The Player

By D D

Published on Nov 15, 2000


I don't know if you guys like to read gay fictions (real fictions which were published nation-wide), but I love them and I have read quite a lot. My favorites are:

  1. "The God in Flight" by Laura Argini. 2) "The Front Runner" by Patricia Nell Warren. 3) "The Dreyfus Affair" by Peter Lefcourt. 4) "Closet Case" by Robert Rodi.

They are in order of my favorites. Check them out and tell me what you think.

For those stories on Nifty, I like:

  1. Turnabout (High school). The characters were too mature as high school kids. But the story lines were excellent.

  2. Chris and Nigel (High school). Well written at the beginning, but then it was just drifting off without a clear direction in the last few chapters.

  3. I wanna be with you (College). Very funny piece of writing. Well composed.

Now back to "The Player":

From last time:

In spite of his fear, Jack loved the kiss, it was soft, not very sensuous, but sweet and excitable. He wanted to do it again.

The temptation was built up inside Jack's trembling body. He lowered his face, one more inch and their lips would touch. The distance was getting closer. Too dangerously close. Jack closed his eyes and let his desire taking over him.

Their lips touched, again. Jack was lingering his lips on the soccer player's lips one second too long. He got the tingling response from the other person's lips.

The sleeping beauty was awake.

Chapter 5: Secret


Jack pulled himself out from Dan's lips; he tried to get up and run away. Two strong hands held his head back. Their lips touched again. Now, the kiss was rolling in full motion, fiercely, hungrily and passionately. The feverish kiss went on for two minutes before Jack pulled himself out reluctantly. He needed to breathe.

"Wow." It was all Jack could say.

"Wow," said the other.

Then, Jack's mind was snapped back into reality; he and Dan were kissing each other. What were they thinking?

"Dan...what...?" Jack mumbled.

"Shut up. Come here and kiss me some more." Dan winked his eyes seductively.

Jack opened his eyes in bewilderment. What has got into Dan? Why was he acting weird all of sudden?

Dan got himself up and pulled Jack into him. He kissed the football player for all he was worth. The soccer player whispered between kisses:

"It's okay Jack. You want it. I want it. We're right for each other."

"But're straight, aren't you?"

"Not anymore. I've wanted you for so long. I bad." Dan said, breathing heavily between their kisses.

"But what about Jenny?" Jack got his sense back.

"What about her?" Dan was confused. He didn't even remember his girlfriend at this moment.

"She's your girlfriend." Jack looked at Dan, painfully acknowledging the fact.

"Yeah, but I'm gay...I mean...I like Jenny, but...I like you too." Dan said and looked down at his hands.

"You have to tell Jenny you're gay Dan. It's for both of your shakes." Jack looked at Dan intently.

"I don't know, Jack. I don't know." Dan covered his face with both hands and shook his head profusely.

Sensing the uneasiness in Dan's voice, Jack dropped the subject. He looked at Dan firmly, "Dan, how much do you like me?"

"A lot. You're all I've dreamt of for the last two weeks." Dan confessed.

"I like you too. But, I don't want to be with you just for the sex. I...I want to have a boyfriend." Jacks muttered.

"A boyfriend?" Dan asked in an equally soft voice.

"Dan, do you want to go out with me?" Jack looked at the confused guy expectantly.

"Um...yeah." Dan said sweetly, then adding: "What do boyfriends do with each other?"

"They do this," Jack pulled the soccer player down to the carpet, on top of him. His arms were circling around Dan's body. His legs were entangled with his boyfriend's legs. Their lips were glued together. The frankness and strength of that kiss was devastating. Jack opened Dan's lips with his own, licking them slowly. His eyes shut, he moved his lips gently back and forth between Dan's, then he slipped his tongue into the soccer player's mouth. They took turns gently sucking each other's fleshes, probing, tasting, and enjoying each other's warm breath.

Dan untangled their embrace and started pulling Jack's cutoff T-shirt over his head. He got up to his knee to look at the half-naked figure down there.

Jack's body was big, yet toned and very defined.

