The Pink Retreat

By Adam Stewart

Published on Jul 29, 2012


This is a gay love story which is pure fiction and fantasy. None of the characters portrayed relate to any known person.

Warning - it contains explicit m/m sex.

The Pink Retreat

As the weeks progressed, Hugh became weaker and weaker. Luke called Colin to ask him to come in as soon as he could one day when Hugh was particularly bad. Colin was wonderful and did all he could for Hugh but he knew it was only a question of time now and prepared Luke and Josh for what they all knew was inevitable.

Jason was now coming in every day after work and having a meal with Luke and Josh. Hugh spent most of his time in bed since he was too weak to even get down the stairs. Luke again suggested they move him downstairs but he was adamant. He wanted to die in his own bed and that was that!

Colin showed Luke and Josh how to give Hugh a bed bath since it was now too difficult to get him in and out of the bath. He also provided them with a couple of urine bottles since getting into the bathroom each time was also a difficult task to perform. It seemed the drugs he was on made him want to pee frequently so Josh or Luke were constantly emptying bottles of piss!

It eventually got to a point when Hugh needed twenty four hour attention so one of them would sit by Hugh's bedside whilst the other had a good sleep in the other room. They alternated this each night. On some days they did manage to persuade Hugh to get out of bed and sit in an armchair they had managed to carry upstairs and place in his bedroom. At least he could then see out of the window and it gave the bed a chance to air and be changed, which was frequently required.

Colin was now attending daily although he did let slip once that most of his visits were not official since he wasn't allowed to visit that often but since he lived not that far away he was able to pop in each evening. On several occasions Luke invited him to join them for a meal with Jason since they were all such good friends. During one of these dinners, he let drop that he was in fact gay, not that this was a surprise to any of the others! From then on their friendship seemed to be on a higher level.

On one particular evening when Luke and Josh were getting Hugh ready for bed, Hugh suddenly said "I so miss having someone to hold and comfort me".

It was Josh's turn that night to stay up so he immediately replied, "Would you like me to sleep with you tonight?"

Hugh's face lit up and pulled him closer, "Would you? That would be wonderful."

He then looked at Luke and asked "Do you mind if your lover sleeps with a sick old man Luke?"

Luke grinned and told Hugh that of course he didn't mind and that he would do the same when it was his turn to stay up.

"At least you can rest properly instead of sitting in that fucking armchair all night" Hugh chuckled, "and I promise to behave myself!"

"Oh, shame" Josh giggled, "there was me thinking we'd be having riotous sex!"

"Sorry my love, those days are definitely over but having a nice warm body up close against mine would be wonderful."

So that was what happened each night from then on. Either Josh or Luke would snuggle up behind Hugh and hold him in their arms whilst he slipped off to sleep, albeit for short periods of time during the night. Hugh still slept naked, he refused emphatically to wear pyjamas having said that he'd slept naked all his life and he didn't intend changing now, although he had to wear pyjama bottoms in hospital to keep the nurses happy!

Luke and Josh watched Hugh get weaker and weaker until eventually they knew it was only a question of time. He'd lost his appetite and he no longer had the nicely formed body he used to have. He was becoming just skin and bone and as Luke or Josh gently hugged him in bed each night they could sense the difference as the days went by.

Luke called his mother and told her that she should come down as soon as she could if she wanted to see Hugh alive again. Colin had warned them that Hugh's days were now numbered.

Ann came the following day and stayed with them for as long as she could. She was shocked to see Hugh's deterioration since her last visit but she was pleased and proud of the way that her son and his lover were looking after Hugh.

It was in fact the last time that Ann saw Hugh alive because three days later he had a particularly difficult night. Josh was on duty that night and he sensed Hugh was almost at the end so he woke Luke up to join him. They sat either side of Hugh and watched him slowly slip away as they held a hand each. It was five in the morning on the fifth of September. Hugh had in fact lived for exactly two months since Luke and Josh had come to look after him.

Once they realised that Hugh had left them for another place, they both wept over his still body. Even though they'd been leading up to this day for two months, Luke was distraught. Josh quietly led him away and took him downstairs where they just hugged each other for a good fifteen minutes. Eventually Josh made them both a cup of tea and loaded them with sugar, which neither of them normally took. Josh then phoned the emergency doctor and gave him the news. As it happened, it was Hugh's GP on call so he came round fairly quickly to certify Hugh's death.

When the doctor came downstairs he said it was clear that Hugh had died peacefully.

"I know for a fact that he was so grateful for what you two were doing for him. He dreaded dying in hospital so you made his final days so much happier than they would have been."

Luke and Josh just nodded. They were still getting used to the idea that Hugh had now gone.

