The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 30, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 9

"Yes it did. I'm surprised there wasn't more dissention."

"Think about it Sandy. If you were sixteen and given a choice of Slavery or Death, which would you pick?"

"Yes, I suppose you are right."

Sandy excused himself and left with Hawk. If he felt like I did, I'm sure Hawk was going to get a good workout. I just sat down at my desk.

Construction would continue, but only until we had spaces for 1000 inmates. All the other Camps were on hold. They might or might not be built depending on how long it took to subdue and train boys to become good Slaves.

The contract I had signed gave me control of all Class 3 facilities. All of course would become training facilities. I started to write down the policies I would set for all Class 3 Slave Training Centers.

After working for over an hour, Henry brought me my first drink of the day. I gave him a kiss and slap on his cute ass. He just giggled and went to help Gerry prepare our lunch. I took some time to look over the new batch of Inmates. First thing I noticed was that all were either Gay or Bi-Sexual. That had been the first plan that had been put forward. From now on any type of boy would be sent here and the first thing that would happen to them after they received the second capsule was they would be deflowered. No exceptions and was Policy number one in all Class 3's I controlled.

I looked at the records of the three boys in cells in the Admin building. All were good looking. One was another Jew. One Native and the other white. All were considered Gay, but I doubted any of them had cocks as big as I or even Sandy had in their butts. Well the Jew boy would find get his this afternoon on my new training horse. Those three were not at the executions this morning so would be informed of their new status this afternoon.

I informed Steven he could take Runningbear and Aliston to the isolation cells and have one of his boys screw them. I pretty much figured Steven would do those two as well.

I talked to Mike and told him to order in a short leather strap that could be carried by all guards. The strap had been decided on as the punishment for minor infractions. With all the guards carrying the strap it could be administered anywhere.

The Jewish Boy, Aaron Weinstein had broken into a service Center and stole almost 300 dollars. The police believed he did it to buy drugs, but none were found on him when he was arrested. If they had he would be in a class 1 waiting execution under the Drug related Capitol Crimes Edict.

Blood tests done at the time of his arrest had shown no tell tail indications of drug use, but might have been using Crack. Well he lucked out as far as a drug related crime. That made him a perfect candidate as a Slave.

He was small for a sixteen year old. Standing just over five foot 2 inches and weighing near 100 lbs. He had a cock about 3 inches soft and lots of pubic hair, brown like the hair on his head. He'd need trimming.

I told Gerry and Henry to go down and shave Aaron after lunch and then bring him to the office. I also told them he was smaller than either of them so should have no problems.

They both knew that to do anything with the new boy would get them in deep shit although they could blow him if he wanted.

Sandy and Hawk showed up for lunch looking totally refreshed.

"How long are you here for Sandy, not that I want to get rid of you." I laughed.

"I'll be in and out of here for the next few weeks. I'd like to see those forty sent out before I head back to Washington. I'd also like to take ten very compliant Slaves back to Washington with me for the ISSI Board. It would give them a taste of what's to come."

That could be arranged, but I am not sure how many of those forty will still like what they are doing now that their status is changed from boy toy to Slave."

Once their new quarters were ready we would see, although so far none had stopped or refused to service any of the Construction Crew even after they had been told they are all now nothing more than sex Slaves.

"You know Jake you also control all the Female Class 3's too. Have you given much thought to them?"

"No I haven't yet. I have never really had anything to do with women, but I suppose all female slaves will have to be fixed."

I decided what I needed was to bring all the wardens of Class 3 institutions to Pine Lake for a conference. I sent out memos to all expecting all to show up the following Weekend. Sandy would be here for that conference too. WE hash out what should be done in all class 3 institutions now that they were classified as Slave Training Centers.

"Does ISSI run female Agencies too Sandy?"

"Yes of course." He laughed.

"That tells you how much I know about what the ISSI does."

"Actually, Female brothels were the first thing ISSI set up. It was only after a few clients expressed an interest in boys that the other Agencies were set up. Now they all run about the same except females are given birth control pills during their contracts."

"Well I think it should be done permanently to Slaves, Female slaves."

"I agree Jake."

"Tell me Sandy, what exactly is your job?"

