The Player

By D D

Published on Dec 8, 2000


Chapter 7: Halloween - Part 2: IN AND OUT


Tuesday, October 31st: 11:30 P.M.

The party went on for almost five hours now. Everybody was enjoying dancing, talking or making new friends, so that time had passed by without any concern. They all had great times being here together.

Jack and the genie were still necking in a corner of the Garrison gym. It seemed like they were never tired of each other. Lots of people had walked pass them and admired the beautiful couple. Some guys just glanced admiringly at the beautiful genie. Some girls openly stared at them, wishing that she could be like Rachel, to be kissed by the muscular superman.

Jenny had come back to the gym after an hour in search for Dan. She went to his dorm and knocked on his door until her little hands went numb, but Dan was not there. Jenny was furious and sad at the same time. She believed that she had lost her boyfriend.

At a quarter before midnight, a guy came up to the stage and announced to the audiences, "Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attentions, please? We've already had five hours of entertaining, do you guys have fun?"

"Yeah." They shouted.

"Do you want to have more fun and excitement?" He continued.

"Yeah." The crowd was still on the holiday's spirits.

"Right. We all want excitement in our lives. Now, here is the moment you all are waiting for, time to announce the best costumes of the evening."

Waves of applause rose loudly in a nanosecond.

"First, let me explain to you how we've come up with the results." The host looked down at the audience, and paused for a second, then continued, "We, the staff of Cougar Daily paper, had gone around the floor tonight to look at all your costumes. We've seen the most beautiful ones, as well as the ugliest costumes ever. Each of us had his own idea of what costume is the best looking. So, each of us had their nominations toward the best looking one. Then, we all went together to look at you guys one last time and came upon an agreement for the best costumes of the evening."

"Who is it?" A voice shouted out impatiently.

The charming host looked down at the audience again: "There are not just one, but two prizes, one for male's, and one for female's costume."

The applause erupted more loudly and wildly.

"Now, for the best male costume: the man in a Dracula suit."

Everybody looked around for the man who dressed up as Count Dracula. A figure came up to the stage and bowed at the audience. He looked exactly like the Count in Hollywood movies. His teeth were long and sharp. His face was painted white, with blood dripping from the open mouth. And his red-and-black suit was to die for.

The Dracula bowed to the audience again and shouted out loudly, "Thank you."

The host continued his speech, "And now, the prize for female's costume goes to the Genie. Please come to the stage Miss Genie."

In a secluded corner, Jack and Rachel were too busy smooching at each other; they didn't listen to the crowd's cheering and applause.

"Hey, Genie. You've won the best costume prize of the evening. The host is calling you to go up stage." A voice shouted out to her.

"What?" She was surprised.

"You've won the best costume prize. Come up stage lady." Two or three voices spoke at the same time.

Jack looked at the host and the cheering audience. Then, he looked back at Rachel and understood. He shouted, "'ve won the best costume trophy. I'm proud of you."

"I...I don't want to go up there." She mumbled.

"You have to go. The crowd is cheering you like crazy." Jack said and hugged her tightly.

"I can't, Jack. You don't understand, I can't." Rachel hid her face on his shoulder.

"What's the matter? Just come up to the stage, take the prize, and come back here. I'm waiting for you."

Jack finished his sentence before a hand held Rachel's right hand and pulled her to the stage. It was the charming host.

"Give me the way guys." The host said and made his way toward the stage. "Here we go, here is the beauty of the evening. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the Genie."

Rachel couldn't get away from his tight grip. She followed him reluctantly. When approaching the stage, she heard a whisper:

"Hey Genie, congratulation."

Rachel turned to the source, "Bill?"

"Yeah. I was the one who nominated you. Isn't it cool?"

"What? You nominated me for this award? How could you?" She raised her voice in anger.

"What is the matter? You're the most beautiful girl in this room. Who else could win this prize but you? I am smitten by you, Genie." Bill touched her face gently.

"Get off me, jerk. You don't understand." She started to protest.

"Why is it such a big deal?" Bill asked.

