The Poppycock Papers

By Peter Brown

Published on May 5, 2021


The Poppycock Papers - Capri, auc 785 by badboi666


If sex involving shit and piss, usually with boys, isn't your thing, go away. If, as is much more likely, you've come to this site precisely to get your rocks off reading about raunchy and wet sex with young lads then make yourself comfortable - you're in the right place. Don't leave, however, without doing this:

Donate to Nifty - these buggers may do it for love but they still have to eat.

The Poppycock Papers is an occasional series of short stories inspired by Margaret Thatcher (not a name you come across too often on Nifty), who failed to understand what her favourite word for "balderdash" actually means. It's from the Dutch: pappekak, literally, soft dung.


Suetonius, in his "The Twelve Caesars", chapter III, tells us something of the lewd habits of the Emperor Tiberius. In paragraphs 43 and 44 we read:

"Bevies of girls and young men ... would copulate ... in groups of three to excite his waning passions ..." and "... little boys, whom he called his 'minnows' [chased] him while he went swimming and got between his legs to lick and nibble him."

No self-respecting Emperor would draw the line at a bit of innocent fellatio from naked boys, surely ... (although let's forget about the girls, eh?).

Tiberius Caesar Augustus pueros dilexit et in ano pueri irrumpit ... oh! do you prefer me to tell you in English? Very well. You are lucky that I can write in that barbaric tongue, for I am still only a boy. I will put on my toga virilis when I am 15, but that is still several months away. I have been able to write in Greek since I was 10 and my tutor - who has introduced me to so many things - promised to teach me English if I would ...

No, I must not betray our secrets. You are not interested in my tutor. You are here to learn about the Old Goat. We all call him that behind his back - he would have us flogged if he heard us. Let me begin properly.

Tiberius Caesar Augustus - the Emperor - loved boys and erupts in a boy's anus. No, that's not quite right. English isn't easy. Tiberius didn't love boys at all - he didn't love anybody. Tiberius loved what boys did to him, and he loved what he did with us. Not all of us - indeed not! But there were four of us who were his special pets - his spintria, as he called us. I have no idea what that word would be in English, alas. And I'm not sure that 'erupts' doesn't flatter his powers. I think 'dribbles' might be a more accurate word, but Marcus, whose tutor also allowed himself wide powers, it seems, told me that what happened when a cock discharged its juice was called 'coming'. We had a lot of coming on Capri.

I think I ought to start at the beginning. My father is a Senator and like all Senators he is both highly ambitious and terrified of Tiberius. When Sejanus fell he thought that he might survive a bit longer, and in order to secure himself he offered me to the Emperor. Bloody cheek! (I hope that's right: I know that the Britons swear a great deal.) My father took me into his study and explained that serving the Emperor was a great honour and that I was bringing honour and safety to my mother and my three sisters. As he and I were the only men in the family (I was flattered to be called a man, only just 13 years old) and he was serving in the Senate it was my duty to serve the Emperor in person. What 13-year-old's head is not turned by such a speech from his father? The nature of the service I would be called upon to provide was not disclosed; indeed I do not think that my father had the first idea of what Tiberius would demand. His reputation as a lecher was known throughout Rome, and we boys chanted scurrilous rhymes when there were no adults about, but the details ... ah! the details. They were not known. Not then.

You must not think that I was an innocent. The Latin puer has the same letters as the English pure (see how well my tutor has drilled so many things into me!) but this puer is very far from pure. The Britons seem to have so many words for that thing that all boys delight in, and it is difficult to choose. I think cock is best - it has an implication of confidence, of pride. So let me just say that my cock took much exercise, and had done since I was 8. The exercise was widely shared with other cocks, many (but not all) of the same age as mine. My tutor was not alone. Nor, indeed, was my cock the only part of me which interested him. My tutor introduced himself to me on the day I was 12. He also introduced me to the word for what he was doing, and I was glad for I then knew how to ask him to do it again. Mehercule! it had hurt the first time, but he had promised it would hurt less each time. The third time it hardly hurt at all, and he was so pleased that he told me the English word. "That way, Drusus," he said, "if you ever go into Britannia you can tell the pretty boys there that you want to fuck them."

I think my father was probably fucking my tutor, and that's why he knew I would be giving the Old Goat what he wanted.

So, aged 13, I and a dozen or so other boys were taken in a ship to Capri where Tiberius was living. There, well away from Rome, he could do what he wanted. And what he wanted was what some of us boys were only too happy to provide. And what he wanted was not what I had expected. I'd confided in my tutor that I was being sent to Capri, and he had smiled. He was fucking me at the time, so I was smiling too. I liked my tutor. He was 20 or so, a slave of course, Greek. Did all Greeks have big fat cocks? All the ones who fucked me certainly did. (My father had two other Greek slaves.) "They say Tiberius can't fuck any more," he said, "too old and too debauched. He likes watching. They say he has more exotic tastes - maybe you'll be one of them." "Mmm," I said - I was nearing my moment and I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Would Tiberius have something more exciting to do with me than fuck me? Was there anything more exciting than being fucked? At that moment it happened - the liquid delight that painted my belly while my tutor busied himself in my anus. Moments later he too was there and I felt his cock swell as it thrust deeply in me, pulses of his hot juices heating my body, lighting fires in my brain, my cock still dancing as it strained to deliver every last drop.

The first time it had happened and my tutor bent over me, his tongue lapping up my juices, I was in very heaven. That day - the hundredth time or more - the magic of his tongue and the magic of his cock were no less thrilling that they had been to a boy newly 12. "What exotic tastes?" My tutor smiled. "I don't know, Drusus, but I'm sure you'll enjoy them. Don't forget to tell me, will you?" I muttered a promise that I had no intention of keeping.

When we arrived we were herded up the cliff path like so many goats - but you're not really interested in that, are you? All you need to know is that we boys were split up into groups - the little ones with little cocks (and the fairest of curls and the bluest of eyes) were in one room - some were as young as 7 or 8; the older ones - 16 or so, hairy and smelling like men, were in another. We, the middle ones, four of us, were taken straight to Pleon. He was our Master, and Tiberius told him each day what he wanted us all to do. The older ones - hairy, as I've said - were there to fuck girls. My three friends - yes, we had become friends already - and I wrinkled our noses. We had no interest in girls - they smelt of fish.

"Strip" ordered Pleon. For the first time the four of us saw the treasures with which we would become so familiar in the coming months. One of us - Marcus - had a good crop of hairs above his cock, but the rest of us were as bald as babies. It took Pleon only a few seconds with a sharpened shell to make Marcus like the rest of us. He hated it ("I was so proud I was becoming a man") but when Pleon told him that Tiberius had a special fondness for boys who were smooth he soon quietened. "Bend over and touch your toes" was the next order. Oho! I thought, we're going to be fucked. But no - all that Pleon wished to see was whether our anuses were hairy. The thought of the shell was in all out minds, I think, but luckily Dame Hair had not yet come to visit us. "You four will remain naked all the time you are here unless the Emperor orders something different. The older ones will perform with girls, and the younger ones, well, the Emperor has special work for them. Can you all swim?" We nodded. All Roman boys of our class could swim. "Off to your dormitory, and leave your togas there, remember. We want lovely naked boys to keep the Emperor happy. There will be food in the main room soon - a gong will sound to summon you. And don't you dare touch your cocks - they're for the Emperor now."

