The Presidents Son

By jonathon megerian

Published on Sep 19, 2009


Sorry for not posting in so long! You're emails were really encouraging and eventually helped me build up the motivation to keep writing. I was surprised at how difficult it has turned up to be to find the time to write. I actually planned on getting this chapter up earlier this week, but my fucking computer broke and I had to wait to get it fixed til yesterday. Oh well, I'm sure you all survived. Speaking of which, the nasty emails really need to stop. People yelling at me for not posting makes me want to write even less. It pisses me off, so stop. Like always, this is not addressed to the many people who sent me positive emails. I don't even mind if you ask me nicely when I'm going to post again, and even though I most likely won't answer you, those emails help me move a little faster.

I feel bad that I uploaded the first four chapters in such an expedient fashion, so I threw in a little "gift" to you readers--faster than I originally thought I would.

Last, I'm sad to inform you that you should probably start expecting the wait to be about this long. I'll do my best to not go more than three weeks without posting though. Anyway, here's chapter five for ya! Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you

Chapter 5

It was now three weeks into my vacation. My relationship with Brent had only grown stronger during this time, and, fortunately for us both, we had not yet been spotted in public. I had visited his house four more times since my initial encounter with Senator Laker, and had grown to know his family at a basic level. His dad was an intelligent, fascinating man whose socially liberal attitude put me at ease. During the few moments when he had some down time, we would have intense political conversations. His mom was one of the sweetest women I've ever met and was fully supportive of our relationship.

All of this familial closeness had a negative side as well: my mother was becoming, understandably, upset that I had yet to introduce Brent to my family. It's not that I didn't want him to come over. Rather, the timing simply hadn't worked out yet. But, on December 22, we finally both had a free day when he could come and meet my family. In the morning, I had been frantically cleaning up the house and made sure we had plenty of ingredients for a good dinner that I instructed my mother to make. I also gave them strict instructions on how to act so that I wasn't completely mortified.

"Ok, mom, so there will be no gawking at him or talking about him being famous or any other...mortifying remarks," I commanded my mother.

"Jon, I resent you speaking to me like I'm twelve. I have never embarrassed you in the past, so I'm not sure why you're acting like a lunatic."

My eye slightly twitched.

An hour later, my parents were in their bedroom getting ready while my sister was watching TV in her room. I heard the doorbell ring and my heart fluttered in my chest. I ran downstairs and opened the door. It was raining out, and Brent was in a sweathshirt with a hood. He didn't have an umbrella, so he was getting wetter and wetter standing at the door, shivering. I quickly let him in and gave him a big hug, which he returned with equal strength.

"Why didn't you bring an umbrella? You're all wet and cold," I said into his ear, sounding like my mother.

"I didn't realize it would rain this hard. I'm kind of bummed because I think my cologne is probably all washed off. I hope I don't smell bad."

I buried my head into the crook of his neck and inhaled, taking in his scent that always went straight to my heart (and my dick). I whispered into his ear "You always smell good to me."

He pulled back a little and kissed me on the lips. It was short because we didn't want to make a scene in case my parents walked by. After we broke the kiss I hugged him close again and closed my eyes, blocking out all my senses that didn't involve Brent.

"I love you, baby boy," he whispered in my ear. I smiled.

"I love you to. I need to find a nickname for you."

"Yeah. That's your assignment for tonight. If you don't have one by tomorrow I'll whip you ass mothafucka!" he joked. I laughed at his attempt at being BAMF.

"Hahaha, you're the least intimidating person I've ever heard say something like that," I said.

"Whatdya mean? I'm totally intimidating." Right after he said this, he flexed his arms for me and rolled up his sleeves, allowing me to see his well-formed biceps. They made me so horny I pushed them back to his sides and said, "ok, ok, you're very, very intimidating sir, but put those away or I'm going to fuck you right here in the hall," I groaned.

"In that case, I think I'll just whip em out again," he smiled. "Hey, we should go upstairs, we've been standing down here for like five minutes now. It's a little weird," he said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Come on, let's go get this over with." I kissed him one last time and went up the stairs with him close behind me.

As I entered the dining room my parents came in to say hello. My stepdad remained cool and collected, buy my mom, on the other hand, was totally star-struck. I was embarrassed already.

"It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you from Jon!" my mother said, causing me to blush.

"It's very nice to meet you, too. Jon has only nice things to say about you to me," Brent smiled. He was definitely the son of a politician--he knew how to lie really, really well. Hal extended his hand and gave Brent a firm handshake. My sister then came out, looking surprisingly calm and put-together. She said "hey" and sat down in the living room looking over at us. It was odd.

We made some small talk as my mom was itching to learn everything about him she could. I knew that I wasn't just her being star-struck. She was also sizing him up, trying to see if he was worthy of being with me. I smiled to myself and was happy that my mom cared about me so much.

