The Photographers Assistant

By Robin Buckman

Published on Oct 5, 2017


If you are under 18, please stop reading and delete this document immediately. This story is pure fantasy. It does not relate to any real events, either past, present or future, and only suitable for persons over the age of 18 mature enough to understand, and distinguish the difference between fantasy fiction and real-life.

This book is solely for adult entertainment as it contains entrapment, blackmail, forced feminization, crossdressing, graphic male/male sex, bad language, PC correctness, and generally ignores the rule of law, good behavior and good manners. Being duly warned, read on.

Copyright © 2017 by Dennis St.John. All rights reserved.

First Electronic Edition: August 2017

The Photographers Assistant


Dennis St.John

Part Three:

Jake didn't remember everything when he woke up the next morning, just fragments of what happened last night. Finding himself still dressed in the sexy gown and panties. He lay in bed wondering where he was for a moment until the erotic images came flooding back. He remembered the glass touching his lips, the feeling of his and Max cum sliding over his tongue and down his throat. The jolt of pure shame and horrible pleasure spiked through his body. Had it really happened, or did he just dream it? The same as the ones he was having at night? The taste in his mouth said yes, he had swallowed a glass full of another man's and his own cum, making him blushed again. Suddenly he felt like crying as he shuddered in humiliation. How could Max do something so disgusting and degrading as making him swallow all that nasty, filthy cum?

Hot tears ran down his face and stripping of the slutty gown he threw it into the corner before he rushed into the shower. The warm water covered the tears and he didn't care if he got his hair wet. This weekend hadn't turned as expected, and the two hundred bucks didn't seem enough for what Max was putting him through. Add to that, Max expected him to do the rest of the shoot wearing the disgusting slutty lingerie. He remembered the manikins in the window and the way they looked. No way. It was too much and he'd have to tell Max no, he wouldn't do it.

"We are going out for breakfast, Jake so move it. We've got a shoot to do." Max yelled into the bathroom. "I put clothes on the bed for you to wear." Jake shivered despite the warm water and glared at the shower door.

Again, he tried to wash the makeup off with soap and water, but drying his face he found he was still there. With a towel around his waist he stood by the bed looking at the `clothes' Max had left him. The sailor uniform he'd worn last night was bad enough, but these were worse from his point of view.

"Hurry up Jake, or we'll be late for breakfast." Max yelled up the stairs, not sounding very happy. With nothing else to wear, he didn't have much choice but to put the clothes on. He reluctantly dropped the towel to sat on the edge of the bed feeling dejected. He glanced up to see a pretty teen girl looking at him from the mirror. He poked his tongue out at her, thinking how hot she looked, expect for the angry frown and pouting lower lip.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, there was something very erotic about wearing pantyhose, and the little voice in the back of his head said `Ohhhh yes!' as he worked the hose up his smooth, hairless legs. The tan colored stocking felt hot and cold at the same time as he smoothed the top over his hips and bottom. One look in the mirror and he saw how his/her legs looked even better encased in the web of smooth nylon. He also noticed the smiled on the girl's face. With his cock tucked between his legs and trapped by the pantyhose, it was impossible to get hard. He stepped into the white lace panties and watched as he slowly pulled them up, shivering at the feel/sight of the material caressing his legs. Attempting to convince himself that it didn't feel good was useless. The girl's face in the mirror said different.

Not that he ever admit it out loud, he was a boy for God's sake, not a prancing little sissy fuck toy. Even so, the little lace girly bra felt right, lifting his small breast so they stood out, feeling his nipples harden at the touch of the lace. The hardest part was working the tight, white shorts over his hips and bottom, remembering how the thirteen and fourteen year old girls looked at the Mall as the pranced by. As if to make a point, these were girl's shorts that zipped up the side instead of in front like boys. The top was a lose pink blouse, sheer enough so you could see his bra through it. The long sleeve fluffed out, as did the blouse, but the elastic waist only came down so far, leaving his belly exposed. The only other things he had to wear was the black velvet collar and the three-inch strappy pink sandals. Sighing in resignation, he brushed his hair into a ponytail and tied it back with a long pink ribbon before swishing downstairs.