Four naked 13-year-olds do not waste time - particularly with a meal to be eaten soon - in finding out everything there is to know about each other. Within a few minutes we had established that we were each the only son of a patrician family; that our cocks were, and had been for several years, our main source of pleasure; that such pleasure had frequently been at the hands (and not just the hands) of others; that our anuses had entertained visitors of manly size; that such visits had invariably been the source of not just pleasure but juicing - no - coming: Drusus, remember the word! "Will we be allowed to fuck each other do you think?" Julius had asked. Marcus had shrugged. "Can't see why not. I don't care what Pleon says about not touching. Why? Do you want to frick one of us now?" Julius grinned. "No. But I'd like to frick all of you later, and after that I want all of you to frick me." I began to warm to Julius, and it was obvious to the other three that my cock was not keen to await its fun with Julius. "Ho!" cried Gaius, "a spear is threatening us." I was pleased - my cock hadn't been called a pilum (that was the word he used) before. "Why don't we see whose spear is the longest?" I said - the eternal cry of naked boys since Deucalion's Flood. Marcus grinned and applied his hand to the task. Gaius and Julius glanced at each other and exchanged a nod. Less than a minute later four cocks were at attention.

My tutor neglected to instruct me in how the Britons measure things, so I cannot tell you how long each of our fine cocks were that day. Marcus had the biggest: it was just over thrice the length of my thumb. Mine was a little smaller - a grain of wheat, no more. Julius and Gaius were smaller still, but not by much - the thickness of my thumb covered all four of us. Julius's was by far the fattest, and we other three were quick to demand that it made the acquaintance of our anuses as soon as possible. Marcus exercised his right as the proud possessor of the biggest cock to demand that we see whose spear could throw the farthest, but that investigation had to be postponed as the meal gong sounded. Gaius automatically went to put on his toga but the rest of us laughed at him. "I can't go with my cock hard," he groaned. "Don't be a donkey," said Julius, "they want to see our fine cocks - that's why we're naked. I imagine mine will be hard all day." He spoke for all of us in that regard.

We ate in a room with about 30 people of both sexes and all ages. There were two huge Nubians who stood at either end of the room, their arms folded, never saying a word. We boys were on two couches on either side of a long table. Eight girls, all three or four years older than I, reclined on another. Although I had three sisters I had never seen a naked girl before. Marcus nudged me. "They've not had the shell treatment, have they?" It was true. And it was disgusting. At least there was no odour of fish. The girl nearest to us took her bubs in her hands and squeezed them, looking at us as she licked her lips. I hoped that our tasks would not include closer inspection of them. Julius whispered to me, seeing a look of distaste on my face, "don't worry, Drusus, we're not going to be fucking girls. That's what our hairy brothers are for," and he pointed across the couch to two of our other new arrivals who were grinning at the girls like apes and pulling at their cocks. At another couch several men studiously ignored us all, being more interested in themselves, or rather in the man lying very close to him. I stared across to them, knowing that none of them was likely to notice a boy. I nudged Gaius who was next to me. "What do you think they are here for? They are paired up like married couples." Gaius had been watching too. "Have you noticed that each pair has one a lot older? Maybe they fuck each other." "Obviously, Gaius, but why are they here with Tiberius? They can surely fuck in Rome."

Two eunuchs brought food to each table and Pleon stood. "We give thanks to the gods for this meal. We give thanks to the Emperor for our lives. We serve the Emperor in all the ways he requires." That was the signal to eat, I thought, but I was wrong. Pleon had more to say. "At the ninth hour the Emperor commands the older boys and the girls to perform for him. At the eighth hour he will swim with the minnows and the middle boys -" (he pointed a long finger at the four of us) "- will attend upon him." No sooner had he finished that everybody dug into the food. Between mouthfuls - it was very tasty and spiced with new flavours - the four of us discussed what the Emperor might regard as 'attention'. Marcus affected to know, though I am sure he cannot have done. "I expect he'll fuck us," he said. "If he can get it up," added Julius, "he's ancient." For the record I should tell you that the Emperor was at that time 74. None of us had ever seen him of course, but our fathers had spoken of 'the Old Goat' often enough for us to form a view of his age as well as his likely sexual habits. "Goats like fucking, it's well known," said Marcus. We giggled. We all liked being fucked, but since at that time - we had discovered this during our pre-prandial explorations - none of us had been fucked by a man older than about 25, we had no idea about whether a man of 74 was still able to do it.

A gong sounded again. Everybody rose from their couch, so we quickly followed their example. Pleon said that there would be a gong shortly before the eighth hour. "You know your duties, boys. There's a flogging if you fail to please the Emperor." With that encouraging thought he marched out and the rest of us followed. Marcus asked one of the older boys where we should go. "Down to the sea of course, where else would he swim?"

When the next gong sounded the four of us were ready - only too visibly so! We walked sedately down to the sea, our cocks proudly leading the way. The little boys were there before us, naked like us and for the most part their little cocklets were upstanding too. "What happens?" Gaius whispered to the biggest of them. "He comes down and swims and we swim with him - here he is. Stand straight - he likes to touch our cocks as comes past." Tiberius stepped out of his litter borne by the two Nubians - naked now (more of that later!) - and walked between two lines of naked boys. And that, my friends, was the first time that Tiberius Caesar Augustus touched my cock.

Tiberius threw off his toga and for the first time we saw the Imperial cock. Thank the gods we were so in awe of him that the urge to laugh was easy to resist. Tiberius's cock was long, pale and scrawny - almost as though someone had taken a parsnip and wrung all the body out of it. (As Marcus said afterwards it was no wonder Tiberius kept it away from Rome.) Tiberius stroke naked into the sea until it came up to his white belly. The little boys had run into the water behind him, splashing each other gleefully. When Tiberius stopped they were almost up to their chins, but to our surprise they dropped under and swam. No-one had told us what to do, but nor had they told us what not to do, so Marcus - ever the leader - ran into the water some distance to one side. Naturally we followed. When we were maybe twenty paces away, but in water as deep as that which cloaked Tiberius's modesty, we stopped. Tiberius ignored us but he had a happy smile on his face. A moment later one of the boys broke the surface, then another ... and another, and within a few seconds all of them were swimming on their backs back towards the shore. Their little cocks were clearly visible and as they swam past him on either side the Imperial hand stroked each one. Then, when they were a few paces behind Tiberius the whole performance was repeated. "We have to see what they are doing," said Julius. We swam beneath the surface until we were only six paces away and saw through the clear blue water what Tiberius was enjoying. As the first little boy swam between Tiberius's legs he nibbled the parsnip. The second nuzzled at one of the onions which hung beside it; the next seemed to lick the other onion; the fourth boy appeared to consume a part of the parsnip which, to our relief, seemed only as long as it had been before a 9-year-old boy's mouth had attacked it. This went on for perhaps twenty minutes, but though Tiberius smiled while it was taking place the parsnip gave no sign of life.

