The Pines

By Brian

Published on May 3, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 10

"You have got to be kidding Jake. You didn't believe that drivel about giving someone both sets of sex organs?"

I looked at Sandy's astonished look and laughed.

"How long have you been with ISSI Sandy?"

"About five years longer than you."

"Exactly Sandy. So you know more about the working inside ISSI than I do. You already said your position will be with the Slave Directorate within the new Government. I think this whole thing has been in the planning stage for a lot longer than you let on."

Sandy just looked at me.

"Go on Jake."

"I know I own shares in ISSI. I get them as bonuses for good work, but also know that the majority of the Stock holders are very rich and very powerful men. They hold the control over ISSI. I think ISSI has been manipulating the Government for several years, almost from the first day they took over the Prison system in all three countries."

"From the very first day I was employed at ISSI when I got screwed by the Human Resources manager, I was been manipulated to take on more duties and also to give me a taste of the power behind the ISSI. I had no problem thinking I was being fast tracked. I know now I was being groomed by the ISSI. Groomed to be as ruthless a Warden as I could be. You were right about creating a Monster, but it was planned that way."

"Now let's look at the Worthington case. He would have won without any problem, and then he gets murdered by an unknown arsonist. Only problem is that Arsonist saved the youngest Son, even as ISSI didn't know. You told me ISSI wants Randy to quietly disappear. What they would really prefer is his death."

I think now there was a conspiracy to murder Worthington, but it wasn't by the Republican Party. It was by the ISSI. They obviously found something that would make Worthington unacceptable to the ISSI agenda."

The ISSI is correct. To most people politics is boring as long as the crime rate stays low, people are free to make money with low taxes and all have a good life. If they don't they react and Governments change, but give them what they want and they no longer care how or who runs the country. All three countries have been ripe for a coup for years, except for the powerful Armed forces and very efficient police. If you have both on side you have no problem."

"I'll bet if I looked hard enough I would find that the next President has more shares than God in the ISSI and no one cares."

"Now we come to me and you I suppose."

"I looked at all those Wardens. Everyone is at least five years older than I am and have been with ISSI for a lot longer and yet I was chosen as the Senior Operating Officer of all Class 3 and Class 4 institutions. I wonder why until I thought about what you said about being the Head of the Directorate of Slavery. That in reality is or should be a Government Secretary, then it dawned on me that the ISSI would be the Government."

Picking me was simple to the board of ISSI. I was known as a no nonsense warden. I advocated public executions, just to show people exactly what happens when you murder, rape or sell drugs. I even hated the four piece bullet that was used. I figured everyone should see the brains and blood of those convicted and executed. That made me perfect to carry out the next step. Bring Slavery back."

The obvious fact that no non employee can even get inside a prison operated by the ISSI, means that no one can see exactly what goes on. Hell ISSI could execute every single Class 1 prisoner and no one would be the wiser. The only reason they are not is the amount of MONEY paid to ISSI for each prisoner incarcerated."

"You also took notice of my idea of boot camps for young offenders where privileges had to be earned rather than just molly coddling prisoners. Make them nude and make them work for the privileges. Besides the fact that having everyone nude made it harder for anyone to obtain weapons or even hide them. Add in my feeling for young males and bingo the PINES is built exactly to my specifications."

"Drink boy." Aaron bounced up and got me a drink and then asked Sandy. After Sandy had his I just sat back.

I might or might not have a job now.

"You have definitely done your homework Jake. However it goes a lot farther back than you can even imagine. Even long before you were even born. For the most part the coup as you call it has already taken place. The ISSI has had the police, courts, and Armed forces on side for almost 15 years. During the last Republican rule, a well place Republican Senator brought forward two amendments to the constitution. They were hotly debated, but eventually passed without amendment.

The First Amendment stated that under certain circumstance a Presidents rule could extend after two terms.

The second fit with the first. During a time of crisis the two party system could be negated to help the president and cabinet operate without the restraint of Congress or the Senate.

