The Politician

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 15, 2008


The Politician By Chapter 3 'The Flies'

From chapter 2 'The Spider's Web'

"I know his weakness Tim, just leave that up to me." I tell him with a smirk. 'Good old George has a weakness for the boys,' I say to myself. 'The right setting with the right guy and he's mine.'

I gave Brandon a call and got him at home.

"Hey Brandon what's up," I ask him. "Not much Jason, you coming over," he asks.

"Yeah I have a favor to ask of you and would like to speak to you in person about it. What time is good for you love?"

"Anytime, I have today off so come on over babe."

"See ya in a few babe." I hung up and headed over to Brandon's house. It took me twenty minutes to get there and that dog was waiting. I get out of the car and Thor comes running. I call him by name and he calms down. I give him a pat on the head and Brandon is waiting on the steps. He greets me with a hug and a kiss as we go inside. Once inside I give him a proper kiss and he moans in my arms.

"Do you want to go right to bed babe or do you have time," he asks me.

"I have all day for you love," and I hold him tight in my arms and kiss him passionately. We break our kiss and he offers me a coffee. We sit at the table in the kitchen and he looks at me with a worried look.

"What's bothering you babe," he asks with concern in his voice.

"I really don't want to get you involved with this," I tell him knowing that was my original plan.

"Involved in what, babe?"

"Well I have this guy that I want to handle my campaign. He is extremely good and his candidates always are elected. The thing is he is very busy and he does not take new up and coming people. I have figure out a way to trick him into taking my campaign if he turns me down. The thing is I need someone to help me pull it off." I tell him.

"Well what is the problem?"

"This guy has a weakness. His weakness is young men. He is married but bi-sexual. His wife does not know that he is like this. Truthfully, most people do not know. I found out by a friend that had been to bed with him years ago."

"So what would this other person have to do," he asks but wishing he had not.

"Well if he turns me down I want to catch him in the act of having sex with a guy that I set him up with. I don't know who to ask that I could trust."

"Oh, I see." He says. "Did you have me in mind, and please babe be honest with me here." He says.

"Not really babe. I have fallen in love with you and would never in a million years ask someone I love to do something like this."

"Where would all this take place," he asks still nervous.

"Inaugural Night at the Radisson Hotel. I would have a room set up to trap him."

"It sounds so underhanded and treacherous." He says. "I guess I would do it for you love." He says hoping I refuse.

"Brandon you sure babe? I would pay you for your loss of wages babe." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 'The Flies'.

The night of the inaugural ball had come. It was held in the Grand Ball Room at the Radisson Hotel. It was strictly a black tie affair and all the flies', sorry guests, were there. I gave Brandon an invitation and a passkey to the room I would use if George turned me down. George was there with his wife of thirty plus years and his eyes were on every young stud there. Pat was busy with the press and his special guests I took that moment to introduce George to Brandon. Brandon looked especially hot in his tuxedo and George noticed. We were talking about how easy Pat's campaign had been and about my goals also. I noticed that George's wife had wandered off to speak to someone she knew. George could not get his eyes off Brandon. At one point George was even sporting a hard on when Brandon brushed against him.

"George I was wondering if I could entice you into taking my campaign on. I am going to run for state senator to Montpelier and would like your help." I asked him.

"Young man, Jason is it, I don't take on campaigns at that level and I don't do upstarts either," he says rather smugly. "You aren't seriously considering running against Paul Martin are you," he asks me. "He is a seasoned politician and he will devour you young man."

"Any advice then sir," I ask.

"Yes run for mayor," he says smugly and walks away.

Brandon looks at me and gives me a look that says, 'I will fix his ass babe. You can count on me." I look and Brandon is following George. I leave the party and head upstairs to the room that I had reserved. I was up there about twenty minutes when I heard someone at the door. I got into the closet and closed the door leaving it ajar. Brandon and George come in and George is all over Brandon.

