The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 6, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 11

The one party vote went off without a hitch. What surprised even the ones that hated the idea was the largest voter turnout in the history of all three countries. Simple really most people believed that with a single party controlling everything, Government would work better and everyday lives would be left to do as they pleased with in the Law.

The change in the Criminal Code in all three countries that allowed every single person caught in an illegal act to be enslaved for life didn't go over as well to begin with. Most dissenters came from some of the more fanatical religious groupings and some far right politicians

However even that quieted down.

Pine Lake Slave Training Center now had quarters for 500, which half were female. By necessity boys and girls had to be segregated. It hadn't been my idea at first, but later developments made it necessary. Pine Lake was not running without problems and even a few deaths and even fewer executions. Several boys and girls did run only to have either their balls and cock blown off or the crotch in the girls blown away. All of course died when they got three miles from Pine Lake. Most bodies were never recovered. Some were eaten by scavengers.

There were also suicides. Hendricks after receiving a Negro cock emasculated himself one day in the cafeteria. Most boys and some girls laughed when he sliced his new dick off.

I had had a separate Cell Block set up for what most of the medical technicians and guards called my freak show. That was almost my undoing as Warden of Pine Lake. Even though the Board had given me permission to follow any enhancement of slaves, some of the things I did were grotesque in the extreme. Most also failed and the patient was simple given a lethal injection. Those experiments were documented and being sent to the board by an enemy inside Pine Lake.

That all came to a head when I was ordered to meet the Board in Washington to explain myself. Sandy warned me beforehand I might just be out of a job and there was nothing he could do. Losing my Job could also mean I lost my life.

Three such experiments I did worked perfectly. Aaron, Chris and Sandra.

Aaron and Chris both had both male and female organs and loved both. Aaron after several hormone shots had the most perfect set of tits you would ever see. They matched his small size perfectly and were almost as sensitive as his cock and balls. I had fucked him with my whole cock many time in his cute butt, but it took a long time for me to get inside his small vagina. After I had he was in heaven. Chris even wondered why he had not wished for what I did sooner. Of course Chris and Hawk were deeply in love which helped Chris.

Sandra when she arrived at Pine Lake had the smallest tits I had ever seen on a sixteen year old girl. Other than that flaw, she was a very good looking girl. When I interviewed her she asked me if I could make her tits bigger. I jokingly said I could even give her a third one between the other two.

"Really Master. I would love to have three bigger ones."

So she got a third tit grafted between her other two and with adequate hormone shots grew three perfect globes on her chest. She absolutely loved them and volunteered to anyone that would play with them and screw her. I was sure she spent more time on her back than she did sitting.

Eventually she hooked up with Henry as a permanent slave. Henry also had a Negro boy he used all the time.

Simple to me, I would take all three with me to Washington and let the board see exactly what I was achieving with my experiments. I'd also take Hawk along as another thing I had worked out at the Pines.

I dressed all three in plain orange coveralls. Anyone looking at Chris or Sandra would have said both were very good looking young women. However no one could see what was under those coveralls.

After I was in Washington, I had all three put on the sheer underwear, then the coveralls back on. The Limo arrived on time and I was whisked to the Head Office of ISSI. The last time I had been here was almost 15 years ago as a very new Assistant Warden. It hadn't changed much, except it now cover two city blocks.

I was walked across the lobby to an elevator. All five of us got in and a Security Guard keyed a switch in the elevator and then stepped off. The doors closed and we were on the way up very fast.

When the door opened, it was into a large board room with a huge table. The Board of Directors of ISSI sat around the Table. The Man at the head of the Table stood immediately.

"Mr. Samson. It is so nice to finally meet you." The President of the Union walked around to shake my hand. "It is good to meet you as well Mr. President."

He ignored the other four with me.

"Come and sit down. We have been discussing the reports we have received from Pine Lake on your Progress."

Here it comes I thought.

"To date Pine Lake has shipped 425 boys and 116 girls to the Auction blocks. That is outstanding. All other Class 3 Centers are, although with lower numbers are doing good as well. The board and myself are very pleased with you."

This was not what I had expected when I came to Washington.

"However, there is a problem."

