The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 10, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 13

"I'm going to give you two a few of the rules here at the Pines. You both received the general set when you arrived here. Because at the time you arrived you were both just 15, you didn't get all the rules."

"First and foremost, every slave in here must do exactly as you tell them, including these two here. Except that I will tell you what you can and can't do with my slaves."

"If you want you can tell any slave in here to suck your cocks or tell them to get on their knees or back and fuck their brains out. They have to do it or face severe punishment."

"Now there are a hundred or so of dependants of people who work here. Both male and female. All are near or older than your age. If you want to get it on with any of them and they say no, it means no period. If you go on against their wishes and they report you, you will be charged with Rape and if its proven you will go from free to a slave and a sex slave to boot. Plus you probably will end up as Sandra and Aaron are now. That means having a cunt as well as tits."

"If you are both in agreement, nothing can be done. Boys there is no where at the Pines that is not under video surveillance. So what ever you do or don't is covered by cameras."

"Now is your Father fucking either of you?"

I was very sure he wasn't, but it sure shook up both boys. Their faces turned red and they had trouble speaking. Both finally blurted an adamant NO.

I laughed along with Sandra and Aaron.

"I didn't think so boys but needed to shake you up. It's not uncommon among Families where the offspring are Gay or Lesbian. All straight men love to sink their cocks into a tight pussy or ass or have their cocks sucked. Here at the Pines there are a few families like that. However in each case, even with siblings you need permission from the sibling to do anything, other wise the Union calls it Rape. Do you boys understand?"

"Staff here at the Pines have stiff rules they must follow, including me. You two are Gay. If you want a guard or supervisor to fuck you, or want to suck their cocks, most will do it, but you have to ask them. They won't do anything even if they know you want it unless you specifically ask them."

"Allan, you said you wanted me to fuck you and you wanted to suck my cock."

"Yes Sir."

"Well Allan I would love to force my nine inch cock down your sixteen year old throat or ram it up your tight ass, but I will never ask you or even think about it."

Both boys just sat after I was finished talking.

It surprised me, but Terry was the first to speak.

"Sir, can I please suck your cock."

"Yes Terry you can." I stood up and dropped my shorts and then sat down.

Terry got up and walked up to me.

"Wow Sir. You are really big. I don't think I can get it all in my mouth."

"Just do what you can handle Terry."

Terry knelt down and took my cock into his mouth. He took about five inches and then worked on those five inches. I felt his tongue everywhere on my cock. He was a real good cocksucker, seeming to know exactly what turned me on.

"Get ready boy and don't miss any or I'll tan your ass."

He didn't heed my warning and when my first thick stream of cum shot into his mouth he gagged and chocked on it. A second and a third followed and some squirted from around his lips. That just got him five slaps with a belt on his butt. He'd learn quick I meant what I said.

Terry finished me by cleaning my cock and licking up what he had missed.

"I'm sorry Sir. I wasn't ready when you came."

I never hesitated. I picked up my strap, pulled Terry across my lap and gave him five hard swats across his white ass. He yelped with every strike. When he stood up he rubbed his sore ass. That was different. Except for my two boys, everyone else I did that to were screaming when I was done. To top it off he was hard when I was done. I gave him a swat across his cock. That got his attention and he screamed and grabbed his cock.

Aaron and Sandra laughed.

"He is just like us Master." Sandra said.

"Sir." Allan said.


"Our Dad has been whipping our bare asses since we were eight. It was only after we started to like it that he stopped. We don't know why it feels good, just that we always get hard when someone whips our butts."

"Relax Allan. My two slaves are the same as you guys."

I sat down and Aaron brought me a fresh drink and another coke for the boys.

Allan looked scared, but I knew what was coming. He finally stood up and walked in front of me. He was without a doubt a very good looking young man.

"Sir, will you please screw me?"

"Yes Allan I will. Come on Son sit here beside me." I pulled him down beside me.

Once I said I would, he relaxed and snuggled on close to me.

"Aaron. Why don't you and Sandra entertain Terry for an hour or so?"

The three disappeared quickly.

"Why did you want them to leave Sir?"

"Do you want them here when I make love to you Allan?"

"Is it really love Sir?"

"First off Allan, call me Jake when we are alone. Now you want me to enter you're your most private place. I know I will hurt you, but I will go as slow as I can. Once I am inside I'll make you feel so good, you might be in heaven or hell. Either way, I'm sure you want it. Allan some people call that making love."

"I love my Mom and Dad, but I never had anyone else say they will make love to me. I had lots of guys, but it was always just fucking. I want someone to love me that way." Allan snuggled up even closer.

