The Poor Boy

By Mike Loggerman

Published on Apr 25, 2016



The Poor Boy

by mike loggerman

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I first met Marky when he was 9. He was a sun tanned slightly chubby kid with very light blond hair. He lived down the hall from where my mom and I lived. I was 8 years older than him. I went to college that year, and would see Marky when I was home for the summers. He was always trying to tag along with me, and sometimes I'd babysit for him.

I hadn't seen him for a number of years. I got a job out of college, and was making a decent living. I went to visit my mom, and Marky stopped by to say hello. I couldn't believe it. He had a deep voice, and was taller than me, still a little pudgy, but slimmed down, and his hair was still the light blond i remembered. He was wearing old gym shorts and a dirty tank top and beat up sneakers. When he saw me he gave me a hug. He had an unusual body scent, almost woodsy. I would imagine it was off-putting to a lot of people, but I thought it was interesting.

He told me he graduated from High school, but couldn't find a job. From the way he was dressed, I wasn't surprised. Personally I liked what he looked like. It gave me a chance to enjoy looking at his hairy blond pits and his hairy legs. When he was younger, I never thought twice about him, but as I checked him out, it made me pretty horny.

I asked how he dressed for job interviews and he said that was all he had. I told him that was part of the problem, because people judge by appearance, and if you show up looking like you were just hanging out, you won't get the job. He asked what he could do about it. I offered to help him out, and his mom pushed him to take me up on the offer. I told him he needed to look presentable or no one would hire him.

I told him he could come home with me and we'd get him looking presentable, and the next day I'd take him to my office and see if I could get him hired. He seemed excited about it, and his mom thanked me. My mom looked very proud that I was successful, and I was helping Marky.

We stopped at a second hand clothing store and found him some dress pants that should fit him, a couple of shirts, and some dress shoes. He tried on the shirts and the shoes, but the place didn't have a changing room, so I told him we could go to my place to try on the pants.

We went back to my place and he tried on the shirts and they fit fine and looked great on him. I told him to strip down to his underwear and try on the pants, but he hesitated. I asked what was wrong, and he turned bright red. He told me he doesn't wear underwear. I told him he had to wear underwear with dress pants. He asked why, and I said in a job interview it hides your junk, and it protects you pants if you didn't wipe well. He laughed, and then said he didn't have any. I told him if it wouldn't bother him, he could wear a pair of mine. He said that would be great.

I took him to my bedroom and told him to try on a pair of mine. I got out a pair of white briefs, and he took off his shorts. I started to get hard. He had a very large cock and a really dense blond bush. He also had a strong crotch scent. His body was smooth except for his pits and pubes, and I longed to feel it.

He looked very embarrassed. I told him he had nothing to be ashamed of. He said no one had ever seen him naked except for his doctor. I told him he had a really beautiful cock and women as well as a lot of men would like it. He asked if I liked it, and I said very much and I'd love to feel his body. He was completely naked, and told me to go ahead. I ran my hands along his smooth curvy body. I lifted his arms to sniff his pits, but he warned me that he hadn't showered today. I sniffed his pits and said I thought they smelled hot. I stroked his cock and felt his balls before running my hands along his round, curvy ass. He moaned, enjoying my feeling his most private places. I told him I really liked feeling him.

He asked if he could feel me too. I was trying to hide my very hard cock, but I already was feeling him all over so I had nothing to lose. I took off my pants and briefs. He reached over and stroked my cock and felt my balls. His cock was hard, and it was huge. He felt me all over, and said he loved my body. I pulled him against me and tongue kissed him.

He said this was not the first time he played with my cock. He said when he was 12, and I was babysitting him, I fell asleep. He took my cock out and jerked me off until I came. I laughed and said he did it a few times, and said I wasn't sleeping. He said he wanted to suck me, but he was afraid I'd wake up.

I stroked his cock while I played with his big balls and his pubes. I asked if i could make him cum. His cock was dripping. It had a funky scent. I got on my knees and sucked his cock. It tasted of cum, sweat, and piss. He watched as I sucked him down to his pubes. It only took a couple of minutes for him to shoot a huge load. I swallowed it all.

I stood up and I sniffed and licked his pits. I had never been so excited by a guy, and I never thought it would be Marky. I asked if he minded me enjoying his body, but he said he was enjoying it too.

