The Prince Changed My Life

Published on Sep 23, 2022


The Prince Changed My Life 2

Author's Note: This is a fictional story; even though this has a celebrity in the story it still is fictional and has nothing to do with the celebrity’s sexuality at all. I am not sure if the person is actually gay this is just a story. If the names resemble anyone please remember that. Also please know that this story does contain sex between minors and that this is a story I created and it is not permitted

Be copied without my permission.

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The Prince Changed My Life

Previously…We held one another tightly in each other’s arms and finally Harry said he had to go pee. We got up and peed together and I couldn’t help but notice Harry was walking a little funny, which made me laugh. He looked at me and then said “let’s got to the kitchen and see if there is any ice cream”. I went to grab a robe and he took it and threw it back towards the bed and smiled then told me he doesn’t want me to cover my beautiful body. I nervously said okay and we headed to the kitchen, we passed a few house staff and they just ignored us or bowed to Harry. We entered the kitchen and found some butter pecan ice cream, Harry grabbed two spoons and we sat at the bar and ate out of the carton. Ralph came in and saw us sitting naked eating ice cream. He smiled at us then said “If I knew this was a birthday suit party I would have come dressed for the occasion”. We all laughed and Harry told him to grab a spoon he generously declined and said he just came for some chocolate syrup so he and his partner James could have some fun. Harry winked at me and I could see that he was thinking to try it on me.

The Prince Changed My Life 2

Even though Harry wasn’t the next in line for the throne he still had a very busy schedule. He looked over several of his mother’s charities; he also had a few charities of his own that he looked over. I made sure he made it to all his appointments and dedications he did every once in a while. Harry always made sure for me between all of his appointments. About two weeks of officially being his Personal Assistant I finally got to meet William and Kate. I couldn’t help but check William out and from the bulge in his pants I can tell just like his brother he too was well endowed in that department. They also brought their son Little Prince George. You can tell they were happy to be with one another. We went to a restaurant and sat in a private area where no one would bother us at all and the paparazzi couldn’t touch us. Harry started rubbing my dick through my pants and I was trying not to moan. William must have put two and two together because he looked at Harry “So my dear brother, I take it you have found someone special in your life” he said smiling. Harry turned almost as red as his hair from blushing. I grabbed his hand under the table letting him know that if he wants to tell his brother about us than I am okay with it. Harry smiled “Funny you should bring that up Will, umm there is something I need to tell you. You see Shawn is not just my personal assistant, Shawn and I love each other and we have been dating for about a month now” he quickly took a drink of water and looked at his brother to see what his response will be. William sat there and smiled and then he looked at Kate. “Harry I knew you and Shawn were a couple the second you two sat down with us. I told Kate that I am so proud of you little brother. Kate and I are here for you both and we accept that you both love one another” He said putting his arm over Kate’s shoulder. Kate wiped some tears from her eyes and told us that she loves us both so much.

Dinner was great we filled William and Kate in on how we actually met and we all laughed because it really was love at first sight. We finished eating and the four of us headed outside the restaurant and was engulfed by the paparazzi taking pictures. I quickly ushered Harry into his car and the drive sped off. When we arrived back to the house and we were safe behind closed doors I grabbed Harry and began kissing him “You started something that I will love for you to finish” I said slipping his hands onto my crotch. Harry looked at me hungry and said “Oh Yes I will finish what I started but not without some help of some chocolate syrup”. I licked my lips and told him that I would love for him that. We grabbed the syrup and raced each other to the room. We had our clothes off in no time and Harry had me completely naked and began to cover me with syrup. The syrup was cold and once he had a long trail of syrup all over my body he began sucking and licking me clean. Just the touch of his lips against my skin was making my dick drip with Precum. He poured syrup all over my dick and began sucking on it and I ended up shooting several long loads inside his mouth. He slowly slid me out of his mouth so he can make sure he didn’t miss a drop. He then smiled and whispered in my ear “Shawn make love to me let me feel your hot delicious dick inside my ass” he said kissing my neck. We got up and I pinned him to the wall and began kissing him and rubbing his body making him moan and beg me to keep going. I could feel his dick hardening and poking at my stomach. I picked him up and had he wrapped his legs around my waist. I slid into him and began to kiss him and make love to him. We fucked up against the wall, on top of the dresser, couch, and the bed. Finally we both couldn’t hold ourselves any longer and we shot our loads. I pulled out and grabbed the little bit of cum leaking from his ass and mixed it with his on his stomach and we fed it to each other.

