The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 12, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 4

I could tell that Henry was almost crying. Tears slipped down his cheeks. I was about to get up and grab him in my arms when the internal phone went off. Shit, something was wrong in a cell block. That was the only time that phone rang. I walked to the phone and picked it up. I listened.

"JESUS H. CHRIST! You mean that little cocksucker did it again?"

Where is he now?"

After listening again.

"Grab him and fire him in isolation. Keep the boy comfortable and make sure he isn't in any pain. I very much doubt we can get a medivac in here tonight. I will be there as soon as I can."

When I hung up both Gerry and Henry were standing on either side of me.

"What's happened Sir?" Gerry asked.

"Nothing for you boys to worry about. I will tell you later. Gerry you can take Henry into your cell tonight. I will probably busy all night."

Gerry kissed me on the cheek. I turned to Henry. Tears streamed down his cheeks. I lifted him up and hugged him. I could feel his body shudder as he cried. After he got down to sniffles, I leaned him back.

"Henry, I'll make sure you leave here a free man. That I promise you." I kissed him on the cheek and set him down.

"I love you Sir."

"Well we will talk about it later Son. Now go with Gerry."

I sat down at my desk and called for a medivac Helicopter. They told me due to the storm and wind the best I could hope for was noon the next day. I wasn't sure that boy would live that long.

I went and dressed in my uniform and headed down to the infirmary.

Sgt Milligan our staff medic had the boy sedated. From the looks of his face Tennyson had really laid a licking on him.

I saw a whole blood IV and another with Saline hooked up to the young man.

"Externally Sir he is fine, but when he was raped his insides were ripped open and he is slowly bleeding to death internally. There is nothing more I can do for him except keep him comfortable and out of pain. Any chance for a Medivac?"

"Not until at least noon tomorrow."

"I very much doubt he will last that long Sir."

I headed back to my office. The Sgt Major and the Guard from Cell Block 3 were waiting.

"Tell me what happened."

"Well from the cams we saw that Tennyson went into Sings cell. He received computer access today along with all those that worked last week. From the audio it looks like Tennyson wanted to use Sings computer. When Sing refused, Tennyson beat him up. Then when Tennyson tried to use Sings access it wouldn't work for him so he kicked Sing in the balls. Then he just dragged Sing to his bed and raped him. We only noticed something wrong when the corridor alarm went off when Tennyson tried to run. It took three of us to get him in isolation.

"If that boy dies Tennyson will have bought himself a trip to the executioners block."

"Well for now lock up Sings cell. Then get as much evidence we have and a copy of all tapes and send them up. I'll contact ISSI in Washington for instructions. Talk to everyone in the cell block to find out why Tennyson went off the deep end."

Both left and I made myself a stiff drink. The call to Washington was automatic routine if someone died in custody. They told me they would get back to me. I didn't for the moment need any instructions on what to do with Tennyson. He'd be leaving on the next chopper in here.

I reviewed the tapes when they were sent up. There was nothing that happened before Tennyson enters the Asian boy's cell. Inside he had asked Sing for access to his computer. Sing allowed him but of course it wouldn't work for him. Tennyson had said something very low to Sing and Sings answer was a flat no. That I did hear. That's when Tennyson beat him up and raped him. I wondered what Tennyson had asked Sing that would make him so mad when it was refused.

At 0230 Sing died quietly. I ordered his body removed to the cold room in the induction center. It would be sent to Edmonton for Autopsy and then cremated. His ashes would go to his next of kin. I finally went to bed at about 3 in the morning. Sometime after I went to sleep both Gerry and Henry climbed into my bed and lay next to me. I woke briefly and pulled both boys closer. I didn't sleep well.

The next few days were quiet thank god. This place had only been open for two weeks and already I had two runners, one insane boy, a murderer and a dead victim. Everyone knew a new institution had problems to start with. I just hoped everything settled into a routine for everyone.

All the boys went to work Monday. I guess seeing what those that had worked the first week had finally sunk in. It made it easier for the inside crew which was now double in size. Most guards had at least two boys as well. I still had not decided on any more. Henry and Gerry kept me pretty satisfied.

