about being guardians, and that's how they picked up on the term. We really weren't from earth. The new knowledge that was transferred into your minds put your memories back the right way."

Kathy said, "Why have you kept yourselves a secret from the people on the different worlds?" Tara said, "If we showed up at the White House and told everyone that Godda was God, and that we were actually space aliens, how long do you think we would live?" We all nodded our heads and Tara said, "Mandy, we loved when you went to war with the Catholic Church with those newspaper ads. We have a copy hanging here in our study. Every society seems to develop the need to worship the ones that created them. We hate it, but realize that we did the same thing. The on off switch really helps. We were loosing our minds. We used the blocking thing that you all know about, but you have to concentrate to keep it active. The off switch is just off! Thank you! Oh, try to communicate to us in another language. We'll use one from one of the other worlds."

Tara was talking to us in a different language and we all understood it. We answered her back, even though we thought we were speaking English. This was cool.

Godda and Traff came back with Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle. They put Kyle and Roberta at the leaning computers and we watched them fall asleep. Godda said, "Let me take you all back to your house. We can spend about 45 minutes there and then come back. That's when they will wake up." I said, "How about I try driving this time?" We all held hands and I did it in my mind. This was so neat. It took about a minute and we were in our study again. Mandy smiled and said, "You almost made a wrong turn, but you caught yourself."

We all sat down and Chris said, "I really understand the cycle of creating life and evolution. Why didn't you shorten the steps? Let me show you what I mean." Chris got onto the neural computer and started diagramming what was happening. She said, "These three steps are just not needed. Watch what happens when you skip them."

Chris simulated it in her mind for us to watch. This was so neat. Godda said, "We have been looking at that problem for thousands of years and didn't see the answer. It's so obvious, then we also don't need a few organs that only are used during the evolutionary process. We should change all of the formulas, but we'll talk about that when we get back. That's part of the fun of designing our projects. You'll see."

We all had a glass of wine and I lit a cigarette. Mandy sat on my lap and put her arms around me. She said, "We need bigger catfish to catch on our first project." Everyone laughed at us and Godda said, "We can make some of the ocean fish fresh water ones. That's easy. I just thought they would get in the way of animals and people drinking the water. We did leave one really large fish in a lake in Scotland and it has been a problem." We all thought, "The lock ness monster" and Godda laughed and said, "See what I mean?"

I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Mandy and she took a drag also. I said, "What do you like to do? Hobbies, stuff like that." Godda said, "We all love music, and we play sports a lot that are like skiing and golf. You'll like these. We have only one rule. No mind powers to win. We usually bet for stupid things. I had to take care of one of our ugliest pets for week last time I lost. He really is totally harmless, but is a 25 pound spider and it just freaks me out. I can't stand to even look at him." We all laughed at her and she said, "Wait until you see some of the screw ups we made. That was one of them, so Tara kept him as a pet. At least he stays in her house most of the time." We finished our cigarettes and wine and Mandy said, "Let me drive this time."

We all held hands and Mandy displaced us back into knowledge center. Chris and Allison went over to Kyle and Roberta and waited for them to wake up. They woke in a few minutes and they were all hugs and kisses. Tara said, "Okay everyone, now lets go into the design room. Follow me." We all walked through the house to a conference center that had white boards all around the room. Tara booted up a large neural computer and we saw the evolutionary life cycle and dependences all over the walls. Godda said, "Chris had a great idea and solved the problem we have been working on. Chris show them the solution in your mind."

We all watched it again as Chris smiled from ear to ear, and held Roberta's hand. Tara said, "How did we miss that? Lets see the effect it has. Rheeta, make the changes to the algorithms and lets see what we need to change in the other life forms." We watched a simulation of events and saw what each spices ate and the timing for each food chain. This was cool. She said, "That just took off about 12,000 years. Now lets try my change on top of that." Chris saw something on one of the formulas and said, "What if we used the reagent formula that spread up all the reactions. Here, change this also and lets see what happens." Chris walked over to the computer and showed Rheeta what to change.

We watched again and Tara said, "This is really good. Wow, did we speed up the process. Now let me tell you what we have in mind. We selected a new baron planet and have already made all the preparations. You get to design what you want the humans to be like, knowing that you have to manage it. It's tuff when you make a mistake, and we all have made plenty. Godda thought that using different skin colors would help with the sun, when all it really did was create racism and slavery."

Allison said, "What if we make a list of things to talk about. I'll bring up a word processor." Allison stared a list and Chris said, "No discrimination because of sex. Everyone is a woman and also has the male sex organs." Godda laughed and said, "We almost did that on the last one. Keep going."

I said, "One color of the skin. That eliminates racism from the equation." Mandy said, "Everyone is born with the knowledge of love in their mind, that we leaned from the computer." Tara was smiling and said, "Keep going." Roberta said, "Everyone is born with the radar to hear the sounds and make sounds to stop aggression." We listed about fifteen things and then Tara said, "Let see what this does to the overall life cycle. Rheeta, make the changes."

It really shortened it even more and everyone was amazed. Tara said, "Lets run a full simulation and then see what we get." We watched for about an hour a simulation of what was like time lapse photography. Godda said, "That's a keeper. Store it under Mandy."

Godda said to Mandy, "Get use to people saying, Oh my Man, Man Damn it, and Thank Man." We all laughed as Mandy blushed.

We sat and talked for hours. We were actually on a planet on the very edge of what they believe to be the universe. No one has gone beyond it and all their instruments indicate it's a large black hole. We looked at the astronomy charts on the walls and Tara said, "The space dimension that we use to displace, reaches just past this planet and then all the way to the other side of the universe that we know about. Right now you are about 18,000 million light years from earth. Not bad for a trip that takes one minute."

Godda said, "The other thing is that time is inconsistent. It's fluid, but not the same in different planes in the universe. The time in this world is a little slow, which is why we use this home for our work. We can look at a problem for months and it will only be a few days on most worlds. The world we are going to use your design on is just like this except about ten times slower. So on earth, one of your days could be like a century on the planet. You could visit there and spend weeks and be back home in time to take the coffee off the stove. We all live in worlds that are the same time plane as earth. We just use this place for work. Not a bad commute, under a minute." Tara laughed and said, "Godda, you're fucking weird sometimes."

I said, "How about your children. Do you have any?" Rheeta said, "Godda is my mother and Raya is my sister." We learned that there were two other children there. We also leaned that Traff was a man and changed to be a woman. So was Tara. They all had children on the worlds they lived on, and they knew about what they did in this group, but they all kept it a secret. Mandy said, "Can we tell our family and let them see all of this. They are the only ones on earth that have our mind capabilities except Kon's group. They are also brilliant, and have always been our advisors. Having them absorb all the knowledge may help even more."

Godda said, "You know how to call us in our minds so we don't get confused with someone else. Tell them and if they want to see it and learn from the computer, we'll set it up. Lets plan to meet here in 2 weeks of your time. Then we'll start the project. We'll all talk to each other in our minds before then anyway."


We hugged and kissed everyone goodbye, took our bags, and then all held hands, as Kathy did the navigating this time. We appeared in the study again and Roberta screamed, "Wow! Double Wow!" Chris kissed her and then they hugged each other walking to Chris's room. Allison and Kyle were the same way. Mandy jumped on me and wrapped her arms and legs around me. We kissed and kissed some more, as we shared our thoughts. I said into her mind, "I guess you want me to carry us to our room?" She said back into my mind, "Do I ever. I want to make love to you for the next ten thousand years."

Kathy and Julie were listening into our minds and Julie said, "We feel the same way. See you tomorrow."

I walked with Mandy on me for about 10 feet and I said, "How about we just stop here." She laughed and got off of me, and then we went upstairs. I lit a cigarette as we walked into our bedroom. Mandy put her arms around me from behind and held me as I started to undress. I took a drag of the cigarette and Mandy put her hands on my breasts after I unbuttoned my blouse. She kissed my neck, as I took another drag and she said into my mind, "Sweetheart, I know you are melting inside. I can feel it also. Undress me and lets lay down." I turned around and started to undress Mandy, as she put my cigarette in her lips and took a deep drag. We stood naked and kissed slowly, as we pushed our tongues into each other's mouth.

I took a drag of the cigarette and inhaled twice. I held in the smoke and Mandy took a drag and put the cigarette out. She was blowing the smoke out of her nose and mouth, and put her arms around me as we lay in the bed. Mandy and I touched each other all over and then she sat on my pussy. We were reading each other's mind and I made myself into a Combined and my cock went straight into her pussy. We shared our thoughts completely and I made it so that every time Mandy felt my cock go into her, we both felt our G-spot being rubbed. We fucked for about an hour and I shot my cum in her 3 times, blasting off. Our pussies never stopped having an orgasm.

I was still hard in Mandy's pussy and she rolled us over again for the forth time. We were on our sides and I was fucking her and she was bucking her pussy on my cock. We kissed the whole time as we orgasmed from our pussies again and moaned into each other's mouth and mind. Mandy said into my mind, "Shoot inside of me one more time. I loved how it feels." We fucked for another 20 minutes and them I went weak at the knees again. I jerked forward and arched my back as I blasted my cum into Mandy's pussy and was cumming at the same time from my pussy. I felt my cum hit her pussy, in her mind, and then I squirted 8 more times. I felt the warmth she felt and then I stayed still, as we continued to kiss.

I turned back to normal and Mandy sighed, as my cock slide out of her fast. I moved to lay between Mandy's legs and sucked on her pussy. All my cum came out in my mouth and then I crawled over to kiss her. Mandy had her mouth wide open waiting for me and we swished the cum in our mouths and then swallowed. We lay on our sides and Mandy reached for a cigarette and lit it. She took a drag and read my mind. She said, "As soon as were done with our smoke honey. Here, put it in your lips." I took a drag, and another one, and then blew out the smoke slowly. Mandy rolled me on my back and I took another drag of the cigarette and put it back in Mandy's lips. She took a drag and held the cigarette in her fingers, as she moved to kneel between my legs and turned her self into a Combined. Mandy pushed her hard cock straight into my pussy and I wanted her to fuck me as hard as she could. My pussy was on fire.

Mandy took another drag of the cigarette and then handed it to me. I put it in my lips and inhaled twice and held in the smoke, as Mandy pushed all of the way inside of me and moved her knees up against my legs. I blew out the smoke and took another drag and handed the cigarette back to Mandy. She took a drag and put it out. She leaned forward and kissed me, blowing the smoke out of her nose, and we fucked like rabbits. Mandy moved her cock in and out of me as fast and as hard as she could. I was so out of control. I was begging her in our minds to do it harder and make it hurt. She smiled at me and kept on going. I wrapped my legs around Mandy's ass and pulled her deeper into me on each stroke. Then I wrapped my arms around her also and I rolled us on our sides. We kissed and fucked, sharing our thoughts.

I made it so that both of our G-spots would feel like they were being rubbed on each stroke into me, and we both had an orgasm in seconds. We moaned into each other's mouth as we made passionate love. Each time I felt her cock going into me I moaned and held her tighter. I felt her cock pulsate and then fill we up with a blast of warm cum. Then she pulsated and squirted at least 10 times into me again. Mandy basted off.

We kept going for hours. Mandy shot into me 4 times and managed to get hard again. She fucked me for another hour and then I could see in her mind she was ready to cum again. I was sitting on her, so I got off and knelt next to her. I leaned over and sucked her cock into my mouth and rubbed her G-sot for real. She basted her cum into my mouth and I loved the taste. Mandy was bucking and jerking and she said in my mind, "Oh does that taste good baby. Swallow some now for me." I swallowed a little and then sucked in some of her pussy cum into my mouth. I lay on Mandy and we kissed. We kept the cum in our mouths for over a half hour playing with it before we swallowed. Nether of us had ever been this hot before. We just couldn't stop.

Mandy turned back to normal and we lit a cigarette again. We looked outside and it was dark and Mandy looked at the clock. She said, "Jen, we have been fucking for over 14 hours. No wonder I'm so exhausted. Lets go get some food honey and then I want to eat you for desert for another 14 hours."

We put on our robes, as I took a drag of the cigarette. I handed it back to Mandy and we went downstairs. We heated up some left over from last night and we both heard in our minds, "Hi guys is Godda. I forgot to tell you that your sense of time will be kind of messed up for a few days. What seems like an hour is actually much longer. I see you enjoyed it though. Bye." We both laughed and said back to her, "Tell our buddies in the other bedrooms also." She said back laughing, "I did."

Julie and Kathy came into the kitchen and they were still laughing. I said, "We fucked for 14 hours straight." Julie put her arm on my shoulder and said, "We ate each other out for 14 hours." Mandy said, "That's after our snack. You want any?" Julie said, "Yeah, sure."

We all sat and ate the left overs, and had some wine. Mandy said, "You want to spring this on the others after the board meeting on Tuesday morning. I can tell my mom now to clear a few hours." We all nodded and listened in to her thoughts. Mandy said, "Mom, can you here me?" We heard Margi answer, "Hi Mandy, what's up?"

Mandy said, "A ton of stuff but we can't tell you about right now. Can you have everyone clear a few hours after the board meeting on Tuesday morning?"

Margi said, "Sure, can you give me a hint?" Mandy said, "Promise you won't tell a sole?" Margi answered, "I promise." Mandy said, "Mom, I spoke to God today. For real."

Margi paused and said, "No shit. We'll clear the time. Everything okay?" Mandy said, "It's wonderful. It's absolutely wonderful. We'll see you on Tuesday."

We all called Godda back again and she was setting it up for Tuesday in the morning. She was more excited about it than we were.

We went back upstairs and made love for what seemed like a few hours and it was actually 12. Mandy and I ate each other out the whole time. I didn't want to stop and neither did Mandy, so we kept going until mid afternoon. We stopped and had a cigarette and laughed about how we were both were way too full to eat any real food.

We went downstairs and wrote my presentation for the use of cold fusion energy and then went right back to bed and set the alarm clock. We made love until the alarm went off. We couldn't believe it. We sat on our twin toilets and laugh as we guessed who had to go again. We were wrong. It was me. We showered, put on makeup, and dressed for the office. We went downstairs and everyone was already eating breakfast, so we made a plate. Chris said, "That was outrageous." Roberta looked like she was in a cloud. We all felt the same way.

We had some coffee and everyone had a cigarette as we watched the news. It was really boring again. We all said, "Ken and Melissa get this job." Mandy and I couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We all were the same way.

I said, "Lets all go to the office. We can leave from there. Kyle you and Roberta can use our office during the board meeting. Just don't let anyone see you use any of the powers from your mind." Mandy and I took one of the sports cars and had a blast as usual. I got to drive there and I was driving as nuts as she was now. She smiled the whole way there. We went into see Margi first and she said, "They all know to stay after the meeting. Along with Mary, Blair, John and Dawn. They'll wait in my office. You ready for the energy presentation or do you want to wait." I said, "We're ready. I've got the cube here as a prototype model." We all laughed.

We went into the boardroom and Margi called the meeting to order. We went through the usual crap and then we had three presentations. Mine was first on energy. When I turned on the cube everyone who wasn't in the know about it, was shocked. Ken was trying to make me laugh by telling jokes in our minds. Margi was yelling at him in our minds and he was getting even worse. He was such a piss. I gave the last 10 minutes of the presentation with a smile on my face. I excused my self and went out of the room and laughed hysterically for about 2 minutes and then came back in. Ken looked at me and said in his mind, "Very good self control. I am really impressed." I answered questions and then I handed out a press release for everyone to read. The CFO went crazy as he was adding up what the numbers would be. We all just went about the next order of business.

Melissa and Ken were presenting on using different marketing techniques in commercials and how to make the news more interesting. Now it was our turn and we made him laugh four times. Even Margi cracked up. The people who couldn't hear us in their minds thought this was part of Ken's presentation and went along with it. Then we started to laugh. Ken was begging us to stop in his presentation and I kept razzing him. I said in his mind, "Very poor self control. I'm not impressed at all." He said back to us, "Okay, I deserved it."

Max had Roberta come to the meeting and Grace brought her in. She gave a great presentation on one of the new drugs that we were going to produce. Max said into our minds, "This is actually going to be one of the major items. She just doesn't know what she will discover yet until I make it happen next week." We all said back to him, "Nice touch."

We all thanked Roberta and she left the room. Margi adjourned the meeting and all of us went into Margi's office. Mandy said, "We asked you all to clear this mornings calendar for a meeting that will knock your socks off. You are going to meet God. Don't expect some old guy with a white robe. God is actually short for Godda. That's her name and she is one of a group of ten that created us and preserves life. They asked the eight of us to be part of it, and you are advisors. You are going to see more than you ever imagined. Ready to take a trip to the other side of the universe? It takes about a minute. Just breath normally. Everyone hold hands. Chris make sure Kyle and Roberta are here also." We waited for them to come in and Mandy displaced us to the house where we worked before. Godda, Tara, Traff and Rheeta were waiting for us.

Mandy introduced everyone and they were all star struck. Godda said, "Trust me. We are just like you are." She explained all of it to them and then had all of them sit at computers stations in the knowledge center. Tara said, "This is going to take quite a while. You want to stay and work on your project? We could finish it before they wake up." We all agreed and went into the design room again.

We spend day and night going through every single life form and why we needed it, or why we didn't want it. We ate and slept in the design room. Chris was so amazingly sharp. She said, "We have four life forms that basically aren't needed. We have a shark that's only job is to eat. Lets just make less food. Its development is a side effect off a branch on one of the paths we need to happen. Just change the formula like this." Chris made the change and we watched the simulation. Tara said, "We needed you guys a long time ago. We could have had fifty worlds like earth by now."

We simplified the food chain, the animal life and the plant life. We removed things that weren't needed, except things that were esthetically pleasing. We also juiced up the oxygen generation of the plants to create an atmosphere sooner. We had the simulation runs down to less than 5 percent of the time it took with earth. Now we were ready for actually making it happen. Tara said, "This is the part that still baffles us. This entire complex explosion of life is produced into a small capsule. We all know how it's done from the knowledge banks, but the fact that it works is amazing. Watch the capsule being formed. We watched a machine actually form the capsule that was about 2 feet long and a foot wide. Tara said, "Now we set the exact coordinates of where it should be deposited on the planet from the equations."

Rheeta set them in the computer and then Tara loaded the capsule into a tube that also had a computer in it. She said, "The capsule will be displaced there in about a minute along with all our monitoring equipment in the tube. We can watch it happen. Mandy you get the honors of hitting the button on this one." Mandy pointed to a hologram and the tube vanished. We watched the camera from the tube on a screen and then saw an enormous explosion on the planet. Tara said, "It gets me every time that the equipment survives that explosion. It was amazing, as things were already getting green and an atmosphere was forming. Tara said, "It's never happened this fast. Wow, look at that, we already have a tadpole. Look at the rain." We all watched in amazement. The time plane for the planet was faster than this, but not that fast. We really misjudged how fast this would be. I said, "Chris, you and Allison should take a look at the software in the simulator. My guess is that the timing is way off. This more than 100 times faster than it predicted." Chris said, "I bet it doesn't understand some of the changes we made; especially the reagent equations. How can I get a listing of the source code for the simulator?" Tara said, "You're guess is as good as mine. Try looking in the operating system directory."

