The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 7, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 12

None of the other boys that had vagina's put in them developed the same as Aaron had. To bad I thought. It would have made for an interesting experiment. Dr. Lee came up and explained why.

When the original Surgeon at the Pines had given Aaron his vagina, he had also included all parts of the female anatomy. So Aaron was as much a female on the inside as he was male on the outside. Even with the two very nice firm breasts made him even better.

"Now the question is Sir? Do you want me to try it on another boy?"

"Why not? If it doesn't work it will still work as a hybrid."

"Very well I will have to find a suitable candidate. One with wider hips that can accommodate the fetus and allow natural birth."

There were other criteria that the Doctor needed, but even finding that would be difficult. Males were built different than females.

Alex was moved up to a cell next to my office. He was a very unhappy camper. He didn't mind that he now had a vagina, but hated to two firm breasts he had on top. Sandra loved them and even told him he should ask for another so he was like her. Sandra was also the first one to use his vagina. Later it was necessary to strap him to the horse to get into his ass. He screamed his head off even after several times having first Aaron, Sandra, Chrissie and Hawk inside him. In fact he was used continuously for almost a week.

Alex's problem was he didn't consider himself a Slave even if he did call everyone I designated Master. He could have fetched a very high price at Auction, but I couldn't take a chance on sending him. He was sure to revolt. I finally had him up to my office.

"Alex, what exactly is your problem. I gave you everything that you wanted, plus a few more to make you even better than before. Sandra tells me you love it when she uses your pussy and you have even done her both ways. You enjoy your extra attributes so what is wrong?"

"You made me a freak. You said you make my cock and balls bigger but you did these other too. I am a man. Men don't have big tits. Men don't have a cunt. I am nothing anymore."

"Really. Well everything works Alex." I got up from my desk and walked in front of him.

As I reached for his very firm tits, he stepped back and raised his fists. Hawk never hesitated and Alex was instantly on the floor screaming.

"Defiance I will not tolerate. Hawk when he is able take him to the clinic. The Doctor can use him for anything he wants."

"Yes sir."

"To bad Alex, I might have kept you here for a long time."

Alex really was as strong as an ox. It took three security guards to control him and take him to the clinic.

What a waste of time and resources. He should have been executed to begin with. Now I was sure he would wish he was dead after being used as a test subject for some of the doctor's experiments. No matter, I just put him out of my mind. I had more pressing problems including a trip to Washington. We had to solve a pressing problem. Donors.

As a Director I no longer had to request transportation. There was a very sleek and fast Vertical take off and land Jet sitting on the pad next to the Administration Building. All I needed do was inform the pilots.

I informed my pilots of my impending trip and told Aaron and Sandra to pack. All they had to take were more sets of the sheer panties and tops they both loved. I also told them to put shorts on over their panties. Didn't want everyone drooling over them. They also packed for me, having been on several trips with me as I traveled to facilities all over the Union.

Both knew they were nothing more than fuck toys, but loved to do anything I ever asked. The problem with these two was what one got the other automatically wanted.

Sandra, one day while I was fucking her face scraped my cock with her teeth. I knew it was accidental, but at the time wasn't in the mood to forgive. I pushed her off my cock and gave here three hard swipes with the leather strap across her three tits. She screamed bloody murder, but what shocked me he also came.

Aaron was very quick to notice what had happened.

"How come you got hard and shot when Master hit your boobs Sandra?"

"I guess coz it really hurt, but felt good too." "Master can you do that to me?" Aaron asked.

"You want me to whip your tits Aaron?"

"Yes Master. I want to feel what Sandra felt."

Aaron wanted to be so much like Sandra. He had begged me time and time again to give him a third tit like Sandra. Problem was I liked him with those two perfect globes on his small body.

"If that's what you want boy." I gave him two hard swats on each of his tits.

He screamed just as Sandra had and rubbed them vigorously. He also ejaculated into his silk shorts.

"Wow Aaron. You are just like Sandra."

"Boy I sure don't want that again, but it felt weird. It hurt like crazy but felt good in my balls. I'm sorry I made a mess Master. You can punish me now."

