The Player

By D D

Published on Oct 23, 2000


Thank you for choosing "The Player". This is a story involved love and sex between two adult males. If you are under 18 years old, please don't read further. If you come here by mistake and don't want to read such things as love between two young gay males, read no further.

In the first chapter, there is no sex scene. Be patient. It will happen eventually. I want to build up the story with all the details. The story is about two guys in college who happen to be different in all aspects. Somehow, they found each other...

I hope "The Player" will be an enjoyable reading experience for you. Oh by the way, this is my first attempt to write an erotic/love story, please be gentle. I welcome all your comments and suggestions. Email me at I will answer all your mails. David.

For those who have read this installment last time: I have changed the format, so instead of 2 chapters like last time, this installment has only 1 chapter with many different parts. Chapter 2 will come up soon.

Chapter 1

The Confusion


"Hey Dan, want to go to a football game with me this afternoon?"

"You know me, Bill. I don't like football."

"Come on, I will go to your soccer practice with you tomorrow if you go with me today."

"Forget it dude".

"Come on, it will be fun. You can bring Jenny; you two can make out in there. What do you say, huh?"

"Oh, making out during a football game with all the horn-dogs around looking?"

"Ok, I pay you 20 bucks if you come with me."

"Deal dude. I need money for gas today..."

They shook hands and left the classroom.

The University of Houston Cougar's football stadium was packed with most of the Cougar students who have come to cheer for their team. Dan was absent-minded hand in hand with his girlfriend, Jenny, walking into the stadium. Bill was leading the trio to their seats.

"You know, Dan, we got the best seats in this stadium." Bill said.

"I don't care" Dan said while looking around.

"Come on, cheer up man. You look like you're being tortured here."

"Dan, look, our team is coming into the field." Jenny pointed out.

Dan looked at her pointing. On the field, the Cougar players were hugging each other fiercely. On the opposite side of the field stood the Owl players. The Cougar cheerleaders was doing their routine which was very much boring to Dan. He looked around the stadium in boredom. "Why do I listen to Bill to come here in the first place?" He thought.

"Hey Dan, look, our linebacker is injured." Jenny's voice cut off Dan's thinking forty-five minutes into the game. He looked back to the field and saw the aid-team was carrying a big white guy on their arms in an attempt to walk away from the on-going game. Dan's eyes were fixed on the linebacker. He looked at the injured man without blinking and breathing. The man looked like a model in a workout magazine. He was not really big and bulky, but every muscle in him stood out nicely under his uniform. His face was a work of art with big blue eyes and dirty blond hair. A smallish nose and a full sensual lip rested on his perfect round face....

"Yeah...Touch down. " The cheer from the audience woke Dan up from his daydream. He shrugged his shoulder in disbelief. "What am I doing drooling over a football player?"

Dan looked at Jenny sitting next to him and consciously held her right hand. Jenny turned to him and smiled, "What is it babe?"

"Oh, nothing. I just want to hold your hand." Dan said guiltily.


Jack Kirkpatrick was doing his homework in the corner of the school library while a man came and sat opposite him. He looked up and blinked his eyes twice to adjust his vision. The guy sat opposite him was stunning.

"He is Asian-American, no doubt, and he is so cute." Jack thought and looked at him again. The guy was fit; he was not really as tall as Jack was, but he had a well compose figure. He was wearing the school 's soccer uniform.

" Wow, big, strong legs. I wonder what it feels like to touch them." Jack looked at the guy's strong legs, talked to himself and blushed. He has lost his attention to whatever he was doing and just staring at the Asian guy. Suddenly, the guy looked up, stared back at him, his mouth opened a little bit. Then, the soccer player too blushed and looked down again at his book.

Dan walked into the library, looked around and absent-minded sat down opposite a white guy who was busy reading. He opened his literature book and soon lost in the book himself. He read the play eagerly and was enjoy it very much. After thirty minutes, he felt like somebody was staring at him. He looked up, stared back at the guy sitting opposite him in shock.

"Oh my god. It's him. It's the injured football player who I saw yesterday." He opened his mouth to say something but suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say. He blushed and looked down to his book abruptly.

'What is wrong with me? Why do I have to stare at him all the time? By the way, what is he doing here?" Dan talked to himself while pretending to read the book. " Oh, forget it. Whatever he's doing here is not my business. Oh, God, is he still looking at me? Stop it, you moron." Dan cursed himself quietly.

On the opposite end of the table, Jack looked at the soccer player again. "Wow, he is so cute when he blushed. I wish I could say hello to him. No, I can't. This is a library for God's shake. Stop flirting with the guy." Jack looked away and then continued reading his book.

But the football player couldn't concentrate on his reading. He thought about himself and sighed. He knew he was gay since he was sixteen. He figured it out by himself. No book, no magazine was his source. He just knew it. Jack didn't have many friends, let along a boyfriend. He was a virgin in love physically and emotionally. Why? Well, he was shy, easy to get emotional and like to bury himself in deep thought. He didn't know how to start a conversation with strangers. Even when a stranger came to him and started a conversation, Jack still didn't know what to say afterward. Many girls have thrown themselves at him, but he always refused in his own polite way. His close friend liked to talk to him but they didn't understand him much. Nobody could have thought that this big guy were very emotional. He cried easily. He can be depressed all day after seeing a sad movie. Yes, he is a big guy with a tender heart.

Now sitting here facing the soccer player, Jack knew he was attracted to Dan right after he saw him, but he was too shy to say hi. He didn't know what to say; plus, he was afraid that he would make a fool of himself because Dan obviously was straight and didn't want to talk to him. After an hour torturing himself of what he should and should not do, Jack stood up and walked out of the library.


"Come on, Dan, go to the library with me. I need you to help me to do that research. I can't do it alone." Bill whined at Dan after their English literature class.