Rachel couldn't say anything else since she was at the center of the stage. All eyes were on her. Guys looked at her admiringly, wishing she could be their girl friend. Half of the girls had the jealous looks on their faces, while the other half smiled friendly at her. But they all agreed that she was the best looking girl in the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the end of the show. Not yet." The host stopped and winked his eyes. "Now, I request the two winners revealing who they really are."

Rachel froze. She knew it would happen eventually, but it had occurred sooner than she thought.

"Now, the Dracula will show us who he is. Music, please."

The Genie stood deadly on her feet. She couldn't let people know who she really was. It would be a shock to them. And Jack, what would he do if he knew the truth?

The Dracula took off his costume, piece by piece. When everything was off, there stood a man looking very charming.

The cheer rose again, louder than before.

The earth had come to an end for the Genie. She looked around, feeling nauseous. She saw Jack smiling at her; Bill was waving his hands on the air excitedly; and Jenny stood silently with an expressionless face in a corner.

"Now, it's the Genie's turn. Who are you Genie?" The host stared patiently at her.

Rachel's face turned pale. She wished she could die right here, right at this moment. She mumbled: "Could I be excused? I don't feel well."

The host was persistent: "You have to show us who you are, that's the rule of the game, lady."

She had nowhere to run, not at this dreadful moment.

Rachel thought for a second, then made up her mind, and said: "Ok, but I need to go to the lady's room and wipe off all these make-up. Be right back."

She ran to the bathroom in the back of the stage, not waiting for the host's approval. Looking at herself one last time in the mirror, she whispered to herself:

"Well, the fun is over. I'll make a fool of myself. Damn it, how could they do it to me?"

The Genie took off her curly blond wig, revealing the short brown hair beneath. She wiped the make-up off her face. The blue-colored contact lenses came off next, revealing a bright and hazel pair of eyes. The fake boobs were taken out, replaced by the slightly built pectoral muscles.

Walking back to the stage, the Genie-in-disguise breathed out slowly and waited for the verdict of the audience/jury.

The crowd was silent for a moment. They looked at the person on stage, who two minutes ago was dressed up as a genie, and opened their mouths in surprise. Words couldn't describe what they felt now.

Then, one person clapped his hands in approval. A second applause came three seconds later. Soon, applause after applause exploded like firecrackers on the fourth-of-July events. Everybody went wild. No one could calm down the over-excited audience.

In the crowd, Jack was stunned. He opened his big blue eyes in disbelief. He looked at the person in the genie suit again while wiping his eyes to adjust for a better vision. Then, the superman smiled contentedly, whispering between breaths: "'re too much."

Near the stage, Bill was waiting anxiously to see who the girl was. When the genie came back to the stage, he opened his eyes widely, and almost dropped his mouth to the floor. Then, he jumped up and down excitedly while screaming out his best-friend's name. With both hands on the air, he waved at Dan and shouted out loudly: "Wait to go...Dan."

Jenny stood there in silence. Tears filled her eyes.


Wednesday, November 1st: 1:00 A.M.

Dan Nguyen ran off the stage and toward the open door of the gym. Ignoring the cheering and applause of the crowd, he felt humiliated. Dan came here in drag because he wanted to have fun and fool around with his boyfriend in public. Now, everybody had known him as a cross-dresser. What would his friends think of him after this event? How could he look at Jack, Bill and Jenny in the eyes tomorrow?

The soccer player ran to his dorm room as fast as he could. He left the high-heeled shoes on stage to run faster, now, his bare feet were killing him. And he still wore the genie costume. On his way to the dorm, many people stared at him and laughed while he passed them. He got enough embarrassment and humiliation for one night.

Once being inside his dorm room, Dan dropped his exhausted body on the bed, not even cared to take off the genie dress. He cursed himself for being stupid and careless. He went to sleep, not knowing that his door was unlocked.

When Dan left the stage, Jack Kirkpatrick tended to follow him. Because the crowd was too thick, he couldn't move fast enough to get out and run after his boyfriend. It took Jack ten minutes to free himself from the mob of people. Looking around, Jack lost Dan's trace. He stood there, thought for a second, and headed toward Dan's dorm room.