"I'm your boss Jake. I'll be head of the Slave Directorate after the next election. Until then the boys and girls will still be classified as male or female hookers. After the Election they become full slaves by designation and become none citizens."

"Only then will slaves be able to be bought and sold. Also a Slave can be used by a client for anything regardless."

The only thing a buyer or client will be told is that if a slave dies in their service they will be held responsible and could be executed for killing that Slave."

"That is the only right any slave will have. That is to live a long life as long as he or she complies with all the rules and regulations covering them. Of course running will get them killed when that capsule explodes."

I can see where it is injected in males, but where do you put in females?"

"Half way between the bottom on the vagina and the anus opening. Works perfect there."

I take then it has been tested already?"

"Yes, it was tested on several class 1 prisoners slated for execution, both male and female."

"Some of the Wardens of Class 1, wanted it injected into all those up for execution, but the Board rejected the idea."

"Guess it would be cheaper."

"Not at all Jake. Those capsules cost a shit load more than a bullet."

Just then Gerry and Henry walked in with Aaron between them. He walked to the front of my desk and stood waiting.

He looked much better trimmed.

"How are you doing Aaron?"

"I'm fine I guess Sir."

"I have some questions Aaron and then I will explain a few things you are not aware of."

He just stood waiting.

"Aaron, why did you break into that store? You must have known the cameras would see you."

"Well my Brother told me there weren't any cams and we even went and looked inside when it was open. He told me they kept most of the money in a safe, but left cash for opening in the old tills they were using."

"Why did your brother want the money?"

"To buy drugs."

"And where is he now?"

"I don't know sir. I think he got caught. My Mom said if he got caught with drugs they will probably shoot him."

I was surprised he said it so easily and without any expression.

"Aaron if you had been caught with drugs you would be in the same place as your brother."

"I never done drugs Sir. I hate them. My brother will get what he deserves coz he used to try and sell it to my friends. He never lived at home since he was sixteen. My Mom kicked him out."

"Aaron, do you know why you were sent here?"

"Well I guess coz I'm sixteen and this is a Class 3 jail. One of the guards said I would end up a boy toy for others to use my mouth and butt."

"What if I told you, you were now going to be trained as a Boy toy Slave?"

"I guess that would depend Sir."

"Depend on what Aaron?" "Well my Dad taught me that Slavery in the old days wasn't all bad. The only real bad thing was that they were not considered human and thought of as mere objects to work for their Master."

"I mean a Slave never went hungry. He had clothes to wear and even a place to live. Well every body has to work for that today. So I guess I will have to work to get the same things."

Sandy was chuckling. Even the three boys were smiling at Aaron's statement.

"So you are saying you don't mind that you are now a sex slave?"

"No Sir."

"Are you Gay or Bi Aaron?"

"I'm Gay Sir. I've had lots of guys doing me and I have even done a few although I'm not very big. I like it Sir."

"Well from this moment on you are now one of my Slaves Aaron."

That got a smile from him and his cock jumped. Damn this boy really wanted it.

"You see that horse contraption over there Aaron? Can you tell me what it is used for?"

Aaron walked over to the horse and looked at and then walked around it.

"I guess it to make fucking a boy easier Sir. I'd put my feet in them spots and just lean over. If a Slave was uncooperative the straps would hold him down."

"Well climb on it Aaron." "Strap him down." I said to Henry and Gerry.

"Go ahead Sandy. Take him first. If I do he will end up too loose for anyone else today."

I'd never seen Sandy's cock. When I did I'd say he was about the same as Hawk.

Aaron yelled as Sandy entered him, but soon was in obvious rapture as Sandy pounded his hole.

"Aaron can clean you up Sandy. Gerry you take him then Hawk and Henry. I'll do him last."

I decided that Aaron would become one of my personal Slaves. He'd be here to keep anyone I wanted happy.

He was happy when everyone else screwed him , but howled like a banshee when I forced my cock into his hole. It didn't take long before I was using all my cock. Even after all four had done him he was still tight and hot inside. I really enjoyed his tight butt. After I came inside him Gerry and Henry rimmed him which just about drove him crazy. I ordered him released and told Gerry to get him cleaned out.

"The rest won't be as easy as that boy Jake."

