The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 26, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 8

When Gary walked into my office, he didn't look much like his picture in my computer. He had a lot more hair in his pubes, and his cock was pushed forward by a fairly large set of balls. He was also more toned. I swung the cam on my computer around and took a new picture and updated his file.

"Relax Gary. I have a few questions for you."

"Yes Sir."

"You look almost native, but are not."

"No Sir. I am Texmex. My Father was Mexican and my mother white."

"Is that the reason you got into a fight in school and ended up in here?"

"Partly Sir. My Dad was a Mexican National, but got a good job in Laredo. The Mexican Government recalled him to the Army, but he refused to go. When the kids at school found out they called him a coward. Then one day they found out my Mom was white and called her a whore. I beat up the boy that called me the Son of a Coward and Whore Mother."

"You beat him pretty badly Gary."

"Well I'd do it again Sir."

"So would I son."

"You know your case is under review?"

"Sir the judge sentenced me to four years, two here and two in a Class 2."

"I know what happens in a Class 2 Sir. I guess if I am going to get raped, I might as well have it happen in here."

"If you say you want it Gary, it's not called rape."

"Sir, I really don't want it to happen, but I know if it happens in a Class 2 I'll fight and probably get killed. So I might as well just let it happen. Hawk said if I cooperated, you could help me. So I am going to cooperate."

"Very well Gary. Henry take Gary and trim him up and shave him. You know how everyone is supposed to be. Bring him back when you are done. No playing Henry."

"Yes Sir. Come on Gary." The headed for my bedroom.

Damn the kid turned me on and I knew I would be the first cock he had in his butt, but needed to slow down. I walked out of my office and down to the suite Harry was in. I found him watching TV.

"On you back boy."

Harry stripped off his shorts and was on the bed quickly. I undressed and climbed on the bed. Ready or not, I just rammed my cock into his butt. He yelped when I entered him but soon was in nirvana as I fucked his snug hole. Negro asses seemed to be so smooth inside. I loved it. He did too if his moans told me anything. After coming twice I pulled out and he was sucking my cock. I let him suck me off before I just stood and dressed. I walked out without a word.

Now more relaxed I mixed myself a drink and waited.

The power I held in my hands now was intoxicating. I could without thought grab any boy in here fuck his brains out without any backlash from anyone. Refuse and you could end with their brains splattered on the floor of an isolation cell. There were thousands of boys in Class 4 institutions waiting for space in a class 3.

That thought reminded me of something else. I keyed Mike in the intercom.

"Yes Sir."

"How many spaces available now at the Pines?"

"Twenty two Sir."

"Notify Edmonton that we'll take 25 new ones. The extra three we'll turn into Boy toys as soon as they arrive."

"Yes sir."

"How soon until the new cell blocks will be ready for the boys under contract?"

"Number one will be ready by Friday. The second about 3 weeks Sir."

"Okay as soon as that first one is ready move all boy toys into it. They can get their assignments from their computer access."

"Very good sir. We can get the new Security officers into the Temp quarters in the Admin building."

"Come over to my office in 30 minutes."

"Yes sir."

A few minutes later Henry and Gary came out. Gary looked that much more delectable.

"You ready for what's about to happen Gary?"

"Sir, I'm not sure anyone can really be ready. I know Henry's cock is going to really hurt."

"Henry, I know I promised you, but you will have the next boy. I'm going to take your virgin ass Gary."

I pulled a set of cuffs from my desk, along with a ball gag.

"Henry, get the plastic sheet and lay it next to my desk." No use taking chance of getting my carpets soaked.

I walked to Gary and gripped his cock. He got hard.

"Your customers will really like this Gary."

Gary was starting to shake.

"Hands behind your back Gary." I cuffed him.

Then shoved the ball gag in his mouth and tied it behind his head. I was surprised I wasn't even hard yet.

I was still soft when I was undressed. Soft I had a little more than six inches. Gary looked relieved when he saw my cock. I wondered his reaction when I was hard.

"Well Henry, I guess I need those wonderful lips of yours love."

Henry giggled and was on his knees sucking my cock almost instantly. Both Gerry and Henry were the best cocksuckers in here and he didn't take long until I was rock hard. He sat back and smiled.