Tiberius waved the little boys away. "Come," he said, "you are new here - yes, you four - come when the Emperor calls you. You have watched my little minnows. Now you may do as they have done." This was unexpected, for while each of us had expected to be fucked none of us had bargained for underwater activities. Marcus was for once reticent, so it fell to me to be the first of our band to make an intimate acquaintance of the parsnip. I took a deep breath and swam between his hairy legs. When I was between them I turned onto my back and closed my lips round Tiberius's cock. It is not easy to do much with your tongue under water, but I did my best to lick as much of it as I could before my breath began to fail me. I swam on a few paces and stood with my head and shoulders above the surface. Tiberius showed no sign of pleasure - I might as well have been invisible. A short while later his expression changed slightly: perhaps Julius was giving one of the onions some attention. Tiberius's expression changed greatly when the third of our number - Gaius - swam through. Julius whispered to me that the two of them had quickly agreed that one of them would lick one of Tiberius's balls and the other would take the whole thing into his mouth. That must have been what we had just witnessed. "What will Marcus do?" I whispered. Julius didn't know. Suddenly Tiberius gave a groan and his hands went below the surface. We three sank down to see what pleasure Marcus was giving the Emperor. To our astonishment Tiberius was holding Marcus's head, pressing it against his belly. Marcus had the whole of Tiberius's cock in his mouth (we later found that he had had it down his throat) and was thrashing in the water as his breath was failing.

Eventually he surfaced, spluttering and panting desperately. At least he had the wit not to shout at Tiberius for almost drowning him; Tiberius would not have hesitated to have him thrashed and thrown over the cliffs for insolence. Tiberius's cock had no further pleasures from any of us boys that afternoon as we were dismissed with a casual wave. The little ones bounded out of the sea, their little cocks bobbing merrily. We four walked slowly up the cliff path discussing what had happened. "Was that it?" said Julius, "there must be more to his needs that that." "Don't forget there's to be a thing with the older boys and the girls soon. Maybe the boys will pull their hot cocks out of the fishy places and squirt their juices all over the Old Goat's face." Gales of laughter greeted this, quickly followed by hissed instructions of "ssh!" from each of us.

Pleon was waiting for us when we reached the villa. "You are expected to be there," he said, "and if he wants you for anything be ready to oblige him. You should be aware that he will expect a thorough juicing whenever he demands one, so don't waste yourselves on each other. Not until he dismisses you for the night. You'll find out about what happens then soon enough." He had a lascivious grin when he said this. Gaius muttered that he hoped that something "a bit better than that bloody parsnip awaited him - those Nubians looked as though they could fill me up nicely." Marcus - now recovered - and Julius hooted with laughter. "If what they say is true one swift thrust with a Nubian's cock will split you in half." Gaius was quick to retort. "Then I should be the one to try, for my anus is as welcoming as the Temple of Artemis, or so my tutor tells me each time he comes to worship there." Further discussion was prevented as we had reached the place where Tiberius was to be entertained. It seemed that the entire household was present.

Tiberius reclined on a very ornate couch, the four little boys - naked like the rest of us - draped around him. His gnarled hands caressed one boy's bottom while the boy applied his lips to one of the Emperor's dugs. Julius and I exchanged a look: being fucked was fine, but having to give suck to the Old Goat was not what we had expected. Still, we all knew that if that was what was demanded we would grit our teeth - though not literally - and serve the needs of Rome. Pleon pointed to a couch across the room, so we scurried round quickly, cocks swinging nicely for all to see.

In the middle of the room, on low couches, lay two girls playing with their fingers in each other's fish-baskets. (That was the word Marcus used, and we all adopted it, not knowing the proper word for it - nor, indeed, having any desire to, or to make its closer acquaintance.) Evidently fingers - not one's own - wriggling merrily in a fish-basket produces much the same pleasure as fingers - again not one's own - stroking a cock. Either that or the girls were sighing and moaning to please Tiberius's lust. At a stroke of the gong the four older boys ran in, cocks ready for action. Pleon must have given them instructions because the boys paired up and each pair did the same things to their victim. Actually 'victim' is the wrong word, because the girls were as keen to be possessed as the boys were to possess them. It's just that we have cocks which fly the flag of urgency and girls don't. (We found out later that girls have juices like us, and they are what smells of fish. My tutor had neglected to tell me that.)

As the boys ran in fingers came out and were licked (I felt Gaius shudder), and the two of them knelt with their anuses towards Tiberius. I was shocked - no-one ever turns their back on the Emperor - but then I saw that Tiberius's eyes were feasting on what was being waved before him.

I don't think I can do justice to what happened in the next twenty minutes. After it was over we four went to our dormitory to talk about what we had seen. "I know that my father must have fucked my mother," said Julius, "but I can't believe they did those things. My mother threatens to have me whipped if I swear, but those girls were swearing the whole bloody time." He grinned. "Mind you, we all learned a lot of new words." We all laughed, the tension of the scene which had played out gradually easing. "I didn't know girls liked it up the anus," said Marcus, "I though it was just boys who did." Gaius and I nodded: it wasn't the kind of thing you talked to your sisters about. What had been eye-opening was when the boy who had his cock deep inside the girl's anus flipped her over, keeping his cock buried, so that she was lying face up on his body. That was when the second boy pushed his fingers in her fish-basket and she screamed. The first time it happened we all jumped, but it was soon clear that the scream was one of desire. I looked across to Tiberius. He was watching intently (though 'intently' would not have been an apt word to describe the parsnip) with two fingers of each hand deep inside the anus of one of his minnows.

Then fingers (not those of the Emperor) were whipped out and a cock ("nice big ones," Julius murmured) was thrust in hard. More screams. Tiberius clapped his hands - his fingers swiftly returned whence they had been engaged - whereupon fierce fucking began. It was hard not to laugh as the fierceness of the boy fucking in her anus threatened to dislodge the occupier of the fish-basket. (I must find out its proper name in case Pleon tells us to fuck one of the girls: it surely must have one.) The boy with his cock in her anus kept still, his cock as far in as it would go, and held her tight round her belly while the other boy rushed towards his goal. To our surprise - we who knew nothing of fucking girls, and who expected matters to be concluded as they were when we were fucked, well inside - they pulled out before their arrival. Pleon must have ordered them to do so. A few quick hand moves and juices were spurting generously onto the girls' bellies. One of the boys managed to juice on her bubs! No sooner had the juice finished spurting than the boy leaned forward, feeding his still throbbing cock into a willing mouth. Marcus and I were both struck by the same idea at the same instant. That particular conclusion was one we would soon experience ourselves.

