The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 15, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 15

Back at the Pines and the research went into full speed mode. Even though Aaron impregnated several more she males none turned out to have both male and female sex organs. His first two were figured on being anomalies.

Ninety percent of the males and sixty five percent of the females that were given opposite sex organs were able to bear children.

Sandra was now in heaven as she was carrying Aaron's baby.

Chris gave birth to a beautiful Boy that looked a lot like Allan. We called him Chris after his mother.

We received very few prospective slaves from Africa, due to the very high rate of STD's. The ones we did receive were very young and were sent to special training schools that all those born from mating she males were sent when they came of age. All of the older males were considered untrainable and were turned in either organ donors or sperm donors.

Dr. Lee had about a dozen older Negro males he was doing tests on.

I received 25 sixteen and seventeen year olds to train or change. I opted to have them all given female organs. Most adapted quickly to having female organs as well as their own. Only a few ended up in the hands of the Research Center for experimentation.

In exchange for Union Credit, several countries in South East Asia agreed to send unemployed young men and women to the Union. The first five hundred of these were shipped directly to the Pines. Allan informed me of their arrival and I went down with Siam, Sandra and Aaron to look them over.

What I was looking for were more like Siam and he could translate for me.

What a contrast from all of the other intakes we had received at the Pines. When Allan ordered them into lines, they went without protest and even stripped without even a sideways glance. They were of such good behavior I was astounded.

After classification all would make either good Sex and or Domestic Slaves and were happy that was what they would become. I choose six from the group for my Stable. All were males, but all would also receive female organs just as Siam had.

Several males and females were sent to the Research Center for experimentation.

I was very surprised when James Abramson walked into my office unannounced.

"Hello Jake. Long time no see."

We warmly embraced. I took him into my living area and offered him a drink. After we were both sitting I asked him why he was here.

"I am the new Secretary of the Slave Directorate. I've been ordered by the Council to clean house of any dissidents in the Directorate. I figured I would start here as this place is the single biggest account in the directorate."

I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and my heart speeded up. Was I on that list? I knew I had been a thorn in Sandy's side and had more than a few enemies in the Union.

I had wondered why Washington had been so quiet lately. Usually I received directives and memos from Washington on almost a daily basis.

James must have read my expression because he burst out laughing.

"Relax Jake. Your heads not on the block."

"Now before I start could you get your Assistant Warden and your Chief of Security in here?"

I called both Allan and Hawk to my office. Allan took a while to arrive, he was down in one of the Cell blocks doing I knew not what, but could surmise. Hawk arrived quickly along with Chris and a very rambunctious 6 year old boy. As soon as that boy saw me he came charging across the room.

"GRANDPA!" He yelled.

I barely had time to set my drink down before he was in my lap hugging me.

James just sat bemused.

"Hello munchkin. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine Grandpa. Mommy took me to school today."

He then just settled in my lap.

"Munchkin, this is one of oldest friends James."

Hawk junior looked at him. Then crawled down off my lap. He walked tight up to James.

"Hi. I'm Hawk Junior. My Dad is Boss of the Security guys." He put out his small hand.

"I'm very glad to meet you Hawk Junior." James said and picked Hawk Junior up. He looked like a mere midget in James huge arms.

"Hawk Junior is the first boy born from a hybrid Mother and his mother Chris is the first boy ever made into as hybrid."

James got up and walked to Chris.

"I am honored to meet you Chris and very happy for you." He handed young Hawk to Chris.

"Thank you sir."

"Chris could you and young Hawk excuse us now please. We will see you again at the house."

"Yes Master." She and Hawk left.

While we waited for Allan I explained how Chris ended up as she was.

I told James he would meet the rest of my boys/girls when we went to the house.

Allan finally arrived and apologized.

"Problems Love?"

"A few of the Japanese boys tried to take over control of all Asian slaves in Cell block three. I disabused them of that notion. It's too bad really some of them are really well hung. One is dead the rest I sent to be enhanced and then milked."

"James that is one of the problems we are coming across with the Asian Slaves sent here. I think the Authorities over there are sending some of the Gang related criminals in their consignments to us. It wasn't the first time and won't be the last."

"Sounds like you have it well in hand Jake."

"James this is Allan, my deputy and love."

Siam got us all drinks and then I dismissed him.

James pulled an instrument out of his briefcase and opened it on the coffee table.

"That scrambles all audio and visual transmissions from this room."

"Hawk you better inform the Security Center before they send a Go Team."

Hawk phoned the center and stopped them from reacting.

"What's a Go Team?" James asked.