Marky got on his knees and I parted my legs. He played with my balls and sucked my cock. He played with my hairy ass crack as he sucked me. He loved my body hair. I wasn't the hairiest guy, but I guess I had the right amount for him in the right places. It was like he took his time so he could savor my body.

We moved to my bed and we kissed hard and passionately. I spread my legs and Marky got between them and lay on top of me. The body contact felt amazing, and his scent was intoxicating to me. I wanted to feel him inside me and asked him to fuck me. He wasn't sure how. I got some lube and lubed his cock. I pulled my legs on my chest and told him to press his cock against my hole. I felt him slowly enter me as he stretched my hole. He started moving in and out, while I groaned in pleasure. He was thrusting hard and fast I told him if he slowed down he'd enjoy it more. I wrapped my legs around his and played with his hairy blond pits. I told him how good it felt, and how much I loved feeling him inside me. Marky was enjoying being inside me as much as I was. He said he felt so close to me, and tongue kissed me. He said he was going to cum. He started pounding me harder and then stopped as he shot his load inside me.

He lay next to me, covered in sweat, and said he couldn't believe I let him fuck me. I told him I couldn't believe it either, but I really loved it, and loved that it was him inside me. He said he wished I lived in the apartments, so he could fuck me every day. I was thinking of inviting him to move in with me, if nothing else, so I could enjoy his big cock inside me all the time, but I was concerned that he might be fucking me as a way to get out of his poverty and just using his cock to get ahead in the world. I told him he could stay for a few days and we could see if he could get a job and after that we'd see how things worked out.

We lay there feeling each other. I buried my face in his armpit and he stroked my cock. He asked me to fuck him, so I lubed my finger and slid it inside him. I added a second finger and he groaned as I played with his prostate. I asked if he really wanted me to fuck him, and he said yeah. He said he always felt close to me, and fucking made him feel closer. I put him on his side and slid my cock inside him. I held him, feeling his body as I pounded him slowly to make it last. He purred from the body contact as well as from feeling me inside him. I shot deep in him.

As we lay in bed together, I asked why he was so interested in me instead of someone his own age. He said he had a crush on me since he was 12. He said when he jerks off, he thinks of me, and when he watches porn, he thinks of me. I was feeling his chest and playing with his nipples. I stroked his big cock and asked if he could fuck me again. He got between my legs and thrust his big cock inside me, balls deep. I lay back and enjoyed Marky inside me. I broke out in a sweat as he pounded me. He kissed me and said he loved fucking me. He fucked me harder, and shot another load deep in me. I wasn't sure if he was sincere, but it was obvious that he genuinely liked to fuck me.

We showered together and went to bed. In the morning we were both hard. Marky slid his cock inside me and fucked me hard. I played with his pits and wrapped my legs around him, enjoying the feel of being connected with him. It didn't take him long to cum, and he shot a thick load inside me. We got dressed and I took him to my office in his new clothes. He wore the briefs I wore the day before. He said he'd feel closer to me all day.

He got a job as an office worker with an opportunity to learn some skills and advance. He was really excited, about the job and the kind of job it was. He got to work in an air conditioned office and wear nice clothes, instead of being a convenience store clerk or washing dishes.

To celebrate, I told Marky we could do whatever he wanted when we got back to my place. I figured he'd just want to fuck me. Instead he wanted to sit around naked, and just feel each other. I got undressed, and let his hands wander all over me. He sucked my nipples and licked my pits. He buried his face in my crotch, between my balls and ass, and seemed to delight in the scent. I've had people have sex with me before, but this was the first time anyone savored me and I was enjoying it. He genuinely enjoyed my body as much as i was enjoying his. He straddled me and lowered himself onto my hard cock. He rode me long and slow, and we both felt intense pleasure. I shot the biggest load of my life inside him. He said he really likes being fucked by me.

I told Marky he could move in on a trial basis. He moved in with me since it was closer to work; at least that's what he told his mom. The real reason was because we were hungry for each other. I was used to being excited by someone and me pursuing them, but I was not used to it being mutual. Marky was just as excited by me as I was of him. I told him I was always worried he'd get tired of me or find someone else closer to his age. He looked at me and told me to not be stupid. He said I was the guy he had been jerking off about since he was 12. I was the guy who pretended to be asleep so he could jerk me off and eat my cum. He said I was the guy he always wanted, and now he had me. I thought, "Yes he did have me."

