The Possessor

By john greene

Published on Mar 8, 2006


Okay, first and foremost this is a work of fiction. In no way do I ever want to do the things that I write about in the real world. They are just fantasies. Second I do not condone this type of violence. If you are put off by incest, rape, and gay sex, then don't read anymore.

The Possessor

I do not know what type of creature I am. I am something far different than any myth I can find. I guess my powers are closest to that of a demon. I have the ability to take complete possession of someone else's body. I do mean complete possession, it is as if it is my own body. The funny part is that I can feel the other person's emotions, thoughts, desires, and fears while I am in control.

It is almost as much fun to feel their revulsion at the things I make them do, as it is to do those things. The self loathing as they experience my reactions is such a turn on you just can't understand unless you have done it. You see unlike most of the stories I have read, and yes I have read a lot of them, my victims remember everything that happened. They know that they could not stop themselves, and that they enjoyed it. I have had the opportunity to talk with many of them after ward, and not one realizes that they were possessed. They think that all of the evil things were from their own tortured soul.

My favorite was the first one I talked to about it. I took over the body of his psychiatrist. I've often wandered if that psychiatrist needed therapy after my reactions to the guy's story.

I had never meet George. I was in one of those mega stores and saw him and his three boys. George was in his late 30's, a short kind of out of shape Hispanic. His oldest boy was about 15, lean and athletic. The middle boy was probably 13 and pudgy. The youngest was about 10 and skinny and tall for his age.

At this point I had not done anything sexual with my power. Mostly I had just used it to humiliate people that were a problem to me, but the sight of this family started a new fantasy. I followed them home, I have to have a physical location or know the person well to take over. After they got home I went on about my business.

I only take over some one else at night. I can not control two bodies at once and mine just goes on autopilot. Almost all of my trips have been when I was "sleeping". I consider my trips to be an awesome dream, and the fact that they are actually happening just incredible.

It took me three tries to get control of George when the boys were home. It takes me a few seconds to get my bearings as I take control of some one else. The body quivers, like a mild seizure. When the "seizure" is over I am in control. As I started to explore my new body I could feel George's mild confusion, he did not understand why he was rubbing himself this way. His confusion was adding to stiffness that the physical attention was already causing. I tossed the blanket back and nearly jumped when I saw the package that I had. It was a beautiful 7 or 8 inches, still under skin even at full mast, and nice and thick. I was almost ready to come just thinking of what I intended to do with this tool.

The boys each had their own room. This was perfect for me. I decided that I would start with Daniel, the oldest. While the victim can't actually read my mind, they do get the gist of what I intend to do. I could feel the horror mount in George as he realized I, he, intended to rape all three of his sons. This was just too delicious. I. he, came spontaneously. I didn't even begin to go soft. Now I also had the feeling of shame from George to feed on.

I opened Daniel's door and just watched him sleep for a few minutes, rubbing my aching cock. I was torn through going for the anal rape immediately, or toying with the boy and making him play with me, his dad, first. I decided to do a little of both. I walked over to the bed, grabbed the sheet and ripped it off with one hand, while I started a vicious slap with the other across the boy's ass. The thin boxers were he wore were no protection. The slap was loud and sharp as I hit his muscled ass. Before the boy had came fully awake I had grabbed him by the hair, raised him up and turned him on to his back.

The look on his face was priceless. The stinging in his ass was just starting to sink in. The pain from the way I had my hind in his hair was slowly making its way through the teenager's sleep filled mind. As he opened his mouth to scream I shoved my, his dad's, dick into his mouth.

"If you bite, or fight back I will kill you. Just enjoy becoming my fag boy," I said to him.

His father saying such rude demeaning things to him was the last straw and all fight left the boy, before it had even started. I rammed my dick in and out a few times to get a good film of spit on it. Using his hair as a handle I again turned the boy over on his back.

"Now, Daddy is going to get a piece of ass. I hope you enjoy this as much as me, because I am planning on fucking you every night at least once from now on." I said as I raised his ass up to get at his virgin hole.

He was crying and whimpering, but not fighting back. I aligned my dick with his hole, drove his face deep into the pillows, and shoved with all of my might. At first there was pain as my dick was unable to penetrate the tight hole and tried to bend, then all of a sudden the kid's ass gave and in one lunge I sunk balls deep.

It was a good thing that I had driven his face into the pillow. I was afraid that even his muffled screams were going to wake his brothers, and I was not ready for that. I just laid there feeling his ass spasm as it tried to deal with the intruder. It was hard to tell which was hotter, the kids ass spasming under me, or his father's feelings of revulsion that he, I was, getting off on this. The boy's spasms had nearly ended so I pulled all the way out and waited a second. He even whimpered as I pulled it out. This was too much fun. I slammed back into him, hitting bottom with enough force to cause a little pain in my balls as I bottomed out.