"At present we get approximately 3-5 thousand dollars on the block for each slave, both male and female. However with girls with bigger and firmer breasts and more shapely bodies get sometimes as much as 10 grand each. Also boys that are more endowed and more toned get similar amounts."

"Your enhancement techniques I know have come under fire from the senior surgeon. You need not worry about him any more. In his place we have obtained the services on Wang Chow Lee, a Chinese nationalist that has been barred practicing medicine or any birth control techniques in China."

It is our intention to greatly enlarge Pine Lake enhancement center with an eye to using all inmates transferred to Pine Lake to enhance in any way you like.

"I am presuming you brought these three to show us exactly some of the things you have done."

"Yes Sir. Hawk, remove their cuffs. All three of you remove your coveralls."

There a lot of 'ohs ahs and other comments as the boys showed what they looked like. I pulled the top off of Sandra.

"My god, do they work?" The President said.

"Not only work but are extremely sensitive Mr. President."

I had them all undress. I lifted Aaron onto the table.

"Show them Aaron."

He pulled his balls and cock aside and thrust his hips forward.

"My God he's got both. Do both work." One director asked.

"Yes Director in every way. These three were what the surgeon was so morally uptight about. He called them freaks. They don't think they are freaks and are all very happy with their enhancements."

"Director Samson, I look forward to seeing examples like these three coming to the Auctions. I think they may fetch even more than Negro boys."

"You heard right Jake. You are now a director under the Directorate of Slavery. It comes with several perks as well. Good luck. You'll receive construction plans in due course. You have a good day Sir."

I was dismissed. The boys quickly dressed and we went back to our hotel.

The following day I met my new research surgeon and was impressed with him. He would fly out to the Pines immediately to take over from the last one. We would get into what I expected from him and what he could do when we were both in Pine Lake.

Fourteen hours later I was back in my office in Pine Lake. Mike and Steven were first to congratulate my promotion. Problem was I had to produce in order to keep it.

I sent a directive to all training centers to continue you send those of the best looking and amply endowed boys girls to auction, but to send trained boys and girls that if enhanced could bring in a higher dollar figure to Pine Lake. Only those that would fit into a specific criteria should be sent to Pine Lake.

That I hoped would give me a larger pool of subjects to be enhanced once the new Facilities were built. Until then we would continue to use what we had. Doctor Lee was happy with what he had now.

Dr. Lee explained why he had been barred from both practicing medicine and from his research in China. He said that most Asian males were much smaller than their western counterparts and also less fertile, especially after the Pandemic that had swept the world. He had developed a serum that would increase fertility as well as a modified hormone drug that would increase length and girth in male sex organs. Both were against Chinese policy and he had been almost jailed for both his research and use of his drugs.

He also said he had been experimenting with sex change operations, another illegal research in China.

I informed him of some of the things I had had done here at the pines. The one thing I had not been able to do was transplant testicles, at least testicles that would work. He told me there was a away, but he would need live donors and those donors would be left without their ability to have sex of any kind.

The question he had was I willing to sacrifice some slaves to better enhance others.

Even now in the late 2040's there was still a shortage of organs for transplants even though transplant operation were very easy with the new improved anti-rejection drugs available. Knowing exactly what the board was looking for, I had no problem telling Dr. Lee he could use any slave as a donor.

I brought Aaron, Chris and Sandra in for Dr. Lee to look at. He was very impressed with the work the previous surgeon had done, but said he hadn't gone as far as he could have.

He said that the use of standard hormone drugs when used on the testicles increased both size and output.

"You could for example inject that small white boys testicles and they would grow to match his transplanted larger penis."

"I could if it is your desires give the girl a complete, working set of male sex organs."

"What do you think of that Sandra? Would you like to be like Chris and Aaron?"

"You mean I would have boy stuff too Master?"


"Oh please Master. Then I could do to Aaron and Chrissie what they do to me."

Simple in her mind, more and different sex.

I seriously wondered how many other girls might want the same thing. Sandra had been a perfect Slave, supplying any thing any one would want. Give her male sex organs and she'd be dynamite in bed.

"There would be no lose of sensation in her female organs?"

"None what so ever Sir."