"The first of November the Unionist Party will be voted into office and the Union will become one country under the total control of the ISSI."

Then Sandy did something I wasn't expecting. He pulled an automatic pistol from his briefcase.

"You going to shoot me now Sandy?"

"No Jake. This is just a warning. You do know more now than you should, but if you are willing to carry out the will of the Board we will hear no more about it."

I laughed.

"Sandy if I had thought about what the ISSI has planned I would probably have advocated it a long time ago. The only problem I have is that you put me in charge of all Class 3 and 4 facilities. Now if you are going to tell me how to run them too, you might just as well shoot me."

"Jake, the board put you in the position. Only they can remove you. I don't have a say and neither does the board in how you operate the Institutions. All they want is results."

"Fine then I am going to investigate to see if I can give Chris a complete set of both male and female organs. And I might pick out other boys to have it happen as well."

"Fair enough. I think you will need to make a trip to Washington to one of our experimental institutions."

"Well I want to go to Washington anyway. I want to talk to Aaron's Father."

"Who is Aaron's Father?"

"He's a Professor of Anthropology at Georgetown. He has some interesting views on Slavery. I'd like him to set up a curriculum to train boys even in Class 4's the idea that Slavery is now their lot in life."

He advocates Slavery as a positive step forward."

"Like to meet him myself."

After dinner Sandy retired to his suite. Chris was a very unhappy camper, but accepted what he was now. Aaron was again my bed partner and seemed to be adjusting to getting my cock in his ass. He didn't cry as much and he said it was okay later. I sucked him off which made him even more happy.

The other Wardens and the ten new slaves for the directors left on Monday along with Sandy and his new Slave.

I called a short meeting with all inmates. I warned any new inmates to either accept being deflowered by their fellow inmates or it would happen forcibly by my staff. That made another group of very unhappy boys, not that I cared anymore.

Because I loved how Aaron always seemed so tight and very experienced in bed, I hardly slept with anyone else. That didn't both any of my other three. They always had a different boy in their bed or anywhere else they wanted to.

Even though Chris accepted his new station in life he was always unhappy, sometimes to the point of rebellion. I knew he had been lashed lots by both my guards and by my boys. I finally called him up to see what his problem was.

When he came in he wasn't much different than he was before except I thought his tits were bigger. I knew Hawk loved to suck them when ever he fucked Chris and I knew that was almost nightly. Although I had always been BI, I really preferred boys. Chris I would have no problem fucking even if he was a girl.

"What is your problem boy? If you keep it up, the way you are going could get you sent to isolation."

"I know you are my Master now. I know I am a Slave, but you never use me Master. Don't you like me Master?"

"Is that why you have been so rebellious?"

"Master you said if I pleased you, you would make me a girl, but I never have a chance to please you."

He's right. That is what I said. I got up and walked in front of him.

I reached out and gripped both tits. His loud moan as I played with him told me they were getting more sensitive. He really was probably a girl. Problem for him was he got hard as I played with him.

Using his very hard cock as a handle.

"Come on boy. I am going to give you your wish. Come on Aaron you can lube him up with your sperm. You can screw Chris before I do."

Aaron was pretty wild as he screwed Chris. He may not have had a big cock but he sure knew how to use it. He also played with Chris's' tits, even biting and sucking them. Chris blew his stones all over Aaron, but he just wiped it up with is hand and fed it to Chris. It looked hot to me.

Chris licked Aaron clean when he pulled out.

He never commented when he saw the cock that was going to split him open. I figured he'd be screaming shortly.

I was wrong. He did yell when I rammed my nine inch beer can thick cock into him, but I went balls deep. There was no way this boy was a virgin before he came here, just by the way his muscles seemed to manipulate my cock as I fucked him. He really was very talented. After I came inside him twice and he had cleaned me up, I told Aaron to rim his butt. That almost drove him nuts and I went down on him and sucked him off. From then on he was as perfect a slave as you could ever get and I used him as much as I used Aaron. He was very happy.