"True, but I liked his line about slavery. Might use it too."

Gerry brought Aaron out. He just walked to where I was sitting and sat at my feet.

"Aaron you ever refuse to do anything I ask and I'll tan your butt so hard you won't sit for a week."

"I'll never refuse Master." "Good boy. For now you can sleep with Gerry. He and Henry is your Master too."

"Okay Master."

Aaron just sat as we talked. My drink was empty so handed it to Aaron. He went to Gerry and asked him what I wanted and Gerry showed him. He brought it to me and waited until I took a sip and nodded. He just smiled and sat back at my feet. It was almost like he was born to be a slave.

Aaron was surprised that he ate at my table for dinner. After he cleaned everything up before coming to again just sit on the floor close to me.

Sandy spent most of his days checking everything that was going on. He had Hawk with him all the time and sometimes Hawk accompanied him nude. My new slave boy Aaron was perfect. He was always ready in the morning to assist me in the bathroom and shower. When ever I didn't need him for something, he was always near my feet. He helped my other two with the cleaning. I figured someday I'd have other boys to do that too. Domestic Services were also an option for slaves.

On Wednesday, I informed the forty boys who would be leaving to work at an Agency. Not all were happy, but none had a choice in the matter. All knew the consequences of refusal. I also picked out the ten boys who would become virtual slaves to the Directors of the ISSI. Sandy had already chosen a Native boy he wanted. They would all go out on the Helicopter bring in another sixty boys from Class 4 facilities. Sandy and the eleven boys would go out Monday with the Wardens on their return to their facilities. They were due to arrive on Saturday for the Policy Meetings. I had already set up quarters for all 22 in the Admin building. All would also have a Slave boy to fill their needs even the female Wardens.

There we only six Female class 3 Jails. The rest being male only.

That would change in time. Someday both Males and females would be trained at all Training Centers.

I had the ISSI records of all the Wardens that were supposed to come to the meeting. Most of the Female Wardens were Lesbian and most of their female guards were too. Some were outright Butch Bitches. One I knew I would have problems with and had ordered that the Assistant Warden accompany her as well. The Women in question had been with ISSI for almost 25 years and had worked her way up from Security guard. She was only interested in rehab of her female charges. She wouldn't accept that all inmates weather male or female were now just Slaves.

Even though the Non disclosure contract would still be in effect, retiring her was not an option. She'd scream bloody murder as soon as she was retired.

When I asked Sandy his opinion he just said to do what is necessary.

That meant firing her and then quietly getting rid of her.

I talked to Mike and Steven and told them I wanted them to arrange an accident with witnesses for the Women. They both concurred it could happen on the tour all the Wardens would have as soon as they arrived. Steven said he knew just the place. I left it in their capable hands. I would be leading the tour so wouldn't know what would happen until it happened.

The Wardens arrived with the next load of inmates. They watched as each was stripped and those that did not have capsules were given both. Those that had the capsule already had the second capsule implanted. Then after given a short introduction were marched off to their cell blacks. The seven special Inmates were put in cells in the Admin building. They would be dealt with first.

It was a warm day so I took them all outside for a tour of what could be seen. I noticed Steven talking to the older women and sometimes it was a very heated conversation. It was obvious that, that particular Warden was not happy with what was going on with class 3 institutions.

We came to a place where six tunnels came together. There was also a short tunnel to an open excavation. I explained that the excavation was for a power and computer control center, but could not be worked on the Winter. I heard.

"Mame, you shouldn't go down there. It is very dangerous and slippery. I don't want anything to happen."

I looked and saw the women making her way down to the excavation.

I got every ones interest when I said shortly I'd show them how the computer controlled the movements of inmates inside the Jail.

I heard a short scream and when I looked Steven was half in and half out of the excavation. I ran down to him and pulled him out.

"Jesus Christ. You trying to get your self killed Steven?"

"She slipped and fell in. I went to grab her and almost went in after her."

I looked over the edge. Ms. Gordon was impaled on several rebar. One had gone through her neck. Even if I could have gotten to her she would be dead before I could get her off those rebar. I ordered Mike to take all the Wardens to the lounge in the Admin building. Ordered a construction crew over with a crane and man bucket. And the ordered my medic.