"Sandra, you are already a very fine slave as you are. Be very careful and think before you answer. Dr. Lee tells me he can give you a complete set of working male sex organs. Once it happens you can never change back."

"Master I am your Slave. I am happy you gave me three boobs, even as some girls call me a freak. If you give me boy stuff then I will be more like Chrissie and Aaron. Master you can do anything you want."

Why was it some Slaves wanted it and some hated it.

Slaves in the New Union, no longer had names. All were just numbers in a computer somewhere. All were classified as Non-citizens without any rights until they were sold at Auction. That meant that what happened to them was entirely up to me and the other Wardens until such times as they were sent to the Slave Directorate for Auction.

The young man Sandra picked was not remarkable. He did have a five inch hard cock and a nice set of balls. If he had been enhanced and given the right exercise and foods he could have turned out into regular slave. Not the type the Board was interested in.

He was brought to the clinic and strapped down to a bed. He was given an injection by Dr. Lee. It only put him out and also made him feel nothing. After Lee had removed the organs that he needed to transplant into Sandra, his body was harvested for his other organs. Once that was done he was simply taken off life support and he died. His body was cremated and his ashes sent to his next of kin.

Another number deleted from the data banks.

Sandra spent almost twenty four hours in operations. Every part of the male sexual system had to be surgically placed inside her body. Another six weeks in healing and almost a year to become a fully functioning male.

The doctor also used injections to enhance both her new penis and balls.

To me this was expensive in the extreme and there was no way that if I sold Sandra could she ever recoup the loses of her changes. I wasn't going to sell her and to the Directorate it was more of a research project than enhancing a Slave for sale.

Other enhancement went on the whole time Sandra was laid up so the Auction block was getting more expensive Slaves to sell.

The simple fact was that the taxes in the Union were so low that anyone could afford a Slave. Also the sale of Slaves went directly to the Government and ISSI and its directors.

The more money they made from the sale of slaves the happier every one was.

It was also known that my freak showcase continued with even more bizarre experiments.

To the Governing body, a seventeen year old male with a 8 inch thick cock and huge balls along with a muscular body was of more interest to the board than anything I did as just experimental work.

The Doctor was only too happy to try anything I proposed.

And why not, he was free to research anything as long as it enhanced slaves for Auction. So girls with six breasts and boys with two cocks were simple in his mind. The slaves, but for a few hated me, but could do nothing to stop me. They were after all just Slaves for me to do with as I pleased.

I still loved my little slave boy and used him nightly. Especially after he had his balls enhanced to greater output. Even Hawk and Chris were happy. Sandra became my showcase girl and loved the attention she got.

One thing that didn't happen anymore after Sandra was testicle transplants. They were too costly and now with the hormone treatments any boy could have a bigger cock and balls.

Vagina transplants were very common though and for most Slaves that it happened to came to really enjoy both types of sex. They also fetched as much as 20 grand at Auction.

Then Alex arrived at the Pines. Alex was probably the biggest boy I had ever seen for his age, except in one department. He had the smallest set of cock and balls even the doctor had seen. He was also as strong as an ox and it had taken three guards to subdue him.

The Doctor figured he might have been on steroids from a very young age so it stunted his growth in his sex organs.

He had to be restrained when he was brought to my office. The look in his eyes was one of embarrassment I think and hate as well. Well most Slaves hated the idea of being nothing more than object to be used. I think he was embarrassed by his small sized organs.

Here was the problem. Alex was like a Greek god. Perfect body in every respect except for those tiny sex organs and the problem was the Doctor said enhancing them with hormone treatments would not give him much more.

I knew what I was going to do. Give Alex exactly what he craved. However it would cost him.

To their very astounded looks, I dismissed both guards. Now I was alone with him except for Hawk. Hawk could I was sure handle him.

I had already been told Alex was immune to pain of any kind. He had practically been flayed at the holding center and yet had not cried out at all. The marks on his back and ass showed heavy bruising. I got up from my desk and walked up to him. He never moved as I ran my hands over his firm Pecs and abs. He flinched when I ran my hand over his very muscular ass cheeks. I was sure he was probably still a virgin. As tough as he looked I doubted anyone could restrain him tight enough to get a cock in his ass.