I doubted he would be happy if he knew what I had planned for him.

Almost a month went by and boys were learning their new role in society. I had replaced all the forty boys sent out and was expecting another 60-100 boys being sent in. I had also hired several female guards. Time to go to Washington.

I ordered a VIP helicopter from Edson for my trip to Edmonton International airport. There I could get a Government owned aircraft for my trip to Washington. Both Aaron and Chris would come along. Both were dressed in the bright orange jump suits all prisoner wore when being transferred. They were not the biodegradable ones. Both were simply cuffed in front as was required when moving prisoners. They would wear the cuffs all the time I was away with them except in bed at night.

My first stop was the Research Center. Here they had developed the capsules used on all prisoners. They had also been doing other experiments on both male and female subjects. I wasn't interested in what else they were doing. After getting an appointment I went to the center, really just a large Hospital. After showing my Identification I was allowed inside and shown up to the director's office. Both boys were left outside the office under guard.

I explained what I initially wanted. The Director explained all the steps. It was I was told a very common operation and was fairly quick. It took several weeks after to heal but in most cases no complications were expected.

Then I explained what I really wanted. That got me a weird stare from the director.

"It's never been done. True some children are born with both and eventually one set is removed when they mature enough to know weather they are really male or female, but never has a vagina been added to a male who was obviously female without first removing the male organs."

"Weather it has been done or not. That is what I want. Can you do it? That is all I want to know?"

"Well it would be a first but I don't see any complications. Does she/he want it?"

"I don't care weather she wants it or not. I just want it done. I'll deal with him/her later."

"Very well, can I see the subject in question?"

I had Chris brought in. He was uncuffed and ordered to undress. The Doctor brought in several others while they discussed the case while examining Chris. He had a smile on his face thinking he was going to get his fondest wish. Well he was but not like he wanted.

They agreed to what I wanted and admitted Chris to the Hospital. They told me operation would happen immediately and he would be okay to travel under sedation in about a week. I'd be in Washington until he was ready to travel.

I did some research on Professor Weinstein. He had a very high Security Clearance with the Government and also held almost a half million shares in ISSI. However I didn't know if that was enough for him to be in the know.

He had been advocating the return to Slavery for a few years. Mainly as a deterrent to crime. Make a boy or girl a slave while they did their sentence would make them think twice before recommitting a crime. I wondered what he would think of the fact that was exactly what was happening except those boys and girls became slaves for life.

He granted me an interview and I took Aaron along. Not in the orange jumpsuit, but in a pair of tight silk underwear. He was very scared of what his father would think of him.

"Aaron you will not speak unless spoken to directly. You will also kneel at my side during my talks with your father. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

When we arrived at Georgetown he was even more worried. I saw a lot of looks at Aaron as he walked beside in his near nudity. The tight shorts showed everything. No t-shirt either showed off his upper body and only running shoes on his feet. I was chuckling inside as I walked to the Professor's office. "Why is my Son here?" He got right to the point as soon as we walked in.

"Because I decided I wanted him here."

"Even dressed like that?"

"Sir, I thought it prudent to let him wear those. I'm not sure of the reaction if he had been nude walking down these halls."

"In those he might as well be nude." HE chuckled.

"Besides all that Aaron is my personal Slave."

"Slave? Really. You mean the Government has finally decided young offenders should be enslaved during their sentence?"

"Actually the Government has decided that any boy or girl committing an offence that is deemed criminal in nature will be enslaved for life. Aaron is now my permanent slave."

The professor sat back in his chair and just looked at me.

"What exactly do you want from me? I know Aaron fucked up and ended up in a boot camp. However you now say he is your slave. Slavery is against the law in this country and as far as I know in all three countries. So if you now say Aaron is your slave, has the laws governing Slavery been changed and by who?"

"What I want is simple. Your silence and you expertise. Silence because although it is not common knowledge yet that the Slavery Laws have changed they are in effect in all three countries. You expertise in setting up a specific curriculum to teach all young offenders and all young adults that because they committed a crime against society they are all now slaves to that society."

