The Porn Star

By WetShvdPusy (Danni, Danni Girl, Hottiegirl)

Published on Jul 19, 2007



This is all fiction Yada, Yada, Yada! You know the rest!

Okay so I am a porn star. I am 45 and have been making porn for over 25 years. I was born February 21st 1962 and on February 21st 1980 exactly 18 years to the day from my birth I debuted in my first porno film. I had never had sex before. The film was called the appropriately The Virgin Dies. And yes my virginity did in fact die. It died at the hands of, or rather the cock of none other than the legend himself Brick Rock and his 8-1/2 inch one-eyed monster. I have made over 300 movies as Brandi Bodi and have gone on to producing and directing as well. Oh, I still perform in every movie I make. Even at 45 a girl likes a little action. I have been called a M.I.L.F., but that's not really true since I have never married nor do I have any kids, but I suppose I could be considered a Cougar since I do love young meat best. I was getting kind of tired of living in Porn Valley, Southern California. Not that I didn't like the area or anything it was just that I was getting tired of my house being a regular stopping point for every new star on the block looking for a break and also it was once to often a movie set. I moved out to the San Bernardino Valley and bought a new house somewhat out in the country. I own about twenty acres and have my own private pool in the backyard.

My closest neighbor's driveway was about half mile from mine. I had never met them so I was surprised when an absolutely fabulous looking blond woman of about 25-years-old knocked on the door my third day there. I was in one of my tiny spandex workout outfits consisting of a baby pink sports bra and matching boyleg shorts. She was wearing a fairly small red bikini tri-top that was somewhat sheer and I could see the outline of her areola's through it. Her big nipples were nice and hard and poking out quite respectively. Down below was an extremely short pair of Daisy Dukes, you know the type that are so low cut on top that the straps from her lacy red g-string was showing. Believe me as many sexy women as I have been surrounded by for so many years I know a beautiful woman when I see one. She could star in any one of my movies at anytime. "Hi my name is Brittany James, but my friends call me Brit. I saw the moving truck turn in here the other day and thought I'd come and introduce myself. I live next door at number 1529. I was wondering if you wanted to come over for iced tea?" "Well sure, I said, just give me a second to change. I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of your husband" I was all sweaty from an hour on the elliptical machine. "Oh that's not necessary, she said, you can come over like that, I live alone. But if I had a husband he would certainly enjoy seeing you dressed like that as much as I do! Besides if you want to rinse off we can always hop in the pool." "Well okay, I said." When we arrived at her house I said, "by the way my name is, I never got the word out." "Brandi," Brit quickly finished for me. "Yes it is, so you know who I am." We were in the living room and she opened a cabinet next to the wide screen TV. Inside was a shelf labeled "Brandi" and I swear she had nearly every title I had ever made that was on DVD and the rest were still on VHS tapes.

"Brandi, she started, I am one of your biggest fans. I think I have seen almost every movie you have ever made and I own most of them too." "I can see that, so how about that dip in the pool?" "It's right out there, she said as she pointed towards the sliding door. I will just get the tea." "I would prefer wine if you have any, I said." Brit reached under the counter and pushed a button. A panel opened on the wall beside her and a glass doored wine locker appeared. "Take your pick. Brit said as she waved her hand like one of those sexy girls from The Price is Right." "Wow that is amazing, I said." "Oh, you can thank my husband Tim the custom home builder." "Oh so you're married?" "Oh, God no, I should have said "Ex-husband" anyway I got to keep the house after I caught him fucking his assistant on my bed!" "Well I hope she was worth it!" "Correction, I hope "he" was worth it!" "He? Oh that's funny. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way baby, it's just that I like to watch gay or bi-porn sometimes because I find two guys together a real fucking turn on." "Hey it's okay, it was actually kind of a turn on. I watched them sucking eachother's cocks for like ten minutes then when Tim started fucking Cal in the ass I had to run downstairs and rub one out before going back upstairs. I wanted to see that cheating fucker get fucked in his asshole. Well when Cal came in behind Tim to fuck him, Tim pulled away. So I went in and started licking his asshole, then shoved a couple of fingers up there. He thought I wasn't mad and started really getting into it. So since I love licking ass anyway I figured what the hell and dove back in. I thought I might as well get it while I can you know. As usual it got his dick rock hard so then I shoved my fingers back in while I rubbed a whole bunch of lube on Cal's cock. When I pulled my fingers out I pointed at it towards Cal. Cal moved up quickly and slammed his cock all the way up into Tim's ass. Tim yelled out as Call started fucking in and out. Tim's yells, quickly turned to loud moaning the faster Cal fucked him. I whispered into Cal's ear something that I really wanted to see. About two minutes later Cal yanks his big cock out of Tim' ass and I was holding Tim by his hair as Cal shoved his ass covered cock into Tim's mouth and let his big thick load go. I leaned down and kissed Tim sucking some of the cum from his mouth. Then I said to him, "I hope you enjoyed that kiss, because it's the last one you'll ever get!" Then I showed him the cum on the end of my tongue and swallowed it, then kicked his cheating fucking ass out!"