That was far from the end of what Tiberius was to witness, however. The spent boy, his cock soft again, moved off and lay beside the still-coupled pair. It was now the other's turn: out he came; the girl knelt like an animal again and he plunged in. Was it up her anus? We couldn't see as Tiberius had the view. As he approached his end he pulled his cock out and in an instant the girl was on her back, her basket wide open. Like his companion he made his arrival in full view, this time reaching over the girl to juice onto her face and in her mouth. No sooner was the boy's cock out than her fingers were in, frantically doing whatever girls did in that area. I suppose it was much like what we did, but without a cock what were they fricking? I whispered to Gaius, but he didn't know either.

And still there was more for the Emperor's delight. The two Nubians (who, like Tiberius and the lecherous couples, had been drinking copious draughts of wine) stood at the girls' feet waiting for the action in the fish-baskets to be concluded. The girls' fingers accomplished what they had set out to do, and both of them screamed and writhed as though serpents had bitten them. At the height of their frenzy the two boys either side of them squeezed very close. The Nubians held their cocks - massive ebony rods almost as long as my forearm - and began to piss onto the gaping fish-baskets. We four were stunned - I think we expected the Nubians to fuck the girls - but the girls were thrilled, their hands spreading the golden bounty all over the red gashes. The Nubians directed their torrents onto the four cocks on either side of the exhausted girls. Whether Pleon had told them what would happen and what was expected of them we didn't know, but they too gave every appearance of welcoming what was being sprayed onto them.

Marcus whispered, "it's not just enormous cocks - they must have bladders as big as a horse." Seeing a horse piss was an everyday sight, and no boy would ever forget the first time he saw it happen - the long black hose slowly unsheathing itself before the yellow torrent never-endingly splattered into the ground. The Nubians pissed on ... and on. I looked around - every cock I could see: our four, the four who were being pissed on, the minnows, the lechers still entwined in pairs - every cock was hard and many were being attended to. The minnows were unashamedly busy, each with his own, and as there appeared for the moment to be no restriction I reached across to Julius and started to frick him (I don't know an English word, though I'm sure Briton boys have the need of one). Naturally he fricked me. I saw Marcus and Gaius copy us.

Why the sight of two enormous black cocks pissing made us all so hot I do not know. Perhaps it was not that they were pissing, but that they were pissing on six naked people who were revelling in the drenching. Our eyes were truly opened that day. Then the Nubians finished and Pleon bellowed "stop! Hands off cocks!" That was hard. Julius and I were close, but instructively we each knew that Pleon must be obeyed. Four cocks quickly drooped, all fricking abandoned.

Tiberius got up from his couch with some difficulty and pointed to one of the Nubians who followed him out of the room with the two minnows whose anuses had been fingered. "I wonder what those four are going to get up to," murmured Gaius as we stood respectfully (if it can be called respectful when you are naked with a cock red from being fricked and hard with the need for the fricking to be concluded.

When Tiberius and the other three had gone the mood of the whole room changed. The old lechers began to kiss their companions and hands were active. Pleon smiled at us boys. "Well done. The Emperor was pleased. You minnows can go and play in your dormitory until the next gong for the meal. Off you go." He turned to the piss-covered six. "Slaves will wash you in the lavatory. I imagine you need a rest." Then, when all that remained were the lechers and us (and the lechers were not Pleon's business) he explained what we should do.

"You may frick and juice with each other in your dormitory. The Emperor may want to have one or more of you after the meal, so make sure your pretty little balls can juice again if he calls on you. But you are lusty lads, and I imagine your balls fill up quickly." Pleon was positively beaming. "Would you like company?" He indicated the second Nubian. I was the first to recover from the shock. "What will he do?" "Whatever you want. You are the sons of patricians; he is a slave." All four of us nodded. Pleon turned to him. "Jaculo, go with them." Jaculo smiled a smile full of white teeth, but said nothing. "I hope you know what you're doing, Drusus," said Marcus.

Jaculo, naked, his huge prick swinging as he strode behind us, followed us to our dormitory. When the door was closed he stood with his arms folded, as the two of them had stood while we ate. He said nothing. Marcus prompted me. "You seem keen to have him here - tell him what you want." "What do we want him to do? I don't suppose he can piss on us, not after showering them with a basinful." Gaius said that what he had had said earlier was what he wanted. "You mean you want that thing up your anus?" said Julius. Gaius nodded. "I've had men up me who are not much smaller than that, and if I don't try one that big now, when will I have a better chance?" Gaius turned to the Nubian. "Jaculo, I want your cock in my anus, but go slowly." Jaculo grinned. "Yes, master. I will fuck you so slowly that your beard will grow before I finish. But perhaps you might wish me to be a little faster once I am inside."

"Are you sure, Gaius?" I said. "No, but I'm willing to try. Having that thing up me will either kill me or it will be the thing I look forward to every morning on this bloody island." He turned to Jaculo. "Come on then, get it in."

Jaculo stepped forward and picked Gaius up, gently carrying him to one of the two the big couches on which the four of us would sleep. He laid him down on his back with his legs over the edge of the couch and his feet on the floor. "You have been fucked before, master. You know that this way my cock will reach deeper in you?" Gaius nodded. "Very well." Turning to Julius he said, "go to the room where you all ate and bring a flask of oil. I think this anus will need it." While Julius ran off Jaculo knelt and raised Gaius's legs. "You have a pretty anus, master, but will it be big enough for my invasion? Look, masters, and remember how sweet his anus was before my rod pierced it. Look, master -" (this was to Gaius) "- at this great black thing which will tear into you and set fire to your whole being. See how it swells at the thought of burying itself in the soft anus of a high-born Roman boy. See how my black balls -" (he swung them in front of us all) "- are full of lava, the lava that pours from Vulcan's forge, lava which sears the anus, the belly, the very soul of those it touches." Gaius was beginning to question the wisdom of his decision, but Marcus and I were not going to let him back out now. I had begun to like Gaius, but if Jaculo's cock did split him open it would be worth seeing. Just then Julius came running back with a flask of olive oil.

Jaculo took the flask and poured oil onto Gaius's cock, letting it run over his balls and into the crack of his anus. Gaius shivered as the oil tickled him. We watched as his anus began to open like a hungry mouth. I wondered if mine did the same as my tutor teased its entrance as he readied me to receive him - perhaps all anuses worked like that. Jaculo took hold of Gaius's legs and lifted them so that his anus was open. He gave Marcus the flask. "Pour oil into him while I hold him open," he said. Marcus carefully put the spout of the flask in Gaius's anus and tipped it slowly. Gaius cried out. "Oh! That is so ... aaah! ... yes, Marcus, it warms me. Jaculo, now, I beg you ..."

Marcus put the flask down and the three of us crowded round to see what would happen. Jaculo poured oil onto his hands and smeared his cock, glistening, throbbing. I licked my lips. If Gaius survived the ordeal I wanted to be next. All three of us were fricking ourselves. Jaculo noticed. "No, masters, let me help you when I have ploughed this one's furrow. Your juicing will be better if you delay it." He touched the tip of his mighty cock to Gaius's anus, now so wide open that a plum could have slipped in without being crushed. Something a great deal fatter and harder than a plum was about to make its entry.

