The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 13, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 14

Allan and I just cuddled to sleep. He didn't sleep well, even as I tried to comfort him.

After showering in the morning, Allan put on his new uniform. It was basically the same as any Security Guard. Dark blue with a single white strip up the pant legs. The difference between his and a Security Guard was the small silver Warden Badges on his collar.

I saw his hands shaking as we ate breakfast.

"Relax Allan. You have been with me on several occasions when I have done an intake. You know what to do."

"Yeah, but I never said anything and never had to do anything. I just watched."

"Allan, why don't you call Steven and tell him you would like his help with this induction. I'm sure he would be only too happy to help."

Steven didn't normally attend intakes, but knew what was always required. He also had no qualms about what he could do if there were slaves that would not cooperate.

Allan called Steven and shortly he showed up. I left them alone and went back to work running the Pines.

Allan came to me about 10:00 to tell me they were going down to the induction center. I said I would be down before the cycle arrived. Steven informed me it would be late by an hour. I also saw he had that baton all the guards had been issued with. I knew what it was and what it was capable of.

"See you at noon then Allan."

The new baton was very much like a regular night stick with a difference. You could still use it like a night stick, but if you shoved the silver point into a slave a 5,000 volt shot of electricity shot from the point. It acted very much like the old taser, except with out the wires. It was far better than using the capsule. When that capsule was fired, most slaves ended up unconscious from the charge. With the baton it was very temporary but hurt like hell.

I heard Aaron scream one day in his room and wondered what the problem was. When I entered the room Sandra was standing over Aaron. He was on the floor wreathing.

Sandra had one of the batons in her hands.

"What have you got there Sandra and what are you doing?"

Both looked very scared and never said anything.


"Master, Steven left this for you to look at. It's the new baton that used to control slaves. We was just trying it Master."

I took it from Sandra and looked at it. It didn't look any different than the old batons.

"What's so special about this one?"

"Master, if you push the tip into a slave it gives off an electrical charge. We were just trying it on each other."

"Really." I pushed it into Aaron's hard cock. He screamed and dropped to the floor holding his cock. I did the same to Sandra and left them both alone. I went back to work.

Later I had warned both that I would ram it up their butts if I ever caught them using it. They probably would like it. Both loved pain.

Both were ready to go down with me long before I was ready. Both knew I sometimes found a virgin boy to deflower among intakes. They always got to use the boy too.

We arrived down at the center about 11:30. We went up to the observation Center. We just sat down to wait. All the assistant wardens were waiting as well. Guess they were watching to see if Allan screwed up.

Right on time the slaves were marched into the center under heavy armed guard. They were the only real weapons in the center, except for Steven and Allan, who both wore pistols. After their cuffs were removed and placed in a bin the Armed guards marched out. Allan stood on a short podium.

His voice boomed out of speakers.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your lives. Unless you cooperate 100 percent, it could also be the last day of your life. Yesterday, you were something else. To day you are all Slaves. Accept it. You can't change it." "The first rule you need to learn and learn quickly is to do exactly as you are told as soon as you are told. Failure brings severe punishment."

In front and to each side you see lines painted on the floor. Green lines to your right and red lines to your left. All females when told will move to the green lines. Sixteen year olds on the first line, seventeen year olds on the second and all other on the third line. The males will move to the red lines and do the same thing. Move now."

I was surprised how quickly they sorted themselves out. There were a few screams as some were reluctant to move. Very quickly Allan walked back to the podium.

"My next order is for you to strip. Remove your coveralls and running shoes and place them in front of you."

"You might as well accept it. You will be nude in here at all times unless you give full cooperation. Sort them out."

There were a lot more screams as slaves were zapped by the new batons. Some slaves just did as they were told while most baulked at stripping. It took a while but all seemed to be complying. Then I saw a scuffle near the back of the male's lines. I also heard a lot if cussing. Very quickly an older man was dragged out into the middle of the floor. Allan walked off the podium and up to him.

