The Player

By D D

Published on Nov 11, 2000


Thanks for your email supports. Please give me some feedback for this chapter.

Special thanks to Ryan Carlyle and Terry. They are my true supporters since the beginning. I hope you guys like this chapter. It is for you.

Now, back to "The Player"...

Chapter 4: The Model


Jack Kirkpatrick was awakened from a dreamless sleep at 8 A.M. The phone rang five times before the football player reached over and picked up, still half-asleep.


"Jack?" A sweet voice came through the phone.

"Mmm. Who's this?" Jack mumbled.

"Jack, this is Dan."

Jack went to awakening state in a flat second. "What's up Dan?"

"Not much. I had fun last night, wonder...if you want to do something today...just us...together." Dan said in a cracked voice.

Jack almost jumped out of his bed in excitement. "He asked me out, the cute soccer player asked me out."

"Ok, Dan. What do you have in mind?" The football player was playing it cool.

"I don't know. We can some tennis or basketball or...something, if you want."

"Tennis? Umm...I'm game." Jack said in disbelief. He could play tennis with his angel.

"Yeah. How about I come to your place, then, we'll decide which court to go to, okay?"

"Okay. Dan?"

"Yeah?" The other guy asked in expectation.

"How do you know my number?" Jack asked without thinking.

"You're listed, aren't you?"

"Oh? Yeah." The football player sank into his bed. "I'm a dummy sometime."


When Dan stood in front of the football player's door, he looked at himself one last time and smiled. He was wearing his favorite T-shirt. "It brought me luck." He thought to himself, then laughing at his odd behavior.

Jack opened the door, invited the soccer player in, and excused himself to go back to his bedroom.

Dan walked into Jack's apartment and looked around. He came here last night with Bill, but because he was too busy staring at the football player, he didn't have a good look at this beautiful place. His eyes were opened widely in surprise and amusement.

The decoration of the living room was simple, yet lively and elegant. The room had an artistic touch, not overly done, but very articulate. The furniture in the center of the room had a unique appearance, although they were harmonious to the decoration of the room. The crystal bowls and vases on the coffee and end tables were strikingly beautiful; they had the same oceanic color, but in different size and shape.

Dan couldn't take his eyes off a picture of an elderly couple. The portrait was drawn entirely on pencil. The drawing was simple, yet handsomely made. The couple on the picture was about fifty years of ages. They were beautiful.

"Whoever drawn that portrait was a talented man. Who are they anyway? They look familiar." Dan thought to himself.

"That's my parents, Dan." Jack was talking to him from behind.

"Yeah? The drawing was so beautiful. Who did it?" Dan asked in curiosity.

Jack blushed. "Thanks. I drew it last year."

"Wow, you got talent dude. I want to see some more." Dan said enthusiastically.

"Ok, but later." Jack said, still blushing in embarrassment. He then changed the subject. "Sorry man, it took me a long time to get ready. My mom just called a couple minutes ago. You're waiting long?"

"Not so long...I was looking at your place. It's beautiful, man. I love the decoration." Dan said earnestly.

"Umm...thanks. I decorated all the rooms myself."

"All the rooms? How many rooms you have here?" asked Dan.

"This one and 2 bedrooms." Jack said, getting ready to leave.

"You live here alone with 2 bedrooms? Why?" The soccer player couldn't keep his curiosity down.

"Well, I've never had any roommate, I mean, I don't get along well with people." Jack looked down at his feet.

"You're just so shy, that's all. We'll get along fine. In fact, I want to know more about you..." Dan stopped in mid-sentence, what was he doing, coming on to a guy?


"Ok, let's go. I want to see the all the rooms, but we gotta go if we don't want the sun come down to us." Dan said and got up to his feet.

The football player walked to the door and opened it with his big hands. Dan stood behind him, looking right at his buttock. In his tennis shorts, Jack's behind looked firm and handful; it was deliciously proportional.

The soccer player forced himself to look elsewhere.


On Thursday morning, Jack sat in his Portrait class, and thinking about the past week. Only five days have passed since his tennis game with Dan last Saturday, but Jack and Dan became good friends. They had lunches together in the school cafeteria everyday. They talked to each other on the phone every night. Jack came to Dan's dorm room a couple times in the mornings just to walk to classes with him. They did everything together in the last five days.

Those were the five glorious and beautiful days.

