The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 12, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 5

I changed my mind by the time I got to my quarters. I might do it if only Gerry's or Henry's sperm was all I was tasting but not three or four at the same time. Gerry went in the bathroom and cleaned up.

I had Gerry put on regular shorts and a t-shirt. Took him out and had him sit behind his desk. Then I brought the three boys in had sent up here. All three stood pretty straight. Only the young Native covered his cock with his hand.

I had each boys record on my screen. Both Negro boys were serving time for common assault. Both got two years. The Native boy was in a similar position as Henry. He would have to go before a review board to determine if he was pardoned or sent to a class 2 Facility. His record included everything but a capitol offense. So his record in here was very important. To date he had been a perfect inmate.

"Stand up straight with your hands at your sides. I won't see anything I haven't seen already."

The Native boy had a thick bush of black hair around his thick, but not overly long cock. Very nice I thought. Both Negro boys shaved. I wondered if they knew each other before they arrived here. I'd bet my last dollar both were Gay and were not virgins. "You three have sort of put yourselves between a rock and a hard place by screwing my fuck toy."

Gerry knew that he was a lot more than just a toy to me and when I looked over his expression almost made me laugh. I stifled it and looked back at the three in front of my desk.

"The very least that would happen when and if I send you back to your cell block, is that you'll all three get a good beating from your fellow inmates."

From the looks on their faces they knew also.

"Sir, I think Jed and I would be okay. Everyone knows we're Gay and we even sucked lots of guys in the Block." One of Negro boys said.

That confirmed my previous thought.

"What about you Hawk?"

"I don't know Sir."

"Hawk I know you are under review when you reach eighteen. What if I said I could ensure that you not only did not need a review when you finish your sentence here and that I could get you a full pardon."

His eyes got real big. Nice brown eyes I thought too.

"I guess I'd do anything you wanted Sir."

"Even if I said I wanted you to lean over my desk and let one of these Negro boys fuck you?"

"Sir if as you say you can get me pardoned at the end of my sentence here, you can do anything you wish. My Dad and Brothers were using me since I was twelve. So I am not a virgin. I don't think I am gay like these two, but if that's what you want then I will do it."

"I take it you two boys will do anything as well?"

"Yes Sir." They both said.

"Very well. Sit down in those chairs. Gerry get these boys a coke and one for yourself. Then bring me a drink." Gerry popped out of his chair and ran to do as I said.

When Gerry delivered my drink, I pulled him close and gave him a peck on cheek.

"Thanks love."

When I looked all three had a look of wonder on their faces. Hawk the Native boy said it for all of them.

"I don't understand Sir. You call him love, but you let that guard and all of us screw him."

"Was the way to see who might be Gay or otherwise. Simple Hawk, I set you all up. Now you three are stuck here. You can't go back to cells without risking retribution from your fellow inmates. I get three willing boys to do anything I want. You won't be the last and I might just use one of you three next time."

While they sat I explained everything I expected of them. I also told them they didn't have any choice in the matter. Refuse even once and I would send them back to their cell block. They took it surprisingly well. All agreeing almost as soon as I finished.

"Okay. Gerry take Hawk and trim the hair around his cock and balls. Also shave his ass. After you can use hair remover to shave the rest of him. You know what I like Love."

"Yes Sir. Come on Hawk." He led Hawk to my bathroom. He knew the other was in use.

"Jed, you and Harry will stop shaving your pubes. You will keep your asses shaved. I'll give you some cream that will speed the growth of your pubes and pit hair."

"Yes Sir." They both answered.

"I am presuming you are not virgins?"

"Well I'm a top and Harry is a bottom. We both have had it but I don't like to bottom." Jed said.

"Well I guess Jed you are going to have to learn to like it. All boys assigned here I expect to enjoy it both ways. Straight, bi or Gay you all have to versatile in every sense."

Jed I could tell was not happy about that. Well too bad. He'd just have to learn and learn damn fast I meant exactly what I said.

"Come along you two." I led them across the hall.

"You two will eventually be assigned to this suite. You won't use the main bed, which is for VIP guests. There is a small bedroom attached that you can use." I showed them their new home for their stay here.

"I'm going to leave you two here tonight. Jed I suggest you get used to having a cock up your ass because tomorrow night you will be getting every boy now here up your nice butt." I turned, locked them in and walked out. I went back to my den, mixed myself a drink and sat down to wait for Gerry and Hawk. Barney and Henry came out. Barney had a mile wide grin on his face.

"Grab yourselves a coke boys."