"Fuck boy that ass of yours has made me hot all night." He says taking off his tuxedo. "Hurry up and undress hot stuff." I watched as Brandon slowly took off his tuxedo. His face said help me babe. 'My heart was telling not to let him do this. This is the man you love, how can you sacrifice him for your goals.' I was an ass and I knew it. Brandon was naked now and George had him on the bed. He lye there on his stomach as George took the lube and greased up his cock. He put a pillow under Brandon's groin to lift his ass and he spread his legs. He aligned his cock to Brandon's hole and shoved. One hard push and in he went all the way. Brandon screamed out in pain and George just hit him. I was in the closet shooting away with the camera and I had all that I need. I stood there and watched as he pummeled Brandon's ass.

"Oh fuck kid you're tight. Hang on stud because I'm cumming." He pounded his ass as he filled him with cum. He rolled of Brandon, got up, and went into the bathroom. Brandon just lied there and I could see the tears running down his face. George came out of the bathroom all dressed and tossed some money at Brandon and left. I went over to Brandon and tried to take him in my arms. He pushed me away, ran into the bathroom, closed, and locked the door.

"Brandon babe, open the door love, please babe." I said knocking on the door.

"Go away Jason. I don't want to see you right now." He said and I could hear him cry. "You could have stopped him, but you didn't you just stayed there and watched," he said.

"Babe please, I couldn't stop him he would know that it was arranged," I said. "I am so sorry I let you do this love. Please babe, come out. Brandon please." I here the door unlock and it opens. He rushes out to my arms and I hold him tight, caressing his back as he cries.

"I am so sorry babe. I should never have let you do this. I love you Brandon so much." I tell him. "He hurt you didn't he," I asked.

"Not as much as you did," he said as he pulled away from me. "You set me up tonight didn't you. You knew the other day when you came to my house that you where going to have me do this. You fucker, you pimped me out for your own personal gain," he asked as the tears ran down his cheeks.

"It wasn't like the way you said it babe. I didn't want to ask you to do it. I didn't know anyone else I could trust. When you went chasing after George tonight after he turned me down you had a look of vengeance on your face. My heart was breaking listening to him abuse you as he did. I am so sorry Brandon, please forgive me babe." I laid my face in the pillow and cried for the pain I had caused him. I loved this man. He was right, I pimped him out for my own personal gain.

"Why are you crying," he asked me. "I was the one abused not you. You don't fool me with those crocodile tears. You have a goal in life Jason and you will use anyone or anything to accomplish it."

"Well I didn't see you backing out of this set up, now did I," I told him rudely. "Besides you are along for the ride babe whether you know it or not."

"How could you think that I would go along anywhere with you Jason," he asks.

"Because we are two of a kind and we love each other now get over here and kiss me." He stands and comes over to me and we embrace and kiss.

"Yes I love you Jason, and we may be heading in the same direction, but you will never use me like this again." He says with determination in his voice. "Do we understand each other?"

"Yes I understand babe." I say and sheepishly hang my head down. He goes into the bathroom and showers and I head downstairs. I find George with his wife talking to a couple and I walk over to them.

"Good Evening again George," I say looking straight in the eyes. "Did you happen to see my friend Brandon, George," I ask. He excuses himself and takes my arm as we walk away to a less secluded area.

"What the fuck you trying to pull kid," He asks.

"Well I go up to my room that Brandon and I had gotten and he is there naked on the bed crying his heart out. By the sight and smell of him I would say he had just been raped." I said and fear filled his face. "I asked him who did this to him, and all he said was George."

"Listen kid, I don't know what kind of scam you're pulling, but I'm not buying, do you here me." He says and rage is in his voice.

"Is something wrong dear," his wife says to him.

"Shall I tell her or would you like to George," I ask him. He glares at me and then turns to her and says,

"I just agreed to take Jason's campaign dear," he says and his neck is red.

"He seems like a nice young man George. I know you will get him elected." She says and gives him a peck on the cheek and walks away.

"Nice out old man. By the way my man Brandon is off limits, understand," I say. "Here's my card call me tomorrow and we will talk," and I walk away. I turn and come back and hand him his money and say, "he is not no whore George. Oh, the next time you see him, I expect an apology from you, are we clear here," and I leave. I go up to the room and Brandon is just coming out of the bathroom.

"Where did you go just now," he asks looking suspicious.

"I had to set George straight about tonight." I say. "I gave him his money and told him that you are not no whore."

"You said that to him babe," he asks.