Now this was interesting. Aaron wanted me to punish him because he made a mess in his undies. I wondered if Sandra felt the same way.

"Aaron, Sandra messed up her undies too. Does she deserve punishment?"

"I guess so Master." He said very low.

Hawk, was now my personal body guard was standing trying suppress his laughter.

"Master, if you punish Aaron, you got to punish me too." Sandra said.

I handed the strap I had in my hand to Aaron and ordered Hawk to give Sandra his.

"Fine, you both need to be punished so Aaron, you punish Sandra and Sandra will punish you."

Tears sprang instantly from Aaron's eyes.

Before he could say anything Sandra spoke up quickly.

"Come on Aaron give me some more on my boobs. I think I liked it."

Aaron looked at Sandra in surprise and then gave her three hard swats on her firm and still red tits. She yelped and I watched some dribbles come out of her cock. She really did like it.

"Better get them panties off Aaron. Don't want to have to punish you twice." Sandra giggled.

The horny little devil that Aaron was, his cock was still hard. He removed his undies and then stood with his chest puffed out. Sandra gave him a smack on each tit and followed it with one on his hard dick. He yelped at the swats to his tits and then screamed when Sandra hit him on his dick. He grabbed his dick and hopped around the room. All three of us laughed.

"That's not fair Sandra." He finally said.

Sandra grabbed Aaron and hugged him.

"You can swat me on the dick anytime you want Aaron."

I learned something new about these two every day. Both were obviously masochists and both loved each other. The small half boy and half girl, along side the much bigger half girl and half boy, did make a fine pair together.

"You two go get cleaned up. Dinner better not be late."

Both scampered from the room. I went and mixed two drinks and handed one to Hawk.

"So how are you and Chris getting along Hawk?"

Hawks eyes misted over.

"Sir I still wish I was just the same as Chris. I love him so much it hurts inside. I just want to be like him."

"I'm sorry Hawk, I can't do what you want. I could if you wish allow you to marry her, but she would still be a slave and have to be available for anything. At least you could guarantee he/she wouldn't be sold."

"Thank you sir. I wish I could buy her too then he would always be with me."

I flipped open a screen on my computer. Chris was listed as a non salable Slave, unless the Standard fee, plus her extra fee was paid for her. That amounted to a total of 26 thousand dollars. Half of Hawks yearly wages.

"Where is he/she now Hawk?"

"She's a demonstration model for one of the Male Slave classes."

"Have her report here when she's done."

"Yes sir."

I spent some time on the phone talking. Sandra came in and said dinner was ready.

"How are the boobs Sandra?"

"They are fine Master. Maybe more sensitive now."

After dinner Chris showed up.

"You sent for me Master?"

"Yes Chris I did. You are considered one of the most perfect Slaves here at Pine Lake. So much so that I have sold you. You no longer will be required to do anything except for your new Master."

Chris burst into tears and so did Hawk. Both knew the possible consequences.

I walked to my desk and grabbed a paper I had printed off. I signed the bottom and then sat back at the dinning room table. Both were down to sniffles.

"Chris I bought you and because I have total control over your life now, I am giving you to Hawk as a wedding present."

It took only a moment and Hawk and Chris were hugging each other. Chris finally walked to me and bowed.

"Master you have made me more happy than I have ever been. I don't know what I can do to repay you."

"Well for starters I expect both of you in my bed tonight."

"Oh Yes Master."

I turned to Aaron and Sandra.

"You two are still my Slaves. I own you cock, pussy and ass. If I ever catch either of you sleeping anywhere but my bed or your own, I'll whip you both front and back so hard you won't sit or lay down for a week. Do you both understand?"

"Yes Master." They both said quietly.

I doubt wither of them realized I had just made it possible for them to be together as much as they liked.

It had been a while since I had had either Chris or Hawk and really enjoyed our night together.

I was obviously changing. I enjoyed older boys now almost as much as I enjoyed younger ones.

