The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 24, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 7

After talking to Sandy I mixed myself a drink and sat in one of my comfortable chairs.

A few minutes later Henry and Gerry brought Danny in. They had done a real good job of trimming Danny's hair and even trimmed his pubes. He really was good looking. He came and stood in front of me. Damn I was instantly hard.

"How are you now Danny?"

"I'm fine Sir. Sir am I one of your toys now too?"

"Would it bother you if I said yes Danny?"

"Oh no Sir. I like to get in my bum and even like sperms in my stomach. All the boys here were doing me. They always gave me food so I liked them doing it."

"When did you figure out you were Gay Danny?"

"Well I didn't know that was what it was called until I got here. All the other times boys just called me a fag. I was sucking both my brothers since I was six. Jeff my older brother was thirteen when he did it in my bum. I really liked it so we did it lots. Then John Junior found out Jeff was fucking me so he wanted to too. It hurt when he did it the first time, but later it was good. They always did me whenever Dad was away. I even did lots of other guys they had over for parties."

"Danny, I have several rules that you must always follow. Do you know what the number one rule is at Pine Lake?"

"Yes Sir. Always do everything a guard tell s you when he tells you."

"That's right Danny. Now I have several extra rules for my toys. First of course if you want anything you always have to ask. I won't do anything you don't want. However after you ask me it is up to me what I do."

"Okay Sir."

I had a pretty good idea what he would ask for next, but I was sure he didn't know what he was getting himself into. I very much doubted either Gerry or Henry had warned him of exactly how big I was. I also knew in less than ten minutes Danny was going to get my cock in his butt.

When I looked at Gerry and Henry, they knew exactly what was going to happen to Danny.

"Now Son. What would you like to do?"

"Well I got to pay you for the food you gave me so I guess I'll suck you off Sir."

"You are going to have to ask Danny."

"Can I suck your cock sir?"

"You can try Danny." I stood up and started to undress. Gerry and Henry quickly grabbed my clothes and folded them.

"You are really big Sir."

I sat back down as Danny walked slowly up. He went to his knees.

"I can't suck you all sir, but it might fit in my bum."

"Well get it wet then Danny."

"Go get some lube." I said.

Gerry bounced out of the den and came back quickly with my super lube.

"Lube Danny up while he sucks."

Danny was doing a good job on my cock, but what I really wanted was his tight ass. My very favorite thing, young boys with very tight pusses.

"I like my boys to suck all of my cock Danny." I used boy hands to ram my cock into his mouth. He gagged and chocked on it. I let off the pressure.

Can't take eh. Well I guess your ass will." I pushed him off my cock and followed him down onto his back.

I lifted his legs and dragged him closer.

His eyes were real big and like a deer caught in the headlights. I applied pressure and his eyes snapped shut and he gritted his teeth. The bulbous head of my cock slipped in past his rings.

"You boys better hold him."

Gerry went to one side and Henry the other. They each took one leg and pushed down on his narrow shoulders. "Ready Danny?"

"Yes Sir." His voice was hoarse.

I just pushed with all my strength. God he was tight and his banshee scream told me he was as close to a virgin as any boy could get having my cock go into him. I was not surprised when my cock hit the end of his short canal.

It felt so good I just started to fuck him in short vicious strokes. Each stroke brought a wail out of Danny. Problem was I was still just getting a little more than 6 inches in his butt. It just wouldn't go into his upper bowel. I finally blew inside him.

Danny just laid limp crying. I couldn't go on so I slowly pulled out. No blood so I knew I hadn't ripped him open.

"Henry get me some salve."

I applied some salve to his very puffy hole.

"That's enough for now son. How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess Sir. It really hurts."

Well you will get used to it. I'll let Henry and Gerry use you for the rest of the day. Then you'll feel better."

I, some how doubted Danny would come to love a cock inside his butt. It was just a feeling. We would see. I knew many boys hated it at first but soon came to love it. Maybe Danny would come around. It didn't really matter to me. He would still end up a boy toy for his stay here weather he liked it or not.

"You boys can use Danny all you like. Make sure you screw him lots. I want him ready to work in a few days."

"Yes Sir." They both said.

"Go with my boys Danny. You said you wanted lots of cocks in your butt. So they are going to screw you all afternoon."

I was surprised he smiled at that. He probably wouldn't be smiling later.