The doctor waited whilst transport came to take Hugh away and Josh sent a text to Colin and Jason which he had promised to do whatever the time. It was now gone six in the morning and within the hour both of them had arrived to console them.

Hugh had now been taken away and the doctor had left them so they were just sitting in the living room when Jason and Colin arrived. All they did was hold each other tight. There was nothing to say or do now. The task they had come to undertake was now over. Somehow life had to go on but at this point in time Luke had no idea how.

When Luke phoned his mum she asked if they wanted to return to London. They'd already discussed this and both had agreed that they'd prefer to remain in the cottage. For them Hugh was still there and for the moment at least they didn't want to lose that memory.

Once Hugh's death was generally known, the letters, cards and calls flooded in. Luke had no idea that he was so well known, not only in the immediate area but in the art world. The information seemed to fly around on its own. Colin and Jason were wonderful and continued coming round every day to do things for them. Mrs Roberts also came and offered her condolences and offered to do shopping for them. They noticed that Mr Roberts didn't even bother to call them yet alone come and see them. It made Luke even more determined to sort that bugger out as soon as Hugh's funeral was over.

It was Josh of course who did most of the arrangements for the funeral. Luke was still too overwrought to be of much use although Josh put by him all the things he was suggesting.

Seven days later, the funeral took place at the Brighton Crematorium. Ann came the previous night and used the spare room whilst Luke and Josh slept on the sofa bed in the living room. For the moment they couldn't use Hugh's room.

The official car duly arrived with the hearse at the appointed hour and they drove off. When they reached the small chapel they couldn't believe the number of people who were gathered outside waiting for them.

"Oh my god" Luke exclaimed when he saw them, "there's hundreds".

That was a slight exaggeration but the final number was over one hundred made up of people from the art world as well as the gay scene where it seemed Hugh was well known.

The service was beautiful, although Hugh had not been a religious person. Luke managed to say a few words about Hugh and how he had always been such a wonderful support for him all his life and was always there with words of wisdom as well as a shoulder to cry on whenever required. He also added that the loss of such a wonderful man at such an age, he'd died just two weeks before his thirty first birthday, was hard to imagine and they would miss him so much.

"Finally" Luke then said, "I'd like to thank my partner Josh for helping to nurse Hugh through the last two months of his life. Hugh had wanted to die at home rather than in hospital but could only do so if I was willing to live with him. I knew it was going to be a difficult time but having Josh there enabled me to get through it so thank you Josh".

Josh was now in tears and Ann, who was sitting on one side of him and Jason on the other, both held his hand. When Luke returned to his seat Josh put his arms round his love and kissed him.

"Thank you" Josh managed to get out in between his tears.

Josh had arranged for those wishing to do so to go to a local hotel for a buffet. Not all did but a large number did attend including several people from the village who Luke and Josh had met during their two months of living at the cottage.

"What is going to happen to the cottage?" one lady asked Luke as they tried to eat something in between numerous people coming up to him and Josh to say what a wonderful person Hugh had been and their memories of him.

"Josh and I are going to live there" Luke replied.

The lady's face lit up clearly happy that they were going to do so, "I'm so glad to hear that" she replied, "Hugh was such a lovely man to have as a neighbour and we all look forward to having you two young men in future".

Luke thanked her for saying that having realised they must be gay from Luke's public thanks at the service.

Eventually people went off home leaving just the two of them plus Ann and Jason who had offered to take them home since the official car had now been sent away. Having dropped them off at the cottage, Jason said he'd come round the next day.

"He's a nice young man" Ann commented as they went into the empty cottage, "I take it he's gay as well".

Luke laughed, "You never miss anything do you mum?"

"I've come to the conclusion that you gays are always the considerate ones in society because all the ones I've come across have always been so gentle and understanding."

"Thank you mum but I'm not sure that holds for all gays" Luke replied.

"Probably not but it certainly holds for the two very special guys in my life" she said giving them both a group hug.

"So, have you two decided what you're going to do?" Ann asked, "Are you coming back to London whilst things get sorted out or what?"

Luke and Josh had already discussed this so were ready for the question.

"We've decided we'd like to stay here mum. Do you mind?"

"Of course not, this is all yours now. In fact it's rather nice having the house all to myself!" she chuckled.

"We'll come up at some point to collect the rest of our things but I can work from here and Josh has decided he's going to set up a garden design business from here."

"Excellent, I'm sure you'll do well Josh but what about your music?"

"Oh, I intend keeping that going" Josh replied, "In fact I've got another concert coming up in a month's time although I may have to drop out of the London orchestra and join one in Brighton".

"How is the garden looking?" Josh then asked as an afterthought.

"Jacek is keeping it very nice; he's done you proud."