"What is your problem boy?"

"I'm not stripping for you or anyone else. I'm not doing anything you say. Just because I like to live on the street don't make me a slave to you or anyone."

"I didn't make you a slave, the courts did. I'm only going to make sure you are a good slave."

"Fuck you."

"That won't happen either. Put him on his knees."

I was shocked at how fast it happened. One second the man was standing in front of Allan, the next two guards forced him to his knees. Allan walked behind him pulled out the pistol he wore. The BOOM of the pistol going off made every one jump. The man's brains and a shit load of blood splattered the floor in front of him.

You could hear a pin drop in the Center.


All the slaves turned away from the dead man and some puked what little there was in their stomachs. No one hesitated in stripping.

"Shortly you all will receive an inspection by medics. Tell the truth when you are asked questions. WE will find out everything about you eventually. Lying will only get you punishment later."

"You may begin."

Several technicians in lab coats came out and started to walk down the lines asking questions and inspecting each new slave. Allan and the guards just walked along and watched. I saw Allan indicate to the technicians about several boys. He never even looked at he girls.

About ninety minutes later the head technician walked to Allan. They talked for several minutes.

"Each of you has been given a colored wrist band. You will now move to the door with the same color as that band. The corridor will lead to your cell block. Once you find an empty cell your lunch will be sent to you. You will receive further instructions later. You may move now." I turned to the Assistant Wardens that had watched.

"That is how it should be done and will be done from now on. Garrison, if I ever see you zapping or whipping a slave for no reason again, I will make you one. You are all dismissed."

By the time I got down to the floor the center was empty but for Steven, Allan and two boys. One was a pure blonde. The other I at first thought was Negro, but then I noticed he had straight hair on his head and pubes. He also had an uncut cock.

I congratulated Allan and gave him a hug.

"These two admitted they were gay and not virgins. Considering Aaron and Chris will be laid up for several months I figured Sandra could use some help. Once they are trained they will make fine slaves."

"Very good Allan. Aaron, you and Sandra take them up and get them trimmed. We will be up in a while."

"Yes Master." They led the two boys out.

WE headed for the main office in the induction center. We sat down with the head technician.

"Not a very good intake as far as slaves are concerned Sir. Thirty six of the females are suitable as sex or domestics. Another 50 will probably make labor slaves. The rest are only good as donors."

"Of the males, it is better. About 100 will make either sex or domestics. Another 80 will make excellent labor slaves. The rest will end up as donors. There are also 53 of those males that are virgins. None of the females are."

"There are also about a half dozen Males that fit the criteria Doctor Lee is looking for, for experimenting with male pregnancy. They will be moved immediately to the Clinic."

"Steven, any of the donors that are found to be unsuitable even as donors are to be put down immediately. We will be receiving another six hundred next Monday and every Monday after that."

"Yes sir."

"Well I guess we are finished here. Thank you Doctor, that was the best induction we have had done here. We will be following that way from now on. Allan you will be in charge of all inductions from now on. You are also an Assistant Warden from this day forward."

That made Allan very happy. We headed back to my quarters.

Allan changed while I got us a drink. Allan came out in loose fitting shorts and sat beside me.

"Jake something happened when I shot that guy and I don't know what it means."

"What Love?"

"I got hard when I shot him."

"Nothing to worry about love. I did too after I got used to watching it happen and even got hard when I did my first. You'll get used to it I'm sure."

"Allan, those two boys you picked are now yours. Do you want them fixed like Aaron and Sandra?"

"Oh for sure, but not until after the babies come. Can the black boy keep his skin?"

"They are yours now so you can decide."

"Well I think it looks neat."

Both boys turned out to be very willing and both were very experienced. Both as tops and bottoms. Allan had got himself a couple of very good slave boys. I doubted they would like him much after they received the female organs, but neither would have a choice.

Both boys were very helpful with Aaron and Chris after the doctor fixed them. Two weeks later Chris got his egg implanted and fertilized by Hawks Sperm. It took Sandra three days to impregnate Aaron. Now we would see. I hoped it worked for both their sakes.

