The Photographers Assistant

By Robin Buckman

Published on Oct 1, 2017


If you are under 18, please stop reading and delete this document immediately. This story is pure fantasy. It does not relate to any real events, either past, present or future, and only suitable for persons over the age of 18 mature enough to understand, and distinguish the difference between fantasy fiction and real-life.

This book is solely for adult entertainment as it contains entrapment, blackmail, forced feminization, crossdressing, graphic male/male sex, bad language, PC correctness, and generally ignores the rule of law, good behavior and good manners. Being duly warned, read on.

Copyright © 2017 by Dennis St.John. All rights reserved.

First Electronic Edition: August 2017

The Photographers Assistant


Dennis St.John

Part Two:

Jake woke on Saturday morning feeling a little light headed and scared about what he was going to do, even with the prospect of earning two hundred bucks. He'd spent an hour last night agonizing over going through with it, or telling Max no. In the end he temporized by using the spray hair remover all over his body just to see how it felt. He didn't have any hair on his chest yet, and mostly soft, light colored hair on his arms and legs. After waiting the prescribed amount of time, he'd showered and dried, smoothing on the body cream Max gave him. It felt sexy in a way he couldn't describe, and he lay in bed after wearing his pink boy's shorts, jacking off and sliding his hand over his body. He half imagined it was someone else touching him and it made him feel wonderfully dirty. He lay there daydreaming about last night until the alarm clock reminded him of the time. Without even thinking about it, he jumped out of bed and dived into the shower. The shampoo and conditioner Max had given him smelled herbal and feminine but he didn't have time to worry about it. After towel drying his long hair, he pulled on shorts, tee shirt, his old sneaker and rushed down to breakfast with his Gran. She smiled and said good morning.

"Morning Gran. Oh I like the color of your hair.

"Thanks, I'm using a new shampoo and conditioner."

"Whatever it is it makes your hair all shiny. Off to work again today, or the beach?"

"Work. Got a special shoot today." He answered, coloring slightly, visions of himself dressed in girl's clothes flashing through his mind.

"Well, have fun."

Twenty minutes later he was on his bike and racing across town to the studio. Out of curiosity, he cycled round to the front of the store and looked through the window, something he'd never done before. The window display had manikins dressed in very sexy outfits. He could see racks of panties, bras and assorted female clothing inside but not much else. As the store wasn't open yet the light were off, so Jake couldn't see the sex toys and bondage gear on the walls, or the booths at the back.

He did wonder if Max thought he was going to wear slutty clothes like the ones in the window display. Jake shivered. That was going too far and there was no way he was going to put something like that on. Any girl dressed in something like that had to be a slut or a dirty little whore. He shook off the feeling, but wondered why he was getting a hard on looking at the manikins. With a shrug, he cycled around to the back and parked his bike in the usual place and locked it. His erection had diminished by the time he walked into Max office, but he was still thinking about saying no.

"Glad you're here, Jake. The makeup girl and the hairdresser arrived early. They're waiting for you in the dressing room."

"Oh... I..." He stated to say but before he could, Max came round the deck, and after taking a bottle of juice out of the fridge, put his muscular arm around his shoulders. Jake felt a little intimidated and weak willed standing this close to him, his words dyeing in his throat. Max must have seen the look on his face, mistaking it for something else and gently squeezed his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Jake. Everything going to be fine. Think about the two hundred bucks you'll make. You be able to buy your scooter much sooner." Max murmured, guided him out of the office along the hallway to the dressing room. He knew very well that Jake was about to chicken out and refused to do the shoot so he didn't give him a chance.

"Here he is, ladies." He said as they walked in. "Let's see what you can do about turning Jake into Jackie." He laughed. Jake gulped hearing Max say it out loud. Two rather stunning females smiled and walked over to take Jake's arms.

"Come on sweetie. Don't be nervous. We do this all the time."

"This is Linda and Francis. They'd be helping you today."

Jake wasn't sure what she meant by that remark but let himself be guided to the barber style chair. He'd seen girls sitting here a number of times while they had their hair and makeup done and now it was his turn. Max handed him the bottle of juice and he took a swig to wet his suddenly dry throat. The hairdresser started working on his hair and it wasn't long before he stated to relax as she brushed and trimmed the ends. He took several more swigs from the bottle and quickly forgot about telling Max he wasn't going to do it. Once she had his hair trimmed, she began brushing on a sharp smelling cream to the ends but by this time, Jake had his eyes closed and just floated along. He didn't even know what she did to his hair after that, but any resemblance to Jake hairstyle vanished. At last, she finished and the makeup girl took over.