I pulled two chilled California whites from the cooler while Brit grabbed two chilled glasses from the freezer. We went out onto the pool deck and set them down on the table. I pulled my top off releasing my big DD-cups from their sports bra prison and then slid my tiny shorts down exposing my shaved pussy to the sun. I glanced up at Brit and caught her looking at my kinda funny like. "What, I asked?" " I like your all over tan." She was standing there in just her skimpy G-String bikini having removed her denim shorts. "But then I didn't know we were skinny dipping." "Oh God Brit, I'm so sorry. I just completely spaced out. You see I have had my own pool for 25 years, and I never wear a suit. I just wasn't thinking." I reached for my shorts and top then paused, "Either I could put my clothes back on, or you could, since it is just us girls in this private pool, take yours off and enjoy the freedom I have been enjoying for the last 25 years." "Well Brit started, I do want a beautiful all over tan like yours, so okay, I'll get naked too. Besides if I'm gonna be hanging out with a porn star I should get used to being naked and seeing naked people!" "You know Brit with your face and body, I could put you in a porno anytime you wanted. With you on the cover sucking a dick or with a cock in your twat, it would sell millions of copies!" I quickly stepped behind Brit and pulled the string ties at her neck and back, which let the bikini top fall away from her quite respectable D-Cup breasts. Then my fingers found the tie-sides of her G-String bottoms and she pulled away the tiny patch of moist fabric.

Once she was naked Britt told Brandi, "Ya know Brandi, I'm feeling a little more like a dip in the Jacuzzi than I am the pool." "Well now that's a great idea. Wait a minute, you aren't one of those girls that can't get into a hot tub without getting horny as fuck and turning it into a sexual thing are you?" I asked with a chuckle. "Oh God no Brandi, besides even if I was I know you don't do girls anyway." "Hey take it easy Britt, I was just kidding around." "Oh so you do, do girls? Britt asked." "Well no, I mean I had my pussy licked once by a girl about twenty years ago as part of a threesome and I have done plenty of nipple licking and French kissing, but I have never gone all the way with a girl. I guess was just never attracted to another girl in that way! But if I was I would want her to be like you." "I know what you mean Brandi, I have kissed a few girls and done some nipple play as well and have for sure thought about or even fantasized about being with a girl, but I have never acted on it either. Though I am surprised that you have stayed straight through nearly 30-years of doing porn." "Yeah, me too Britt, but I just don't do anything on film that I don't do in my private life." We pulled the cover off of the Jacuzzi and stepped down into the steaming water. "Brandi, I lied to you a minute ago." "About what sweetie?" "About getting horney in a Jacuzzi. I am one of those chicks!" Then Britt closed her eyes and went silent. Fuck it felt good to sooth the aching muscles. After a few minutes I looked over at Britt and though her eyes were closed but her facial expressions were changing rapidly. "Hey Britt, what are you thinking about sweetie?" I asked. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked me directly in the eyes and said, "I often fantasize about making love to women in my dreams, but those women never have names or faces, Just now I was having one of those dream fantasies. For the first time in my life the woman that was making love to me had a face. Brandi, that woman was you. I was just dreaming about us making love!"

I pulled myself up out of the water and sat on the edge of the tub. "Come over here sweetie." Britt silently moved over to me. I spread my legs when she got close and she moved between them. I took her head in my hands and pulled her face to mine. Our soft feminine lips met and I quickly remembered why I loved kissing women. This was not the first time I had made out with a woman off camera, but it was the first time I made out with a woman off camera that I knew I was going to fuck! It just felt right to me at this moment. Our tongues danced together in Brit's mouth before she pulled away and moved down my body, her probing tongue finding my stiff sensitive nipples. Oh my fucking god that felt amazing. She was sucking hard on my nipple while flicking the tip of it with her tongue. Fuck I've never even had a guy do that to me before. As she moved over to the other nipple her fingers sought out and found my dripping center. Of all the things I've done sexually in my life I was looking forward to her tongue on my pussy the most. I ran my fingers through her long blond hair as my nipples were being brought to a hardness I never thought possible by Brit's talented tongue. I needed more and took a handful of her hair and lifted her head, leaning down and kissing her again before gently guiding her towards my twat by her hair. She didn't need to be told twice as her tongue left a snail trail of spit down my flat chiseled belly. It stopped at my belly button long enough to give it a nice rim job before moving across my smooth hairless mound. I shivered the first time her tongue grazed my clit. Brit has a barbell piercing in her tongue and I just happen to have a balled ring through the hood of my clit. It was like an electric shock when her barbell clinked against my ring.