He just stood still as I inspected his body. I wondered if he was sensitive to other stimuli. I rubbed one of his tits, squeezing it and pinching it. That got a reaction from his miniscule dick. He got hard. I almost laughed, he had about 3 inches hard and almost as thin as my thumb.

I walked to my desk and picked up one of the leather belts used by the guards. When I turned to him he had a look of defiance in his eyes.

"So you are immune to any kind of pain I am told. I wonder."

His eyes never moved as I raised the belt. Instead of bring the belt down over his chest, I hit that miniature cock standing out from his body. That got an immediate reaction. He screamed and tried to turn away.

"Everybody has some place that's sensitive to pain."

"Boy I bet that hurts Master." Aaron said. "Would you like to find out Aaron?"

He was smiling until I said it and then just looked at me. Then stood up. He walked close to me and just stood there. His cock wasn't even hard.

I reached out and gripped his cock. He got instantly hard and even moaned. He was a real cock hound, but I loved him for it.

"Are you sure Aaron?"

"You are my Master. You can do anything coz I am just a slave boy. I know it is not punishment Master."

Without a thought, I just swung the belt and brought it down on his cock. He yelped and grabbed his cock and then hopped around the room. Hawk burst out laughing.

"He'll never learn Sir." Hawk laughed more at Aaron as he tried to cool his cock.

He stopped and looked at his cock. You could see the red welt where the belt had hit it.

"How come I am still hard Master? It sure hurts."

"That's because the blood rushes to the affected area. In your case into your nice cock. That's why boy's butts get red when they get whipped."

Aaron was standing in front of Alex with a big grin on his face.

"How come you are smiling after he hit you?" Alex said.

"Coz he is my Master. He could have hit me a hundred times there and I still would love him because I know I am his slave."

"Maybe that's what you need Alex. I could spend all day whipping those useless things between your legs."

"It's not fair. It wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything wrong."

Really I thought. I walked to my desk and brought up his records.

Technically he was right. When the police had raided the club he was at, he had been found in a room unconscious, with a steroid drip going into his arm. There were also several more bags of steroid drip in the cooler in the room. He had been automatically arrested for illegal drug use.

He was charged with Possession and use of a controlled substance. Obviously some one knew of the ISSI agenda and what the Training centers were looking for. Alex as a very muscle bound boy fit the criteria perfectly. He had been spared a bullet in the back of the head and sent here instead.

"You are partially right Alex. You were unconscious when the police arrived. However the use of a controlled substance either willingly or not is still a Capitol Crime. You are very lucky someone saw some redeeming thing about you or you would by now just be a memory. You would have been taken out and your brains splattered on the cell floor when a bullet was shot into your head."

"It can still happen Alex. If I find you are more trouble than I think you are worth, I'll take you out myself and blow your brains all over the pavement."

That I think broke his resolve. His head dropped and he started to cry.

"Go to him Aaron." I whispered to him.

Aaron bounded off the floor and was hugging Alex right away.

The pint sized Aaron beside the bulked up Alex would have been comical in any other situation.

Aaron hugged Alex and held him as he cried.

"You really got to cooperate Alex. Master can do all kinds of nice things. He gave me a bigger dick and even made my balls bigger. I didn't have much more than you."

"Some things can be hard to get used to, but everything feels so good after. I love my Master."

"I'm just so scared." Alex mumbled.

"Well that coz no one ever did anything for you. I'll be your friend Alex."

Alex looked at the small boy beside him and then hugged him.

Aaron could sell boots to a shoe salesman.

"Alex you have been told everything you need to know to become a very cooperative Slave. The number one rule you must always follow is that you do exactly what you are told when you are told."

"Yes Ma, Master."

"Now that wasn't hard to say, was it?"

"No Master."

"Are you a virgin Alex?"

He dropped his head.

"No Master." Solved one problem for me, but I wondered just how compliant he was now. I also wanted to see what his reaction would be to some of the other things I had done. I picked up my phone and called Mike.

"Mike have you seen Sandra?"

"She's here now Sir."

"Are you busy with her?"