"Special assault and reaction team. Some of the slaves figured they could just break the cameras to hide what they were doing. They were put together to react anytime a camera fails."

"Okay, what is said in this room stays in this room if you value your lives and those around you."

"Ten days ago, at exactly twelve midnight, General Allan B. Marshall Commander in Chief of the Armed forces of the Union deposed the President and the Armed Forces took control of the Union."

Allan laughed.

"You think that is funny. You better think again."

"I don't think Allan was laughing about that James. I'm not sure if you know but Allan here has almost set policy in the Union when dealing with Slavery. It was also his ideas about bringing in Asians and Africans that I took to the council two years ago. Allan and I have both been wondering when and if the Military would finally take control."

"So you are the brains behind your boss?"

"Not really sir. I can think of things that might work, but it is Jake that sees if they will. Hell I have had a lot of corny ideas that would never work."

"You two make an excellent team. I know how brutal Jake can be. He proved in his essay to the council when he first trained as a junior Warden. His essay advocated public executions with a normal bullet. I also know he still uses it on occasion and has no compunction about blowing any slaves brains all over the floor when the need arises."

"I feel as he does Sir and so does Hawk."

That coup by the Military was very well planed and executed. All Secretaries were arrested, including their families and slaves. Also every Governor in the Union was also arrested and Military Governors put in their place. The Military now runs the Union, lock stock and barrel." "The main reason I came here Jake is to inform you that all slave training facilities are now controlled by the Military and the Wardens at those facilities are now either dead or soon will be along with their deputies and anyone else who opposes them."

"Even as we speak, the Military is taking control of Pine Lake. I told you earlier to relax Jake because your head is not on the block. Neither is Allan's. However Hawk you need to decide right now if you will accept commission into the Armed Forces. I can guarantee you at least Colonel."

"Of course I will accept." Hawk never even had to think about it.

"Good." James handed over to Hawk a several sheets of paper.

"Just sign all the places' indicated please."

Hawk signed and handed them back.

"Congratulations Colonel." James laughed.

"Even though you train a large number of Slaves here Jake, Pine Lake is not considered a training facility. This place is considered a Research Establishment."

"James, I'm not sure I understand your roll in this. You are a civilian. I understand you retired from ISSI long before it became the Union."

"I did retire, but remained as a well paid advisor. Six years ago I was approached by the Now Military Dictator to help plan a Military Coup. I have been on board ever since. Given a choice at the time of a quick bullet or else, I chose to join the coup."

"Jake the reason I am here is to vet you. The Military has a very extensive file on you. They know everything about as far back as your great Grand parents." "However the Military does not know you."

"All they see is what is written in black and white."

"In their mind set you were an unknown to them. So when they can't find out or can't learn what you are they think elimination first. Jake your name was on the top of the list for arrest and execution when they gave it to me."

"What the Military Council saw in you was a Thirty two year old Homosexual Male you loved to fuck sixteen and seventeen year old boys, preferably virgin boys."

"They also saw a man that ran the largest Department in the Union, outside of the Military, with almost complete control. Almost like it was your own little fiefdom."

"You had the largest budget, except again for the Military, the largest Security Force and ran everything like a Dictator. You had as many enemies outside Government as you did inside and yet everyone was scared to touch you. That scared them to the core."

"So why am I still alive James?"

"I told them that before they eliminate the only person that could control Slavery in the Union they find out where your loyalties lay."

"So what did you decide James?"

He laughed at that. Then got up and filled all our glasses again.

"Over the next month, The Pines will be receiving every person and their families that have been arrested by the Military Government. The off spring can be trained as slaves, but the political prisoners and their wives are to be executed. The Military is by definition more sadistic when dealing with civilians and so the bullet will not be used. All executions are to be done with quarter inch cable and all will be hanged."

It was about what I expected. I knew I was fairly sadistic myself and knew Allan was the same way. So slow strangulation was going to the way. It had been tried before and found to slow. Now the Military made it the only way.

"What do you think about that Allan?"

"Well the method is very slow and painful, but should be no problem. We will need a bigger place than that small room next to the crematorium and probably more furnaces. Burning bodies takes time and there could be thousands."

James was so surprised at Allan's response, his mouth dropped open. I was the one that laughed this time.

"That's why I love him James. I taught him everything I know and he is more like me everyday, besides the fact that he is probably the smartest guy in the room."

"Neither of you have a problem with what is being asked?"