Gaius cried out as Jaculo plunged in, but it was only a few moments before his cries became moans of lust. "Yes, yes," he growled, "fuck me, Jaculo, fill me with that mighty black spear." Jaculo grinned. "You wanted me to keep it in you for ever, master - are you now begging me to finish so swiftly?" Gaius groaned, but words did not come. Jaculo set up a rhythm, fucking Gaius with long strokes, his cock almost coming all the way out of Gaius before ramming in hard - so hard indeed that we three shuddered each time the black piston sank in. "You saw me water the ones who had been fucking," he said softly, "and I saw that your cocks enjoyed seeing it. If you wish to water him while I fuck him it will make his pleasure all the greater." I looked at Julius - his cock was as hard as mine, and I didn't think either of us could piss with hard cocks. On the other hand the idea of watering Gaius while he was being fucked was one which appealed - not least, if I am honest, because there was something in my mind which insisted that, were I being fucked by Jaculo, the idea of my three friends pissing all over me was most thrilling. Julius and I moved so that we were kneeling on either side of Gaius's head aiming our cocks at his belly. Marcus stayed where he was, beside Jaculo. If all three of us began to water Gaius he would be in danger of drowning. Jaculo smiled. "Not yet, masters, wait until he juices. It will not be long."

Gaius had begun to thrash and squirm as the remorseless fucking went on. His moans became continuous, his hands fricking his cock. Suddenly he arched his back and a torrent of juice, much more in quantity than I had ever seen, sprang from his cock and flew over his head, landing on Julius's thigh. More jets flew, but less fiercely, landing on Gaius's face and chest. "Now, masters, he needs to be washed." Three cocks all managed to do Jaculo's bidding despite being harder than they had ever been before. Gaius screamed as Jaculo forced his cock even more deeply into his anus. Was he juicing up there?

Our piss flowed on. Gaius became silent. Without anyone saying a word Marcus leaned over the soaking boy and took his juicy cock between his lips, licking and sucking with all the energy of a calf at his mother's udder. Gaius began to groan again. Jaculo said quietly that Gaius would begin to piss, and would not be able to stop. Marcus should move off his cock quickly unless he wished - too late. But Marcus was happy to have Gaius piss in his mouth - or, as became clear very quickly, in his stomach. Marcus was swallowing as fast as he could. Jaculo kept his cock planted deeply up Gaius's arse while the boy emptied his bladder, then, as Marcus stopped swallowing, gradually withdrew, his black cock slick with oil and the natural juices of Gaius's anus. There was no sign of the lava that Jaculo had promised. Jaculo saw my look. "I have not juiced in him, masters, for if I had I could not fuck you. Which of you will I pleasure next?"

I didn't say anything - all I did was leap onto the couch and spread my legs like a whore. I had not thought in my rush to be next that I would be lying in a pool of hot piss, but to my surprise I found it a most agreeable sensation. Whether I would have found lying in a pool of piss were I not expecting to be imminently fucked by the fattest cock I had ever seen was not something which troubled me at the time. Jaculo smiled. "Are you sure, master?" I nodded, grinning like a monkey. "Very well, master, but you must be willing for the lava to burn you. It will erupt deep inside you. I am permitted to fuck only two boys each day. My brother, whom you saw leave with the Emperor, is busy with the little ones. They will not enjoy what he does, but it is the Emperor's will. You, masters -" (he looked carefully at each of us in turn) "- have anuses large enough to receive a Nubian's treasure, but the little minnows ... " He shrugged. It was a chilling moment. Tiberius had had two fingers up them, but a thing the size of Jaculo?

Courage, Drusus! I raised my legs and tucked my ankles behind my head - a thing my tutor had encouraged me to practice. My three friends had clearly not seen such suppleness before. "Fuck, Drusus, that looks hot," said Julius. I smiled. "It feels hot too, my friend. Now let me have some of that oil." As soon as the flask tipped its contents into my anus (Jaculo had lifted me so that I was open) I could tell why Gaius had cried that it had warmed him. The oil had some spice in it - ginger, perhaps - which set the red petals inside my anus aflame as ginger does in my mouth. "Look," said Jaculo, his fingers holding my anus open so that the oil slid into me, "you will see deep inside him. Your anuses are the same - soft red petals which give you so much pleasure when a cock thrusts between them." Marcus and Julius drank this in. Gaius, whose petals had so recently been visited gently pushed two fingers into the oily gates to my body. I placed by ankles behind my head again, opening my anus as much as I could. "Does it not hurt, Drusus? It looks so red." I moaned as his fingers explored the atrium, my body thrusting upwards to force his fingers deeper. Jaculo pulled him back. "Tonight, masters, you can explore as you will - the oil will stay. But now it is for me to explore what this pretty anus had to offer me."

Without warning he plunged in. I screamed. I was being torn in two. The Nubian's belly crushed against mine . I was dying, surely .. and yet if this was Death it was ... aaah! ... the pain eased and a great heat filled me. As Jaculo thrust his cock up up up it must have coated my inside with the spicy oil. I put my arms out as though to draw Jaculo even deeper into me - the ginger was making me lose all control. Jaculo whispered. "Let it flow into you, master, and then when my juices bathe you it will send you mad." I like the sound of being sent mad by Jaculo's juices, but I could not speak.

Then, so slowly that I did not realize it was happening, he drew his cock back until only the great flared head was in me, stretching the gates of my soul so widely that I knew I was going to die of pleasure. He grinned down at me, and I think I tried to smile: I wanted the moment never to end. The mixture of pain and pleasure was too intense - dying was the only solution, surely. Then, hard, he was all the way in again. I screamed again, but this time the scream was one of ecstasy. Five, six times he repeated the withdrawal and the violent re-possession. Each time I screamed. The seventh time as he plunged in he groaned and suddenly his cock was twice as long and twice as fat. Hot juice - no, he was right: it was lava - flooded me. Time after time his cock swelled as another tide roared into me. I felt as though my entire body was filled with the juice of this wonderful man. My eyes were tightly shut, so when a soft pair of lips took in my cock and a tongue began to graze my tender acorn I had no idea who was carrying me even nearer to Elysium.

It took only a few moment before my balls hurled my juice into the first mouth my cock had welcomed. I opened my eyes. Gaius. That moment he became my dearest friend, and I his.

Jaculo kept his cock in me until Gaius and I had finished our bonding. "Who will clean me?" he said. Julius and Marcus each said "I" at the same moment. Jaculo smiled. "I think there will be enough for both of you."

There was. They were very diligent in their task. Gaius and I were too engaged in kissing - yes, kissing! Neither of us had ever imagined we would be kissing another boy, but each of us took naturally to it. By the time Jaculo told them that his cock was now clean Gaius jaws and mine were aching with the expression of our strange new feeling for each other. "Oh, gods! they are like the lecherous pairs we saw earlier," said Marcus. Gaius and I merely smiled.

That night there was no discussion about who would sleep with whom. Julius grinned at Marcus when the four of us returned after the late meal. "You'll have to put up with me, Marcus. I hope you don't fart all night. Those two will be like rabbits."