"No sir. Just finished actually." He laughed.

"Good, have her come to my office without her top, but with shorts on."

"Right away Sir."

Sandra walked into my office and up to my desk. I was always amazed at how those three firm breasts seemed to almost lead the way when she walked, bouncing slightly with her movements.

"Yes Sandra, what do you think of my newest acquisition?"

Sandra turned face on to Alex. His eyes got huge when he saw her triple breasts.

"Oh wow Master, He sure is big Master." She walked to Alex and ran her hand over his firm Pecs and abs. Alex's reaction was the same as most males, he got hard.

"Are, are they real?" Alex said in wonder.

Of course silly. You want to feel them?"

Alex lifted his hand and shakily rubbed Sandra's tits. That got a moan out of Sandra. "They feel nice."

"You can pinch and squeeze them too. I like it when someone does that."

Alex did just that and I watched the bulge form in front of Sandra.

"Sandra, why don't you show Alex what else you have to offer."

"Oh thank you Master." She pushed down her shorts and let them drop and stepped out of them. She was left with a pair a very snug bikini panties on with a huge bulge in front.

Alex's eyes almost bugged out of his head. Then she pushed down the white panties.

I think if Alex had been able to come he would have at that point.

Sandra's hard 6 inch thick cock snapped up along her abs.

"It's real too." She said and took one of Alex's hands and placed it on her cock.

Almost as if by instinct Alex gripped her cock. Sandra abruptly stood back.

"That's enough big boy. I'm almost ready to come."

"Alex! Kneel down and suck her off." Now I would see.

Almost as if in a trance, Alex dropped to his knees and pulled Sandra's cock into his mouth. Sandra thrust forward and then slowly fucked his face. It didn't take her long to come. Alex swallowed her down. I knew then Alex had sucked before.

"Sandra stood back. "After Master fixes you can fuck me too with Master's permission."

"You see Alex. Master can do anything. He gave me big tits and Sandra still has a cunt too. He could fix you the same if you want. But like I said you got to do everything Master wants." Aaron said.

"While you are on your knees you better suck off Aaron Alex." I said.

He never hesitated and took Aaron off almost as fast as he did Sandra. He stood up when he was done with Aaron.

"Well Alex do you want a big cock and balls that work?"

"Yes Master."

"Very well Alex. I'll decide later what else I might give you. Hawk, escort Alex to the Clinic. Tell Dr. Lee to give him at least a seven inch cock. Have him replace his balls and start him on hormone treatments."

"Yes sir. Come along Alex."

Well he'd be gone for up to a year. By that time he'd be a muscle bound Sandra.

When the first multi-functional Slave boys and girls started to show up on the Auction Block, the demand for more went up so fast we couldn't keep up. ISSI knew they had a winner and expansion of Pine Lake Facility went to priority number one.

Even though the number of operations on slaves increased there was an acute demand for donors. Every vagina that was placed in a male and cock on a female meant another boy or girl had to become a donor. That was the problem that I had no idea how to solve.

To use slaves as donors wasn't an option in most cases. There was another problem that was not foreseen by the Board. At the present rate, someday we might run out of eligible slave material. When it sunk into young offenders and young adults that to break the law could end them up as Slaves for life the crime rate dropped by almost 50 percent in the first two years.

In a very short time Pine Lake had changed from a Prison complex to a experimental hospital and enhancement center. The Admin building and my offices were the smallest structure at the pines. Even a five thousand foot runway was under construction. Then the need to helicopter could be finished with and inmates could be brought in larger numbers.

Once they arrived now they were classified into categories.

Once the novelty of multi-functional Slaves wore off there was less a need to do multiple operations on a slave. Most were only enhanced with drugs.

The largest category was still sex slaves. Everyone was checked for just their beauty or good looking. Those selected were sent for enhancement. Girls with bigger firmer breasts and boys with larger cocks and bigger balls. That usually only took a couple of months. Some of those in the sex category were held over for other enhancements on a as needed basis.

The second category was labor slaves. These were needed for Farming, Manufacturing or mining. They were selected for muscle mass and given drugs to bulk up muscles.