We both woke up early the next morning with my dick snuggly tucked into his ass. Harry began to ride my cock and once we were completely in complete bliss we shot our loads and we got up to shower. Harry was walking a little bull legged into the shower and I laughed. We washed each other and kissed as we did it; finally we climbed out and went to cuddle on the couch so we could discuss what he had to do today. Ralph knocked on the door and we told him to come in and he informed me that a messenger from the Queen wanted to see us. Harry and I rushed getting dressed and I grabbed some clothes from our closet and I went to a room we set up to make it look like I slept there just in case someone from his family ever came to visit. By the time I came back and knocked on the door and just to make sure I looked the part as a Personal Assistant. Harry told me to come in and I thanked him, he introduced me to the man who was relaying the message he was a bit snobby to be honest. He quickly said that the Queen has requested Lunch with Harry and I. Harry asked why I and he said because I am his Personal Assistant and she doesn’t even know me and that I am an American. Harry had a bit of an angry look on his face and said fine what time. The messenger said 1pm sharp and not a minute later. I pulled up Harry’s calendar and said we can do that we just need to move a few things around.

After the messenger left Harry sat in a chair with his arms crossed. I put my hands on his shoulders and rubbed them asking him what is wrong. He turned around “I cannot believe my Grandmother would be so rude about me hiring you just because you are from America. She is so old school and set in her ways” he said with anger and sadness in his eyes. I came over and knelt down in front of him and looked him in the eyes “even if the Queen doesn’t like me or want me to be your Assistant I will never want to stop loving you. You are my peanut butter to my honey” I said leaning in and kissing his lips. I then told him we better get going he was scheduled for a board meeting in one of his charity foundations. He sighed and said okay and we finished getting ready and we were out. I could tell just from the vibes Harry was putting off that he was still thinking about what the messenger said and I knew it was eating at him. The meeting was over by noon and I told Harry we still had some time. He told the driver to go by where his mother was laid to rest. We got stopped at a flower vendor and he got her some flowers and when we stopped at her grave I stayed in the car. Harry turned around and saw I wasn’t beside him so he came back to the car and he led me to her grave. He then sat the flowers down “Mom I want to introduce you to someone. His name is Shawn Atkinson and he is my boyfriend. I am sorry if that hurts you mom but you always loved everyone no matter what and this man right here is my rock and anchor. We have to go mom Grandmother has ordered me to the palace and you are the only one who probably knows how she can truly be. I love you mom” he said to her grave. We walked back to the car and once we were inside the tinted windows Harry began to cry. I wrapped my arms around him and held him, he thanked me and I told him I will always be right here. He kissed me and told me he meant exactly what he said back there and I told him that I felt the same. We arrived at the palace at 12:45pm and went inside. We waited in her Majesty’s sitting room and when she came and saw us she went and gave Harry a hug and completely ignored I was there. Harry introduced me and she looked me over and said “A bit muscular for a personal assistant isn’t he”? I couldn’t believe she said that Harry simply told her I was a true Genius and told him how I finished school at 16 and by twenty one had a degree in Economics and Ethnic Studies. She just looked at me and nodded, she then told Harry she wanted to talk to him alone. Before Harry could respond she had one of her servants take me out of the room. I was taken to another room and the servant asked if I would like anything to drink while I wait. I told her a glass of ice water would be great and she left quickly to get it. I looked down at my watch and noticed it was nearing 2:30 so I picked up my cell phone and called to cancel and reschedule Harry’s appointments. Finally around 3pm another servant came in and said my presence was requested in the dining room for a late lunch with her Majesty the Queen and Prince Harry. I bit my lip and followed him to the dining room. Harry and the Queen were already seated when I came in and the servant showed me to my chair and told me to sit. Harry smiled at me softly and I could tell just by his eyes that he was completely furious. The soup was brought out and as he we all began to eat our soup the hounding of questions from the Queen began. She asked me about a girl friend and I gave her the same answer I gave Harry’s father. She then asked me if I was wanted in the United States. I told her no I was not that I didn’t even have one ticket. She then asked me what I think to accomplish to try and weasel my way into the Royal Family’s life as Harry’s Personal Assistant. I told her that I didn’t want anything at all actually, I told her that I felt honored when harry offered the position to me. She wrinkled her lip and we then had a quiet meal. When we were done she said she had some things she needed to oversee and gave us permission to leave.