I dressed and went back to work. I sorted all the stuff I could get Mike doing. Mostly supply requests, construction reports, Minor discipline reports. Stuff an Assistant Warden would normally do, but I had been doing. I put them in a tray with his name on them.

Now that I had less to do I could concentrate on what the Pine's really was. Sandy had explained it very carefully. Pines was a recruiting center for the Agencies. My real job was to line up boys willing to sign a five contract with an Agency to get their records cleared and their capsules deactivated. I would also run an Agency inside the Pines.

I knew what an Agency was looking for. Good looking boys who would be willing to do anything a customer asked as long as no damage was done to any boy toy. I knew some customers liked to act like the boy was just a slave and use belts or whips on them either before or after sucking and fucking. Some were into water sports and even scat I had heard, but would not train them for that here. I wasn't much into water sports or scat. I had no interest in even rimming, but knew some boys would love it. I had two boys who loved to rim even after they had screwed the ass they were rimming.

Time to find a few bigger boys, like Hawk and Harry. I figured I would use Hawk this time on my recruiting drive. I summoned him to my office,

I then called Steven and told him I wanted several of the straight boys all working together in one place. I told him what I planned. He laughed.

Hawk came in and waited for me to finish on the phone.

"So Hawk have you figured out what you are?"

"Yes Sir. I guess I am Gay. I really like what I am doing."

"You remember how I got you?"

"Yes Sir."

"How would you like to help get a few of the Straight boys?"

"Really sir. Does that mean you will be fucking me?"


Yes Sir. I'd like to then. You never fucked me before and I was hoping you would sometime."

"Well you might get a lot of cocks in your butt today and also need to suck a few cocks too."

"That's okay too sir."

It's going to be different this time Hawk. I'm still going to fuck you and you can suck me clean, but then I am going to leave you alone with those boys. Don't worry I'll warn them of the consequences of fucking you up.

"After I leave I want you to talk up to those boys. Lie to them if you have to, to get them to want to come up and see me. Even tell them all you get for being a toy."

"Cool Sir. We're bound to get a few."

I had him put on the same almost sheer tight shorts I had Gerry wear. Like Gerry he said he might well be nude. I adjusted his cock so it was in one leg. He got hard as I did it.

"Stay hard if you want Hawk."

We walked through the tunnels to one of the new Cell Blocks being set up for the boy toys. The guard met us at the entrance.

"The Straight boys are all on the top level. It's the only one with everything ready including cams and audio. The boys are cleaning the cells."

"Thanks Steven. I'll be down in a little while. Hook up a recorder to the Video Monitor. I want everything that happens to Hawk recorded."

"Yes Sir." He chuckled.

Remember Hawk, everything I do is just to make boys envious of your status or be more scared of what I can do."

"I know Sir."

We headed up stairs to the third level. Each level had cells for thirty boys. All were now just clear Lucite panels. The cells were the same as everyone else had.

When we walked in all the boys stopped working. I looked in a couple of cells. Everything was spotless.

Hawk stood beside me.

"You boys are doing a good Job." Thank you sir." One said.

I ran my hand over Hawk's cock. He shied back from my touch.

"Stand still boy. You don't like what I'm doing? Too fucking bad. You are nothing more than a play thing for me."

"But Sir." Hawk whined.

"You need some reinforcement boy." I dragged Hawk into a cell.

I just pushed down my pants and shorts. I pushed hawk over the bunk and ripped down his tight shorts.

"Please not here sir here."

"I'll do what I like anytime I like boy."

I just rammed my cock into his hole. He was lubed already. Surprise, surprise. He must have done it before he came to my office. He still squealed as I shoved my dick into him. After that he never spoke even though I could feel him pushing back on my cock as I fucked him. I didn't hold back, but came far quicker than I wanted too. After I blew, I pulled out, grabbed Hawks by the hair and dragged him onto my slimy cock.

Suck it clean boy."

After he was done I told him to pull up his shorts. He couldn't hide the huge damp spot in his shorts. I pulled up my shorts and pants.

"Okay, I got a meeting with the guards. I'll be back in a while. You stay here Hawk." Then tuned to the boys standing around.

"I'm leaving Hawk up here for now. Anyone does anything he doesn't want and you'll end up with your brains splattered on the floor of an isolation cell." I stormed out of the block and down stairs.

We watched the monitor.

Hawk slowly walked out of the cell where I had fucked him.

"I'm sorry you guys had to watch that. You must think I'm some kind of weirdo."

"Does he do that to you lots?" One of the boys said.

