The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 1, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 1

The Pines or more correctly, The Pine Lake Young Adult Correction Facility is what this story is about, but we will get back to it later.

First a bit of background information.

By the Mid Twenty First Century Canada, the United States and Mexico were one country in all but name.

All three Countries still had their own Governments, tax laws, Military and Police. Currency, laws, trade and immigration were one and the same. This came about from the massive pandemic that hit most of the world in 2030. Almost 100 million people died in North America from the very virulent Asian Flu Virus that hit. World wide over a billion died.

A large number of those that died were in the middle and lower classes and it put a huge strain on industry due to lack of workers. The first step was the relaxation of border controls between the three countries. Then came the use of one currency. Due the large increase in Crime, all laws were brought into line so any crime could be prosecuted no matter what country it happened in.

With abrupt change in Currency, Crime syndicates last trillions when the money they had became useless. The growing, selling and use of Marijuana became legal and was taxed heavily by the Federal Governments of all three Countries. It added a huge amount to the revenue of all three Countries.

The increased crime brought another problem, where to keep these criminals. That created the class system for criminals in State, Provincial or Federal Institutions.

Class 1 prisoners were all those incarcerated for more than ten years or awaiting execution.

Class 2 Prisoners were those over the age of eighteen, but under less than ten years sentences.

Class 3 prisoners were young Adults, aged sixteen to eighteen, unless they fell into category 1 or 2.

"Class 4 prisoners were young offenders, under the age of sixteen.

All four categories had a different requirement in the facility needed.

That brought about the privatization of Prisons throughout the three Countries.

ISSI, Institutional Security Services Incorporated became the largest private corporation operating Prisoner incarceration.

Since the take over of many of the Prisons in North America there had never been an escape from an ISSI facility.

In all Maximum Security Prisons escape was impossible. All those controlled by ISSI were almost completely computer controlled.

Prisoners' arrived, were classified, assigned a cells. Each cell was a climate controlled environment. No clothes were needed. They received their meals via a computer controlled conveyor system. Every amenity was available to them inside their cell, but once they were in that cell they never left it. Even daily exercise was just a corridor that opened on their cell. They could via a computer screen send and receive mail and talk to other prisoners, but none could see each other.

Simple to ISSI, you did the crime you did the time.

My name is Jake Samson. I'm the Warden of the Pine Lake Facility. I'm a homosexual. It no longer a problem for any one in North America. It definitely wasn't a problem for ISSI.

I started out as an assistant warden in a Class 2 facility and then went to a Class 1. After being with ISSI for a number of years was designated Warden of the brand new facility at Pine Lake. I didn't class this as a demotion.

Pine Lake was a Class 3 Facility. Just the age group I liked.

Pine Lake was not originally been designed as a jail. It had at one time almost 200 years before been just a trappers cabin. In the early part of the twentieth century it had become a very expensive hunting lodge. WW 2 it was taken over by the then Canadian Army as a Mountain Training Base. After the war it was again used as a hunting lodge until it closed in the 2020's. ISSI bought it and the surrounding 100 square miles in 2040.

Pine Lake was located in the Rocky Mountains in the western part of Alberta, a province in Canada. The nearest town was almost 150 miles away and the only road in was summer only and almost a hundred miles long. In recent times, Helicopters had been used to move guests to the lodge and that was how it was now supplied and provisioned. Prisoners were brought in the same way.

Pine Lake consisted of the Main Lodge, now the Administration Building as well as my quarters. Four Barrack like buildings for the inmates. A central mess hall. A gym, complete with pool. An induction Center and an outside Equipment building. All buildings were connected by underground tunnels.

"Pine Lake was a work camp.

Pine Lake had been modeled on other ISSI facilities with obvious changes.

Inmates arrived by Helicopter. They were unloaded directly into the induction Center. All were required to strip. Like other ISSI Facilities, no one wore anything inside any building. After a complete medical, were assigned a block and cell.