Gary screamed a long drawn out no when he saw my ten inch fuck stick.

He was shaking so bad I thought he might pass out.

Henry went over to Gary and grabbed him.

"Its not so bad. Only at first it hurts. Once he is in it feels real good."

Henry seemed to calm him down, especially with him jacking Gary's cock as he talked.

I indicated the edge of my desk and Henry guided Gary to it talking all the time.

"You got to really relax and push hard like you got a big shit coming. Makes it real easy." The lies just slipped off Henry's tongue.

Henry tan and got a cushion off one of the Couches. He laid on my desk.

"Okay Gary lean over and grip the other edge real hard. Don't let go."

I watched as Gary did as Henry said. He was much more relaxed. He even moaned as Henry smeared his crack and pucker with lube.

"Go around and hold his hands Henry." I said as I lubed up my cock. As soon as my cock touched his pucker he tightened up.

"You have to relax Son or this is going to really hurt. Think about what would happen if one of those foot long Negros were doing it to you."

"Push, push hard."

I felt him relax just a bit so I just rammed my cock into his hole. The head went in past his tight rings and even with the gag his howl I was sure could be hard all over the Admin building. He also clamped down on the head of my cock so hard it hurt.

At this point I couldn't pull out or go in, he gripping my cock so tight.

I knew he couldn't continue to grip my cock so tight, so just waited.

The moment I felt them relax, I rammed my cock deeper. His scream was like a banshee, but he couldn't stop me now. Even as he tried to clamp down again my cock slowly entered his tight hole.

I backed just a little and then pushed again. Each time he howled more. I got about seven inches in him before I hit the top of his canal. I just stopped. I was sweating like crazy. Fucking a virgin was hard work.

I grabbed his hips and did three quick short thrusts. I didn't care anymore if it hurt or not. His very hot canal was just what I wanted now, As his canal contracted around my cock I started to speed up. Thrusting hard in and slow out. I wanted all my cock inside him and I was not stopping until he had all of me.

As I blew my first load into him my cock penetrated his upper bowel. He howled once and dropped faint. I never even slowed down. Just hammered his tender chute. Finally too tired to continue I pulled out. My cock was covered in blood, so I knew I had probably ripped something. He wasn't bleeding from his hole so I figured it wasn't too bad. "Come on Henry. Take him."

While Henry fucked his ass I cleaned my cock with tissue.

"Thought that was what you were doing from the screams Sir." Mike said as he came in.

"When Henry is done, you can do him too."

Henry pulled out and there was a rush of cumm and blood streaming from Gary's hole. Mike never even hesitated just rammed his thicker cock into Gary. That brought him out of his stupor and he cried again.

We took turns for the next hour until we were all fucked out.

By then Gary was just limp on my desk.

I called my Medic up to check Gary out. After fucking him, he coated the inside of his puffy rings with salve.

"He should be good to go Sir."

"Take him down and clean him out. If he is okay, you can let the guards use him. Bring him back up tomorrow."

"Yes Sir. Thank you."

Henry cleaned up the plastic mat and put it away, while Mike and I sat and had drinks.

"The rumors are true Sir. You really do have a monster." Mike laughed.

"Well I think you are thicker Mike."

"You think he will come around. He didn't look very happy." "Well he asked for it. If he had done as I said, he wouldn't be in as much pain and I probably wouldn't have ripped his insides."

"You going to do all the straight boys the same way?"

"Yes, but I think I'll use an isolation cell. Wish I had something to tie them to."

"Can I use your computer Sir?"

"Go ahead Mike."

Mike spent some time on my computer and printed off several sheets. He handed them to me. After looking them over.

"Should do nicely Mike."

"I'll have the construction crew rig up a couple. And put them in the Isolation cells."

"So where did you find that little Native boy?"

"He found me Sir. He just walked up to me one day and asked me to fuck him. Now he'd be on his back 24/7 if I let him."

"Funny part or not so funny is that most of the Native boys although they claim they are straight have had cocks in their butts long before they come here. Most of the Negro boys have done guys before too."

"I think that's because there is a lot of incest on Native reserves."