"Put your head back and keep your eyes closed, Jake." Linda ordered.

"Okay." He mumbled. The girl fed him some more juice and he drifted off. Linda tried to rouse him with a pinch, but all he did was let out a soft moan.

"What do you want to do about the tee shirt, Max? I don't want to mess up his hair taking it off." Francis asked when Max came back.

"Just cut it off. The shorts and underwear as well. He won't be needed them." Max chuckled and in the distance Jake vaguely heard the snip of the scissors but too sleepy to care.

"He's going to make such a pretty girl, Max."

"I hope so. When you wake him up, don't let him see himself until after he's dressed and ready for the shoot."

"What do you want him to wear first?"

"Just the ordinary stuff to get him use to wearing girl's clothes and changing. Start with the summer dresses, then the skirt and blouse. Shorts and halter-top after that. I'll hold off doing the lingerie shots until tomorrow when he's more compliant. I'll do want to do the swim suits and the bikini today at least." The girl's laughed.

"He's got to wear the slutty school girl uniform and the maid's dresses."

"Forgot about them for now. I'll try them tomorrow once he's comfortable."

"Do you want the red lipstick?"

"No, use frosty pink and the gloss."

"And the Collagen injections?"

"Yes, make his lips a more pouty and around the eyebrows. You know the drill. I want him to look like a cute fourteen year old by the time you've finished."

"He won't need a lot of padding for the bra with what he has already." Max walked around the chair, cupping Jake's small girly boobies and rolled the nipples between is thumb and forefinger. Jake moaned softly.

"Ummm yeah. Perfect."

Sometime later Jake came awake to the sharp smell of ammonia under his nose and sat up. "What... what happened?" He demanded.

"You fell asleep. Time to wake up and get dressed, Jake." He looked down, seeing the white sheet covering his naked body. When did I get undressed? He wondered.

"What... dressed?" Then he remembered.

"Here, put these on." Linda held out a pair of white girl's panties with lace around the waist and legs. Jake blushed and took the panties wondering where his underpants went, and who took them off. He put the panties on under the sheet and tucked his semi hard cock between his legs. "Come on, we haven't got all day. Stand up so I can help you with the bra."

"Bra?" He asked, standing.

"Yeah, of course a bra. Have to dress you completely as a girl or the clothes won't look right." She said with a straight face as she fitted the bra to his small boobs and hooked the ends together before coming around the front and adjusting it. "Much, better. You don't want to pran... walk around looking like a slut do you?" Jake quickly shook his head.

Never having worn a bra before, it felt tight and looking down he saw he had two perfectly formed girl's titties inside the pretty little pink, lacy girly bra. How they came to be he didn't know, unless it had something to do with the bra. Jake felt his face get hot and knew he was blushing like mad and his little cock getting hard. It softened the moment Linda held up the flowery pink dress.

"Put you arms up, Jake."

"I...I..." She gave him a stern look and he obediently put his arms up. The way the dress slithered down his body made his shiver, unlike anything he'd felt before. She fussed around him, pulling the dress into place and tying the wide ribbon around his waist into a neat bow behind his back.

"Very nice. Sit and I'll put the white knee socks and shoes on for you." Still in a bit of a daze he sat and let her pulled the socks on. He looked down as he smoother the over his thighs. Even his finger and toenails were painted pearly pink and his lips felt a little sore and puffy but he couldn't hold the thought for long.

"Here, drink a little more. You need to stay hydrated under those lights." Jake drank as she fitted the black, Mary Jane styles shoes on his feet. The bright silver buckets winked at him and he shivered. This was way more than he bargained for. He'd never expected he'd have to wear girl's panties and bra, nor that he'd somehow have budding girly breasts to fill the soft cups. Standing, Linda fitted a black velvet collar around his throat and added a small cameo at the front as the final touch.

"Great! Now you're ready for the shoot. Come on, Max is waiting." Jake only got a glimpse of himself in the large mirror as she took his hand and led him into the studio, seeing blue eye shadow, black eye liner and frosty pink lipstick.

"Looking good, Jake, or should I call you Jackie, now." Max laughter making Jake blush even more. "Just stand against the back drop and I'll start shooting, okay?"