Max watched the little sissy prance down the stairs in the outfit that made him look even younger, and so hot. He would have dearly love to rip her shorts off, bend her over and fuck her brains out right them and there but he restrained himself with difficulty. He'd planned it all out and didn't want to spoil it by rushing. Jake wouldn't fall willingly, but that was the way he wanted it. He just needed to make sure there was no way out of the trap once he'd sprung it. The lingerie shoot today would go a long way towards trapping him. Couple that with cloning his cell phone and all the names of all his male and female school friends. With the contact information he had more than enough leverage to make Jake do what he wanted. No young boy wanted to be exposed as a crossdressing sissy faggot. He'd rather die first. He was also going to need a few more session over his knee and have his bare bottom spanked a few times. Both with his hand, a paddle and strap to teach him discipline. It's surprising how quickly sissy boy learn to behave themselves and do what they are told once they've been spanked a few times. Max followed Jake out to the car after locking up and admired his tight little ass moving back and forth in those oh so tight shorts. The three-inch heel made his prance so nicely and tightened his calf muscles to make his legs more feminine. Soon he'd be prancing around in four-inch heels and pink panties like a proper little sissy fuck toy.

Jake slid into the passenger seat and buckled up, feeling apprehensive and nibbling his lower lip about what Max was going to force him to wear. By now he'd come to realize he didn't have much choice. Like it or not, Max would take photos of him dressed like a slut in black lace lingerie no matter what he said. This time Max took him to a diner off the interstate and the moment they pulled in, Jake started getting nervous.

"Oh God! Please Max. Don't make me go in there." The number of big rigs parked off to the side told him who eat here.

"I always eat breakfast here, I own the joint. Now get out of the car, and stop fucking around." He snapped.

"B...but... they'll know I'm not a real girl." He spluttered.

"Jake, you look like a fucking fourteen year old girl for Christ sake. That's all they'll see, trust me."

"Max... I can't."

"You want me to put you over my knee and spank you right here?" Jake looked at him in horror.

"" He whispered.

"Good, because if you don't get out of the car right now I will." Jake swallow hard and opened the door, knowing Max meant what he said. The thought of getting spanked where everyone who looked out the window could see was terrifying. To make matters worse, Max made him walk in ahead of him and the moment he stepped through the door every man in the place stopped eat and drinking to looked at him.

"Go through to that back. The end booth is reserved for me." Jake felt like running for the safety of the booth but he couldn't wearing high heels.

He kept his eyes down and taking a shuddering breath, pranced between the row of booth and the counter, unaware that Max was being stopped by many of the man and asked how much he charged. Jake took the seat with his back to the rest of the patrons, but Max motioned for him to go to the other side, humiliating him further.

Max ordered an omelet and orange juice for him while he ordered steak and eggs. Even if he didn't want to, Jake couldn't help but look up occasionally, seeing hungry eyes looking at him. That he looked like a young girl didn't bother them at all, without realizing that he also looked like a little slut with his makeup. The bright blue eye shadow, black eye liner and frosty pink lipstick say she was a little slut, and for the right price they could fuck her brains out in the back of the truck cab.

"Eat your breakfast and stop looking at the guys."

"They're all looking at me."

"What do you expect? Guys love to fuck young pussy, the younger the better. Who want to fuck an old sloppy cunt when they can have a tight young fourteen year instead?" He laughed.

"B...but I'm not a girl."

"You and I know that, but they don't, and probably wouldn't care." That was a horrifying thought and he remembered the two young transvestites walking into the store.

Was that what they were there for, to suck cock and get fucked? Jake shuddered at the thought, but even so, he felt his cock stiffening painfully. The was something very perverse and erotic about going into one of those booth to get down on your knees and suck another man's cock. The sooner he got this photo shoot over the happier he'd be and he could go home. Jake didn't think he'd be working for Max much longer, especially not getting into any more deals about him dressing up in girl's clothes.

The walk out to the car was as bad as walking in, except now there were even more truckers in here, all staring at him. It didn't take a mind reader to know what they wanted to do to him. Arriving at the studio, they found Francis waiting for them, and opening the store, Jake followed them to the back and the studio.

"You need to get him ready, Francis. We'll run through the bikini shots first, then the school uniforms and the maids dresses."

"Okay. Max. Let's go Jake. We have work to do." Francis was kind enough to turn around while he stripped of the panties and pantyhose and put the bikini bottom on.

"Your chest looks a little red, Jake, is it sore?" Francis asked, knowing full well the reason why.

"A little."

"Hum, I have cream that might help. Sit in the chair and I'll put it on." Francis put on a pair of rubber glove and spread the soothing cream over his breasts.

"It's embarrassing. It looks like I have titties." Jake murmured and Francis laughed.

"Don't worry. It's not strange for boys to develop breasts during puberty. A little weight training and they'll soon turn into proper pecks." She lied. Out of curiosity, Jake picked up the tube of cream and looked at the label.