My mom had made a fantastic dinner. Pot roast with potatoes and carrots and a big salad tossed with homemade salad dressing. We all sat down to eat.

"So, Brent," my mother started, "I hope that my son is being respectful to you and your family."

"Mother, seriously...for Christ's sake," I said, beyond annoyed. Brent was over in his seat laughing. I gave him an intense stare and shut him up pretty quickly.

"Sorry," he whispered. This, apparently, was too much for my sister to take, and she turned to him and said "Do NOT apologize. Jon can stop being a girl and take it like a man."

"Amen," my step father mouthed off.

"Ok, you see, THIS is exactly why I waited so long to introduce you to him. God, I seriously hate all of you," I replied, starting to get perturbed. When my family starts episodes like this, I always get annoyed, but wind up laughing about it later.

After a brief, almost uncomfortable pause, Brent grew a shit-eating grin on his face, turned to me, and said "Yeah, Jon, take it like a man." He then exploded in laughter, and the rest of my family chuckled.

"Ok, we're officially broken up for the rest of the night," I said flatly.

"Oh yeah right. Let me tell you something Brent," my sister said. I knew it was about to be severly embarrassed. "All I hear lately from this one over here is Brent' this and Brent' that. I can't get him to shut up about it, and him saying he's breaking up with YOU is a complete joke."

Brent laughed and I turned bright red and shook my head slightly in disbelief of the circus that was going on in front of me. The rest of the dinner carried on with the regular banter, but it didn't get that again. The food really was good, and Brent and my family seemed to be getting alone pretty well. After dinner, we all sat around the living room drinking coffee and snacking on some deserts. Brent, unlike me, was a sports fan, and he found the interested listener he didn't have in me in my stepfather. Hal too probably wished he could talk about sports and motorcycles and other boring shit with me, so he was elated at finally having a male in the house he could relate to.

At around 11:00 o'clock Brent decided it was time for him to head home. He said goodbye to everyone, and my mom gave him a hug, which made me smile. I walked him out to his car in the dark driveway. When we arrived at it, I forcefully pushed him back against the car door and pounced on him, pushing my body hard into his. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the nape of his neck, pressing my lips lightly and lazily against his neck. He stroked the back of my head with one hand and rested his other on my upper ass.

"Thank you sooooo much for putting up with that shit show," I mumbled into his neck.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad. You're family is really...entertaining to be around," he said, choosing his words carefully. We held each other in silence for a minute or so before he said "so, are we back together now?"

I looked up at him and kissed him lightly.

"Yeah, I think we're good," I said. I kissed him one more time and then he got in the car and drove away. It was always sad seeing him go. I just wanted to go with him wherever and whenever he was going.

The next day, Brent and I decided to go to the park and just chill. It was a beautiful day out--not too cold, but cold enough that snow still covered the grass and icicles hung artfully from the tree branches. The benches were cleared of their snow, and we sat down on one of them. When I sat down next to him he frowned at me a little. I gave him a questioning look and he opened his legs a bit. This was his sign that he wanted me to sit in his lap/in between his legs. He loved having me rest up against him and putting his arms around me. Lucky for him, I loved that too. I assumed the position and leaned back contentedly into his sweatshirt-covered chest. When I got settled in, he wrapped his arms protectively around me. He used to wrap his arms over mine and around my chest, constricting my ability to move my arms. Now, however, he had learned that I wasn't really comfortable in that position and he made sure to go under my arms instead. I leaned my head back against his collar bone/shoulder and rubbed the side of my face against his, and he kissed me on the cheek.

I exhaled deeply and said "I love you so much."

He squeezed me tighter and said, "I love you too baby boy." I smiled at the nickname.

"Really? I'm not sure I believe you. You'll have to convince me."

In response, he leaned closer and started kissing behind my ear, sending chills down my body. My mouth opened a little and I let an almost inaudible moan escape. He stopped and said "convinced yet?"

"Ehhh, I'm not so sure, you'll have to do..." he cut me off by passionately kissing the side of my neck and upper shoulder. I moaned louder this time at the sensation, and in between moans I managed to croak out ""

He kept his face nuzzled in my neck and said "what's that? I can't hear you. You'll have to say that a little bit louder." He immediately went back to kissing my neck, sending yet another wave of pleasure through my body. "Agh...I...said..." I paused as I let the sensations take over me. I contemplated letting him continue kissing me, but then I realized our situation: two boys, sitting on a public park bench, one in the other's lap, of the boys Brent Laker. I reluctantly pulled away from him and stood up, readjusting my pants, which had shifted during our little...entanglement. I looked down at Brent who was pouting at me, vexed that I stopped his little game.

"Don't give me that face buddy boy. You have to start exercising some self-control. We're in public. Kissing! On a park bench! You'! This is an absolutely terrible idea. Why am I the one who seems more concerned about protecting your privacy than you are?" I asked jokingly. He laughed a little, stood up, and approached me. His face became more serious.

