The Photographer

By Benzedrine Bedlam

Published on Feb 3, 2002


Sorry this part has been so long in arriving, thanks for bearing with me. Thanks to Rob, for his encouragement! Please let me know if you have any comments on this story I love to hear from readers. BB

Part 8 -- The next morning

I awoke to a strange sensation, I rolled over, and bumped into a body. I lay still gathering my memories. Did I make love with this man? Shit shouldn't I remember it? My eyes raked over Serge's body as I recalled the previous evening. How we had talked, the wine, the kisses, oh Serge. I felt a wave of sympathy, as the memories of last night flooded over me. I thought how Serge had confessed his pain. I gazed at him, his face was calm in sleep, the long, dark lashes brushed his smooth cheeks. He breathed deeply and murmured, his eyes fluttering open, a sleepy smile curled his lips. I smiled back

"Morning gorgeous"

"Mmm," he frowned, I could see him work through his memory of the previous evening, repeating the process I had just been through.

"Umm, Mike, did we make love?" His voice was sleepy, I leaned over to kiss him.

"Not yet" I answered, smiling, I licked my lips. Then I jumped him.

I kissed Serge's lips, a deep, crushing kiss, I sucked his lips into my mouth, taking possession of his tongue. His mouth was warm and wet, inviting me in. I accepted, delving into him, my tongue searching out hidden depths, I licked all around, tasting him. Moving away form his mouth, I kissed his face, up his nose, and across his eyes, Serge moaned in pleasure, lapping up the stimulation I was giving him, taking his cue, I stuck my tongue out, I licked from his temple down his jaw, Serge gasped as I hit the spot below his ear, I kissed and nibbled my way down his delectable smooth neck, Serge was groaning in appreciation now, his body bucking into mine. I stoked his arms and chest while I pleasured him with my tongue. My hand brushed Serge's nipple, as if I had given him an electrical shock Serge cried out

"Yes, oh Mike" and thrust his body against me, I could feel the arousal that my tongue bath was causing, I crawled on top of Serge and looked down at my lover. He lay with his eyes half closed in pleasure awaiting my next move, as I stared at him I could feel my own hardness throbbing with my heartbeat, I moved against Serge, rubbing my body against his, he reared up, pressing his cock into me, I thrust back briefly, then pushed him down into the bed, raising up onto my knees, I prepared to pleasure Serge, to drive him wild. Looking him in the eye, I bent my mouth to his left nipple, with the tip of my tongue I licked all around the taut bud, he inhaled sharply.

"Do that again" he gasped.

I moved closer to him and renewed my efforts on his nipples, moving from one to the other. Serge responded to my increased fervour, sighing with pleasure, I moved my hungry tongue lower, kissing his flat belly, I swirled my tongue in his bellybutton, causing him to giggle, was my lover ticklish? I decided now was not the time to find out, and moved on, turning my attention lower to his thighs. As I bypassed his cock Serge groaned in disappointment, but time enough for that, I had no intention of hurrying. I moved between his legs, stroking and kissing his strong thighs. I looked up to my prize.

His cock was straining, and leaking precum, 7 1Ú2 inches of circumcised manmeat, it rose straight and proud to wink its velvety smooth head at me. I winked back, and descended on it. Serge cried out as I plunged his long dick deep into my mouth, he lay back against the pillows, his hands clenching the sheets, gasping as I swallowed his cock. I bobbed up and down, my hands exploring every inch of flesh within their reach. I swirled my tongue around his cock, feeling its hard smoothness, drawing off, I licked its length like a lollypop, finishing by flicking the tip rapidly with the tip of my tongue, it must have done good things for Serge, he half sat and cried out, I plunged deep again, and alternated between flicking the crown and deep throating him. In no time Serge was grunting and gasping

"I'm cumming, yes, Mike, make me cum" he gasped. I sucked him deep, and felt his tension, he screamed my name and spurted his creamy cum into my waiting mouth, I swallowed his sweet-salt cum, sucking it out of him as he fell back against the pillows. As my lover returned to the planet, I licked him clean, gently tonguing his deflating cock.

Serge stroked his hands through my overlong hair, then roughly pulled me upright, he kissed me, fiercely and hungrily, I responded, my own need growing uncontrollable, I thrust my hard, dripping meat against his thigh, my cum boiling in my nuts. I could not remember when I was last so horny.

"Mike, I want you, I want to taste you. Mike, I'm going to make you cum." He pushed me onto my back, and went down on me. I felt more than heard my scream of pure pleasure reverberating through me. Serge looked up shocked at the noises I was making.

"Don't stop!" I begged him "Oh, yes, Serge, suck me, make me cum, ahh, oh yes, I need it, I need to cum, please make me cum." I felt my orgasm building as Serge continued to suck for all he was worth on my cock, as I rose higher my moans became gasps and cries.

"Yes, oh yes, Serge, I'm cumming, oh god yes" I screamed as shot wildly into his waiting mouth. Serge lapped it all up, sucking the cum from my cock.

I returned to myself, and to my lover some time later. We were lying on the bed, in a tangle of limbs. A warm, wonderful feeling flooded through me as I realised there was nowhere else in the world I would rather be, and nobody else I would rather be with. I turned to Serge wanting him to share everything I was feeling with him. He smiled back into my eyes, and I knew then, that he felt it too. Gathering Serge into my arms, I pulled the covers over us, and we drifted off for a nap, snuggled close together.

I woke as the sun streamed through the open blinds, which I had neglected to close last night, beside me Serge slept on, the sun picked out the line of his tanned body against the white sheet. He stirred and turned towards me.

"Hello" I said, smiling at him, Serge blinked sleepily,

"Umm, what time is it?"

"Who cares? We have all the time in the world." As I spoke I reached for Serge, running my hands over his body, as I trailed my fingers across his chest he breathed in deeply, I pushed him onto his back and continued to caress his body, god he was gorgeous, I drank in the sight of him, he was totally relaxed, his eyes closed, his breathing deep and even, in repose his muscles had an air of passive strength, he was well built, but not pumped up muscly with tanned, smooth skin. I stoked some more, and then leaned down, and grazed his right nipple with my tongue. I was rewarded with a gasp, Serge's eyes flew open.

"Mmmm, that's sooo good, do it again."

Eventually we were driven out of bed by hunger of another sort, Serge suggested an Italian deli which did good breakfasts, so we suffered ourselves to dress and leave the flat. The day was warm, full of the promise of summer, so after breakfast we walked lazily through the park. As we walked we chatted of inconsequential things, favourite films, past holidays, happy things. I didn't want Serge to return to the melancholy of the previous evening, but I could see the problems were only dismissed for a short while.

Parts 8 will be along shortly, promise! In the mean time I would love to hear from you. BB

Next: Chapter 4: The Photographer 8 15

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