Allison said, "Another puzzle. Let's go Chris, race you on this one." Everyone laughed and I said, "Their IQ was over 240 before we even had the power in our mind. I can't image what it is now." Tara said, "What was yours?" I said, "I'm the slow one at 189." They all laughed and Tara said, "We tested ours on earth last year. I had a 168 and I was the highest. Lets check on your friends and bring them in here if they're waking up."

We all went into the knowledge center and they were just starting to wake up. They all looked as shocked as we did, and were in love beyond their wildest dreams. Margi and Alice were inseparable. They all were like that. Tara said, "Please come with us into the design room. We can get you something to eat also. You slept for over three weeks, but on earth only 45 minutes went by." Everyone looked confused so I explained it to them about the different time planes. I said, "We are also 18,000 million light years from earth." Max had his mouth hanging open.

We all went into the design room and Mandy made us some food through her mind. She said, "Lobster and Filet Mignon, my favorite, with some white wine. We need to toast to me on this glass, Godda will tell you why." Godda said, "Mandy is now the creator of a world, just like earth. Actually all of us did it, but this one is Mandy's. Look at the camera monitors. It is the fastest we ever have seen it happen, thanks to all of the changes everyone made to the equations to speed it up. Chris, you and Allison are brilliant. Please raise your glasses and welcome all of you to a very exclusive club. The Guardians of the Human race, and to Mandy, for her first time as a creator of life." We all drank and Mandy blushed. She said, "This is one of the few times I really am speechless." Mandy had a tear in her eye and I hugged her. She held me so tight.

Tara said, "Let me show you what we just created. Chris, set the computer in multi mode and then we can operate along with you looking at the simulator." Chris said, "No need to. We already fixed it. Wait until you see the results."

Tara gave the speech and showed everyone what we just did, what the race of people would be like, what we changed, added, and removed. Then she showed the evolutionary life cycle, and the simulation. We all had our mouths open. Tara said, "This can't be right Chris. We'll have human beings in five months of earth time?" Chris said, "It may be off by a few days, but it's real close. Look at the monitor. I just saw a money running past the camera."

Tara said, "When you got here, that planet was a baron waste land of rock, with no atmosphere. It's stable enough that we could all actually displace there and see it for the first time. I love this part of it. Mandy, you get to name it." Mandy said, "We need to think about that for a little bit." Mandy said into my mind, "Remember years ago when we were promising each other all types of stupid stuff? I said I would name a planet after you, and I'm going to." Tara heard us in her mind and smiled at me. I said into her mind, "Don't do that. They'll think I'm the creator." Mandy said, "Too bad. We always had equal billing. You get to suffer or enjoy it as much as I do now." Tara was laughing at us.

Tara said, "Everyone stand over here and hold hands. Let me talk us for a trip. It should take about 50 seconds." We held hands and appeared on the new planet. It was green everywhere, and we touched the moss and grass. Mandy ran over to a tree and hugged it. We all laughed and she said, "It's planet Jen."

We saw a money running past us and Mandy walked over it and petting his head. He took Mandy's hand and walked back over to us with her. She said, "Hello Adam. Let's see the inside of your legs. Excuse me AdamandEve. You have both also. That's also why it's faster. We accelerated the time to have children." Chris said, "We need to add that in the equations also." Mandy found some fruit and fed the money and he smiled and ran away. She was in heaven.

We walked around and looked at a lake. We all drank from the water and it was pure and clean. Everyone with us was in shock. We saw some frogs jump into the water and a big wide mouth bass swim right next to us. Mandy reach down and actually touched the fish. Somehow the animals weren't afraid of us at all.

We walked around some more and Tara said, "Lets get back. You can come here as often as you like. It's your project."

Tara took us back and we reappeared in the design room. Chris said, "Let me update the simulator and see what the effect of faster child bearing is on everything. We watched again and we had about four weeks on earth time until there were humans. Tara was laughing and crying at the same time. I said, "There's no ice age on this one in the cards is there?" Tara said, "We hope not. Now I'm sure everyone of you has questions, so fire away."

They asked questions for over 4 hours. Ken said, "There was nothing in the knowledge about the devil. Is that just made up?" Tara said, "That was our first attempt to scare people into loving each other. It failed miserably. None of us were too convincing."

Tara was amazed at some of things that she never thought about. She said, "You're all part of the group. This is amazing. Margi, how did you come up with that?" Margi said, "If people remember bits and pieces of a past life when you reuse energy and souls, maybe we can take advantage of it. On earth people can actually remember it under hypnosis. We should wipe the memory clean, or allow it to fully reused. That reduces the leaning time for the new child. Only retain the learned knowledge, not the living experiences. Progression to modern technology would have to be much faster, as everyone isn't starting from zero, plus they would have a living record of the history of the planet."

Mandy said, "Should have thought of that about two days ago." Tara said, "We can still make changes. Chris, go to he memory reuse subroutine formulas. It should be documented on how to change certain sections." Chris said, "I got it, and it's changed." Tara said, "Jen you get to pull the trigger on this one. Point and select modifications, human mind, and then build." We watched another small capsule being formed and Tara loaded into the tube. She had Jen launch it. We all watched the second camera and it created severe winds, as the capsule was air borne. Tara said, "Don't go there for about two days. Lets see how fast they mature now. Great idea Margi."

Everyone was really getting into it and I said, "We need to get back guys. It's been about two hours on earth. Just a word of caution, time is going to seem really fast back home. What you think is an hour, will actually be four or five, for a few days." Tara said, "Mandy, I'll let you know when it's safe to go there and send you the displacement position. So long everyone. See you in few weeks."

Mandy said, "I'm driving honey. Everyone hold hands." We displaced back to Margi's office. She said, "Boardroom everyone. Lets talk."

We got into the boardroom and Mandy and I lit up cigarettes. So did Margi and Alice. Margi said, "Holy Shit! We just became Gods." We all laughed and I said, "Godda will be really pissed at that. We are creators. They kept telling Mandy that everyone on the planet will call her Man. Oh my Man. Thank Man, Man Damn it. It happened to every one of them the same way. People always worshiped them and they hate it."

Margi said, "How did we go from running the biggest company on the earth, to running the universe?" Mandy said, "We have the experience to do it. Kind of makes President of the United States seem kind of insignificant. Doesn't it?"

Ken said, "I want a planet of all rock stars. We can import here and make a killing." We all threw stuff at him and he laughed so hard he fell off his chair. Margi said, "You are right Ken, we have to keep up our lives and the business. We control most of the economy on this planet."

I said, "Lets use JPSS to introduce each new technology and things we develop in life creation. We need to figure out a way to do a mass download of the love knowledge to everyone on earth. That would stop all aggression forever. Melissa, use the sound chords to sell some of our products, just record them above the normal human hearing range so no one can spot it or duplicate it. Lets promote the music like crazy using the sound chords on commercials and then use the music to change the way people act and think. How long would it take for us to record a short 20 second song that is on every CD we sell? We could have one government for earth and one set of laws. Lets use our knowledge to undo all the garbage that's been done here, and at the same time introduce new technology."

Margi stood up and clapped for me. So did everyone else. Margi said, "Jen, you put it all back into perspective. I couldn't agree with you more. What do we do about Kon?"

I said, "Nothing. They're terrific people and they now have a great deal of knowledge. They want to be the ones that watch over the human race on earth. Let's use them to make some of this happen also. They're very bright. I think we should rethink what our priorities are and tailor what we do to make money for the company, but also improve life here on earth. Making money alone isn't that important. We can make money on almost anything. We all know that. Lets pick the things we want to accomplish."

Margi gave us each an assignment of producing what we think are the most important things to do, and how we can make it a money maker for the company. We looked at the clock in the board room and Mandy was laughing. She said, "How long do you think we were in here? Don't look at the clock." Margi said, "An hour." We all looked at the clock and it was 5 O'clock. Mandy said, "We told you time feels real funny for a while. Wait until you have sex like this. It's unreal." Everyone smiled.


Mandy drove us home like a lunatic and we both loved it. That Ferrari screams at the red line and she was running every gear up to the max.

We went into the house and waited for everyone else in the kitchen. Mandy said, "How about I think us up a dinner. What do you want?" Julie said, "Let me and Kathy do it this time. How about Alaskan King Crab?"

I said, "Julie, you're definitely cooking tonight. That sounds great." I put my arms around Mandy and kissed her and said, "You and I are just going to be close to each other. We don't need any practice at cooking." Mandy put her lips on mine softly and then opened then up as I opened mine. We kissed and pushed our saliva in each other's mouth with our tongues. I was so drawn to Mandy, I couldn't stop touching her once I started. We started calling it the love magnet in our minds.

Julie said, "It's ready", and it smelled great. Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle were starved. So we served them this portion and Julie and Kathy made more. I took a bite and said, "I think we just put the caterer out of business. We paid for his new house last year. Julie, this is great."

Mandy and I shared our thoughts and she was telling me about how she wants to go eat tomorrow at one of the restaurants that you sit over the water on a dock and pick out your own lobster. I said, "Which one do you want to go to? She said, "We can go to Boston or Maine." I said back into her mind, "You decide. Just find an address so we can displace to get there. We'll use that program on the library computer to get the coordinates and displace that way." Mandy said into my mind, "How about we just stay home and fuck." We both looked at each other and smiled.

We finished eating and poured a second glass of wine for each of us. We all lit cigarettes and sat back in the chairs. Mandy turned on the TV and switched to the news station. There was actually something on it, a hostage crisis at an arena again. We watched for about 10 minutes and realized it had nothing to do with us so we turned it off. I said, "We could fix it so that doesn't happen again. What if we just willed it to happen? Mandy, put back on that news station a minute. I want to try something."

Mandy switched it back on, as I took a drag from my cigarette. I blew out the smoke and watched the news. We got a lot of information and I concentrated on having the hostages released and then the terrorists give up. We watched the news happen exactly as I planned it. I said, "Now we can write the news for them. Problem solved."

They all laughed at me and I said, "All I did was focus on that specific instance. It was easy. If Kon wants to save the human race, let one of them monitor the news 24 hours a day, and stop this stuff. That's a great place to start. Lets see if he's interested?"

Mandy said into my mind, "Baby, we can find out tomorrow. I want to make love again. I am so horny. Feel my crotch. It's soaked." Mandy put my hand in her crotch and it was dripping wet. She said, "Told you so." I took a final drag of my cigarette and Mandy and I walked upstairs to our bedroom.

For the next two days we stayed in bed and made love. We were in every possible position and did it as clones, she males, which we both really love now, and normals. I think we ate each other out for over 12 hours again. I sucked all of my cum out of her pussy and we played with it in our mouths for over a half hour. Mandy was pulling it out of her mouth using her fingers and making strands and then sucking it back in. I was so hot watching her do it, I was begging her in her mind to share it with me. She teased me until I had an orgasm. We both laughed about it afterwards.

We got up to go to the bathroom and decided to have a pee adventure in the tub. We peed on each other's tongue and then licked each other to an orgasm again. We took a shower and then got dressed. Mandy said, "Lets make some breakfast." I said, "Sure. It's 4 in the morning. Why not." We both laughed again and then made the food in our minds. The bacon was great. We can cook better in our minds than on the stove. Mandy made some real coffee and we sat and had a cigarette.

Mandy said to me, "I`m going to call Tara and see if it's okay to go back to the planet. I want to see it again." Mandy called Tara and she answered us, "Hi guys. I knew you'd want to know about the planet, but I didn't want to wake you up. You can go there and boy will you be surprised. Read the coordinates in my mind. Got them?" Mandy said, "Thanks. Talk to you later." Mandy took my hand and we displaced to the planet. We were really surprised. There were humans. They were primitive, but they were there. We walked around and Mandy touched a young girl on the head. She looked up at us and smiled. Her mother walked over and spoke to us in a broken language that our translation download made into English for us. She told us her name was Dela and welcomed us to their village. Mandy said, "I'm Mandy and this is Jen. We love your village." The woman said, "Man? Jen?", as another couple of people came over and were bowing to us. They must have seen us displace. They spoke to Dela and she bowed down and said, "Man, Man."

I said into Mandy's mind, "That means God honey. They saw us displace to get here. Lets help them if we can and then walk around." Mandy picked up the women and smiled at them. She spoke to them in their language and they asked where we were from. Mandy pointed to the sky and they introduced us to everyone in their village. One woman was very sick and Mandy and I healed her. Everyone bowed to us again and said, "Man." I said into Mandy's mind, "You realize you are their God now. We can't stop it." She said back to me, "No way. I just want to help them. I feel responsible. They are hungry too. Lets leave them some food. How about some nice cooked chickens?" We made it happened and they all bowed again. Mandy said in their language, "Please don't bow to us. We only want to help you. This is food, just don't eat the bones, and don't eat it after today. Throw it away after today."

We walked around and found another village about 3 miles away. They had caught some fish and offered it to us. It was raw and we passed. Mandy said in my mind, "Sushi that's still bleeding is not my idea of a good meal. They still haven't discovered fire. Lets check back next week. Honey, this is so cool." We heard Tara say in our minds, "You did real good both of you. I'm so happy you are working with us." We said back, "We are too." Mandy said, "Tara, did you help the people discover things, or let them do it on their own?" Tara said, "We've done it both ways. It really doesn't seem to matter. The people are way to immature on the evolutionary scale yet to make any difference. Give it a couple of months of Earth time. Remember, their life expectancy is very short now. A person will never live more than past 30 or 40. That actually speeds up the evolutionary cycle."

We displaced back home and I said, "You are a great mother to Chris, you were a great leader of the company, and you make a great creator. Mandy, you have such compassion." She hugged me and started to cry. I said, "Don't cry. You gave them hope, food, and we cured someone."

We sat in the kitchen and I wiped Mandy's eyes. She smiled at me and said, "I want to write song about this. We have to play in two weeks. Lets do something different." We went into the studio and used two folk guitars. Mandy had some ideas and so did I. We came up with the catchiest melody for a pop song. She sat with me and we shared our thoughts and wrote them down. We put them into verses and found a great chorus hook. Mandy read the words back to me and I was getting teary eyed. Then she read, "I'm not your God. I'm only your creator. I'm your friend and I only want to help."

I said, "Do me a favor. Speak their language again and try to say the word God." Mandy said it and it came out Man. I smiled and she said, "Oh shit. We really did make that big of an impression. Lets put the music and words together and see how it sounds honey."

We played it together and sang it. We knew it was another hit, except this one really meant something to both of us. Julie and Kathy walked in and Julie said, "What are you doing up?" I said, "Lets see. We were intergalactic hopping and now we wrote a new song. Want to her it?" They laughed and we played it. They listened and loved it. Mandy said, "Talk to me in this language Julie and say the word God to me after I speak to you." Mandy said a few sentences and Julie answered back and said God. It came out Man. We all laughed and Julie said, "What did you do there?" I said, "She was great. Compassionate, helped people, we made some food and healed someone. They saw us as the supreme being. They shortened Mandy's name to Man and now it means God in their language. Tara was right."

The next four months was great. Our only problem is the attachment we all felt for people each time we visited the planet. I still have a tough time calling the planet my name. The problem is that we rarely see the same people when we go back. Because of the difference in the time planes, and we only go once a week, the people we saw the last week had already died and we are talking now to their children. The people all worship us and we tried to stop it, but can't. We now have over 20 different coordinates to go each time we visit. It takes us a full day on the planet, but it's only about a minute here on earth. Their language has progressed and they discovered fire. They also hunt for food and wear clothing from animal furs. The animals seem to all know us for some reason, we can't explain it, and Tara has told us it's always like that. We can walk up to the most furious lion and they will roll over and play with us. We named one Leo last week. Then we made him some raw food. I told Mandy the animals will be starting their own church next week to worship her. She smacked me on the ass.

Tara told us that our race of Jenlings are progressing about a thousand times faster than any other planet has done. We helped design another planet that Julie was creating. We do the final design and simulation next week.

We used Kon to monitor all news broadcasts and they love doing it. They have stopped almost every major problem on the globe that been on the news before it was over. Kon calls us geniuses. We also used his people to help with some of the things we are experimenting with. They still have no clue how we do some of the things that just come natural.

We've written nine new songs and played three gigs in the past four months. The one we wrote about our planet has been number one for over 14 weeks now. It really is catchy.

Melissa used the music chords, recorded above 20,000 hertz, to affect suggestion in the mind on a commercial for all JPSS entertainment CDs and DVDs. Most stores have been sold out for over a week. We can't produce them fast enough. We also recorded a spoken message for about 30 seconds and have placed it on every CD we produce. It starts with the sound chords for suggestion and then we all talk about love and being nice to people. We can't tell if it's made a difference yet.

Mandy and I have been making love all night, at least 4 times a week. The other 3 nights we only do it for about 4 hours and that's only because we're too tired. We actually fell asleep while we were fucking last night. We both woke up laughing about it and picked up where we left off.

A couple of people from town have heard our dogs and horses talk. Yes, we really did make the horses smart also. We have been lying and told everyone that I was a ventriloquist. We're not sure how long that lie is going to last, especially when my horse keeps calling women sexy mommas. Mandy laughed so hard last week, she almost fell off her horse. The dogs have developed a pretty good sense of humor. I think they always had one, we just couldn't tell. Now it's really obvious. They play practical jokes on all of us and then lie on the floor laughing. Ruffles finally did stop pissing on the bed. He now understands when I threatened to cook him.

It's winter again, and we just had our first snow fall yesterday. We all love it. We're already starting to talk about a Christmas tree. Even through we all know the truth now, we still celebrate Christmas. It's a tradition.

The catholic church started on JPSS and Margi this time. We convinced Godda to have a mind discussion with the Pope and all of the cardinals and arch bishops at the Vatican. This stopped it cold. She told the Pope that JPSS was her chosen group to help humanity, not the church. We all laughed about it for weeks. Godda said, "I should have done that years ago." Margi sent them a check again for a charity to make peace.

We have now released six of the major ideas. We have a power plant being converted to the cold fusion energy source next week and it will replace all nuclear and standard power plants in the US and Canada. Both countries argued about who owns it and actually threatened to go to war over it. Margi settled it. She said that JPSS owns it and if they don't like it we'd shut it down. It took them all of about 5 minutes to agree with her. Mandy said, "I am so glad I don't have to do that any more." I said, "One government that's fair, and 70 percent of the problems go away."

We decided to have a philosophical discussion with Tara, Godda, Traff, and the others about how we stop the lunacy that we leaned was not just on this planet, but every other one as well. We've now visited 28 of them, and they are all the same way. Mandy came up with a plan and said, "Let's try it here first. If it works, we'll take the show on the road. Everyone wants a God, lets give them one. Tell me if this is convincing to you?" Mandy projected an image of an elderly woman in a white robe talking to us in our minds. She had the image say in a very stern voice, "I am God, and I am very disappointed with all of you."


Tara and Godda loved the idea, but were so afraid to pull it off. Mandy said, "You have stage fright. We all had it the first time we performed. We'll talk to each other in our minds during it. If this works, we can concentrate on making new worlds that won't nuke themselves. With the change we made in the language translator, we can now think to people all at once, and it translates our images and thoughts based on who is receiving them. Plus, we can download information into everyone's mind all at once."

We rehearsed the whole show at the work house for about a week of time there, and it was perfectly choreographed. Tara was laughing the whole time and said, "Mandy, if we had you here a million years ago this would have been so different. We all really love you." Mandy blushed and hugged me. We also had to tell Kon and his group about what we were doing. We didn't tell them the truth, we told them that God was talking to us and she was very upset, but liked what they did a lot. She wants to reference their actions when she talks to everyone on earth. They were so excited about it.