"Seriously, though, do you not want people to know about us yet? Are you getting worried about the reaction?" he asked lovingly. I shuffled closer to him and he put his hands on my waist. I brought arms up and rested one on his shoulder. With my free arm I started slowly stroking the side of his face, which, although it had gotten cold, was soft and beautiful. I alternated between stroking his face and the little strands of hair that poked out under the side of his winter hat. I stared into his eyes for a minute before responding to his question: "No, I'm not worried about that. I know eventually we'll get spotted, and I'm ready to deal with that. It's just that I don't want the first thing people see you and me making out in the park. It'll look trashy, and there is absolutely nothing trashy about you. I don't want anyone to be able to say a single bad word about you," I said softly. Brent stared at me for a moment and then kissed me on the lips gently, without tongue. It was, for him, a way to convey how much he loved me without using words.

"What was that for?" I asked smiling.

"For what you said. For how you treat me. For how you love me. For the way you make me feel that you're always looking out for me and trying to make me happy." He paused for a moment, looked up pensively, then said "ya know, every day, when I wake up, you're the first thing that comes into my head. I think about you and remember how it felt when I was with you last, and I think that it couldn't possibly get any better than that. But every time I see you, you find new ways to blow my mind and make me even happier. I love you so fucking much baby boy. More than you could ever know."

I was moved beyond words. "Don't say another goddamn word or I'm going to cry."

He laughed and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around me and exhaling loudly. "Cry all you want baby boy, but it's not gunna stop me from telling you just how much I love you," he said mellifluously. He then kissed the top of my head, causing me too look up at him and kiss him softly on the lips. Our kissing grew stronger and more impassioned, and I had quickly forgotten about my own advice I had given Brent just a few minutes before. I got lost kissing him and everything around me seemed to become insignificant and meaningless. Brent was definitely the best drug I've ever done.

When I broke the kiss I stared into his eyes again smiling like an idiot. I was about to suggest that we go back to one of our houses when I rejoined reality and noticed that we had attracted the attention of the few people occupying the park that day. There were several people openly staring at us, some with amazement, some with curiousity, and some with elation. I knew that we had a major issue on our hands.

"Brent, FUCK, look at all these fucking people! There's no way one of them didn't see us or even..." I let my words fall short as I noticed one lady putting a digital camera back into her purse. Brent had seen the woman as well, and his face drained of all its color as he stiffened up. He turned away and started walking, not looking back to make sure I was coming. I was beginning to panic, thinking that he was dumping me, when he turned back and said flatly, "come on, let's go." He turned back around and kept walking as I ran to catch up with him. We got to his limo and got in the back seat. Once the doors were all closed and the car started moving, Brent put his head in the palm of his hands and exhaled loudly. I stared at him, almost afraid to say anything. I'd never seen him this agitated and distraught, so I had no way of knowing how he was apt to behave in this sort of situation.

He uncovered his face after about a minute or so, and it looked as if most of the color had returned to his face. He looked over at me and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry I freaked out like that. I'm sorry I worried you," he said humbly, almost afraid that I wasn't going to forgive him. I snuggled against him and kissed the side of his head.

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it. You got freaked out, I understand. I'm not mad, don't worry baby," I reassured him. He started reclining horizontally on the long seat, resting his head on the window. He pulled me up against him, so I was laying down on him with my head buried in his chest. I kissed his chest through his clothes. It sounds weird, but I liked having my face and mouth so close to his body. I could bend down and kiss whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and it was totally acceptable! For some reason, this ability made me unbelievably happy, and I used my new ability as often as I could.

"So what should we do abou..."

I cut him off by inching up and kissing him on the lips. "Let's not talk about it for...three hours. We'll go to my house, go to my room, get in my bed and lay down and relax. I just...I really want to be close to you for a little bit."

"Of course baby boy. I think that sounds like a pretty good plan."

For the rest of the trip we didn't say a single word. When we got to my house, only my mom was home. She smiled when we came through and was about to say something when she saw Brent's gloomy face. Brent was shy and embarrassed, this being only his second time over. So I nudged him up the stairs a bit. When I was level with my mom, I just said to her, "we had a bit of a tough day. We're gunna go to my room and lie down for a bit." She smiled gently to me and nodded her head. She really was a good mom. "Let me know if you need anything," she said and then headed into her bedroom.

We got to my room and Brent lay down first, pulling me down with him by my belt buckles. I let out a little laugh as I collapsed on top of him. He quickly brought his lips up to mine and gave me a quick, sweet kiss. I put my head onto his shoulder and clawed at his shirt's neck hole until I had pulled it enough to uncover part of his upper chest. I started kissing the little spot of exposed skin. He moaned a little bit, which only encouraged me and made me kiss faster. I kissed one last time and then rested my forehead against his chest again. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. We decided to ditch our pants and shirts and got under the covers in just our boxers. We got on our sides, facing toward each other, and hugged each other close.