Each cell block consisted of 50 individual cells. There was a large shower and washroom facility at one end. Each cell was exactly 6 feet by 8 feet. The cells had no bars. All the walls were clear one inch Lucite panels. There wasn't even a door on the cells. Each had a desk, Bed and basin.

Privacy had to be earned at Pine Lake.

Pine Lake had accommodation for two hundred inmates. I knew if it worked in time there would be over 1,000 inmates here. To control these two hundred, I had just fifteen hand picked security Officers. Two each to a cell block, three roaming NCO's, four in the kitchen. The kitchen was completely automated.

Embedded into one wall of every inmates cell was list of rules and regulations. Break a rule or regulation and you loose privileges.

When I arrived at Pine Lake, no inmates had arrived yet.

I arrived in early June. The first batch of inmates was due July first.

I spent the next few weeks getting to know exactly what was here. Even the surrounding bush and forest. There not many trails and none led out to civilization. Once here an inmate had no where to run to. There were no fences or barbed wire. June 30th, I called my staff in for a final meeting.

"Everything I think is ready. You have all received the records of those that will be assigned each block. I presume you all have made a list of those that will cause the most trouble. You will note that we are only receiving sixteen year olds or those that will reach sixteen in the next month."

"You all know why I hired you to come here. All of you including me prefer boys 16-18. I'm not going to say you can't use any of these inmates, but don't force it. You can always remind them that pleasing you could bring more privileges. Once all two hundred are here I will address them all in the mess hall."

"Any Questions?"

When no questions were asked.

"Until all two hundred are here you can let them do what ever they wish as long as they all know that screwing up will bring retribution."

"If there is nothing else, I will see you all at 0800 tomorrow morning."

After they filed out, I grabbed a drink and sat and thought about this whole concept. A work camp was good. It gave them something to do beside just sit in their cells. It would even gain them more privileges. Having no privacy would be the hardest part for them to swallow. Being nude inside at all times would make even the toughest boy think twice before breaking rules. Getting some privacy would be what all of them would want.

I knew almost all of these young men would have had some sexual experiences from where they were coming from. Class 3 Facilities were not much different than class 2. I wondered how many would like to sleep in my bed to gain much better privileges. I would see.

With that thought I headed for my comfortable bed.

The next four days went by pretty quick. The only rumblings were after they found out no one would be dressed inside. Other than that most settled into their new home. Dinner on Friday brought me to the Mess Hall.

I walked to the raised platform at one side of the Mess Hall.

"Good afternoon. I am Samson, the warden. I and all the Security Officers here will be called Sir at all times. Failure to do so and you loose privileges. Privileges, you might ask. What are those?"

"Well one I can tell you is more privacy. You want more privacy, you have to earn it. Follow the rules as posted in each of your cells. Do as you are told when you are told. Simple you want anything better than what you all have equally now you have to earn it."

"You are all nude and inside you will always be nude at all times. You might just as well get used to it."

"During your medical, a capsule was inserted into your ass. It is lodged next to your prostrate gland. It's a permanent fixture and can never be removed. That capsule does several things. First it is a heart monitor. The Computer that controls most of this facility can tell if your heart is still beating, meaning you are alive."

The Capsule also contains every thing in your records and everything have done or not done here. If you are told to report to a specific place it will allow you through doors to get you to your destination." That capsule also has a locator beacon inside it. That will tell the Computer or any guard exactly where you are at all times. Lastly that capsule is in close proximately to your prostrate and if you cause a big problem for anyone a 10,000 volt charge can be shot into both your prostrate and tentacles. I'd think very carefully before I did anything to have that happen. You won't ever forget it."

"This is a Work Camp and each of you can sign up to work outside. Weather you work or not is up to you. No one will force you to work, but work brings privileges. The more you work, the better you have inside here."