When Harry and I got into the car he filled me in on what his grandmother and he talked about. He put his hands around me; “I really do not care what my grandmother thinks of you Shawn. I want you to stay with me because I love you. The first time I saw you I knew I loved you, I believe that the hand of fate had it written in the stars for us to bump into each other” he said kissing my lips. I smiled and wiped his tears from his eyes “Harry I love you so much and even if I wasn’t your personal assistant I will still love you. If I was deported back to the U.S. and never ever able to see you again, my love for you would always be there”. Harry and I made out and then he looked at me and asked what about the rest of the day’s appointments. I laughed and told him I rescheduled them already. He smiled and said I was the best, I told him he knows it and we laughed.

By the time we were home we both had our shirts off and our pants around our ankles in the car. We quickly pulled our clothes back on just as the chauffeur opened the back door. We were both laughed after we walked into the house. Ralph came in quickly to the garage and said that Harry’s father was waiting for him in the library and he didn’t look very happy. I told Harry to go meet with his father I will be in my fake room if he needs me. He looked at me sadly and I kissed his lips and I softly told him it was okay that I needed to make some phone calls. When I got in my room I decided to call my parents from all they knew I was in England for an internship, I had promised Harry I wouldn’t tell them about it tell it was completely official. On the second ring my mom picked up. I talked to her for about ten minutes about life in Europe. She asked if I had met anyone yet and I told her I had but I couldn’t really say anything other than that. I then asked if she could get dad on the line I wanted to tell them both something. I told them that I had found a job out here working for the Prince Harry. Both my parents were stocked about it. Just as I hung up Harry came in and he didn’t look happy at all. I asked him what was wrong and he said that his dad found out about us. I asked him how and he said he didn’t say. I asked him now what do we do, and Harry looked into my eyes “He wants me to come clean to my Grandmother about me and you. Shawn I am not sure I can do that, just not yet” he said to me. I sat there trying to hide back tears because in my head this was Harry’s way of telling me that I was just a fling he had and he needed to get back to being the person his Grandmother and family wants him to be.

Harry looked at me with sadness in his eyes, “Shawn I love you so much, and even though I truly do not want to come out to my Grandmother I know I need to because if I did not have you with me I will be lost” he said kissing my lips and wrestling my tongue. I pulled from him “Harry I love you too and I do not want to do anything that will cause you not to be on your Grandmother’s good side. So because of that I am willing to take the heart break over all of that” I said bursting into tears. Harry wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder. He then did something I did not expect at all. Harry went out and was gone for a few minutes; he then arrived and had the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen. He then pushed the table in front of the couch away and got down on one knee “Shawn Atkinson I am truly in love with you and the love I feel for you is like a fire burning in my soul that I never want to leave. Shawn Atkinson, will you Marry Me” he said. I was so shocked could this be real Prince Harry asking me Shawn Atkinson a farmer’s son from Missouri to marry him. Harry looked at me and I could see the fear building up in his eyes. After about two minutes of thinking and trying to get over the shock. “I can’t even explain how I am feeling right now Harry, all I can say is I want to be yours forever. So Yes I will Marry You” I said grabbing him and kissing him passionately. Harry slid a gold ring onto my finger to make it official. I asked him where do we go from here and he simply said “My Father doesn’t really understand me being gay but he explained that my mom always had a thought. William and Kate are behind us and as for my Grandmother well she will just have to accept me for who I am” he said leading me to his room for a long passionate sex session.