"What's `estrogen'?" He asked.

"Just a soothing cream to help with the puffiness is all." She lied again. "Here, I'll put a little inside the cups to help during the shoot.

The first part of the session wasn't bad, as he changed from one color bikini to another. It wasn't long be for he started sweating under the powerful photo lights, and between each set, Max told him to drink a lot of juice. He did and it helped. Even so he did start feeling a little light headed after a while and didn't notice the bikini getting smaller and more revealing. The last one was the a black micro bikini like the one he'd wore last night. By now, Jake was feeling very relaxed so when Max told him to take the bikini top off he didn't think much about it. He'd been dressed like that last night. As Max was behind the light, Jake forgot about the all-seeing eye of the camera. Max had him move about and pose in different positions until he was satisfied.

"Take a break, Jake and cool off. Drink your juice." Jake rested for a while with a cool, damp towels, and he was to the point where he didn't even protest when Francis stripped off the bikini bottom between shoots and left him naked. Before she could take the last one off Max walked in.

"I'm off outside for a smoke. Max."

"Take your time. Jake needs to cool off a little more. He turned to Jake. "I want you wearing the black lace lingerie next, Jake." Jake shivered and bit his lower lip.

"Please, Max. I don't want to. They make me look like a slut."

"Exactly. That's what the client wants." It was like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on him.

"W...what do you mean?"

"It means this catalog is for the transgender people. Crossdressers, girly boys, transvestites, and the like. The client liked what he saw when he was here. That's why he's paying you a hundred and fifty bucks to do the shoot."

"B...but I didn't know." Jake pleaded.

"If you'd been paying attention to the catalog video instead of falling asleep, you'd know that." Max snapped angrily knowing full well that's what sissy hypno videos were suppose to do.

"Please, Max..."

Max didn't say a word, simply walked over and grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him out of the barber chair. The moment he did, Jake knew what was going to happen and squealed in protest. Max sat on the wooden bench and pulled him across his lab. Jake fought to get free but against Max strength he was helpless. Max jerked the bikini bottom down and started spanking his bare bottom hard. Jake squealed and moaned, begging him to stop, but he didn't. The spanking went on for what Jake felt like was forever until he was a quivering wreck over Max lap.

"You going to do what you're told, Jake?" Max asked when he stopped.

"Yessss." He sobbed. "Please don't spank me."

"Go stand in the corner until you're told to move." Max growled, lifting him to his feet. Jake grabbed his enflamed cheek and hobbled over to the corner, bikini bottoms around his thighs. "Put your hands on your head and keep them there."

Jake jerked his hands up, shifting from one trembling leg to the other to relieve the pain, sobbing his heart out. He'd never been so humiliated in his life, or felt so ashamed. It felt even worse when Francis came back. She didn't say a word and he couldn't see the evil grin on her face. Even outside she could heard Jake squealing and the sound of Max hand landing on the boy's bottom.

"I don't think the little fairy will give you any more trouble." Max said as he left. Jake heard the cracking sound of Francis opening the lingerie packets.

"Get over here, Jake!" Francis snapped, hiding her grin. Jake hobbled over with his hands on his head, conscious that she could see his limp cock. She deliberately knelt down and pulled the bikini bottom down, and he obediently lifted his feet so she could take them off, blushing with embarrassment.

"What a pathetic little cock you have, Jackie. I've seen girls with bigger clits than that." She laughed. Jake started crying again. Still kneeling, she made him lift his legs so she could fit the black lace garter belt around his waist, enjoying and deepening his feeling of shame. Next came the black lace panties and she took her time working the tight material up his legs and over his sore bottom. Jake winced as the lace rubbed against his burning skin.

"Sit!" She ordered and Jake quickly sat in the barber's chair. He grit his teeth but couldn't help letting out a soft sob. Francis rolled the black stocking in her hand and carefully fitted them over his feet before telling his to stand so she could attached the garter straps.

"Tuck your little wily between your legs." She ordered and he did. She then held up the bra and Jake put his arms out. After hooking the back together she adjusted the cups to fit over his little titties. Of course, the 4-inch strappy pink shoes fitted his feet perfectly, but unlike the others, these had ankle straps. Jake was still sobbing a little as he sat down again.

"Knock off the sniveling so I can touch up your makeup and do your hair." Jake was past the point of protesting and simply did what he was told. After drying the tears, Francis added more blue eye shadow, and gloss to his pink lips before she brushed his hair into twin ponytails, tying them off with long pink ribbons. Standing, she made him turn slowly as she checked him out, adding to his humiliation.