"Why would it James? I had no problem watching or even doing executions when I was an Assistant Warden in a Class one. The Union never baulked at my execution of anyone who did not or would not follow my procedures in Class 3's when I controlled all of them or anyone else when they became training facilities. In here I have probably executed well over a hundred slaves and I think Allan has done that and more. So they are political prisoners and the State wants to use piano wire. No biggy. Just means we will need a bigger place and more furnaces."

"I guess this meeting is over."

"Good we can go to the house. You can meet the rest of my Stable. I'm sure I have one or two that can handle that monster you have between your legs if it is your desire."

As soon as James shut off the instrument on the table, Hawk was talking on his radio.

"I have some things to take care of Sir. I'll see you at the house later."

"Very well Hawk."

As I drove the Gator to my home on the lake I thought about what had happened. The Union was now a Military Dictatorship. Well it had been a dictatorship in everything but name since the one party system had come into place. Like most other despot rulers that one party system had fallen when the Military asserted its power.

No military Dictatorship had ever lasted more than a few hundred years and most lasted a lot less. Now this one was going the same way all Dictatorships went by elimating all who opposed it. Weather that was a thousand or a hundred thousand it wouldn't matter.

Dictatorships fell from rot from within. I was very sure that those that took over the Government knew that too. The Pines was now as well as a research Center also an execution Center. Considering the numbers I doubted it would be the only one.

I had gone from a Warden in a Class 3 Detention Center to the Director of Slave training and now executioner for the Union. Well I would do everything in my power to stay exactly as they wanted. If it meant I had to execute men and women in the thousands so be it. I doubted I would live see the end of this Dictatorship, but I was going to enjoy every second I had left.

The population of the Union was in excess of seven hundred million people. I knew over the next several years millions would die and millions more would be enslaved. To me that was just another source of Slaves.

I showed James to one of my guest rooms and assigned two Asian slave she males to his room.

Allan and I had a long hot shower, then I fucked his brains out for almost an hour, much to his delight.

"Feeling better love?" He said as we just lay together.

"A little love. I just needed some time. This is going to be a bitch."

"Nothing really we can do, but follow orders. Anything else and we might end up on the wrong end of a noose."

"I know, but for the first time I have no control over what happens here. I guess I was living in a fool's paradise."

After dressing we went out and Aaron quickly brought us a drink. Hawk came in and before Aaron could move poured himself a very stiff drink. He didn't look happy.

"Problems Hawk?"

"Can I speak to you alone Sir?"

"Sure Hawk. Let's go out on the veranda." We walked outside. I closed the sliding door and leaned back on the railing.

"Well Hawk?"

"Something happened and I don't know why and just feel sort of disgusted with myself." "Two technician's from the Clinic were arrested by the NSA. I didn't know any were even here, but both had big files on the two technicians. I guess they had been spying for the Chinese."

Another black mark against me, I thought.

"Anyway, the NSA guys had both down in the Garbage room. Both had been worked over pretty good. One of the NSA guys rigged two nooses from an over head pipe. Stripped both men and hanged them."

Problem was I got hard when as I watched them struggling on that noose. I almost came when both men ejaculated before they died. I think I must be going crazy Sir."

"You are not going crazy Hawk. Both Allan and I got hard the first few times I executed someone. It still happens on occasion."

"It's a very messy way to do it. Both men came and then emptied their bowels and pissed. Stunk to high heaven. A guy will almost need as gas mask to do it if there are going to be so many."

"Why the garbage room?"

"Well it's just a big empty space. The garbage goes automatically onto the conveyor to the furnace. There are lots of overhead pipes so the NSA guys didn't need to rig anything. I guess in the short term we could use for all executions. The bodies could be sent to the incinerator.

"That will do for now, but we will have to get something designed and built soonest. Preferably closer to the Landing field."

"I'll get Barry on that right away."

Barry was the Pines full time maintenance and construction foremen.

James enjoyed the week he spent at the pines. We talked almost every night and he explained exactly what was going to happen. It was pretty much as I thought and the Pines would be busy for a while to come.

Over the next fifteen years Allan and I watched as three different men became leader of the Union. Each more brutal than the last. We were both allowed to retire and we moved to Oregon and lived a quiet life.

We both knew we were not out of the eyes of the Union and knew eventually some one would decide we were a liability.

We had been planning for that day for a long time. Our modest house in the mountains of Oregon was rigged with near a ton of explosives. We had cyanide capsules we would take to prevent them from hanging us.

Once they came doe us the first one inside our home would set off the timer. Five minutes later the house would explode taking us and whoever had come in straight to hell.

Neither of us had regrets. We had lived a full and happy life together.

The End

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