She would be sent to Edmonton for autopsy and probably cremation before being shipped to her next of kin.

Once everything was taken care of and statements from Steven and any others that had seen the accident were taken, I headed up to the admin building.

I went to my suite and changed out of my uniform. Aaron was right there to help me.

"Come along Aaron." He followed me one step behind as I went down to the lounge.

"Ms. Gordon is dead. I'm sorry; this was not the way I wanted this weekend to go. Is the Assistant Warden for Charmayne present?"

"Yes Sir. I'm Marlene Elsie."

"Effective immediately you are now Warden of Charmayne. Also from now on always promote from with in your institutions. Also you are no longer restricted in only having either male or female's guards. All institutions will have both."

"I already know that all of you are either Gay, Lesbian or Bi sexual. Make sure the guards you hire from the ISSI pool are the same."

This evening will be just a get to know you session. Tomorrow I will go over everything that is set down for all class 3 and eventually class 4 Institutions."

"Lastly for this evening, this is Aaron, my personal slave boy. He wasn't trained to be a Slave, but accepted it automatically. As far as I'm concerned that is what I want from everyone sent to one of the Training centers."

"Does that mean we will be training nothing but slaves from now on sir?"

"Yes it does. Any of you object to that you might find yourself on the outside looking in. Remember like Aaron you can all have as many Slaves as your own as you wish. Each of you will find a boy in your suites to handle any of your needs. Just don't hurt any."

I handed Aaron my empty glass. He bounced up and got me a refill and then sat back by my feet. It was not lost on any of the Wardens.

Sandy and Mike both made an appearance and we had a good evening of just getting to know everyone.

After getting to meet all of the Wardens I begged off for the night.

"Enjoy your evening. If you wish anything, just ask one of the Security Personnel and it will be delivered to your suite. I'll see you all in the conference room at 1300 tomorrow."

I left with Aaron one step behind.

As soon as I sat down I pulled Aaron onto my lap. He just snuggled up close.

"I like you Master. I'm glad you are my Master."

Even when I do this Aaron?" I reached down a gripped his small balls. I squeezed. At first Aaron just moaned and then yelped. I watched as tears formed at his eyes. I let go.

"Why did you stop Master? A slave must accept everything from their master."

"Why do you believe that Aaron?"

"My Father said slaves must always accept anything their Master did. He said in the old day Masters even used both boys and girls. It was his right as owner. You are my Master. You can anything Master."

"I think I would like to meet your Father Aaron. He is obviously a very different type of man."

"He is a teacher Master. He works at a University. My Mom said he is very unpopular because of his views about Slavery and other things. I'm scared he will hate me now coz I like to be your Slave Master."

Well if his views are getting him in trouble maybe I should hire him to be an instructor. Do you think he would?"

"I don't know Master."

"Well we can talk about that tomorrow. Come on lets go to bed."

"Yes Master." He didn't sound happy about that.

"You don't sound happy about going to bed with me Aaron?"

"Master, you are real big and it hurts."

"Well I'll go slow Aaron. Just something you will have to get used to."

"Yes Master."

We went to the bathroom and after cleaning each other out, had a long hot shower. After we went to my bedroom. Aaron got more scared the closer we got.

"On your back boy."

For all his worry, he seemed pretty loose as I put cream on the inside of his hole. He pulled his legs back. As I pushed the head of my cock at his hole it slipped in easy. I continued the pressure as I watched his face. His teeth clamped shut and his eyes were squeezed tight. A low groan escaped his lips. As I pushed harder he screamed. I continued until I hit the top of his canal. I stopped. God he was so hot and so tight, I just wanted to ream his hole. Instead I just stopped, leaned over and licked his tears.

"You tell me when you are ready Aaron."

The way his internal muscles were squeezing and pulling at my cock I didn't need to fuck him to get off. His manipulations were bringing me up real fast.

Suddenly, I felt him relax.

"Okay Master."

I only made three short strokes when my cumm coated the inside of his hole. His eyes snapped open and loud moan escaped his lips.

Now slick with my first load I started to speed up. It only took three strokes and my cock was fully inside his hot and tight hole. The only sounds were his yelps and moans along with my balls slapping his ass.

