The Possessor

By john greene

Published on Apr 11, 2006


Authors Note:

This is fiction. It did not occur. I do not believe that it should occur. It is only a fantasy. If you are not able to legally read gay incest and rape stop now.

The Possessor, Kyle

It was late at night and I was flipping channels. I happened across one of those local commercials for a car lot. They were trying to make them selves look wholesome by having their family in the commercial. He was a blond haired boy about 8.

He delivered his line like any young kid would do, and you could see he was missing a front tooth. He had the ruddy cheeks most light complexioned kids get around here in the summer. He was wearing just a pair of shorts that came done past his knees. His little boy chest was small and his belly stood out just a little.

I knew right then that I was going to have fun with him. The first problem would be finding out just how old this commercial was. I stayed on the channel until it was repeated. The lot was a used one, but one of the cars they were advertising was the current year model, so the ad was not too old. The next problem would be getting to find out who the boy was and then to find out where he was.

I decided that I would take the day off from work, and see if I could take some one over on the lot and find out who the kid was. I do not have to know the person to take them over. I just have to have a good physical location. If I know them then it is easier and I do not have to know where they are at. I waited until around noon. It did not take me long to find a victim.

As I gained full control, the salesman was looking at me with a very concerned look. The customer I had taken over was leaning hard against one of the cars.

"Jack, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just got a little shaky there for a second," I responded. I had taken control of a person under observation before and knew that it looked like a mild seizure. The man I had taken over was confused and very afraid. His fear came through enough that I was able to understand that he was afraid of the salesman tricking him. He was even a little concerned that the salesman may have put something in the coke he, I, dropped during the seizure.

"Randy that was your name wasn't it?" I started.

"No, my name is Paul," he corrected.

"I think I have changed my mind. I saw a commercial last night for a wagon. There was some kid on the hood; do you know which car that was?" I asked. The kid of course was the blond boy.

"You must mean the Ford. It's over here," he said and started across the lot.

"So, is the boy yours?" I asked, hoping that if he was not then he would tell me who he was.

"No, that's Jerry's boy. His name is Kyle," Paul answered.

I had almost all of the information I needed. I played along with the car purchase for a while. I made a few mistakes in information that did not match what I, Jack, had told him, but the salesman was more interested in the sale and just let the slips go by.

When we came back in to the office I insisted on meeting everybody before I would talk about money. It turned out that Jerry was Jerry Baker, the sales manager. I was able to find out that Kyle was actually just seven. I was also able to find out what type of car Jerry drove and that he was divorced. Of course I got much of the same information from all of the employees. As soon as we got in the office and Paul went to see if the car was still available, I left Jack to fend for him self.

I waited out side of the lot for Jerry to leave that night. It was easy to follow him home to the apartment complex he lived in. I was glad to see that he was on the top floor in a corner apartment. It was going to be fun to fuck with him and his son.

I decided to wait until Saturday to do anything. I woke up early about seven and tried to take over Kyle. It was not too hard and soon I was lying in bed with a piss on that would not stop. I rubbed my, Kyle's, hands over my young body and gave my, Kyle's, nipples a quick twist. The boy was confused and shocked at the pain.

Peeing could not wait and on the second try I found the bathroom. Kyle's confusion was getting stronger. He was also starting to get a little scared. The mix of emotions was overpowering and I was getting turned on by them. A quick check of the apartment showed that Jerry was already gone. There was a teen age boy I had not seen before on the couch. My, Kyle's, little boner jumped in the pajama bottoms.

I quickly decided on my course of action. I was going to rape/ seduce the teenage baby sitter. The TV was on showing some rock video. The kid was deep into the music and did not her me, Kyle, approach. I was able to get right be hind him without being detected. I was even able to smell his sent. It was a mix of a musky cologne and clean smell of deodorant soap.

I looked up at the TV and saw that the video was a rather sexy one. Two video tramps were pawing allover some too thin rock star with clothes that had been torn to shreds. The tramps were both similarly dressed, the strips of torn cloth always managing to hide everything interesting in the nick of time.

I looked over the teens head and saw that he was showing a definite erection. I wanted Kyle to get an idea of what I planned so that I could feed off of his emotions too. Soon I was able to feel his revulsion at what he thought he wanted to do. I was ready to start with the teenager.

The boy was about 15. He had dark brown hair and seemed to be thin and not very muscled. I jumped over the couch, catching him by complete surprise. While he was recovering from the startle I grabbed his dick through his jeans, "I want to play with this," I, Kyle said, stroking the cock through the denim. Now the boy was in total shock. I quickly bent down and started to suck on the material covering my prize.

As I was sucking and licking, I was also trying to get his jeans undone. This seemed to bring him out of his shock, "Kyle, what are you doing?" he said as he tried to pry me off of his crotch.

