The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 19, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 6

Jerome went back to his cell block after breakfast the next morning.

Sam Fukazawa and Darren MacDonald I put together in Suite 3. If the Survey crew wanted a boy to use they would be the first. I also had Jed and Hawk. Sandy and Hank only wanted one boy in their suites. When Sandy left to go back it would give me another boy to sell to the survey crew. Almost all expressed their desire to have a boy at least one night while they were here.

Even before the Survey crew left the Construction camp started to arrive by heavy lift helicopters. It was a complete modular system. Each was set down on prepositioned blocks and hooked together. In less time than I thought possible the technicians arrived to wire and hook up the camp to the Facility power and sewage system. The Mess hall for the Construction Camp arrived last so some of these technicians ate in the inmate mess hall with the usual results. They were interested in boys to use.

That meant I spent everyday interviewing boys to add to the compliment of boy toys. Some were easy to recruit even without the prospect of having there records cleared. Others had to be almost forced.

Ninety percent of the construction crew was tradesmen. That meant all the labor was down by inmates. Add in the construction crews worked 12 hour days brought a lot of grumbling from the inmates. It also got several boys zapped by the guards when they refused to work. Pine Lake was more like a concentration camp than a jail and inmates were the slave labor.

Even with most of the heavy work done by machinery, there was always problems outside. It forced me to bring a dozen more Security Guards and they were put up in the Administration building until their new quarters were ready. Those quarters, plus the pads for the new cell blocks and tunnels were the first priority.

I wasn't sure that they could actually get the walls and tunnels done before the first snow, until I was informed that all the buildings and tunnel sections were prefabricated. As soon as the pads and trenches were ready the prefab sections would be brought in. During the winter the rest of the insides could be done.

I had actually forgotten about Tennyson until my Sgt Major reminded me his six weeks was up on Friday.

"I've never killed anyone before Sgt Major."

"That's alright Sir. I have done plenty of Executions. Where should it be done Sir?"

I knew the law said it had to be recorded on camera. I could do it the Isolation cell.

"I was originally thinking of doing it in front of all inmates as an object lesson. Is that even legal though?"

"All the rules say Sir is that it has to done in the prescribed manner. Nothing says that it has to be done in private. I think you are right. It would make a very good object lesson. I very much doubt anyone else would get killed in here after seeing what happens to Tennyson." "Very well, Get all inmates including the boy toys in a hollow square in front of the Administration Building at 1500 Friday."

"Yes sir."

Both Gerry and Henry knew what happened to Sing and who did it, but both looked at me with a question in their young eyes.

"Are you really going to shoot Tennyson?"

"I don't have any choice boys. The courts convicted him of Murder and ordered me to carry out his sentence." I handed them the Death Warrant.

"Is it the same as what would have happened to me?" Henry asked.

"Yes love it is, but you don't need to worry about that anymore. Neither of you is in any record now."

"How come?" Gerry asked.

I took both to my desk and typed in their names. Both came up with no Record Found in the computer.

"Remember what Sandy did while he was here. Those capsules are now deactivated. So to the Computers you no longer exist."


All work stopped at 1400 hours Friday. The boys turned in their tools and stripped before being paraded in front of the administration building. All the boy toys were the same. Only Gerry and Henry had shorts and T-shirts on. They weren't prisoners anymore. Instead I had them wear their very snug silk shorts. Henry by necessity had shorts with longer legs, other wise his cock would have showed out of one leg. Both looked good enough to eat and I knew I would later. Both had also come to love wearing them. I no longer cared about what the other inmates thought about my two boys. Anyone laid a hand on them and they would end up like Tennyson without a trial.

I walked out of the building and just stood waiting. Tennyson was brought out nude and cuffed. He never looked up.

The Sgt Major read the short transcript from his trial and sentence. He then read the verdict from the review panel.

"Have you anything to say before sentence is carried out?"

At most of the executions I had witnessed the man either pleaded for his life or said he was sorry. Tennyson said not a single word.


"Carry out the sentence Sgt Major."

Tennyson was marched out in front of all the inmates and forced to his knees. The Sgt Major walked up and placed his weapon an inch from the back of his head and pulled the trigger.

The ammunition used to execute were specially designed to break into four parts and bounce around inside the head. They never went right through. The bullet that entered Tennyson did not do as it was supposed to. The hole entering was very small but it went right through and blew off most of his face as it exited. Tennyson's brains and a good deal of blood splattered the ground in front of him.

Almost all of the inmates were instantly sick. Some I noticed got hard. I knew there was sadists every where in society so never gave it a thought. A very subdued inmate population was returned to their Cell blocks.