We started our God show this morning. We are all using our boardroom to pull it off. It was Godda's project, so it was her that was on stage. We started it at 8 in the morning at our time in Oregon. Godda said to us, "Here goes. Cross your fingers."

Godda started by strongly projecting the image into everyone's mind around the world all at once. She was dressed in a white robe and standing in an area that looked like a cloud. Tara said into my mind, "Nice touch", and we all almost started to laugh.

Godda said in everyone's mind, "I am God. I am the creator. Wake up and listen to me! This is not a dream." She paused and repeated herself five times and then said, "I haven't spoken to all of you in many years, and I am addressing you now because I am very disappointed. I created you. I am your mother, your father, your guardian, and I care for all of you, and the hundreds of other worlds just like this one. You were not the first race of humans on earth. There have been two ice ages before you were begot. The last one was a nuclear winter caused by your ancestors blowing themselves to hell. I will not let that happen again, under any condition! I am not asking you to obey me, I'm telling you! I have many children on earth. Twelve of my children survived from the first race by being suspended from life for over six thousand years. They have tried to help you. You know them as Mosses, Jesus, and a host of other names. The constant violence and infighting is stopping today! I have spoken with, and helped, a group of brilliant people you call JPSS. They have done more for the human condition on this planet, that anyone has done anywhere. Instead of embracing their efforts, many of you reject them in the name of God. I am God! The church is not God, nor is the government."

Godda took a short pause and we all gave her the thumbs up as she had her image walk closer to each person in their mind. She continued, "At 12 noon US Eastern Standard Time tomorrow, there will be the first of several changes. I am telling you that this is happening, not asking for your permission. You will all be put to sleep for about one hour. Please make sure you are in place where you do not harm anyone, and where you will not be harmed. When you wake up you will have a much better understanding of the love you should feel for each other, and also will be speaking one common language. We have selected English, since it is the most widely used. At 12 Noon the following day, I will address all of you again. There will be one government on this planet, with one set of laws, and you will live by them. My laws will not be like the insanity your law makers have given you. They will be simple and easy to follow. There will be no need for many of the things you have created to punish people. I have the ultimate punishment. It's called hell, and I am not afraid to use it! I can hear many of you thinking that I am being unfair. No I'm not! I'm being a parent and a guardian to make sure all children grow up in my image and don't kill themselves or others. Please, remember to be aware of where you are and what you are doing tomorrow at noon, and love each other."

Godda finished and was sweating from nerves. We all hugged her and she said, "Mandy, this better work. What if I really have to make a hell?" We all laughed, as Mandy said, "You won't. They will never call your bluff." I lit a cigarette and turned on CNN on the boardroom TV and we watched the biggest news story of all time unfold. Grace came into the boardroom and was white as a ghost. She said to us, "God spoke to us. I'm really scared." Margi said, "Grace, we have nothing to be afraid of. Trust me." Godda said into our minds, "It worked!"

The phones were ringing off the wall from news agencies to interview us. Margi buzzed Grace and said, "We'll only take the interview calls from these agencies", and she read the list. Margi did the first one with CNN on the boardroom speakerphone system. Godda was trying not to laugh the whole time when Margi gave our rehearsed interview. She said, "Yes that's correct. God has spoken to us many times and has helped us do the right thing. We support her efforts and hope everyone on the planet will wake up. The fact that two world powers almost went to war over the new endless power system we introduced, was the last stray. We really pissed her off." Margi finished the interviews and we laughed so hard. Godda was giving us all high fives. Ken was cracking jokes, as we watched the CNN reports. All of the world leaders were interviewed at press conferences. Some were so arrogant. Mandy said, "That will change after the download." The Vatican refused to comment.

Everyone stayed at the castle that night and we had a great time. We took turns watching a part of the news and kept everyone informed. Mandy and I had sex with Godda and Tara and it was outrageous. They were much worse than us. Ten times worse. They used their minds to create fantasies for us as we made love. It was amazing and we can't wait to try it again.

We set up one of the knowledge transfer systems from the work planet in our study and were all gather around it just before noon eastern time, 9 AM our time. Godda projected her image strongly in everyone's mind and said, "You have one minute to find a place to lie down. Please drop whatever you are doing right now."

We waited exactly and minute and kicked off the massive download using Traff to amplify the download and transfer it to every person on earth except for those that already had it in the minds. It took exactly 58 minutes to transfer the love knowledge and the language translator for English. Godda projected her image again and said, "I will speak to all of you again tomorrow at noon."

We all went into the den and turned on CNN again. The station was off the air, so was every other one. It came back on in a few minutes and we watched newscasters scared out of their minds, and talking about how we should be nice to each other and love each other. Tara said, "Lets wait two weeks to make sure it really works, then we do the same thing on the planet Tara. That one will be a real challenge." Ken said, "I could be a pretty good God. Want me to try it?" Tara said, "No. You'll be telling jokes in the middle of our scare them shitless speech." Ken said, "Come on. Lets give the creator a sense of humor."

Tara projected an imagine of Ken burning in hell in our minds and he said, "I swear I was only kidding." We all laughed.

We tried our fantasies again tonight and it was better than last night. I came so many times I was delirious. Mandy and I connected our minds the whole time with Tara and Godda. It was incredible.

We went back to the office and used the boardroom again. At 9 AM Godda made her next speech. She put her image back in everyone's mind along with the image of Tara in the background. She said into everyone's mind, "I hope all of you now can better understand what it means to love people. You are also seeing behind me the First One. She created me, in her image." Godda had Tara move to the front and Tara said into everyone's mind, "I am the First One. I make the rules, and they are being set down for you now. First, will be your leadership. You have none. You have failed to join together as a united group. Now you will. There will be one governance body for this planet and I will decide who will run it. A leader must be strong, compassionate, caring, be willing to teach and coach, let people follow them, be willing to listen to the people, and be someone that everyone looks up to and admires. Not a dictator that makes demands, or a politician that wants to fill their own pockets. You will have my decision tomorrow at noon."

Godda had the image of Tara vanish and Godda moved forward in our minds. She said, "The new laws will be cast in medal and stone and be displayed where all can see them in each region of the planet. Read them and obey them. There are twenty."

Godda read our list and was so convincing. Some of it she adlibbed and we all gave her the thumbs up. She said, "And lastly, there will be no aggression or acts of violence towards other human beings. This is not a suggestion. It is the law! Your government will govern all of the people and represent you to other worlds as well. I could not allow you to communicate to other planets. You were an embarrassment. Today, following my message, the laws will be put in place around the world for you all to see them."

Godda looked up and said to us, "Okay gang. Lay out the photos and lets make it happen. Remember, we each take ten photos and do them one at the same time. Everyone have the list of laws also?" We all nodded. We each had a stack of pictures of places on earth. We had a copy of a photo of what the large monuments should look like and the laws. Godda said, "Start with monuments now for photo one." We all made the monuments appear in each location. Then she said, "Top inscription and law number one now." We all inscribed on the top of the monument and the first law. We did this for all twenty and then repeated it ten times for different locations.

We finished and turned on CNN. A camera crew had filmed the entire thing at the monument we put on the steps of the capitol building. We watched it being done and this was impressive. This must have scared the shit out of everyone. The monument was three stories high and on the top it read, "The laws of God."

I lit a cigarette for me and Mandy and she was holding my hand as we watched the news. There we so many people speculating about who would be the new world leader. It was almost unanimous that it was going to be Margi. They discounted everyone else as not being qualified according to the rules that God made. Mandy said, "Mom, you want the job? They all are expecting it anyway. We'll still use the x-President. Make him the Vice President."

Margi was thinking about it and said, "Who will run JPSS?" I said, "Merge the two together." We all smiled at each other and Margi said, "Lets rewrite the script for tomorrow."

We finished rewriting the scripts and watched CNN. This was on every station, everywhere. Mandy said, "Even if it doesn't have the exact affect we planned, we did make a lasting impression that has to fix some of it." We all agreed.

We all went back to the castle and Mandy said, "Anyone for my favorite dinner tonight? Lobster and Filet Mignon?" We spilt up thinking about different parts of the dinner and had a great five course meal in the dinning room for 34 people. We drank toast after toast to everything and were getting trashed. Tara was so drunk. She said slurring her words, "We fixed the fucking thing. Now we need to make it fun again. Godda honey, you lick pussy and suck cock better than anyone on any planet. Chris, can you make a knowledge disk out of her?"

We all laughed and then realized that a sex knowledge disk wasn't such a bad idea.

Everyone was smashed. Mandy and I staggered up to our room, and then I lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag, and another one, holding in the smoke. Mandy put the cigarette in her lips and took a drag. She blew the smoke out of her nose and mouth, as I blew the smoke out towards her. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Undress me honey, and I'll undress you."

We undressed each other and then lay in bed together. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette and said, "Lets have a masturbation fantasy like last night to start. Jen, that was so wild." I took two inhales of the cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray. Mandy and I shared our thoughts, as we both lay against each other on our backs. We had our legs spread and made ourselves Combined again. We held our cocks in our hands and rubbed our clits with the other hand. Mandy started the fantasy as we shared it in our minds. We were at our planet and watching two people making love. They came over to us and started to touch us all over. Mandy and I rubbed ourselves, as both of us made changes in the fantasy. Each of us made something erotic happen, as we rubbed ourselves into paradise. I made it feel like our G-spots were being touched on our clits and we started to orgasm in our pussies as we made the fantasy get even better. We rubbed ourselves for over twenty minutes and we both felt like we were going to shoot cum from our cocks. I moved into a 69 position with Mandy, as we kept rubbing ourselves. I put my lips over the end of her cock, and she did the same to me, as we both jerked ourselves off.

Mandy shot her load of cum into my mouth and I moved my mouth down on her cock hitting against her hand as she rubbed her shaft. I shot my load into her mouth and she moved her mouth over my fingers, as I rubbed. We both swallowed the cum and blasted off. Mandy sucked my shaft deep into her throat and I was as hard as a rock again. I read her thoughts and she rolled over on the bed to put her back towards me, with her knees bent. I moved behind her and spooned her, pushing my cock into her pussy.

I fucked Mandy, while I reached around her and rubbed her clit. We made love like this for almost an hour, as I went from fucking her pussy to her ass at least four times. Mandy moved to kneel over me and sucked my cock into her mouth making me cum into her throat. I blasted my cum into her as she swallowed. Mandy kissed me with the taste of my cum on her tongue and then rolled me on my side. She bent my knees forward and lay behind me. She spooned me and fucked my ass from behind. I loved how this felt, as she fucked my ass and rubbed my pussy. I squeezed my nipples and breasts, as Mandy hammered her cock into me. She moved from my ass to my pussy at least five times. Mandy said into our minds, "Baby, I'm going to shoot in you any second. Move if you want to suck me off."

I moved and knelt in front of her and sucked her cock into my mouth, just as she came. I swallowed squirt after squirt of hot cum, as I felt her cock pulsate in my mouth. They I moved down to suck her pussy again and swallowed all of her juices. Mandy was saying in our minds, "That feels so good honey. I can taste it too. Oh wow, is that hot."

We changed back to normal again and really got into our passionate love making. We kissed and caressed each other for a long time and then lay on our sides in a 69 position. I kissed Mandy's pussy and then slowly licked it from the bottom to top. She moaned loud, "Do that again honey. It felt so good." I did it again and she did it to me also. We shared our thoughts and ate each other for hours. I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of her thick pussy cum. Each time one of us swallowed, the other would taste it. We drove each other crazy. Then we used Oscar and fucked ourselves to sleep after about 2 hours. We rubbed our pussies on each other the whole time. I was so out of control, all I could think about was sucking Mandy's pussy again and fucking her. We fell asleep during one of our fantasy dreams. It was incredible.

Julie woke us up at said, "Show time." Mandy and I each opened one eye with our faces touching. She moved her head slightly and pressed her warm lips on mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth. We kissed and my pussy exploded in wetness. She saw it in my mind and we wrapped our arms around each other and then really kissed. Kathy and Julie dragged us out of bed laughing at us.

We showered and dressed, and then went downstairs and had a quick breakfast. We all displaced to Margi's office at work.

Godda said, "We have the scripts ready. Margi, you ready for this? Tara, you good to go? Okay we have exactly 2 minutes. Margi, give me a drag of your cigarette. I left mine on the other planet." Everyone was talking to Godda in her mind and she took deep drag of Margi's cigarette, and then another one. She blew out the smoke and looked at the clock on the wall.

Godda projected her image in everyone's mind along with Tara's. She had Tara move forward to be closer and Tara spoke, "I have decided on your leader. Your news casts were very accurate. At least they recognize that none of your current leaders are capable. You already know who it is, I brought her here with me now to learn why wishes."

Godda had an image of Margi walk to be beside here. Tara continued, "Margi Stevens is the Chairman of the largest corporation on this world, and any other world. She is a natural leader. Her daughter ran the company before her, and her grandchildren are the two of the most brilliant human beings in the universe. Margi is fair, she commands respect, has integrity, and listens to people. She is a true leader in every sense of the word and will within 6 months time, unite this planet under her governance to follow my laws. Her current company will continue to operate as before, and governance of the earth will be a part of it. There will be many changes." Godda had the image of Tara walk back and vanish, and then she and Margi moved forward.

Godda continued, "The changes the First One spoke of, involve all forms of government, and business that support the government. We will not let this society fail, which includes your economy. This will make you stronger and survive the temptation you all seem to have to destroy your way of life. I have written down the massive changes and Margi will address all of you later today. First, I want to enforce what I said about my laws. These are to be enforced reasonably, not with an iron fist, unless the crime involves taking a life. For someone who purposely kills another human being, there will be no mercy. This is where they will go." Godda projected a scene from one of the planets being formed that was all fire, hot rocks, and gasses. She also made everyone feel very high temperature and have trouble breathing. We all gave her the thumbs up.

Godda smiled at us and continued, "I hope I never have to use that. If a child steels a piece of bubble gum you reprimand, you don't kill. If an adult steels someone's personal property, you punish and rehabilitate. My rehabilitation consists of changing thinking and behavior. You all felt it when you experienced the feeling of love. I will make people experience the feeling of hell, and then correct their thinking process appropriately. If for some reason it can not be corrected, you just cursed yourself into an unbearable eternity. If you steel, you will repay everything that you was not yours. There will be one unified court system. My court system. Lawyers will only be allowed to present the facts. Judges will only be allowed to follow the rules. The trial system, as you know it, is now over! No one, and I repeat no one, will walk out of my court if they are guilty. I am the ultimate lie detector. I know everything, about everyone. Conversely, if someone is unjustly accused of a crime, the accuser will pay the penalty. I'll know if they are lying also. No one should be deprived of the precious time on earth they have with their love ones. No more of this criminal rights out weight the rights of the victim. If you're caught in the act, you are guilty! Period! There will be no lawsuits, no mandatory insurance, no fees to use the beaches and oceans I gave you, and no excuses. If you break one of the my very simple twenty laws, you will pay the ultimate price. Margi knows of my wishes, and I trust her with all of my heart. She has proven beyond a doubt she has the compassion and fortitude to take on this role. I urge you to follow her. This is your last chance. Margi will address the people of this world from her office using my vision into each of your minds. She will start her address in exactly 1 hour from now."

Godda smiled at us and we all gave her the thumbs up. Tara was laughing and said, "If this doesn't work, nothing will." Ken said, "Scared the shit out of me."

We all lit a cigarette and Margi took some wine out of the refrigerator in the boardroom. She said, "I need a drink. Anyone want to join me?" Everyone walked up to get a glass.

We all sat around and waited an hour having a few cigarettes as Margi practiced her speech. Mandy said, "Mom, just be yourself. They are expecting you to have reluctantly taken on this role, not part of the group that planned it. Be humble. People love humble. Also don't be perfect, make a mistake in your speech, they will know that you are as scared as they are, and not well prepared for it. Boy, do you need acting lessons." We all laughed as Margi said, "A little late for that don't you think? Kids. Can't live with them and can't live without them." Tara said, "Amen to that Margi."

Mandy walked over and hugged her mom and they laughed about it. It was exactly one hour and Godda started the vision of Margi in everyone's mind. Margi spoke to everyone through her mind, "Hi everyone, I'm Margi Stevens. I'm not a God. I'm just like all of you, mostly scared to death that if we don't get our act together our planet and everyone on it is just another chapter in the history books of the universe. I was given something to read, and I'm going to para-phase it for you. I'll release the entire letter to the press so everyone can read it. Please bear with me, as I am a little nervous. I was asked to fill this role, and I hope that I don't let all of your down. I've run the largest corporation, but this is a lot different. Here is the letter. I'll go over each of the main points. To start with, JPSS will be renamed to Earth Governance and Operations. Everyone that has stock in our company will stay whole, and it will still be traded just as it is being traded now. I assure you as CEO, no one will loose any money. Since this is now a company about the people of Earth, everyone will be given a stake in it. We need to work out the details. You should have a stake in it, it's all of our lives we're talking about here. Next, Each current country will be combined into regions, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, etcetera. There will be regional governance leadership appointed to each of these areas. The purpose is to help, not to police. Third is about the armed forces. There will be none, except a small contingent to protect the planet from outside invasion, which will be expanded. All of our weapons that were built to be used against ourselves will be destroyed. The penalties for failure to comply on these demands are very serious. Next point is that there will be no appeals to anything. A decision is a decision, and it is final."

Margi went on for about 20 minutes and Godda held up her hand for Margi to stop. She put her image in everyone's mind and said, "There is a group of people yelling into my thoughts that oppose this and are threatening to launch a weapon. I warned you!" She made up an image of four people being place on the baron planet in the heat and they died. She pointed back to Margi.

We all tried not to laugh as Margi continued, "That was very unfortunate, and I hope all of you see how serious this is. Next point concerns energy.." Margi continued for another twenty minutes and then wrapped up by saying, "That's a summary of the document touching on the main points. We all have our work cut out for us if we want this to succeed. I need to count on each and every one of you. I can't to this by myself. Remember, I'm just like you. When the plans are put into motion, everyone will be notified again. God Bless everyone."

Godda was smiling and said into our minds, "Nice touch on the end honey, now the grand finale." Godda put her image back in everyone's mind and said, "I hope that this will succeed. I want to come to earth and walk in the green grass fields and drink the water in the lakes without hearing about wars, terrorist attacks, and pollution. I want your children's children to be able to say that they are proud of the work that you did to save their homes and this land. I want all of you to learn to live in peace with each other, and stop this endless violence and crime. I can assure you it will stop. The only question is, will you all be here when it does stop. I hope you are, and work together to make it happen."

Godda faded her image and we all were so relieved it was over. Margi said, "Now the hard part starts. I have to make this work. Let me call the Prez first, he's second in command. I'm going to say that he was appointed by God. Godda get ready if he says no."

Margi called the President and the x-President. They were both happy to be part of it. She also called the British prime minister and five other people that we all felt were the right choice. She said to Meg, my mom, "Can you and Arthur keep these guys in line?" She said, "Sure, that's easy. We have all the files. God would love to know about that." We all laughed.

Margi said, "I think that's it for me today. I'm so wiped out." Tara said, "How about dinner at my home? We can displace there right now."