Washington was hot as hell for early June. I was both amazed and a little taken aback when I saw both Masters and their very obvious slaves on the streets of Washington. The slaves were sometimes dressed with less than I had Aaron and Sandra wear. Some female slaves with no tops and males slaves with nothing more than a tight G string. Slavery was becoming the norm. That was only going to make things harder in the future, having to supply a growing number of Slaves.

I hoped the board had a solution. I was near exhausted trying to figure out where they'd come from.

I left Hawk with my two as I went to the meetings.

The meetings were being held in Sandy's office at the Slave Directorate. When I arrived only three others were in the office, Sandy sat behind his desk. The Secretary of Justice, the Head of the FBI and Director of Prisons. "Glad you made it Jake. You know everyone so let's get started."

"To begin with we have figured out the ratio of types we will need over the next several years. These numbers will of course change."

"To begin with we will need 5 percent specials, 45 percent sex, 15 percent domestic slash sex, with the balance being labor."

"Now we all know that Specials cost an arm and a leg but we still need them. However the donor problem then comes up. To help with that you will be able to harvest organs from all those under death penalties.

All in future will be moved to the Pines. You could probably use the old cell blocks, just change them so all are locked in. After harvesting they can be executed in any manner suitable."

That had been one thing I was going to ask for.

Now the other shortages. Justice has kindly come up with a solution. Effective 01 July vagrancy will be put on the books as a crime, resulting in slavery for life. There is an estimated 20 million people living on the street in the Union. They all eventually will be slaves of one kind or another."

They will be separated by age, the younger ones sent to camps to begin their training. All young adults and adults will be sent to either the Pines or a holding center until they are classified. After classification, medicals, blood tests, they will either be sent to the Pines or to one of the other centers for training."

I doubt very much all will be suitable and those that are not could also be harvested as necessary."

I wasn't worried about space with so many slaves or potential slaves arriving at Pine Lake. The Institute was almost a small city now, with accommodation for up to 10,000 inmates. I never needed so much space until now. Add in almost 600 guards and another near thousand medical technicians and Doctors, it really was huge and still super secret.

"Jake if you find suitable candidates among those condemned prisoners they can be transferred to Dr. Lee's facility. As long as they never leave."

"Very good Sandy. I was going to ask about that. I doubt we will get much from the older condemned prisoners, but I also know there are a lot of younger males and females on death row. At least there was when I was Assistant Warden at Yuma."

"Still the same Jake. Hell you will even be receiving a seventeen year old mass murderer. He killed two families of five and two others and admitted it."

"Lets break for lunch Gentlemen." He hit a button on his phone.

Three very good looking nude girls came in and started to lay out lunch. Sandy dropped a file in my lap as I sat down to eat.

I opened the file.

Brian Stoddard, Age 17. Height 6 foot, Weight 140 lbs.

Twelve counts first degree Murder, Sentence to Death.

His picture shocked me. He didn't look strong enough to hurt a flea, let alone murder and mutilate twelve people.

His most shocking feature was at least a 7 inch uncut cock hanging almost half way down his thighs. Uncut that was an anomaly. Boys were now circumcised at birth.

He would definitely be losing that cock and balls before he was executed. I tossed the file back on Sandy's desk and finished my lunch.

Two of the men took one of the girls each to use after lunch. Sandy used the other on his desk. I had no need, I had two very willing slaves waiting me in my hotel.

Another two hours of talks and everyone left. I stayed to talk to Sandy.

Some things being done at Pine Lake were not for every ones ears.

I talked to Sandy about Aaron and what Dr. Lee thought.

"You really think you can have a male bear a child?"

"Don't honestly know Sandy, but Dr. Lee is looking for a suitable candidate. Aaron won't do it and I won't force him. I had his tubes cut."

"I think you love those two Slaves Jake."

"I probably do. I know I will never get rid of either. They are too perfect."

"So had many problems with Slaves here in Washington or other places?"

"A few, not as many as I thought. We have had a few runners. Everyone is always reported on the News nets in full color, so not many go that route. Almost all feel the strap here for minor infractions."

"That is to be expected. Slaves like Aaron and Sandra are few and far between."