As the days and weeks passed it was very evident in both boys that they had a baby growing inside them. Both their appetites increased as well as their mood swings. Allan's slaves dotted on Chris, while Sandra tried to keep Aaron focused. Aaron was sick several times and Sandra worried something was wrong. Dr. Lee told her it was normal. After all Aaron was a boy and he had to adjust to having a baby growing inside him.

Allan and I were sitting on the couch necking one night. Allan's slaves were with Chris and Sandra was with Aaron. We were practically alone, a very unusual thing. We were about to go to bed when Sandra ran out into the room crying.

"Master, master, you got to come quick."

I thought something had happen to Aaron. We both rushed into their cell. Aaron was laying nude on the bed with the biggest smile on his face I think I had ever seen.

"Master, you got to feel here." Sandra had her hand on Aaron's huge belly.

I ran my hand down where Sandra indicated. I felt a kick. Wow, that was a first for me. Allan did the same thing.

"Wow! Feels like he wants out." Allan said.

I leaned down and kissed Aaron and then kissed Sandra. Both were head over heels happy.

I had been watching Hawk's progress through Quantico. He was at the top of his class. I knew he was now at the Class 1 institute in Yuma Arizona. Soon he would be coming back to the Pines. I really wondered what his reaction was going to be when he saw Chris.

Well Hawk was delayed due to a massive blizzard that was rocking the Pines. The day he was to arrive Chris went into labor. He was immediately moved to the clinic.

When Hawk arrived he rushed into my suite.

"Where's Chris?"

I got up and walked around to him.

"Chris is fine. He is in the clinic. Come on, I'll go down with you."

Hawk looked more and more worried as he had to put on a gown and mask before the nurse would let him into Chris's room. As soon as we walked Dr. Lee said.

"Congratulations Hawk. You are the father of a nine pound 2 once baby boy."

"WHAT!" He almost yelled.

The doctor just pointed.

Hawk went over to the bed and just stood looking. I walked up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder. I looked at the small bundle Chris had a hold of. The baby had the dark brown complexion of Hawk, with the blonde hair of Chris. He really was a beautiful baby.

"Congratulations Hawk, he is beautiful."

"But how is this possible?"

"Hi love meet our Son Hawk Junior." Chris said.

"I don't understand all this."

"Hawk I knew you wanted to have kids so I asked Master if I could have our first. Dr Lee put in an egg and he used your sperm so I could have our first."

"Chris, you two can have many more if you wish. The baby was born naturally." Dr. Lee said.

Very soon Hawk was hugging Chris and crying his head off.

"Hawk you are on extended leave until Chris is home." I said.

I left them alone.

Aaron went into labor a week later and surgically had a baby boy as well. I was there with Sandra as the doctor removed the 6 pound 5 once boy from Aaron. I was very happy for both.

It was few days later that Doctor Lee came to see me. "Sir, while Chris had a very normal boy, Aaron and Sandra had a she/male. The baby has both male and female organs."

"Are you serious? How did it happen?"

"I don't know. I did exactly the same thing with both only manipulating them so they would have boys as both wanted. They probably know by now. I wonder what they think."

That was answered when Aaron and Sandra came out with the baby.

"Master, Jake Junior is just like us. He won't need an operation later. Isn't that great?"

I just looked at the doctor as he smiled.

"It is very good Aaron and thank you for naming him after me."

With birth of two children by two different males, changed the whole concept of Slavery. Even though the breeding Centers were started the experiments into male giving birth went on at an accelerated pace. Females unsuitable as either sex or domestics were sent to the breeding centers.

Labor males were now routinely castrated. They were more docile and easier to train.

There was never any shortage of sperm. All slaves could be milked for their Sperm.

After living in the administration building for seven years I finally had my own residence built on Pine Lake. It was several hundred yards down the beach from the Retreat built for Executives and Wardens of the ISSI. I had three more slave boys and two new Security Guards picked by Hawk. Those two Security Officers we also told what to expect and both spent nights in Allan's and my bed.