"And what of my duties here?"

"Well I can at this time offer you a contract to ISSI at half again more than you are receiving now. You will also gain a way to gain more shares in ISSI as well as have the ability to have as many boy or girl slaves as you wish, excepting Aaron here."

"These slaves, I can use them as I wish?"

As long as they live on. Killing them would make you as much and more of a criminal as they once were."

"I had no intention of going that far Sir."

"I'll sign your contract."

I opened my briefcase and handed him the contract. It was several pages long. He sat back to read.

"Boy get your Master a drink and get me a scotch."

Aaron bounced up and went and got us both drinks. Then sat beside me again. I could see tears in Aaron's eyes.

I knew what his problem was. His own father now accepted that he was a slave and no longer cared about him.

I'd make it up to my favorite slave.

After he signed the contract I gave him a list of what I would like to see in any training regimen he set up. It also gave him a list of things he was entitled to as an employee of ISSI. I also expected him to come to Pine Lake sometime in the next month. Aaron and I left.

Aaron cried all the way back to our hotel and once inside I pulled him onto my lap and just held him.

"I guess I only got you now Master."

"I guess so Son and I will keep you forever."

He just snuggled closer.

Aaron became even more attentive to my needs and even offered to drain my bladder once. I told him that was something he would never have to do for me. We slept together and I allowed him to fuck me. Even as small a he was he was a real animal in bed. I asked him what he thought when he fucked Chris.

"Even as small as I am it felt real good. His insides sure know what to do. I don't know if I can fuck him in his cunt."

"Aaron you can still use his butt anytime. Also you will still be able to suck him off."

"But he will be a girl. Girls don't have dicks."

"He will Aaron. He is going to still have a cock and balls as well as a cunt as you call it."

"Really Master. Oh wow, I'd like that too."

"Be careful what you wish for Aaron. If it works you might just get one."

"Master you can do anything you want. I am just your slave."

I knew Chris would hate me for what I had ordered done to him, but here was Aaron wishing he had the same. What was so different between the all male Aaron and the half male Chris. That I would have to give some thought too, including how do I make boys tits bigger.

I fucked Aaron half the night and sucked him off several times as well.

A very contented Aaron was up the next day.

I talked to the doctor in the morning. The operation to date was a success. However there had been some internal plumbing changes. He/her would need to sit to piss as his/her bladder was connected to an outlet in her new vagina. He/she would not have any problems ejaculating although some feelings might be lost at least temporarily.

I enquired about breast enlargement and that was simply done with hormone injections. I ordered a large supply sent to the Pines. I had other ideas but kept them to myself for now.

I gave Aaron some regular clothes and took him on a tour of Washington.

We actually spent a nice holiday in Washington, something I had not had for a long time. Aaron couldn't be more contented I thought.

Near the end of the week Chris was ready to travel. We picked him up with an ambulance and took him to Ronald Regan. From there to Edmonton and then the Pines. I had him put in one of the spare cells off my office.

He had to be kept sedated for about two weeks and I put Aaron to work to keep him cleaned up. He didn't like the job of cleaning the shit and piss off of Chris, because he had no control while under sedation. After most of the Stitches were removed, he was allowed to wake on his own.

Aaron notified me Chris was awake.

"Why Master. Why didn't you make me a girl?" "I did Chris. I gave you what you wanted."

"But I got a cock and balls. Girls don't have cocks."

I peeled back the sheet and moved his ball aside. I slipped two fingers slowly into his vagina. His eyes got real large and he moaned.

"You see, I gave you a vagina."

"But you made me a freak. Nobody will want me as a freak show."

"I think it is neat Chris. You got two holes for Master now and can even screw Master when he wants you. I can still suck you off. I wish Master would do it to me." Aaron said.

Chris looked at Aaron's big smile.

"You think it is okay. Are you not scared you will be a freak?"