I took Gerry and Henry inside and poured both boys a stiff drink.

They had been okay until they took a sip of their drinks. Then both bolted for the bathroom. It was a long time before they both came out. I pulled both boys close as they cried. Neither ate any dinner and I took both boys to bed early. We just cuddled together to sleep.

In the morning I didn't plan on doing anything all day. Just relax with my two boys.

AS we sat with our second cup of coffee the Sgt Major came up.

"What can I do for you Sgt Major?"

"Tennyson has been placed in a body bag and will go out on the next chopper. There is also a guard that wished to speak to you Sir."

"Good. Send him up anytime."

"He's waiting out side now Sir."

"Must be important. Bring him in."

I knew him immediately. He had once been a boy toy at an Agency. I had had him over several times and he was a great fuck.

"Steven, it has been a long time."

"Yes Sir. I want to thank you for transferring me here."

Steven was the exception to the rule that Asians were for the most part smaller than whites or others. He was a solid six foot tall and had a solid seven inch cock and massive balls. I had had him from the Agency many nights and enjoyed his cock both ways many times.

I hadn't noticed that another boy had come in until Steven spoke up.

"Sir this is Thomas Lee."

Lee was a typical Asian boy. I doubted he was more than five feet tall and weighed more than 100 lbs. Along side Steven he was almost a midget.

"I'm listening Steven."

"Well Lee's sentence is up in April and he has told me he doesn't want to go. To be honest I don't want him to go either. Is there any way he can stay here?"

"Well unless he does something that will get him more time, then in reality my hands are tied."

"Well he told me he would do something that would get him more time, but I don't want him to get in trouble." From the looks in Steven's eyes I knew he loved the small Asian boy.

I chuckled to myself. I knew what I could do.

"Thomas, come over here Son."

When he got close I pulled even closer and leaned down and whispered to him. When he moved back he shook his head no. I whispered to him again. He stood back and just looked at me.

"Do you know what rule number one is around here Lee?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well then do as I told you."

Lee walked slowly back to Steven. He stood a moment and then balled his fist and hit Steven in the stomach.

"What the fuck." Steven said.

"LEE! That was a very bad mistake on your part. Assaulting a guard is one of the worst things you can do in here. By the authority granted me by the courts you are sentenced to remain at Pine Lake until your eighteenth birthday."

It took Steven all of a half second to understand what I said then he picked up Lee and hugged him.

"I concur Sir." The Sgt Major laughed.

Just from the way they held each other I knew they loved each other.

"Well all of you sit down. Gerry drinks."

"Thank you Sir. Thank you very much."

"The only way you can keep him longer than eighteen is if you marry him Steven."

"Yes Sir. We both want to get married."

After everyone was seated and had a drink.

We talked about the days gone by and all three boys were in stitches from some of the Stories.

"You mean you were once a boy toy too." Henry asked Steven.

"Sure was Henry. I was recruited off the street by the Agency. I didn't come from a jail like most boys. Still had a great time and the Warden was one of my favorite customers. After my Contract was up I applied to become a Guard and your man here got me on payroll. I very much thank him for that."

After a couple of hours all three left and Gerry, Henry and I spent a quiet day.

A very much more subdued and cooperative work force went back out Monday morning. With really good weather it wasn't long before sections of the connecting tunnel system and cell blocks were starting to arrive.

However I had a problem. I had to stop recruiting boy toys because I was out of space to hold them. I couldn't send them back to their cell blocks without risking their very lives. I finally talked the construction super and ordered the two specialized barracks be given priority.

I had thought everything was going good. The Construction was actually ahead of schedule, there were hardly any complaints from the crews working outside and I had not heard a peep from the pleasure boys. If you think something is too good to be true, it probably is.

Sunday was still the only day everyone was free to do as they wanted. None of the pleasure boys were needed either. One of the things I did was invite a few of the boys to my suite. On one particular Sunday I was expecting Jed and Harry along with Hawk. Only Hawk showed up and I didn't see either Harry or Jed all day. It never crossed my mind that something was wrong.

Monday morning I had barely finished my breakfast when my Sgt Major walked in.

"Sorry Sir, but we have a problem. Kincaid never showed for his appointment this morning and Kelsey hasn't been seen since Saturday night."

"Harry and Jed both missing? They couldn't have run. That would have been stupid. They both would have been out of here free and clear in less than 18 months."

"Sir we also came up three sets short of coveralls and socks for the outside crew."

I knew only one set was available for the crews each day.

I walked to my office and brought up Jed's records. His locator beacon was not showing. Harry's on the other hand showed him to be in the Administration building, but not in his assigned cell.

"Search the Admin building. Harry is here somewhere."