From the looks of Barney he had really enjoyed his time with Henry. That brought up another problem. Barney Watson was a first offender and only had a year to serve. I wondered if he would be interested in going to one of our Agencies or maybe staying longer if he knew he was making money.

When the Agencies were first set up almost twenty years before some of the Directors had thought it was morally wrong to turn sixteen or seventeen year old boys into boy toys. Once it was completely explained how it was set up all were on board.

When any boy accepts to join one of the Agencies, his record, regardless of his previous crimes is wiped clean from the ISSI Computers and in the National Police Computers in all three countries. So he leaves the institution with a clean slate. He does have to sign a work contract for five years.

They had to work a five day week and normally did one trick a day. For that they made fifty dollars. The Agency set up bank accounts for all boys so they could deposit or spend their money. Working weekends was optional, but most boys who did, did do three or more tricks both Saturday and Sunday. If a boy didn't spend too much, he could end up with more than fifty grand in his account by the end of his contract.

Some boys elected to keep working, while others worked for themselves. Prostitution was a misdemeanor, and none of the boys had records so it was always just a fine they received if caught. The Agency worked out of fine restaurants so none of the boys were ever caught while working for the Agency. Some boys quit altogether and went straight. Some even ended up as Guards at ISSI prisons. Two of the Guards here at Pine Lake were once boy toys.

I was going to offer Barney a similar deal except he would be working here at Pine Lake until he was eighteen.

"Well you look happy Barney."

"Oh yes Sir. I never knew it could feel so good. Henry even licked my butt hole after he did me. I did it to him too and it was okay. I like it too."

So Henry taught him every thing. Smart boy.

I then made my pitch to Barney. He sat and thought about what I told him.

"You mean I would be free, but would work here getting guys fucking me and I would get paid."


"Well I guess I would like that, but you got to promise you will screw me too."

"That's a promise Barney."

He jumped up and ran over and hugged me.

"Thank you sir."

I quite honestly never thought it would be so easy. If other boys took to it like Barney, I'd have as many boys here as at any agency and ISSI's income from here would increase ten fold.

I pushed Barney off me and down between my legs. He looked at me.

"You know what I want Barney."

He reached up and undid my shorts. I lifted my butt to let him pull them down and off. Then gripped my cock and took it into his mouth. He tried to get it all but gagged and chocked on it. I let him try several times.

"Just take what you can handle boy. You'll get used to it eventually."

He was a pretty good cocksucker even if I did feel his teeth a couple of times. When I shot my load he never missed a drop and jacked me after to get everything. He just sat back smiling when he was done.

"Very good Barney, but you need to watch those teeth. If you did that to one of your customers he'd probably beat the crap out of you."

"Yes Sir. I'll do better next time."

"Okay go back and sit down."

Hawk came back with Gerry. When I saw him I knew I wanted him. Gerry had done a real nice job of trimming and shaving Hawk. His cock and balls were more pronounced, not hidden by his bush.

"You look a lot better now Hawk."

"Thank you Sir. It feels weird but I like it."

"Gerry get him a coke and sit down."

One thing I also noticed was Barney was looking at Hawk with pure lust. When he sat down I watched as a small bead of precumm oozed from his piss slit. He was also plumping up. All the nude boys were having the same effect on him as they had on me. Gerry I knew would not have done anything for him without my permission.

"Barney, go help Hawk out. It looks like he needs it."

Barney was on Hawks cock very quick and from the looks of Hawks face it was exactly what he needed. It didn't take Barney long to get him off. I did notice Hawk had a good thick seven inches when Barney sat back. Pretty much convinced me that I would partner the two together.

"Barney, you and Hawk can stay in the cell in Suite 2, tonight. You know how to order dinner if you need it. I'll see you both for breakfast tomorrow morning. You can go now."

"Yes Sir. Come on Hawk, I'll show you." Both left together.

"Guess I got you two tonight unless you would prefer to be alone." I said to Gerry and Henry.

That got me a boy on either side of me.

"Can we sleep with you Jake?" Henry asked.

"Do you think I'll get much sleep?"

"Well some." Gerry giggled.

"Okay boys. But first come on I got another surprise for you."

I dropped my shorts and t-shirt and led them to the heavy drapes on the end of my Den. I hit a switch and the drapes pulled back revealing a lighted hot tub outside on my balcony. I opened the doors and gestured to the two boys. They were quick to jump right in. I followed and soon had both close by.

"This is nice Jake."

"Nothing but the best for my two boys."

"Are we really your boys now?" Gerry said.

I turned and gave him a real kiss and then gave Henry one.

"Yes, I love you both equally and hope I will always have you two close by."

That got me almost mobbed in the hot tub as they both tried to kiss me the same time.