"I guess you are ready. Get in there so Max can get the shoot over with." Jake didn't hesitate and quickly pranced into the studio. Max did the same, making his turn slowly for inspection. The bright lights between them hid his erection and the smug look on his face.

"Not bad." He grunted. "Here, drink your juice. Thirsty after all the crying, Jake sucked down half a bottle. For half an hour Max shot photos of his in a variety of poses, a few bordering on pornography, not that Jake knew. "Go put the school girl uniform on."

Francis helped him dress and the moment he put the plaid skirt on he knew it was way too short; barely covering his panties let alone the lace stocking tops and garter straps. The sheer white blouse did nothing to hide the back lace bra, even with the school tie. Max changed the backdrop and added a bed to make it look as if it was a bedroom and had him, stand sit and lay down for this shoot. He even had him lift the hem of the skirt to show off the panties and stocking tops.

"Okay, that's enough. Go put the maid's dress on, the black one first, then the pink one." Jake could help it and sobbed softly, but the look on Max face said he better not object. The black maid's outfit was even worse than the school uniform. He shivered in fear as Francis fitted the leather cuffs to his wrist and ankles. Each had a steel chain between the `D' rings to increase the bondage nature of the outfit. Lastly she fitted a wide pink collar around his throat, replacing the velvet one.

"That should do you. Off you go. You don't want to keep max waiting." She laughed as she handed him the refilled juice bottle. Jake drank as he tottered to the studio, hoping this would be the last shoot. He felt light headed and fuzzy and he wondered why the slutty dress felt so comfortable. He went thought the poses, smiling or looking contrite as Max ordered until he was satisfied he had everything.

"One last shoot and we're done. Go change." Jake made it back to the dressing room and flopped down in the barber chair, exhausted but Francis didn't let him sit for long. She came over and ordered him to open his mouth and lift his tongue. When he did she slipped a small white pill inside. It tasted bitter but before he could spit it out it dissolved and he had to swallow it. After that she stripped him down to his skin.

"W...what was that?" He muttered.

"Just a little something to relax you. Now stand up so I can get you undressed. He did and Francis stripped him down to his skin. By now he was so fuzzy he didn't care that she saw him naked, or pay much attention when she put the bright pink bikini panties on him. "Turn around." She ordered and he put his arms into the shirt she held out. Other then the panties and the shirt was wasn't wearing anything else. Flipping the shirt open she painted each nipple with a strawberry colored coating that quickly dried and make his nipples glitter. This time, Francis led him into the studio and sat him on the bed.

"Okay, I'm off, Max. See you next week."

"Right, see you." Jake vaguely heard the studio door close and latch itself, but was too detached to think much about it.

"How you feeling, Jake?" He had to think about the answer.

"Okay." He muttered at last.

"Good. We're going to have a little fun now. Stand up for me." Jake did and Max put him in a pose, hip out and hands holding the shirt half closed. He flipped the collar up and stood back. "Yeah, now you look like Daddy's little slut." He chuckled as he walked back behind the light. Unseen by Jake, he switched on the four video cameras and started shooting stills. "That's it, Jackie... no, that won't do. You need another name that fits you better. How about Bunny? Yeah, that's it, you're Bunny now." Max switched on music.

"Move you hip's Bunny, go with the music." Jake did, moving his hips back and forth in time with the beat. Next, Max came over and flipped the shirt off one shoulder, exposing his left breast.

"Oh yeah, you look like a proper little slut now, Bunny. Keep swaying." He took a few more photos and came back to flip the other shoulder off. "Hook you thumbs into the waist band of the panties, Bunny, as if you are going to pull them down." Jake did, unable to stop himself. He hardly knew what was happening now, as it seemed so far away.

"Now kneel on the bed facing me and pull one side of the panties down. He rearranged the shirt off the shoulders so both of his little girly titties were on full display, tweaking the nipple to make them harden. "Very nice, Bunny. You look like such a little pussy boy now." He took a few more stills. Jake heard the words but they didn't have any impact on him and he knew they should.

"Good, good, now pulled the other side of the panties down... lower, much lower." Jake pulled the panties down slowly until they were around his thighs.

