The Plan

By Pokey Bandit

Published on Jul 14, 2004


Meeting Paul nearly 8 years ago was the greatest sexual experience of my life.At that point anyways.He was witty,charming,handsome and very personable.He's 5'11,175,brown hair,goatee,golden tan.His nationality as he puts it,Ketchup 57,a variety of many different flavors.I found him on the chat line.The only voice that caught my attention.I left hium my number.Next night he had called but I was at work.I had called him early Friday morning.We chatted like we were long lost best friends reuniting for the first time in years.....Saturday morning I had learned the guy I was planning to spend my vacation with,went off with someone else without anotice or warning.I visited aguy whom wanted me so badly,but decided to move on.I gave Paul atry. WOW!!! is all I thought when I first met him.We sat there to talk awhile.Half hour to be exact before he got up and said,"Do you want to watch por.Or have sex?" I blurted out,"SEX". Before I reached the bedroom,he was naked and in bed. He wasn;t giving me sex.He was making love to me.I klnow the difference.It was the first time I had enjoyed being with someone sexually.we laughed and loved and talked over three hours.The way he used his mouth across m body and my especially my cock and ass.He taught me afew new tricks. I left there with my legs feeling like jell-o.Yet we done it often over a two week period before he decided to cool it. Three years had passed and we ended up working at the same place.He called me up to go out to lunch to talk about the job and I had accepted.He got pretty much lit.We went in his house and I went t the bathroom.I came out.He said drunkenly,"Let me see your cock"> Without hesitation i had pulled it out.He wrapped his lips around it and the memories had flooded back. I told him to unzip.He did and I i went down on him,"Oh shit,I forgotten how good of ablow job you give".He monaed in ecstasy. We contyinued on in the bedroom.Stripped naked.I ate out his ass like there was no tomorrow.We issed.I kissed arond his neck.Down his arm pits.Over his nipples til they were completely hardened.I went down his stomach to his cock.He moaned and groaned and arced his back."Damn" is all he kept saying,"I must have taught you well'> I replied,"I was born with this gift". Then he done me til we both came........Four years later,Paul was in another relatonship.His lover's dad had just died.So i went to the viewing. .....A month later Paul was throwing aparty.He was drunk and having the best time.Jim and I had shown up.He took one look at Jim and whispered to me,"I bet he's a good fuck"> I replied,"Oh the best". Paul went,"MMMMM.I like to try that some time". "Whenever you're ready stud". "Oh a three way?" Paul smiled,"I hadn't been in one of them in such along time. You and he? Ooh that would be hot". "Work on him.He's easy." I said. Paul went up to Jim with me and put his arm around Jim's shoulder and mine. The two talked and joked abit.I slid my hand down Paul's pants and felt his hot ass. Paul thanked Jim for coming and kissed him on the cheek. "Whats with the cheek kiss.Its like a grandmother kissing>Do the mouth for pete's sake"I said. Jim ,laughd,"oh that would turn you on wouldn't it?" I smiled at him. Paul and Jim gave each other akiss on the lips.Jim sawmy hard on and Paul squeezed it."Damn,you get hard off that.Lets see how much harder you get if I tongue hockey hot blonde and blue eye of yours". Jim and Paul played tongue hockey.My cock rose to the occassion.They both palyed with my cock.,"Would you like to continue you this in my bedroom?" asled Paul who then kissed me.I looked at Jim.Jim nodded yes. "Ok then,its settled.Paul led us each by our hand o the bedroom.No one had notced taht the three of us were missing.Not even Paul's lover......Part 6 coming soon..

Next: Chapter 6

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