The Physical Therapist

By Brian Johnson

Published on Jan 5, 2017



The Physical Therapist

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Chapter 1

It was late winter when someone came to work with a bad cold. This was unusual because the company has a great benefits package that includes 14 paid sick days each year. Well it did not take long for this cold to work its way through all the employees. By the time it reached me it had morphed into bronchitis. And boy, did it hit me hard. I am fortunate as my doctor makes house calls. Actually he doesn't; but he lives across the street and when I called him he came right over. In a matter of minutes he told me that I was in the early stages of pneumonia and he called an ambulance and I was in the hospital in 45 minutes.

I did get excellent care, but with the regulations of Obamacare; I could only remain in the hospital for 7 days. Because I came in late that first day, I was there actually for 8 days and was sent home on the 9th day. I was told that a nurse and physical therapist would visit me on a daily basis. Well when no one came by the second day by 2:00pm; I called my doctor's office and told him that no one had visited. He called back and said that he had made arrangements for me to be admitted to a rehabilitation hospital near my home and that I would be there about 3 weeks. I just had time enough to get a few things together and their ambulance was there to get me.

After the initial check in; you know blood pressure, temperature, blood oxygen level; I was taken to a private room. It was a nice room: bed, with a reclining chair and a bathroom with a shower. The room had a nice big window. The dietitian who asked me about food allergies and food preferences visited me. Then the occupational therapist came by to see if I was able to do things like brushing my teeth and shave. I told her that I just had a very bad cold and that I could do things like that myself. The next person to visit me was David, the physical therapist. We talked for a while about the problems that I was having and he told me that he would put together a program that would help me regain my strength and he would stop by the next morning. Then the nurse came by and gave me the medications that my doctor had prescribed and I was able to go to bed. I did eventually fall asleep.

I was wakened from a deep sleep at 7:00am by a young lady who told me that it was time for me to get up. She helped me into a wheel chair over my objections that I could stand. I was wheeled into the bathroom where I could brush my teeth. She removed my gown and turned on the hot water, gave me some soap so I could wash my face and under arms. I asked about a razor and she said that I would get an electric razor in a few minutes as it was being used. She then washed my back with a soapy washcloth and then dried my back. She then helped me into the recliner and said breakfast would be delivered shortly. I was surprised when breakfast got there. I was expecting the usual hospital breakfast, but I was given two eggs, hash browns, and two slices of bacon, toast, orange juice and coffee. At home I usually have some oatmeal with fruit and coffee.

Just as I was finishing breakfast, the electric razor was delivered and I was able to shave (I prefer a blade and lather). Then I was able to rest for almost an hour before David appeared. After a good morning; he told m that he had put together a plan with two 45-minute sessions. He asked if I was ready to begin work? Of course I said no, that I wanted to nap for an hour or so. He laughed, pushed a walked in front of me and said, "Let's go for a walk." I was glad that he made me use the walker as I soon found out that I was not as strong as I thought I was. We ended up in the `PT" room where he had me do some things that would strengthen my leg muscles. I was surprised how tired I became after just a little exercise and he explained that I had pneumonia and that I was week and it would take time for me to regain my strength.

He worked with me for 45 minutes and then he walked me back to my room where I just had time to take a leak before lunch was delivered. After lunch I was able to take a nap. David appeared back in my room just before 2:00pm, saying it was time for my afternoon session. For this session we walked and even went out to the garden. There where a number of benches scattered throughout the garden, but we did not stop; we kept walking. After the second tour of the garden we headed to the PT room for some more leg exercise. While in the garden we found out that we had a lot in common. He was just a few years younger than me; we both like to play sports, all sports, we liked to hunt and fish, swim and ride horses. I found out that he was from Colorado. I told him that we could become friends if he wasn't such a SOB making me work so hard. He laughed and said, "The harder you work the sooner you get to go home."

On the way back to my room he asked if I wanted to play Bingo, as the game was about to start. I said, "Do I look like a Bingo Player?" He said no, but that it made the time go faster than just sitting in my room. I thought about that for a minute and then said, "Take me to the Bingo Parlor." After almost two hours, I had won a bag of chips and a Hershey Bar; so I headed back to my room. After dinner, a couple of friends from work stopped by and we had a nice visit. Then the nurse with my medication and before I knew it, bedtime.