Jack came up to his boyfriend's room without being carded at the service desk. He knocked at the door three times, but nobody answered. Turning the doorknob slightly, he opened it and stepped inside the room.

In the dark, on his bed, Dan was sleeping in a fetal position, with his costume still on. He looked exhausted, but strangely beautiful.

Jack came to the bed, touched his boyfriend's face, and smiled affectionately. He loved this beautiful creature every second of his life, that explained why he was attracted to Dan's other version, the version that he didn't know so well: Dan-in-drag.

The superman climbed on the bed and lied beside his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around Dan, stroking him gently. He kissed the sleeping beauty on the cheek, then on the lips and the eyes.

"Jack, you're here." Dan woke up and turned around to face his boyfriend.

"Yes, I'm here. How is my beautiful genie doing?"

"You're not ashamed of me?" Dan whispered against Jack's shoulder.

"Ashamed of you? Why?"

Dan sighed, "I made a fool of myself tonight, in front of a hundred people."

"Oh, that? That was nothing." Jack said and caressed Dan's smooth face.

"I love you." Dan kissed him.

"I know," said the boyfriend.



"Why did you kiss the genie tonight? You're not supposed to kiss anybody but me, remember?" Dan said and touched Jack's lips teasingly.

"Oh, I don't know. I saw the Genie, which by the way, was you, and all I could do was to kiss her. She looked so beautiful, but strangely familiar. For some reason, I was drawn to her. Now, I know why." Jack sighed.

"Why?" Dan said and stroked Jack's broad chest.

"Because I was drawn to you. You were her, and she was you. I was madly in love with you, that explained the blind attraction."

"You're a romantic man, aren't you?" Dan whispered and kissed his neck.

"Uh huh."

Then they lied there, touching each other gently. They seemed out of words, because words couldn't describe what they were feeling about each other.

"Dan?" Jack said and looked at his boyfriend.

"Yeah?" said Dan.

"Why did you dress up as a Genie?"

"I don't know, Jack. I heard a lot of people saying that I look like a girl, so I asked my cousin to dress me up as a girl. It was her idea that I should dress up as a genie."

"Your cousin did your make-over?"

"Yeah. She is talented, isn't she? At first, I was afraid that you or Jenny could recognize me, but I was more confident when both of you couldn't. I had more ball after that, and the rest, you've known."

"But why did you cry and tell me that your boyfriend dumped you?" Jack was curious.

"Well, it was just my acting. I was good, wasn't I? Do I deserve an Oscar for my convincing role tonight?"

"Yeah. You couldn't become Meryl Streep, but you could be a second Hilary Swank."

"Hilary Swank?" Dan asked.

"The actress in 'Boys Don't Cry', you know?"

Dan laughed affectionately, "So, you're into cross-dresser, aren't you?"

"Huh?" Jack was confused.

"You know, Hilary Swank played a girl who dressed up as a boy, and I, tonight, wore a girl dress. Isn't it obvious that you like cross-dresser?"

"No, not any cross-dresser," Jack said; his right hand touched Dan's cock gently, "I'm only into this particular one."

"You're sweet." Dan giggled.

At that time, there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Dan shouted out.

"Dan, it's me, Bill. Open the door, man."

The lovebirds bolted up to the sitting positions immediately. They adjusted themselves, wondering why Bill would come here at such an odd hour. Dan ran to the door while Jack got up and sat on the chair near the bed.

"Hi Bill. What are you doing here at 2 o'clock in the morning?" Dan asked.

"I'm looking for you buddy. I could be here sooner, but the guy down there didn't let me in. Damn him." Bill complained.

"Uh, Bill. What's the matter?" Dan asked.

Bill raised his eyebrows in surprise. He exclaimed, "What's the matter? You made quite a show at the party tonight, and you're asking me what's the matter? I should ask you the same question, Dan." He came inside the room and saw Jack sitting there. "Hi Jack," he greeted the football player.

"Hi Bill." Jack replied shyly.

Bill turned to Dan and said, "You have some explanation to do, mister."

"Yeah, I know." Dan mumbled.

"I'm listening." Bill was persistent.

