The Possessor

By john greene

Published on Mar 19, 2006


Author's Note: I do not have these powers in real life, and quite frankly would be very afraid if I thought anyone did. These stories are just that, stories. I neither wish to do these acts or have them done to anyone in the real world.

Disclaimer: This is fiction and fantasy and should be read that way. If non consensual, gay sex offends you then read no further.

The Possessor, Jack

You might get the impression that I am a mean ruthless person, without any human qualities. That is not entirely true. I do use my abilities for other things than just satisfying my sick twisted desires. I have found it a good way to supplement my income, help other people, and write injustices. Well, not often but on occasion. This is one of those occasions.

Nick was new at the office. He was about 18, maybe 19. He worked as the go-boy as we called it. His job was to run all of the errands that the secretaries, personal assistants now, did not want to or have the time to do. He was not a great looking kid, but he was not ugly. He seemed slightly feminine but was involved in all of the normal teen male scenes. He was not a sissy, just gave a vibe off. He was pretty well developed and obviously either worked out some, or his previous employment was physical. He was a little short at about 5' 8" and maybe 130 pounds. He had dark black hair that had a definite luster that made it almost radiant. His eyes were a normal brown. Basically other than his hair, he was the type of person you would see and never even remember 2 minutes later.

He had been working for us for almost 3 weeks before I became aware of him. He brought me a package that was marked urgent. I looked up and almost dismissed him without actually seeing him. At this point in my life I had a nice office with a large window. It was the sun shinning on his hair that caught my attention. I watched him for the next few weeks and saw that he had an unusually large numbers of visits to Jack Talks's office.

Jack was the founder's son and a total waste of air. He was born with a silver spoon and knew it. He also expected every one else to know it too. He was about 25, straight out of college. The gossips all said that old man Talks bought his degree, and they did not mean that he paid the tuition. He was at least 6'3" and had an athletic build that came from spending more time at the gym then at the office. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked so much like the stereotypical Nordic God that it was not funny.

Knowing Jack, I was concerned that he might be giving Nick problems, so I had my secretary call him to run an errand. It was about 3 in the afternoon and I had Nick get me 2 certified checks from our bank on the east edge of town. I knew that would take him until after 5, and I wanted to have a chance to talk to him after every one had left.

Since I have never described my self I guess this is as good a time as any. When I was younger I was the kid in all of the Johnny Atlas ads getting sand kicked in his face. I had red hair, a tall thin build, and green eyes. As I got older I was able to add some muscle to my frame, but still looked like a match stick. Even now years later, that nick name still found me sometimes. But for some reason everyone felt they could trust me. People told me things they would not tell there therapist.

When Nick got back at around 5:30 the offices were empty. "Sorry, that I kept you late Nick," I said as he handed me the two checks. "The client will be here at 8 in the morning and I had to have these ready for him."

"That's alright," Nick said as he started to turn to leave.

"Nick, there is one thing I wanted to ask you. Are you having any trouble with Jack?"

"God, is it that obvious?" he asked, his voice breaking.

"Well I see that you are running an inordinate number of errands for him, and he can be an ass," I said.

"I walked into his office one day to drop off a package; his door was not closed completely. He was standing behind his desk with his dick was hanging out of his pants. I was shocked, and well stared at it. He noticed. He made me close the door and lock it."

I held the boy who was now crying. He shook as the rest of the story came out. Jack had threatened to tell everyone that the kid was gay if he did not did not blow him whenever he wanted. He had also threatened the boy's job. While the job was not that much, it was all that he had. He was not an idiot and knew that if he got fired from here he would not be able to get another job in the town. He did as Jack ordered.

By the time Nick was calmed down and had finished the story it was nearly 6:30. It also had come out that Nick was actually gay. He had a steady boy friend that he lived with and was afraid of what his lover would do when he found out about the sex at work. His boyfriend, Richard, was an ex biker and rough. Nick said that he had never hurt him, but he had seen Richard put a guy in the hospital.

I already had a plan starting. Nick did not have a car. After he had regained his composure I offered him a ride home. As I had hoped Richard was there. It took very little to maneuvering to get Nick to invite me in. I had a beer with both of them and was able to get a good feel for Richard. After I finished the beer I went back to the office.

I did the few things that absolutely had to be done tomorrow and left a message for my secretary to have the checks returned to the bank, that the client would not be in after all and that I would not be in either.

I could tell from the hour or so I had spent with Richard and Nick that they both were versatile and that Richard was open to some experimenting. I intended to give him a new subject to experiment with tonight. Jack was in for a long night.

When I got home it was already pushing 10. I got into bed, but did not go to sleep. I had practiced on Jack before, but had never tried to do anything. It took only a few seconds to find him. I took a deep breath and took him over.