"You can make love to me Jake."

Now I was the one that had to think. The Last boy I had made love to was Gerry. Then there was Henry. I had thought I loved both until Aaron showed up. Both boys were pretty much grown up now and two of the best Slave instructors at the Pines. Both had slave boy boyfriends. Now Allan comes along and I 'm feeling the same thing.

I put my finger under his chin and lifted his face up. I was looking into the greenest eyes I had ever seen. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. His very pink tongue came out and he licked his lips. A moment later he had his lips mashed to mine. I felt his tongue on my lips and opened my mouth. His tongue darted inside searching. I relented and started to play tongue tag with him. That was like the fourth of July in my mind and I just didn't want to stop. We finally broke apart.

"Make love to me Jake." He almost whispered.

As I picked him up he wrapped his legs around my waist. I carried him into my bedroom, climbed on the bed and gently laid him under me. I bent forward and kissed him again. The moved down and licked and nibbled at each of his perky tits. That made him moan real loud. I worked my way down to his bright red treasure trail. That led to his almost pink cock nestled in his fiery pubes. I nibbled at the head of his cock before giving his whole cock a tongue bath. That started him squirming on the bed as well as moaning even louder. I then sucked both his balls into my mouth and gently chewed them. His movements were becoming frenzied. Finally I pushed up his legs and dove in with my tongue, bathing that sweet pucker.

"God Jake, Jake, JaKKKKKKKKE!" He screamed.

I popped his very wet cock into my mouth just in time for it to throb. Three, four and a fifth time he shot his sweet nectar into my mouth. God he had a load of sweet nectar. His whole body slumped almost faint under me.

I leaned forward and kissed him pushing some of his cum into his mouth.

"Love me Jake. Make love to me Jake."

"Sure Baby."

I leaned back and reached for my super lube. As I did Allan pulled his legs back exposing that small looking hole. At that point I wasn't sure I could do this, his hole looked very small. Not someone who had had cocks inside him before.

"Allan, you need to relax and when I say push real hard."

I applied a little bit of pressure with the head of my cock. He tensed and then relaxed.

"Push Allan, push hard."

I felt the rings relax just a bit and I pushed slowly into him. A deep low groan escaped past his clinched teeth. His eyes were screwed tightly shut with a tear slipping out from the eye lids. My cock slipped inside and I stopped.

I leaned over and licked the tears off his face and then kissed him. His tongue came out again and we went in to a lip lock. As I kissed him I applied pressure and millimeter by millimeter my cock slid into him. He still groaned as I opened his snug canal with my beer can, but it was more of moan than a groan. I finally stopped, the head of my cock at the end of his canal.

"You got it baby." I said.

"I can't believe something can hurt so much and feel so good at the same time." He half groaned.

I could feel his super hot insides just holding my cock.

"Fuck me Jake. Fuck me good." He whispered.

As I slowly pulled back, his eyes opened. They were sparkling, with either pain or pleasure, I wasn't sure which. When I started back in again he groaned but also pushed to meet my slow thrust. In no time at all my first load shot off inside his hole. That just made things slicker and I speeded up until I was pile driving his ass. I don't know when my cock found its way into his upper bowel, but I felt my balls slapping his ass cheeks.

This time he yelled and came at the same time. That clamped his rings tight on my cock and my second load filled his cavity. I stopped and just lay over him. Our bodies slick with our sweat and his cum. He wrapped his legs around my waist.

"I wish you were always inside me Jake. I love you so much."

"I love you too Allan."

He smothered my face with kisses.

"I never want anyone but you Jake ever."

"Well I guess you'll just have to marry me Allan."

"Oh yes Jake."

We finally separated and went and showered and cleaned each other out. After drying just walked out into the living room. I got Allan a coke and mixed myself a drink. He sat on my lap and just held me. We needed no more words.

"Do you think my Dad is going to be okay with us Jake?"

"I'm sure it will be fine Allan."

A few minutes later the other three came out. Terry stopped and just looked at Allan.

I knew twins seemed to have their own communication system built into their minds, but didn't really believe it until just then.

"What is Dad going to say about you screwing the Boss Allan?"

"Guess he'll just have to accept that I love Jake. Jake says he will marry me too."

"Oh Wow! That is so cool. I am so happy for you Allan."

About an hour later both boys dressed and took off for supper at home. Allan was over almost every night and although we didn't fuck around every night, we did at least four times a week. It didn't take Allan's Father long to figure something was going on. He was after all supervisor of the security center and knew Allan was visiting my quarters almost every night.

I also knew Terry had hooked up with a boy around his own age and were fucking like rabbits every chance they got.