We all went into Margi's office where Chris and a number of others were waiting. Chris said, "That was awesome! You scared the living shit of everyone. Look at the news!" We watched CNN for a while and it really was amazing. People were getting rid of their guns, hugging others in the street, and even terrorists were surrendering to authorities. Most countries were preparing their weapons to be destroyed.

Margi said, "We won. Now we get to do it again in two weeks. We need to figure out who does what there. Tara, you can't be the First One, if you're `Tar', the Supreme Being." Tara started to laugh and said, "We already have the scripts; we'll just alternate parts. Traff runs a very large company there also, so she'll take your role. What a piss. Lets get some dinner. Great work everyone!"

We all held hands and displaced to Tara's home. This place was gorgeous, ultramodern, all glass, and water falls and trees everywhere inside the home. Tara said, "I like nature, what can I say. Come on into the dining room. Tonight it's one of my special recipes. This life form only exists on a few planets. Wait until you taste it."

Tara made a complete meal for us in her mind. We all sat, as Traff and Godda poured us all wine. Tara made a toast, "The addition of all of you to this group has been the best thing that has every happened to us, and the most enjoyable thing that has happened to us in centuries. Your ideas, brilliance, and the way all of you conduct yourselves shows true leadership. I can see why JPSS is as successful as it is. We could sure use some of your advise in the corporate world as well. Cheers everyone."

We all drank and ate. The food was fantastic and tasted completely different from anything we had eaten before. Tara said, "This animal goes back into the design charts. It's useless, but it tastes great. It looks like a cross between a pig and a cow. It started as an accident, so we fixed it. We should have left well enough alone."

Julie said, "We're doing our world next, we'll put it back. Kathy, why don't we use the cloning drugs to mass produce these and displace them to the other worlds?" Tara said, "Like I said, brilliant."

We finished dinner and had some coffee. Tara gave us all some cigarettes from this planet that are different. She said, "They're flavored. It's kind of cool." I lit one up and it was strawberry. Mandy's was blueberry. Margi's was chocolate. It really tasted like the food. Ken said, "New market. This is great. How do they make them?" Tara said, "A small company about a hundred miles from here does it. Stop back tomorrow and I'll introduce you to the owner."

We talked for a few hours and then Tara gave us the tour of the house. It was so neat. She had clear floors that you could see down through as you walked over gardens. It really was a house built around nature.

We said our goodbyes and displaced back to the castle. Everyone got their stuff together and left to go home. Margi hugged all of us and said, "This was a really wild week. If anyone ever found out what really went on, we would most likely find out what hell is all about."

Margi and Alice left to go home and we all sat in the kitchen. Chris and Roberta went to her room, and Allison and Kyle went to Allison's room. Julie, Kathy, Mandy, and me sat at the kitchen table and looked like we were ready to collapse. I poured us all some wine and Mandy lit a cigarette. Julie said, "That was so nerve racking. Can you imagine what this was like for the people who didn't know what was going on? They must be scared shitless. Lets just hope it works. You two interested in a wild and crazy night with two oversexed lesbian she male lovers?"

We all laughed, as Julie kissed me and sat on my lap, and Mandy was leaning on my shoulder. Julie said, "Mandy, Jen's mine for about 10 minutes. She has the most gorgeous big green eyes and Kathy and I have been starring at them all day." Julie opened my blouse and sucked my nipples and then put her hand in my pants and rubbed my clit. Mandy was still leaning on my shoulder, as Julie said, "Jen, loosen up baby. Kathy and I are going to fuck the crap out of both of you tonight."

Kathy moved over and took off my cloths and Julie knelt between my legs and licked my pussy. She did have a terrific tongue. Kathy was sucking my nipples, as Mandy whispered into my ear, "Sweetheart, this is getting me so hot watching you get turned on. Lets turn into Combined and you can sit on my cock and let them drive you crazy." Mandy kissed me and we turned into Combined. Julie and Kathy saw our cocks appear and Julie stood up and said, "Alright! Sex and Fucking! I love it!"

Mandy lay on the kitchen floor and I sat on her cock, straddling her and leaning forward. Julie turned into a Combined and knelt behind me. She spit on my ass to make it wet and pushed her cock into my butt. Kathy put her cock in my mouth and Mandy rubbed my cock, as she fucked my pussy. I was out of my mind in pleasure. Julie hammered her cock into my ass, and then pushed it into my pussy along with Mandy's. They fucked me together, as I sucked Kathy's cock for about a half hour and then we all shot our cum. My ass and pussy were filled, and so was my mouth. I swallowed all of it, and then I started to shoot also. Julie knelt down at my side and she gave me a great deep throat blowjob. Mandy got so turned on watching Julie suck my cock. She was telling me in her mind how much she wanted to do it to me all night.

We all got up and Mandy took my hand, as we went up to our bedroom. Kathy and Julie really did fuck the crap out of us. They both fucked my ass at the same time, while Mandy fucked my pussy, and rubbed my cock to make me cum. I'm not even sure what I was saying I was so incoherent. Then we did the exact same thing to each of us. They fucked Mandy's ass, while I hammered her pussy. Mandy and I did it together in Julie's ass, and then Kathy's. We finished in a four way 69 chain, sucking each other's cock and pussy. I made us all feel like our G-spots were being rubbed so we all blasted off together.

We paired up again and Mandy and I were in heat. We turned back into normal and ate each other's pussy for hours, right next to Julie and Kathy doing the same thing. We could all hear each other moaning, slurping, and swallowing. We shared a common fantasy for a while and it was so wild. Kathy had us all doing it with Tara in her house next to one of the waterfalls. They had me getting gang banged and I loved every second of it. Mandy was getting so hot watching me in the fantasy. She licked me harder and faster than she ever had. After I orgasmed into Mandy's mouth she said into my mind, "Sweetheart, I was so hot watching you baby. When we go back there we are going to fuck Tara and we are both going to do it to you just like in our fantasy."

I had a huge mouthful of Mandy's thick pussy cum and I moved to lay next to her and kissed her softly. I put my lips on hers and pushed my tongue into her mouth and then pushed in all of the juices. When she tasted it she opened her mouth wide and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me on top of her. We kissed and swallowed for over 20 minutes. I whispered into her ear, "You liked that didn't you? Come on Mandy, I know you liked it. Tell me honey. Tell me how much you like to swallow our juices. I like it too baby." Mandy smiled at me and said really loud, "Sweetheart, I love swallowing the juice and cum from our cunts. It's great!" She kissed me again, as Julie and Kathy were laughing.

We took a break and lit a cigarette, as Ruffles came into the bedroom and jumped on the bed. He looked at us and said, "Rood. Ruffles reeds rood." Mandy and I laughed and she said, "Okay Ruffles. We'll get you some food. Does Snuffy need some too?" Ruffles said, "Res." Julie and Kathy were laughing, as we went downstairs to give them more food and water.

I said, "This is great that they can finally tell us what they need. We forgot to feed them yesterday and today." Mandy said, "Chris feed them. They just pigged out and wanted more. I'll leave out a box of Cheerios on the floor also. That way they won't wake us up for breakfast." Ruffles saw the box of Cheerios and said, "Ranks Man." Mandy said, "Did you teach him to say that? The Man part?" I said, "Nope, not me. Check with the kids. Sounds like a Chris thing." Mandy said, "Ruffles, who told you to say Man." Ruffles and Snuffy laughed at us and walked away. Mandy said, "It's got to be Chris."

We went back to our bedroom and Julie was laughing again. She said, "Thanks Man", as Kathy started to laugh also. Mandy said, "It was you. Wait until you have a planet and it's Thank Jul, Jul Damn it, Oh my Jul, Jul bless you." Julie laughed even harder. Mandy said to me, "Where were we? Oh yeah, I was telling you how much I loved to eat your pussy." Mandy lay in a 69 position with me and she sucked me so good, as I did her. We eat each other until we each orgasmed two more times. Then we lay together with our arms and legs wrapped around each other, and fell asleep.

Mandy and I woke up from Julie and Kathy snoring. It was so loud. We laughed and they didn't hear us. We put a pillow over our head and that didn't help. Mandy said into my mind, "read my thoughts", as she made them stop snoring in her mind. We laughed again and then fell back to sleep.

We woke up at 10, and Julie and Kathy were already up. We kissed and caressed each other for a few minutes, and then had a cigarette in bed. Mandy said to me, "Lets go to the planet this morning and check it out." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to Mandy, as she pulled me out of bed. I held her hand as we went into the bathroom. Mandy sat on the toilet and I stood up. She said, "What if it's you?" I said, "I can't be. I'll disconnect from you." It was me and I rushed to sit down. Mandy was laughing so hard she had a tear in her eyes. We honestly couldn't tell what feelings were coming from who.

We showered, dressed and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Julie and Kathy were already eating and they made us some food in their minds. I said, "We're going to check on the planet today as soon as we finish eating. You two want to come? We have about twenty stops of make there." Kathy said, "Yeah, sure."

We all eat and then had some coffee and a cigarette. Mandy got up and said, "I know it's me this time, because we aren't connected", as she went into the bathroom. Julie laughed and said, "It's like that with us too. We just can't tell."

Mandy came back into the kitchen and we all held hands and displaced to the planet's first coordinates. We couldn't believe how much it changed. The village was all wood and straw huts now. The people saw us appear and started to bow to us. One of them stood and yelled to the others in their own language, "It's Man. Man is here." Mandy told the people to rise and they all greeted her. They were all different people, but because of the memory change we made the knowledge was retained.

They had a fire going and one of them was cooking rabbit on a wooden scourer. One person was ill so we healed her, and the bowing started all over again. Kathy examined a few of the people and found that they were much stronger than normal women. We guessed it was because there weren't any men. The village had a leader and she spoke to us at length. Their vocabulary increased by a multiple of at least ten. The woman asked us if we came from one of the lights in the sky at night. Mandy said, "Yes. That one over there", and pointed to it. We walked to the next village and it was the same. Everyone recognized Mandy and me, and called her `Man'. One person asked Mandy in their own language, "Did you create us?" She looked at me and said, "Yes. I am the creator." Kathy and Julie examined the people of this village and Julie healed two people who had a high fever.

We went to eighteen more coordinates on the planet. One of them was significantly more advanced. The women had started a primitive school for the children. They were also much more organized. The leader was a true leader. She and Mandy had a conversation about how she managed the people in the village. The leader said, "I don't manage them. They contribute and we are like one family." Mandy smiled and said to us in our minds, "A born leader. This is our first stop each time now." Mandy talked for a while with the leader and asked her to teach her children to do what she does.

We walked around and played with some of the animals. I still can't get over how the wildest animals all cuddle up to us. It's like they know we started life here. Mandy and I rolled around on the ground with 4 lions that were all licking us and playing with us. We wrestled with one and were laughing. Then they rolled over and wanted us to scratch their stomachs.

Mandy said, "Look over there", as she pointed to a hill. There was a wood structure being built that was way more advanced than any of the villages. We walked up the hill and spoke to the three people that were building it. They were using hand stone axes to cut the logs and interlock them like a log cabin. They also had a large vocabulary and one asked Mandy if she was Man. Mandy said, "Yes." She also healed one of them that had a broken arm that never healed correctly. We waved goodbye and displaced back home.

Mandy was so excited, as she said, "I have to tell the others. Do you realize how far advanced they got in just a few weeks here on earth?" Mandy spoke to Tara, Godda, and Traff in our minds. They all thought the advancement was because of the reuse to the memory and couldn't believe what we saw.

Chris was calling all of us in her mind and said, "Displace to the work planet if you have time. We have something everyone should see."

We all held hands and displaced to the house on the work planet. Everyone was there within minutes and Chris said come into the knowledge center. We made a few additions to the knowledge workstations. First, we isolated part of the powers in our minds. We can give someone just the ability to read thoughts to tell if someone is lying, or is telling the truth. We downloaded that specific knowledge to a small neutral computer and watch what it does. Mandy say two things. The first make it a lie."

Mandy said, "I'm a famous basketball player." The computer said, "Doctor Mandy Edwards has lied. She is not a basketball player. She doesn't know how to play the game. She has a PhD in computer science and medical sciences, and is classified as an entrepreneur and a musician. Shall I continue?" Then Mandy said, "I love Jen with all my heart." The computer didn't say anything and a small green light went on. Chris said, "Meet the new Judge in every court room." Margi said, "Halleluiah. We get to fire the lawyers too. How easy is it to make theses computers? We'll need thousands." Chris said, "We made this one from our minds. It's real easy. I'm working on the rehabilitation lessons on these also, then we'll mass produce them. We should be done by tonight." Tara said, "Amazing. Simply amazing."

Allison said, "That's not really why we asked you here. We added several options to the knowledge system, and I think you are all going to be surprised. The entire thing will take all of us together about 20 minutes. Everyone take a seat. We can have up to 5 on one station now."

We all sat at the stations and Allison said, "There are several new options on the menu. Select load human knowledge into the system, and it will run for about 10 minutes." We selected it and felt nothing happening, other than the computers were flashing screens faster than any one could even recognize what was on them. It finished and Chris said, "All of the knowledge that was in each of us that wasn't in the central database, is now there also. It is categorized by the same categories as before, other than we also added one called sex, under the love section and a new category called personal data. Now we are going to select, Knowledge transfer update. This will transfer into each of us only the items that are not in our memory. It's just a typical database application, but using our minds as the client side database. Select it now."

We all selected the menu item and felt thousands of new things being added to each of our memories. This was truly amazing. It finished and we all knew the truth about the beginning. We all looked at Tara and she said, "What? Something wrong?" I said to Chris, "Does this also scrape the knowledge from the imprints that may have been left in our minds. The memory clearing problem?" She said, "Yeah, I guess it does. That explains it, doesn't it?"

I said, "Tara, this information came from the memory imprint in your mind. You just can't remember it. Chris can you project what we all saw?" We all watched a pure energy based life form start a cataclysmic explosion that created the universe, the stars, and the planets. The energy life form started life on one planet and used the slightly primitive people to help construct the first computers that looked similar to what we were using. Then the energy life form was fully absorbed into the leader of the planet. We watched the tree of succession and rebirths of the soul. The energy went with it and ended up in Tara. She then became the keeper of the life computers as a child, and by the time she was an adult had reprogrammed them. The energy life form left her body and spoke to her telling her that he was dieing, and that it was up to her to be the Guardian of life and humanity.

Tara watched the images with us and said "I remember it now. I really was the First One. I can remember how it felt as we shared by mind for years, and he told me how to create the programs, and rebuilt the neural computers. He taught me everything and also brought me to this planet when I worked. Oh, this is scary stuff. I had no idea."

Tara had tears in her eyes and we all hugged her one at a time. She cried on Godda's shoulder. Chris said, "Hey, you have us now. We'll get this place automated and fix everything. We love to solve problems." Tara was still crying and said, "I know Chris. Thank you so much."

Chris was asking us questions about which lessons a person needs based on the laws that they broke. We all were making suggestions and she did some coding work for about 5 minutes. She said, "Ready for my magic trick? Wah-lah."

We watched a very small hand held computer be formed on one of the desks. Chris said, "We should test it. This is judge, jury, punishment, and rehab, all in one. The punishment simulates hell for as long as you program it to run. I set the max at 100 years, but we could add to it if we need to. The person will vegetate, while their mind thinks they are burning and breathing noxious gases. Also the body temperature will raise every hour by a degree or two, and then go back down to normal. That should be effective. I think the court, judge, lawyer, jury, prison, rehab, and sentencing problem is solved."

Tara said, "Unbelievable. Margi, try it on the first few court cases. Read their minds to verify that it works. This could save one of the other planets which is in real trouble."

Chris said, "Tara, one more thing, Godda's sex skills are in here also. We all have them now." Everyone laughed, as we searched our minds and got so hot seeing what was in there now. Mandy took my hand and squeezed and said to me, "We're going to bed when we get back honey."

We displaced back to the castle with Chris and company, and the hand held computer. Only five minutes had gone by on earth since we left. Mandy and I went back to bed and had the most amazing sex we ever had before. We both decided we were going to call Godda, God, no matter what she said after this night. We now had knowledge of every single nerve and feeling in the sexual system. It was unreal.


Margi sent the 20 page letter to the press and every newspaper printed it as a special addition, with nothing else in it. It was on every news station and being discussed in every nation around the world.

Margi got the new leaders together with all of us the next day and we started making the changes immediately. She said to the group, "God gave me this device. It's some kind of computer that has part of her thoughts in it. It's to be used in our court system. Watch it work. One of you lie to it." One of them said, "I have never taken a bribe." The computer said, "That is incorrect. You have taken 157 bribes. The last one was from Doctor Jonathan Murphy to support his hospital program. Shall I continue?"

They all tried it and Margi said, "I guess that means it works. It also provides the rehab lessons and the punishment. You don't want to try that part of it. There will be one in every court room, and police station around the world."

Margi said, "This list of agencies gets closed down. That includes the state governments also. They are useless. Close every office except those that provide aid to people in need. Drop all business immediately, but keep the people on payroll. We will need every one of them for the other programs. No one will be without a job that wants one. Transfer the government treasury operations to be under our CFO. In six months we will be running all of this without any taxes, anywhere. Also, remove all debts for each foreign country. We are all one now. We will also convert all currencies to the US dollar, but call it the Earth Dollar. We'll use the US mint to produce it."

Margi continued, "Bob, can you contact the churches to see if they want to be part of our charity programs? I think they just may say yes now. All of you have a region of the globe; make sure each area has an infrastructure to support the programs. Those that don't, lets discuss it next week and put together a plan. I know we may have trouble getting the money from the middle eastern countries into the new treasury. If it's a problem, let me know and I'll ask God to pay them a special visit." Everyone smiled at that remark.

Margi went on for hours. When she got to the legal system, Alice was laughing when Margi said, "There will be no lawsuits. Period! Anything pending is killed. All limitations of liability, remedies, and all the legal mumbo jumbo that we all know too well, is over forever. All judges will only judge. No more different court systems. There is only one. We all know the laws. It's easy. There are no other ones to confuse everybody. If the judges don't want to judge, then offer them a position somewhere else. Save twenty of the pending criminal cases, and we will run them through the new system. My guess is that each one will take minutes, instead of months. If anyone complains that they should be grand fathered under the old laws, just tell them that they shouldn't have committed the crime to begin with. I also want a detailed list of every prisoner in every jail along with what their crimes were. Punishments for crimes that are no longer illegal will be dismissed. Have all prisons and parole boards prepare this list within two weeks and have a couple hundred judges ready to review the lists, in every region. The prisoners will be rehabilitated or dealt with otherwise, and the prisons will be converted for the real punishment given out by God. Try spending 100 years with your mind and body thinking you are in hell burning, breathing gases, and your body temperature rising. I think that's what prison is going to be all about now. It also won't cost us nearly what it does now. No TV, no food, no telephones, and no air conditioning, only catheters, IV needles, drip bags to keep people alive, and a small staff. I don't think there will ever be any repeat offenders, as they get to go the real place on the second trip."

Margi said, "There will be a new education system, using computers that transfer knowledge into our minds. When God provides it to me, we will all get a chance to see how it works. The end result is, no taxes are needed for school systems. The entire educational process will take less than 4 weeks to get an equivalent of a college degree. Maybe another 4 weeks for doctoral graduate level. The schools will be converted to teach the arts and humanities, which are sorely lacking now. Maybe a two year program at a certain age. I also think they should be used to host social events and sporting programs for kids."