"What I don't understand is why Jed's locator beacon is not on. Can those be shielded some how?"

"Not as far as I Know Sir."

I ordered the entire institution searched on the off chance Jed was hiding someplace.

I sat and looked at all the tricks Jed had done over the last few weeks. No alarm bells went off. I also checked Harry's. Harry was finally found in the Attic of the Admin building. He had been tied and beaten. From the looks of it he had also been kicked in the nuts. After getting checked over by my Medic he was brought to my office. He smelled.

"Gerry, you and Henry take Harry and clean him up."

The search turned up nothing, so I knew Jed was on the run, but without that beacon I couldn't tell which was he went. I informed the RCMP of his status but couldn't give them a transponder code so all they could do was watch for him. "What happened Harry?"

"Well me and Jed got back from our tricks about 2200 Saturday night. He said he had found a real neat place to go. He took me up to the attic. He said there no cameras so we could do some of the stuff we used to do on the street. He liked to role play Master and Sex slave. I kind of liked it too so I let him tie me up. He screwed me and then whipped me with a belt. After while he gagged me and then called me a pussy boy. He kicked me in the nuts.

"He sat down and told me he was leaving. He said he had money and every thing he needed to get away, even a way to block his beacon. Then he called me a pussy again and kicked me the nuts again. I guess I passed out, coz he was gone when I woke up."

"I'm sorry Sir. He took the money from my trick too."

"Not your fault Harry."

"Gerry take Harry in and let him rest in your cell."

"Well at least we know he's running. I wonder how he blocked his beacon. Steven check with the IT guys up here with the construction crew and see if they know anything and interview his last trick too."

We could find nothing out even after interviewing every one of his tricks. Jed had just disappeared.

My report to ISSI brought an immediate response. Both someone from their legal department and from R&D were on the way to the camp.

One of the main reasons those capsules were put it was because an escaped convict could tracked and picked up real fast. Now if there was some way to block that signal, R&D had to figure out how and correct the problem fast. The investigator from ISSI immediately suspected Harry, Jed's cell mate. His interrogation was done in one of the Isolations cells so his screams were not heard. He ended up a blubbering wreck, but was cleared of any wrong doing. It was two weeks before he was fit enough to continue doing tricks.

The other man under suspicion was the IT tech that was Jed's last trick and several before. He had already left the Pines after his contract was up. A warrant was put out for his arrest and interrogation.

The R&D Tech wanted to check every capsule in the Pines. To do that each prisoner was strapped to a table and very thick probes was shoved up his ass and next to his prostrate. It checked each circuit in the capsule. None were found to defective. It was a very painful inspection especially for some of the Straight boys who never had something so big up their butts.

Both eventually left and things went back to normal.

The first snowfall of the winter fell on September 21st. That brought all outside work to a standstill, except for snow removal crews. They had to keep the pad and paths to the main equipment building cleared. The snow removal crews were given parkas to wear over their orange coveralls.

All the finishing work continued so everyone was still kept busy including the Pleasure boys which now number at just under fifty. They were kept busy too. Most did a trick at least once a day and sometimes two or three. Keeping 200 man construction crew happy plus the VIP's that arrived almost weekly was a full time job for most pleasure boys.

What I liked best was to be able to bring an almost endless line of boys to enjoy. My two were the same. Add in that Pine Lake was taking in a lot of cash helped my standing at ISSI Head Office.

"Pine Lake had an original Inmate population of 200. Now with 48 boys on the list as Pleasure boys, plus my two and the one attached to guards we were near the three hundred mark and top it off we had over a dozen empty cells in the blocks.

With everything that was going on I found myself working 12 hours a day. The work kept piling up almost faster than I could handle. Add in the almost monthly changes in policy or laws in the Three Countries of North America it was sometimes just too much. Even Gerry and Henry commented I always looked tired.

"Why don't you get someone to help Jake?" Henry asked one night.

I really didn't have an answer for him. Was I afraid if I hired or appointed someone I would somehow lose control of my little Empire or was it something else?"

Outside Pine Lake I didn't know anyone who I could trust with the plans for Pine Lake. Some of the things planned here were totally illegal and could if the real Justice Department found out about could be very costly to me and ISSI. So I knew I had to appoint from within. There was only one man I would trust with that. I called him to my Office on Monday morning.

Good morning Mike. How are you today? Come in and sit down."

He got the most astounding look on his face.

"Is there a problem?"

"That Sir is the first time you have ever called me by my first name."

"Really. Must have slipped my mind. Now how long have you been with ISSI? Any plans for retirement?"

"Twenty Two years Sir and no plans for retirement. I think I'll be buried on the grounds of one of these institutes."