"Shortly you will all receive a tour outside. The first thing you will notice is that there are no fences, guard towers or barbed wire. You want to run, be my guest. I don't care. It is simple; you will be listed as unlawfully at Large. Under the new Capitol offence laws, you will be considered a danger to society and an order will be issued to shoot on sight. No arrest, just caught and executed on the spot."

"Lastly, all rules and regulations go into complete effect as soon as you leave this Mess Hall. Sgt/Major, you can take them out one block at a time to tour the outside. No coveralls."

"Yes Sir."

I left the Mess Hall.

I had seen three or four I would very much like to get a closer look at. One in particular, I had queried on my wrist computer and knew his name was Watson. Sixteen and first offence. Shop lifting. He got two years less one day.

I went back to my office and ordered the boy to my office. The computer took over, while I watched the camera feeds. Watson went right back to his cell. I knew the message to report would be posted in his cell. He walked out and down to the Security Guard.

"The Warden wants me. Have I done something wrong Sir?"

"No Watson. He will be talking to everyone over the next weeks and just picked you to be first. Just follow that hall, the arrows will tell you where to go."

"Yes Sir."

All hallways were underground and computer controlled. Watson just followed the arrows on the floor. He looked scared.

He'd take about 15 minutes to get to my office so I sat back to read his record. Reading about his arrest, trial and sentence, I couldn't understand why he was given two years less a day. First offences by young adults usually ended in probation not incarceration. And the two year sentence was extreme to boot.

It was noted by both the Medical in Sacramento and here that Watson was not a virgin. Weather that was forced or not I would have to ask. A parent or guardian may have raped him and set up the trumped up charge to get him out of the way. That was more likely, it wouldn't be the first time a kid was railroaded into jail.

He wasn't bad looking, at just over 5 foot 6 and close to 120 lbs. He had a four inch cock and nice balls. I was so engrossed looking at Watson's full frontal nude I never even heard him knock.

"You sent for me Sir?"

I looked up and in the flesh his picture didn't do him justice at all he was a very cute young man and my cock jumped in my pants.

"Yes Son come in."

"Am I in trouble Sir?"

"No. Why would you think that?"

"Well I never been in a wardens office before. I thought I must have done something."

"It's okay Son. I will be talking to all inmates eventually. You are the first. That's all."

"Okay Sir."

"Come over here and sit down. What is your first name Son?"

"Gerry Sir."

"Gerry, I'm trying to understand why you are even in here. Shoplifting is not an offence that has a jail term."

"I asked the Judge for jail time to get away from my step dad."

"Was he the one that raped you Gerry? I know you have had cocks in your butt. The medical scans told me."

"Oh no Sir. He would never do that. He was a Minister."

So who did rape you Gerry?"

"No one Sir. Me and Benny, he was an Hispanic boy from school. We been playing around for several years. He was the first and I asked him. We had sucked each other lots and I finally asked him to put it in my butt. Well the first time hurt, but after a few times it was good."

"Are you Gay Gerry?"

"I guess so Sir. I like to suck on dicks and I like to get fucked."

"You are very open Gerry."

"I never lie Sir."

So why did you want to get away from your Step Father?"

"He found out what Benny and I were doing and said he was going to send me away to a special school. I had seen other boys who came back all changed, almost like zombies. I was scared so ran away. They always brought me back so I stole some jewelry and got caught."

I knew the rest.

"Gerry, I want you to think about what I am going to ask you next."

"Okay Sir."

"Life for a Gay boy in here can be real hard, especially for one so open as you. With no girls to satisfy the population, they will want to use you and most will be very hard on you. I can prevent that from happening if you are willing."

"Okay Sir."

Instead of saying anything, I reached out and gripped his soft cock. A small gasp escaped his lips, but I felt the blood rush into his cock. I jacked him a couple of times.

"Do you understand now Gerry?" My cock was throbbing and I knew I'd have to satisfy the need pretty quick or I'd be changing uniform pants.