I got to the point where I was slamming into his ass. His whole body moved with each jab into his hole. When I again filled with my second load I stopped. As I pulled out his ass seemed to hold my cock and on exit a audible pop could be heard.

He quickly turned and sucked and licked my cock clean.

"Go clean yourself out boy."

He bounded off the bed and into the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out and climbed back into bed.

"How are you Aaron?" I said as I pulled him close.

"I'm okay Master. It only hurts a little."

"Well I imagine in time it won't hurt at all Aaron."

"Okay Master." He didn't sound convinced.

Too bad. He'd just have to get used to me like any other boy or slave I chose to use.

Aaron was back to his self in the morning, happily helping me shower and dress. He even served my breakfast as the others watched. He was only my slave and didn't help the others. He made sure I had coffee as I sat to look over the new intake.

I left them all for Mike to handle and looked at the seven special inmates. They were only special in that they had rich or powerful parents. Well they were no different in my eyes and would accept that they were now Slaves or they would follow the Senators Son. It was simple, ISSI had sent them here and ISSI had already decided their fate. All I was left with was training them.

The last special was different. He was a fairly big boy for sixteen and had a great pair of tits. In fact, except for the big set of balls and near five inch soft cock looked like a girl. He/she I would deal with later. I really had no idea what to do with him/her.

After figuring out everything that should be done at all facilities and reviewing everything, I called Steven to my office along with Gerry, Henry and Hawk.

"To begin with, you three boys are now considered instructors here at the Pines. That doesn't mean you won't have to do tricks if I say so, all it means is you will be deflowering by force if necessary any boy that is a virgin in here. In the last intake there are almost 40 of the 60 that proclaim they are straight. You three with the help of a security guard will fix that problem."

"Steven you can assist them yourself or assign a guard to assist them. You three can start with the six special inmates in the cells here in the Admin building. Leave the She male until later. I'm not sure what to do with him/her."

"Make sure they are all trimmed to Standard. You can bring them here or take that horse down to the cell block."

"Before the first week is out, I don't want a single virgin boy here at the Pines."

"As much as I would love to help you boys out, I will assign Sgt. Milligan to assist you. He is very good at handling boys who think they are better than anyone else."

"Jake, could we clean out one of the cells here to use. Just take out the bed and put the horse in. That way we would have a full bathroom too. Also it is under cams too, so what happens could be recorded. Some of the video could be used later in classrooms to show boys they don't have any choice." Henry asked.

"Very good idea Henry. Go to it boys. I expect at least two done by the time I get back from my conference."

The conference went very well. All knew of the up coming changes to the Government and what would happen afterward. All knew that they had almost god like control over everything that happens inside there own facility. They also knew I had total control over them. What policy I set would be done in all the same.

We broke for refreshments for an hour. I called everyone back.

"Now I have a problem dropped in my lap that I am not sure what to do. I have received a She male. The reason I call it a she is that although she has a perfect and well endowed set of male sex organs, everything else about her is female. She even looks like a girl."

"The first thing you need to determine sir is weather she he believes they are male or female. Sex change operations are very easy from male to female. All boys changed are of course sterile but all girls will be sterilized anyway. However the change the other way doesn't work well."

"They could also be left the way they are. After all these centers are now training centers and I'm sure most would be happily received by most customers, having something different might be worth more."

No one said anything else and I was about to end the conference.

"Sir there is another possibility, although I doubt my Friends here would agree. She/he could be given a set of both organs. You say she already has a perfect set of male organs, so all the operation would need was a set of Female as well. There are perhaps millions of children born with both. What would the difference be, most of those born with both are allowed to grow before they are changed to one or the other."

That was food for thought.

I dismissed everyone and told them to enjoy anything the Pines had to offer.

Sandy and I headed for my suite. I was curious on how my boys were getting along. As soon as we entered Aaron stripped off the shorts he had on and then got both Sandy and myself a drink. I rubbed his head as he sat down near my feet.

"I think that boy may just love you Jake."

"Maybe, but he sure hates it when I fuck him."

"Well most would hate that log you have between your legs Jake." He laughed.