I had said I preferred sixteen to eighteen year old boys, but that was to use. These two meant more than that to me. I knew that almost ninety percent of all ISSI employees and directors were either Gay or Bi. All Wardens had someone they had pulled out of jail and now kept as boy friends. I wasn't any different than them, except I wanted both Gerry and Henry. I'd still be using many boys and enjoy screwing their tight holes, Henry and Gerry were just permanent now.

By my words, Henry also knew he would never see a review board and never have to worry about being executed. That lifted a big worry off his young shoulders.

I let both boys fuck me that night, even if both preferred to bottom. They never refused my request. We ended with a three way daisy chain of sucking. Sleep was easy with two sweet boys snuggled up against me.

After dinner the next night it was a full blown orgy in my quarters. Hawk, Harry and Jed all got my cock at one point in the evening fuck and suck fest. All appeared quite happy. All slept in their cells but my two,

Friday morning the new intake arrived at Pine Lake. They used one of the larger helicopters as it was also a supply run. The first person off the Chopper was Sandy Gulliver, My best friend and a legal eagle at ISSI. He was followed by the survey team. They waited in a glassed in office while the new intake unloaded. After they were all in the induction center, a group of the outside workers unloaded the supplies. They went directly onto an automated conveyor system that delivered the supplies automatically.

After the new intake had had their cuffs removed they stripped. Got their medicals and had the capsule inserted. Then they waited for my introduction to Pine Lake. There was the usual grumbling about being nude and not having any privacy unless they worked for it. All were then marched off to their new block. I did see several I wanted.

From the looks on some of the faces of the Survey crew I knew some of them might like to pay for the use of a boy for the night. That I would find out later. The foreman I knew had worked for ISSI Class 3 institutions before so would almost for sure want boys. I'd talk to him later as well.

Lastly the body of Sing was loaded and Olof was delivered in a straight jacket and cuffed and gagged. The Chopper left.

Every one that was staying was issued a pass that would allow them access to the Mess Hall. The Survey crew would eat in segregated portion of the Mess Hall but would be in full view of the nude inmates. That would ensure that they would want a boy to use.

I know that no matter how straight a guy might be, having young boy giving them a blow job or having tight boy pussy to shove their shank into would interest them. Most men were alike that way.

I took Hank Sutherland the Foreman to my office along with Sandy. Neither commented when Gerry brought them both a drink as well as me. Both Gerry and Henry were nude. Hank got right to the point as soon as he had his drink.

"I presume Sir the same services are available here as at other ISSI institutions?"

"Yes and I have had your baggage delivered to Suite 1, just across the hall. I think you will like the two boys assigned to the room. Do you know if any of your crew might be interested in boys? I can supply them at a reasonable fee."

"I'm sure there will be a few that are more than just interested. They have all but one worked for me before and know what to expect."

I had Gerry show Hank to his suite.

"Long time Sandy. Its good to see you."

"Good to see you two Jake. I wasn't going to come out here until next month, but the board figured you should be brought up to speed on all policy changes and the new construction schedule and changes."

"Boy, go to my suite and bring my brief case and the black tube as well."

"His name is Gerry and he's one of mine."

"I'm sorry. Gerry would you please go to my suite."

"Yes Sir." Gerry almost ran from my Den.

"Gerry and Henry are my two boys and they are more than just boys to me Sandy."

"That's cool. I'm glad you found some boys to love Jake."

"First off Jake all the Board is very pleased with what you have done so far. They are surprised that more boys have not just taken off."

"Most are worried about that capsule and what it can do."

"Speaking of that capsule, they can't be removed. However they can be shut off permanently. You have to be very careful who you do it for because it removes them from all records at ISSI and Federal Police Forces."

The computers here or anywhere else will stop tracking their movements and will act like they no longer exist."

"I'll be careful."

Gerry returned and set Sandy's briefcase beside him along with long round tube.

"Thank you Gerry. You are a very good looking boy. Keep Jake Happy."

"Thank you Sir. I love Jake."

"Now what I would really like to do before we get down to business, is freshen up and maybe have a nap."

"Gerry, show Sandy to his suite and introduce both boys to him. Then go hurry up Henry."

"Yes Sir." Gerry quickly put on his shorts and t-shirt, grabbed the computer access tag off my desk and took Sandy out.

Sandy looked at Gerry differently.

I sat at my desk and looked at the boys from the new intake. One thing I noticed was they were all exceptional good looking almost as if they had been picked just for their looks. There was a pretty even spread of ethnic origins. All were also doing two years less one day, the maximum for a Class 3 institution. I was beginning to wonder what the ISSI was up to. If they were going to send all boys here that were like these nineteen, then my job might be even more interesting.

