By Dr Throat

Published on Apr 23, 2000



So I went on a weekend retreat and got inspired to write this story. The whole thing is a work of fiction. Nonetheless, this is what could have been.

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The events of this story are pretty uncharacteristic for me. See, I am a clean-cut type. I keep healthy, exercise on a regular basis. I have a nice circle of friends. I have never found my sexuality (gay, that is) to be a major problem. Nor do I think that it is an excuse to be promiscuous. I have only been involved in a few select long-term relationships, all with a lot of substance. Not into one-night stands, anything dirty or filthy, or even dangerous.

My name is Josh. I am 32, live and work in Atlanta. I am 6'1", tanned, with blond hair and blue eyes. A bit of a California beach-bum look, but hey, I look damn good. Plus, I have always given enough time to my exercise routines. Well developed pecs, sandwiched between two perfect biceps. Tight belly, bubble butt, defined legs with just a bit of peach fuzz to give them that manly look. So, if I must day so myself, I am one fine specimen!

I am a Lexus salesman. I just always loved cars. So I figured race car driver is not something you can live on, and being a mechanic is not my forte because I definitely do not like grease under my fingernails. So lets sell cars, and some damn good ones at that. And my good looks always made the customers feel comfortable, which helped my sales record a lot.

At the time of this story, I was on a long dry streak. I just had not met anyone I was interested in socially or physically. I probably had not got laid for at least 6 months. I was horny as hell, but just had not met a single person I wanted to be with.

My boss at the car dealership had decided to spice things up a bit. He had set a sales period with a prize for the best record. The prize was an all-inclusive long weekend at a five-star resort hotel in Bermuda. All this was no challenge for me. Since the void of a lover in my life was so significant, I devoted all my time to work. And the cars just kept disappearing from the showroom. Then I took out my sexual frustrations in the gym, almost every night.

So by the end of the sales period, I was the winner, and very buffed. The weekend was paid for two. But yours truly did not have anyone to bring with. Nor did I feel like bringing along anyone of my friends right now. Off to Bermuda I went by my lonely self.

That resort was NICE! (or PHAT!, as my buddy Calvin used to say). It was a full resort, with every kind of sport and pampering you can think of. I spent most of Friday on the golf course. I met some people in the bar after dinner. I don't think there was any gay scene there, or any that I could find. Saturday morning I had signed up for a refresher tennis course. After lunch, I hit the gym. I had a good workout.

After that I headed to the spa. I figured a nice steam room session would do me some good. I entered the spa, and there was this other guy there by the desk already. The clerk signed both of us for lockers and gave us general instructions. It looked like the spa was empty, but the idiot clerk had positioned the two new customers in lockers next to each other. We both headed to our lockers and started undressing.

Let me describe this guy now. He must have been 45 or 50'ish. 5'7", easily 250 pounds if not more. Bald head, with a rim of curls around the periphery which he kept rather long to compensate for his baldness. Thick moustache, another cover-up effort. Pale skin, then kind that never tans or even burns. Quite a bit of brown spots here and there on his skin. By now, his shirt was off. Big beer belly, drooping fat breasts and nipples that were actually "innies" from the amount of fat around them. Off came his pants. He wore Hanes white underwear, completely a turn-off. He had a fat butt, which tapered into chicken legs below the knees. He was covered with coarse curly hair all over his belly, back, shoulders, and legs. And then the Hanes came off. His genitals were covered with a bush of curly hair, concealing any image of cock.

So if you haven't guessed by now, I found this kind of men repulsive. How could someone be so non-attractive? How could you let yourself go like this? If all men looked like this, I would have been straight for sure.

I finished undressing too and headed to the showers to wash off the sweat from the gym first. The cold water felt real awesome. I dried off, wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to the steam room. On my way I saw that the other guy was immersing himself in the whirlpool.

I opened the door and got into the steam room. I took the towel off, laid it on the bench, and spread myself on it. Ahh, this felt good. I could just feel the steam totally cleansing me from the inside and out. And my cock must have liked it too, because it took advantage of the freedom it was given and got semi-hard in no time. I could easily get used to this.

Just then my privacy was disturbed. The door opened and I heard someone walk in. I looked up, and it was that fat bastard. I put my head back, closed my eyes, and tried to ignore his existence. The only thing was that my cock was still engorged, revealing a hard-on that could make anyone jealous.

He must have by now organized his stuff to lay out too. I felt what must have been the corner of his towel brush my toe as he got comfortable. I didn't do anything, and the towel remained there.

