The Pitt Affair

By Kyle Senn

Published on Aug 24, 2008


This story is completely fictional and does not make any factual representations of any of the people involved. I dont know Brad Pitt or anyone else mentioned in this story. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this kind of material then dont be stupid and stop reading now.


The next morning I woke up with someone or something jamming into my ass. It turns out that it was Brads raging hard on. I slowly started to remember what happened last night... the touches, the kisses, the sucking. Oh god, I just screwed around with a married moviestar! Knowing that I had to get out of there before he woke up and all hell broke loose when he came to the realization that he just fucked some gay kid from utah, I gently peeled myself away from his embrace without waking him and started to gather my clothes. I continued looking back to see if he was awake but he never even fucking moved.

'Looks like I oversexed his old ass last night...' I thought smiling to myself.

I grabbed all of my things that were at various parts of the room and tiptoed into the other room to put my clothes on and shake myself out of the sleepy stupor I was still in. I felt something hard and crusty on the upper part of my shirt once I had put it on and I realized it was Brad's dried cum. I looked around and saw one of his shirts and put that on instead, shoving my crusted one into the garbage. I was feeling particularly whorish sneaking out of the room like that and so, not wanting to be rude or anything, I decided I would write him a note.

Using the pen and paperpad that were on the hotel room desk I wrote:

-Thanks for the amazing time. Sorry about taking one of your shirts, mine had some Brad juice on it so I hope you dont mind. I'll never forget the guy who gave me my first non-selfimposed orgasm... even if it was just mediocre. ;) -Luke*

I know it was bad of me to steal his clothing but since mine had his cum all over it I figured he owed me. Plus it was only a shirt. I snuck out the hallway and started down towards the lobby with the sudden realization that I didnt have a ride back home. I couldnt really call my parents since they thought I was at Sara's and I didnt have my cell on me so I couldnt call anyone since I couldn't remember anyones numbers. Fuck.

All of my fears were soon dissolved once I arrived at the lobby, since this was the film festival there were hordes of black cars waiting out front for guests to use.

"Will you be needing a car today sir?" said the nice man in a gray hotel suit.

"Uhhh. Yes, please." I replied politely.

"And which room do we bill this too?" The man asked.

This was insane, I had never heard of charging a car service to your hotel room but I guess anything goes with the uber rich. I told the nice hotel man the room number, got in the car and started my descent back into reality.


The next day I was back to my regular life, the film festival was still going on but that was in a different valley and seemed a million miles away. I still had a hard time believing that I had fucked around with a moviestar so I decided it would probably be the best thing for me to do to keep it to myself. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didnt notice that Sara had walked in.

"Yo! What the fuck, where were did you go on Saturday? Dont leave out any details!" Sara asked me rather loudly.

"I actually just ended up going to a different party." I lied. "This producer guy offered an invitation for me to come. I was only there for like an hour before I went home."

"Oh, well I ended up going home with the actor I was making out with. O-M-G Luke, he was fucking amazing." Sara said in her shrill yet girly voice. Subtlty was clearly not one of her strong points.

And so began the step by step play of her erotic night. Thank god no one was in the gym during her story, otherwise they would have heard things that not even the most lewd gay man would say... but I loved Sara none-the-less. After about an hour of her and I swapping repetoire she finally decided to leave and let me get back to work. I had taken over the gym as a manager which was a pretty amazing accomplishment if I do say so myself. At 18 I had beat out the other 30 something (and more qualified) applicants due to my cut-throat attitude towards business and shameless flirting with the owner. I dont think he's gay but he definitely loves attention. He's one of those 40-something beefcakes with a bad hairline and sexy body that want everyone to look at them. It's a little tiring pretending to oggle his body on a day to day basis since I started but it was becoming so routine I just started to look at it as an exercise regiment.

Everytime I looked at my boss I pictured Brad and I knew that this day was going to be a fucking long one...