The football player's muscular chest was covered with light blonde hairs, just like Dan fantasized about. The sizes of his pectoral muscles were exceptionably big; they were round, firm, and pointed out proudly under Dan's trembling touch. The pink nipples, which were in nickel size, stood up erectly after his first touch. Below the chest was a flat stomach, not shaping in a six pack, but rather a defined eight pack. The sweaty hairs ran along from his chest to his navel, and down below to his groin.

Dan lowered his face to the beautiful body below him. He continued his tongue job, breathing heavily with desire. Starting at the lips, he then moved down to the chin, biting it and going down under. His tongue ran lightly along the veins on Jack's muscular neck in a teasing and playful act. Leaving the big guy gasping in anticipation, the devilish tongue traveled down to the beautiful chest, it circled around the pink nipples, lightly, then fiercely touched. Not stopping on one place too long, the sweaty tongue moved down to the navel; it went deep inside the hole, jumping around the base and going back to the top in circular motions. Still not satisfying with its discovery, the playful tongue continued to go down, lower. Before reaching the groin, the target of its desire, it was stopped by two strong hands.

The owner of the playful tongue was pushed back, lying flat on the carpet.

"What's wrong Jack?" Dan looked at the football player in shock.

"Dan, I...I can't do it all the way. I'm not ready for it... I'm sorry." A very red face talked to him.

"What? That's it? But I wanted you for so long. I...I needed you Jack."

"Dan, I don't want to rush things. Let's take it slow, okay? I think, for now, kisses and making out are enough. I want our first time together will be special, not like this. Beside, I'm scared..." Jack hid his red face in the palms of his hands.

"Huh?" Dan was confused.

"Don't laugh, okay? I...I've never had sex before, with man or woman. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can even do it right." Jack explained in a very soft voice; he wanted to cry.

Dan hugged him and whispered into his shoulder: "Oh Jack, I'm so sorry. I understand what you're saying. Let's forget it, okay?"

Then, the soccer player asked innocently: "What do you want to do now? Beside making love, of course."

"Hahaha...very funny, Mr. Nguyen." Jack made a face.

Dan Nguyen leaned over and kissed Jack lightly on the lips. "You're so easy to be played with." He planted more soft kisses on Jack's eyes. "You know Jack, when you're doing your childlike face, you're so cute."

Jack smiled, "So, I'm just a kid to you, aren't I?" He grabbed Dan's shoulder and kissed him back, squarely on the mouth.

"Yeah." Dan closed his eyes, enjoying the sweet kiss. He opened his eyes seconds later and saw Jack staring at him.

"What?" Dan was worried. "Do I have something funny on my face?"

"Nah, I'm just looking at your cute face. You're beautiful, baby. You look like a girl, so beautiful, so delicate." Jack said and gently swept his hands across the other guy's face.

"Am I?" Dan pouted.


"Fine. If I'm a girl, then what's this?" Dan grabbed his hidden package, circling it around.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it in my own eyes. What is it?" Jack laughed uncontrollably.

"Wanna see it? If I take it out, you have to kiss it. Oh, I forget, you're not allowed to play intimacy with me, Jacko." Dan shot back playfully.

"That's hurt. Never mind then." Jack pretended to look hurtful.

Dan took Jack into his arms, pushed him down on the carpet and rolled on top of him. Their bodies intertwined, arms wrapped around arms, legs slid against legs. Their hardening cocks rubbed against each other with an unimaginably frictional force.

The football player pushed his boyfriend out, breathing heavily, "Dan..."

"Oh sorry. No more rubbing." Dan lied down, side by side with Jack; his arm wrapped around the big guy's waist. He whispered against the other guy's shoulder:

"Jack, I can't tell Jenny I'm gay, but I'll break up with her, soon.".

"Okay Dan. I understand."

And they were drifting off to sleep.


At 7:00 AM Friday morning, Jack knocked on Dan's dorm room three times before the soccer player came out, wearing nothing but a small boxer shorts.

"Jack, what are you doing here?"

"Hello to you too, sunshine." Jack looked at Dan and swallowed hard. The soccer player looked so sexy in his underwear. His naked upper body was more muscular than Jack's thought; his smooth chest and flat stomach were glistening under the sunlight. He was stunning.

"Keep your eyes straight and close your mouth, Mr. Kirkpatrick. It's not polite to salivate in front of a near naked man." Dan poked Jack in the head, joking playfully.