I leaned onto my back on the rim of the Jacuzzi and lifted and spread my legs as far as they would go. I crushed Britt's face into my juicy cunt with my hands. For a novice she sure didn't disappoint me with her pussy licking skills. She would lick up one long lip then suck my clit and then lick down the other lip and lick my asshole. Then drag her tongue up through the center of my slit and clink my clit again. Oh my fucking god, no man in almost thirty years of fucking, has ever made me feel like this novice sexy little pussylicker was! It suddenly came to me that for thirty years I had been fucking but right now at this moment it was not fucking. Britt and I were making love! Her fingers never touched my pussy instead they busied themselves twisting my nipples and kneading my breast meat. After what seemed like hours my whole body went into convulsions as my orgasm overcame me. I know I squirted at least twice on Brittany's face when I came. I sat up and she stood up and our lips met and I tasted myself on her face. I licked her face and chest clean of my juices.

Britt took me by the hand and led me into the living room. The air-conditioned air only served to harden our already rock hard nipples. Brit lay on the couch and I lay on top of her, our big breasts crushed together our nipples fighting a little nipple duel. We kissed with the passion of long lost lovers reunited! "You know Brittany for a first time pussy licker you sure got me off better than any man had ever done it before." Then she said what I had just thought, "That's because none of them ever made love to you, they were just fucking a hot sexy woman! I, I think I love you!" "You're right Britt. I just had that exact same thought. I know I love you. Remember when I said I had never done a girl on film because I was never attracted to one before? Well from the moment I saw you at my door, and keep in mind that I have worked with some of the most gorgeous and desirable women in the world, I knew I wanted you. I knew I wanted to make deep long passionate love to you. I wasn't lying when I told you about swimming nude for the last twenty-five years, but I stripped because I wanted to get you naked and seduce you! I think those were all subconscious thought sitting just below the surface, but kissing you just brought them flying up to the surface."

I moved down to Brittany's crystal hard nipples and licked and sucked them or rather made love to those magnificent nubbins of firm flesh. I wrapped my lips around her nipples and sucked as hard as I could while also squeezing the firm ample orbs they were attached to. As much as I loved her nipples I was anxious to get at the juices that were now leaking out of her pussy, running down her leg and creating a nice big wet spot on the red fabric of the sofa cushion. I pulled myself away from Britt's nipples and made my way down her body. I was being pulled down by a fragrance so alluring that it was like I was being pulled in like I had an iron tongue and Britt's pussy was a powerful magnet! Britt slid to the edge of the cushion and leaned back lifting and spreading her legs displaying her gorgeous pussy to me. I put my hands on the backs of her thighs pushing them even further open and drove my tongue into her pussy. Now though I have never eaten a pussy myself, I know what I like and I have watched literally hundreds if not thousands of girls licking and sucking pussies! So needless to say I have a clue. My tongue and mouth were making squishy sounds from all the juices that were pouring out of her cunt. I sucked on her long thick arousal engorged lips. Fuck, Britt's nectar tasted so fucking sweet, sweeter than the sweetest honey I've ever tasted. I slipped two fingers inside her pussy while I wrapped my lips around her big erect clit.

With my free hand I reached for her breasts. I felt Britt's hands on the back of my head as she ground her pelvis up and fucked my mouth with her needy pussy. This truly was "Fucking Love" I mean we were certainly making love, but at the same time we were most definitely fucking with a certain amount of desire and urgency! I pulled my fingers out of her oh so drenched pussy and slid my tongue down through her slit until it rested on her tight baby pink colored rosebud. I remembered her tone of voice when she talked about licking her ex-husbands asshole. I ran my tongue around the rim of her asshole several times before dipping it into the soft tight center. Britt relaxed her asshole and let my tongue in. After a few minutes of this I pressed a couple of fingers inside her sexy backdoor. They went in quite easily due I think to her anal experience and the fact that there was copious amounts of pussy juice coating her ass and my fingers. With two fingers deeply fucking her ass I moved my tongue back to her pussy and clit. Britt started pulling and twisting her own nipples, which only led her to reaching an amazing orgasm almost immediately. She must have shook and shimmied for several minutes until her stiff body went limp!

The next morning and several more orgasms apiece later I walked out Britt's front door. "Baby, I said, come by a little later this afternoon and I will give you a key to my place." "Okay lover, Britt replied wit a kiss on my lips." As I drove back to my place I was fondling the brass key in my hand that fit Britt's front door. "Goddamn, I thought to myself, I have a fucking girlfriend!" Five minutes later Brandi Body slipped out of the oversized t-shirt Britt had let her borrow after their shower and slid into her bed. Just before she fell asleep her mind formulated a plot for Britt's first movie. "Holy fuck, she thought, am I gonna get jealous when I see someone else fuck her? Naw, but I know I'm gonna real fucking turned on!" The End

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