"Of course not. I am a slave for my Master. He can do anything. I like it Chris. You are special now."

"Aaron, suck him off."

Well with Aaron sucking his cock and my two fingers shoved up his vagina, sure didn't take him long to blow and Aaron had trouble swallowing all his load. He almost fainted from the double feeling he had. He slumped back on the bed.

"I never felt something like that before Master." He said.

"So feel better that I have made you better than before."

I guess so Master, but you promised to be the first."

"Oh I will Chris as soon as all your stitches are out and you are completely healed. No use tearing anything out with my monster."

"Aaron can keep you happy for now. He has been taking care of you Chris."

I left them and went out to my office.

I called Sandy and told him I wanted the hospital built sooner rather than later and I wanted several specialists in sex change operations to staff it.

"I take it the operation was a success."

"In everyway and I even have another boy interested in having it done to him."

"I'll have to come out and see for myself when he is healed up."

"Anytime after the end of the month Sandy. I'm sure even you will be impressed."

I was very surprised how fast that hospital was built until I was informed it came in, in four completed modular blocks. All they had to was hooked together. In less than six weeks I had a 10 bed hospital with two full sized operating rooms plus a medic station and emergency ward. The Specialists arrived seven weeks after I had talked to Sandy. They also brought several male nurses.

Even though Chris had been very peeved at me when he first found out what I had done, after experiencing all he could now do he was very happy. Even more so after I fucked his new Vagina. He also received several hormone shots which enlarged his already ample breasts.

I had given instructions to Mike and Steven to look out for very good looking boys. Boys that if they had been girls would have fit perfectly if they had a vagina rather than just a cock and balls. Those they found were given hormone shots.

Some started to complain that their tits were getting big and were looking more like girls. Once that happened they were segregated.

When I talked to the specialists they had no problems with what I wanted. My only problem was where I could get the organs for transplant. The Specialists said all I needed do was order what I wanted from the Institute in Washington. They would be delivered as needed.

I brought the Senior Doctor to my office one day for a talk. We sat while Aaron did as Aaron always did. Make sure we had our drinks as we talked. I told the doctor he was one of the boys that wanted both male and female sex organs. He commented he'd need some very small organs for Aaron.

"Have ever thought about the moral consequences' of what you want done?"

"No. In less than three months anyone who commits a crime will have no rights anymore. What I want to do with them will be entirely up to me. Do you Sir?"

"I just follow your orders Sir. I know the consequences of refusing."

I did too. He'd end up as a live donor for transplants. That I had been told in a very secret memo.

"Aaron, Come here Son." Aaron bounced up beside me.

"I know you want a cunt as you call it, but would you like a bigger dick and balls too."

"Really Master. They can do that too. Oh yes Master." "Well can you give him a bigger cock and balls?"

"Giving him a bigger cock is no problem, but in almost all cases Testicles can't be transplanted. What is normally done is Glass orbs are put in place of the Testicles. He can still get off from the fluid from his Prostrate, but nothing comes from his balls."

"Guess no bigger balls Aaron."

"But why Master? I will still be able to cumm and I know I would look better."

"Aaron I like what comes from your balls now, wouldn't taste as sweet without what come from your balls."

That got giggles from Aaron. He just sat down closer to me.

"You can set up an operation for Aaron to get his Vagina. At the same time you can give him a bigger cock."

"Very well Sir. How big a cock do you want him to have?"

"Well Aaron? How big do you want to be?"

"I guess six inches hard. I'd look real dumb with a nigger cock." He giggled.

"Okay Sir. We'll set it up for next week."

I dismissed him.

I pulled Aaron onto my lap. That was his second best place to be. The other was on his back under me.

"So my little slave boy. Don't want a cock like a negro." "Master, it's not that. I'm real small all over. I think I would look dumb with a nine inch dick."

"I agree Aaron. Six inches is about the biggest you would look good with."

"Master you should give Jimmy Hendricks a black cock."