Margi ended the meeting by saying, "We have a lot of work to do to make all of this happen in six months. I really need your help. Please, don't let me and everyone on this planet down. I'm also going to release a statement about the changes tomorrow. Be prepared for a lot of scared people. Just try to calm them down. Grace, I know there are a lot of notes here from today, but can you and Mary try to get out a set of minutes by tomorrow morning to everyone? Get as much help as you need."

After the leaders left we all hung around and Margi said in our minds, "We are actually going to fucking pull this off." We all smiled as the CFO was still trying to figure out what to do with the Federal budget. Margi said, "They have hundreds of people there that can answer that. They work for you now. Get over there and figure it out." Margi said into our minds, "This may be over his head. Do any of you have anyone else in mind if we need it?" Mandy said back to Margi in her mind, "Give him a chance. Lets see what he has next week. You're too hyper Mom. Chill out a little." We all started to laugh, as Mandy made a scrunched nose face at Margi and Ken said, "The job's definitely going to her head. Margi, God and Chief Galactic Commander."

Mandy and I lit a cigarette, as we listened to several updates on other things. Mandy held my hand under the table and was rubbing her finger over my palm. I said into her mind only, "I bet you want to rub that finger in my pussy. Don't you sweetheart?" Mandy said back to just me in my mind, "I want to rub it in and out, and then make you cum all over it, so I can lick it." We looked at each other and smiled, as we listened to the rest of the boring meeting.

Margi got a call in the boardroom from the President and Grace picked it up. Margi took it and said, "Yeah, sure. We can be there in about an hour. I'll have God give me a lift. We'll test it out today." Margi said, "We have to adjourn for today. We'll pick this up next week." Then she said into all of our minds, "Meet me in my office."

We all went into Mandy's office and she said, "We are going to try out the hand held computer on real court cases. Why don't all of you come, just use the invisible thing so no one sees you. We'll dismiss the jury and you can sit there. If anyone sees a chair move, I'll just say God sent some of the `others' to watch."

We made ourselves invisible to everyone, and displaced to the courthouse in San Francisco. We waited until no one was around and Margi and Alice made themselves visible. It was such a blast with people not being able to see us. Ken was a riot. He burped and farted behind some old lady and everyone thought she did it. We tried so hard not to laugh. We followed Margi as she talked to the security guard so we could walk through the metal detectors. They were beeping and the guard looked at it and just shrugged his shoulders. Margi met with two appeals court judges that were so confused about what to do now. Margi knew one of them personally. She pulled her aside and said, "Janie, don't worry about a thing. You will be a big part of the new program." Margi explained the device and asked her to dismiss the jury and just bring the defendant up to the bench in each of the cases, read the charges and ask the question if they committed the crime.

We all went into the courtroom and the judge dismissed the jury and we took their seats. Margi was introduced to the court and the lawyers all objected. Margi said, "Where have you been the past week? On Mars? Sit down and shut up!" The judge laughed and we all read her mind. She was thinking, "I wanted to say that for years. Margi, you are an angel."

The judge called the defendant to the bench and the lawyer objected, so she had him removed from the court. Janie read the charges and said, "Did you do this. Answer the question. Not answering will be the same as admitting your guilt." It was a murder trial and the defendant said, "I didn't do it." The computer green light went on and it said, "Jacob Musse is telling the truth. He did not commit this crime." We all read his mind and I said into Margi's mind, "Ask him if he knows who did it?" Margi said, "Jacob, do you know who committed the crime you were charged with?" Jacob said, "No, I do not." The computer red light went on and said, "Jacob is not telling the truth. He knows that Larry Welsh committed the crime. He also witnessed it." Jacob starting crying and told the judge that Larry Welsh had threatened to kill his entire family if he told anyone. The judge made a phone call and said, "You're free to go."

We sat through 12 more cases and all were guilty. The judge had them remanded to the hold cell until later today. Then they brought in Larry Welsh. They formally charged him with two of the new laws. The judge asked him it he did it and he said, "No I didn't do any of that shit." The computer said, "Larry Welsh is lying. He committed all of the crimes as charged and over 63 more. Shall I administer the punishment now? Please select, say, or think yes, or no, and the term." Margi thought yes, 100 years. We watched this asshole scream lying the floor, rolling around trying to put out the fire on this body, that was really only in his mind. The judge looked at Margi and said, "Very effective deterrent. You can use the court room video if you want to show it to others. What about the rehab?" Margi said, "When the punishment is over. Send him to a prison and make sure they keep him on IV's so he stays alive. You want to try it with the others you sent into the holding cell?" Janie smiled and said, "I would love to Margi. I'm going to really like this new job."

We watched the judge administer the punishment to the other 12. One was only for armed robbery so she only got 30 years. Ten minutes could be unbearable. Another one was petty theft so she did the rehab right there in the court room, and then sentenced him to 1 year probation. The rehab only took twenty minutes. The person cried the whole time afterward apologizing for what he did. The judge said, "This is wonderful. Crime will be stopped in 6 months."

The judge through 6 cases out as they were not illegal activities any longer. One was for not being able to afford to pay car insurance. Margi and Janie laughed at it, but it was a crime in the old laws.

The judge and Margi were heading out so we all followed really close behind her. Mandy kept pinching Margi's ass as we walked. We tried so hard not to laugh, as Margi kept acting like she was being stung by a bee. She said into our minds, "I'll use the fucking computer on you Mandy. Fucking stop it! I don't do this to you when you're on stage." Mandy said, "Yes you do. Remember the concert three months ago in Seattle?" Margi said into our minds, "All right we're even. I'm sorry. Now please stop honey, my ass hurts."

Margi turned around and smiled at us, as we all walked through the security and left the building. Margi and Alice made themselves invisible to everyone and we displaced back to the office. We made ourselves visible again and we all laughed so hard. Margi and Mandy hugged and Margi said, "I love you honey. How you can keep your cool through all of this is beyond me."

Chris said, "It looks like it all worked. Allison and I are going to the work planet to check that the database was updated with all of the data about each of the actions that took place in the courtroom. The master computer is actually regulating the punishments. So if anyone thinks that they can just smash the hand held units to stop it, it will make no difference. Plus it works across worlds. In the future we may have people that commit crimes on one planet and leave to go to another planet to hide. This stops that also. We also are going to correct the backup procedures for the master system. This would be a disaster if we lost the database and the punishments all stopped before we were ready for the people to enter rehab. Grandma, Allison and I are also almost done with the workstation that will be used in schools. All we need to do is review the curriculum and for you to tell us what you want in it, or removed. We'll give you a list of the questions we have. See ya later. You did good today!"

Chris and Allison displaced to the work planet and Margi said, "They really are amazing."


To use Margi's words, the next six months were truly amazing.

We created 29 new planets. We all have one. Mine was right after Julie's and we picked a planet in the same solar system as Mandy's. It's actually on the same orbit as hers, on the exact opposite side of the sun. We figured that they would eventually discover each other, and it would be a good marriage. We did make a few changes to my planet and accelerated some of the evolutionary process again. The worlds are now progressing at exactly the same rates, and will mature at the same time. Mandy and I already picked out and area on both planets where we are going to put a home. She even put a small stake in the ground with a sign that said, "Future home of Man and Jen." Everyone laughed at us.

We formed an educational task force made up some of the most brilliant minds on earth that were involved in education. Chris and Allison were obviously part of it, so were most of us. They finished the workstations and we ended up with a really great program. The first two years of school is social skills only. Then all kids take the first knowledge transfer program. It takes two months and have a high school degree. The rest of the year is spent on the arts. The next year each student selects specialization areas. They then take a masters program using the knowledge transfer system and are assigned a project. The following two years are the same but for a doctorate. There are over 8,000 categories to get a PhD. We know all of them. The brightest of the students also get the option of working with us in one of the many research programs we have underway. We put the program in place for all of those already in school and so far we have accepted about 20 kids, and they are almost as bright as Chris and Allison. All 20 completed all of the programs in less than 2 months. We also have given them considerable more knowledge than anyone else. Max was right. The future is with the kids. Following the educational curriculum, the schools run sports activities, host activities for the kids, and work on their social skills.

All of Margi's plans were completed a month ahead of schedule. The company is profitable and paying for all of the government activities as well. We distributed a share of stock to everyone on the planet. They can also buy more if they want too. Last week, Margi officially stopped all taxes, and there was a world wide celebration that lasted for two days. The only ones that were pissed off were the staff that worked at the IRS. Margi now has them working as accountants. We're not so sure that was a good idea.

The court systems are unclogged and we converted some into family courts, where someone can mediate family problems, provide counseling, or rehab from the computer if needed. The press ran the video from the court cases under the new system that was taped when we first used the computer. The effects were worldwide. Crime almost stopped. From what we can tell now, most crimes are being done by career criminals or people who have a mental disorder. The rehab fixes it completely. Police are now focusing on helping the communities. Most of them don't even carry weapons any longer. The biggest change is that there is no DMV, and no enforcement of traffic laws. Surprisingly, there are much fewer accidents, as people are much more cautious. Margi also had the International Transportation division create new signs for roads that made it a lot easy for people who were traveling.

The real business that was JPSS is booming beyond anyone's wildest dreams. People have more leisure time and more money. Thanks to Melissa's advertising, they spend a big portion of it with us knowing that it makes their stock go up and that they will not need to pay any taxes. Melissa really hit home with that on the commercials. We all still say that she is having way too much fun.

The biggest selling drugs now are the Pharma-Forever drug and the SexMed- Combined. What a surprise.

We got Kon's group involved in the operations of the company. They are now involved with everything from relations between regions, to managing some of the projects. Kon said to us, "God was really pissed. Why didn't she do that 65,000 years ago?" Margi said, "Got me. I'll ask her." We all smiled at each other.

We opened a new business for hand held knowledge systems pre-programmed to certain courses. These are aimed at adults that already went through school. Sales are in the billions and they have only been out three months. One of the best sellers is the sex one.

The teleportation project is almost complete and people use it like taking a taxi. It literally takes under 20 minutes from when you park your car at the LA airport building to go to anywhere on earth. Passports and papers are obviously not needed. Neither is any security.

We started a space defense program and that was something that Tara and Godda insisted on. They know of a race that travels throughout the Galaxy and has invaded several planets. We used the main computer on the work planet to design it and had Chris present it to the division now headed by NASA. We plan on deploying it on every one of our planets when it is completed. It will be fully automated, but will allow us to override it from the work planet if something goes wrong. Tara was smiling from ear to ear.

We took our show on the road for the other four planets that were in trouble. Margi couldn't be involved because of the amount of work needed here. It worked like a charm on three of the planets. The fourth was a challenge. Tara actually sent about 400 people to a real hell smoldering rock planet and let 399 of them die. The last one became a poster child for what not to do. She kept him on display in an area for everyone see it while he suffered. She said to us, "It's better to loose four hundred than four hundred million." All four hundred had nuclear weapons and they were all threatening to release them unless `Tra' backed down. It was Traff's planet. They eventually came around just like the others. It just took more convincing. We decided to download the love knowledge to all of the other planets, before they got out of hand. We each addressed the people just like Godda did, except it was very friendly and non-threatening. The people loved it and then each of us made an appearance at the planets.

Kathy got the cloning drug working in production for the animal we named the Pigow. We displaced over 10,000 to earth and had a group clone them also. We told everyone it was a gift from God. In the past month it has out sold beef and chicken. We love it.

Godda and Tara addressed everyone on earth at exactly the six month mark. Godda said in everyone's mind, "I am so happy you fixed your problems. Please, don't let it go the other way. You have a world that I am very proud of, and I am very proud of each one of you. You all have discovered the secrets of life. Support Margi, and your planet. I will be talking to everyone again soon, and welcoming you to meet with other worlds."

Chris and Allison had developed another hand held computer that will replace the teleportation clusters. It uses our displacement technology. She has it programmed to only go to earth, but we could easily change it to go to anywhere we can go. She wanted to make good on Godda's promise to visit other worlds, without giving away all of the secrets. Tara just keeps calling Chris and Allison amazing.

Mandy keeps calling Chris her kid, although they almost look like identical twins now. Chris kissed me the other day, and I could have sworn it was Mandy. Chris said to me afterwards, "Fooled you didn't I? I love your green eyes Jen. You and my mom want to make love with me and Roberta? It will be like watching two twins lick each other's pussy. You can get in that, can't you?" I was so wet. Mandy and I did make love with them and it was just like Chris said it would be. We had one orgasm after another, all night.

Chris and Allison finally each created a planet. They both modeled the life after Mandy's and mine and added a few things. People are born with some of the basic knowledge including the use of tools, fire, and construction methods. We are waiting to see how this effects development. Tara bet us all a quarter that Chris's world will out pace ours by a factor of 20 to 1. We took the bet, but know she's probably right.

All of us have become worldwide figures. We were all known before, but now it's incredible. Margi has a televised spot every morning for 5 minutes. She didn't want to do it, but people were begging us to put it on. She has used it as almost a pep rally. She gives brief updates and encourages everyone, and congratulates all those that succeeded in something. She runs it right from her office and Melissa said it's the highest Neilson ratings for any show, ever. We bust Margi's chops all the time and I call her Mr. Rogers. Yesterday she threw a crumpled up paper at me and called me Ken. Mandy laughed so hard she wet her pants.

Our retirement was short lived. We now are working full time again, as much as we didn't want to, but are really enjoying it. We still play in the band, and so do the kids. It's a great hobby. We even performed on one of the other worlds. It was a sell out and we used Traff's company to distribute the music. She's using the money to help kill taxes and told everyone it was a gift from Ore, as it was Oren's planet. Ken set up an Entertainment division for her also, and taught the people how to run it. Musically, we are light years ahead of any of the other worlds. We were so surprised.

Roberta finally presented her new drug to us after Max helped her to discover it. She actually took it a step farther than any of the knowledge we had. Since there is no FDA the way it was, we are doing our own clinical studies. The drug prevents any viruses from making you sick, including the common cold. It's also a vitamin. We all got an injection of it two weeks ago for a life long effect.

Yesterday we presented a plan we all worked on together to Tara and the group of how to improve the economies of the other planets. Some of the planets were really hurting and one was on the brink of a depression. We are going to duplicate parts of the original JPSS and train the people to run it, as well as introduce several other industries that didn't exist there. We are also going to give the drugs to these companies. None of the other planets have what we have in technology, medicine, transportation, or numerous other things. We are using this to create jobs and create revenue for the company that also runs the government. Tara said, "Once we get them up to speed, lets merge the companies together from the planets, allow people to travel between them, and Margi, you get to run all of it." Margi almost fainted and then said, "Take your time on fixing the economy. I need a vacation bad."

Mandy and I are home in the castle today and really enjoying some quite time together. We just finished breakfast with Julie and Kathy and just the two of us are taking out the boat. Julie said, "Sure I can't convince you two to let us go along for the ride?" Mandy said, "Yeah you came come, but you have to promise to leave us alone and let us make love at our favorite spot on the lake. My sweetheart and I really need some time to be together. Deal?" Kathy smiled and said, "Deal. Julie, lets get our stuff. We'll meet you one the boat."

Ruffles came up to us and said, "Ran Re Ro Roo?" Mandy said, "Ruffles, we love you, but you can't go this time. Next time. I promise." Ruffles said, "Rokay", and walked away with Snuffy. Mandy put her head on my shoulders and said, "I feel so bad not taking them also. It's so hard now that they can talk to us. I feel like such a shit." I said, "Ruffles. Come over here." He walked over and I said, "How come you two want to go on the boat?" Ruffles said, "Rex, rots rof rex." Snuffy laughed and they walked away. Mandy said, "No shit. The fucking dogs are voyeurs. No wonder they like the boat, we fuck on the deck. We need rehab training for dogs baby. That's Chris's next project."

I lit a cigarette and Mandy took a drag. She blew out the smoke and put her arms around me saying, "Lets go cruising honey. I can't wait to hold you in my arms on the deck of the boat." We walked outside to the dock and Kathy and Julie were already on the boat. We untied the ropes on the dock and pushed it off. Julie fired up the engine and we were off. We went up to the bridge and told Julie where to go, as we watched the fish finder. She turned into our favorite inlet and stopped in a secluded area by the rocks, and dropped the anchor. Julie said, "Mandy, look at the fish finder." We all looked and the catfish were huge. Mandy put her arms around me and said, "How about we let Julie and Kathy fish, while we fuck honey. They can fish out back, and we'll fuck out front." Julie was laughing and said, "Mandy, you need it bad. We won't bother you. Have fun." Mandy and I went to our cabin and took our Oscar kit on went to the deck in the front of the boat. We laid out two blankets, a pillow, and undressed. Then we poured two glasses of wine and I lit a cigarette. I took a drag and held in the smoke and handed it to Mandy. She put it in her lips and inhaled twice, and then blew the smoke out slowly. She kissed me and drank some of our wine. We made toast after toast to each other, and were getting silly, but that's what we both really needed. We both took another drag of the cigarette and Mandy put it out in an ashtray. She kissed me and said, "Come here honey. I need you so bad."

We lay down on the blanket and pillow and kissed, caressing each other and sharing our thoughts. I rubbed her clit and she rubbed mine and we sucked each other's nipples. I felt her warm lips touch my nipple and then her saliva coat it. She flicked her tongue over it and sucked gently, as I melted in her arms. We moved to a 69 position on our sides and Mandy and I slowly licked each other, touching every nerve sensitive area that we learned from Godda. We both came like a tidal wave in minutes and then we each sucked in the thick pussy cum juice in our mouths, swallowed, and started to lick again. We did this over and over again for hours. I held Mandy's pussy to my mouth with my arms around her ass. She did the same to me as we shared our feelings and thoughts together. I said into her mind, "Okay, I'll do you first." Mandy smiled at me as we both turned into a Combined.

She lay on her back and I pushed my cock into her pussy. Mandy wrapped her arms around my back, and her legs around my ass, as we fucked. I hammered into her all the way in and then out. She was saying in my mind, "Harder honey. It feels so good. Fuck me the way you like it." Our lips were locked kissing and dancing our tongues together, as Mandy said into our minds, "That's it baby. Oh does that feel good. I'm going to do the exact same thing to you. Oh yeah, don't stop. Cum in me. I want to feel your warm cum shoot into my pussy."

Mandy and I fucked and fucked, for over two hours. I came in her two times and was ready for a third when she said in my mind, "Honey, let we suck you now and make you blast off. I'll share it with you and then it's your turn." I lay on my back and Mandy knelt by my side, leaned over and sucked my cock into her mouth. She made it so my pussy felt like my G-spot was rubbing and I orgasmed from my pussy within a few seconds and it didn't stop. She sucked my cock deeper in her mouth and then rubbed it also. I jerked forward and basted a load of cum into Mandy's mouth. She said into my mind, "I love this baby. Oh, do I love this. Keep squirting into me." I squirted my cum into her 9 more times as I blasted off. Mandy sucked the last bit of cum out of me and then lay between my legs and sucked some of my pussy cum in her mouth also. Mandy lay on top of me, as I opened my lips. She put her lips over mine and let all the cum drip into my mouth, as we kissed. I went wild and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her so hard as we swallowed. She said into my mind, "I love it too baby. Mmmm, you taste so good. Swallow it with me and let me fuck you now. I want to make you feel like I feel."