About four in the afternoon I left for my hotel. I had a great night getting tag teamed by Hawk, Sandra and Aaron. I sucked all three and allowed all three to fuck me. I also fucked Sandra in her number one. Totally worn out I slept like a log between the three of them.

The next day I toured with my two both the Class 4 and Class 3 Prisons. Both had expanded greatly. After short talks with Wardens of both headed for my last stop in Washington. The Auction Center.

When you walked in you had to register as either a buyer of spectator. I just showed my ID card. We wandered in the first hall. Here were huge holding cells with clear walls. The Males and Females were separated. Each Slave had a number around their necks on chains. Everyone coming in got their first view of what was for sale that day. I figured there were near a thousand Slaves up for Auction.

We were standing looking in at the Female slaves. A couple with two teenage boys walked up. The older Female was in a wheel chair and the two boys were obviously helping her a lot. The man had a wishful look on his face. I could tell just by their clothing that they were just sight seeing.

"What's wrong with her Master?" Aaron asked.

I had not been looking at her. I had been looking at the two boys. Both looked like twins with red hair. Both were damned good looking and I'd love to screw both. Aaron asking me the question brought me back.

Then I heard one of the boys talking.

"Dad, it sure would be nice to have a boy or girl to help Mom."

"Yes Allan it would, but I'm afraid we just can't afford it."

Now that peeked my interest. There were not many jobs nowadays that prevented people from owning slaves.

"Excuse me Sir. I couldn't help over hearing. What exactly do you do? I know there are very few low paying jobs in Washington."

He looked at me and then Aaron and Sandra, then at Hawk, with is side arm very close at hand.

He knew instantly I was very well off having two slaves and a body guard.

"It's nothing Sir. I'm just a night watchman at a Recycling Center. Not much room for promotion."

"Do you mind if I ask what is wrong with your wife?"

"She needs a kidney transplant, but has a very rare blood type. We have been waiting for over five years."

"Well if you will allow me I think I can speed that up."

"Who are you Sir?"

"My name is Jake Samson. I'm Director of Class 3 and 4 institutions in the Union."

I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

"I'm sorry Sir. We shouldn't be bothering a man like you."

"Nonsense. I'm the one that asked you."

"Now I'd like to buy you all lunch. I have a proposition for you."

"Providing you will introduce me to your wife and these two boys."

"Of course Sir. This is Fiona my wife of fifteen years and that is Allan on the left and Terry on the right. Their both fifteen.

"Two fine looking boys will drive the young ladies mad when they are older." "More likely the boys." He said.

"Dad!" Both boys said together.

He just chuckled. Interesting, were both Gay? Might make it a lot easier than I thought.

"I'm Jim Sir."

"Well Jim, come a long. We'll have some lunch and we will see if you can help me out in return I'm sure I can help all of you."

An hour later I had gained on Security officer along with his wife and two boys. All had to sign a non disclosure agreement and all understood exactly what it meant. Three days later they all flew back to the Pines with me.

As soon as we arrived Fiona was admitted to the clinic and received a new kidney compliments of a donor who was put down after losing his only kidney. His other had been transplanted already.

They were given a three bedroom apartment and Jim started his training immediately. Both boys were registered online to continue their education.

I was back to work, now getting ready for the first shipment of Condemned men and women. Six of the old cell blocks were ready for them. The walls were clear and the doors activated. After each had a medical, it would be decided who was a good donor. I figured we might get some good male sex organs and maybe some other organs, but most of the female prisoners were much older.

Stoddard when he arrived would definitely lose his dick and balls.

This was the year also that for the first time in the last thousand years that Earth had a neutral population growth. Meaning that births equaled deaths world wide. No one took notice. They would in the future.

Stoddard when he arrived was very docile. Doing everything that was asked of him with just a Yes Sir or No Sir. He kept himself very clean using the showers daily. He either sat or played games on the computer access in his cell. He allowed the medics to examine him. Obviously not a virgin. He had been raped by the four men he had murdered. Two of the men's families had been murdered and then mutilated by Stoddard. I figured although it was never proven that he had killed the two men after he had killed the families. To me he was a worse monster than anything I had seen before. He would pay with is life, but first he was going to watch as the doctor emasculated him.