I woke up the next morning sore and stiff from our last night session. I had made love to Harry twice and he must have at least made love to my ass five times. Just as I was about to get up to pee Harry grabbed me by the waist. “Where are you going my sexy hot piece of meat” he said tickling my sides. I laughed and told him I needed to pee. He let me go and we got up together, just as I was about to pee Harry did something else that I wasn’t expecting. He grabbed me and pulled me into the shower and knelt down and told me to pee on him and inside his mouth. I looked at him and asked him if he is sure and he literally began begging me to do it. I let him have it soaking his hair and managed to get a lot in his mouth as well. He stood up smiling and asked if I wanted a golden shower. I told him yes I wanted it because it was from him. I knelt down in front of my fiancé (God that sounds great to say) and waited for him to give me his golden juice. It was warm and surprisingly tasted a bit sweet. I stood up and we kissed mixing our urine breath with each other. The rest of the day was busy we had so much we had to do for all the charities and foundations. My cell phone rang at 4:25pm it was William. We talked for a few minutes and he said that he and Kate wanted to meet up with us for dinner. I checked the schedule and said we could do it at 7pm and he thanked me gratefully and hung up. Harry came out of his last meeting looking exhausted, I smiled at him and when he saw me his whole body lit up.

The driver dropped us off at the restaurant that we were supposed to me William and Kate at. We were seated and about ten minutes later they came and sat down apologizing about being late. William and Kate said that the nanny was having a hard time keeping their baby Prince George from trying to run back to his mommy. We talked a little about things going on around us. When the salad came William looked at us “Harry, Shawn, the reason I have asked for you guys to join us for dinner at the last minute is because we heard that mine and Harry’s father has found out that Harry and you Shawn are a couple. I do not know how he found out but he always seems to know things. Anyways we want you both to know that we are here for you both for support” he said between bites of his salad. Harry thanked him so much and Kate as well then he grabbed my hand and we showed William and Kate my ring. Kate squealed with excitement and William had a huge smile. We told them that we still needed to tell the Queen and William simply said the four of us will all go together and tell her. When we finished our dessert William and Kate said they better get back home because he had some early meetings. We hugged and said our good byes and just as they were leaving Kate told me that she and I will so need to go shopping and I said okay and laughed.

That night Harry and I slept so soundly and it took Ralph at least four hard knocks to finally wake us up. We reluctantly got up and told him to come in and he smiled and said that the house phone has been ringing nonstop from appointments we have for the day. That’s when Harry and I first looked at the clock and noticed it was 12:30pm. We gasped at the time and Ralph just laughed and said that both Harry and I received a little bit of food poisoning and we were still asleep. Harry thanked him for doing that and I also told him how grateful I was. I then apologized to Harry for letting us over sleep. Harry looked at me with an angry face but he couldn’t hold it he quickly began to burst out laughing. He then told me my punishment is to be his sex slave until 5pm. I licked my lips and said “Oh your Highness I hope you don’t torture me too much. I might like it if you do” Ralph laughed and turned around and left. I cleared the rest of the day using the excuse that Ralph gave the morning phone calls.

I just finished my last phone call when Harry came over with some handcuffs. I licked my lips and asked what they were for. He told me to shut up sex slaves do not talk. I happily obeyed and stuck my hands out so he could cuff them. Once he had the cuffs on me he then blindfolded me and began to lead me to what felt like the bed. I heard more hand cuffs and then he cuffed my hands and cuffed them to the bed. He then spread my legs wide and cuffed my legs to the other end of the bed. He placed my cock inside my mouth and I could feel him sucking and then he began twisting my balls in his hands. Before I could moan I felt something push its way inside my ass I knew it wasn’t Harry’s cock. He pulled off the blindfold and I saw him fucking my ass with a banana. He kept teasing me with his mouth and the banana fucking my ass. Every time I came close to Cumming he would stop and rub my cock with an ice cube. He kept this up until 4pm I began pleading and begging him to let me cum. I felt him pull the banana out of my ass and then he undid the handcuffs. He kissed my lips and he began to fuck my tender ass with his cock. We lasted for 20 minutes until I blew the biggest load of cum all over both of us and the bed. We passed out and didn’t wake up until 5am the next morning.

To Be Continued…

Next: Chapter 3

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