"I...I guess so." Jake moved to the center in front of the outdoor backdrop, uncertain of what to do.

"Just act natural, Jake. Move around as if you are examining and excited about your new dress, and for god sake, smile."

Jake did what he was told, smoothing the dress down as he tried to cover more of his exposed thighs. Max snapped away with the camera and started telling him what positions to pose in. Hands on knees looking over his shoulder at the camera, hands behind his head bending backwards and many more.

"Okay, that's good. Take a drink and go get changed." Jake let out a sigh of relief and gulped down more juice.

The day passed slowly as he changed from one outfit to another feeling a little light headed and not really taking notice of what he was wearing after a while. He did notice the school uniform he was wearing looked rather slutty. The skirt was way too short and the blouse was so thin he could see his pink lace bra through it. Max said it was perfect, and just what the client wanted. This time he had to move into a lot of different positions, some he knew you could see his frilly pink lace panties. They broke for lunch at last, and after a quick sandwich, Jake took a short nap.

"How's he doing, Linda?"

"Great." She smiled. "I wonder if he realizes how slutty he looks."

"Doubt it."

"The panty boy crowd will go nuts over his pictures. Should increase sales."

"Hope so, but we'll see. Get him ready for the swimsuit next."

"Ummm can't wait to see him in that."

"You are a nasty little faggot, aren't you?" Linda giggled and pranced out of his office.

"Of course, that's the way you like me." Floated back to him.

Linda roused him out of his light sleep and helped him get undressed. He'd rather she didn't because he started to get hard again when she looked at him in just panties and bra.

"Underwear as well. You have to wear the swimsuit next."

"What... I mean... I can do it myself. He spluttered. He remembered Max saying he'd have to do the swim ware as well. Linda handed him a pink, one-piece suit and with a giggle left the room. Jake rushed to the toilet and sitting down he took a pee, stripping off the panties and bra as he did. He still felt a little fuzzy and the thought of having to wear a skintight bathing suit made his heart pound. There was something shameful and horribly erotic about wearing it that made his cock stiffened to the point he reached down and stroked it. He shivered with excitement at how nasty and dirty it felt doing this, yet wondering how he'd look at the same time.

"You dressed yet?" Linda demanded from the dressing room. Jake blushed, glad she hadn't opened the door.

"Coming." He yelled back, feeling his erection deflate. He slipped each foot through the leg opening and stood, slowly working the tight suit up his legs and over his body and put his arms through the shoulder straps. The thin elastic material was shiny on the outside and molded itself to every curve of his slim body like a second skin. It did help flatten his puffy chest so it didn't look as if he had boobies, or so he thought. Adjusting the shoulder straps as best he could, he opened the room and walked out.

"Come on, hurry up. I have a plane to catch."

"Oh... where are you going?"

"I have a makeup job for a movie crew in Aspin." She fussed around him, pulling the suit into place. It wasn't until then that he realized just how revealing the suit was. The sides came up to his hips and the deep Vee between his breast came down to him navel. Rather than hide his breasts the suit made them stand out even more.

"Okay, just the beach sandals, brushing your hair and you're ready."

As before, they fit his feet perfectly and were the same color pink as the suit. Linda quickly brushed his hair into twin ponytails and tied them with long pink ribbons and after checking his makeup, pronounced him ready. Without Linda seeing, Jake tucked his now limp cock between his legs and smoothed the material over his crotch. He didn't want anyone to suspect he wasn't a girl when they looked at the photos. Sucking down half a bottle of juice, he took the bottle with him as he walked on tiptoes into the studio.

"Wow, that's great, Jake. Linda did a good job on you. Even your grandmother wouldn't recognize you like that." Jake blushed all over at the thought, thankful his Gran would never see him like this. She'd probably have a heart attack. For the next half hour, Max had his stand, sit, lay and kneels in various positions in front of a fake beach backdrop. It wasn't until he was kneeling on all four looking over his shoulder at the camera that he realized he was still wearing the black velvet collar and the cameo. That didn't seem to go with many of the clothes he'd worn, yet Max never once said a word about it.

"Okay, Jackie, open your legs a little wider and arch your back." Max had him in the same position as before, on his knees, leaning back with his hands on his ankles. He obediently opened his legs wider. "Good, now give me a pout and a slight frown, like you've been a bad girl and want to please your Daddy." Jake did his best and Max seemed satisfied. Next came the bikini swimsuits in various colors and styles and one by one Jake wore them all.