I resumed my relaxation, ignoring his presence. I was totally getting into it. Then I felt the "towel" tickling the side of my toe. Maybe he was repositioning himself. Hard to tell when my eyes are closed. Then the tickling became more of a fondling motion, rapidly going into massaging my whole insole. By now I was more alert, and figured what was going on. I gently shook my leg, so that he would back off. He did initially, then he resumed not half a minute later. I just was not into this. This time I pulled my leg to one side. Again, few minutes later he was at it. OK, so I am really not interested in this guy sexually. I can't play it as though I were straight and totally offended, because the cat has been out of the cat: my dick is rock-hard again. As I am contemplating how to deal with the situation effectively while minimizing any interference to my day in the spa, he moved up my foot, to my calf, and then to my thigh. By now he was inches away from my ballsac.

And then I felt it. That moist sensation of a warm inviting mouth. In one motion he took all of my eight inches in his mouth. I couldn't believe I was just putzing around while he got what he wanted. I looked up, and saw his bald head facing me, as he had his way with my rod. He bopped his head up and down, moaning louder from enjoyment than I could ever moan being on the receiving end of a BJ! This ugly disgusting human being was totally into it. And I just couldn't believe what had just transpired, and still going on. He then used his left hand to hold my shaft at the base, tensing the skin as he continued a damn good BJ. This revealed the wedding ring he had on.

Maybe it was the steam room making me light-headed, or something like that, but the sensations I was getting from this BJ were totally unbelievable. This guy entered into a super mode and was doing wonders to my cock and balls. I felt an enormous amount of heat being released from my pelvis. I looked down, and my cock was so red from blood engorgement. This guy just LOVED COCK!!!! He was devouring my cock like a hungry scavenger. I could still not believe it, but my horny cock had, after all these months, found a mouth that could give it the royal treatment it deserved.

And then, I climaxed. I felt a deep contraction originating in my balls, twitching everything from there into my groin. My cock grew by another inch, and exploded in his mouth. All that cum that had built up got released with such a force that left me helpless in his mouth. And his moaning intensified, taking all of it like a real man. He swallowed so loud hear him gulp.

Once the gushes stopped, I needed a few moments to recuperate. He did not let go of my cock. He just kept licking the base of my cock, where it joined my scrotum. I guess he was savoring this rare moment for him too.

Then feelings of guilt and disgust took over me. How could I let myself get into this situation? How could I even think of this person, this pig, as a sexual partner. This ugly, middle-aged, married man. It was the best BJ I had in a long while, but still, this is totally not like me. I had to get out of there! I had to leave the situation.

I got up, pushing him and his head away from my groin. Without saying a word, or even look at him, I just headed out. On the way out, I heard him say: "Thank you, man!" Boy, this guy really enjoyed what he got, perhaps more than me.

I went straight to the showers. I had to wash off what just happened. I opened the shower and let the water just pour over my head. Ah, that felt good again. Just like it did about half an hour ago, before the incident. I soaped up my whole body, with special attention to all the areas that pig had licked. I washed out as much of him as I could.

Then he entered the showers too. Conveniently, he took the stall directly across from me. He tried to make eye contact; I avoided him. He stood there, facing me, anticipating a response or acknowledgement. I just ignored him. I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was staring at me the whole time. I could even make out that he started to fondle his cock. He was jerking himself off. The idea of this pig as a sexual being was totally disgusting to me. I tried not look, but was curious at the same time.

This stand-off went on for some time. He jerked himself with one hand, and played with his nipple with the other hand. I just tried not look, or at least let him know that I was looking. A few minutes of this, and then he turned around. Now he was facing the wall. He cupped his buttcheeks with his hands and started massaging them. He worked his hands toward his crack. Now that he was not looking at me, I could steal a glance more comfortably.

He bent down, exposing his crack to me. His fat buttcheeks were still in the way. With his hands, he spread them apart, revealing his asshole. He then inserted one finger in, and started to finger himself right there in front of me. Disgusting. I can't believe that this pig was expressing himself sexually to me in this way. Yet my cock was totally aroused at the situation. Now I could freely look, without giving him the satisfaction of knowing I was looking.

Another finger made it inside his butt. He was fingerfucking himself, and moaning loudly again. The more I looked at him, the more images of a pig in heat came to my mind. A third finger went in. This filthy, disgusting image was so erotic to me.

Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I walked over to his side of the showers, with my cock erect and ready to go. With my right hand I removed his hand from his ass. With my left hand I grabbed his rim of hair in the back of his head and pulled his ear to my mouth. I told him: "You want me to fuck you, pig?" He managed to nod yes even though I was pulling pretty hard on his hair. Then I grabbed my shaft and inserted myself into him. The road to his rosebud was especially long, as my cock had to make its was past all that fat to the sphincter. I went all the way in. I was in the pig now.

With that, I started my fucking motions. Slow at first, picking up the pace pretty quickly as I found the situation really intriguing. "Squeal for me pig," I told him. He was moaning loud again. "I told you to squeal, pig." He started to yell with every thrust.

