The Pool Boy

By B J

Published on Jun 21, 2008


This story is complete fiction... If it's illegal in your area... Or if you're not old enough to read stories like this... Please don't... Or at least don't get caught...

The Pool Boy

By: B J


Chapter 4

Seth and I spent a lot of the summer together, just the two of us and with our friends. The closer it got to the end of summer the more distant I got with him. There were times I cried when he'd drop me off after we spent the day together. By the time August came around Seth noticed that I was withdrawing slowly from him.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked running his fingers over my cheek as we laid in bed hot and sweaty.

"Nothing Seth, I'm just being silly." I barked at him.

"If it's bothering you, it's not silly." He said soothingly.

"What are we going to do when the summer ends and we go back to school?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Seth asked lifting up his head onto his hand.

"What are we? Are we just a summer fling? Are we boyfriends? Are we going to do the long distance relationship?" I blurted out. He grinned and then started to laugh. My face fell when he started to laugh. Tears formed in my eyes.

He stopped laughing when he saw the tears.

"I want to be with you Daniel, for as long as you'll have me. I already consider you my boyfriend. With us going to different schools, we'll call each other and email and we'll see each other here at home on breaks. I don't want anyone else. I've wanted you since high school, now that I have you I'm not letting you go." He said as he wiped the tears away. He kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry for being insensitive. I shouldn't have laughed."

He pulled me tightly to him.

"I don't regret that before we started our relationship, we had sex. It was and is amazing. Making love to you is a dream come true for me. You're the one that fill my fantasies. You're my total package Danny. You're smart, funny, caring, and sexy as all hell." He said. I smiled.

"I'm such a dork," I said.

"But you're my dork." He said as he licked and nibbled on my ear. I laughed.

Seth's hard cock was nestled between my ass cheeks.

"Fuck! You turn me on so much. I can't get enough of you." He said running his hands over my stomach working his way down to my lengthening cock. Seth silently worked his cock between my legs going higher searching for my already greased and loosened asshole. Finding my hole he pushed in. Seth slipped all the way in without having to stop so I could get used to his hard cock.

Slowly Seth pulled his cock almost all the way out before pushing it all the way back in. I pushed back meeting his thrusts. "Oh yeah Seth! Just like that baby," I groaned. His right hand wrapped around my cock as he picked up the pace on my ass. He kissed and licked my shoulder and neck.

"Damn Danny," Seth said breathlessly.

His cock moved in and out of me as our moans of pleasure mingled. I squeezed my ass muscles tighter as Seth picked up his pace, his hand stroking my cock in time to his pounding. Within a few minutes we were both gasping.

"I'm ready to cum." He said as he moved in and out faster and faster. "I'm... cumming,"

"Oh God!" I groaned as I shot my load all over Seth's hand.

We laid there catching our breath when we heard the front door open and close. He and I jumped off the bed and rushed around cleaning ourselves off and getting dressed.

Mom and Dad were standing and talking in the kitchen. When we walked in they stopped and grinned at us.

"Is that a new shirt honey?" Mom asked me. Seth and I blushed. She knew that the shirt belonged to Seth. He was wearing it when she let him in this morning as she left to run errands.

"You joining us for dinner Seth?" Dad asked.

"Yes sir," He answered.

Over a meal of grilled chicken, pasta, and vegetables we all talked and laughed.

"What is everyone doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"I gotta work," Seth answered. My face fell.

"I'm going golfing with Chuck," Dad said.

"You and I have quite a few errands to run." Mom told me. I nodded.

After Seth left I said good night to my parents and went to bed.

I woke up to my phone beeping. There was a voice message and a text message from Seth waiting for me. I smiled as I read `Happy bday babe!' Checking my voice message, I found that it was Seth wishing me a happy birthday.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called.

"Morning sweetie, breakfast is ready." Mom said.

"Okay Mom, be downstairs in a minute." I said getting out of bed.

After getting dressed and washing up I made my way to the kitchen. Mom had a cup of coffee already waiting for me.

"Thanks Mom," I said before taking a sip of coffee.

"Happy Birthday sweetie," She said kissing my cheek.

I smiled. "Thank you,"

"You better hurry and finish your breakfast so we can get these errands started." Mom said.

Forty-five minutes later we were out the door. She and I spent all day running errands. We picked up dry cleaning, went shopping for groceries, stopped at the bank, and went to the mall.

We got home around two and found a big white van parked behind Dad's car.

"What's going on? Whose van is that?" I asked.

"I don't know sweetie," Mom said with a smile.

She and I carried everything into the house.

"Honey, can you start the grill? Let's have a hamburger for lunch." She said.

"Sounds good," I said walking towards the backdoor. She followed me.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. I was shocked to see everyone out there. Mom laughed from behind me.