"That enough for today and it's getting late. We'll do the rest tomorrow."

"Okay, Max I'm off." Hearing that, Linda pranced over and gave Max a kiss. She waved to Jake and tripped out the door with her makeup case.

"Very good, Jackie... I mean Jake. Go get undressed and take a quick shower, but don't get your hair wet. I'll go and close up." Jake sighed in relief. It was over, as least for today. Stripping off the suit, he dived into the shower, mainly to cool off. He did wash his face with soap and water to get the makeup off but was careful not to get his hair wet.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he padded into the dressing room and looked for his clothes. They weren't here and neither was his underwear or old sneakers. He began to panic, wondering what else he could put on. He even searched under the makeup table just in case the girls have dropped them there. Coming up to his knees he saw himself in the makeup mirror and froze in shock. He still had the makeup on and he did look like a teenage girl.

"You ready Jake. We'll be late for dinner if you don't hurry... what the hell! Why are you crying Jake?" Max asked as he walked up behind him He reached down and lifted him to his feet. Jake pointed to his face. "What?"

"The... I... the makeup won't come off!" He blubbered.

"What are you talking about, of course it will, here?" Max took the top off a jar of cream. "Close your eyes." He spread it across his cream over Jake's face and wiped it off. The makeup was still there. Next, he tried a makeup removal towel with the same results.

"Oh my lord!" Max muttered angrily.

"What?" Jake asked.

"That stupid Linda, she used the permanent... shit!"

"W...what does that mean?"

"It meant the makeup can only be removed with a special solution, and I don't have it. Linda has it in her makeup case." He lied.

"Oh god no." Max just chuckled thinking it funny. "Can't you call her and get some?"

"She's on a plane to Aspin, and even if I could reach her there's no way I can get the solution tonight. I'll get hold of her tomorrow and find out where she brought it. Think of it this way, you won't have to put the makeup on again tomorrow, will you?"

"Max, it's not funny. What am I going to tell my Gran if she sees me like this in the morning?"

"Tell her you put it on for a makeup commercial or something."

"B...but... what about my clothes, they're gone."

"Gone? You sure?"

"Yes, I searched the whole room and they're not here."

"Shit. I bet the girl's threw them out. Let me go check the dumpster." It didn't take long before Max returned shaking his head. "If they were in the trash, they are gone now. The garbage truck came by and picked it up after lunch."

"W...what am I going to wear?" Jake blubbered, hot tears running down his face.

"I don't know, and another thing, your bike is gone as well." Jake stood there stunned as he thought about how he was going to get home. "You'll just have to find something here to wear." Jake looked at him and blinked, then around the dressing room.

"But... but the only things here are girl's clothes." He stuttered. He was right, but he didn't know Max had carefully removed all of the male clothes he'd worn for the catalog shoot.

"Jake, you've been wearing girl's clothes all day long, what's a couple of hours more. I'll drive you home and pick you up in the morning. That way you won't have to take the bus looking like that." Jake looked at him with mournful eyes as tears rolled down his soft cheeks.

"W...what should I wear?" He pleaded. Max looked at him thoughtfully. He knew what he wanted him to wear, but he knew Jake wasn't ready for that yet.

"Let me look and see what I have." Max made the pretence of searching boxed. "Are, here we go." He came back with four clear plastic envelopes with something black and lacy inside.

"Put these on while I find a dress or something for you to put on." Jake took the packages with a look of horror on his face.

"I...I can't wear these." He stuttered. Images of the manikin in the front window came to mind.

"What?" Max asked, sounding a little angry.

"No, I can't wear these." Jake threw the packages on the table.

"You were going to wear them for tomorrows shoot. This way you'll get comfortable wearing them."



"I said no. I'm not going to wear them." Jake scowled, anger replacing the tears. He knew from the girly magazines that slutty girls wore things like this. Until now, he hadn't realized Max was going to make him wear them for the photo shoot. I... I don't want to do the shoot tomorrow..." Max cut him off.

"Put the panties and bra on and stop fucking around." Max growled.

"I'm not wearing slutty lingerie and let you take photos of me."

"Do as you're told, Jake." Jake glared at him.