It was no surprise to me that Jim showed up at my Apartment one Saturday afternoon. If he had shown up ten minutes earlier he would have caught me fucking his Son. Allan and I were just cuddling on the couch when he knocked at the door. Sandra let him in.

Lucky or not we both had shorts on when Sandra let Jim in.

Afternoon Jim. How are things with you?"

"Good sir. I as much as figured this was what was going on with Allan."

"Don't get me wrong. Allan is an adult and can chose his own life, but I hope this more than just a fling for him."

"Actually I plan on marrying him."

When I said that Allan just hugged me tighter.

"I can see it's mutual too Sir." Jim chuckled.

"Something to drink Jim?"

"Scotch if you have it Sir would be nice."

Thirty seconds later Aaron handed Jim his scotch. I watched as he gave Aaron the once over. Curious, I wondered if he was using any boys. None of my business really.

I was only wondering when you were going to tell me son. You need to tell your mother too."

"I was scared you'd be mad at me Dad."

"Why would I be mad? I and your Mother know both you and Terry are Gay. Terry already told us he was going steady with Jeremy Simpson. I knew you were doing something Son. I see you almost every evening coming here."

"Allan, get dressed and go tell your Mom. Then pack and move in here with me. You are here almost all the time now so we might as well make it permanent."

"You want me here all the time?" He hugged me tighter.

"Go do as your told boy." I set him down and gave his a smack on his bottom as he went to dress.

Jim and Allan left together. Jim had his arm over Allan's shoulder so I knew everything was okay.

Aaron and Sandra were real happy Allan would be here full time now. I knew what was on their minds. Another cock to suck or get fucked by.

To me now it was a perfect world.

I couldn't sign the writ that would make Allan and I partners. I'd get Sandy to do it next time he was at the Pines. However I could do it for Aaron and Sandra. I knew they loved each other, but didn't know if they wanted to be partnered.

When Allan came back helped by his brother Terry and Terry's boyfriend Jeremy, Aaron and Sandra took all his stuff and unpacked it in my bedroom. Jeremy looked scared.

"Relax Jeremy. I don't bite."

"Unless you want him too." Allan giggled.

"I'll bite yours for sure now Allan."

Aaron got everyone something to drink.

"Sandra and Aaron come up here in front of my desk."

"I know you two love each other, but do you Sandra want to be partnered with Aaron?"

"Oh yes Master."

"Aaron do you want to be partnered with Sandra?"

"Yes Master."

"Okay, before I make this official I need to tell you two a few things."

"First, once I sign this writ, you two are permanently partnered. There is no backing out later. It really is until death do you part."

"Now, I know Sandra you can never have children. Aaron on the other hand could. If I was so inclined, I could have you fixed Aaron, have an egg implanted and force Sandra to fertilize that egg so you would get pregnant. I'm not inclined to do it, so relax Aaron."

"Now the reason I brought it up is that if you two, sometime in the future decide you want to have children, I could still get you fixed Aaron and after an egg is implanted, Sandra could give you a baby. But that decision would be entirely up to you both. Also any child born automatically becomes a Slave from birth.

"Would you want me to have our baby Sandra?" Aaron asked.

"Well maybe, but that's sometime in the future."

Aaron hugged Sandra.

"I'll do anything you want forever Sandra."

I signed the paper and handed it to them. I was pretty sure it would be sooner rather than later that they came to me to ask me to fix Aaron so they could have a kid. That would please the good doctor. He was still looking for a likely candidate. Having a volunteer would make it so much easier.

"I think this calls for a celebration. Allan you act as bar tender and get everyone a beer and me a scotch."

Everything smoothed out over the next six months. Allan did his school classes for two hours each morning and afternoon. I started him on the same classes I took when I first started at ISSI. He zipped through them a lot faster than I ever did.

I also started showing him how everything worked at the Pine Lake Research and Training Facility as it was now called. Although most of those condemned to die were simply given a lethal injection after being a donor, some where still executed in a chamber next to the crematorium.

I took Allan down one day to watch executions. I purposely had the officer use standard bullets on the first three. Allan puked up his lunch when the first man's brains were splattered on the tile floor. I forced him to watch the next two as well. He was very green around the gills when we left. He also cried when we got back to my quarters.

How come you made me watch that? It was so gruesome."

"Allan, you have been taking the courses I did when I started at ISSI. Sometime in the near future I'll take you to Washington to write the exams. When you pass and I know you will, I will be hiring you as a Junior Warden. Part of your job will be to witness executions. They won't be as gross as those three were. The regular bullet used breaks into four parts and just bounces around inside the head. There are no blood and brains."