"Sir, you want me to help you out. I think Sir you should let me help you now before you mess up your uniform."

"Go a head Gerry."

He knelt and unbuckled my belt and undid the buttons on my fly.

"Sir if you take your pants off they won't get wrinkled."

I had a feeling Gerry had done security officers before and if it happened in Sacramento, I had a pretty good idea who it was. I knew several of the guards in Sacramento were on my list for transfer here when Pine Lake expanded.

I stood up and let my pants drop. Gerry helped me remove them and then carefully folded them. Then went back between my legs. He pulled down my boxer briefs. A big 'O' escaped his lips.

"You are really big Sir. I never have seen one so big."

I considered my cock as big as well. I knew I was bigger than any of the guards here. At just over nine inches and almost four inches in diameter if was a thick solid piece of meat.

"Just do what you can handle Gerry."

Gerry licked his lips and leaned forward. One hand gripped the base of my cock. His hand didn't even go all the way around my thick cock. Gerry opened his mouth and slowly took my cock. He was very careful to keep his teeth off it. I knew that was a problem for most boys. Their mouths were just not big enough to accommodate my cock.

I watched as just over four inches disappeared into his mouth. He gagged and backed off. Then did it again. His tongue swirled around the head of my cock with each thrust. I felt his other hand on my balls. He was very good and brought me up real fast. If he kept it up he would get me off real soon.

"Get ready Gerry."

I think Gerry knew how close I was to cumming. He went out and gripped the head of my cock with his lips while both hands jacked my cock. That was all it took and I held his head as I blew into his hot mouth. His eyes opened real wide and his throat worked to swallow my offering. When I stopped cumming, he lifted up and jacked my cock, then licked off the few beads that came out. He then sat back.

"Was that okay Sir? You are real big and it will be a while before I can do you all."

"That was very good Gerry. So good in fact that you have earned yourself some privacy. When you go back to your cell see the Security officer and tell him I said you are a stage two inmate now."

What's that mean Sir?"

It means no one can see you inside your cell any more and you even have a door you can use to close and lock. The Security officers can still enter your room, but no one else unless you let them."

"So Jerome won't be able to hit on me anymore?"

"Well at least not when you are in your cell Gerry. You will still need to shower in the main block and take your meals in the mess hall, but when you are in your cell no one can bother you."

"Thank you Sir."

"Jerry as a work assignment would you like to work here with me?"

That got an instant smile on his face.

"Yes Sir."

"Okay Gerry. After breakfast each morning you will report here."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay Gerry, just follow the arrows in the floor and it will lead you back to your cell block. Report to Nathan and he will set you at Level two."

"Yes sir. Thank you Sir." Gerry walked out of my office.

Well that was one. I wondered how many more would agree to my advances. Gerry I figured was easy being Gay already. I sat back to read more histories.

Then I thought about what Gerry had said. He had said Jerome was hitting on him. I pulled up Jerome's records.

After reading through his record once, I wondered why he was even here. He should be in a class 2 institution.

Washington, Jerome: sixteen. 6 foot six inches tall, 180 lbs. Last Charge Sexual assault. Sentence two years.

Jerome had been in and out of class 4 Institutions since he was twelve. At the rate he was going he'd be in a Class 2 or 1 before he was twenty one.

The full frontal nude told me he was hung as a proverbial horse. Not all Negros were hung like him. From the sounds of it he was also a bully and being the biggest boy in here, no one could stop him. Well he had yet to have a run in with one of my Security Guards.

I keyed my intercom and ordered him to my office. Time to cut him down a few levels.

I went to my connected quarters and changed into shorts and t-shirt. Went back mixed myself a drink and sat down to wait. I looked over the ethnic make up of the Institution.

Besides Jerome, there were five other African Americans, 26 Asian, 17 Native American. The rest were white. Pretty good mix and fairly normal except in Class 2 prisons. There the Native and Black populations were higher than whites. I had no statistics on Class 1 Prisons.