"That's what my boy said too. He got screwed when he was ten by his brothers."

"Could also be a reason why there is such a high crime rate among Natives and Blacks."

Mike left and I went back to work. I didn't do any more boys for the weekend. The construction crew built me three of the horse affairs Mike had given them plans for. I'd wait to test the one they delivered to my office for when Sandy was here. Maybe he'd like to deflower a virgin straight boy.

The weekend was quiet. I did pull in almost 3 grand from tricks. The boys were definitely working for me.

Sandy could take out my cash and vouchers when he left. I had near 100 grand already. The vouchers were on demand cash tickets. They were as good as cash. Most of the Construction crew didn't have cash, so used the voucher to pay for tricks.

They could be deposited just like cash.

Sandy arrived with the 25 new inmates. Three were put in lockdown in the admin building. They would be the first to see the Horse.

After Sandy got settled he came in with his usual bulging brief case. Gerry and Henry greeted him like a long lost brother. Hugging him and welcoming him. Gerry got him a drink and then sat waiting.

"They must be glad to see me Jake"

"Always good to see you Sandy. They just feel the same way I do."

"You might as well get your assistant warden and the senior NCO in here. Then you won't need to repeat anything."

I summoned both and after they had a drink Sandy started his spiel.

"There have been lots of developments in Washington."

"This an election year and neither party want any thing that might muddy the water in their campaigns."

The Chairman of ISSI had a long talk with the President and both agreed that the Worthington kid should just quietly disappear. Not kill him that they both wish had happened when his father had died. I think keeping him here would be best."

"He can become part of the Agency here at the Pines."

"Perfect Jake."

"Speaking about the Agencies, how many boys here now are available to sign contracts?"

"About forty. Although some of those should be kept here another couple of months. Not all the boys doing tricks like what they are doing and are only doing it to get their capsules deactivated."

"Well there has been a change in that policy too Jake. Although they will not have a record in the National Data banks in any country, they will still have a record in ours. Also although Their locator beacons will be deactivated to all police forces, we will still be able to track them. The Board feels that deactivating their beacons will allow them to just take off when they leave here."

"I thought of that too actually."

"Now the big one."

"During the last elections over all three Countries, barely 26 percent of eligible voters cast ballots. That means that over 75 percent of voters don't care who governs them, as long as the crime rate is low and they are free to make money and live a happy life. In the next election there will be only one party they can vote for. Probably in less than four years The United States, Canada and Mexico will be one Country in both Name and government."

"When that happens and it will, the ISSI will have total control over every criminal in North America and a seat on the Governing body."

"When that happens all prisoners now in prisons and any future prisoners will lose all their rights. Even those in Class 4 institutions."

Except for those that are doing time for minor infractions, all will be sent to Class 3 once they reach sixteen. Every single inmate sent to a Class 3 will be trained to become a sex toy. No exceptions. If they refuse they will be sent to a Class one for termination."

"You are talking virtual slavery. No government could get away with enslaving every 16 year old boy in prison."

Sandy pulled out a paper from his briefcase and handed it to me.

"That part is to start immediately."

The paper Sandy handed me was an order to the ISSI signed by the President of the US and Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada. It gave the ISSI the authority to train or terminate any prisoner now held in any class of institution if those prisoners refuse any policy set by the ISSI.

"What does all that mean for here at the Pines?"

"You can take the Corrections part out of the name. You can insert Training in its place. The Pines will be a transit place for all Agencies. Either they accept the training or they get transferred. No exceptions."

"Jake you can hire even from inside inmates to assist in training. If they accept they can be given exemptions."

"The meeting I was in at ISSI Head office put it in Plain words. He said the Presidents and Prime minister all said they could see a day when every free household in North America had an affordable slave to menial tasks or sex or body tasks when ever they wanted it."

"Simple. Slavery is coming back and nothing you or I can do about it. We either accept what's coming or go down."

Sandy handed each of us a paper to sign.

It had my name at the top. Then Chief Operation Officer Class 3 Institutions.

Then a long list of my duties and rules I must follow.

At the bottom was a line for my signature and date.

Another line for witness.