I guess some people would call me a monster for what I had planned for Stoddard. He was going to be a girl when the Doctor finished with him. I hoped he started to work like Aaron and the doctor could get him pregnant. That would be his ultimate shame. Eventually he would be executed, but not until the doctor's experiments were finished. I put him out of my mind.

I never really caught up with my work, but still took Saturday afternoon and Sunday off. I was sitting enjoying a drink on a Saturday afternoon when I saw both Aaron and Sandra heading for me. I knew they wanted something.


"Master can you take us Swimming?"

I knew they couldn't go alone. The pool was out of bounds for all slaves. That had happened because one of them had taken weights from the Rec Center, tied them to his legs and jumped in the deep end. He was found too late to save. Now it was only available to staff and their dependants. It was also nude only.

"Can you both swim?"

"Well I can sort of, but Sandra said she'd teach me."

"I see. Do you have bathing suits?"

I saw the smiles drop from both faces and laughed.

"Yes I'll take you swimming and you won't need bathing suits. Get those off, while I change."

I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, with running shoes. I clipped my wrist controller on and snapped my radio to my shorts. Slipped a computer card around my neck.

Both were nude when I walked out. Damn they would turn heads down at the pool. There were no rules about taking personal slaves to the pool so I'd have no problems.

There were about 400 slaves attached to Pine Lake. They did everything from domestic duties, to helping in the kitchen or keeping the grounds clean and tidy. We met several as we travelled through the tunnels to the recreation Center.

Noting several security guards in the Center, I locked my wrist controller and radio in a locker and then stripped. Both my two were already in the pool. I walked to one end and just dove in. Swam several lengths before just leaning against the edge of the pool. There were about twenty people in the pool or hot tubs. Some were just lazing on loungers.

I watched as both Aaron and Sandra swam toward me. Aaron was doing a dog paddle, while Sandra swam real good. "This is real nice Master." Aaron said out of breath.

"Well we can come down here lots if you two want it."

I spotted Allan and his brother over in one corner.

"I see our new family group is here."

"Yeah we talked to them already. They thought we were both girls." Aaron giggled.

Boy were they shocked when we showed them our dicks. I think both of them are Gay, they sure got hard fast seeing out dicks." Sandra said.

"Well you better be careful, they are only fifteen. You both know those rules."

"Master we asked them and they said they had a birthday just after they got here. Both are sixteen now."

"What are you two suggesting?"

"Well they said they are going to visit their mom in hospital. After they got nothing to do, so we thought we might invite them up to your suite. We got lots more games than they do coz you let us download lots."

I reached down and grabbed Aaron's cock.

"You thinking with this Aaron?"

"Oh no Master. We wouldn't do anything coz you said you'd whip us if we did anything but with each other."

"Well why not invite them to join us." I let my cock go back down.

Sandra swam over and soon both were swimming over.

"Hi sir. We really want to thank you for what you did for Mom and Dad."

"Think nothing of it boys. How is your Mom doing?"

"She's real good. Doctor Lee says she will be out of hospital soon."

"I'm glad and how is your Dad doing?"

"Okay I guess he can't talk about work."

"Well after you have visited your Mother, my two slaves have invited you both up to their quarters. They tell me thy have a shit load of games on their computer and thought if you had nothing else to do, you might want to play with them."

"Oh for sure. I'll check with Dad."

Allan said to Aaron.

"Let's go do some diving."

"Cool." The three took off.

Sandra stayed with me.

"Master, can I ask you something? I don't want you to get mad at me."

"Of course Sandra. I have a hard time getting mad at either of you."

"Master, I think you want them too. Both are hung real good. I checked them out after they played with my tits. They kind of insinuated they wanted out dicks too. So I don't think either are virgins."

Then I remembered what their father had said about getting boys rather than girls. That sort of confirmed both were gay and sexually active. Add in that both were now legally adults meant that if I did do anything, it was okay under the laws of the Union.

"Are you a mind reader now too Sandra?"