"I did promise Jacek that if I set up my own business that I'd offer him a job with me. That would mean him living locally."

Ann thought that was an excellent idea since the pair of them had worked so well together. She was sure she could find someone else to tend the garden now that the basic work had been done.

"I may even do it myself now you've made it so easy to look after" Ann commented as she thought through the possibility.

"And have you ..." Ann started saying before pausing, "thought about when you're going to have your Civil Partnership?"

Luke was surprised his mother had raised the issue quite so soon but that was the way her mind worked; always the practical one.

"We were thinking about December; that gives us three months to arrange things."

Ann agreed and suggested they should speak to the Registrar sooner rather than later since places got booked up.

"You can afford now to go to town you know" Ann commented.

Luke hadn't yet got used to the fact that he and Josh would now be multi millionaires. Hugh had shown him the value of his estate and in cash and investments alone the figure was well over a million. Once the farm and land plus the cottage were added in the figure was substantially more. He certainly needed his love to help him cope with this so the sooner they were married the better!

Ann stayed over another night since Luke had arranged with Hugh's solicitor that he and his mother would go the next morning to deal with the matter of the will. In the morning Luke told Josh that he'd like him to come as well since he was part of all this even though not legally at this point in time.

They arrived at the solicitor and were ushered into his office. He had attended the funeral so there was no need for any more condolences to be uttered. Instead they got straight down to business.

"Well as you know" he started, "it was Hugh's wish to leave the farm and all the land associated with that plus his cottage to you Luke. With regard to his other assets, all his personal effects including the contents of the cottage are left to you Luke and his other assets are distributed as follows."

The solicitor then listed several charities to which Hugh had left legacies and told Ann that she had been left ten percent of the remainder.

"Hugh also instructed me during the last few weeks of his life to add a codicil which gives the sum of twenty thousand pounds to Josh here in gratitude for supporting Luke and his kindness towards Hugh during his last two months."

Josh gasped. He'd never had so much money given to him before and had certainly not expected anything.

"Hugh did tell me that it would have been more but he was firmly of the understanding that you two young men are going to enter into a Civil Partnership so you Josh will automatically become part owner of the rest of the estate" the solicitor was saying whilst Josh was still taking in what had been said earlier, "The remainder of the estate goes to you Luke; the final sum is not yet known of course but it will be well in excess of a million, plus you'll have the income from the farm which as you may know is considerable."

Luke and Josh just sat there saying nothing. They knew the sums were great but it had not really sunk in until now. They were both going to be wealthy guys!

Having signed what papers needed signing and the solicitor informing Luke what procedures would need to be followed to wrap the estate up, they finally parted.

When they were outside, Luke put his arm round Josh's shoulders, "You okay?" he said seeing that Josh was still stunned at what Hugh had done for him.

"Yeah, I just can't believe it. I only did what I felt was right for him, nothing special" Josh was saying as they walked back to the car.

"Hugh really did appreciate the support you gave Luke and the way you made his life so much more tolerable Josh so you deserve it" Ann said.

"I take it you knew how Hugh had arranged things mum" Luke asked.

Ann said they had discussed it and that she had clearly told Hugh that the vast majority of the estate should go to Luke.

"He was so relieved and pleased that you both agreed to continue the farm and live in the cottage you know" Ann continued.

"I still can't believe it all and that he's no longer with us" Luke said as Ann drove them back home.

"I know love; he was always a very special person to you and you to him so it will take a long time for you to get over this but you will, especially with Josh to support you; time heals but you never forget" Ann said patting her son's leg as she drove.

After lunch, Ann made her way home but before she left she pulled Josh to one side.

"He's going to need a lot of support Josh but I'm sure you're up to it and you'll both get through okay; but remember, there's always a place for both of you in London should you ever need it."

"Thanks Ann" Josh replied with tears in his eyes, "I'll look after him, don't worry".

"That's one thing I know I won't do with the knowledge that you are with him Josh" Ann finally said as she made her way out to the car and said goodbye to her son.

When they both went back into the cottage, Josh took hold of Luke's hand and led him upstairs. They then undressed each other and got into bed. They just hugged and kissed each other and felt each other's nakedness.

"It's just you and me now my love" Luke finally said.

Josh climbed across his love and looked into his eyes.

"I know, but we'll get through; we have a whole life ahead of us and lots to plan for" Josh said before bending forward to kiss his love.

Bit by bit they relaxed and their sexual feelings took over. They hadn't had `proper' sex for several weeks because of the night time duties they had done and since Hugh's death it had been the last thing on their mind but now it seemed right. They both soon had full erections yearning to be satisfied.

As they lay side by side in the afterglow, they suddenly realised that someone was knocking on the front door.