"Anytime he wants. Look guys, I'm not queer. Sure I get fucked in the ass and I got to suck guys off but I'm just looking out for my future."

"What do you mean?"

"Look you all know that capsule they put in our butts is permanent. Well it can be deactivated. The Warden promised me he'd deactivate my capsule when I leave here if I cooperated with him. It isn't all bad. I get paid to let guys screw me. Every time a guy does me, he pays the Warden and I get fifty bucks. I got the cash in my cell in his office."

You don't cooperate in here you don't get that capsule deactivated when you leave. That is the whole point of them capsules. The Government really doesn't want ex-cons on the street. So the capsule will tell them exactly where you are and what you are doing. You screw up even a little and they throw you back in jail. We'll all be eighteen so it will be a Class 2.

Now I don't got to worry coz I put out for the warden and my capsule will be deactivated. I know they can be coz two boys of the Warden already has their capsules shut off."

Now we got some time before the Warden gets back. Any of you boys want me to suck them off; I'll never say anything to anyone. You can even fuck me if you want. I don't mind doing it coz well I got to do it for others so I can help you guys out."

"How did he pick you?"

"You guys have been up to see him yet?"

All shook their heads.

"Well he is going interview you eventually and he'll ask you if you are interested. Be warned if you say yes, you are going to lose your virginity to one of his boys. The first time can really hurt if you fight it, but later you might like it. Doesn't mean your queer then. Just means you want that capsule shut off when you leave here."

Hawk walked to one of the boys that was obviously hard.

"I'll take care of that." He said as he went to his knees in front of the boy.

He didn't stop Hawk from pulling out his cock and sucking him.

After he did one he did all the rest. None wanted to fuck him.

"See guys, it's just a need. I knew most straight guys liked their dicks sucked. I did too before and now I don't mind doing it for you guys."

"You won't say anything?"

"Fuck no. Warden would be mad at me."

"But there ain't no cams working up here so you are safe and so am I."

They all visibly relaxed. "Well Steven, how many do you think I'll get from that little charade?"

"More than half of them I'm sure."

"Go get Hawk and bring him down."

I took Hawk back to my quarters.

"You look like you need some relief Hawk."

WE spent the rest of the afternoon fucking and sucking each other. Hawk definitely was salty, but I loved his taste. We showered and cleaned each other out.

We went out for Dinner. Danny, Gerry and Henry were already waiting.

"How are you doing Danny?"

I'm okay now Sir. You can fuck me anytime sir."

"Good boy. This is Hawk. I'm going to put you two together for now. He can bring you up to speed on what I expect from my boy toys. Until I say otherwise Danny, you will do everything Hawk tells you."

"Okay Sir."

Hawk took Danny back to his cell after dinner.

"Well what do you boys think of Danny?"

"He's as bad as us two Jake. I think he'll be on his back for Hawk as soon as they get in his cell. All he wanted was us to screw him. Took a bit to get him to do us."

"So I suppose you are both worn out now?" Fat chance of that. I knew these two could go all day and all night if I let them. We did enjoy a great night of just fucking. I still love Gerry's cock in my ass even though Henry was far and away bigger.

The boys went back to their housekeeping duties after breakfast. I went back to my work. Steven had dropped off a list of the nine boys that had been in the Cell Block for Hawk's little charade. I started to check their records. As I was looking at one of them I noticed the Silver SGT MAJOR badge on my desk. I grabbed it and headed for Mikes office. I also took the stack of Memorandum I had received lately.

Mike's Desk was as covered as mine.

"How are you doing Mike?"

"Fuck I didn't know there was so much paper work involved."

"Mike have you picked a replacement for the SGT Major's position? I don't want you wearing two hats."

"Yeah I have. I have not yet notified him. Steven is the best man for the job. I know he's young, but all the other Sgt's agree he is the best man."

"Might as well get him up here and get it done. I have something new from ISSI to discuss with you and him."

Mike keyed the prison wide intercom.


"You sent for me Sir." Steven said as he walked in.

"Yes, you are now Senior Security Officer for Pine Lake Correctional Facility."

"Sir, there are a few more Senior SSgt's than me."

"All have agreed you are the best man for the job." Mike tossed him his new badge of rank.

"Thank you sir."

"Okay sit down Steven, we have a lot to discuss."

"Peppi." Mike yelled.

A very cute and very well hung Native boy ran into the office.

"Yes Sir."

"Mix the Warden a scotch. Beer for you Steven?"