"Who is Jimmy Hendricks?"

"He's a white boy in cell black 3. He's real strong and hates the Negro boys. He's always picking on them and always screws them when ever he wants. The Negro boys hate him. He's real small in the dick department Master. I think he would look good with a Black cock. Maybe then he wouldn't be so mean."

"When you run errands for me Aaron, do you have any problems with the black boys or anyone else beside this Hendricks?"

"No Master and Jimmy doesn't do anything either. We was in the cell block one day. I was with Hawk and Jimmy told me to suck his dick coz I was just a slave. Hawk told him I don't like to suck on pencil pricks."

That got me laughing and Aaron giggled.

The other boys had problems I was going to have to solve as well. Hawk was the first to come to me.

"Sir, can I be fixed like Chris?"

I looked at Hawk. He was without a very good looking Native male. He would look down tight stupid with a pair of big tits.

"Hawk you would look stupid with a pair of tits."

I don't want tits Sir. I just want the other part." For the first time since I had first met Hawk I saw his eyes get glassy and the big tears rolled down his face. He was in love with Chris I was sure.

"Hawk, you are not a free man. You are still under review. Come over here."

As he approached I picked up the wrist controller from my desk. Hawks eyes got real big and he now looked scared.

"Relax Hawk. If I was going to zap you, I wouldn't do it with you standing beside me. I pushed the instrument against his balls. He moaned as I keyed it.

Then I punched in his name into my computer.

His capsule had been deactivated. I didn't tell him that yet.

"First off Hawk, I will not give you a set of female organs."

His shoulders slumped and he almost cried.

"Stand up straight boy and listen to me."

"Hawk, we had an agreement that I would deactivate your capsule when you reached eighteen. Well now I am changing that agreement. Gerry, you and Henry both get over here."

"From this moment forward you three are probationary Security Guards. You won't be paid until you reach eighteen and become full fledged Officers, however you will all have the same privileges as other guards. That means you can each take a slave boy as your own personal servant."

"Now if I sever see any one of those Slaves defying you in any way and I don't see you punishing them, I will myself tie you down to that horse and whip you so hard you won't sit for a month. Do you understand?" "Yes Sir." All three said.

"Now as to your request Hawk. Security Guards are either all male or all female. There is nothing in between. Therefore you can't have an operation."

After I am done here you will report to stores and draw uniforms."

"Now Hawk, I know your feelings for young Chris. However he is a slave, just like all others in here and will be treated as one at all times. Yesterday I heard him arguing with you. That ends now. If you treat him any less than any other slave, I'll make you one along side him, with all operations and even a nigger cock twice what you have now."

"You are now a Master. In fact all of you are now Masters and will treat slaves exactly as they are supposed to be treated."

"Now get him in here."

"Chris you seem to forget exactly what you are. You are a Slave, no more no less. As such you will never argue with a Guard ever again. Hawk, Gerry and Henry are also your masters."

"Yes Master." Chris said.

"Yesterday I saw you defying Hawk. That will never happen again."

"But Master."

"Be quiet Slave boy. You will only speak when you are directly spoken too."

"Take him in the cell and strap him down on the Horse."

I think he thought something else was about to happen because he got a slight smile on his face.

I walked in behind them and waited until he was strapped tight. I handed Hawk the leather strap.

"Give him ten lashes for defiance. If I see you holding back even a little I'll give you fifty."

Chris was crying after and two and screaming by the time Hawk was done. His pure white butt was black, blue and real red when Hawk was done.

"You three and this Slave are dismissed."

I just turned and walked out and back to my desk.

All four left me alone. I was pretty sure Hawk would be putting slave on Chris's butt, but didn't care.

"Boy you can be real mean Master." Aaron said.

"You think so Aaron? Come over here."

When he got close, I pulled him over my lap and gave him three hard smacks with the belt. He didn't scream, but yelped. I set him on his feet.

"I guess I deserved that Master. I won't speak out of turn again Master."


Next: Chapter 11

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