"Sometimes it necessary to execute a slave and I do it publically and use a regular bullet as an object lesson."

"Do I get paid to be a Junior Warden?"

"Nope. Just more sperm from me." I chuckled.

"That's good coz I like getting paid that way. Can you pay me now?"

"How about you paying me instead."

"You want me inside?"

"Yes. I want you to make love to me."

Another afternoon by the wayside as Allan and I spent all day fucking and sucking. We were worn out by dinner time. How Aaron and Sandra could do it so often was beyond me.

In early December I took Allan to Washington to write his exams. We also got a writ from Sandy joining us as partners. I had warned Allan before we left that part of the examination was an Essay on the new Slave Doctrine. He would have three hours to write it, but could research what he wanted to write before hand. When he was done he was real scared.

"I think I might have gone to far Jake. I said some things that are away overboard."

"Allan, all you need worry about is how you did on the exams. The Essay is just to see what ideas you can come up with that might or might not strengthen the Slave Laws."

Sandy invited us to his office to await the results from Allan's tests. The longer we waited the more nervous Allan got.

"Relax baby. You can't really fail them. They are just to test your knowledge of ISSI policies."

Allan passed with flying colors. The only exam he had problems with was policy and the workings of Class 1 and 2 institutions. Considering he hadn't ever been to one he did very well.

"What about my Essay?"

That Allan has been sent to the Council for review. You must have really said something the Examiners are interested in because it doesn't happen often. You can be sure it was well received. You should make a fine Junior Warden and I look forward to seeing you advance quickly Allan."

We had a quick drink with Sandy and headed back to our hotel. Sandy had given me another surprise while I was in his office. That I would say nothing about until I got back to the Pines.

Allan and I enjoyed a real good night of pure love.

Back at the Pines we were preparing for the first load of Prisoners under the New Anti-Vagrancy Laws. All would be sixteen or older. There would also be a mixture of both males and females. The only thing I knew about them beside a brief record on each was that they had been given medicals and blood tests and had both capsules inserted. No classification was done at all.

Christmas was celebrated by giving all inmates and slaves two days off work or training. They also got Christmas dinner served both days in the huge mess hall.

I had most of my close friends and associated to my quarters for Christmas Dinner. I had bought online several presents for everyone of my guests. One I didn't need to buy, that was a special appointment laid on by Sandy.

By tradition I gave out my gifts after dinner when everything was cleaned up and everyone relaxed. All my boys were happy at the small gifts they received from me. I purposely left one for last.

"Hawk, could you come here please."

"Hawk, I have been saving this for now because I wanted to make it a real gift for you and Chris. You Hawk have received an appointment to the Secret Service Academy in Quantico Virginia. When you return here you will become Senior Officer of Pine Lake Security."

After being congratulated by everyone I dropped the bomb shell.

"Hawk, I am afraid to say that you will not be allowed to have Chris with you. All Officers in Training are expected to do everything themselves. You will still have communications with Chris here at the Pines, but wont see Chris for almost 8 months."

"Hawk I think you and Chris should talk it over. Remember this is a very big step up for you."

"Yes Sir." They both went off to a corner to talk.

Hawk and Chris both decided it would be best for both if he became an officer. I told Hawk I had no problem with Chris working here with me while he was away. That sort of cinched the idea in his mind.

After a teary farewell Chris came to see me.

Chris had hated me when he had found out what I had done to him in Washington. It was only after Aaron and then Sandra had talked to him that he came to really enjoy what I had given him. One thing I did not know was that Chris was all female on the inside just like Aaron. The Doctors in Washington had given him everything attached to that new Vagina. They had cut his tubes to render him/her incapable of getting pregnant, but like Aaron it could be reversed.

"Master, can I talk to you?"

"Of course Chris. I know it will be hard on you away from Hawk for so long."

"Master, Hawk and I talked about getting a surrogate Mother to have a kid for us. He put some of his sperm in the bank so he could fertilize an egg."

"So you want to find someone to do that while he is away?"

"No Master. I talked to Dr. Lee and he said I got everything to make a baby, but just got to be fixed. I want an egg in me and then fertilized with Hawk's sperm. Then I can have our baby."

Holy fuck! That was the last thing I expected to hear. I guess my mouth must have dropped open because Chris giggled. So did both Aaron and Sandra's.

I was at a lose for words and took a few minutes to get my mind around what Chris wanted.

Did Dr. Lee also tell you of your chances?"

"Yes Master. He said the only real complication might come when the baby is ready to be born. He might have to use minor surgery. He say it really is if I want it to work that makes it possible."

"Next question Chris. What does Hawk think about this?"