When Henry came in it looked like he had been working.

"Henry, why are you sweating so much? Didn't you have inmates to help you?"

"Yes I did Jake, but they wouldn't work hard for me coz I'm just an inmate."

"Well they will have to learn differently. Gerry go help Henry shower and then come back." Both boys headed for the shower.

Sandy came in about 1700 and Gerry quickly got him a drink.

"Sandy, you have already met Gerry. The other love of my life is Henry. Henry this Sandy, one of my oldest friends."

Henry got up and shook Sandy's hand.

"Damn son you have one of biggest cocks I have ever seen on a boy your size. I can see why Jake loves you."

"I love him too sir."

"Now Jake we really should be alone while I go over these policy changes."

"Sandy, these are the only two boys I plan to have their capsules deactivated and hope thy will be with me forever if they want, so they will be here every step of the way."

"I thought as much. Would you like to have them deactivated right now?"

"Well boys? Do you want me to?"

"Does it hurt?" Gerry said.

"No boys. Tickles more than anything."

"Okay." Henry said.

He walked up to Sandy.

"Could you lift your balls and cock up Henry?"

When Henry did as Sandy asked, Sandy pushed an instrument not unlike a wrist controller against the small bulge of Henry's prostrate.

"Oh wow that feels weird but good." Henry said. His cock started to get hard.

I brought up Henry's file to my screen. A few moments later, his locator went dark. Then a moment later DECEASED flashed at the bottom of the screen. Almost immediately his record disappeared from my screen. I punched his name into the computer.

"NO RECORD AVAILABLE." Flashed on my screen. Damn it really did work.

After Sandy had done both boys he kind of blew me away with his next statement.

"Both you boys have nice cocks. If Jake will let me I'd love to see how you both taste."

When my mouth dropped open at his words he burst out laughing.

"Jake, everybody changes, even you. I remember a very novice Junior Warden from YUMA, that was almost scared of his own shadow and look at you now, just 15 years later. A full Warden. Jake you have the same power of life and death over everyone in your care and board won't correct you or change any of your decisions."

The number of times I have had to spend at Class 3 institutions changed me as well and I like everything you do and probably more."

"Okay, first things first. The records and evidence you sent to Edmonton were enough to get Tennyson Convicted and sentenced to death. His sentence was reviewed and his execution confirmed. He is to be executed here."

I had a feeling that was what was going to happen. It was reinforced when Sandy slid his death warrant across my desk to me. Six weeks I had to wait. I had always wondered why six weeks, but found out on occasion even a man on death row could have his sentence commuted to life. So I had to shoot young Tennyson. It would be a first for me. I had watched perhaps a thousand or more executions. As an assistant warden it was part of my job description.

No other inmate ever witnessed an execution. Here every inmate would.

I looked back at Sandy.


"Now, we know that there is really no way to stop anyone from running from here. The crews are big enough that the guards can't watch everyone at the same time. A ring of short towers will be installed around the perimeter of Pine Lake. They will have no effect on anyone without a capsule, even you two boys. All those with Capsules will feel that 10,000 volt charge if they get to close to that ring."

"Perfect." I said.

"Now." Sandy got up and tacked the new plans for Pine Lake over the old ones.

"They have got to be kidding." I said.

I saw the Administration building in the middle. An extension was added to both sides. Extending out like spokes in a wheel were five sets of 20 cell blocks. A new Outdoor Sports complex was added along with four more mess halls. A large quarters was going to built for the very much larger guard force. There were also two blocks marked with X's.

All buildings were connected with tunnels. A big red ring was marked as the perimeter of the enlarged facility. Even a new improved road was marked on the site plan.

Outside the perimeter was a large construction worker camp set up with its own mess facilities.

"What am I going to do to keep that many inmates busy?"

"This is classified as a work camp. You can put them to work. ISSI owns almost a hundred square miles. There are large tracks of virgin Timber ready for harvesting. Small camps away from here can be set up for those that harvest timber. Plus you are going need about a hundred boys as toys for the guests of the New Pine Lake Resort which will be built on the lake front."

"The board wants you to operate an Agency with in the camp. The only difference between the ones in here and work at some of our other agencies is that these boys are still under sentence."

I think the incentive of having that capsule deactivated on their release will get you lots of volunteers." "That it will." I laughed.

"What do you boys think about this?"

"Be lots of boys to choose from." Gerry said.

"Yeah lots of fuck toys." Henry giggled.

Sandy and I both laughed.

We went back and sat down in comfortable chairs. The boys brought us a drink.