We swallowed, and swallowed again, and then kissed, licking and sucking each other's tongue. Mandy put her cock into my pussy and I wrapped my legs around her, and she fucked me as hard as she could. I loved every second of it. We went for hours, as Mandy came in me three times and then I sucked her off the same way she did it to me when she was getting to tired to keep going. I gave her the best blow job. I teased until she was begging me to make her cum, as I made her pussy flow like Niagara falls. Mandy shot her cum in my mouth and held my head to her as she bucked so hard she lifted off of the deck. I held her and sucked her cock, as squirt after squirt of warm cum was flowing into my mouth. We shared our thoughts the whole time and Mandy was in absolute paradise right now, as she blasted off. I sucked up some of her pussy cum and she pulled me to her lips and sucked it all out of my mouth as we kissed.

We turned ourselves back to normal and lay on our sides telling each other how much we loved each other, and kissed for about 20 minutes. I lit a cigarette and took two drags and held in the smoke. I put it in Mandy's lips and she inhaled a few times and blew the smoke out in the wind. We lay back on our sides together and ran our hands through each other's hair sharing the cigarette. Julie poked her head around the corner of the deck and said, "Is it safe to come up here yet?" Mandy and I laughed and I said, "Julie, it's never safe with us. What's up?" She said, "Stand up and look at the wench."

We both stood up and had our mouths hanging open. They caught two catfish both larger than the huge one that Mandy caught. Julie said, "You two were so into it, you didn't even hear us screaming. Want some wine? We're half in the bag." I yelled, "Hey Kathy, get some more wine and join us!"

Mandy and I sat up and shared the cigarette. Julie and Kathy poured us some wine and they took off they cloths also. We all sat together drinking, and talking, while Mandy and I caressed each other, and Julie and Kathy did the same thing. I said to Mandy, "A quarter says that both fish together weight over 2800 pounds." She said, "Your on. They're not that big." Julie and Kathy made her the same bet.

Mandy said, "Tell me when we get close to the marina. Jen and I have some serious cunt lapping to do now." Julie laughed as Mandy moved into a 69 position with me and we started all over again. I was on fire. Julie and Kathy put on their cloths and headed the boat towards the marina, as we orgasmed and then made each other feel like our G-spots were being rubbed again. It was liked Niagara falls for each of us again. I swallowed so much I was full. We both stopped and laughed at each other. Our faces were coated with pussy cum. We licked it off each other and kissed. Julie yelled, "Get dressed and get out 3 quarters!"

We got dressed and I lit a cigarette as we pulled into the marina. Chuck, the manager, greeted us as usual and then saw the fish. He flipped. Mandy said in our minds, "Don't tell him where we caught them. That's our secret spot that is totally deserted. Tell him in the deep area again if he asks."

He didn't ask. He just said, "That deep water fishing is great. Lets weight them." He had the first one at 13 and half feet and 1,468 pounds and the second at 14 feet and 1,562 pounds. He said, "That's 3,030 pounds of catfish. Holy shit. Want me to call the caterer?" Julie said, "Thanks, but we're going to cook it ourselves this time. Let me help you string them back up." We all pretended to help, but actually used our minds to do it, making it really simple. We got some fuel in the boat and headed back to the castle. Mandy and I stood on the bridge with the wind blowing our hair and it felt great. We held each other and kissed the whole way back.

Kathy tied the boat to the dock, and Julie put both fish on the dock with her mind. She cleaned them the same way. We had a large open pit grill built last year, and Julie and Kathy light a huge fire with their minds in the pit, then put scourers through the fish, and put it over the fire rotating. Julie said, "What kind of seasoning should we use?" Mandy said, "Surprise us." Julie blocked out her mind and added a bunch of stuff. We went into the house while Julie and Kathy stayed outside on the veranda watching the fish cook.

Mandy and I went into the kitchen and I put my arms around her. I said, "Sweetheart, I love taking our boat rides." She smiled and kissed me saying into our minds, "Baby, I love it too. Mmmm, I can still taste our pussy juices on your tongue. I'm getting so hot again honey. Finger my cunt and let me lick it." I moved my hand down to Mandy's shorts and unbuttoned them. I put my hand in her crotch and pushed two fingers into her wet pussy. I moved them around, as Mandy was moaning into my mind. I took my hand out and Mandy pulled it to her mouth and sucked each finger and licked it. She said into our minds, "I know that got you as hot as I am. I'll do it to you also. Do me again honey."

Mandy undid my shorts and fingered me, as I fingered her. We kissed and sucked each other's fingers in our mouths as we kept on kissing. I was on fire. I pulled Mandy's shorts down and knelt in front of her and licked her pussy juices into my mouth. I stood up and we kissed. Then she did the same thing to me. After we kissed we lay on the kitchen floor in a 69 position and ate each other senseless. I finger her, rubbed her clit, and sucked all of her juices and cum into my mouth. We were so into this. We both had another mouthful and sat up on the floor to kiss and swallow it together. I said into her mind, "Mandy honey, if we don't stop now, you won't be able to stop me all night." I kissed her again and she said, "The same thing goes for me too. Lets take a break for a few hours. Light a cigarette sweetheart and put on your cloths, or I'm going to dive back into that gorgeous looking snatch of yours."

We both smiled at each other and put on our shorts. I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, as Mandy poured us each a glass of wine. We went into the den and turned on the TV. Mandy took a drag of the cigarette, as she was channel surfing. She stopped on the news and we watched so many good things, as we shared the cigarette. We both were feeling so good about everything.

The phone rang and I answered it. It was Margi so I pressed speaker and she sounded frantic. I said, "Margi, what's wrong?" Margi said, "We have a real serious problem. Mandy, you there too?" Mandy said, "Here mom. What's the problem?" Margi said, "We have a group of four people that are somewhere in the Middle East that are about to launch a nuclear warhead at us. They apparently hid these during the inspections and are crazy. They want to kill everyone and are not asking for anything. This one is scary."

I said, "Margi, I need you to do something for us. It will only take a minute to prove if a theory we have about time displacement is right. It could help us end this. I want you to write this down on a note pad by your phone." I told her what to write and Mandy was reading my mind. I said in Mandy's mind, "You take care of the time stabilization part so it doesn't effect us. Ready. On the count of three. 1, 2, 3. I made all time on earth go back 1 minute and Mandy kept us in a different time plane until time caught up to us. The phone line went back to a dial tone, which was the first good sign. I hung it up and we waited. The phone rang and I answered it on speaker and said, "Hello Margi?" She said, "How did you know it was me?" I said, "Read what is written on the note pad by your phone to us." She said, "Jen moved everything back in time 1 minute and I already called and told her about the warheads." I said, "Do you remember writing it?" She said, "No. Not at all."

Mandy said, "Mom, call the guys at NASA and tell them we need their heat tracking equipment focused on the Middle East, and we need all of us to scan peoples minds over there to see who is at fault. After we have everything in place, Mom, we want you to force them to fire it. Jen and I will do what we just did and put us back in time a few hours. That will allow us to disarm the warheads and get the idiots who are trying to launch them. We'll come to the office to do it. Everyone should be there to make the time stabilization part easier. See you in a few minutes." I went out back and called Julie and Kathy. They came into the house and we told them. They were so pissed about the fish, so we killed the fire for them and that made them happy. Julie got the kids and we all went to the office by displacement.

Margi already had most of the people there and had NASA use our new space defense program and aimed it at the Middle East. Everyone arrived and I explained exactly what we needed to do. Mandy talked to Kon about it also and he was having everyone scan people in that area.

We got the guys from NASA on the line and Margi said, "We are going to make then fire it. I want you to identify exactly where it came from and give us the coordinates immediately. Don't worry. We have a plan and they will be destroyed. We'll keep this line open to you." Margi said, "Now we wait. They are supposed to call me back in 10 minutes from now."

We all sat and waited and we heard in our heads from Kon, "They are about to fire them. We found one person so far. Get ready. We just found a second. We are locked onto them, but they are not the ones turning the keys on the missiles."

The guy from NASA said, "Margi, we have a laugh, four missiles. Here are the coordinates. He gave them to us as we heard Kon say in our heads. We have them all. I said in my mind to Kon, "Give me their minds. Put them in my mind now and then disconnect fromm me as soon as you do it." He did it and I displaced them to the planet we call Hell. I said to Mandy, "Sync with my mind. On three. 1, 2, Now." I turned back the clock 4 hours, and the phone lines turned to dial tones again." I said, "The terrorists are in Hell and we need to disarm those missiles in four hours. We have the coordinates. Lets have someone do it."

Margi made the calls and we listened to everything. The missiles were disarmed and time caught up to us again. Tara said, "How did you do that?" I said, "It's all in the knowledge we have. We just didn't understand all of it until a few weeks ago. Mandy and I figured that this would work, which is why we tested it with Margi when she first called us about this problem. We'll teach you. It's really neat, but takes two people to do it. Mandy maintained us in a separate time plane, while I set everything on Earth back 4 hours. When our time plane synchronized from the one we left, we rejoined the one we came from. The interesting part is that no one but us will remember it. Kon, will not remember this even happened. Neither will the guys at NASA that spotted the launch. The tracking device on the space station that they re- aimed to point at the Middle East will still be pointing out into space. I figured that 4 people are worth killing to save the lives of 400 million also. They may be crisp by now. Want to bring them back?" Everyone said, "NO!"


Mandy said to Margi, "Mom, you need a vacation. Take a few days. We'll watch the shop." Margi said, "How about a week?" Mandy smiled and they hugged. She said, "Mom, take as much time as you need. Jen and I can take care of it. We'll even do your TV show as Mr. Rogers while you're gone." Margi crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at us and said, "I'm not Mr. Rogers! I'm more like the Romper Room lady." Everyone laughed at us.

Margi said, "The TV crew is here in the morning at 9 to film my 5 minute segment." We said, "We know. See ya." Margi said into our minds, "Make sure you block your thoughts while you do the TV show just incase someone has one of the court computers on." I said back into her mind, "I'm the one who told you that. Trust us and have some fun with Alice."

We displaced back to our home. I lit the fire again under the fish and Julie and Kathy went back outside happy again. We went back to the den and Mandy said, "Now where were we? Oh yeah, you were just about to take of my cloths again, and I was about to tell you that I wanted to fuck you all night baby. That sound about right?" I said, "Close enough."

Mandy lit a cigarette and we finished our wine, slowly undressing each other and playing little games. I fingered Mandy and licked it and then she did the same to me. We fingered each other's ass also, and she went wild licking it. Mandy put her forehead against mine and smiled while saying in our minds, "I know I am so fucked up, but that gets me so hot. I know it does the same thing to you too honey. We both have an anal fetish. Lets do it again." We did it a couple of times and both got off on it. Then we used Oscar and rubbed our pussies together, lying on our sides on the couch.

Mandy said into my mind, "Lets get a little wild", as she raised us up in the air about 3 feet off the couch, just floating. This was so incredible. We lay on our sides, without all of the body weight on us and we fucked each other using Oscar, rubbing our pussies together. We rolled over like a rotisserie making love.

We did this for over two hours, and then Mandy moved into a 69 position with me, still suspended in air. We got into a position as if she was on top of me and them we rolled slowly over again like before, as we licked and sucked each other. We both came like a tidal wave into each other's mouth, while Mandy finger fucked my ass, and I did it to her also.

Julie came into the den and said, "Foods ready. No shit, your fucking again? Don't you two ever stop? Wow that's cool like that. Hey Kathy, come see this." We all laughed and stayed in our position licking each other, as Kathy came running into see us. She said to Julie, "We have to try that tonight." We set ourselves down, got up, dressed, and went into the kitchen to eat.

Julie and Kathy had already cut the fish using their minds, wrapped most of it the same way, and had it put in the large freezers. The dinner was fantastic. We stayed up with Julei and Kathy almost all night drinking wine, and talking about things. We must have laughed together for five hours, as we all tried to do different things while we were floating. It felt so uncoordinated because of the lack of gravity.

We went upstairs to bed at 4 AM and had to be up at 6, so Mandy and I decide to make love until the alarm clock went off. We tried it upside down floating and we were both laughing too hard to do anything. We went back to the old fashioned way lying in bed, and got so into each other again. We almost didn't hear the alarm clock.

We had a twin session on the toilets this morning and have gotten so use to not being able to tell the feelings apart, we just assume that we each have to go. We dressed for the office, put on our makeup, and headed downstairs to make breakfast. We did it in our minds and made enough for everyone, as they all were walking into the kitchen to join us. Mandy dumped a box of Cheerios on the floor and Ruffles said, "Ranks Ran." Mandy wanted to kill Julie.

We all had some coffee and a cigarette and we talked about what we would do on our TV spot this morning. Mandy had a great idea, and Julie said, "Cool. We'll have everyone wait outside the boardroom until you guys are done. We'll watch it on the TV in my office."

We finished our coffee and Mandy said, "I get to drive the Porsche today honey. You can drive it back home." Mandy drove us there like a lunatic as usual, and we both smiled the whole way. We went into to see Grace and told her that Margi was taking a week off, and she already knew. Margi called her this morning. Mandy said, "Have the TV crew for the show film in the boardroom today."

We went into the boardroom and both lit a cigarette with our fresh cup of coffee. The TV crew was there and we knew all of them. They set up, as we finished our cigarettes. Someone fixed our makeup and we sat together with the mahogany wood wall behind us. The director gave us a cue counting down from 5 and we were on the air.

Mandy said, "Good morning everyone. Margi, is taking a much needed vacation and we are filling in for her. I think many of you may remember us. I'm Doctor Mandy Stevens Edwards and this is Doctor Jen Edwards, my partner in marriage, business, and life."

I continued, "We thought we would do something a little different this week and show and tell you about all of the knowledge that we have gained from God. She has agreed to allow us to show you some of the things through our minds, and it will be broadcast directly over the television feed. To start with, I bet most of you asked the same questions that we did. How did it all start and who created the First One? We are going to show that to you now. Mandy you want to narrate?"

I started the projection onto the TV in the office so we could see it and into the camera with a window of us in the corner, as Mandy said, "In the very beginning there was nothing except a form of energy and that was the start of life. The energy created a cataclysmic explosion which you are seeing now. It created the stars, galaxies, solar systems, planets, and a baron rock, which we call the earth." Mandy continued and was running out of time and director signaled for us to kept going.

Mandy started projecting the image and I said, "The Energy merged with the first human being on the first planet. Her name was Tara. The Energy and Tara shared a common mind and body, and the Energy gave Tara the secrets of life. The energy helped Tara built a machine that was the same as the human mind, and contained all of the knowledge, and could be used to help create other worlds. Tara became the First One, the first God, as she created several planets and served as the Guardian of human existence. The First One was mother and father to the people of the worlds, and selected several others to join her to start life on other planets."

I projected the image, as Mandy continued, "Life on earth began when God created an massive explosion using the secrets of life. We slowly evolved into a race of human beings. This was the first race of humans on Earth. This is what their civilization looked like over 60,000 years ago. The continents were all different, and so were the oceans. All of the land was connected, the way God intended. Then the ultimate disaster occurred. Our ancestors were just like us, and blew themselves to hell with a nuclear war. This is what that looked like. The explosions were almost as great as the ones that started life."

Mandy projected the image and I continued, "A group of 40 scientists were prepared for the worst. They put themselves in suspended animation chambers underground and waited for the nuclear winter, which was called the Ice Age, to be over. They slept for over 6,000 years, as God started life on the planet all over again. The group of 40 woke up, but only 12 survived. They never expected to sleep that long, and were not prepared. God worked with them and helped them to guide our ancestors to become more caring for each other, and less aggressive. This is Mosses, as he received God's laws and then as he lead the slaves out of Egypt and parted the waters of the Red Sea. We were still very immature as a race. This is Christ as he taught everyone the meaning of love, which we chose not to listen too. This is the Romans, as they disobeyed God's plan, as Rome became a living hell inferno and burned."

I projected and Mandy continued, "I'm sure you all can fill in the gaps, just like we did. Which lead us to where we are today. We have spoken to the First One and God almost every day with Margi during these last six months. We have leaned so much, that they want us to share with all of you. We have visited over 48 planets with human beings on them, just like us. We have seen their problems, and have also seen wonderful things. Tomorrow, we will show you and tell you about some of these worlds, and the wonders they have. On Thursday, and Friday, we will allow people to call in with questions. I know we only have a short amount of time, and we apologize for only being able to answer a few, but I still think it's important that we give you all chance to ask what you feel is important."

I turned off the monitor and said "We'll see you all tomorrow. God bless everyone."

The director gave us the cut sign and said, "That was amazing. I can't wait until tomorrow." The TV crew packed up and left and Mandy and I stayed in the boardroom and lit up cigarettes and got some fresh coffee. I said, "You did good." Mandy smiled at me and said, "That was one hell of a performance. It was all true also."

Mandy put her arms around me and said, "Honey, kiss me. I'm still so horny." We kissed and notice one of the chairs moving. I said, "Okay guys, turn off the masks." Ten people appeared in the chairs and started to laugh at us. Julie said, "We wanted to watch you two fuck again before the meeting. We told Grace to hold everyone outside for a few minutes until we came out." Ken was hysterical and Mandy crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at him, and nailed him in the head. Ken said, "Welcome back Mandy."

Everyone laughed, as Julie opened the door for everyone to come in. Mandy and I moved to sit at the head of the table. Mandy called the meeting to order and said, "Margi is taking a much needed vacation and Jen and I will be taking over her role. God approved it, so lets get started. How did the TV spot come off?" They all were telling us it was great, so we went into the agenda for today.

The CFO gave us a financial report and he started by saying, "You will never believe this, but we are more profitable now than ever, and that includes covering all of the government programs, operations, and assistance programs. Our dividends could be huge." Mandy said, "Lets issue a standard dividend and use the cash to support the new program; travel between planets. It's not ready yet, but it will be soon. A new technology will make this possible. You will all see about in tomorrow's broadcast." I said into everyone's mind, "We're not giving away the candy store. Only enough so that they can see it's practical." Ken said back to us in our minds with a little kid's voice, "Jeepers Mr. Wizard, does this mean that me and my best friend Billy can go to the moon someday and see if it's really made out of Swiss cheese?" He smiled at us, as we all tried so hard not to laugh. Mandy was ready to kill, as she was pinching her thigh not to crack up.

The meeting was dragging out with reports from the various leaders, which were all good. Mandy called a 10 minute break, as Melissa made an image of a Rocky and Bulwinkle cartoon appear in our minds with her doing the voices. They were advertising a space travel between the planets and Rocky fell off the end of the world. We all laughed so hard, and nobody else knew what was going on. Melissa said to us in our minds, "Mandy, you are having way too much fun doing this again honey. We all know this is where you and Jen belong. Welcome back sweetheart. Damn I wanted to watch them fuck before the meeting. Who moved that Chair?" We heard Allison say, "Sorry."

The rest of the day flew by and then Mandy and I went home, ate, and slept. We woke up at 5 in the morning to make love and we were so into it. Julie and Kathy had to drag us out of bed to get to the office in time for the TV show.

The TV crew was there and this time we filmed it in Mandy's office. She started by saying, "Welcome back everyone. We promised to show you what different worlds are like, and that's what we are going to so this morning. Jen, you want to start?"