Hawk and Chris lived in an apartment over the boat house attached to my home. Both were welcome in our home anytime and the two babies were pretty much raised together. Both were automatically slaves, so both learned almost from birth about what they were.

The two boys Allan had picked were sent for their operations. The blonde, Kenny was pretty unhappy, but Siam, the black boy was happier than Aaron. I also found out he was Burmese. He had run away from home and had been working for a male escort agency in New York when he was picked up.

Pine Lake became nothing more than a research Center for slave enhancement. We still shipped almost a thousand slaves every month, but the other class 3 Training Centers were doing the bulk of slave training. Almost 20,000 slaves a month joined the ranks of slaves for sale each month, but it was never enough.

Even though I spent every night in my new home, I spent my days at the Administration Building. Mike was gone along with Steven. Mike had received a promotion to a new Class three. He had asked Steven to accompany him as Assistant warden. I was sorry to see them go, but knew the promotion was worth it for both.

Allan was now my assistant. He ran the Pines in my absence and that was often. The training facilities were expanding all over the Union. I had to travel to each new training facility and make sure my rules were followed to the letter. Some Warden's baulked at my instructions and some wardens received a bullet in the back of the head.

As long as the board, read government, were happy with me I had no problems. The government was the board now and secretaries held the posts, including Sandy. I was a Director and I took my position seriously. Sandy had joked one day that I might end up as Secretary of Slavery if he ever retired. I knew if it happened, Sandy less his cock and balls would either have a bullet blow his brains onto the floor or strangle to dearth on a cable around his neck. No one retired from ISSI.

The Union had tried all kinds of different ways to execute someone. The bullet was still the quickest and most cost efficient way to go.

Allan had both boys he had picked given an egg and Sandra impregnated the white boy and Aaron did the black boy. The black boy Siam was very happy but Kenny was not. That may have been the reason Kenny never made it full term. Both baby and Kenny died. Siam had a beautiful baby girl and she was a hybrid baby as well.

She was the second she male in our household and Doctor Lee figured it was something in Aaron that was making it happen.

Problem was Sandra although happy for Siam was not happy. She and Aaron had been the most perfect slaves I had ever encountered. Both had done what ever I asked anytime. Both had a lot more power than any other slave in the Union. I needed to know what her problem was. I called her on the carpet one day after flatly refusing one of my Security guards.

Sandra knew she was in trouble when he walked out. Tears streamed down her face. I saw a very beautiful she male. Those three perfect breasts had not sagged a millimeter. I loved to screw her in her number one pussy or her number two and she loved it either way.

Giving her the strap or even a shot from a baton was no going to happen, even if she did deserve it. Besides, she'd probably like it.

"Sandra, what is your problem? Why have you been so rebellious lately? I need to know Girl. I don't want to punish you. Next to Allan you and Aaron are the ones I love more than anyone else."

"I'm sorry Master, but it's not fair. Aaron is a boy and he had a baby. Siam and Chris are boys and they had a baby. I'm a girl and I can't. Please Master, I want a baby. I know Dr. Lee says I can't but there must be a way. Please Master." Sandra was shaking as she cried.

I got up and went around and hugged her. She just melted into and bawled her head off.

I led her to one of the couches and sat down with her.

"Sandra I will do everything in my power to help you. However I don't know if there is anything that can be done."

"Thank you Master."

The problem was really simple. Aaron couldn't have anymore children. Both Aaron and Sandra wanted more. Even the small boy Siam could have more. His birth had been natural like Chris.

I called Dr. Lee up for an information session. After a long talk, Dr. Lee agreed to see what he could do.

For the next month Sandra spent more time at the hospital than she did in my quarters.

Six weeks after Sandra had made her case, Dr. Lee and Dr. Simpson came to see me. I had Sandra and Aaron in the office as well as Allan.