The football player was having the best time of his life. He's never had any best friend before; Dan was the first person who wanted to be friends with him for the real him. The soccer player was smart, funny, but not pretentious. Plus, he was strikingly handsome. That made Jack sad. Looking at the cute soccer player everyday, Jack wanted to be honest with Dan about his attraction toward him, but he was certainly that the Asian angel was straight. He couldn't confess his feeling for him.

Ms. Jackson, Jack's Portrait class instructor, has given out the assignment for next time. She wanted her students to draw a portrait of their beloved friend or family member. The drawing must have artistic meaning; it had to be creative and original. Jack thought about the person whom he could use as a model for his artistic work. Then, the idea came to him, like a light sweeping across a dark tunnel. It was Dan he wanted to draw. Dan-his love interest. Dan- the object of his obsession.


Jack walked into the school cafeteria, looking for the soccer player. Scanning all the faces around him, Jack spotted his angel. Dan was sitting in a corner; he was talking to somebody.

It was Jenny.

Dan was talking to his girlfriend.

Jack tended to walk out of the cafeteria, but a hand was holding his shoulder from behind.

"Jack, come over there and sit with us." Bill said earnestly.

"Hi Bill." Jack said. "Sit with whom?"

"With Dan, Jenny and me. We're expecting you." Bill was still in his usual high.


And they came to the couple's table.

The four college students sat together, eating and chatting in enthusiasm. They forgot all their troubles during the day. They came here and found their true friendships among thousands of other students. The lunch table became the round table for discussion of current events and social issues. Each had their own idea, but they respected other people's opinions.

Time passed by quickly; everybody had his or her classes to go to. Bill was the first person to leave. Jack was late for his next class, but he was waiting for Jenny to leave before he could ask Dan a favor. He couldn't ask Dan that question in front of Jenny. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't do it with Jenny standing there, looking adorable as ever.

"Bye Danny. Bye Jack." Jenny said and left.

Dan patted the football player's shoulder: "I got to go to class man. See you later." And he walked out of the cafeteria.

Jack ran after the soccer player.

"Dan! Wait. Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked under his breath.

"No. Why?" Dan stopped and looked at him in expectation.

"I...I have an assignment from my Portrait class. I...I need a model..." Jack couldn't continue his sentence. He was blushing profusely now.

"A model?" Dan was confused.

"Yes. I need someone to sit for me. Can you do me a favor? Come sit for me this afternoon?"

"Me? A model?" Dan was surprised. "I dunno, Jack. I've never been a model before."

"Please? I don't know anybody..." Jack pleaded; he was looking down to his feet, still embarrassing.

"He chose me to sit for him. Is he attracted to me?" Dan's face went red to the thought of Jack liking him. "No, Jack's not gay. He just wanted me to be his model for his class assignment."

"Jack?" Dan said in a half-whispered voice.

"Yeah?" Jack looked at him in expectation.

"Okay. I'll do it." Dan smiled.

"Oh my God, his smile is so cute. His dimples..." Jack thought and blushed some more.

"Why is he blushing again? What did I say that made him uncomfortable?" Dan talked to himself. He turned to Jack: "What time do you want me to be there?"

"4 or 5 P.M. is alright." Jack said.

"Okay, see you at 4 P.M. this afternoon." Dan said and tended to walk again. A hand was holding him back.

"Dan, I forgot one thing..." Jack mumbled.


"Umm...could you...could you wear your soccer uniform? I thought it was great to draw you in the gear." Jack said in a low voice.

"Yeah?" Dan said. What the hell did he mean by 'yeah'?

"Yeah. Ok, see you this afternoon." Jack said and walked out of the cafeteria as fast as he could. He couldn't look at Dan's eyes; he was ashamed of himself.

"I'm a horny bastard. Drawing Dan in his soccer uniform was my fantasy, why did I do this to Dan? He's straight."


Jack left the classroom at 3 P.M. He didn't concentrate much in classes. His thought went from the cute face of the soccer player to the event that would suppose to happen this afternoon. He couldn't wait. His heart was beaten faster and stronger. His mouth went dry in anticipation. He was sweating profusely.

The football player walked back and forth in his living room, looking at the clock every five minutes. Time passed slowly. Only thirty more minutes and the object of his affection would be here. His angel would be here, in his uniform, with all the glory. Then, what would happen?