"Surprise sweetie," She said. "Happy Birthday!" They all said. I smiled.

"Hey babe," Seth said walking up. Dad and Chuck were already grilling.

Kissing me Seth said, "Happy Birthday babe,"

"Thank you," I said returning the kiss.

I hugged everyone as they came up to wish me a happy birthday.

"Go change into shorts." Mom said. I nodded as Seth followed me.

"And no funny business! You've got friends out here wanting to party with you." Nicole yelled. Everyone laughed.

Seth grinned and grabbed my hand pulling me into the house.

"Were you surprised?" He asked.

"Very," I answered.

In my room Seth watched as I changed into a pair of swimming trunks.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're beautiful! And you're mine." He said. I smiled. I walked up to Seth and kissed him tenderly.

"Thank you for this," I said walking up to my parents and hugging them.

"It was your boyfriend's idea." Dad winked. I turned around and kissed Seth again.

"Thank you," I said to him.

"Anything for you," He said misty eyed.

Seth and I walked over to the edge of the pool as our friends swam around.

"Are you going in?" He asked. I smiled.

"After you," I said pushing him in and watching his arms flail as he fell in.

Everyone laughed and watched as Seth's head broke the surface of the water. He laughed and glared at me.

"You are so dead." He said swimming for the edge of the pool. I laughed and ran away from the pool with Seth chasing me.

Laughing, I tripped and fell in the grass. Seth jumped onto me and started tickling me. I laughed harder.

"You pushed me into the pool." Seth said. "I'm your boyfriend. You're supposed to be loving and nice to me."

"And push you into the pool when you're close to the edge." I laughed.

"Says who?" He laughed.

"Says me," I said.

We wrestled in the grass. Our parents laughed at us as well as our friends.

"You two better rinse off before jumping in the pool." Mom said.

"Or the two of you will be cleaning it." Dad finished. We laughed as Seth helped me up.

We washed the grass off of us and jumped into the pool.

"You two were so made for each other." Alexis grinned.

Dad and Mr. Thompson called everyone over to eat. We sat around and laughed as we ate. Mom and Diane brought a birthday cake as everyone sang `Happy Birthday to you' off key. I laughed as I listened to them sing. Seth was the loudest and worst. I cut the cake and started placing pieces onto plates as Mom and Mrs. Thompson passed them out.

"Oh my God! I can't wait till you open this." Nicole said.

"What is it Nicky?" I asked.

"Open it and find out," She grinned. I tore open the gift and grinned.

"Where'd you find it?" I asked excitedly.

"I found it on Ebay," Nicky said.

She had found one of the earliest copies of the Betty Crocker cookbook. You know the one with red and white checkered cover. Mom didn't even have one. I know... I know... What a freak. I was so excited about getting an old cookbook. But, what can I say? I love to cook.

"Thank you," I said as I hugged her tightly.

Seth's friends were trying not to laugh. Nicky and I looked at them.

"I love to cook," I said as she said, "he loves to cook."

Debbie, Cindy, and Alexis also got me cookbooks.

"We all asked Nicky for ideas." Cindy said.

"And we made sure to ask your mom if you had these yet." Debbie said.

"We also want a home cooked dinner one night." Alexis said.

I laughed and hugged them.

"Thank you! Before we all leave to go back to school I'll make dinner for all of us." I said.

The guys all got me shirts and CDs.

"You'll get our gifts after Seth gives you his." Dad grinned.

"The gift is from the four of us," Mom said pointing at the four parents.

I looked at Seth who was grinning.

"So, I'm going to be going to another college this year," He said. My face fell. "They contacted me and are offering me a full scholarship."

"That's great!" I said. "What school are you going to?"

Seth just smiled and handed me an envelope. I opened the envelope and read the letter inside. I looked at him with disbelieving eyes.

"Yeah," He grinned.

"Really?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"Really," Seth said. I stood up and hugged him.

"What's going on?" Our friends asked expectantly.

Seth looked at everyone and grinned.

"I'll be going to UNLV with Danny." He said.

They all cheered. I smiled.

"Now, since you two are going to be at school together we figured you two would want your own place." Chuck said.

"So, for your birthday gift we're going to be paying the rent on a place for the two of you for the next couple years while you're in school." Dad said.

"Seriously?" Seth asked as I asked, "Really?"

"It won't be an outrageously expensive place, but a safe enough place." Mom said.

Seth and I jumped up and hugged our parents tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said hugging his parents.

"We won't have to stay in the dorms," Seth said loudly.

"That's great!" I said excitedly.

After all the gifts were opened we all went back into the pool and horsed around playing chicken and splashing each other.

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter...

Let me know what you think... Email me at

Thanks B J

Next: Chapter 5

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