His ass started spasming all over again. There was a river of tears from his eyes, and I could hear him murmuring why. I was a little disappointed that he had not screamed as before, but the feeling of shame from his father made up for it. I decided not to let his ass become to use to his dad's dick and pulled out and slammed in again, at a different angle this time. The kid's mouth opened so wide I thought he was going to eat the pillow. I knew that between the kid's reactions and the feelings from his father I could not hold out much longer, so I began a rhythm of longdiking the kid. Within a few strokes I, his dad, exploded up his ass.

I laid there a minute or two, awash in that after cum glow. Not to mention the kid's whimpering was getting me hard again. His dad seemed to be in a state of shock. There was not much coming from him now. I moved around a little in the kids but. I though about doing him again, but wanted to try another target, besides I did not know how many cums I could get out of George.

I got up off of the kid and grabbed his hear pulling him up off of the bed. "Now we are going to check in on your brother," I said as I drug him by the hair into the hall. Pablo was next. He was the slight chubby middle boy. We stood outside of Pablo's door for a second when I caught site of Daniels dick. He took after his father, but was totally soft. With my free hand I grabbed his dick. "We got to do something about this. We can't have you soft when we rape your brother."

I pushed him up against the wall, and grabbed his hands. I bent over and started to suck on the teenager's dick. That did the trick, George was coming out of his shock. I could feel his revulsion as I , he, sucked his son's dick, working my tongue between the skin and the head. It also did the trick for Daniel and he began to get hard.

"Much better," I said as I took a hold of his hair, behind his head so the fact that he was still under coercion would not be so evident.

"When we go in there, you are going to make your brother suck your dick. I will hold him so you don't have to worry about that. If you don't I will get my belt, beat you silly, and then still make him suck you off," I told Daniel. By the look in his eye, I really did not need to add the threat. He was in a state of shock and would go along with whatever happened. He was going from victim to "willing" accomplice.

I opened the door and looked at the image before me. Pablo was sleeping in tightie whities and a tee shirt. I briefly wondered if he was already subconscious of his stomach. I decided to use that to my advantage. It was almost too peaceful an image to interrupt. Yeah right.

I pulled Daniel towards the head of the bed and grabbed Pablo by the hair, just as I had Daniel. He came awake a lot faster than Daniel had and opened his mouth to yell. I forced him down onto Daniel's semi hard cock. The look on his face was priceless. Next time I would have to set up a camera first. I held him down on his brother's crotch.

"I have decided that it is time that your fat ass was put to some good around this house. I want you to suck your brother's dick good. If you are good enough you will get a present from him. If you bight done on it, well let's just say I am not responsible for what he does to you," I told Pablo as I continued to hold him tight on Daniel's crotch.

I started to slowly move him up and down, but could tell from his cheeks that he was not sucking. I reached under the T shirt and grabbed one of his fat tits and twisted hard. "I said suck his dick. I want to see your checks go in when he pulls out," as I said this his eyes went wide from the pain. On the next out stroke his cheeks were hollowed out.

I grabbed one of Daniels hand's that had been kind of hanging at his side and put it on the back of Pablo's head. When I let go he just held it there. I told him to grab his hair and really give him a good mouth fuck like we had discussed in the hall. He got the message and grabbed his brother's head with both hands and began to really fuck him. Meanwhile I was still playing with Pablo's tits. They were getting hard and small.

"See, I told you he would like this. Even his tits are responding. I bet he can't wait for me to stick my Daddy dick up his ass," as the words I said sank in the boy started to squirm, but I had expected that and already had a firm hold on his ass. I decided not to play with him anymore and ripped his underwear down. I got behind him and just shoved in. I heard Daniel, stifle a scream and then the thwack as Daniel hit his brother.

"Don't bite, faggot," Daniel said as he held his hand ready for another blow. I had liked the reaction from Daniel when I did not give his ass time to adjust and just started fucking Pablo's ass hard and from different angles. He really, was not that much tighter than his brother. But oh did he squirm more. Probably because he was on hands and knees where as Daniel was face down in the bed. As I settled into a routine I became aware of George's feelings again.

It was a delicious mix. There was shame, revulsion, disbelief, and even a little joy. At some level he was starting to enjoy a little of the action. But then again it could just been the physical pleasure that his son's ass was giving.

Suddenly Pablo started to gag and managed to get his head turned so that Daniel's dick came out of his mouth. He was still shooting cum and got it on Pablo's check and nose. That was too much and I blew another load, this one deep up Pablo's ass. This time I felt my, George's, dick start to go soft immediately. I hoped that he had one more load tonight. It would be a shame not to be able to deposit a load into Andy, the youngest.

Daniel was standing at Pablo's head, still in the after glow of cumming. I decided that my dick felt gross and needed to be cleaned. I grabbed Pablo by the hair and pulled him around to face me. "Daniel, I bet your brother's ass is sore. Why don't you lick it out for him, while he cleans my dick? Be sure and get your tongue deep into his ass."