"Yes and I told him that he is to apologize the next time he sees you. I also told him that you are off limits because you are mine."

"Oh babe," he says as he takes me in his arms. "I love you so much," and he kisses me. He dresses and we go downstairs. I find the old senator and I introduce myself to him.

"Senator Martin," I say and he turns to me. "My name is Jason Richardson senator."

"Very nice to meet you young man. What may I do for you," he asks.

"Nothing sir. I thought you ought to meet the man that is going to run against you and win this term."

"You're what," he says rather loudly. "You think you can run and win against me do you."

"Well Senator now is not the time nor place to go into it. How about lunch this week and we can talk a few things or should I say skeletons over. You have a good evening Senator." I tell him and walk away. I glance back and his face is red with rage. Brandon looks at me and says,

"You almost gave him a heart attack babe."

"Well it would have made the campaign easier wouldn't it," I say and put my hand on his shoulders as we look for Pat. He is thick in the midst off reporters and well wishers. I whisper in Brandon's ear 'are you horny babe. Want go up stairs and fuck me,' I ask him. He just looks at me, nods yes, and smiles. We head for the elevator and George stops us.

"Brandon may I please offer my deepest apology for the way I treated you tonight. It was inconsiderate of me and please forgive me young man," he says and he glances at me.

"Thank you, now if you excuse me I have a real man that needs my attention." George's mouth is agape as we walk off to the elevators.

"I think I handled that pretty good don't you think," he says and kisses me as the elevator door closes and George is watching.

"Couldn't have done better myself," and I kiss him back.

We go upstairs to our room and we slowly undress. I love to watch as he takes his time removing my clothes and kissing me as he exposes me. He stands back to inspect his prize and smiles. I light the fire in the sitting room and toss the pillows from the sofa unto the floor. I lye down and he crawls between my legs and leans into me for a kiss. The flames from the fire cast shadows upon his face. It softens his eyes that have cried this night. I have hurt him and he has forgiven me. Why, I do not know. Do I deserve it or him, God no I do not. Nevertheless, he loves me and I him and we kiss and the flames dance in his eyes as our lips meet. The fire he sends through me ignites my soul as our tongues dance their dance of love. He pulls back and just looks at the man beneath him and smiles. 'Oh God what did I do to deserve such a man,' I say to myself. He leans down and takes my face in his hands. He holds it as one would hold a treasure so valuable. He kisses me deeply and sensuously and our hearts meld together in our love. He softly and slowly enters me as he fills me with his love.

"My God I love you Brandon. I love you more than anything in my life."

"I love you also my heart and my life. Forever will I be yours my love," he whispers in my ear. His breath in my ear excites me as he slowly makes love to me. Our bodies are one as we move to the rhythm of our love. His breathing grows shallow and short as he slowly begins to fill me with his seed. Mine to explodes in the passion of the night and we rock to the beat of our hearts. We are lying in sweet euphoria as the fire dances in our hearts.

"I pledge you my heart my dear Brandon, forever shall my love for you burn. I give it freely and unconditionally to you my love." I kiss him to seal my pledge.

"My love for you I give freely, withholding nothing my love. My heart beats for you and without you it would die." He kisses me to seal his love. We fall to sleep spooning each other with his arm over my chest holding my hand. We awake the next morning in the same position we fell asleep in. I turn to look into his eyes but he is sleeping. He has the face of an angel as he slowly awakes and kisses me good morning.

"Good morning love," he says and smiles.

"Good morning babe," and I kiss him tenderly and long.

"I want to stay like this all day," he says. "I love you so much I don't want this to end, love."

"It not going to end. I am telling Pat that I am moving in with you babe." I tell him and tears fill his eyes.

"Oh Jason are you sure? How will he take it," he asks.

"I don't care how he takes it, I love you and want to be with you forever babe." I tell him and kiss him. We get up and we shower together and giving pleasure to each other. We dress in our tuxedos because neither of us have a change of clothes. I check out of the hotel and we drive to Brandon's house. Thor greets us at the door and springs outside.

"Been a long night I guess," Brandon says. I kiss him goodbye and I leave for Pat's house. As I pull into the driveway, a different car is there with Pats.

"Well did we get lucky last night?" I say aloud.