Gerry had been right about Stanton. He was in reality straight, but only did things to get him better amenities. I never did take him to bed although I know he got screwed by at least one guard. He had no interest in becoming one of the permanent boys attached to the Administration building.

We were sitting in the den after dinner Wednesday night. There had been no incidents over the last two days. I hoped it continued that way.

"Jake." Henry said.

I looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I should have said Sir."

"Don't be Henry. You can call me Jake just like Gerry when we are alone. Now you have something?"

"Well Jake, what about Barney Winston. He might make another good boy." I pulled his file up. I saw that I had already interviewed the boy. Like almost everyone in here he was about average for a sixteen year old. He was five foot ten inches tall and weighed 150 lbs. He looked about average in the cock and ball department too.

"So why do you think Winston would be any good here?"

"Well we talked to him in the pool on Sunday. He said he wished a Guard would have picked him. When we told him everything that he would have to do with a guard he said it would be okay, except he never had anyone in his bottom. He also said he had asked some of the Gay boys to do him, but they were scared coz of what happened to Tennyson. We figured we could do it first and then you."

"So you want me to bring a boy here so you two can rape him."

"Well it wouldn't be rape coz he wants it."

Thinking about my two boys tag teaming Winston's butt got me hard in my shorts and both knew it.

"Can I suck you off Jake?' Henry asked.

"Not yet. Lets get Winston here first. Then he can see first hand what I expect from him."

That got giggles from both boys and both got hard. I knew Henry could spend his entire life with either a cock in his butt or down his throat. He was almost insatiable.

I ordered Winston up to my quarters with a note he would not be back in cells.

"Now you two will have all night with Winston."

"Cool." Gerry laughed.

I waited until Winston was almost to my quarters before I told Henry he could suck my cock. Henry was between my legs instantly.

When Winston walked in he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Henry on my cock.

"Come over here son. I don't bite."

He was definitely average his cock got hard very quickly. He had about 5.5 inch cock in a nice bush.

"These boys tell me you are interested in becoming a guard's boy."

"Yes Sir, but I never had any one in my bum."

"Would you like to do what Henry's doing?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well you have to ask. I won't force you son."

He licked his lips.

"Sir, can I suck your cock?"

"Yes you can. Henry, let Winston do me."

Winston was a pretty good cocksucker, but couldn't like the other two boys swallow all of my cock.

"Come on boy. Get more of me. Try swallowing when you start to gag and breathe through your nose."

Well he tried, but I was far bigger than he had ever done before I was sure. He did get me off and swallowed most of it. He licked up what he missed and sat back.

"Was that okay Sir? You are real big."

"That was fine Winston. Now as to getting a cock in your butt, that is something you are going to have to ask. I think maybe you should ask Gerry. He is by far smaller than mine."

Winston just stood still. It looked like he was still interested, his cock was still hard.

"Winston, if you want it bad enough, got go ask Gerry. He doesn't bite either unless you ask him to." That got a smile and a short laugh from Winston.

He was shaking as he walked to where Gerry was sitting.

"Gerry, will you do me in the butt."


"Gerry, you will have to be real careful or you might end up the same as Tennyson. There is both anal ease and lubricant in my bathroom. You should use both and take your time. You boys can use your cell tonight. If Winston works out we will open another tomorrow."

"Yes Sir." Gerry said as he led Winston out of my den.

"Well I guess it is just you and me tonight Henry."

The smile on Henry's face would have melted an iceberg.

"Come over here." When he was close to me I pulled him onto my lap. HE wrapped his arms around me and just sort of melted into me. I felt a slight shudder in his small frame.

"You okay Henry?"

"I guess I just miss my Dad doing this."

"You really miss them don't you?"

"Yes Sir. I was glad I didn't have to get married, but sure missed my Mom and Dad."

"Why didn't you say that when you were in court? The judges would have ruled differently if you had."

"They never asked me. All they asked is what I did and why."