Mandy project the image and I said, "This is one of the planets that has matured in a different way than we did. It's about 450 million light years away. The entire planet is based on nature. This is the inside of one of homes which is built over waterfalls and gardens. They also have some very interesting products and we are now working on bringing to earth. God gave us the Pigow, which was from this planet. Their art is incredible, but their music is almost nonexistent. We are going to be doing a cultural exchange program with them in the future."

I projected and Mandy spoke, "This is the farthest planet and is actually at they very edge of the universe. It is over 800 million light years away. The people on this world are mostly scholars and work the land. They evolved through technology, and then went back to basics, as their planet was also on the verge of extinction. This is a view of the one of the oceans from a series of rock cliffs. The scenery on this planet is different than anywhere else." We did this for about 10 worlds and also showed a few that were still evolving.

I said, "The way we traveled to these worlds was with God. There is a space and time dimension, that we really don't fully understand, but it makes it possible to travel to another world in seconds. We also have learned that there are different time planes. Time doesn't really all run at the same speed. At the farthest planet, three weeks of their time, is equivalent to one hour of our time. Mandy and I had the worst case of jet lag we ever had, when we came back from there. That's all for today, well see everyone tomorrow. God bless everyone."

The director made the cut sign and said, "This stuff is incredible. Any of the planets have some really weird stuff on them?" I said, "A few, we'll show them tomorrow."

Mandy and I went home and made love on the boat again all day. Then we went to see our planets and were so amazed. They evolved at exactly the same rate. We decided to show part of this tomorrow.

The next day we started our show and Mandy said, "This is from two different planets that share an orbit around the sun. The people are different than us, and all look like females. They actually all have both the female and male sexual orgasms; the same as taking a SexMed-Combined pill. Everyone can have children and the gestation period for childbirth here is only 4 months. Both of these worlds are still in their infancy. This is the leader of one of the planets. Her name cannot be pronounced in English, so we'll call her Jane. They have wood and stone structures for homes. Most of their society is similar to ours in about the middle ages, except there is absolutely no violence of any kind. Even the animals are friendly to us. That's an image of Jen and me playing with a couple of Lions in a field, which I wouldn't recommend. We might just have found them when they weren't hungry."

I continued, "This is a typical school house where their children learn about their ways and laws. Socially, they are way ahead of most of the other worlds. Technology wise, they are about where they should be. This is an image of another planet that also has the same sexually Combined humans. They are even further behind in the evolutionary scale. This one is another of the same, except they are ahead of the first by a factor of over twenty. They are about where we were in the late 1800's and because of the time plane difference, they will be catch up to us in about 9 months of our time."

Mandy continued, "The next few images and not very pleasant. These are worlds that died. The images are from space in God's mind, and show the massive explosions that reduced them to smoldering cinders. All of these have life starting again. Here are the images."

We showed the images without speaking and they did have an impact. I said, "That's all for today. Tomorrow, Mandy and I will start answering questions. God Bless."

The director gave us the cut sign and said, "That was wild. Why did you play with Lion's?" Mandy said, "They looked just like large pussy cats we stumbled on them when we were walking through a field. Maybe God had a hand in making them like us, but we had a blast."

The TV crew left and Melissa came in saying, "The ratings for you two on the show have broken every record we ever had. Every single set, everywhere, was turned on to this."

Margi was calling us in our minds and said to everyone, "Mandy, we all know that you and Jen should really be the ones to run this. Lets work out a plausible plan and have you two take it over again. I have a few ideas. Just say yes, please? I am so burned out."

Mandy looked at me and we both nodded. She said back, "Mom, lets talk about it when you get back on Saturday. We'll do it, if you really want us too." Margi said back to everyone, "Thanks honey. I really want you to do it. Alice and I are with Tara and Godda on a different vacation planet. It is so wild you can't believe it. It's like a whole world of Rio. Look at the images in my mind." We looked at them and couldn't believe it. I said back, "We're going there too. That looks great." Margi laughed into our minds and said, "We thought you two would want to come. How about we talk here on Saturday. I'll give you the coordinates for a displacement. Have some fun, and we loved the show you did. Keep it up."

We all met in the office for an hour and worked out an explanation for Mandy's and my return to running the company again. We knew Margi would really like it also and it gave her a role that she really wanted to do now anyway. We really were jealous.

Ken said, "Welcome back Mandy, and I really mean it. We all knew that you and Jen were the right people to do this from the start. Even Margi wanted you two to be the one's to pull it off. Without your help, she would have never been able to do it, and we all know that. To quote our brilliant juvenal delinquent daughter, sitting right next to me, My mom is one of a kind. You are definitely one of a kind, and so is Jen. Can I have my retirement gift back now that I gave you before?" We all laughed and Mandy blushed putting her head on my shoulder.

We spent the rest of the day in meetings about various parts of the business. All of them were doing terrific and it mostly about expansion again for new services and products. So many companies have approached us to be merged into the company, in exchange for stock. We have a list nine pages long.

The next two days we did the question and answer programs and the director said, "We are doing an hour in each of them."

Mandy started the show and we immediately opened it up to questions. The first was interesting. A man from Canada wanted to know, "What are God and The First One really like as people?" Mandy answered it by saying, "They are the nicest, friendliest, loving and caring, human beings anywhere. Remember, we are designed in their image. We look like them and sometimes even think like them. They have a great sense of humor also. The skunk was one of their practical jokes that backfired and it was never supposed to be here. So was a 25 pound spider that is totally harmless, but is so disgusting looking. The First One keeps it as a pet, because she is so attached to it and feels sorry for it. It plays with her dog."

We both answered questions and a question came in that said, "What does God do on her time off? She can't possibly do this every second of every day." I said, "She sent us these images and we'll show them to you." Mandy projected the vacation planet and I said, "Some of these are sexually graphic, but that's part of the human race, and not against the laws. It's actually encouraged. This is a planet that is devoted to vacationing. It's like a combination of Rio, Las Vegas, Broadway in New York, and a host of other places. Part of an announcement that will happen next week will make some of the wonderful things we have seen available to everyone in the future. We want to go to this place on our next vacation. The best part is that it is in a very slow time plane. You can spend a month there and only miss a day of work on Earth."

Mandy answered a question that was from Europe. It was, "How many Gods are there and are they all women?" Mandy said, "It think there are somewhere around 35 or so, and no, they are not all women. They all have been both sexes, and also Combined. Several have surprised us on a few occasions by changing right in front of our eyes."

We had time for one more question and it was, "Can God die?" I said, "I never asked any of them the question, but I expect it to be no. The First One is over 250 million years old."

The next day was more of the same with some really funny questions. Mandy and I laughed at a few them and then gave funny answers. We thought Ken might have called in. The last question was about us playing in the band Changes. Mandy said, "It's a hobby to us. Everyone needs a way to escape and music is our escape. We're just fortunate that people like our music. We've even been talking about playing on another planet. That would be so cool. Intergalactic Rock and Roll."

I said, "That's it for today. We enjoyed doing the show. God Bless." The director gave the cut sign and said, "You two need to keep doing this." Mandy said, "We will be, just keep it to yourself for now. See you on Monday."


Mandy and I went home at noon and sat in the kitchen having lunch with Julie and Kathy. They were going with us to the vacation planet tomorrow and couldn't wait. Mandy said, "How about we take out the boat after lunch and go to our favorite spot again. This time you guys can stay on the deck with us if you don't mind being with two lesbian she males that are totally perverted and want to fuck the shit out of you." Julie smiled and said, "That line sounds familiar, doesn't it Kathy?" Kathy lit a cigarette and blew the smoke out saying, "We won't miss it for the world. Would we, my lesbian perverted partner in marriage and everything else."

Mandy said into my mind, "I want to watch you get gang fucked again honey, and then you can do me and watch. I was so hot when we did that before." I said back into her mind, "Me too."

We all went to the boat carrying some wine, glasses, and a few other things. Julie and Kathy untied the ropes, as Mandy and I started the engine and drove us to our favorite spot. The wind was blowing our hair and I lit a cigarette. I took a drag and gave the cigarette to Mandy as she steered the boat. I stood behind her with my arms around her as we shared out thoughts. We both really did want to go back to work full time and run the company again. We were having fun.

We got to our favorite spot and dropped anchor, and then brought everything to the rear deck of the boat. We had four blankets we laid out and a few pillows. We undressed and poured everyone a glass of wine, as we sat around naked drinking and having a cigarette. Mandy had her arm over my shoulder and was caressing my beast on that side. I was melting, as she rubbed my nipple. She kept smiling at me and saying, "That feel good yet?" Julie was laughing and saying, "Look at Jen's face. Her eyes are half closed and her pussy is wet. Of course it feels good." Mandy said, "I know that silly. I just want to tease the love of my life a little more. She likes me to make her crazy, just like I love it also." I held Mandy's hand on my breast, as she put the cigarette in my lips for me to take a drag. I inhaled twice and put my hand on Mandy's clit and rubbed it slowly and put pressure on it, just the way she likes it. I said, "Does that feel good yet?" Julie was laughing again, as Mandy had her eyes half closed also and was pinching one of her nipples with her other hand now. She moved her hand and put the cigarette in my lips again. I took two more inhales and so did she, and then put it out in the ashtray.

All of us turned into a Combined, and Julie said, "Jen honey, your big green eyes make us all so crazy. You're first again baby." Julie lay between my legs and used her hands to spread my pussy lips apart, as I bent my knees and opened my legs as wide as I could. Mandy watched Julie's tongue going into my pussy and she was getting so hot, as Kathy lay between Mandy's legs and licked her also. We watched each other getting licked and our juices were flowing. Julie moved to suck Mandy's cock into being hard, and then had Mandy lay on the blanket on her back and had me sit straddling her cock in my pussy.

Mandy and I fucked and held each other, as Julie knelt behind me and pushed her cock into my pussy also. I went wild and orgasmed immediately, flooding my pussy with slippery cunt cum. Kathy stood over Mandy's face and used her mind to lift us all in the air until Mandy's face was against Kathy's pussy and Julie was now standing, fucking my pussy. Mandy put her hand on my cock and started to rub me, as they all fucked me. I was on fire and so out of control. All four of us shared the thoughts and feelings in our minds and we each felt what each other was feeling. I had an orgasm every few minutes.

Julie spit on her hand and fingered my ass with it. She pulled her cock out of my pussy and then pushed it into my ass. I went wild bucking and jerking, as Mandy rubbed my cock faster. I leaned forward more and wrapped my legs around Julie's as she stood behind me, and pulled her into me harder. She said into our minds, "Mandy, your lover likes it hard baby. I'm fucking her ass like a jack hammer." Mandy was going crazy with lust watching me have orgasms. I kept sucking on Kathy's cock, as Mandy licked Kathy's cunt.

We fucked like this for over a half hour and then we all shot the cum from our cocks at the same time. My ass and pussy were filled with warm squirt after squirt of cum. I felt Mandy and Julie's cock pulsating inside of me and Kathy's pulsating in my mouth, as she shot her cum down my throat. Mandy jerked me off faster and I shot my cum, blasting off, onto her stomach and breasts.

We all stopped and Mandy wiped up the cum in her stomach and breasts with a finger and put some in everyone's mouth. We all kissed each other and swallowed it. Julie sucked my cock hard again and I lay down where Mandy was. Mandy sat on my cock, as Kathy and Julie changed positions. Kathy was now fucking Mandy's ass and Julie was sitting on my face, as we were floating in air again. We fucked Mandy for a half hour also, as she had so many orgasms.

When Julie shot her cum in Mandy's mouth, Mandy deep throated her and had Julie's cock actually in her throat so she didn't have to swallow. I licked Julie and made her blast off. She almost went limp from the sensations.

We repeated this two more times with Julie being fucked and then Kathy. We all turned back to normal, and Mandy and I sat holding each other on our sides and lit a cigarette to share. Julie and Kathy did the same thing. Julie said, "So did we meet your expectations of two perverted, lesbian, she male lovers wanting to have wild sex together?" Mandy laughed and said, "Almost. You didn't suck the cum out of our pussies and asses yet." We all laughed and I said, "After we finish our smoke."

I took a deep drag and Mandy put her mouth over mine and inhaled the smoke, and blew it out her nose. I said into her mind, "I know that gets you hot. Want to do it again?" Mandy smiled and took a drag of the cigarette. I put my mouth over hers and inhaled her smoke. She had an orgasm and we both laughed about it. She said into my mind, "I know I'm fucked up. I can't help it. It gets me off." We shared the cigarette and then got into a 69 position and sucked out the cum in our pussies. Then Julie and Kathy 69'd with each of us and we sucked out the cum in each of our asses. We got into a 69 four person chain for almost a hour, and then Mandy and I lay down together using Oscar and fucked while rubbing our pussies together for over two hours, right next to Julie and Kathy doing the same thing. We all caressed each other, as we were touching in every position. We also all floated in the air doing it. It made for some interesting new positions for four people.

We all took a break and Mandy put a cigarette in my lips. She lit it for me, as I took a deep drag, and then another one. I held in the smoke and blew it out as the wind was really picking up. We heard on the cabin radio a coast guard warning due to a sever thunderstorm heading our way so we ran to the bridge and started up the boat heading back. Mandy and I drove it like we drive the Porsche and Ferrari. Julie and Kathy loved it. We got back to then dock as the sky was almost black and the wind was howling. Kathy and Julie ran to tie the boat up and Mandy and I grabbed all of our things and cloths, as we ran to the elevator entrance. We got inside and went up to the bedrooms to change.

Ruffles and Snuffy were sitting by the elevator door when we got out and Snuffy said to us, "Rex, Rex, Ruffles." Mandy said, "Sorry guys. You missed it." Ruffles said, "Roh Rhit." Kathy looked puzzled and Mandy said, "He said Oh shit. Great idea getting fucking the dogs to talk. Now they swear at us also." Julie laughed and said, "You have to admit that it is funny. Our dogs are perverts."

We changed our cloths and went downstairs to the kitchen and watched the sky open up and pour with high winds. There was hail clanking down against the rear glass french doors.

We made ourselves some sandwiches for dinner, as Chris, Allison, Roberta, and Kyle came into the kitchen also. We made them some dinner too. We all finished eating and Chris said, "Mom, Roberta and I want to get married. Will you help us plan our wedding?"

We all smiled, as Allison told us that her and Kyle wanted to get married also. I said, "Has Roberta and Kyle asked their mother's also?" Allison said, "Yup. They thought it was a great idea." Mandy said, "So do we. We have to go away tomorrow. We'll help you plan it on Sunday. How does that sound?" Chris and Roberta were kissing and so were Allison and Kyle. They walked to their bedrooms, as Chris said into our minds, "That sounds great Mom. Thanks. I'll tell Jody and Janice."

We went into the den with some wine and Mandy channel surfed on the TV. We saw a station rerunning our broadcasts from this week and then another doing the same thing. We found a murder mystery and it was just starting. Mandy said, "A quarter bet?" I put my arm around her and said, "Of course. Just get your money ready to loose."

We watched the movie and Kathy won. She was worse than Mandy when she wins. Kathy was jumping up and down on the couch. We all went to bed for an early start to the vacation planet.

Mandy and I made love as normal, the old fashioned way, and then conked out in each other's arms. We were exhausted.

We all woke up at 5 AM and got dressed. We packed bags for 2 weeks and contacted Margi. She gave us the coordinates, and we displaced.

This planet was so outrageous. It was an adult playground, with everything you can possibly imagine. The entire economy is based on it. Tara set it up for people in three worlds to visit for vacations, and she and the others use it all the time. They purposely picked a planet that had the slowest time plane, so people could get away while they had someone watch their kids for a hour, or up to two days for a really long vacation. It was a great idea. They had displacement computers set up on each of the planets that will only send people here and then back to their home again.

Tara gave us a tour of the place and it took over 8 hours, and that was using displacement to stop briefly at each of the major areas. The oceans and lakes were gorgeous. They also had thousands of varieties of fish in the water here, much different than on earth. Tara said, "Want to catch a 30 foot monster fish? They are in four of the lakes."

We had a pigow dinner and we loved it, and then we talked about the plans. Mandy and I explained it to everyone and they loved it. Margi hugged us both and said, "Thank you." I said, "Godda, you have to make a guest appearance again with us on the broadcast on Monday morning. You need to bless it for everyone, so we won't have an problems." She laughed and said, "No problem. Just call me when you're ready. Is this the script?" I said, "Yeah, change it if you think it needs more sizzle." She read it and said, "No, this is good. Now lets have some fun for two weeks before you go back."

We spent two weeks on this planet getting totally drunk every night, having group sex with Tara, Godda, Margi, Alice, and four of the others, gambling at the most incredible casinos without using our powers, swimming, skiing, catching a 40 foot fish, racing cars, playing golf, and playing four new sports games. Mandy cleaned up at craps as usual. Tara didn't believe we weren't using our powers until she watched inside of our minds while we rolled the dice and bet. I said, "She's always this lucky. Sickening, isn't it?" They all laughed.

We said our goodbyes and Tara and Godda hugged us for over a half hour. Margi said, "I'll be home tomorrow night. See you in the office on Monday. Thanks again, both of you."

We displaced to go back home and it was Sunday morning about 10. Chris was waiting for us and said, "Right on time. Jody and Janice are coming over in a half hour. Mom, I'm so excited about this. Let me help you with your bags." Chris tried to pick up a bag and said, "What's in here, gold?" We all laughed and Mandy said, "Actually, yes. I won at the casino six times. There's probably about 600 million in diamonds, platinum, and gold in all of the bags. We had to leave a lot of cloths behind. Use your powers to lift it."

Chris went with us upstairs and we changed out of our vacation dress. A shirt with holes cut for your breasts and a hole for your pussy and or cock to show through. Everyone wears it. We loved it.

We went back into the kitchen and made some coffee and were sitting at the table having a cigarette when Jody and Janice came over. Jody said, "How was it?" We talked about the vacation for over two hours. They are going next week for a half of a day, which is a little over a week there. Then we started on the joint weddings. Chris was so excited as we planned this to be an all out thing. Everyone wanted it at the castle so that's what we did. We had an invitation list that was over 1,600 guests, which is about what we figured the limit had to be here. The ten of us, sat and planned it until noon the next day. We were so messed up about the time change we didn't even notice how much time it took. Everyone else was falling asleep at the table.

Jody said to us, "We're going home to bed. See ya tomorrow morning." Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle, stumbled to their bedrooms half asleep. We made something to eat and then went upstairs to fuck; all four of us in our bedroom. Mandy, Julie, and Kathy fucked me again first and I came like a tidal wave. After we did it to everyone, we did it again.

Mandy and I then made love then entire night and didn't stop until the alarm went off. Our bodies we so screwed up with the planet lag, as we call it.

We got up, showered, and then got dressed for work. Today was the big announcement day, so we looked our best. Margi called us in our minds when we were eating breakfast and she was already back and at the office. She was more excited about this than we were. So was Godda.

We went to the office and Margi had the TV crew set up in the boardroom again. We all sat together and we signaled Godda about our cue. The director gave us our cue to go live on the air and Margi started, "Good morning everyone. We have some announcements to make today, and God wants to address all off you. She is going to do it through this broadcast."