I go in and Pat and Carl are sitting in there boxers at the table. They are talking and having coffee. Carl jumps when he sees me and leaves the room.

"Don't leave on my account," I call after him.

"Jason where were you last night," Pat asks.

"I stayed at the Hotel because I had to much to drink." I tell him.

"I guess you did not sleep alone I can see," as Carl enters the room.

"Jason we need to talk please. Lets go upstairs to your office." He says. We go upstairs and I follow him into my office. I close the door and take a seat at my desk.

"Jason we have not worked out since that night at the hotel," he says. "We are wrong for each other and will only destroy ourselves. I still will keep you on in your current position but I think we should maintain separate places of residents." He says. My temper wants to flair because he beat me to the punch, but I realize he is right.

"Pat you are right. We have been so wrong for each other. I still need your connections and will keep my position. I am going to announce my candidacy for senator tomorrow at a press conference. I do expect your backing in my endeavor. I will be using George Michaels for my campaign." I tell him and he looks at me in shock.

"How the fuck did you get George," he asks looking at me. "Never mind, I do not want to know," he says. "Well Jason I wish you luck, you are going to need it."

"Not as much as old Paul will. What I have on him should more than send him into retirement." I say.

"When I said I had created a monster, I truly did not know how true that statement would be."

"Well I learned from the best Pat. I wish you and Carl the best in your life together. I will be along this week to pack up my office and move it out with the rest of my stuff. Now I think I need to change and go find a place to live."

"You can stay here in the guest room until you find something accommodating," he says.

"Thanks Pat but I do not think I will have to much trouble in that department." I left my office, went into my bedroom, and changed my clothes. I grabbed a few changes and went downstairs. Carl stood up when I came into the room.

"Carl I want to wish you and Pat the best of luck together," I say and I extend my hand to him.

"Thank you Jason. I hope that you find what you are searching for in life," he says shaking my hand. I grab my clothes and take them to my car. I go back inside and get my briefcase. As I am driving away I think to myself, 'that was too fucking easy. I wonder what those two are up to.' I drive over to Brandon's house and he comes running out to help me. Thor also comes running out barking and stops when he sees it is I. We go inside and I tell him about all that we said. I told him about Carl and how they were a couple now and that I still had to pack up my office and clothes. We decided to go back later that day and get everything and be done with Pat's place. It was the end of period in my life and now I was to start another. I call Paul and arrange a lunch date and we agree on one. I am sitting at the table sipping on a Captain Morgan's when Paul walks in. I stand and extend my hand to him and he says.

"Lets not beat around the bush here boy," as the waiter comes to take his drink order. "Scotch and soda," he says.

"Well Paul just what I like, direct and to the point." I say. "Let me start by saying that this can be done easy or it can be done the hard way." I tell him.

"What the fuck are you talking about," he asks.

"Payoffs Senator, payoffs." I tell him looking him straight in the eyes.

"What payoffs, you have nothing on me you fuck head."

"I don't, you say. Well why don't you look at this I say," as I push a paper over to him. "I think this will change your attitude." He picks up the paper and his face goes white with fear.

"Where did you get this," he asks in anger.

"It doesn't matter where I got it, all that matters is I have it." I tell him. "Now, lets talk."

"What do you want from me, money," he asks.

"No I don't need your money. I want you to retire at the end of this term." I tell him. "If you don't I go to the newspaper with this and your career will be over anyways, not to mention a criminal investigation."

"That's blackmail you fucker." He yells and half the restaurant turns and looks at us.

"Shall I share this with these fine people then," I ask.

We discuss the matter back and forth until he sees my point of view. I tell him that not only will he retire but he will endorse my candidacy for senator also. That evening we hold a press conference announcing his retirement at the end of this term and my announcement of running for senator with his blessing. George kept his word and got me elected to office. I told him that his services would be needed in the future. He was not to keen on the idea but certain photos changed his mind quickly. I worked hard for the people of Vermont and did a fine job as their senator for the two terms I served.

Eight years later .

"George my friend, how are you today," I asked.

"I'm fine and you are not no friend. What the fuck you want now," he asks.

"I decided I want to run for Senator of Vermont to Washington," I tell him. "I need your services again."