By now the feelings from Kyle were overpowering. He was shocked, confused, and repulsed by what he, I was doing. He did not seem to really understand the concept of sex, but he did understand that I intended to suck the teen's dick and get him to fuck me, Kyle.

As the teen tried to push my head away, I reached behind his ass and locked my hands together and began to lick his jeans in earnest. He kept trying to pry me, Kyle, loose, without any luck. At the initial assault his dick had gone soft, but with the friction and moistness from the denim and my, Kyle's, tongue he had started to get hard again. His attempts to dislodge me, Kyle, had lessened and he was starting to breath heavier.

I again tried to loosen his jeans, this time he did not resist. He was wearing a pair of red plaid boxers. His dick was sticking through the fly. He had about 4, maybe 5 inches of uncut cock. There was pubic hair also sticking through the fly. Before he could think about what he was letting happen I took his cock in my, Kyle's, mouth and began to give him one of the best blow jobs I could give.

I kind of pushed back on him to see if he had any resistance left. He folded back on to the couch. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were closed. I decided this was a good time to explore his body a little more. He offered no resistance as I pulled his shirt of over his head. He had no hair on his chest and just a very faint beginning of a treasure trail. He also had just a small amount of hair under his arms.

I bent forward and took one of his pink nipples into my mouth and gently started sucking it. He moaned and jumped a little. I eased up on the action and he started to relax again. I continued to give the nipple a good licking while I started to rub the other one. They both quickly became hard and the skin puckered around the nipple it self.

I switched to the other nipple and started to give it a tongue bath of its own. The teen was lost in the feelings that were overcoming his body. I looked at his cock and saw that it had a small bead of precum on the tip. I, Kyle, shifted my direction and licked it off, eliciting another gasp from the teen. I pulled his boxers down and looked at his balls. They were not huge or anything, but they were nice, nearly bald, and pulled up close to the base of his dick.

I started to slowly jack him as I removed his shoes. He helped by kicking them off. I was able to get him completely naked in just a few minutes, while never letting go of his cock and balls. I now worked on removing my pajama bottoms.

Now we both were completely naked. I was pretty sure that the teen was completely controlled by the rushing hormones and decided to see if he would such my, Kyle, little boy dick. As I started to work down his body, my chest over his face, I could feel his breath on my little boy nipples and they got hard. I positioned one over his mouth and he started to suck on it. I took his hand and place it on my, Kyle's, other nipple and got him to rub it. Mean while I, Kyle, was once again giving the teen's own nipples my, our full attention.

By increasing the tempo I was able to get him to get a little rougher. I bit down a little on his nipple. The third time he got the hint and bit back a little. I also had started to twist the other nipple a little harder. He was now following suit. Not a word had been said since his initial protest. I broke the silence, "Harder."

The verbal prompt was enough and he began to seriously bite and twist my, Kyle's, little boy nipples. Soon they were puffy and hard. I encouraged him to get even rougher and knew that there would be teeth marks and bruised by the time that Jerry got home.

In addition to the pain that was still at the level of being a turn on, I also was experiencing a mix of emotions from Kyle. He now was now even more confused by his, my, feelings. He knew that he liked the feelings he was having. He also knew that they were wrong. He knew that he did not like the pain, but yet he was excited by it. Of course what he could not understand was that he was not in control of himself. Most of the feelings he was feeling, were mine, and I am one sick bastard.

I restarted the climb down the teen's body. The position was a little strained, because of the different heights, but I was able to get him and me, Kyle into a 69. I started slowly on his dick and balls, as he did the same to mine, Kyle's. I pulled myself off of his cock and said, "Twist it a little." The teen again responded to the verbal instructions and began to bite the cocklet in his mouth and twist the little marbles that I, Kyle, had for balls.

If Kyle, had been capable of physical orgasm I , he, would have come at that minutes. Instead I started to shake allover. The teen took the shaking as sign that he was doing the right thing and increased his pressure. I started to lick the head of his dick again. The pain form my, Kyle's, privates was almost too much now. I decided to bring the boy off quick. After all I had all day to get him hard again.

I, Kyle swallowed his dick to the root in one motion. As an adult this would not of been very hard, but as a seven year old boy, I had had to force my, Kyle's, head down on the intruding penis. It had pierced the back of my, Kyle's, throat and started the journey to my stomach. The teen shuddered as I, Kyle, reached bottom. I quickly started pistoning my head up and down. The teen did not even last three strokes. He shot too much cum for the small boy's mouth to contain, and a lot of it leaked out. The second shot was so much that not only was it forced down my, Kyle's, throat with out swallowing but it started to cum out of my, his, nose. I, Kyle, started to swallow as much as possible as the shots became less and less. It was also at about this time that I realized how much pain my, Kyle's, genitals were in. The teen had instinctively pulled and bit harder when he came. Now to match the bruising on my, Kyle's, nipples and cock there would be bruises and bite marks on my, Kyle's, dick and balls.