At 3:50 P.M., Dan was ready to leave the dorm. He looked at himself one last time in the mirror. His soccer uniform was washed and dried an hour ago. It was fresh, clean and smelt great.

"Jack said I look good in this uniform. Wait, was it what he said? Am I imagining things? Nah, he didn't say that. He said he wanted to draw me in my uniform 'cause it would look great for his assignment. I AM imagining things." Dan beat himself up mentally.

"Why am I so nervous? Jack wanted me to be his model for his class assignment, and I will be his model. That's it. Don't think about anything else...jerk." Dan was harsh on himself again. Since discovering his sexuality, Dan's constantly beaten himself up mentally. He was not ready to come out to anybody. He was so scared.

Dan walked into Jack's apartment and sat down. He was still amazed when looking at the decoration of the living room.

"Jack, you've promised me I could see the rest of your place. Can we do it now?"

Jack looked at him, confused. "Did I promise you that?"

"Nah. I made it up 'cause I wanted to see the other rooms." Dan laughed nervously.

"Ok. I'll show you the kitchen and the guest's room...but my bedroom...I can't." Jack said.

"You can't? Why?" Dan was curious.

"Well, I'm...I'm not comfortable with the idea of someone seeing my bedroom, you know?" Jack lied. He couldn't show the soccer player his bedroom because he got some secret in there.

"Okay. Your bedroom is your sanctuary, I can't make you do what you don't want to do..." Dan said, then whispering to himself, "I will see it sooner or later." He then realized what he just said, and blushed. "What am I talking about? How can I do it if he doesn't let me? Dan, keep your head clear." Again, he was talking to himself like a crazy dude.

While walking with Jack around his apartment, Dan went from one surprise to the next. He couldn't believe a big guy like Jack could decorate the place so artistic. The whole apartment was a work of art; it was not fancy looking, yet sophisticated and tasteful. The art works Jack drawn were hanging on the walls everywhere. They were in different styles, colors and textures, but all of them were drawn beautifully. Each drawing expressed a different theme, yet each one of them was perfectly fit in the room they were hang in.

"Wow, I can't believe you drew all these pictures. You could open your own gallery." Dan praised the host earnestly.

"Well, those drawings took lots of my time. I started to draw when I was a kid. The earliest picture here was drawn when I was fifteen. Earlier than that, I threw away." Jack explained. "I was an art freak. I usually don't go anywhere except to school and football practices. All of my free time was spent on drawing..."

"You certainly are talented. I'm glad that I accepted your offer." Dan said and joked. "I'm in a good hand...your hand." He tried to mimic the Allstate commercial, but then realized it came out so forward, "umm...sorry. Bad joke."

Jack was uncomfortable. "I'm not sure I can draw you well. I mean, this is the second time I draw portrait. The first one was my parents', which was drawn a year ago. I don't know if I can still draw like that. Don't flatter me too much or you'll be disappointed."

"I won't. I know it." Dan was comforting the big guy. "You're ready to do it?"


"Where do I sit? And how?" Dan was eager to start.

"Well, let me see. Do you bring your soccer ball with you? I have an idea..." Jack asked excitedly.

"THE soccer ball? It's in my car, let me go get it." Dan said and ran out to his car. He came back minutes later, smiling from head to toes. "Here. Now what?"

"Ok. Can you stand still for like half an hour? I need you to stand up, one leg straight, one leg apart. And your hands, one is keeping the ball, the other is putting on your this." Jack said and demonstrated his words with his actions.

Dan blinked twice. He looked at the football player in awe. Jack was wearing his cut-off shirt and a pair of warm-up pants. When standing in a modeling position, Jack looked incredibly sexy.

"Ok, like this?" Dan said and imitated Jack's posing. He wished he could look half as good as the football player.

"God, he was so sexy. My fantasy is coming true. He's so damn good looking when standing like that. He's a natural born model." Jack thought to himself.


"Yeah? Oh, perfect. Stand still. I'm drawing you now." Jack said and started drawing the soccer player.

After thirty minutes, Dan's legs were screaming for attention, his hands were cramped for holding the ball too long. He wanted to sit down but too polite to say it. He was tired.

Jack almost finished his drawing; he looked up, and saw Dan standing there, shifting uncomfortably between legs. The artist knew that his model was tired, although he appeared to be brave and helpful.

