The Price You Pay to Play

By Dr. Michael A. Smith

Published on Sep 13, 2023


I live in a small town where high school football is the most important thing we do. The education is not great, but what does one need with education to work in a coal mine. My dad works there, just like his father, and his father?s father, and his father?s father?s father before him. The story is told in the family that my great-great ever how many grandfathers was brought here in chains from a Russian prison to serve out a life sentence in the mines. His wife and kids were exiled with him.

I am the team quarterback just as my father was before me. Our biggest rival is Linville High School and every year the build up to the game is huge. Everyone knows what is on the line. Somewhere in the past a wager was made and became a tradition.

Traditions never die in a small town. The losing team gives up five of its best players to be the bitch for the winning team for twenty-four hours after the game and the winners can do whatever they want to the losers. The losers are stripped and walk naked down a walk of shame from their locker room to the waiting bus of their opponent. The threat of open exposure to your family, friends, and neighbors is enough to make you play your best.

This is my first year as quarter back. My dad and I talked about the game, but we did not even broach the subject of a loss. In fact, he carried his team to victory every year and often told stories of the kinkiest things done to the opposing team. He could not imagine that I would let the family down. In fact, losing team members were often ostracized from the community after becoming a bitch for Linville. Not a good idea to lose in such sparse surroundings.

I awoke on game day, tired from the previous day?s workout and spent the day trying to get my head in the game. I ate well and went to the school gym where my partner shaved my body and gave me a great massage. Toby had huge hands and seemed to know exactly what my sore muscles needed.

The rules of the wager were that the top five players on each team would come to the game with their bodies shaved so that the loser would be further humiliated by having to parade stark naked through the crowd of fans. I am blonde and have very little body hair so it is no big deal. Jason, one of the tight ends, is really hairy and it takes quite a while to take him from gorilla to pussy cat.

After hanging out a bit in the locker room with my teammates, I went home to eat and relax. I would need to be back to dress out by 5:00 pm. The game will start at 7:00 pm and we would have a final meeting with the coach.

5:00 pm finally rolled around and I walked into the locker room right on time. My corner of the locker room also was the dress out location for the other four guys who would be sacrificed if we lost: the Halfback, Keith Sherril, Fullback, Sammy Lark, the Split End, Terry Hallums, and the Tight End, Greg Stancil. As the Quarterback, these guys looked to me for guidance and leadership. I knew that if I showed my concern over the outcome of this game, they would freak.

As I entered the dressing area, the four were already there and completely undressed. Keith is about 6?, lean and muscular. Almost totally smooth, he had been shaved revealing a descent 7?. Sammy Lark was the ladies man of the group. He had a reputation for screwing anything that moved. He had a long 8? cock and the girls called him horse because of its girth. He looked even larger with the hair missing. The Split End, Terry Hallums, was the only black on the team. His body was muscular and naturally smooth, and he had a massive black cock?some say 10? hard. Greg Stancell was a bit of a jerk. Red headed and freckled, he was a natural athelete and sported about 9? uncut.

I could feel the uneasiness of my four friends as I entered the area. They were beginning to realize the high price we would all pay for losing this game. The banter among the players was not as jovial as usual. ?Well, Joey,? Sammy asked, ?Are you ready to get your ass cheeks spread if we loose this game?? My face flushed crimson as my cock hardened at the thought of the Linville guys raping our asses. ?Oh well,? I said, ?A man has to do what a man has to do!?

About that time the team from Linville invaded the locker room. That is the price one pays from going to a small school. There is only one locker room and both teams share it. The Linville players began to undress. Standing totally naked in the middle of our aisle, their quarter back, Tom Jenkins, asked, ?Hey fuckers, are you ready to be our bitches? You can go ahead and get started now?if you want?? Tom shook his ample weiner as it got semihard. ?I can hardly wait to play your quarter back?s tight ass!? ?We have big plans for your best and brightest this weekend!?

The team mates passed off the ribbing, but there was a certain uneasiness in the air as we tried to keep our spirits up. By now, we were getting a little anxious because coach had not showed up for the the pre-game huddle. It was unlike him to be late and this was certainly not the game to forfeit. According to the rules of the wager, a forfeiture was the same as a loss.

Finally, at 6:30 pm the sheriff came into the locker room and told us that the coach had suffered a heart attack and was at the hospital. The principle was making an announcement to the fans that the game had been forfeit. A moan went up from our team as we realized our fate had been decided, and not even by a game.

The coach for Linville quietened the locker room and asked for the quarterback, full back, tight end, split end, and the half back to come to the area where he was standing. We moved to the position, each looking with dread at each other. ?Boys, according to the rules of the wager, a forfeit is the same as a loss. You are the property of the Linville team for the next 24 hours. Please strip, place your clothes and belongings in your locker and come back to the center of the room.?

As we went back to lockup our clothes, we realized that we were about to become men at an entirely new level. Finally, stripped and with our heads bowed we came back to the area where Linville?s coach stood. ?Well boys, before you board the bus for home we want to give your teammates a little taste of what the next 24 hours will be like for you! Put your hands behind your back and spread your legs.? As he spoke the counter part from the Linville team came forward grabbed each of us by the balls and violently yanked them down and placed a plastic tie around them, which they tightened extremely tight. This left our balls tight in the end of the sack and Terry almost screamed as the Linville tight end thumbed his balls with his finger. ?On your knees boys! We want you to have a taste of real men!?

We slowed dropped to your knees as the Linville guys pulled out their huge cocks. The anticipation had made them really hard and they immediately forced their huge tools into our mouths. Forcing us to suck them off?they called us pussies and fags in front of our teammates. They ejaculated their sperm in our mouths one at a time and forced us to swallow.

After they had come they forced us to our feet and told us to line up behind each other at close ranks. ?Stand closer!? the quarter back ordered. We moved in until our now semi-erect manhood was rubbing the ass crack of the person in front of us. They tied us to the person in front of us in such a way that as we would walk our hard cocks would prod the hole of our teammates. They then ran a cord through the strap around each of our nuts and tightened it, pulling us even closer together.

Terry, our tight end, was behind me and I could feel his huge black cock rubbing in my ass crack, which made me really hard. I could feel his body heat and hard nipples against my back. This served to make all of us unbelievably hard.

We were about to be marched in this position to the Linville bus to be carried back to their school for our 24 hour ordeal. The group was moved towards the door of the locker room in this extremely awkward position. As the door openned, we could hear the Linville fans cheer and as we walked along the narrow path opened for us through the fans, they reached out and pinched our nipples, slapped our ass, or took every opportunity to hit our tighened ball sacks. The only way we could walk comfortable was to allow the person behind us to put his cock in our ass. This gave us the needed space to walk.

Slowly, we moved to the bus. As I stepped up on the step I stumbled and this set off a chain reaction behind me. As Terry fell his huge black cock impaled me. The searing pain in my virgin hole was great?but not as painful as my poor swollen balls, which had taken quite a beating from the crowd. Terry?s cock rammed my hole with such force that he shot his load in my hole. He was so shamed and taken aback that he mumbled a feeble apology as he tried slowly to get to his feet.

After we somehow managed to board the bus we were unbound and recuffed singlely. I was forced into a seat with the Linville quarterback. As the bus pulled out for Linville my mouth was full of cock for the second time in the evening. A player in the seat in front of me began forcing his fingers into my sore ass and finger fuck me with the cum from Terry?s cock. It was to be a long 24 hours.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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