As the boy relaxed his hold, I grabbed my, Kyle's, pajamas and ran to my room. I wiped the excess cum off of my, Kyle's, face with the pajamas and hid them under the mattress. I jumped ion the bed, and let Kyle's emotions roll over me. I was sobbing instantly. It took the teenager longer to recover. He came to the door in about five minutes.

"Little man, I am so sorry," the teen said from the door. This was too much. I had used Kyle's seven year old body to assault him, and he was apologizing. I rolled away from him and started to sob harder. I was afraid that instead of coming in to comfort me, Kyle, he would turn and leave. He hesitated a moment longer and then came into the room and set on the edge of the bed.

"I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me, but it will not happen again," he said in very sincere tones. It was hard for me to maintain the sobs while I was thinking of the irony of what the situation was. I not only intended for it to happen again, but a whole lot more.

I let the sobbing calm down and moved a little closer to him. He responded by placing his hand on my, Kyle's, shoulder. I had positioned my self so that he had to turn some to reach me. At his touch I quit sobbing altogether. I took a few ragged breathes and he started to rub my, Kyle's, back gently. My next move would be the most risky to what I had planned for the rest of the day.

I rolled over a little so that he was rubbing my ribs instead of my back. I continued to calm down and roll over more towards him. Son he was gently rubbing my, Kyle's stomach. I waited until his arms were just right and jumped up and grabbed him by the neck and started a new wave of sobbing.

In this position short of throwing me down he had no choice but to also close his arms around me. I had carefully position my knee as I grabbed his neck so that it was in his groin. Not painfully, just a presence. I slowly let the new sobbing dye out. By this time I was positioned with my knee rubbing his dick and my hands around his chest. I gently started to rub my knee against his dick. He tried to adjust way, but again I had him in a strong hug, and turned the tears back on as he tried to move away.

"You hate me now don't you," I, Kyle, said as he started to move away. "Don't hate me. I will suck you better next time. I will swallow it all."

I could feel the tenseness go through the teen's body. He wanted to get away, but I knew part of him was thinking hard on that word again, the part that suddenly was rubbing against my, Kyle's knee. While I, Kyle, had stayed naked, he had put his jeans back on, but he had not done the belt and I was able to reach a small hand down and gently caress his cock.

Once again his breathing started to get heavier and he closed his eyes. I pulled him down on to the mattress and removed his jeans. I went to work on his dick again, being sure to get it good and wet with, my. Kyle's, spit. It did not take anytime for him to get back to a full erection.

His head was a bright pink and was fully exposed, the fore skin rolled up under the back of the head. I worked the skin back up over the head and started to slobber on it a lot. I had also slowly raised bent myself so that I, Kyle, was nearly blowing myself to suck him.

I inched forward and started to give his belly button a tongue bath. I have always liked the feel of men's body hair on my tongue and swirled it around his small treasure trail. He was completely relaxed again with his eyes closed. I had moved my knees up until they were even with his hips. Now I sat up aiming his cock at my, Kyle's, virgin ass.

The spit covered foreskin worked like a dream. As the head penetrated my, Kyle's, ass the foreskin pulled back, allowing more of the head to enter. As soon as the foreskin quite moving, I let Kyle's weight rest completely on the teen's dick. There was the briefest second of resistance then I, Kyle, fell down the teen's cock.

I had braced for the pain and had partially blocked it out. Kyle did not have that luxury. He felt the full force of the brutal entry. I was barely able to keep him from screaming. I did not want anyone getting too curious yet. Before the teen could react I was wiggling my, Kyle's, ass on his dick. It was increasing the pain, but was bringing the older boy back under control. I started to move up and down a little in addition to the side to side and the teen was back under the control of his rushing hormones.

For Kyle the pain was unbearable. I felt him retreat many times to the point that I could not feel him. Then I would rest a little and the pain would lessen and Kyle would come back, if he had been able he would have passed out, then I would start again. If it had been completely under my control I would have kept that up for the entire day, but each time I relaxed to bring Kyle back, I could feel the teen start to tense, and I was not ready for him to realize what he had done and what it would mean to the rest of his life.

I started to practically hop up and down on the teenaged dick and soon felt it flex in my, Kyle's, not virgin ass. The teenaged boy, who I did not even know his name, came again in me, Kyle. I started the side to side motion again, wanting both kids to get the most from the experience, Kyle the pain, and the teen a grand fuck. The teen moaned appreciatively and then started trying to buck Kyle off of him.