"Umm...sorry. You're so beautiful without your clothes...I mean...You're always beautiful, but without clothes, you're stunning." Jack mumbled, still looking hungrily at Dan.

"Your lost, man. Who said we can't have sex until he's ready?" Dan played the "no sex before it felt right" card again. He whispered the dirty words in his boyfriend's ears: "You know, you can see more of me than just these pecs. I have a..."

Jack's face went deep red instantly.

"Ha...just playing with ya. Ok, sit here and wait for me. I'll take a quick shower and we can go to classes together." Dan got up to get his necessities for the shower.

While waiting for Dan to take his shower, Jack paced across the room, thinking about last night's event. He was usually shy, and it was a surprise that he made the first move in their last night encounter.

"Wow, maybe I've changed. Maybe love made me a stronger man."

Jack talked to himself and buried his head into deep thought again. Did he love Dan or was it just a sexual attraction toward the guy? If it was just a sexual attraction, why couldn't he make love to him? Jack liked to touch Dan, he wanted to kiss and caress him all the time, but making love was a big decision to him. He couldn't do that. He was not ready to do things that he's never experienced before. As virginal as he was, Jack's had many fantasizes about making love with men, but when actually facing it, he was drawing himself back.

"Maybe I had a problem with intimacy," thought Jack.

At that time, Dan walked into the room, with a towel wrapped around his small waist.

"Jack, how could you come up here without being carded at the front desk down there?" Dan dried his hair and asked casually.

Jack explained: "That security guy in the front desk is a friend from my football team. This is the first time I see him here. When I told him I want to come up to my friend's room, he let me go without questioning."

"Oh, that's it." Dan breathed out. In the shower, he had thought about his wet dream last week and things happened this morning, they were almost the same. The only difference was that they didn't make passionate love on his bed. Dan never believed that dream and reality could meet coincidentally, but now, it was partly true.

Jack came to the soccer player, wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him heartily. "I love you."

Dan kissed him back, then pulled himself out, looking at Jack in surprise: "What's that all about?"

"Oh, nothing. I just want to say that I love you. I never told anyone these words before, and you're my first." Jack put his head onto Dan's shoulder and sighed happily.

"Jack, I...I don't know if I'm in love with you yet. I mean...I like you a lot, but I'm not sure I can love you so soon." Dan held Jack in his arms.

"It's okay, Dan. I don't expect you to love me right away, it takes time."

"Oh Jack, you're making me all horny again. Look." Dan pushed his boyfriend out and showed him the bulging package under his towel. The package was growing to an impressive shape.

Jack looked away from the beautiful sight, shaking all over. He said, not looking up, "Go change, Dan. You're late for classes."

Dan raised his eyebrows in surprise, then remembering the fear Jack had, he quietly walked to his closet to get dress.

The phone rang.

"Jack, could you pick up the phone for me? I'm not decent yet." Dan yelled out from inside the closet.

"Hello?" Jack picked up the receiver.

"Hello? Dan?"

"Umm...Dan's getting dress. Wait a second, I'll call him." Jack put the phone down, tended to call out for him, but the guy's voice made him stop.

"Jack? It's okay. Just tell Dan I'm waiting for him down here at the service desk. Oh, I'm Bill, by the way." There was a giggle on the line.

"Ok Bill. We'll come down there in a second." Jack said and hung up. He was surprised that Bill came here to walk with Dan to classes. Since Monday of this week, Jack came here every day, and he never saw Bill. Now, he was worried, he wondered what Bill would say if he'd know their secret.


Jack and Dan walked down the stairs, hands in hands. When coming to the first floor, they dropped their hands involuntary. People were around them.

"Hi Jack. Hi Dan." Bill greeted them excitedly.

"What's wrong with Bill? Why is he always in good mood?" Jack thought to himself and said out loud. "Morning Bill. How your doing?"

"Good, man. Good. What are you doing in Dan's room so early?" Bill asked innocently, then putting more punch on his statement, "Hey, don't tell me you guys slept together last night in that room." He said and made a smooching sound.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about, Bill?" Dan's face went red, half in embarrassment, half in anger.

"It's a joke, buddy. Hey, take it easy, okay?" Bill wrapped his arms around Dan's shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

Dan pushed the high-spirit guy out in an attempt to get away from the friendly hug. He looked at Jack, who was looking at them curiously, and whispered, "He's crazy."