"Yes Sir."

"Beer for Steven and you know what I like."

After we had our drinks he just sat beside Mike on the floor. Mike ruffled his hair and he smiled.

"Nice looking boy Mike."

"He'd be on his back 24/7 if I let him." Mike chuckled.

I ordered Mike to dismiss the boy. After he was out of the room I explained the first part of my bomb shell to Mike and Steven."

"Five Thousand Inmates? What are we going to do to keep them busy?"

"Work Camps, Harvesting Timber. Any one who volunteers to work in a camp outside Pine Lake will be paid three dollars a day." "Now, this next goes no further than this office. There have been two developments. One is they caught our missing inmate and found out how he blocked his locator beacon. The second is that using that 20,000 volt punishment can become enjoyable after a while."

"Jed blocked his signal by wearing a lead lined underwear."

"Must have been uncomfortable. Where did he get the lead?"

"A normal construction material here. Its used around roof vents."

"He's not smart enough to come up with that on his own."

No. He had help from his last trick. He also had that trick many times. The IT specialist. He was caught and interrogated. He was executed in Washington holding Center. Jed's on his way back here for execution."

From now on anyone who runs and is caught will be returned to Pine Lake."

"Likewise the ISSI has mandated the Lash for minor infractions of the rules. A whipping post will be erected in front of the Administration building and in the Recreation Center for inclement weather or the winter time. Mike you will need to find one of the Sgt's to carry out the mandated ten lashes. Each subsequent violation the lashes are doubled.

Likewise after three such violations will get the inmate solitary. If he continues to defy authority he can be executed."

"You both know ISSI is in this business to make money. To date they have been losing money running Class 3 and class 4 institutions. Pine Lake is their answer. From now on no one will leave this Institution unless they are under contract to an Agency. That contract will be for ten years and those under contract will receive only 25 dollars per trick they perform. That includes the Agency that will operate inside Pine Lake." "What about the ones that refuse?"

I left that question unanswered. I just looked at Mike and Steven.

"No problem for me Sir. Those that refuse are probably going to the ones that would end up back in a class 2 or 1 anyway."

"There's going to be some very sore straight boys." Steven laughed.

"You can quietly let it be known that no one will be charged with rape in here ever, as long as they bring that boy into the fold so to speak."

"Mike in that package I gave you is a list of Security officers I know would love to come here. Also promote from within those that are here now. Those temps that came in, I know six have asked me to remain here. You can put them on Pine Lake payroll."

"Steven you can move into the Sgt Majors old quarters here in the admin building."

"Okay Sir." He got up and left.

"Damn there are a few of those Straight boys I'd love to fuck." Mike said.

"Well now you can do it without worrying about the Rape clause in your contract. Is that boy you have here permanent?"

"No, just until I tire of him."

"I hope he doesn't know too much Mike when you let him go."

"Never fear Sir."

I left Mike and headed for my office.

Gerry and Henry had lunch ready.

"You boys interested in deflowering a couple of straight boys today?"

"Really, you mean we get to screw a virgin boy?"

"That's what I said."

"That would be fun." Both boys giggled.

"Okay after lunch, Gerry, I want you nude. Henry put on some real loose shorts. I don't want the boy to know how big you are. You get to do him after Gerry."

Both were hard.

"You boys need to control your selves too. Don't want to scare him off too soon."

I called Steven and told him I would be interviewing those straight boys from yesterday. I told him to send two to my office. Have them nude and outside my office by 1330."

Steven gave me the names of the two boys, so I pulled up their records.

Jeremy Cartwright had been charged with raping a thirteen year old girl. I figured it was probably his girlfriend, but under the law it was still called Statutory Rape. He got two years and was added to the Sexual Assault Category, meaning he would carry the stigma of that rape charge for ten years after release. I was pretty sure he'd do anything to have that off his permanent record.

Jeremy was a typical 16 year old. Five foot 8 inches, 140 lbs. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes. Not a remarkable body by any means, but a nice bubble butt. He didn't have much hair in his pits or pubes. It looked like he had a four inch soft cock.

The second boy Gary Oldman was different in a few areas. He was five foot 8 inches but weighed near 155 albs. He was much more toned and developed than Jeremy. He also had a nice 4.5 inch soft cock and lots more hair. Black hair and brown eyes, but not Native.