I couldn't believe that the same person who disgusted me in the locker room just an hour ago, was bent over and getting fucked by me now. I let go of his hair, and extended both my arm around him to cup his pecs. Instead, womanly, fat breasts greeted my palms. I cupped them and pushed him up. I was eye level with his ears now. "Squeal you pig, squeal!"

I massaged his breasts some more. Then a familiar stench hit my nose. The smell of a dirty armpit. And a nasty one at that. I had to have it! As disgusting as it could be, I needed it to reinforce the dirty nature of the moment. I lifted his right arm and pulled it around my neck. I situated my face in his armpit. A deep sniff as I kept fucking him. The smell was awful; I almost passed out. Yet I got closer and closer. Before I knew what came over me, I was licking his pit. Devouring his stench like he devoured my cock minutes ago. And this totally stimulated him too. He was moaning so loud I thought they may come in to see what was wrong.

I needed to disgust myself even more. I needed to feel his cock. With my right hand I traced his fat belly all the way down to his pubes. The rough pubic hair almost scratched my palm. But I fished inside the hair to find his cock. Quite possibly, this was the smallest cock I have seen since seventh grade. His shaft was not even long enough to make it past my four finger fist. Or maybe it was the layers of fat that hid most of the length of his shaft.

I stroked him, as my cock was getting to be one with his rectum. I squeezed his cock, milking him. And this pig loved it. Not even in his wildest dream did he think when he woke up this morning that he was going to be fucked by a hot stud like me. He must have been in heaven.

Then, his tiny cock started contracting in my hand. He spasmed, and his sphincter tightened around my cock. The convulsed one more time, and a few drops of cum came out. Even his cum was disgusting. Just a few drops, that's all. But I was enjoying my masculine domination over this fat married man. I climaxed once again. I exploded in his ass. I held onto him lest I fall down, dragging his fat ass down with me. I emptied my balls in his ass, until I was satisfied. That was the best injection of masculine virility that the pig could have hoped for. I then let him loose. I pushed him forward, toward the wall. This allowed me to retract my cock from his bowels. It was covered with shit and cum. Just to satisfy my lust for disgust, I picked up some of the shit that was on my shaft and sniffed it. I had never done anything this disgusting before. And that made it all the more so intriguing.

I left. I went to the locker room, put my sweaty gym clothes back on and went to my room. There I took a nice long shower. This time it was not a shower to wash off the disgust. Rather, a nice long one to wash off all the sweat, cum, and shit off my cock. I was still in absolute awe of what had happened. This sort of thing is so not typical of me. First, the circumstances. I am not a slut. Then, my mate. Totally not attractive by any means.

That evening I decided to stay in and order a movie and room service. Was I subliminally afraid to bump into the pig? Maybe. I just needed a relaxation from crowds. From all the girls in the bar last night who were gawking at me, not knowing that they were not going to get any from me.

The next morning was the second installment of my tennis course. My plane, the same one that was going to take back most of the vacationers there, was leaving early afternoon. I packed my stuff just before noon, and headed to the lobby to check out. I still had enough time for lunch before the shuttle to the airport.

In the dining room, I got a seat next to the window. About ten minutes later, the pig, and a woman who was probably his wife, got seated on the table in front of mine, facing me! Of all the seats in the house, he had to be placed somewhere where we had to stare each other in the eyes.

His wife was a royal bitch. From the first moment she was complaining about something or another. And she was just as hideous as the pig. Except the heavy make-up and the gaudy outfit made it even worse. With a wife like this, no wonder the pig was looking for activity elsewhere.

At first I tried to avoid eye contact with the pig. The more I looked at the nature of his interaction with his wife, the more sorry I felt for him. The few times we caught a glimpse of each other, I gave him a knowing smile, with sympathy. It seemed like he understood perfectly the misery he was in. At one point he looked like he was going to blow a gasket from all her bitching.

Just then he looked at me, and I looked at him straight. I felt so bad for him, for the pig. I motioned for him to follow me outside. I got up and headed for the door, down the long hallway, and waited by the door to the men's room. I waited for a moment, and he appeared at the doors of the dining room. I went into the men's room, knowing that the pig had seen where I went, and he would follow me in.

I went to the last toilet stall. I took off my shirt, shorts, and underwear and hung them all on the hook behind the door. I got up and sat on top of the toilet bowl water tank, spread my legs, and planted my feet on the toilet seat. By now my hard on was ready for action.

The door opened, and he walked in. He walked to the last stall to find me. He must have liked what he saw, because he was surprised by how ready I was. He didn't say a thing; he knew what to do. He sat on the toilet seat facing me, and dove his head straight onto my boner with no foreplay. Plump, it all disappeared into his throat. He put his palms on the inside of my thighs and spread them even more, giving him even more access to everything that was between my legs. He worked my cock with his mouth, while he massaged my balls with his hands. Then, his right hand went a bit further back, to explore my crack. He found my butthole in no time. He circled and circled my rosebud, as my cock was getting totally engorged with blood and pleasure. This man just LOVED cock! It seems like he could live on cock and cum alone.