"Dan, why are you so jumpy today?" Bill was surprised when seeing Dan acting strange.

Dan realized that he was overreacting. "Sorry Bill."

"Hey, is today your second tryout day?" Bill concerned. "No wonder you're a mess. Still worry about it huh?"

"Oh shit, I forgot. The tryout is on this afternoon. I have to play well today or I won't be on the final team. Damn, I haven't practiced for a week." Dan swore repeatedly while hitting him on the head.

"You'll be fine, Dan. Don't worry too much." Jack calmed him down.

"I hope so."

"Ok, bye guys. See you this afternoon after the tryout, okay?" Bill said and left.

They were alone now. Jack held Dan's hands and squeezed them affectionately. "Bye babe. Don't beat yourself up before the game, okay? I'll see you at lunch."


Dan sat on the grass of the soccer field, feeling relaxed. Since the lunch with his boyfriend, Dan felt much better. He got all the energy he needed for the tryout. And he's had his heart on the most amazing guy on the planet. Yes, he realized now that he was in love with the football player.

Right after the referee blew his whistle, Dan got back into the sync. His ability to interact with his teammates was amazing. The striker has returned to his good self.

Five minutes into the game, Dan's skillful feet caught the ball that was passed to him. He kept the ball gluing to his foot, then swirling and running with it from the midfield to the opposite end. In front of a dense ground of team A's defenders, Jack kicked the ball past the goalkeeper, and scored a goal.

The tryout today was a success for our favorite striker. In two games, he scored three goals, and made several good passes to his teammates. His team won in both games, and Dan became the hero of the tryout.

After a thirty minutes break for the final decision, Coach Nelson came back to the field, looking around at his players:

"Gather around here folks. I have in my hand the list of our final team. I'll read out the names in order of their positions, goalkeeper first."

"Goalkeeper: Math Farmers."

Dan sat in silence.

He prayed.

"First striker: Eric Lopez."

Dan muttered something like a congratulation to Eric who was sitting next to him. His heart ran a mile a minute. His eyes closed. He opened his mouth, praying repeatedly.

"Last one in the team: Dan Nguyen, striker."

The soccer player opened his eyes and breathed out slowly. Finally, he's got what he wanted: he made the final team.


Jack was the first person Dan saw when he ran out of the field. Throwing all caution into the wind, Jack ran toward is boyfriend and hugged him fiercely. He whispered incomprehensible words into Jack's shoulders, words that were nonsense, words that were full of happiness.

"Dan...umm...Dan...Bill and Jenny were behind us. They are looking at us, babe." Jack whispered into Dan's ears, then pushed the happy guy out abruptly.

Dan opened his mouth widely in surprise, when realizing the situation they were in, his face went red with embarrassment. He looked at Bill and Jenny:

"I got in. I made the final team." He shouted out happily and hugged both of them in his strong arms. Dan looked at Jack, who was behind Bill and Jenny but in front of him, and smiled broadly. He made a silence signal toward the football player:


Jack looked at Dan and wondered what he was doing with his mouth opening widely and his hands circling around. Looking at the signals one more time, he understood. His face was glowing with surprise and happiness.

"I love you too." He signaled back.

Bill pulled out of Dan's tight embrace. He caught the lovebirds' hand signals.

"What are you doing Dan? Jack? You guys have some kind of special codes or something?" Bill asked innocently.

"Oh, nothing Bill. It's nothing. I'm just too happy, my hands want to dance." Dan explained and inhaled sharply.

"Well, good for you." Bill was happy for him.

Jenny stood there in silence. She looked at her boyfriend who was happily dancing around and talking nonstop. She sighed: "I can't believe I'm right. He's in love."

To be continued...

Well, another chapter, another cliffhanger. I'm getting used to do it the edgy way.:)

Sorry guys, as I told you before, chapter 5 would be about a Halloween party, but it was not. I wanted to solve the love between Jack and Dan first, before doing a confusing Halloween chapter. Chapter 6 will absolutely be titled "Halloween." Hope you still enjoy the story after 5 long chapters. Email me at Hope to hear from you soon. David.

Next: Chapter 6

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