I could see now he was almost railroaded into jail. The Prosecution needed an excuse and just made the questions look like Henry didn't care. That ensured his fate. The Court would have no choice in sentencing.

While Henry had been sitting on my lap he had never stopped moving and had me rock hard.

"Lift up a bit Son."

When he did I slid my cock up to his hole. He yelped when he sat down on it and then wiggled his ass as my cock slowly slid up his tight chute.

I didn't know if a boy could have an ass that was made to fucked, but if there was one Henry fit the description to a T. Even after screwing him dozens of times he was always so tight. The insides of his chute were also like sliding my cock into an oven, he was so hot inside. His moans as my cock went right to deepest part of his butt made me know he totally enjoyed having a cock splitting him open.

Add in that his muscles inside massaged and squeezed my cock on each stroke, made fucking him a real joy.

I wrapped my hands around his butt and held him on my cock as I slowly moved to the floor. I pulled his legs up high on my shoulders and leaned far over his small body. Now almost vertical I could really ream him.

I knew what would happen next. Very shortly his cock would unload. That would tighten even tighter his hole on my cock and it usually got me off instantly. I never had a problem staying hard inside Henry so just continued to hammer his ass. At one point I heard him gag and knew he was being forced to suck his own cock. It didn't slow me down and I continued until I had dropped two more loads inside him. I always deflated after cumming that third time.

Even pulling out of him was a chore as his chute continued to grip my cock. There was always an audible pop when I exited. He always quickly sucked me clean before running to the bathroom to clean himself out. Both boys were very careful not to make any kind of mess on my carpets.

If it had been the other way around and it was Henry that had just fucked me, he would have gone down and rimmed me, licking up the cumm leaving my hole.

I had no problem with licking any boy's clean butt, but really didn't like the taste of my own cumm. I might do it if it was Gerry who had fucked Henry or vice versa, but licking up my own I had no desire to do.

I headed for my bedroom as Henry went to the bathroom. When he came out, he always knew what I wanted next, but just stood waiting.

"Come on Baby, I want that big dick inside me." "You are bigger than me Jake." He'd always say, but never hesitated.

Henry preferred to bottom, but never refused me or Gerry. He was also just as aggressive as I was. He screwed me on my back and then doggy style. After he usually spooned against me to get off a third or fourth time. More times than not he was fast asleep soon after being spooned against me. I had the pleasure of having him inside me sometimes all night.

Henry and I showered together and cleaned each other out. After I dressed I went out for my first coffee. Henry always had it ready. All in all Henry was a perfect boy in my eyes and I was beginning to love him as I did Gerry.

Gerry came out first and I gave him a morning kiss.

"So how was your night?"

"It was real good. Except that I had to gag him the first time I would think that he had dicks before. That's all he wanted after the first time. I had to almost force him to fuck me and even licked my butt after he came inside me. That boy will do anything to get a dick inside him."

When Barney came out he walked right up to me.

"Will you fuck me now?" Wow! That was another first.

Most boys wanted to think about it for a while first.

"I will if that is what you really want, but not now. Grab some Breakfast Barney and we'll talk about your duties if I decide you are suitable."

I dressed and then checked the incident reports. None were note worthy and was glad we had another quiet night. It was obvious that some of the Gay boys were coupling up together. That was okay as far as I was concerned.

Statistically, there were probably no more than thirty boys in here that were actually Gay. There would be another few that were Bi-sexual. By far the most of the boys would be straight, but even straight boys had sexual urges and with everyone being nude all the time it would be hard for them to hide that fact.

Most if not all would getting BJ's. Some might even fuck. Barney may have been a closet Gay when he arrived, but like other boys all those swinging cocks would have switched him very quickly. Now he had had Gerry screw him and wanted me to too. Well that would not be a problem for me. However if he became part of my "Harem", he would have more cocks in his ass or down his throat that he could even dream about and some of those might be bigger than even I was.

After explaining everything to Barney he looked hesitant, but I think the broad smiles on Gerry's and Henry's face decided him.

"I would still like to stay here Sir and I still want you to fuck me."