Although Gaius's cock, like mine, was a great deal smaller than Jaculo's, it was attached to a boy who had pierced my heart. That night we pierced each other's anuses in celebration. The piercings on the other couch sounded no less vigorous. Life in Capri was going to be fun.

That was the pattern of each day in Capri. You will want to know that the minnows who had been fucked by Jaculo's brother Satis were not split in two, though one of them was severely torn and had to be put away. The other, terrified at what had happened to his younger companion, had given up all hope of living. That may have been what saved him as he told us some days later (while we were all servicing Tiberius under the waves). The Nubian had fucked him while he was unconscious, and Tiberius had found the whole business so tedious that he had bidden Satis to stop before he swelled up and juiced. "Since then we've always been fucked by one of the old men's lovers. They're good at it, and thank the gods their cocks are not too big."

One day Pleon announced at the early meal that the Emperor was to receive a visitor, and that special performances would take place. This was unexpected - there had been no visitor in the three moons we had been there, and we all thought that the activities were too disgusting (though most enjoyable for us all) to be shared outside the men (and fishy girls) on the island. We wondered who this visitor might be. "Someone who is as keen on fucking and fricking as the Old Goat is, obviously," said Marcus. "Not just that," said Gaius, "it will be someone high up in Rome who Tiberius trusts to keep his mouth shut. "Or open," I said, "the parsnip's never even twitched since we've been here. Maybe this visitor will know how to get it going. We don't, and nor do the minnows. When he watches the hairy ones fucking with the mermaids there's no sign of action in his loins, though there's plenty going on with his fingers up the minnows." "Who cares," said Julius, "as long as I get fucked I don't care what else is going on." By this time he and Marcus had formed a tight friendship, though it did not involve kissing. Jaculo and Satis were regular visitors to our anuses, and there were many occasions when Satis had brought a flagon of wine to our dormitory. As well as making us merry - we were too young to be allowed wine at home and so were unused to its happy way of making boys even more keen to have fun with our cocks - it meant that when Satis or Jaculo pissed there was enough to make the process wonderfully prolonged.

Things were about to become more interesting.

The visitor was formally welcomed by Pleon as he landed from his barge. "Tiberius Caesar Augustus greets you, Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus!" he cried. We boys were lining the path up from the landing place, cocks out for inspection. "Caligula!" whispered Gaius, "this should be fun. My father says he's a real lecher." We had all heard of Caligula - he was then 20 and already expected to be the next Emperor - but the details of his rumoured lechery were not known. Not to us anyway. They soon would be.

Caligula strode up the path, his hands outstretched touching each cock as he went by. "Mmm," I heard him murmur. I noticed that he withdrew his hands as he neared the mermaids. Tiberius was standing waiting for him at the top of the path. "Grandfather! you look so well. Life here away from the press of Rome is doing you good. What wickedness have you arranged for me?" Tiberius looked embarrassed at the idea that wickedness was being plotted, but Caligula just smiled. "Never mind, Grandfather - I bring my own special wickedness. I think you will like it."

There was no imperial swimming that day. After the midday meal Pleon announced that the minnows would swim with Tiberius while Caligula was with us, but that we four would have special duties. These would be described to us in our dormitory, to which we were to go immediately. On the way we quietly discussed what we might be in for. "I bet it's with Caligula," said Julius, "I saw how keenly he studied us as he walked up from the shore." "He'll be more fun than the Old Goat then," muttered Marcus. We lay on our couches awaiting our fate. Pleon came in some minutes later. He was sweating. This didn't look promising.

"Caligula has unusual tastes, and you four are going to have to get used to them." "What will he do with us?" I asked. "I may not say, Drusus, but I can tell you that none of you will be killed." It hadn't crossed any of our minds that being killed was a possibility. "Will one of the others be killed then?" asked Marcus with a cheeky grin. The grin disappeared very swiftly when Pleon made no reply. Someone was not going to survive Caligula's visit. Pleon looked unhappy, but despite our pestering for answers he had nothing to tell us. At least, nothing to tell us about who might be thrown over the cliffs, if that was what was planned. It was Tiberius's way of getting rid of people, after all.

"You will eat in a room by yourselves, at Caligula's orders." "That means he's going to have us poisoned!" wailed Gaius. Pleon snapped at him. "There is nothing like that going to happen. I have told you - all four of you will live. Whether you will want to after what he has in mind ..." "He's going to have us castrated," wailed Gaius even more piteously. "I think not," said Pleon, "for his interest on you would then have no means to be gratified. I think you will find that he will take a more active interest in you than his grandfather." And not a word more would he say.

For three days we ate the most boring food imaginable - vegetables until they were coming out of our ears. Until then the food had been rich, with meats and fowls and all manner of spiced dainties. But vegetables! For two of those days we were not required either down in the sea or to witness any of the performances put on for Tiberius's lust, so it was with some relief that we were told to attend at the ninth hour in the usual way on the following day.

Pleon had come in to the dormitory on the second morning. "After you have eaten you will all go and empty yourselves. Then come back in here. I will be waiting." This was odd - until then we had shitted when we needed to. Was Caligula going to fuck us and make sure we were all pure inside? Perhaps Pleon would be giving us a purge.

After we had eaten and shitted like obedient little children Pleon was waiting for us. "Bend over, all of you." To our surprise he inserted a wedge up our anuses. It hurt like hades when he shoved it in, but there must have been some spice smeared on it, for the heat quickly radiated up my insides. "Keep those in," he said, "you will be flogged if they come out. Understand?" We nodded. Marcus said, "what if I need to shit?" "You will keep it in, boy, and that includes the shit." His fierce glare meant that there was no more arguing. After he had gone we examined each other's wedges - there was a cord attached and we pranced about pretending to be mice. Luckily there stayed in while we slept.

The next afternoon at the ninth hour there were fewer people than usual - the lechers and their young men were nowhere to be seen, nor were the minnows. Tiberius lay on his couch with Caligula beside him on another. Both were naked. We four stole covert glances at what Caligula had to offer. It was much shorter than Tiberius's parsnip, but showed signs of being a great deal more lively. One of the girls lay on what we called the fucking-couch. There was no sign of the other girls, nor of the hairy ones. We settled ourselves in our usual places. Was Caligula going to fuck her? Why was no-one there apart from us? Tiberius clapped his hands.

From behind a screen Jaculo and Satis appeared. Their ebony bodies glistened with oil: they were covered from head to foot. Their cocks were hard and full. The girl turned around and knelt like an animal, showing her anus to Tiberius and Caligula. Tiberius pointed to Satis who bowed to him and knelt behind the girl, pulling her towards him. He touched the end of his massive cock to her anus. "In!" roared Caligula, "impale her." We'd seen the girls being fucked often enough to know that they enjoyed having a cock rammed inside, so we smiled, knowing that the show would be exciting. Satis didn't hesitate: he buried himself in her anus all the way. She screamed (they always screamed - Tiberius liked hearing them scream almost as much as they liked the hot agony of a cock up them). Satis kept it in, not moving, and the screaming soon stopped, replaced as usual by insistent moans of encouragement. Caligula said softly, "she loves a huge cock in her - let's see how she takes another. You - Jaculo - do it!"