"Well Sandra, the idea we have is simple in concept, but nor so easy to carry out. Giving a male female organs to make a boy capable of having children is fairly easy. What we propose is to remove all your female parts, at least on the inside of your body and putting another set in. The chance of you surviving such an operation are only about 60 percent and actually being capable of having babies later is only about 30 percent."

"The operation has never been done before and you will laid up for several months."

"Sandra, what happens next, I am going to leave up to you and Aaron."

"Okay Master. I guess it is up to us both to make that decision."

Three days later Aaron and Sandra told me they wanted to try. I informed Dr. Simpson of Sandra's decision. That started the DNA testing and compatibility testing on Female slaves.

Now it was a matter of waiting and peace again reined in my household.

Allan and I had been thinking about getting a surrogate mother for our child. I had another idea and we sat and talked about it. I suggested we ask Chris if he would act as our depository after an egg was implanted in him. We would fertilize the egg.

I could order her/him to, but would prefer he/she wanted to.

I invited Hawk and Chris for dinner one night. They of course brought Hawk Junior. He was growing like a weed and could even walk, and say a few words. Like Jake Junior, he had been learning that he was a slave from birth. Both young boys got along real good.

After dinner we were all including Sandra and Aaron sitting enjoying a few drinks.

"Chris, I have a big favor to ask you and Hawk."

"The answer is Yes Master."

"You haven't even heard the question."

"Master, I have seen how you look at little Hawk and Jake. We all know you and Allan want to have one of your own. Hawk and I talked about it a long time ago and decided that if you want I will have a child for you."

There was only one thing I knew I could do to thank her and Hawk. Well I guess two things. I got up and walked to my desk.

"Chris could you please come over here?"

"Remove your shorts please."

Once she he was standing nude, I moved her cock out of the way and pushed the wrist controller into her crotch.

"This won't hurt a bit Chris." As I pushed the button she smiled and started to get hard.

I opened her file on my computer. Very quickly it was erased.

"You didn't have the second capsule inserted so the first one is now deactivated. You are no longer on any record in the Union."

I then printed off a special writ and signed it.

I then had Allan witness it.

"Put your shorts back on Chris."

"Chris effective this date and time you are no longer a slave. You are as free as Hawk or any other citizen of the Union. Not only that, young Hawk is no longer a slave. If it is your wish I can make you the real girl you wanted to be."

Chris and Hawk both started to cry. Allan went and hugged both, congratulating them. That was followed by Aaron and Sandra. Lastly I kissed both.

After everyone settled down and had a new drink in their hands Chris spoke up.


"Just Jake from now on Chris. I am no longer your Master."

"You will always be my Master. No simple paper can ever change all you have given Hawk and I. Jake, we decided a long time ago that if I ever gained my freedom from you I would not change back to just a girl. I have to confess I love every part of me and Hawk does too. I guess you could say we really are Bi.

"For Hawk and I it is a very great honor you asked me to bear your child and we will give you as many as you want."

"Master, Hawk and I love you as much as we love each other, maybe even more than we love each other."

Two weeks later Chris had an egg implanted and a week later was pregnant. Allan and I both fucked her many times during that week, but didn't know which of us had impregnated her. Hawk was always the recipient of the others sperm as we screwed her. That made both happy that they were in the same bed as she was impregnated.

A month after it was confirmed that Chris was carrying our baby Dr. Simpson came up.

Sandra and Aaron were both present for the meeting.

"Sandra we have found a donor. We can begin the operations as soon as you say you are ready."

"What will happen to the donor?"

"Well she will be much less a female although outside she will still be a girl. She won't have much inside plumbing left, but will still enjoy getting sex. Other than that she will also have male organs added she will be okay."

Now that everything was ready to go, Sandra was very nervous.

"Sandra it is now completely up to you and Aaron."

After talking it over they both agreed to go ahead. Sandra was admitted to hospital the next morning. Aaron could only sit and wait. He spent a lot of time with baby Jake.