"Very well Barney, but it won't happen today. Tonight you will satisfy Henry. You will do everything he asked you. For the rest of the morning all three of you can make sure this suite is spotless. After you will check all the suites on this floor and make sure all are ready. I'll be checking later so you better do a good job or I'll tan your butts."

That part was a lie. Corporal punishment of any kind was not used at Pine Lake. That capsule implanted in their butts ensured no one got really out of hand and did exactly as they were told when they were told. I could if I had wanted to use that capsule to force any boy into my service, but preferred boys who wanted it.

They took off to get to work. I sat down to read the Memorandum of Intent I had received in my email this morning.

I now had the construction Schedule for the expansion of Pine Lake.

Shortly a survey crew would arrive to set out the spaces for a new Guards Quarters and four new Cell blocks. In mid August a Construction Camp for 100 men would be set up. The foundations, walls and tunnels would be done before the first snowfall. During the winter the finishing on all new buildings would be done in time to accept 200 more inmates by May 1st next year.

The Construction crew would eat in our Mess hall in a walled off section. They were also going to be allowed access to the Recreation Center. That might bring problems mixing with nude inmates.

That meant I had a shit load of work to do over the next several months.

I knew why ISSI was in a hurry to expand Pine Lake. Almost all Class 3 Institutions operated by ISSS were very over crowded. Add in the fact that ISSI received 2 grand a month for every inmate in its institutions, meant Pine Lake was already making money and would make a shit load more in the future.

I knew I would be getting two visitors probably several times over the next few years. One would be the Director of Construction for ISSI. He was straight, but loved to fuck boys or get sucked. He wouldn't suck or get a dick him in.

The other was James Abraham, the VP of Operations for ISSI. I actually got hard thinking about him coming here.

Although I never admitted it to anyone, I was a size queen. I loved big cocks in my ass and James had the biggest cock I had ever seen.

I had first met James when he was Human Resources Manager for ISSI. I had just finished my degree in Criminology and had applied to work for ISSI. The Application is very extensive including a very thorough Security Check. I didn't lie when I said I was Gay on the application. After numerous tests and very extensive physical examination I was awarded with an interview by James Abraham.

When I walked into his office, it almost looked vacant. All that was in the office was his desk and chair behind it. One other chair was in front of his desk. No pictures, files or any other adornment.

"When he walked around to shake my hand I saw the biggest Afro American I had ever seen in my life. He was near 6 foot 6 tall and weighed near 230 lbs I was sure. From the way he carried himself I doubted any of that weight was fat. His hand shake was firm.

"Sit down Jake."

He walked me through my entire life right up to the day I applied at ISSI.

"Jake, did you think that if ISSI hired you for a Class 3 Facility you get a lot of young cocks or asses to use?"

Before I could even think about his question he burst out laughing.

"Jake believe me. If you are hired for a Class 3 Facility you will have more cocks and asses to use than you can even dream of."

I closed my mouth.

"I have one last question for you Jake."

"Okay Sir."

"If I said your new job here was now dependant on you standing up and removing your clothes so I could fuck you on my desk. What would your answer be?"

I never hesitated. I stood up and started to remove my tie.

"Wait." He held up his hand.

He talked on his phone for while.

"Come with me."

He led me out of his office and down the hall to an elevator. Very soon after that we were in Limo heading across Washington DC. HE pulled up to a high rise condo, dismissed his driver and led me to his suite.

"Now you can finish what you started in the office."

"Yes sir."

"Call me James; after all we will be working together. Just so you know, you were hired long before I interviewed you so if you had said no, it would not have mattered."

I was hard before I even had my pants off. He had been undressing as he talked. When he turned I was shocked at the size of his cock He wasn't even fully hard and had near nine inches of very thick meat hanging between his legs.

"I doubt very much you can suck me off, but you will definitely be getting it in your butt weather you want it or not."

Well I tried to suck his cock but he was just too big. He finally pulled me into his bedroom. It didn't take long until I was screaming as he forced that beer can thick cock into my ass. He even used a pillow to stifle my screams at one point. It also didn't take long for me to get used to him and finally ripped the pillow away.