The next day went about the same way, only the food at breakfast and lunch changed. The morning "pt" workout was the same, a nice long walk and then some more leg and arm exercise in the "pt" room. After lunch David said that he had a change in our afternoon workout and he thought that I would enjoy the change. We walked to the far side of the building where he had to unlock a door. Once inside I saw that we were looking at a swimming pool. "I thought you might enjoy this," David said. I thought it would be good, but I said we have to go back to my home so I can get my suit. David said that I would not need a suit, as only he and I would be in the pool. Now when I go for a walk, I wear two of the gowns with one covering my backside. As I removed both gowns, he also shed his clothing. Seeing him nude, I saw that we were both very much alike. Both of us were about 6' 2", about 190, muscular, all over tan and everything else very similar.

He asked if I wanted to use the ladder to get in just step in. I said that I would rather dive in but since this was the shallow end, I would just step in, which I did. He joined me and we began to walk from one side to the other side of the shallow end. He said the water resistance would be helpful. We did that four or 5 times. He then had me hold on to the side of the pool and just slowly kick my legs as if I was swimming. We or I did that for a while when he suggested that we swim to the far end and back if I was up to it. I was and we did. I suggested that if he was up to it we could race to the far end and back. He was and we did. I beat him by about 6 inches. He said that we should shower and then head back. So we showered to remove the chlorine, got dressed and headed back to my room.

The next three days were similar. We found out that we both went horseback ridding at the same stable and that while growing up both of us had our own horse. On the fourth day there was just a slight change in the afternoon swimming. Afterwards in the shower, David said that he would wash my back if I wanted him to. Not wanting to turn down a benefit, I said okay. He started at my shoulders and slowly worked his way down. I thought that he would stop just above my cheeks, but he did not. He continued all the way down to my ankles. But when washing the inside of my upper thigh, his fingers brushed against my balls. I then rinsed off and offered to do the same for him. He accepted. I did the same as he did, but my fingers did not brush against his balls.

After swimming on the 5th day there was another change. David offered to wash both my front and back. Hesitantly I accepted. I was wondering what he would do when he reaches my dick. I did not have to wonder long because when he got there he preceded to wash not only my dick (which started to grow hard when he touched it) and my balls. When he reached my feet he said I should turn around and he began at my shoulders. When he got to my cheeks his fingertips got in to my crack and brushed against my hole as he continued down to my feet. It was then my turn. I soaped my hands and started on his chest and worked my way down. When I got to his dick, it was semi hard and I just went ahead and soaped it up and did the same to his balls and continued on down to his feet. After he turned around, I also started on his shoulders and moved down his backside. My fingers did not enter his crack nor touch his hole, but continued down to his feet. He rinsed off and we both dried off and headed back to my room.

After that day, the washing of each other was restricted to washing just our backs. After 4 weeks of physical therapy, I had regained my strength and was ready to return home and to work. David and I had become good friends and had agreed to go horseback riding the following Saturday. He said that he would have to be at work by 5; 00pm. I suggested that we ride in the morning, come to my place for lunch and that he could leave for work from there. He thought that was a good idea.

Saturday was a nice warm, sunny day and we had a good ride. At my house, I put some burgers on the grille and long with a salad had a good lunch. He was surprised to see that I had a pool. I suggested that we could swim a while before he had to leave for work. He said he did not have a suit with him and I said that we did not need one, as my yard was very private. We both shed our clothing and I went to get some towels. We had more that an hour that we could swim, but we spent most of the time sitting on the edge talking. He said that he had hoped that he hadn't offended me the time he washed my dick. I told him that he hadn't and that I somewhat enjoyed the feeling as it had been along time since anyone had touched it. He said, "I find that hard to believe as it is such a nice one. What about your girlfriend?" I told him that I did not have one. He said that he was sorry to hear that, but maybe he could work something out.

Before he could continue it was time for him to get dressed and leave for work. I walked him to the door, said goodbye. I went back out side and jerked off wishing that someone was there to help.

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