"Umm...Bill, I should tell you this earlier, you know, before tonight, before everything has happened strangely as you've seen. I mean...I wanted to tell you this news since last week, but I couldn't." Dan chose his words to continue. He looked at Bill who was looking at him intently. "But I have to say it sooner or later, right?"

"You could tell me anything, you know?" Bill said matter-of-factly.

"I know, but it is so hard..." Dan breathed out sharply. "Ok, here it comes. Bill...I'm gay."

"Cool." Said Bill.

"Cool?" Dan looked at Bill strangely. He opened himself to his best-friend, and that was all Bill could say?

"Yeah, I'm cool with it." Bill said calmly.

"You have no problem with me being gay? No problem at all?" Dan was surprised.

"Nah, why should I? You and I have been best friends since high school, you're like a brother to me Dan. What made you think I could be mad at you when you're telling me you're gay? I'm more than that, Dan. I know I am a clueless guy sometime, but I know what is right or wrong. Your being gay doesn't change a thing in our relationship." Bill stopped himself after a string of words. He was proud of himself for saying such beautiful things.

Then, Bill continued, "Being gay or not, you're still my best friend, dude. Oh, and I love you man..." He blushed a little. "Um, not love like boyfriends, but love like brothers, okay?"

Dan's eyes were dilated widely. He couldn't believe that Bill was so understanding and thoughtful. The soccer player ran to his best friend and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, Bill. You're the best." He whispered in the other guy's ears.

"Man, you're really queer. Get off me, you're homo." Bill got his usually high spirit back and joked playfully.

Dan stepped back a little. Still holding his best-friend's shoulder, he said: "You don't know how much it means to me when hearing such things from you, man. I appreciate it."

"No problem dude. Now I have another question," Bill gestured his hands to Jack and said, "What is Jack doing here at this hour? Don't lie to me, because what I've seen tonight was more than enough proof."

While the two best friends were talking, Jack sat on his chair and observed the scene in silence. Now, being the center of attention, he looked down to his feet, too embarrassing to say anything.

"Bill, you knew it, why do you have to ask?" Dan said and walked to Jack's side. He held his boyfriend's hands in his own two hands, squeezing it affectionately.

Bill looked at them, a smile of approval was formed on his lips. "I just want to hear it from your mouth."

"Ok, I admit it, Jack and I are boyfriends. Happy now?" Dan pouted.

Bill smiled broadly and said, "You guys make a cute couple. I'm glad you've found each other." Then, he added, half-joking, "Now, I'll have some quiet time with you guys, because for the past 3 weeks, you made my life a living hell with all your whining and complaints."

Jack stood up from his chair and walked toward Bill. He hugged the man, then whispered in his ears: "Thanks, Bill."

"You're welcome." Bill said and patted Jack's shoulder. Turning to Dan, he asked in concern, "Dan, what about Jenny? She must saw the scenes tonight. You can't hide in the closet anymore."

Dan sighed, "Yeah, I know. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Bill looked at his watch. "It's past 3 AM already. And I am so drunk, my head's hurt. I couldn't drive home now, so I stay here, 'kay?"

"Sure," said Dan.

"Is Jack staying here tonight?" Bill asked loudly.

Dan looked at his boyfriend with his puppy-dog eyes, pleading him to stay. Jack smiled and nodded.

"Umm...yeah...I need somebody to comfort me till morning comes. So, of course, he's staying." Dan said and smiled happily.

Bill looked at them and laughed. "Eww, you and Jack can sleep on the same bed, but no funny business until I'm gone, okay? I don't want to see my two best friends going at it like rabbits."

"What time are you going to leave?"

"Want to get risk of me already? Not until 9:00 AM, buddy. I'll skip my first class today, and my second class won't start till 9:30 AM." Bill said and lied down on the floor. "I'll be okay down here. Good night Jack. Good night Dan."

Dan and Jack got back to the bed and lied down side by side. In spooning positions, they slept until morning came.


Wednesday, November 1st: 1:00 P.M.

Dan walked into the cafeteria and looked around for Jenny. Instead, a smiling face was greeting him five tables away.

"Dan, come here."