Good. Toss me your badge."

He shrugged his shoulders, pulled off his badge and tossed it to me. I looked at the solid silver badge, the Sgt Major insignia below the emblem for ISSI. I set it on my desk.

"Time you got out of that uniform and into something more comfortable." I tossed him the other badge on my desk.

His look was even more astounding as he looked at the solid gold badge with WARDEN across the bottom.

"Sir, I'm not qualified for this. I never got my grade twelve."

"Bull shit Mike. You have been doing half my work as well as yours since you have been here. You have been assistant Warden the whole time. Now it is just official. Gives you a new big office and quarters and 150 grand a year to spend. Besides you better accept. Gerry and Henry have been working on your office and quarters for a week. They kill me if you don't accept."

"Very well Sir."

"Gerry, Henry, take our new Assistant Warden and show him his new office and quarters. Then you all come back here."

His office and quarters were identical to mine. They had been set up for an Assistant Warden from the beginning but never used. An hour and half later they all came back. Mike was now in a light suit. I knew what the boys had probably been doing but didn't care.

"Now Mike any immediate problems before I let you go to move up here?" "Well Sir. We received an inmate by error. His name is Jimmy Warden. He's mute. He can hear and understand okay, but won't talk to anyone. Whenever a guard gets near him he starts to scream."

I punched up his name in my records on the computer. Nothing came up.

He's not in our records?"

"He's registered at the Pender Island Institute."

Insane asylum.

Is he insane?"

"I don't think so Sir. He can understand. He just won't talk. The records show he was found inside a refrigerator inside a burned out building. The building had been burned by an arsonist. When he wouldn't talk he was sentenced to Pender Island. Physically there is nothing wrong with him, however he is Gay and will do anything for anyone except the guards. He also won't eat, at least in the mess hall.

"Better bring him up Mike."

Mike walked in with Jimmy following. His eyes darted around my office and then stopped on me. He walked slowly to my desk and stopped.

The only word I could use to describe Jimmy was gorgeous. He had blonde hair, now longer than the regimented length for inmates. Deep blue eyes that seemed to look right into you soul. A pert little nose and very red lips. A face more likely on a girl than a boy. He was really well toned almost like he worked out daily. Nice tits, now pointing even. A good 4 pack abs. His cock told me this was all boy, near 4 inches buried in a nice blonde bush. Even his legs looked toned.

"Hello Jimmy. I'm the Warden here at Pine Lake. How are you today?" He just stood and looked at me. I was about to say something else when Gerry and Henry walked in carrying trays of sandwiches, fruits and vegetables. He looked at them. Both had those light blue silk shorts I allowed them to wear when I had company. Problem was I don't know if he was looking at the food or the boys.

"Wow, are you ever cute." Gerry said.

That got a reaction from Jimmy. He turned red from top to bottom.

"This is Jimmy. A new boy up here."

Gerry, being Gerry just walked right up to Jimmy.

"Hi, I'm Gerry and that's Henry. We're the Wardens boys. You hungry? Come on lets eat." He took Jimmy's hand and led him to the low table.

I followed and sat down. I picked up a sandwich and started to eat. Jimmy picked one up and looked at me.

I just smiled and ignored him.

"You hungry Mike?"

"I'll pass Sir. I'll go and get my boys and get moved in. I'll talk to you later."

Jimmy ate several sandwiches and a couple of the raw carrots. He picked up a banana, peeled it and ate it. Then just sat. When I looked at him his eyes were filled with tears. In a flash I knew why. Mike had said he had not been eating in the mess hall. I'd bet what the others were doing was feeding him if they could abuse him. Now he expected me to abuse him too.

That idea was reinforced when I told him to come over to me. He started to shake. When he got close I grabbed him and lifted him onto my lap.

"I'm not going to do anything Son. You are safe here. No one will do anything unless you want it son." I could him shuddering.

I pulled him close and slowly rubbed his back.

He cried for quite a while. When he stopped, I let him go.

"Jimmy you are free to do what ever you want. I won't hold you."

He made no move to get off my lap. When he leaned back I picked up a tissue and wiped away his tears.

What do I do now? He really was drop dead gorgeous. I could feel his hard cock pushing into my stomach and as usual any boy sitting on my lap turned me on and I was hard as stone. I'm sure he could feel it.

He leaned forward and with a sigh laid his head on my shoulder. Very soon after I felt him relax and knew he'd fallen asleep.

I'll be damned I thought. Maybe the boy was starting to trust me.

I told my boys to tidy up and then do what ever they wanted for the afternoon. Both gave me kiss which was rewarded with a pat on both their cute butts. They took off.