"Bill, you have to do it yourself. You're majoring in Journalism buddy."

"Just help me this time, please? Please, please, please?" Bill made a sad face.

Dan laughed. He couldn't get mad at his buddy very long. Just looking at Bill's child-like face made him forget his angry. However, he followed Bill reluctantly. He would have a soccer practice this afternoon; all he wanted to do now was going back to the dorm to take a nap before the practice. But he couldn't say "no" to his best friend.

"Okay big guy. But do it quick. I need to take a nap before my practice this afternoon."

"I'll come with you to watch you practice to repay this favor, okay?"

"Right, you and your business as usual." Dan said and punched his best friend playfully on the shoulder.

He stepped into the library and stopped dead on his feet. He saw Jack sitting at the same corner he sat yesterday. He seemed to engross in his own world. Jack didn't know what was happening around him until he heard a voice call out to him:

"Hey there, you were the injured linebacker from the Tuesday game, right?"

Jack looked up and saw Bill smiling at him with his hand extending out:

"Hi, I'm Bill. Hey Dan, come here. By the way, that guy there is my friend Dan. We watched the game and man, I felt sorry for you after you got injured."

Dan heard his name called out; he looked over at Bill and opened his mouth in surprise.

"What is he doing with that guy? Why is he calling me to come over there?"

He slowly walked to the table, extend his hand and smile: "Hi, I'm Dan."

Jack looked at Dan speechless. Next thing he knew, Bill was shaking him lightly, " Hey, come back to earth guy. We're talking to you."

"Um...I'm...I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I said my name is Bill and this is Dan. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, nice to meet you too. I'm Jack."

"You're okay man? How was the injury?

"I'm okay. It's just a muscle tear. It's not much really."

"Good for you. Listen, we got to go. Hey, nice to meet you."

Bill pulled a light-head Dan out from his stop and walked toward the computer. Dan didn't say a word during the conversation. He was looking at Jack intensively. "Wow, what a perfect smile. And those lips are so sensual. I wonder what they taste like."

"Let's go Dan. We need to hurry up so that you can have some rest before your soccer practice this afternoon." Bill said.

Dan wanted to look back at the gorgeous face, but his friend has pulled him out so fast that he couldn't turn his head back. He cursed his friend and then cursed himself for being so attracted to the football player.


At 3:00 p.m., Jack walked into the soccer stadium and found himself a seat. He didn't know why he came here. He overheard Bill talking to Dan about the practice and he decided to come. Jack didn't know much about soccer. He didn't even know what a difference between a forward and a middle player. In spite of it, he still wanted to come here to watch Dan practice. He couldn't get the soccer player out of his mind.

Meanwhile, Bill was looking around while the coach said something to his players. He caught a sight of Jack; he looked again and waved at him while mouthing" Jack, come over here."

Jack came down to Bill's seat and shyly shook his hand.

"What are you doing here Jack?"

"Um, you was talking to Dan about the soccer practice today. I just wanted to come here to see how he's playing." Jack said in embarrassment.

"Dan is the best player in the team. He's a forward, you know. Yep, that boy can shoot balls..."

"Really? He's really good huh? Then I'm not wasting my time here."

"No, it is a waste of time, my friend. I don't like to sit here all afternoon to watch them practice, but Dan is my friend. Beside, I owned him a favor."

"You sound as bad as a friend could be." Jack joked.

"Oh, really? I know I'm not as good as somebody who doesn't even know Dan but decided to come here and watch him practice. Huh?"

Jack blushed. "Uh..." Then, he changed the subject: "How is school?"

"The usual. Boring as ever."

"What is your major, Bill?"

"Journalism. And you Jack?"

"Art." Jack said.

"Art major and a football player?" Bill asked in surprise.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with being a football player while studying art at the same time." Jack said shyly.

"Do you think it's odd though?" Bill asked bluntly.

" Yes, I admit it is an odd combination. But I happen to love both at the same time." Jack said.

"Ok, ok...."

" Dan shooting that ball." Bill said to Jack and shouted out loudly, " Dan, good shoot man."

Two guys stopped talking and watched the practice game. Bill watched and cheered for his best friend, while Jack just watched Dan because he was awestruck by his physical beauty. On the field, Dan was running and shooting ball with the speed of a tiger. In spite of his incredible speed, he looked like a ballet dancer on the dance floor. He was flexible and very rhythmic. Each move he made was dance-like with the perfect combination of head, shoulder, chest and legs. Every time Dan was hit and fell to the grass, Jack closed his eyes. He opened his eyes seconds later and relieved to see that his angel was okay.

Jack watched the game for an hour before Bill pulled him up:

"Jack, the practice is over. Come with me down there to meet Dan. We must tell him how good he is on the field today."

Bill walked down to the field but stopped when he saw Jack was still standing at his seat.

"I can't, Bill. I have to go. I realized that I have to pick up my sister from school. My mom will kill me if I'm late." Jack lied. He didn't want to come down to meet Dan because he was afraid that he would be speechless like the last two times they met. He was afraid he couldn't control his staring and Bill or Dan will know his real interest toward the soccer player. Beside, he was too shy to meet him.

"Well, if you have to go then you have to go Jack. See you around."

After Jacked walked out of the stadium, Bill came to the field to meet his friend.

"Hey Bill, how was I?" Dan smirked.

"You was good buddy. Hey, you can't believe whom I just talked to two minutes ago. It was Jack. He came here to watch you practice. We had fun, man."

"What? Who?" Dan raised his voice.

" Calm down dude. It's Jack. We watched you practice."

Dan blushed. He was anxious to know why Jack came here to watch him play, but pretending like he didn't care:

"Oh? Whatever." Then, he changed the subject:

"Want to get something to eat?"

Next: Chapter 2

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