"Your record alone should get you elected," he says. "With David Christianson not running for another term it should be a shoe in for you."

"I know it should, but this Sam Waters has decided to run also. He has a strong political machine behind him and I don't know anything about him." I tell him.

"Scared are we," he asks. "Well let me do some digging and I will get back to you." He hangs up and I sit back in my chair and think. 'There must be someone out there that has something on this guy. He can not be that squeaky clean.' I pick up the phone and give Pat a call.

"Pat, how are you old friend?"

"Jason. I have not heard from you in ages, how are you," he asks.

"I'm fine, and how is Carl these days?"

"He is doing good. He is still my pressman. So Jason, what can I do for you," he asks.

"Can't a guy call to say hello and ask how are you," I ask.

"When it is you, no, you always want something so what is it I am very busy," he says.

"Very well, Pat. What do you know about Sam Waters," I ask.

"Sam Waters," he pauses. "Nice enough guy from what I hear. He moved hear several years ago from Utah I heard, why," he asks.

"Well he is also running for state senator to Washington and I need to know something, anything about him," I tell him. "He is hiding something and I need to know what it is."

"Why don't you dig around out in Utah, you were always good at excavating," he says.

"Yes I was, wasn't I?"

"All I know about him is that he has the Democratic Party behind him." He tells me. "They don't usually stand behind someone lightly." We talk for a few more minutes about Carl and Brandon and then say goodbye. I decide a trip to Utah for some skiing would be great and call my travel agent. I give Brandon a call and tell him that we are going to Utah for a ski vacation.

"This is sudden isn't it," he asks. "It wouldn't have anything to do with this Sam fellow would it?"

"Well I will be doing a bit of digging while I am there. I need some dirt on the guy." I tell him.

"Why can't you just run on your record babe? You have done so many good things while in office," he says.

"I don't want to take any chances. He has the democratic machine behind him and I don't like the way they play ball." I tell him. "I also have my skeletons."

I place a few more calls and find out that Sam is from Cedar City, Utah. I place a call to my old friend, the governor of Utah, Tom Randolph.

"Tom, how are you today," I ask him, "and how is Linda doing?"

"Why Jason, it has been a long time my friend. How are you." He asks.

"I am fine Governor. I am headed out to your fine state for a skiing vacation and thought I would stop by and say hello." I tell him.

"That would be great. I know Linda and the kids would love to see you again."

"Great, I will give you a call when we get in." I tell him. "Tom can I ask you something confidential," I ask him.

"Why sure Jas. I owe you big time for that land bill you got passed for me."

"Have you ever heard of a guy named Sam Waters," I ask. "He is from Cedar City I believe."

"Yes I have come to think of it, a real bastard I hear." He says. "Why do you want to know about him?"

"Well, I am running for the U.S. Senate from Vermont and he is also running." I tell him. "I need some background info on him."

"Let me get my people on it and see what I can come up with. When are you planning to come out?"

"We leave tomorrow and should be there around eleven your time."

"I will send a car to pick you up. Linda will insist that you stay with us Jason."

"I have my pressman also traveling with me." I tell him.

"Now Jason, we both know that you and Brandon are lovers. It is not a problem friend. Linda knows and is fine with your sexuality." He says. "See you tomorrow then."

I hang up and smile and say to myself, 'a real bastard is he. Well lets see how much of a bastard he is.' I call Brandon and tell him to pack our tuxedos also. He asks me why and I tell him that we will be staying with Tom and Linda. He asks if they know about us and I tell him yes.

We arrive at Salt Lake City International Airport. Tom has a car waiting for us with a man holding a sign with my name on it. I introduce myself to the driver and he takes us to the governor's mansion. Tom is busy but Linda is there to greet us.

"Jason, how long has it been love," she asks as she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"To long Linda, much to long." I tell her. "Linda this is my partner Brandon."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Brandon. Please come in and let me show you to your room. Tom is sorry he couldn't be here to meet you but he said that he will join us for lunch." She takes me by the arm as she leads us to our room. It is a gorgeous room with a marvelous view of the Rockies.

"I let you two freshen up and lunch will be at 12:30," she tells us. "God it is so nice to see you again Jason, Tom has missed you so much." She gives me another hug and kisses on the cheek and is gone.