When my shift had FINALLY ended after what seemed like 3 days wrapped into an 8 hour period I decided to run home for a quick shower before I hit the gym. I dont know why I liked doing this because it was a total waste of water and it clearly wasnt the smartest thing to do since I would be getting sweaty like 10 minutes after I got out but I loved the feeling of water on my skin so I never really thought twice about it. The normally long drive home seemed to go by in seconds since I couldnt take my mind off of Brad and his body. I could still taste his cum in my mouth even though I had brushed my teeth twice since then.

As I walked up to my apartment there was a small vase with a long stemmed white rose in it and a note attached. Smiling to myself I knelt down to read the note.

I want my shirt back... with you in it. Call me. 555-2106 -B

'How the fuck did he find me?' I wondered.

I walked into my apartment and placed the flower and note on my counter and hit the message button on my answering machine. I poured myself a glass of water listening to my whole two messages. It was kind of pathetic if you think about it because in 9 hours of me being gone I had received only two messages on my home phone. The first one was from my mother, making sure I remembered that this Saturday was one of her weekly family get togethers. Not really something I looked forward to but because it was my mom I was sort of obligated to go. The second message caught me off guard, the instant the deep baritone voice rang through the receiver I almost choked on my water.

'Hey Lukey... it's been 4 hours since the rose was delivered. I want you to know that I'm not taking no for an answer... I know you've been thinking about me all day so call me. 555-2106. I'll be in my room for another few hours... Oh and just as a little incentive...' With that he banged something against the phone receiver making a wet slapping noise.

I could hear the cocky smile in the message and I knew I was going to call him, I mean who wouldn't?

Feeling freshly horny from his phone cock-slap I picked up the phone and dialed his room. After about 6 rings I was about to hang up when the phone suddenly picked up.

"Hello?" said Brad almost frantically and out of breath.

"Well well well, look who's picking up his own phone. I thought you would have had some servant of yours pick up for you." I laughed.

"They're all chained up back in LA." I could almost see his smile through the phone. "Why didnt you call me sooner? Roses not your thing?"

"I actually just got back from work... with all of your detective work I figured you would have known that." I was so nervous that I was almost positive that I sounded like a stupid jackass. "How did you end up finding me?"

"I hired a guy to track you down..." The phone went silent.

"Wait, seriou--."

"The front desk found out the address the driver dropped you off at." He laughed, i'm sure at my breathtaking wit.

"Gotcha." I was blushing so hard I was suprised the phone didnt turn pink. What happened next was no less mortifying than when I ate gym floor in front of my entire graduating class in High School, the weirdes and strangest laugh-snort came out of me.

"I think i'm going to have to start calling you Nervous-Pervous if you keep acting like this every time we speak. It's just as cute as it was last night but just calm down. It's not like my dick hasnt already been inside of your mouth or anything." He said.

I laughed, taking a breath before I spoke again. "You're right, you're right. I mean it's not like you're anyone special."

"Of course not." He laughed, sounding unamused in a playful way. "Listen, I want to get together with you later. Are you free tonight?"

"Um sure. What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well I want you to come back up to my hotel room and have dinner with me." He requested.

"Ok!" God I sounded sickeningly eager. "Well it'll take me about 30 minutes to shower and get ready and then i'll head up there which will take about 40 minutes. So i'll be there around 9ish, is that ok?"

"Mannn, That long? I got hard just talking to you... Fine yes, that'll work. Wear my shirt and dont wear any underwear." He said sexily with and air of authority.

I laughed. "Alright, i'll see you in a while. Oh and um... make sure you dont think about sloppily eating my pink, tight, virgin asshole, I wouldnt want you to be hard the whole time you're waiting."

He moaned a frustrated sound. "Ass. Hurry!"

"Well the longer you keep me on the phone, the longer it's goi--." The line went dead.

I couldnt help but laugh, I guess I was just a natural born tease. I almost ran to my bathroom and jumped in the shower.


I didnt know how I got up the canyon so quickly from my apartment because it was only 8:40 and I was 20 minutes early. I kept debating on whether or not I should just drive around for 20 minutes or just suprise him and show up. I decided on the latter. After valeting my car and walking nervously to Brad's room I started to second guess what I was doing. He was a married man, and according to all of the tabloids he was happily married. The battle between my hormones and logic waged on until I suddenly realized I had been standing in front of his door staring at it for the better part of a minute. Without thinking, my hand went up to the door and knocked three times. I figured I'd just make peace with hell when it was time.