None of the inmates here had been charged with drug related offenses.

When Jerome Washington walked in his look told me he thought he was better than anyone else. Time to give this boy an attitude change. He stood slouched with his hand covering his dick and balls.

"Stand up straight with your hands at your side boy."

He bristled when I called him boy. He never moved.

"Listen boy and listen carefully. You do exactly what you are told, when you are told or you will find yourself on the floor screaming your head off. Now stand up straight." I picked up my wrist controller from my desk.

He immediately stood up straight.

"Boy, you have an attitude problem. From the looks of your rap sheet you have had an attitude problem all your life. You have spent more time inside a Jail than you have outside. Is that what you want? To spend the rest of your life in a 6 foot by 8 foot cell. At the rate your are going you will end up in a Class 2 or even Class 1 before you are 21."

He stood silently with his head down. "Jerome, the legal system has given you every opportunity to go straight, but all you seem to want is to stay on that one way road to oblivion."

"What is wrong with you Jerome?"

He finally lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes were glassy. Maybe I had found a chink in his self made Armor coating.

"I got nobody. I got no parents. Every time they let me out someone always hits on me to do stuff. So I just hit back. I don't want to spend all my life inside, but I got nothing else."

So that was his problem and not an uncommon one. Jerome had never done anything really bad. All his crimes were pretty petty. His last was an assault Charge. He had beat up a white guy pretty bad. It got him his two years.

I got up from my chair and walked to the small fridge in my office. I grabbed a coke. Picked up my drink and walked to the two leather Chairs in my office.

"Come over here and sit down Jerome."

When he sat down I handed him the coke. I then sat down and adjusted myself. The shorts I had on were pretty tight and I wasn't wearing any underwear. Jerome I noticed watched me adjust myself.

After I sat down I looked at his pushed out cock and balls. I figured he would be pretty close to me in length and girth. When I looked at his face, I knew he knew where my eyes had been.

"Jerome, I have some questions for you. Please tell me the truth. Around here cooperation is the key word and considering I know all about you, lying will just cause you more problems."

"Are you straight, bi-sexual or homosexual?"

"I don't know Sir. I guess probably bi-sexual."

"Is that why you have been screwing some of the boys here already?"

His eyes got real big when I said that. When he opened his mouth to speak, I held up my hand.

"Let me finish Jerome. You of all people should know that there is never any real privacy in jail. Everything is covered by cameras. I did notice that none of them complained when you did fuck them. So as far as I'm concerned you did nothing wrong."

"What I am wondering is if they asked you to let them fuck you weather you would have let them."

"I never had a dick inside me Sir."

"Does that mean you don't want one Jerome?"

"I don't know sir. All the guys always want me to screw them or to suck me."

"Have you every sucked off a boy?"

"Yes Sir. You have to in Juvvy or the guys will just gang up on you."

"What would you say if I asked you to suck my cock?"

That brought his head up real fast, but he didn't say anything.

"I wouldn't order you to Jerome. I'll never order you to do that. All I will ever do is ask."

"I guess I would Sir."

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was pretty close to ten, the time all inmates had to be in their cells. Jerome would not make it on time, so was stuck here. The Computer would close all access to every building at ten PM.

I got up and walked to my desk and keyed the intercom.

"Yes Sir." Came immediately.

"Washington will not be back in cells tonight."

"Very well sir."

"Would you like another coke Jerome or something stronger?"

"Could I have a beer Sir?"

"One beer coming up." I pulled one from the fridge and then refreshed my drink.

When I walked back to Jerome, he obviously knew he was staying with me. His cock was thicker. I handed him the beer and sat back down.

"Why am I staying here Sir?"

"Primarily because you can't get back to your cell in time. At ten PM the computer locks this institution down solid and only I have access. So you will have to stay until 6 AM tomorrow."