Twenty two hours later, Dr. Simpson called to say Sandra was in recovery, but thy would not know if everything worked for several weeks. Aaron slept with Allan and I the whole time Sandra was out of it.

He spent all his days beside her bed in ICU.

I wasn't at the Pines when Sandra woke up. I was called on the carpet in Washington for the very expensive operation I had ordered for Sandra. So far she had cost the Pines nearly a half million dollars and it would be a lot more before it was over. Sandy wanted to know why I would spend so much on a mere slave.

I took Dr. Lee and Dr. Simpson with me to Washington. Siam was the only slave I took along.

I once asked Siam why he was so happy that I had made him into a she male. He told me She Males were very common in Asia. He had always wondered what it was like and was very happy he was one now. He was also happy he had sired a she male. He knew the baby belonged to the State, but didn't care and hoped he could have more. He loved to suck and fuck as both top and bottom. Another Aaron in my life.

The meeting was being held at the White House at 10:00 the following morning after our arrival.

After a long hot shower and the usual cleaning out everything, I screwed Siam in his pussy first and then without missing a stroke rammed my dick into his tight ass. She males really were the best of both worlds. Siam was in heaven and even more so when I first licked his pussy after I finished and then rimmed him. I thing he came both times I was licking him. We slept in a 69 position. I hoped I would survive the meetings coming up so I could do it again.

Although the Union was called a Democracy, in reality it was a dictatorship. President Author Cambridge was President for life. As long as he kept everyone happy, including the Armed Forces he could be President for a long time.

It was outside his office in the White House I was now standing.

Both the Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Justice were already in his office, I thought we were waiting for Sandy. He had been the one that had called me to Washington.

"The President will see you now Sir."

The President walked around his desk to greet me.

"Director Samson, it is so good to see you again. You know these two gentlemen. Come sit and have some coffee. Regrettably Secretary Jacobs will not be joining us."

"Now you may be under the false belief that you were called here because of your over spending. That was the original reason, however what I am more interested in is if the Pines has come up with a solution to get more slaves. Demand far out reaches out ability to supply them. Secretary Jacobs could not give us an answer so I wanted to speak directly to you."

"Sir the long term solution is more she males. A she male can not only produce sperm to impregnate but in most cases can also produce children. That was one of the reasons for some of the so called overboard spending. I took a barren She male and gave him/her a new set of internal female organs. We are hoping that she can now produce babies.

If it works on her it can be done to others, there by increasing the number of Slaves that can sire more slaves."

"Short term, I wonder why the Union is not importing slaves. I have a young Burmese male in my stable now who tells me many boys and girls in South East Asia would jump at the chance to become a slave here because what they now have in their countries is almost nothing. South East Asia is very over populated and there are fewer and fewer jobs available."

I'm sure some kind of solution with the Governments involved could solve our short term supply problems."

"The other short term solution is one I am not sure you can do at all Sir. Right now the Union Armed Forces are assisting governments in Africa putting down revolts. In all cases the prisoners taken by Union forces are turned over to their respective countries Governments which in turn are either executing the rebels or enslaving them. Could not some of these prisoners be culled in certain age groups and sent to the Union to become slaves."

"I mean no disrespect to you Secretary Manson." Secretary Manson was black. He laughed.

"I'm not offended by your idea Jake. I think it is a good solution. I have two blacks in my Stable."

"As do I." The President said.

"Anything else Director Samson?"

"Yes I would like the policy of sterilizing all females when they are arrested stopped. It was my idea to begin with, but now that we are creating more She males and more importantly she males that can give birth it is best if all females are classified first. Those not suitable for operations can be sterilized by the clinic."

"Consider it done. I'll have the order sent out today." The Secretary of Justice said.

After lunch I had Dr. Lee and Dr. Simpson explain exactly what was being researched and why. I also allowed all three men try out Siam, which they did in the privacy of an outer office. Siam was of course in heaven.

After a long day, we all returned to my hotel.


Next: Chapter 15

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