"That must be Jason" Josh giggled as he shot out of bed, threw on a dressing gown and went downstairs.

It was Jason and when he saw how Josh was dressed he immediately apologised for disturbing them.

"Just thought I'd drop by to see how you guys are coping" Jason said hovering on the doorstep.

"Come on in Jason" Josh said stepping back to let him in, "we've been having a rest on the bed" Josh added with a slight smirk on his face.

Jason picked up immediately what they'd really been up to and grinned, "Well, I dare say you've not had time during the last few weeks for ... shall we say, quality time together."

Josh nodded as he led Jason into the living room quickly followed by Luke who was also dressed in a robe.

"Hi Jason, thanks for coming by" Luke said taking Jason into his arms and giving him a kiss which Jason certainly didn't object to!

"Well, I thought you might like a bit of company; it must seem empty here now without Hugh."

Luke and Josh agreed it did but as Josh had said, life has to go on.

"Anyhow, would you like to stay and have a meal with us" Luke then asked Jason.

"Err, well, yeah if you don't mind" Jason replied looking at the two guys standing beside them with just a thin piece of material covering their nakedness, "I don't want to intrude if you're doing anything else" he said with slight grin.

"Nope, we've finished" Luke replied grinning, "at least for the time being but if you don't mind we may not bother getting dressed".

"Wow, no, of course" Jason replied looking them both up and down, "you wear whatever you like, don't worry about me".

"Make yourself comfortable whilst I go and start the meal" Luke then said, "Josh will entertain you I'm sure" Luke added grinning, "and I wouldn't mind a stiff drink as well Josh" he added as he left the other two and went into the kitchen to prepare a meal for the three of them.

"What would you like to drink Jason?" Josh asked once Luke had left them.

"Um, don't mind, what you two having?"

"Vodka and tonic" Josh replied as he prepared two large glasses.

"Great, I'll have the same then" Jason replied moving up close to Josh and feeling the heat off his body through the thin material of his short robe.

"Everything go off okay at the solicitor?" Jason asked once Josh had given him his drink and taken one into Luke.

"Yep, Hugh had everything neatly organised so it's just got to go through the legal processes now."

They sat looking at each other for a few minutes as they sipped their drinks. Jason noticed that Josh had opened his legs wide apart and from his vantage point opposite he could see Josh's thick manhood and his dark bush of pubic hair. He felt his own organ react inside his trousers and involuntarily placed a hand on it. Josh noticed and smiled.

"Do you mind if I kick my shoes off?" Jason then said trying to deflect Josh's attention from the large bulge that was now very evident.

"Sure, take off whatever you like!" Josh chuckled as he watched Jason slip off his trainers and the ankle socks.

"I expect you know that Hugh always loved being naked so we often sat around like that when I was here" Jason commented.

"Yeah, I know and so do we" Josh replied wondering whether he should take the matter any further.

He decided not to for the moment but he had a feeling that before the night was out the three of them would be rolling round on the floor naked!

"Have you decided when you're going to tackle Roberts?" Jason asked as they ate their meal.

"Tomorrow" Luke replied, "I need to go and see him in any event since he's not been to see us following Hugh's death".

"What, he hasn't even had the decency to come and see you?" Jason interjected.

"Nope, not even a call; only Mrs Roberts came and to be fair she's been very nice but no sign of him."

"Fucking hell" Jason exclaimed.

"Anyhow, since he clearly doesn't like us I see no point in dragging it out any longer; I've got all the evidence I need so I plan to challenge him tomorrow. I've asked Mrs Roberts to let him know I'm coming so he's had his notice of a visit."

"Wow, would love to be a fly on the wall when that takes place" Jason chuckled.

"Expect to become Farm Manager with effect from tomorrow Jason" Luke then said.

"That quick?"

"Yep, that quick; I have no intention of letting him hang around whatever happens."

"Is Josh going with you?"

"Yeah, I am" Josh replied, "I'll be ready to jump on him if he makes the slightest move on Luke, don't you worry".

"He would as well" Luke laughed.

After their meal, they adjourned to the other end of the living room and it wasn't long before all three of them were rolling round naked on the floor having well earned sex!

Once Jason had left to go home, the pair of them went upstairs and made passionate love again despite their earlier session and the one with Jason. They needed something to take their minds off the loss of Hugh and what was in store for them the next morning when they saw Roberts.

The next chapter of 'The Pink Retreat' will be available shortly. I welcome comments so feel free to do so by sending me an email.

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Other stories by Adam Stewart: Moving Forward Love at Last Gary's Story Finding Ryan The Advert Number Twenty Five Life After Ryan The Tangled Web

Next: Chapter 10

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