After the seizure had subsided I looked around to get a bearing on my surroundings. Jack lived in an apartment on the south side of town. When I say apartment, understand this is not your normal bachelor pad. It was luxurious beyond description. I was impressed, and that is hard to do. Because of my gift I am by no means poor and do enjoy the finer things in life.

Once I got my bearings I ran my, Jack's, hands down my, his, body. He was a well toned as I had thought. I took the boxers off and was surprised to find he had at least 8 inches of uncut cock. I started to jerk a little. By this time Jack's feelings were starting to get strong enough to filter through to me. He was confused, as most guys I visit are, but he was also enjoying the leisurely jack.

I got up and went through his closet. It took me a few minutes but I finally found a pair of jeans and a t shirt. I put them on, no underwear, and a pair of old boots in the back of the closet. I then headed out.

At this point Jack was totally confused. He had no idea why he had gotten up and dressed like that. I continued to rub my, his, crotch as I drove to Nick's house. I guess I was fantasizing too much because Jack began to realize what I, he, was intending to do. He was terrified at the feelings that came to him.

I rang the doorbell. Nick answered after a few minutes. He was searing a pair of pants and that was all. It was obvious that he had just got out of bed. "Mr. Talks? What are you doing here?"

I, Jack just smiled. I wobbled a little like I had been drinking. "This is what I want," I said as I, Jack, grabbed the boy's dick.

Nick let out a yelp and Richard came around the corner. Richard was not a tall man either, but he was built like the proverbial brick shit house. His arms were tattooed, and standing there in only a pair of boxers he looked exactly like what he was, one mad biker.

"Who the hell are you, what the fuck are you doing to Nick?" Richard yelled.

"I am his boss and I am going to suck his dick tonight, and get him to fuck me. I will even let you use me too," I said as I, Jack, stumbled to Richard and grabbed his dick also.

"Nick, close the door," Richard said as he got a mean grin on his face. Nick closed the door.

Richard grabbed Jack's hand, "First thing you gotta learn slut is I am in charge here. I will tell you what you are gonna do, and when."

"Yes sir," I said.

"That's better," Richard said as he drug Jack into the bedroom.

Once Richard had me, Jack, in the bedroom he removed my jeans. I, Jack, was as hard as a brick. My, Jack's, cock was at 9 inches hard, and the foreskin had started to pull back n the head exposing a small amount of purple head. He then pulled the t-shirt off over my head. I, Jack, had a definite 6 pack, and well developed pecks. Richard removed his boxers. Jack did not have the biggest cock in the room.

Richard looked like a biker. He was over 6 foot, I would say 6'2". He was not defined, but not fat either. He had shaved his head as a lot of guys who are starting to bald do. He had a Harley tattoo on his left arm. His dick was cut and ten or eleven inches. By this time Nick had came into the room. Between the door and the bedroom he had lost his jeans.

"So this is the fucker that has been making work so hard on you?" Richard asked Nick.

"Yeah, he is the one," Nick answered.

"You think that you can harass my friend at work and then come here and try to do it at home?" Richard yelled at me, Jack.

"I have been forcing him to blow me. I feel real guilty about it and wanted to make it up to him," I, Jack, said to Richard.

There was moment of stunned silence. During this time I could feel how confused and afraid Jack was becoming. Here he was, the straight boy who used queers about to be used by two queers, one of them was not only his employee but had been toy. I could feel the intense emotions from him and it turned me on even more. When I am in control of someone fear and shame are absolutely the most incredible turn on.

I, Jack, was snapped back into reality by a hard slap across the face. Before I, Jack, could get my, his, bearings the back hand hit the other cheek. I was sure that there would be a bruise there. "You mother fucking bitch!! How the fuck dare you to use my boy like that? Just who the hell do you think you are?" Richard howled in my, Jack's, face.

He shoved me down hard onto the bed. "You are going to have a very painful lesson. Nobody treats me like that, and nobody fucks with my boy. I am going to fuck you so hard that you bleed, and then I am going to make you clean me. Then you are going to get fucked by Nick, and if I am satisfied you will go home, if not we will do it again. Nick feed him your cock, and don't you even think about biting him."

Nick came around to my, Jack's, face. He had an evil grin on his face. He shook his 6 inch dick in my face and then said, "Open." I, Jack, opened my mouth and started to suck on Jack's first cock. While this was Jack's first time, it was not mine and I knew how to give a blow job. Nick was forceful but not violent. Richard, at the other end, was not so gentle.

Richard had pulled me, Jack, into a doggie position. I could feel his cock at my, Jack's, asshole. I realized that he intended to fuck me, Jack, dry. I prepared for the pain. Richard was real bull of a man. He grabbed me, Jack by the hips, and as Nick pulled out of my mouth he slammed all 11 inched in. The pain was extreme. I could feel the membranes tearing and knew that Jack was going to have some real explaining to do.