"What?" I asked.

"I love you too much. I don't know what you did to me asshole, but I'm crazy about you."

I laughed and blushed at the same time. "Well, I think I'm pretty hooked on you too buddy."I leaned in and kissed him. We made out on my bed for what felt like decades until my jaw started getting tired and my mouth dry. Brent smiled at me as we both realized how long we had been making out for.

"I guess I got lost in there," Brent said through a shit-eating grin.

"It's a good place to get lost," I replied, smiling as well.

"I love you Brent," I said after a moment of silence. He kissed my forehead, squeezed me even tighter, and said "If you keep telling me that I'm gunna wind up squeezing you to death."

"Well, I'm gunna die someday, and as far as deaths go, that doesn't sad so bad. So...I love you. I love you I love you I love you," I gushed. I was embarrassing myself, but I just couldn't help it around him. It seems almost strange that one particular person can cause us to lose total control over ourselves when in their presence. I liked that he had that power over me. To shut me up, Brent planted another kiss on my lips. Then he thrust his hips against me, allowing me to feel what seemed to be a painfully aching erection.

"Do you see what you're doing to me?! It's soooo not fair to turn me on so hard like this," he whined. I thought for a moment and then decided that he had earned a little indulgence. I realized that what I had with him was the real thing, and that if anyone was going to help me move past my trauma, it was going to be him. I smiled at him and then pressed my tongue on his Adam's Apple and began tracing a line down his chest with my tongue. I stopped when I got to his boxers and kissed around the waistband. He had arched his back slightly and was panting softly. I then started slowly pushing his boxers down. He froze up and looked down at me.

"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously.

"I'm thanking you for being the greatest boyfriend imaginable." With that, I pushed his boxers the rest of the way down. He erection sprang out and hit my chin. I giggle and moved back a bit to finally look at it. It was about eight inches, not too thick, not too think. It was fantastic. I kissed and licked my way up it from the base to the head. I licked around the head several times and heard him whining in pleasure. I took the whole head into my mouth, reveling in the feeling of fullness and completion it gave me. He moaned quite loudly, causing me to quickly pull my head off and tell him to be quiet. I did not need my mother hearing this.

I got back to work as I took as much of him in my mouth as I could. I got about halfway before I couldn't handle anymore. I stayed there for a minute, and then began going back up, sucking on it as I went. He was arching his back up and down, gasping for air. He placed his hands lightly on my head, gently urging me on. I went up and down slowly at first, but getting faster as I went on. I was really getting into it and I became consumed with a desire to get as much of him in me as possible. I relaxed my throat as much as possible and dived down on the rest of his dick, hoping I wouldn't gag. Fortunately, I had done something right, and he went down my throat easily. My nose was in his pubic hairs. It was wildly erotic and I pressed my face as close to his body as I could, reveling in this feeling of ultimate closeness.

Brent, I could tell, was in heaven. He was breathing heavily. When I deep-throated him, he apparently had had all that his body could take. As I began pulling up, he said "shit. I'm gunna come. What should I..." I cut him off by shoving my head back down as far as I could. I wanted him to come inside me. He moaned fairly loudly as he started coming in my mouth. He got a good five or six shots down my throat before his body started going limp. I was so excited and turned on that I, I'm afraid to admit, shot in my pants. It collapsed on top of his pubic area, his still hard dick pressed against my face. I felt amazing, but a sense of shame and embarrassment was starting to come over me as I realized that I had just cum in my pants.

"Holy shit, did you just cum?" He asked through his panting.

"Yeah," I said, blushing and pressing my face even harder against his body. He pulled me up with his arms and brought my face to his.

"Don't be embarrassed. What you just did for me was the most amazing thing that anyone has ever done for me. I love you so, so fucking much," he said with emotion and passion. I kissed him ferociously, determined to let my intense love for him continue to find physical reliefs. After we broke the kiss, I found some tissues in my room and we cleaned ourselves up. I cuddled up against him as he wrapped his arms around me.

We still had to deal with the incident in the park. I knew that what had happened was greatly significant and that it would change the dynamic of our relationship. However, lying there in my post-orgasmic haze with my boyfriend's arms around me, I didn't care about any of that. Instead I focused in on the feeling of his arms around me and his body pressed to mine. I knew in that moment that no matter what happens down the road--be it a year, a month, a day, or five minutes from now--as long as I can feel his body against mine, everything will work out in the end. And as I drifted off to sleep, a line from one of the Killers' songs drifted across my mind like a mental breeze: "And my heart, it don't beat, it don't beat the way it used to..."

And it didn't.

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