"She certainly likes you doesn't she," Brandon asks.

"Yes she does. I introduced her to Tom in college. I was also best man at their wedding. Wait to you meet Tom," I tell him. "He is a real looker."

"You ever go to bed with him, Jason?" He asks almost afraid of the answer.

"Truthfully, once. It was just after homecoming and he and Linda had been on a date. He came back to our room and was so pissed off and feeling no pain."

"What the fuck is your problem," I had asked him.

"I am fucking horny and Linda told me no. Not until we marry." He told me. Well I looked at him and he had a boner that tented his pants.

"So go and jerk off man before you bust a nut," I told him. He looks at me and says,

"Hey buddy why don't you help out a friend with his problem." He says to me and he puts he hand on my shoulder. "I see how you look at me when I am naked and getting dressed man. So why don't you help old Tom out."

"Well he started to undress and when he was naked he got on my bed. He looked at me and said.

"Well are you going to help me or not Jason? I know you are gay so come on friend. I promise it will be our secret, ok."

"Well I undressed and went over to the bed. I just stood beside it thinking if I should do this or not. He was my best friend and I didn't want to loose him." I tell Brandon. "He looks at my cock and says to me."

"Fuck are you hung man. I wish I had a cock like that. So does this mean you are going to suck my cock Jason," he asks me.

"I got on the bed between his legs and I leaned down to kiss him. He turns his head to the side to avoid kissing me. He tells me that he doesn't kiss guys. I look at him, tell him that if he wants me to suck his cock he had better kiss me, and kiss me good or he can just jerk off. I lean back down and he lets me kiss him. It took a bit but he finally parts his lips and he lets my tongue into his mouth. After a bit, his tongue is in mine. He is really getting into the kissing. I break the kiss and drop down to his nipples. I figure that this may be my only time that I may do this so I am going to give him a time that he will not soon forget. I start to suck on his nipples and lightly bite them and he starts to moan. He lifts his head and says to me."

"Fuck man that is so erotic. I never knew tits felt that good. I wonder if Linda's tits feel like this when I suck them."

"I tell him to shut up if he is going to keep talking about Linda he can go find Linda and I start to get up. He quickly pulls me back down and apologizes. I go back down on his nipples and I suck them like a baby sucking his mothers. I have him moaning and his head is thrashing left to right in ecstasy. I start to kiss and suck my way down to his naval and stop when I reach it. I plunge my tongue in and start to move it around. He laughs and says that it tickles so I kiss my way down to his cock. I bury my nose in his bush of brown hair and I drink in his manly scent. I make a mental memory of him because I know this will never happen again. His scent is sweet with the smell of musk. It intoxicates me as I inhale its scent. I take his cock in my hand and slowly stroke it and he lets out a soft moan. I know that he is enjoying it as much as I am. I put the head into my mouth and I run my tongue around the base of it. He lifts his ass off the bed to push more into me but I life some just to keep the head in. I suck for a while on the head and then slowly I go down on his cock. I soon have it all deep in my throat milking it for all I am worth. I slowly suck up and down on his cock until I can feel it start to swell and I pull off it. He lifts his head to look at me and says."

"What the fuck Jas, I need to cum guy. Why did you stop?"

"I tell to relax he will cum when I want him to. He lies back down, I move to his balls, and I take them into my mouth. He yells out, oh fuck, as I start to suck on them and roll them around in my mouth. He is moaning loudly again and I tell him to quiet down before someone hears him. I lift his legs to his chest and I move to his ass. I see his rosebud, so pink and tender, and I start to suck all around it. I lick it and put my tongue deep in and his hips shoot off the bed to give me better access. I eat his ass out until he is crying in pleasure and begging me to make him cum. I put a finger in him and work it around, hitting his prostate some. He is begging me to cum and I insert another finger and work them around loosening him up. I do this for a while and then add a third and he is screaming for relief. I can see him thrashing and he is grabbing the bed as his ass is assaulted. With my other hand, I lube my cock and apply a good amount to his ass. I sit up, pull my fingers from his ass, and replace it with my cock. I slowly push in until my cock head pops in and he yells out in pain. I tell him to relax and he finally calms down. I start to fuck him slowly, pushing in more each time until I have all my cock in him. I find my rhythm, I am fucking him good, and he is moaning as I pound his ass. I grab his cock and I start to jerk it to the rhythm that I am fucking him. I hit his prostate each time I push in and I know it will not be long until he cums. I can feel his ass contract around my cock and I know that he is ready to cum. I quickly start to jerk his cock as I pound his ass more quickly. He shoots rope after rope of his seed onto his chest as I shoot filling his ass. I cum so much that it starts to leak out, volley after volley I shoot into his ass until I have no more to give him. I pull out of his ass and drop down on his chest and we kiss like lovers in love. When we both finally come to our senses, he looks at me and says."