"No!" Jake snapped. His eyes got wide when Max strode across the room at him. Before he could back away, Max grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him across the room. Jake didn't know what he was going to do until he sat on the edge of the couch and pulled him across his knee. Then he did as Max jerked the towel off and started spanking him. Jake begged him to stop as Max large, powerful hand landed on each cheek. Jake screamed and sobbed but Max didn't stop no matter how loud he yelled and kicked. It wasn't long before his bottom was one mass of burning pain.

"You going to do what you're told?" Max demanded.

"Yes... yes... yes." He screamed, hoping Max would stop spanking him. It didn't and Max didn't stop until Jake was limp and helpless over his lap.

"You going to give me any more trouble, Jackie?"


"That's no sir, from now on, got it?"

"Y...yes, sir."

"Good, now go and put the underwear on and be quick about it." He lifted Jake to his feet with ease, making him feel even more weak and helpless.

Sobbing his eyes out, bottom on fire, legs trembling, Jake pulled the packages open and one by one put the items on. He had to sit on his sore bottom to put the black, lace topped stocking on, but his shaking fingers had difficulty attaching the garter straps. Max walked over and knelt down beside him.

"The garter belt goes on the inside of the panties, that way you can pulled them down when you have to sit and pee." Jake gulped and nodded, not wanting to upset Max any more.

Max pulled the panties down and tucked the garter belt inside. Unlike ordinary garter belts, this one had eight straps, four on each side. The two at the side that crossed before attaching to the stocking top, and one in front and back to keep the stocking in place. The next thing Max came out with was a pair of strappy pink sandals with three-inch heels.

"Put these on." He ordered and Jake did what he was told. At this point, Jake didn't think it strange the shoes fitted his feet perfectly, the same as all the others had.

"Here, this should do you." Max held up a sailor suit school uniform like you see in Japanese movies and porno videos. Max walked over holding it for him to see. "You going to give me any more shit about what to wear?" he asked. Jake shook his head, the hot stinging sensation in his butt reminding him what happens when he said no.

The skirt only came down to mid thigh, but it at least cover his stocking tops. The top part of the uniform felt a little too tight, making his small boobies stand out even more. Max held out the black velvet collar and Jake knew Max had know about it all day.

"Good." He said, after Jake put it on and adjusted the cameo. "Now wipe your tears and powder you nose. We are going out to eat, so behave yourself."

Jake felt himself shiver at the thought of actually going out in public dressed like this, but Max wasn't giving him a choice. A voice in his head screamed that everyone would know he was a boy dressed in girl's clothes. The mirror said different. All he could see was a young teen girl in a sailor suit. A rather slutty innocent young girl at that with the makeup. To make matters worse, Max insisted they go out through the store, as his car was parked out front. Still a little unsteady on his three-inch heels Jake followed Max through the store. Several time he stopped to talk to one of the sales girls, leaving him standing there. A lot of the men in the store walked by eyeing him up, some smiling, some kneading their crotch, and one even asking how much he charged. Trying to keep his eye averted from the nasty men, Jake looked at the items on the walls, suddenly realizing what they were.

Dildos of all sorts, butt plugs, cock gages, ball gags, bondage collars and any number of sex toys adored the walls. The racks of clothing around him all screamed sex of one sort or another, but it was only when three swishy crossdressers walked in that it really hit him what this store was. It catered to the transgender and S/M-B/D set. If he wasn't where he was, Jake would have cried. At that moment, Max put his big hand and arm across his shoulder and led him through the store. It was as if he was telling everyone here he belong to him and to keep your hands off.

The restaurant had soft lighting and discrete booths for its patrons and Jake gratefully sipped in as far as he could to hide. It didn't help when Max slid round next to him and put his big hand on his thigh. He shivered.

"See I knew you could carry it off."

"Everyone is looking at me." Jake's face still felt hot, blushing from all the looks men were giving him.

"Don't worry about it. As far as they know, you are just the young girl you look like. Told you even your grandmother wouldn't recognize you."

Jake didn't know what to say, and after seeing himself in the makeup mirror, he had to agree. That didn't mean he had to like it. If Max couldn't get hold of the special makeup remover, he was suck wearing it at least until Monday. By then he should have got hold of Linda and found out where she brought the solution. Max ordered for him, some sort of spicy chicken dish and a small salad.

"I was thinking. Rather than you going home and the chance of your grandmother seeing you like this. Why not stay at my place tonight and I'll bring you to work in the morning?" Jake sighed in relief. It was a solution and avoided any chance his grandmother seeing him wearing makeup and girl's clothes.