"Do you want me to suck your dick Sir?"

"Do you want to Jerome?"

"I guess so Sir."

"Good then I will suck your cock too. See Jerome, you cooperate and I'll help you out."

"You can fuck me if you want Sir."

"Not tonight Jerome. To night we will satisfy each other all night if you want. I'll suck you off as you suck me off as many times as you want."

"You see Jerome. I'm Gay. I like to suck cocks and love to get fucked too. Someday I might let you fuck me."

Jerome was fully erect and I knew he was as big as I was. If he kept growing, before he was eighteen he'd have a real monster between his legs.

There was no doubt in my mind I wanted Jerome's cock in my ass, but I also wanted to fuck the black boy. My shorts were to constricting, so I just pulled off my t-shirt, undid my shorts and stepped out of them. I then sat back down.

Jerome's eyes were only one place. He took a big swig of beer.

"Do you want me to suck you now Sir?"

"Do you want to Jerome? I said I would never order you."

He never said anything. Just set his beer down and then kneeled between my legs. He used one hand to pull my cock level. Then just let it slide into his mouth.

I watched, amazed that he took all nine inches straight into his throat. He then backed off and went down again. No one had ever deep throated my cock the first time, yet Jerome was doing it with no problem. He alternated between deep throating me and just bobbing on the first four inches. I could also feel his tongue working my head and piss slit. Jerome was a far more experienced cock sucker than he let on. I'd bet he wasn't a virgin either, but that was something I would find out later. His expert ministrations on my cock brought me up real fast. I didn't warn him I was about to come. It didn't matter he took my load and swallowed it, never missing a drop. Like Gerry, he jacked my cock and sucked off the small beads of cumm that came out. Then sat back. He was rock hard.

"Was that okay Sir?"

"More than okay Jerome. I'd say you have been doing it lots."

"Yes Sir."

"Jerome, I'm going to ask you one more time. Please be honest. Are you a virgin?"

That did it for Jerome. He broke down completely bawling his head off. I let him cry. After he settled down I handed him his beer.

"Well Son?"

"It happened in Juvvy Sir. Then some of the guards did me too. I just didn't want everyone to know I was a fag. I'm sorry Sir."

"Was that what your last charge was about too?"

"Yes Sir. The guy wanted me to screw him. So I did. Then he said he was going to do me. I said I didn't want to, but he tried to hold me down so I beat him up. He told the police I forced him."

"Well no one will force you here Jerome."

"You can fuck me Sir."

Do you want me to Jerome?"

"No Sir. I just figured you wanted to."

"Jerome I said no one will force you to do anything you don't want to. You will have to ask me to fuck you. Now come on lets go to bed."

Jerome just lay on the bed. I climbed on and went down into a 69 position. I didn't wait, but took his cock into my mouth and straight into my throat.

I wasn't sure why I loved Negro cocks, maybe because they felt almost silky in my mouth. I deep throated his cock several times. I also felt it thicken and knew he was close. I just continued till he blew. A nice thick and very substantial load. After licking him up just lay back and went to sleep.

When I woke up Jerome'svery hard cock was right in front of my lips. I just took it into my mouth.

"Sir I got to." Was all he got out before my mouth was filled with his very salty piss. I just swallowed it. It wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. When I finished I sat up.

Jerome was shaking all over.

"Relax Jerome. I just didn't want to get the bed wet. No problem boy."

"I never had done that to anyone before."

"Come on lets get showered."

After a hot shower I dressed. Then ordered two breakfasts. They were exactly as everyone else was fed. All guards and myself ate the same as inmates. ISSI did not skimp on meals. Good food kept inmates happy. Well as happy as one can be while in Jail.

I sent Jerome back to his block after breakfast. I figured he would meet Gerry in the halls at some point but didn't watch the camera feeds. I left him as a Level 1 until I saw if his attitude had changed after spending a night with me.


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Next: Chapter 2

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