Marky had a side to him that loved dominating me, and he knew he could. He loved the fact that even though I was older than him and in a better job, his cock was almost two inches longer than mine and thicker, and that at the scent or feel of him I was ready to be fucked by him. He fucked me hard several times a day, knowing I craved him. He loved making me eat his ass, and licking his sweaty pits. I didn't mind, because he excited me. He liked that I was into his scent and held off showering until morning, because he knew I liked it. We used most of our free time enjoying each other.

It wasn't all one sided. Marky was just as into me as I was into him. He loved being naked with me, feeling my hairy body. He loved sucking my cock and balls, and eating my ass. While he was clearly the top in our relationship, he loved me fucking him. He always made me feel cherished even if we fucked quickly. I was starting to realize Marky wasn't just using me to get a job or a place to stay, he genuinely loved being sexual with me.

When it came to work, we played it straight. I didn't want problems at the office. Most people did get the idea that we were more than roommates, and there were rumors all over the office, but it wasn't a problem. Most people were just happy I was with someone who made me happy.

Over the next few years, I received several promotions. Marky seemed to have no ambition. He got some additional training, which got him a few minor promotions, and people liked him in the office, but he was content to be an office worker. His main ambition was to be married to me. We were both content. We talked about getting married and decided to do it sometime in the future. The only issue was, we would have to tell our moms.

We moved to a nicer, larger apartment, and had our mom's over from time to time. They suspected our relationship but never said anything to us about it. I figured the fact that we had only one bedroom with a king size bed was a good clue. They both looked like they wanted to ask, but they said nothing to us. We sent them money every month to help them out.

We would have done a lot of vacations, except we were supporting our mothers. I liked the beach, but Marky wanted to go to some gay B&B he read about on the internet. I was hesitant to go there, because I was afraid if he was around a lot of good looking gay guys they'd want him, and he'd realize he was stuck with an old guy like me. We discussed it, sometimes loudly, every night. I even invited some very good looking guys over to see how he'd react. A few made moves on him, but he made it clear he was mine.

We had a three day weekend, and he chose not to shower for a couple of days. He smelled pretty ripe. He lay back and asked me to bury my face in his armpits and crotch. I did, and got hard. He said you really like my smell don't you? I said he knew I did. I said, well no one else does. Its like guy repellant. He said thats why he never messed around with anyone before me. He said that worked out okay, because the only guy he was interested in was me. He got between my legs and thrust his cock inside me hard. He was mad, and pounding me so hard the bed was shaking. He said, "Don't -You-realize-you-are-the-only-one-I-want-to-fuck-and-want-to-fuck-me." He kissed me hard as he shot his load inside me. It was the most amazing fucking I ever received. He told me to fuck him, and I did, with pleasure and with intensity. I often smelled of his sweat when we were done, and I liked it.

We went to the B&B like he wanted. It was a charming old place about an hour from our apartment. The nice thing about it, was that it was gay owned, and catered exclusively to gay guests. The things I feared, didn't happen. Marky was serious about wanting only me, and deep down he was happy that he meant so much to me that the thought of losing him made me worry. We had a great weekend. We became friends with the owners, a gay couple who had been together a long time. I liked that we could hold hands or cuddle or kiss in public, without raising eyebrows. The pool area was clothing optional, but the rest of the place wasn't.

After the trip, Marky said he wanted us to be married. At this point, I was totally satisfied Marky wanted me for me and not what I could do for him. We invited our moms, and a couple of people we knew. We actually rented the B&B, and used their garden for the ceremony. We invited some people from work. What I thought would be a minor thing, turned into a big deal. I was never one for parties or things like that, and for that matter, neither was Marky. Our moms were the ones making it a big deal, so we just went along with it. The thing that saved us, was that both our moms were not excited about their relatives knowing we were gay, so they didn't invite them. Finally, I had enough, and said we are not going to do this. We are going to the B&B, we will have our moms there, a few friends from work, including my boss, and whoever Marky wanted. We will have a Justice of the Peace to perform the ceremony, and that will be it. Amazingly, everyone said okay. Marky said okay as long as we still wore tuxes. I stopped, and laughed, and said okay. Marky got a white tux, and I wore a black one.

The wedding went well. Our friends came, and the B&B let us use the bridal suite that night. The owners, Mikey and Mike, were our friends and started using the place as a regular get away. Sometimes we got together with them for dinner. They gave us a lot of good advice about being gay and married.

We eventually bought a condo in an upscale area. Not too bad for two guys from the slums.

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