I was about to ask Sandy something else when the boy that the boys had just fucked was paraded out of the bedroom. He was crying and being held by Henry and the security guard.

They stopped when they saw Sandy and me.

"Well boy, how are you now?" I asked.

"It's not fair Sir. I don't even like boys. I got a girl friend." He cried.

"Do you know why you are here?"

"Coz my Dad turned me for stealing his car. He said I needed a lesson."

"What's your name boy?"

"Allan Stevens Sir."

I saw Sandy sit up immediately. I keyed his name into my computer. Didn't tell me much, only that he had been turned in by his father for stealing his limo. The boy got two years from the courts.

"What does your Father do Allan?"

"I'm not sure Sir. He's on the board of some company. I know he is away lots."

Sandy walked over and keyed my computer. Holy fuck. The boys had just raped the Son of a board member of ISSI. What the fuck did that mean. His father must have known his Son would end up a slave.

"What does this mean Sandy?"

"Exactly what the board wants. All criminals caught are to be trained as Slaves. He is no different than any other."

"Allan, you father has as much as deleted you from his life. The courts said two years. In reality you are now a slave for life. You will be trained to serve those you wronged by your criminal act. Do you understand son?"

"I knew my Father hated me, but I guess he really didn't want me." He bawled his head off.

"For now Allan we will keep you here in the Admin cells. Later after you have accepted your new position in life we will put you back in the general population of the Pines."

"I guess I don't have much choice anymore Sir."

"No Son you don't. Take him back to his cell and bring up the she male."

I showed Sandy the picture in the records of Christian Walker. In brackets after his name was Christie.

"Holy fuck Jake. You are right he does look like a girl except for that very nice cock and balls."

"Yeah I'd hate to remove those." I was surprised he had two guards holding her him when they brought her in. They had cuffed her with his her hands behind his back. I had to get away from calling him a her.

"Well Christian, how are you doing?"

"I'm Christie. I am not a boy." She said defiantly.

"Really." I got up and walked in front of him.

"The only thing that denotes you as a girl are these." I gripped one of the tits.

They were firm and real. He moaned as I played with them. When I flicked one of the nipples he/she started to get hard. I let go of his tits and gripped his cock. That made him moan even more as he got instantly hard.

"This tells me you are a boy with good looking tits."

"I don't want to be a boy. I know I am a girl."

Hard he had a good 7 inches and was fairly thick.

"Well for now I'll call you Chris. That's both a boy and girl name."

"Do you know why you are here?"

"Coz I injured a John that was going to rape me."

"Why should that have mattered Chris? You were a street boy. You screwed your way through half the population of Buffalo. So a guy wanted to fuck you. From your records you were a very well paid hooker."

"But I never took it in my butt. Yes I fucked lots of guys and girls, but I wasn't a boy so all I was doing was trying to save for an operation."

"You know Chris, if you had let it happen you could have charged him with rape. He'd be the one in jail now not you."

Chris never said a thing.

"Chris, there some things you need to know right from the start. I can and will do anything I like with you. As far as I'm concerned at the moment you are a boy. As such you don't have any choice in what happens next. I might sometime in the future grant your wish to become a girl, but until then you will act as any boy slave in here. That means these three boys are going rape you with my permission. You no longer have any rights or protections. Maybe if you had only scratched that John you might not have been in here, but by ripping one of his eyes out you got yourself a life sentence as nothing more than a sex toy slave."

Chris was crying as I finished.

"Take him and deflower him. I'll do him when you are done boys."

That's when he started to scream. The boys just dragged her into the cell and closed the door. His screams were hardly heard.

"Might like to do him too." Sandy laughed.

"Thought you took a native boy? He not pleasing you Sandy?"

"On the contrary. He is far better than even Hawk. Hung better too."

"I'm beginning to wonder Sandy. A lot of boys have had nothing before really in their lives. I wonder if becoming a Slave has given some boys a purpose. Maybe this will be easier than we think."

"Those ten I chose for the Director's were quite happy."

"Rawly, the boy I picked was happy as well. I'm not sure if they understand everything, but I am also sure they will find out real quick what it means to be a slave."

"Do you actually plan to make Chris a girl?"

"I was thinking of making her/him both."


Next: Chapter 10

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