Jack waved his hands on the air to tell Dan to come over to their table. He was sitting with Bill, no sight of Jenny around.

Dan came to their table and sat down. His eyes were scanning the faces surrounding him.

"Where's Jenny?" He asked. A confused look appeared on his face.

"No sight of her today." Bill said nonchalantly.

"You guys know where she is?" Dan was worried.

"No, I think she's hiding from us, Dan," said Jack.

"Hiding? Whatever is for?" Dan asked.

"You know the reason, Dan." Bill looked at his best friend and continued. "You have to talk to her about the big news this afternoon. Stat."

"But what if I can't find her?" Dan protested.

"You have no choice. Call her, come to her place, or stalk her after class, whatever. But, you have to do it. Can't hide anymore, you know?" Bill said and patted Dan's shoulder slightly.

"Ok." Dan said. Then, he turned to Jack and whined: "Jack, where have you been this morning? I woke up at 8:30 am and I didn't see you in the bed with me."

"I woke up at 7:55 this morning. I was late, so I had to run to class. Sorry, I didn't wake you up." Jack said.

Dan looked at him, then laughed hysterically. Between laughs and tears, he mumbled, "That explained your too-small T-shirt and the short shorts on you now. Why are you wearing my clothes?"

"Yeah. I had no choice. This morning, when I woke up, I remembered that I had no clothes to wear beside the superman costume, so I looked into your closet. And these were the largest garments that I could find. Do I look ridiculous in these clothes?"

Dan laughed affectionately and said, "Exhibitionism, maybe, but not ridiculous."

Bill looked at Jack again and nodded, "You're right. He's got too much skin exposed, just like me yesterday."

Jack looked at himself and smiled embarrassingly. The small T-shirt didn't cover much of his long upper body. His navel was exposed, with trace of hair running along. The short shorts only covered a portion of his muscular thighs, leaving little for the imagination. And both the T-shirt and shorts were really tight, they were clinging to his body like a second skin.

Dan winked his eyes at his boyfriend and whispered, "Now you're having some of my things on you. Kinky huh? What do you think? Like it?"

The football player looked straight in his boyfriend's eyes and whispered back, "Yeah. But they're itching and smelling though. Have you washed these garments before you hung them up?"

Bill coughed and tried to suppress his laughter, but there was no use. He laughed like there was no tomorrow. He laughed till his jaw was hurt.

"Shut up Bill." Dan laughed with him. "I can't believe my boyfriend is a comedian. You'll pay for it, Jacko."

"What do I have to do to pay for it, Dan?" Jack asked innocently.

Dan joked, "You have to have sex with me for the first time. Is it punishing enough for you?" Then, realizing what he just said, he hit himself on the head playfully. "Oops, it came out not so right. What am I saying?"

Bill looked at them in surprise and asked loudly, "What? You guys haven't done IT?"

Jack shook his head. All the veins on his face were dilating. Two shades of red color appeared on his face.

Bill was still not satisfied, he exclaimed, "And I thought gay men are supposed to do it like dogs...umm...I mean...what I heard was that gay men like sex too much, they've never had enough of it..." Now, Bill was uncomfortable. He continued, "I can't believe you guys haven't done it yet."

Dan turned to Jack and smiled at him. His hands reached out to touch Jack's hands under the table. He whispered, "Sorry Jack, I won't bring this issue up again, ever. I respect your decision. We'll wait, 'kay?"

Jack squeezed his boyfriend's hands and said, "Okay."

To be continued...

That's it folks. I should say thanks to everybody who had emailed me with compliments. If I didn't answer all your mails, I'm sorry, I have been busy lately. But, please send more comments and suggestions after you read this chapter. Chapter 8 will come up soon.

Sources of inspiration for Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 (Halloween part 1 and 2): 1) The movie: "Boys Don't Cry." 2) The movie: "The Crying Game." 3) TV sitcom (was canceled): "News Radio" (a Halloween episode, in which Dave dressed up as a woman.) 4) TV show: "Ally McBeal". (This year's first few episodes, in which Mark dated a woman with a penis :) )

Next: Chapter 8

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