"I didn't tell him Master. I want it to be a surprise when he comes home. We both really want a boy and the Doctor said he can make sure it is. I just want to make him happy." The tears were streaming down Chris's face.

I sat back and thought about it. It was the next step in our experiments and really wanted to see if a changed male could bear children, but did I want to use Chris as the first one. I loved Chris for what he was. A perfect boy/girl and a perfect companion for Hawk. The love they had for each other went deeper than I had ever see in a couple.

I called Dr. Lee and asked him to come to my office.

"Aaron, I think I need a stiff drink."

"If the Doctor tells me it will work Chris, you will have a baby inside you."

Chris was all over me kissing and hugging me.

Dr. Lee had no problems with what Chris wanted. So we set it up for the next week. Chris was over the moon happy.

Then I saw Aaron and Sandra coming to my desk. I just knew what they were going to ask.

"Master, Sandra and me want to have a baby too. Can we do like Chris but I want Sandra to fertilize my egg."

Dr Lee looked at the small boy.

"Aaron, you are very small and if you do this you will only be able to have one. You are so small it will have to be removed by surgery and that will prevent you from having anymore."

"But we will have one so it's okay."

"Boy or girl Aaron?"

"Well it don't matter coz we will it to be like us someday."

Guess I was going to have two pregnant boys in my quarters for the next nine months.

"Very well Aaron. You and Sandra have my permission.

That got me smothered in more kisses. I wasn't sure I could handle two pregnant people at the same time. This was going to be a very new experience for me and them.

Things went back to normal, at least until the big day. I got back to work.

I received by courier a copy of Allan's Essay and after reading it knew why it had been sent to the board. He had definitely researched it.

The first thing he wrote was that Slavery in order to work completely had to have 100 percent compliance every where in the Union. It should become a crime to talk, preach or write anything that can be construed as against Slavery. All those convicted should they themselves become slaves or just executed.

Then he advocated that every convict in class 1 and 2 prisons, should be made labor slaves or executed. Why hold people that are just criminals anyway when they can be of use to society. He added that all labor slaves be castrated. A castrated male becomes very docile and easy to manipulate.

Although it won't happen in the near future, but eventually with the present laws there will be very few slaves coming from any class of prison. To ensure a continuing supply of slaves, females convicted of a crime should be forced into breeding centers to have kids so a continuous supply of slaves are available that learn from birth their place in the Union.

He said that all Insane Asylums, nursing homes and old age homes should be shut down and those that can't be harvested for their organs are put to sleep.

Lastly he wrote that any slave who reaches 65 be retired with a bullet in the back of the head.

No wonder the board wanted to read it. If they put even a few of his suggestions into law, it would not only cut vast amounts from the budget but also add thousands to the roll of slave.

It had been marked Top Secret, so I fired it in my safe. I'd let Mike read it eventually. I never said anything to Allan.

Allan was without a doubt far smarter than I was. His mind was like a sponge. He was far ahead of any of the Assistant Wardens that were teaching him and it showed when he brought up things that he had learned about each that he took instruction from.

We were sitting on the couch cuddling.

"Jake, some of those Wardens is really mean. Even when a slave is working they punish them for no reason. Slaves will never like their Masters if all that happens is thy get punished for nothing."

"Allan in time those will be weeded out or sent to handle just labor slaves. Do you really believe labor slaves should be castrated?"

"Well I talked to Dr. Lee. He said something in a mans mind changes when he don't have balls. He showed me some of his experiments where he changed a boy into a girl completely. They hated what had happened to them, but did everything they were told without questioning or revolt.

"Well I think it's about time you were given something that will see just how much you have learned."

"Tomorrow morning 600 new slaves arrive at the Pines. They have been rounded up under the Anti-vagrancy laws."

"I want them separated by sex and then classified."

"The classes you will use are class 1 sex slaves, class 2, domestic/sex slaves, class 3 labor slaves and class for donors. You will have a full compliment of security under your command and a large number of Medical technicians. I'll be there to watch Allan, but you get to make all the decisions."

"Cool. Now maybe some of those other Wardens will learn something."

So when are Aaron and Chris going to get pregnant?" "Well both go to get repaired on Monday and then about two weeks later both will receive their eggs. Chris will be impregnated with Hawk's sperm the same day, but Sandra wanted to fuck Aaron to him pregnant. That might take a few days."

"It's kind of funny you know."

"What do you mean love?"

"Well Aaron is a boy really and Sandra is a girl. It's Sandra that's going to give Aaron a baby. Like it's reversed. A girl getting a boy pregnant."

"I see what you mean." I chuckled.


Next: Chapter 14

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