I was not sure if Daniel would go that far, but I need not have worried he just mechanically bent over and started to rim his little brother. Meanwhile I had put my, his father's, dick in his mouth and was instructing him on how to get his tongue under the foreskin to be sure and get it good and clean. I had to hand it to George he had some obedient boys. Pablo's attention did the job and shortly I was hard again. It was time to move on to Andy.

I grabbed Pablo's hair again and pulled him out of bed and up to his feet. I looked at his face and thought how hot it looked. Here was this little teen boy with tears and his brother's cum on his pouty, chubby checks. This was the best sex I had ever had.

"Well, looks like we are through here, for tonight. Let's go see if Andy wants to play," I said as I nearly drug Pablo out of the room. Daniel just followed us. I decided that since Daniel had become so passive I would have his suck his baby brother, and let Pablo gat a blow job. I stood at the door picturing the fun I was going to have.

I decided to just through the door open, after all I did not care if we woke Andy now or not. In fact I thought it might be fun to let him come fully awake before we started. The door hit the wall with a loud thump and I turned on the lights. Andy just moaned a little bit in his sleep. " Isn't he cute? Tell you what while I wake your brother why don't you two have a little fun. Daniel, why don't you suck your brother's dick," I said to Daniel as I approached Andy's bed. Daniel just dropped to his knees and started sucking Pablo. I was a little surprised to see that Pablo was hard.

I sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook Andy awake. He slowly came awake like a little boy. I wanted to see his reaction when he saw his brothers. As he rubbed his eyes he looked into the hall where Daniel was going to town on Pablo's dick. His eyes came fully open as did his mouth. I decided this was too good of an opportunity and shoved his mouth down on mine, his daddy's, dick. He sputtered and tried to get away. I smacked his ass hard and told him to just close his mouth and suck. Like the good little boy he was he did. I let the action go on for a few minutes, but when Pablo seemed to be getting ready to cum, I called them over.

"We are going to have some more fun. I am going to fuck Andy up his little ass while Pablo here fuck's his face. I expect you to cum in his mouth, Pablo. Mean while Daniel is going to give Andy a blow job. Do either of you have a problem?"

"No sir," said Daniel.

"No Dad," said Pablo.

I pulled Andy's bed into the middle of the room. I then grabbed him and put him in the doggie position as Daniel crawled under the little boy and went to town on his dick. "I want to hear the slurping from that nasty blow job you are giving Daniel." I answer he started to really to slurp. I looked at Pablo, "What are you waiting for? Open his mouth and shove that dick in there right now."

Pablo opened Andy's mouth and stuck his dick in. I watched as Andy tried to spit it out. "You better make sure that it stays in his mouth, or I will have to get beat your ass before I fuck you again." Pablo grabbed his little brother's head tighter and forced his dick in to the balls. "Don't forget you are supposed to fuck his mouth," Pablo began to fuck his brother.

It was a scene from fantasy. Watching these three boys play. My dick was so hard that it was hurting. The little ass before me was far too much. I grabbed his hips and lined my dick, his dad's, and lined it up with that little pucker.

With all of my weight I shoved the thick cock into the boy. He tried to scream, but had his brother's dick in his mouth. His ass was so tight that it was hurting my dick being squeezed so tight. I tried to pull out, but it was like trying to pull a nail. Then all of the sudden it came out to the head. I looked down and could see some blood on my dick. I just smiled and slammed it in again. The second time I pulled it out all the way. There was a thin coating of slime and blood on my dick. I shoved all the way in again. This time it went in much easier and I started a long dicking fuck.

I gotta say this for George, he was completely sick with the latest acts. I kinda felt sorry for him. I mean here he was fucking raping all three of his son's. He knew that he was getting off on it. I mean he had already seeded his two oldest boys and was going to cum in his youngest ass soon. He was going to have to live with this night for the rest of his life, so were the boys. This was too much for me and I started to shoot in Andy's ass. I just shoved it all the way in and let the cum ooze into the boy's ass.

This third cum was almost too much for poor George. It took a minute or too to get over the last cum. Surprisingly, Pablo had not come yet. I looked at his face and could tell he was close. I let my dick stay in Andy's ass until suddenly Pablo started to yell. Andy was gagging on the cum that Pablo was pumping into his throat. I decided that we had had a good night. "Boys, I'm going to take a shower and get cleaned up. Think about what we can do tomorrow night," I said as I pulled out of Andy's ass and looked at the blood on my dick.

I went back to George's room and dialed 911. I then laid down on the bed and left him to the after math of my fun.

It did not make the papers the next morning, but it did get a 5th page entry the next day. The paper was rather bereft of details, but I was able to figure out that it was George and his boys pretty quick. Seems he was being committed and the boys had been placed with their mother's mother, and were undergoing counseling.

It was two weeks later before I got the chance to take over George's psychiatrist and see just how bad my fun had screwed his mind.

I can be reached at

Next: Chapter 2

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