"Okay." He said, softly.

"Okay, what?" Max asked, squeezing his thigh.

"Yes, sir." He said quickly.

"That's a good girl, Jackie. You do what your told and we'll get along just fine." Jack frowned hearing himself referred to as Jackie, but he had some idea what would happen if he objected.

Max's house was a small mansion on a low hill overlooking the city, complete with its own large swimming pool, Jacuzzi and spar. Despite Max's claim of being poor, this place must have cost him a fortune. Jake looked around as they pulled up in front of his well lit front door, glancing around, fearful that someone might see him in the bright lights.

"You want some juice?" Max asked as he followed him into the living room.

"Yes, please... sir." Jake answered in a soft voice.

"Better. Don't forget, or else." Jake swallowed and nodded. Max was serious. "Kick your shoes off and relax while I show you around and your room. You can take a nice shower, or you can go for a swim." A swim sounded good until he remembered.

"I...I don't have a swim suit."

"That's okay. You can swim nude like I do, or I'll give you a suit to wear." Jake wasn't sure he liked the idea of swimming nude in front of Max.

"Can I have a swim suit, sir?" Max shrugged.

"Okay." Jake followed Max around the house until they came to a small plain bedroom. "You can sleep here tonight. Get undressed while I get a swim suit for you." Jake did, glad to strip off all the girl's things. Just as he pulled the panties down, Max came back into the room and tossed something on the bed.

"Seeing you're really a boy, you only need the bottom half. Come down when you're ready." Max smiled as he looked at him. Jake just stood there blushing.

After he left, he picked up what Max threw on the bed, finding it was the bottom half of a black micro bikini. With a sigh of resignation, he stepped into it and pulled it up his legs and over his bottom. Even if he didn't want to admit it. It did feel somewhat erotic and exciting to wear. Standing in front of the full-length wall mirror, Jake saw all of his body for the first time today. He gasped softly. With small mounds on his chest, his hair with the blond highlight on the ends, the makeup and the sexy little black bikini, he did look like a teen-age girl. If he didn't know better, he would have sworn he looked about thirteen or fourteen at the most. Jake couldn't help himself and struck a pose similar to what Max had his do.

"God I look like such a dirty little slut like this." He muttered, feeling himself stiffen. He quickly tucked his cock between his legs otherwise he'd never be able to go down for the swim until he'd jacked off. With some trepidation he quickly tiptoed down the stairs and out to the pool, finding Max already swimming back and forth.

"Come on in Jake, the waters fine." Max smiled looking the boy over. Thankfully the water covered his raging hard at seeing him prance across the patio.

"What a fucking fairy," Max thought, "even his little sissy cock didn't make much of a budge in the bikini bottom." His little girly titties looked so delightful he wanted to eat them right now, but he restrained himself.

Jake quickly slipped into the cool water, and his blush faded as he swam slowly back and forth. It was a wonder the water didn't boil at how hot his got when Max walked out of the pool with a massive hard on. Totally unconcerned, Max stood there and deliberately dried off in front of him, knowing Jake was watching. Jake swam to the far end to hide his own stiffening cock, surprised at his reaction seeing a naked man with an erection. He was a boy, and it shouldn't make him hard, but it did. Only queers, faggot and sissy boy would find that exciting he told himself. It did nothing to shrink his erection. He started swimming back and forth concentrating on something else until he was soft again. After tucking it back between his legs and got out.

"Go take a shower, Jackie. I've put something out for you to wear. Sorry it isn't guys stuff, but nothing of mine will fit you. I'll go make for supper. Come on down when you're dressed."

Jake did as Max ordered, but he was a little upset by what he found on the bed. Jake wasn't even sure what to call it. The gown was made of some ultra sheer white gauzy material and just reached his mid thigh. The open sides were held together by a silver chain at the waist, while the plunging neckline came down to his naval. There was no back and the top end simply hooked together behind his neck. The matching panties were no better, revealing more than they covered. Had he been wearing this at home he'd be furiously jacking off all night long. He stood there nibbling his lower, frosty pink lips and wondered if there was a bathrobe or dressing gown he could wear instead. He look through the draws and behind the bathroom door but there was nothing there. He didn't dare go into any of the other bedroom for fear of Max catching him. All he could do was resign himself and listen to the little voice in the back of his head that said put it on. You know you want to wear it, so why fight it. Put the gown on, the voice insisted. At last he gave in and put it on, the silky material slipping down his body immediately gave him an erection. He dearly wanted to jack off but knew he didn't dare. Max would know and maybe punish him for doing it. That thought only made him harder, as images of him dressed like this over Max lap and getting another bare bottom spanking sent a spike of erotic pleasure though his body. He let out a sob of frustration and squeezed his cock and balls hard enough that it hurt.