Satis did what the hairy ones had done before. Keeping his plunger in he held her tightly and turned onto his back with her still impaled on him. She parted her legs, her fish-basket open for the imperial eyes to feast upon. Caligula got up from his couch. Surely he wasn't going to fuck her? "Do not think that I will sully myself with you," he whispered, "I am here to see your face as this monster and his brother drive you to ... to something I shall always remember." He drew one finger along the line of her chin. "So beautiful," he murmured, "so young." He went back to his couch, his fingers playing with his cock. Jaculo stepped forward and without any warning thrust his cock into the place the gods had made for it. This time the screaming did not stop. We winced. Though having one of those cocks up our anuses was something we had all become used to, and which drove us to ecstatic juicings, the thought of having its twin up another imaginary hole right next to it was horrifying. The screaming continued: there was no moaning. "Yes, now!" said Caligula, still fricking himself. We could see no change: neither Jaculo nor Satis started to fuck her. A moment later Julius whispered, "there's piss coming out of her basket. Is she -?" A few seconds later piss started to gush from her anus as well. The two Nubians must both have been pissing in her. I knew that girls pissed from their fish-baskets (little sisters were willing to allow such details to be known, in exchange for similar information about their slightly older brother), but I had not seen it happen and had not expected it to be a part of a fucking. Juice and piss both came out of our cocks, but never at the same time.

Still she screamed. Still piss poured from her. Caligula got up again and moved to stand behind her. "Fuck her," he said softly, "finish her off." Satis nodded. Jaculo began a terrifyingly energetic fuck - hard, fast, deeper than you could have imagined. The screaming could have been heard in Rome itself. I like being fucked fast sometimes, but the poor girl was in agony. Maybe fish-baskets don't go as far in as anuses. Jaculo howled - not a sound he had ever made with us, even when he was juicing up a nice anus - and seemed to find another inch. I could see him pumping juice, thrusting in a little harder with each pulse.

"Keep it in," commanded Caligula. "Now you, up her anus, do what's needed." Jaculo grabbed her by the chest, crushing her bubs to his, and with his cock still inside her turned over. Now he was underneath with Satis still plugging her anus. He began to fuck. Hard, how we like it. Were girls' anuses as keen to have a big black cock up them as ours? The screaming became even more intense then, as Satis thrust in and began to juice it stopped suddenly. The silence was eerie: all we could hear was the sound of Satis's belly slapping against her. "Out" cried Caligula. In Satis's position I think each of us would have been tempted to disobey and stay inside her channel while our cocks finished their juicing, but Satis wisely obeyed. We saw a stream of thick white juice fly from his cock and soar over her head, landing on Jaculo's chest. More juice poured onto her back.

Blood flowed out of her anus. Caligula took hold of her hair and pulled her head back. She was completely limp. "Lift her off," ordered Caligula. Satis gently lifted her off Jaculo's cock. Blood poured out of there as well. We four, so recently hard with excitement at seeing such a frenzied fucking, looked warily at each other. Was she ... dead? Was that what Caligula had planned? Were we going to be fucked to death?

At the late meal that night Pleon came to tell us that Caligula would visit us in our dormitory. "Is the girl dead? Is he going to kill us?" Pleon looked unhappy. "I do not think you are in danger. His plans for you are not the same, though I expect he may fuck you." "But is she dead, Pleon?" I said, daring to question him further. He nodded. "The Emperor has stopped him from having those two repeat their performance with the other girls. He likes seeing your hairy colleagues fuck them far too much to let another one be lost. Now bend over again, all of you." He removed the wedges and stuck something up inside us, pushed well up with a little rod. "Keep those in. If you feel you want a shit do your best not to - not just yet." He started to leave then turned at the door. "Enjoy tonight, my boys, it will be very different. Your reward will be proper food tomorrow," and he was gone. "What did that mean?" said Marcus. None of us had any idea, but we were all heartily pleased that we would eat meat again soon. The farting had been terrible, and though I loved Gaius dearly and took great delight in his cock and his anus, I have to confess that the stink of his farts was hard to endure.

It wasn't long after our meal was over that Caligula appeared in our dormitory. Naturally we stood up - despite what Pleon had said none of us was sure that he would survive the night. Caligula saw four naked boys with four drooping cocks. He made to reassure us. "You are safe, my little ones, your cocks will see to that. No sensible Roman would do away with pretty boys like you. My grandfather has s taste for the very young, but I like a boy whose balls are awakened and whose wickedness is aroused. Now, are you lovers? Which of you sleeps with which?" Gaius and I looked at each other and Caligula was quick to notice. "You two - what are your names?" "Drusus," I said. "Gaius." "Very well, Drusus and Gaius, you will be the first to perform for me. Drusus, lie on your back. Gaius, climb on top of him and suck each other's cock. That's right - good. Suck, my beauties, but do not dare to juice. If either of you juices before I allow it I shall have you flogged." His words rendered any juicing very distant. Gaius and I had sucked each other many times, but never like this - never coupled at the same time. Despite Caligula's threats I could tell that Gaius was enjoying it as much as I was. "Enough!" said Caligula. "Now you two - what are you called?" Marcus and Julius told him their names. "Well, you two - couple as the others did."

This went on for some minutes with each pair alternating. Caligula grew weary, I think. "Julius, lie on your back," he said. He came over to the couch. The other three were standing round as he had bidden us when we weren't busy sucking. To my surprise he got onto the couch and stood over Julius, his legs either side of Julius's chest. Caligula lifted his toga - he was naked underneath. I could see his cock - half-hard - and his balls. He bent his knees and ... surely not! Yes, Caligula began to piss on Julius's belly. "Lie beside him, the rest of you," he said, "it is my pleasure to anoint each of you." We did as we were told. Being pissed on wasn't new to any of us by that time, but being pissed on by the man whom everyone expected to be the next Emperor was - well, unexpected.

Caligula sprayed it around, soaking all of us as well as the couch on which we would have to sleep - that is, if sleep was going to happen. Eventually the flow stopped. He smiled. "Now you will return the compliment. You will anoint me, for the piss of boys has magical properties. Did you not know, my beauties?" Caligula took Julius's place in the centre of the couch, now soaked with the Imperial bounty. Nothing happened - we were all too shy to do anything. "Come, boys, I am ordering you. Anoint me. Drusus, you are the nearest: show these fools what I command you to do." I stepped forward. "Stand over me as I did." I climbed on and straddled his chest. "Now squat over me so that I can feel your cock." This was indeed strange. Caligula wasn't many years older than we were (he was 20 at this time) but he was so many levels higher than even our fathers were that the whole business seemed unbelievable. At last I felt piss coming. "Where would you like me to piss?" I murmured. "Just do it. I will direct the flow," and he reached forward and took hold of my cock. I started to piss, slowly at first but as my confidence grew that I was not doing a terrible wrong, so did the force of my anointing, as he put it. He aimed me onto his chest, his other hand rubbing the hot golden liquid into his flesh. Suddenly I felt an urgent need to shit. Those bloody vegetables had meant that the shit I had had the day before had been much longer that I was used to - longer in size, that is. It had leapt from me a great deal more swiftly than usual. Oh, gods! what was I to do? Was this what Pleon's thing stuck up my anus was doing to me? Pissing on the next Emperor was one thing - he had ordered me to do it - but shitting on him would earn me a flogging and then my throat being cut. I closed my eyes and prayed to our household gods to save me.