I feel exhausted on bed. The teenager got up and practically ran from the room. I looked at the bed and saw that there were both cum and blood stains on the sheets. There would be no hiding what had happened here. I ran my, Kyle's, fingers up my, his, crack and looked at the mess that was leaking from my, his, ass. It was a mix of ass juice, cum and blood. I licked my, Kyle's, fingers clean. I was barely able to control Kyle's gag reflex.

I heard the front door slam. The teen had left. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 9:30. It would be almost 12 hours before Jerry got home. I decided that I did not want to wait that long to start the second part of the game. I picked up the phone and called Jerry at work.

It took the receptionist a minute to figure out who was calling through the tears. Then it took a minute or two for Jerry to take the call. He was home 15 minutes later. I, Kyle, never said a word.

When Jerry got home, he saw the pajamas that I had previously hidden torn and on the arm of the couch. He could hear me in my bedroom crying. I had made sure that the first thing he would see when he came into the room would be the stained sheets. I had purposely hidden by the side of the bed.

I watched as the emotions rolled across his face. He went from confusion, to the spark of understanding to rage. At the moment that rage came into play, I let out a large sob. He quickly calmed down and came over by the bed to comfort me.

He gently picked me up from the floor. I forced a portion of the contents of by bowels out, covering the front of his suit in a reddish brown mix. Jerry started to get angry and nearly dropped me, Kyle his 7 year old son.

"I am sorry Daddy, I could not help my self, "I, Kyle said, bringing the tears back on full throttle.

"It's alright son. I am just going to go take these clothes off," he said as he started to set me down in a chair in the bedroom.

I quickly grabbed him around the neck and said, "Don't leave me Daddy. I will be good and I am scared."

He said alright and carried me into the other bedroom. He set me down on the bed. He started to go into the bathroom that was off of that bedroom. I started crying again, and he came back in. He kind of shrugged his shoulders and took the messed up jacket off. I quieted down, getting turned on by the show. Kyle was starting to realize that he planned on doing the same thing to his father that he had done to the baby sitter. He was cold with fear, and a wash with guilt. Between the emotions going through him and Jerry removing the stained tie my, Kyle's, cocklett was completely hard. Jerry turned away as he started to undo the ruined shirt. I turned the water works back on and he not only turned back around, but came to the bed as he finished taking the shirt off.

It was obvious that he was not comfortable getting undressed in front of me, Kyle, but he did not want to upset me any more, and those clothes stank way too much to keep them on. He kicked off his shoes and took his pants off. I started a slow sob, and he played right into my hands by setting on the edge of the bed and rubbing my back.

He was setting in the edge of the bed only in his boxers. I could see that they were a little small and the fly was opened. I reached around him and hugged him. As I, Kyle, did this I moved into his lap. Obviously Kyle sat in Jerry's lap fairly often because Jerry did not tense at all. I started to sob some more, causing my, Kyle's, whole body to shudder. This in turn caused my, Kyle's ass to rub against Jerry's flaccid dick. It did not take too much of this rubbing for Jerry to get hard.

I could feel the bare dick head against my, Kyle's, but. I did not think that I could get away with a blow job and a fuck. I would just go for the fuck. Jerry tried to reposition himself and I used the moment to take his dick into my, Kyle's ass. While I had not actually seen Jerry's dick it was obviously larger than the teen boys had been and was causing even more pain than the boy had.

Jerry, just let out his breathe in an audible gasp. Before he could react I was riding him. I wanted him to cum inside of me, Kyle, and I knew that he was not going to loss control completely like the boy had. Ad I rode his dick, I flexed my, Kyle's, ass checks. I could feel that Jerry was getting even harder, but he was starting to get his bearings also. I leaned forward and started to suck on one of his tits. This elicited another gasp, and a few more seconds of control.

Just as he started to come to his senses, he got a glazed look and I felt his cock flex in my, Kyle's ass. I went down completely on him, being sure to capture his sperm in my but. As his dick stopped flexing I jumped off as fast as I had got on his cock. Between the brutal fuck I had given myself, Kyle, and the sudden dismount I, Kyle was bleeding again from his ass. I ran out the front door, naked and bleeding, screaming my head off. At least three doors opened to see what the commotion was. I left Kyle there.

As usual the details in the newspaper were pretty shallow. But by taking over a social worked I was able to see how the story played out. Both Jerry and Johnny, the babysitter, omitted to molesting Kyle. Jerry got 10 years, and Johnny went to juvie. Kyle was put into a home for abused boys. I visited both Kyle and Johnny in their homes over the next few years, more to the point I would visit other residents who then would play with them. I wonder if the authorities ever wondered about the increased number of rapes in those two facilities. Both Kyle and Johnny got used a lot before they were adults.

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