The third category were for domestic slaves. Most people required they be as good as sex slaves but docile enough to work around children if necessary.

The last category were for those that did not fit the other three categories. They became donors. However there were very few. I no longer had much to do with selection and processing of slaves at Pine Lake. Doing the administrative work took almost all of my time. I did travel everywhere inside the Pines three or four times a week, but left the everyday operations to the dedicated staff.

Aaron and Sandra were my only companions and bed partners. Both were such dedicated slaves I never needed to worry about them. The fact that both would if I let them spend all their time on theirs backs or knees, kept both happy.

Both Aaron and Sandra were hybrids, having both male and female sex organs. That meant they enjoyed it both ways. Aaron called it his little cunt, while Sandra called it her number one pussy, her butt being her number two pussy. I actually enjoyed doing both, both ways, although shoving my dick into the tight ass of either was my favorite position.

There were obvious difference between Sandra and Aaron. Sandra was a girl with boy parts and Aaron was a boy with girl parts. Sandra got wet and slippery even before I fucked her pussy, while I had to use lube to fuck Aaron's 'cunt'. So I was surprised and shocked one night when Aaron was wet and slippery when I entered him dry. I actually stopped.

"You lubed yourself Aaron?"

"No Master. I just been leaking down there lately. I don't know what's wrong Master."

The impossible had just happened to Aaron. The Doctors had said that no transplanted Vagina could secret lubricant as a normal one could. Well Aaron obviously could.

I never commented further, just fucked to my satisfaction. Sandra went down as she usually did and ate Aaron's cunt when I was done.

"Master he tastes like me now." Confirmation. Aaron was as much a female now as Sandra was. This I would have to investigate further. Aaron I reassured he was just better now.

The next dat I took Aaron and Sandra down to the clinic. Dr. Lee's desk was as full of paper work as mine. He was almost nothing but an administrator too. He did still do some operations, but mostly supervised other surgeons.

"Director, an unexpected honor." He said as I walked in.

"How is Alex doing?"

"He's awake, but not all that happy. He is masturbating, but not secreting much yet. Hit tits are sensitive to the touch and his Vagina is healed enough to be useable. Considering he hasn't been used in his anal canal for a while he will be extremely tight. Another 3 weeks and he should be ready for what ever you want him for."

"Far quicker than I thought Doctor."

"Well the technique has been refined considerably since the first ones. Average time now is under 3 months."

"Good. Now I have another problem for you to solve. Aaron is getting wet in his 'cunt'. You said it would never happen. He told me he has been leaking for a few days and Sandra tells me he tastes similar to her."

"That should be impossible, but lets see. Aaron undress and pop up onto the table please. Don't worry; I know how Much your Master loves you so it won't hurt a bit."

After an examination the Doctor sat back behind his desk.

It appears that Aaron has a completely working Vagina. The lubricant is automatically secreted when ever a female comes into heat. Aaron from what I hear is horny all the time so he would secret the lubricant all the time. Once he learns control he will be okay."

"Now I wonder if it is happened to other hybrid males."

"That's easy enough to find out. I'll send out an enquiry immediately."

The doctor got another funny smile on his face.

"Now what Doctor?"

"Well I wonder if I implanted an egg into Aaron if he could get pregnant. He has all the parts and appears to be working just like a normal female so I just wonder."

"What does he mean Master?" Aaron said.

"What he said my sweet boy, is that he could make a baby inside you."

"I don't want to be a girl like that Master."

"I don't want you to be one either Aaron. So I'll have the doctor make sure it can't happen. Doctor you will cut his tubes."

"Of course Sir."

If other hybrids are developing the same way, we could bring some back for further testing."

"Very well director. Now would you like to Alex?"

Alex may have been unhappy about what I had done to him but Aaron and Sandra loved everything. Aaron even sucked his now big cock and took him to orgasm quickly although he didn't squirt anything. His nipples were just as sensitive as Aaron's or Sandra's and he even moaned as Sandra shoved her fingers into his new Vagina.

"Doctor if Alex develops the same as Aaron you can use him as well."

"Very good Sir. He can be released from here in less than a week."

"Good when he is ready have him moved to a cell next to my office."

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Next: Chapter 12

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