What greeted me was nothing short of a devine vision. He was wearing nothing but a white terrycloth towel barely staying up on his waist, his entire body was moist and shining with every muscle popping under the low hallway lighting. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open in awe and lust as he let me soak him in and smiled at me. He reached up and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me inside, kissing me passionately and pulling me close to his body as his bare foot kicked the door closing it. I wrapped my arms around his musclular back as he started to push me back against the closed door and shove his tongue down my throat.

I was instantly hard as he started to hump and dry fuck me against the door. The kisses were sloppy and wet and my right hand went up to his long wet hair to play with it and my left went down to feel the top of his ass crack that was poking out through the rapidly lowering towel. Our pheromones were mixing together and driving the two of us into a crazed dry fuck-a-thon. The sound that came out of his mouth while it was against mine could only be described as a growl as he took his bulging right arm and picked my left leg up so his hard covered dick was now rubbing on the underside of my crotch. I wasnt wearing any underwear, per his request, so my own hard dick was rubbing against the V on his torso through my jeans, driving me crazy.

"Mmmmmmmm." I moaned into his mouth, the sensation of dry fucking and wet, face-sucking driving me wild.

My breathing started to get heavier and he only pushed into me harder lifting me up from the ground and pulling his face back far enough so that just his tongue was in my mouth. I started to suck on it as he looked into my eyes with a passion he didnt express last night. I savored the taste of his tongue and my lips continued to wrap tightly around it, feeling it pulsating in my mouth. His thrusts started becoming longer and harder with each buck and I couldnt hold it in any longer. The bottom part of my thighs and ass squeezed tightly, trapping the top half of his covered hard on and my cum blasted out from my jean covered cock, coating the insides of my pants with my young seed. My mouth opened to moan loudly and the second it did I felt his lips cover mine with his tongue, licking around my lips and eating my moan.

I continued to cum over and over for what felt like the longest orgasm I had ever had. His left hand was brought up to my shirt covered nipple as he tweaked it until it was hard, making me squirm under him. He continued to dry fuck me with the top half of his shaft being squeezed by the underside of my body. I continued to quiver in recovery from my orgasm.

Feeling my body convulse against his body from my cumming sent Brad over the edge and he started to pick up his thrusting. He immediately dropped me to the ground so I was standing facing him. He ripped off his towel, exposing his rock hard, throbbing piece of meat and started to stroke it fast with his left hand and with his right he lifted up my (his) shirt and blasted my six-pack with his massive load. Stream after stream of white, thick and hot fluid painted my abs up and down making it look like a fucked up street grid of a metropolitan city. We just stared at each other, breathing heavily and coming down from the sudden burst of passion we both just experienced.

After a few moments he, in a gentle way, reached down and scooped up some of his hot sperm off of my stomach and brought it up to my lips. I opened my mouth and sucked his middle finger while he painted the top of my tongue with the cum covered digit. His cum tasted better than it did the night before, bitter but sweet and VERY thick. He continued to scoop up and feed me his man juice until my stomach was void of the white liquid and was left with just a sheer, wetlooking gloss. He leaned in and kissed me almost romantically and I could feel my stomach knot in bliss.

He pulled away with a wet pop and looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. "Mediocre my ass."

And with that he walked away, naked and glistening with his two mounds of hard ass cheeks rubbing together, back to the bathroom; Leaving me completely out of breath and in an overwhelmingly silent, horned up stand still.

*Sorry its been over a year and it took me so long to write the next chapter!! I had planned on making regular updates to this story but as time went on I got too busy and then eventually completely forgot all together. I love hearing from people who have read this so send me an email telling me if you liked it, didnt like it, or even just to say you read it. You can send me suggestions too and I love getting comments, positive or negative. Anyway, I promise the next chapter wont take nearly as long as this one did to write. :) - Kyle

Next: Chapter 3

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