His tongue was doing wonders for me, and I loved every moment of this. Soon, I was ready to explode. That jism in my balls was steaming, and ready to spill over. Instead of erupting in his mouth, I grabbed his hair in the back and pulled him away from my cock. I shot my cum all over his face and shirt, on purpose. I wanted him to have cum stains on him, and have him explain to his wife why. It was an evil spirit that got into me last minute, and I enjoyed it.

After my explosion, he buried his face in between the base of my shaft and my balls, like yesterday. He licked the area over and over. This actually prolonged the pleasure, a brand new technique I had learned from him. He licked that area over and over. A couple of minutes later, all my sphincters had relaxed, and I needed to pee. Once again, that evil spirit took over me. I was going to use him as my urinal!

I grabbed my cock to aim it at him. I think he knew what was coming, and wanted it. Even though I had not said anything to warn him, he nodded yes, positioned himself in front of my slit, and opened his mouth in anticipation. This was amazing. I relaxed my muscles and let it flow.

The first stream of piss was a straight shot to his mouth. His mouth filled up in no time, and the piss started to overflow from either side of his mouth. It spilled down his neck onto his shirt. This gave me the idea to stop aiming for his mouth and direct my stream all over him. I aimed my cock to wet all his face and his bald spot. Then I aimed it down, on his shirt, pants, and then concentrated on his crotch until the whole thing was over. The whole time he used both his hands to wash the hot liquid all over him, getting him wet all over. He washed it over his wet clothing, at time mixing it in with my cum that was all over him. He totally enjoyed his shower.

What had gotten into me? I was always the clean-cut type. I was always the cautious, health-conscious type. Where did all this hidden lust for disgust come from?

But I wasn't done with this pig. I wanted to disgust myself even more. I wanted it all the way. I pulled him up by the arm. He was now standing, with his legs parted on either side of the toilet bowl. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips! Gross! I penetrated his mouth with my mouth and explored him. This was even more than he expected. He sucked face back. I tasted my piss and my cockjuice in his mouth. I was about to vomit, yet I was so turned on. I sucked every last bit of piss from his mouth, and drank it.

Then, with no warning, I slid from the top of the water tank to sit on the toilet seat. I was eye-level with his soaked crotch. There was a small tent from his tiny cock. The whole area was overshadowed by his fat belly. I lifted his belly up with one arm, and sucked on the outline of his cock over his pants. I sucked in the piss from the cloth, and drank it. The scent, the danger, the disgust was intense. I wanted more.

I then lifted his fat belly some more to get to his belt. I opened it, much to his surprise and mine. He never thought that a hot stud like me would ever be willing to come near his cock. He was intent on being a slut, yet this time this stud was willing to take it to the next step.

I pulled down his pants and his Hanes, and he stepped out. Pre-cum was oozing out of him in a steady flow. I approach his 4 inch cock, under the fold of his fat belly. As bad as the smell of my piss on his crotch may have been, the stench of his fat folds sweating from all day of activity was even worse. I was mesmerized to find myself digging into a crotch this disgusting. I wanted it. I came closer, and lifted his balls. I licked them. The coarse and smelly pubic hair almost gave me a bruise. I wanted more. I opened wide and took in both his balls, as I yanked on his tiny cock. The taste of cheese and sweat, I felt lightheaded. I licked and licked. I finally psyched myself and was ready for his cock.

I let go of his balls, pushed his fat overhanging belly even further up to let me get to his cock. Once again the coarse pubes were too much for my delicate face. I took all 4 inches of his stiff cock in. There was no point bobbing on it, since it was so short. Instead, I just rolled it around my mouth with my tongue. I wanted more of him. I buried my face in him, took both hands and grabbed his cellulite ass to get him closer to me. I kneaded his fat butt until I found the center. I had to pull the cheeks hard with both hands just to get in between them. A sweaty crack welcomed my fingers. I found his rosebud. I entered with one finger, then two. I pushed in further until I found his prostate. I pushed on it as hard as I could. This threw him over the top.

He was going to retract his cock and explode on my face, like I had done to him. But my firm grip on his prostate prevented him from disengaging. He shot in my mouth. All two drops of it. Miserable excuse for a cumshot.

Once he was done, I released him. In fact, I pushed him away from me. I grabbed my clothes from the hook and got dressed. I rushed out. Again, on the way out, I heard him say: "I appreciate it man." Disgusting!

Back at home I thought about what happened that weekend. I never engaged in that type of behavior ever again. Yet the thoughts were the subject of many JO sessions over and over again. I miss my pig.

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