"Come you black cocksucker. Fuck me." I said.

Fuck me he did. First with long slow strokes but speeding up until he was like a steam drill. He had a lot of staying power as well and it went on for almost 40 minutes before I felt his load in my ass. He pulled out and made me suck him clean. He then lay on his back on the bed.

"Come on white boy. Show me what you got."

I fucked him as he had fucked me. We spent the next few hours doing each other. Totally wasted we showered. Very few words were spoken in that three hour session.

He sat down nude and ordered dinner in. We sat and drank a beer while we waited.

"You started at the beginning of the week at 65 grand a year. You have three months of classes here in Washington before you go to Yuma Class 2 facility as a junior Warden. You can stay here those three months if you wish. How your career goes after Yuma is up to you Jake."

Dinner was delivered by two boys I didn't think were even fifteen. Both obviously knew what they were here for and stripped after serving us dinner. James let both have a beer while we ate.

After screwing both boys most of the night, James gave each two hundred dollars and kicked them out.

We both slept late.

As we were drinking coffee, James pulled out two contracts. One was a work contract for ISSI for five years. The other was a non disclosure contract valid as long as I worked for ISSI including ten years after I left the corporation. I signed both.

"Now I will explain a few things you will need to know while you are here in training. First you can use the Limo when I am not in town. You could buy your own vehicle, but the limo is free. Like I said you can stay here."

If you want dinner delivered, that is the number there. The boys accompany the dinner. If you ask for dinner for two, you will get two boys etc. You pay each 200 dollars and don't bother tipping."

"Now one of the reasons you signed that non disclosure contract."

"Those boys were all trained to be hookers at an ISSI Class 3 facility and the Agency is owned by ISSI. There is an agency like this one in every major city in North America."

I sat in shock as James just laughed.

"Jake, ISSI learned a long time ago that sex between young males in Class 3 facilities is very common especially when all inmates are nude all the time. It's very easy to pick boys who are willing for just signing a contract to get out of that facility. Almost all of the boys accepted never finish their full sentence. They also know that if they run after they are accepted by an agency they will end up in a class 2 facility where all the cons know why and what they are."

"Jake, ISSI gets paid 1-2 grand a month for every inmate held in one of our facilities. Now a boy at one of those agencies makes three or four times that much every month. There is an almost unlimited supply of willing boys."

"Christ, that's why ISSI is a multi-billion dollar corporation."

"There's more to find out, but you will eventually learn everything." Sitting at my desk here in Pine Lake I knew why the expansion was being pushed.

I also knew a lot more about what ISSI did, but wasn't even going to think about that.

I knew the Construction camp would be all single rooms with a common bath and shower area. All rooms would also have an outside door. I wondered how many of those workers would enjoy a boy to use for two hundred a night. I'd have to clear it with ISSI, but didn't think they would baulk at the idea. I would have to put up the Construction super here in the Admin building so he might like a boy too.

I received two more Memo's from Head Office. One was that the survey crew would be on the Friday supply run and I was supply accommodation. There would be nineteen new inmates on the flight as well.

The second was that Tennyson was NOT to be sent to Edmonton for trial at this point. All evidence was to be sent out on the Friday Chopper. I would be informed of when Tennyson could be moved.

Olof could be sent. I had no other instructions about him so my original order still stood.

The survey crew would be easy. They could be put up in the extra guard's quarters that were not at present being used in the Admin building.

I knew now I could use that carrot of getting out early on almost any boy in here. I also decided that any boy, who wanted to come and join my 'Harem', could and would not be able to back down.

My three boys came in and stood silently in front of my desk. I pulled a pad from my desk and a pen.

"Take this pad and between yourselves write down any boys who you think might like to come here and do what you are doing. Grab yourselves a coke. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I got up and walked out. I checked two rooms at random. Everything was perfect; they had even put fire wood in for the fire places, not that they would be needed here in the summer.