"Yeah, that's good. Keep your thumbs in the panties at the side - take the shirt off and face me – get on your hands and knees turned sideways – face away from me and look over your shoulder at the camera - your panties down around your thighs - spread your legs a little more – get the panties off and spread your legs open wide." One after the other, Max put his in different poses and positions until he couldn't stand it any longer. He set the camera on auto so it took a photo every few seconds and took his pants and shirt off. Now he was going to take the ditzy little sissy slut as the pill Francis gave him had taken full effect. Jake or Bunny wouldn't give him any trouble.

"You're such a cute little sissy slut, aren't you Bunny?" He asked as he ran his hand over the boys pink bottom, still a little red from the spanking. He didn't really expect an answer.

"W...what... I... I'm not." Jake said at last.

"Not what, Bunny?"

"I'm not a sissy..." Jake couldn't find the word he wanted to use inside his fuzzy brain. "I'm... I'm a boy." He said at last, frowning in concentration.

"No you're not; you're a swishy little sissy faggot. Bet you'd love to suck my big cock, wouldn't you, Bunny." He didn't wait for an answer but got on the bed and pulled Jake's head towards his cock. "Open your pretty little pink mouth, Bunny. Time for you to learn to suck cock." Jake managed to squeal, but he was helpless in Max hands as he forced his mouth open and pushed the head of his cock inside.

"Start sucking bitch. That's all sissy cunts like you is good for." Holding Jake's head he forced his jaw open and started pumping his big cock deeper into the boy's mouth. Jake tried to push him way, then beat on his thighs, but it was no use. Max just kept on fucking his mouth, pushing it deeper each time he thrust in. The head hit the back of Jake's throat and he gagged, but the pill had done it's work. Gradually Max forced the head down his throat, despite the gagging, pulling out occasionally so Jake could take a deep breath and moan.

"That's it, Bunny; take it all like a good little sissy slut." Jake tried to squeal as gradually all eight inches of Max huge cock slid into his mouth. Once in, Max pulled out so he could breath before sipping it all the way back in again. Now he stated fucking Jake's mouth, long deep strokes, loving the feeling of the boys pink lips around the shaft of his cock. The frosty pink lips looked great around his cock and it made Max shiver looking at it.

"Bet you secretly like that, don't you Jake, no more jacking off just thinking about sucking cock." He pumped his shaft in as deep as he could, he buried Jake nose into his bush. "Yeah, there you go. What a good fucking cocksucker you're going to make. Take it you pathetic little fairy!" Max dearly wanted to cum in the boys mouth and shoot cum down his throat, but wanted to fuck his tight young boy pussy even more. Jake was so far gone, he was like putty in Max hands, and pulled his cock out he lifted him so he could suck Jake's little girly titties.

"Delicious." If he kept Jake on the hormones in the juice it wouldn't be long before he had a nice pair of beautiful girly titties for him to slap and play with. The perverts would love that. With the right clothes, Jake, or Bunny could pass for a twelve or fourteen year-old girl with a little something extra, and pay for it. Jake whimpered as Max ran his hands all over his smooth hairless skin.

"What a cute little bitch you are, Bunny." Lifting him up higher, Max sucked his little sissy cock, feeling it stiffen in his mouth. Despite what was happening to him, Jake was getting turn on and starting to leak clear fluid from the tip of his cock. Jake moaned, partly in shame and partly in erotic pleasure. Max put Jake on his hand and knees and spanked his tight round bottom a few times. That made Jake squeal again.

"Spread your legs, slut. Show me your tight little boy pussy."

"Noooo please!" He begged at last, knowing what was about to happen. Max grabbed the tube of lub from the side table and squeezed a little on Jake pink pussy ring and on his throbbing cock. Jake tried to struggle and escape, but Max held him down by the back of his neck with ease and pressed his head into the bed covers.

"Been waiting to fuck your tight little boy pussy since I saw you, Bunny. Bet you're a virgin, huh. Never had a nice big, hard cock fucking your boy cunt yet, have you bitch." Jake shook his head, sobbing into the bed covers. Max used his knees to force Jake's legs open even wider, laughing at his ineffective struggles. Jake knew Max was going to rape him and there was nothing he could do or say to stop him. Jake shuddered and whimpered as Max ran his big hand up and down the inside of his smooth trembling thighs, then cupping his cock and balls.

"What a fucking pathetic little sissy cock you've got, Bunny. Bet you've never fucked a girl, have you? Jake cringed. I was true, he'd never even come close to getting into a girl's panties, let along fuck one. "They wouldn't want a sissy little thing like that inside them." Max fingered his tight ring and spread the lub, slowly forcing first one, then two and finally three fingers inside him. Jake screamed begging him to stop.