I heard a soft voice, some spirit had answered my prayers even as I went on pissing. "I can see what is troubling you. Let it happen, Drusus, it is what I want from you." I opened my eyes to see Caligula nodding and smiling. Could the spirit voice have been his? But the decision was no longer mine. The vegetables were insistent. I made a silent vow that if I survived the night I would make a sacrifice to Jove. My bowels churned. My anus could hold on no longer. A great fart escaped and a thick coil of shit dropped from me onto Caligula's belly. Instantly his hands were in the mess, spreading it over himself. More shit fell as more farts forced their way out. Although I was in fear of my life my mind was spinning with the thrill that shitting on someone had on my cock, still pissing but now almost fully hard. Caligula lifted his hands, hands covered in my shit, and spread my shit onto my bottom. A hand reached round to my cock and, while it was still pissing, cloaked it in shit. I was panting as though I had run three times round the stadium. I lurched forward as Caligula stuck fingers - more than had ever been there before - up into me. "You have more to give, Drusus, but not for me. Get off me now and stand beside the couch. Marcus, come and take his place."

By the time Marcus was ordered off Caligula's whole body from his cock to his neck was coated in stinking shit. It was obvious why we had eaten nothing but vegetables for three days - Caligula must have ordered it. I was expecting Julius or Gaius to be next to shit on him, but I was wrong. "Gaius, come and shit on your lover. Drusus, lie here. Julius, shit on Marcus." Caligula remained in the middle. I hoped that slaves would take the couch away and burn it - it would have been impossible to clean it.

It did not take long for all four of us to shit as much as we could. "Now fuck each other," he commanded, "and juice where I can see it, remember." Caligula began to stroke his own cock, now hard and urgent. It was not as big as either of the Nubians, but it was certainly worth having up one's anus. Would he want to fuck one of us? Pleon had said he would. While all this was going through my mind Gaius, my lovely shitty Gaius, had lifted my knees (I was on my back) and his lovely shitty cock had entered me as it had done so often before. But this time the sensation was much greater. This time there was a strong sense of wickedness (as well as the stink of shit). To my surprise the shit made the fucking very smooth and slippery, almost as much as the oil had done. "Frick yourself, Drusus, let your juice fly." I did his bidding, urgently. I had not felt a juicing approach as powerfully as this before and I knew that it was only seconds away. Gaius was close too. With a cry he pulled back and fricked himself, his hand moving faster than I thought possible (as was mine). We both juiced at almost the same moment, silvery trails criss-crossing on the brown mess coating my body. Caligula, still lying on his back between me and Julius, held his cock and began to piss into the air so that it splashed onto me. Gold, silver and mud. I don't think I have ever felt filthier or happier.

On Caligula's other side Julius was shitting on Marcus - his farts were even nastier than Gaius's, but oddly that didn't seem to matter. When somebody farts next to you in bed it's nasty; when he farts next to you while you are in the middle of a shit orgy it seems perfectly acceptable. What strange lives we were living!

Caligula had one last surprise for us. When all the juicing and pissing had finished he rose carefully from the couch. I had never seen anyone covered in shit before (and truth to tell, never since). Caligula knelt over me, grinning like a man possessed. He bent forward - I closed my eyes: was this when he would cut my throat? I felt his mouth engulf my cock - several inches of soft shit-covered tingling flesh - and, ignoring (or perhaps stimulated by) the foul mess, seek to gather every last drop of my juicing. In this he was successful - what boy's cock does not yield up another drop of nectar when a skilled tongue hunts for it? I relaxed. The thought of having my throat cut vanished as the indescribable sensation of having my cock - my shitty stinking cock - drained to its roots by the most skilled lips and tongue which had ever taken it in. Caligula spent some minutes at his work, work which made my cock begin to harden again. Suddenly I lost all control of my body (though I confess I made little effort). Pleon's device had a second delayed effect. As my second juicing rushed up from my balls into Caligula's mouth my anus gushed forth a great quantity of liquid, and my whole body was contorted by the violence of my juicing and my shitting. Caligula took his mouth off my cock. "Good boy," he whispered, "off you get. I need your lover now."

Caligula devoured the juicings of all three of my friends, each of whom shot from his anus a torrent of evil-smelling liquid. By the time poor Julius - the last to be serviced - had recovered himself the whole couch was awash. Caligula took two handfuls of the stuff and threw it over his chest, allowing it to run down his body, flowing down his legs on either side of his cock.

"Drusus," he said sternly, "you are to be fucked. Kneel like a dog, boy." Was this the throat-cutting moment?

I was the only one he fucked. He didn't last long. By the time he finished my back and belly were covered in shit and may anus was filled with imperial juice - maybe I would turn into a god as Augustus had done. Caligula squeezed me as he filled me. I had enough presence of mind to moan and exclaim how wondrous it had been to have the honour of his juice, but in all truth Jaculo was a far more satisfying companion, and his cock reached a lot further in.

Caligula got off me and stood up. "Stand, Drusus," he said. I climbed to my feet and felt the juice slip out of my anus and begin to run down my legs. To my astonishment Caligula took my face in both hands - hands covered in shit - and kissed me deeply, his tongue almost going down my throat. He broke away and without a word walked out of the room.

We four stood gazing at each other, none of us able to utter a word. Shortly after Caligula had gone Pleon came in, accompanied by six slaves. "Well done," he said, "you have made him very happy. I believe he will leave tomorrow, and with only one poor wretch dead. Go and wash each other. You will find fresh couches when you return.

Caligula did leave the next day. We boys stayed a further two weeks on Capri, swimming with the minnows and Tiberius as we had done before. The ninth hour sessions with the remaining girls resumed, but - how shall I put it? - the fun had gone out of it. Even Tiberius seemed less interested, and it was with great relief that we were packed off back to Rome.

Gaius and I remained close, but we found it difficult to meet for fucking. My tutor, to whom I told everything that had happened on Capri, said that he would be willing to tutor Gaius occasionally, and that was how we managed to go on doing what we both so keenly desired.

Tiberius died three years later - murdered, it was rumoured, by Caligula who felt he had waited long enough to be Emperor. By that time Caligula was completely mad, and before he was murdered himself at the age of 29 he had managed to kill most of his family. Gaius and I told each other how lucky we were to have had such restrained treatment from him. "He ate one of his children, they say," he told me one night. Oh - did I not tell you. Gaius and I escaped from Rome and all its horrors not long after Caligula became Emperor (and well before he decided he was a god) and we have lived openly together in Athens. They're much more understanding here, and we have two nice 13-year-olds to look after our needs.

Next: Chapter 2

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