At this point nick gagged me, Jack, with his dick and began a harsh pounding of my, Jack's face. He still was not being violent, just hard and relentless. His dick was just long enough to open my, Jack's, throat but not really long enough to go down it. I was having a real problem controlling Jack's gag reflex.

Richard had stayed stationary for a few seconds. He then ripped his dick all the way out, just as fast as he had plunged it in. I could feel my, Jacks, asshole pulsing from the punishment.

"Too bad you can't see your ass bitch. Its all red and begging for me to put my big old dick back in. Sure wouldn't want to disappoint it," Richard said as he punched back in to his balls. He started a rhythm of pulling all the way out, pausing a few seconds while he insulted me, Jack, and then would drive all the way to his balls again. He would then hold it there a few more seconds and then rip his dick back out. This was one of the most painful fucks I had ever received. I could not feel any reaction from Jack and figured he was in deep shock.

The brutal double rape continued for an indefinite period of time. Then I felt Nick starting to stiffen even more in my, Jack's mouth. The pain had subsided in my, Jack's ass, and I was starting to feel his shame and fear. Nick grabbed the back of my, Jack's, head and thrust all six inches in. He held it there and I could feel his dick pulsing as he unloaded his cum into my, Jack's, mouth. I swallowed his cum.

Richard seeing Nick cum quit the harsh long dicking and started to rabbit fuck my, Jack's, abused ass. He reached under me, Jack, and started pulling on my nipples. Pinching and twisting them in a brutal, painful manner. Each thrust in caused me to message Nick's dick. It did not take long for him to get hard again in my, Jack's mouth.

I felt Richard change his position and rhythm and realized he was unloading his load of cum up Jack's ass. I, Jack, shot a load spontaneously. The muscle reflexes of my cumming squeezed my ass tighter on Richard. This not only elicited a moan from him, but sent waves of additional pain through my, Jack's body. Richard pulled out and delivered two hard slaps to my, Jack's tortured ass.

Richard looked at Nick and said, "Switch. I need our new slut to clean me up. He made me a mess."

Nick pulled out of my, Jack's, mouth hit me across the face a few times with his spit and cum covered dick and stepped to my ass. At the same time Richard had made the journey to my, Jack's mouth. IN walking around the bed he had continued to deliver hard flat handed slaps to my, Jack's, back. I had no doubt that there would be multiple bruises on Jack's back in the morning.

Richard's dick was definitely in need of a good cleaning. It was covered with his cum, Jack's blood, and other things that I did not want to think about. Even though I knew it was not my body that was being used, or my taste buds that were about to have this slime on them, I hesitated when Richard demanded I open my, Jacks, mouth. This resulted in another double handed slap across the face that nearly knocked some teeth out.

I opened my, Jack's mouth. Richard rubbed his head allover my mouth and nose, leaving a slimy, smelly trail behind. He then began to slowly thrust his snake into my, Jack's mouth. His dick reached the back of my throat and he continued the slow penetration. His dick was softer than it had been in my, Jack's, ass but by no means would I call it soft. It still was 9 inches and long and had a lot of girth left. But it was soft enough to gently open my, Jack's, throat.

By now Nick had made his progress around to my, Jack's ass. His penetration was as harsh as his mouth fucking had been, but it seemed to lessen the burning pain some. He started a fucking that could only be described as pile driving. He would pull nearly all the way out and then drive back in. Over and over he did this.

This of course was causing me to message Richard's dick. This was resulting in him getting hard again. Now on his inward thrusts I could not breathe. Not that this was a real bad thing, since each breath brought the rank odor of the slime he had rubbed on me, Jack below, my nose.

I am not sure how long this dual rape continued, but it was not a short time. Then I felt Nick grab my hips and thrust in deeper and hold it there. This was enough to set Richard off. Richard pulled out so that just his dick head was in my, Jack's, mouth and spewed his load into my mouth with the instruction to swallow every drop.

When Richard finished he pulled out completely and Nick inserted his dick to get it cleaned. I, mechanically, licked the slime from his dick and swallowed. I had had brutal sex before, but always as the top. I was exhausted from this experience and ready to let Jack go. I am glad that I held on for a few more minutes.

Richard looked at the clock, "It's only 1:30. If we hurry we can take our new toy to the Pit. I will bet that the guys there will enjoy our toy."

I turned and looked at Nick. He looked down and laughed. "I bet they will."

I knew that I could not take any more and left Jack to there care.

It was a few days later before I got the chance to talk with Nick again and see if Jack was still a problem. He told me what happened that night. He did not mention taking Jack to the Pit. I never did find out if they did, and what happened. Nick quite a few weeks later for a better job that would let him go back to school. Jack missed week of work. The story was that he had gotten into an auto accident. When he did come back to work he was a different person. He was not cocky and a lot more subdued. He even was polite to a lot of us that he snubbed before. I watched him closely and was sure that I could still see hand marks on his face.

Next: Chapter 4

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