"Poor guy, he's so sweet." Jack thought to himself and said: "Ok, Dan. The sketch was almost done. I'll finish it later. You can sit down now."

"Are you sure? I could stand some more, you know?" Dan offered eagerly.

"I'm sure. You need a brake." Jack said and closed his sketchbook.

"Can I see it?" Dan asked in a child-like voice.

"Sorry, not now. I have to finish it first. I'll show you later."


They sat down together on the floor. The conversation was flowing smoothly.

"Dan, I need another favor." Jack asked the soccer player in his soft voice.

"Yeah?" Dan said.

"Could you pose one more time for me? Well, you won't have to stand this time..." Jack looked at his model and smiled broadly.

"How am I posing then?"

"Okay. Come to the couch with me and do like this." Jack said, then came over to the couch, sat down and did his pose. His body was resting on the couch comfortably, his eyes looked down on the floor, and his hands were holding his shirttail. The football player looked like a young girl who was blushing in front of the boys.

Dan walked over to the couch; he did as being told. "Like this?"


"Oh, easy. I can sit like this for hours. Don't mind me. Do your job." Dan was enjoying the moment now. After ten minutes, Dan closed his eyes; he was drifting off to sleep in a comfortable position. The artist put his pencil down and studied his model's body. In his soccer uniform, Dan's body stood out nicely. He was about 5'9", slim, but not too thin. His upper body didn't have a definite muscular built, but it was well developed. His shoulder was broad, and the chest was expanding widely with each of his breath. The arms were smooth and tan, with some veins running along. Dan's lower body was a different story. Below a small waist stood the sexiest legs that Jack's ever seen. The soccer shorts couldn't hide a pair of strong and muscular legs; they were perfectly proportional. The gluteus, the hamstring, and the calf muscles were firmly and sexually displaced. Everything looked good on him.

Jack's had many sleepless nights fantasizing about the soccer player in his uniform. Now kneeling close to Dan, and looking at his body covered in the gear, Jack couldn't control his exciting cock anymore. His dick had a mind of its own. It was growing and expanding inside his pants. The little friend below his waist was asking for his attention, his special attention.

The football player ran into his bathroom and closed the door behind him. He took his erect member out and looked at it in disgusting, but he couldn't control his desire to stroke it. One stroke, real slowly. Second one, faster. Then, Jack wanked his meat as fast as he could. Images of Dan in his soccer gear were flashed back and forth in his heads. Now, the angel was wearing clothes. Now, he wasn't.

Jack's shaft was elongated into its full length now. Pre-cum was pouring out, drops by drops. Jack continued stroking his cock wildly, silly and rhythmically. Both of his hands were grabbing the long shaft, pulling, caressing and yanking for all it was worth. His breath became shallow. His eyes were closed in excitement. He gasped. He breathed out loudly. He moaned. Shots after shots of jism were pouring out from his beautiful cock. First shot flied up to his chin; the second one went on to a shorter distance: his chest. Then they flooded down to his stomach and onto the floor. Mission accomplished.

The well-spent man stood up and cleaned himself all over. Walking out to the living room, Jack saw the soccer player lying on the couch now. His uniform was wrinkle and in disordered manner. His arms were crossed, resting on his beautiful chest. The soccer player was sleeping like an angel.

Jack walked to the couch and looked down onto Dan's beautiful face. He then knelt down to get a closer look at his model. His face was now inches from Dan's face. He breathed in the good smell coming from the soccer player's face.

Then, Jack did the unthinkable act: he kissed the sleeping angel.

A very soft kiss was planted onto Dan's sensual lips.

Jack pulled himself out quickly. What did he just do? He looked at the sleeping figure in horror. What if the soccer player woke up and saw it? What if he yelled at him and ran out of the door, never coming back? What if...

In spite of his fear, Jack loved the kiss, it was soft, not very sensuous, but sweet and excitable. He wanted to do it again.

The temptation was built up inside Jack's trembling body. He lowered his face, one more inch and their lips would touch. The distance was getting closer. Too dangerously close. Jack closed his eyes and let his desire taking over him.

Their lips touched, again. Jack was lingering his lips on the soccer player's lips one second too long. He got the tingling response from the other person's lips.

The sleeping beauty was awake.

To be continued...

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I've had so much fun writing this part. Chapter 5 will come up real soon, I hope.

Next: Chapter 5

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