I read it again, got up walked to my desk and signed the bottom with the date and handed it to Sandy. Mike and Steven signed theirs too. It was simple either sign or be replaced and I doubted I would live long after if I didn't sign. I knew way too much to just let go.

Sandy signed his name as witness.

"I know you have been filling posts here with men you can trust. However all will have to sign similar agreements. I'm sure once they realize the power they hold over all incoming inmates all will sign."

Mike chuckled at that.

"Now the last thing I have to show we need to head outside."

We walked down stairs and out front of the Admin building. The first thing Sandy saw was the whipping post that was erected.

"I imagine those will get a lot of use, but use a belt. Don't want asny mark on our slave's bodies."

He pulled out a capsule from his pocket and handed it to me. It looked like a standard capsule.

'Set it on the ground about twenty feet out."

"All inmates get the standard capsule as usual, but this is inserted by air gun if they accept their status."

"they work in conjunction with their locator beacon. If a slave moves to far from his designated position, that is set at three miles at the moment, this is what happens." He pushed a control on his watch.

There was a bang and a puff of smoke. The capsule exploded.

"Jesus Christ!" Mike said.

"That would remove his balls and probably cock too." He said.

"Yes. Sure way to keep them inline isn't it?"

We all headed back inside.

After we had a drink, Gerry came up to me.

"Do we get one of those Sirs?"

"Not likely love. You and Henry are too special to me." "I brought a crate of them and a technician to insert them Jake. You can have any you are sending with me get them inserted. You might want to demonstrate them, just so thy know. Maybe use Jed."

"Good idea. Sgt Major, you can arrange it in the Recreation Center for tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

"Now is that Native boy I had last time available. I really enjoyed him."

"I'll get Hawk for you Sandy. Use him as you would like. I'll probably keep him as an instructor."

Sandy left to rest up and I sent Hawk to his suite.

"Mike, you and Steven pick out boys you think might make good instructors. We'll do a couple of more straight boys tomorrow. I'll let Sandy try the new horse affair they delivered here."

"You both can be here for that demonstration."

"Very good Sir." They both left me with my two boys.

Very quickly I had two boys sitting almost in my lap.

"I'm glad we're your boys Jake." Gerry said.

"I am very glad you are too. Just think, now you can be instructors too."

"Are all boys who come here now going to be slaves?"

"Yes Henry. Everyone who come here and are now here, won't have a choice anymore. All will be sex slaves or just household or body slave. They will have to do what you guys do now willingly." "Well we don't mind being your slave Jake."

I looked at the clock on the wall. 1530, lots of time till dinner.

"Come on my two little slaves, I want your cocks in me."

I sucked off Henry while Gerry plowed my ass and then they changed places. Henry rimmed me after he was done. I decided I needed to know what they found so good about rimming.

Can you boys get off again?"

"Sure Jake."

"Okay, Gerry I want you to screw Henry. When you are done I'm going to rim him."

"You don't have to do that Jake. It's just something we like." Henry said.

"Well I want to know what you like about it. Get to it Gerry."

I was surprised I liked both boys cumm even as it was licked up from their open holes. I could do this for them, but was still wary of licking up my own cumm. I would try it once later.

Both boys were in heaven I did them. After showers and getting inside and out, they went to get dinner ordered. They knew they could order anything from the Mess Hall and it would be automatically delivered.

While I was waiting I brought my list of boy toys and checked off those I would send out. All would get the new capsule and all would know they were just sex slaves now and forever. Any sentence was now a life sentence.

I also checked off some I would use as instructors. Hawk was among those names as well as my two boys. Most that I picked were bigger boys with bigger than average cocks. I'd compare what I had with what Mike and Steven came up with.

I phoned down to the Technician Sandy had brought with him. I told him to go the isolation cells and insert a new capsule in Jed.

Soon after Sandy came in with Hawk. Both were smiling so I knew Hawk had performed well for Sandy.

Dinner was Prime rib and real good. After we all sat and had drinks. I even gave Hawk a beer, the same as my boys.

"Hawk, how would like to be an instructor here at the Pines?"

"What does that mean Sir?"

"Say yes Hawk. Believe me; you won't regret your decision." Sandy said.

"Yes Sir." Hawk said.