It worked and he went limp. As it was, he barely kept his erection in check as he tiptoed downstairs. He found max in the living room with munchies on the coffee table and a stiff drink for himself on the side table. He'd already poured him a glass of juice for him and left the jug on the table. Max was wearing nothing but a pair of lose white silk PJ pants and nothing else. Jake couldn't help look at his hairy chest and thick muscles, feeling his knees go weak. He made it to the sofa before his legs gave out and grabbed the juice. At least it would cool his throat. Max came over and sat beside him, almost close enough to touch and sipped his drink.

"Thought we'd watch a movie before going to bed. You seen a porno before Jake?"

"Y...yes I have... once or twice." He lied.

"Great, don't want to shock you." He laughed.

The movie started and he was shocked. The porno he was talking about was about boys in panties and it wasn't long before they both had hard ones. Jake kept sucking down the juice while Max sipped his drink. The budge in his pants getting bigger. Jake felt hot but relaxed but he couldn't help wiggling around on the couch.

"Getting you hot, huh." Max whispered. Without realizing it, the house light had lowered until they were sitting in an almost dark room with just the flickering light from the TV screen for illuminate. The problem was, Jake still had his cock tucked down between his legs and it hurt.

"Yeah... a little." He replied. Just then Max got up and went for a refill, pausing the video.

That gave Jake the opportunity to release his trapped cock and pull it up against his tummy, sighing in relief. At least there it would show as much. Max returned and restarted the video and it wasn't long before he had his hand inside his pants, squeezing and stroking his cock again.

"Fuck that's hot." Max paused the video to take a close look at a young man taking an eight-inch dick all the way down his throat. "Fuck me. He's got his nose buried in the guy bush and eight inches of cock down his throat!" Jake gulped as his cock jumped when Max put his hand on his thigh.

"Damn! That's one hot little cock sucking sissy fag." Max whispered as he squeezed Jake's thigh. Between that, the horribly erotic images, his spinning head, Jake almost creamed his panties. With a moan he clamped his hand over his cock, but Max pushed it away and slipped his hand inside his panties.

"Ummm nice boner you've got Jackie."

"Please..." Jake moaned, not sure what he wanted to say.

"Don't be scared. All guys get a hard on watching porno and jerk off." Jakes felt light headed as Max flipped the hem of the gown up and pulled the panties down. It was almost a relief to have his cock free from the restraining material. Once free, Jake didn't hesitate to stoke himself while watching Max stroke his, now free of his PJ's. After a short while, Max let out a groan, and grabbing his empty glass started shooting long steams of cum into it. Jake's mouth dropped open in awe at the amount of cum Max unloaded, almost forgetting his own.

"Watch the video, Jake." He tore his eyes away from Max cock and concentrated on the screen, now seeing a pretty little dress up panty fairy getting his tight white boy pussy fucked by a huge black cock. It was too much and he started to cum. To make it worse, Max held the glass down to catch the stream. It was so disgustingly erotic Jake let out a long low moan of pure shame as he kept shooting cum. Jake didn't remember ever cumming this much, or for this long, but Max wasn't finished yet. Jake's head fell back against the cushions, as the erotic charge pulsed through his body. He continued to stroked his cock, shuddering at the dirty images racing thought his feverish brain. Without warning, Max reached up and forced his mouth open.

"Never waste cum, Jackie." And before Jake could stop him Max placing the glass against his lower lip and poured the contents of the glass into his mouth.

Jake grabbed Max hand but it was too late. He choked and sobbed as the slick cum slid across his tongue to the back of his throat, unable to stop the swallow reflex. His mind lost it and he sank into a trance as his and Max's cum slid down his throat, making him feel so wonderfully dirty, ashamed and humiliated at the same time. It was too much and he felt himself cum again without even touching himself. Max just laughed as he fainted. The last thing he remembered was Max picking him up like a baby and carrying him upstairs to bed after.


Next: Chapter 3

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