"No Master, but I remembered what their Dad said in Washington." She giggled.

"I think they would be terrified when they see my cock."

"It only hurt for a while Master."

Well we would see exactly what those two wanted. I went back to just swimming and later sat in the hot tub. All four joined me and Allan and Terry were hung pretty good. Both with nice 6 inch cocks.

I left soon after with my two boys. I told them to notify me when they wanted to come up and I would get them and escort."

About an hour later, the Security phoned that an Allan and a Terry wished to come up to my quarters. I told him to escort both boys up. A few minutes later a knock came at the door. Sandra bounded across the room to open the door.

"Great, you came." Sandra said as she let the two boys in.

She hugged both boys and even groped Terry.

"Sandra leave the boys alone."

She led both to where I was sitting. Both had beet red faces and were covering their crotches.

"Relax boys. Sandra does that to everyone."

Sir we really need to thank you foe what you did for our Mom. We had pretty much given up hope to her an operation in time. Then right out of the blue you give her one for nothing. You even get our Dad a good job making more than he ever has. My Dad says you are a saint."

"Terry and me figure we can thank you better, so we decided that if you want you can fuck us or we can at least suck you off."

"You just decided this boys?"

"Well Terry an me are Gay. We both had lots of dicks, but Terry not as many as me. You got a real nice and big dick. I really want you to fuck me. We're both gay and its okay with our Mon and Dad. They both know.

"Do they know what you are asking me?"

"Well no, but we just got to thank you." Both boys were nearly in tears.

Come over here boys."

When they got close I pulled both down on the couch and hugged them. Both really started to cry. I just held them as they cried.

When both sat back with red eyes, I gave each a peck on the cheek.

"That was a fine offer boys, but you don't need to thank me. I just saw someone in need and after I found out what your Mom's problem was I knew I could cut the red tape to get her a new Kidney. Giving your Dad a better job was a no brainer for me. He was already a Security officer."

So you need not do anything for me. Now would you boys like a coke?"

"Yes sir." Can we ask you a question?"

Ask anything you like."

How come she's got three boobs? How come she's got a dick too?"

That's a long story boys." Before I could go on Sandra piped up.

I got three boobs coz I asked Master to get me a third one. I got a dick coz Chrissie got a dick and pussy."

She then went on to tell the boys everything. Even Aaron got into the narrative. Both boys were fascinated when they found out both could have sex anyways. Both were astounded that if Aaron wanted he could even as a boy get pregnant.

"You mean you could have a baby. That's weird." Allan laughed.

"Well I could, but Master said he wouldn't make me. Maybe someday, but I just want my Master and Sandra now."

"Are you in love with Sandra?' Terry asked.

I watched Aaron's eyes as they started to water.

"Slaves can't fall in love coz we are not really people. We are just numbers now. We never know when we might be sold so it's best not too."

I let him stew for a few moments.

"Aaron, you know that's a pile of horse shit. Both of you know I own you and will never sell either of you. Hell, I'd rather cut off my arm than sell you. Why did you think I told you both if I caught you sleeping around I'd whip you till you were both red all over?"

"WE thought you wanted to make sure we were snug when you fucked us."

"Aaron, you and Sandra both have the sweetest holes anyone could wish for. To me you are always snug anytime I use either of you."

"I also knew you loved each other. You do have my permission."

I looked down at the two boys sitting next to me. Both were boned up. I figured if the conversation went on much longer both would be messing up their shorts. Time to see how serious both boys were.

"You two boys better get out of those shorts before you mess them up."

They looked at each other and shrugged. Very quickly both were nude. Both had almost identical sized hard cocks, almost 7 inched I thought.

"Sandra, suck off Allan. Aaron do Terry."

Both were on the boys like flies on shit and both loved it.

After both Allan and Terry got off and had come down from the rush, I asked them.

"Those two are sex slaves. Do you want to fuck them now?"

"Sir I'd rather you fucked me." Allan said.

"Allan, you and Terry go sit on that couch. Aaron get me another drink."

TBC Comments welcome

Next: Chapter 13

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