"Oh yeah, so fucking tight. Got to open your little pussy up for my cock." Jake screamed into the covers as Max stretched his ring open. "Oh fuck yes, that's much better. Let's get the head inside." Jake wiggled to try and stop him but it was no use.

Max thrust the bulbous head of his huge cock against the partly open pussy ring, forcing it in before it closed up again. Jake sobbed in humiliation at the violation, helpless to stop him. Tears of shame pouring out. Max had tricked him into dressing up like a dirty little slut and was now using him like one. Jake screamed again as Max thrust into him, feeling his ring stretch to accommodate the invading cock. Then Max started spanking his ass, first one side then the other. His ring squeezed around Max's cock making his groan with pleasure as his ass ring opened and closed in response to the slaps.

"Oh fuck! What a great piece of ass. I'm going to enjoy fucking your brains out." He breathed as he thrust his cock in deeper. Pulling out, he squeezed more lubrication into Jake ass pussy and more on his cock. This time he didn't have to push so hard to get the head back it.

"That's it, Bunny, just relax and let Daddy's nice bog cock slide all the way in." Not that Jake could relax. Max gradually fucked his way in as the ring slowly opened. Jake whimpered, but that was just music to Max ears.

He love hearing young sissy boys squealing and whimper when he fucked them. With a grunt of pleasure he rammed the last few inches inside, his hips bumped against Jake's round ass. Now he had eight inches of hard cock buried in Jake's sissy boy cunt and listened to the little faggot cry. What could be better than this? He waited a moment for the ring to relax a little more and started fucking him. Jake just sobbed, feeling his manhood slipping away as Max used him like a bitch.

Max took his time, slowly fucking Jake's boy pussy, enjoying the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of the little faggot's tight cunt. It had been a long time since he had a sissy bitch as young as Jake. He was going to enjoy every minute of his conversion into a simpering little sissy fag. Before long, Jake... or Bunny would he dropping to his knees and sucking him off on command, or bending over for a good fucking. As the erotic feeling grew, he speeded up, making Jake moan louder. To make his humiliation worse he reached round and started stroking Jake little sissy cock. Despite his position, Jake started to get a stiffy. In his fuzzy state, Jake felt horrified he could get hard while Max fucked him. This shouldn't be, but he couldn't help himself. Max manipulated his cock making it harder as Jake wiggled his ass, telling himself he was trying to escape, but he knew it was a lie.

"Play with your cock, Bunny, jack yourself off while I fuck you tight boy cunt." Max panted. Jake did as Max ordered and reached back to stroked his cock. Max grabbed him by the hips and began pounded his cock meat into his boy pussy. Now the ring completely relax, the pain started to fade and Jake sobbed as the pain turned to pleasure. Moaning in shame, hating himself for feeling this way, never realizing the blame lay partly in the drugs Max fed him all day. His little girly titties felt as if they were on fire as the sensitive nipples rubbed against the bedclothes, making him even hornier.

"Oh god... noooo." He moaned, panting as he neared a climax. Max fucked him even harder, driving his massive cock all the way in, stealing his virginity and manhood. Jake lost count of time until, with a final thrust, Max buried his cock deep inside his sissy cunt and unloaded his aching balls. It was the final humiliation and he shuddered as he felt Max huge cock pulse, shooting cum deep inside him. What was even worse, it made him cum as well, quivering in dirty, erotic release.

"Fuck!" Max groaned. "What a fucking bitch." With a final slap on his ass, Max pulled out, got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Jake slumped to the bed and lay there sobbing is eyes out, unable to move he was so spent.

As the sexual glow faded, Jake curled up into a ball and cried tears of shame, his mind wracked with guilt. How could he enjoy being raped, yet in the end he had, the voice in the back of his head insisted. The drying wet spot under his body attested to that. Max had dressed him like a sissy bitch and used him like one and he only had himself to blame. As much as he hated to admit it, he'd secretly enjoyed being forced to wear girl's clothes, and paid the price. Willing crossdress sissy faggot or not, Max was going to dress him and use him like a bitch for as long as he wanted. What shocked him the most was the realization that he wasn't turned being fucked so much as by the intense feeling of the utter shame and humiliation he felt. Max calling him nasty dirty names, forcing him to dress like a slut, getting spanked while dressed, being abused and raped was just icing on the cake. Jake lay there and cried knowing he could never look at himself as a real man any more. He was a crossdressing sissy fairy for real men to use and fuck like a pathetic little bitch.


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