"I didn't know you were going to fuck me dude. Does this mean I'm gay now," he asks me and starts to cry.

"I just look at him and tell him that all I means is that a friend helped him out of a horny situation. I asked him if he still loved Linda and he said yes. I told him that one act of sex with a man does not make you gay. You are born that way I told him and you have no interest in women. He looked at me and said thanks. I looked at him and no man thank you friend. We got up and went to the showers and we never mentioned that night ever again."

"Thanks for telling me the truth babe," Brandon says. "I appreciate you being truthful with me." He kissed me and while we hugged I thought to myself, 'if only he knew how many times we did it because Linda made him wait until they were married to have sex. But why hurt him?' We freshened and met Linda downstairs. Tom was now there and he greeted us with both a hug and a handshake. We had a marvelous lunch and we talked about old times. I know that Brandon and Linda felt left out but they chatted about things also. After lunch, Tom invited me back to his office. Linda said that she would show Brandon around the city and would see us at dinner. As we entered his office complex, he told his secretary to hold his calls. We went into his office and he locked the door. He turned to me and took me in his arms and we kissed. We kissed a long time until he broke it and said.

"God Jason it has been so long since we have seen each other. I have missed you my friend," and we kissed more. He takes to the sofa, we sit down, and we continue to kiss. I break the kiss this time, look into his eyes, and ask.

"Are you sure you want to do this Tom. I don't think Linda is shutting you off anymore."

"I have never wanted to do anything more than this Jas. Do you want to friend is the question." He says. I give him my answer by kissing him as I start to unbutton his shirt. We both stand up and undress and then he lies down on the sofa. I get on the sofa between his legs, we kiss again, and I start to kiss down to his neck. I nuzzle his neck and bite his ears and he softly moans. I continue to kiss down to his nipples and work them over good. He is thrashing in pleasure that only I know how to give him as he lies there as putty in my hands. I move to his cock skipping his naval knowing how sensitive he is there. I take his cock fully into my mouth and swallow it until my nose is buried in his bush. His scent matches the memory I have of him and it takes me back to another time. I suck on his cock until he is close to cumming, stop, and move to his balls. I take them into my mouth and roll them around sucking them as I bring him to a place he has not been in a while. He lifts his legs and I know what he wants as I move for his treasure I see. I plunge my tongue deep into his ass and his hips lift up to give me more access. His arm is in his mouth as he muffles his moans. He knows that his secretary is just on the other side of the door and she would not understand this scene. I insert my finger and move it around until I find his spot. Oh, fuck he whispers as I hit his prostate and I put in another finger. He hands me some lube that he had hidden and I pull out my fingers and lube up my cock. I apply a good amount to his hole for it has been a long time and I move my cock to his hole.

"You ready love," I ask him.

"Go for it Jas," he says. I gently push as he pushes back and my cock head pops in. I stop as his back lifts in pain.

"Oh fuck I forgot how much it hurt Jas," he says. I wait until he relaxes then I start to fuck, pushing in more with each push. He is pushing back as we find our rhythm as we fuck like lovers in love. I lean down, and I kiss him as I pound his ass, picking up speed with each thrust. I feel his ass contract and I know he is close so I grab his cock. I jerk to the rhythm of our fucking and he shoots a long rope of his seed. Rope after thick rope he shoots onto his chest and then I start to shoot. I shoot my sperm deep into his ass filling my best friend with my seed. We are deep in the heat of our passion when I hear.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

To be continued .

Well there is another chapter in the life of Jason Richardson and Brandon. Tell me your thoughts at

Next: Chapter 4

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