"You'll learn more tomorrow at the Execution of Jed."

"Okay sir."

After two hours of talking Sandy took Hawk and headed for bed. I took my two for the same thing. We were pretty well tuckered out so just slept together.

After breakfast I had my boys put on their tight shorts and tops. They never said a word. I knew both loved them. Hawk came in with Sandy and I told him to put the ones on I gave him.

"Christ! They make him look good enough to eat." Sandy laughed. "So how many do you think will refuse outright?"

"Well I might have to shoot two or three."

I presume you will be using the mandated ammunition."

"No. I'll be using just mushroom head ammo. It's much more dramatic when the blood and brains are splattered on the floor than just have the prisoner drop."

"It sinks in quicker that I can do anything I wish."

"I'm not sure you can do that Jake. You have to follow the rules."

"Sandy, that contract you had me sign and you witnessed doesn't say one word about how I must run Class 3 facilities except that I now control every Class 3 facility. What I say goes in this one and as soon as I notify the others they will follow my guidelines. If I want to hang someone on piano wire I will and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The Board gave me the power and I'm going to use it."

"I think we created a monster." He laughed.

"Maybe, but my assistant and senior guard agrees. I don't care what anyone else thinks including you Sandy. Maybe you should have thought before you gave me the power."

"We didn't think about it because we didn't need too Jake. The board picked you even before I said what I needed to say."

'I was only commenting."

Right, lets go."

The Execution of Jed was set for 10:00.

All 289 inmates were lined up in rows in the recreation Center. The boy toys were on one side. Every guard lined the walls. A raised platform stood at one end. Jed was strung up on the platform. His arms were stretched above his head and his legs had been pulled wide apart. He had no expression on his face. His long cock and huge balls hung between his legs.

Too bad. I thought. He had been great in bed and I had loved his cock plowing my ass.

I walked out to the platform. Sandy followed and then Mike and Steven. Hawk and my two boys stood near the right of the platform.

I stepped up in front.

"Today marks a change in all your lives. Effective 01 January last year all your rights under and Bill of Rights in all three countries has been abrogated."

"That means you no longer have any rights under any bill of rights."

Also effective 01 January last year all your sentences have been changed from what ever the courts gave you to Life. Life of servitude to the people you wronged by your criminal act."

"This institution is no longer a correction facility but a training facility to teach you your new life as Slaves to those you wronged. That means you all will become household, body or sex slaves. You have no choice, so I suggest you accept it."

"No way! As soon as I contact my Dad I'll be out of here. You can't make me a slave." A boy yelled out.

"Bring him up here."

I knew him as soon as he was brought forward. His Father was a Senator in the Republican senate.

"Contact with anyone outside this facility has also been stopped."

Steven cuffed him and forced him to his knees.

"Any one else have something to say to me?"

There was dead silence in hall.

"You still refuse boy?"

"Fuck you. My Dad will have me out of here."


Steven walked up behind the boy. He placed his weapon an inch from the back of his head and pulled the trigger. The report made us all jump. The mushroom bullet did better than I expected. A small hole at where it entered the boy's brain but it blew off almost his entire face. Even one eye was left hanging by a thread. His body slumped off the stage into the blood and brains. A widening pool of blood marked his place.

Several boys puked. Some even cried.

I waited until everyone settled down.

All of you will either become Slaves or die. Steven has a lot more bullets. So chose now. You don't have a choice."

No one moved.

I didn't really blame them. What kind of choice for a sixteen year old boy is death or Slavery?

"I have one more thing to say before I let you go back to your duties. All of you will have another capsule injected into your body. It will be injected at the base of your cock, very near your ball sack. If you chose to run from here or anyplace you are assigned after you leave here it will explode and remove both your cock and probably balls as well. As long as you stay within three miles of your designated duty is will remain benign. Go outside that limit and this is what will happen."

Sandy pushed the control on his watch. Jed's balls and cock exploded in a mist of blood. He screamed and fainted. Everyone watched as he bled out.

"You are all dismissed."

I left with my boys and the rest behind me.

"Have them cremated Steven. Send their ashes to their next of kin."

"Yes sir."

"I thought that went rather well."


Next: Chapter 9

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