When I walked back in I checked the clock. It was after 1100, so I mixed myself a drink. The three boys had their heads together talking softly. I just sat down to wait.

Gerry finally brought me the list.

"I hope that's okay Sir."

"We'll see Son."

They had listed the boys by last name and then first. Then by either gay, straight or bi. Lastly by ethnic origin. Almost ? were either bi or straight.

"Okay, this afternoon I will be taking Gerry on an inspection tour. Henry, you and Barney will be alone. I suggest Barney you get Henry to fuck you several times. Tonight after dinner I plan on fucking you right out here on the couch. After you will get both boys cocks in your ass or throat. By tomorrow I am sure you will be used to cocks anywhere."

"Yes sir." Barney said.

Today I was going to do something I had seen at a class 2 institution several years ago. Then I was an assistant warden with very little power to do anything. One of the senior guards had an inmate in his quarters on the proviso that the guard could screw him anytime as well as the other guards. One day that boy was brought out where a large number of Class 2 prisoners were working outside. The Senior Guard had fucked his boy in plane sight of all those inmates. Two visibly got hard and the senior guard let those two fuck the boy too. Soon after both were in the guards quarters bending over for anyone. That would happen to Gerry this afternoon.

There would be a difference. Both would have to agree to become part of my staff at the Admin building.

I knew there was an unwritten law to the inmates. If any inmate put out for the guards he would be dead meat back in the cell block. That was why boys now used by the guards could never return to their cell blocks. The boys I had now knew it too.

I took Gerry in my bedroom and gave him a pair of almost sheer silk shorts to put on. They were at least one size too small. That was my intention. I gave him a t-shirt of the same material. It only came about half way down to his waist, leaving his middle open. Once on he looked good enough to eat.

He walked over to my full length mirror.

"Oh wow. I might as well be nude. You can see every thing." He said.

I walked over and stood behind him. I reached down and moved his cock so it was in one of the short legs of the tight shorts. He got hard as I handled him.

"Now you look good enough to eat baby."

He just smiled.

I pulled him over to the bed and I sat down with him in front of me. He really did look good.

"Gerry, the reason I have had you wear these is that I am going to use you as bait to see if I can reel in a couple of the bigger boys. This afternoon we will go down to where most of the big boys are working. Wilkinson, their guard is going to fuck you in front of those boys. If I detect a reaction from any of them, I'll ask them if they would like to screw you too. Those that do I will invite up to the administration building."

"Yeah, they won't have any choice coz the other boys will think they are guards boys then."


"What happens if a lot of boys want to?"

"Guess you might get lots of dicks in your butt baby. Do you mind love?"

"Nope. I'll do anything for you."

"Good boy." I gave him a kiss.

It worked out pretty much as I expected. After Wilkinson screwed Garry, three other boys did too. One was a muscular Native boy and the other two were Negro. All three were above average in size. When I told all three to turn in their tools and then be in my anti-room outside my office all agreed. All knew the possible consequences of doing what I asked with their fellow inmates watching. Cooperation with the guards was a big no no to the inmates.

After havin four cocks in his butt, the cumm was running down his klegs. When he looked at me I just told him to pull up his shorts. Well when his hard cock was pulled up by his tight shorts he came all over his t-shirt. His face turned bright red.

"What are you embarrassed about boy? You know you are nothing more than my fuck toy to use anyway I like." I said it loud enough that most of the crew heard. I saw several laugh.

Gerry's face changed and I saw tears on his face.

"Come on boy." We walked away.

When we were out of sight of the crew I stopped.

"Gerry, I didn't really mean what I said. I really do love you Son. What I was doing was make more boys jealous of what you have. Maybe we will get more of them now beside those three. Just think love. You might be the first cock they get in their butt."

I lifted his chin up and kissed him.

"Come on, we'll get you cleaned up inside and out."

As we headed for my suite I had another thought. If it had been me that had taken three or four cock in my butt, Gerry would have rimmed me after he did it no matter who had been in me. Henry was the same way and from what Gerry said so was Watson.

I thought about it all the way up to my suite.


Next: Chapter 5

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