Godda projected an image in our minds and I put it through to the camera. She said, "We could not be more pleased with what Margi, Mandy, and Jen have done. They are all interchangeable parts, and all excellent leaders. We made a decision to make a few changes to help the people of Earth take the next big step, which is interplanetary travel. Margi will now be working very closely with me and the other worlds, and also help to establish universe wide governance. Mandy will become chairman of the company again, and Jen will become Vice Chairman, each can fill either role, and should demand your respect equally. I am very excited about the progress that you have made, and I welcome all of you to share in the many wonders and pleasures that await you. Now I'll let Mandy, tell you the rest of the announcements."

I cut the images off and the camera showed us again. We blocked our minds and Mandy started, "I am so excited to be doing this again. I hope you will all support me and Jen. We can't do this alone, as Margi has told you before. We really do need all of your help. The first announcement is about interplanetary travel. Within the next two months, each teleportation center will be upgraded to include and new way of travel. It will feel a little bit different, but is totally safe. Besides any of the locations on earth, you will be able to got to three planets. Jen will tell you about the first one."

I said, "This first planet is for vacations which we showed all of you a glimpse of on Friday. That's all that is there. We all went there over the weekend and spent two weeks on that world. The time plane difference is such that you can spend a whole month in absolute paradise leaving on a Friday night, and being back on Sunday. It is truly an adult playground. We drank in clubs watching bands and shows, we gambled at incredible casinos and won a ton of money that was paid in diamonds and gold, we went swimming in beautiful oceans and lakes, skied the highest mountain we have ever been on, caught a 40 foot fish, raced cars, played golf, and played four other new sports. We also made a lot of new friends and had lots of sex. I know I'm blushing, but this will take some getting use to. We only saw about one hundredth of what there is to do there."

Margi explained another planet that had all types of unique shops and goods that weren't available anywhere else. She called it the shopper's paradise.

Then Mandy explained one about business. She said, "If you are in business for yourself, or are an executive of a corporation, you should definitely go to this planet. There are a lot of things we can all learn. The people all want to help us."

Mandy turned it back to me and I said, "That's it for today. We'll see you all tomorrow. God Bless." The director said cut and Margi said into our minds, "That was a great acting job, blushing like that." I said back, "Aren't I the innocent one." Mandy was laughing at both of us as she said into our minds, "At least you didn't say we fucked our brains for two weeks." Margi said in our minds, "Or say that you both fucked me at the same time into six orgasms in two hours." We all smile at each other, as we remember what an incredible night that was.


The world had finally changed into what we wanted over the next 6 months. There hasn't been a single arrest in 3 months now. Margi and Alice we as happy as could be, and we had plenty of free time on our hands. The company runs itself and we were just the figureheads now.

We made our daily TV show into a weekly one hour show and really involved the public in all of the major decisions going forward. We used a hand held voting computer to collect people's votes around the world. Mandy said, "You are all share holders in the corporation and have a right to vote on what we do. Each share of stock gets one vote. The computers will multiply it correctly." Surprisingly, almost everyone votes the exact same way that we do.

Mandy and I have become icons and we really like it. People know us for what we are. We don't try to hide anything anymore. Public sex is also now very acceptable, just as it is on every other planet. One trip to the vacation planet, and you get a rude awakening.

The travel between planets is a huge success. We charge only the minimal amount to make a profit and the number of people who travel every day is staggering. We also opened up our world to the other planets as well. Tourism is booming throughout the globe.

Our planets are doing great. They are up to about the 1700's in the evolutionary process. There has not been a single war on either planet. Mandy and I spend a lot of time there and introduced advances in technology to them, making it look like they discovered it. We put suggestions in their minds. The one planet calls me Jen and the other calls Mandy Man. Both mean Supreme Being. We introduced the same language now into both worlds and they are all speaking it. It's English. We changed their vocabulary thanks to a new idea from Chris. They all say God now. We introduced the same change in every planet. Godda is somewhat pissed, but everyone else loves it. The people on the planets call us all God, which is somewhat intimidating, but it's better than it was.

Jody introduced a new telephone again based on Mandy's neural computer. It's using a device Chris and Allison developed that uses our mind powers to communicate. It dials just like the original and then you can talk into a persons mind using it without saying a word out loud. It is selling faster than any other product ever has. We have three versions; a hand held, a phone for the home or office, and an earpiece that resembles a hearing aid.

Max keeps telling us he's running out of new ideas, and then he unleashes a blockbuster again. Someone has actually figured out how to make humans turn into animals for a limited time. We haven't used it and don't plan too. It's being trialed now. Ken said into our minds at the board meeting, "What to get fucked by a German Shepard?" We all lost it.

We had Chris and Allison's joint wedding at the castle this week, and it was a lot more than just a wedding. It made the news everywhere around the world. Godda performed the ceremony and it was televised. She begged us to allow her to do something special, and we finally agreed. She wrote the speech and we all read it. It was very flattering. Before the ceremony started a reporter said, "How much better can it get than being married by God?" We all smiled at each other.

The guest list was ridicules. We had over 1,700 people attend and had the ballroom extended before the wedding. It was still crowded. Godda started the ceremony as the couples were walked down the isle. She said to everyone out loud and in everyone's mind on earth at the same time, "Today I am here for two very special events. The first is to perform a marriage of Chris Edwards to Roberta Carlson, and Allison Davidson to Kyle Johnson. I don't really care for a lot for the religious stuff that people have added to my ceremony over the years. I like to keep things simple." Everyone laughed and she continued, "Chris, Allison, Roberta, and Kyle are brilliant wonderful people. I was very flattered when they asked me to perform this ceremony. I don't get to do to house calls very often, but this one is an exception. Chris do you promise to love Roberta forever and treat her with respect, compassion, warmth, and console her in times of need?" Chris answered, "Yes, I do."

Godda asked each one the same questions and then said, "I try to keep things to the point. Chris and Roberta, I pronounce you married under my eyes. Allison and Kyle, I pronounce you married under my eyes. Now you can kiss, and I hope you do a lot more than just kiss. That's an order." Mandy and I cried and then laughed, and then clapped with everyone else.

Godda said, "The second reason that I'm here may shock and surprise many of you. But it's all good news. A while ago, actually about 28 million years ago to be specific, a group of us that are the creators of life, wanted to expand our group. We wanted to make new worlds and spend more time taking care of the ones that we already started. To this, we wanted to find people that had the same values as us, were brilliant, not just smart, and understood the meaning of life. We developed a puzzle. So far in 28 million years only a few people have solved it. Traff and Orea, who have been members of our group now for over 14 million years, and a group of people here on earth. I just married four of them. Please stand up when I call your name and join me up here. Margi Stevens, Alice Stevens, Mandy Edwards, Jen Edwards, Julie Davidson, Kathy Davidson, Jody Carlson,.." Godda went on to name all of us and we all went up front to face the audience.

She continued, "Not all of them solved the original puzzle. That was Chris, Allison, Mandy, Jen, Julie, and Kathy. They introduced us to everyone else I named, who solved an even bigger and more complex puzzle. We were incredibly impressed to say the least. They all are brilliant and not just smart. I took an IQ test on earth two years ago and I'm really bright. All of them scored higher than me, before I tampered with their minds. Now they are all off the charts and we think it's in the 500 range. Just in case you're wondering, anything over about 150 is very rare. They all have the same values as that we do, and they all really understand the meaning of love and of life. They didn't want me to tell you this yet, as they are also very humble as well. We have extended our very special group, and have now included all of those up here. We did this months ago. Every one of them has the same powers that I have, and has the ability to create life. They have also shown us things that we didn't understand, and have extended what we can do for the human race. I feel that with their help, I am finally becoming the creator and God that I should be, and have helped you all survive. They have done many things that they didn't tell you about. They stopped a nuclear weapon from discharging that was targeted at them personally. It would have destroyed half of the globe. They did it by turning back time and figuring out who set it off. Now that is brilliant. No one knows about it, because the second time through, we stopped it from exploding before anyone knew anything was wrong, and you're all alive now, except the four people that set it off. Jen sent then to hell and we all applauded her for it."

Everyone stood and clapped and I blushed. Godda looked at me, smiled, and continued, "Each one of the people here is already working with our group, and is still performing their role here on earth. That won't change for quite a while I imagine, as there is so much to be done here, knowledge to be passed on, and knowledge to be gained on this planet. They each have also started a new planet on their own, and created life in their image. I am proud to say that we have now started 30 new worlds. With the changes this group has made to the evolutionary life process, you may be able to visit these worlds within 6 months and meet people that are just like you. Mandy was the first one. She redesigned the life process and we created a world that is evolving at almost 2,000 times faster than we had ever done before. The others all improved on her model. Chris, Roberta, Allison, and Kyle's planets are evolving at a rate 20 times greater than Mandy's. They actually reengineered part of the process that was developed hundreds of millions of years ago, and automated it using neural network computers. The computers think, but are not alive. Each one of these people have special powers, but please don't ask them to use them for trivial tasks. Treat them as you also have; as friends, peers, lovers, and business associates. Do not worship them, and do not worship me. We don't want to be worshiped. We want to be proud of you and help you with whatever we can. We want you to treat us as friends and with respect. We are still human beings, just with a few specially added extra options, as they say in the new car show rooms."

Everyone laughed and stood applauding. Godda said, "I have asked that each one of the people here to address you with a short remark, the same way that I have, so you can all see them throughout the world. Mandy, you seem to always go first, so lead it off."

Mandy projected her image in everyone's mind and said to everyone and out loud, "I am very, very proud to be standing here. I guess the secrets out. I'm the same person inside, so is everyone here. You know us, and see us, for what we were and still are. The people on other worlds see me the way you see God, whose real name is Godda. People shortened it, and that is how the name God came into being. Now it signifies the creator of life, as it should. I have given birth to a child. I held her, nursed her, cuddled with her, stayed up with her when she was sick, felt like smacking her a few times when she was out of line, and now watched her get married and become part of a very special group that I am so honored to be part of. I am one proud parent. That is how Godda feels right now about all of us on this planet, and that's how I felt when I created life for the first time on a baron world. I created a massive explosion and then watched it encompass a baron waste land of rock. I watched the green foliage grow and cover the world releasing oxygen to form an atmosphere. I watched the clouds form and rain fall in buckets, creating lakes, oceans, and even small streams. I saw the first cells of life materialize and then a tadpole swim in a stream. I even saw evolution accelerate and have now spoken to human beings on this planet. I am a very proud parent of this also. I'm sure we will all be here on earth for a very long time. This is our home, and we like it here now more than ever. Jen, is my life long soul mate and she has no intention of leaving either."

I projected my image and said, "Mandy said it quite well. What she didn't tell you is that she also had a puzzle that she put in a book years ago. Kathy and I solved it, which is how we met her and Julie. The answer to Mandy's riddle was the only thing that matter's in life is love. That was the same answer to Tara and Godda's question to the meaning of life. We solved it together, and hope to share our feelings about it with all humanity throughout the universe. I hope you will treat us the same. We are still going to be part of the company as usual and are still going to be making music, which is also one of our passions. And to add to what Mandy said, we really love it here in our home that you are all in now, and are we are not planning to go anywhere, anytime soon."

Chris projected her image and said, "We all know that my mom, Jen and my Grandma are one of a kind. They use to call me and Allison the very intelligent juvenal delinquents. As I grew up, the juvenal delinquent part went away thanks to my mom and Jen. Her and Jen have really helped me when I needed it, and have been hard on me when I needed that also. I've watched my mom and Jen be totally in love with each other, and yet share those feelings. I watched as they started new worlds, and I saw a look in their eyes that was priceless. The love they felt for each other was the same as what they felt for every living creature, and it was addicting. I just hope that I will be able to fill their shoes some day."

Everyone said something. Ken made a great speech and was so funny at the beginning. He ended his remarks with, "Besides Margi, Mandy is the only person who can look you square in the eye and tell you exactly what she is thinking about you. You may not like it, but it's always right. She also will listen to every word you say, and sometimes you wished you hadn't said it. She is witty, funny, methodical, brilliant, and a great person to be around. She has helped each of us to emulate that model. We have each expanded our depth of understanding, reasoning, and compassion for people, and also retained the pragmatism and drive that Mandy has always had to get things done. My planet is a lot like earth. There will be suffering and happiness. I didn't try to make it a perfect world, because life just isn't perfect. There's a lot of hard knocks, and we all learn from them. As the creator of that world, I will be compassionate, but not foolish. I will listen to the people, and hopefully weed out the whining from the real problems. I know I'm not perfect, and neither is anyone else in the universe. We are simply human beings, that have been asked to step up to the next level and help to control the destiny of the future of our race."

Godda projected her image again and said; "Now you have all seen and heard from the newest members of our group. Every one of our original group us is so happy that they have agreed to join us. Please tell them you support them and encourage them. Being responsible for human life can be very depressing sometimes. There will be days when they will be walking on air, and others when they will barely be walking at all. Ken spoke the truth when he said none of us is perfect. Me included. If I were perfect your planet would have never had any problems. There would have never been diseases, and no one would have ever died. Chris, Allison, Jen, and Kathy have taken a lot of those things out of the equation for life on Earth. There are still issues everywhere else that they will help to solve also. I thank you for putting up with my windbag speech, but I wanted all of you to know how proud that I am, and how fortunate you all are to have these great people to lead your planet. I know that they will be leading other worlds soon, and I am trilled about it."

Everyone stood and applauded. I've never seen Chris so happy in her life. She was glowing and holding Roberta's hand. Mandy and I had tears in our eyes, as we hugged each other.

The celebration that followed was out of this world, literally. Tara and Godda had people displaced in from other planets to entertain everyone. One comedian had an opening line that said, "What a awful dump this is. Such a small little house, look how over crowed it is. What planet are we on again? Are all the homes as shitty as this one?"

The music was great and the dancers were unreal. Godda brought them in from the vacation planet. The party lasted two full days. We were all so smashed and exhausted when it ended. We had an impromptu board meeting and voted Godda and Tara board seats. They laughed hysterically and then accepted.

The other board members that weren't selected for this were very hurt. Godda explained to them that they were really good, but that just wasn't what the group needed. She was very honest and blunt. Then she told them about all the wonderful things that they did and encouraged them to keep going.

The x-President of the United States said to Mandy, "How does it feel to go from retired, to CEO of the Earth, to God?" Mandy said, "I'll show you in your mind. She made him fell 100 feet tall and someone who can do anything." He said, "That's what I figured. Good luck. Just remember me a thousand years from now." Mandy said, "You may be running all of this before you know it. Trust me on this. I've never lied to you before, and I'm not going to start doing it now." He smiled and said, "Thanks Mandy. I like you too."

After the newlyweds left on their honeymoon to the vacation planet, and all of the guests and family left, it was just me, Mandy, Julie, Kathy, and Godda sitting in the kitchen having some wine and sampling more of her flavored cigarettes. She said to us, "From one God to another, how about we all fuck our brains out?" We all laughed and went upstairs to our bedroom.

Mandy and I finished sharing our peach flavored cigarette and undressed each other, and then we all undressed Godda. Godda said, "Combined? How about we make Jen go crazy first?" We all became Combined and I was gang banged and loved it. I sat on Mandy's cock and Godda put her cock into my pussy at the same time from behind. Kathy fucked my face and Julie sucked my cock. Then Goda turned sideways floating on air and fucked my pussy and had Julie turn sideways floating on air and fuck my ass. I went wild. I had four cocks inside of me, and Mandy was jerking me off at the same time. They all fucked me for almost and hour and then everyone shot their cum into me at the almost the same time. I felt every hole in my body pulsating with a cock squirting out warm cum. I swallowed all of the cum from Kathy's cock in my mouth, and then Mandy made my cock shoot into Godda's mouth. I blasted off.

We changed positions five times and each of us got to be the object of the gangbang. Mandy and I were out of our minds in heat for six hours of nonstop fucking and sucking. After we all fucked Godda last, we took a break. Godda said, "I have to get back to be with Tara tonight. She misses me and I can feel it. Before I go, can all of you lick my pussy one time? Please?" We all laughed and then lay between her legs one after the other and licked her and made her cum three times. Mandy and I knelt over her after we went first and kissed her the rest of the time. She almost sucked the tongue out of my mouth.

We all changed back to normal and Godda got dressed and displaced. Mandy and I sat on the bed and lit a cigarette, and Kathy said, "We're going to be in private for a while. See you tomorrow."

Mandy leaned against me and took a drag of the cigarette. She held in the smoke and then put the cigarette in my lips. I inhaled twice and blew the smoke out through my nose. She said, "Do you think anything will change here because of Godda's announcement?" I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "We were already famous, we were already responsible for the planet, people respected us, people were already asking us for money and favors, what else is left to change?"

Mandy said, "Now that you put it that way, I guess we should have told them the truth six months ago. Jen honey, I love you so much. You said the nicest things about me."

I said, "You said I was your soul mate and I really am. We haven't been apart for more than a few hours at one time in over two years. I don't want that to ever change. We'll help each other, pick each other up when we're down, and jump for joy when the other is happy. We share our feelings all the time, and I love what we have together. Mandy, I would go anywhere and do anything with you. Now how about we lick each other's pussy and really get into it?"

Mandy smiled at me and then we kissed, as we held each other and finished our cigarette. Then we lay on our sides in a 69 position and licked and sucked each other's pussy for hours. We both orgasmed like a tidal wave four times and drank each other's thick pussy cum. We moved to lay beside each other to cuddle and kiss. I lit a cigarette and took a drag. I held in the smoke as we shared our thoughts. I said, "Where is that coming from?" Mandy said, "It's either your planet or mine. Disconnect from me and lets see who still hears it." We disconnected and it was people calling for help from Mandy's planet.

We got dressed and displaced to the planet. We followed the cries and displaced four times until we found where it was coming from. We found an entire town that was surrounded by a wild fire and everyone was trapped. Mandy and I made it rain and also put the fire out with our minds.

We healed four people that were burned and then spent the next day with everyone in the town, helping them put things back together using our powers. They had now evolved to about the late 1800s period. They asked us if we were Gods and Mandy said, "Yes, we heard your cries and came as fast as we could. I'm so glad we found you and no one was hurt badly." Mandy put her arms around people and touched their hair, like a mother does to child. Then we told them about setting up a fire station to pump water. We drew diagrams of what to build and asked that they pass it along to all of the other towns. We also healed two more people that were really sick.

We displaced back home and went back to bed. Mandy said, "That's what Tara meant when she told us about hearing the people all the time, and why they needed the on off switch. It will get to be impossible to answer all of their cries, no matter how bad it is. I can image what they went through." I said, "Lets not turn it off until we can't deal with it any longer. I want to hear them if they are in need. We just saved about two thousand lives and I think it feels really good. How about you?"

Mandy kissed me and said, "Me too honey. Now where did we leave off? Oh yeah, you just finished sucking my pussy and you were thinking that you wanted us to rub our pussies together using Oscar. That about right?" I smiled at Mandy and said, "Yeah, that's just about right."

We took Oscar off the nightstand and put one end into Mandy's pussy and the other inside of me, and we rubbed our pussies together fucking, while reading each other's thoughts and feelings. We both had an orgasm within minutes and kept on going all night.

We woke up at 9 the next morning and were lying on our sides facing each other. I said into Mandy's mind, "I think we need to make love again. After sharing that dream with you, I don't want to get out of bed." Mandy smiled at me and said into my mind, "I know. Neither do I. Lets make love and dream up things we can do together for the rest of our lives. That should keep us in bed for a really long time."

*** Continued ***

Next: Chapter 3

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