"How long are you here for Sandy?"

"Not long this trip. A chopper will be on your pad on Monday morning. I have to be back in Washington ASAP."

"Jake there have been some very important changes to the laws governing Prisoner handling."

"These changes have been signed off on by all three Governments and their Justice Departments. Most have nothing to do with Class 3 Institutions so won't affect you. The ones that do I will explain fully."

The first change will directly affect you and the other three Camps like this that will be built in the near future. All Class 4 inmates will have to spend at least one year in a Class 3 Institution. The courts are finding almost 90 percent of all released Class 4 inmates reoffend. They hope that a year in a class 3 will sort them out, although I myself doubt it."

"Those nineteen you received today are all from a Class 4. All are sixteen and all are repeat offenders. All have been given two years less a day. All future transfers will come from the same place or places."

"Eventually this Camp will have 5,000 inmates. The board wants at least 25 percent or more under contract before they leave here."

"You have got to be kidding Sandy."

"Not at all. Most of those being sent here are known to be gay or Bi. Should make it easy for you to recruit that many or more. Remember all these boys sent here have long records and will definitely want those records erased. The New Laws enacted by the Government say that their Juvenile records stay in the computer. Even after they reach eighteen."

"By the way the Government like our capsules and will be inserting them in all Juvenile offenders."

Eventually all criminals will have them inserted. Except those under sentence of death of course."

I knew most of those amendments to criminal Justice System had been proposed a long time ago, but didn't know they had been implemented.

Crime was rampant in all three Countries and it was becoming harder to place them all. There was no way ISSI could accept them all. We'd need a hundred or more camps much larger than Pine Lake to accommodate them.

There were almost 50 million prisoners of all classes in institutions right now and that could double in ten years. All three Countries were Democracies, but the Justice System in all were more like dictatorships. Having total control over any criminal. As long as these thugs of any age were kept off the street the Citizens remained happy. That was the only goal.

The three strikes and your out rule was implemented now across all three Countries.

"Do you have any problems with all of this Jake?"

"Not at all Sandy. It just means ISSI will be making a shit load more money. Maybe I'll even get a raise." I chuckled.

Although it was still only 1900, Sandy said he needed more sleep. I figured what he really needed was another boy to fuck. Well Hawk and Barney would keep him happy. He excused himself.

I picked up my lap top and walked to a couch.

"Come over here boys. You can help me pick out two new boys."

My boys sat close as I scrolled through the new intake.

"Boy they are all so good looking." Henry said.

"Sandy said they are all either Gay or Bi, but I'm not so sure. Well pick two and we can bring them up."

Gerry picked a red headed boy. He was about the same height and weight as Gerry and I figured that was why he picked him. The young mans name was MacDonald, a real Scottish name. I wondered if that was where he was born, although there were a lot of MacDonald's in the Country. I ordered him to my Office.

Henry picked an Asian boy. He was fair size bigger than most Asians. I found out why easy enough. He was Japanese by ancestry. Fukazawa was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed about 140 lbs. He much more endowed than most Asian boys too. He too was ordered to my office.

All my guards knew what would be happening to the two new boys.

The two new boys were in different cell blocks so didn't arrive together. The Japanese boy arrived first. He walked in my office and stood almost at attention.

"You sent for me Sir?"

"Yes I did. Do you know why?"

"The guard said if I kept you happy, I'd be better off in here."

"Do you know what that means Fukazawa?"

"I guess you want to use me like the guards in the last place Sir."

"Yes I do. To begin with Henry here is one of my trustees. He is going to take you and trim your pubic hair. He will also be shaving your ass and removing any other hair except in your pits and head."

"Henry you can do anything you wish with the boy when you are done."

"Yes Sir." Henry smiled and led him out.

"Do I get to do the same thing?" Gerry said.

"You sure do Babe."


MacDonald also knew why he had been summoned. It was easy to tell him what I expected. Gerry took him away to clean him up.

This was all too easy. Had these boys been picked to specially to be boy toys by ISSI. I was pretty sure that was the case. The ISSI was padding the intakes with boys willing to become toys.

I went and told Both Gerry and Henry to keep the boys for the night and to find out they knew and to teach them everything that might be expected of them. Henry could use the other cell attached to my office.

Then I ordered Jerome to my office.

Jerome was kind of unique. He wasn't one of my boys, but had a lot of clout because I both fucked him and I allowed him to fuck me. That meant any boy that touched him would be a shit load of trouble. He was also strong enough that no one wanted fight him.

I loved his cock in my ass and we enjoyed each other all night.


Next: Chapter 6

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