He had been charged while in a Juvvy Center with Assault. He had beaten a younger boy pretty badly and had got himself a two year sentence with a review. That review would I was sure get him another two years in a class 2. The boy he had beaten almost died of his injuries.

Steven informed both boys were waiting.

"Send Jeremy in first."

Jeremy walked in and stood with his hands at his sides. All inmates had been at Pine Lake for almost 6 months so the nudity rule didn't bother most boys now.

"How are you doing Jeremy? You need not worry you have done something wrong. I interview all boys in here eventually. Anyone hitting on you?"

"I'm fine Sir. No one had done anything to me."

Jeremy did you actually rape that girl?"

"No Sir. She was my girlfriend and we had done it lots."

"Well you knew she was underage. You must have known what would happen if you got caught."

"Sir, her brother turned us in. She said in court she wanted it, but the courts just sent me here." "Did they tell you that you are now on the Sexual Offender's Registry for ten years after your release?"

His eyes got real big.

"No Sir."

Jeremy, there are ways around that registry."

"Yeah, Hawk said if I cooperated I could get my capsule deactivated. What would I have to do?"

I figured he already knew.

"The same as Hawk. Think you could do that Jeremy?"

He stood for a long time. I just sat waiting. I knew he'd go my way. That Registry was almost a death sentence for young guys. He couldn't take a chance to even screw anyone with that over his head. The courts looked for ways to get Sexual offenders of the street.

"I want to try Sir, but I'm scared everybody will think I'm a fag then. I'll probably get hit on by everybody then,"

"Not unless you want them to know Jeremy. Anything you say or do in this office stays in this office."

"Hawk said you could deactivate my capsule. Is that true Sir?"

"Sure is. Gerry, stand behind the screen." The screen was a portable fluoroscope.

Gerry stood behind the screen.

"See that bright spot on the screen. That's Gerry's capsule." After punching in Gerry's name into the computer I spun it around so Jeremy could see the NO RECORD flash across the screen.

"See his record is gone every where. It not even in our computers or any one else's. He could run now and there is no way to track him. You going to run on me Gerry?"

"Oh no Sir. I want to stay with you always."

"See Jeremy."

"Does it hurt?"

"I won't say there is no pain, but it depends on weather you want it to happen. If you cooperate the pain can be lessoned somewhat."

"I guess I do Sir."

I printed off the basic contract, not the one he would sign at the end of his sentence, but one to control him in here.

"Sign the bottom Son. You can read it first." He didn't, just signed his name.

"Do you remember the first rule here at the Pines Jeremy?"

"Yes Sir. Do exactly as you are told when you are told."

"Do you know what it means Jeremy?"

"If you tell me to do something, I got to do it."

"Very well Jeremy. Go over to Gerry. Get on your knees and suck his cock."

"I never done that before." He said as he walked to Gerry.

"Just kneel Jeremy, I'll show you how to do it. Mostly you got to watch your teeth."

Well it mat have been his first time, but from the way Gerry was reacting he was doing a good job.

"I'm going to come Jeremy, so just swallow. It won't hurt you."

Jeremy gagged as Gerry blew, but did swallow most of Gerry's spunk.

"Are you going to fuck me now?"

"Hey Jeremy, you got to give me time to recover, but Henry would like a BJ too if it's alright with my Master."

"You call him Master?"

"No but, I am his sex toy. So it fits." Gerry giggled.

"Jeremy if you want to suck off Henry, you are going to have to ask him."

"Can I suck your cock Henry?" Damn this was way too easy.

"Sure Jeremy, but I doubt you can take it all." Henry stood and dropped his shorts.

"Holy fuck. That's the biggest dick I ever saw."

Well he did try and as he moved around trying to get Henry dick all the way in his cute butt swung back and forth. Damn it turned me on. I don't think I ever did a virgin. Both Gerry and Henry had dicks in them before I did. Did I dare take him?

If I did, I couldn't do it here, not with that other boy waiting outside. Jeremy's screams would definitely scare him off.

"When he's done with Henry, Take him into your cell and close the door Gerry. You know what I want from you both."

"Yes Sir." Gerry said with a smile.

He was going to get to screw a virgin boy.

I honestly didn't thin Jeremy was going to be a problem. At least not while he was in the Pines. He might baulk when he found out he had to sign a ten year contract to be a fuck toy.

Jeremy actually smiled after he sucked off Henry. Gerry took him and headed for his cell.

"Guess you get to do the next boy Henry."

Henry put his shorts back on and sat down.


Next: Chapter 8

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