I picked him up as I stood and walked back to my desk. After I sat down he sort of settled himself against me. I admit it felt nice having him in my arms. I knew pretty much what had happened to him here. He had been prostituting himself to the boys in the cell black for food and they took advantage if him. Now he was sleeping content.

Mike came in and I told him to grab us a beer. He set it down on my desk and sat down.

"Damn Sir you do wonders. That boy usually screams every time anyone of authority gets close to him."

That brought Timmy awake. He had a weird look and I knew he wanted off my lap. I set him down. He grabbed himself. I chuckled.

"Through that door Son." I pointed and he almost ran into the bathroom.

When he came back out he walked right up to me. I just picked him up and set him on my lap. He just looked t me.

"Well Jimmy Warden, I wish you would talk to me."

"My names not Jimmy. My name is Danny Worthington."

Mike chocked on his beer.

"What?" He said.

My names not Jimmy Warden. I'm Danny Worthington."

Was that even possible? Danny Worthington had been reported killed in the fire that had killed his Mother and Father. There had been no survivors in that fire.

Then something Mike had said clicked in my brain. He said Jimmy had been found in a refrigerator in the burned out house. There had been other reports of survivors of horrific fires who had climbed into a refrigerator.

I went into the Pender Island Institute and pulled up his file. He had been found alive in the house. Identification found on him said he was Jimmy Warden. Because he wouldn't talk he was held at a Juvenile Center until his transfer to Pender Island. He arrived here because of a storm on the west coast. Lucky for him.

"Why does everyone call you Jimmy son?"

"I guess coz that was what the man told me my name was after he put me in the fridge. He told me never to talk or he would come for me."

So why are you talking now?"

Well it was a long time ago. I'm in jail now so he can't get me."

That was true enough. No one could get into Pine Lake without very high credentials.

However that did not mean Danny Worthington was safe. If he really was Danny Worthington. That was easy enough to check. All I needed was a DNA swab and I would have his real identification. That brought up another question. Why hadn't his DNA been checked when he was found. I just didn't know what to do.

"Mike, I'm going to have Danny stay here with me until such times as I know what's going on. Keep him registered as Jimmy Warden."

"Yes Sir." Mike knew all the complications if this boy really was Danny Worthington the Son of The Presidential Candidate that would have won the election to president 5 years ago.

"Does that mean I get to stay with you Sir?"

"Yes son it does."

He buried his head in my chest and cried.

I wondered if he knew he had just jumped from the frying pan into the fire. No boy regardless of who he was that ended up with me was immune to what I loved. Danny would feel my cock everyway I could use it.

I called Gerry and Henry and explained everything to the two boys.

"Danny, I want you to go with these boys. They'll get you set up and trimmed the way I like."

"Okay Sir." He climbed down and followed the two boys out.

"Sir, I have no idea how to go about this. If that really is Danny Worthington then the conspiracy theory might just be true."

"Well keep everything under your hat."

Mike left to continue the work at Pine Lake. He'd at least take a shit load of the work I was now doing off my desk. He'd also have to pick a replacement to be Senior Guard. I was pretty sure who he would pick.

I just sat to think.

John Worthington had been the Democratic Candidate for the Presidency. He was considered a shoe in. He had run on a anti-crime ticket. He also advocated more autominous vehicles for the Military. Keeping less boots on the ground therefore less casualties to American Troops.

The Arson fire that killed him was what many believed a conspiracy to keep him out of the White house. However after an extremely vigorous examination by both the FBI and the Secret Service there was no basis to conclude there was any conspiracy. Several other homes in the neighborhood of Hollywood heights had also killed people. All had been set by the same person.

The Republicans won the Election.

They had run on a civil rights platform and their first action was to try to end the contracts between private corporations running the countries Prisons. That would have cost the government up to three quarters of a Trillion Dollars. They backed off.

The Republicans also cut back on funding for RPV's. Then a very short and bloody was in North Africa really ended Republican rule. A coup by Military Forces in Tripoli took over the government of Libya. They stormed the US embassy and executed the all diplomatic personnel and the marine guard.

The President sent in the Marines. The short war lasted just over a tear and the US Marines lost killed or wounded almost 20 percent. If they had had more RPV's their casualties would have been under 1 percent.

The next election the Democratic Candidate won on the same ticket as then John Worthington.

Now the surfacing of Danny Worthington was going to reopen the old conspiracy scenario again. Damn.

I knew the ISSI had more to gain than lose with John Worthington's election so wasn't worried about the ISSI. I called my friend Sandy and asked him to come out to Pine Lake. I said it was urgent I talk to him.

He'd arrive in three days.


Next: Chapter 7

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